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Research Paper On

Social Media Marketing

Submitted By:- Submitted To:-

Abhinav behal 17bba1189 Mr . Pushp sir

Social Media Marketing


Social networks have changed the way information is delivered to the customers, shifting from
traditional one-to-many to one-to-one communication. Opinion mining and sentiment analysis
offer the possibility to understand the user-generated comments and explain how a certain
product or a brand is perceived. Classification of different types of content is the first step
towards understanding the conversation on the social media platforms. Our study analyses the
content shared on Facebook in terms of topics, categories and shared sentiment for the domain
of a sponsored Facebook brand page. Our results indicate that Product, Sales and Brand are the
three most discussed topics, while Requests and Suggestions, Expressing Affect and Sharing are
the most common intentions for participation. We discuss the implications of our findings for

social media marketing and opinion mining. Social media is a phenomenon that has become
an important aspect in marketing mix and revolutionizing the way companies interact
with customers. It is a new research field and a quick literature scan reveals that not many
studies exist.Nevertheless, these few existing studies without scientific evidence with
industry data, have rushed to conclude that the emergence of social media has led to the
demise of the traditional advertising mainstream media.Therefore, using a scientific
research methodology of case study research, this study was designed to explore whether
social media is more effective than the traditional media on a brand management
perspective and find the implementation challenges that make it a two face
phenomenon.The findings presented in this study conclude that even though social media
is more effective than some of the traditional advertising channels, it cannot be
implemented in isolation without augmenting it with other forms of traditional
advertising channels. The implications are that social media alone cannot single handedly
create brand awareness or even develop business.

Social media is a phenomenon that has drawn a lot of attention both to companies and
individuals interacting on the networking landscape. However, when it comes to giving a clear
definition of what social media really is, the understanding of the term is very minimal. Managers
and academic researchers seem to differ on how social media differ from interchangeable related
concept web 2.0 and User Generated Content (Kaplan and Haenlein: 2009).Looking way back into
the history of the internet where social media might have evolved from, a clear understanding of
related concepts can be derived. In 1979, Truscott and Ellis from Duke University created the
Usenet, a worldwide discussion system that allowed users to post public messages. Usenet is a
hybrid between email and web forums and the discussions therein are threaded with modern
news reader software ( Generated Content entered usage in
2005; it covers a variety of media information available. It includes all digital media technologies
such as, digital video, blogging, podcasting, forums, review-sites, social networking, mobile
phone photography and wikis. Hence User Generated Content is a sum of all ways in which
people make use of social media (Kaplan and Haenlein 2009).Web 2.0 is a term that was coined
by Tim O‟Reilly in 2004, however since its inception; it has remained difficult to define.
Nonetheless web 2.0 is all about information sharing and collaboration on the World Wide Web.
Coherently, Alexander and Levine (2008) identified two essential features that are instrumental
in distinguishing web 2.0 projects from the rest of the web: micro content and social media. The
micro content feature enables authors to create small pieces of content, with each piece
conveying a primary idea or concept. The pieces are smaller than websites and are meant to be
reused in multiple ways and places. Examples of such pieces can be found in YouTube comments,
Picasa images, blog posts and wiki edits which are only few thousand bytes.In addition to the
above description of what web 2.0 is about, an assertion has been made that software developers
and end-users started to utilize World Wide Web in order to continuously modify contents and
applications in a participatory and collaborative fashion. As a matter of fact, web 2.0 is considered
to be platform for the evolution of Social media. In view of this, Kaplan and Haenlein (2009)
define Social media as a group of internet-based applications that build on the ideological and
technological foundations of web 2.0 and that allow the creation and exchange of User
Generated Content.


Social media marketing look into the most common ways to reach consumers in today's
society through social media.In today’s society, one of the most common ways to reach
consumers is through social media.
(D, 2016)

Fromadvertisement shown in banners on FACEBOOK to images

embedded in INSTAGRAM posts, social media offers companies new and
unique ways to reach out to their target demographics. One of the greatest
advantages that social media marketing has overtraditional marketing
methodsis that the former provides more opportunities for discovery.
Individuals often report that their first exposure to a brand or a product
came from something they saw on Twitter or FACEBOOK this can result
in consumers doing more research about what they saw which can impact
the likelihood they will engage with the brand in some way. To this end,
social media marketing is often based more on information than action.

Social media marketing is a new and traditional approach for targeting customers. Now a
day’s every company is approaching the customers through social media marketing because
it is the easy and economical way of introducing a new product of any company in the market.
As everyone is mostly active on social media this is also a reason why social media marketing
is more useful for the corporate sectors. As we all see the adds while playing games and
watching videos on YouTube, and after watching that add we learn more about that product
and wish to buy that product. On social media the marketer can show the add of the product
as he want to show so that more and more customers will be attracted by that add. And it
helps a marketer to easily capture the market effectively and efficiently.

Ultimately, social media marketing takes a comparable investment of time and capital in
order to be successful in the long term. Additionally, it is important to realize how quickly
mistakes in social media marketing can spread. One questionable Tweet, for example, can be
captured by users and spread in mere moments. Because social media is so often controlled
by just a few people, rather than an entire marketing team, a simple posting that might be
seen one way by one user can be taken significantly out of proportion and cause a great deal
of hardship for the brand as a whole.


● Social media marketing increases brand awareness.

● Easy to target customers.
● Social media marketing is an easy to advertise the product globally.
● Easy to cover maximum area in minimum time.
● Social media marketing bears lesser amount of cost.
● Social media marketing use traditional approach of marketing.

In our daily life we all see so many adds on our mobile phones of different-different brands
and of different-different products and after we search for some more information of that
product to know more about that product. And we also compare that product with the similar
product of other company on social media. And social media helps to find the best from both.
So the social media marketing increase the awareness about the products and the brands.
So, the social media marketing is the best way to advertise the product of a brand or a
company in today’s time.

Bibliography(D, 2016)



Chi (2011) social media marketing is a “connection between manufacturers and customers,
offering a personal channel and currency for user centered networking and social interaction.” The
tools and approaches for communicating with customers and for advertising the product have
changed greatly with the emergence of social media. Therefore, businesses must learn how to use
social media in a way that is consistent with their business plan. In today’s technology driven world,
social networking sites have become a boom where retailers can extend their marketing campaigns
to a wider range of consumers.

Mangold and Faulds (2009) this is especially true for companies striving to gain a competitive
advantages. This review examines current literature that focuses on a retailer’s development and
use of social media for extending their marketing strategy. The phenomenon of social media
marketing has only developed within the last few years, thus social media research has largely
focused on defining what it is through the explanation of new terminology and concepts that
makeup its foundations, and exploring the impact of a company’s integration of social media on
consumer behavior. This paper begins with an explanation of terminology that defines social media
marketing, followed by a discussion of the four main themes found within current research studies
Virtual Brand Communities, Consumers Attitudes and Motives, and Viral Advertising.
O’Reilly’s (2005) “social media is a wider term that describes software tools that create user
generated content that can be shared.” However, there are some appropriate features necessary for
a website to meet the requirements as a social network website. The site must contains a user
profile, content, a method that allows users to connect socially with each other so that they can
post comments on each other’s pages, and join virtual groups based on common interests such as
fashion or politics. The phrase social networking sites’ is directly connected with social media.

Parasuraman and Mady (2000) It is important for retailers to remember the behavior of the
customer and always get ready for anything when marketing on social networks because if their
planned target market does not use social media, is not familiar with it, or perceives it negatively,
then their social media marketing will not be satisfied. Analysis of consumer behavior can
determine if marketing with interactive advertising would be a good fit for a retailer’s target
market. An individual’s perception of the overall marketplace plays a major role in whether or not
they are motivated to partake in consumption activities.

Roger (2011) Social media is advanced and it simply provides a platform for individuals to stay
in touch with their family and friends. Now it is also provides a platform where consumers can
learn more about their favorite companies and the products they sell. Marketers and retailers are
utilizing these sites as another way to reach consumers and provide a new way for shopping.
“Technology related developments such as the rise of powerful search engines optimization,
advanced mobile devices and interfaces, peer-to-peer communication vehicles, and online social
networks have extended marketers’ ability to reach shoppers through new touch points”.

Shankar (2011) Social media marketing is a new concept that has emerged, creating a new touch
point for the interactions between businesses and consumers. Social media marketing marketing
is “the planning and execution of all marketing activities that influence a retailer along, and
beyond, the entire process of purchase, from the point at which the desire to shop first emerges
through purchase, consumption, repurchase, and recommendation”. Perceived fit is an important
factor for retailers to consider for social media marketing perceived fit is the amount of similarity
between an extension product category and existing products affiliated with the brand.

DelVecchio, Smith et al. (2009) the more people perceive shopping services on social networking
sites as useful and easy to use, the more likely they are willing to shop for items on social networks.
Providing shopping services on social networks can provide business growth for retailers due to
the diversity of consumers who use social media sites. The wide range of consumers utilizing
social networks means that most target markets can be reached. This provides an effective platform
for retailers to promote their brand and products to potential consumers.

Casaló, Favián and Guinalíu (2008) found when a member is trusting of the VBC that they are
part of, it increases their amount of participation, and consumers who have a positive participation
experience are more loyal to the brand. Trust is a central aspect to guarantee the Virtual Brand
Communities survival. Casaló, Favián and Guinalíu concludes that security is a major factor
affecting a consumer’s opinions toward social networking sites and can ultimately impact trust.
Since virtual Brand Communities depend on individual users’ participation, both group unity and
awareness can strengthen users’ satisfaction with a Virtual Brand Community.

Georgi and Mink (2012) the chance to mingle with other people is a fundamental part of the
consumer experience and social networking sites have become a way in which consumers can
interact with one another and retailers. Because of electronic consumer to consumer interaction
(eCCI), consumers are playing a more dominant role in influencing each other with their
consumption decisions. Georgi and Mink (2012) came up with the concept of electronic consumer
to consumer interaction quality (eCCIq). They found that seven factors contribute to the success
of eCCIq. These include content, security, hedonic, quality, atmosphere, convenience, and social.

Zeng, Huang, and Dou (2009) community members within a strong social group were more likely
to have group intentions to accept advertising in online communities. For instance, if a
FACEBOOK group is centered on luxury brands, then ads pertaining to high-end products are
more relevant to members of the Virtual Brand Community. Some members consume ads more
easily by accepting the meanings in which they contain, while others interpret the ads by attaching
meaning to the brand represented based on their own experiences.

Muñiz and Jensen Schau (2007) found advertising and branding produce discouragement of the
intended meaning of the ad in order to serve the meaning of the distinct group, in this circumstance
the brand community. A virtual Brand Community can alter or manipulate the true meaning of an
ad by the way it displays or uses an ad for branding. Many times Virtual Brand Communities
change the meaning of an ad by the way it is presented on the community forum. A Virtual Brand
Community can alter an ad to conform to the theme of its community, therefore the ads true
meaning gets lost. An individual’s identity within social media combined with the social
community’s customs affects the way in which people perceive ads presented on social media.
Community customs can be affected by users’ cultural backgrounds as well.

Cox (2010) also investigated the correlation between age and attitude and found that social
network user attitude toward online advertising formats (i.e. blogs, video, and brand channel or
page) differed to some extent across age groups. She explains that users who fall in the 18-28 age
brackets had strong positive attitudes towards blogs, video, and brand channel ad formats. This
was because users’ found these ad formats to be eye catching, informative, and amusing. The 35-
54 age groups preferred ad formats on video and brand channels because they found them to be
more eye catching, informative, and had better placement within the online.

❖ Research Methodology
● Research Design

Research design is defined as a framework of methods and techniques chosen by a researcher to

combine various components of research in a reasonably logical manner so that the research

problem is efficiently handled.

● Types of Research
1. Qualitative Research Design
2. Quantitative Research Design

Qualitative Research Design:-

Qualitative research is implemented in cases where a relationship between collected data and observation is
established on the basis of mathematical calculations.

Quantitative Research Design:-

Qualitative Research Design is implemented in cases where it is important for a researcher to have
statistical conclusions to collect actionable insights. Numbers provide a better perspective to
make important business decisions.
❖ There are 5 types of quantitative research design:-
★ Descriptive Research Design

★ Experimental Research Design

★ Correlation Research Design

★ Diagnostic Research Design

★ Exploratory Research Design

● Purpose Of Research
The main purpose of this research is to make the customers aware about the
social media marketing. So that they can easily find the best for them without any

● Area Of Research
We have selected some major sectors of Chandigarh where the residential areas are more and
we can easily do our survey. And we can check how many people are aware about Social
Media Marketing and they make themselves aware from Social Media Marketing about
the brands.

● Types Of Data Selected

We have selected two types of data:-
★ Primary Data
★ Secondary Data

Primary Data:-

These are the data that are collected for the first time by an investigator for a specific purpose.
Primary data are ‘pure’ in the sense that no statistical operations have been performed on them
and they are original. An example of primary data is the Census of India.

Secondary Data:-

They are the data that are sourced from someplace that has originally collected it. This means
that this kind of data has already been collected by some researchers or investigators in the past
and is available either in published or unpublished form. This information is impure as statistical
operations may have been performed on them already.

● Type Of Methods Used By Researcher For Research

Sampling Method:-

A sampling method is a procedure for selecting sample members from a population.

Three common sampling methods are:-

★ Random Sampling
★ Stratified Sampling
★ Cluster Sampling

❖ The aims and Objective of the study

The essence of this study is to research how a company can seize the moment of using social
media networks to create brand awareness and also explore its challenges to draw the
attention of those companies venturing into social media networks to increase brand
visibility. On the other hand, listening to the analysts and some scholars, the census is
that the traditional ways of advertising i.e. newspapers, television, radio, etc., are no
longer effective due to the rise of social media. This is however a debatable position even
though social media in terms of reachability could potentially reach many people.
Therefore the study also explores the already existing theoretical body of work that
emergence of social media has led to the demise of traditional advertising channels.

❖ The role of social media Networks

Social media network are applications that allow users to build personal web sites
accessible to other users for exchange of personal content and communication. Social
media according to Palmer and Lewis can be characterized as: online applications,
platforms and media which aim to facilitate interactions, collaborations and the sharing
of content.Fauser et al. (2011) argue that though communication is the core dimension
of social media networks, not all platform categories are equally suitable for all marketing
objectives because most of the platforms are not equally well suited for information,
collaboration, and even for cultivating relationships . The purpose of social networks is
primarily for communication and exchange of ideas of interest among peer groups or
communities. According to Gummesson (2002) however, it is through frequent
communication initiated by the marketer on the interactive social networks that a long
term friendship can be developed and maintained between the business and the
customer. On the other hand, insinuates that the information provider (marketer) are the
ones creating their own communities with their social network constructs, hence staffers
and vocal members of these constructs lead discussion. Furthermore the vocal members
become the opinion leaders. In this way a collaboration between the marketer and the
online consumer/or prospect is developed. This means that without information flow
within the communities and the brand which in this case is the business, they would be
no serious engagement amongst the online communities. The figure below for example
gives a picture of the kind of interaction that takes place within the confines of the Social
❖ Marketing through Social Media
In broader terms the topic of the study is social media as a tool of marketing and creating brand
awareness, but it is first important to define the terminology “marketing” referred to in
the title. Therefore according to the American Marketing Association, Marketing is an
organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating, and delivering
value to customers and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the
organization and its stakeholders. In the definition above, the key words are
“organizational function, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and
exchanging offerings that have value for customers”. From an organization perspective,
the aspects of these processesreferred in the definition above are brand awareness,
advertising, public relations etc. Therefore for the sake of this study, we focus only on one
branch of marketing which is brand awareness or brand management as a process of
communicating or delivering value to customers as already shown in the definition of
marketing by the American Marketing Association. Thus describe internet marketing as
the application of the Internet and related digital technologies to achieve marketing
objectives. These marketing objectives can be realized by use of social media networks
which is a subset of internet application. Social media networking platforms serve as a
tool for marketers. This implies that Facebook, twitter etc. are means of accomplishing
marketing strategies through the internet. It is therefore imperative for marketers to find
suitable platforms to suite their marketing objectives. A good marketing objective enables
marketers to acquire new customers, while retaining the already existing ones through
customer satisfaction.
Further outline 3 points on how the internet can be used to achieve the „processes‟ Identifying
how the internet can be used for marketing research to find out customers‟ needs and
wants Anticipating the online revenue contribution Customer satisfaction through
electronic channel; satisfaction here refers to the site easy usability, adequate
performance, and identifying what the standard associated customer service.
Online marketing has a plethora of strengths; the speed of accessing the information
is very first and extremely cost effective, besides that internet has no geographical
boundaries. In addition to cost effectiveness, the marketer likewise has the opportunity
to research new suppliers at a fraction of previous search costs. In other words all the
marketing research conducted through internet is very cost effective. On the other hand
are quick to point out some major weakness that online marketing face. The first problem
is that cultural and language differences may present difficulties in information gathering
across national boundaries. Secondly, it can be difficult to guarantee that the person
responding is the person the marketer thinks.

❖ Offline versus Online network

Social networking community can be grouped into two; offline and online network. Offline
networks are mostly created through face-to-face meeting encounters for example,
in committees, organizations or even social gathering events. On the other hand
online networks are created on the social media platform. Both these two networks
are influenced by the effect of Word of mouth communication. Individuals who have
met on an offline network can transfer their relationship to web-based networks such
as Facebook, twitter etc. It is worth noting that Social networking sites are not
necessarily platforms for looking for new connections with people; considerably, they
are primarily for communicating with people who might be already part of their
extended social network. Sometimes big percentages of online users are already well
acquainted with the marketers‟ product/services in real world. For example, Coca
Cola Company which has been a leading brand in soft drink worldwide has over 40
million ascribing to their Facebook webpage. The table 2 below is table of comparison
showing how offline and online constructs differ from each other.

❖ Research Purpose
For any research to be carried out there must be an objective and a purpose for doing so.
This is the reason that researches are in threefold; exploratory, descriptive and
explanatory. What makes the difference is the manner in which research
questions are structured. These three categories differ from each other in ways
that will be discussed below though just one of them will be applied in the thesis.
The main purpose of this research is to make the customers aware about the social
media marketing. So that they can easily find the best for them without any

❖ Research Design

Research design is defined as a framework of methods and techniques chosen by a researcher to

combine various components of research in a reasonably logical manner so that the research
problem is efficiently handled. I have used the qualitative research design for my research.

❖ Findings

It was found that somehow there are some people who still not have any awareness about
the social media marketing because of backward regions. And they think that these are not of
god quality. But there are more then 80% of people who are aware of social media marketing
and brand awareness.

❖ Value
The study is original in the sense it provides insights into understanding brand awareness in
consumers through social media marketing.

❖ Keywords

Brand awareness, Social media marketing, Marketing strategies, Consumer awareness about
The study commenced by giving the background of the study and what motivated the
researcher to conduct the study on the topic of social media. We saw how social
media is slowly becoming an important marketing tool which offers an
companies‟ opportunity to engage with their markets and to learn about
customers‟ needs, important segments and profile unlike main stream media i.e.
radio or print channels. However, the implications are that this is an uncontrolled
environment that business do not have control over and therefore it requires a
robust social media strategy that also manages the comments posted by
consumers whether positive or negative.Even though they are becoming popular
and effective marketing tools, Social network sites can pose a threat as well as an
opportunity to companies as they can rapidly spread the views of dissatisfied
customers‟ comments. Social networks and the Web offer small and large
companies new and unique opportunities to engage with their customer and learn
about customers‟ needs in real time like never before. Evidence presented
suggests that the peer group online social network effect can potentially influence
purchase decisions because of its viral nature.Social media alone cannot be
effective without augmenting it with other traditional media channels like radio,
newspaper, or TV even though it is widely reported that the effectiveness of
traditional media and their use is sharply falling. In general it is worth having a
social media strategy in place to manage the enormous challenges that social
media brings.The findings of the empirical framework coincided with the
theoretical framework based on the research problems. The study shows how
social media has become an important tool for marketing and creating brand
awareness. In fact it is foreseen that in the near future there will be a paradigm
shift from traditional advertising to social media platforms. The study also
identified some challenges the company has faced using social media, unlike in
the study where there have been so many challenges reported. A personal
observation made over a period of about two years now found out that it is the
manufacturers or the service companies that suffer the brunt of the social
network defamation of character most. The reason why Itronic has few challenges
with online communities can be attributed to the fact that the case company is a
reseller and hence all the complaints about products would only be made to the
manufacturer and not the reseller. It is agreeable that though social media is
effective it cannot be used on its own without augmenting it with the traditional
forms of advertising.This is a very interesting study and even though it is not fully
researched, it is however worth replicating with a longitudinal data to fully
determine whether social media networks are really effective as the finding of this
study suggests. In social science data can be categorized into two types; data that
are collected at more than one point in time (longitudinal) and data that are
collected on one occasion. Therefore it would be important to collect the
performance data in terms of sales figures and brand equity over a long time to
determine whether social media networks are really effective than the traditional
advertising channels such as radio and prints.

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