The Teaching of Science
The Teaching of Science
The Teaching of Science
Doing Science
Science is a process. The FF.are the process skills that will help in developing science process
skills and literacy the goal of Science Teaching.
1. Observing :observe objects or events in a variety of ways,using one or more of the
senses and identify properties of an object(shape,color,size and etc.)
2. Classifying: Identify properties useful for classifying objects,group the objects by
their properties or similarities and differences and construct and use classification
3. Inferring: Suggest explanation for events based on observation and distinguish
between an observation and an inference.
4. Predicting: Forecast a future event and based on prior experience.
5. Measuring:Compare and order objects by length,area,weight and volume and
measure properties objects or events by using standardize units of measure.
6. Communicating:Construct and use written reports, diagrams,graphs or charts to
transmit information learned from science experiences and verbally ask questions
about,discuss,explained or report observation.
7. Using space/time relations:Describe an object's position in relation to the other
objects ( above, below and beside)
8. Defining operationally:State definition of objects or events in terms of what the
object is doing or what is occurring in the event.
9. Formulating hypothesis:Identify questions or statements which can and cannot be
tested and design statement which can be tested by an experiment.
10. Experimenting:Design an investigation to test a hypothesis,conduct simple
experiments and recognize limitation of methods and tools used in experiment.
(experimental errors).
11. Recognizing variable:Identify the manipulated(independent) variable responding
(dependent) variable ,and variables held constant in an experiment and control the
variables in an investigation.
12. Interpreting Data:Organizing and state in his or his own words information derived
from a Science investigation and revise interpretations of data based on new
information or revised data .
13. Formulating models:Create a mental, physical or verbal representation of an idea,
objects or event and use models to describe and explain interrelationships among
ideas objects or events.
Jonna V. Villegas