Coupling Devices

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MAN Guidelines to fitting bodies Truck

Coupling devices TG Edition 2016 V1.0

Engineering the Future – since 1758

MAN Truck & Bus AG

MAN Truck & Bus AG
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This English version is a translation.

In case of doubt or conflict the valid German language original will govern.

We reserve the right to make technical modifications in the course of further development.

© 2016 MAN Truck & Bus AG

Not to be reprinted, duplicated by any means whatsoever or translated – in whole or in part – without the prior
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Edition 2016 V1.0 MAN Guide to fitting bodies Coupling devices TG


1.0 General............................................................................................... 2

2.0 Trailer coupling, D-value.................................................................... 5

3.0 Rigid drawbar trailer, center-axle trailer, Dc value, V value................. 6

4.0 Final cross members and trailer couplings........................................ 8

5.0 Ball-type couplings.......................................................................... 30

6.0 Fifth-wheel coupling......................................................................... 30

If not otherwise specified: all dimensions are in mm, all weights and loads are in kg.

MAN Guide to fitting bodies Coupling devices TG Edition 2016 V1.0 1

1.0 General
If a truck is intended to pull loads, the equipment required for this purpose must of course be fitted and also
approved. Compliance with the legislative minimum engine capacity and/or the installation of the appropriate trailer
couplings does not guarantee that the truck is suitable for pulling loads.

The following are prerequisites for retrofitting the equipment for towing a trailer.

• The necessary final cross member and trailer coupling

• Two-line brake connection
• The electrical system for trailer operation, including an ABS socket
• Installation of trailer control module („ASM“) and/or activation of same by means of reparameterisation

Only trailer couplings in accordance with EC Directive 94/20/EC or ECE R55 may be used.

When manoeuvring, there must be no collision with the trailer. To this end, a drawbar of an adequate length must
be selected. The required clearance dimensions must be taken into consideration (in Germany: DIN 74058 and EC
directives 94/20/EC or ECE R55).

In principle, the bodybuilder is responsible for designing and constructing the body so that coupling can be done
smoothly and without risk, including monitoring.

Freedom of movement of the trailer drawbar must be ensured. If coupling heads and sockets are fitted to the side
(e.g. on the rear light holder on the driver‘s side), the trailer producer and operator must ensure sufficient cable
length for cornering.

Fig. 01: Clearance for trailer couplings as per 94/20/EC or ECE R55
≥ 60

≤ 420 ≥ 60
≥ 240
≥ 100

≤ 420


2 Edition 2016 V1.0 MAN Guide to fitting bodies Coupling devices TG

Fig. 02: Clearance for ball-type couplings as per DIN74058

















Use original MAN final cross members and the matching reinforcing plates to fit trailer couplings.
Final cross members feature an appropriate hole pattern for the relevant trailer coupling. Never alter this hole
pattern to attach a different trailer coupling.

Follow the instructions of the coupling producer in their installation guidelines (e.g. tightening torque and checks).

MAN Guide to fitting bodies Coupling devices TG Edition 2016 V1.0 3

It is impermissible to lower a trailer coupling without at the same time lowering the final cross member. Examples of
lowering a coupling are shown in Figs. 03 and 04. The examples are purposely schematic, they are not intended as
design instructions. Responsibility for the design is that of the particular bodybuilder or converter.

Fig. 03: Lowered trailer coupling


Fig. 04: Trailer coupling fitted below the frame


4 Edition 2016 V1.0 MAN Guide to fitting bodies Coupling devices TG

2.0 Trailer coupling, D-value
The required trailer coupling size is determined by the D value. A model plate showing the maximum permissible
D value is affixed to the trailer coupling by its manufacturer. The D value is stated in kilonewtons [kN].

The formula for the D value is as follows:

Formula 01: D value

9,81 • T • R
D =

Where the D value of the trailer coupling and the permissible gross weight of the trailer are known, the maximal
permissible gross weight of the towing vehicle can be calculated using the following formula:

Formula 02: D-value formula for permissible gross weight

T =
(9,81 • R) – D

Where the D value and the permissible gross weight of the towing vehicle are known, the maximum permissible
gross weight of the trailer can be calculated using the following formula:

Formula 03: D-value formula for permissible gross trailer weight

R =
(9,81 • T) – D

D = D value in [kN]
T = permissible gross weight of towing vehicle [t]
R = permissible gross weight of trailer [t]

Calculation examples can be found in the section entitled “Calculations“ in the booklets dealing with the respective
model ranges.

MAN Guide to fitting bodies Coupling devices TG Edition 2016 V1.0 5

3.0 Rigid drawbar trailer, center-axle trailer, Dc value, V value
The terms are defined as follows.

• Rigid drawbar trailer (RDT): A trailer vehicle with one axle or axle group, where
- the hinged connection to the towing vehicle is achieved by means of a towing device (drawbar),
- the drawbar connection to the chassis is fixed such that it can transfer vertical moments and
- depending on its design, part of its gross weight is borne by the towing vehicle.
• Center-axle trailer (CAT): Towed vehicle equipped with a towing device that does not move vertically in
relation to the trailer and in which the axles are positioned close to the center of gravity of the vehicle such
that only a small static vertical load not exceeding 10% of the mass of the trailer or 1000 kg (whichever is
less) is transmitted to the towing vehicle. Center-axle trailers are therefore a subgroup of rigid drawbar trailers.
• Nose weight S: Vertical load exerted by the drawbar at the coupling point. This is added to the weight of
the towing vehicle when a trailer is coupled and must therefore be taken into consideration when designing
the vehicle (axle-load calculation).

In addition to the D-value formula, other conditions apply to center-axle and rigid drawbar trailers:
• trailer couplings and final cross members have lower trailer loads because in this case the nose weight
acting on the trailer coupling and the final cross member has to be taken into account.

To harmonise regulations within the European Union, the terms “Dc value” and “V value” were introduced with
Directive 94/20/EC or ECE R55.

The following formulae apply:

Formula 04: Dc-value formula for center-axle and rigid drawbar trailers

9,81 • T • C
Dc =

Formula 05: V-value formula for center-axle and rigid drawbar trailers with a permissible nose weight of
< 10 % of the trailer mass and not more than 1000 kg

x2 x2 x2
V = a• • c; ≥ 1 If the values for < 1, then 1.0 is to be used.
l2 l2 l2

Calculation examples can be found in the section entitled “Calculations“ in the booklets dealing with the
respectivemodel ranges


DC = Reduced D value when operating with center-axle trailer [kN]

V = V value [kN]
T = Permissible gross weight of the towing vehicle [t]
C = Sum of the axle loads of a center-axle trailer loaded with permissible mass [t],
not including nose weight.
a = Reference acceleration in coupling point [m/s²] Use the following: 1.8 m/s² for air
or comparable suspension on towing vehicle, or 2.4 m/s² for all other types
of suspension.
S = Permissible nose weight on coupling point [kg]
x = Length of trailer body [m], see Fig. 05
l = Theoretical drawbar length [m], see Fig. 05

6 Edition 2016 V1.0 MAN Guide to fitting bodies Coupling devices TG

Fig. 05: Length of trailer body and theoretical drawbar length

l l


MAN specifies the following for operation with center-axle/rigid drawbar trailers:
For equipment delivered ex-works, a trailer nose weight that exceeds 10% of the permissible trailer mass and
trailers exceeding 1000 kg is not permitted (with the exception of the MAN low-coupling system).
Other loads are the responsibility of the manufacturer of the respective towing device.

MAN cannot make any statements in relation to the permissible loads and calculations (e.g. as per 94/20/EC or
ECE R55) with respect to these towing devices. Like all rear loads, trailer nose weights affect axle-load distribution.
For this reason, particularly in conjunction with additional rear loads (e.g. liftgates, rear loading cranes), perform an
axle-load calculation to check whether trailer nose weights are possible.
The trailing axle of vehicles having a lifting trailing axle must not be lifted when a center-axle trailer/rigid drawbar
trailer is coupled.

An unladen vehicle may only tow an unladen center-axle/rigid drawbar trailer. To ensure sufficient steerability,
minimum front-axle loads for the vehicle must be observed (see booklets on model ranges).

The tables below list possible combinations of trailer loads and nose weights and D, Dc and V values and assign
them to the different vehicles (listed by model number and type of vehicle).
Under certain circumstances, it is possible to change the loads listed. Further information can be obtained from
MAN (for address see „Publisher“ above).

MAN Guide to fitting bodies Coupling devices TG Edition 2016 V1.0 7

4.0 Final cross members and trailer couplings
Note: If the final cross member bearing the MAN item number 81.41250.0133 is fitted (the last four digits are
stamped into the final cross member at rear right), then the top and bottom of the mounting plate for the respective
trailer coupling must be chamfered as shown in Fig. 06.

Fig. 06: 45° chamfer of the trailer coupling mounting plate if final cross member 81.41250.0133 is fitted


A) Height of plan surface - coupling mounting plate


Table 01: Assignment to vehicle by model range, model number and final cross member - TGL

Hole pattern
Model no. MAN item no. Comment
81.41250.0131 Without Not for trailer coupling
N01, N02 81.41250.5179 140x80 For trailer coupling Type G145
N11, N12
N61 81.41660.5189 (3x)83x56 Underride protection and KKK trailer bracket (replaced by .5219)
81.41660.5219 (3x)83x56 Underride protection and KKK trailer bracket (replaces .5189)
81.41250.0131 Without Not for trailer coupling
81.41250.5179 140x80 For trailer coupling Type G145
N03, N04
Lowered by 100 mm, for fire service, for Type G 135 trailer coupling,
N05, N13 81.41250.5188 120x55
additional hole pattern 83x56
N14, N15
81.41660.5189 (3x)83x56 Underride protection and KKK trailer bracket (replaced by .5219)
81.41660.5219 (3x)83x56 Underride protection and KKK trailer bracket (replaces .5189)

8 Edition 2016 V1.0 MAN Guide to fitting bodies Coupling devices TG

Table 02: Final cross member and technical data TGL

MAN item
Hole Max.
no., D Rc=C+S DC V t Weight
pattern S [kg] C [kg] trailer Comment
Final cross [kN] [kg] [kN] [kN] [mm] [kg]
[mm] load [kg]
Not for trailer
coupling; minimum
final cross member,
if no final cross
member is installed;
81.41250.0131 Without 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 8,2
for fitting a liftgate
or a KKK trailer
bracket and/or if the
underride protection
is omitted.
Basic part for
81.41250.5179; #
81.41250.2317 140x80 # # # # # # # 8 26,5 only with internal
Final cross member
for 7- to 12-tonne
81.41250.5179 140x80 69 1000 13.000 14000 64 35 16.000 8 29
TGL, for trailer cou-
pling Type G145
Final cross member
for 7-tonne TGL,
81.41250.5179 140x80 30 500 4.500 5.000 30 19 4.500 8 29 Type N01/N11, for
trailer coupling Type
Lowered by
100 mm, for fire ser-
81.41250.5188 83x56 19 80 2.000 2.080 18 10 2.080 8 31
vice, additional hole
pattern 120x55
Lowered by 100
mm, for fire service,
81.41250.5188 120x55 60 700 6.500 7.200 40 18 12.000 8 31
additional hole
pattern 83x56
Underride protec-
tion and KKK trailer
bracket, only in
conjunction with
81.41660.5189 (3x)83x56 26,8 200 3.500 3.700 0 0 3.500 - 30
final cross member
81.41250.0131 or
.5179 (replaced by
Underride protec-
tion and KKK trailer
bracket, only in
conjunction with
81.41660.5219 (3x)83x56 26,8 200 3.500 3.700 0 0 3.500 - 30
final cross member
81.41250.0131 or
.5179 (replaces

MAN Guide to fitting bodies Coupling devices TG Edition 2016 V1.0 9

Table 03: Assignment of trailer-coupling installation drawings to final cross members - TGL

MAN item no., Trailer coupling
Hole pattern coupling Ball-type
Final cross installation drawing Comment
[mm] bolts coupling
member MAN item no.
40 mm
Observe the max. permissible values in the
81.41250.5179 140x80 G 145 - 81.42000.8154
TGL final cross member table.
Observe the max. permissible values in the
81.41250.5188 120x55 G 135 - 81.42000.8200
TGL final cross member table.
Observe the max. permissible values in the
81.41250.5188 83x56 TK 226 - 81.42000.8186
TGL final cross member table.
See also the installation of underride
81.41660.5189 (3x)83x56 - X 81.42000.8166 protection trailer bracket 81.41660.8186.
Replaced by 81.41660.5219
See also the installation of underride
81.41660.5219 (3x)83x56 - X 81.42000.8166 protection trailer bracket 81.41660.8186.
Replaced 81.41660.5189

10 Edition 2016 V1.0 MAN Guide to fitting bodies Coupling devices TG


Table 04: Assignment to vehicle by model range, model number and final cross member - TGM

Hole pattern
Model no. MAN item no. Comment
81.41250.0131 Without Not for trailer coupling
81.41250.5180 160x100 For trailer coupling Type G150
Lowered by 100 mm, for fire service, for Type G 135 trailer coupling,
81.41250.5188 120x55 additional hole pattern 83x56
81.41250.0131 Without Not for trailer coupling
81.41250.5180 160x100 For trailer coupling Type G150
Lowered by 100 mm, for fire service, for Type G 135 trailer coupling,
81.41250.5188 120x55 additional hole pattern 83x56
81.41250.0131 Without Not for trailer coupling
81.41250.5180 160x100 For trailer coupling Type G150
Lowered by 100 mm, for fire service, for Type G 135 trailer coupling,
81.41250.5188 120x55 additional hole pattern 83x56
81.41250.0131 Without Not for trailer coupling
81.41250.5180 160x100 For trailer coupling Type G150
81.41250.0131 Without Not for trailer coupling
81.41250.5180 160x100 For trailer coupling Type G150
81.41250.5179 140x80 For trailer coupling Type G145
N34 Lowered by 100 mm, for fire service, for Type G 135 trailer coupling,
81.41250.5188 120x55 additional hole pattern 83x56
81.41250.5180 160x100 For trailer coupling Type G150
81.41250.5179 140x80 For trailer coupling Type G145
Lowered by 100 mm, for fire service, for Type G 135 trailer coupling,
81.41250.5188 120x55 additional hole pattern 83x56
81.41250.5180 160x100 For trailer coupling Type G150
N37 Lowered by 100 mm, for fire service, for Type G 135 trailer coupling,
81.41250.5188 120x55 additional hole pattern 83x56
81.41250.5180 160x100
81.41250.5188 120x55 For trailer coupling Type G150
Lowered by 100 mm, for fire service, for Type G 135 trailer coupling,
81.41250.0131 Without
N44 additional hole pattern 83x56
81.41250.5180 160x100 Not for trailer coupling
81.41250.0131 Without For trailer coupling Type G150
81.41250.5180 160x100 Not for trailer coupling
81.41250.0139 160x100 For trailer coupling Type G150
81.41250.0133 160x100 Not for trailer load, only for tow coupling
On N48 only for trailer load up to 3,500 kg with overrun braking, as
81.41250.0131 Without
N62 well as for tow coupling
81.41250.5180 160x100 Not for trailer coupling
81.41250.0131 Without For trailer coupling Type G150
81.41250.5180 160x100 Not for trailer coupling
N64 81.41250.5180 160x100 For trailer coupling Type G150
81.41250.0131 Without For trailer coupling Type G150
81.41250.5180 160x100 Not for trailer coupling
81.41250.5180 160x100 For trailer coupling Type G150
N66 Lowered by 100 mm, for fire service, for Type G 135 trailer coupling,
81.41250.5188 120x55 additional hole pattern 83x56

MAN Guide to fitting bodies Coupling devices TG Edition 2016 V1.0 11

Table 05: Final cross member and technical data TGM

MAN item no. Hole D S C [kg] Rc=C+S DC V Max. t Weight Comment

Final cross pattern [kN] [kg] [kg] [kN] [kN] trailer [mm] [kg]
member [mm] load [kg]
81.41250.0131 Without 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 8,2 Not for trailer coupling;
minimum final cross
member, if no final cross
member is installed; for
fitting a liftgate and/or if
the underride protection
is omitted.
81.41250.0133 160x100 31 250 3.500 3.750 31 18 3.500 9,5 31,5 Installed only on N48,
only for trailer load up
to 3,500 kg with overrun
braking, as well as for tow
81.41250.0139 160x100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8,5 23,7 Not approved for trailer
load, only for tow cou-
81.41250.2313 160x100 # # # # # # # 9,3 31 Basic part for
81.41250.5180; # only
with internal reinforce-
ment 81.41250.2315.
81.41250.2317 140x80 # # # # # # # 8 26,5 Basic part for
81.41250.5179; # only
with internal reinforce-
ment 81.41250.2314.
81.41250.5179 140x80 69 1.000 13.000 14.000 64 35 16.000 8 29 Final cross member for
13-tonne TGM Type N34/
N36 for trailer coupling
Type G145
81.41250.5180 160x100 104 1.000 16.000 17.000 90 50 24.000 9,3 38 Final cross member
for 13/15/18-tonne
TGM for trailer coup-
ling Type G150, only in
conjunction with shims
81.41250.5188 83x56 19 80 2.000 2.080 18 10 2.080 8 31 Fire service, additional
hole pattern 120x55
81.41250.5188 120x55 60 700 6.500 7.200 40 18 12.000 8 31 Additional hole pattern

(1) When retrofitting a final cross member: bolt the final cross member to the main frame using two shims
81.41290.0164 on the inside of the final cross member.

12 Edition 2016 V1.0 MAN Guide to fitting bodies Coupling devices TG

Table 06: Assignment of trailer-coupling installation drawings to final cross members - TGM

MAN item no. Hole Trailer- Trailer- Trailer coupling Comment

final cross pattern coupling coupling installation drawing
member [mm] bolts bolts MAN item no.
40 mm 50 mm
81.41250.0133 160x100 n/v* Installed only on N48, only for trailer load up
to 3,500 kg with overrun braking, as well as for
tow coupling
81.41250.5179 140x80 G145 - Observe the max. permissible values in the
TGM final cross member table.
81.41250.5180 160x100 G150 - Observe the max. permissible values in the
TGM final cross member table.
81.41250.5188 120x55 G135 - Observe the max. permissible values in the
TGM final cross member table.
81.41250.5188 83x56 TK226 - Observe the max. permissible values in the
TGM final cross member table.

*not available at this time

MAN Guide to fitting bodies Coupling devices TG Edition 2016 V1.0 13


Table 07: Assignment to vehicle by model range, model number and final cross member - TGA

Model no. MAN item no. Hole pattern [mm] Comment

H01 81.41250.0129 Without Semitrailer tractor, not for trailer coupling, replaced by .0135
81.41250.0132 160x100 Semitrailer tractor, operation with trailer not permitted
81.41250.0135 Without Semitrailer tractor, not for trailer coupling, replaces .0129
H02 81.41250.0130 160x100 Tipper, chassis, replaced by .0133
81.41250.0133 160x100 Tipper, chassis, replaces .5145 and .0130
81.41250.5145 160x100 Tipper, chassis, replaced by .0130
H03 81.41250.0133 160x100 Tipper, chassis, replaces .5145
81.41250.5145 160x100 Tipper, chassis, replaced by .0133
H04 81.41250.0128 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
81.41250.5145 160x100 Tipper, chassis
H05 81.41250.0128 160x100 Semitrailer tractor, replaced by .0132
81.41250.0129 Without Semitrailer tractor, not for trailer coupling, replaced by .0135
81.41250.0132 160x100 Semitrailer tractor, replaces .0128
81.41250.0133 160x100 Tipper, chassis, replaces .5145
81.41250.0135 Without Semitrailer tractor, not for trailer coupling, replaces .0129
81.41250.5145 160x100 Tipper, chassis, replaced by .0133
H06 81.41250.0128 160x100 Semitrailer tractor, replaced by .0132
81.41250.0129 Without Semitrailer tractor, not for trailer coupling, replaced by .0135
81.41250.0132 160x100 Semitrailer tractor, replaces .0128
81.41250.0133 160x100 Tipper, chassis
81.41250.0135 Without Semitrailer tractor, not for trailer coupling, replaces .0129
H07 81.41250.0128 160x100 Semitrailer tractor, replaced by .0132
81.41250.0129 Without Semitrailer tractor, not for trailer coupling, replaced by .0135
81.41250.0132 160x100 Semitrailer tractor, replaces .0128
81.41250.0133 160x100 Chassis, replaces .5145
81.41250.0135 Without Semitrailer tractor, not for trailer coupling, replaces .0129
81.41250.5145 160x100 Chassis, replaced by .0133
H08 81.41250.0129 Without Semitrailer tractor, not for trailer coupling, replaced by .0135
81.41250.0132 160x100 Semitrailer tractor, operation with trailer not permitted
81.41250.0135 Without Semitrailer tractor, not for trailer coupling, replaces .0129
H09 81.41250.0128 160x100 Semitrailer tractor, replaced by .0132
81.41250.0129 Without Semitrailer tractor, not for trailer coupling, replaced by .0135
81.41250.0132 160x100 Semitrailer tractor, replaces .0128
81.41250.0133 160x100 Chassis, replaces .5145
81.41250.0135 Without Semitrailer tractor, not for trailer coupling, replaces .0129
81.41250.5145 160x100 Chassis, replaced by .0133
H10 81.41250.0128 160x100 Semitrailer tractor, replaced by .0132
81.41250.0129 Without Semitrailer tractor, not for trailer coupling, replaced by .0135
81.41250.0132 160x100 Semitrailer tractor, replaces .0128
81.41250.0133 160x100 Chassis
81.41250.0135 Without Semitrailer tractor, not for trailer coupling, replaces .0129
H11 81.41250.0133 160x100 Tipper

14 Edition 2016 V1.0 MAN Guide to fitting bodies Coupling devices TG

Table 07: Assignment to vehicle by model range, model number and final cross member - TGA - continued

Model no. MAN item no. Hole pattern [mm] Comment

H12 81.41250.0128 160x100 Semitrailer tractor, replaced by .0132
81.41250.0132 160x100 Semitrailer tractor, replaces .0128
H13 81.41250.0128 160x100 Semitrailer tractor, replaced by .0132
81.41250.0132 160x100 Semitrailer tractor, replaces .0128
H14 81.41250.0130 160x100 Chassis, replaced by .0133
81.41250.0133 160x100 Chassis, replaces .0130
H15 81.41250.0133 160x100 Chassis
H16 81.41250.0133 160x100 Chassis, replaces .5145
81.41250.5145 160x100 Chassis, replaced by .0133
H17 81.41250.0128 160x100 Semitrailer tractor, replaced by .0132
81.41250.0132 160x100 Semitrailer tractor, replaces .0128
81.41250.0133 160x100 Chassis, replaces .5145
81.41250.5145 160x100 Chassis, replaced by .0133
H18 81.41250.0132 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
81.41250.0133 160x100 Chassis, replaces .5145
81.41250.5145 160x100 Chassis, replaced by .0133
H19 81.41250.0133 160x100 Chassis, replaces .5145
81.41250.5145 160x100 Chassis, replaced by .0133
H20 81.41250.0128 160x100 Semitrailer tractor, replaced by .0132
81.41250.0132 160x100 Semitrailer tractor, replaces .0128
81.41250.0133 160x100 Chassis, replaces .5145
81.41250.5145 160x100 Chassis, replaced by .0133
H21 81.41250.0132 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
81.41250.0133 160x100 Chassis, replaces .5145
81.41250.5145 160x100 Chassis, replaced by .0133
H22 81.41250.0129 Without Semitrailer tractor, not for trailer coupling, replaced by .0135
81.41250.0132 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
81.41250.0133 160x100 Chassis
81.41250.0135 Without Semitrailer tractor, not for trailer coupling, replaces .0129
H23 81.41250.0128 160x100 Semitrailer tractor, replaced by .0132
81.41250.0129 Without Semitrailer tractor, not for trailer coupling, replaced by .0135
81.41250.0132 160x100 Semitrailer tractor, replaces .0128
81.41250.0133 160x100 Chassis, replaces .5145
81.41250.0135 Without Semitrailer tractor, not for trailer coupling, replaces .0129
81.41250.5145 160x100 Chassis, replaced by .0133
H24 81.41250.0128 160x100 Semitrailer tractor, replaced by .0132
81.41250.0132 160x100 Semitrailer tractor, replaces .0128
81.41250.0133 160x100 Chassis, replaces .5145
H25 81.41250.0128 160x100 Semitrailer tractor, replaced by .0132
81.41250.0132 160x100 Semitrailer tractor, replaces .0128
81.41250.0130 160x100 Tipper, chassis, truck mixer, replaced by .0133
81.41250.0133 160x100 Tipper, chassis, truck mixer, replaces .0130
81.41250.5184 160x100 Tipper, 150 mm lower

MAN Guide to fitting bodies Coupling devices TG Edition 2016 V1.0 15

Table 07: Assignment to vehicle by model range, model number and final cross member - TGA - continued

Model no. MAN item no. Hole pattern [mm] Comment

H26 81.41250.0132 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
81.41250.0130 160x100 Tipper, chassis, truck mixer, replaced by .0133
81.41250.0133 160x100 Tipper, chassis, truck mixer, replaces .0130
81.41250.5184 160x100 Tipper, 150 mm lower
H27 81.41250.0133 160x100 Chassis, replaces .5145
81.41250.5145 160x100 Chassis, replaced by .0133
H28 81.41250.0128 160x100 Semitrailer tractor, replaced by .0132
81.41250.0132 160x100 Semitrailer tractor, replaces .0128
81.41250.0130 160x100 Tipper, chassis, replaced by .0133
81.41250.0133 160x100 Tipper, chassis, replaces .0130
81.41250.5184 160x100 Tipper, 150 mm lower
H29 81.41250.0128 160x100 Semitrailer tractor, replaced by .0132
81.41250.0132 160x100 Semitrailer tractor, replaces .0128
81.41250.0130 160x100 Tipper, chassis, replaced by .0133
81.41250.0133 160x100 Tipper, chassis, replaces .0130
81.41250.5184 160x100 Tipper, 150 mm lower
H30 81.41250.0132 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
81.41250.0133 160x100 Tipper, chassis
81.41250.5184 160x100 Tipper, 150 mm lower
H32 81.41250.0128 160x100 Semitrailer tractor, replaced by .0132
81.41250.0129 Without Semitrailer tractor, not for trailer coupling, replaced by .0135
81.41250.0132 160x100 Semitrailer tractor, replaces .0128
81.41250.0135 Without Semitrailer tractor, not for trailer coupling, replaces .0129
H33 81.41250.0132 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
81.41250.0133 160x100 Tipper
81.41250.5184 160x100 Tipper, 150 mm lower
H34 81.41250.0132 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
81.41250.0133 160x100 Tipper
81.41250.5184 160x100 Tipper, 150 mm lower
H35 81.41250.0132 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
81.41250.0133 160x100 Chassis
H36 81.41250.0130 160x100 Tipper, chassis, truck mixer, replaced by .0133
81.41250.0133 160x100 Tipper, chassis, truck mixer, replaces .0130
H37 81.41250.0130 160x100 Tipper, chassis, truck mixer, replaced by .0133
81.41250.0133 160x100 Tipper, chassis, truck mixer, replaces .0130
H38 81.41250.0130 160x100 Tipper, chassis, truck mixer, replaced by .0133
81.41250.0133 160x100 Tipper, chassis, truck mixer, replaces .0130
H39 81.41250.0133 160x100 Tipper, chassis, truck mixer
H40 81.41250.0130 160x100 Tipper, chassis, replaced by .0133
81.41250.0133 160x100 Tipper, chassis, replaces .0130
H41 81.41250.0133 160x100 Tipper, chassis
H42 81.41250.0132 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
81.41250.0133 160x100 Chassis

16 Edition 2016 V1.0 MAN Guide to fitting bodies Coupling devices TG

Table 07: Assignment to vehicle by model range, model number and final cross member - TGA - continued

Model no. MAN item no. Hole pattern [mm] Comment

H43 81.41250.0128 160x100 Semitrailer tractor, replaced by .0132
81.41250.0132 160x100 Semitrailer tractor, replaces .0128
H44 81.41250.0130 160x100 Chassis, replaced by .0133
81.41250.0133 160x100 Chassis, replaces .0130
H45 81.41250.0133 160x100 Chassis
H46 81.41250.0130 160x100 Replaced by .0133
81.41250.0133 160x100 Replaces .0130
H47 81.41250.0132 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
81.41250.0133 160x100 Tipper
81.41250.5184 160x100 Tipper, 150 mm lower
H48 81.41250.0133 160x100 Truck mixer
H49 81.41250.0133 160x100 Chassis, truck mixer
81.41250.5187 Without Rear tipper, not for trailer coupling, suitable for tipping-shaft leadthrough
H50 81.41250.0133 160x100 Tipper, chassis, truck mixer
H51 81.41250.0128 160x100 Semitrailer tractor, replaced by .0132
81.41250.0132 160x100 Semitrailer tractor, replaces .0128
81.41250.0130 160x100 Tipper, chassis, replaced by .0133
81.41250.0133 160x100 Tipper, chassis, replaces .0130
81.41250.5184 160x100 Tipper, chassis, 150 mm lower
H52 81.41250.0132 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
81.41250.0133 160x100 Tipper, chassis
81.41250.5184 160x100 Tipper, chassis, 150 mm lower
H54 81.41250.0132 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
81.41250.0133 160x100 Tipper
81.41250.5184 160x100 Tipper, 150 mm lower
H55 81.41250.0128 160x100 Semitrailer tractor, replaced by .0132
81.41250.0132 160x100 Semitrailer tractor, replaces .0128
81.41250.0130 160x100 Tipper, chassis, replaced by .0133
81.41250.0133 160x100 Tipper, chassis, replaces .0130
81.41250.5184 160x100 Tipper, chassis, 150 mm lower
H56 81.41250.0132 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
81.41250.0133 160x100 Tipper, chassis
81.41250.5184 160x100 Tipper, chassis, 150 mm lower
H57 81.41250.0132 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
81.41250.0133 160x100 Tipper
H58 81.41250.0132 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
81.41250.0133 160x100 Tipper
H59 81.41250.0133 160x100 Tipper
H60 81.41250.0132 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
H61 81.41250.0128 160x100 Semitrailer tractor, replaced by .0132
81.41250.0132 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
H62 81.41250.0132 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
81.41250.0133 160x100 Tipper, chassis
81.41250.0141 160x100 Semitrailer tractor, replaces .0132

MAN Guide to fitting bodies Coupling devices TG Edition 2016 V1.0 17

Table 07: Assignment to vehicle by model range, model number and final cross member - TGA - continued

Model no. MAN item no. Hole pattern [mm] Comment

H63 81.41250.0132 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
81.41250.0133 160x100 Chassis
81.41250.0141 160x100 Semitrailer tractor, replaces .0132
H64 81.41250.0132 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
81.41250.0141 160x100 Semitrailer tractor, replaces .0132
H65 81.41250.0132 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
81.41250.0141 160x100 Semitrailer tractor, replaces .0132
H66 81.41250.0132 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
81.41250.0133 160x100 Tipper, chassis
81.41250.0141 160x100 Semitrailer tractor, replaces .0132
H67 81.41250.0132 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
81.41250.0133 160x100 Chassis
81.41250.0141 160x100 Semitrailer tractor, replaces .0132
H68 81.41250.0133 160x100 Tipper
H69 81.41250.0133 160x100 Chassis
H70 81.41250.0128 160x100 Semitrailer tractor, replaced by .0132
81.41250.0132 160x100 Semitrailer tractor, replaces .0128
81.41250.0130 160x100 Tipper, replaced by .0133
81.41250.0133 160x100 Tipper, replaces .0130
81.41250.5184 160x100 Tipper, 150 mm lower
H71 81.41250.0133 160x100 Chassis
H72 81.41250.0128 160x100 Semitrailer tractor, replaced by .0132
81.41250.0132 160x100 Semitrailer tractor, replaces .0128
81.41250.0130 160x100 Tipper, chassis, replaced by .0133
81.41250.0133 160x100 Tipper, chassis, replaces .0130
81.41250.5184 160x100 Tipper, chassis, 150 mm lower
H73 81.41250.0130 160x100 Tipper, replaced by .0133
81.41250.0133 160x100 Tipper, replaces .0130
81.41250.5184 160x100 Tipper, 150 mm lower
H74 81.41250.0133 160x100 Chassis
H75 81.41250.0133 160x100 Chassis
H76 81.41250.0130 160x100 Tipper, chassis, replaced by .0133
81.41250.0133 160x100 Tipper, chassis, replaces .0130
81.41250.5184 160x100 Tipper, 150 mm lower
H78 81.41250.0132 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
81.41250.0135 Without Semitrailer tractor, not for trailer coupling
81.41250.0141 160x100 Semitrailer tractor, replaces .0132
H79 81.41250.0132 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
81.41250.0141 160x100 Semitrailer tractor, replaces .0132
H80 81.41250.0132 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
81.41250.0133 160x100 Tipper
81.41250.5184 160x100 Tipper, 150 mm lower
H81 81.41250.0133 160x100 Tipper, chassis
81.41250.5184 160x100 Tipper, chassis, 150 mm lower

18 Edition 2016 V1.0 MAN Guide to fitting bodies Coupling devices TG

Table 07: Assignment to vehicle by model range, model number and final cross member - TGA - continued

Model no. MAN item no. Hole pattern [mm] Comment

H82 81.41250.0132 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
81.41250.0133 160x100 Tipper, chassis
81.41250.5184 160x100 Tipper, chassis, 150 mm lower
H84 81.41250.0133 160x100 Tipper, chassis
81.41250.5184 160x100 Tipper, chassis, 150 mm lower
H85 81.41250.0133 160x100 Chassis
H86 81.41250.0128 160x100 Semitrailer tractor, replaced by .0132
81.41250.0132 160x100 Semitrailer tractor, replaces .0128
81.41250.0133 160x100 Chassis, replaces .5145
81.41250.5145 160x100 Chassis, replaced by .0133
H87 81.41250.0130 160x100 Chassis, replaced by .0133
81.41250.0133 160x100 Chassis, replaces .0130
H88 81.41250.0130 160x100 Chassis, replaced by .0133
81.41250.0133 160x100 Chassis, replaces .0130
H89 81.41250.0132 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
81.41250.0133 160x100 Chassis
H90 81.41250.0133 160x100 Chassis
H91 81.41250.0133 160x100 Chassis
H92 81.41250.0133 160x100 Chassis
H93 81.41250.0133 160x100 Tipper
81.41250.5184 160x100 Tipper, 150 mm lower
H94 BLLL 81.41250.0133 160x100 Semitrailer tractor, no trailer operation permitted with BLLL
H94 BLBB 81.41250.0133 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
82.41250.5092 330x110 Semitrailer tractor, 10-bolt connection for 100-t coupling, normal
and lowered, frame overhang 725 mm/925 mm
81.41250.5094 330x110 Semitrailer tractor, 10-bolt connection for 100-t coupling, normal,
frame overhang 725 mm/925 mm
H95 BLLL 81.41250.0133 160x100 Semitrailer tractor, no trailer operation permitted with BLLL
H95 BLBB 81.41250.0133 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
82.41250.5092 330x110 Semitrailer tractor, 10-bolt connection for 100-t coupling, normal
and lowered, frame overhang 725 mm/925 mm
81.41250.5094 330x110 Semitrailer tractor, 10-bolt connection for 100-t coupling, normal,
frame overhang 725 mm/925 mm
H96 81.41250.0133 160x100 Tipper
81.41250.5184 160x100 Tipper, 150 mm lower
H99 81.41250.0133 160x100 Chassis
HH1 81.41250.0132 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
81.41250.0133 160x100 Chassis
81.41250.0141 160x100 Semitrailer tractor, replaces .0132
HH4 81.41250.0133 160x100 Chassis
HV1 81.41250.0133 160x100 Chassis
81.41250.0141 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
HV2 81.41250.0141 160x100 Semitrailer tractor

MAN Guide to fitting bodies Coupling devices TG Edition 2016 V1.0 19

Table 07: Assignment to vehicle by model range, model number and final cross member - TGA - continued

Model no. MAN item no. Hole pattern [mm] Comment

HV4 81.41250.0133 160x100 Chassis
81.41250.0141 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
HV5 81.41250.0133 160x100 Tipper, chassis
81.41250.0141 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
81.41250.5184 160x100 Tipper, 150 mm lower
HV6 81.41250.0133 160x100 Tipper
81.41250.5184 160x100 Tipper, 150 mm lower
HV7 81.41250.0141 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
81.41250.0133 160x100 Chassis
HV8 81.41250.5187 Without Rear tipper, not for trailer coupling, suitable for tipping-shaft
HW1 81.41250.0132 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
81.41250.0141 160x100 Semitrailer tractor, replaces .0132
HW2 81.41250.0132 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
81.41250.0133 160x100 Tipper, chassis, truck mixer
81.41250.0141 160x100 Semitrailer tractor, replaces .0132
81.41250.5184 160x100 Tipper, 150 mm lower
HW3 81.41250.0133 160x100 Tipper, chassis, truck mixer
HW4 81.41250.0132 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
81.41250.0133 160x100 Tipper, chassis
81.41250.0141 160x100 Semitrailer tractor, replaces .0132
81.41250.5184 160x100 Tipper, chassis, 150 mm lower
HW5 81.41250.0141 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
HW6 81.41250.0133 160x100 Tipper, chassis
HW7 81.41250.0135 Without Semitrailer tractor, not for trailer coupling
81.41250.0141 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
81.41250.0142 Without Semitrailer tractor, replaces .0135, not for trailer coupling
HW8 81.41250.0132 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
81.41250.0141 160x100 Semitrailer tractor, replaces .0132
HW9 81.41250.0132 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
81.41250.0141 160x100 Semitrailer tractor, replaces .0132
81.41250.0133 160x100 Fahrgestell
81.41250.0141 160x100 Sattel, Ersatz für .0132

20 Edition 2016 V1.0 MAN Guide to fitting bodies Coupling devices TG

Table 08: Final cross member and technical data TGA

MAN item no., Hole D S C [kg] Rc=C+S DC V Max. t Weight Comment

final cross pattern [kN] [kg] [kg] [kN] [kN] turntable [mm] [kg]
member [mm] drawbar
trailer load
81.41250.0128 160x100 130 1.000 9.500 10.500 64 35 As per 9,5 25,6 Only semitrai-
D value ler tractor with
frame tapering, no
exchange possi-
ble! Replaced by
81.41250.0129 Without 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 13,4 Not for trailer coup-
ling, only semitrailer
tractor with frame
tapering, replaced
by 81.41250.0135
81.41250.0130 160x100 190 1.000 18.000 19.000 125 65 As per 9,5 31,9 Trailer-coupling hole
D value pattern centra-
lised at height of
final cross mem-
ber, replaced by
81.41250.0132 160x100 130 1.000 9.500 10.500 64 35 As per 9,5 25,6 Only semitrailer
D value tractor with frame
tapering; derives
from and replaces
exchange not pos-
81.41250.0133 160x100 200 1.000 18.000 19.000 130 70 As per 9,5 31,5 Trailer-coupling
D value hole pattern 27.5
mm lower than
81.41250.0130 and
81.41250.0135 Without 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 12,9 Not for trailer coup-
ling, only semitrailer
tractor with frame
tapering, replaces
81.41250.5145 160x100 200 1.000 18.000 19.000 130 70 As per 11 28,7 Final cross member
D value reinforced, TGA and
F2000, replaced by
81.41250.5184 160x100 190 1.000 18.000 19.000 130 70 As per 9,5 50,1 150 mm lower than
D value series
82.41250.5092 330x110 314 0 0 0 0 0 As per 20 156,6 10-bolt connection
D value for 100-t coupling
installation, normal
and lowered, addi-
tional hole pattern
160x100 normal
and lowered, only
in conjunction
with MAN nos.
82.41250.5090 and
corner plates,
frame overhang 725
mm/925 mm.

MAN Guide to fitting bodies Coupling devices TG Edition 2016 V1.0 21

Table 08: Final cross member and technical data TGA - continued

MAN item no., Hole D S C [kg] Rc=C+S DC V Max. t Weight Comment

final cross pattern [kN] [kg] [kg] [kN] [kN] turntable [mm] [kg]
member [mm] drawbar
82.41250.5092 160x100 200 0 0 0 0 0 As per 20 156,6 Normal and lowe-
D value red, additional hole
pattern for 10-bolt
connection for 100-t
coupling installation,
normal and lowered,
only in conjunction
with MAN nos.
82.41250.5090 and
corner plates, frame
82.41250.5094 330x110 314 0 0 0 0 0 As per 15 50,6 10-bolt connection
D value for 100-t coupling
installation normal,
additional hole
pattern 160x100,
normal, only in con-
junction with MAN
nos. 82.41250.5090
and 82.41250.5091
corner plates,
frame overhang 725
mm/925 mm
82.41250.5094 160x100 200 0 0 0 0 0 As per 15 50,6 Additional hole
D value pattern for 10-bolt
connection for 100-t
coupling installation
normal, only in con-
junction with MAN
nos. 82.41250.5090
and 82.41250.5091
corner plates,
frame overhang 725
81.42030.5116 160x100 190 1.000 24.000 25.000 130 75 As per 44,5 Only with MAN low-
D value coupling system
81.42030.5116 160x100 190 1.000 24.000 25.000 141 63 As per 44,5 Only with MAN low-
D value coupling system
81.42030.5116 160x100 190 1.000 24.000 25.000 150 50 As per 44,5 Only with MAN low-
D value coupling system

Abbreviations: CAT: rigid drawbar/center-axle trailer: TC: trailer coupling; GW: gross weight
t: sheet thickness of final cross member RC: permissible gross weight of CAT

22 Edition 2016 V1.0 MAN Guide to fitting bodies Coupling devices TG

Table 09: Assignment of trailer-coupling installation drawings to final cross members - TGA

MAN item no., Hole Trailer- Trailer- 100 t Trailer-coupling Comment

Final cross pattern coupling coupling Trailer- installation drawing
member [mm] bolts bolts coupling MAN item no.
40 mm 50 mm bolts
50 mm
81.41250.0128 160x100 X X 81.42000.8152_3 Semitrailer tractor
81.41250.0130 160x100 X X 81.42000.8129_3
81.41250.0132 160x100 X X 81.42000.8152_3 Semitrailer tractor
81.41250.0133 160x100 X X 81.42000.8152_2 Chamfers required on top and
bottom of trailer-coupling
mounting plate
81.41250.5145 160x100 X X 81.42000.8129_1
81.41250.5184 160x100 X X 81.42000.8152_4 Lowered by 150 mm
81.42030.5116 160x100 X 81.42000.8152_1 MAN low-coupling system
82.41250.5092 160x100 X X n/v*
82.41250.5092 330x110 82.42000.8021_1 Heavy-duty trailer coupling,
normal or lowered
82.41250.5094 160x100 X X n/v*
82.41250.5094 330x110 X 82.42000.8021_1 Heavy-duty trailer coupling,

*not available at this time

MAN Guide to fitting bodies Coupling devices TG Edition 2016 V1.0 23


Table 10: Assignment to vehicle by model range, model number and final cross member - TGS/TGX

Model no. MAN item no. Hole pattern Comment

03S 81.41250.0133 160x100 Tipper, chassis
81.41250.5184 160x100 Tipper, chassis, 150 mm lower
05X 81.41250.0142 Without Semitrailer tractor, not for trailer coupling
06S/06X 81.41250.0133 160x100 Tipper, chassis
81.41250.0135 Without Semitrailer tractor, not for trailer coupling
81.41250.0141 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
81.41250.0142 Without Semitrailer tractor, replaces .0135, not for trailer coupling
08S 81.41250.0135 Without Semitrailer tractor, not for trailer coupling
81.41250.0141 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
81.41250.0142 Without Semitrailer tractor, replaces .0135, not for trailer coupling
10S/10X 81.41250.0133 160x100 Chassis
81.41250.0135 Without Semitrailer tractor, not for trailer coupling
81.41250.0141 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
81.41250.0142 Without Semitrailer tractor, replaces .0135, not for trailer coupling
13S/13X 81.41250.0132 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
81.41250.0141 160x100 Semitrailer tractor, replaces .0132
15S/15X 81.41250.0133 160x100 Chassis
18S/18X 81.41250.0133 160x100 Chassis
81.41250.0141 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
21S/21X 81.41250.0133 160x100 Chassis
81.41250.0141 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
22S 81.41250.0133 160x100 Chassis
81.41250.0141 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
81.41250.0142 Without Semitrailer tractor, not for trailer coupling
22X 81.41250.0135 Without Semitrailer tractor, not for trailer coupling
81.41250.0141 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
81.41250.0142 Without Semitrailer tractor, replaces .0135, not for trailer coupling
24S 81.41250.0132 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
81.41250.0133 160x100 Chassis
81.41250.0141 160x100 Semitrailer tractor, replaces .0132
81.41250.0142 Without Semitrailer tractor, not for trailer coupling
24X 81.41250.0135 Without Semitrailer tractor, not for trailer coupling
81.41250.0141 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
81.41250.0142 Without Semitrailer tractor, replaces .0135, not for trailer coupling
26S 81.41250.0133 160x100 Tipper, chassis, truck mixer
81.41250.0141 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
81.41250.5184 160x100 Tipper, 150 mm lower
26X 81.41250.0133 160x100 Tipper, chassis
81.41250.0141 160x100 Semitrailer tractor

24 Edition 2016 V1.0 MAN Guide to fitting bodies Coupling devices TG

Table 10: Assignment to vehicle by model range, model number and final cross member - TGS/TGX - continued

Model MAN item no. Hole pattern Comment

no. [mm]
28X 81.41250.0141 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
81.41250.0144 160x100 Semitrailer tractor, not approved for trailer coupling
61.41250.0000 160x100 Semitrailer tractor, replaces .0144, not approved for trailer coupling
30S 81.41250.0133 160x100 Tipper, chassis
81.41250.0141 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
81.41250.5184 160x100 Tipper, 150 mm lower
30X 81.41250.0133 160x100 Tipper, chassis
81.41250.0141 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
35S 81.41250.0133 160x100 Chassis
81.41250.0141 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
37S 81.41250.0133 160x100 Tipper, chassis, truck mixer
81.41250.5187 Without Tipper, not for trailer coupling
39S 81.41250.0133 160x100 Tipper, chassis, truck mixer
41S 81.41250.0133 160x100 Tipper, chassis
42S/42X 81.41250.0141 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
45S/45X 81.41250.0133 160x100 Chassis
49S 81.41250.0133 160x100 Tipper, truck mixer
81.41250.5187 Without Rear tipper, not for trailer coupling, suitable for tipping-shaft leadt-
52S 81.41250.0133 160x100 Tipper, chassis
81.41250.0141 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
81.41250.5184 160x100 Tipper, chassis, 150 mm lower
56S 81.41250.0133 160x100 Tipper, chassis
81.41250.0141 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
81.41250.5184 160x100 Tipper, chassis, 150 mm lower
59S 81.41250.0133 160x100 Tipper
70S 81.41250.0133 160x100 Tipper, chassis
81.41250.0141 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
81.41250.5184 160x100 Tipper, 150 mm lower
71S 81.41250.0133 160x100 Chassis
73S 81.41250.0133 160x100 Chassis
74S 81.41250.0133 160x100 Chassis
78X 81.41250.0135 Without Semitrailer tractor, not for trailer coupling
81.41250.0141 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
81.41250.0142 Without Semitrailer tractor, replaces .0135, not for trailer coupling
79X 81.41250.0133 160x100 Chassis
81.41250.0141 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
80S 81.41250.0133 160x100 Tipper
81.41250.0141 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
81.41250.5184 160x100 Tipper, 150 mm lower
82S 81.41250.0133 160x100 Tipper, chassis
81.41250.0141 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
81.41250.5184 160x100 Tipper, chassis, 150 mm lower

MAN Guide to fitting bodies Coupling devices TG Edition 2016 V1.0 25

Table 10: Assignment to vehicle by model range, model number and final cross member - TGS/TGX - continued

Model no. MAN item no. Hole pattern Comment

84S 81.41250.0133 160x100 Tipper, chassis
81.41250.5184 160x100 Tipper, chassis, 150 mm lower
86X 81.41250.0133 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
82.41250.5092 330x110 Semitrailer tractor, 10-bolt connection for 100-t coupling, normal and
lowered, frame overhang 725 mm
82.41250.5094 330x110 Semitrailer tractor, 10-bolt connection for 100-t coupling, normal,
frame overhang 725 mm
87X 81.41250.0133 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
88X 81.41250.0144 160x100 Semitrailer tractor, not approved for trailer coupling
61.41250.0000 160x100 Semitrailer tractor, replaces .0144, not approved for trailer coupling
89S/89X 81.41250.0133 160x100 Chassis
81.41250.0141 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
90S 81.41250.0133 160x100 Chassis
92S/92X 81.41250.0133 160x100 Chassis
93S 81.41250.0133 160x100 Tipper
81.41250.5184 160x100 Tipper, 150 mm lower
94X 81.41250.0133 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
82.41250.5092 330x110 Semitrailer tractor, 10-bolt connection for 100-t coupling, normal and
lowered, frame overhang 725 mm
82.41250.5094 330x110 Semitrailer tractor, 10-bolt connection for 100-t coupling, normal,
frame overhang 725 mm
95X 81.41250.0133 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
96S 81.41250.0133 160x100 Tipper, chassis
81.41250.5184 160x100 Tipper, chassis, 150 mm lower
03W 81.41250.0141 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
06W 81.41250.0141 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
18W 81.41250.0133 160x100 Chassis
81.41250.0141 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
19W 81.41250.0133 160x100 Chassis
81.41250.0141 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
26W 81.41250.0133 160x100 Tipper, chassis, truck mixer
81.41250.0141 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
30W 81.41250.0141 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
34W 81.41250.0133 160x100 Tipper
81.41250.0141 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
39W 81.41250.0133 160x100 Tipper, chassis, truck mixer
49W 81.41250.5187 Without Rear tipper, not for trailer coupling, suitable for tipping-shaft leadt-
52W 81.41250.0133 160x100 Tipper, chassis
81.41250.0141 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
56W 81.41250.0133 160x100 Tipper, chassis
81.41250.0141 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
58W 81.41250.0133 160x100 Tipper
81.41250.0141 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
85.41250.5000 330x110 Semitrailer tractor, 10-bolt connection for 100-t coupling

26 Edition 2016 V1.0 MAN Guide to fitting bodies Coupling devices TG

Table 10: Assignment to vehicle by model range, model number and final cross member - TGS/TGX - continued

Model MAN item no. Hole pattern Comment

no. [mm]
60W 81.41250.0133 160x100 Tipper
71W 81.41250.0141 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
72W 81.41250.0141 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
73W 81.41250.0133 160x100 Chassis
81.41250.0141 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
76W 81.41250.0133 160x100 Tipper, chassis
81.41250.0141 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
77W 81.41250.0133 160x100 Tipper
78W 81.41250.0133 160x100 Chassis
81.41250.0141 160x100 Semitrailer tractor
79W 81.41250.0133 160x100 Tipper, chassis, truck mixer

MAN Guide to fitting bodies Coupling devices TG Edition 2016 V1.0 27

Table 11: Final cross member and technical data TGS/TGX

MAN item no., Hole D S C [kg] Rc=C+S DC V Max. t Weight Comment

final cross pattern [kN] [kg] [kg] [kN] [kN] turntable [mm] [kg]
member [mm] drawbar
trailer load
61.41250.0000 160x100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9,5 n/v* Not approved for trai-
ler coupling, only for
TGX Brazil, replaces
81.41250.0133 160x100 200 1.000 18.000 19.000 130 70 As per 9,5 31,5 Trailer-coupling
D value hole pattern 27.5
mm lower than
81.41250.0130, repla-
ces 81.41250.0130
and .5145
81.41250.0141 160x100 130 1.000 9.500 10.500 64 35 As per 9,5 25,6 Only semitrailer
D value tractor with frame
tapering, no exchange
possible! Replaces
81.41250.0142 Without 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 12,9 Not for trailer coup-
ling, only semitrailer
tractor with frame
tapering, replaces
81.41250.0144 160x100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9,5 n/v* Not approved for
trailer coupling, only
for TGX Brazil
81.41250.5184 160x100 200 1.000 18.000 19.000 130 70 As per 9,5 50,1 150 mm lower than
D value series
81.41250.5187 Without 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 33,6 Not for trailer coupling,
only for rear tipper
82.41250.5092 330x110 314 0 0 0 0 0 As per 20 156,6 10-bolt connection
D value for 100-t coupling in-
stallation, normal and
lowered, additional
hole pattern 160x100
normal, only in con-
junction with MAN
nos. 82.41250.5090
and 82.41250.5091
corner plates, frame
overhang 725 mm.
82.41250.5092 160x100 200 0 0 0 0 0 As per 20 156,6 Normal hole pattern,
D value additional hole pattern
for 10-bolt connection
for 100-t coupling
installation, normal
and lowered, only in
conjunction with MAN
nos. 82.41250.5090
and 82.41250.5091
corner plates, frame
overhang 725 mm

28 Edition 2016 V1.0 MAN Guide to fitting bodies Coupling devices TG

Table 11: Final cross member and technical data TGS/TGX - continued

MAN item no., Hole D S C [kg] Rc=C+S DC V Max. t Weight Comment

final cross pattern [kN] [kg] [kg] [kN] [kN] turntable [mm] [kg]
member [mm] drawbar
82.41250.5094 330x110 314 0 0 0 0 0 As per 15 50,0 10-bolt connection for
D value 100-t coupling installation
normal, additional hole
pattern 160x100, normal,
only in conjunction with
MAN nos. 82.41250.5090
and 82.41250.5091
corner plates, frame
overhang 725 mm
82.41250.5094 160x100 200 0 0 0 0 0 As per 15 50,0 Additional hole pattern
D value for 10-bolt connection for
100-t coupling
installation normal, only
in conjunction with MAN
nos. 82.41250.5090 and
82.41250.5091 corner
plates, frame overhang
725 mm
85.41250.5000 330x110 314 0 0 0 0 0 As per 15 60,4 10-bolt connection for
D value 100-t coupling
installation, normal
81.42030.5116 160x100 190 1.000 24.000 25.000 130 75 As per 22 44,5 Only with MAN
D value low-coupling system
81.42030.5116 160x100 190 1.000 24.000 25.000 141 63 As per 22 44,5 Only with MAN
D value low-coupling system
81.42030.5116 160x100 190 1.000 24.000 25.000 150 50 As per 22 44,5 Only with MAN
D value low-coupling system

Abbreviations: CAT: rigid drawbar/center-axle trailer: TC: trailer coupling; GW: gross weight
t: sheet thickness of final cross member RC: permissible gross weight of CAT

Table 12: Assignment of trailer-coupling installation drawings to final cross members - TGS/TGX

MAN item no., Hole Trailer- Trailer- 100 t Trailer-coupling Comment

Final cross pattern coupling coupling trailer installation
member [mm] bolts bolts coupling drawing
40 mm 50 mm Bolts MAN item no.
50 mm
81.41250.0133 160x100 X X 81.42000.8152_2 Chamfers required on top and
bottom of trailer-coupling moun-
ting plate
81.41250.0141 160x100 X X 81.42000.8152_3 Semitrailer tractor
81.41250.5184 160x100 X X 81.42000.8152_4 Lowered by 150 mm
81.42030.5116 160x100 X 81.42000.8152_1 MAN low-coupling system
82.41250.5092 330x110 X 82.42000.8021_1 Heavy-duty trailer coupling, nor-
mal or lowered
82.41250.5092 160x100 X X n/v*
82.41250.5094 330x110 X 82.42000.8021_1 Heavy-duty trailer coupling,
82.41250.5094 160x100 X X n/v*
85.41250.5000 330x110 X n/v* Heavy-duty trailer coupling,
*not available at this time

MAN Guide to fitting bodies Coupling devices TG Edition 2016 V1.0 29

5.0 Ball-type couplings
Like all rear loads, even low trailer nose weights affect axle-load distribution. For this reason, particularly in
conjunction with additional rear loads (e.g. liftgates, rear loading cranes), perform an axle-load calculation to check
whether trailer nose weights are possible.

Other requirements for fitting ball-type couplings are as follows:

• The ball-type coupling must be adequately dimensioned and type-approved (trailer nose weight, trailer load).
• The trailer bracket must be adequately dimensioned and type-approved.
• The trailer bracket must be attached to the vertical webs of the main frame (attachment to the lower flange
of the main frame alone is not permitted by MAN)
• The test center (e.g. DEKRA, TÜV) must check for adequate dimensioning and suitable connection to
the vehicle frame when the trailer coupling is registered.
• Instructions for assembly/guidelines issued by the manufacturers of the trailer bracket and ball-type
coupling must be observed.
• The necessary clearance dimensions, e.g. as per DIN 74058 must be observed (see Fig. 02).

6.0 Fifth-wheel coupling

The weight and size of semitrailers and semitrailer tractors must be checked to see if they are suitable for forming
a tractor-semitrailer vehicle.

The following must therefore be checked:

• Slew radii
• Fifth-wheel coupling load
• Ease of movement of all components
• Statutory requirements

In order to achieve maximum fifth-wheel coupling load, the following measures are required before the vehicle goes
into operation:

• Weigh vehicle
• Calculate axle load
• Determine optimum fifth-wheel lead
• Check front slew radius
• Check rear slew radius
• Check front angle of inclination
• Check rear angle of inclination
• Check total length of tractor-semitrailer vehicle
• Mount fifth-wheel coupling accordingly.

The necessary angle of inclination specified by DIN ISO 1726 is 6° at the front, 7° at the rear and 3° at the side.
Different tyre sizes, spring rates or fifth-wheel heights between tractor and semitrailer reduce these angles so that
they no longer comply with the standard.

In addition to rear inclination of a semitrailer, it is also necessary to consider sideways inclination when cornering,
suspension compression (axle guidance, brake cylinders), anti-skid chains, pendulum movement of the axle unit on
vehicles with a tandem axle and slew radius.

The plane of the fifth-wheel plate on the semitrailer should be parallel to the roadway under a permissible fifth-wheel
coupling load.

The height of the fifth-wheel coupling must therefore be designed accordingly, in order to comply with the statutory
height of maximum 4 m (with semitrailer).

30 Edition 2016 V1.0 MAN Guide to fitting bodies Coupling devices TG

Fig. 07: Dimensions on semitrailer tractors


The distance between rear axle and fifth-wheel kingpin stated in the sales documentation or chassis drawings only
applies to a standard vehicle.

Under some circumstances, equipment that affects the vehicle’s unladen weight or dimensions requires the fifth-
wheel lead to be modified. This can also change the payload capacity and the vehicle’s length.

Only type-tested fifth-wheel couplings and assembly plates, in compliance with EC directive 94/20/EC or ECE R55
must be used.

A fifth-wheel coupling may not be fitted without an auxiliary frame. Under certain circumstances, it is possible to
fit a fifth-wheel coupling directly. Here, the fifth-wheel coupling is installed on the auxiliary frame together with a
reinforcing plate (not subject to type approval) and the mounting plate is omitted.

MAN Guide to fitting bodies Coupling devices TG Edition 2016 V1.0 31

Fig. 08: Example of installation with auxiliary frame


1) Fifth-wheel coupling base plate

2) Fifth-wheel coupling
3) Mounting angle
4) Auxiliary frame

32 Edition 2016 V1.0 MAN Guide to fitting bodies Coupling devices TG

Fig. 09: Example of installation without auxiliary frame


1) Fifth-wheel coupling base plate

2) Fifth-wheel coupling
3) Mounting angle

The size of the auxiliary frame and the quality of the material (σ0.2 > 350 N/mm2) must be the same as for
a comparable series-production vehicle.

The fifth-wheel coupling base plate must lie only on the fifth-wheel auxiliary frame and not on the frame side
members. The mounting plate must only be attached using bolts approved by MAN or by the fifth-wheel coupling
base plate manufacturer. Instructions/guidelines issued by the manufacturer of the fifth-wheel coupling must
be observed.

MAN Guide to fitting bodies Coupling devices TG Edition 2016 V1.0 33

Connection cables for air supply, brakes, electrics and ABS must not rub against the body or get snagged when
cornering. For this reason, the bodybuilder must check the ease of movement of all cables when cornering with
the semitrailer.

When operating without a semitrailer, all lines must be securely attached in dummy couplings or connectors.

Kingpins come in various sizes:

• 50-mm kingpins with a diameter of 2 inches

• 90-mm kingpins with a diameter of 3.5 inches

The one used depends on different factors. As is the case for trailer couplings, the D value and the fifth wheel load
is the decisive factor. The D value and the fifth wheel load value are marked on the model plates.

The following formulae are used to determine the D value for the tractor-semitrailer vehicle:

Formula 06: D value of semitrailer connection device

0,6 • 9,81 • T • R
D =

For a given D value and sought permissible gross weight of the semitrailer:

Formula 07: Permissible gross weight of trailer

D • (T - U)
R =
(0,6 • 9,81 • T) – D

If the permissible gross weight of the semitrailer and the D value of the coupling device have been established, the
permissible gross weight of the semitrailer tractor can be calculated using the following formula:

Formula 08: Permissible gross weight of tractor

D • (R - U)
T =
(0,6 • 9,81 • R) - D

If the fifth-wheel coupling load is sought but all other loads are known, the formula is:

Formula 09: Fifth-wheel coupling load

0,6 • 9,81 • T • R
U = T+R-
D = D value [ kN ]
R = permissible gross weight of semitrailer [t] including fifth-wheel coupling load
T = permissible gross weight of semitrailer tractor [t] including fifth-wheel coupling load
U = fifth-wheel coupling load [ t ]

Calculation examples can be found in the section entitled „Calculations“ in the booklets dealing with the respective
model ranges.

34 Edition 2016 V1.0 MAN Guide to fitting bodies Coupling devices TG


MAN Guide to fitting bodies Coupling devices TG Edition 2016 V1.0 35

MAN Truck & Bus AG
Technical Sales Support
Application Engineering
Dachauer Str. 667
D - 80995 Munich

MAN Truck & Bus AG –a member of the MAN Group

We reserve the right to make changes in the course of technical development.

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