Bibliography I. Books

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I. Books

1. M.P. Jain ‘Indian Constitutional Law’ Fifth Edition Reprint 2007, ‘Wadhawa and
Company’ Nagpur.

2. Pandy J.N. ‘Constitutional Law of India’ 43rd Edition 2006 Central Law agency

3. Dr.S.R. Myneni Jurisprudence (Legal Theory) 2nd Edition Reprint 2007 Law House

4. Wilkision and Bhandarkar, ‘Methodology and Techniques or Social Research’ 16th

Revised Edition, Reprint 2003, Himalaya Publishing House Bombay.

5. Dr.S.K. Kapoor, (2005) Human Rights Under International Law & Indian Law Central
Law Agency.

6. Ratnal and Dhirajlal, The Indian Penal Code 30th Edition Reprint (2006) Wadhwa &
Company, Nagpur.

7. Dr. U.N. Chandra- Human Rights 7th Edition Reprint 2007 Allahabad Law Publication.

8. Shilpa Agrawal, Legal Research Methodology, 2nd Edition Reprint 2007 , Shri Sai law
publication Faridabad (Haryana)

9. Dr.H.N. Tewari, Legal Research Methodology, 5th edition Reprint 2006, Allahabad Law
agency Allahabad

10. Prof. S.N. Mishra Indian penal code 7th Edition Reprint 2010 Central Law Publication

11. Prof. G. Manoher Rao & Prof. K. Shrinivas Rao, Legal Education in India Challenges
and Perspective 1st Edition Reprint 2009-10 Asia law House Hyderabad

12. Dr.H.O. Agarwal ‘A Concise book on international law and human rights ’ 2nd Edition
Reprint 2009 Central Law Publication Allahabad

13. R.N. Saxena ‘Indian penal code ’ 18th Edition Reprint 2010, Central Law Publication

14. Dr. Mona Purohit ‘Legal Education and Research Methodology ’ 1st Edition Reprint
2010, Central Law Publication Allahabad
15. Dr.Avtar singh ‘Principle of Law of Evidence’ 18th Edition Reprint 2010, Central Law
Publication Allahabad

16. S.D. Basu ‘Law of Evidence’ 1st Edition Reprint 2001, Allhabad Law agency, Faridabad

17. Prof. Kola Koteshwar Rao ‘The Constitution of Bharat (India)’ 2nd Edition Reprint 2006
S.Gogia & Company Hyderabad

18. Prof. G.C.V. Subba Rao’s ‘Indian Constitutional Law’ 10th Edition Reprint 2009 S.Gogia
& Company Hyderabad

19. A.V. Dicey ‘An introduction to the study of The Law of constitution’ 10th Edition Reprint
2008 Universal Law Publishing Delhi.

20. Prof. S.N. Dhyani ‘Jurisprudence Indian Legal theory’ 1st Edition Reprint 2006 Central
Law agency, Allahabad

21. Dr. N.V. Paranjape ‘Studies in Jurisprudence and Legal Theory’ 1st Edition Reprint 2010
Central Law agency, Allahabad

22. Batuk Lal ‘The Law of Evidence’ 19th Edition Reprint 2011, Central Law agency,

23. Dr. S.R. Myneni ‘Legal Research Methodology’ 2nd Edition Reprint 2009 Pioneer books
Allahabad Law agency Faridabad (Haryana)

24. Prakash Chander and Prem Arora ‘Comparative Politics and International relations’ 25th
Edition, cosmos Bookhive (P) Ltd. Gurgaon

25. Dr. K.I. Vibhute ‘PSA Pillai’s Criminal Law’ 10th Edition Reprint 2008 Lexis Nexis
Butterworth’s Wadhawa Nagpur.

26. Ian Brownlie, CBE Guys. Goodwin-Gill ‘Basic Documents on Human Rights’ 5th
Edition, Oxford University press New Delhi

II. Bare Acts

1. The Constitution of India, Reprint 2012 Professional Book Publishers Delhi

2. Indian Penal Code.Reprint 2012 Professional Book Publishers Delhi
3. Criminal Procedure Code. Reprint 2012 Professional Book Publishers Delhi
4. Indian Evidence Act. Reprint 2012 Professional Book Publishers Delhi
5. S.C./S.T. Atrocities Act. Reprint 2012 Professional Book Publishers Delhi
6. The protection of Civil right Act. Reprint 2012 Professional Book Publishers Delhi


1. http://ethesishelsinki.Fi.
2. http://www.ssmrae. com/admi/images/20ae96d2592b3c441f2al3b63b6820de.pdf.
3. Revl 1_NHRI_en.pdf.
5. httlp://
6. httlp://
7. httlp://
8. httlp://

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