Pipeline Service
Pipeline Service
Pipeline Service
Issue 6 / 2017
Tapes and Systems Wrapping Devices
■ Reliable corrosion prevention and strong ■ For fast and secure application
mechanical resistance ■ High flexibility for all diameters
■ For extreme temperatures:
-50 °C to +100 °C (-58 °F to +212 °F)
Offshore Pipelines:
The next big thing in pipeline development?
The boom of the past 20 years, especially in oil and gas pipelines
onshore transport, has resulted in remarkable developments in
construction, materials and predictive operations (safety, PIMS,
repair, etc.). Remarkable projects overcoming mountains, densely
populated areas, deserts and lakes have been realized with Dr. Klaus Ritter
high engineering skills. Due to problems identified by the Editor in Chief
meticulous monitoring the operation of transport pipelines,
engineers and scientists have continuously implemented rec-
ommendations and changes in the construction, operation and
maintenance of existing pipelines.
In Germany, for example, this has led to a 90% reduction in the frequency of not planned shut-
downs for operational reasons within 30 years. Take a look at the last issue of ptj for details
about this stunning development. Today, Pipelines are safe worldwide. Nonetheless, the res-
ervations of the population, especially in the industrialized countries, have risen sharply with
regard to new construction measures.
Today we need to pay more attention to offshore pipelines, because the world’s hunger for en-
ergy will not decrease so quickly. On the other hand, more and more onshore oil and gas fields
are being shut down and more and more offshore storage facilities are being developed. The
research and development focus here is somewhat different - especially in the field of mate-
rials. However, there is also much room for improvement regarding security and operational
The Pipeline Technology Conference will become more involved in this area in the future and
will provide operators, administrators, as well as technology and service providers with a plat-
form for the exchange of scientific and technical development. The present ptj and the 13th ptc
standing before us offer a good start.
We are working constantly to uphold the continuous exchange within the international pipeline
community. You are welcome to make use of the extensive opportunities we created. Kindly
find additional information on our websites or contact us directly via mail:
• eitep@eitep.de
• www.pipeline-journal.net
• www.pipeline-conference.com
Integrity of Subsea Pipeline Butt Welds through Design, Construction & Operational Life
Harry Cotton / Istvan Bartha 50
Wood plc.
Regional Report 38
Gas Interconnection in the EU To Improve With Russia to Finance a Feasibility Study on Building a
182 km pipeline between Greece and Bulgaria Multibillion Dollar Gas Pipeline from Iran to Pakistan
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Editor in Chief
Dr. Klaus Ritter
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Jennifer Briddon > Tracerco; Ben Metcalfe > Tracerco
Having now performed over 1000 scans on pipelines, flowlines and risers in the Gulf of
Mexico, and a similar number across the various North Sea sectors, Discovery™ has prov-
en itself across a wide variety of pipe systems, a selection of which will be discussed in
this paper and include: piggyback pipe systems, pipe-in-pipe systems, pipe bundles and
heavy concrete weight coated pipes. In addition to providing high quality wall thickness
measurement data, Discovery™ can also concurrently provide an assessment of the flow
conditions inside the pipeline. This means that, at the same time as determining a pipe-
line’s ongoing integrity, the Operator can enhance their understanding of the fluid con-
ditions enabling improved inhibition strategies, as well as allowing for a safe method to
determine the cause of any pipeline blockage, enabling targeted remediation strategies.
As well as discussing previous projects, this paper will outline the developments taking
place with Discovery™, including Tracerco’s innovative ‘fast scanning’ technique, an ap-
proach that can provide basic information about a pipe’s condition in only a tenth of the
time it would take for a conventional CT assessment of the pipe.
Discovery™ is the world’s only subsea Computed Tomog- tive approaches which could prematurely incorrectly ‘fail’
raphy (CT) scanner. It is a non-intrusive external scanning a perfectly operational line. This is a particular concern
technique which does not affect the operation of the pipe. for lines approaching the end of their design lives and
It also does not require removal of any external coating ap- where information pertaining to their historic operation
plied to the pipe, being equally adept at scanning through may be unreliable or unavailable.
50mm of heavy concrete weight coats as it is at scanning
through micron-thick fusion bonded epoxy coatings. Having now performed over 1000 scans across more than
twenty different scanning campaigns in the Gulf of Mexi-
CT scanners are particularly suited for scanning pipelines co alone, Discovery™ is already providing Operators with
that, for various reasons, may be difficult to inspect by an additional tool to help ensure the long term safe and
conventional techniques, such as in-line inspection or local efficient operation of their pipelines.
inspections such as UT or PEC. Reasons a pipeline may be
considered difficult to inspect or unpiggable include: INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY (CT)
• No pig traps installed or pig traps removed Although many people will have experience with CT
• Multi-diameter pipes scanning, either through its use in non-destructive testing
• Tight bends in the line, particularly those associated (particularly of small, complex components) or through its
with smaller diameter pipes extensive use in diagnostic medicine (indeed, it has been
• Pipe cleanliness - deposit or build up inside the pipe reported that there are over 72 million CT scans performed
bore which may not be controlled by any existing every year in the United States of America alone), relatively
applied inhibition mechanisms few people will have much experience with how CT works.
• Internal coatings or linings
• External coatings The first thing to know about CT scanning is that, whilst it
• Additional metal items such as heating elements, is generally thought of as a modern technique, it traces its
centralizers or piggyback pipe supports origin to 1885 and the discovery of ‘X-Rays’. Developments
• Low or even no flow rate with x-ray continued over the next few decades but for CT
• Dead legs scanning the next key date was 1917 and the development
• Pipe-in-pipe or multi-pipe systems of the ‘Radon Transform’ method. This was further refined
in 1937 in the Algebraic Reconstruction Technique (ART)
In these situations, an operator may be forced to simply although it wasn’t until 1967 that computers of sufficient
‘manage’ their pipeline with assessments and models power were available to enable the development of the
which, while useful, can be limited by the information first CT machine with the first CT reconstruction (of a head)
they are built on. In turn, this can lead to over-conserva- being performed in 1971. From this point on, developments
in CT scanning occurred rapidly, with the second and third Hence why it is only really possible to ‘solve’ a CT scan by
generation of CT scanning machines (consisting of mul- the use of computers and iterative algorithms and why the
tiple detectors for the second generation and rotation of most major developments in CT scanning have all occurred
source and detectors around the item for the third genera- in parallel with improvements in computing.
tion CT scanners) following in only 1973 and 1975 and with
superfast CT being developed in 1985. Since this time the
majority of improvements to the CT scanning technique
have been associated with improving the speed and reso-
lution and understanding and handling any of the ‘detec-
tion artefacts’ which can occur in any CT reconstruction.
Figure 2: Two of the Many Possible Solutions to a Simple Killer Sudoku Puzzle
The Discovery™ CT scanners currently in operation are, As can be seen in Table 1, the standard Discovery™ report-
due to the radial space available between source and de- ing tolerances are comparable with reporting tolerances
tector, able to scan pipelines with an outer diameter up to provided by other non-destructive testing techniques
27 inches (including coating). Tracerco has also performed such as magnetic flux leakage (MFL) in-line inspection.
feasibility studies which have confirmed that the technique
can be scaled up to larger outer diameter pipes, up to ap- PROJECTS
proximately 50 inches, should a market need be identified.
In this section, we will be looking at various different
Discovery™ detection limits, according to the defect types of unpiggable and difficult to inspect pipe systems
classes as laid out by the Pipeline Operators Forum and identifying what a Discovery™ scan can provide
‘Specifications and Requirements for Intelligent Pig In- which other techniques cannot.
spection of Pipelines’ [1], are provided in Table 1.
Although the presence of a piggyback pipe does not make Pipe-in-pipe systems have proven themselves to be
the pipe setup itself unpiggable, the piggyback pipe can a particularly common pipe system for a Discovery™
prevent access to a large area of the pipe for the majority inspection, as they present a particular challenge to the
of externally applied inspection techniques. Couple this current conventional inspection techniques, since the
with a pipeline which is unpiggable by a different means annulus typically presents an impassable barrier due to
(for example sharp bends, un-barred tees or heavy depos- the differing material. Furthermore, pipe-in-pipe systems
its in the line) then Discovery™ could be the solution. Fig- may also include heating elements or electrical tracing
ure 4 shows a piggyback pipe setup from a series of scans around the pipe, as well as spacers which can further add
performed by Tracerco in the Billingham, UK test facility. to the scan difficulty for many inspection techniques.
Since Discovery™ operates externally and
each scan generates a complete image
of the pipe with every rotation around the
pipe, the only issue for scanning a pipe-in-
pipe system is ensuring that sufficient time
has elapsed to ensure an adequate amount
of data and consequently an acceptable
reporting tolerance has been achieved.
Although the dimensions of the current Discovery™ CT es’ outer diameter (including coating), a feasibility study
scanners preclude it from scanning a majority of pipe has been performed by Tracerco which demonstrates that
bundles, Discovery™ has proven itself capable of scan- it would be possible to extend the Discovery™ system to
ning pipe bundles of a smaller diameter. In Figure 9, a a larger diameter pipe, although the increased diameter
Discovery™ CT scan of a pipe bundle shows that Discov- may also result in increased scan times.
ery™ is easily able to scan through the outer carrier pipe
and into the production and gas lift lines without any GENERAL FLOW AND PRODUCTION ASSURANCE
significant reduction in scan quality (and consequently
wall thickness analysis quality). Indeed, even the rust Due to the method by which Discovery™ operates, it is
accumulated at the bottom of this test piece was clearly possible to generate an accurate recreation of the actual
visible and its extent measurable in the scan. product flowing conditions whilst the pipeline is in opera-
tion. For an Operator, this has many
advantages as it enables them to
identify areas of concern, such as
slugging, water hold-up or erosion,
which can have a significant impact
on the operational life of the pipeline
or its components, whilst at the same
time potentially being very difficult to
identify and isolate by other monitor-
ing techniques.
In Figure 9, several straight lines can also be seen, inter- BUILD-UP AND BLOCKAGES
secting various pipe walls. These lines are CT detection
artefacts, caused by the reduction in beam intensity at One area where Discovery™ can be of particular assis-
positions tangential to the pipe wall. Detection arte- tance to Operators is in the diagnosis and monitoring of
facts such as these are a well known phenomenon in CT build-up and blockages within a pipeline. This production
scanning and Tracerco has several different techniques assurance assessment can be provided to an Operator
(varying for pipe setups) to minimise the effect of these for any pipeline where sufficient scan data has been
artefacts on the wall thickness analysis results. obtained and can be used to enable them to monitor for
known issues or potentially to identify unexpected ones
Although the current Discovery™ system is only available (Figure 11 and Figure 12).
to scan pipelines or bundles up to approximately 27 inch-
One area which Discovery™ suffers in comparison to At the time of writing, Tracerco’s fast scanning tech-
existing, traditional inspection techniques is in the speed nique had been successfully applied on two projects
of inspection and consequently the cost per scan. Whilst in the Arabian Gulf and the Gulf of Mexico. In addition,
the inspection speed for a Discovery™ scan is not directly work is currently underway to provide additional tools
comparable with that
of traditional inspec-
tion techniques (as
traditional inspection
techniques require
additional time for
coating removal), min-
imising the scan time
helps ensure that an
Operator is able to gain
the maximum amount
of information from a
scanning campaign.
As CT reconstruction and analysis is heavily dependent rable to that of traditional in-line inspection, whilst at the
on computing processing power, an area identified by same time being able to reproduce the flowing conditions
Tracerco for improvement was the bespoke, in-house within the pipeline and all performed non-intrusively from
software designed specifically to analyse pipelines. Cur- the external of the pipeline.
rently, the onshore analysis phase is quoted as requiring
six weeks following receipt of the data for an analysis
to be performed and a report produce. This is based on References
analysis of a ‘standard’ number of CT scans; if an Opera- [1.] Pipeline Operators Forum, “Specifications and Requirements for Intelligent Pig Inspection of Pipe-
tor requires more scans to be performed then the analysis [2.]
lines,” Pipeline Operators Forum, Version 2009.
S. Corbineau and B. Metcalfe, “Computed Tomography for Deepwater Pipelines Integrity,” in MCE
phase can also be expected to increase. [3.]
Deepwater Development, Amsterdam, 2017.
J. Harry, “Summary of an Offshore Inspection Campaign with Subsea CT Scanning Technology,” in
Subsea Tieback 2016, Houston, 2016.
[4.] Shell Global, “From Hospital Bed to Seabed,” [Online]. Available: http://www.shell.com/inside-energy/
In July 2017, Tracerco began work on a project to reduce the [5.]
from-hospital-bed-to-sea-bed.html. [Accessed 20 11 2017].
Tracerco, “Tracerco announce new fast scanning application for Discovery™ pipeline integrity
required processing power by streamlining and improving inspections,” 28 11 2017. [Online]. Available: https://www.tracerco.com/news/tracerco-announ-
ce-new-fast-scanning-application-for-discovery-pipeline-integrity-inspections. [Accessed 28 11 2017].
the analysis process. This project is now in the testing phase,
with initial results indicating the potential to reduce the anal-
ysis time for a ‘standard’ number of CT scan significantly. A
second phase of this project is scheduled to begin in 2018. Authors
Flexible pipelines present a unique set of challenges
to integrity monitoring for most traditional inspection Integrity Engineer
techniques but these are another area where Tracerco Jennifer.Briddon@Tracerco.com
has determined that CT scanning could successfully be
applied (Figure 13 and Figure 14).
nel being struck by unplanned or undesired movement and management of safety-critical systems often uses the
of a lifted object. It presents the larger consequences of term “ALARP” (“as low as reasonably practicable”) to de-
damage to the live pipeline systems in the impact zone fine a target risk level, where the cost involved in reducing
surrounding the platform that may threaten all personnel the risk further would be “grossly disproportionate to the
on the installation. benefit of risk reduction that would be achieved” [Ref. 1].
According to DNV-GL RP F107 [Ref. 1] the probability Most mitigation activities are directed towards reducing
(frequency) of a dropped object is 2.2E-5 per lift, based the impact risk by focusing on the reduction of probability
on statistics of platform crane accident data issued by or frequency of the impact, while a few mitigations are
the UK Department of Energy from the period 1980-1986. presented to reduce the consequence of an impact [Ref.
Approximately 3.7 million lifts were estimated in this 2]. However, when acknowledging the large scale conse-
period, where 70% of the dropped objects landed on deck, quences of damage to a live pipeline, the reduction of the
while 30% were dropped into sea. Probabilities of drop- potential consequences should be explored and possible
ping loads lifted to/from vessel by platform crane are in solutions should also be evaluated.
the range from 1.2E-5 (<20 tonnes) to 1.6E-5 (>20 tonnes).
Other statistics are also available on the number and In the PSA report [Ref. 3], the most common direct causes
frequency of serious dropped object incidents on offshore of incidents are equipment faults, breaches of procedures,
installations covering other and larger periods of time. or incorrect execution of work. The most frequently occur-
ring underlying causes are related to inadequate planning
According to a report by the Norwegian Petroleum Safety and deficient maintenance of equipment and lack of
Authority’s (PSA) [Ref. 2] which analysed all investigated expertise, and focus on these elements would reduce risk.
lifting incidents on the Norwegian Continental Shelf in
the period 2005 – 2010, the highest risks to all lifting REDUCTION OF CONSEQUENCE
activities were dropped objects, failing lifting equipment,
or unwanted movement of heavy objects being lifted. The One of the mitigations to reduce consequence is intro-
report focuses on the direct causes and root causes of ducing or improving the protection of the pipeline in
the incidents and covers lifts on both fixed and floating the area of potential impact, for example, via a tunnel
installations, as well as both inboard lifts and lifts be- structure. Burying or rock covering the pipeline are other
tween installation and vessels. means to reduce the impact or spread the load and
thereby reduce the consequence of a dropped object on
Resource organizations such as DROPS (Dropped Ob- the pipeline. However, it should be considered that the
jects Prevention Scheme), comprise members from both protection structure in itself may represent a risk of dam-
operators and service providers and focus their activities age to pipeline during installation. A protection structure
on dropped object prevention awareness and training pro- may also prevent the pipeline from sustaining damage
grammes, including forums to discuss and recommend but may require repair or replacement post incident to
effective barriers to such incidents. DROPS illustrates the continue offering protection.
risks with dropping objects by presenting energy calcu-
lations of typical objects falling overboard from instal- The pipeline content represents a significant reservoir
lations and vessels. It states that anything heavier than and is a potential leak point by its very nature. Subsea
a typical 9-10 inch casing has the potential of severely isolation valves may already exist as parts of a system to
damaging a pipeline at 150-m water depth, including the minimize the release of hydrocarbons from a damaged
release of hydrocarbons. [Ref 4] pipeline system. These isolation valves may in the first
place be installed to protect the platform from issues aris-
The main conclusion is evident—that the threat of a ing on the platform itself, not damages to subsea parts of
dropped object offshore is also a threat to the offshore the pipeline, but these could still offer some reduction of
installation, and depending on the size of the dropped the consequences of a damaged pipe. There is of course
object even more so due to the presence of pressurized the risk of subsea isolation valves also being subject to
hydrocarbon contained in the pipelines. the impact from the dropped object.
A comparison can be made to standard lock-out or tag- During laying of a new 24-inch pipeline, the construction
out procedures in which the energy (pressure, poten- barge was required to initiate pipelay in the near vicinity of
tial, electric, etc.) present in the machinery or system is the Yadana platform. This introduced a risk of impact to the
secured, allowing authorized personnel to enter the work existing live gas pipeline, with the consequence of creating
area safely and execute the required intervention work. a gas blowout at the platform, with consequent effects on
Similarly, removing the energy source in the pipeline pri- the construction vessel and the overall environment.
or to significant lifting operation by means
of temporarily isolating and de-pressur-
izing a portion of the pipeline will reduce
the overall consequence of a failed lift
or dropped object. This is demonstrated
in the case studies below where inline
SmartPlug® isolation tools have been used
to remove pressure and content from pipe-
lines being close to or in the zone where
larger lifts have been performed.
An additional isolation tool was also positioned in the ASSET PROTECTION DURING HEAVY LIFT-
new 24-inch export pipeline. This pipeline was laid dry ING ABOVE A 36-INCH PIPELINE
with a requirement to perform the tie-in to the Yadana
platform without flooding the pipeline. To prevent sea- The North Rankin Alpha (NRA) platform is located off the
water ingress during the tie-in activities with an open coast of Western Australia on the North West Shelf in the
pipeline end exposed to the static head of water, a 24-in Indian Ocean.
SmartPlug tool tool was installed in the pipeline end
section as a part of the laying and served as a barrier to
protect the diving activities during the tie-in period.
Figure 6: 24-in pipeline isometric (Source: TDW) Figure 8: NRA and NRB in the North Rankin Complex (Source: Woodside Energy Ltd.)
The Yolla platform is operated by Origin Energy in the to replace the emergency shutdown valve on the plat-
Bass Gas Joint Venture for commercializing gas acquired form. During this period of planned work, a SmartPlug
from the Yolla Gas Field in the Bass Strait. It is located tool was used to isolate the 14-inch export pipeline at
offshore in 80 m water. ambient pressure—first, to enable the ESDV replacement
and second, to
provide a long-term
isolation through-
out the heavy lifting
Phase 1 of the Yolla Mid-Life Enhancement (MLE) project Due to adverse weather conditions, the ESDV instal-
involved upgrading Yolla to a manned platform. Several lation was delayed and a blind flange was temporarily
heavy lifting operations, including the installation of a installed. The tool remained in the pipeline for the next
600-ton accom-
modation module
on the Yolla A
platform, were to
take place above a
14-inch export pipe-
line running from
the platform to the
Lang Lang terminal
during the Yolla
MLE campaign of
To mitigate risks to
platform and per-
sonnel from dropped
objects and to en-
hance overall safety,
Origin Energy chose
to isolate a section
of the pipeline with
the TDW SmartPlug
isolation tool.
8 months, during which the heavy lifting operations and The isolation was established approx. 700 m into the
the new ESDV installation works were all successfully pipeline, after launching and pigging the tool to location
completed. from the platform’s launcher. After an isolation period
of 6 days, the tool were unset and retrieved and the pro-
In 2013, a drilling module was to be installed on a plat-
form in the North Sea, which involved a heavy lift directly The Case Studies presented here illustrate the added
above the 36-in Statpipe line. As the pipe containing benefits of a pressure-free pipeline during heavy lifts.
hydrocarbon gas was operating at approx.. 100 bar, any The removal of pipeline pressure and content are a
failures during the lift would result in catastrophic conse- preferred and effective mitigation of the consequences
quences. Hence, the client chose to involve TDW Offshore of failure during lifting, and eliminate the potential of a
Services to deploy a 36-inch SmartPlug tool to provide an large scale catastrophe due to uncontrolled leakage of
isolation, allowing the pipeline to remain at ambient pipeline inventory from pressurised pipeline. By using an
pressure during the short period of heavy lifting activities. inline isolation tool, the following benefits are accrued:
Henning Bø
TDW Offshore Services
Technical Authority
Asle Venas > DNV GL - Pipeline Technology;
Jens P. Tronskar > DNV GL Deepwater Technology;
Lee Chon Gee > DNV GL Deepwater Technology
Offshore pipelines are exposed to many treats and fails cost effective repair method can be selected. DNV GL has
from time to time. Such failures represent a major risk for prepared several codes that will be relevant with respect
offshore pipeline operators in terms of safety, pollution as to, operation, integrity management, inspection and
well as significant financial risk due to loss of production. assessment, as well as repair. The documents contain
Another major risk and challenge is the time and cost to technical requirements and guidelines, and can be down-
repair the pipeline that have failed. The time is always very loaded from the DNV GL web site (www.dnvgl.com) free of
critical and if the water depth exceeds diving depth div- charge. One of these codes is the only offshore pipeline
er-less repair systems will be required. Such systems are repair guideline DNVGL-RP-F113, Pipeline Subsea Repair.
not off the shelf systems and require a lot of tailor-made This code has recently been updated based on feedback
qualification for the pipeline and on site requirement. from many repair cases. See also Figure 1 below.
When a pipeline fails, it is very important to systematically In this paper we are presenting some recent cases of
handle the damage and repair. Proper failure, root cause pipelines that where repaired while still in operation in
analysis is very important to understand what has hap- a two step process involving installation of a leak clamp
pened. Then proper analysis of the defected pipeline, risk followed by a permanent repair by installation of a welded
assessment will also be very important before the most stand-off sleeve. The welding was depending on the water
cost effective repair method can be selected. depth executed in a hyperbaric habitat or in shallow water
using purpose built cofferdams. A concept proposed
DNVGL has been engaged in many offshore (both shallow by DNV GL has been successfully applied to repair of
water and deepwater) pipeline repair and qualification leaking submarine pipelines. This paper describes the
projects. This also involve live pipeline repairs of leaking approach including the initial assessment of the flaw
gas pipelines. DNVGL has also been working with the stability and how the repairs can be safely undertaken
leading pipeline operators to develop and qualify new to restore the pipelines to their original design condition
deep-water pipeline repair systems. without reduction of pressure or flow rate. The paper de-
scribes the method of global and local fracture mechan-
DNVGL also have issued the only offshore pipeline repair ics finite element analyses to assess the stability of the
guideline DNV-RP-F113, Pipeline Subsea Repair that can flaws causing the gas leaks and the time frame required
be downloaded from our web site without any cost. This to complete the repairs. Further, the development of the
RP has recently been updated based on feedback form welding procedure by weld thermal analyses is described
many companies. and the full-scale mock-up test with flowing water in the
pipe to simulate the forced cooling due to the gas flow.
To ensure the safety of the repair crew the concepts
Pipelines face many different threats apart from internal involves using a gas containment barrier installed over a
and external corrosion third party threats represent major traditional mechanical leak clamp. The gas containment
hazards to submarine pipeline. Pipelines may also be barrier is either purged with inert gas or nitrogen or it
damaged during installation and there have been cases is maintained with a constant inert gas pressure that is
where several local buckles over a few kilometer of subsea monitored continuously during the repair. In the event
pipeline have only been detected by the geometry pig after of a sudden gas leak into the gas containment barrier a
installation. Buckles and dents from third party anchor pre-set pressure relief valve will open and dump the gas
impact may often contain cracks and if the pipeline is not leak outside the habitat.
leaking the damage may still require a repair involving
extremely costly cut and replace and associated pipeline The pipelines in question have all been gas transmission
shutdown, loss of gas transmission, dewatering and drying lines carrying gas to gas fired power plants for which
after the repair. For cases where the pipeline has sustained gas pressure reduction or shutdown were completely
damage and is leaking, but the nature of the damage is unacceptable. Future development is expected to involve
such that the pipe geometry is still within the original toler- development of remotely controlled repairs using similar
ances, cost optimal local repair methods can be applied. concepts at water depths where diver/welders cannot
be employed due to the various country regulations or
When a pipeline fails, it is very important to systematically simply because the water depths are such that divers
handle the damage and repair. Proper failure, root cause cannot be used. The methodology according to DNV RP-
analysis is very important to understand what has hap- A203 is described for qualification of new technology for
pened. Then proper analysis of the defected pipeline, risk underwater pipeline repairs. Further references are made
assessment will also be very important before the most to the recent updates to the DNV RP-F113 Pipeline Repair
with regards to requirements for “live” pipeline repairs When it comes to selection of repair the information from
as part of the repair method qualification based on DNV the above will make the basis. Very often the cost and
OS-F101 Submarine Pipelines. consequence of the lost production far exceeds the cost
of the repair. Very often a temporary repair clamp will be
NOMENCLATURE preferred as the pipeline then can be put back in opera-
tion much quicker. However, very often it will be required
CTOD Applied Crack Tip Opening Displacement to make a permanent repair. Such permanent repair can
CMOD Applied Crack Mouth Opening be very time consuming, very costly and may require fur-
CTODmat Material Fracture Toughness
NDT Non Destructive Testing
ther shut down of the pipeline. The fire caused by the dredging vessel subsequent to the
punching of holes in the gas pipeline is shown in Figure 5.
According to DNVGL-RP-F113 various methods for repair Figure 6 the successfully completed repair.
and all requirements to ensure a proper permanent repair
can be found.
The first case involved two major leaks and a fire caused
by illegal dredging where the dredging vessel punched
two large holes in the pipeline. The leaks were stopped
by installing two elastomeric type leak clamps. However,
due to water ingress the pipeline the line was temporarily
shut down for dewatering and drying before resuming
Figure 6: Successfully completed and coated repair of the two adjacent leaks
operation. As the pipeline was carrying gas to gas fired seen in the cofferdam
power plants in densely populated parts of South Asia, it
was decided that no further shutdowns were acceptable For the repair DNV GL performed the structural assess-
and a repair solution was requested that would allow on- ment in Abaqus of the repair and independent weld
line or “live” repair to be executed without interruption to thermal analyses using the PRCI weld thermal analyses
the gas flow or pressure reduction. DNV GL as consultant software tool. Also note the two went holes that were
used as inlet and outlet for the nitrogen purging during GLOBAL ANALYSES OF PIPELINE CROSSING
the welding of the long seam and circumferential stand-
off sleeve welds. To estimate the axial stresses acting on the weld flaw
the measurements taken by the divers and data from
The gas pipeline permanent repair described above was side sonar was used to establish the global model of the
completed with the pipeline operating at normal operat- crossing and the leak location. Whilst the pipeline analy-
ing pressure and gas flow hence, considerable savings in ses were ongoing a temporary leak clamp type Plidco was
terms of avoidance of outage as well as loss of reputation installed to stop the leak.
for the operator where achieved.
The pipeline configuration at the leak location is shown in
The second case involves a gas leak on a Figure 8 below.
pipeline that was detected by a patrol boat.
The leak was detected at the sagbend lo-
cation of a pipeline crossing with another
gas transmission line. A photo of the gas
leak as detected, is shown in Figure 7.
Figure 13: Geometrical model of pipe girth weld with circumferential through
thickness flaw and Plidco leak clamp installed Figure 14. Boundary conditions and pressures applied to the FE model
Nevertheless, the crack might still grow at low pressures In Figure 17 it is clearly seen that the pre-tension of the re-
due to pressure fluctuations, and from Figure 17 it is seen pair clamp onto the pipeline has a beneficial effect on the
that with a max pressure fluctuation of 1.31 MPa (~190 psi) CTOD and the CMOD. First at pressures above 5.0 MPa
a ΔCTOD of about 0.011 mm is obtained and for a typical (725 psi) the crack tends to open as the CTODs becomes
pressure fluctuation of 0.6 MPa (87.5 psi) the ΔCTOD is positive. Hence, for this case with the maximum pressure
about 0.005mm. It should be noted that the pressure that has been recorded i.e. 4.63 MPa (670.8 psi). Here the
fluctuations are rather limited in number (said to be upper and lower crack front CTODs have negative values
once a day), and with a ΔCTOD of about 0.005mm and of 0.009mm and no crack extension would occur.
0.011mm, it is found that the crack growth will be limited.
Figure 18: Applied CTOD compared to minimum weld metal and base metal
Figure 15: CMOD and CTOD derived from FEA with different internal pressure CTOD values
safety margin of 1.35. If one assumes that the crack may hydrogen induced weld cracking and risk related to safety
propagate into the base material for the same pressure in the hyperbaric chamber including potential gas leak
level the safety margin is about 2.36. With a target maxi- from the Plidco clamp seals during welding.
mum operating pressure of 700 psi and pressure range of
290 psi, an applied CTOD value of 0.115 mm is obtained The qualification of the hyperbaric weld and associat-
which gives to a corresponding safety margin of 1.3, and a ed testing, full scale mock-up as well as the hyperbaric
crack growth rate at 1.40 mm/year is expected. spread is on the critical path. The concept that was cho-
sen for the permanent repair is shown in Figure 21.
Welding can be performed on “live” pipeline without inter- WELDING PROCEDURE AND WELD
ruption. With customized design based on required load THERMAL ANALYSES
and pressure loading capacity, the welded stand-off split
sleeve clamp can achieve the required structural integrity The installation of the stand-off sleeve requires welding
and can be engineered and qualified to prove that the onto an in-service pipeline. To facilitate a repair or to install
repaired location has sufficient capacity to sustain full a branch connection using the “hot tapping” technique is
design pressure and operational axial loads. used. There are three risks that need to be considered. The
first is the risk of burnthrough, where the welding arc caus-
The risk associated with the offshore support vessel, de- es the pipe wall to be penetrated allowing the contents to
ployment of supports/alignment frames and material han- escape. The second is the risk of hydrogen cracking that
dling/lifting for clamp installation needs to be identified arises from the fast cooling rates that tend to be produced
and mitigated through a structured risk assessment exer- by the ability of the flowing contents to remove heat from
cise including development of mitigation measures during the pipe wall. The third risk is the risk of gas leak during
the execution to minimize the potential of compromising the repair into the hyperbaric welding habitat.
the integrity of the crossing pipeline. Typically, a localized
repair will require relatively smaller operation compared to Various methods exist for predicting safe welding param-
replacement of the pipe section by a hot-tap and bypass eters for welding onto in-service pipelines with regard to
operation. This inherently reduces the risk of causing dam- the risk of both burnthrough and hydrogen cracking.
age to the PHE pipeline during the repair operation.
The PRCI Thermal Analysis Model for Hot Tap Welding [3]
Welding of stand-off split sleeve over the installed leak was used to predict safe parameters for welding a full-en-
clamp will not specifically be limited by the current pipe- circlement stand-off sleeve (33.0 mm thick at fillet weld
line configuration at the crossing. Hyperbaric chamber location) onto a 32 inch diameter by 15.9 mm thick API
can be customized to fit with the local profile at the leak 5L Grade X65 natural gas pipeline operating over a range
location though and excavation of the seabed is required of flow conditions. The PRCI model was used to predict
to accommodate the habitat safe parameters for welding a full-encirclement stand-off
sleeve (33 mm thick at the fillet weld location) onto a 32
The risk associated with the welding of the stand-off inch diameter by 15.9 mm thick API 5L Grade X65 natural
split sleeve over the installed clamp is generally associ- gas pipeline operating over a range of flow conditions.
ated with offshore vessel deployment, material handling,
installation related risk and diving related risk as well as A total of six separate cases were modeled so that the
the risks of welding on the “live” pipeline i.e. burn through, effect of temperature, pressure, and flow rate could be
assessed. Assumptions that were made included an ECA as per DNV OS-F101 Appendix A requirements [4]
ambient temperature of 60°F, a sleeve temperature of and BS7910:2005 [5]. An example of macro section and
70°F, and no effect of preheat temperature. Although the hardness records is shown in Figure 27.
actual installation will take place underwater in a hyper-
baric chamber (approximately 25 meter water depth),
this aspect is beyond the capabilities of the PRCI model
however, additional analyses was performed to account
for the habitat atmosphere and the effect of thev habitat
atmosphere on the heat convection.
Figure 22: Full scale water cooled mock-up test sample inside hyperbaric test
Figure 25: Completed seam welds being inspected by TOFD Figure 27: Typical circumferential weld macro section and hardness records
Following the successful welder, hyperbaric welding pro- release pressure was installed on the outlet hose to
cedure qualification and the full scale mock-up including dump the gas outside the habitat. Figure 30 shows the
hydrostatic testing of the stand-off sleeve pipe sample at ongoing welding in the habitat.
100 bar. The hyperbaric welding habitat and saturation
chamber were shipped and loaded on to the DP2 vessel
for the offshore repair campaign. Introduction picture
shows the DP2 vessel at the repair location.
References Authors
[1.] DNV-RP-A203 Technology Qualification, July 2013
[2.] DNV-RP-F113 Pipeline Subsea Repair, October 2007 Jens P. Tronskar
[3.] Bruce, W. A., Li, V., Citterberg, R., Wang, Y.-Y., and Chen, Y., “Improved
Cooling Rate Model for Welding on In-Service Pipelines,” PRCI Con- DNV GL Deepwater Technology
tract No. PR-185-9633, EWI Project No. 42508CAP, Edison Welding
Institute, Columbus, OH. Centre
[4.] DNV Offshore Standard DNV-OS-F101: “Submarine Pipeline Sys-
tems”, Det Norske Veritas, October 2013. Senior Vice President & Chief
[5.] British Standards, BS 7910: 2005, “Guide on methods of assessing
the acceptability of flaws in metallic structures”, July 2005. Technology Officer
Asle Venas Lee Chon Gee
The authors greatly acknowledge the permission given by DCN’s, PGN’s and DNV GL’s management to publish this paper.
Integrated solutions
for oil & gas pipelines
Chinese Gas Market on the Rise
– Impact on the Pipeline and Pipe Industry
(Preliminary Understanding)
© Petrochina
Regional Report
Since Deng Xiaoping’s market reform was initiated in This map provides near real-time information on particu-
1978, China has shifted from a centrally-planned to a mar- late matter air pollution less than 2.5 microns in diameter
ket-based economy and has experienced rapid economic (PM2.5). Under typical conditions, PM2.5 is the most dam-
and social development. With a averaged nearly 10% aging form of air pollution likely to be present, contrib-
GDP growth a year - the fastest sustained expansion by uting to heart disease, stroke, lung cancer, respiratory
a major economy in history - China has lifted more than infections, and other diseases.
800 million people out of poverty. The country is now the
world’s second largest economy. After Xi Jinping became President and Li Keqiang as-
sumed premiership in March 2013. The new administra-
Yet China remains a developing country, its per capita tion has been keen to continue economic and financial
income is still a fraction of that in advanced countries and reforms in China in the interest of greater long-term and
its market reforms are incomplete. Rapid economic as- sustainable growth.
cendance has brought on many challenges and problems
as well, including high inequality; rapid urbanization; chal- Especially when air pollution is now so prominent and is
lenges to environmental sustainability and air pollution. affecting people’s choice whether or not to keep living
and doing business in these heavily polluted cities and
regions. Therefore the reform in energy sector is in
fact one of the more important topics Beijing needs to
consider. The mindset for China’s energy development
is changing from “quantity first” to “quality first,” with
top priority given to clean, low-carbon, safe and highly
efficient new energy, instead of just ensuring energy
supply. During China’s energy transformation process,
the share of non-fossil fuel grew to 13.5% in 2016, up
Beijing without smog vs. with heavy smog
By Bobak (Own work) [CC BY-SA 2.5 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/ 1.4% percentage points from 2015, while the share of
by-sa/2.5)], via Wikimedia Commons coal dropped by 1.7%.
Although natural gas production and use is rapidly tinues operations in the entire oil and gas industry value
increasing in China, the fuel comprised only 5.9% of the chain. CNPC had total assets of 585,619($M), a revenue
country’s total primary energy consumption compared of 262,573($M) and 1,512,048 employees in 2016. Sino-
to the world average 23.7% in 2015 according to data pec comes in second with a total assets of 310,726($M),
released by Oil and Gas Department, National Energy 267,518($M) in revenue and 713,288 employees in 2016.
Administration. Heavy investments in upstream devel- CNOOC as the smallest company of the three, had a
opment and greater import opportunities are supporting total assets of 166,595($M), 65,892($M) in revenue and
significant growth in China’s natural gas sector. Moreover, 100,821 employees in 2016.
natural gas as clean energy also meets the requirement
of energy structure transformation in China.
CNOOC, which is responsible for offshore oil and gas The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited, com-
E&P, has seen its role expand as a result of this industry monly known as Towngas, is the sole provider of towngas
reconstruction and growing attention to offshore zones in Hong Kong. Founded in 1862, it is one of the oldest
and overseas assets. Also, the company has proven to be listed companies in the territory.
a growing competitor to CNPC and Sinopec by not only
increasing its E&P expenditures in the South China Sea, In 2006, Hong Kong and China Gas acquired 44% of
but also by extending its reach into the downstream sec- shares of Panva Gas and became the largest shareholder
tor, particularly in the southern Guangdong Province. of Panva Gas.In 2007, the company was renamed, becom-
ing Towngas China Company Limited.
CNPC is the largest integrated energy company in China.
The corporation integrates the business portfolios of an Towngas China Company Limited, formerly Panva Gas
oil company and oilfield service provider, but also con- Holdings Limited, is a leading market player in natural
Regional Report
gas businesses in China. It principally engaged in the It has over 200 projects in mainland China including city-
sales and distribution of piped gas in the People’s Repub- gas, water supply, emerging environmentally-friendly en-
lic of China including the provision of piped gas, construc- ergy and telecommunications. It also engages in property
tion of Gas pipelines, the operation of city-gas pipeline development projects, namely International Finance Cen-
networks, the operation of gas fuel automobile refilling tre (15% share), Grand Promenade (50% share) and Grand
station, and the sale of gas household appliance. Waterfront, in Hong Kong with its largest shareholder.
238 239 Heilongjiang
Based in Hong Kong, our portfolio
201 Liaoning
87 199 191 192 125
202 188
89 189 196
90 198 193
88 37 Hebei 200 129
194 195
91 120
Beijing 207 117 118
110 197
Inner Mongolia 121
94 84
93 92 213
63 209
50 173 176
96 208
52 66
210 185 181
95 97 57 32
Shanxi 211 73
67 169
75 76 77 171 172 179
98 99 178 174 29 170
112 113 Shandong
Ningxia 64 182 183 Yellow Sea
79 69 177 237 186
107 68
81 72 70 71
74 108
62 80 15 116
65 106 16 100 Jiangsu
83 146 13 14
61 60 8 145
39 151
56 54 78 10
53 33 27
58 126 36 Anhui
59 Henan 41 17 109
82 22
240152 18 21 11
Shaanxi 40
55 101 147 144 9 127 43 20
45 138
46 148 128 48 4212
221 218 149 47 44 159
226 150
Hubei 153 154 19
Sichuan 228
216 156 160
220 7 28
222 Chongqing 164102 236 157
219 227 241 224 217 155
225 214
231 162 Zhejiang
230 167
187 25 23 49 163
East China Sea
26 51
Hunan 24
Jiangxi Fujian
Guizhou 168
Thailand 140
94 Phetchabun 235 234 Guangdong
141 135 5
Guangxi 132 143 6
3 136 130
139 1
Yunnan 137 131 133
123 122
233 242 4
124 35
Hong Kong
Towngas Group Hong Kong headquarters
Piped city-gas projects (Towngas)
Liquefied natural gas receiving station
Piped city-gas projects (Towngas China)
CNG / LNG refilling stations (Towngas) Provincial natural gas pipeline network Coal-based chemical processing
City high pressure pipeline network /
CNG refilling station (Towngas China) Water / Waste treatment projects Upstream projects
Underground gas storage (Towngas)
Other projects (Towngas) Telecommunication projects Coal logistic project
City high pressure pipeline network
(Towngas China) Other projects (Towngas China) Coal mining Oilfield project
Established in 1989 as a natural gas distributor and The imported pipeline gas was 33.6 Bcm in 2015, mainly
retailer its strategy today is to grow internationally into a from Turkmenistan, Myanmar, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan.
vertically integrated international energy company able to
generate returns across the entire natural gas value chain.
Phase I of its new Zhoushan LNG Receiving Terminal is
expected to be commissioned in mid-2018 with 3 million
ton annual capacity and further expansion planned. It
already has signed long term gas supply deals with Chev-
ron, Total, and Origin to supply half that volume. ENN is
also involved in solar energy, clean coal chemical technol-
ogy, intelligent and integrated energy systems as well as
real estate, culture, health and marine tourism.
10 11
Inner Mongolia (1 project) Shandong (17 projects)
Tongliao 855,000 Binzhou Zhanhua Economic
Development Zone –
Changle County 240,000
Inner Mongolia Jiangsu (13 projects) Changqing Zone,
Jinan City 564,000
Gaoyou 288,000 Chengyang 780,000
Guannan Development Huangdao 720,000
Anhui (14 projects) Guangxi (5 projects) Jiaonan 605,000
West-to-East Pipeline I Liaoning Zone 158,000 Jiaozhou 594,000
Bengbu 1,050,000 Beihai Tieshangang Haian 320,000 Laiyang 318,000
Province Liaocheng 750,000
Bozhou 455,000 Industrial Park – Hongze 385,000
Chaohu 488,000 Guigang 576,000 Huaian 1,850,000 Qingdao Sino-German
West-to-East Pipeline II Ecopark –
Chuzhou 902,000 Guilin 1,065,000 Beijing
eiji Lianyungang 1,055,000
Dingyuan County 11,000 Guiping Industrial Park, Rizhao 763,000
a Lianyungang Xuyu Rizhao Haiyou Economic
Fengyang 115,000 Guigang City – New Zone – Development Zone –
West-to-East Pipeline III Guzhen 94,000 Wuzhou Imported Renewable Caofeidian Suining Suburb – Xintai City
Jieshou Industrial Zone – Resources Processing Park – Dalian Development Zone –
Laian 151,000 Taixing 335,000 Yantai 1,980,000
Shaanxi-Beijing Pipeline I Luan 686,000 Tianjin Floating Terminal Wujin 1,164,000 Yantai
Quanjiao 196,000 Hebei (20 projects) Xinghua 614,000 Development Zone –
Suchu Modern Tianjin Binhai Yancheng 1,090,000 Zhucheng 545,000
Industry Park – Baoding 1,360,000 (under construction) Zouping 241,000
Shaanxi-Beijing Pipeline II Dingzhou 360,000 Yancheng Environmental
Suzhou Economic Gaocheng 193,000 Protection Industrial
Development Zone 130,000 Jingxing 335,000 Park –
Yingshang Industrial Park – Langfang 814,000 Hebei Qingdao Sichuan (1 project)
Shaanxi-Beijing Pipeline III
Lingshou 96,000 Province
Luanxian 90,500 Liangshan
Beijing Municipality (1 project) Liaoning (5 projects)
Luquan 190,000 Prefecture 660,000
Shaanxi-Beijing Pipeline IV Luquan Green Island Shandong
(under construction) Pinggu 130,000 Dayou Linhai Economic
Development Zone – Province Zone, Linghai City 58,000
Luquan Yian Town 10,000 Yunnan (2 projects)
Hebei-Nanjing Pipeline Qingyuan County Western Huludao 1,042,000
Fujian (12 projects) Industrial Zone B – Panjing Chemical Kunming City
Rongcheng 75,000 Enterprises Zone – Hi-tech Zone 49,000
Anxi 125,000 Shenze 46,000 Jiangsu
Jia gsu
Zhong-Wu Pipeline Dehua 105,000 Xingcheng 137,000 Wenshan 448,000
Shijiazhuang 3,250,000 Province
ovi ce
Huian 149,000 Wangdu Economic Henan Rudong
Yingkou Industrial Park –
Jinjiang 650,000 Development Zone – Province Zhejiang (16 projects)
Yong-Tang-Qin Pipeline Longyan Development Wenan Industrial Park –
Zone 185,000 Wuji 86,500 Hainan (3 projects)
Haining 292,000
Nanan 390,500 Xingtang Development Zone – Haiyan 111,000
Xinji 225,000 Changjiang County 136,000
Qin-Shen Pipeline Ningde 1,060,000 Huangyan 636,000
Zhengding New Zone, Dingan County 108,000
Ningde Xiapu Shijiazhuang City 50,000 Huzhou 521,000
Yacheng Dongyang Anhui Shanghaii Ledong County 145,000
Jinhua 255,000
Sichuan-East Pipeline Industrial Park – Province Lanxi 155,000
Henan (11 projects) Zhoushan
Zh han (under
ushan (und
(un er construction)
der cconst
Quangang 320,500 Ningbo Longwan 361,000
Quanzhou 1,355,000 Gongyi Private Technology Longyou 130,500
Tai-Qing-Wei Pipeline Shishi 130,000 and Innovation Park – Zhejiang
Yongchun 161,500 Kaifeng 965,000 Nanxun 494,000
Luoyang 2,060,000 Province Ningbo (Yinzhou) 625,000
Ruyang County 135,000 Sichuan Ningbo Daxie
Hangzhou-Jiaxing Pipeline Ruzhou 330,000
Guangdong (24 projects) Province Development Zone –
Shangqiu 2,452,000 Hunan
Weihui City (Tangzhuang Quzhou 380,000
Dongguan 7,420,000 Town) Industrial Province Wenzhou 550,000
Hu-Hang-Yong Pipeline Dongguan Agglomeration Zone 30,000 Jiangxi Wenzhou Wanquan
Dongkeng Town 100,000 Xinan 125,000
Dongyuan 105,000 Xinan Wanshan Lake Province Light Industrial Base –
Yong-Tai-Wen Pipeline Fengkai 89,000 Industrial Park – Fujian Xiaoshan 765,000
Guangning 83,500 Xinxiang 1,245,000 Yongkang 242,000
(under construction)
Yichuan 112,000 Province
Heyuan 325,000
China-Myanmar Pipeline Huadu 690,000
Huaiji 133,000 Hunan (14 projects) Putian
Hecheng Town Zone – Changsha 5,090,000
China-Russia East Pipeline Leizhou 354,000 Changsha County 368,000
(under construction) Chenzhou Suxian
Lianjiang 323,000
Lianzhou 165,000 Industrial Zone – Guangdong
Xinjiang-Guangdong-Zhejiang Luoding 301,000 Huaihua 488,000 Province
Coal to Gas Pipeline
Panyu Zone, Liling 230,800 Guangxi
(under construction) Liuyang Industrial Park –
Guangzhou City 1,795,000 Yunnan Province
Shantou 1,630,000 Ningxiang 445,000 Dongguan Yuedong
North–western Liuyang108,000 Province Jiufeng (under construction)
Shenzhen Bao’an Wangcheng 168,000
(Longchuan) Dapeng
Xiangtan 990,000
Gas Project Managed Industrial Park – Yanling County 80,000
by ENN Sihui 483,000 Zhuhai Shenzheng
Yongzhou 725,000 Beihai Tieshan Port (under construction)
Wuchuan 300,000 Zhuzhou 1,620,000
Xinyi 305,000 Zhuzhou County 277,000
LNG Import Terminal Yangxi County 116,000
Yunan 77,000
Zhanjiang 1,050,000 Jiangxi (1 project) Total Connectable Population
Tota : 77,420,000
Zhaoqing 928,000
Zhaoqing Shangrao Economic
Development Zone 76,500 Development Zone 151,200 Total Number of projects
Tota : 160
Regional Report
The imported LNG was 25.8 Bcm, with long-term import According to an incidents report from incomplete statis-
contracts from Qatar, Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, tics released by www.gasshow.com, there were 658 gas
Papua New Guinea and spot imports mainly from explosions in China in 2015, more than 1000 people
Yemen, Algeria, etc. were injured and 116 killed.
Annual urban gas consumption in China has been grow- China’s primary onshore natural gas-producing regions
ing for over two decades. However, due to the fact that are Sichuan Province in the Southwest (Sichuan Basin);
majority of local governments pay more attention to build the Xinjiang and Qinghai Provinces in the Northwest
more infrastructure as quick as possible and lack of at- (Tarim, Junggar, and Qaidam Basins); and Shanxi Province
tention to maintenance in day-to-day operation, there has in the North (Ordos Basin). China has delved into several
been more and more gas related incidents over the years. offshore natural gas fields located in the Bohai Basin and
the Panyu complex of the Pearl River Mouth Basin (South
tional oil and gas resources are basically equal to con- planned pipelines
pipelines in evaluation
Geographic location of 51 proved large gas fields in China (Source: Natural Gas Originally known as the First West-East Gas Pipeline which
Industry B, Volume 2, Issue 1, January 2015, Research Institute of Petroleum
Exploration and Development, CNPC) became operational in 2004, the West-East Gas Pipeline
Project is now a natural gas supply system stretching from
across China from east to west, all three West-East Gas
3.2. PIPELINES Pipeline projects are in operation now. Consisting of trunk
and branch pipelines and gas storages, the project delivers
As of end of 2015, China has built Shanxi-to-Beijing, natural gas from Western China and Central Asia to the
West-to-East, Sichuan-to-East, Central Asia and Si- major target consumer markets in Southeast China, as well
no-Myanmar pipelines. A total length of about 64 thou- as users along the lines. It has a total length of more than
sand kilometers. China has constructed 12 LNG terminals 20,000 km, with an annual delivery capacity of 77 Bcm.
with an annual receiving capacity of 43.8 million tons
(18.2mcm), built 18 underground gas storages with 5.5 The First West-East Gas Pipeline is mainly supplied by the
Bcm annual effective working gas capacity, built 6500 Tarim gas province in Xinjiang. It runs from Lunnan Oil and
CNG/LNG stations and 13 marine LNG stations. A multi- Gas Field in the Tarim Basin to Baihe Town in Shanghai,
source natural gas supply pattern of “West-to-East, with a total length of 4,380 km. Consisting of one trunk,
North-to-South, Offshore Gas Going Onshore, Sup- three branches and other support pipelines, it can trans-
ply-from-Nearby” has been formed. mit 17 billion cubic meters of natural gas each year. The
pipeline passes through 10 provinces (municipalities and
Regional Report
and Gas Enterprise (MOGE). The gas pipeline is jointly the sales and purchase agreement for gas to be sup-
invested and built by CNPC, MOGE, Daewoo International, plied via the eastern route (Power of Siberia gas pipe-
KOGAS, IndianOil and GAIL. line). The 30-year agreement provides for Russian gas
deliveries to China in the amount of 38 Bcm per year.
The Myanmar-China Gas Pipeline starts at Ramree Island Gas supplies will start in December 2019 through a
on the western coast of Myanmar and ends at Ruili in Chi- 3,000 kilometers pipeline.
na’s Yunnan Province. Running in parallel with the Myan-
mar-China Crude Oil Pipeline, the crude pipeline is 1,016 In September 2016, Gazprom and CNPC signed the EPC
mm in diameter with a distance of 793 km in Myanmar. contract to construct a crossing under the Amur River
It can deliver 5.2 Bcm/a upon completion of the Phase within the trans-border section of the Power of Siberia
I project, and 12 Bcm/a upon completion of the Phase II pipeline. Construction in the Chinese territory started in
project. Pursuant to the cooperation agreement, four gas April 2017. In May 2017, a temporary two-way checkpoint
off-take stations (Kyaukphyu, Yenangyaung, Taungtha was opened on the Russian-Chinese border to provide
and Mandalay) were established to unload less than 20% unfettered access to the border area for construction
of the pipeline’s total delivery in Myanmar. equipment and personnel.
On April 10, 2017, the Myanmar-China Oil & Gas Pipelines 4. POLICY FRAMEWORK
project was officially put into operation on the Maday Island
in Myanmar as an oil tanker started offloading 140,000
tons of crude oil from Azerbaijan at the Bay of Bengal. 4.1. THE 13TH FIVE-YEAR PLAN
For this purpose, the NDRC has set forth the ground
rules for this initiative, namely, (a) guidance for plans and
Maday Island Port Source: http://www.cnpc.com.cn/en/nr2015/201502/2cea-
policies, (b) reform and innovation through market open-
6be48e4e43e7a4bcfa77080d8314.shtml ness, (c) advancement of the entire industry while focus-
ing on key areas, and (d) cooperation between industries
Maday Island is located at the southeastern part of to promote healthy development. The target is that the
Kyaukpyu. The Port of Maday Island consists of a 300Kt consumption percentage of natural gas will constitute 10%
crude oil terminal, a workship dock, a 650,000 cubic in 2020 and 15% in 2030, while the underground effective
meter water tank, a 38km-long channel, and a 1.2 Mcm oil work volume of natural gas will be 14.8 billion cubic meters
tank farm. A 300Kt oil tanker has moored at the port and in 2020 and 35 billion cubic meters in 2030. Circular 1217
began to unload crude from the Middle East. also encourages participation of various entities through
multiple ways such as pipeline gas, CNG, LNG, LPG, etc.
Regional Report
NDRC also provided an outline of key policies, including Energy cooperation plays a big role in this initiative. On
but not limited to: May 12, 2017, Chinese NDRC and NEA have published a
white paper on this sector of the BRI.
• The encouragement of the exploitation of domestic
conventional gas, deepwater and unconventional The Belt and Road Initiative seeks to foster energy coop-
gas. Participation by private companies in overseas eration in order to jointly build up an open, inclusive, and
natural gas exploitation, LNG procurement, and the beneficial community of shared interests, responsibility
construction and development of LNG receiving ter- and destiny. The Initiative also aims to improve regional
minals and pipelines will also be encouraged. energy safety and to optimize the distribution of energy
• The pricing mechanism for industrial gas and resi- resources. It will integrate regional energy markets and
dential gas will become more market-oriented and push forward the green and low-carbon development
improved to remove intermediate links and any of regional energy. By doing so, the scheme will meet
unreasonable allocation of price on power transporta- increasing demand for energy and advance economic
tion and distribution. development in countries involved in the Initiative.
• The establishment of a mechanism to provide free-
dom to select source and means of supply. The white paper also emphasized on openness and
• The provision of local government financial support to inclusiveness of this cooperation, importance of policy
projects promoting pipeline construction, LNG filling coordination within projects and further cooperation with
stations, and increased capacity of existing LNG re- all related international organizations such as UN, G20,
ceiving terminals. BRICS and IEA etc.
In addition, NDRC and NEA also released in this May “Me- 5.2. MARKET-ORIENTED REFORM
dium - and Long-term Oil and Gas Pipeline Planning”. The
Planning points out that China will take into full account China’s rapidly growing natural gas demand over the past
natural gas and LNG markets, domestic and internation- few years has opened up opportunities for independent
al resources, pipeline and sea transportation ways, and Chinese energy companies to operate in the LNG space
will accelerate the construction of natural gas pipeline and in unconventional gas production.
network, adhering to the principles of “to transport the
natural gas from the West to the East, to transmit natu- In 2013, JOVO Group became the first private Chinese
ral gas from the North to the South, and to land offshore company to own a majority stake in a regasification
natural gas”. By 2025, a national fundamental network of terminal, and the company signed a long-term contract
“major interconnection and local network” for natural gas with Malaysia’s Petronas, marking the first private com-
will be gradually formed. pany to hold a long term LNG purchase agreement. The
government initiated a new
policy in early 2014 to allow
access rights to third party
companies for supplying
natural gas to LNG termi-
nals, providing more supply
opportunities from firms
involved along the entire
5. OUTLOOK LNG value chain, from the upstream gas procurement to
the downstream distribution.
5.1. BELT AND ROAD INITIATIVE (BRI) In recent years, Sinopec has established such companies
as Sichuan Natural Gas Investment Co., Ltd., Sichuan Nat-
Simply explained, Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is China’s ural Gas Chuandong Energy Co., Ltd. and Sinopec Chongq-
top-down plan to build new ports, roads, railways, oil and ing Natural Gas Pipeline Co., Ltd. through cooperation with
gas pipelines, power plants, and special economic zones main local gas companies, local governments and other
across Asia and Africa in an attempt to integrate the en- relevant enterprises in the energy industry in Sichuan and
tire region into a massive market spanning 60 countries Chongqing. On March 1, 2016, PetroChina and Chongq-
and a third of the world’s GDP. ing Gas Group established a joint venture – Chongqing
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Harry Cotton > Wood plc.; Istvan Bartha > Wood plc.
Subsea pipelines may be designed, using strain based The most severe stresses were predicted for the in-place
approaches, to operate under thermal longitudinal cases due to thermal loading limited by controlled lateral
tensile stress levels approaching and exceeding the buckling. The cyclic loading due to shut downs was signif-
pipe material yield strength. A particular concern is the icant and there were tensile stress levels approaching and
integrity of the butt welds made using the mechanised exceeding the yield strength. These were justified using
methods required for economic pipe lay from a barge strain based design approaches based on DNV-OS-F101
offshore. Weld flaws such as lack of fusion or penetra- (Ref 01) and SAFEBUCK (Ref 03). This includes ECA to
tion are unavoidable which presents a concern that they confirm the integrity of the welds with quality levels (max-
may propagate by fatigue and fracture, under operation- imum allowable flaw size, Toughness) which are practical
al stresses, to cause hydrocarbon release. to achieve and agree with the welding contractor.
The weld integrity is confirmed by fracture mechanics According to DNV-OS-F101, such confirmation of integrity
analysis, called engineering critical assessment (ECA), by ECA is mandatory for nominal tensile strain levels ex-
which predicts a maximum allowable flaw size for the ceeding 0.4% strain in operating pipelines and regardless
automatic ultrasonic testing (AUT) conducted on the pipe of strain level if the specified workmanship acceptance
lay vessel (barge). An important input to the ECA is the criteria, for non-destructive testing (NDT), are to be relaxed.
weld toughness (fracture initiation resistance) determined
by fracture mechanics tests on welds at minimum design The ECA is a fracture mechanics based calculation proce-
temperature. For pipelines conveying sour hydrocar- dure relating the three main variables controlling failure
bon additional fracture mechanics testing in simulated through fatigue, fracture/plastic collapse from planar flaws:
internal H2S environment was required which recorded 1. Stress (cyclic and static)
significant reduction in toughness through the effects 2. Material Properties (Toughness /fracture resistance
of corrosion. The toughness levels were in some cases determined in tests)
insufficient for the ECA to confirm weld integrity using the 3. Flaw size.
published equations (BS7910, DNV-OS-F101). The problem
was resolved by detailed 3D finite element analysis (FEA) If two of these variables are known a safe limit for the
of flaws assumed in the butt welds to improve accuracy of third can be estimated for avoidance of such failure.
analysis and reduce excess conservatism. The general approach is as follows:
1. Assume initial flaw (Maximum acceptable by NDT)
The management of ECA and associated design and con- 2. Predict growth of the flaw under cyclic loading during
struction activities (e.g. WPQT, AUT) to minimise the risk installation and over the operating life.
to project schedule is discussed. Published documents 3. Predict if the grown flaw will initiate fracture under
(e.g. DNV-OS-F101, EPRG) provide weld maximum allow- the maximum tensile stress (strain).
able flaw sizes based on previous ECA and/or large scale
tests as an alternative to ECA but they have not yet been The latter step involves predicting a minimum toughness
widely adopted for subsea design/construction projects. requirement to be achieved in fracture mechanics testing
of trial welds.
Finally the paper reviews how the integrity of the butt
welds in the operating pipelines is managed by external FLAW SIZE
survey, monitoring of operating conditions and in-line
inspection. GENERAL
(Fig 1) are of equivalent severity to the stated workman- Initial AUT 4.0 25
ship criteria dimensions (Table 1) in terms of toughness After Installation with maximum
4.7 27
requirement predicted in ECA. vessel hold time.
25 years Operational shut downs 6.1 30
Some projects have allowed significant relaxations to the
actual workmanship criteria sizes (Table 1) based on ECA.
Table 2: Example of internal (root) surface breaking flaw fatigue growth
The level of relaxation varies between projects depending through installation and operation exposed to wet hydrocarbon including H2S.
16 inch OD, 25mm thickness
on the perceived conservatism (safety margins) of the
The predicted crack growth rate depends on the materi- steel (Ref 08). Therefore, the published FCGL for marine
al type and the environment defined by a fatigue crack environments (Ref 06) are potentially non-conservative
growth laws (FCGL) based on upper bound fits to results since they are valid for higher frequencies representative
of fracture mechanics fatigue tests in relevant environ- of wave loading (0.2Hz). A FCGL based on fatigue tests in
ments (Fig 2). There are published FCGL in BS7910 for simulated sea water CP environment, with low frequency,
steels in air (non-corrosive) but none strictly applicable should be considered for assessment of external flaws
to the corrosive environments to which surface breaking unless there is confidence in the reliability of the field
flaws in pipelines are subjected. joint coating to protect much of the external surfaces.
Figure 2: Example of fatigue crack growth rate data
The minimum specified tensile properties of the seamless In the case presented the BS7910 FAD 2B (Note 1) ap-
pipe were assumed (X65, 450 MPa SMYS, Temperature proach (Fig 4, Plot A) appears to over predict toughness
de-rating at 80°C) represented by a stress/strain curve requirement , according to FEA (Fig 4 Plot B) below about
showing typical Luder behaviour (Fig 3). This was consis- 0.6% strain (i.e. over conservative) but under predicts at
tent with the original FEA based stress analysis of lateral higher strains (i.e. non-conservative above 0.6% strain).
buckling which predicted the stress (strain) levels assumed
in ECA. The weld metal strength was specified to exceed TOUGHNESS TESTING (MECHANICAL PROPERTIES)
the pipe maximum strength but this was not accounted for
in the ECA following the BS7910 guidance that in general GENERAL
the minimum tensile properties of the parent material, weld
and heat affected zone (HAZ) should be assumed. The main toughness testing method to support ECA of
subsea pipelines, for at least the past 25 years, has been
SENB crack tip opening displacement (CTOD) tests on
specimens of full pipe thickness (Ref 10). A set of three
tests are notched in the weld metal centre line and at
three to six in the fusion line (HAZ) and tested at the min-
imum design temperature (MDT). Toughness is typically
recorded as single CTOD (Note 1) values at maximum
load with fracture mode being ductile tearing. The level of
toughness achieved varied widely between the different
projects with it being difficult to always guarantee a mini-
mum CTOD toughness much in excess of 0.3 mm.
Figure 4: Example of the relationship between toughness as J Integral and The CTOD parameter has now been replaced by the J inte-
true strain. BS7910 FAD approach (Plot A) is compared against FEA based
methods (Plot B). In BS7910 assessment the uniaxial stress/strain has been gral according to DNV-OS-F101 (Ref 01) and BS7910 (Ref
elevated to take account of operating hoop stress (Von Mises effect, Equation
A.8, Ref 01). Weld axial misalignment and toe stress concentration effects 06). Testing laboratories now adopt standardised practice
excluded for comparative purposes (Ref 10) to determine both measures of toughness in the
same SENB test. The parallel sets of results indicate that SSC tends to initiate from zones of susceptible micro
the previous conversion factor of BS7910 2005 ,used to structure such as hard weld HAZ, under the influence of
estimate CTOD requirement from J integral in ECA, were stress, even in the absence of pre-existing weld flaws. The
somewhat over conservative (Fig 5 , Plot C) compared to severity of environment depends on the H2S concentra-
those in BS7910 2013 (Fig 5 Plot A) which were shown to tion and the pH as defined in NACE MR 0175/ISO 15156
be more accurate but still conservative. (Ref 09, Fig 6 below).
Furthermore, in general higher toughness levels may be In order to ensure resistance to SSC the pipe welds must
demonstrated by the SENT test, loaded primarily in ten- be specified with some restriction on hardness (250
sion, compared to the SENB test which is loaded in bend- Hv10 in weld root) and chemical (Ref 09). However, these
ing to cause a more severe condition in terms of crack tip precautions do not ensure that the H2S will not reduce
constraint. It can be argued that the tension loading of the resistance to crack propagation from pre-existing weld
SENT test is more representative of pipeline butt welds flaws (i.e. reduce toughness).
which are subjected to mainly membrane stress (axial)
through the wall thickness even if subjected to bending In order to address these concerns some projects required
across the pipe sections. fracture mechanics tests in simulated internal H2S environ-
ments to support ECA of the pipelines. They were predicted
The SENT test has been widely applied for ECA of high to be subjected to nominal tensile strains below 0.3%.
strains occurring in pipe reeling for a number years (Ref
07). It has also replaced SENB test as the primary frac- The effects of hydrogen in reducing toughness tend to
ture mechanics specimen geometry in DNV-OS-F101 (Ref increase with reduction in the strain rate (loading rate,
01) for ECA of installation and operating cases and been Ref 13,18). Therefore, to represent pipeline welds conser-
recently standardised (Ref 11). vatively the loading rate must be much slower than a
conventional fracture mechanics test sometimes re-
Nevertheless, the SENB retains popularity for ECA of op- quiring a number of days to complete the loading cycle.
erating pipelines. It is sometimes preferred as providing Alternatively, tests may be conducted under a constant
an additional margin of conservatism against the uncer- load, corresponding to a given applied toughness level,
tainties in testing and ECA (e.g. Table 7, Item 14). for longer periods (e.g. 30 days).
SENB also has the advantage, compared to SENT, that The WGK projects assessed pipelines which could be sub-
it can be used for ECA of operating pipelines up to 0.4% jected to the maximum stress for a month or more so a
nominal strain without the need for FEA crack modelling 30 day constant load SENB test was selected. The loss of
(Ref 01) which requires specialised software and resourc- load within the 30 day period test is indicative of signifi-
es not yet widely available. Of course this advantage is cant crack propagation assisted by the H2S environment.
lost in the unlucky event that the SENB toughness results In this event the test is classed as a failure and the actual
are insufficient so that the FEA modelling is required in toughness is somewhat lower than that corresponding to
an attempt to reduce excess conservatism of the ECA. the test load. On the other hand, tests which last 30 days
with no detectable load drop indicate that the increase in
Advances in software, hardware and more harmonisation specimen crack size, during the test period, was insignif-
of FEA modelling procedures will hopefully help to pop- icant and that the test applied toughness level is conser-
ularise this powerful method for ECA of operating pipe- vative (See Table 7, Items 16 and 17).
lines.These developments should also assist the populari-
sation of the SENT test. Using the above approach, the degree of weld metal
toughness degradation through the effects of H2S has
H2S EFFECTS varied between different projects. In one case when test-
ing in a relatively severe environment (Case 1, Fig 6) the
In the case of some pipelines the hydrocarbon conveyed toughness was completely diminished from about 0.4mm
was predicted to possibly become contaminated by H2S CTOD recorded in air to <0.04mm in the H2S environment.
after some years of operation. It is widely recognised that The level of toughness corresponded to flaw sizes well
in the presence of wet H2S carbon steels are susceptible below the workmanship criteria. Other projects testing
to sulphide stress cracking (SSC) due to hydrogen gener- in less severe environments (Case 2, Fig 6 below) , with
ated by corrosion reactions being absorbed by the steel different welding procedures and specimen dimensions,
to embrittle it (Ref 09). indicated that the air toughness (0.7mm) reduced signifi-
cantly (<0.4mm) in the H2S environment yet it equated to
the workmanship criteria in ECA modified by 3D FEA.
Furthermore, there is a need for research (Ref 12,14) to Inner Circumference
clarify how the toughness in H2S environment is 3,0E-03 Mid-Wall
In applying ECA, prior to construction, the approach is to
hypothesise a weld flaw assuming that the relevant vari-
ables (Table 7) happen to coincide at worst case levels. 0,0E+00
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
This intuitively appears to be excessively pessimistic and Angle Around Circumference (Degrees) - 0 at Highest Strain Position
potentially over conservative but it is otherwise difficult to
justify the assessment. There is still insufficient published
guidance to use probabilistic fracture mechanics ap- Figure 8: Stress Distribution around Circumference at the Crown of Lateral
Buckle (60 degrees corresponds to <0.15% strain)
proaches on design projects.
Possible refinements to reduce conservatism, which have As explained above, repair welds have presented concern
been reviewed on WGK projects, are as follows: since they have tended to have inferior toughness and ten-
1. Take account of weld metal over matching (Item 8, sile properties to the production welds and are inspected
Table 7) the pipe strength, by FEA crack modelling in- by MUT which is less reliable than the original AUT.
cluding the different tensile properties of the pipe and
weld. The separate cases of pipe with lower bound However, this must be considered against the unlikely
and upper bound tensile properties were assessed. event of a repair weld , which are typically required for less
2. Take account of through life reduction in tensile than 2% of the production welds, occurring in the localised
stress (Item 12, Table 7) with repeated cycles. high stress zone with a “new” significant flaw reintroduced.
A further conservatism of the operational ECA is that the A methodology to estimate probability of failure from in-
assumed worst case cyclic and maximum tensile stress formation of the type described above would be beneficial.
are associated with lateral buckles and localised to only
tion start, the projects become more schedule driven and 11 The worst case flaw is assumed to occur at a position, along the
there may not be the time and resources available for pipeline, of maximum cyclic and static stress such as the crown
the detailed analysis needed to conclude ECA to the full (extrados) of a lateral buckle.
satisfaction of all parties. 12 The maximum lateral buckling tensile stress is assumed at the end
of life when the flaw has grown to its maximum size by fatigue.
The above risks may be mitigated by the design con- 13 The toughness levels are the minimum recorded in tests sometimes
tractor conducting a fully detailed ECA , including 3D using a conservative loading mode (SENB).
FEA if necessary, as part of the design process even 14 Specimens are deep notched in the mid thickness zone which is
when the maximum nominal tensile strain has been conservative in terms of constraint for shallow surface breaking
agreed as less than 0.4%. flaws. However, possible differences in micro structure through the
thickness are not normally evaluated.
The schedule risks are further aggravated if the project 15 The accuracy and conservatism of the numerical models is uncertain.
requires fatigue and/or fracture testing in the H2S en- 16 The test conditions for environmental fatigue and fracture testing
vironment (Section 3.0, 4.2.2). This is due to the uncer- (H2S, pH, temperature) are selected to be worst case but this can be
tainty in methods and results which will be obtained difficult to judge considering the different environmental cases.
and the long test durations required (Section 3.0, 4.2.2).
17 The environmental fatigue and fracture testing tests have to be
This can be mitigated by conducting early testing at the
restricted to practical durations.
design stage, on representative test welds, prior to the
main welding procedure qualification test (WPQT) by the
The fatigue test frequency is more rapid than actual shut downs but
appointed installation contractor.
tests indicate that 0.01Hz is sufficiently slow to be conservative in
some cases(Ref 08).
The toughness tests, in H2S environment, are not normally loaded
As discussed above, ECA may require significant re-
for more than 30 days which is regarded as sufficient for SSC tests
sources on a project for analysis, management and even
(Ref 09). However, very slow active crack propagation, which could
negotiation. It presents uncertainty in results of analysis
become significant after a number of years of operation, may not be
and testing to present a schedule risk.
detectable through the test period or unambiguously discerned in
post test examination of the crack tip region.
It is interesting to question if there are cases where the
integrity of pipeline butt welds, subject to inspection by
AUT, can be assured without ECA provided the internal Table 7: Conservatism of Assumptions in ECA
environment is not sour.
According to DNV-OS-F101, the ECA is not strictly re- The DNV-OS-F101 generic criteria give allowable flaw siz-
quired for strain levels below 0.4%. It is sufficient to es, based on DNV previous ECA, subject to achievement
assure resistance to fracture/fatigue by charpy impact of specified toughness levels defined as a J integral R
testing, fatigue assessment using S-N curves and AUT curve. They are a welcome development and could avoid
meeting the applicable workmanship criteria (Table 1 be- the need for full ECA analysis in future projects.
low) for non-sour environments.
An extract from the criteria is given in Table 5. However, ASSURING INTEGRITY THROUGH OPERATION
they have not been accepted on previous WGK projects in
favour of full ECA for the below possible reasons: The above discussion relates to the measures taken, in
pipeline design and construction, to assure resistance to
1. The pipelines were subjected to significant fatigue failure from the weld flaws in operation. This section dis-
loading so that fatigue crack growth prediction would cusses how the risk of such failure is managed through the
be still be required. pipeline operating life. Failures of subsea pipelines initiat-
2. The tabulated allowable flaw heights, including an ed by weld flaws are rare and no reports were available to
allowance for the fatigue crack growth, were regarded the authors. Nevertheless, the risk cannot be dismissed as
as too restrictive. insignificant and needs to be managed through operation.
3. The toughness requirements, in terms of J integral R
curve, exceeded what the contractor was confident to Following completion of pipelay the installation con-
achieve based on previous experience mainly using tractor is required to submit copies of relevant as built
single value SENB CTOD testing. records including the identity of pipes laid at successive
4. The criteria were not valid for some pipelines since locations along the pipeline, AUT reports and records of
the product contained significant H2S. repair welding. This information may be included in asset
5. In one case the pipeline was subjected to longitudinal integrity management database/ software with design
strain levels above 0.4% strain with tensile operating and as-built data being fully searchable , interrelated and
hoop stress. According to DNV-OS-F101, the tabu- corresponded to the GPS positions along the pipeline.
lated flaw sizes are not valid, for such a stress state,
without verification by FEA crack modelling. The displacement of the pipelines, particularly at buck-
les, is monitored following pipelay, hydro-test and after
Full ECA also allows the project specific parameters operation start. This includes sonar (acoustic) technology
(dimensions, material properties) to be assessed to allow and contact methods using remotely operated vehicle
the margins of acceptability to be transparently clarified. (ROV) to quite accurately measure the out of straightness
(OOS), displacements and actual bend radius of the buck-
The EPRG criteria (Ref 15) give allowable flaw sizes (Table les. This geometric information may be used to adjust
6 below), for nominal strains up to 0.5%, which are much the FEA model to re-estimate strain (stress) levels more
larger than the workmanship criteria (Table 1). These are
based on large scale tests on butt welded pipes, with
introduced flaws, correlated with charpy test results. Inspection Solutions
The previous revision of the EPRG criteria are now stated for Non-Piggable Pipelines
World Wide
in onshore pipeline welding standards (Ref 16) and there is
reported (Ref 15) to be at least one case of their application
to a subsea pipeline but this unusual in WGK experience.
accurately. In the event that the strain levels, significantly Managing Director Technical Services at Germany’s
exceed that in the original design, it should be possible to biggest pipeline operator, Open Grid Europe, and Dirk
identify welds in the section of concern and the presence Strack, Technical Director at TAL Group.
of weld flaws from the AUT records. 2. The use of 3D FEA crack modelling allows improve-
ment of accuracy of ECA , based on BS7910 FAD
Management of integrity of strain based design pipelines, approach, with the below benefits:
through operation, has been previously reviewed (Ref 17). a. The 3D FEA modified ECA can be used to help
In summary the below relevant information is recorded justify weld integrity with tensile strain levels
though pipeline operation and may be added to the asset exceeding 0.4%. to potentially remove the need
integrity management software/database: for expensive intervention (e.g sleeper, planned
1. Monitoring of the operating conditions as follows: buckle) to maintain strains below this limit.
a. Temperatures and pressures b. For strain levels below about 0.4% the over
b. Number and magnitude of operational shut downs. conservatism of ECA, based on BS7910, may be
c. Product water analysis including, pH,CO2, salts, reduced by the 3D FEA to justify relaxation in the
acetic acid, inhibitor concentration and H2S levels. concluded acceptance criteria for WPQT tough-
2. Periodic external survey of the pipeline by ROV (GVI) ness test and/or AUT. This reduces the likely
and acoustic methods (SSS). In this way the OOS can hood of contractor quality problems in WPQT
be assessed and bend radius of the buckles related (Toughness test failure) or production welding
to the strain levels is recorded. (e.g. high weld repair rate, low production rates).
3. In line inspection (ILI) using UT and magnetic flux c. The 3D FEA justifies use of SENT test rather than
leakage (MFL) pigs. These can assess the extent of SENB test to further avoid over conservatism
metal loss , due to corrosion/erosion, in the buckle in testing to potentially enhance the benefits
area. Furthermore, certain ILI technologies such as described above (a, b).
UT pigs with angle probes, orientated in axial direc- 3. The ECA requires to take account of the effects of H2S
tions, are quite reliable to assess circumferential weld in the product conveyed, in reducing weld toughness,
flaws and their possible operational growth. if its concentration is predicted to become significant.
There is a need for further research to develop suit-
Based on the above, the validity of original assumptions able testing methods and understand the sensitivity
in the ECA regarding cyclic and static stress levels, flaw of measured toughness to environmental conditions,
sizes, wall thickness and environmental conditions may specimen geometry, loading mode and metallurgy.
be re-evaluated. 4. The ECA requires to take account of possible exten-
sion of flaws, in operation, by fatigue crack growth
A numerical model of the pipeline, with special attention including the effects of the internal corrosive environ-
to sections subject to lateral buckling, may be maintained ment in accelerating the growth rate. The latter has
throughout the operational life, periodically updated with been achieved by project specific fatigue crack growth
the results from survey and monitoring (1,2 above) to con- testing in simulated internal operating environment.
firm that the applied strains are aligned with the original 5. The design contractor should conduct a fully detailed
design and ECA and allow the remaining fatigue life to be ECA , even when the agreed maximum strain is less
re-estimated. Inclusion of weld flaw assessment (ECA) in than 0.4%, rather than relying on the installation con-
this process may be appropriate in cases where they are tractor at a later stage in the project if their contract
considered to present a significant risk. An example of excludes in place design and the installation stresses,
this is the coincidence of significant weld flaws, detected by S lay or J lay, are less severe than predicted in oper-
by the original AUT, in high strain locations particularly if ation (e.g. lateral buckling). This approach minimises
ILI results provide evidence of them propagating. the schedule risk in the event of WPQT results which
are unacceptable according to the contractor ECA ne-
The steps to be taken in the event that the above, routine cessitating further advanced ECA and /or design work
measures, indicate that the tensile strain levels exceed (stress analysis to reduce in-place stresses) at a late
that predicted in the original design have been previously stage in the project when design is largely complete.
reviewed (Ref 17). 6. There is a need for development of probabilistic ECA
procedures, for use on design projects, to enable the
CONCLUSIONS level of conservatism in ECA to be better quantified.
7. The generic criteria of DNV-OS-F101 presents al-
1. all presentations held during our conferences and all lowable flaw sizes , relaxed from the workmanship
publications released by EITEP are checked by the criteria, as an alternative to full project specific ECA.
AdCo before cleared for publication. The Advisory These have not been applied to WGK projects to
Committee is currently led by Heinz Watzka, former date considering lack of confidence in achievability
in the toughness levels required, possible stringency 9. Following completion of design and pipeline installa-
in flaw heights including fatigue crack growth and tion there is a need to assure continued integrity of
restriction to non sour service. the butt welds, with flaws, through pipeline operation.
8. The EPRG Tier 2 criteria presents allowable flaw sizes This is achieved by collation of design and as-built
, relaxed from the workmanship criteria, as an alter- data (e.g. AUT reports) and by periodic survey (ROV
native to ECA and fracture mechanics testing based GVI, SSS, OOS) through operation together with
on previous large scale tests correlated with charpy monitoring of operational parameters (e.g. pressure,
results. There applicability would be restricted in the temperature shut downs).The data collected can be
event of predicted significant fatigue crack growth used to update a numerical model of the pipeline to
or sour conditions as explained above (7.). Moreover, re-estimate the static and cyclic stress levels to com-
to be widely accepted on subsea pipeline projects, pare with those of the original design and re-estimate
without project specific fracture mechanics testing, remaining fatigue life. Inclusion of ECA in this pro-
there would need to be further alignment of opinion cess may be appropriate depending on the location
between the technical authorities, operators and au- and size of weld flaws as indicated by the original
thors of applicable standards (Ref 01,15,16). AUT reports and subsequent ILI.
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welding 16. BS EN 12732:2013 +A1 2014, Gas Infrastructure-Welding steel pipework-Functional requirements.
17. Integrity management of Pipelines Subject to High Strain, Colin McKinnon, Emil Maschner, Harry
HAZ Heat affected zone VIV Vortex induced vibration Cotton, Carlos Herraez, Mike Cook, Justin Crapps, PRCI, 20th JT<, 3-8 May, 2015, Paris France.
18. Fracture Mechanics Techniques for Assessing the Effects of Hydrogen on Steel Properties , Mo-
ILI In line inspection WPQT Welding Procedure Quali- hamad J Cheaitani and Richard J Pargeter, TWI Ltd, Granta Park, Great Abington, Cambridge, CB21
(e.g.Intelligent pig inspection) fication 6AL, Paper presented at the International Steel and Hydrogen Conference, 28 September 2011.
Harry Cotton Istvan Bartha
Wood plc. Wood plc.
Senior Materials Consultant Senior Integrity Engineer
Norhaziyah Afiqah Ahmad > Transkor (M) Sdn Bhd; Raja Zahirudin Bin Raja Ismail > Petroliam Nasional Berhad,
PETRONAS; Muhamad Paizal Othman > Transkor (M) Sdn Bhd; Igor Kolesnikov > Transkor (M) Sdn Bhd
As the drop in oil prices eventually affects economic TECHNICAL REQUIREMENT OF AQUA MTM
conditions, the world faces extraordinary challenges;
especially for exporter countries. Aging and deteriorating AQUA MTM indicates the essential parameters of
pipelines can cause catastrophes if pipeline conditions quality as follows:
remain unknown.
• Probability of Detection (POD)
Pipeline Integrity Management issues are intrinsically • Probability of Identification (POI)
associated with pipeline safety to avert adverse predic- • Confidence Level (CL)
aments and mishaps. At the same time, most operators
are looking into cost planning in order to carry out inspec- Technical requirement above are intrinsically associated
tion and maintenance activities for their pipelines. In-line with high quality of data collection and analysis purpose.
inspection tools are a common method used for pipeline Probability of Detection is the probability associated with
inspections; particularly for piggable pipelines. anomaly that under the influence of stresses that differ
from the minimum ones more than for 0.005 SMYS will
The purpose of an in-line inspection is to detect size and be detected. Whilst Probability of Identification (POI)
locate flaws and defects within pipe walls [2]. Problems is determination of anomalies danger by the degree of
arise when they are unable to inspect non-piggable pipe- concentration of mechanical stresses. Confidence Level
lines due to limited access. MTM technology is a holistic is statistical expression to describe the accuracy in which
solution method to inspect the technical condition of a with the set level of confidence. AQUA MTM Technology
pipeline by scanning and detecting magnetic field chang- is applicable and designed to inspect horizontal pipeline
es reflected from a combination of stress and defects for underwater. AQUA MTM Technology can detect the
without contact. Adopted from land applications, AQUA stresses within the range of mechanical stresses on de-
MTM technology is used for subsea pipeline applications fective sections of 30-80% of SMYS. The high POD great-
with Remote Operated Vehicle (ROV) support. er than 85% would be achieved at the level of stresses on
defective sections of 55-65 % of SMYS.
Pipeline Data Gathering: AQUA MTM inspection requires AQUA MTM OPERATIONAL
the gathering of technical information of the pipeline
such as length of the pipe, nominal diameter, Specific Parameter Value
minimum yield strength (SMYS), operating pressure and Magnetic field strength, Tesla 10-9
etc. The information gathered will be used for further
Range of measurement, µT ±100
calculation. The calculation to be used is ASME B31G for
determining the remaining strength of the corroded pipe-
Range of nominal wall thickness of Starting with 2.8
object mm (max. 50mm)
lines and Russian standard RD 102-008-2002.
External diameter of inspected pipelines 4’’ ≤ D ≤ 48’’
Equipment Inspection: Before inspection, the used Admissible deviation from axis of OC:
equipment needs to be inspected and tested to ensure vertically ≤ 15 D
the equipment is in a good condition and ready for horizontally ≤3D
the operation. Speed range, m/s <1.8
Dimension of Underwater Unit, mm 662X282X128
AQUA MTM Equipment Setup: AQUA MTM Equipment Weight of Underwater Unit, kg 8.95
is also known as the “AQUA SKIF”. This device would
Length of inspected section, 100
be installed on the ROV and integrated for the inspec-
Minimum, m
tion process. During setup, AQUA SKIF will be attached
Completeness of registration along 100 %
in best way to ensure minimum disturbance that could
the pipe
interfere with the input signal.
Step of scanning, max., m 0,02
Interfacing: At this stage, AQUA SKIF would be inter- Threshold of detection 0,001F
faced and checked again on the equipment condition. Error of odometer distance ≤ 1,5 %
Interfacing process involves visual inspection, power measurement
supply testing, communication testing and functionality Current from any direction relative to 0.78 m/sec
testing. All tests need to be passed to ensure the equip- ROV heading
ment is fully ready before undergo dry and wet tests. Maximum Length inspected the site No limitation
Minimum distance from inspected 1D of the biggest
Dry Test: Dry Test is testing of the equipment in the
pipeline to a parallel pipe or steel neighboring
connection with ROV in dry condition. At this stage,
The intersection with pipeline cables, or no limitations
input and output signal would be checked. The quality of
the signal during dry test must be good.
Residual magnetization pipeline should not exceed
Wet Test: Wet test is testing of the equipment in the con- (post-production or ILI) 50% of the thresh-
old measurements
nection with ROV in wet condition. Equipment attached
to the ROV is immersed into the water. The overall data
acquisition capability is checked to ensure smooth signal Table 1: AQUA MTM specification
from input and output.
State of
Range of F Meaning Recommendation
1 0... 0.2 INADMISSIBLE urgent repair
scheduler repair,
2 0.2... 0.55 ADMISSIBLE
no repair,
3 0.55... 1 GOOD
The main purpose of this technology is to determine the Every technology has their own limitations. AQUA MTM
technical condition of the subsea pipeline. This technol- technology is limited only to inspect ferrous magnetic
ogy is able to classify the anomalies whereby it deter- materials pipeline. This technology is even able to inspect
[1.] Alfred Barbian, Michael Beller; In-Line Inspection of High Pressure Transmission Pipeline:
State-of-the Art and Future Trends; 18th World Conference on Nondestructive Testing, 16-20
April 2012, Durban South Africa.
Figure 9: advantages of this technology which is more economic [2.] Victor Makhov, Linar Khusnutdinov; Report of AQUA MTM Inspection SKOPL 239 6” FL-454-
ICCP, 2013.
and reliable [3.] Vadim Belotelov, Igor Kolesnikov, Svetlana Kamaeva; Report of SKGPL 400 (Silk 329) B12 to
B11DRA ; AQUA MTM Inspection Work For Subsea Pipeline ;2016
[4.] NySearch; Testing Program for Remote Inspection using magnetic Tomography
various sizes of pipeline diameter, but the equipments [5.] Website ; oos.my/our technology; oilfield Offshore Services Sdn Bhd.
[6.] KeXi liao, Quaanke Yao, Chun Zhang; Principle and Technical Characteristics of Non-Contact
distance to the pipeline must not be more than 15 times the Magnetic Tomography Method Inspection For Oil and Gad Pipeline; 2011.
[7.] Website http:// transkorgroup.com; magnetic Tomography Method
pipeline diameter. [8.] Vladimir Mokshanov, Rezayat Pipelines Company Ltd. The Alternative to the In-Line Inspection
[9.] KeXi Liao and Chun Zhang. Standard and Application by Using Non- Magnetic Tomography
Method for Pipeline Technical Conditions Diagnosis. 2011
AQUA MTM is unable to measure the geometry of the [10.] Website http:// www.petronesia.co.id; Non Contact magnetic Tomography
Norhaziyah Afiqah Ahmad Muhamad Paizal Othman
Transkor (M) Sdn Bhd Transkor (M) Sdn Bhd
Pipeline Integrity Engineer Executive Director
afiqah@transkor.my paizal@transkor.my
Ultra-deep water gas pipelines will be playing a major Viability of natural gas projects is strongly dependent
role in tomorrow’s energy supply. Diminishing onshore on gas supply security in comparison with oil develop-
and shallow water gas resources together with geo-po- ment projects which appear to be solely dependent on
litical and energy security concerns will be leaving no al- per barrel price. Natural gas being a cleaner fossil fuel
ternative but to accelerate the development of ultra-deep and a traditional source for producing electricity will be
water reserves. Thick wall pipeline requirement to resist remaining a major slice of world’s energy demand in the
the collapse pressure is one of the most challenging near and far future. European gas grid robustness has
aspects of such fields in terms of pipe design. In addition been the topic of some researches (ARXIV, 2016). The
to direct costs of installing tremendous amounts of extra main motivation behind this paper had been the Eastern
steel, there would also be a substantial carbon footprint Mediterranean gas prospects (European Commission,
in the global atmosphere. 2016). Some of the proposed subsea pipeline routes
meant to fuel Europe from the Eastern Mediterranean
DNV-OS-F101 is the most popular design code address- reserves shall be installed in Ca. 3000m of ultra-deep
ing the failure modes of offshore pipelines including sys- water depths (EMODNET, 2016). However, the finding is
tem collapse. The standard and its partial safety factors basically applicable to any ultra-deep water pipeline.
are based on reliability analyses. There have been some Very high external pressure exerted by water column
efforts to improve the characteristic capacity of pipes on a subsea pipeline laid on deep oceans floor requires
towards more economic but still safe structures. Among heavy wall cross section pipe in order to be able to resist
them, there is a recent work to improve the pipe fabrica- system collapse as the governing failure mode. Thick line
tion factor (α fab) of heat treated UOE line pipes. pipe is not only difficult to be sourced out of pipe mills
but also expensive to transport, weld and install, hence is
This paper will discuss the consequences of system often a showstopper for large diameter trunk lines to be
collapse of gas pipelines in ultra-deep waters at de- installed at ultra-deep waters.
pressurized shutdown condition. DNV-OS-F101 requires
‘’Medium’’ or ‘’High’’ safety classes for such a failure DNV-OS-F101 suggest below chain of formulas for pipe-
regardless of its spatial or temporal extents. Zero hydro- line collapse:
carbon release policies of oil companies and regulators
are presumably the most important factor implying such (1)
a requirement.
Hydrate formation phenomenon will occur in case of
any puncture in the pipe wall where the (LTHP) water (3)
enters the pipeline at a temporary shut-down condition
due to the external over-pressure. As a result of water (4)
ingress, hydrates will form and partially or even com-
pletely block the collapsed pipeline. This will result in (5)
preventing further release of gas to ocean, hence ‘’Low’’
safety class would be allowed in that particular load Where pe, pmin, pc (t), γm, γSC, pel(t), E, η, pp(t), fo, D, t, fy, αfab,
scenario which is likely to be the governing one in terms Dmax and Dmin are external pressure, minimum internal
of wall thickness calculations. pressure, collapse capacity, material safety factor, safety
class factor, elastic collapse capacity, Young modulus,
ABBREVIATIONS usage factor, plastic collapse capacity, out-of-roundness,
pipe diameter, pipe wall thickness, minimum specified
CAPEX = Capital Expenditure yield strength, pipe fabrication factor, maximum pipe
CFD = Computational Fluid Dynamics diameter and minimum pipe diameter respectively (DNV-
FEA = Finite Element Analysis OS-F101, 2013).
GHGE = Green House Gas Emissions
LTHP = Low Temperature High Pressure Code calibration procedure of today’s modern design
SRA = Structural Reliability Analysis codes including DNV-OS-F101 are based on partial safety
SURF = Subsea, Umbilical, Riser and Flowline factors derived from probabilistic analyses. In other
UOE = U-Shape, O-Shape and Expanded (a line words, partial safety factors allow covering the implicit
pipe manufacturing method) uncertainties in material properties, manufacturing
Thick wall pipeline requirement to resist
the collapse pressure is one of the most chal-
lenging aspects of such fields in terms of pipe
design. Hossein Pirzad
methods, installation condition, etc. in nominal target fail- More recent collapse pressure test data are then used
ure probability, whilst the expected reliability of system to update the random model uncertainty and eventually
including gross errors is aimed to be within an acceptable presenting a new code calibration.
target frame. DNV allow any deviation from its require-
ments provided a documented proof that the risk associ- In this paper the focus will be on the environmental con-
ated with the particular failure mode as well as the overall sequences when an ultra-deep water gas pipeline fails in
risk of system failure remain within targeted frame (DNV- a particular load scenario.
OS-F101, Sec.1 A401). A recent development has aimed
to replace DNV recommended αfab=0.85 for UOE pipes Such consequences, along with the other safety and
with αfab=1.0 with the condition of conducting some heat economic ones, are represented in formula (1) by γ SC
treatments after the cold expansion process, similar to
what happens to line pipes during anti-corrosion coating SAFETY CLASSES
process (Liessem et. al., 2007).
‘’Safety Class’’ of any segment of pipeline represents the
Marley et. al. (2012), as another work focused on SRA safety, environmental and economic consequences of its
side, have summarised various collapse design equations failure, hence, it dependents on the contents of pipe-
including Haagsma’s which is also recommended by line, its location and the operational phase whether it is
DNV-OS-F101. temporary or not. Table 1 (DNV-OS-F101) summarises the
definitions of ‘’Low’’, ‘’Medium’’ and ‘’High’’ safety classes.
γSC in formula (1) is the direct representative of safety will not lead to a considerable gas leakage. This argu-
class in calculating nominal wall thickness to resist sys- ment is based on water ingress phenomenon into the
tem collapse as a limit state. pipeline and hydrate formation that will lead to blockage
of pipeline so that further gas release will be halted.
The standard, per note 3 of Table 1 (DNV-OS-F101), re- Hence, Low safety class can be considered valid in this
quires special consequence evaluation to justify a safety particular scenario.
class “Low” during any temporary phases after commis-
sioning including depressurised pipelines in shut-down There is a tendency to assume that the pipeline installa-
state. When comparing all possible consequences of tion is the governing case in terms of wall thickness cal-
any potential failure during pre-commissioning (a before culations even though it is categorised under Low safety
commissioning phase) with the consequences of a failure class due to the bending moment within sagbend region.
during shutdown (an after commissioning phase), both
events will cause similar repair costs and the same delay However, such an assumption cannot be generalised
in the start-up date. for all possible pipe sizes, material grades, water
depths and installation fleet.
Safety concerns cannot be very different too. Therefore,
the assumed environmental consequences caused by GAS HYDRATE FORMATION
leakages and massive hydrocarbon release is understood
to be the only reason behind such a requirement, while Gas hydrate formation has always been a flow as-
as argued in this paper, such a major gas release will not surance challenge for relatively long gas pipelines.
occur in the very particular case of an ultra-deep water Seawater cools down the gas inside the pipeline to
gas pipeline in shut-down state. the hydrate formation temperature where crystalized
natural gas blocks the
flow and creates a lot of
operational and main-
tenance issues for the
operator of pipelines.
Collapse of ultra-deep
water gas pipeline under
depressurised shut-down
condition, as one of the
likely governing load cases, Figure 1: Gas Hydrate in Pipelines (Heriot Watt University, 2016).
Figure 2: Phase envelope, hydrate formation (HF) and water dew point (WD) for natural gas (Petroskills, 2016)
solutions, chemical inhibitors and thermodynamic inhibitor The study consists three main parts for both ingress
where the main aim is to keep the state of natural gas flow and egress phenomena.
outside of hydrate formation envelope presented in Figure
2 (Petroskills, 2016). Firstly, pipeline thermo-hydraulic behaviour under vari-
ous sizes of leakage are assessed.
While hydrate formation inside an operating gas pipe-
line is a problem, it can be beneficial when it comes to The second part consists of a detailed CFD model in
the safety class selection of collapsed pipelines at de- order to simulate the flow regime in the vicinity of the
pressurised shut-down state. In fact, there would be no leak and the last section is shaped around hydrate for-
major gas release to the sea in case an ultra-deep water mation, transportation and blockage.
gas pipeline collapses.
The last chapter is focused on hydrate formation and
Water ingress, in case of a wet buckle, will pull the state relevant risks of blockage in gas pipelines due to the
of the gas content well into quite stable hydrate forma- transportation and accumulation of hydrates after they
tion zone of the envelope, the left hand side of the solid are formed in the case of water ingress.
red and green curves of Figure 2 (Petroskills, 2016).
Consequently, gas hydrate would block the pipeline Figure 3 (S.Zhai. et. al., 2015) illustrates a schematic of
and further hydrocarbon release will be limited or fully how hydrates form, travel along the pipeline and accu-
stopped. mulate in a gas-dominated pipeline.
Quantifying the amount of hydrocarbon release on every producing one ton of steel (Global CCS Institute, 2013),
subsea pipelines project and each failure scenario would we are now given Ca. 22,000 tons of CO2 certain
be a time consuming and expensive engineering pro- release to the atmosphere in order to avoid releasing
cess. Therefore, DNV-OS-F101 has defined three Low, a fraction of Ca. 25000 tonnes natural gas to the sea
Medium and High safety classes based on the content with very low probability.
fluid, location of installation and the relevant phase of
the life cycle. Massive oil-spill or gas release is presum- The carbon footprint of extra steel used in the pipeline
ably the backbone of such a procedure. will be way higher than 22,000 tons in case the trans-
portation, installation and decommissioning footprints
In other words, DNV have assumed that any hole or are taken into account.
rupture in the pipe wall, even in the depressurised
shut-down condition will lead to a massive discharge GHGE and global warming is now another important as-
of hydrocarbon to the sea. Such an approach is under- pect of environmental concerns that countries are com-
standable as the standard, like all other design codes, mitted to take into equation when setting up regulations
has started to develop from shallow waters where any within their territories (Paris Agreement, 2015).
pipe failure is equivalent to gas release.
Regulators are now legally committed to take the global
This is however not the case for ultra-deep water gas impacts of their policies into consideration instead of
pipelines at shutdown condition as argued in this paper over-conservatism in caring local environments only.
where water ingress and hydrate formation would limit
the gas release to a very small amount. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION
Table 3 outlines some realistic examples. DNV-OS-F101 has normalised the consequences of
various pipeline failure modes in three safety class cat-
The different wall thickness requirements vary between egories. The selection of ‘’Safety Class’’ is a crucial step
safety class Low and safety class Medium. The esti- during pipe design having a direct impact on the select-
mated wall thicknesses are based on DNV-OS-F101. All ed pipe wall thickness. Hydrocarbon content, location
other input data remain unchanged for the sensitivity and the phase of operation are the three main parame-
study purpose at
3000m of water
depth. Safety Class Safety Class
Pipe Data
Low Medium
A simple calcu-
lation based on NPS (Nominal Pipe Size) 30’’ 28’’ 30’’ 28’’
average numbers
between 28” and OD (Outer Diameter, mm) 762.0 711.2 762.0 711.2
30” pipes reveals
that there would Material Grade X80 X80 X80 X80
be around 11,000
tons of extra W.T. (Wall Thickness, mm) 39.3 36.9 40.9 38.4
steel production
by switching the
Ovality (%) 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
requirement from
‘Low’ to ‘Medium’
Content density (kg/cum) 150 150 150 150
safety class for
a 500km long
Steel mass(kg/m) 700.439 613.619 721.341 637.143
subsea pipeline
according to
Content mass(kg/m) 55.02 47.86 54.51 47.41
Table 3.
By assuming Ca.
two tons of CO2
Table 3: Safety Class Low and Medium Comparison
footprint only for
It is understood that the basis of the categorisation is • ARXIV.ORG, 2016. arXiv [online]. Ithaca: Cornell University Library. Available from:
http://arxiv.org/pdf/0903.0195v3.pdf [Accessed 01 Jul 2016].
gas release and its economic, fatal and/or environmental • EMODNET, 2016. Emodnet Bathymetry [online]. Europe: European Marine Obser-
vation and Data Network. Available from: http://portal.emodnet-bathymetry.eu/
consequences. However, in a very particular case where a mean-depth-full-coverage [Accessed 01 Jul 2016].
depressurized pipeline collapses there would be no major • European Commission, 2016. Innovation and Networks Executive Agency [online].
European Union: European Commission. Available from: https://ec.europa.eu/
gas release. Instead seawater will enter the pipeline and inea/en/connecting-europe-facility/cef-energy/projects-by-country/multi-coun-
try/7.3.1-0025-elcy-s-m-15 [Accessed 01 Jul 2016].
will form gas hydrates leading to a partial or full blockage. • DNV-OS-F101
• Andreas Liessem., Johannes Groß-Weege., Gerhard Knauf and Steffen Zimmer-
mann., UOE Pipes For Ultra Deep Water Application – Analytical and FE Collapse
It is hard to conclude whether the system collapse Strength Prediction vs. Full-Scale Tests of Thermally Treated Line Pipe. The Seven-
teenth International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE-I-07-499.
during installation or during the temporary shut-down • Erica Marley., Olav Aamlid. and Leif Collberg., Assessment of Recent Experimental
state be the governing load scenario. The latter, in case Data on Collapse Capacity of UOE Pipeline. The 2012 9th International Pipeline
Conference IPC2012, IPC2012-90698.
of the Medium safety class requirement, would require • Heriot Watt University, 2016. [online]. Edinburgh: Institute of Petroleum Enginee-
ring. Available from http://www.pet.hw.ac.uk/research/hydrate/hydrates_why.cfm
about 5% thicker wall leading to a demand for thousands [Accessed 03 Jul 2016].
of tons of extra high quality steel. Therefore, using the • S.Mokhatab., Robert J. Wilkens. and K.J.Leontaritis., 2007. A Review of Strate-
gies for Solving Gas-Hydrate Problems in Subsea Pipelines. Energy Sources
‘’Low’’ safety class instead of ‘’Medium’’ or ‘’High’’ will be Part A Recovery Utilization and Environmental Effects Part A(1), 39-45, DOI:
a significant CAPEX saving. • Petroskills, 2016. Tip of The Month: Gas Hydration and Water Dew Point [online].
Available from: http://www.jmcampbell.com/tip-of-the-month/wp-content/
uploads/2011/03/312.png [Accessed 04 Jul 2016].
A further study by DNV GL can help to include the re- • S.Zhai, C.Chauvet, R.Azarinezhad, J.Zeng. and A.Priyadarshi., 2015. Discussion of
Pipeline Leakage and Hydrate Formation Risks Associated in Deepwater Natural
wards of hydrate formation during water ingress into the Gas Pipelines. 17th International Conference on Multiphase Production Technology,
depressurized gas pipelines at ultra-deep waters. BHR-2015-H3.
• Global CCS Institute, 2013. CCS for Iron and Steel Production [online]. IPCC. Availa-
ble from: https://www.globalccsinstitute.com/insights/authors/dennisvanpuyvel-
de/2013/08/23/ccs-iron-and-steel-production [Accessed 11 Jul 2016].
FUNDING • Paris Agreement, 2015. COP21 [online]. Paris Climate Conference. Available from:
[Accessed 11 Jul 2016].
This research has not received funding supports from
any corporation or commercial entity.
Hossein Pirzad Leif Collberg
The School of Energy, Geoscience, DNV GL
Infrastructure and Society (EGIS) Vice President
Pipeline Engineer leif.collberg@dnvgl.com
Samaneh Etemadi
Department of Chemistry,
University of Oslo
Materials Engineer / Chemist
Europe’s Leading pipeline conference & exhibition
Project Assistants
As of 01.12.2017
The EITEP Institute is providing Know-How and Technology-Transfer through international Conferences, Semi-
nars and Publications. Our primary objective is to foster the international exchange of state-of-the-art-technolo-
gies, in order to provide the latest products and services where they are needed.
EITEP is organized in two departments, guided an overseen by the company’s president, Dr. Klaus Ritter, who
worked as general manager for professional, technical and scientific associations of the German energy and
water supply sector before becoming the founder and president of EITEP.
EITEP is supported by the advisory committee AdCo, which consists of 44 senior pipeline professionals from all
over the world. They bring in the necessary connection to the profession and valuable technical expertise. To fur-
ther support our efforts. All presentations held during our conferences and all publications re-
leased by EITEP are checked by the AdCo before cleared for publication. The Advisory Commit-
tee is currently led by Heinz Watzka, former Managing Director Technical Services at Germany’s
biggest pipeline operator, Open Grid Europe, and Dirk Strack, Technical Director at TAL Group.
Additional senior consultants have been recruited as advisors for special issues.
Heinz Watzka Dirk Strack
In the next Edition of ptj:
The next issue of Pipeline Technology
Journal (ptj) will address challenging
Pipeline Technology
Conference 2010
From 12-14 March 2018 Europe’s leading conference and exhibition on high-pres-
sure pipeline systems, the Pipeline Technology Conference, will take place for
the 13th time. The 13th ptc offers again opportunities for operators as well as
technology and service providers to exchange latest onshore and offshore tech-
nologies and new developments supporting the energy strategies world-wide.
More than 600 delegates are expected to attend the 13th ptc in Berlin. The con-
ference will be held in parallel to the 2nd “Pipe and Sewer Conference”.
The practical nature of ptc was always based on the cooperation with our tech-
nical and scientific supporters and on a top-class international advisory com-
mittee. The conference will feature lectures and presentations on all aspects
surrounding oil, gas, water and product pipeline systems.
“Remarkable Projects”
Closing Remarks Closing Remarks
Wednesday,14 March 2018
14 March 2018 Wednesday
ee Breaks Wednesday, 14(14:00)
(09:00 – 14:00)(09:00 Wednes
– 14:00)
Workshop: PIPELINE
Detection JOURNAL 79Workshop: Hy
(Exhibition Hall) Workshop:
Plenary Pipeline
Plenary Leak Detection
Session Workshop
12-14 MARCH 2018, ESTREL,Lunch Break
Organized Break
Organized held
and by KROHNE
held by KROHNE Projects” Organized and
Closing Panel
(Exhibition Hall)Discussion CONFERENCES / SEMINARS / EXHIBITIONS “Remarkable
(Exhibition Hall)
Opening Panel Discussion
Offers within the Exhibition
get a fresh coff ee all day long. world.world.
Off ers within the2018
Organized and held by KROHNE could get aand
“Remarkablefresh coff
held byeeDNV-GL
all day long.
“Remarkable Projects”
“Safety” Closing Panel Discussion
Wednesday, Wednesday,
14 14 March
March 2018
2018 Wednes (14:00)
“Public Perception / Social Acceptance”
Coff ee
Coff Breaks14 March (14:00)– 14:00)
Lunch Break & Poster Session LiveWorkshop:
Live Stream
(Exhibition Workshop: Pipeline Leak Detection ptj job
Hall) ptj & ca&
(Exhibition Hall) Conference
Closing Lounge
Wednesday, by2018
14 March TDW(09:00 – 14:00) Poster Session
Conference Hall)
Pipeline Leakby TDW
Detection Poster
Worksho S
Plenary Session
It’s noOrganized
no trouble
held by KROHNE
by were
you KROHNE up in up
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Conference lounge with cozy armchairs and Closing
Conference Panel
- “Remarkable lounge
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- dedic
Technical Sessions Plenary Session
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- universities
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wall, career
streamed into check
the byand
held DNV-GLasLounge
live video. by TDW Dinner
arrangements. jobInvitat
Closing Remarks Conference
(Exhibition Loungelounge
Hall) Hall)Conference
by TDW with cozy armchairs and The Poster
The highli
On Lunch
14 March
March 2018
2018 (14:00)
(14:00) Wednes
Social Program Social Program
Conference oflounge
evening day ofone,
day the
This ptc
one, Get-Together-Party
armchairs andthe delegates second
Get-Together-Party night.
second updA
Tuesday, 13 March 2018 (09:00 – 17:00) Live Stream ptj
takes job
takes &Hall)
place career
within market
spot Leak
Pipeline aLeak
exhibition Detection
the All delegates
coff ee are are
all delegates
hall. All day long. this Worksho
ities gath
this uniqu
Lunch Break invited to supper, drinks and aKROHNE
Technical Sessions It’s no trouble
(Exhibition Hall)that you were caught up in your conver-
Support get
Organized and
and held
existing coff
held by
drinks all
raffl e.
processes in the pipeline Organized
1.2 Challenging 2.2 Operational 3.2 Materials Monday,
4.2 Trenchless 12 March
- the presentations 2018
5.2 Supply a conference
(16:30) room are Tuesday,
industry - dedicated 13 March
12 2018,and
to recruiting career planning:
(16:30) Tuesday
Wednesday, Live 14Stream
March 2018 Wednes
Offers within the Exhibition Side Events
streamed into the exhibition as live video. job wall, career check and interview (14:00)
Side Events
Pipelines Improvements Technologies
Get-together Networks Dinner
Live Invitation
Stream Dinner
ptj jobIn&
It’s no trouble that you were caught up in your conver-
Coffee Break Wednesday,
(Exhibition Hall) 14 March 2018 (14:00) Wednesday,
The highlight
(Exhibition Hall) 14 March
every Leak
the 2018
is taking
presentations placeaatconference
(14:00) the Workshop
up infrom room
Social Program
On the evening of day one, the ptc Get-Together-Party It’s no trouble
second andAll
night. that
held you
by were
participants caught
are invited your
to take conver-
part in Support
Organized to
On the evening of day one,
streamed into the ptc Get-Together-Party
theaexhibition asroom
live video. second nig
(Exhibition Hall) Workshop:
Conference Pipeline
takes place within Lounge LeakbyDetection
the exhibitionTDW
hall. All delegates are 15-16Workshop:
this unique Hydrogen
- the presentations
gathering. from
Show, conference
hall. and drinks. are industry -
takes March
place within 2018
the exhibition All delegates are this uniqu
Offers ers within
within the
the Exhibition
Organized and held by KROHNE Organized
streamed and
into held
the by DNV-GL
exhibition as live video. job wall, c
Technical Sessions invited to supper,
Conference loungedrinks andarmchairs
with cozy a raffle. and invitedupdates
Latest to supper, on drinks
presentand anda upcoming
raffle. research activ- EITEP-Semina
Social Program
EITEP Seminar:
1.3 Integrity 2.3 Environ- 3.3 Fiber Optic Monday,
4.3 12
tables. This is theMarch 2018
spot Valves (16:30)
the&delegates Tuesday, 13 March
ities from universities 2018, (18:30)
and research institutes around the
Inspection Technologies for Traditional and and Risk Risk
Social Program
Management mental Impact Sensing could get a fresh coffFittings
Construction ee all day long. Inspection
world. Invitation Technologies for Traditional Asse
Side Events
Get-together Dinner
(Exhibition Hall) Side
Challenging Pipelines by
Lounge by TDW TDW
Monday, 12 March 2018
Projects subjS
highlight of every ptc/PASC is taking place at(16:30)
Berlin) the (Estrel Berlin)
15-16 ersMarch within
2018 the Exhibition
On the evening of day one, the ptc Get-Together-Party (Estrel Berlin)
Conference night.lounge
second lounge with
All participantscozyarmchairs
are and
to take part in (Estrel
Latest Be
Live Stream Monday,
ptj 12
job & careerMarchmarket
Get-together tables.
tables. This Tuesday
Thisgathering. spot where
where the (16:30)
delegates ities
15-16 March 2018 Exhibition
takes place within the exhibition hall. All delegates are this unique Show, catering and drinks.
Off ers within the Exhibition
invited to supper,
2018 could get
could get a fresh(Exhibition
a fresh coffcoff ee allHall)
day long.
ee all dayprocesses
long. world.
Lunch Break & Poster Session It’s no trouble thatdrinks andcaught
you were a raffle.up in your conver-
Get-together Support Dinner In
to existing recruitment in the pipeline
EITEP Seminar: EITEP-Seminar: On the evening of day one, the ptc Get-Together-Party
(Exhibition Hall) EITEP
sation - the presentations from a conference room are Seminar:Lounge by TDW
Conference industry
(Exhibition EITEP-Se
- dedicated S
Hall)takes to recruiting and career planning:
place within the exhibition hall. All delegatesThe arehighlig
Inspection Technologies for Traditional and
streamed into the exhibition as live video. IPLOCA
Inspection Construction
Novel Initiative
and Management
Technologies for Initiative
On thein Pipeline
Traditional and
wall,evening Riskjob
career of Asse
day and
one, interview
the ptc arrangements.
Get-Together-Party secondupd nig
Side Events
Technical Sessions Conference Lounge by TDW Live
SpringLive Stream
Conference ptj
ptj job&
withto supper,
cozy drinks
armchairs and
anda raffle. Latest
Challenging Pipelines Projects
Spring subjected
Challenging to Natural Hazards
Pipelines takes place
tables. This is within
the spotthe where
exhibition hall. All delegates are
the delegates this from
ities uniquu
It’sno trouble seethat you were caught
raffle.up upininyour
yourconver- Support to
15-16 MarchProgram
1.4 Integrity 2.4 Offshore 3.4 Leak Conference
4.4 lounge with cozy armchairs and
(Estrel Berlin) 5.4 Management Latest
for details,
could updates
for to asupper,
get fresh on present
coff you and
ee all day upcoming
long. research activ-
conver- Support
world. Be
Side Events
tables. This is the spot where the delegates
& Qualification sation
ities from- -the
sation from
and research
presentations room
institutes around
conference the
are industry
Management (Materials & Detection Construction 2018
could get a fresh coffee all day long. streamed
world. intothe theexhibition
exhibitionasaslive livevideo.
video. job
Design) (by DVGW)
EITEP Seminar:
Monday, 12 March 2018 (16:30)Side
Live Stream
Tuesday, Events
13 March 2018,
March 2018 in Pipeline
ptj job & (18:30)
Social Program
Coffee Breaks
(Exhibition Hall)
Live StreamTechnologies
Challenging Pipelines
Spring Session
It’s no troubleHall)
for Initiative
Construction Traditional and
that you were caught up in your conver-
& career
Session 2018
It’s no trouble that you were caught up in your conver-
to Natural Hazards
sation - the presentations
The highlight
Support to of every
from a
recruitment is conference
taking place
processes in
Support to
industry - d
Technical Sessions (Estrel
for the
On Berlin)
details, see of day one, the ptc Get-Together-Party
- evening
for seeInspection
details, All exhibitionTechnologies
theparticipants as
arelive video.to for
invited take Traditional
part in andjob wall, ca
1.5 Integrity 2.5 Offshore 3.5 Monitoring
4.5 Planning
takes place
the presentations
from a conference room are
the hall. All delegates are
- 12
12 March
gathering. Show,
2018 and
(16:30) planning:
and drinks.
streamed into the exhibition as live video. job wall,
Inspection career check
Technologiesand interview arrangements.
for Traditional/ www.pipeandsewer.com
and Risk Asse
Social Program
Management (Inspection) / Internet of Design Qualifi
invited to supper, drinks andcation
a raffle. Get-together
Get-together (Estrel Berlin)
www.pipeline-conference.com Dinner
Dinner 7 In
Things Challenging
Hall) Projects
EITEP Seminar:
Coffee Breaks
Inspection Technologies
and Risk
Side Events
(Exhibition Hall)
Pipelines Projects
Closing Panel Discussion 15-16
(Estrel Berlin) 2018
Berlin) (Estrel
IPLOCA Novel Construction Initiative
“Public Perception / Social Acceptance” 15-16
Spring March
Session 2018 EITEP Seminar: EITEP-Sem
Closing Remarks for details,
Seminar: Inspection
EITEP-Seminar: Technologies for Traditional and Risk Asse
Inspection Technologies for Traditional and Challenging
Risk Assessment Pipelines
and Management in Pipeline Projects s
(Estrel Novel
Berlin) Construction Initiative
Initiative / www.pipeandsewer.com(Estrel7Ber
Lunch Break Challenging Pipelines Projects
Spring subjected to Natural Hazards
Social Program
Monday, 12 March 2018 (16:30) Tuesday, 13 March 2018, (18:30)
Pre-conference Marketing
Adverts in Media Partner Journals Social Media Activities
ptc Website Brochures
Pipeline Technology Journal (ptj) Letterhead
ptc + ptj Newsletter Online Banner
Press Releases Direct Mailings
Post-Conference Marketing
Press Releases Social Media Activities
ptc + ptj Newsletter ptc Website
Final Report Pipeline Technology Journal (ptj)
>50,000 EMAILS •
updated on a daily basis
including all previous delegates,
speakers, exhibitors
This necessity has driven us to develop a new service for the global pipeline industry.
The ptj job and career market is the right service to support existing recruitment
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Please contact Mr. Admir Celovic The most cost-effective support to your recruitment
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www.denso.de www.ilf.com
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Polyguard Products Netherlands
United States www.a-hak-is.com
TDC International Norway
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NDT Global
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Petro IT Romstar
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www.petroit.com www.romstargroup.com
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Inspection Repair
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www.creaform3d.com www.cittech.com
T.D. Williamson
Leak Detection United States
www.asel-tech.com Research & Development
Atmos International Pipeline Transport Institute (PTI LLC)
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www.atmosi.com www.en.niitn.transneft.ru
United States Safety
GOTTSBERG Leak Detection Germany
Germany www.dehn-international.com/en
OptaSense Germany
United Kingdom www.hima.de
TÜV SÜD Indutrie Service
Pergam Suisse Germany
Switzerland www.tuev-sued.de/is
Europe’s Leading Pipeline Conference and Exhibition, International Conference and Exhibition on Pipe and Sew-
taking place at the Estrel Berlin, er Technologies, taking place at the Estrel Berlin,
In conjunction
Berlin, Germany Berlin, Germany
www.pipeline-conference.com www.pipeandsewer.com
41st Offshore Pipeline Technology Conference 27 Feb. - 01 Mar. 2018 Amsterdam, the Netherlands
2nd Pipe and Sewer Conference (PASC) 12 - 14 March 2018 Berlin, Germany
Midstream Oil and Gas Congress 2018 26 - 27 March 2018 Copenhagen, Denmark
Pipeline Technology Seminar: Life-Cycle Extension 28 - 29 March 2018 Abu Dhabi, UAE
11% 20%
CEO Director
Ulrich Adriany, Oil&Gas Program Muhammad Sultan Al-Qahtani, Juan Arzuaga, Executive Secretary,
Management Lead Europe, General Manager, Pipelines, Saudi IPLOCA
ARCADIS Deutschland Aramco
Arthur Braga, Country Manager, ITF Filippo Cinelli, Senior Marketing Natalya A. Egorova, Director of the
Brazil Manager, GE Oil & Gas Centre of Innovation Programs, R&D
Coordination and Industry Standardiza-
Mark David Iden, Director, Government Dirk Jedziny, Vice President - Head of Cliff Johnson, President, PRCI - Pipeline
Company types
Relations, Floating Leaf Cluster Ruhr North, Evonik Industries Research Council International
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Schmidt, Managing Di- Ulrich Schneider, Business Develop- Markus Seitz, Integrity Engineer,
rector, CSE Center of Safety Excellence ment Manager Continental Europe, APA Group
A manifold database
We deliver content to local practicioners and
Carlo Maria Spinelli, Technology Plan- Anand Kumar Tewari, Executive Asle Venas, Global Director Pipelines,
ner, eni gas & power Director, Indian Oil Corporation DNV GL global decision-makers alike, making the ptj-