NA To Sls en 1991-1-7 2018
NA To Sls en 1991-1-7 2018
NA To Sls en 1991-1-7 2018
NA to SLS EN 1991-1-7:2018
NA to SLS EN 1991-1-7:2018
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Sri Lanka Standards are subject to
periodical revision in order to
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industry. Suggestions for improvement
will be recorded and brought to the notice
of the Committees to which the revisions
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Committees responsible for this National Annexe
The preparation of this National Annexe was entrusted by the Technical Committee on
Euro codes, appointed by the Sectoral Committee on Building & Construction Materials,
upon which the following members were represented:
“This National Annexe has been prepared based on EN 1991-1-7:2006 by the Working group on the
development of the National Annexes to Euro Codes (SC35/WG/12), Basis of Structural Design. It is
to be used in conjunction with SLS EN 1991-1-7: 2014 along with any further revision, amendment or
corrigendum thereto.”
This National Annexe was approved by the Sectoral Committee on Building and Construction Materials
and was authorized for adoption and publication as a Sri Lanka National Annex by the Council of the
Sri Lanka Standards Institution on 2018-02-23.
In the preparation of this standard the assistance derived from the publication of the European
Committee for Standardization (CEN), British Standards Institution (BSI) and International Union of
Railways is gratefully acknowledged.
TABLE NA.1 – Sri Lanka decisions for Nationally Determined Parameters described in SLS EN 1991-1-7:2014. NA to SLS EN 1991-1-7:2018
Sub clause Nationally Determined Euro code recommendation Sri Lanka decision
2 (2) Treatment of accidental actions The NA or the individual project may specify the Use the Euro Code Recommendation
which are not classified as free treatment of accidental actions which are not classified as
actions free actions.
3.1(2) Note 4 Notional values for identified Notional values for identified accidental actions (e.g. in Use the Euro Code Recommendation
accidental actions the case of internal explosions and impact) are proposed
in this part of EN 1991. These values may be altered in
the National Annex or for an individual project and
agreed for the design by the client and the relevant
3.2(1) Note 3 Level of acceptable risks Levels of acceptable risks may be given in the National The level of acceptable risk should be determined on a
Annex as non contradictory, complementary project specific basis.
3.3(2) a) Note 1 A model of accidental action The National Annex may define the model which may be Use the Euro Code Recommendation
a concentrated or a distributed load with a design value
of Ad. The recommended model for buildings is a
uniformly distributed notional load applicable in any
direction to the key element and any attached
components (e.g. claddings, etc). The recommended
value for the uniformly distributed load is 34 kN/m2 for
building structures. An example of the application of Ad
is given in A.8.
3.3(2) b) Note 2 Acceptable limit of localized failure The indicative limit for building structures is 100 m2 or 15 % of Use the Euro Code Recommendation
the floor area, whichever is less, on two adjacent floors caused
by the removal of any supporting column, pier or wall. This is
likely to provide the structure with sufficient robustness
regardless of whether an identified accidental action has been
taken into account.
NA to SLS EN 1991-1-7:2018
TABLE NA.1 – Sri Lanka decisions for Nationally Determined Parameters described in SLS EN 1991-1-7:2014. (Continued)
Sub clause Nationally Determined Euro code recommendation Sri Lanka decision
3.3(2) c) Note 3 Which approach given in 3.3 to be Examples relating to the use of the approaches for Use the Euro Code Recommendation
considered for various structures buildings are given in Annex A
3.4(1) Note 4 Categorization of structures according The National Annex may provide a categorization Use the Euro Code Recommendation
to consequence classes in 3.4(1) of structures according to the consequences classes
in 3.4(1). A suggested classification of
consequences classes relating to buildings is
provided in Annex A.
3.4(2) Note Reference to appropriate design The National Annex may give reference to, as non Use the Euro Code Recommendation
approaches for higher & lower conflicting, complementary information, appropriate
consequences classes design approaches for higher and lower
consequences classes.
4.1(1) Note 1 Accidental actions on lightweight Accidental actions on lightweight structures which Use the Euro Code Recommendation
structures which are excluded from are excluded from the field of application above (e.g.
field of application in 4.1 gantries, lighting columns, footbridges) may be Implementing Authority may adopt different procedures
referred to in the National Annex, as non according to their requirements.
contradictory complementary information.
4.1(1) Note 3 Guidance on issues concerning the The National Annex may give guidance on issues Transmission of impact forces to foundations –For bridges
transmission of impact forces to concerning the transmission of impact forces to the over roads.
foundations foundations as non contradictory complementary (a) The designer should determine a likely and reasonable
information. See SLS EN 1990, 5.1.3 (4). load-path to transfer the impact load to the bearings,
supports and foundations (in the case of superstructure
strikes) or to foundations, bearings or other supports (in the
case of supports strikes).Each structural element in the
load-path is to be considered, starting with the element
which sustains the immediate impact.
NA to SLS EN 1991-1-7:2018
TABLE NA.1 – Sri Lanka decisions for Nationally Determined Parameters described in SLS EN 1991-1-7:2014. (Continued)
Sub clause Nationally Determined Euro code recommendation Sri Lanka decision
4.1(1) Note 3 Guidance on issues concerning the (b) The designer should make a judgment about the need to
(cont.) transmission of impact forces to extend the load-path to the foundations, because in most
foundations (cont.) circumstances inertial effects, arising from the dynamic
nature of the applied force will result in greatly reduced or
negligible impact forces applying to foundations.
( taken from PD 6688-1-7, Clause 2.6 )
4.3.1(1) Note 1 Design values for impact forces due to For hard impact (see 4.2(6)) from road traffic the Use the Euro Code Recommendation
road traffic design values may be defined in the National
Annex. The indicative equivalent static design
force may be taken from Table 4.1. The choice of
the values may take account of the consequences
of the impact, the expected volume and type of
traffic, and any mitigating measures provided. See
EN 1991-2 and Annex C. Guidance on risk
analysis may be found in Annex B if required.
4.3.1(1) Note 2 The National Annex may prescribe the force as a Use the Euro Code Recommendation
Impact force as a function of distance
function of the distance s of the centre line of the
from structural element to the point
nearest trafficked lanes to the structural member.
vehicle leaves and distance from
Information on the effect of the distance s, where
structural element to the road centre-
applicable, can be found in Annex C.
4.3.1(1) Note 3 Types or elements of structure that The National Annex may define types or elements Use the recommendation, unless implementing authorities
may not need to be considered for of the structure that may not need to be considered define which elements need not to be considered for
vehicular collision for vehicular collision. vehicular collision.
4.3.1(2) Note Rules for the application of Fdx and It is recommended that Fdx does not act Use the Euro Code Recommendation
Fdy simultaneously with Fdy
NA to SLS EN 1991-1-7:2018
TABLE NA.1 – Sri Lanka decisions for Nationally Determined Parameters described in SLS EN 1991-1-7:2014. (Continued)
Sub clause Nationally Determined Euro code recommendation Sri Lanka decision
4.3.1(3) Note Conditions of impact from road For impact from lorries the collision force F may be applied at any height h between 0.5 Use the Euro Code
vehicles m to 1.5 m above the level of the carriageway or higher where certain types of protective Recommendation
barriers are provided. The recommended application area is a = 0.5 m (height) by 1.50 m
(width) or the member width, whichever is the smaller.
For impact from cars the collision force F may be applied at h = 0.50 m above the level
of the carriageway.
The recommended application area is a = 0.25 m (height) by 1.50 m (width) or the
member width, whichever is the smaller.
a is the height of the recommended force application area. Ranges from 0.25 m (cars) to
0.50 m (lorries).
h is the location of the resulting collision force F, i.e. the height above the level of the
carriageway. Ranges from 0.50 m (cars) to 1.50 m (lorries).
x is the centre of the lane.
Figure 4.1 - Collision force on supporting substructures near traffic lanes for
bridges and supporting structures for buildings.
NA to SLS EN 1991-1-7:2018
TABLE NA.1 – Sri Lanka decisions for Nationally Determined Parameters described in SLS EN 1991-1-7:2014. (Continued)
Sub clause Nationally Determined Parameter Euro code recommendation Sri Lanka decision
4.3.2(1) Note 1 Design values for actions due to impact, Adequate clearance to avoid impact is in the Use the Recommended values, unless implementing
values for adequate clearances, suitable range 5.0 m to 6.0 m authorities define different procedures.
protection measures to avoid impact
4.3.2(1) Note 3 Value of rF ,h0,h1 Refer Figure 4.2 Use the Recommended values, unless implementing
authorities define different procedures.
4.3.2(1) Note 4 Direction of impact load on underside Upward inclination of 100 Use the recommended values
surface of bridge decks
4.3.2(2) Note Fdy does not act simultaneously with Fdx Use the recommendation
Use of Fdy
4.3.2(3) Note Area of impact = square with sides of 0.25m Use the recommended values
Dimensions and positions of impact area
4.4(1) Note Determine the value of F according to Use the recommended procedure
Value of equivalent static design force,
advanced impact design for soft impact in
accordance with C.2.2
4.5(1) Note Types of rail traffic where rules in this May give the types of rail traffic for which the Sri Lanka Railways may define the accidental actions due to
clause are applicable rules in this clause are applicable. rail traffic. Note 1 Structures to be included in either May be defined in the National Annex or for Structures to be included in either exposure class, Class A or
exposure class, Class A or Class B the individual project. Class B are to be agreed for the individual project. Guidance
on the classification of structures is provided in International
Union of Railways, 2001. UIC Code 777-2 R, Structures
built over railway lines – Construction requirements in the
track zone, 2nd Edition, September 2002. Paris.(UIC 777-
2R) Note 2 Reference to classification of temporary May give reference to the classification of Use the Recommended procedure
structures used by public and auxiliary temporary structures such as temporary
construction works footbridges or similar structures used by the
public as well as auxiliary construction works
as non contradictory, complementary
information. See EN 1991-1-6.
NA to SLS EN 1991-1-7:2018
TABLE NA.1 – Sri Lanka decisions for Nationally Determined Parameters described in SLS EN 1991-1-7:2014. (Continued)
Sub clause Nationally Determined Euro code recommendation Sri Lanka decision
Parameter Note Static equivalent forces and their May be given in the National Annex. Table 4.4 gives In the absence of value given by the implementing
identification indicative values authorities, use the recommendation. Note Reduction of impact forces where May be given in the National Annex. The reduction of impact forces should be agreed for the
supporting structural members are individual project. Guidance for reduction of impact forces
protected by solid plinths or for supports on platforms is provided in UIC 777-2R.
platforms. Note Height of point of application for 1.8 m Use the Recommended values
Fdx and Fdy above the track level Note Amount of reduction of horizontal 50 % reduction Use the Recommended value
static equivalent design forces in
Table 4.4 where maximum rail
traffic speed is ≤ 50 km/h (5) Note Values of Fdx and Fdy where The values for Fdx and Fdy, which may take into The values of Fdx and Fdy taking into account additional
maximum rail traffic speed is > account additional preventative and/or protective preventative and/or protective measures should be as
120 km/h measures, may be given in the National Annex or for defined by the implementing authority.
the individual project.
NA to SLS EN 1991-1-7:2018
TABLE NA.1 – Sri Lanka decisions for Nationally Determined Parameters described in SLS EN 1991-1-7:2014. (Continued)
Sub clause Nationally Determined Parameter Euro code recommendation Sri Lanka decision Note Requirements for Class B structures May be given in the National Annex or for the Structure supports within the hazard zone should be
individual project. Each requirement may base on a risk designed to resist the effects of collision loading.
assessment. Information on the factors and measures to Hazard zones should be assumed to extend `for a
consider is given in Annex B. width of 4.5 m from the cess rail and to include
anywhere between the tracks.
Where individual columns are located within a hazard
zone, the design of the span over the railway should
incorporate sufficient continuity such that the loss of
any one column will not lead to collapse of the
remainder of the structure under the permanent load,
the primary traffic (road or rail) load and any
footway/cycle way live loads.
Additionally, all columns within a hazard zone should
be designed to withstand ,without collapse, a single
horizontal design force of 2 000 kN acting at a height
of 1.2 m above the adjacent ground level and a single
horizontal design force of 500 kN acting at a height
of 3 m above the adjacent ground level. The two
forces can act in any direction but need not be
considered to act simultaneously.
The requirements for the factors and measures to be
considered within the risk assessment should be
agreed for the individual project.
4.5.2 (1) Note Area immediately beyond track ends May be specified either in the National Annex or for the The area affected by overrunning of rail traffic beyond
individual project. the end of the track should be considered to comprise
a zone extending 20 m behind the face of the buffer
stop and 5 m either side of the projected centre line of
the track approaching the buffer stop. (Taken from
Clause No.NA.2.31 of NA to BS EN 1991-1-7:2006)
NA to SLS EN 1991-1-7:2018
TABLE NA.1 – Sri Lanka decisions for Nationally Determined Parameters described in SLS EN 1991-1-7:2014. (Continued)
Sub clause Nationally Determined Parameter Euro code recommendation Sri Lanka decision
4.5.2(4) Note Design values for static equivalent 5000 kN for passenger trains.10000 kN for shunting & Use the recommended values.
force due to impact on the end impact marshalling trains.
wall These forces are applied horizontally and at a level of
1m above track level.
4.6.1(3) Note 1 Classification system for ships on sea May define a classification system for ships on sea May be defined by the relevant authorities. In the
waterways waterways. Table C.4 in Annex C gives an indicative absence of recommendation, indicative classification
classification for such ships. given in Table C.4 in Annex C of SLS EN 1991-1-7
may be used.
4.6.2(1) Note Values of frontal and lateral dynamic May be given either in the National Annex or for the May be defined by the relevant authorities. In the
forces individual project. Indicative values are given in Annex absence of recommendation, indicative classification
C (Table C.3) for a number of standard ship given in Table C.3 in Annex C of SLS EN 1991-1-7
characteristics and standard design situations, including may be used.
the effects of added hydraulic mass, and for ships of
other masses.
4.6.2(2) Note Friction coefficient, µ µ = 0.4 Use the recommended value.
4.6.2(3) Note 1 Height of application of the impact May be defined in the National Annex or for the In the absence of recommendation from the
force and impact area, b×h individual project. In the absence of detailed implementing authorities use the recommended
information, the force may be applied at a height of 1,50 procedure.
m above the relevant water level. An impact area b × h
where b = bpier and h = 0,5 m for frontal impact and an
area b × h where h = 1,0 m and b = 0,5 m for lateral
impact may be assumed. bpier is the width of the obstacle
in the waterway, for example of the bridge pier.
4.6.2(4) Note Value of equivalent static force due to A value for the equivalent static force may be defined in In the absence of recommendation from the
impact from ship acting in a transverse the National Annex of for the individual project. An implementing authorities use the recommended value.
direction to the longitudinal axis of the indicative value is 1 MN.
NA to SLS EN 1991-1-7:2018
TABLE NA.1 – Sri Lanka decisions for Nationally Determined Parameters described in SLS EN 1991-1-7:2014. (Continued)
Sub clause Nationally Determined Parameter Euro code recommendation Sri Lanka decision
4.6.3(1) Note Value of frontal and lateral dynamic Values of frontal and lateral dynamic impact forces may In the absence of recommendation from the
impact forces due to impact from be given in the National Annex or for the individual implementing authorities, refer to the recommended
seagoing vessels. project. Indicative values are given in Table C.4 and values given in Table C.4 in SLS EN 1991-1-
interpolation of these values is permitted. The values 7:2014
hold for typical sailing channels and may be reduced for
structures outside this region. For smaller vessels the
forces may be calculated using C.4
4.6.3(3) Note Friction coefficient, µ µ = 0.4 Use the recommended value.
4.6.3(4)P Note Area on which impact force is applied Limits of area: 0.05l for height, 0.1l for width; where Use the recommended values.
and position of the impact force l=ship length.
Position of force in vertical direction:0.05l below to 0.05l
above the design water levels
4.6.3(5) Note 1 Forces on superstructure May be given in the National Annex or for a particular Use the Euro Code Recommendation
project. A range of 5 to 10 % of the bow impact force
may be considered as a guideline.
5.3 (1)P Note Procedures for internal explosion May give the procedures to be used for the types of Use the recommended procedure.
types internal explosions. Guidance on dealing with the
following specific types of explosion is given in
Annex D.
A.4 (1) b) Note 1 Details of effective anchorage May be given in the National Annex. Refer to Clause 8.4 of SLSEN 1992-1-1:2012