Multiband and Wideband Antennas For Mobile Communication Systems
Multiband and Wideband Antennas For Mobile Communication Systems
Multiband and Wideband Antennas For Mobile Communication Systems
1. Introduction
The popularity of mobile communication systems has increased remarkably during the last
decade and the market demand still continues to increase. As a fundamental part of these
systems, antenna is one of the most important design issues in modern mobile
communication units. Although there are several similar definitions, an antenna can be
mainly described as a device, which transforms the electromagnetic waves in an antenna to
radiating waves in an unbounded medium such as air in transmitting mode and vice versa
in receiving mode. Because antennas are dependent on frequency, they are designed to
operate for certain frequency bands.
The rapid growth of mobile communication systems has forced to the use of novel antennas
for base and mobile station applications (mobile phone, notebook computer, personal digital
assistants (PDA), etc.). Earlier, mobile systems were designed to operate for one of the
frequency bands of 2G (second generation) systems, which are Digital Cellular System
(DCS), Personal Communications Service (PCS) and Global System for Mobile
Communications (GSM) networks. Currently, many mobile communication systems use
several frequency bands such as GSM 900/1800/1900 bands (890-960 MHz and 1710-1990
MHz); Universal Mobile Telecommunication Systems (UMTS) and UMTS 3G expansion
bands (1900-2200 MHz and 2500-2700 MHz); and Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity)/Wireless Local
Area Networks (WLAN) bands (2400-2500 MHz and 5100-5800 MHz) where the list of
frequently used frequency bands is given in Table 1 (Best, 2008).
Conventionally, because a single antenna can not operate at all of these frequency bands of
mobile communication, multiple different antennas covering these bands separately should
be used. However, usage of many antennas is usually limited by the volume and cost
constraints of the applications. Therefore, multiband and wideband antennas are essential to
provide multifunctional operations for mobile communication. A multiband antenna in a
mobile communication system can be defined as the antenna operating at distinct frequency
bands, but not at the intermediate frequencies between bands. For example, a triple band
antenna for GSM 900/1800/1900 bands can cover the frequency bands 890-960 MHz and
1710-1990 MHz (Ali et al., 2003); however, it does not operate properly at the frequencies
such as 1200 MHz or 2500 MHz. On the other hand, a wideband antenna operates at every
frequency points within a given frequency band. For example, a wideband antenna covering
UMTS, extended UMTS and WLAN 2400 bands functions at every frequency points
144 Recent Developments in Mobile Communications – A Multidisciplinary Approach
between 1900 and 2700 MHz (Secmen & Hizal, 2010; Caso et al., 2010). At this point, the
readers may wonder what “the antenna operates at this frequency properly” means. This
chapter follows in the brief explanation of this question by describing crucial antenna
parameters for mobile communication systems. Afterwards, this chapter provides types and
examples of multiband antennas used in mobile communication. Finally, wideband
antennas are investigated in the last section of this chapter.
fu fL
% bandwidth 100 (1)
where fc is the center frequency of the band as the arithmetic mean of lower and upper
frequency limits. The bandwidth of an antenna is defined as the frequency range which the
Multiband and Wideband Antennas for Mobile Communication Systems 145
RL dB 20log (2)
where ZANT is the complex input impedance of the antenna and Z0 is the impedance of
feeding line. As the alternative way of describing the reflected power from the antenna, the
term of voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) is also used with a formal definition given by
VSWR provides a more quantitative indication about mismatch between the antenna and
feeding line impedances that VSWR= 1 indicates perfect matching.
Because the complex impedance of antenna is a function of frequency, both return loss and
VSWR depend on the operating frequency. Thus, if the antenna operates at a given
frequency bandwidth, the impedance of the antenna should satisfy application-specific
criterion such as VSWR≤ 2 or equivalently RL ≥ 10 dB at all frequencies within the
bandwidth. In base station systems, the constraint of VSWR≤ 2 (or sometimes shown as
VSWR 2:1) is usually sufficient, which corresponds to about 10% reflected power from the
antenna. On the other hand, mobile station antennas such as handheld antennas are
typically designed to have VSWR≤ 3 for multiband systems due to very tight volume
constraints (Rahmat-Samii et al., 2008).
usually selected as elevation (θ) and azimuth () angles of spherical coordinate system.
or field strength of the antenna as a function of space coordinates. These coordinates are
There are many types of representation of radiation pattern of an antenna. One of them is
the three dimensional (3D) graph whose examples can be found in many antenna books
(Balanis, 2005). However, the drawing of 3D graph is usually difficult and unnecessary due
to the symmetry of antenna radiation pattern. Therefore, instead of 3D radiation pattern, a
146 Recent Developments in Mobile Communications – A Multidisciplinary Approach
more comprehensive representation of radiation pattern called as polar plot is used. Polar
plot is actually a planar cut from 3D radiation pattern as shown in Fig. 1(a). Same pattern
can be presented in the rectangular plot, as shown in Fig. 1(b). Both patterns are normalized
to the pattern’s peak, which is pointed to θ = 0 in this case and given in decibel scale.
60 120 0
-20 -5
30 150
0 180 -15
330 210
(a) (b)
Fig. 1. (a) Polar plot and (b) Rectangular plot representation of radiation pattern
In antenna terminology, planar cuts from 3D pattern are considered for two main planes,
which are E-plane and H-plane for linearly polarized antennas. The E-plane is defined as the
plane containing the electric field vector and the direction of maximum radiation; and
H-plane is the plane containing the magnetic field vector and the direction of maximum
radiation. Therefore, by representing plots of an antenna in both planes, which are
orthogonal, power distribution of the antenna in whole space can be comphrehended well
without drawing 3D pattern.
The beamwidth of the antenna is defined as the angular distance (width) between two half
power points in the radiation patterns, where half power level is 3 dB below than maximum
radiation power. The beamwidth parameter is usually expressed as “3 dB beamwidth” in
the antenna applications for both E plane (elevation beamwidth) and H plane (azimuth
beamwidth). This parameter can be also considered as effective angular width of the
antenna that important portion of radiated antenna power is focused within this angular
beamwidth. Theoretically, omnidirectional (equal radiation at all directions) pattern in
azimuth plane and wide beamwidth in elevation plane are desired for mobile units.
Practically, mobile handset antennas may have very wide beamwidth such as 180° in both
planes. In indoor or outdoor base station applications, antennas having wide 3 dB
beamwidth (90° or 120°) are preferred to provide sufficient angle coverage in azimuth plane;
whereas, the elevation beamwidth of these antennas varies typically between 10° or 70°
within the frequency bandwidth of the antenna. GSM systems with three-sector
configuration typically use antennas having 3 dB beamwidth of 65° (Collins, 2009).
When radiation pattern of an antenna is handled, the front-to-back (F/B) ratio of antenna is
also an important parameter in mobile communication applications. This parameter is
roughly defined as the ratio of maximum radiated field in forward (mainlobe) direction (0°
Multiband and Wideband Antennas for Mobile Communication Systems 147
in Fig. 1(a)) to the radiated field in the opposite (backlobe) direction (180° in Fig. 1(a)). This
ratio is generally desired to be about 30 dB in outdoor base station applications in order to
minimize the interference between back-to-back oriented antennas. On the other hand, the
required F/B ratio for indoor applications can be low (Secmen & Hizal, 2010). In mobile
phone antennas, the backlobe radiation is usually directly oriented to the head of a human
body; therefore, this radiation level is desired to be as low as possible corresponding to high
F/B ratio. In notebook computer antennas, the desired radiation pattern is omnidirectional;
consequently, F/B ratio should be low that the antennas with F/B ratio of 0.5 dB can be
employed by using symmetric patch antenna structures (Guterman et al., 2006).
2.3 Gain
in a given direction (usually in spherical coordinate angles θ and ) divided by the intensity
The gain of an antenna is defined as the ratio of the power intensity radiated by the antenna
radiated by a lossless isotropic antenna, which radiates the power at all angles equally. In a
mathematical form, it can be formulated as
U ,
gain G , 4 (5)
where U(θ, ) is the radiation (power) intensity and Pin is total input (accepted) power of the
antenna. In antenna applications, gain is usually considered as maximum gain taken in the
direction of maximum radiation. Therefore, gain drops at most 3 dB below maximum gain
within the beamwidths of the antenna. Gain requirements may vary according to different
applications of mobile communication. For example, in outdoor base station applications,
the standard gain requirement is generally between 10 and 20 dBi (dBi: gain in dB scale
relative to isotropic antenna) within frequency bandwidth, which is usually achieved with
array structures (Arai, 2002). For indoor mobile communication, moderate gain (5-7 dBi) is
usually sufficient (Serra et al., 2007; Secmen & Hizal, 2010). However, the gain of the
antenna may decrease even to 1 dBi within the designated frequency band for handset
applications (Rahmat-Samii et al., 2008).
2.4 Polarization
The polarization of the antenna is roughly defined as the orientation of electric field vector
of the radiated wave of the antenna with time. While the electric field in linearly polarized
wave oscillates in either horizontal or vertical directions, it circulates around direction of
propagation vector in circularly polarized wave. In order to transfer maximum power
between transmitter and receiver antennas, both antennas should have same polarization.
However, in general, the polarization of receiver antenna is not the same as the polarization
of the incident wave radiated by transmitter antenna. Consequently, power transfer is
reduced, which is called as polarization loss factor (PLF). Mathematically, this loss is
expressed in decibel scale as (Balanis, 2005).
where r and t are unit (polarization) vectors of receiver and transmitter antenna,
respectively. Accordingly, when the case, where linearly polarized transmitter and receiver
148 Recent Developments in Mobile Communications – A Multidisciplinary Approach
where aj is the amplitude of transmitted wave from jth antenna and bi is the amplitude of
received wave from ith antenna that transmitted waves on all other antennas except jth
antenna are set to zero. In base station systems, the specification for mutual coupling
between antenna elements is typically -20 dB (or 20 dB isolation) within the frequency
bandwidth. The mutual coupling effect in these systems using polarization diversity (one
antenna with two orthogonal feeds) is usually higher than the systems using spatial
diversity (different antennas). As for mobile station applications such as mobile phone or
Multiband and Wideband Antennas for Mobile Communication Systems 149
notebook computer antennas, the mutual coupling requirement may increase up to -10 dB
(Rahmat-Samii et al., 2008).
Fig. 2. The radiation patterns in both planes for an indoor base station antenna system where
CO and X indicate co-polarization and cross-polarization (Secmen & Hizal, 2010)
2.7 Intermodulation
When the signals with multiple frequencies (f1, f2,..., fn) are received by a nonlinear device,
intermodulation frequency terms (f1-f2, f1+f2, 2f1-f2,...) are generated. Although an antenna is
actually a linear device, it may slightly deviate from linearity when sufficiently high power
is transmitted or received by the antenna. This nonlinearity is usually formed due to
mechanical joints or nonlinear materials used in the antenna. The intermodulation level is
crucial especially in base station applications that the intermodulation frequencies can
150 Recent Developments in Mobile Communications – A Multidisciplinary Approach
dPabs E
dV 2
where dPabs is absorbed power within an infinitesimal volume of dV; E is the peak electric
field strength within dV; ρ and σ are mass density and conductivity of the human body. SAR
is important that certain regulations about SAR, which are based on the biological effects of
thermal heating due to radiation, should be satisfied. The IEEE standard about SAR
indicates that maximum allowed 1-g averaged maximum SAR is 1.6 W/kg and whole-body
averaged peak SAR is 0.08 W/kg. 10-g averaged maximum SAR value is commonly used as
2 W/kg in Europe countries.
Multiband and Wideband Antennas for Mobile Communication Systems 151
mounted on a typical mobile phone is given. According to the results, the antenna has the
resonances at frequencies fo and 2.6fo that higher order resonances principle almost holds for
this case.
Fig. 3. (a) A monopole antenna resonating at fo (b) Same antenna resonating at 3fo (E is the
electric field magnitude)
Fig. 4. (a) Two monopole antennas for dual-band operation (b) A helical antenna resonating
at the frequency f1 and a monopole antenna resonating at the frequency f2 for dual-band
152 Recent Developments in Mobile Communications – A Multidisciplinary Approach
Fig. 5. A folded patch antenna with parasitic element for a triple band application
(Manteuffel et al., 2001)
Multiband and Wideband Antennas for Mobile Communication Systems 153
operations (Katsibas et al., 1998; Lee et al., 2000). Among these antennas, helical antenna,
which is given in Fig. 4(b) in conjunction with a whip for dual-band operation, is the most
popular. While axial mode helical antenna provides endfire radiation (parallel to the axis of
the helix) pattern and circular polarization, normal-mode helical antenna gives linear
polarization and similar radiation pattern with monopole antenna. Some of dual-band
helical antennas used in mobile station systems are given in Fig. 7, where the first design
uses two helical antennas with different radii and the second design uses antennas with
different pitches (Wong, 2003). As another application of helical antenna in mobile
communication systems, an intelligent quadrifilar helical antenna for satellite mobile
communications is presented in (Leach, 2000).
(a) (b)
Fig. 7. (a) Two helical antennas with different radii (b) two helical antennas with different
pitches (Wong, 2003)
In spite of their simple structures, all these monopole and helical antennas have still high
dimensions especially for mobile station systems. Besides, these antennas can be considered
as external antennas since they are usually mounted outside the mobile systems such as
mobile handset, and external antennas are more sensitive to the position of nearby objects,
for instance, head of a human (Rahmat-Samii et al., 2008). For these reasons, internal printed
monopole antennas supplying lower profile and higher bandwidth for multiband
operations are generally preferred. Some typical examples of internal printed monopole
antenna for dual-band operation are given in Fig. 8 (Chen et al., 2001; Chen & Chen, 2004).
154 Recent Developments in Mobile Communications – A Multidisciplinary Approach
Both antennas in these studies provide return loss higher than 10 dB for GSM 1800 and
WLAN 2400 bands.
(a) (b)
Fig. 8. (a) A microstrip fed dual-band printed monopole antenna (Chen et al., 2001) (b) A
coplanar waveguide (CPW) fed dual-band printed monopole antenna (Chen & Chen, 2004)
Fig. 9. Modification steps of IFA from monopole antenna (Huang & Boyle, 2008)
When IFA in this figure is investigated, with its image, the antenna appears as a two wire
transmission line with a short circuit at the end. The IFA is widely used as an internal
antenna especially in mobile handset and notebook computer applications. Many
modifications have been made to IFA that IFAs operating at dual WLAN bands (2.4 and 5
GHz) have been proposed (Yeo et al., 2004). The printed forms of inverted L or F antennas
are also very popular and widely used for multiband operations in mobile communication
systems (Wong et al., 2003; Wang et al., 2007).
Multiband and Wideband Antennas for Mobile Communication Systems 155
Patch Ground
Feed Pin
Shorting Plate
156 Recent Developments in Mobile Communications – A Multidisciplinary Approach
The theory of this structure is investigated in detail in (Boyle, 2008). For the antenna in
Fig. 11, it can be roughly explained that the inner part of this structure (slot) provides high
frequency component of dual-band, whereas the outer part provides a low frequency
component. Several PIFA antennas and their extended versions are reported for multiband
operations including triple band (Manteghi & Rahmat-Samii, 2006), quad band (Ciais et al.,
2004) and even six-band (Guo & Tan, 2004) for mobile communication systems.
In (Manteghi & Rahmat-Samii, 2006), a compact triple band PIFA operating in WLAN 2400
(2.4-2.5 GHz) band and two different UNII bands (5.15-5.35 GHz and 5.7-5.85 GHz) is
presented. As shown in Fig. 12(a), three different resonance frequencies are generated by
adding J-shaped slot and a quarter wavelength slot on the radiating patch. The fabricated
two element antenna array is also given in Fig. 12(b) that total size for the antenna part is
approximately 50 mm x 13 mm x 4 mm. The proposed antenna provides return loss higher
than 10 dB for the mentioned bands.
feed pin wavelength slot
shorting pin
Triple band PIFA
(a) (b)
Fig. 12. (a) A triple band PIFA (b) Array of two elements of triple band PIFA (Manteghi &
Rahmat-Samii, 2006)
The paper presented in (Ciais et al., 2004) uses several multiband techniques such as
multiple resonant structures (cutting slots) and parasitic resonators in order to implement a
quad band PIFA. This antenna covers GSM 900 band by providing VSWR less than 2.5 and
GSM 1800, 1900 and UMTS bands by providing VSWR less than 2. The antenna in (Guo &
Tan, 2004) proposes a compact PIFA with a parasitic plate and folded stub for mobile
handsets. This antenna covers GSM 900, 1800, 1900; GPS, UMTS and ISM2450 bands with
return loss better than 6 dB and it occupies only 36 x 17 x 8 mm3 total volume. There exist
many different types of PIFA for mobile communication systems, which can be found in
(Wong, 2003) for the readers interested in this antenna type.
Multiband and Wideband Antennas for Mobile Communication Systems 157
Microstrip line
Fig. 14. A compact multiband meandered printed antenna (Jing et al., 2006)
As being another type for low profile antenna, folded structures have been reported in the
literature. In the study in (Di Nallo & Faraone, 2005), a novel antenna structure, which can
158 Recent Developments in Mobile Communications – A Multidisciplinary Approach
also be called as folded inverted conformal antenna (FICA), has significantly higher
bandwidth than a dual-band PIFA operating in GSM 900 and 1800 bands. Besides, it
provides resonance at the third band around 2 GHz, which is suitable for UMTS
applications. A special design of folded planar monopole is presented in (Lin, 2004) that the
proposed antenna can cover GSM 900, 1800 and 1900; UMTS and ISM 2450 frequency bands
with constraint of VSWR≤2.
Chip antennas, which can be also included in very low profile antennas, are frequently used
in mobile station units such as mobile handsets. The chip antenna is a compact surface
mountable device consisting of a high permittivity substrate (such as ceramic) and
conducting patterns printed or embedded on it. Low temperature cofired ceramic (LTCC)
technology is usually used that the substrate is composed of multilayered thin sheets, and
the conducting strips are printed and connected on these sheets via metal posts. The metallic
path can take different forms of helix, meander or spiral (Wong, 2003). There are two major
types of chip antennas. The first one has a ground plane printed on the bottom of the
substrate; however, it has generally narrow bandwidth and low radiation efficiency. For this
purpose, in the most of today’s chip designs, the chip antenna does not have an underlying
ground plane as shown in Fig. 15 (Moon & Park, 2003). The chip part of the presented
antenna has total volume of 48 mm3 and operates at dual ISM bands (2.4 and 5.8 GHz) by
providing VSWR≤2 within these frequency bands.
Fig. 15. The configuration of a dual-band chip antenna (Moon & Park, 2003)
4. Wideband antennas
In order to increase the bandwidth of an antenna, several methods such as using thick and
low permittivity substrates, stacked and suspended structures, aperture or L-probe
coupling, parasitic resonators and planar designs with different shapes (circular, triangular,
etc.) can be considered. Wideband antennas normally occupy larger space than multiband
antennas in the applications and the profile can be even higher with possible array
configurations to obtain higher gain. Therefore, wideband antennas are mostly preferred in
indoor or outdoor base station applications rather than mobile handset or notebook
computer applications. Besides, while satisfying only VSWR (or return loss) requirement
within the desired frequency bands is usually sufficient for mobile unit applications,
additional criteria such as high gain and high isolation between the antenna elements
should be satisfied for wideband antennas in base station applications. The commonly used
wideband antennas in mobile communication systems are described as follows.
Multiband and Wideband Antennas for Mobile Communication Systems 159
patch shape can be any continuous shape such as square, rectangular, circular, ring and
elliptical, where rectangular patch is the most common.
Fig. 16. Microstrip patch antenna configuration
This antenna is heavily preferred due to its low profile, lightweight, easy fabrication and
being conformable to planar and nonplanar surfaces. With its original configuration, the
antenna has narrow bandwidth, which is more suitable for multiband operations that some
multiband patch antenna designs have been developed in literature (Chiou & Wong, 2003).
However, by applying techniques such as using thick and low permittivity substrates,
aperture coupling, stacked patched or cutting different shaped slots in the patch, its
bandwidth can be widened, which makes them more convenient for base station
applications. Wideband dual-polarized patch antennas have especially attracted much
attention due to their ability of eliminating multipath fading. For example, the antenna in
(Caso et al., 2010) proposes a dual-polarized microstrip antenna using both aperture
coupling and stacked patch as wideband techniques. The geometry and fabricated view of
the antenna are given in Fig. 17 that it operates between 1700 MHz and 2700 MHz (45
percent bandwidth), which includes GSM 1800, 1900; UMTS and extended UMTS; ISM
frequency bands. Within the given bandwidth, the antenna provides return loss higher than
10 dB, isolation between ports higher than 22 dB and cross polar isolation higher than 20 dB.
For a 2x1 array structure, the antenna gain is measured between 8 and 11 dBi in the entire
band of interest, which is sufficient for most of the base station applications.
(a) (b)
Fig. 17. (a) Stack-up view geometry of the single antenna element (b) Fabricated 2 x 1
prototype of the antenna (Caso et al., 2010)
160 Recent Developments in Mobile Communications – A Multidisciplinary Approach
Fig. 18. (a) Isometric and (b) side views of the suspended plate antenna
There are many suspended plate antennas available for mobile communication systems. In
(Secmen & Hizal, 2010), an inverted L-shape fed suspended plate antenna is designed for
wideband indoor base station applications. The simulation and manufactured views of the
proposed dual-polarized antenna are shown in Fig. 19. The antenna is initially fed with a
Fig. 19. (a) Simulation and (b) manufactured views of the suspended plate antenna in
(Secmen & Hizal, 2010)
Multiband and Wideband Antennas for Mobile Communication Systems 161
microstrip line instead of a probe, then with a bowtie transition, the incident power is
transmitted to the suspended patch antenna via coupling from planar strip feed element.
The antenna operates within the frequency bandwidth of 1900-2700 MHz (about 34 percent
bandwidth) by performing return loss higher than 15 dB, isolation higher than 22 dB and
cross polar discrimination in the boresight higher than 25 dB. Besides, the antenna has
sufficiently wide 3-dB beamwidth values in both principle planes (minimum 66 degrees for
E-plane and 125 degrees for H-plane); therefore, the proposed antenna can be used for
indoor mobile communication applications.
162 Recent Developments in Mobile Communications – A Multidisciplinary Approach
3.9 GHz (42 percent bandwidth) covering almost two WiMAX (2.5-2.7 GHz and 3.3-3.8 GHz)
frequency bands. The antenna has return loss higher than 10 dB; gain higher than 3 dBi and
moderation cross polarization levels within the given bandwidth.
(a) (b)
Fig. 21. (a) Side view and (b) top view of the antenna presented in (Brar & Sharma, 2011)
Fig. 22. The structure of the proposed antenna in (Zhang et al., 2011)
Multiband and Wideband Antennas for Mobile Communication Systems 163
5. Conclusions
The explosive demand for mobile communication and information transfer using personal
devices such as mobile phone or notebook computer has caused the need for major
advancements of antenna design. With the development of 3G and even 4G technologies,
multiband and wideband antennas operating at additional frequency bands such as UMTS
and LTE are required. In this chapter, it is initially presented the fundamental parameters of
the antenna to be taken into account while designing an antenna and determining the
operating frequency bands. Afterwards, types of multiband antennas, which are used
especially in mobile units, are described. Here, the techniques to make an antenna
convenient for multiband operations are given; then, different antennas such as monopoles,
PIFAs are examined with several examples in the literature. In the last part, the types of
wideband antennas (microstrip patch antenna, DRA or planar) used in mobile
communication, which are more appropriate for base station or access point applications,
are presented. In conclusion, the engineers interested in mobile communication acquire an
initial comprehension about fundamentals and characteristics of multiband and wideband
antennas used in mobile communication systems. The readers can utilize from the given
references for more detail.
6. References
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Recent Developments in Mobile Communications - A
Multidisciplinary Approach
Edited by Dr Juan P. Maícas
ISBN 978-953-307-910-3
Hard cover, 272 pages
Publisher InTech
Published online 16, December, 2011
Published in print edition December, 2011
How to reference
In order to correctly reference this scholarly work, feel free to copy and paste the following:
Mustafa Secmen (2011). Multiband and Wideband Antennas for Mobile Communication Systems, Recent
Developments in Mobile Communications - A Multidisciplinary Approach, Dr Juan P. Maícas (Ed.), ISBN: 978-
953-307-910-3, InTech, Available from: