5 Soal Bahasa Inggrs Kelas 3 SD Semester 2
5 Soal Bahasa Inggrs Kelas 3 SD Semester 2
5 Soal Bahasa Inggrs Kelas 3 SD Semester 2
Inggris yang diberikan umumnya berupa pengenalan terhadap kosakata baru. Untuk kelas 3 SD, materi
yang diberikan di semester 2 berupa kosakata (vocabulary), grammar mengenai Simple Present Tense
dan Present Continous Tense, dan juga pembuatan kalimat sederhana dalam Bahasa Inggris. Berikut
adalah soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 3 SD semester 2.
b. September
1. Rexha and her family are in a restaurant c. June
because …
d. July
a. They want to have a bowl of chicken soup
b. May
2. Rexha’s brother orders a glass of … c. October
a. Green tea d. June
b. Milk tea 6. Two months after March is …
c. Orange juice a. April
d. Mango juice
b. May Time TV Programs
Jane : …
a. Yes, is it
c. March
Farhan : It is 10 o’clock.
a. September Farhan : …
b. October a. Yes, it is
c. November b. Yes, is it
d. No, is it not
a. 8 o’clock
c. 10 o’clock a. Crabs
d. 12 o’clock b. Seashells
John and Dhoni go to the beach on holiday. 16. What does John see when he swims in the
At beach, they play volly ball, swim in the sea,
and build a sand castle. a. She sees a seashell
There are many seashells and crabs at the b. She sees a sea star
c. He sees a seashell
John sees a sea star when he swims in the sea.
d. He sees a sea star
The sea star is blue. It looks beautiful.
c. They play volley ball and see the sea star d. Night
6. B
a. Living room 8. A
b. Dining room 9. D
c. Kitchen 10. B
d. Garage 11. C
12. C
a. Garden 14. A
c. Bedroom 16. D
d. Kitchen 17. A
5. A