Book of Ephesians
Book of Ephesians
Book of Ephesians
City of Batac
Book of
(6 Chapters)
The apostle Paul wrote Ephesians to the churches around Ephesus to display the
scope of God’s eternal plan for all humanity-for Jews and Gentiles alike. This is the
mystery of God, hidden for ages but now made known in Jesus Christ. The first three
chapters focus on what Christians should believe, unfolding the glorious riches of God’s
grace in Christ. The last three chapters explain the implication of God’s grace for the
church, for individuals and for families.
Chapter 1
In this chapter, it is indicated that we are the chosen one because of God’s love
for us. It tells us that we should tribute and honor God. From the moment that we are
born, we have already the obligation or responsibility to worship God for He has saved
us from our sins. In this, we are set free that all our sins were forgiven. Christ has a
plan for us and we should trust in His plans and actions for He knows what best for us
and the things that will make our life more unforgettable and meaningful. We should be
grateful for He has selected us to be His own people in union with Christ because of His
own purpose, based on what He had decided from the very beginning.
The Good News will bring us salvation. The Good News is being spread
throughout the world so that we will be aware of the message that God wants us to
know for it serves as our guide so that we will be put on the right path. He loves us so
much that He not only paid the penalty for our sin by dying on the cross, he conquered
death, and came to life again on the third day to give us hope of eternal life.
In this chapter, Paul lists out all that God has planned, worked out through Christ
and given through the Spirit, I am overwhelmed by God’s generosity that is to our
benefit and His glory. We have every spiritual blessing in Christ. Upon trusting in Christ
you can know that you have been chosen, adopted, redeemed, forgiven, let in on the
purpose of the whole plan, sealed, and given a down-payment guaranteeing and giving
a taste of the full inheritance. All the blessings that we receive were given by our Lord
Jesus Christ. We need to know God and know His blessings. God has power for those
who believe the kind of power that raised Christ from the dead and placed him in
authority over everything. Power that shows we too will conquer death and will join as
co-heirs with Christ.
Paul doesn’t stop at being thankful for them, he prays for them. He prays a deep
prayer that fits exactly with their needs. And their needs are our needs. It tells us that
we should pray for other believers and for others. As one of the verses in the bible said,
we should love our neighbors as we love ourselves. We should also think of the benefit
of others as it said on Ephesians Chapter 1:5 that we are adopted as sons through
Jesus Christ and we are all made in His image and likeness.
Chapter 2
In this chapter it emphasizes the theme of salvation by grace through faith in
Christ Jesus. First, Paul describes the process of salvation as the result of God's grace
through faith (Ephesians 2:1–10). Human effort, and human goodness, are completely
ineffective in our salvation. Second, Paul transitions to a focus on unity in Christ
(Ephesians 2:11–22). This includes tearing down the previous divide between Jews and
Gentiles who are now one spiritual family.
The Ephesians were alive physically but dead spiritually, believers "were dead"
in their sins in which they had previously walked, following the way of Satan. This is
true of all believers before coming to faith in Christ. Yet God's mercy has made us alive
in Christ. This is Paul's first mention of being saved by grace. We are being raised up
with Christ. He’s always besides us, guiding and supporting us, especially when we are
Paul wrote that salvation is by the Grace of God and that it is through Faith, and
that no one can contribute to salvation, in any way, even with good deeds: "For by
grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of
God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast'' (2:8-9). Even though we
commit a lot of sins every day, all of this were already forgiven. We can be saved when
we believe and keep our faith in God for this is the only way for us to be saved and
have an eternal life. In this chapter, it tells us that it’s not about the good deeds that
we do to others but it’s our faith that can really save us. We encounter temptations
sometimes and this really tests our faith in Him. It is not the result of works, so no one
has reason to brag. We are God’s masterpiece and have been created to do good
I have experienced a lot of temptations but my faith endured all of this and it
remained strong and unbreakable. I will always keep my faith in Him because I know
that He will never leave me that He will be my friend at all times. He is my comfort and
my refuge that’s why I will never be tired in going back to Him. In Him you are also
being built together into dwelling place for God by the Spirit.
The Gentiles were separated from Christ, without hope and without God. Yet
through Christ they have been brought near. The dividing wall has been taken down,
with the law of commandments abolished to make one new family, creating
reconciliation and ending hostility. When we offer or surrender our life to God we will
feel no worry and we will be able to experience a peaceful life. We will be guided by His
love and grace. Jesus came to reach people of all kinds and in all places. Through Him
we have access in one Spirit to the Father, emphasizing the triune nature of God. This
united family, the church, is built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets with
Jesus as the cornerstone. Everything grows from Him and for Him. All the things that
we should do must be done with love and trust God’s help.
Chapter 3
In this chapter, the mystery of Christ was revealed. We have boldness and
access to God, with confidence through our faith in Jesus. It means that we do not
have to fear God’s judgment. Christ has turned away the wrath that is against sin. We
can intercede and worship at the throne of our Creator, our Father, we can express love
to Him without having to find the exact right words and that we can sit at His feet and
listen to His voice. As sons and daughters of the Living God, every believer can enter
into His presence at any time. Jesus is the sacrifice who makes us clean all the time
despite of the immoralities that we have done.
God can do anything far more than we could ever imagine or guess or request in
our wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his
Spirit deeply and gently within us. He is really great and mighty for He can do anything.
God deserves all glory for all things at all times. We should honor Him for He has done
so much for us, so we need to replace all the sacrifices that He has done just to save
us. Also He didn’t leave us even though we don’t have time for Him, to talk to Him or to
thank Him for all the good things and blessings that He has given us. God will never fail
us, He will do everything just to make sure that we are safe and He always makes sure
that we are happy because He desires us to be genuinely happy and contented at all
times. Nothing shall be impossible with Him, for He also can move mountains. He is the
light of the world and nothing compares to Him.
I have been a witness of the goodness of God, for He has given me more than
what I deserve. Sometimes I ask Him why He is so good to me, I’m not even going to
church every Sunday and sometimes I forget to pray. Whenever I need someone to talk
to, I always run to Him for I know that He is always listening and He will never be tired
in listening to all my prayers. Let Christ be the center of your lives and let Him dwell in
your hearts through faith. Know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you
may be filled with all the fullness of God.
Part of the mystery of the gospel is that heaven has come down to earth.
Ordinary people carry the presence of God with them and the division between the
unseen world and the seen world no longer applies. In this chapter, it tells us that we
are one and we are united by the unconditional love and affection that God is giving us
whole heartedly. Even though we have different religions, the important thing is that
we only worship and we only devote ourselves to the one and only God, which is our
Savior and our Redeemer.
Chapter 4
One Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all and
through all and in all. We are all given the grace according to the measure of Christ’s
gift. It conveys us the message that we should know how to bow down or be humble
always, be patient and be nice for God teaches us this things. We should show or
express our love in a way that we are helping and serving each other without asking
any in return. We should always do our best that leads us always to unity that the Holy
Spirit bonded us.
Truth in Love. We need to grow and live in every way into Him who is the head,
into Christ, from whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with
which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that
it builds itself up in love. All the things that we do should all be done in love and in truth
for this was God teaches us. Let us all be pure and do good things to others for this is
the will of God and this is the right thing to do. The whole world will be at peace if we
know how to care for each other. Start living each day with love and truth for you to
experience the life with no worries and no hate. The truth is in Jesus.
The New Life. No matter how evil or bad is the actions that we have done, if we
know how to confess our sins and devote our whole life to Him and if we find our way
to learn Christ about how good He is, for certain we will be given a second chance, a
new life because God is not self-centered and that He wants us to live a prosperous life.
We will be renewed by the Spirit and our old self will be put off. We will be created
again in His image and likeness in true righteousness and holiness.
We should put away falsehood, and let each one of us speak the truth with
others, for we are members one of another. It’s okay to burst out but make sure that
you will not sin, do not let your anger be filled in your heart. You should learn how to
forgive others just how God forgive others. Do not give opportunity to the devil. It also
tells us that we have the power to change others, by letting them know God, about
how He can change the life of everyone. Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor and
slander be put away from each one of us, along with all malice. Always keep in mind
that we should be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in
Christ forgive you. Let God be the center of our lives and let love rule the world.
Chapter 5
Walk in love. We are made in His image and likeness so we are like carrying Him.
We should do moral things and be like His imitators, as beloved children of Him. We
should walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, which is a fragrant
offering and sacrifice to God. We shouldn’t tell filthy nor foolish talks or crude jokes
which are out of place instead let there be thanksgiving. We shouldn’t be tempted to
foolish talks and let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things
the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience. Therefore, we shouldn’t be
partners nor be friends with these people. We are darkness but because of God, we are
all shined and guided with His light.
We are all God’s children. We should walk as children of light, for the fruit of
light is found in all that is good and right and true and try to discern what is pleasing to
the Lord. Do things that will make God happy, do things that are according to His will
and teachings. We should open our hearts and eyes and let Christ shine within us.
Be careful of the words that you spill, you should think before you speak because
sometimes we say things that can hurt others. We should understand the will of the
Lord. We should do things that are pleasing in the eyes of our Father. It tells us not to
be drunk because this will lead us to temptation and doing things that are not good or
immoral. Instead let just worship and honor God by spreading His words and teachings.
Always give thanks for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus
Christ, submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ. All the things that you
have now are because of Him.
Also it has a message for couples and married ones that they should submit or
commit their love to their partners, as to the Lord. As how the church submits to Christ,
so also wives should submit in everything to their husbands. He who loves his wife
loves himself and that the wife should respect her husband. This is also applicable to
those unmarried ones, or the one that are being engaged in a relationship or
commitment, that they should be faithful to their partner and they should love and
respect each other just as how God is giving us.
Chapter 6
In this chapter it is indicated that we should obey our parents for this is the right
thing to do. This is the fourth commandment but it is the first commandment with a
promise. God promised us that if we do honor and obey our parents we may go well
and that we may live long in the land. Also it has a message for our parents that they
shouldn’t provoke their children to anger but bring them up in the discipline and
instruction of the Lord. It means that parents shouldn’t tolerate their children and they
should discipline or control their kids in a good way and with the teaching of the Lord.
To the bondservants, they should obey their masters with fear and trembling
with a sincere heart as if they are serving Christ. Do the will of God from the heart,
rendering service with a good will as to the Lord and to man, knowing that whatever
good anyone does, this he will receive back from the Lord, whether he is bondservant
or is free. Also with the masters, they should do the same to their servants, that they
should treat them right and fair with love. Members should follow the leader also the
leader should also know how to follow or how to be a member so that all will be good.
The Whole Armor of God. We are strengthened by our Lord, we are covered by
His power and strength. Put on the whole armor of God, by this it means that let’s
devote everything to Him and we will be protected every second in our life. We will be
able to stand against the schemes of the devil. Even though we face a lot of
temptations, we will be able to defeat it because we are covered and filled by the grace
and unending love of God. Therefore take up the whole armor of God that you may be
able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm. We are being
fastened on the belt of truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness and
having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace. Take up the shield of faith,
with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one; and take the helmet
of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, praying at all times
in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. You will be supported and guided by His
love and grace so you don’t need to worry and just do everything in accordance with
love and affection.
Spread love and peace with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus
Christ. Grace is with all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with love