Business Plan Outline I. Cover Sheet: II. Table of Contents III. Executive Summary

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I. Cover Sheet
Use a cover sheet if the LGU is trying to attract investors or planning to avail of bank financing.
A. LEE Information
1. Full official name of LEE as stated in the appropriation ordinance
2. Complete address of the LEE
3. Main contact person and his/her designation
4. Contact numbers
B. Brief paragraph describing the LEE goals, potentials, and outlook
C. Amount of capital required by the LEE for its current and future needs

II. Table of Contents

III. Executive Summary

This summary encapsulates the Business Plan in a few paragraphs, preferably between two
and five pages. The summary must be able to capture the interest of the reader as well as
demonstrate that the LGU knows what it wants for the LEE, and where it is headed.

IV. Profile of the LGU

A. Brief background on the LGU – location, economic base, role in province or region,
vision, development trends, and direction
B. List of key elected and appointive officials

V. Product or Service Description

A. Brief history of the LEE
B. Reason for starting or expanding the LEE
C. Legal basis and related ordinances for the LEE
D. Goals and objectives of the LEE
E. Description of the LEE’s product or service
F. How the product is made or service provided
G. How the product or service of LEE differs from similar products or services or LEEs
13 Adapted from Covello, Joseph A and Hazelgren, Brian J., The Complete Book of Business Plans (Illinois: 2006).
VI. Market Analysis
A. Description of the existing marketplace or industry (to which the product or service or
LEE belongs) including trends
B. Economic forecasts that indicate spending/consumption trends favorable to the
industry and the LEE
C. Profile of the target customers in terms of:
1. Demographics – age, income, etc.
2. Lifestyle of target customers – attitudes, preferences, habits
3. Geographical location
D. Description of competition
1. Who are the competitors
2. Description of competitors’ product or service features
3. How the competitors promote their products or services
E. Distinct advantages and disadvantages of the LEE’s product or service versus its
competition in the following areas:
1. Actual performance
2. Quality and reliability
3. Distribution
4. Pricing
5. Public image or reputation

VII. Marketing and Sales Strategy

A. Market analysis - Put yourself in the customer’s place and ask: a) “ Where do I go to buy
it?”; b) “What makes me buy it?”; c) “What media do I watch, read, and listen to that
makes me decide to buy the product or service or patronize the LEE?”
B. Pricing strategy (How price is set?) - Remember to charge what the market will bear.
Do not over- or underprice your product or service.
C. Marketing budget – A general rule of thumb: allocate 5 to 10% of expected annual
revenues to marketing expenses.
D. Timetable to market the product or service
E. Professional services needed to implement the Marketing Plan
F. How the product or service will be marketed and advertised – publicity and promotion,
1. Promotional giveaways (t-shirts, hats, pens, mugs, fans, etc.) showing logo and
brand name
2. Advertising over local radio station, local newspaper
3. Press releases

4. References to the LEE during public speeches, meetings, conventions attended by LGU
officials and staff
5. Posters, billboards in strategic locations
G. Marketing objectives – can be expressed in terms of increasing revenues by a certain
percentage over a certain time frame.

VIII. Management and Personnel Plan

A. Formal organizational structure including names of members of management team and
their corresponding job descriptions
B. Strengths of the management team, e.g., qualifications and experience managing the
sales, marketing, finance, and operations units
C. External human resources – e.g., consultants, lawyer, etc.
D. Personnel Plan – personnel required to support operations and the intended growth of
the LEE

IX. Financial Projections

Monthly projections for first and second years of operations; annual projections thereafter
for third to tenth year.
A. Important assumptions
B. Selling, general, and administrative expenses
C. Revenue forecasts
D. Breakeven analysis
E. Projected profit and loss
F. Projected cash flow
G. Projected balance sheet
H. Financial ratios
1. Profitability ratios – Gross Margin, Profitability Margin, Return on Assets, Return
on Equity
2. Liquidity ratios – Current Ratio, Quick Ratio, Net Working Capital, Interest Coverage
3. Debt ratios – Debt-to-Net Worth, Short Term Liabilities to Liabilities
4. Activity ratios – Accounts Receivable Turnover, Collection Days, Inventory
Turnover, Accounts Payable Turnover, Total Asset Turnover
5. Other ratios – Assets to Sales, Debt to Assets, Current Debt to Total Assets, Acid Test,
Asset Turnover

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