Answer: Faith in islam is called iman. The root of the word Iman in Arabic is a-m-n which means: to be
calm and quiet in one's heart; to be protected from fear; trustworthiness and truthfulness. 2. Iman
means to accept truthfully to be convinced to verify something to rely upon or have confidence in
something. 3. It is a complete submission to the will of Allah which includes belief, profession,
and the body's performance of deeds consistent with the commission as vicegerent on Earth, all
according to Allah's will.
Question: What is meant by "Islam"?
Answer: 1. The term "Islam" is the name of religion among the semitic religions Christianity,
Judaism and Islam. 2. It comes from an Arabic root word meaning "peace" and
"submission." 3. Islam teaches that one can only find peace in one's life by submitting to
Almighty God (Allah) in heart, soul and deed.
Question: Who is called "Muslim"?
Answer: 1. "Muslim" is an Arabic word meaning "one who submits to God". 2. Muslims believe
that God is eternal, transcendent, absolutely one and incomparable and Muhammad
(PBUH) is the last prophet and messenger of Allah.
Question: What is meant by the Miracle of prophets?
Answer: First of all one must be aware about the term miracle so my dear the term miracle means
“a supernatural event”. In other words 'A miracle is simply an event which is not
explicable in any normal way'. Scientists may think of a 'miracle' as an extraordinary
event which have no scientific explanation. Now the question arises what are the miracles
of prophets? A miracle of prophet is something extraordinary which happened in the favor
of prophets and is thought to be when Allah does something to break all the normal rules
and laws of nature. Allah , sometimes ,makes His prophets show something’s against the
usual course which is beyond the capacity of others so that , on seeing it , people may
realize that they have been set by Allah . such acts are called Mu’jizahas ( miracles) For
example the incidence of Ascension {Mi’raj} of Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is a
miracle. This incidence took place and the prophet SAW was transported from Makkah to
Quds. Such incidents always happened with prophets and to have a firm belief on these
miracles is an integral part of our faith.
Question: What is the definition of the term "Momin"?
Answer: The term Momin is usually translated as believer. A believer is one who is sincere in his
efforts and strives for Allah