Lecture 08 (Mass Food Production)
Lecture 08 (Mass Food Production)
Lecture 08 (Mass Food Production)
assembly line or automation technology. Mass production refers to the production of a large number
of similar products efficiently.
B. Texture
Cooking in general effects the texture of all foodstuffs. The cellulose present in them becomes softer
and this makes the foodstuffs also softer for example, cooked vegetables are much softer than raw.
Cooking in an alkaline medium softens the cellulose much faster and gives the foodstuffs a mashy
appearance whereas cooking in an acidic medium makes the texture hard and such foodstuffs have to
be cooked for a longer period.
The starch granules present in the raw foodstuffs get gelatinised in the presence of moist heat i.e.
when they are cooked in the presence of water, they absorb water and swell up, thus becoming softer
and softer and finally some granules even burst and release the starch into the medium. This makes
the foodstuffs easily digestable. Such changes are seen in cooking of pulses, rice, potatoes etc, as they
are rich in starches. On cooking, proteins get coagulated, for example egg white, but if over cooked
they can become hard and over-cooking also renders the proteins indigestible.
The texture of the food, after cooking is also dependent on the method which is used for cooking. All
the moist heat methods i.e. boiling, steaming, pressure cooking and stewing makes the foodstuffs soft
and tender. For example, the texture of cooked rice and pulses is soft and tender, as compared to their
raw state. Frying and roasting usually gives a crisp texture to the foodstuffs. Similarly, baking and
grilling also make the foodstuffs soft and give them some crispness.
C. Flavour and Taste
The natural flavours and taste of the food is somewhat changed after cooking. However, the flavour
and taste can be made to cater to one’s taste buds with the help of appropriate spices and
condiments. The spices and other flavouring agents used while preparing food and combination of the
natural flavours and taste of the foodstuffs imparts a characteristic flavour and taste to the cooked
food. The use of fat brings tenderness in texture of cakes and biscuits and frying makes the food crisp.
Flavour is sensed by taste and smell, the two sense organs of the body. Good flavoured food
encourages formation of saliva in mouth which is helpful in digesting food.
D. Nutrients
Carbohydrates: Starch, sugar, gums, cellulose are important carbohydrate found in foods. On cooking
the starch granules in foods swell as they absorb water. This process is called gelatinization and is in
fact the reason for the thickening of soups, curries, stews to which corn flour paste is added.
Gelatinization takes place in all starch containing foods such as potatoes on heating in the presence of
Dry heat causes the starch to break down into smaller molecules called dextrins. For example, in the
toasting of bread or making of chapattis or rotis. Dextrins have a mildly sweet flavour. Sugar on
heating from syrup with water. On further cooking syrup thickens and changes colour. This is due to a
process called caramelization. The brown, thick liquid formed is called caramel and is used in a
number of preparations such as custard, cakes. Ordinary cooking causes little loss of carbohydrates.
Celluose is not digested by humans but becomes softer on cooking and is helpful in smooth
movement of food through digestive tract.
Proteins: Proteins harden and solidify or coagulate on cooking. The liquid sets on heating and
becomes solid. This is the process of coagulation. However, milk protein is an exception. Unlike other
proteins it does not coagulate. It is important to cook proteins to the right extent because proteins
shrink and becomes harder on overcooking. This also renders them dry and rubbery which is
Excessive heating of foodstuffs also affects the nutritive valve of proteins. Sugars like glucose and
lactose form complexes with ammo acids like lysine. These complexes cannot be broken down by the
protein digesting enzymes. The result, of course, is that these amino acids are no longer available to
the body.
Some pulses like soyabean and bengal gram contain certain substances which hinder the digestion of
the proteins of these foods by the enzyme trypsin present in our intestines. During cooking these
trypsin inhibitors are destroyed. This is why it become important not to consume these food raw. In
fact, the digestibility of protein in several foods improves as a result of moderate heating in day to day
Fats & Oils: Ordinary cooking has no effect on fat, but prolonged heating, as in the case of frying for
long periods thickens and darkens the fat. A part of essential fatty acids present in fat are destroyed
and toxic polymerized products are formed. These changes are accompanied by changes in flavour
also, which may not be acceptable. Fats and oils, become rancid by action of air (oxidized) water
(hydrolysis) and enzymes. These changes must be minimized, so that the food in which fat is used
remains acceptable.
Minerals: There is no loss of minerals in normal cooking procedures. If cooking water is discarded (a
small fraction) water soluble minerals may be lost.
Vitamins: Thiamin and Vitamin C are two vitamins, which are most affected by cooking. The losses
may occur due to dissolved nutrients being discarded or destruction due to exposure of heat in
cooking. The amount depends on the combination of these factors. Discarding the cooking water
accounts for a loss of nearly 20-25 per cent of thiamin depending on the quantity of water used in
cooking. If sodium bicarbonate is added to pulses during cooking, most of the thiamine is destroyed.
Vitamin C is the most liable vitamin lost during washing vegetables after cutting, exposing cut
vegetables to air for long periods before cooking and/or serving and leaching of vitamin C in the
cooking water which is later discarded, amounts to a loss of 10% to 60% depending on the vegetables
cooked and the method of cooking used.
Loss of riboflavin during cooking occur in four ways (i) exposure of the food during cooking to strong
light, (ii) loss of riboflavin due to heat (iii) loss of riboflavin due to leaching by discarding excess of
cooking water and (iv) loss of riboflavin due to addition of cooking soda during cooking of dal and
vegetables. Bottled milk exposed to strong sunlight losses a part of riboflavin present.
Loss of other water soluble vitamins are mainly due to heat or loss in water.
Vitamin A and Carotene are insoluble in water, so no loss occurs by discarding cooking water. There is
slight destruction of vitamin A and carotene during cooking in water due to oxidation by air. Frying,
baking, roasting and toasting causes considerable losses of vitamin A and Carotene.
Ways and Means of Preservation of Nutrients during cooking
As already said we cook food for various reasons and by different methods. Cooked food has its known
characteristics—flavour, taste, texture and colour. Apart, from some beneficial effects on the food
after cooking, significant amounts of some nutrients particularly vitamins and minerals, are also lost
during cooking, as discussed previous sections. However, by judicious preparation of foods, these
losses can be minimized to a large extent.
Cooking of food involves the pre-preparation of food i.e. before actually subjecting it to any heat
treatment and the actual cooking of food. The ways to conserve nutrients lost during cooking can
hence be covered under two heads:
1. Conservation of nutrients lost before cooking.
2. Conservation of nutrients lost during cooking.
(1) Conservation of nutrients lost before cooking
(i) Wash the vegetables before peeling and cutting. Washing the vegetables after peeling and cutting
results in loss of water soluble vitamins and minerals, which also get drained out with dirt, dust and
other micro-organisms.
(ii) Peel vegetables thinly. Potatoes, sweet potatoes and beetroots can be peeled after boiling.
(iii) Cut the vegetables only at the time of cooking and not long before cooking, as due to exposure to
air, some vitamin are lost. Also cut them into moderate size pieces and not very small, because cutting
into a small pieces increase the exposed surface area, thus increasing the losses.
(iv) Even dry foodstuffs like rice and pulses should not be washed excessively before cooking as the
nutrients are leached in water.
(v) Similarly meats and poultry should not be excessively washed before cooking.
(vi) Unsifted wheat flour should be used as the bran contains minerals and vitamins.
(vii) Use acid foods, such as lime juice, tomato, vinegar or curd in salad. It helps to retain the vitamin C
value of the salad items.
(2) Conservation of nutrients lost during cooking
1. Always use pressure-cooker to cook food, as it conserves nutrients to the maximum.
2. Do not cook food in excess water. If there is water left after cooking, then use the water in some
other preparations. For example, rice water can be added to pulses and water left after boiling the
vegetables can be used to make soups.
3. Do not use cooking soda while cooking food, as its use results in loss of vitamins, especially
thiamine and vitamin C.
4.Cook vegetables for the least time. For this add the vegetables to boiling water and cook them
5. Do not fry in overheated fat or oil.
6. Cook food according to the quantity needed, so that it does not get stale. If at anytime cooked food
is left, store it at low temperature like in a fridge to minimize losses in nutritive value.
7. Cook the food just before serving, so no reheating is required, as reheating further destroys the
8. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight.
Thus adopting of the above mentioned ways in the preparation of food helps to conserve the
nutrients which can otherwise be lost. Not only the nutritive value of our diets can be increased by
conserving nutrients during preparation, but even the amount of nutrients present in foodstuffs and
their availability can be increased by simple technologies. These methods are –
a. Germination
b. Fermentation
c. Fortification and Enrichment
The first two that are – germination and fermentation can be carried out easily at home, but
fortification and enrichment is essentially a technology adapted at the industrial level.
(a) Germination: Germination is the process, whereby a new plant emerges from the seed, as marked
by the presence of growing root and shoot, the nutrition for this new plant comes from the embryo of
the seed. Germination can be done for whole cereals and pulses. The process consists of soaking, the
pulse or cereals overnight, followed by wrapping them in a moist thin cloth preferably muslin cloth.
The pulses cereal must be kept in a dark and humid place. Water should be sprinkled on the cloth
occasionally. Germination process is said to be complete – when about half inch long roots and shoots
have appeared and it usually takes 24 to 48 hours. The nutritive value of these germinated grains is
increased many fold, as compared to the dried grains.
Effect of Germination on nutritive value
During the germination process vitamin C is synthesized in the growing shoot thus resulting in increase
in the vitamin C content of germinated cereal or pulses, which otherwise have almost negligible
content. For example, 100 grams of whole green gram (moong) has almost no vitamin C content, but
after sprouting or germination of 1-2 days the vitamin C content is around 60-80 mgs.
There is also an increase in the content of B group of vitamins in these germinated pulses and cereals.
Dry pulses and cereals contain certain non-nutritional factors, such as tannins, phytates and trypsin
inhibitors. Tannins and phytates hinders in the absorption of iron and calcium in the body, trypsin
inhibitors prove to be an obstacle in the utilization of proteins. All these non-nutritional factors are
destroyed to a large extent on germination, thus increasing the availability of the nutrients present in
them, Destruction of phytates, tannins and increase in vitamin C content by germination in turn
promotes absorption of iron in the body.
Germinated cereals and pulses are more easily digestible. Consumption of whole pulses results in
flatulence in some individuals, which can thus be overcome by consuming germinated pulses.
Digestibility can be increased as complex substances are converted to simple substances e.g. starch to
Germinated pulses can be easily in co-operated in our daily diet in a number of ways. They can eaten
raw, as chat or in salads or can be used in different preparations, such as stuffed paranthas, tikkes,
pulao etc.
b) Fermentation - Fermented food products are quite popular in world over. In India also preparations
like idli, dosa, dhokla, uttapam, bread, naan, curd etc. are all examples of fermented food
Fermentation is a process in which by the action of bacteria, the complex carbohydrates are broken
down into simpler carbohydrates. Fro the fermentation process to initiate, some kind of bacteria’s are
needed which are either present naturally in the foodstuffs or can be introduced artificially, as yeast.
These bacteria then act on complex carbohydrate and cause their break down into simpler
carbohydrates which are further broken down to ultimately release carbon-dioxide. The fermentation
process is thus marked by the production of carbon-dioxide which helps to rise and increase in
volume, hence making it lighter, Fermented foods also have a typical sour taste.
Effect of fermentation on nutritive value
It also results in destruction of phytates and trypsin inhibitor, thus increasing the availability of other
nutrients like iron, calcium and proteins.
The resultant product is light and easily digestible as fermentation break down the indigestible
protective coating and cell wall both physically and chemically, making the structure more permeable
to the water of cooking as well as to man’s digestive juices.
Shelf life of food product can be prolonged e.g. milk is converted to curds.
Thus, both germination and fermentation process have beneficial effects on the nutritive value of food
and can be easily carried out at household level.
C) Fortification and Enrichment – Fortification signifies the addition of a specific nutrient to a food
product which is lacking in the foodstuff or is present in limited amounts. For example, common salt is
fortified with iodine, bread is fortified with lysine to enhance its protein utilization. Similarly, vanaspati
is fortified with Vitamin A and Vitamin D.
As evident from the above examples fortification is usually done in such foodstuffs which are
consumed commonly by people so, as they can avail of its beneficial nutritional effects.
Thus, fortification is a very important method to increase the nutritional value of foodstuffs.
Another process, similar to fortification is enrichment. Enrichment means the addition of such
nutrients to foodstuffs which were originally present in whole wheat, but they are lost in the
processing, of wheat into flour particularly refined flour which is used for making bread. Thus, bread
does not have these vitamins present in it, but it can be enriched with vitamins of B-group i.e. they
can be added artificially during the process of bread making, thus making it more nutritious.
Both fortification and enrichment can only be carried out at industrial level.
Thus, by taking proper care during the preparation of foodstuffs the nutrients present in them can be
conserved at a large extent. Use of simple household methods like germination and fermentation can
further enhance their nutritive value and these can be easily carried out at household level without
incurring any extra expenditure. The food thus prepared will not only be more nutritious, but also
more interesting and tasty.