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Floorplanner Editor Manual Version 160919

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Editor Manual

Floorplanner Editor Manual

1 Overview 7 Build tools:

2 Sidebar a Draw Rooms and walls
3 Canvas b Draw Surfaces
a 2D view c Doors and Windows
b View Settings d Structures
c Minimap e Background Drawing
4 3D view 8 Information tools:
a Orbital and walkthrough mode a Room types
b How to navigate b Tekst
c Adding cameras c Symbols
d Scenery image d Lines
e Create a render e Dimension Lines
5 Project settings 9 Decorate tools:
a Levels a Colors
b Exit, rename and Collaborate b Materials
c Viewer & Spaceplanner c Furniture
d Downloads & Light settings d Auto-Layout
6 Floor menu e In use
a Floors 10 a Export 2D
b Design actions b Export 3D
11 Keyboard shortcuts
12 More Help
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1 Overview
Below you see the floorplan editor. In this tool you draw your floorplan,
add doors, windows, and other architectural elements. You can label
your rooms and add furniture.

Sidebar Zoom New/Undo/Redo Save Camera view Canvas Export 2D

2D / 3D view

View settings

Display style

units / tape measure

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2 The Sidebar: Home
The sidebar is where all the tools can be found to:
-manage your project and floors
-create and detail your floorplan
-decorate and furnish your rooms.
Project settings Floor menu
Exit to dashboard / Project actions The options that show up here are depending on Projects from level II you can have multiple
your project level. Level II (shown here) gets down- floors and designs. They can be created and
Build tools Decorate and furnish load FML and collaborate. Level III gets embed and managed in your floor menu. See floor menu,
sharing options. page 19)

Add a floor
Technical details Exit to dashboard

Floor and design menu

The active floor

Collaborate via link

Download fml

The active design

All designs
in this floor

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2 The Sidebar
The sidebar is the main area where all the tools can be found to create
and detail your floorplan and interior design.

Build Infomation Decorate & Furnish

You start with drawing your actual floorplan in Add usefull information and make your plan Apply paint or materials to your walls or floor.
the build section. All tools are here to create easy to read. Label your room types, add Search our huge library of furniture to furnish
the walls, windows, doors and structures. dimensions, text, symbols and lines. plan.

color, material, furniture,

and stuff that’s used in
Draw Rooms Room types this design

Draw Walls Tekst Search through our

libraries of items
Draw Surfaces Symbols / Icons by category

Doors Lines

Windows Dimensions


Background drawing
(to trace a floorplan)

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2 The Sidebar for selected objects (wall / room / furniture)
When you’ve selected a wall segment, the sidebar When you’ve selected a room, the sidebar will show info about the
will show info about this item. You can edit the wall room. You can edit the room label. You can show the total area. You
size properties. You also see which materials are can auto-furnish your room. You also see which materials are applied to
applied to this wall. this room and find furniture relevant to this room type.

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3a Canvas, 2D view
In your canvas you draw walls, rooms, lines etc. Other items can be
dragged and dropped.

2D View settings
See this page
Main navigation
To pan, click and drag your
left mouse button on an empty Interactive Snapping
space in the canvas, or on
When drawing or dragging
empty spot on a surface.
items you will often snap to
You can also press your
other items in your canvas.
spacebar pan.
Hold S to temporarily
Use your mousewheel to zoom
disable snap.
in and out.

Selecting and deselecting

Click on objects to select
them. This will activate the
sidebar, and give some han-
dlers and buttons and info in
the canvas.
Click anywhere in the
canvas to deselect,

or press esc on your


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3b Canvas, View settings
There are several options to change the appearance of your plan
in 2D and the amount of information you want to display.

Set 2D view: Black and white

All surfaces appear in
white. All furniture as
black and white outlines

Colored outline
All surfaces appear in
plain color. All furniture
as black and white
Toggle any outlines
on or off.

Material and shadows

All surfaces appear in
seleced materials. All furni-
ture in their real materials.
Walls and furniture have a
Set units light dropshadow.
to Meter or Feet Lights cast light.

Tape measure
To measure a distance

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3c Minimap
The minimap is a usefull navigation tool to quickly
jump between rooms in your floorplan.
Find it in the bottom of the in the sidebar.

If you mouseover an area you’ll see

the type and area size of the room.

Tip: if you double-click a room on the minimap you

will zoom into that room and select it directlty, to
apply a room type, a material, or use our magic
layout tool to furnish this room.

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4a 3D View: Orbital and walkthrough
Switch between 2D and 3D view Camera in orbital mode

Switch from 2D to 3D view

Click the camera or 3D button to go to
the 3D view mode. Here you can view
your plan from above (orbital mode)
or from eye-level (walkthrough mode)

Camera in walkthrough mode

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4b 3D view: How to navigate
Once you’re in the camera (or 3D) mode, here’s This button places
how you can change your camera position: your camera to the
center of the room
on eye-level.

Double-click on a surface

moves your camera to

that position.
You can reset your view
to top-view orbital by
pressing this button:

Tip: you can also use your arrow keys

to shift the camera position to the front, back, right, or left.

3D View settings

Hide walls, doors and windows above a chosen


Display the camera frame applied for renders

Show/Hide automatically generated ceilings

Tip: if you have different wall heights this can give
problems. Better use custom surfaces with an
elevation in that case.

Show/hide shadows. NB: you can change the

shadow direction with this element.

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4c 3D view: Adding cameras
Per floor you can add multiple cameras. This way
you can save different views. Furthermore you can
easily jump from viewpoint to viewpoint. You can use
them for a flythrough presentation of your house.

In the side bar you can handle the

Create a new Click the dropdown to Click the play button
active camera
camera with the see all the cameras you to start the fly-through
current view. have in the active floor. presentation.
Rename your camera This button will also
show up in the view-
Switch to next/previous camera mode of your project.

Remove active camera

Update the last changes

Drag your active
to the current camera.
camera up or down to
change the order.

Change the camera

height and vertical angle

Change the camera

field of view.

Change light and scenery image

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4d 3D view: Scenery image
For each camera you can upload a scenery
image, or select one of the default sceneries we
have. This will show up outside your windows.

1) Standard sceneries

2) Upload your own scenery. Click on Add image

in the bottom of the sidebar

NB: It has to be a .jpg image. Best is to use

images in a 16:9 ratio, on a high resolution.

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4d 3D view: Create a render
With a camera you can create a photorealistic image.
The export levels are:
There are several render quality levels you can get.,
depending on which level your project is.

for all project levels

for level II projects

for level III projects

for level IV projects

SD render
960 x 540 pixels

HD render
1920 x 1080 pixels

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5a Project Settings: Levels

Level I Level II Level III Level IV

Export options Export options Export options: Export options:

3D: SD 3D: HD 3D: SD,HD,360 VR 3D: SD,HD,360 VR,IRAY
Publish: None Publish: None Publish: Viewer, Spaceplanner Publish: Viewer, Spaceplanner
Download: Products list Download: FML, Products list Embedded viewer Embedded viewer
Download: FML, Products list Download: FML, Products list

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5b Project Settings: Exit, Rename & Collaborate

Exit Project Name

Rename your project here.
Go back to your Dashbaard here, to see your project overview,
account settings, billing info etc.

The Collaborate option lets you give
someone else the option to edit your
project for 14 days. He or she gets full
controll over the project in the editor,
without need of a floorplanner account.
Any changes saved will be saved to the
original project.

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5c Project Settings: Share
You can share your plan in a Viewer Share in a viewer as a separate page
or as a Spaceplanner. or embedded in a website. Someone
can view each floor in 2D and 3D and
zoom in and out, but can’t add any
furniture, modify or save anything.

To share the project in a viewer it must be set to public

Share in a Spaceplanner:
Let someone play around with the plan and furnish
it with a limited set of furniture.
A link to the plan is sent by chat or by email.
The original plan is not changed when a user
saves a layout, the user receives a copy by email.
(no need for a floorplanner account)

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5d Project Settings: Download and Light Settings

Download FML Light settings

For level 2 and higher you have the option to download an FML Controll your light settings in here, for the lighting in your 3D exports
format. This can be used for some real estate platforms like Funda.
You can also use this as a local backup of your plan.

Download Product list

For the active design you can download a product list from
this location

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6a The Floor menu
Buildings usually have multiple floors. Each floorplanner project
represents one house or another kind of property. The floor menu is
the place where you can add and manage your floors.
Floors & Project levels
Add a new floor Upgrade your project level to store more
Start a brand new floor here floors and designs in your project.

Level # Floors # Designs / floor

Floor settings 1 1
Set the ceiling height or change

the floor sequence.

Duplicate the floor

II 5 10
Copy your entire floor to reuse the layout
III 5 10
Remove floor
Including all designs
in this flooor IV many many

Rename your floor

Duplicate your design

Rotate or flip your design

You can add a design and create duplicates of a floor layout. This way
Retrieve older you can play with the interior syle or interior layout in each floor like in
versions the example below.

Rename your design

Add a new design

Each floor can have
multiple designs,
variants in the interior
design or floor layout.
interior in urban style interior in industrial style interior in contemporary style

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6b The Floor menu: Design actions
In the floor menu there are several useful actions to perform on a design level.

1) Click on the design in the 3) Click the restore button to retrieve a

floor you want to change previously saved version.

2) Click the transform button to

rotate or mirror the entire design.

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7a Build: Walls and Rooms
In floorplanner you can draw your floorplan by drawing room by room,
or wall by wall. You can draw quicker room by room.
3) Release your mouse. You’ll get automatic
dimensions showing the interior room dimen-
sions and exterior dimensions.
Draw Room
1) Go to the build section, click the draw room
icon and setup your wall thickness and height.

2) Click in your canvas

and drag your mouse
towards the direction
and size you want your
room to be.

4) You can click the

inner dimensions
to set the exact
room size. Click the
arrows to indicate
which wall should

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7a Build: Walls and Rooms
Drawing wall by wall is less quick but lets you draw any shape you want. 3) Repeat this to any
A space enclosed by walls becomes a room, and is given a floor and corner of your room.
ceiling surface automatically.
Tip: guidelines will help
you find the end of a
room or vertical or hori-
Draw Wall by Wall zontal direction
1) Go to the build section, click the draw wall
icon and setup your wall thickness and height.

4) Close the room by

starting on the starting
point. A room surface
will appear.

NB: Keep in mind that

wall thickness affects
the wall length when
going around a corner.

2) Click in the canvas and drag

your mouse in the direction you
want your wall.

Release where you want your

wall to end or type in your You can also use this
desired length and press Enter. tool to draw separate
wall segments.
Tip: the blue circle indicates your
wall thickness.

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7a Build: Walls and Rooms
Walls are very interactive elements. You can adjust your room shape by splitting
and dragging walls or wall corners. In a few examples we explain the basic
Create a wall on an angle
1) Move your mouse over a wall
Create an alcove corner, click and drag it to change the
1) Click on a wall wall angle.
segment, and press
this icon to split the

2) Click a bit further

on a wall segment, 2) Release the corner wherever you
and press this icon to want.
split the wall again

3) Now you can click and drag the

new wall segment in the middle.
Release your mouse to form your

Tip: the blue arrow indicates the Create a curved wall

distance to the opposite wall.
1) Click a wall segment. Then click
While you are dragging, you can
the curve icon
type in the size this distance should
and move
have, and confirm by ENTER.
your mouse to
That’s a quick way to get an exact
curve the wall.

2) Release your mouse when your

satisfied with the curve.
Tip: to uncurve the wall, click the
curve icon again and move your
mouse. The wall will snap to a
straight line.

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7a Build: Walls and Rooms

Draw wall from point Removing a wall segment

1) click on a wall 1) Click on a wall

segment where you segment, and press
want to start a wall. the fourth icon to
Then click the third icon. remove the segment.

2) Move your mouse to where you

want your wall to end and click

2) If the space is not enclosed

anymore by this action, the
floor will disappear. If two
rooms are connected this way,
the two separate floors merge
into one.

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7a Build: Walls and Rooms
When working with different wall thicknesses, you may encounter situations when
the wall inside a room jumps due to this thickness difference. To solve this, we’ve
introduced an option to move the wall perpendicular to the axis.

Move wall across axis

1) Click on the thickest wall 3) Then hit Escape or

segment that creates a jump. click the cross to exit
the wall menu.
Your change will be applied.

2) Move the slider called move wall

across axis

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7a Build: Walls and Rooms: Create sloped walls
Drawing sloped walls is done by adjusting the height of wall corners 4) View 3D to see the

Drawing room
1) First draw the exte-
rior walls of your floor

5) After setting the

correct slope for the ex-
terior walls, use the wall
by wall tool to create
your inner rooms.

2) Click in the canvas Tip: Start and end each

and drag your mouse in room on an exterior
the direction you want walls if possible. The
your wall. walls you draw will
inherit the wall height
at the point where you
connect with the exteri-
or walls.

3) Repeat this to any

corner of your room.
4) View 3D to see the
Tip: guidelines will help result
you find the end of a
room or vertical or hori-
zontal direction

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7b Build: Surfaces
To create a surface without walls, we have a surface tool. You can create 3) To finish your surface, on the first point
surface shapes for various purposes. For instance for outdoor spaces, for or press ESC on your keyboard.
areas within your room, to create sloped surfaces like roofs or to create
a hole in a floor (for downward stairs).

Draw a surface shape

1) Go to the build section and click draw surface

NB: You can setup the surface properties

before or after you draw the surface:
4) You can drag edges and corners to reshape your
surface, or drag the white dots to create a curved edge.
2) Click and drag on each spot in the canvas
where you want a surface corner.

Tip: To have an exact edge length, type in the

desired size and hit ENTER.

5) Click on a surface
edge to add a corner.
Click on a corner to
remove it or edit its

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7b Build: Surfaces: sloped and elevated surfaces
Surfaces are drawn by default on floor level. In some cases you want a Elevated surface
surface at a higher level, or a sloped surface. For instance for gardens,
Click the surface shap you drew. Use the raise slider in the sidebar to raise the
for custom ceilings or roofs.
entire surface to the desired height.

Sloped surface
Click the surface shap you drew. Then click on each corner that should have an
elevation and move the raise slider in the sidebar.

Click 3D to check out how it looks

Click 3D to check out how it looks

Tip: divide your sloped surfaces in parts to make sure the 3D geometry will
display correctly. Use separate rectangles or triangles next to each other for
each section that has a slope.

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7b Build: Surfaces: cutouts
With surfaces you can create a hole in the floor to have for instance In 3D you will have a staircase leading downwards.
a staircase coming up from the floor below.
Draw a cutout surface
Draw a custom surface for the hole you need in the floor. Then toggle the
cutout switch to have it create a hole in the floor below.

Tip: note that in this plan, also the walls have a negative raise.

If you placed a staircase, you can can lower it below floor level.
We added stair railings, and some resized and lowered beams, from
the decorate architecture section (see below), to make it look real.

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7b Build: Surfaces: sloped ceilings
Follow these steps to create a sloped ceiling in your 2 Lower the wall corners where necessary.
room with a correct ceiling surface.

3 Check the 3D view:

you see that the
automatic ceilings is
showing up

1 Draw a room, split the walls where they should start to go downwards.

4 Go back to 2D. Select

your room and toggle off
the generated ceiling in
the sidebar.

On the next page we’ll

show how you can draw
this ceiling so it shows up

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7b Build: Surfaces: sloped ceilings
5 Draw the first sloped 8 Now we’ll create the ceiling surface manually. Draw a surface covering the
ceiling surface. Click the entire room. Select it and give it an elevation at your wall level. Mark it as a roof
corners that should be to show above other elements in 2D.
low, and set the eleva-

6 Do this for the high

corners too.

9 Click the camera icon or 3D icon to see if the ceiling displays correctly.

7 Draw the second

sloped ceiling surface.
Click the corners and
raise them to the desired

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7c Build: Doors and Windows
Doors and windows are placed on a wall, and can be modified in size. 3) From the list, drag and drop your door or window onto a wall.
They work in the same way.

Adding doors/windows
1) Click on the doors
or windows button

2) You can view the list of doors or windows

in 2D top view or 3D view.

4) Click the door or window to adjust the wall

side, hinge side and an option to duplicate and

5) Set the width, height

and raise from the floor
in the side bar.

You can also pick a col-

or for the window frame
door frame and door.

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7d Build: Structures
The structures library has a selection of objects that can be 3) From the list, drag and drop your element into your plan.
used as architectural elements in your plan.

Adding structures
1) Click on the
structures button.

2) You can view the list of structures in 2D

top view or 3D view.

4) Click the item to adjust the dimensions, rotate or mirror the object.

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7d Build: Structures
5) Check in 3D or camera view your plan. In this example we used Tip: the Structures is a selection
several elements from the structures set: of often used elements. We have
much more achitectural items in
our furniture library divided in
Folding stairs Ceiling beam Wood stove categories and subcategories.
Search the architecture collections
on for instance staircase or fire-
place and you will get a lot more

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7e: Build: Background image
If you have an image of your floorplan already, you can upload it and 4) First rotate the image if necessary so most of
trace it to draw your floorplan quicker and more accurate. the walls are horizontal and vertical. Set your
units to meter or feet in the bottom left corner.

1) Click on the Build icon Click Set scale to scale your drawing.
and select the Background
settings button

2) Click “Choose a file“

to add your drawing

5) Zoom in to something in your plan of which you

3) Navigate to your file and upload it. It has to be a PNG JPG or PDF image. know the distance. Click on both sides of this element
You’ll see these options: to draw a line and enter the distance and press OK.

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7e: Build: Background image
6) Now your background is scaled. Zoom out to start tracing.

7) Click the room tool and set your wall thickness to correspond to the wall thick-
ness of your interior walls. Then start out by tracing the drawing room by room.
Proceed after that with setting exterior wall thickness.

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8a Information: Roomtypes
A floorplan with roomtypes assigned to each space is better readable. 4) Apply as many room
These roomtypes can also help you to find furniture for each room. types as you need.

Applying room types

1) Go to the info section
and click on the roomtypes

2) You can select

a set of room types.

Tip: with a Pro account you can

create your own set of room types
that you frequently need.

3) From the list, drag and drop

your roomtypes onto the room
surfaces. 5) You can set the size
of roomtypes to make
readability even better.

6) If you select a room

you’ll find that you can
change or remove a
room type in the side

Find out how room

types can be more
useful on page 50

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8b Information: Text Label
You can use a text label to add comments, or extra information In the example we’ll show where you can use text labels
to a plan. Text can be colored, rotated etc.

1) Go to the info section combine text label with

and click on the room- a line to add a remark
types button. somewhere.

2) Your text label appears directly in your plan and you

can type and format your label in the sidebar.

Use a rotated text label with a

dashdotted line to indicate the
height of a sloping ceiling.

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8c Information: Icons and Symbols
We have a library of symbols for electric plans, plumbing plans etc, and
also a set of icons to make legends, create emergency plans or other
purposes like wayfinding.

1) Go to the details
section and click on
the symbols button.

2) Select the set of icons you need.

3) From the list, drag and drop

your icon into your plan.

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8d Information: Lines
You draw lines to indicate something in your plan. In an example we’ll show where you can use lines

1) Go to the info section

and click on the line
button or hit L

2) You can setup the

line appearence in the
side bar. Then click,
drag and release in
your canvas to draw
your line.

Tip: type in the

length you want
your line to be while
you are dragging
your mouse, and

3) Select a line to remove it

with the trash bin, or change
its appearance in the side bar.

Use a dashdotted line to indicate

the height of a sloping ceiling.

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8e Information: Dimension lines
Floorplanner generates autmotic dimensions around your walls. This will
give you direct cntroll over the size of your rooms, but also decrease the
time you need for getting a dimensioned floorplan.

You can change the room size by click-

ing on a dimension line and typing the
Mostly the auto generated size you need. Use one of the arrow
dimensions will suffice. But buttons to indicate which wall to move.
sometimes you miss one or
you want to alter the auto-
matic densions lines.

For adding a custom dimen-

sion line, see the next page.

If you’re done with your

plan, and you just want to
change some of the auto
generated dimension lines,
then press

to convert them all to

separate dimension lines.

See page 44

Inner wall

Exterior wall dimensions

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8e Information: Custom Dimension lines
You draw custom dimension lines if the automatic dimension lines don’t show In the example we show where you can use custom dimension
up where you want them to. lines to supplement te automated dimension lines.

1) Go to the details
section and click on Dimensions of rooms that don’t
the line button or hit d appear as auto-dimensions,
can be drawn as a custom
dimension line.

2) Set up your dimen-

sion appearence in
the sidebar.

3) Draw a dimension
line by click, drag
and release in your

Some dimension lines like this one, you would want

Tip: type in the length you want your
to merge. First convert your generated dimensions
line to be while you are dragging your
to separate dimension. (see page ...) Then you can
mouse, and hit Enter to confirm.
delete one and modify the other.

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8e Information: Custom dimension lines
You can change custom dimension lines after you draw them.

Edit a custom dimension line

1) Click on the dimension
line you want to change.
Select the dimension value
to edit.

Tip: You can distinguish a

custom dimension line from
a generated dimension line
by the blue dots on either
side and the presence of a

2) Type in the size you want the

dimension line to be. Then click on
one of the arrows buttons to move
one of the arrowhead to it’s new

3) Your dimension is altered.

You can also use the blue
dots to move the line.

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8l: Build: Dimension Settings
Floorplanner generates automotic dimensions around your walls. You
can convert them to editable

1) Go to the details
section and click on Tip: Once the dimenions are converted to separate lines, you can
the line button or hit D select move and remove or modify them without affecting your rooms.

2) You can change the size and

appearance of your dimensions in
the top.

3) You can toggle to show them hori-

zontal or aligned to the dimension

4) You can toggle this switch on

and off to see which dimensions are

5) Convert your generated dimen-

sions to custom dimensions with the
blue button

6) You can also delete all

dimensions at once.

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9a Decorate: Colors
Make your floorplan alive! You can
Pick your own color
apply colors or materials to rooms,
surfaces and walls. Click on the button and
enter or paste or type an RGB
hexcode to generate a custom
Apply colors color.
Hit Enter to add the color
1) Click the decorate icon and below.
choose paint. You can drag and drop that
on a room, wall or surface.

Find colors by picking a hue,

then drag a teint of the list
below and drop it on a room,
wall or surface.

NB: for rooms and surfaces,

colors will only show in 2D
when these two icons are set
on in the 2D view settings.

With every colour

you get a set
matching color

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9b Decorate: Materials

Apply materials

1) Click the decorate icon and

4) Drag the material and drop it on
choose materials.
top of a room or surface. To color a
wall: you hold it over a wall segment.
2) Select one of the icons to Then drop it on either of the circles
choose a material category: appearing next to it.

Outdoor materials

3) Scroll through the list, or do a

search on the selected category.

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9c Decorate: Furniture
We have a huge library of furniture items in floorplanner. You can find 5) After you select this item, you can find and
the items you need by doing a search, or by selecting a category to edit it’s properties in the side bar.
refine and sub category to refine your search.

1) Click on the
furniture tab

2) Specify a search, like table or glass

Rotate handle Mirror

3) To narrow your search findings,
select a category, and subcategory,
or just scroll through the list.

4) Drag and drop an item into your



Duplicate Delete

Click this icon

to easily scale it Rotate 90º
by surrounding
handlers. Drop item
on surface

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9c Decorate: Furniture
6) By choosing ”relevant furniture”,
you will get a list of items similar to
this one. as displayed below.

just click on a thumbnail to replace

the item with the one in the sidebar

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9c: Decorate: Selecting Furniture
You can select multiple pieces of furniture to
perform quick actions on all of them.

There are 2 ways

1) Just click on mulitple items after each other to
make a temporary group.
2) Hold Shift and drag a rectangle around the items
you want to add.
Selected groups you can:
-give a relative raise

Tip: to select items that you

can’t see, use the rectangle
selection by holding SHIFT.

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9d: Auto-layout
A very quick way to furnish a room is
our auto-layout feature.

After you applied a room type to your room, you can select it and
you will see an option to have Floorplanner create an automatic
furniture arrangement in a selected style.

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9e Decorate: Items in use
Click the in use tab to see all colors,
materials and items used in this design.

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10a: Export 2D
You can export your plan to a 2D plan. Exports will be sent to an email
address. Available formats are JPG, PNG or PDF.

Choose Export 2D image to

open the export options.

All options are listed below. Make sure you use a working email address!

Export tab in Dashboard export in your email

The export will show

as your current view
2D settings.

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10b: Export 3D
You can export your plan to a 3D overview image, for the current plan or
for all floors in your project at once.* Exports will be sent to an email ad-
dress. Available formats are JPG, PNG or PDF.

The export will show

as in your current
view 3D settings.

* for each floor, only the default

design will be exported

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11: Keyboard shortcuts
Learn to use these shortcuts to speed up your drawing. Some shortcuts are essential for drawing.

Function Key(s) Mode Function Key(s) Mode

Exit mode esc Drawing or selected item Draw wall w In 2D view

Delete items del or backspace While item is selected Draw room r In 2D view

Disable snap s Hold while drawing or moving stuff Draw surface f In 2D view

Move around In Camera or 3D view Add text t In 2D view

Move item 1 step While item is selected Draw dimension d In 2D view

Rectangle select shift Click and drag mouse in canvas Draw line l In 2D view

Hide/show drawing b While tracing background image Tape measure m In 2D view

PAN (move canvas) spacebar In any 2D mode

Tip: Get accustomed to hold 1 hand on your mouse, keep the other on your keyboard.
Also, typing in values is usually quicker than using the sliders.

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12: More help

Any questions still unanswered?

Try our contact form: floorplanner.com/contact

If you are still in need of some guidence using floorplanner: We also have a
series of Youtube movies with which you can learn how to use floorplanner.
Go to youtube.com/floorplanner

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