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Foamglas Insulation Specifications

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1.1. This specification covers the expressed or implied, is intended. The

application of FOAMGLAS® insulation on final application procedure is the
liquid natural gas piping and equipment responsibility of the project designer
(LNG), operating at or near –160°C (-260°F) and/or owner.
for control of heat gain. This specification
may be applicable for indoor or outdoor 1.3. The product data sheets referenced in
installations. the text are listed at the end of the
specification. Product data sheets for
1.2. This specification is subject to revision Pittsburgh Corning products may be
without notice. Contact Pittsburgh accessed on line at:
Corning for current revision data before http://www.foamglas.com/industry/en//
using. This specification is offered as a
guide for the purpose described herein and 1.4. English unit conversions have been
should be employed at the discretion of the rounded to nearest SI unit equivalent
user. No warranty of procedures, either


2.1. FOAMGLAS® pipe insulation and 2.2.1. The specifying engineer or owner
fabricated fittings should be transported shall at their option designate a rust
and stored vertically. Handle the packages inhibitor or corrosion resistant paint to be
with care. FOAMGLAS® insulation applied before the application of any
packages should be protected from the insulation. The application of such paint
elements while in storage and should not or coating is not a requirement of this
be allowed to come into direct contact with specification.
the ground.
2.2.2. Any surface imperfection should be
2.2. The surface to be insulated should be wire brushed and then coated with a new
clean and free from all traces of grease, layer of
rust, dust and any foreign matter. The anticorrosion paint. The surface should be
design engineer should decide whether a perfectly dry before the insulation is
coat of anticorrosion paint is necessary, applied.
and the type of paint compatible with the
service temperature and the adhesive used 2.2.3. When an adhesive is used, the
(if any). If he decides to specify a paint, the compatibility between the anticorrosion
following rules should be observed: paint and the adhesive should be verified
before applying the insulation.

Pittsburgh Corning Pittsburgh Corning Europe S.A./ N.V.

800 Presque Isle Drive Pittsburgh, PA 15239-2799 USA (EMEA Headquarters)
Toll Free: 800-545-5001 Phone: (724)327-6100 Fax: (724)387-3806 Albertkade 1 Tessenderlo Belgium
http://www.foamglas.com/ Phone: +32-13-66-17-21 Fax: +432-13-66-78-54
i02-20 LNG PIPING AND EQUIPMENT REV 01/10/2010 Page 3 of 7

(732)634-1430 http://www.alphainc.com/site/ or
equal, or Type E needled glass fiber felt 4.8 Reinforcing Mesh Fabric for the
thermal insulation containing no organic weather barrier coating shall be synthetic
binders, manufactured in accordance with fabric, 6.5 x 6 mesh, PC® Fabric 79 as
ASTM C1086. or light density (48 kg/m3 or supplied by Pittsburgh Corning .
3 lb/ft3) fibreglass Or approved equal

4.5. Metal Bands shall be 4.9. Protective Coatings or Membranes and

AISI type 304 (BSI 304 S16) stainless steel, A vapour retarder has to be installed. This
13 mm wide x 0.4 mm thick (0.5 in. x 0.016 material will fill the cells, improves
in.), with matching seals. mechanical resistance of the system, and is
Or an additional barrier to vapour and liquids.
Aluminum bands with matching seals, 13 x 4.9.1 Vapour Retarder Mastic –
0.5 mm (0.5 in. x 0.020 in.) for piping and PITTCOTE® 300 coating, an asphalt mastic,
equipment with O.D. up to 1219mm (48 as supplied by Pittsburgh Corning.
in.), 19 x 0.5 mm (0.75 in. x 0.020 in.) for PITTCOTE® 300 coating must be covered
larger O.D. with metal jacket.
4.9.2 TEROSTAT PCFR monomer coating,
4.6 Tape shall be Scotch No. 898 tape, a as supplied by PC.
high tensile strength, fiber reinforced tape 4.9.3 Hypalon® based coating (type
available from 3M Corporation, or Monolar® or similar), to be reinforced with
equivalent synthetic fabric, as PC® Fabric 79 or
4.7. Contraction Joint vapour barrier 4.9.4. Alu-butyl sheet
Contraction Joint Barrier Sheet shall be 4.9.5 Metal Jacket
minimum 1.6 mm (0.062 in.) thick solid Use minimum 0.4 mm (0.016 in.) metal
neoprene or butyl rubber as supplied by AAA jacket for insulation. Use minimum 0.4 mm
Acme Rubber Company 2003 E. Fifth St., Bldg (0.016 in.) smooth stainless steel jacket for
#1 Tempe, AZ 85281 Telephone: (480)966-9311 caustic service or where the FOAMGLAS®
Fax: (480)966-2273 insulation is being used for fire protection
http://www.acmerubber.com/neosheet.htm applications.
or approved equal.


5.1. Before application of the insulation: 5.2.1 It is necessary to install the insulation
5.1.1. apply vapour stop system to in multiple layers. Two layers will
cryogenic supports (when required) normally suffice, when respective thickness
5.1.2. mark location of insulation are commercially available.
terminations (at flanges, , valves, … ) and 5.2.2. The insulation of straight piping,
contraction/expansion joint location (when bends, T-pieces, equipment heads,…, will
required) on the object, be fully fabricated to fit; number of pieces
5.2. Application of insulation

Pittsburgh Corning Pittsburgh Corning Europe S.A./ N.V.

800 Presque Isle Drive Pittsburgh, PA 15239-2799 USA (EMEA Headquarters)
Toll Free: 800-545-5001 Phone: (724)327-6100 Fax: (724)387-3806 Albertkade 1 B-3980 Tessenderlo Belgium
http://www.foamglas.com/ Phone: +32-13-66-17-21 Fax: +32-13-66-78-54
i02-20 LNG PIPING AND EQUIPMENT REV 01/10/2010 Page 4 of 7

as few as possible, and defined by Physical contraction of the object, when

transport conditions cooled down to cryogenic temperatures
5.2.3 it is strongly recommended to start may affect insulation system, as differences
application with fittings; straight pipes to in temperature and expansion coefficient
be cut on site to fit between fittings/marks will result in the creation of gaps in the
5.2.4 The first layer of FOAMGLAS® insulation and finishing, or undue stress,
insulation shall be installed dry (using no causing cracks.
joint sealant). The first layer shall be
secured with fiber reinforced tape applied FOAMGLAS® insulation is thermally
on 300 mm (12 in.) centers, with a 50% stable, having an expansion coefficient
overlap of the tape per wrap, or with metal lower than and closer to steel than other
bands insulation materials. This creates the
5.2.5 Intermediate layers of situation that when an object is cooled,
FOAMGLAS® insulation shall be applied joints in the insulation will have a tendency
with all joints staggered from those of the to close; no gaps will be created.
preceding layer. Securement of each layer
shall be with fiber reinforced tape using Providing that during application some
two (2) wraps per section or with metal considerations are followed, and a fully
bands flexible vapour retarder is used, the
5.2.6 The final layer of insulation shall be solution described in 5.3.1 is more
applied with all joints staggered from those adequate than a classic exp/contr joint
of the preceding layer and sealed with joint described in 5.3.2, as contraction joints
sealer. A continuous seal must be provided remain a weak point in the system (
for the full length of all joints; care is to be fibrous, application, closing of the vapour
taken sealant in longitudinal and barrier foil, …)
circumferential joints meet, in order to
avoid gaps. poor fitting. It is recommended 5.3.1 NO EXPANSION/CONTRACTION
to apply the sealant by extrusion (gun or JOINTS
cartridges). This system will only function using
5.2.7 The outer layer of FOAMGLAS® vapour barriers that are appropriate for
insulation shall be secured with 13 wide x this system:
0.4 mm thick (1/2 in. x .015 in.) stainless - Terostat ( as extremely flexible)
steel bands at the rate of two (2) bands, - Alu/butyl foil, providing an
equally spaced, per section of insulation. appropriate tape is used on the joints
Bands are to be well secured, closing
tightly the longitudinal joints Every circumferential joint will allow
5.2.8 Care must be taken that the outer movement.
layer of FOAMGLAS® insulation is not
cracked when secured with the stainless - insulation of the inner layers will be
steel bands. Cracked or broken applied so as to leave a circumferential
FOAMGLAS® insulation shall be replaced. joint width of 1mm (0.04 in.) (no sealant)
- circumferential joints in the outer layer
5.3 EXPANSION/CONTRACTION JOINTS will be 3 to 5 mm wide (0.12 in. to 0.20 in.);
sealant is applied in beads of sufficient

Pittsburgh Corning Pittsburgh Corning Europe S.A./ N.V.

800 Presque Isle Drive Pittsburgh, PA 15239-2799 USA (EMEA Headquarters)
Toll Free: 800-545-5001 Phone: (724)327-6100 Fax: (724)387-3806 Albertkade 1 B-3980 Tessenderlo Belgium
http://www.foamglas.com/ Phone: +32-13-66-17-21 Fax: +32-13-66-78-54
i02-20 LNG PIPING AND EQUIPMENT REV 01/10/2010 Page 5 of 7

thickness to close the joint at installation; it

is recommended to apply two beads in the 5.4. valve and flange insulation
circumferential joint (note that complete Valves and flanges to be insulated
filling of joint will result in too much applying the same thickness and layering
material when closed at service) as the adjacent piping.
The adjacent straight piping is provided a
It is a good practice to use a wedge at step-type juncture in order to allow
application, in order to ensure joint width. insulation to be installed with staggered
This system is NOT applicable on vertical Vapour stop mastic (if required) is applied
piping, as insulation weight will close to juncture in time to allow complete
joints . drying before box installation.

5.3.2 EXPANSION/CONTRACTION It is recommended to insulate valves and

JOINTS flanges with prefabricated boxes (fitting
The physical contraction/expansion of the covers) made to fit.
piping and equipment shall be determined All voids (if applicable) between object and
by the design engineer so that boxes to be filled with loose wool.
contraction/expansion joints in the
insulation can be positioned or located to 5.5 MISCELLANEOUS
eliminate any undue stress on the 5.5.1 Vertical insulation should be
insulation. supported in an appropriate manner; the
Application is recommended between two self-supporting height of the insulation is
fixed points ( supports, insulation determined by taking the mechanical
terminations at valve and flange locations, resistance of FOAMGLAS® insulation into
fittings ), maximum spacing to be 6 m (20 account, as well as the movement during
ft), providing maximum contraction of contraction. For the purpose of dead load
25mm (1 in.) can be met. in a vertical support, the insulation will
support its own weight on the face of the
Contraction joint to be applied in all layers, butt end of the insulation segment for a
minimum 150 mm (6 in.) offset, width to be distance of 15 m (50 ft). The thermal
50mm (2 in.) , and filled with resilient low contraction requirements of the pipe metal
density glass fibre ( fibre direction with respect to the insulation system,
perpendicular on the pipe ) however, would ultimately govern the
The rubber vapour barrier sheet is wrapped number of supports and their location.
around the joint, completely sealed with Angle iron or metal plates should be
joint sealer, and banded with stainless steel welded onto the vessel or piping to
bands. support the insulation. The width of the
support should be chosen so as to support
On vertical piping, expansion/contraction the inner layer(s).To prevent a thermal
joints will be installed at break, the outer layer of insulation should
- Under insulation support ring be applied with the mid-point of the
- under pipe support insulation section covering the insulation
- under top elbow support ring.

Pittsburgh Corning Pittsburgh Corning Europe S.A./ N.V.

800 Presque Isle Drive Pittsburgh, PA 15239-2799 USA (EMEA Headquarters)
Toll Free: 800-545-5001 Phone: (724)327-6100 Fax: (724)387-3806 Albertkade 1 B-3980 Tessenderlo Belgium
http://www.foamglas.com/ Phone: +32-13-66-17-21 Fax: +32-13-66-78-54
i02-20 LNG PIPING AND EQUIPMENT REV 01/10/2010 Page 6 of 7

Should the ring be wider, a supplementary in.). The cradle shall be designed to
layer may have to be installed at the provide a sufficient bearing area to limit
insulation support location. Should there the compressive force on the insulation to
be varying thicknesses of insulation 1.4 kg/cm2 (20 psi) maximum at any point.
on a vessel, a support should be placed at 5.5.3 The insulation of the bottom heads,
the point where the different thicknesses manholes and other individual items
meet. should also be fixed in place with stainless
5.5.2. Supports, cradles, skirts and legs steel straps.
welded directly onto the equipment should 5.5.4 Hollow spaces between object and
be insulated with the same thickness of insulation should be filled with insulating
insulating material as the equipment itself, materials to prevent "pumping" of enclosed
in order to avoid thermal bridges. This air, in case of extreme temperature changes.
insulation should extend over a distance Hollow spaces may be filled with small
equal to four times the insulation thickness FOAMGLAS® parts (made of chopped up
and should never be less than 30 cm (12 cuttings).


6.1. Mastic & metal finish

6.1.1 Over the completed insulation Apply a bead of TEROSTAT-PCFR on top
installation apply a coat of vapour retarder of all joints, by cartridge, trowel, or gun.
mastic as specified in 4.9.1., at the rate of The TEROSTAT-PCFR bead will be
0.8 to 1.2 liter/m2 (2 - 3 gal./100 ft2). smoothed flush with the factory applied
6.1.2 Metal jacketing shall be applied over TEROSTAT-PCFR surface, on such way
the mastic coating with the joints that the coverage will be at least as thick as
positioned to shed water. Follow standard the pre-applied coat, and that there will be
practice of engineers specifications for a complete closure of the coating system.
jacket application. Use an adequate tool like a flexible spatula
6.1.3 As it may be impossible to avoid (Teflon), covered with a soapy water
moisture under the cladding due to water solution, in order to achieve a smooth
penetration or condensation, care needs to finish with no drag marks.
be taken to evacuate this as efficiently as Due to its elasticity, this coating is suited to
possible (no wicking space materials, drain be installed on systems requiring no
6.2 TEROSTAT coating
TEROSTAT-PCFR is a sprayable and 6.3 Alu/butyl foil
gunable one component polymer. 6.3.1 When applied at site, wrap this sheet
It will be factory applied on all outer layer over the insulation, avoiding wrinkles and
FOAMGLAS® elements; jointing of these holidays. It is good practice to work with
elements or treatment of minor surfaces sheets on straight piping, and tapes or cut-
can be done on site, using adequate to-fit sheets on the fittings. Sufficient
tooling. For this purpose, TEROSTAT- pressure should be given at the
PCFR shall be delivered in suitable overlapping seams, to create a firm bond
containers and cartridges. between foils at the butyl material level.

Pittsburgh Corning Pittsburgh Corning Europe S.A./ N.V.

800 Presque Isle Drive Pittsburgh, PA 15239-2799 USA (EMEA Headquarters)
Toll Free: 800-545-5001 Phone: (724)327-6100 Fax: (724)387-3806 Albertkade 1 B-3980 Tessenderlo Belgium
http://www.foamglas.com/ Phone: +32-13-66-17-21 Fax: +32-13-66-78-54
i02-20 LNG PIPING AND EQUIPMENT REV 01/10/2010 Page 7 of 7

It is recommended to heat the material at specific tape is used over the

colder application temperatures. circumferential joints ( tape with a non-
6.3.2 When the material is pre-applied on adhering section in the middle, allowing
the outer insulation layer, it has a perfect joint movements)
fit with inner layer insulation.
Sealing on site is done by covering the 6.4. Metal jacketing (optional)
joints by means of Alu/butyl tape, Metal jacketing applied as per good
recommended width to be 4” (100mm). practice.
Sufficient pressure will ensure sufficient Reference can be made to existing manuals
bond between pre-applied foil and tape at ( CINI, PIP, …)
butyl level. As it may be impossible to avoid moisture
in the cladding due to condensation, care
This pre-applied foil application is suited needs to be taken to evacuate this as
to be installed on systems, requiring no efficient as possible ( drain holes, no
Expansion/Contraction joints, providing a wicking spacer materials, …)


The general contractor, insulation recommendations. Joints should be tight,

contractor and owner shall provide sealing and flashing should be thorough
sufficient inspection during the insulation and water-tight, and finishes should be
and finish application. Continuous uniform and free of defects.
inspection of the application is not to be
considered a requirement of Pittsburgh QUALITY ASSURANCE
Corning. The insulation manufacturer’s quality
Inspect all insulation and accessory system including its implementation, shall
materials to be certain they are applied in meet the requirements of ISO 9001:2008.
conformance with the specification


The manufacturer will furnish evidence of compliance with the quality system requirements
of ISO 9001:2008

Product Data Sheets

1. PITTSEAL® 444N Sealant: FI-164 4. Hydrocal® B-11 Powder: FI-169

2. PITTCOTE® 300: FI-120. 5. PC® Fabric 79: FI-159

This specification has been prepared by Pittsburgh Corning using generally accepted and appropriate technical information, but it is not intended to be solely relied upon for specific design or
technical applications. Having no control over the elements of design, installation, workmanship or site conditions, Pittsburgh Corning assumes that persons trained and qualified in the
appropriate disciplines will make the actual design choices and installation. Therefore, Pittsburgh Corning disclaims all liability potentially arising from the use or misuse of this specification

Pittsburgh Corning Pittsburgh Corning Europe S.A./ N.V.

800 Presque Isle Drive Pittsburgh, PA 15239-2799 USA (EMEA Headquarters)
Toll Free: 800-545-5001 Phone: (724)327-6100 Fax: (724)387-3806 Albertkade 1 B-3980 Tessenderlo Belgium
http://www.foamglas.com/ Phone: +32-13-66-17-21 Fax: +32-13-66-78-54

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