Foamglas Insulation Specifications
Foamglas Insulation Specifications
Foamglas Insulation Specifications
2.1. FOAMGLAS® pipe insulation and 2.2.1. The specifying engineer or owner
fabricated fittings should be transported shall at their option designate a rust
and stored vertically. Handle the packages inhibitor or corrosion resistant paint to be
with care. FOAMGLAS® insulation applied before the application of any
packages should be protected from the insulation. The application of such paint
elements while in storage and should not or coating is not a requirement of this
be allowed to come into direct contact with specification.
the ground.
2.2.2. Any surface imperfection should be
2.2. The surface to be insulated should be wire brushed and then coated with a new
clean and free from all traces of grease, layer of
rust, dust and any foreign matter. The anticorrosion paint. The surface should be
design engineer should decide whether a perfectly dry before the insulation is
coat of anticorrosion paint is necessary, applied.
and the type of paint compatible with the
service temperature and the adhesive used 2.2.3. When an adhesive is used, the
(if any). If he decides to specify a paint, the compatibility between the anticorrosion
following rules should be observed: paint and the adhesive should be verified
before applying the insulation.
(732)634-1430 or
equal, or Type E needled glass fiber felt 4.8 Reinforcing Mesh Fabric for the
thermal insulation containing no organic weather barrier coating shall be synthetic
binders, manufactured in accordance with fabric, 6.5 x 6 mesh, PC® Fabric 79 as
ASTM C1086. or light density (48 kg/m3 or supplied by Pittsburgh Corning .
3 lb/ft3) fibreglass Or approved equal
5.1. Before application of the insulation: 5.2.1 It is necessary to install the insulation
5.1.1. apply vapour stop system to in multiple layers. Two layers will
cryogenic supports (when required) normally suffice, when respective thickness
5.1.2. mark location of insulation are commercially available.
terminations (at flanges, , valves, … ) and 5.2.2. The insulation of straight piping,
contraction/expansion joint location (when bends, T-pieces, equipment heads,…, will
required) on the object, be fully fabricated to fit; number of pieces
5.2. Application of insulation
Should the ring be wider, a supplementary in.). The cradle shall be designed to
layer may have to be installed at the provide a sufficient bearing area to limit
insulation support location. Should there the compressive force on the insulation to
be varying thicknesses of insulation 1.4 kg/cm2 (20 psi) maximum at any point.
on a vessel, a support should be placed at 5.5.3 The insulation of the bottom heads,
the point where the different thicknesses manholes and other individual items
meet. should also be fixed in place with stainless
5.5.2. Supports, cradles, skirts and legs steel straps.
welded directly onto the equipment should 5.5.4 Hollow spaces between object and
be insulated with the same thickness of insulation should be filled with insulating
insulating material as the equipment itself, materials to prevent "pumping" of enclosed
in order to avoid thermal bridges. This air, in case of extreme temperature changes.
insulation should extend over a distance Hollow spaces may be filled with small
equal to four times the insulation thickness FOAMGLAS® parts (made of chopped up
and should never be less than 30 cm (12 cuttings).
The manufacturer will furnish evidence of compliance with the quality system requirements
of ISO 9001:2008
This specification has been prepared by Pittsburgh Corning using generally accepted and appropriate technical information, but it is not intended to be solely relied upon for specific design or
technical applications. Having no control over the elements of design, installation, workmanship or site conditions, Pittsburgh Corning assumes that persons trained and qualified in the
appropriate disciplines will make the actual design choices and installation. Therefore, Pittsburgh Corning disclaims all liability potentially arising from the use or misuse of this specification