Student 1: Greeting.
Welcome to our stand! You are in JAPAN.
Today we are going to give you some information about a very famous country in which Mr.
Fogg and Jean Passepartout were in the story 80 days around the world. We are going to
talk about Japan.
Student 2: Tokyo
Hello! Tokyo is the capital of Japan. This is a very busy city well-known by its modern
buildings and ultramodern skyscrapers. It is also the world's most populous metropolis. The
Izu and Ogasawara Islands are also part of Tokyo.
Student 3: Yokohama
Yokohama, a Japanese city south of Tokyo. It contains a large Chinatown with hundreds of
Chinese restaurants and shops. It’s also known for Sankei-en Garden, a botanical park
containing preserved Japanese residences from different eras.
Student 3: Fun activity – Rules.
Now pay attention to the rules:
2. You cannot ask for help.
3. If you do it correctly, you will get _____________ _(acá mencionan el premio, ejemplo:
dulces, stickers, chocolates, etc.