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Student 1: Greeting.
Welcome to our stand! You are in JAPAN.

Today we are going to give you some information about a very famous country in which Mr.
Fogg and Jean Passepartout were in the story 80 days around the world. We are going to
talk about Japan.
Student 2: Tokyo
Hello! Tokyo is the capital of Japan. This is a very busy city well-known by its modern
buildings and ultramodern skyscrapers. It is also the world's most populous metropolis. The
Izu and Ogasawara Islands are also part of Tokyo.

Student 3: Yokohama
Yokohama, a Japanese city south of Tokyo. It contains a large Chinatown with hundreds of
Chinese restaurants and shops. It’s also known for Sankei-en Garden, a botanical park
containing preserved Japanese residences from different eras.

Student 1: Mount Fuji

Mount Fuji is an active volcano. This is the highest mountain in Japan. With its graceful
conical form, it has become famous around the world and is considered the sacred symbol
of Japan. Japanese people have a sense of personal identification with the mountain.

Student 2: Fun activity - Instructions

Now we are going to practice the information you learnt about these famous places in JAPAN
with a fun activity. Pay attention to the instructions:

Student 3: Fun activity – Rules.
Now pay attention to the rules:
2. You cannot ask for help.
3. If you do it correctly, you will get _____________ _(acá mencionan el premio, ejemplo:
dulces, stickers, chocolates, etc.

Student 1: Runs the activity.

-Good job! -That’s correct! -Perfect! -Good!
-Sorry. -OH, no, that’s not correct!

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