What Is A 72 Hour Kit?
What Is A 72 Hour Kit?
What Is A 72 Hour Kit?
A 72 Hour Kit is an ensemble of tools and supplies needed to sustain life, minimize suffering,
maintain dignity and independence, and facilitate appropriate actions in an emergency requiring evacuation.
It may be configured to serve a family or group, but normally it would be tailored to serve the needs of an
individual and his or her responsibilities, and each person in the group would have their own personalized
72 Hour Kit. In concept it (1) contains water, food, clothing, shelter, supplies for sanitation, medical
supplies, contact information, identification and other vital documents, aids to mobility & navigation, and
comfort items. (2) It is packaged in a backpack or other carry-able container, and (3) it is assembled in
advance, and kept in a safe but convenient location in the home or automobile where it can be grabbed on
short notice under essentially all scenarios. What luggage is to the traveler, what a floatation jacket is to a
boater, or parachute to a flyer, a 72 Hour Kit is to anyone suddenly forced by an emergency to leave home.
You will always choose to endure an emergency at home when you can, to protect it, and because
that is where most of your emergency preparations are. When you are forced to evacuate, you will always
choose to take your personal automobile if you can, because that is how you are most mobile, and can take
the most stuff. The 72 Hour Kit is the core of your evacuation preparations because it is what you take with
you for the remainder of the journey when the car breaks down, or if you are forced to leave home on foot.
Timing: Fully provisioning a 72 Hour Kit is easy during good times, but more difficult during a crisis.
Sometimes there is an intermediate phase prior to the impact of an emergency during which specific
motivation to prepare is making its appearance, but serious impediments to that preparation are also arising.
It is best to make your preparations now, while you have the time to do it well, and full access to resources.
Now is the only good time. It’s like killing a rat: first you quietly block his retreat, then you make your
move against him. Nature knows this strategy. First your options to prepare are withdrawn, then you see the
peril you are in. Putting aside a Year’s Supply is only possible when no one thinks you need one.
When Less is More: There are among us those who could weld up a pack frame fit for a horse, load it with
200 pounds of provisions, and walk off with it. They should, however, and the rest of us must, carefully
decide how much weight is optimal and stay within that allowance. Depending on your physical condition,
from weak to athletic, your Kit should weigh no more than 1/8th to 1/4th of your body weight. If it is in any
kind of container besides a backpack then reduce the allowance further by a factor of two. This means a
200 lb. woman unaccustomed to walking a mile without resting should limit her satchel to 12 lbs., while a
200 lb. man in great condition might opt for a 50 lb. backpack. These two numbers, 12 and 50, are probably
the least and most any adult should attempt. Soldiers go heavier, but experienced hikers do not. It is your
decision, but mobility is the whole idea, and the moment the Kit becomes either a physical or psychological
impediment to walking or running, it defeats the purpose. Since a gallon of water weighs 8.3 lbs., it is
unreasonable to expect children under 50 lbs. to fully provision themselves. But they can and should help.
Further to this point, small changes in the load make a big difference in fatigue and failure rate in
both the hiker and his equipment. A given medium weight pack might last you indefinitely loaded with 40
lbs., but quickly break down under a 60 lb. load. In machines wear is linear, but fatigue, which leads to
broken components, is highly non-linear. Then there are your joints.
Be very reluctant to take a tool if it is at all vague when or for what you will use it. Nevertheless, the
following items are particularly versatile and useful, and deserve consideration.
Pocket knife. See write-up on “Uses of the Pocket Knife.” Locking folding knives are excellent too.
Hunting knife. Heavy, but useful for some chores. AVOID KNIVES WITH SERRATED EDGES (except
for cutting bread at home.) A simple straight edge cuts best, and is easier to maintain.
Whetstone. A small one weighs little, and enables you to keep your knife sharp if you are using it a lot.
Leatherman or similar multi-purpose tool. American brands are higher quality.
Rope, cord or string. 6’, & 50’ of parachute cord is good, or 100’ of heavy string will also pitch a tent.
Vinyl electrical tape is better than duct tape for some repairs. Don’t take the whole roll; make your own
small roll from a few inches of it. Rubber bands. Safety pins. 5-minute Epoxy. Wire. Shoelaces.
Webbing. Nylon webbing is very strong and better than rope for some purposes, because it distributes the
force over a larger area (less painful). A coil 20’ or longer is meaningful. Comes in bright colors. One or
two Carabiners may also prove useful if you have to do any climbing or descending. (With 35’ one can
make an escape ladder, for instance, for a second story window. Best done before the fire starts.)
Aluminum foil. There are some uses in addition to cooking & shielding a fire from wind.
Pliers. Lots of useful articles can be fashioned from wire and sheet metal. Helpful in pushing a needle
through Nylon straps or leather. Get a small pair with side cutters.
Duct Tape. Don’t take a whole roll. Make your own small roll out of a few inches of it.
Fishhooks and line. A traditional survival item; don’t know if you will need these here in the desert, but at
least they weigh very little. You can put an entire fishing kit in a 35mm film canister. Monofilament can be
used to make small-animal snares.
Sewing needles. And nylon upholstery thread. Single-edged razor blades. Tweezers. The simplest way to
make a sewing kit is to add a needle to a box of dental floss. When you have finished a stitch, tie a knot
and fuse the ends with a match. Store-bought travel sewing kits have nice colors, but the case is brittle, the
thread is light cotton and the needles are too small. Upgrade it or make your own. Pick a color and leave the
others out. You can re-sew it pretty when you get home.
Machete. Hatchet. Axe. Collecting firewood, opening cactus, harvesting prickly pear pads or fruit,
pounding tent stakes, cutting tent poles or other camp furniture.
Leather work gloves. Protection from blisters, scorpions, splinters, thorns (e.g. catclaw), and sunburn.
In extreme weather a small outdoor thermometer may have survival value.
EMT Shears. Scissors. Useful for fashioning materials, repairs, removing clothing from trauma victim.
Shovel. For clearing a campsite, digging a latrine, etc. Heavy as a walking stick, but one per group is worth
having. See write-up on “Uses of the Shovel.” Leggings. (protection from cold, snakes, and brush).
Hacksaw blade. Just one 12” blade, not the whole saw. Jeweler’s, or 6” mill File, for sharpening or
blunting edges.
Dust mask. Helpful during earthquake, volcanic eruption (ash fall), building collapses, range fires,
windstorms, clean-up operations.
Mosquito netting helps when sleeping out. Or bee bonnet. (This may be a bad year for Africanized bees.)
Gun. Many types have their advocates. One of the best survival weapons is the .22 caliber rifle, primarily
because the ammunition is so small and lightweight; you can afford to carry a lot of it. A well-placed shot
will bring down a deer, but you can shoot a dove and still have something left to eat. You will need a
holster for a handgun, and a sling for carrying a rifle or shotgun, so you keep your hands free. Add to this
the supplies needed to keep it oiled and clean.
Guns are not allowed in LDS meetinghouses (a recently announced policy), public emergency
shelters or government buildings, and they are quite heavy, so they may be an accessory to a 72 Hour Kit,
but are not a basic part of it. Having one may be warranted in a given circumstance, but generally it
complicates the social aspects of an evacuation.
Cup. Eating utensils – stainless or plastic. Paper plates.
Plastic bags. Light and cheap, various types and sizes, from leaf bags down to Ziplocs, have various uses.
Your 72 Hour Kit is the cornerstone of your emergency preparations, your ark, the irreducible
central vessel of your contingency planning, fully provisioning your comfort, safety and mobility in all
modes of response to any crisis. It is the elite of your tools, the cream of your supplies, the condensation of
whatever life-sustaining and empowering substances your skill and knowledge can assemble. It is leanly
that and nothing more, so composed and sufficiently limited as to maximize the likelihood it will, without
fail, go with you when you are pushed out, never taxing your ability or willingness to carry it. Because it
has some flexibility, and is primarily designed to sustain your unchanging daily requirements, it is not
invalidated by the impossibility of anticipating the particular hardship that calls it forth.
That characterization governs what you put in it, and what you put it in. Regardless of your other
options, the 72 hr. kit must be something you can carry, traveling on foot, on short notice, in an
evacuation, from which you may or may not return. It must meet all your physical needs for at least three
days, then continue to have value indefinitely, without hindering you from traveling by any method of
transportation, regardless of season, weather, darkness or help. It has enough of what you need most, no
naive deficiencies, and precious little that proves useless in the end.