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4.5 SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS 207 Apart from the very highest performance chips, these values are not of great importance. 4.5 Switching Characteristics In this section, we develop analytic and empirical models that describe the a switching characteristics of a CMOS inverter. These models are of use to at understand the parameters that affect CMOS delays, More detailed analys ae or simulation is usually required to yield models that accurately predict the performances of today’s processes. “The switching speed of a CMOS gate is limited by the time taken to charge and discharge the load capacitance C,. An input transition results in an output transition that either charges C, toward Vpp or discharges Cy toward Vss. Before proceeding, however, we need to define some terms. Referring to = Fig. 4.18: + Rise time, 1, = time for a waveform to rise from 10% to 90% of its steady-state value, + Fall time, i¢= time for a waveform to fall from 90% to 10% of its steady-state value. + Delay time, iq = time difference between input transition (50%) and the 50% output level. (This is the time taken for a logic transition to pass from input to output.) pon es ‘ssurtos a a FIGURE 4.18 Switching inal Operating characteristic for CMOS ya inverter (a) circuit and wave~ co forms, (b) trajectory of n-tran- as sistor operating point during » switching 208 © CHAPTER4 CIRCUIT CHARACTERIZATION AND PERFORMANCE ESTIMATION Furthermore a differentiation is made between fgg the high-to-low delay | (input rising), and fg, the low-to-high delay (input falling). We will first develop a simple analytic model to predict the delay of a CMOS inverter in order to understand the parameters that affect this delay. 4.5.1 Analytic Delay Models Fall Time Figure 4.18(a) shows the familiar CMOS inverter with a capacitive load, Cy, that represents the load capacitance (input of next gates, output of this gate and routing). Of interest is the voltage waveform, Voy(2), when the input is ; en by a step waveform, Vja(t), as shown in Fig. 4.18(a). Figure 4.18(b) shows the trajectory of the n-transistor operating point as the input voltage, Vin(t), changes from zero volts to Vpp. Initially, the n-device is cut off and the load capacitor, C,, is charged to Vpp. This is illustrated by X1 on the H characteristic curve. Application of a step voltage (i.e., V5 = Vpp) at the ;put of the inverter changes the operating point to X2. From there onwards, the trajectory moves on the Vp, = Vpp characteristic curve toward point X3 at the origin, From the switching characteristics shown in Fig. 4.18, it is evi- dent that the fall time, fs consists of two intervals: 1. tj = period during which the capacitor voltage, Voy drops from 0.9 Vpp to (Vpp— Vin)» 2. tj = period during which the capacitor voltage, Voy drops from Wpp ~ Vix) 0 0.1 Vpp. The equivalent circuits that illustrate the above behavior are shown in Fig. 4.19. From Fig. 4.19(a), while in saturation i Wout i Cat B, ‘ + Vpn Vn)? = 0. (434) ' Integrating from t= 2;, corresponding to Vpy, = 0.9 Viyp, to t = ty correspond- ing to Voye = (Vpp ~ Vpn) result C 09V py B,Vpp— Vin)” Yoo-Viw 2C, (¥,,- 0.1 Vpp) B,Ypp~ Vid? ae a 4.5 SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS 209 = doves prdovies 9 le ei te Input Rise = T Jot) Vout) n-dovee (1) lasn tc, reovce 3 Ren = Setuates Va =Voo"Vin Nonssturted © «Vout = Voo=Vin © p-aevice (L) lap doce & Rep trout Fling = be Vet — Vout) n-device ee n-deviee | Fe + ale FIGURE 4.19 Equivalent Stated ua S=Mypl Nonsstiated Mig < Vout Hence, “series ~ BBE Maree be"? Yop 2 which is one thir} the delay time for one transistor. In general, the fall time tis mi for m n-transistors in series. Similarly the rise time 1, for k p-transistors in series is kr,. In comparison, the fall time 1, for a parallel connection of transistors is tm for m transistors in parallel, if all the transistors are turned on simultaneously. For k p-transistors in paral- lel, the rise time is ¢,/k for k devices in parallel if all transistors are turned on simultaneously. These times are important if the fastest delay through a gate has to be evaluated. For other delay approaches, see also Vemuru and Thor- bjornsen,2* Dhar and Franklin,”? and Sakurai and Newton.™* 45 SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS 215 FIGURE 4.21 A3-input NAND gate FIGURE 4.22 Graphical illustration of the effect of series transistors 246 | CHAPTER4 CIRCUIT CHARACTERIZATION AND PERFORMANCE ESTIMATION 4.5.4 Further Delay Topics Input Waveform Slope The analytical expression for the delay in an inverter was calculated under cer- tain conditions with idealized VI equations. In addition to differences in device occurrences, real circuits have other effects that lead to discrepancies in timing values in those circuits. For instance, the input waveform was assumed to bea step function. The slope of the input waveform can modify the delay of a gate, When the input rises or falls rapidly, the delay of the charge or dis- charge path is determined by the rate at which the transistors in the path can charge or discharge the capacitors in the tree. When the input changes slowly, it will contribute to the output delay. This effect is shown in the SPICE simmu- lation shown in Fig. 4.23, where two identical circuits are driven by wave- forms of differing slope. The results are tabulated below in Table 4. Signal y incurs an extra .35 ns in rise time and .3 ns in fall time from the slower changing input signal b. For the fast changing input (a), the p- and n- transistors are still in saturation when the input reaches its final value. Hedenstierna and Jeppson”? provide the following modification to Eq. (4.47) to take account of rise time: tar = fare step (52) where arstep = the Step-input rise time calculated in Eq. (4.47) the input fall time. input fald = y, ” P Yop vvotane (wots) FIGURE 4.23 Effect of input rise and fall time on inverter delays Heer eee cence eee cccaneee as = ae 4.5. SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS TABLE 4.8 Effect of Input Rise Time on Inverter Delay INPUT © OUTPUT —RISETIME —RISEDELAY FALL DELAY a x O.lns 1.06 ns 0.94ns b y 2ns 14ins 1.24ns b y Ss 187 ns 1.67 ns Similarly, inpus-rise tay = bap. step + og (1 +2) (4.53) Vin n= Yop ‘This is valid for input rise or fall times that satisfy the following criteria: finputeriseByp¥ DD 6p (asia) (1=p)° and B,Yop__6n Co a= (4.54b) Input Capacitance In the derivation of the inverter delay the input capacitance was assumed to be constant. In practice, we have seen that as the voltage changes on the gate of a transistor, so does the capacitance of the gate terminal. Also an effect known as bootstrapping can modify the effective input capacitance of an inverter or logic gate. This variation can lead to further error in the simple model presented in Section 4.4. Bootstrapping may be understood by exam- ining Fig. 4.24(a), The inverter has the normal Cj, (C.) and load capaci- tance. Cyg, the gate to drain capacitance, has been added, In the case where the input is rising (that is, the output is high), the effective input capacitance i8 Cyp + Cogs When the output starts to fall, the voltage across Cyq changes, Tequiring the input to supply more current to charge Cg. This effect is seen 217 i 218 CHAPTER 4 CIRCUIT CHARACTERIZATION AND PERFORMANCE ESTIMATION FIGURE 4.24 The effect of bootstrapping on inverter delay — c tha, 0-0, on et | FIGURE 4.25 Aswitch-level AG model Far in Fig, 4.24(b) for the circuit shown in Fig. 4.24(c). As waveform b falls (rises), waveform a slows down as the extra capacitance is charged. Because Cis small, this i usually a small effect (as evidenced in Fig. 4.24b) If the inverter is biased in its linear region, the C,y may appear multi- plied by the gain of the inverter. This is known as the Miller effect but is sel- dom of importance in digital circuits because the input passes rapidly through the linear region. It is, however, of major importance in analog cit- cuits. Switch-Level RC Models Resistance-capacitance (RC) modeling techniques”®2” represent transistors as a resistance discharging or charging a capacitance, as shown in Fig. 4.25. ‘A variety of timing models have been developed to estimate the delays of logic gates, using the switch behavior of the transistors involved in the gate. ‘These models include the following: + Simple RC delay. + Penfield-Rubenstein Model. + Penfield-Rubenstein Slope Model, 45 SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS 219 In the simple RC model the total resistance of the pull-up or pull-down path is calculated and all the capacitance of nodes involved in switching are lumped onto the output of the gate.?8-?99 For instance, in Fig. 4.26, the fall delay for any input would be calculated as follows: tag = ER putidown ¥ =Cpultdown-path = (Rui + Ryo + Rua + Ria) X (Cour + Cab + Che + Cod)» (4.55) while the rise delay (from node A) would be calculated as. tar = Res * Cou (456) An effective resistance is used for each transistor type (n or p), size, and state (on or off). Other factors, such as circuit style, may lead to different effective resistance values. The effective resistance is multiplied by the WIL ratio of the transistor to arrive at a final value for the resistance. The RC delay calculation tends to pessimize the delay because it assumes that all the intemal capacitance has to be discharged or charged to switch the gate, ‘The Penfield-Rubenstein model?! was developed to calculate delays in generalized RC trees. For a group of transistors in series (as in a NAND gate), this formulation simplifies to the Elmore delay?” for an RC ladder, which is 4 = DRC; 437) where R; is the summed resistance from point i to power or ground and C; is the capacitance at point i. For instance in the 4-input NAND gate shown in i 1-2 our FIGURE 4.26 A 4-input NAND gate showing parasitic capacitances 220 CHAPTER4 CIRCUIT CHARACTERIZATION AND PERFORMANCE ESTIMATION Fig. 4.26, this would result in tay = (Ry ¥ Cod) + UR + Ry2) * Cyel + [Ry + Ry + Rvs) Cab) + Ry + Ryo + Ry3 + Rua) * Cour ‘This model may be improved by taking into account the rise or fall time of the input waveform. The Slope Model defines the intrinsic rise time (or fall time) as the rise time that would occur if the input was driven by a step func- tion.*34 The actual input rise time is then divided by this value to arrive at arise-time-ratio, which indicates the degree to which the switched transistor is turned on. Combining the slope model with the Penfield-Rubenstein delay model results in the Penfield-Rubenstein Slope Delay Model, which is 4) widely used in transistor-tevel-timing analyzers and switch-level simulators. In order to use such delay models one requires tables of transistor resistance values from which to calculate delays. A method of deriving the effective resistance values for such models is to use SPICE with test circuits similar to that shown in Fig. 4.27. Here, we measure the rise and fall time of a specific~ 66 =A al — men = ace oe fan aad +} ogic-threshold =k opt wo > a ® FIGURE 4.27 ASPICE cali- bration circuit for determining effective n- and p-transistor resistances 45 SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS 221 sized transistor (or range of sizes) for a variety of input (fall) rise times gen- crated by the pulse generators. A self-biased inverter (with a p/n ratio that is representative of the logic library being used) establishes a nominal switch- ing voltage level or logic threshold. The delay between the input and output atthe logic threshold is measured and, from the known load capacitance, the effective resistance may be calculated. For instance in the example shown, minimum-sized n-transistor switches .1pF in 1.1 ns, Hence the effective resistance on mae _ Lixi0® 1x10? 11kQ Once this resistance has been calculated for a variety of transistor widths and rise and fall times, the effective pull-up or pull-down resistance of a gate may be found by interpolation. Mactomodeling The approach of macromodeling involves deriving a set of accurate formulae to calculate gate capacitance and logic gate behavior based on the device equa- tions.5 In this approach, the circuit is divided into gates and memory ele- ments, These modules are characterized by power, input and output capacitance and waveforms. A typical model along with the timing model is shown in Fig. 4,28, Here fj, is the input waveform, C;, is the input capaci- tance, fpeoyri the delay through the gate, fy, i8 the output waveform, and Cy is the output capacitance. The waveforms are typically represented by linear ramps with exponential tails. Macromodeling techniques can be discontinuous in the first derivative, posing problems for optimization programs. Other a Power On Curve Fited by Snulaion Toeout __ Exponent Tat FIGURE 4.28 Model used in macromodeling approach 222 CHAPTER4 CIRCUIT CHARACTERIZATION AND PERFORMANCE ESTIMATION FIGURE 4.29 SPICE circuit and results for delay modeling on a 3-input NAND gate wel behaved analytical models have also been developed for CMOS gate delays. ‘Another approach (and more common in the ASIC community) treats Jogic gates as simple delay elements. Each gate type is simulated with a cir. ait simulator, and an equation of the following type is used to determine the delay of a particular gate (For both rising and falling inputs): (458) 11> linternal * ® % fourpur Here the delay is divided into a fixed internal delay, tinernat- and an output delay, fun that is proportional tthe output loading, f. The owtPat loading and fuga fe Telated in such a way as to arrive at ap appropriate delay. Fig- aaa cca rows a typical SPICE circuit used to calibrate delay equations. It ties three input NAND gates driving load capacitances of zer0, 0.5pF, and IpF to determine the internally loaded delay and the delay at 6 capaci- nce values. Table 4.9 summarizes the data gained from this simulation and the values of the gate delays that would be placed in a data sheet. Vigo ots) 4.5 SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS 223 ae TABLE 4.9 NAND3 SPICE Delays LOAD CONDITIONS Time tay (5) ty ns) | ups f3e (ns/pF) fall (ns/pF) t | top ‘Thus for this gate the delay equations would be 255 +k x 2.12 ns (kis in pF) t= 42+ Ex 3.82 ns (kis in pF) This might be completed for each input to the gate, or only the worst-case input-to-output delay (speed and power) might be used. In the worst-case slow process, the temperature (high) and the voltage (low) of the process would be used to determine the slowest speed operation of a circuit. In the worst-case fast process, the temperature (low) and the voltage (high) of the process should be used for logic race or power checks (but see Section 4.7— ‘with static logic the power dissipation should not change markedly over pro- cess and temperature). For an explanation of these terms see Section 4.10. Body Effect Body effect is the term given to the modification of the threshold voltage, V with a voltage difference between source and substrate. Specifically, AV ~1,]V sys Where is a constant, Vyp is the voltage between source and substrate, and AV, is the change in threshold voltage (see Section For instance, in the 4-input NAND gates shown in Fig. 4.30(@), the n-transis- tor at the output will switch slower if the source potential of this transistor is not the same as the substrate, The SPICE simulation in Fig. 4.30(b) illus- trates how this occurs. In the upper NAND gate the lower transistors are ini- tially turned on while transistor Nzq is turned off. This results in the source of Ng being at ground when the input on Na rises. The result is seen in Fig. 4.30(b) in the form of waveform CD, which rises to about 1.7 volts before being discharged to ground through the four-series n-dlevices. In the lower NAND gate, the upper transistors are turned on initially, while transistor Nj is turned off. Hence, the nodes cd, be, and ab are at an n-threshold below Vpp (~3-1 volts). When Np turns on, nodes ab, be, and ed are pulled to ground in that order. This slows the output transition, as can be seen in the FIGURE 4.30 SPICE circuit for observing the result of body effect on gate delay ©) 224 ICE plot (in this case about 4 ns). When the load capacitance is much ipreater than the internal capacitance of the gates, this effect is minimized; ‘however, for performance optimized circuits it can be significant, To mi nize this effect, gate design should minimize “internal” node capacitance id take into account the relative body effect of the two types of transistor. iven that a number of series transistors may be required in a gate, a fur- cr optimization may be made. As the body effect is essentially a dynamic sblem involving the charging of parasitic capacitances, we can use the nat- al time sequencing of signals to offset the body effect. The first strategy is Mo place the transistors with the latest arriving signals nearest the output of a gate. The early signals, in effect, “discharge” internal nodes, and the late- arriving signals have to switch transistors with minimum body effect. The other strategy mentioned previously is to minimize the capacitance of inter- nal nodes. Thus if a diffusion wire had to be used to minimize the geometric Nopology of a gate, we would try to use it at the output of a gate rather than ‘on some. internal node. In the same vein, connections on internal nodes should be completed in metal or local interconnect, if available. The diffu- sion attached to transistors should be optimized to reduce its area and periph- ery contributions to parasitic capacitance. 45.5 Summary While much effort has been directed at analytically modeling CMOS inverter and gate delays, the most pragmatic approach is either to use the Penficld-Rubenstein or Penfield-Rubenstein-Slope models for transistor- _ level modeling or simulate gates with SPICE and measure the appropriate delays. With a good programmable CAD system these tasks can be highly automated, In fact, at least one commercial semiconductor vendor can auto- ‘matically create a new standard cell data book and mask library automati- cally using a highly automated symbolic layout system. These methods are fast and accurate when the delays are derived from a circuit simulator that is _ known to accurately model a given process. Precise process calibration requires that + the transistors are modeled accurately. * the parasitic capacitances are modeled accurately. The modeling of transistors may be checked by including individual E transistors of appropriate widths as probe-a sible test structures on a chip (most manufacturers include these in their own PCMs (Process Control Monitors)—a bit of detective work can usually locate and identify these). Such transistors may be probed using microprobes and their DC characteris- _ tics compared to that of the circuit simulator. Sometimes, the output transis 4,5 SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS 225 226 CHAPTER4 CIRCUIT CHARACTERIZATION AND PERFORMANCE ESTIMATION tors in 1/0 buffers may be accessed in such a way that their characteristics ‘may be measured in cases where no test structures are available. ‘The modeling of capacitance may be checked by probing test capaci. tance structures. However, itis usually easier to measure the delay of a num- ber of gates in a known path and reverse-engincer the capacitance by comparing the measured delay with that of a simulator with known good DC MOS models. At least two distinct types of stray capacitance should be mea sured, The first is in tightly packed, locally connected structures such as the internals of datapaths (i.e., adder carry chains). The second type of routing is where a single gate drives a large routing capacitance to a number of gates spread across a chip. A good choice here might be a lightly loaded signal and a heavily loaded signal such as a clock. The reason for these two measure~ ments is that in the closely packed case, loading is dominated by the intrinsic oad of the gates, while in the second case the loading is dominated by rout- ing area capacitance and fringing capacitance. ‘The calibration of a given set of CAD tools usually requires at least one pass through a given CMOS fabrication line. Manufactured devices may also be compared to simulations using SEM circuit probing, which is probably ‘one of the best ways of debugging and calibrating CAD tools. In this tech- nique, an electron beam is raster-scanned across an exposed chip (under vac~ uum) and the reflected electrons are measured to estimate the circuit potential. ATV image may be constructed that shows the chip surface with the voltage levels being represented by gray levels. Sampling techniques allow time plots of signals to be measured and stored. ‘Whatever the technique, accurate process calibration is the key to pre- dictable performance estimation. 4.6 CMOS-Gate Transistor Sizing 4.6.1 Cascaded Complementary Inverters ‘The discussions so far have led us to believe that if we want to have approx- imately the same rise and fall times for an inverter, for current CMOS pro- cesses, we must make Wy = (293) X Ws (4.59) ‘where W, is the channel width of the p-device and W,, isthe channel width of the n-device. This, of course, increases layout area and, as we shall see later, dynamic power dissipation. In some cascaded structures it is possible to use minimum or equal-sized devices without compromising the switching response. 226 CHAPTER 4 CIRCUIT CHARACTERIZATION AND PERFORMANCE ESTIMATION tors in /O buffers may be accessed in such a way that their characteristics may be measured in cases where no test structures are available. ‘The modeling of capacitance may be checked by probing test capaci- tance structures. However, itis usually easier to measure the delay of a num- ber of gates in a known path and reverse-engineer the capacitance by ‘comparing the measured delay with that of a simulator with known good DC MOS models. At least two distinct types of stray capacitance should be mea- sured. The first is in tightly packed, locally connected structures such as the internals of datapaths (i.c., adder carry chains). The second type of routing i where @ single gate drives a large routing capacitance to a number of gates spread across a chip. A good choice here might be a lightly loaded signal and a heavily loaded signal such as a clock. The reason for these two measure- ‘ments is that in the closely packed case, loading is dominated by the intrinsic oad of the gates, while in the second case the loading is dominated by rout- ing area capacitance and fringing capacitance, ‘The calibration of a given set of CAD tools usually requires at least one pass through a given CMOS fabrication line. Manufactured devices may also be compared to simulations using SEM circuit probing, which is probably one of the best ways of debugging and calibrating CAD tools. In this tech- nique, an electron beam is raster-scanned across an exposed chip (under vac- uum) and the reflected electrons are measured to estimate the circuit potential. A TV image may be constructed that shows the chip surface with the voltage levels being represented by gray levels. Sampling techniques allow time plots of signals to be measured and stored. Whatever the technique, accurate process calibration is the key to pre~ dictable performance estimation. 4.6 CMOS-Gate Transistor Sizing 4.6.1 Cascaded Complementary Inverters ‘The discussions so far have led us to believe that if we want to have approx. imately the same rise and fall times for an inverter, for current CMOS pro- cesses, we must make Wy = (293) x Wry (459) here W, is the channel width of the p-device and W, is the channel width of the n-device. This, of course, increases layout area and, as we shall see later, dynamic power dissipation. In some cascaded structures it is possible to use minimum or equal-sized devices without compromising the switching response. ares 4.6 CMOS-GATE TRANSISTOR SIZING 227 fe aa @ oe ° (2 pS" 5 Las ae ees v es \ascnarge T= a FIGURE 4.31 CMOS ®) / inverter pair timing response ‘This is illustrated in the following analysis, in which the delay response for an inverter pair (Fig, 4.31a) with W, = 2M, is given by Siny-pair = "att * rise R = R3Cjq+253C oq ty = BRC, + 3RCy = ORC, (4.60) where R is the effective “on” resistance of a unit-sized n-transistor and C,4= C+ Cg is the capacitance of a unit-sized gate and drain region. The inverter pe pair delay, with W, = W, (Fig. 4.31b), is 4, inv-pair = att * Frise = R2C,4 + 2R2C = RCo (461) ‘Thus we find similar responses are obtained for the two different conditions. 228 CHAPTER4 CIRCUIT CHARACTERIZATION AND PERFORMANCE ESTIMATION TABLE 4.10 Variation in Viny With Bp/Bp ratio | Von. Vin Vip Ba By Vinv 5 7 1 1 a 5 7 a 1 28 3 7 1 5 22 3 5 1 1 15 3 5 5 1 167 3 5 1 5 132 It is important to remember that changes in the ratio also affect inverter threshold voltage, Vjqy. From Eq, (2.22), the relation defining Vin, is given by Bi, This shows less than 15% variation in Vigy for these B ratios. Based on these results itis evident that, if necessary, in self-loaded circuits equal-sized devices may be used to reduce power dissipation and increase circuit pack- ing density. When the circuits have to drive any significant routing load, this optimization does not apply and the n- and p-transistors should be sized to yield equal rise and fall times. ‘Table 4.10) summarizes Vj, for a range of values of Vip, Vipy Vin» By» and 4.6.2 Cascaded Pseudo-nMOS Inverters ‘A simple timing model of the pseudo-nMOS inverter introduced in Chapter 2 is shown in Fig. 4.32. This uses the 3:1 transistor-width ratios determined that chapter. The approximate delay for a pair of inverters is, t = OR(C, +2C,) +R(C, +2C,) inv-pair = TRC (4.62) where Although we have considered the delay through cascaded inverters, the concept of maintaining a good stage ratio is also of importance for a cas- caded path through any logic gates where high-speed designs are involved. A variety of software packages have been developed to aid in the optimization of transistor sizes in cascaded CMOS gates. had 4.7 Power Dissipation ‘There are two components that establish the amount of power dissipated in a CMOS circuit. These are: « Static dissipation due to leakage current or other current drawn con- tinuously from the power supply. + Dynamic dissipation due to switching transient current —charging and discharging of load capacitances. 4.7.1 Static Dissipation Considering a complementary CMOS gate, as shown in Fig. 4.34, if the input = ‘0, the associated n-device is “OFF” and the p-device is “ON.” The output voltage is Vpp or logic ‘1.’ When the input = “1,” the associated n- channel device is biased “ON” and the p-channel device is “OFF.” The out put voltage is 0 volts (Vss). Note that one of the transistors is always “OFF” ‘when the gate is in either of these logic states. Since no current flows into the gate terminal, and there is no DC current path from Vpp to Vs, the resultant quiescent (steady-state) current, and hence power P,, is zero. However, there is some small static dissipation due to reverse bias Ieak- age between diffusion regions and the substrate. In addition, subthreshold conduction can contribute to the static dissipation. We need to look at a sim- ple model that describes the parasitic diodes for a CMOS inverter in order to have an understanding of the leakage involved in the device. The source- drain diffusions and the n-well diffusion form parasitic diodes. This ean be represented in the profile of an inverter shown in Fig. 4.35. In the model, a Parasitic diode is shown between n-well and substrate. Since parasitic diodes are reverse-hiased, only their leakage current contributes to static power dis- sipation, The leakage current is described by the diode equation ife™™7 - 1), (4.66) 4.7 POWER DISSIPATION 231 - " Tat Vine Ne £ FIGURE 4.34 CMOS inverter modo! {or static power disst- pation evaluation 232 CHAPTER4 CIRCUIT CHARACTERIZATION AND PERFORMANCE ESTIMATION Ee cee FIGURE 4.35 Model describing parasitic diodes present in a CMOS inverter reverse saturation current V= diode voltage q= electronic charge (1.602 x 10"? C) 3 k= Boltzmann's constant (1.38 x 10-°° JIK) T= temperature. ‘The static power dissipation is the product of the device leakage current and the supply voltage. A useful estimate is to allow a leakage current of O.Ind to 0.5nA per device at room temperature. Then total static power dissipation, P,, is obtained from P, =) leakage current x supply voltage, (4.67) T where n= number of devices, For example, typical static power dissipation due to leakage for an inverter operating at 5 volts is between 1 and 2 nanowatts. Of course, static dissipation can occur in gates such as pseudo-nMOS gates, where there is a direct path between power and ground. If such gates are used, their static dissipation must be factored into the total static power dissipation of the chip. Example For a process with B, of 30 wa/V? and a B, of 85 pal V? (Voy = IVppl = 0.7, Iculate the static power dissipation of a 32 x 32 ROM which pscudo-nMOS row decoder and pMOS pull-ups on the 32-bit contains a 47 POWERDISSIPATION 233 Jines. The aspect ratio of all pMOS pull-ups (WW/L) is 1. Each pMOS load can source (B(V,5— V;)°/2 of current. Tigag = (30(5-0-7)7)/2UA = 277HA Proad = 1-4 mW (277NA x SV) ‘Assuming that one row decoder is on and 50% of the bit lines are on at any one time yields, Prgtat = 171.4 mW otal " 23.6 mW. 4.7.2 Dynamic Dissipation During transition from either ‘0° to ‘I’ or, alternatively, from ‘I’ to *0,’ both n- ‘and p-transistors are on for a short period of time. This results in a short current pulse from Vpyp to Vss. Current is also required to charge and discharge the output capacitive load. This latter term is usually the dominant term. The cur- rent pulse from Vpp to Vss results in a “short-circuit” dissipation that is depen dent on the input rise/fall time, the load capacitance and gate design. This is of relevance to /O buffer design. Figure 4.36 shows three inverters with varying. loads from OpF to 2pF with voltage sources to measure currents in SPICE. The output voltage waveforms are shown at the top of the diagram. The cur- rents flowing in the n- and p-transistors are shown beside each inverter. With no loading, the short-circuit current is quite evident, As the capacitive load is increased, the discharge or charge current starts to dominate the current drawn from the power supplies. Appropriate simulations would show that slow rising or falling edges would increase the short circuit current. The dynamic dissipation can be modeled by assuming that the rise and fall time of the step input is much less than the repetition period. The average dynamic power, Pg dissipated during switching for a square-wave input, Viny having a repetition frequency of f, = Wfp is given by 2 1 fe ig () Void + i, Vpp— Vou) ° Be (4.68) where n-device transient current 234 CHAPTER 4 CIRCUIT CHARACTERIZATION AND PERFORMANCE ESTIMATION FIGURE 4.36 SPICE cir- cuits and results showing dynamic short-circuit current and capacitive current for a CMOS inverter for varingload capacitances (the OV voltage sources are used to measure currents) Fora step input and with (1) = C, Vour4Vourt eps shor ort euront sent rot cut apactor creat ‘capacitor erent sor out cent eapactor caret ypusldt (C= load capacitance) (pp~ Vou) 4 Vpn— Vou) (4.69), 47 POWERDISSIPATION 235 resulting in Pa= Ci pp fy: (4.70) 1e average power that is dissipated is propor- hharge and discharge the circuit capacitance. that Eq, 4.70) shows power to be pro- ice parameters. ‘Thus for a repetitive step input th tional to the energy required to cl ‘The important factor to be noted here is portional to switching frequency but independent of the devi uit Dissipation | 4.7.3. Short- ‘The short-circuit power dissipation is given by Pse = Imean* VDD with fp = tyr f ; : : : ; : : Forthe input waveform shown in Fig. 4.37(a), which depicts the short circult (Fig. 4.37b) in an unloaded inverter, Incan = 2% [pf toa Aeroat| an) Vip and fy = By (=B) and that the behavior is symmet assuming that Vin rical around 1 B 5 Min (nV 24 | | with 236 © CHAPTER4 CIRCUIT CHARACTERIZATION AND PERFORMANCE ESTIMATION FIGURE 4.37. Input switch- ing waveform and model for short-circuit current Input Waveterm ® wes ‘Thus for an inverter without load, assuming that f, = B a Pye = 3g Vov-2¥) (472) where ¢, is the period of the input waveform. This derivation is for an unloaded inverter, It shows that the short-circuit current is dependent on and the input waveform rise and fall times. Slow rise times on nodes can result in significant (20%) short-circuit dissipation for loaded inverters. Thus itis good practice to keep all edges fast if power dissipation is a concern. Further discussion may be found in Veendrick.*! As the load capacitance is increased the significance of the short-circuit dissipation is reduced by the capacitive dissipation Py. 4.7.4 Total Power Dissipation Total power dissipation can be obtained from the sum of the three dissipation components, so Protat = Py + Pa+ Pre (4.73) When calculating the power dissipation, a rule of thumb is to add all c itances operating at a particular frequency and calculate the power. Then th power from other groups operating at different frequencies may be summed. ‘The dynamic power dissipation may be used to estimate total power con- sumption of a circuit and also the size of Vpp and Vss conductors to mini- ize transient-induced voltage drops. 47 POWERDISSIPATION 237 For a complex circuit it is often impractical to caleulate the power dissi- pation in a detailed manner. The following are some approximations of increasing accuracy. + Calculate the total capacitance driven by gate outputs in the circuit Estimate the percentage activity of the cireuit operating at the maxi- mum clock frequency (say, 50%). Use Eq, (4.69) to calculate the dynamic power as follows y 2 _ percentage-activity* Crorat¥pp Fa ania? ty + Partition the circuit into smaller parts where the activity calculated more accurately and repeat the above calculation. + Some simulators (especially switch-level) have the ability to be mod- ified to sum the total capacitance switched by each switch on each node over the course of a simulation run, After any simulation is run, the total number of clock eycles that have been simulated are used in conjunction with the capacitance as follows: Crorat-switcHEDYDD a (4.75) TOTAL-NUMBER-OF-CYCLESX 1, Pa + Device-level timing simulators can sum the current drawn from both | power supplies over the course of a simulation, thus yielding a current waveform that may be used to estimate power dissipation (and JR drop in conductors, noise, etc.) 4.7.5 Power Economy ; In large projects, where many designers are involved in the design of mod- ules that go into a large chip or for low-power applications, each module is usually given a power budget. This is a power dissipation that the module can not exceed. It is then the job of the designer to meet this constraint (in addition to all the other normal constraints). Minimizing power may be achieved in a number of ways. DC power dissipation may be reduced to leakage by only using complementary logic gates, The leakage in turn is proportional to the area of diffusion, so the use of minimum-sized devices is of advantage. (A process with low leakage helps too!) Dynamic power dissipation may be limited by reducing supply voltage, switched capacitance, and the frequency at which logic is clocked. Supply voltage tends to be a system-design consideration, and low-power 238 CHAPTER4 CIRCUIT CHARACTERIZATION AND PERFORMANCE ESTIMATION systems use 1.5 to 3 volt supplies. Minimizing the switched capacitance again tends to favor using minimum-sized devices and optimal allocation of resources such as adders and registers. Manual layout techniques are also of use to minimize routing capacitance. Another big gain can be made by only operating the minimum amount of circuitry at high speeds or having a vari- able clock depending on how much computation has to be completed. ‘The fundamental factors that affect power dissipation have been pre- sented in this section. There are many ingenious methods of manipulating architecture, circuit, and layout to achieve low-power, high-speed goals, 4.8 Sizing Routing Conductors Metal power-carrying conductors have to be sized for three reasons: + Metal migration, = Power supply noise and integrity (i. satisfactory power and signal voltage levels are presented to each gate). + RC delay. Metal migration or electromigration is the transport of metal ions through a conductor resulting from the passage of direct current. It is caused by a mod- ification of the normally random diffusion process to a directional one caused by charge carriers. This can result in the deformation of conductors and subsequent failure of circuitry. Factors that influence the electromigra- tion rate are + current density. + temperature. + crystal structure. In determining the minimum size of conductors, particularly those for Vpp and Vss, itis necessary to estimate the current density in the conductor. Ifthe current density, J, of a current-carrying conductor exceeds a threshold value, ‘we find that the conductor atoms begin to dislocate and move in the direction of the current flow. If there is a constriction in the conductor, the conductor atoms move ata faster rate in the region of the constriction. This results in a weakening of the constriction, which eventually blows like a fuse. For exam: ple, the limiting value for 1 um-thick aluminum is Jqy= 1 2 mAMum. ie ae, ins | a 4.8 SIZING ROUTING CONDUCTORS 239 [As arule of thumb, 0.4 mA/am to LO mA/jim of metal width should be used for both Vpp and Vege lines (although check with the process you are t ing) ‘Apart from electromigration, voltage drops can occur on powst conduc tors due to IR drop during charging transients. Poor Vip or Vs levels can Jead to poor logic levels which reduce the noise margin of gates and cause jncorrect operation of gates. While electromigration usually sets the mini- ina width of conductors, the need to supply correct Vpp and Vs is often the driving consideration. Sometimes the supply conductors can not be increased to the desired width. For such circumstances, other techniques uch as adding extra supply pins to distribute the current flow could be con- sidered. For a discussion of the importance of sizing conductors to minimize RC delay see Section 4.3.5. 4.8.1 Power and Ground Bounce As a module is clocked, the current drawn from the power-supply leads tends to rst asthe clock transitions. The current reflects various stages of logic trig- gered by values changing due to the clock transition. As any gates may change jose to the clock, large current spikes may occur. These lead to what is termed “ground bounce” for the ground lead and “power bounce” for the power lead. Careful power supply routing should insure that these spikes do not interfere with the operation of any circuitry. Ifthe threshold of logic gates is around 2.5 ‘Volts, spikes to approximately 1 volt are tolerable when complementary logic js used, Where dynamic logic or logic with low noise margins are used one must be particularly careful about noise on the power supplies, Ground bounce can also occur in /O pads when the pad drives an out- side load. Generally in pad design, separate power and ground buses are outed to the /O buffers so that the ground bounce does not flow through internal circuitry. ‘Clock buffers can also cause considerable ground bounce in their supply leads because they usually drive a large capacitance. Very careful attention rust be paid to the design of the power-supply connections to large clock bulfers. Often in high-performance designs, on-chip “bypass” capacitors are added between the power bus and the substrate. These normally utilize the gate capacitance of large n-transistors placed under the power buses Example What would be the conductor width of power and ground wires t0 a 50 MHz clock buffer that drives 100pF of on-chip load to satisfy the metal- migration consideration (Jz = 0.5 mA/i)? What is the ground bounce with the chosen conductor size? The module is 500 from both the power and 240 CHAPTER4 CIRCUIT CHARACTERIZATION AND PERFORMANCE ESTIMATION ground pads and the supply voltage is 5 volts. CVppf = 100 x 107? x 25 x 50 x 108 125 mW 1 =25mA ‘Thus the width of the clock wires should be at Ieast 60H. A good choice would be 100n. | 2. R = 500/100 x.05 = 5 squares x .05 Q/sq. ib 4.8.2. Contact Replication Often, a single run of a conductor can not be made to supply all circuits or modules in a design. In these cases a layer change may be necessary. Because this involves the use of interlayer contacts or vias, the resistance ‘and curtent-carrying capacity of these structures must be taken into account for the effects mentioned in this section. \ ‘The current density in a contact (window, cut) periphery must be kept below about 0.1 mA/jm. We find that, due to current crowding around the perimeter of a window, a chain of small windows, suitably spaced, generally provides just as much current-carrying capacity as a single long, narrow con- tact. The direction of the current flow after passing through a contact can also influence the current-carrying capacity. If the current flow turns at right angles or reverses, a square array of contents is generally required, while if i the flow is in the same direction, fewer contacts may be used. Figure 4.38 | illustrates these points. 4.9 Charge Sharing In many structures a bus can be modeled as a capacitor, Cp, as shown in Fig. 4.39. Sometimes the voltage on this bus is sampled (latched) to deter- mine the state of a given signal. Frequently, this sampling can be modeled by the two capacitors, C, and C), and a switch. In general, C, is in some way related to the switching element. The charge associated with each of the ‘capacitances prior to closing the switch can be described by } Oy= CoVp (4.76) and ‘The total charge Qyis then gi Or= CLV, + CVs (47) ‘The total capacitance Cris given by Cra C+ Cr (4.78) ‘Therefore, when the switch is closed, the resultant voltage Vz (not shown: in Fig. 4.39) is (4.79) For example, if Vi = Yop 49 CHARGE SHARING 241 FIGURE 4.38 Contact structures for linear and orthogonal joints, 242 CHAPTER 4 CIRCUIT CHARACTERIZATION AND PERFORMANCE ESTIMATION FIGURE 4.39 Charge-shar- ing mechanism and then (4.80) ‘To ensure reliable data transfer from C; to C,, itis necessary to ensure Cy << Cp. Auseful rule o follow is C > 10C,- Charge sharing does not necessarily cron only on buses. Most frequently, problems involving charge sharing occur in dynamic logic gates (see Chapter 5). Example ‘A precharge bus has a loading of 10pF. Ata point inthe clock cycle, 64 } registers with transmission gates on their inputs turn on. The input load of tach register (after the transmission gate) is .1pF. Caleulate the change in precharge voltage. ‘What would be an alternative approach? 1. Here C, =10pF Cy =04XIpF = 6.4pF Vpp=5V Hence 10 Vr =5* T0464 5 volts (change in voltage is 1.9V). | 2, The most obvious approach to alleviating the problem is to use puffer inverters on the input of each register. (The above example would probably point to a very suspect design approach!) 264 CHAPTERS CMOS CIRCUIT AND LOGIC DESIGN FIGURE 5.1 (a) Fan-in of CMOS gates; (b) Fan-out of CMOS gates Section 5.2.1) are designed. This transformation from function to logic and registers may be done by experience, by experimentation, or, increasingly, by logic synthesis, Remember, however, that no amount of skillful logic design can overcome a poor architecture. ‘Once the logic level has been decided, the circuit level of design can be used to optimize a critical speed path. This may be done by sizing transistors or using other styles of CMOS logic (sce later in this chapter). Finally, one can affect the speed of a set of logic by rearranging the phiysical layout. Depending on the style of CMOS design, some of these knobs may tweaked to various extents. For instance, in semicustom gate-atray design the size of transistors is fixed, and many times the layout is produced auto- ‘matically. For this reason critical paths are fed to the placement and routing programs so that critical nets are routed with the minimum interconnect Iength between them. At the other extreme, custom design allows for the maximum of flexibility in optimization. For the remainder of this section we will examine some of the first-order logic design trade-offs required in the design of CMOS logic to meet certain timing constraints. Following this, some second-order effects that are of importance when designing for maximum performance will be covered. 5.2.1 Fan-in and Fan-out The fan-in of a logic gate is the number of inputs the gate has in the logic path being exercised. Figure 5.1(a) illustrates the fan-in of a number of gates. For instance, a 4-input NAND gate has a fan-in of 4, while a 2-input NOR gate has a fan-in of 2 ‘The fan-out of a logic gate is the total number of gate inputs that are driven by a gate output. This is usually expressed in terms of some default gate size, For instance, one might express the loading of a minimum-sized inverter (for the technology, library, etc.) as unity. In the circuit shown in Fig. 5.1(b), the 2-input NAND gate has a fan-out of 4. { > + >o— fen-in=2 Nate: Te open cele adjacent oa loge gato ‘ut denois th sess rarstor esas oe UU © |

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