The document appears to be a list of tenants located at the Verna Industrial Estate including the unit numbers, company names, and amounts possibly referring to rent. It includes 17 entries with company names like M/s. New Star Communication, M/s. Shri Ambe Engineering Steel Work, and M/s. Machado & Sons Agents & Stevedores Pvt. Ltd. listed along with their unit numbers and amounts ranging from 500 to 8,460.
The document appears to be a list of tenants located at the Verna Industrial Estate including the unit numbers, company names, and amounts possibly referring to rent. It includes 17 entries with company names like M/s. New Star Communication, M/s. Shri Ambe Engineering Steel Work, and M/s. Machado & Sons Agents & Stevedores Pvt. Ltd. listed along with their unit numbers and amounts ranging from 500 to 8,460.
The document appears to be a list of tenants located at the Verna Industrial Estate including the unit numbers, company names, and amounts possibly referring to rent. It includes 17 entries with company names like M/s. New Star Communication, M/s. Shri Ambe Engineering Steel Work, and M/s. Machado & Sons Agents & Stevedores Pvt. Ltd. listed along with their unit numbers and amounts ranging from 500 to 8,460.
The document appears to be a list of tenants located at the Verna Industrial Estate including the unit numbers, company names, and amounts possibly referring to rent. It includes 17 entries with company names like M/s. New Star Communication, M/s. Shri Ambe Engineering Steel Work, and M/s. Machado & Sons Agents & Stevedores Pvt. Ltd. listed along with their unit numbers and amounts ranging from 500 to 8,460.
8204290526 Warehousing & logistics 9822122020 Logistics and Warehousing Warehousing and logistics unit 9822100411 Warehousing and Logistics in consumer electronics & IT items 9422057902, 9822982801 Logistics unit
9765401879 warehousing activities
9822100411 Warehousing and logistics and consumer electronics and IT items 9822584509 Warehousing and Logistics Warehousing and Logistics
9320020047 Warehousing ,logistic services, pet
bottles & Allied activities/manufacturing
9822487980 Warehousing & Cold storage
9822486512 Warehousing, Logistics & utility services. 9822486512 Warehousing and logistics Logistics for warehousing, other industrial utilty services, business centre