Nabl 102
Nabl 102
Nabl 102
Amendment Sheet 1
Contents 2
1. Introduction and Scope of Document 3
2. Personnel 4
3. Accommodation and Environment 6
4. Test Methods and Method Validation 14
5. Equipment - Maintenance, Calibration and Performance 20
6. Sampling 34
7. Sample Handling 36
8. Disposal of Contaminated Waste 38
9. Assuring Quality of Test Results 39
10. Reporting the Results 43
Appendix – A Classes of Tests in Biological Discipline 46
Appendix – B Glossary of Terms 56
Appendix – C Method Validation 59
Appendix – D Reference Culture Maintenance, Subculture and Storage 61
2.1 The minimum qualification for the technical staff in a biological testing laboratory shall be
graduate in biology / microbiology / fisheries / food science / food technology / Pharmaceutical
Sciences / biotechnology / molecular biology / biochemistry / toxicology / veterinary science etc.
Alternative qualifications in biological sciences may meet requirements where staff has relevant
experience relating to the laboratory's scope of accreditation.
Staff should have a minimum of 1 year of work experience in similar area covered by the scope of
accreditation as proven by demonstrated competence on records. Freshers can be put under
training with adequate supervision.
Note -
(a) Similar field may be considered when that particular subject / field of testing is covered in at
least one year of the course;
(b) Qualification with specialized field like food, pharma etc. shall be considered eligible for
groups falling under multi-disciplines;
(c) In each case, merely requisite qualifications and experience is not sufficient to become the
Authorized signatory; the technical competence will be verified by NABL assessment team
before recommending as authorized signatory;
2.3 The laboratory management shall ensure that all personnel have received adequate training for
ensuring competency for the performance of assigned task. Personnel may only perform tests on
samples if they are either recognized as competent to do so, or working under adequate
2.4 Technical competence of the personnel shall be monitored objectively with provision for re-
training where necessary. Where a method or technique is not in regular use, verification of
personnel performance is necessary before the testing is undertaken. The critical interval
between performances of non-routine tests should be established and documented by the
2.5 In addition to test methods, in some cases, it may be more appropriate to relate competence to a
particular technique or instrument, for example use of approved biochemical (i.e. FDA, AOAC),
serological kits or microbial identification kits.
3.1 Irrespective of the kind of tests being performed in the laboratory, there must be adequate space
and storage facilities for carrying out the tests, recording of test data and report preparation etc.
Risk of cross contamination or mix ups must be avoided at each test stage activities as it may
interfere or compromise the integrity of the data.
3.2 Storage facilities of the laboratories must be sufficient enough to allow the sample retention and if
required segregation of samples for designated periods and provide conditions that maintain
sample integrity.
3.3 Laboratory testing areas should have appropriate lighting, ventilation, adequate bench space,
and freedom from dust and fumes, control of temperature and humidity. The extent to which
these environmental factors apply will vary according to the type and precision of the testing.
3.4 The layout of laboratory should be arranged in such a way so that the risks of cross contamination
can be reduced. This can be achieved by carrying out the test procedures in a sequential manner
using appropriate precautions to ensure test and sample integrity and by segregating the activities
by time or space in conjunction with regulatory requirements. It is generally considered as a good
practice to have separate areas for:
Sample preparation
Aseptic operations
Sterility testing
Animal House
3.6 Laboratory located in facilities where Products or ingredients are manufactured shall not conduct
test for pathogens unless the laboratory is physically separated with limited access, equipped with
bio-safety cabinets and is supervised by a qualified microbiologist.
For procedures that involve the handling of pathogens and reference stock cultures, they shall be
operated within a safety cabinet of a class commensurate with the risk level of the microorganism
handled. Most of the microbes encountered in a non-clinical testing laboratory belong to Risk
Group 2 microorganisms. When working with samples containing microorganisms transmissible
by the respiratory route or when the work produces a significant risk from aerosol production, a
biological safety cabinet of Class II shall be used.
3.6.1 Properly maintained biological safety cabinet and other appropriate personal protective equipment
shall be used whenever:
(i) Any infectious aerosol is likely to be produced while performing the test. These include
pipetting, centrifuging, grinding, blending, mixing, sonicating or opening and transferring
vials containing infectious materials, inoculating animals, and harvesting infected tissues
from animals or eggs, etc.
3.6.2 Protective lab coat, gowns designated for lab use must be worn while working in the lab.
Protective clothing should be removed before leaving for non-laboratory areas. Eye and face
protection (goggles, mask etc.) should be used for anticipated splashes when microorganisms
handled outside BSC. Gloves must be worn to protect hands from exposure to hazardous
materials. Gloves shall be disposed off with other contaminated waste after use. Disposable glove
shall not be reused. Eye and face protection should be used in rooms containing infected animals
3.7 Laboratories shall have an appropriate environmental monitoring programme with respect to the
type of tests being carried out. Records shall be maintained for it. Based on trends/anomalies
observed during the monitoring programme corrective action shall be taken and recorded. For
example, air borne/surface contamination can be monitored through exposure plates, air sampler
and surface swabbing etc.
There shall be effective separation of the PCR testing area from neighboring laboratory areas to
minimize the spread of contamination from nucleic acids and or nucleases (both DNase and
RNase). Even minor degrees of cross contamination may result in erroneous results by nucleic
acid amplification. A separate room shall be used for PCR testing in a laboratory. Prevention of all
type of contamination is very essential. Procedure and precaution taken in avoiding the cross
contamination shall be documented. Such procedures shall include washing of lab ware,
generation of distilled, deionized or reagent water, decontamination of equipment between
samples during PCR analysis, cleaning of work surfaces and other relevant activities.
To avoid contamination, the laboratory should be organized to ensure unidirectional transfer of
samples. To fulfill this criterion, separate laboratories (or at least separate chambers) must be
made for each phase of the detection process, including sample storage, sample homogenization,
isolation of DNA, PCR reaction set-up, addition of isolated DNA, room for PCR instruments and a
room for post-PCR analysis (gel electrophoresis). Preventive actions such as decontamination
with UV radiation, changing laboratory clothing and gloves, using separate laboratory ware,
reaction reagents, pipette sets, etc., for each laboratory, ensure that no contamination is
transferred between different stages of the detection procedure.
The environmental conditions must also enable correct performance of the tests. Some parts of
the procedures are temperature-sensitive, especially where small volumes have to be measured.
Variation in the environmental temperature can cause large differences in pipetting accuracy,
causing differences in final concentrations of compounds in PCR. Thus, maintenance and
recording of constant temperature is essential
3.9.1 Reagents, consumables and equipment shall be located at appropriate designated areas to serve
their specific purposes. Nucleic acid samples should be kept in designated refrigerated
compartments after the sample preparation. They shall not be kept at areas where activity such
National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories
Doc. No: NABL 102 Specific Criteria for Biological Testing Laboratories
Issue No: 04 Issue Date: 25-Apr-2016 Amend No: 00 Amend Date: -- Page No: 8/72
as gel electrophoresis or PCR work is conducted. The movement of nucleic acid samples or
specimens should be as far as possible be unidirectional i.e. from pre-amplification to post-
amplification areas. Physically separate areas shall be provided for the following:
Followings are the mandatory pre-requisites for the laboratories deploying Animal experiments:
i. CPCSEA Registration Number
ii. Institutional Animal Ethics Committee ( IAEC) Approval There should be proper separation of test animals by studies and species, separation of
healthy stock from diseased, separation of high hazard material and bio-hazardous materials
that can contaminate and affect the integrity of test system or invalidate the test data. Space allocation for animals shall, at the minimum, allow every individual to turn around and
express normal postural adjustments, ready access to food and water, enough clean bedded
or unobstructed area to move, stand and rest in. Adequate ventilation, necessary for adequate supply of oxygen, is generally considered
satisfactory with 10-15 fresh air changes per hour in the secondary enclosure (animal room)
subject to frequent cleaning of bedding and cages, control of recycled air, and use of air
filtration devices. Caging with forced ventilation that uses filtered room air and other types of
special primary enclosures with independent air-supplies can effectively address the
ventilation requirements of animals without ventilating secondary enclosures. Illumination should generally be diffused throughout the animal holding area. Lighting in
animal rooms should provide for adequate vision and neuro-endocrine regulation of diurnal
and circadian cycles of animals. Most of the commonly used laboratory animals are nocturnal.
Photoperiod is a critical regulator of reproductive behaviour in many species of animals and
can affect food intake and body weight gain. A 12 hrs dark-light cycle is generally acceptable.
A time-controlled lighting system should be used to ensure regular diurnal cycle and the timer
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Doc. No: NABL 102 Specific Criteria for Biological Testing Laboratories
Issue No: 04 Issue Date: 25-Apr-2016 Amend No: 00 Amend Date: -- Page No: 10/72
performance should be periodically checked and calibrated for accuracy. Light levels of about
325 lux (30 ft. candles) in an occupied room or 400 lux (37 ft candles) in an empty room,
about one meter (3.3 ft) above the floor, appear to be sufficient for animal care and do not
cause clinical signs of phototoxic retinopathy in albino rats (most susceptible species). Noise, produced by animals and animal care related activities, is inherent in the operation of
an animal facility but it should be regulated to the minimum practicable. Measures such as
separation of human and animal areas, separation of noisy animals (dogs, swine, goats, and
non-human primates) from quieter animals (rodents), environmental design to absorb noise,
minimizing personnel and frequency of visits to animal rooms, etc. should be adopted to keep
the noise below 85dB. Animals should be fed palatable, non-contaminated and nutritionally adequate food daily or
according to their particular requirements unless required otherwise by specific protocol. All
feed should be free from chemical, microbial, fungal contaminants and natural toxins.
Purchase, transport, storage and handling of all food should minimize introduction of
contaminants and diseases, parasites, potential disease vectors, etc. Autoclavable diets may
require adjustments in nutrient concentrations degraded during sterilization. The date of
sterilization should be recorded and the diet used quickly. Feeders should be designed and
placed to allow easy access to food and to minimize contamination with urine and feces.
Feeders should also be cleaned and sanitized regularly. Animals should be provided potable, uncontaminated drinking water according to their
requirement. Periodic monitoring of drinking water for pH, hardness, microbial and chemical
contaminants should be done to ensure that water quality is acceptable. Water can be treated
or purified to eliminate contaminants if the protocol requires highly purified water however,
such process like chlorination, should be considered for adverse effects on the test system
and study results. Watering devices should be checked daily for their proper maintenance,
cleanliness and operation. Appropriate and sufficient bedding should be provided in animal housing to keep the animals
clean and dry between cage/bedding changes. Bedding should be changed as frequently as
necessary due to leakage of water bottles, diarrhea, etc. Bedding should be transported and
stored off the floor on pellets, racks or carts to minimize contamination. It should be
autoclaved and dried (to evaporate moisture) before use.
Disinfection can be achieved with chemicals, hot water or a combination of the two. Washing
time should be sufficient to kill vegetative forms of common bacteria and other organisms that
are presumed to be controlled by the sanitation program. Disinfectants should be thoroughly
rinsed before reuse of equipment. Details of disinfectant use should be recorded. All areas of
animal facility should be routinely cleaned and disinfected. Cleaning utensils should be
assigned to specific area to limit possibility of cross contamination and be cleaned or replaced
themselves to be in good working condition. Effectiveness of sanitation can be monitored by
visual inspection, odors and microbiological testing. Programs designed to prevent, control or eliminate pest infestation should be implemented in
an animal facility. Non-toxic means of pest control such as insect growth regulators, non-toxic
substances (amorphous silica gel) traps, etc. should be used. Use of pesticides should be
avoided but if necessary, it should be documented and any impact on study animals is to be
evaluated. Institutional arrangements for emergency, weekend and holiday care of animals should be
prominently displayed along with responsible person’s names, phone etc. to contact in such
event. Suitable rooms or areas should be available for the diagnosis, treatment and control of
diseases, in order to ensure that there is no unacceptable degree of deterioration of test
systems. Other test systems including tissues, cells, sub-cellular preparations, micro-organisms, etc.
should be provided appropriate accommodation and environmental conditions so as to
preserve their identity & characteristics, and avoid all forms of contaminations that may
influence their integrity and/or results. This may require appropriate equipment for their
transport, storage and handling, specific procedures for characterization, labeling and
handling, periodic sampling to assure their integrity, etc. Test systems requiring cryo-
preservation may be kept in multiple samples/aliquots in small
vials/tubes/receptacles/containers. Since the labels on such small containers may not allow
much detail, codes may be used on the containers and code-wise-records of test system
details (identity, characteristics, source, date of receipt, storage condition, expiry, etc.),
usage, reculture and disposal should be maintained. There should be storage rooms or areas as needed for supplies and equipment. Storage
rooms or areas should be separated from rooms or areas housing the test systems and
should provide adequate protection against infestation, contamination, and/or deterioration. There should be appropriate and adequate arrangement for un-interrupted power supply to
the animal/test system facility. The electric system should be safe with back-up power supply
in case of power failure through normal channel.
Methods from scientific publications, but which have not been validated.(to be specified)
4.3 Kits
The use of commercial test systems (kits) will require further validation if the laboratory is unable
to source the validation data. When the manufacturer of the test kits supplies validation data, the
laboratory will only perform secondary validation (verification).
Laboratories shall retain validation data on commercial test systems (kits) used in the laboratory.
These validation data may be obtained through collaborative testing, from the manufacturers and
subjected to third party evaluation (e.g. AOAC. Refer for information on methods
validation). If the validation data is not available or not applicable, the laboratory shall be
responsible for completing the primary validation of the method.
4.4.1 The validation of microbiological test methods should reflect actual test conditions. This may be
achieved by using naturally contaminated Products or Products spiked with a predetermined level
of contaminating organisms. The analyst should be aware that the addition of contaminating
organisms to a matrix only mimics in a superficial way the presence of the naturally occurring
contaminants. However, it is often the best and only solution available. The extent of validation
necessary will depend on the method and the application. The laboratory shall validate standard
methods applied to matrices not specified in the standard procedure.
4.4.2 Qualitative microbiological test methods, confirmation and identification procedures should be
validated by determining specificity, relative trueness, positive deviation, negative deviation, limit
of detection, matrix effect, repeatability and reproducibility, if appropriate. (See Appendix -B for
4.4.3 For quantitative microbiological test methods, the specificity, sensitivity, relative trueness, positive
deviation, negative deviation, repeatability, reproducibility and the limit of determination within a
defined variability should be considered and, if necessary, quantitatively determined in assays.
The differences due to the matrices must be taken into account when testing different types of
samples. The results should be evaluated with appropriate statistical methods.
4.4.4 If a modified version of a method is required to meet the same specification as the original
method, then comparisons should be carried out using replicates to ensure that this is the case.
Experimental design and analysis of results must be statistically valid. Even when validation is
complete, the user will still need to verify on a regular basis that the documented performance can
be met, e.g. by the use of spiked samples or by incorporating reference materials in relevant
The current GMO testing using PCR technology covers several types of analysis including inter
alia, qualitative, semi quantitative and real time quantitative test. Requirements for method
validation for different analysis vary slightly. Laboratories should be clear about which matrices can and cannot be tested. For example, it
is generally accepted that refined oils cannot be tested due to the absence of DNA and
should document that such tests should normally be refused. There are some processed food matrices (e.g. soy sauce) where the integrity of the DNA
needs to be assessed to decide whether the test has any validity. GM testing methods should include background information on GM and the traits being tested
for. The laboratory shall maintain background information on which GM materials (crops) are
on the market, so that inappropriate testing is not undertaken, or inappropriate claims not
made from results. When a GM screening test is used as a preliminary detection tool, the use of such test needs
to be validated to demonstrate that it would detect a defined range of foreign DNA. Individual
detection limits should be determined as the detection limits may vary in such screening test.
If a GM screening test is negative and no further testing conducted, the result should be
reported as no foreign DNA sequence detected with respect to the specific test conducted,
with a specification of which traits have been excluded. If a GM screening test is positive, then the laboratory should proceed to determine the
specific trait present and can also specify the range of traits tested. The laboratory should be clear about which matrices are suitable for quantification. Basing
quantification on a line from reference materials prepared from one matrix may not be
appropriate for the same trait in a different (e.g. processed) matrix. As the availability of GM reference materials for quantification will always lag behind the traits
that are on the market, the laboratory may mix its own quantification standards from 100% Commercial test systems (kits) may not require further verification if validation data based on
collaborative testing are available. Otherwise, laboratory shall be responsible for validation of
the method. The laboratory shall demonstrate their capability to achieve the limit of detection
quoted by the manufacturer or the laboratory has to establish its own limit of detection to
minimize false positive and false negative results. Laboratories shall determine the method performance characteristics such as limit of
detection, precision, etc for quantitative tests. DNA assessment for analysis of items containing several ingredients or having been
processed (e.g. food), laboratories shall verify that the extraction and clean up procedures
used are capable of extracting good quality amplifiable DNA and the resultant extracts are
free from inhibiting substances. Procedures and methods used shall be so designed as to
minimize the risk of false negative results due to the presence of inhibitors of nucleic acid
amplification or restriction enzyme activity. Extraction method shall be validated for their
ability to remove inhibiting substances. Quality of the extracted DNA from all samples shall be assessed by some well-established
method (gel based assessment and amplification of a “house keeping gene” are common).
This provides a means of assessing whether the DNA has lost integrity, and in such situations
further testing would be inappropriate. A laboratory may have established an extraction
method for a single sample, and then assume that for all such samples the extraction is
effective and DNA is suitable for analysis. For extraction method that has not been shown to remove consistently the inhibitors, an
inhibitor control shall be used. The inhibition can be estimated by the amplification of another
target nucleic acid expected to be present in all samples or a known DNA spiked in test
samples at known concentrations.
4.6.1 Toxicological laboratories should use standard study protocols and standard operating
procedures/test methods referred in the BIS test procedures, OECD Test guidelines, Schedule-Y,
Gaitonde Committee report etc. Modifications to such standard guidelines should be described
4.6.2 Laboratories should maintain details of experimental design including justification for selection of
test system and its characteristics (species, strain, sub strain, source, sex, age, weight, etc),
justification for the method, frequency and dose of exposure, chronology of events, methods and
materials, type and frequency of analysis/measurements and statistical evaluation etc. Where the laboratory needs to estimate the measurement uncertainty, it is required to
document the procedures and processes on how this is to be done. There are various
published approaches to estimate the uncertainty in testing. ISO/IEC 17025 2005 does not
specify any particular approach. All approaches that give a reasonable estimation of
uncertainty are considered valid. What is important is that laboratories document with
National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories
Doc. No: NABL 102 Specific Criteria for Biological Testing Laboratories
Issue No: 04 Issue Date: 25-Apr-2016 Amend No: 00 Amend Date: -- Page No: 18/72
reference to published approaches, what their approach to estimating uncertainty in
measurement will be. The suitability and rigor of the adopted approach will be assessed
Out of various approaches available in the literature appendix- F sets out a possible approach
suggested to be consistent with the approaches available internationally. This approach is not
mandatory but in case any alternative approach is adopted the same will be considered as an
equally valid if sourced from published guide lines and expected to address the principles
embodied within it. Once the approach is adopted and a procedure is established the laboratory needs to
develop and commence implementation of a program for applying this procedure to all
relevant tests within the scope of accreditation.
4.7.2 Reporting of measurement uncertainty
Clause of ISO/IEC 17025: 2005 requires reporting of measurement uncertainty when it
is required for the correct application or interpretation of test results. One such instance is where
test results are used to determine if a sample conforms to a required numerical specification, and
where the specification limit falls within the limits of measurement uncertainty associated with the
test results obtained.
Biological testing laboratories are not required to report their measurement uncertainty on test
reports as a matter of routine
4.7.3 Measurement Uncertainty in calibrations:
Clause of ISO/IEC 17025:2005 requires that the testing laboratories, which perform their
own calibrations, shall have and apply a procedure to estimate the uncertainty of measurement in
all calibrations. The full rigor of this requirement is expected to be applied where the equipment
item being calibrated has performance requirements that are critical to the accuracy or proper
performance of the test and are approaching the performance specification of that equipment
item. The example includes the calibration of analytical balances, incubators and thermometers
requiring high level of accuracy. For all these calibrations, a full measurement uncertainty budget
is expected to be estimated. This would normally be expected to be estimated in accordance
with the Guide to the expression of uncertainty of measurement.
Uncertainty of measurement estimations for periodic checks conducted in-house on
calibrated equipments, are not required
5.1 Maintenance
5.1.1 Maintenance of essential equipments used in the laboratory shall be carried out at specified
intervals as determined by factors such as the rate of use. Detailed records shall be kept.
5.1.2 Laboratory should have established procedures & schedule (cleaning & sanitization) to ensure
avoidance of cross-contamination arising from the equipments used to perform the tests..
5.1.3 Apparatus, including validated computerized systems, used for the generation, storage and
retrieval of data, and for controlling environmental factors relevant to the toxicological test should
be suitably located, and of appropriate design and adequate capacity.
5.2 Calibration and Performance Verification
Commonly used equipment for biological tests that requires calibration and/or performance
verification include balances, thermometers, pH meter, timer, ovens, incubators, autoclaves,
water bath, Laminar Flow chamber, Biosafety cabinets, thermocycler and volumetric glassware.
5.2.1 Autoclave Autoclave shall not be used to sterilize clean equipment and to decontaminate used
equipment during the same sterilization cycle. Ideally the laboratories should have separate
autoclave for these two purposes. Records of autoclave operations including temperature and
time shall be maintained. Acceptance and rejection criteria for operation conditions shall be
set and implemented. Pressure measurements alone cannot guarantee that appropriate temperature has been
attained through the sterilization cycle. Measurement of temperature is essential for each
autoclave cycle to ensure that the unit has been correctly vented. Autoclaves therefore need
to incorporate a temperature recording device. In addition to monitoring the temperature, the effectiveness of sterilization can be checked
with biological and chemical indicators. Temperature sensitive tape or indicator strips shall be
applied for each load. However they are used only to show that the load has been processed
but not as a monitor of the actual process applied. The stability of temperature, uniformity of temperature distribution and time required to
achieve equilibrium conditions in incubators, water baths ovens and temperature controlled
rooms shall be established initially and documented, in particular with respect to typical uses.
(for example position, space between and height of ,stacks of Petri dishes). Temperature of
incubators shall be verified against the specifications of the test standards and checks on the
shelves shall be recorded. Temperatures at different levels and different positions at same
level inside the incubator shall be verified at defined time intervals and at least annually
against the temperature specifications of the tests.
Where the accuracy of the temperature measurement has a direct effect on the result of the
analysis, the temperature measuring devices used in incubators and autoclaves shall be of
appropriate quality to achieve the specifications in the test methods. The graduation of the device
shall be appropriate for the required accuracy. Traceability of the temperature measurement
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Doc. No: NABL 102 Specific Criteria for Biological Testing Laboratories
Issue No: 04 Issue Date: 25-Apr-2016 Amend No: 00 Amend Date: -- Page No: 21/72
device has to be established and overall uncertainty of measurement shall be estimated and must
be appropriate for the measurement.
Permissible ranges of operation shall be specified and records of temperature checks shall be
Weights and balances shall be calibrated traceably at regular intervals according to their intended
use. Volumetric equipment such as automatic dispensers, dispenser /diluters, mechanical hand
pipettes and disposable pipettes may all be used in the biological laboratory. Laboratories
should carry out initial verification of volumetric equipment and then make regular checks
(Calibration / Verification) to ensure that the equipment is performing within the required
specification. Verification should not be necessary for glassware, which has been certified to
a specific tolerance. Equipment should be checked for the accuracy of the delivered volume
against the set volume (for several different settings in the case of variable volume
instruments) and the precision of the repeat deliveries should be measured. For ‘single-use’ disposable volumetric equipment, laboratories should obtain supplies from
companies with a recognized and relevant quality system. After initial validation of the
suitability of the equipment, it is recommended that random checks on accuracy are carried
out. If the supplier does not have a recognized quality system, laboratories should check each
batch of equipment for suitability.
It is important that laminar flow hoods are serviced annually. High Efficiency Particulate Air
(HEPA, 99.9%) filters shall be checked and cleaned or replaced as needed.
Airflow rate shall be monitored regularly or at-least annually with a calibrated velometer,
anemometer or other appropriate flow instrument, to ensure that the exhaust system
functions properly. Particle count shall also be checked on a routine basis to comply with
relevant standard.
During operation the aerial microbial contamination shall also be checked using agar
plates or air sampler.
Biohazard cabinet shall be used for personnel protection when testing for hazardous
microorganisms. It shall be maintained monthly, quarterly, or annually depending on the class of
the cabinet. Parameters such as final filter and exhaust filter integrity, air velocity and uniformity,
air barrier containment, induced air leakage, UV radiation, light intensity and noise level shall be
The performance of the PCR equipment such as thermocycler and the built in spectroscopic
components of PCR equipment shall be verified regularly. Reference materials and certified reference materials, if required should be used to provide
essential traceability in measurements and are used, for example;
To calibrate equipment Responsibility shall be documented for the maintenance of for certified reference materials
which typically include ordering or assisting in the ordering of new reference materials,
checking calculations of assays, keeping lists of laboratory-available certified reference
materials up to date, properly identifying reference material containers, maintaining reference
materials in their proper location, disposing old or outdated reference materials, and so forth. Reference materials usage records shall be maintained to ensure traceability. Each analyst
using a certified reference material shall enter the name of the reference material, the date
and time, issued and returned, with initials. Analysts shall be instructed in the care of certified reference materials and procedures for
handling them. Biological testing laboratories are expected to source their reference materials from the
following possible sources (generally in decreasing order of preference) where availability
a) Reference standards from national measurement institutes and from ISO Guide 34
accredited reference material producers:
b) Reputable chemical supply houses (particularly kit manufacturers and for pure
biochemical standards or reagents); Laboratories shall demonstrate traceability for certified reference materials obtained from a
National / International institute. DNA extracted from certified reference materials are stored to provide reference stocks.
Reference stocks shall be stored at a condition to minimize nucleic acid degradation.
Laboratories shall have a policy and procedures for purchase, handling, storage,
maintenance and use of certified reference materials and stocks. Reference stocks should be
a) The sources, lot numbers, dates of receipt and expiry, dates put in use, conditions and
integrity of packaging of certified reference material;
b) Preparation records of reference stocks with dates of preparation, expiration, and name
of operator; Positive DNA reference materials/plasmids/vectors shall be verified by checking with at least
one reference material from a different manufacturer or source, if available, before use. The
requirements as in should be fulfilled for maintaining the records. Reference cultures are required for establishing acceptable performance of media (including
test kits), for validating methods and for assessing/evaluating on-going performance.
Traceability is necessary, for example, when establishing media performance and method
validations. To demonstrate traceability, laboratories must use reference strains of
microorganisms obtained directly from a recognized national or international collection, where
these exist. Reference strains when obtained shall preferably have information related to the
microorganism which include reference number (e.g. ATCC,MTCC etc.), passage number,
colony characteristics on recommended media, microscopic features by staining technique,
phenotypic characteristics relevant to the scope of testing, pathogenic status of the strain &
any specific requirement for culture handling, storage conditions and relevant applications
(such as quality control, vitamin assay, antibiotic assay etc.)
If required, MTCC can provide the information related to diagnostic characteristics of the
culture, any specific requirement for culture handling, storage conditions and relevant
applications. In addition the information about the risk group that a particular strain belongs is
also available with MTCC. Reference cultures shall be sub-cultured once to provide reference stocks. Reference stocks
shall be preserved by a technique such as freeze-drying, liquid nitrogen storage, frozen
beads storage etc., which maintains desired characteristics of the strains. Laboratories shall
have a policy and procedures for purchase, handling, storage, preservation, maintenance and
use of reference cultures and stocks.
Reference stocks shall be used to prepare working stocks for routine work. Bacterial working
stocks if sub cultured should be done only up to a defined number of generations which is
recommended up to five passages from the original reference culture. Laboratory should take
responsibility to verify that the working stock used in daily QC checks or other bioassay will
meet the requirements of the test method i.e. there is no change in biochemical, serological
activity of the strain and no change in cell morphology and colony characteristics on growth/
selective media. Use of reference culture after 5 passages may be extended if the same
strain is found to retain all desired characteristics (morphological, biochemical and serological
Laboratories should maintain records of all their reference culture maintenance activities,
including certificates from the reference culture Collection, verification records, and sub-
culturing records including any purity/verification checks. Unambiguous culture code should
be assigned to each organism for easy identification and traceability. Reference cultures of microorganisms available not directly from, but claimed to be traceable
to a national collection may be used for quality control checks, but the requirements on
number of passages and the relevant verification procedures required as mentioned in
shall also be observed. They shall not be further sub-cultured if no information on passage
number is available from the supplier
a) Reference culture master records containing information of the source, lot number,
reference number, laboratory code for a particular strain, dates of receipt and expiration
(if available), date of revival;
b) verification records of working stocks for the parameters tested and the result summary
with original observation or cross reference to laboratory note book containing raw data;
c) history of subculture from reference stocks with dates of preparation and expiration,
media code, purity confirmation, and name of operator;
5.4.1 Laboratories should ensure that the quality of reagents used is appropriate for the test concerned.
They shall verify the suitability of each batch of reagents critical for the test, initially and during its
shelf life, using positive and negative control organisms, which are traceable to recognized
national or international culture collections.
5.4.2 Laboratories shall have a policy and procedure(s) for the selection and purchasing of services
and supplies. Quality and grade of reagents/media should be appropriate for the tests concerned.
They shall not contain any impurities that may inhibit bacterial growth. Guidance on precautions,
which should be observed in the preparation or use of reagents, should be documented.
The precautions related to toxicity, flammability, stability to heat, air and light, reactivity to other
chemicals, etc. should be taken while their handling and storage.
5.4.3 The sources and history of consumables having an effect on the validity of tests such as media,
antisera, biochemical kits and membrane filters shall be recorded. A logbook shall be maintained
to record all such materials received at laboratories. This logbook shall include information such
as supplier, lot number, date received, date put in use, date of verification and date of expiration. All dehydrated complete or pre-prepared media and purified agars shall be checked for their
physical states and verified for their microbiological performance prior to release for use.
Selective media shall be checked using positive strains with typical characteristics and
completely inhibited strains, where appropriate. Commercially pre-prepared media should
have evidence of evaluation of quantitative performance. All laboratory prepared media
starting from basic ingredients shall be checked for their recovery i.e. quantitative
performance. Criteria of recovery and records of verification shall be maintained. Laboratories
should establish and record an appropriate re-ordering schedule to prevent the holding of
stocks beyond their expiry dates.
Schedules for checking media for decomposition, discoloration, deterioration and caking shall
be documented. It is important to prevent dehydrated culture media from absorbing moisture
during storage. Dehydrated media should be stored in a dry, cool and dark environment.
Acceptance ranges of storage conditions and criteria for rejecting media should be
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Doc. No: NABL 102 Specific Criteria for Biological Testing Laboratories
Issue No: 04 Issue Date: 25-Apr-2016 Amend No: 00 Amend Date: -- Page No: 28/72
documented. Records of monitoring the storage conditions and checks of media shall be
maintained. All media recipes and procedures for preparation shall be fully documented and authorized.
Records shall be kept of all relevant details of each batch of medium prepared. The records
should include medium name, lot number, manufacturer, ingredient quantities (if applicable),
final pH (post sterilization), and sterilization process, date of preparation and name of
operator. Prepared media not put in use immediately shall be labeled with medium names or
codes, date of preparation, and date of expiration if applicable. Information on the life
expectancy of prepared media under specific storage conditions shall be specified and
documented. Guidance on the preparation, sterilization of media and recommended storage
times can be found in ISO 7218: 2007 ‘Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs –
General rules for microbiological examinations’ and American Public Health Association
Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater (APHA) section 9020 B. Quality of water used for testing should be specified and checked regularly for compliance
against the specific requirements, such as conductivity, pH and microbial load etc. Only water
that has been tested and found to be free from bactericidal or inhibitory compounds is to be
used for the culture media, reagents and diluents.
Glassware washing procedures need to ensure that no toxic residue left from detergents,
disinfectants and reagents etc Serological and biochemical kits shall be verified with positive and negative strains with
typical and negative characteristics, if applicable. Chemicals and reagents involved from sample preparation down to PCR testing shall be
molecular biology grade or equivalent and free from contaminating nucleic acids or nucleases
(both DNase and RNase). Extraction buffer or solution (If prepared in-house) has to be
autoclaved prior to use. Any special precautions in preparation or use of the reagents shall be
documented. Stability of the reagents to heat, air, light and other chemicals etc should be
included, if it is applicable and relevant. All taq polymerase /master mix/kits/primers and probes shall be checked and verified for their
performance using GM positive materials prior to release for their use. Verification
procedures, criteria for acceptance, shelf lives and special storage conditions shall be Membrane filtration units shall be stainless steel, glass, or autoclavable plastic, not scratched
or corroded and shall not leak. Diameter and pore size of membrane filters, and diameter and
absorption capability of absorbent pads shall meet the requirements specified in the test
standards. They shall be confirmed of their sterility prior to release for use. Sterile metal or disposable plastic loops, wood applicator sticks, sterile swabs, spreaders etc.
should be used as inoculating equipment. The metal inoculating loops should be made of
alloys that do not interfere with any biochemical tests.
5.5.1 Laboratories using animals for biological testing should invariably have an institutional “Animal
Ethics Committee” to review and approve the use of animals for studies in accordance with the
CPCSEA (Committee for the Purpose of Control and Supervision of Experiments on Animals)
and other national/international guidelines on the “Care and Use of Animals for Biological
Research and Testing”.
5.5.2 Laboratories should routinely use applicable guidelines for the breeding, care, management,
housing and use of laboratory animals being available from BIS, CPCSEA, NRC-USA, etc. both
for ethical considerations as well as integrity of test data. The handling and breeding is to be
done by personnel properly trained in animal care. A veterinary doctor shall periodically check up
the animals. The animals required for pyrogen test for drugs should meet the test norms of
national pharmacopoeia. The whole environment of animal house should always be kept
hygienic. Log books and other records shall be kept for the animal house maintenance and
animal care.
5.5.3 Proper conditions should be established and maintained for the storage, housing, handling and
care of biological test systems, in order to ensure the quality of the data.
5.5.4 Newly received animal and plant test systems should be isolated until their health status has
been evaluated. If any unusual mortality or morbidity occurs, this lot should not be used in
studies and, when appropriate, should be humanely destroyed. At the experimental starting date
of a study, test systems should be free of any disease or condition that might interfere with the
purpose or conduct of the study. Test systems that become diseased or injured during the
5.5.5 Records of source, date of arrival, and arrival condition of test systems should be maintained.
5.5.6 Biological test systems should be acclimatized to the test environment for an adequate period
before the first administration/application of the test or reference item.
5.5.7 All information needed to properly identify the test systems should appear on their housing or
containers. Individual test systems that are to be removed from their housing or containers
during the conduct of the study should bear appropriate identification, wherever possible.
5.5.8 During use, housing or containers for test systems should be cleaned and sanitised at
appropriate intervals. Any material that comes into contact with the test system should be free of
contaminants at levels that would interfere with the study. Bedding for animals should be
changed as required by sound husbandry practice. Use of pest control agents should be
5.5.9 Standard operating procedures should be available for the test system with respect to the
i) Room preparation and environmental room conditions for the test system.
ii) Procedures for receipt, transfer, proper placement, characterization, identification and care
of the test system.
iii) Test system preparation, observations and examinations, before, during and at the
conclusion of the study.
iv) Handling of test system individuals found moribund or dead during the study.
5.5.10 Cellular and microbial test systems should be characterized to assure their identity, viability, and
proper responsiveness to standard reference molecules/conditions for appropriateness of use in
the biological tests. They should be sampled and handled in a manner to avoid contamination and
mix-up and also to prevent any hazard to personnel. Wherever required, such test systems
should be used in designated, restricted and sterile areas and all waste should be neutralized /
sterilized before disposal.
5.6.1 Handling, sampling, and storage procedures of the test/reference item should be identified in
order that the homogeneity and stability are assured to the degree possible and contamination or
mix-up are precluded.
5.6.2 Storage container(s) of the test/reference item should carry identification information, expiry date,
and specific storage instructions.
5.6.3 Each test and reference item should be appropriately identified (e.g., code, Chemical Abstracts
Service Registry Number [CAS number], name, biological parameters).
5.6.4 For each study, the identity, including batch number, purity, composition, concentrations, or other
characteristics to appropriately define each batch of the test or reference items should be known.
5.6.5 In cases where the test item is supplied by the sponsor, there should be a mechanism, developed
in co-operation between the sponsor and the test facility, to verify the identity of the test item
subject to the study.
5.6.6 The stability of test and reference items under storage and test conditions should be known for all
5.6.7 If the test item is administered or applied in a vehicle, the homogeneity, concentration and stability
of the test item in that vehicle should be determined. For test items used in field studies (e.g., tank
mixes) these may be determined through separate laboratory experiments.
5.6.8 A sample for analytical purposes from each batch of test item should be retained for all studies
except short-term studies.
5.6.9 All records of test/reference item characterization, expiry and quantities received and used should
be retained with the study data.
5.7 Test and Reference Items (including Negative and Positive Control Items) for In-Vitro
Toxicity Tests
5.7.1 In general, the specific requirements for receipt, handling, sampling, storage and characterization
for test and reference items that are used in studies utilizing in vitro test systems are same as
5.7.2 For “positive reference items” the definition implies not to grade the response of the test system to
the test item, but rather to control the proper performance of the test system. For negative
(vehicle) and positive control items, it may or may not be necessary to determine concentration
and homogeneity, since it may be sufficient to provide evidence for the correct, expected
response of the test system to them.
5.7.3 The expiry date of such control items may also be extended by documented evaluation or
analysis. Such evaluation may consist of documented evidence that the response of the
respective test systems to these positive, negative and/or vehicle control items does not deviate
from the historical control values recorded in the test facility, which should furthermore be
comparable to published reference values.
6.1 In many cases, testing laboratories are not responsible for primary sampling to obtain test items.
Where they are responsible, it is strongly recommended that this sampling be covered by quality
assurance norms and must comply to applicable requirements. Customers taking their own
samples should be made aware of proper storage, sampling and transportation facilities.
Customers should be informed if the sample received is too small for meaningful analysis.
6.2 Transport and storage should be under conditions that maintain the integrity of the sample (e.g.
chilled or frozen where appropriate). The conditions should be monitored and records kept.
Where appropriate, responsibility for transport, storage between sampling and arrival at the
testing laboratory shall be clearly documented. Testing of the samples should be performed as
soon as possible after sampling and should conform to relevant standards and/or
national/international regulations.
6.3 Laboratories shall document the sampling procedures for taking test portions from laboratory
samples and shall have measures to ensure that the test portion is as representative of the
sample as possible, and the composition of the sample would not be altered in a way that would
affect the concentration or identification of the organisms/ targeted DNA being determined. In
GMO testing, for cases of whole beans or grains, sample shall be sufficiently large to provide
meaningful statistical data at the limit of detection of the method. The processed foods, canned
and bottled products, etc. could be collected in sufficient numbers belonging to the same batch for
analysis. In case different batches are used, details should be recorded and retained for
6.4 Special sampling procedures should be established for special/non-routine samples and made
available to the samplers as well as laboratory personnel. A copy of such documented procedure
shall be maintained with the raw data and retained for future reference.
6.5 Sampling should only be performed by trained personnel. It should be carried out aseptically
using sterile equipment. Environmental conditions for instance air contamination and temperature
should be monitored and recorded at the sampling site. Time of sampling should also be
recorded. Sampling procedure can form part of the test methods and shall include procedures for
sterilization of sampling equipment and precautions in performing aseptic techniques.
6.7 Seed testing laboratories must be able to demonstrate that it has a system for the approval of lot
identification, licensing of the seed samplers including the approval and /or provision of sampler
training programmes, and arrangements for maintaining and distributing up-to-date lists of
licensed seed samplers.
6.8 Seed testing laboratories should have procedures and practices to monitor the uniformity of seed
lots and to refuse the sampling and testing where doubt exists concerning uniformity.
7.1 Laboratories shall examine and record the conditions and appearance of samples upon receipt.
Where appropriate (e.g. environmental samples for quantitative results), the time of sampling
should also be recorded. Parameters to be checked include nature and characteristics of sample,
volume/amount of sample, storage temperature of sample on receipt, conditions of sample
container i.e. whether it has been sterilized before sampling, characteristics of the sampling
operation (sampling date and condition), etc. If there is insufficient sample or the sample is in poor
condition due to physical deterioration, incorrect temperature, torn packaging or deficient labeling,
laboratories should either refuse the sample or carry out the tests as instructed by the customers
and shall indicate the conditions on test reports.
7.2 Samples awaiting test shall be stored under suitable conditions to minimize any changes to any
microbial population present. Storage conditions and maximum holding times for different
samples shall be documented and shall fulfill the requirements of test standards. Where a sample
has to be held secure, the laboratory must have arrangements for storage and security that
protect the condition and integrity of the secured samples concerned.
7.3 Frequently, it is necessary to split or transfer samples for different testing parameters. The Sub-
sampling procedure should be designed to take account of uneven distribution of analytes. It
should be performed as per national/international standards, where they exist, or by validated in-
house methods. It is essential that procedures are available for preventing spread of
contamination, delivery of samples including special transportation such as refrigeration and
exclusion of light, disposal and decontamination processes and unbroken chain of identification of
the sub-samples/samples shall be provided.
7.4. In sampling, the documentation sent to the seed testing laboratory must contain the following
d) Unambiguous and unique reference number(s) identifying the lot. This may be a lot reference
number or a sequence or sequences of label numbers.
g) Tests required
h) Details of any environmental or other conditions during sampling which may affect the
interpretation of the test results.
7.5. There shall be a written procedure and defined period for the retention and disposal of the
samples in the laboratory. Samples should be stored until the test results are obtained, or longer if
required. Laboratory sample portions that are highly contaminated should be decontaminated
prior to being discarded. Seed sample retention must be for not less than one year after testing
has been completed.
8.1.2 Autoclaved waste can be disposed off through off-site incineration facility, in licensed landfill sites,
effluent treatment plants subject to meeting local regulations. Laboratory shall be provided with
biohazard identifiable or color coded waste disposal containers strategically placed within the lab
(for e.g. decontamination area). Suitable provision should be made for collecting the waste safely
from different areas within the lab. Contaminated toxicological waste, microbiological cultures etc
shall be disposed off as early as practically feasible. Biological waste such as animal carcasses,
anatomical as well as other associated wastes used in toxicological and other biological tests
should be discarded by appropriate decontamination and disposal facilities.
8.1.3 Waste disposal records shall be maintained for wastes disposed through licensed contractors.
9.3 Internal quality control consists of all the procedures undertaken by a laboratory for the
continuous evaluation of its work. The main objective is to ensure the consistency of day-to-day
results and their conformity with defined criteria.
9.4 Programme of periodic checks is necessary to demonstrate that variability (i.e. between analysts
and between equipment or materials etc.) is under control. All tests included in the laboratory’s
scope of accreditation need to be covered. This can be achieved by:
Uninoculated samples shall be run at a minimum of once for every test run. Sterility controls are
used to detect the presence or absence of possible laboratory contamination.
Duplicate analysis usually involves a replicate sample, sub sampled in the laboratory. This
practice measures precision of an analytical process. For analysis performed in spiked matrices
the method precision is documented and controlled based upon relative percent difference in
recovery for quantitative determinations and confirmation of positive response in qualitative
analysis. Analysis of split samples is normally expected to be conducted at a frequency of at least
once per parameter/matrix/analyst.
Positive and negative characteristic strains, if applicable, shall be tested concurrently with any
biochemical, serological and morphological tests/characteristics for confirmation of presumptive
microorganisms. The number or percentage of colonies stipulated in test standard required for
confirmation process shall be followed. Laboratories can also define the minimum number of
colonies for confirmation if such requirements are not specified.
The following controls shall be run at a minimum of once for every test run as shown below: -
The extraction buffer employed for DNA extraction shall be prepared from sterile water and
shall be autoclaved prior to use. Negative PCR control by use of non-GM material (0% GM content) exactly in the same
manner as the samples.
A sample of known GM content or CRM can be used to establish the detection limit meeting
the limit of detection of the method. In the absence of a GM CRM, the laboratory can spike
appropriate amount of DNA enabling to achieve the desired detection limit.
Reference DNA or DNA extracted from a CRM or a known positive sample representative of
a gene sequence under study shall be incorporated to demonstrate the unique performance
of the PCR assay.
PCR test samples shall be analyzed in at least duplicate for quantitative, semi quantitative
and qualitative testing. Because duplicate extractions and PCR of the same sample can give
qualitatively different results, one positive, one negative. In situations where false positive
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Doc. No: NABL 102 Specific Criteria for Biological Testing Laboratories
Issue No: 04 Issue Date: 25-Apr-2016 Amend No: 00 Amend Date: -- Page No: 40/72
results occur due to contamination, rules out false negative results. This situation is most
likely to occur in cases where the test is working at concentrations close to the limit of
detection and/or there is some degree of inhibition of PCR due to co-extractives from the
It is normally expected that test results are based on the results of at least two, different GM-
specific primer sets, each providing consistent result. The requirement of using at least two
primer sets may be relaxed provided that other options for confirming the identity of an
amplicon on a gel, e.g. restriction enzyme cutting to produce fragments of the expected size,
shall be established to confirm test results.
9.6.1 Proficiency testing is defined as the “evaluation of participant performance against pre-
established criteria by means of inter-laboratory comparisons” (ISO/IEC 17043:2010) and is thus
a very important tool in a laboratory’s quality control programme to demonstrate the validity and
comparability of results.
9.6.2 Proficiency testing programme shall be scheduled and implemented on a regular basis relevant to
their scope of accreditation. Preference should be given to proficiency testing schemes, which
use appropriate matrices.
9.6.3 Laboratories should use external quality assessment not only to assess laboratory bias but also to
check the validity of the whole quality system.
9.6.4 In accordance with the policy of the Asia Pacific Laboratory Accreditation Co-operation (APLAC),
to which NABL is a member of their Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA), it is NABL policy
that applicant/accredited biological testing laboratories shall:
b) The minimum amount of appropriate proficiency testing required per laboratory is one activity
prior to gaining accreditation.
c) Accredited laboratories shall prepare a plan for PT/ILC participation so as to cover major
groups/subgroups in the scope. The plan shall consider the issue of changes in staff,
For practical reasons if laboratory is not able to follow this plan, lab shall have sufficient basis
for non-compliance.
9.6.5 Laboratories are expected to select the proficiency testing activities according to the following
criteria (in a generally decreasing order of preference):
9.6.6. If unsatisfactory results are obtained, laboratories shall be able to show that the problems are
promptly investigated and rectified, and satisfactory performance for the test/method in question
can be achieved afterward. All findings in connection with unsatisfactory performance shall be
recorded. (Please refer NABL 162 and NABL 163)
9.6.7 The results from proficiency testing activities and their analysis will be reviewed in each NABL
An adequate test record system in accordance with the various clauses of ISO/IEC 17025, e.g.
4.13, 5.4.7 is essential. Most laboratories have developed forms (proforma sheets) for all their
routine testing. These are generally the preferred option as their use prompts the recording of all
the required information, maintains consistency and increases recording efficiency.
10.2 Test records in the form of workbooks/worksheets shall be controlled and authorized by
designated key technical person and lab should ensure the traceability of raw data to the final
10.3.1 Clause 5.10 of ISO/IEC 17025:2005 standard sets out the requirements for test report issued by
testing laboratories.
10.3.2 Test reports must give the customer all relevant information and every effort should be made to
ensure that the test report is unambiguous. All information in a test report must be supported by
the records pertaining to the test. All information required to be reported by the test specification
must be included in the report.
10.3.3 It is important to note that in many instances the test standards, regulatory requirements and
industry accepted practice will determine the report format and content.
10.3.4 Laboratories must retain an exact copy of all reports issued. These copies must be retained
securely and be readily available for the time specified in the laboratory’s documented policies.
10.3.6 Where an estimate of the uncertainty of the test result is expressed on the test report on demand,
any limitations (particularly if the estimate does not include the component contributed by the
distribution of microorganisms within the sample) have to be made clear to the customer.
10.3.7 Laboratories carrying out GMO testing activities with PCR shall accurately describe the primer
sets used and the results obtained. The specificity of the target sequence shall be reported, i.e.
‘35S promoter: detected’, or Roundup Ready: not detected’ or ‘Bt-176: not detected’ instead of a
general statement ‘does not contain GMO’. The latter wording would imply that primer sets
covering all potential GM events had been tested. Similarly, quantitative results shall be reported
as ‘x.x % of Roundup Ready Soybean’ instead of ‘x.x % GM material’.
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Doc. No: NABL 102 Specific Criteria for Biological Testing Laboratories
Issue No: 04 Issue Date: 25-Apr-2016 Amend No: 00 Amend Date: -- Page No: 43/72
10.3.8 When test results are below the reporting limits, an indication of the reporting limits shall be given
in test reports.
10.3.9 The sample preparation procedure should be given for the proper interpretation of test results in
GMO testing laboratory’s test reports.
10.3.10 NABL symbol in the test reports shall be used in accordance with NABL 133.
Traditionally, laboratories issued test reports in hard copy format with manual signatures. With
increased use of electronic media such as email and the Internet, and the use of electronic
databases, laboratories are now issuing the reports electronically. Such practices challenge the
generally accepted reporting criteria for accredited laboratories.
10.4.1 ISO/IEC 17025: 2005 clause 5.10.7 attempts in a general way to specify the specific requirements
for electronic reporting. While it is difficult to specify in detail a set of requirements to address
every eventuality (as laboratories will tend to develop electronic reporting systems to suit their
own circumstances and those of their customers), the following is intended to provide guidance on
common issues of concern.
It is the responsibility of the issuing laboratory to ensure that what was transmitted
electronically is what the customer received.
Email systems have proven to be robust in this regard, but laboratories need to consider
whether customers will have the appropriate software and version to open attachments
without corruption.
Laboratories should verify (at least initially, and periodically thereafter is recommended) the
integrity of the electronic link e.g. by asking the customer to supply a copy of what was
received and comparing it with what was transmitted. It is also important that the laboratory
and its customer agree as to which parts of the electronic transfer system they are
responsible for and the laboratory must be able to demonstrate data integrity at the point the
data comes under the control of the customer.
Laboratories should avoid sending test reports in an electronic format that can be readily
amended by the recipient. Where possible, reports should be in a read only format e.g. pdf
Where this is not possible e.g. the customer may wish to transfer the reported results file into
a larger database, then laboratories are recommended to indicate these electronic reports
have an interim status and are followed-up by a hard copy (or more secure) final report.
Laboratories must retain an exact copy of the report that was sent to the customer. This may
be a hard copy (strongly recommended) or an electronic copy. These copies must be retained
securely and be readily available for the time specified in the laboratory’s documented
The reports must not be released to the customer until authorized by individuals with the
authority to do so. For electronic reports there must be a clear audit trail with a positive
authorization record to demonstrate this is the case. Where this is managed through
password access levels in the laboratory’s electronic system, appropriate procedures should
be in place to prevent abuse of password access.
The electronic report should show the identity of the individual releasing the report
(authorized signatory approved by NABL). This may involve an electronic signature. The
security of these signatures should be such as to prevent inadvertent use or misuse.
The biological testing discipline is described in terms of classes (Groups) and subclasses (subgroups) of
test. Application for accreditation may be made for one or more classes of tests or for subclasses or
specific test within a single class or subclass.
Where the existing group does not appear to cover the needs of a laboratory NABL secretariat welcomes
proposals for additional classes or tests to be included in this discipline.
The scope of accreditation may be reviewed and extended on request, provided that the laboratory
complies with conditions for accreditation for the classes of test or specific tests involved.
Chemotherapeutic Agents
Raw Materials
Drug Intermediates
Drug Substances(Active Pharmaceuticals Ingredients ( API))
Filtrable Solutions & Soluble Preparations
Immunological Products
Microbial limit test
Non-Filterable Preparations Including Ointments
Preservative efficacy
Pyrogen tests
Sterility tests
Synthetic Drugs
Veterinary Drugs
Bioassays of Other Products (Other Than Those Products Mentioned Above)
Other Specified Tests
Drinking water
Packaged Drinking Water
Packaged Natural Mineral Water
Water for Swimming Pool and Spas
Water for Construction Purpose
Water Purifiers
Ground Water/ Surface Water
Water for Medicinal Purposes
Distilled /Demineralised Water
Water for Processed Food Industry
Water for industrial purpose
V. Biocides
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Issue No: 04 Issue Date: 25-Apr-2016 Amend No: 00 Amend Date: -- Page No: 48/72
VI. Cosmetics and Essential Oils
GM Testing
Other Specified Tests
X. Molecular Analysis
(Tests for Various Matrices)
GMO Testing
Promoter & Terminator Screening
Detection of adulterants
Pathogen Detection
Gene Expression /Gene Copy Number
Cell permeability test
Other Specified Tests
Micronucleus test
DNA estimation
Protein estimation
MTT Assay
Dietary Fibres
Soy Proteins
Fortified Food
Pet Foods
Rapeseed Meal
Cotton seed cake
Guar Meal
Poultry feed additives
Animal Nutirition Supplements
Dog Food
Oil Cake
Groundnut meal
Ayurvedic drugs
Unani Drugs
Siddha Drugs
Homeopathic Drugs
Herbal formulations
Blood alcohol
Drugs & Drug Metabolites
Recombinant Proteins
Monoclonal Antibodies ( MABs)
Single Cell Proteins ( SCP)
Growth factors
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Issue No: 04 Issue Date: 25-Apr-2016 Amend No: 00 Amend Date: -- Page No: 53/72
XXVI. Cosmetics & Essential Oil
Tooth Paste
Hygiene products
XXVII. GM Products
Qualitative Detection
Quantitative analysis
Promoter & Terminator Screening
Tubal Rings
Copper T
Hypodermic Needles
Blood Bags
Set of operations that establish, under specified conditions, the relationship between values of quantities
indicated by a measuring instrument or measuring system, or values represented by a material measure
or a reference material, and the corresponding values realized by standards
1 The result of a calibration permits either the assignment of values of measurands to the indications or
the determination of corrections with respect to indications.
2 A calibration may also determine other metrological properties such as the effect of influence
3 The result of a calibration may be recorded in a document, sometimes called a calibration certificate
or a calibration report.
Reference material, accompanied by a certificate, one or more of whose property values are certified by a
procedure, which establishes traceability to an accurate realisation of the unit in which the property values
are expressed, and for which each certified value is accompanied by an uncertainty at a stated level of
confidence.[ISO Guide 30]
Limit of Determination
Applied to quantitative microbiological tests - The lowest number of micro-organisms within a defined
variability that may be determined under the experimental conditions of the method under evaluation.
Limit of Detection
Applied to qualitative microbiological tests- The lowest number of micro-organisms that can be detected,
but in numbers that cannot be estimated accurately.
Occurs when the alternative method gives a negative result without confirmation when the reference
method gives a positive result. This deviation becomes a false negative result when the true result can be
proved as being positive.
Positive Deviation
Occurs when the alternative method gives a positive result without confirmation when the reference
method gives a negative result. This deviation becomes a false positive result when the true result can be
proved as being negative.
Reference Cultures
Reference strains, Collective term for reference strain, reference stocks and working cultures.
Microorganisms defined at least to the genus and species level, catalogued and described according to its
characteristics and preferably stating its origin.[ISO 11133] Normally obtained from a recognized national
or international collection.
(Within India reference strain can be obtained from IMTECH, Chandigarh; National Chemical Laboratory,
Pune; Christian Medical College, Vellore; Central Research Institute, Kasauli, HP; National Institute of
Communicable Diseases, Delhi etc.)
Reference Material
Material or substance one or more of whose property values are sufficiently homogeneous and well
established to be used for the calibration of an apparatus, the assessment of a measurement method, or
for assigning values to materials. [ISO Guide 30]
Reference Method
Thoroughly investigated method, clearly and exactly describing the necessary conditions and procedures,
for the measurement of one or more property values that has been shown to have accuracy and precision
commensurate with its intended use and that can therefore be used to assess the accuracy of other
methods for the same measurement, particularly in permitting the characterization of a reference material.
Reference Stocks
A set of separate identical cultures obtained by a single sub-culture from the reference strain. [ISO 11133]
The degree of correspondence of the results of the method under evaluation to those obtained using a
recognized reference method.
Closeness of the agreement between the results of successive measurements of the same measurand
under the same conditions of measurement.
Closeness of the agreement between the results of measurements of the same measurand carried out
under changed conditions of measurement.
The fraction of the total number of positive cultures or colonies correctly assigned in the presumptive
inspection. [ISO 13843]
The fraction of the total number of negative cultures or colonies correctly assigned in the presumptive
inspection. [ISO 13843]
Working Culture
Confirmation, through the provision of objective evidence, that the requirements for a specific intended
use or application have been fulfilled. [ISO 9000: 2000]
Confirmation, through the provision of objective evidence, that specified requirements have been fulfilled.
Laboratories with the appropriate knowledge, skills, experience and resources to do so in a competent
and thorough manner should only carry out validation of biological testing methods. The requirements for
method validation are detailed in Clause 5.4.5 of ISO/IEC 17025:2005.
The diagram on the following page (Figure 1) provides a very generalized approach to method validation
It is not intended to be a comprehensive reference to validation requirements, but rather a starting point to
assist laboratories to ensure the key components are considered. In some instances laboratories may
need to do more to demonstrate full validation; in other instances, some of the elements may not need to
be considered - depending on the purpose to which the method is to be applied.
If the method does not meet customer requirements then alternative methods
need to be sourced and verified/validated, and/or customer requirements
Implement Review
Microorganisms have an inherent tendency to mutate in laboratory culture. It is essential then that
laboratories use procedures to maintain their cultures in a viable and genetically stable state. Various
methods have been established to preserve cultures so that minimum genetic drift occurs.
This section provides information to laboratories on the general principles involved on culture
maintenance. They are generally applicable to most aerobic organisms that are in common use. However
it should be noted that culture conditions for anaerobic organisms are significantly different and will
require suitable anaerobic environment. These organisms may be grown in anaerobic jars or chambers.
General rules for preparation of reference / working stock from reference culture
Reference culture is defined as a culture that is obtained from recognized microbial type culture collection.
Reference stock is the one that is derived from an authentic reference culture. A working stock culture is
the one that is derived from a reference stock culture and is used on a day-to-day basis in most of the
microbiological laboratories.
Reference cultures shall be sub-cultured only once to provide reference stocks. The reference stocks
must be used to prepare working stocks for routine works and working stock must not be refrozen and
reused once thawed. Working stocks shall not be sub cultured to replace reference stocks.
Appropriate technique shall be used to preserve the reference microorganism so that the desired
characteristics of the strains are maintained. The laboratory shall assign suitable trained staff for
maintenance of reference culture. Reference culture can be stored by one of the following techniques:
Reference culture
Reference culture procured from culture collection can be stored in refrigerator (2°C – 8°C) in the
original sealed vial or container till the expiry date. Reference culture once revived should be
stored as per the instructions provided by the agency or as per laboratory internal procedure.
Reference stock
The reference stock can be maintained at deep freezer (-18 0 C) or ultra cold freezer (-70°C) for a
long storage (typically 2 years depending on individual culture viability). If the reference stock is
maintained at 4°C on an appropriate medium, it can be used for a shorter time, typically up to
three months provided the culture viability is maintained. Some organisms used in antibiotic
testing lose their resistance over long storage hence advisable to prepare subcultures every 2
weeks. Many other tests require microorganisms not more than 24 hours old. Fastidious
organisms such as Streptococcus pneumoniae need to be subcultured every 3rd day. So
considering these specific cases, laboratory needs to decide their own storage plan which shall
be technically justifiable.
Working stock
Working stock cultures can be stored in refrigerator (2°C – 8°C) and used on a day-to-day basis.
All aerobic bacteria can be stored in 2°C – 8°C and used as per laboratory’s subculture plan.
Anaerobic organisms should be stored in anaerobic conditions as per instructions provided by
culture collection or reference texts.
Freezing on bead is one of the culture preservation methods to prepare a reference stock culture
for long term storage. This method employs the drying of organisms from the liquid state on inert
substrates, porcelain beads. These methods are suitable for short to medium term preservation at
-18°C to - 70°C for periods not exceeding one to five years respectively, with good genetic
The procedure essentially consists of taking a pure culture from solid media and inoculating into a
suitably prepared vial containing appropriate broth medium and unglazed porcelain beads. After
agitating the beads in the broth, all excess fluid is removed from the vial with a fine tip Pasteur
pipettes. The vial is stored at -18°C to -70°C. Recovery is affected by removing a single bead
aseptically from the vial and inoculating it directly onto solid media or in to broth (Tier 3). The
remaining beads are available for later use.
Biosafety Levels
Biosafety level 1 is suitable for involving well characterized agents not known to consistently cause
disease in healthy adult humans and of minimal potential hazard to laboratory personnel and the
environment, work is generally practiced on open bench tops using standard microbiological practices.
Special containment equipment or facility design is neither required nor generally designed. Laboratory
personnel have specific training in the procedures conducted in the laboratory and are supervised by a
qualified and trained person in the area of microbiology or related science.
Biosafety Level 2 is similar to Biosafety Level 1 and is suitable for work involving agents of moderate
potential hazard to personnel and the environment. It differs from the level 1 by
1) Laboratory personnel have specific training in handling pathogenic agents and are directed by
competent personnel.
4) Certain procedures in which infectious aerosols or splashes may be created are conducted in
biological safety cabinets or other physical containment equipment
Biosafety Level 3 is applicable to clinical, diagnostic, teaching research or production facilities in which
work is done with indigenous or exotic agents which may cause serious or potentially lethal disease as a
result of exposure by the inhalation route. Laboratory personnel have specific training in handling
pathogenic and potentially lethal agents, and are supervised by competent scientists who are experienced
in working with these agents.
All procedures involving the manipulation of infectious materials are conducted within biological safety
cabinets or other physical containment devices or by personnel wearing appropriate, personal protective
clothing and equipment. The laboratory has special engineering and design features.
It is recognized however that some existing facilities may not have all the facility features recommended
for Biosafety Level 3 (i.e., double door access zone and sealed penetration). In this circumstance, an
acceptable level of safety for the conduct of routine procedures, (e.g., diagnostic procedures involving the
1) The exhaust air from the laboratory room is discharged to the outdoors
2) The ventilation to the laboratory is balanced to provide directional airflow into the room,
4) Recommended Standard Microbiological Practices, special practices and safety equipment for
Biosafety level 3 are rigorously followed.
The decision to implement Biosafety level 3 recommendations should be made only by the laboratory
Biosafety Level 4 is required for work with dangerous and exotic agents that pose a high individual risk of
aerosol transmitted laboratory infections and life threatening disease. Agents with a close or identical
antigenic relationship to Biosafety Level 4 agents are handled at this level until sufficient data are obtain
either to confirm continued work or to work them at a lower level.
Members of the laboratory staff have specific and thorough training in handling extremely hazardous
infectious agents and they understand the primary and secondary containment functions of the standard
and special practices, the containment equipment and the laboratory design characteristics. They shall be
supervised by competent scientists who are trained and experienced in working with these agents. The
laboratory director should strictly control access to the laboratory.
The facility is either a separate building or in a controlled area within a building, which is completely
isolated from all other areas of the building. A specific operation manual is prepared or adopted.
Within work areas of the facility all activities are confined to Class III biological safety cabinets or Class II
biological safety cabinets used with one-piece positive pressure personnel suits ventilated by a life
support system.
The Biosafety Level 4 laboratory has special engineering and design features to prevent microorganisms
from being disseminated into the environment.
Uncertainty of Measurement
The approach is based upon overall variability of analytical process being conducted by the use of a
specific method in a particular laboratory. In addition to follow the test procedure without any deviation the
laboratory must have properly designed in house quality checks. The approach is required to meet the
underlying principles of the process.
(A) For each of the methods in the scope of accreditation providing numerical results the laboratory
should identify all components of the testing process which will contribute to the uncertainty in the
final results. At this stage it is not necessary to quantify each component but rather confirm its
existence. .Possible approaches for doing this exercise are:
(1) By critically evaluating each step in the documented method to identify those components
that may affect the results.
(2) By using the method equation and critically evaluating each variable to identify the
components that will affect its value.
(B) Identify and gather or collate all available data relating to the performance of the method. The
source of such data may be external to the laboratory or data generated internally.
(1) External data such as:
Published validation data for the standard method
Result from Proficiency testing or inter laboratory comparison programs.
(2) Internal data such as:
In house validation studies
Precision or repeatability data from duplicates
M/U values from calibration certificates
Variability in spike recovery data.
Standard/in house reference material results
(C) Conduct a gap analysis to assess which of the component identified in (a) are incorporated in the
data collected in (b) It is important to have a clear understanding of how the data collected in (b)
(D) Where there are components identified in (a) are not incorporated in data collected in (b) these
needs to be independently estimated and their significance assessed.
If they are significant the laboratories will need to review and re design their quality control data
collection programs in order to incorporate as many of these additional components of uncertainty
as possible. Components of uncertainty which cannot be incorporated in to the quality control
data generated can be estimated by separate experiment, from published data, from calibration
certificates, certificates of analysis or by professional judgment.
Depending upon the principles addressed in the above mentioned approach the laboratories
should be able to obtain data to sufficiently cover all significant identified components of
uncertainty coming from different sources.
The approaches suggested above will generally provide appropriate consideration of all these
issues and result in a reasonable estimate provided the data are generated from same or similar
For quantitative determinations the laboratories are reminded that results from plate count tests
have a skewed distribution and thus require log transformation to approximate normal distribution
statistics. Log standard deviation /confidence limits should then be calculated before anti logging
each limit independently
For tests involving MPN methods where test results are obtained from relevant tables, the
significant component of uncertainty are already built in to MPN table values. For MPN results the
values from the 95% confidence columns of the tables are being accepted as a reasonable
estimates of uncertainty of these results provided that laboratory follows the test methods and
subsequent reporting instructions along with the assurance that laboratory estimates of precision
(duplicate assays) fall within these values.
It is recognized that in some instances the approaches addressed in the procedure may take
some time for its implementation. The laboratory may require to re design their in house quality
checks program because the data may need to be collected over a reasonable length of time in
order to make a sufficiently rigorous assessment of measurement uncertainty. The laboratories
are required to maintain records of each test or type of tests to demonstrate full implementation of
the required procedure
In the testing laboratory, additional MU can result from in adequate sample homogenization,
resulting in differences in GMO content between test portions taken for DNA isolation. The
performance of the system of homogenization used is checked in due course by independent
analysis of test portions.
2. ISO 7218:2007, Microbiology of Food and Animal Feeding Stuffs - General Rules for Microbiological
3. ISO 6887-1:1999 Microbiology of Food and Animal Feeding Stuffs - Preparation of Test Samples,
Initial Suspension and Decimal Dilutions for Microbiological Examination. Part 1 - General Rules for
the Preparation of the Initial Suspension and Dilution.
4. ISO Guide 30, Terms and Definitions Used in Connection with Reference Materials.
10. ISO 11133, Microbiology of food, animal feed and water -- Preparation, production, storage and
performance testing of culture media
11. EN 12741, Biotechnology- Laboratories for Research, Development and Analysis – Guidance for
Biotechnology Laboratory Operations.