Shilpa Mentada: Career Objective
Shilpa Mentada: Career Objective
Shilpa Mentada: Career Objective
Sarada Institute of
BTECH(CSE) Science and Technology 2009 58%
Intermediate junior Collage, B.I.E. (A.P) 2005 54%
S. S.C S.S.C 2002 65%
Residential School
Mesh concept hierarchy is provide a dynamic navigation method that minimizes the
informationoverload observed by the user
To estimate the performance of FAT file system in a mobile chipset by measuring time
taken by all thefile system operations like file open, file read, file write etc.
WORKING AS AN ASST PROFESSOR at Sarada institute of science technology and
management for Cse dept From 2012 to Present
• Patience: I remain stable and clam until I succeed
• Goal Oriented: I set a goal and work hard to reach the goal at any cost.
• Flexibility: I am flexible to easily adapt any kind of environment and work
with different people.
• Leadership Skills: I have the capability to lead a group of people, as I have
been a team lead in my last project and submitted project successfully in
Personal Profile:
Father’s Name : Mentada.Narasimha Murty
Sex : Female
Accuracy : 90+
I hereby declare that all the details furnished above are true to the best of my knowledge and I
assure that I would put all my abilities and efforts to maximize my usage to the company for
safe development and contribute for the growth of company Place.