Shilpa Mentada: Career Objective

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Career Objective:
Intend to build a career in a leading corporate of hi-tech environment with committed &
dedicated people, which will help me to explore myself fully and to work as a key player in
challenging & creative environment.
Academic Qualifications
Year Of
Qualification Institution University/Board Percentage

Sri Sivani collage of JNTU (KAKINADA)

MTECH(CSE) 2012 69%
Engineering, Srikakulam AP

Sarada Institute of
BTECH(CSE) Science and Technology 2009 58%
Intermediate junior Collage, B.I.E. (A.P) 2005 54%

S. S.C S.S.C 2002 65%
Residential School

Technical Skills Summary:

Languages: C Programming Language , Tally
Databases: Oracle ,
Platforms: Windows Vista/XP and Windows 7& 8
Technologies: Oracle
Efficient navigation of querry results using concept hierarchies

Mesh concept hierarchy is provide a dynamic navigation method that minimizes the
informationoverload observed by the user

To estimate the performance of FAT file system in a mobile chipset by measuring time
taken by all thefile system operations like file open, file read, file write etc.
 WORKING AS AN ASST PROFESSOR at Sarada institute of science technology and
management for Cse dept From 2012 to Present
• Patience: I remain stable and clam until I succeed
• Goal Oriented: I set a goal and work hard to reach the goal at any cost.
• Flexibility: I am flexible to easily adapt any kind of environment and work
with different people.
• Leadership Skills: I have the capability to lead a group of people, as I have
been a team lead in my last project and submitted project successfully in
Personal Profile:
Father’s Name : Mentada.Narasimha Murty

Date of Birth : 24-JULY-1987

Marital Status : Married

Sex : Female

Languages Known : English, Hindi , Telugu

Hobbies : Drawing and Music

Address : Saisurya enclaves flat no 102 sampathnagar opposite Sampath Vinayaka

: temple Madhuravada pin 530048

Typing Speed : 30wpm

Accuracy : 90+

I hereby declare that all the details furnished above are true to the best of my knowledge and I
assure that I would put all my abilities and efforts to maximize my usage to the company for
safe development and contribute for the growth of company Place.


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