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Fluid Mechanics

Buoyancy & Floatation

Prepared By: Guided By:
 Shuaib Kohee  Prof. Mamta Patel
(151100106079)  Prof. Metal Mistry
 Wahedullah Ehsas  Prof. Nafisha Shaikh
 Ehsanullah Aydin
 Buoyant Force
 Buoyancy and center of buoyancy
 Archimedes Principle
 Met centre and Meta-centric height
 Equilibrium of floating and submerged bodies
 Meta-centric height elevation- theoretical and
experimental method
Buoyant Force
 When a body is immersed
in a fluid, there is tendency
of fluid to exert force on the
submerged body. This
upward force is same as
weight of fluid displaced by
the body is known as force
of buoyancy or BOYANCY.
Center of Buoyancy
 It’s the point body, where the force of buoyancy
acts. It’s always the center of gravity of displaced

Upward force of buoyancy=Weight of body

FB=m.g (N)
Archimedes Principle
 When a body is immersed wholly or partially in a fluid
it is lifted up by a force equal to the weight of fluid
displaced by the body.
 Consider density of immersed body is ρ
 Downward gravitational force (W)
 Upward force of liquid (Buoyancy FB)

FB= m.g
FB= ρ.g(l.b.h)
 When a body is floating in liquid, is a given
a small angular displacement, it starts
oscillating about a point, that point is meta-
Meta-centric Height
 It’s a distance between the centre of gravity (G) of
floating body and the meta-centre (M). The distance
GM is called meta-centric height.
Equilibrium of Submerged Bodies
 The stability of submerged body is determined by the
location of G and M.
 There are also three types of equilibrium of submerged
body as follow:
 Stable Equilibrium
 Unstable Equilibrium
 Neutral Equilibrium
(a) Stable condition:
 G is below B
 For totally immersed body the G and B is fixed, the
stability of submerged body can be determined by
the locations of G and B.
 Let a balloon completely submerged in air.
 Where W is weight of the balloon
 FB is the buoyancy force
 For equilibrium FB=W
(b)Unstable Condition:
 G is Above B
 If the balloon is given smaller angular displacement ѳ
In clockwise direction, then W and FB produce a couple
acting in same direction of displacement (clockwise) so
that body does not returns to its original position and
body is said to be in unstable equilibrium.
(c) Neutral Equilibrium:
 G and B are at same point

 If the balloon is given small angular displacement

in any direction. There is no any couple produce,
since W and FB is acting at a same point and body
is said to be in neutral equilibrium
Equilibrium of floating bodies
 The stability of floating body is determined by the
location of G and M.
 There are also three types of equilibrium of floating
body as follow:
 Stable Equilibrium
 Unstable Equilibrium
 Neutral Equilibrium
(a) Stable Equilibrium:
 When M is above G
 W=FB
 If the floating body is small angular displacement (ѳ)
in clockwise direction, then the centre of buoyancy
shifts from B to B1, the buoyant force FB through B1
and W produces a couple acting in a anticlockwise
direction, hence floating body returns in its original
position. So floating body said to be in stable
(b) Unstable Equilibrium:
 W= FB
 M is Below G
 If the floating body is given small angular
displacement (ѳ) in clockwise direction, then FB
and W produce a couple acting in clockwise
direction, hence overturning the floating body.
(c)Neutral Equilibrium:
 W=FB
 M and G are at same points
 If the floating body is given small angular
displacement in any direction, there is no any couples
produce due to W and FB, since W and FB are acting at
same point and floating body said to be in neutral
Determination Of The Meta-Centric Height
(Experimental Method)
 The meta-centric height of a floating vessel can be
determined if the angle of tilt Ѳ caused by moving a
load P placed over the centre of the floating body.
 Where :
 W = total weight of floating body(weight of body +
weight of load P)
 G = C.G. of floating body
 B = Centre of buoyancy of the body
GM= (Px)/(wѲ)
 A textbook of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic
Machines (Dr. R.K. Bansal)
 www.Wikipedia.com
Thank You

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