Chemistry All in One
Chemistry All in One
Chemistry All in One
Examiner’s Signature
Student’s signature
Tea is a beverage commonly prepared by pouring hot or boiling water over cured
leaves of tea plant-“Camellia Sinenis”. After water, tea is most widely consumed
breverage in the world. Some teas, like Darjeeling and Chinese greens, have a
cooling, slightly bitter & astringent flavour while others have vastly different
profiles that include sweet, nutty, floral or grassy notes.
Tea originated in China where it was used as a medicinal drink. It was
introduced by the Portuguese priests’ merchants in Europe during 16th century.
During the 17th century, drinking tea became fashionable among Britain. The
British introduced it in India, in order to compete with the Chinese monopoly on
the product.
Tea has been promoted for having a variety of positive health benefits. Recent
studies show that green tea may help reduce risk of cardiovascular diseases,
promotes oral health, reduce blood pressure, help with weight control, improve
antibacterial and antivirastic activity, and provide protection from solar
ultraviolet light. Green tea is also said to have “antibiotic “properties, and neuro
protective power. Additional research is needed to fully understand its
contribution to human health and is advised to regular consume tea in western
Tea characins have anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective properties, help
regulate food intake, and have an affinity for cannabinoid receptors, which may
suppress pain and nausea and provide calming effects.
Consumption of green tea is associated with lower risk of disease that causes
functional disability, such as stroke, coegative impairment, and osteoporosis in the
To compare the tannic acid content of various samples of tea.
Conical flasks
Heating arrangement
Various samples of tea
Calcium carbonate
Concentrated HCL
The tannic acid present in tea leaves is precipitated as calcium
tannate by treatment of aqueous solution of tea with calcium
carbonate .Calcium tannate is then hydrolysed with concentrated
HCL and recrystallized from water .
Weighed 10 g of each of the given samples of tea leaves.
Taken 100 ml of distilled water in a 400 ml beaker and boiled
it. Then added the first samples of tea leaves to it and boiled
for 10 minutes. Cooled and filtered the solution.
To the filtrate added about 2 g of solid calcium carbonate and
boiled the contents. Tannic acid gets precipitated as calcium
tannate. Separated the precipitate of calcium tannate by
Calcium tannate obtained as hydrolysed by warming with 4-5
ml of concentrated HCL. The tannic acid obtained is
crystallised from water and weighed.
Repeated the above steps with other samples of tea and
recorded the observation.
Serial Brand name of tea Weight of tea Weight of tannic % of tannic
no samples Leaves taken acid obtained acid
1 Mist valley 10 g 3.2 g 32 %
2 Red label 10 g 3.2 g 32 %
3 Tata tea 10 g 3.2 g 32 %
4 Taj tea 10 g 3.2 g 32 %
The tea sample containing higher percentage of tannic acid
gives better flavour.
Compare the water soluble polyphenol contents in various samples of
Conical flask, funnel, heating arrangement, tea samples.
Tea contains upto 30 % of the water soluble polyphenols. These are
largely responsible for flavour of the tea. To estimate the extent of these
compounds in a given sample, the leaves are immersed in hot water for
equal time and the loss in the weight of tea leaves is determined.
Weighed exactly 5 g of each of the different samples of tea and
placed them in tea bags.
Taken four conical flasks and put 100 ml of the hot water to each
of them.
Put tea bags of different samples of tea in different conical flasks.
After 10 minutes removed the tea bags and dried them by placing
in an oven.
When the tea bags become dry, reweighed them.
Noted the flavour of tea solution obtained.
Serial no Brand name of Initial Final Loss of % of water
tea sample weight weight weight soluble
1 Mist valley 5 g 3.75 g 1.25 g 25%
2 Red label 5 g 3.90 g 1.10 g 22%
3 Tata tea 5 g 3.50 g 1.50 g 30%
4 Taj tea 5 g 3.35 g 1.67 g 33.4%
The tea having better flavour has more polyphenol content.
Tea contains L-theanine, an amino acid whose consumption is
mildly associated with a calm but alert and focused, relatively
productive (alpha wave-dominant) mental state in human beings.
This mental state is also common to meditative practice.
The term “polyphenol” should be used to define compounds exclusively derived from
the shikimate/phenylpropanoid and/or the polyketide pathway, featuring more than
one phenolic unit and deprived of nitrogen-based functions.
Structural features
As opposed to smaller phenols, and polyphenols are often larger
molecules (macromolecules) deposited in cell vacuoles. The upper
molecular weight first for small molecules is approximately 800
daltons, which allows for the possibility to rapidly diffuse across cell
membranes so that they can reach intercellular-sites of action or
remain as pigments once the cell senesces. Hence, many larger
polyphenols are biosynthesised in situ from smaller polyphenols to
non hydrolyzated tannins and remain undiscovered in the plant
matrix. Most polyphenols contain repeating phenolic moieties of
pyrocatechol, resorcinol, pyrogallol and phlorogluciniol connected
By ester (hydrolysable tannins) or more stable C-C bonds (non-
hydrolysable condensed tannins). Proanthocyanidins are most stable
polymeric units of catechin and epicatechin. Catechol- and
resorcinol- (benzenediol-) types of polyphenols have two and
pyrogallol- and phlorogluciniol-(benzenetriol-) types have three
phenolic hydroxyl groups, respectively through mixing of these types
within polyphenols is also possible. The phenolic substructures arise
from various biosynthetic pathways (WBSSH definition) especially
phenylpropanoid and polyketide branches aimed at plant and related
secondary metabolities (both definations).