Leveling Agent For Powder Coating
Leveling Agent For Powder Coating
Leveling Agent For Powder Coating
54) LEVELLING AGENTS FOR POWDER 51 Int. Cl. ............................... C09D 5/46; CO9D 5/03;
52 U.S. Cl. ............................ 524/31; 525/185; 525/187;
75 Inventors: Richard Foukes, Oakville, Canada; 525/191; 525/200; 525/203; 525/213; 525/227;
Klaus Cibura; Rolf Boysen, both of 525/231; 525/241; 525/330.7
everly 11 IIS, Micn.
lose? Rademacher, 58 Field of search ... 524/31; 525/185,
525/187, 191, 200, 203, 213, 227, 231,
73 Assignee: BASF Coatings AG, Muenster-Hiltrup, 241, 330.7
ermany 56) References Cited
21 Appl. No.: 09/066,488 U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS
22 PCT Filed: Oct. 28, 1996
5,187,201 2/1993 Haubennestel et al..
86 PCT No.: PCT/EP96/04684
Primary Examiner Nathan M. Nutter
S371 Date: May 27, 1998
S 102(e) Date: May 27, 1998
The present invention relates to a powder coating having
87 PCT Pub. No.: WO97/16494 improved surface properties which contains from 0.05 to 5%
PCT Pub. Date: May 9, 1997 by weight, preferably 0.5 to 1.5% by weight, of aliphatic
polyvinyl ethers.
30 Foreign Application Priority Data
Oct. 28, 1995 DEI Germany ........................... 1954O 313 14 Claims, No Drawings
1 2
LEVELLING AGENTS FOR POWDER Viscous, tacky resin which is difficult to hydrolyse and has
COATINGS excellent light and ageing Stability. Used alone, Acronal 4
F(R) produces a tacky film of low strength.
This application is a Continuation filed Apr. 23, 1998 Byk-360 P(R) is an acrylate polymer applied to a specific
under 35 USC 371 of PCT/EP96/04684.
silicic acid. The active substance is compounded at 60% to
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION form a white, flowable powder. This levelling additive is
The invention relates to a powder coating which has equally effective in epoxy-, acrylate-, polyester- and
improved Surface properties through the use of a levelling polyurethane-based powder coatings. It is mixed with resin,
agent. hardener and pigments and then extruded with all of the
For Some years, powder coatings have been finding an components.
ever greater field of application. Powder coatings are in the Occasionally, low molecular mass polyesters are also
form of a dry powder which, generally with the aid of used. However, the results obtained accordingly do not meet
electroStatic charging, is applied in finely divided form to the 15 the requirements made of the Surface. Moreover, Such Sur
Surface of the article to be coated and is then dried, i.e. faces possess in the unsanded State a degree of overcoat
Stoved. In the course of Stoving, which is usually effected at ability which is often unsatisfactory.
temperatures between 130 and 220 C., crosslinking reac
tions and film formation give rise to the Solid coating on the The coating of car wheels made of Steel or aluminium is
Workpiece. Powder coatings of this kind offer a range of a multicoat System. In Such a System the powder coating is
advantages. For instance, the pulverulent consistency of the one constituent and may be employed in the Systems as a
coating material does away with the need to operate with priming powder coating, a metallic powder coating or a
Solvents. Accordingly, powder coatings are unhampered by transparent powder coating. Depending on the Specification
all of those environmental problems commonly associated or design, liquid coating material and powder coating mate
with the evaporation of the solvents. Moreover, the heat 25
rial are combined in the System. In each of these cases, an
energy otherwise necessary to evaporate the Solvents is eXtremely good bond between the individual coats is
Spared. A further advantage of powder coatings is that required, whether between the powder coats themselves or
material which has not adhered permanently to the work between powder coating and liquid coating material. The
piece can be collected at the bottom of the powder booth and coat System comprising priming powder plus basecoat and
used again without problems. In this way it is possible to clearcoat has proved particularly Suitable.
achieve a degree of powder utilization of up to 98%. This At least equally high requirements are placed on the
increased degree of utilization brings not only cost advan coating of a car body. In this case, powder coating material
tages but also a much lower level of environmental pollution is likewise employed as primer or as topcoat. In the region
than is the case with conventional coating materials. of the bonnet in particular, a critical factor is particularly
Powder coatings are prepared from binders, hardeners, 35 good, Smooth levelling coupled with extremely good inter
fillers, pigments and additives. In terms of the binders and coat adhesion in the Vulnerable Stone chip Zone.
hardeners used, modern-day powder coatings are generally
based on one of the following polymer classes: epoxides, SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
epoxy/polyester mixtures; polyesters; polyesters/
isocyanates (polyurethanes); acrylates. 40 The present invention set itself the object of providing
One problem associated with the use of powder coatings, powder coatings, and levelling agents for powder coatings,
however, is that of obtaining a Surface having Sufficiently which are improved relative to the prior art in terms of the
good properties. Thus, in general, considerable defects abovementioned requirements of bond properties and
appear in the Stoved powder coating film which reduce the levelling, and with which there are no longer any wetting
Surface Smoothness. One of the causes of these Surface 45 and adhesion defects, especially in the case of overcoating.
defects is the fact that the powder of the coating material,
applied in a nonuniform manner and with its own Structure, This object is achieved in accordance with the invention
does not have Sufficient time in the course of Stoving to flow by a powder coating which is characterized in that it contains
out during its liquid phase (with a minimal viscosity level) from 0.05 to 5% by weight, preferably from 0.5 to 1.5% by
and in doing So to form a uniform covering of the Surface of 50
weight, of aliphatic polyvinyl ethers. The addition of the
the workpiece. This is because melting and the attainment of polyvinyl ether can be made during the actual preparation of
minimum viscosity are accompanied Simultaneously by the the powder coating. Similarly, addition at a later point in
beginning of crosslinking of the binders and therefore of time is also possible.
polymerization of the coating material. A further important
cause of irregular film Surfaces are impurities in the powder 55
coating material. INVENTION
To improve the Surface Smoothness of powder coating
films, additives have long been employed. For Such purposes Through the use of polyvinyl ethers it has Surprisingly
use is preferably made of acrylate heteropolymers and been possible to achieve a Substantial improvement in the
homopolymers in the molecular weight range of Mw =5000 60
Surface properties of powder coatings. A particularly Sur
to 200,000. Typical examples of such polymers are Acronal prising advantage is that the powder coating having its
4 F(E) and Byk-360 P(E) (Acronal 4 F(E) is a trade mark of Surface properties improved in this manner exhibits at the
BASF AG; Byk-360 P(R) is a trade mark of the company Same time improved overcoatability with liquid Systems. In
Byk-Chemie). the case of Overcoating of this kind, there are no longer any
Acronal 4 F(E) is a poly-n-butyl acrylate. According to its 65 wetting and adhesion defects.
Specification this additive is Solvent-free and has a nonvola Aliphatic polyvinyl ethers which can be employed are
tiles content of less than 1.5% at 30 min/140°C. It is a soft, polymers comprising the basic Structural unit
functionality necessary for reactivity. Preferred phenolic
- CH-CH resins are reaction products of phenol, Substituted phenols
and bisphenol A with formaldehyde which are prepared
under alkaline conditions. Under Such conditions, the
methylol group is linked to the aromatic ring in either ortho
in which R is an aliphatic compound, i.e. an organic com or para position. In accordance with the present invention,
pound whose carbon atoms are arranged in Straight or particular preference is given to the use as phenolic
branched chains. R may in particular be an alkyl group, i.e. crosslinking agents of hydroxyl-containing bisphenol A res
a Saturated, branched or unbranched hydrocarbon compound ins or bisphenol F resins having a hydroxy equivalent weight
of the formula CH2. In the case of the preferred com in the range from 180 to 600, particularly preferably in the
pound polyvinyl ethyl ether, R is ethyl, i.e. the compound range from 180 to 300. Phenolic crosslinking agents of this
CHs. In particular, the polyvinyl ethyl ether should be type are prepared by reacting bisphenol A or bisphenol F
present as a homopolymer having a molar mass distribution with glycidyl-containing components, for example the dig
of M=800–10,000, preferably 1000–5000, particularly lycidyl ether of bisphenol A. Phenolic crosslinking agents of
preferably 1000–3000. 15 this kind are obtainable, for example, under the trade name
In addition to the novel polyvinyl ether additive, the DEH 81, DEH 82 and DEH 87 from Dow, DX 171 from
powder coating may otherwise include all current types of Shell-Chemie and XB 3082 from Ciba Geigy.
powder coating, especially those based on epoxy resins, The epoxy resins and the phenolic crosslinking agents are
epoxy/polyester mixtures, polyesters, polyurethanes and/or employed in a proportion Such that the ratio of the number
acrylate resins. of epoxide groups to the number of phenolic OH groups is
Examples of known coating formulations are given in approximately 1:1.
EP-509 392, EP-509 393, EP-322 827, EP-517 536, U.S. The novel powder coatings include one or more appro
Pat. No. 5,055,524 and U.S. Pat. No. 4,849.283. The powder priate catalysts for epoxy resin curing. Appropriate catalysts
coating may in particular consist of epoxy resins, including are phosphonium Salts of organic or inorganic acids, imida
epoxidized novolaks, of crosslinking agents, preferably phe 25 Zole and imidazole derivatives, quaternary ammonium
nolic or amine-type hardenerS or bicyclic guanidines, compounds, and amines. The catalysts are generally
catalysts, fillers and also, if desired, auxiliaries and addi employed in proportions of from 0.001% by weight to about
tives. 10% by weight, based on the overall weight of the epoxy
The powder coatings employed in accordance with the resin of the phenolic crosslinking agent.
invention may, for example, include epoxy resins, phenolic Examples of appropriate phosphonium Salt catalysts are
crosslinking agents, catalysts, assistants and, if desired, ethyltriphenylphosphonium iodide, ethyltriphenylphospho
auxiliaries and powder-typical additives, Such as flow aids. nium chloride, ethyltriphenylphosphonium thiocyanate, eth
Suitable epoxy resins are all Solid epoxy resins having an yltriphenylphosphonium acetate-acetic acid complex, tet
epoxide equivalent weight of between 400 and 3000, pref rabutylphosphonium iodide, tetrabutylphosphonium
erably from 600 to 2000. These are principally epoxy resins 35 bromide and tetrabutylphosphonium acetate-acetic acid
based on bisphenol A and bisphenol F, or epoxidized complex. These and further Suitable phosphonium catalysts
novolak resins. They preferably have an epoxide equivalent are described, for example, in U.S. Pat. No. 3,477,990 and
weight of from 500 to 1000. U.S. Pat. No. 3,341,580.
The epoxy resins based on bisphenol A and bisphenol F Examples of appropriate imidazole catalysts are
generally have a functionality of less than 2, while the 40 2-Styry limidazole, 1-ben Zyl-2-methylimidazole,
epoxidized novolak resins have a functionality of more than 2-methylimidazole and 2-butylimidazole. These and further
2. Particular preference in the novel powder coatings is imidazole catalysts are described, for example, in Belgian
given to epoxidized novolak resins having a mean function Patent No. 756,693.
ality in the range from 2.4 to 2.8 and having an epoxide In Some cases, commercial phenolic crosslinking agents
equivalent weight in the range from 600 to 850. In the case 45 already include catalysts for epoxy resin crosslinking.
of the epoxidized novolak resins, the phenolic hydroxyl Examples of Suitable epoxy-functional binders for trans
groups are etherified with alkyl, acrylic or Similar groups. parent powder coatings are polyacrylate resins which con
By reacting the phenolic hydroxyl groups with tain epoxide groups and can be prepared by copolymeriza
epichlorohydrins, epoxide groups are incorporated into the tion of at least one ethylenically unsaturated monomer
molecule. Starting from novolaks, the So-called epoxy 50 containing at least one epoxide group in the molecule with
novolak is formed in this case. The epoxidized novolaks are at least one further ethylenically unsaturated monomer con
Structurally related to bisphenol A resins. Epoxidized taining no epoxide group in the molecule, at least one of the
novolak resins can be prepared by epoxidation of novolaks monomers being an ester of acrylic acid or methacrylic acid.
which consists, for example, of from 3 to 4 phenol rings Polyacrylate resins which contain epoxide groups are
linked to one another by way of methylene bridges. AS 55 known (cf. e.g. EP-A-299 420, DE-B-22 14 650, DE-B-27
novolak resins, it is also possible to use alkyl-Substituted 49 576, U.S. Pat. No. 4,091,048 and U.S. Pat. No. 3,781,
phenols which are reacted with formaldehyde. 379).
Examples of Suitable epoxy resins are the products obtain Examples of the ethylenically unsaturated monomers con
able commercially under the following names: Epikote taining at least one epoxide group in the molecule are
1004, 1055, 3003, 3004, 2017 from Shell-Chemie, DEH 60 glycidyl acrylate, glycidyl methacrylate and allyl glycidyl
640, 671, 662, 663U, 664, 667 from Dow, and Araldit GT ether.
6063, 6064, 6084, 6097, 7004, 7220,7225 from Ciba-Geigy. Examples of ethylenically unsaturated monomers con
For curing the epoxy resins, the novel powder coating taining no epoxide group in the molecule are alkyl esters of
includes phenolic or amine-type hardenerS. Bicyclic acrylic and methacrylic acid containing 1 to 20 carbon atoms
guanidines may also be employed. 65 in the alkyl radical, especially methyl acrylate, methyl
In this context it is possible, for example, to use any methacrylate, ethyl acrylate, ethyl methacrylate, butyl
desired phenolic resin provided that it has the methylol acrylate, butyl methacrylate, 2-ethylhexyl acrylate and
S 6
2-ethylhexyl methacrylate. Further examples of ethyleni Examples of Suitable polyisocyanate hardeners are the
cally unsaturated monomers containing no epoxide groups following commercially available products: Vestagon BF
in the molecule are acids, for example acrylic acid and 1300, BF 1540, B 1065 from Hils. Examples of suitable
methacrylic acid, acid amides, for example acrylamide and OH-functionalized polyesters are the following commer
methacrylamide, Vinyl-aromatic compounds, Such as cially available products: Uralac P 1480, P2115, P 2504, P
Styrene, methylstyrene and Vinyltoluene, nitriles, Such as 5504, P 1550 from DSM and Crylcoat 240,290, 291, 2383,
acrylonitrile and methacrylonitrile, Vinyl halides and 690 from UCB.
Vinylidene halides, Such as Vinyl chloride and Vinylidene An example of a commercially available
fluoride, Vinyl esters, for example vinyl acetate, and OH-functionalized polyacrylate binder is Joncryl 587 from
hydroxyl-containing monomers, for example hydroxyethyl SC Johnson.
acrylate and hydroxyethyl methacrylate. The powder coatings contain from 50 to 90%, preferably
The polyacrylate resin which contains epoxide groups from 60 to 80% by weight of binder and from 10 to 50% by
normally has an epoxide equivalent weight of from 400 to weight, preferably from 20 to 40% by weight of fillers.
2500, preferably from 500 to 1500, particularly preferably Examples of Suitable fillers are glycidyl-functionalized
from 600 to 1200, a number-average molecular weight crystalline Silicic acid modifications. They are usually
(determined by gel permeation chromatography using a 15
employed in the stated range of from 10 to 50% by weight,
polystyrene standard) of from 1000 to 15,000, preferably based on the overall weight of the powder coating material.
from 1200 to 7000, particularly preferably from 1500 to In Some cases, however, proportions of filler of more than
5000 and a glass transition temperature (TG) of from 30 to 50% by weight are also possible.
80 C., preferably from 40 to 70° C., particularly preferably The crystalline Silicic acid modifications include quartz,
from 50 to 70° C. (measured with the aid of differential cristobalite, tridymite, keatite, Stishovite, melanophlogite,
Scanning calorimetry (DSC)). coeSite and fibrous Silicic acid. The crystalline Silicic acid
The polyacrylate resin which contains epoxide groups can modifications are glycidyl-functionalized, glycidyl function
be prepared by generally well-known methods by means of alization being achieved by a Surface treatment. The Silicic
free-radical polymerization. acid modifications involved are, for example, those based on
Examples of Suitable hardeners for the epoxide-group 25 quartz, cristobalite and fused quartz, which are prepared by
containing polyacrylate resin are polyanhydrides of poly treating the crystalline Silicic acid modifications with
carboxylic acids or of mixtures of polycarboxylic acids, epoxysilanes. The glycidyl-functionalized Silicic acid modi
especially polyanhydrides of dicarboxylic acids or of mix fications are available commercially, for example under the
tures of dicarbolic acids. designation Silbond(R) 600 EST and Silbond(R) 6000 EST
Polyanhydrides of this kind can be prepared by removing (manufacturer: Quarzwerke GmbH) and are prepared by
water from the polycarboxylic acid or mixture of polycar reacting crystalline Silicic acid modifications with epoxysi
boxylic acids, with two carboxyl groups in each case react lanes.
ing to form one anhydride group. Such preparation tech The powder coating materials may additionally comprise
niques are well known and therefore require no more further inorganic fillers, for example titanium oxide, barium
detailed description. 35 Sulphate and Silicate-based fillers, Such as talc, kaolin,
The powder coatings employed in accordance with the magnesium-silicates, aluminium Silicates, mica and the like.
invention may also, for example, include epoxy/polyester The powder coatings may, furthermore and if desired, also
mixtures as binder base. Powder coatings of this kind may include auxiliaries and additives. Examples of these are
for example comprise levelling agents, flow aids and degassing agents, for
A) at least one polyester having an acid number of from 40 example benzoin.
25 to 120 mg of KOH/g and The powder coatings are prepared by known methods (cf.
B) at least one epoxy resin having an epoxide equivalent e.g. the product information bulletin “Pulverlacke” powder
weight of 400–3000. coatings from BASF Lacke+Farben AG, 1990) by homog
Suitable polyester types A) are commercially available in enizing and dispersing, for example by means of an extruder,
the trade. Examples of them are: Crylcoat 314,316,340,360 45 Screw compounder and the like. After the powder coatings
from UCB, and Uralac P2450, P2980, P3560 from DSM. have been prepared, they are adjusted by grinding and, if
Examples of Suitable epoxy resins are the products com desired, by classifying and Sieving to the desired particle
mercially available under the following names: Epikote size distribution.
1055, 1004, 1007, 3003, 3003-FCA-10 from Shell-Chemie, The present invention also relates to a process for the
DER 662 UE, 664, 642, 672 from Dow-Chemie and Araldit 50 preparation of powder coatings, which is characterized in
GT 6061, GT 6064, GT 7072, GT 7004 from Ciba-Geigy. that from 0.05 to 5% by weight, preferably from 0.5 to 1.5%
The powder coatings employed in accordance with the by weight, of aliphatic polyvinyl ethers are added to the
invention may also include mixtures of COOH powder coatings.
functionalized polyesters and Suitable crosslinking agents. In accordance with the invention it is possible to add the
Examples of Suitable crosslinking agents are the following 55 polyvinyl ether to the powder coatings at any desired point
commercially available products: Araldit PT 810, PT 910 in time; in other words, the polyvinyl ether can be added
from Ciba-Geigy and Primid XL 552 from Ems-Chemie. either during the preparation of the powder coating or else
COOH-functionalized polyesters which are suitable for not until directly before the latter is used. A powder coating
the abovementioned crosslinking agents can be obtained prepared by the novel process exhibits Surprising improve
commercially, for example, under the following designa 60 ments in respect of Surface quality and Surface Smoothness
tions: Uralac P2200, P3485, P3400, P5000, P6000, P6600 and in respect of the adhesion properties for a Subsequent
from DSM or Crylcoat 800, 802, 803,810, 491, 430, 440, COat.
490, 620 from UCB. In the novel process, the polyvinyl ether employed is
The powder coatings employed in accordance with the preferably a polyvinyl ethyl ether, very preferably in the
invention may also include mixtures of OH-functionalized 65 form of a homopolymer having a molar mass distribution of
polyesters or polyacrylate binders and appropriate hardeners M=800-10,000, preferably 1000–5000, particularly prefer
based on polyisocyanates. ably 1000–3000.
The novel process can be employed for all current types
of powder coating, especially with those based on epoxy =CH-CH
resins, epoxy/polyester mixtures, polyesters, polyurethanes
and/or acrylate resins. O-R
The invention additionally relates to an additive for
improving the Surface properties of powder coatings, which wherein R is an aliphatic compound of the formula (C.H.
is characterized in that it comprises aliphatic polyvinyl
ethers, preferably polyvinyl ethyl ether. 1).
Finally, the invention also relates to the use of the additive 6. The process of claim 5, wherein the polyvinyl ether
for improving the Surface properties of powder coatings. comprises a polyvinyl ethyl ether having a molecular mass
The additive can be added to the powder coating at distribution M=800–10,000.
different Stages in a powder coating operation. This can be 7. The process of claim 5, wherein the polyvinyl ether
done during the preparation of the powder coating, or else comprises a polyvinyl ethyl ether homopolymer having a
not until directly before the coating is applied. In this way molecular mass distribution of M=1000-3000.
it is left to the user to control the levelling properties of his 8. The proceSS claim 5, comprising a powder coating
powder coating by means of appropriate dosing of the 15 comprising a resin Selected from the group consisting of
additive. epoxy resins, epoxy/polyester mixtures, polyesters,
In addition to the polyvinyl ether, the novel additive may polyurethane, acrylate resins is employed and mixtures
include customary degassing agents, matting additives, thereof.
waxes for influencing the Surface hardness, Structural and 9. An additive for improving the surface properties of
textural additives, and also catalysts and flow aids. powder coatings, consisting of aliphatic polyvinyl ethers of
What is claimed is: the formula
1. A powder coating having improved Surface properties,
comprising from 0.05 to 5% by weight of a levelling agent
consisting of aliphatic polyvinyl ethers of the formula 25
wherein R is an aliphatic compound of the formula (C.H.
10. A method of improving the Surface properties of a
wherein R is an aliphatic compound of the formula (C.H. powder coating, comprising adding an additive to a powder
1). coating, wherein the additive comprises an aliphatic poly
2. The powder coating according to claim 1, wherein the vinyl ether.
polyvinyl ether comprises a polyvinyl ethyl ether having a 11. The powder coating of claim 1, comprising from 0.5
molecular mass distribution M=800-10,000. 35
to 1.5% by weight, of aliphatic polyvinyl ethers.
3. The powder coating according to claim 1, wherein the 12. The powder coating according to claim 2, wherein the
polyvinyl ether comprises a polyvinyl ethyl ether homopoly polyvinyl ether comprises a polyvinyl ethyl ether a
mer having a molecular mass distribution M=1000-3000. homopolymer having a molecular mass distribution
4. The powder coating of claim 1, comprising a powder M=1000–5000.
coating comprising a resin Selected from the group consist 40
13. The process of claim 5, wherein the polyvinyl ether
ing of epoxy resins, epoxy/polyester mixtures, polyesters, comprises a polyvinyl ethyl ether homopolymer having a
polyurethanes, acrylate resins and mixtures thereof. molecular mass distribution M=1000-5000.
5. A process for the preparation of powder coatings, 14. An additive for improving the Surface properties of
comprising adding to a powder coating from 0.05 to 5% by powder coatings, comprising polyvinyl ethyl ether.
weight of a levelling agent consisting of aliphatic polyvinyl
ethers of the formula k k k k k