Study of Red Mud As An Alternative Building Material For Interlocking Block Manufacturing in Construction Industry
Study of Red Mud As An Alternative Building Material For Interlocking Block Manufacturing in Construction Industry
Study of Red Mud As An Alternative Building Material For Interlocking Block Manufacturing in Construction Industry
Abstract: Before the end of the decade of the 1980’s red mud became a major concern in world
environmental discussions. Red mud is a solid waste product of the Bayer process, the principal industrial
means of refining bauxite in order to provide alumina as raw material for the electrolysis of aluminum by
the Hall-Heroult Process. Red mud is composed of a mixture of solid and metallic oxide-bearing impurities,
and presents one of the aluminum industry's most important disposal problems. The alumina industry is
facing an important problem regarding the settling or separation of red mud during the production process
as it not only affects the productivity of alumina but also its purity. Red mud cannot be disposed of easily
and in most countries where red mud is produced, it is pumped into holding ponds. The utilization of red
mud is of great significance from the point of view of resource conservation & sustainability of the
aluminum industry. The direction of the researches undertaken to utilize red mud are based on their
chemical, mineralogical and physical properties. There is an effective way of utilizing alumina red mud to
make bricks. Only slight modification in the composition of red mud is required which can be done by
incorporation of siliceous materials and admixtures. This paper aims at studying the behavior of
interlocking blocks manufactured by using red mud for different variables. In this paper, the author is
attempting to summarize the potential application of red mud in building materials industry and using the
appropriate model of its utilization. The attention is to develop an extensive red mud utilization policy
framework for building materials industry in the context of India as it has great potential of reducing the
cost of construction material & developing a low cost housing technique considering the preservation of our
Key words: Red mud, construction material, interlocking blocks, industrial waste.
1. Introduction
Though the existence of aluminum was first established in the year 1808, it took almost 46 years to make
its production commercially viable. The research work of several years resulted in extracting the aluminum
from the ore. Currently it is also the second most used metal in the world after steel. Due to the consistent
growth of Indian economy at a rate of 8%, the demand for metals, used for various sectors, is also on the
higher side. As a result, the Indian aluminum industry is also growing consistently. The production of
aluminum started in India in 1938 when the Aluminum Corporation of India's plant was commissioned.
India is world's fifth largest aluminum producer with an aluminum production competence of around 2.7
million tones, accounting almost 5% of the total aluminum production in the world. India is also a huge
reservoir of Bauxite with a Bauxite reserve of 3 billion tones. India lies at the eighth position in the list of
leading primary aluminum producers in the world.
Red mud is the by-product of the manufacture of alumina from bauxite by the Bayer process. World
production of aluminum is 15 MTPA provided from about 30 MTPA of alumina produced from 50 MTPA of
bauxite which give approximately 30 MTPA red mud. The production rates of red mud depend on the origin
of the bauxite. From Surinam bauxite, 0.33 tons of red mud is produced per ton of alumina, while the
production of red mud from Jamaican bauxite is one ton per ton of Al2O3 and from Arkansas bauxite it is
two tons per ton of Al2O3 [1]. In spite of the efforts to utilize red mud, most of the residue remains unused
and the disposal of the discarded red mud is a great environmental problem for two main reasons. The first
is the toxicity due to the high pH (caustic soda). The second reason is the volume of the residue. Every ton of
alumina produced leaves about 1 ton of solid residue in suspension and 4 tons of slurry.
to put things in perspective, the recycling of aluminum scrap requires 5% of the energy required for
primary smelting, which is astoundingly lower [2], considering that power is such a high cost component.
Table 1. Average Chemical Composition of Red mud in Percentage Weight Used for the Study
S. No. Major Constituents Red mud (%) Fly ash (%)
1. Fe2O3 35-70 3-7
2. Al2O3 10-20 17-35
3. SiO2 3-7 40-60
4. TiO2 2-6 0.5-2
5. Na2O 2-5 -
6. CaO 0.5-4 -
7. Loss on Ignition (LOI) 6-10 -
The interlocking blocks made of red mud have tongue and groove profile to form interlocking masonry
and the interlocking shear key makes masonry earthquake resistant. These interlocking blocks facilitate
speedier, cost-effective and greener construction requiring no post construction works. These blocks can be
manufactured on the construction site itself, avoiding multiple handling and transportation and compatible
for both load bearing and in-fill applications. These interlocking blocks and masonry are compatible for
green buildings also and provides greater flexibility to alter density and compressive strength to suit the
project requirements. These blocks have exposed brick finish requiring optional plaster and the beveled
edge blocks ease handling and smooth flow of rain water on wall face.
using energy intensive, resource depleting and highly polluting technologies. The initial demonstration kilns
were constructed and operated by lead agencies under controlled conditions so that the technology
absorption and adaptation could be implemented. This caution was necessary, as premature mutilation of
technology by private entrepreneurs in other countries had adversely affected the success of the technology
transfer process. In India currently more than 14,000 crore bricks are produced per year with increasing
growth. The per capita consumption of bricks in the country is around 150 bricks. The industry employs
more than 60 lakhs of people which is seasonal. It consumes more than 24 million tons of coal which is
approximately 8% of the total coal consumed in India. Additionally it also uses 5-10 million tons of biomass
leading to large scale deforestation. In spite of such large scale operation it is classified under the
unorganized sector. The brick sector especially small scale brick entrepreneurs are confronted with
environmental regulation and face numerous challenges for its survival; such as high air pollution,
environmental degradation and the problem of environmental compliance and inadequate engagement
between regulatory agencies and brick associations.
There is a growing demand for the interlocking blocks and with the increasing pace of industrialization it
is going to increase since these blocks are the major materials for infrastructural development. The need of
the hour is to adopt a cluster development approach of hydraulic pressed interlocking block manufacturing
establishment through successful demonstration of waste material utilization. This will not only help in
making available infrastructural materials but also reduce environmental pollution by utilizing the waste
materials being generated. Intimate relation between Department of Industry, building material
associations, manufacturers, financial institutions, waste producing industries and technology promoters
are necessary in providing technical support and facilitate solutions for optimizing the scale of production
and make the production process user friendly.
7. Conclusion
It is envisaged that the utilization of red-mud bricks in urban housing and construction activities will lead
to substantial reduction in the total weight of walls and partitions in multi-storied buildings, thus reducing
the foundation costs and total building costs. The presence of all through tiny air filled cells provides
excellent acoustic performance and they are highly suitable for partition walls, floor screens and panel
material. The low thermal conductivity of red-mud bricks provides low thermal exchange between inner
and outer atmospheric conditions. Hence, it helps in reducing the energy consumption. The lightness and
irregular porous structure in the material increases resistance against earthquake and causing less chance
of loss/damage to human lives. The utilization of red mud is of great significance from the point of view of
resource conservation and sustainability of the aluminum industry. However, the reuse of red mud for any
application should have four criteria of volume, performance, cost and risk.
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We would like to acknowledge the support from Mr. Deepak Dawar from Hydraform Asia Pvt. Ltd, Mr.
Rajesh Gujar, from Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University, and Dr. Vikas Garg from University of Petroleum
and Energy Studies for their valuable time and guidance in our research work based on model framework
for utilization of red mud in interlocking block manufacturing and production feasibility as an alternative
building material.
Mr. Harinder Yadav is the co-author, who is currently pursuing civil engineering with
specialization in infrastructure development from University of Petroleum and Energy
Studies. He has published 10 research papers in leading national and International
journals. He has special interest in building construction materials, climate change and
project management. He is associated with Global Shapers Hub. Having a work
experience with youth organization, he believes that further advanced training in an
international setting will enable him to make truly unique contributions in this field.