MSC Chemistry Syllabus
MSC Chemistry Syllabus
MSC Chemistry Syllabus
M. Sc.
The Department of Chemistry was started in 2008, and has now grown into a major
department for teaching and research within the Faculty of Science at IGNTU. The
department offer vibrant atmosphere to students and faculty to encourage the spirit of
scientific inquiry and to pursue cutting-edge research in a highly encouraging environment.
The key objective of our department is to create good quality human resource through
competitive yet inspiring environment for developing their careers. Currently, the department
comprises more than hundred students, five research scholar and seven faculties and a
dedicate team of staff members. The department offers three years undergraduate B.Sc.
courses in Chemistry (Hons.) in the University. In addition it also offers two years M. Sc. and
PhD programme. At present the Department consists of about seven research groups working
in the areas of material chemistry (Functional Hybrid Nanomaterials), coordination/
supramolecular chemistry, bioinorganic chemistry, asymmetric synthesis, catalysis,
nanomagnetism and Single Molecule Magnets (SMMs), as major thrust areas. The
department is doing well in research activities and published good numbers of research
papers. The faculty has been undertaking research projects sponsored by different national
agencies such as DST, UGC, etc. The most important achievement of the University is the
first Department of Chemistry has succeeded “DST-FIST Program – 2017” recognition
from Govt. of India, Department of Science & Technology, New Delhi. Many students have
been qualified National Eligibility Test (NET) and Joint Admission Test (JAM) Examination
for pursuing PhD and M. Sc. Program in different prestigious IIT, NIT and Central
Universities. The most of the students of our department is tribal and our mission is that the
department of Chemistry can be reached at highest level in the country for its teaching and
research activities and produced number of best quality of students in India.
At a Glance Department of Chemistry, IGNTU
Faculty Profile
Presentation Name & Designation Research Area Awards and
Members of the Board of Studies
Course Structure for M.Sc.
1 credit = 1 hour per week for Theory and 2 hours per week for Laboratory
Course Course
Title of Paper Credit
Code Structure
CHM T 411 Core Catalysis-, Surface-, Electro- Chemistry & Chemical Kinetics 4
CHM T 412 Core Transition and Inner Transition Metal Chemistry 4
CHM T 413 Core Organic Reaction Mechanism and Stereochemistry 4
CHM P 411 Core Inorganic Chemistry Practical - I 2
CHM P 412 Core Organic Chemistry Practical - I 2
Generic/Open Elective Course – I (any one course from
GE/OE – I 3
elective section offered by Dept. of Chemistry)
CHM T 421 Core Quantum-, Statistical-Mechanics, Symmetry & Group Theory 4
CHM T 422 Cora Chemistry of Organmetallics 4
CHM T 423 Core Principle of Organic Synthesis and Organic Spectroscopy 4
CHM P 421 Core Physical Chemistry Practical - I 2
CHM P 422 Core Organic Chemistry Practical - II 2
Generic/Open Elective Course – II (any one course from
GE/OE – II 3
elective section offered by Dept. of Chemistry)
Chemical Bonding, Non-equilibrium Thermodynamics and Solid
CHM T 511 Core 4
State Chemistry
CHM T 512 Core Bio-Inorganic & Nuclear Chemistry 4
Pericyclic Reaction, Photochemistry and Free Radical
CHM T 513 Core 4
Discipline Specific Elective Paper – I (any one course from
DSE – I 3
elective section offered by Dept. Of Chemistry)
CHM P 511 Core Physical Chemistry Practical – II 2
CHM P 512 Core Inorganic Chemistry Practical – II 2
CHM T 521 Core Molecular Spectroscopy 4
Discipline Specific Elective Paper – II (any one course from
DSE – II 3
elective section offered by Dept. Of Chemistry)
Discipline Specific Elective Paper – III (any one course from
elective section offered by Dept. Of Chemistry)
CHM P 522 Core Project and Dissertation 8
Grand Total (Semester I – IV) 75
GE: Generic Elective; OE: Open Elective; DSE: Discipline Specific Elective
Course Course
Title of Paper Credit
Code Structure
CHM T 601 Elective Mathematics for Chemist 3
CHMT 602 Elective Biology for Chemist 3
CHM T 603 Elective Industrial Chemistry 3
CHM T 604 Elective Instrumental Methods of Analysis 3
CHM T 605 Elective Basic of Materials Chemistry 3
CHM T 606 Elective Introduction to Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology 3
CHM T 607 Elective Polymers Chemistry 3
CHM T 608 Elective Bioorganic and Drug Chemistry 3
CHM T 609 Elective Advanced Heterocyclic Chemistry 3
CHM T 610 Elective Chemistry of Natural Products 3
CHM T 611 Elective Solid State Chemistry 3
CHM T 612 Elective Advanced Synthetic Organic Chemistry 3
CHM T 411: Catalysis-, Surface-, Electro- Chemistry & Chemical Kinetics
Credits: Theory-04
Theory: 60 Hours
Unit – 1: Heterogeneous Catalysis
Over Potential: Exchange current density, derivation of Butler-Volmer equation, Tofel plot.
Quantum aspect of charge transfer at electrodes-solution interfaces, quantization of charge
transfer, tunneling.
Surface Tension: Capillary action, pressure difference across curved surface (Laplace
equation), vapor pressure of droplets (Kelvin equation), Gibbs adsorption isotherm,
estimation of surface area (BET equation), surface film and liquids (electro-kinetic
phenomenon), catalytic activities at surface.
Rate law, method of determining rate laws, General feature of fast reactions, study of fast
reaction by flow method, relaxation method, flash photolysis and the nuclear magnetic
resonance method.
Reactions in Gas Phase: Theories of Reaction Rates- Arrhenius theory, collision theory and
transition state theory, potential energy surface, enthalpy, free energy and entropy of
activation, correlation of steric factor in collision theory and entropy of activation
(Thermodynamic parameter). Uni-molecular reactions: Lindeman-Hinshelwood theory, Rice-
Ramsperger-Kasssel (RRK) theory, Rice- Ramsperger-Kassel- Marcus(RRKM) theory.
CHM T 412: Transition and Inner Transition Metal Chemistry
Credits: Theory-04
Theory: 60 Hours
Unit – 1: Coordination Chemistry
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electron transfer reactions: General characteristics and classification of redox reactions, self-
exchange reactions. Frank-condon principle (non mathematical treatment). Outer sphere and
Inner sphere reactions, applications of Marcus expression (simple form), redox catalyzed
substitution reactions.
(12 Hours)
Unit - 5: Chemistry of Elements
Introduction to salt analysis, dry and wet test for acid and basic radicals, Principle and
chemistry of qualitative analysis of inorganic salt; chemistry involved in qualitative analysis
of mixture containing interfering radicals and insolubles.
(12 Lectures)
Reference Books:
J. D. Lee: A new Concise Inorganic Chemistry, E L. B. S.
D. F. Shriver and P. W. Atkins: Inorganic Chemistry, Oxford University Press.
Douglas, McDaniel and Alexander: Concepts and Models in Inorganic Chemistry,
John Wiley.
B. R. Puri, L. R. Sharma, and K. C. Kalia: Principle of Inorganic Chemistry,
Milestone Publisher, New Delhi 2010.
W. U. Malik, G. D. Tuli, and R. D. Madan: Selected Topic in Inorganic Chemistry, S.
Chand & Company Ltd, New Delhi, 1998.
J. E. Huheey, E. A. Keiter, R. L. Keiter, and O. K. Medhi: Inorganic Chemistry
Principle of Structure and Reactivity, Eds: 4th Pearson, New Delhi, 2006.
F. A Cotton, G. Wilkinson, C. A. Murillo, and M. Bochmann: Advanced Inorganic
Chemistry, Eds: 6th, Wiley-India, New Delhi, 2010.
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CHM T 413: Organic Reaction Mechanism and Stereochemistry
Credits: Theory-04
Theory: 60 Hours
Unit – 1: Physical Organic Chemistry
Simple or proper axis of symmetry, plane of symmetry, centre of symmetry and improper or
rotation-reflection of symmetry. Enantiomerism and diastereomerism, conventions for
configurations D-L and R-S systems, Threo and erythro nomenclature. Measurement of
optical purity, enantiomeric excess. Stereoselective and Stereospecific reactions. Molecules
with tri- and tetra coordinated chiral centres. Molecules with two or more chiral centres.
(12 Hours)
Axial and Planar Chirality: Principles of axial and planar chirality. Stereochemistry of
allenes, Stereochemistry of biphenyl derivatives and atropisomers. Stereochemistry of
spiranes, Stereochemistry of molecules with planar chirality, Helicity.
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Conformation and Reactivity: Conformation, reactivity and mechanism: Cyclic systems
(Nucleophilic substitution reaction at ring carbon, Addition reaction to double bonds,
Elimination reactions, NGP reactions). Conformation, reactivity and mechanism: Acyclic
systems (addition, Elimination and NGP participation). Formation and reaction of enols and
enolates. Reduction of cyclohexanes with hydride reagents.
Reference Books:
13 | P a g e
CHM P 411: Inorganic Chemistry Practical – I
Credits: 02
Lab: 60 Hours
A. Qualitative Analysis
Semi-micro qualitative analysis of mixture containing eight radicals including two less
common metal from among the following:
(1) Basic Radicals: Ag+, Pb2+, Bi3+, Cu2+, Cd2+, As3+, Sb3+, Sn4+, Fe3+, Al3+, Cr3+, Zn2+, Mn2+,
Co2+, Ni2+, Ba2+, Sr2+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Ce3+, Th4+, Zr4+, W6+, Te4+, Ti4+, Mo6+, V5+, Be2+.
(2) Acid Radicals : Carbonate, Sulphite, Sulphide, Nitrite, Nitrate, Acetate, Fluoride.
Chloride, Bromide, Iodide, Sulphate, Borate, Oxalate, Phosphate, Silicate, Thiosulphate,
Ferrocyanide, Ferricyanide, Thiocyanide, Chromate, Arsenate and Permanganate.
B. Chromatographic Separation
Use paper chromatography to separate and identify the metal ion components of an
unknown solution.
Chromatographic separation of sugars, amino acids by paper, T.L.C. and Ion
C. Standard Deviation
Reference Books:
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CHM P 412: Organic Chemistry Practical – I
Credits: 02
Lab: 60 Hours
Part A: Techniques of Separation and Purification
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Operators: Operators and their algebra, linear and Hermitian operators, matrix
representation, commutation relationship, quantum mechanical operators for position, linear
momentum, angular momentum, total energy, eigenfunctions, eigenvalues and eigenvalue
equation; expansion of arbitrary state in term of complete set, postulates of quantum
Solution of the Schrödinger Equations for Some Exactly Soluble Systems: particle-in-a-
box; particle-in-a-ring and -sphere; harmonic oscillator; tunneling one dimensional potential
barrier and well.
(12 Hours)
Unit – 2: Quantum Chemistry – II
Hydrogen and Hydrogen Like Atoms: Radial and angular probability distributions, atomic
Many electron atoms, Pauli antisymmetry principle, Hund’s rules; Slater determinant; Hatree
and Hatree-Fock self consistent field model for atom; electronic term symbol (Russell-
Saunders and jj coupling) for atoms and spectroscopic states (selection rules for atomic
(12 Hours)
Unit – 4: Statistical Thermodynamics
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Concept of distribution, thermodynamic probability and most probable distribution.
Ensemble averaging, postulates of ensemble averaging; conical, grand conical and micro-
canonical ensembles. Boltzmann distribution laws (using Lagrange’s method of
undetermined multipliers). Partition function – translational, rotational, vibrational and
electronic partition functions, calculation of thermodynamic properties in term of partition
function, Applications of partition functions.
Heat capacity behavior of solid – chemical equilibria and equilibrium constant in term of
partition function. Fermi-Dirac statistics, distribution law and application to metal, Bose-
Einstein statistics, distribution law and application to helium.
(12 Hours)
Unit – 5: Symmetry & Group Theory
Symmetry elements and symmetry operations; point groups, Schoenflies notation for point
group, representation of group by matrix, character of a representation, reducible and
irreducible representation, great orthogonality theorem and its importance.
Application of group theory to atomic orbitals in ligand fields, molecular orbitals, and
hybridization. Selection rules for IR and Raman spectra, procedure for determining symmetry
of normal modes of vibration - hybrid orbitals in BF3, CH4, NH3, H2O and SF6.
(12 Hours)
Reference Books:
17 | P a g e
CHM T 422: Chemistry of Organometallics
Credits: Theory-04
Theory: 60 Hours
Unit – 1: Organometallics – I
Organo transition metal chemistry: History, Nature of metal – carbon bonding and definition
and classification of organometallic compounds, classification ligands, kinetic and
thermodynamic stability of organometallic compounds. Compounds with metal carbon σ and
multiple bond: Heptacity complexes of Metal-alkyl, -allyl, aryl, -carbene (Fischer and
Schrock type), -carbonyl, -carbines and cyclopentadienyl complexes Synthesis, bonding,
stability, reactivity and decomposition pathway, Reactions in organometallic compounds.
Stucture and bonding in η2-ethylenic and η3-allylic compounds with typical examples,
structure and bonding of K[Pt(C2H4)Cl3], [(Ph3P)2Pt(Ph-C≡C-Ph)]. Fluxional organometallic
compounds: Fluxionality and dynamic equilibria in compounds such as η2 olefins, η3 allyl
and dienyl complexes, techniques of study.
(12 Hours)
Unit – 2: Organometallics – II
18 | P a g e
incorporation of metal atoms through metal-ligand coordination interactions, Various organic
ligands containing carboxy, imidazole or pyridine groups, which can coordinate with metal
atoms, have been used to generate the desired compounds (V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu).
Particularly, flexible ligands with central aromatic core and imidazol-1-ylmethyl pendant
arms, e.g. 1,3,5-tris(imidazol-1-ylmethyl)-2,4,6-trimethylbenzene and its analogues,
Interesting properties: olecular recognition, ion inclusion and exchange of these compounds,
especially of the cage-like compounds, are described.
(12 Hours)
Stability of mononuclear, polynuclear and mixed ligand complexes in solution. Stepwise and
overall formation constants and their relations. Trends in stepwise formation constants,
factors affecting the stability of metal complexes with reference to the nature of the metal
ions and ligands. Statistical and non-statistical factors influencing stability of complexes in
solution. Stability and reactivity of mixed ligand complexes with reference to chelate effect
and thermodynamic considerations. Macrocyclic and template effect. Spectrophotometric and
pH metric determination of binary formation constants.
(12 Hours)
Reference Books:
19 | P a g e
CHM T 423: Principle of Organic Synthesis and Organic Spectroscopy
Credits: Theory-04
Theory: 60 Hours
Unit – 1: Principles of Organic Synthesis
(12 Hours)
Unit – 3: Ultraviolet and Infrared Spectroscopy
Ultraviolet Spectroscopy: Factors affecting the position and intensity of UV bands – effect of
conjugation, steric factor, pH, solvent polarity. Calculation of absorption maxima by
Woodward-Fieser Rules (using Woodward-Fieser tables for values for substituent’s) for the
following classes of organic compounds: conjugated polyenes (cyclic and acyclic), enones
and substituted benzene derivatives.
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Unit – 5: Structure Determination of Organic Compounds
Reference Books:
21 | P a g e
CHM P 421: Physical Chemistry Practical – I
Credits: 02
Lab: 60 Hours
(i) Chemical Kinetics
(a) Kinetics of Reaction between ferric nitrate and potassium iodide using initial
reaction rates.
(b) Determination of the rate constant for the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide
by Fe3+ and Cu2+ ions.
(c) Flowing clock reactions (Experiments in physical Chemistry by Shoemaker).
Reference Books:
22 | P a g e
CHM P 422: Organic Chemistry Practical – II
Credits: 02
Lab: 60 Hours
Part A: Multi Step Synthesis of Organic Compounds
Multi step organic synthesis involving the concept of protecting groups and selectivity in
organic reaction. A Student must be involved to check TLC for monitoring the reaction
progress and doing column chromatography for purification.
Characterization of synthesized organic compoundsusing IR, UV and NMR, and mass
spectroscopic techniques are to be studied.
Reference Books:
A. I. Vogel: Practical Organic Chemistry
F. G. Mann and B. C. Saunders: Practical Organic Chemistry
J. Leonard, B. Lygo and G. Proctor: Advanced Practical Organic Chemistry
Addison Ault; Techniques and Experiments for Organic Chemistry, University Science
R. L. Shriner and D. Y. Curtin: The Systematic Identification of Organic Compounds
B. S. Roa and V. Deshpande: Experimental Biochemistry, I. K. Pvt. Ltd.
V. K. Ahluwalia and Renu Aggarwal: Comprehensive Practical Organic Chemistry,
Preparation and Qualitative Analysis
Nad, Mahapatra and Ghoshal: An Advanced Course in Practical Chemistry
23 | P a g e
(12 Hours)
Unit – 2: Ab-initio Methods for Closed Shell Systems
(12 Hours)
Unit – 3: Thermodynamics
Brief resume of concepts of laws of thermodynamics, free energy, chemical potential, and
entropies. Thermodynamics of open systems: partial molal properties, partial molal free
energy, partial molal volume and partial molal heat content and their significances.
Determination of these quantities. Concept of fugacity and determination of fugacity.
Non-ideal system: excess function for non ideal solutions. Activity, activity coefficient,
Debye-Hückel theory for activity coefficient of electrolytic solution; determination of activity
and activity coefficients; ionic strength.
(12 Hours)
Unit – 4: Non-equilibrium Thermodynamics
Thermodynamic criteria for non-equilibrium state, entropy production and entropy flow,
energy balance equation for different irreversible processes (e.g. heat flow, chemical reaction
etc.), transformation of the generalized fluxes and forces, non equilibrium stationary states,
phenomenological equation, microscopic, reversibility and Onsager’s reciprocity relations,
electrokinetic phenomena, diffusion, electric conduction, irreversible thermodynamics for
biological system, coupled reactions.
(12 Hours)
Unit – 5: Solid State Chemistry
Perfect and imperfect crystals, intrinsic and extrinsic defect, point defect, line and plane
defect, vacancies, Schottky and Frankel defects; thermodynamics of Schottky and Frankel
defect formation, color center, non-stochiometry defects. Metal insulators and
semiconductors, electronic structure of solids-band theory, band structure of metals,
24 | P a g e
insulators and semi-conductors, doping semi-conductors, p-n junction; superconductors;
photoelectric effects; magnetic properties. Behaviour of substances in a magnetic field, effect
of temperature: Curie and Curie-Weiss law, origin of magnetic moment, ferromagnetic,
antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic ordering, super exchange, magnetic domains, hysteresis.
(12 Hours)
Reference Books:
25 | P a g e
CHM T 512: Bio-Inorganic & Nuclear Chemistry
Credits: Theory-04
Theory: 60 Hours
Unit – 1: Bio-inorganic Chemistry – I
Transport and storage of dioxygen: Active site structures and bio functions of O2-uptake
proteins: hemoglobin, myoglobin, hemocyanin and hemerythrin; model synthetic dioxygen
complexes. Chelato theraphy. Electron transfer in biology: Active site structures and
functions of cytochromes, cytochrome c; iron-sulfur proteins (rubredoxin, ferredoxines),
organic-redox protein cofactors – FAD, NAD, FMN, ubiquinone; blue copper proteins,
HIPIP. Respiratory electron transport chain, cytochrome c oxidase. Photosynthesis and
chlorophylls, photosystem-I and photosystem-II and their roles in cleavage of water. Model
systems. Biological and abiological nitrogen fixing systems, model study.
(12 Hours)
Metal ion interactions with purine and pyrimidine bases, nucleosides, nucleotides and nucleic
acids, DNA and RNA, metal ions in genetic information transfer.
Redox enzymes: Catalase, peroxidase, super oxide dismutase (SOD), cytochrome P-450,
Nitrogen cycle enzymes: NOx reductases, nitric oxide synthases (NOS), ascorbate oxidase,
aldehyde oxidase, sulfite oxidase, xanthine oxidase, nitrogenase, P and M clusters in
nitrogenase, transition metal dinitrogen complexes and insights into N2 binding, reduction to
(12 Hours)
Unit – 3: Enzymes
Zinc enzymes, magnesium enzymes, iron enzymes, carbonic anhydrase, xanthine oxidase,
aldehyde oxidase, cobalt containing enzymes, Mo and tungsten enzymes, Vitamin B-12
Zinc in Transcription: Zinc fingers, zinc thiolate clusters.
Calcium Signaling Protein: Calmodulin protein and Ca2+ ion pump
Biological Cycle: Nitrogen cycle, hydrogen cycle, in vivo and vitro nitrogen fixation
Sensors: Iron protein as sensor, Copper sensor, protein that sense copper and zinc level
Other Application: Biominiralization, cancer treatment, antiarthristis drugs
Contribution of Individual Elements in Biological Function: Na, K, Li, Mg, Ca, Se, Mn,
Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Mo, W, Si, Pt, Au
(12 Hours)
26 | P a g e
fluorescence. Fluorence quenching, Stern-Volmer equation. Photochemical process: photo
substitution and photoelectron transfer reactions in Co, Cr, Ru and Rh complexes.
(12 Hours)
Nuclear models: Nuclear stability, terrestrial abundance and distribution, relativistic effect,
electronic configuration, oxidation states, aqueous-, redox- and complex- chemistry; Nuclear
forces, liquid drop model, shell model, Fermi gas model; magic numbers, nuclear spin and
nuclear isomerism. Nuclear reactions: Energetics, mechanism and models of nuclear
reactions. Nuclear fission and nuclear fusion, fission products and fission yields. Interactions
of radiation with matters, chemical effects of nuclear transmutation (elementary idea),
Nuclear reactors and particle accelerators.
Radioactive Techniques: Detection and measurement of radiation- GM ionization and
proportional counters. Study of chemical reactions by tracer techniques, isotope exchange
and kinetic isotope effect. Radiometric analysis: Isotope dilution analysis, age determination,
neutron activation analysis (NAA) and their applications. Radiation hazards and safety
(12 Hours)
References Books:
27 | P a g e
CHM T 513: Pericyclic Reaction, Photochemistry and Free Radical
Credits: Theory-04
Theory: 60 Hours
Unit – 1: Introduction of Pericyclic Reaction
Unit – 4: Photochemistry
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Reference Books:
J. Singh & J. Singh: Photochemistry and Pericyclic Reactions, New Age International
(P) Ltd., 2007
B. B. Woodward and Hoffman: Conservation of Orbital Symmetry, Verlag Chemie
Academic Press, 1971.
W. Carruthers: Some Modern Methods of Organic Synthesis, Cambridge University,
Press, 1993.
29 | P a g e
CHM P 511: Physical Chemistry Practical – II
Credits: 02
Lab: 60 Hours
(i) Conductometry
(iii) Potentiometry/pHmetry
(a) Determination of pKa of poly-basic acid with the pH meter.
(b) To determine the pH of various mixtures of acetic acid and sodium acetate in
aqueous solutions and hence determine the dissociation constant of the acid.
Reference Books:
A. M. James and F. E. Prichard: Practical Physical Chemistry, Longman.
B. P. Levi: Findley’s Practical Physical Chemistry,
R. C. Das and B. Behera: Experimental Physical Chemistry, Tata McGraw Hill.
D. P. Shoemaker, G. W. Garland and J. W. Niber: Experimental Physical chemistry,
Mc Graw Hill Interscience.
A. J. Elias: A collection of Interesting General Chemistry Experiments, University
Press, India.
J. Rose: Advanced Physico-Chemical Experiments, Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons Ltd,
J. B. Yadav: Advanced Practical Physical Chemistry, Krishna Prakashan Media (P)
Ltd. Meerut.
30 | P a g e
CHM P 512: Inorganic Chemistry Practical – II
Credits: 02
Lab: 60 Hours
A. Analytical Chemistry:
At least one ore/ mineral/concentrate and one alloy should be analyzed during the laboratory
Preparation of selected inorganic compound and their studies by I.R. electronic spectra,
Mössbauer and magnetic susceptibility measurements. Handling of air and moisture sensitive
1. bis(ethylene)nickel(II)thiosulphate,
2. tris(acetylacetonato)manganese(III), tris(acetylacetonato)Aluminium(III),
tris(acetylacetonato)iron(II), tris(acetylacetonato)copper(II),
3. Hexaminecobalt(III)chloride,
4. Mercury tetrathiocyanatocobaltate(II),
5. Copper(II) biguanide
6. Mn12 Acetate Single Molecule Magnet
7. Preparation of copper glycine complex- cis and trans bis- (glycinato) copper (II).
8. Preparation of N, N-bis-(salicyldehyde) ethylenediamine, Co(salen), Mn(salen),
determination of O2 absorption by Co(salen), reaction of oxygen adduct with CHCl3
9. VO(acac)2
10. cis-K [Cr(C2O4)2 (H2O)2]
11. Na[Cr(NH3)2 (SCN)4]
12. K2[Fe(C2O4)3]
Reference Books:
Vogel’s Textbook of Quantitative Analysis, Revi Mendham, ELBS.
W.L. Jolly, Synthesis and Characterization of Inorganic Compounds, Prentice Hall.
31 | P a g e
(10 Hours)
Unit – 2: Microwave Spectroscopy
(10 Hours)
Unit – 3: Vibrational Spectroscopy
B. Raman Spectroscopy: Classical and quantum theories of Raman Effect, pure rotational,
vibrational, and vibrational-rotational Raman spectra, selection rules, mutual exclusion
principle. Resonance Raman spectroscopy, coherent anti-stokes Raman spectroscopy
(10 Hours)
Unit – 4: Electronic Spectroscopy
32 | P a g e
C. Photoelectron Spectroscopy: Basic principle; photo-electronic effect, ionization process,
Koopman’s theorem. Photoelectron spectra of simple molecules, ESCA, chemical
information from ESCA, basic idea Auger electron spectroscopy.
(10 Hours)
Unit – 5: Magnetic Resonance, Photoacoustic, and Mössbauer Spectroscopy
B. Electron Spin Resonance Spectroscopy: Basic principles, zero field splitting and
Kramer’s degeneracy, factors affecting the ‘g’ value. Isotropic and anisotropic hyperfine
coupling constants, spin Hamiltonian, spin densityies and McConnell relationship,
measurement techniques, applications.
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CHM P 522: Project and Dissertation
Credits: 08
Each student is assigned to a faculty supervisor to carry out a research project. They will be
trained in searching research literature as well as experimental and computational work
specific to the chosen research problem. On the basis of partial fulfilment of project report the
student may go other University/Institute for project work. At the end of the project they will
submit a report of the work done and make a presentation for evaluations.
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S. Course Course
Title of Paper Credit
No. Code Structure
1 CHM T 601 Elective Mathematics for Chemist 3
2 CHM T 602 Elective Biology for Chemist 3
3 CHM T 603 Elective Industrial Chemistry 3
4 CHM T 604 Elective Instrumental Methods of Analysis 3
5 CHM T 605 Elective Basic of Materials Chemistry 3
6 CHM T 606 Elective Introduction to Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology 3
7 CHM T 607 Elective Polymers Chemistry 3
8 CHM T 608 Elective Bioorganic and Drug Chemistry 3
9 CHM T 609 Elective Advanced Heterocyclic Chemistry 3
10 CHM T 610 Elective Chemistry of Natural Products 3
12 CHM T 611 Elective Solid State Chemistry 3
13 CHM T 612 Elective Advanced Synthetic Organic Chemistry 3
Note: M.Sc. in Chemistry students have to opt total three elective papers (commonly
name as Discipline Specific Elective) from the above list of elective courses from
the second semester onwards. Students have to choose only that elective courses,
those are offered by the Departmental faculty members in the respective
semesters in the running academic years.
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CHM T 601: Mathematics for Chemist
Credits: Theory-03
(45 Hours)
A. Mathematics for Chemist
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CHM T 602: Biology for Chemist
Credits: Theory-03
Theory: 45 Hours
Unit – 1: Cell Structure & Functions
Structure of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, intracellular organelles and their function, comparison
of plant and animal cells. Overview of metabolic processes-catabolism and anabolism; ATP the
biological energy currency. Origin of life – unique property of carbon, chemical evolution and rise of
living systems. Introduction to biomolecules, building blocks of bio-molecules.
(9 Hours)
Unit – 2: Carbohydrates
Conformation of monosaccharides, structure and function of important derivatives of
monosaccharides like glycosides, deoxy sugars, myoinsitol, amino sugars, N-acetylmuramic acid,
sialic acid, disaccharides and polysaccharides. Structural polysaccharides – cellulose, and chitin;
storage polysaccharides – starch and glycogen. Structure and biological functions of
glucosaminoglycans or mucopolysaccharides. Carbohydrates of glycoproteins glycolipids. Role of
sugar in biological recognition. Blood group substances. Ascorbic acid, carbohydrate metabolism –
Krebs’ cycle, glycolysis, glycogenesis and glycogenolysis, gluconeogenesis pentose phosphate
(9 Hours)
Unit – 3: Lipids
Fatty acids, essential fatty acids, structure and function of triglycerols; glycerophospholipids,
sphingolipids, cholesterol, bile acids, prostaglandins. Lipoproteins – composition and function, role in
atherosclerosis. Properties of lipids, aggregates – micelles, bilayers, liposomes and their possible
biological function. Biological membranes, fluid mosaic model of membranes structure. Lipid
metabolism -oxidation of fatty acids.
(9 Hours)
Unit – 4: Amino Acids
Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins: Chemical and enzymatic hydrolysis of proteins to peptides,
amino acid sequencing, secondary structure of proteins, force responsible for holding of secondary
structure. -helix, -sheet, super secondary structure, triple helix structure of collagen. Tertiary
structure of proteins, folding and domain structure. Quaternary structure. Amino acid metabolism,
degradation and biosynthesis of amino acids, sequence determination, chemical/enzymatic/mass
spectral racemization detection. Chemistry of oxytocin and tryptophan releasing hormone (TRH).
(9 Hours)
Unit – 5: Nucleic Acids
Purine and pyrimidine bases of nucleic acids, base pairing via H-bonding. Structure of ribonucleic
acids (RNA) and deoxyribonucleic acids (DNA), double helix model of DNA and forces responsible
for holding it. Chemical and enzymatic hydrolysis of nucleic acids. The chemical basis of heredity, an
overview of replication of DNA, transcription, translation and genetic code. Chemical synthesis of
mono- and tri- nucleosides.
(12 Hours)
Reference Books:
A. L. Lehninger: Principle of Biochemistry, Worth Pub. Shers.
L. Stryer and W. H. Freeman, Biochemistry
J. David Rawn: Biochemistry, Neil Patterson.
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CHM T 603: Industrial Chemistry
Credits: Theory-03
Theory: 45 Hours
Unit – 1: Water and Its Treatment
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CHM T 604: Instrumental Methods of Analysis
Credits: Theory-03
Theory: 45 Hours
Unit – 1: Molecular Spectroscopy
39 | P a g e
(9 Hours)
Reference Books:
40 | P a g e
CHM T 605: Basic of Materials Chemistry
Credits: Theory-03
Theory: 45 Hours
Introduction: Space lattice, crystal point groups, space group (working knowledge),
stereographic projections, packing in solids, crystal structures of representative systems,
silicates and zeolites, cements, glasses, quasicrystals, nanostructures.
Bonding in Solids and Crystal Energetics: Crystal classifications, Madelung constant and
Lattice energy.
(9 Hours)
Unit – 2: Characterization Techniques for Solids
X-ray diffraction, electron microscopy (SEM, TEM, AFM), thermal techniques (TG, DTA,
DSC), spectroscopic techniques (Mössbauer, IR, UV-VIS), and physical property
measurement techniques (magnetic moments-VSM/SQUID, electrical resistivity – two / four
probe methods and thermal conductivity, optical band gap, XPES, XAS.
(9 Hours)
Unit – 3: Electronic and Magnetic Properties Solids
Electronic Properties and Band Theory of Solids: Free electron theory of metals, Band
theory of solids, Bloch theorem, Kroning-Penne model, refinement of simple band theory- k-
space and Brillouin Zones, band structure of metals, insulators and semiconductors, intrinsic
and extrinsic semiconductors, doped semiconductors, p-n junctions.
Reactivity of Solids: Decomposition and reactivity, solid state reactions, sintering process,
reaction kinetics, organic solid reactions.
Conventional Techniques: Powder mixing, fusion, precipitation from solution, modern need
for improved synthetic routes, crystal growth and thin film techniques.
41 | P a g e
Chemical Routes: Wet-chemical (Oxidation-reduction for metal nanoparticles) methods, self
assembly methods, reverse micelles route, biomimetic, sonochemical, and electrochemical
Sol-Gel Synthesis: Colloids, cation hydrolysis and sol formation, gel precipitation, sol-gel
process for colloids, synthesis andphysical properties of metal alkoxides, development of sol-
gel process from alkoxides, derived coatings, fibers and monodispersed submicron/
nanostructured oxide powders, ormosils, sialons.
Hydrothermal/Solvothermal Approach: Forced hydrolysis at elevated temperatures and
pressures, hydrothermal reactions using salt solutions, metal reactants and reactions involving
phase transformation.
Gas Phase Reactions: Gas-phase nucleation, flame hydrolyzed powders, direct - nitridation
and carbothermic reduction, non-plasma gas phase reactions, plasma reactions, electron beam
(12 Hours)
Reference Books:
A. R. West: Solid State Chemistry and Its Applications, John Wiley & Sons, 1989.
L. Smart and E. Moore, Solid State Chemistry, Chapman and Hall, 1992.
A. K. Cheetham and P. Day: Solid State Chemistry Compounds, Clarendon Press,
Oxford 1992.
C. N. R. Rao and J. Gopalkrishanan: New Directions in Solid State Chemistry,
Cambridge Univ. Press 1997.
R. E. Newnham, Structure Property Relations, Springer-Verlag, 1987
42 | P a g e
CHM T 606: Introduction to Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology
Credits: Theory-03
Theory: 45 Hours
(9 Hours)
Unit -2: The Basic Tools of Nanotechnology
Electron microscopy (SEM, TEM with EDX analysis) and X-ray diffraction, A brief
historical overview of atomic force microscopy (AFM); an introduction and basic principles
& applications of XPS, FTIR spectrophotometers; UV-VIS principle and application for band
gap measurement.
(9 Hours)
Unit – 3: Synthesis of Nanomateirals
Physical Routes for Preparation of Nanomaterial: Inert gas condensation, arc discharge, RF
plasma, plasma arc technique, ion sputtering, laser ablation, laser pyrolysis, spray pyrolysis,
ball milling, molecular beam epitaxy, chemical vapour deposition method, Langmuir-
Blodgett (LB) films, spin coating and electro deposition.
(9 Hours)
Unit – 4: Nanomateirals and Properties
Synthesis and size dependent properties (mechanical, physical and chemical properties) of
carbon nanotubes (CNT); metals (Au, Ag); metal oxides (TiO2, CeO2, ZnO); semiconductors
(Si, Ge, CdS, ZnSe); dilute magnetic semiconductor.
(9 Hours)
Unit -5: Applications of Nanomateirals
43 | P a g e
Basic ideas of nanodevices (molecular electronics and nanoelectronics, and quantum
electronic devices); CNT based transistor and field emission display; biological applications;
biochemical sensor; membrane based water purification, energy storage devices, catalysis and
various related fields.
(12 Hours)
Reference Books:
44 | P a g e
CHM T 607: Polymers Chemistry
Credits: Theory-03
Theory: 45 Hours
Unit – 1: Introduction
(9 Hours)
Unit – 4: Polymer Processing
Plastic, elastomers and fibres, compounding; processing techniques- calendaring, die casting,
rotational casting, film casting, injection casting, blow moulding, extraction moulding,
thermoforming, foaming, reinforcing, and fibre spinning.
(9 Hours)
Unit – 5: Properties of Commercial Polymers
Polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride, polyamide, polyester, phenolic resins, epoxy resins and
silicone polymers. Functional polymers – fire retarding polymers and electrically conducting
polymers. Biomedical polymers – contact lens, dental polymers, artificial heart, kidney, skin,
and blood cells.
(9 Hours)
Reference Books:
45 | P a g e
Fred W. Billmeyer: Textbook of Polymer Science, Eds: 3rd, Wiley-India, New Delhi,
A Ravve: Principle of Polymer Chemistry, Eds. 3rd, Springer Science + Business
Media, New York, 2012.
J. M. G. Cowie: Physics and Chemistry of Polymers, Blackie Academic and
H. R. Alcock and F. W. Iamtee: Contemporary Polymer Chemistry, Prentice Hall.
V. R. Govarikar, N. V. Viswanathan, and J. sreedhar: Polymer Science, Wieley-
46 | P a g e
CHM T 608: Bioorganic and Drug Chemistry
Credits: Theory-03
Theory: 45 Hours
Chemistry of the Living Cell: The structure of prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells, Composition
of living cells:
(9 Hours)
Unit – 2: Carbohydrates, Proteins, Lipids, and Nucleic Acids
Proteins: General structure & classification of amino acids, Abbreviation of amino acids,
Essential and non essential amino acids, Synthesis of amino acids, Isoelectric point, Acid and
base properties of amino acids. Protein: Naturally occurring peptides, Modern methods of
peptide synthesis with protection and deprotection, Determination of sequences and basic
units of a poly peptides or proteins, C- & N-terminus detection by chemical methods,
Primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary structures of proteins, Enzyme active sites,
allosteric sites, and mechanism of their actions e.g. chymotrypsin, carboxypeptidase, lipases
(12 Hours)
Unit – 3: Analogy Between Biochemical and Organic reactions
(9 Hours)
Unit – 4: Overview of Drug Chemistry and Basics of Drug Action
47 | P a g e
(Drug-receptor interactions, Enzyme kinetics in drug action, Enzyme inhibitors (Drug action
through enzyme inhibition), Nucleic acids as targets for drug actions, NA-Alkylation, NA-
strand breaking and their importance in drug action, Drug metabolism, drug deactivation and
(8 Hours)
Unit – 5: Pharmaceutical Compounds: Structure and Importance
Reference Books:
L. Stryer: Biochemistry, 4th Edition W. H. Freeman and Co. 1995.
S. Zubay: Biochemistry, Addison-Wesely 1983.
J. Mann; R.S. Davidson: Natural Products: Chemistry and Biological Significance
H. Dugas: Bioorganic Chemistry Frontiers Vol. 2, ed. Springer-Verlag, 1990.
E. E. Tamlen: Bioorganic Chemistry, Academic Press, 1977.
M. Bodansky: Peptide Chemistry: A Practical Textbook, Springer-Verlag 1988.
Bioorganic Chemistry: A chemical approch to enzyme action, Springer-Verlag 1989.
W. Saenger: Principles of Nucleic acid structures, Springer-Verlag 1984.
G. R. Chatwal: Medicinal Chemistry
A. Kar: Medicinal Chemistry, Wiley, 2000.
D. Lednicer: Strategies for Organic Drug Synthesis and Design, John Wiley 1998.
G. R. Chatwal: Synthetic Drugs, Himalaya, New Delhi 1995.
S. Hanessian, Total synthesis of Natural product: The chiral approach Vol.III
Pergamon Press 1983.
W. D. Foye, T. L. Lemke, and D. A. Williams: Principles of Medicinal Chemistry (4th
R. B. Siwerman: Organic Chemistry of Drug Action and Design (Academic press,
48 | P a g e
CHM T 609: Advanced Heterocyclic Chemistry
Credits: Theory-03
Theory: 45 Hours
Unit – 1: Introduction
Synthesis, structure, stability and reactivity of Azepines, Oxepines and Thiepines. Synthesis
of Benzoazepines, Benzooxepines, Benzothiepines, Azocines and Azonines.
(9 Hours)
Reference Books:
T. Gilchrist: Heterocyclic Chemistry
R. M. Acheson: An Introduction to the Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds
J. A. Joule & K. Mills: Heterocyclic Chemistry
A. Paquette: Principles of Modern Heterocyclic Chemistry
J, A. Joule & Smith: Heterocyclic Chemistry
A .R. Katritzky: Handbook of Heterocyclic Chemistry
49 | P a g e
CHM T 610: Chemistry of Natural Products
Credits: Theory-03
Theory: 45 Hours
Unit – 1: Alkaloid – I
Occurrence and isolation, biological role of alkaloids, General properties, nomenclature and
classification of alkaloids on the basis of amino acid origin and present core structure.
Isolation, properties and structural elucidation of quinine, Morphine (structure, synthesis,
molecular rearrangement, stereochemistry and biogenesis).
(9 Hours)
Unit – 2: Alkaloid – II
Structure and biological role of nicotine, cocaine, quinine, reserpine, vincristine, morphine,
caffeine, papavarine, hyocimine. Strychnine and lysergic acid.
(9 Hours)
Unit – 3: Steroid
Secondary metabolites: Definition and examples; terpenes – isoprene rule; mono terpenes:
structure of geraneol, limonene, alpha-pinene and camphor; sesquiterpenes: longfolene;
Reference Books:
50 | P a g e
CHM T 611: Solid State Chemistry
Credits: Theory-03
Theory: 45 Hours
Unit – 1: Crystal Structure
Crystalline and amorphous solids; symmetry in crystals, basic crystal systems,space lattice
and unit cell, Bravais lattice,miller indices, closed packed structure- hcp and ccp, packing
efficiency, limiting radius ratio and shape of ionic crystal, description of solids; structure
types Rock salt (NaCl), Zinc blende (ZnS),antifluorite( Na2O), Rutile (TiO2), Wurzite (ZnS),
CdCl2, nickel arsenide, CsCl, CdI2, Cs2O, perovskite ABO3, K2NiF4, spinels.
(9 Hours)
Unit – 2: Point Groups
Symmetry operation and symmetry elements, Plane of symmetry, inversion centre, proper
and improper axis of rotation, Product of symmetry operation, Relation among symmetry
elements and symmetry operation, classification of symmetry, symmetry elements in
octahedral and tetrahedral molecules, symmetry point group, representation of symmetry
operation by matrices, reducible and irreducible representation, Character tables.
(9 Hours)
Unit – 3: Space Groups
Thirty two point groups, Representation of point groups and selected examples like 222,
mm2, mmm, 32 centrosymmetric and noncentrosymmetric point groups, space group:
Triclinic P1, monoclinic C2, monoclinic C2/m, orthorhombic P2221 orthorhombic F222,
Tetragonal 141 , space group and crystal structure of SrTiO3 and rutile structure of TiO2.
(9 Hours)
Unit – 4: Structure and Properties of Advance Materials – I
Superconductors – (Ba,K)BiO3, Cuprates, LnFeAsO, MgB2, CaC6
CMR materials – La(1-x)SrxMnO3
Ferroic compounds – BaTiO3, PbTiO3, Bi4Ti3O12, SrRuO3
Peizoelectric materials- PZT,
Photoluminescent materials – Lanthanide compounds
Porous materials – zeolites, AlPO, MeAlPO, SAPO.
(9 Hours)
Unit – 5: Structure and Properties of Advance Materials – II
Organic-inorganic hybrid materials – MOF compounds
Ionic Conductors – NASICON, AgI, NaAl11O17
Thermoelectric materials – NaxCoO2, AgSbTe2, CoSb3, Y14MnSb11
Compounds for intercalation and redox reactions – LiCoO2, LiVS2, NASICON, Chevrel
(9 Hours)
Reference Books:
C. N. R. Rao and J. Gopalakrishnan: New Direction in Solid State Chemistry,
Cambridge University Press, 1997.
A. R. West: Solid State Chemistry and Its Applications, John Wiley & Sons, 1989.
L. Smart and E. Moore: Solid State Chemistry, Chapman and Hall, 1992.
51 | P a g e
CHM T 612: Advanced Synthetic Organic Chemistry
Credits: Theory-03
Theory: 45 Hours
Unit – 1: Metal Mediated C-C and C-X Coupling Reactions
Phosphorous Sulfur, Silicon and Boron containing compounds-preparations and their uses in
organic reactions.
(9 Hours)
Unit – 3: Oxidation and Reduction
(9 Hours)
References Books:
52 | P a g e
B. F. G. Johnson: Transition Metal Cluster, Wiley, 1980.
R. H. Crabtree: The Organometallic Chemistry of the Transition Metals, Wiley-
Interscience, 2005.
G. Wikinson, F. G. A. Stone, and E. Abel: Comprehensive Organometallic Chemistry,
Peramon, 1980.
I. Fleming: Frontier Orbitals and Organic Chemical Reactions, Wiley, 1976.
B. B. Woodward and Hoffman: Conservation of Orbital Symmetry, Verlag Chemie
Academic Press, 1971.
S. Warren: Organic Synthesis: The Disconnection Approach, John Wiley & Sons
(Asia) Pte. Ltd., 2007
W. Carruthers and I. Coldham: Modern Methods of Organic Synthesis, Fourth Ed.
Cambridge University Press.
T. L. Gilchrist: Heterocyclic Chemistry, Pearson Education, 3rd Ed.2007
53 | P a g e
Attendance Marks
90% and above 5 Marks
85 to 89.9% 4 Marks
80 to 84.9% 3 Marks
76 to 79.9% 2 Marks
75 to 75.9% 1 Mark
Below 75% Zero
Note: Total Marks of CIE will be 40 (i.e., 10+10+15+5). A candidate must have to
secure minimum 50% marks (i.e., 20 out of 40 marks). Failing so, s/he shall not be
allowed to appear in End Semester Examination.
Marks for two mid-semester examinations could either be awarded as
aggregate scored by the candidate in the two exams or as best of two. The
department may adopt suitable model.
(2) End Semester Examination (ESE)
(a) Theory Paper: Maximum Marks: 60 (Sixty)
Duration of Examination-Three Hours
Question Paper Pattern: The paper will be set so to cover all units/sections of the
syllabus as below:
Marks for
No. of questions Total
Type Total No. Each
to be answered Marks
Long Answer Type 05 (one
Questions (one out of question 5 (from all five
12 60
two questions from from each questions)
each unit) unit)
Total 60
(b) Practical Examination:
Duration of Examination: Four - Six Hours
Question Paper Pattern –
54 | P a g e
Q.1. Principle/ Theory 10
Experiment Procedure 10
Results and discussion 10
Q.2 Viva-voce 10
Q.3 Record/ File 10
Total 50
(3) Total marks of each question paper will be 100 (hundred) for theory paper [i.e., 60 (ESE)
+ 40 (CIA)] and 50 (fifty) for practical paper (Grand Total: 150, Hundred-Fifty),
irrespective of their credits.
(4) Attendance
A candidate shall only be eligible to appear in the end-semester examination if s/he has
secured a minimum of 75% attendance as prescribed in the university ordinance.
(5) Grading
Each course shall be graded (refer table below) on the basis of marks obtained, on scaled
marks of 100, during a semester. There shall be absolute grading where mark obtained (out of
100) by a student in a course is converted to a Grade on a 10-point scale.
55 | P a g e