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Managing E-Commerce Website Development-

(1) Website Server:-

a) It is a dedicated computer working 24*7 to serve the
clients of a website.
b) It provides web services like creating a Login session.
c) Authenticating client providing a web connection.
d) Creating a session maintaining the logs of various web
activities performed by the clients.
e) Providing uploading and downloading facilities of
various forms, reports etc.
Managing E-Commerce Website Development-
f) Updating the centralized database and individual instances of
databases for their respective clients.
g) It also provides technical support during web connections.
h) Website server also provides services in terms of backup and
recovery of client data in case of crashing.
earlier organization has to setup the website server for web clients
which is costly and difficult task, therefor now-a-days website server
are hosted and maintained by the outside agencies.
It provides the facilities of E-Mail. Each and every client has its own
inbox and every client can mail anybody through network.
Managing E-Commerce Website Development-
Creating the logical structure of website:-
1) Identifying the web designing tools.
2) Designing of the forms and fields (types and validation).
3) Number of reports generated.
4) Deciding the flow of data/information from database to form or
5) Determination of the web layout.
6) Providing an interactive interface as a prototype to test.
7) Asking for changes and modification required.
8) Finalize the web design as an interface for end users.
Developing Commerce Site
Developing a e-commerce site is similar to developing an application
and a structured approach is recommended-
An approach with the following stages is recommended below:-
a) Scope
b) Prototype
c) Design
d) Implementation
e) Testing
f) Deployment
The scope stage involves the following activities:
• Researching the business requirements.
• Projecting the infrastructure needs of the
• Establishing the overall technical architecture of
the solution.
• Performing an initial analysis of the security,
performance, maintainability, and integration
• Specifying a schedule for development and
implementation of the solution.
The design stage involves developing
the logical design. It also involves
designing the user interface and
deriving the physical design.
The prototype stage involves building a basic
layout of the site so as to get a taste of what the
site will look like. The prototype is essentially the
foundation for the final site and can be modified
according to the customers feedback.
(d) Implementation-
The implementation stage involves translating the
design into actual site. This can be in the form of
changes and updates to the prototype. The key tasks
are creating the user interface, developing custom
components for the order processing, if needed and
implementing the database according to the design.
(e) Testing and Deployment-
The site should be tested before deployment. The site
should be tested for security, user interface,
performance and ease-of-use. Furthermore, the site
should be deployed.
Requirement for Site
1. The Web site should enable customers to shop with
shopping cart.
2. The Catalog of products can contain:-
a) Products from different vendors.
b) Sales announcements and other promotion.
3. The Web site should feature customer’s registration.
4. The Web site should support online payment using
credit cards. Additionally, the site should:
a) Support an e-Wallet.
b) Securely transfer credit card information.
Requirement for Site
5. Web site should receive e-mail Confirmation of
his order.
6. The e-mail should also have a link to the order
status page.
7. Any order that is yet to be shipped can be
cancelled by the customer.
8. The Web site should suggest other recommended
product to the customers.
9. The Web site should support all web browsers.
Building the Site
A site manager should be able to build the site by running the
wizard. Wizard generates all the file and database table,
including product pages, basic layout, shipping and handling
tax and payment. It should run the wizard and follow the
instructions displayed on the screen. Some points of interest
when building the site are as follow:
• Using local step we can configure the default tax calculation
component as well as the format used to display currency
and other localized variables.
• Price promotions allow us to offer promotions, such as
discount based on dollars spent, percentage discounts.
• With a features step, if we want shoppers to register at our
site and whether we want to maintain this shopper
information in this sites database.
Building the Site
• A product attribute type step is based on the type of
products that the site intends to offer. With static
attributes, all products have the same attributes.
• Dynamic attributes allow the site to sell products that
might differ in attributes( for example, one item may
be offered in multiple colors, but not list the
manufacturers name and another item, such as shirt,
might have varied sizes, neck size, sleeve length and
• An order history step offers the option for the site to
store a shoppers order history and receipt
After running the wizard site is now ready and open for
Shopping Cart Application
A shopping cart is a piece of software that helps in
simplifying the shopping process for an online customer
when purchasing multiple products or services from a
merchant's Web site.
Basically, a shopping cart is a software that allows
merchants to list their products on a Web site and then
automatically collect payment when a customer buys
products from their Web site.
Once you have the shopping cart software set up on the
Web site, you can add products to the Web site using a Web
browser. The software allows you to include images,
description, prices which are stored in database and
recalled on structured queries. Shopping cart is as good as a
shopping basket as it holds the products.
Shopping Cart Application
• Shopping carts are written in different types of
programming languages. Some of them give full
access to the source code and thus, allow
experienced programmers to make modifications
to the system features. Some shopping carts run
on Windows Web servers, some on UNIX, and
others on both.
• ProductCart, shopping cart software, is a
collection of files written in a programming
language called Classic ASP.
Shopping Cart Application
Normally all the shopping carts share the same
structure. The structure includes:
• A database that stores information such as
product details, customer data, order information,
and so on.
• Method to displays the stored information.
• Facility that allows adding products, setting up
shipping and payment options, and processing
Apart from the HTML pages that likely make up
most of the Web site, the shopping cart pages do
not exist until a customer requests one.
Mobile E-Commerce
The use of mobile technologies is gradually on the increase,
for both e-commerce and personal uses. Mobile phones are
common sight today and many people own personal
information management (PIM) devices or handheld
computers, where they manage their schedule, contacts, and
other essential functions.
Although the terms mobile and wireless are often used
interchangeably, they are two different things:
 Mobile devices are portable, electronic components that
are used by mobile people do their work.
 Mobile pertains to the ability of an entity to be on the
 Wireless refer to the technology that allows transmission of
voice, data and other content through radio waves over the
air, no restricted to physical cables or other physical
Mobile E-Commerce
It is the buying and selling of goods and services through
wireless devices such as cellular telephone and personal
digital assistants (PDA) are known as Mobile E-Commerce. It
enables the users to access the internet without need of a
place to plug in.
It is any transaction, involving the transfer of ownership or
right to use goods and services by using mobile. The use of
mobile technology is steadily on the increase for both e-
commerce and personal uses.
Products and services available through Mobile e-commerce:-

1) Mobile ticketing,
2) Mobile Vouchers, Coupons,
3) Mobile banking
4) Mobile advertising and marketing etc.
Enhancing a Web Server with E-Commerce
Application Development
Companies that market, sell, and service products via the web share
similar objectives, which typically include:
 Creating a customer community through improved
communications, which can involve online discussion groups,
targeted promotions, and content that fits customer’s interests.
 Reducing transaction costs. Automating online order and
fulfillment processes.
 Facilitating customer self- service and reducing customer service
costs by decreasing expensive dependence on call centers.
 Gaining insight into customer behavior to market and sell more
effectively. this is included by analysis, observation logs, customer
profiles, and transaction databases into knowledge that can help
us to determine what our customers want.
Meeting some or all of these objectives can enhance the sites
business value and overall profitability. A website is a fast,
inexpensive way to deliver information to customers and to tailor it to
their individual concerns.

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