E Commerce PDF
E Commerce PDF
E Commerce PDF
1) Mobile ticketing,
2) Mobile Vouchers, Coupons,
3) Mobile banking
4) Mobile advertising and marketing etc.
Enhancing a Web Server with E-Commerce
Application Development
Companies that market, sell, and service products via the web share
similar objectives, which typically include:
Creating a customer community through improved
communications, which can involve online discussion groups,
targeted promotions, and content that fits customer’s interests.
Reducing transaction costs. Automating online order and
fulfillment processes.
Facilitating customer self- service and reducing customer service
costs by decreasing expensive dependence on call centers.
Gaining insight into customer behavior to market and sell more
effectively. this is included by analysis, observation logs, customer
profiles, and transaction databases into knowledge that can help
us to determine what our customers want.
Meeting some or all of these objectives can enhance the sites
business value and overall profitability. A website is a fast,
inexpensive way to deliver information to customers and to tailor it to
their individual concerns.