High Jump Guidelines
High Jump Guidelines
High Jump Guidelines
Athletes may practice their approaches at any time prior to the event an unlimited number of
Starting Heights
Senior and Junior Girls
Start at 1.20, then 5 cm advancement to 1.45, then 3 cm advancements to completion
Senior Boys
Start at 1.50, then 5 cm advancement to 1.75, then 3 cm advancements to completion
Junior Boys
Start at 1.45, then 5 cm advancement to 1.70, then 3 cm advancements to completion
Midget Boys
Start at 1.40m, then 5 cm advancement to 1.60, then 3 cm advancements to completion.
Bantam Boys
Start at 1.30m, then 5 cm advancement to 1.60, then 3 cm advancements to completion.
Recording results
X missed attempt
0 successful attempt
P pass
On a record attempt
- the judges must check the measurement when the bar is placed at the record height and must
recheck the measurements before each subsequent record attempt if the bar has been touched
since last measured.
- all measurements shall be made in whole centimeters (rounding down) perpendicularly from the
ground to the lowest part of the upper side of the bar.
-if a record is being attempted you MUST call for the Chief Field Official to confirm the record
1. the competitor with the fewest misses at the last successful height
2. the competitor with the fewest misses throughout the competition
3. If they are still tied for 3rd place or lower they will receive the same placement
4. If it is a tie for first or second and 1 and 2 do not resolve the tie use the following procedure:
- the tied competitors will get ONE jump at the last height one of the tied competitors
- the bar will then be raised or lowered for ONE jump at each height until the tie is
- competitors may NOT pass in any tiebreaker