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Income referred to in section 68, section 69, section 69A, section 69B, section
69C or section 69D is taxed @ 60 % without any expenditure / allowance /
115BBE set off.
Special surcharge of 25% is imposed by finance act on tax on 115BBE
TDS on interest of securities 7.75 % savings taxable bonds (2018) are covered
where amount is more than 10,000.
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Filing of return within timelines u/s 139(1) must for claim of deductions u/s
139(1) 80HH to 80RRB
Section 80JJAA, 80-IAC, 80PA
PAN to be obtained
(v) By a resident, other than an individual, which enters into a financial
transaction of an amount aggregating to two lakh fifty thousand rupees or more
in a financial year; or
(vi) who is the managing director, director, partner, trustee, author, founder,
karta, chief executive officer, principal officer or office bearer of the person
referred to in clause (v) or any person competent to act on behalf of the person
referred to in clause (v),]
143(1) 143(1)(a) No adjustment needed for additions appearing in form 26AC, 16, 16A
SDV on the date of agreement will be taken for if payment at time of agreement
is made either in part or full by banking means.
Presumptive income
Heavy goods vehicle (weight > 12 ton) = Rs. 1000 pm /p ton / p vehicle of gross
weight of vehicle (un-laden)
Others – 7500 pm / p vehicle
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Stamp duty value is considered for Immovable property transaction as fair value
43CA for Business income, capital gains and other sources. However marginal relief
50C is provided now. If SDV is less than 105 % of actual consideration then actual
consideration will be taken for computation.
Tolerance Level (5 %)
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Where the gross total income of an assessee, being a Producer Company having
a total turnover of less than one hundred crore rupees in any previous year,
includes any profits and gains derived from eligible business 100% deduction is
given. (similar to co-operative society computation)
eligible business" means—
(a) the marketing of agricultural produce grown by the members; or
(b) the purchase of agricultural implements, seeds, livestock or other articles
intended for agriculture for the purpose of supplying them to the
members; or
(c) the processing of the agricultural produce of the members;
amount for the medical treatment of such disease or ailment as may be specified
Due date for filing CbCR extended to 12 months from end of Accounting Year
Country By of Reporting entity. Delinked with due date u/s 139(1)
Reporting Filing u/s. 286(4) to be completed within 12 months from the end of Accounting
Year of Group Parent
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Change in shareholding pattern will not disentitle the Pvt company to set off
79 losses if the change is due to plan approved under Insolvency and Bankruptcy
code 2016
Dividend tax
2(22)(a)(b)(c)(d) - @ 15 % (grossing up required)
2(22)(e) - @ 30 % (loan to specified shareholder) (No grossing up)
If loan is treated as dividend then it will be exempt in hands of shareholder.
115O To be taxed in the hands of company instead of shareholder
2(22) Exempt in the hands of shareholder
115BBDA (No 10% HNI Dividend Tax of 115BBDA w.r.t 2(22)(e) dividend)
Distribution by amalgamated company be considered as dividends to the extent
of accumulated profit of –
Amalgamating company (at the time of amalgamation) +
Amalgamated company (at the time of distribution)
Chapter ID Video ID
Telegram Channel
Youtube – Full 50 mark case study discussed and explained (5 hours video)
Face Book
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(1) Taxation of companies with tax liability calculations and dividend tax
(2) Taxation of firms
(3) Taxation of charitable trust / private trust with tax liability calculations
High value exam (4) Taxation of AOP with tax liability calculations
topics (5) Capital gains exemptions
(6) Powers and full procedure and advance tax calculations
(7) International taxation (DTAA / Special rates / Transfer pricing / GAAR)
particularly tax liability and penalty calculation in all the cases.
If the assets forming part of depreciable block is sold then the sale price is
adjusted from cost of block i.e. wdv. However there are also other situations
Sale of business like sale of those assets used for scientific research, sale of those assets covered
assets by 35AD, sale of Telecom Rights etc. The general way of understanding
treatment is that to the extent deduction taken in the past will be treated as
business income and excess over cost if any will be taxed as capital gains.
Tax treatment for partnership firms. Read with 184, 185 etc. also treatment
40(b) when partner is a partner in representative capacity. Full computation with
revised limit of remuneration.
Where assessee is sin growing and manufacture of Tea / Coffee / Rubber then
computation format should be in the following sequential manner only.
Profit as per P/L
If the assessee maintains the books of accounts (although not required by law)
and its actual profits are more than presumptive income then assessee must
44AD, return higher income for being eligible for the scheme.
44ADA, If the scheme of presumptive income is applicable then officer should not ask
44AE for explanation regarding business transactions like source and application of
business transaction, cash transaction details etc. Officer should not make
additions u/s 68, 69 etc. provisions.
In case of banks and financial institutions the special deduction of bad debts
have been given by creating reserve @ specified % provided in law. The
Bad debts adjustment for such assessee is special and all the bad debts as per books should
be added and as per the limits of income tax the amount shall be deduced.
Similar to book depreciation add and tax depreciation less.
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As per section 160 to 166, the assessment of private trust is done similar to as
that of beneficiary. Suppose if beneficiary of trust is a company then the tax rate
Private trust of company will be applicable in the assessment of trust. Responsible persons
will be trustees of trust. If the trust has business income then it will be subject
to maximum marginal rates of taxes.
Any loan to specified shareholder of 2(22) (e) will be subject to dividend tax
and no grossing up to be done for this type of dividend. Loan provided if can be
set off against subsequent payment of dividend if at that time loan remains
outstanding and that can reduce the dividend tax obligations.
Dividend Tax Dividend from Indian or foreign subsidiary will be allowed as set off while
calculating dividend for dividend tax.
Dividend paid new pension trust is not subject to dividend tax.
If the company pays dividend tax then such dividend is exempt in the hands of
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Taxation of firm’s capital gains where assets are withdrawn from firm in
45(3) (4) ordinary course and firm is a going concern. Where assets are distributed to
partner upon the dissolution or otherwise then it gives rise to capital gains.
Cost in case of slump sale is Asset – Liabilities = net assets, however if the
assets are depreciable then WDV is considered for the cost. No indexation is
Slump sale
allowed in case of slump sale and holding period of undertaking / business is
considered for deciding whether it is long term or short term.
The condition of exemption relaxed. Where assessee owns one house on the
54F date of transfer than also exemption is available. However assessee cannot
acquire house other than one specified in the section.
At various places stamp duty value is adopted as fair value for the purpose of
taxation. These points to be remembered
1. 5 % tolerance level is provided (so marginal difference in valuation will
56 / 43CA / 50C be tax neutral)
2. Stamp duty value can be taken on date of agreement if at time of
agreement some advance payment was received by banking channel.
3. Purchaser of the property if subject to tax on stamp duty value then cost
of the assets to him will be stamp duty value.
Certain cases of deemed income. For the gifts also genuineness to be proven
apart from the movement of funds. This type of additions generally taken as
IFOS and thus in case of firm the remuneration or interest deduction against
such deemed incomes shall not be allowed to assessee.
68,69 etc.
1. 115BBE there is special rate of tax = 60 %
2. Special surcharge of 25 % on above tax is provided by finance act
3. 271AAC penalty will be provided if the additions are made by officer in
Tax treatment of carry forward and set off the speculative business loss. And
interpretation of Expl. 1 to 73 as much as it relates to the deemed speculative
loss. In certain situation shares transaction by business doing companies will be
deemed speculative.
Limitation of assets seized. Assessee can apply to officer in 30 days for release
132B of assets if any assets have been seized and officer on satisfied with reason
should release the assets in 120 days.
133A Powers of survey. Survey can be done any time of business operations.
263 Powers of CIT for making revision. Intimation cannot be covered by 263.
Student should note that this act has good potential from exam point of view
particularly from the valuation of the assets under the BM act. Student should
be familiar with valuation of different assets form (value of interest in firm /
AOP) and tax liability calculations.
Black Money Act (1) Valuation of bank account
(2) Valuation of interest in firm
(3) Valuation of un-quoted equity shares
(4) Valuation of other assets
(5) Scope of cost of asset.
Students must be familiar with all the tax liability calculations like
(1) Special tax rate and income calculations for many situation of chapter
(2) All different special rates for special incomes should be known.
(3) Deductions or allowance with respect to income covered by special rates
111A / 112 / 112A of taxes under chapter XII or XIIA
XII etc. (4) All the working methods should be known precisely and should have
practiced the computations thoroughly in writing. If students are just you
tubing the learning module orally remember you are doing a big mistake.
(5) For the incomes covered by special rates of taxes generally No basic
exemption, No expense, No VIA deductions and No Prov 1 and Prov 2
to section 48.
Capital gains and other incomes for non-residents Indians. NRI and NR
difference in computation of tax liability should be known. NRI chapter XIIA
is optional thus student must do alternate computation of tax liability when
computation of tax is asked for NRI.
TPO procedure should be studied well, powers of TPO and time limit for
92CA / 153 completion of assessment when reference is made to TPO. Extension of time
limit with reference to period of limitation should be known.
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X Ltd. is engaged in the business of manufacturing, plastic bottle. Its profit and loss account shows a net profit
of Rs. 60 lakh for the year, after debiting/crediting the following items –
1. Rs 5 lakh, being expenses incurred on the travelling of the wife of managing director, who
accompanied him on tour to Beijing on invitation of Trade and Commerce Chamber, China.
2. Rs. 10,000 and Rs. 15,000 paid in cash on October 15, by two separate vouchers to a contractor who
carried out certain repair work in the office premises.
3. One time license fee of Rs. 10 lakh paid toa foreign company for obtaining a franchise on July 1,.
4. Rs. 5 lakh paid to S Ltd. towards feasibility study conducted for examining proposals for technological
advancement relating to existing business, where the project was abandoned without creating a new
5. Dividend of Rs. 3,50,000 received from a foreign company, in which X Ltd. holds 28 per cent nominal
value of equity share capital of the company. Rs. 25,000 spent on earning this income.
6. Depreciation on tangible fixed assets Rs. 1,50,000.
7. Rs. 5,00,000 and Rs. 1,50,000, being amounts waived by a bank out of principal and arrear interest,
respectively in one time settlement. The loan was obtained for meeting working capital requirements
two years back.
8. Provision for gratuity based on actuarial valuation is Rs. 5,00,000. Actual gratuity paid Rs. 1,50,000
was debited to provision for gratuity account.
9. The opening and closing stock of the year were Rs, 18,00,000 and 18,72,000 respectively and were
undervalued 10 per cent on cost.
Additional information –
- Provision for audit fee of Rs. 1,00,000 was made in the books of the last year , without deducting tax
at source. Such fee was paid to the auditors in September, after deducting tax under section 194J and
the tax so deducted was deposited on October 7 afte the due date of filing of return of income.
- During the year, the company purchased 5,000 shares of RK Private Ltd. at Rs. 20 per share. The fair
market value of such shares on the date of transaction was Rs. 40 per share.
- Depreciation on tangible fixed assets as per Income-tax rules : Rs. 1.75 lakh.
- A debt of Rs. 8 lakh was claimed as bad debt in the previous year 2013-14. But the assessing Officer
allowed only Rs. 4 lakh as bad debt in the previous year. Rs 3 lakh was recovered ultimately in respect
of the debt during year. The effect of recovery of bad debt was not given in the books of account.
Compute the total income, giving the reasons for treatment of each item. Ignore MAT provisions.
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Compute total income and tax payable by the Indian Branch of Bank of UK ignoring the applicability of the
provision relating to minimum alternate tax. Give explanation for treatment of each item.
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M/s HIG, a firm, consisting of three partners namely H , I and G, carried on the business of purchase and sale
of television sets in wholesale and manufacture and sale of pens under a deed of partnership executed on 1-4-
2004. H, I and G were partners in their individual capacity. The deed of partnership provided for payment of
salary amounting to Rs 2,00,000 each to H and G who were the working partners. A new deed of partnership
was executed on 1-10-PY which, apart from providing for payment of simple interest @ 12% p.a on the
balance standing to the credit of the capital accounts of partners from 1-4-PY. The firm was dissolved on 31-
3-PY and the capital asset of the firm were distributed among the partners on 20-4-AY. The net profit of the
firm for the year after payments of salary to the working partners and debit /credit of the following items to
the profit and loss account was 1,50,000.
(i) Interest amounting to Rs 1,00,000 paid to the partners on the balances standing to the credit of
their capital accounts from 1-4-PY to 31-3-PY
(ii) Interest amounting to Rs 50,000 paid to the partners on the balance standing to the credit of
their accounts from 1-4-PY to 31-3-PY
(iii) Interest amounting to Rs 20,000 paid to the Hindu undivided family of partner H @18% p.a.
(iv) Payment of Rs 25,000 towards purchase of television sets made by crossed cheque on 1-11-
(v) Rs. 30,000 being the value of gold jewelry received as gift from a manufacturer for achieving
sales target.
(vi) Depreciation amounting to Rs 15,000 on motor car bought and used exclusively for business
purpose, but not registered in the name of the firm.
(vii) Depreciation under section 32(1) (ii) amounting to Rs 37,500 of new machinery bought and
installed for manufacture of pens on 1-11-PY at a cost of Rs 5,00,000. There was no increase
in the installed capacity as a result of the installation of the new machinery.
(viii) Interest amounting to Rs 25,000 received from bank on fixed deposits made out of surplus
(a) Closing stock –in-trade was valued at Rs 60,000 as per the method of lower of cost or market
rate consistently followed by it. The market value of the closing stock-in-trade was Rs 65,000.
(b) Brought forward business loss of 3 years back Rs 50,000.
(c) The fair market value of the capital assets as on 31-3-PY was Rs 20,00,000 and the cost of
their acquisition was Rs 15,00,000.
Compute the total income of M/s HIG. You are required to furnish explanations for treatment of the various
items given above.
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The amount due to A, the former partner was Rs. 15 lakh. The dues were settled on September 30, by
transferring a plot of land purchased two years back having a book value of Rs. 10 lakh. The difference of Rs.
5 lakh was credited to the partners’ capital accounts in their profit sharing ratio. The fair market value of the
plot on the date of transfer was Rs. 16 lakh.
Compute total income of the firm stating the reasons for treatment of each item.
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Question 3 (Business ID 72) (computation of business income) (Special treatment for companies)
X,Y and Z carried on a business of running hotels in partnership firm. In order to increase its scale of operation
and meet its fund requirement, the firm decided to carry on its business through corporate route. For that
purpose, a company under the name and style XYZ Hospitality (P.) Ltd. Was formed 2 years back and the
business of the partnership firm as a whole was succeeded by the company. The company’s profit and loss
account for the year shows a net profit of Rs. 450 lakh after debit / credit of the following items
1. Interest of Rs. 3 lakh paid to Allahabad Bank on a term loan taken for the purpose of acquiring a land
a Bhubaneswar for a new hotel to be set up.
2. Depreciation charged: Rs. 40 lakh.
3. Rs. 2 lakh credited on account of waiver of dues obtained from a supplier of the erstwhile firm against
supply of certain materials.
4. Rs. 1.18 lakh being the aggregate of amounts paid in cash to D, a transport contractor, as follows-
Date of payment Rs. In lakh
June 5, 0.15
July 20, 0.21
September 20, 0.22
November 3, 0.26
November 5, 0.36
Tax was not deducted at source as D submitted a certificate under section 197(1), which he had
obtained from TDS circle of the Income-tax Department.
5. Rs. 50,000 being proportionate part of the cost of animals (purchased and kept for entertainment of the
guests of hotel), is debited in the profit and loss account as amortization of expenditure as per the
accounting policy of the company.
6. Rs. 10,000 is credited on account of sale proceeds of carcass of animal which died during the year.
7. Provision for bad and doubtful debts: Rs. 12 lakh
8. Payment of Rs. 25 lakh to some employees as compensation for voluntary retirement, as per scheme.
9. Foreign exchange fluctuation loss (net) amounting to Rs. 30 lakh arising from restatement of the year
end liabilities to foreign suppliers of provisions and beverages as per the requirement of AS-11 of
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Other information-
Compute total income of XYZ (P.) Ltd. indicating reason for treatment of each of the items.
Ignore the provisions relating to the minimum alternate tax.
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Profit before taxation 100
Depreciation as per books 25
Depreciation admissible as per income-tax rule 40
Corporation tax disputed by the bank and not paid 10
Bad debts written off 45
Provision for non-performing assets as per prudential norms of Reserve Bank of India 250
Provision for standard assets as per 2 per cent of such advance as per the above norms 5
Net depreciation on investments under “held for trading” and “available for sale”
categories calculated on lower of cost price or market price basis as per guidelines of
Reserve Bank of India 30
Other information:
a. Two years back provision for doubtful debts allowed in assessment amounted to Rs. 35 crore only.
b. The assessment for preceding year resulted in a loss and unabsorbed depreciation amounting to Rs. 30
crore and Rs. 40 crore respectively and the bank was not allowed deduction on account of provision
for doubtful debts.
c. Unrealized interest income not recognized in the accounts in respect of non-performing assets as per
assets classification norms of RBI amounts to Rs. 65 crore.
d. The aggregate average rural advances calculated as per section 36(1)(viia) read with rule 6ABA
amounts to Rs. 30 crores.
X holds 10 per cent of equity shares of ABC Ltd. (cost of acquisition on April 1, 1969 of 1,500 shares : Rs.
75,000; fair market value on April 1, 2001 : Rs. 80,000). ABC Ltd. goes into liquidation on December 31,.
Balance sheet of ABC Ltd. as on December 31, is given below. Determine the net income of (a) the company,
and (b) X.
1. Ximc Private Limited has entered in to contract with Alpha Limited 2 years for providing continuous
supply of chemical H2SO4. In the month of July there was modification on terms of contract and as
result Ximc Limited has received 2 Lakhs compensation.
2. Ximc Private Limited has loss on Agriculture commodities derivatives transaction to the tune of 3
lakhs. No CTT have been paid on such transactions.
3. The Company owns a flat at Chennai for re-sale. It has entered in to agreement to sale it on 10th June
when the stamp duty guidance value was 100 lakhs. At time of entering in to agreement in June
advance was received Rs. 10 Lakhs by means of account payee cheque. The Registration of sale was
done on 12th Feb when the stamp duty paid was @ 5 % Rs. 5.5 Lakhs. Actual consideration received
as result of sale is 98 Lakhs. The sale price was credited to Flat account in balance sheet.
4. The Company is operating 2 heavy goods vehicle for its transport division. Un-laden weight of vehicle
is 13 tons and 16 tons. The company has gross receipt from operation of both the trucks 2.5 lakhs and
expense to operate the same is 1 lakh.
5. Profit on sale of listed shares listed on NSE is 6 lakhs. STT have been duly paid.
6. The Company is entitled to export incentive. Company has made claim of 200,000 with the appropriate
authorities with all the supporting documents and evidences in January. However the claim is received
after 15 days of the end of the financial year.
7. The Company has also been dealing in to interest swaps, and marked to market loss accounted is 1.5
8. The Company is providing BPO services. It has entered in to contract with Sihan Limited to provide
services from 1st of March for 60 days. As per the terms of contract entire contract value is to be paid
after 7 days of completion of services. Value of services contract is 6 lakhs for 60 days. Expense
incurred to provide the services is 2 lakhs during the year.
9. The Company has borrowed from Anonymous Lender 10 lakhs. Name and address of the lender is not
available. The amount is credited to liability account in balance sheet. The foreign travelling expense
for travel of one of the directors for business purpose is 10,000 however officer has considered
reasonable air fare and hotel stay for 10 days at 2,10,000. The assessing officer is of the view that it is
bogus transactions and requires additions to income.
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Additional Information
The Company acquired for 25 lakhs one flat at Baroda, Gujarat for the purpose of Re-sale. However company
has decided to give it to one of its directors Mr. Bhardwaj to stay and now it does not have any intention to
sale it. Company has converted it in to capital asset on 15th March. FMV of the flat on 15th March is 35 lakhs.
However Broker in Baroda has indicated that its Market value on 31st of March is 36 Lakhs.
The company advanced loan of Rs. 28 lakhs to one of its director Mr. Amit Shah on 12 October (holding 25
% shares in company). The accumulated profits on that date is 16 lakhs. The company has not declared any
dividends during the year. The loan to the tune of 25 Lakhs have been paid off up to 15 Feb.
The company is habitually executing contract on behalf of Foreign company DIER Inc. The company is duly
authorised by DIER Inc for such execution of contract. The income of DIER Inc is Rs. 200,000 out of the
execution of such contract through the company.
Question A
You are required to compute (ignore the provision of MAT)
1. Tax Liability of Ximc Limited.
2. Tax liability of Mr. Amit Assuming that he has dividend income of 15,00,000 from other Indian
Question B
Assuming that pursuant to resolution plan approved under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 and
considering following additional information you are also required to compute the tax liability of the company.
One of the shareholder Mr. Nimish holding 60 % shares in the company has sold his shares to Mr. Jain during
the year.
Brought forward loss – as per books of accounts 4 lakhs
Brought forward depreciation – as per books of accounts 3 lakhs
Brought forward business loss from 2 years back – as per income tax act – 60 lakhs
Question C
Assuming company has declared dividend of Rs. 2 each on equity shares on 15 Feb and accumulated profits
are 250 lakhs. You are required to calculate dividend tax liability. The company has adjusted the dividend of
Rs. 2 payable to Mr. Amit against the loan remain unpaid on 15 Feb.
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SDK Ltd. is engaged in the manufacture of textile since 01-04-2010. The company has issued 20,00,000 shares
of face value 10 each fully paid up at premium of 20 each. One of the shareholder Mr. Rajesh is holding
500,000 shares in the company. New Pension System Trust covered by 10(44) is holding 100,000 shares in
SDK Ltd. Accumulated Reserves of the company is 250 Lakhs. Its Statement of profit and loss for the previous
year ended 31st March, shows a profit of Rs. 600 lakhs after debiting or crediting the following items:
(1) Depreciation charged on the basis of useful life of assets as per Companies Act is Rs. 62 lakhs.
(2) Industrial power tariff concession of Rs. 3.5 lakhs, received from State Government was credited
to P & L Account.
(3) The company had provided Rs. 25 lakhs being sum fairly estimated as payable with reasonable
certainty, to workers on agreement to be entered with the workers union towards periodical wage
revision once in every three years.
(4) Dividend received details are as under
a. From Zahir Inc Incorporated in Singapore in which SDK Ltd is holding 35 % shares 7
b. From Moxizm Inc Incorporated in Cayman Islands in which SDK ltd is holding 60 % shares
3 lakhs.
c. From Atul Ltd, Domestic company 21 lakhs.
d. From RIMS Ltd, domestic company in which SDK ltd is holding 70 % shares 1 Lakh.
(5) Loss Rs. 25 lakhs, due to destruction of a machine worth Rs. 30 lakhs by fire due to short circuit
and Rs. 5 lakhs received as scrap value. The insurance company did not admit the claim of the
company on charge of gross negligence.
(6) Provision for gratuity based on actuarial valuation was Rs.400 lakhs. Actual gratuity paid debited
to gratuity provision account was Rs. 275 lakhs.
(7) The company has purchased 500 tons of industrial paper as packing material at a price of Rs.
30,000 per ton from M/S. Shiv Bramha, a firm in which majority of the directors of SDK Ltd. are
partners. The firm’s normal selling price of the same material in market is Rs. 28,000 per ton.
(8) Advertisement charges Rs. 1.5 lakhs, paid by cheque for advertisement published in the souvenir
of a political party registered with the Election Commission of India.
(9) Long term capital gain Rs. 4.5 lakhs on sale of equity shares on which Securities Transaction Tax
(STT) was paid at the time of acquisition and sale.
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Additional information:
Briefly explain the reasons for treatment of each item. Ignore the provisions relating to Minimum Alternate
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BG (P) Ltd. is engaged in multiple businesses. The Net Profit as per the statement of profit and loss was Rs.
52 lakhs for the year. Company total issued share capital is 9,00,000 shares at face value of Rs. 10 Each as on
01st April. New Pension system trust covered by 10(44) is holding 150,000 shares in the company. Miss
Radha is one of the directors of the company holding 250,000 shares.
A scrutiny of the statement of profit and loss revealed the following items which were debited / credited
1. Share income @ 25% from a partnership firm ABC & Co. of Pune Rs. 9,50,000.
2. The company paid Rs. 1 lakh as service charges to a call centre for attending the calls of customers
and suppliers. Tax was deducted at source on such payment @ 2%.
3. Expenditure incurred Rs. 8 lakhs for digging of wells near the factory for use by public under Corporate
Social Responsibility Scheme as per the Companies Act,2013.
4. Grant received from State Government for acquisition of generator Rs. 10 lakhs. The generator was
acquired on 01.06. for Rs. 35 lakhs. A sum of Rs. 5 lakhs was paid as advance by cash to the supplier
of generator. The grant amount received is credited to statement of profit and loss. Depreciation
charged on Rs. 35 lakhs@15%.
Note : Assume that the company is not eligible for additional depreciation.
5. During the year, the company bought textile goods from local suppliers. Cash payment was made
exceeding Rs. 10,000 but below Rs. 20,000 in a day to 15 suppliers aggregating to Rs. 2,00,000.
6. Depreciation debited to statement of profit and loss Rs. 10 lakhs (it includes Rs. 8 lakhs being
depreciation on assets revalued).
7. Provision for deferred tax debited to statement of profit and loss Rs. 6,50,000.
8. Trade creditors Rs.5,00,000 were outstanding for more than 5 years and there is no business
relationship with them. The amount was unilaterally transferred to credit of statement of profit and
9. Royalty income in respect of patents chargeable under section 115BBF Rs.12,00,000.
10. Depreciation eligible under section 32 (before considering adjustment of any of the items described
above) Rs.12,25,000.
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Additional Information :
(a) The assessee executed only one civil construction contract of the value of Rs. 15 lakhs. The contractee
withheld 20% of the contract amount which would be released only after 2 years. The amount withheld
has not been credited to statement of profit and loss.
(b) On 15 May 1,00,000 equity shares of Rs.10 each was issued for Rs. 25 per share. The fair market value
of the shares as per rule 11UA of the Income-tax Rules. 1962 was determined @ Rs. 17 per share.
(c) During the year, the company advanced Rs. 15,50,000 on 12 November to one of the partnership firm
M/s RFG in which Miss Radha is having 30 % share. The Loan is repaid to the extent of 14,00,000 up
to 15 Jan. The company has accumulated profit of Rs. 250 lakhs.
(d) Miss Radha has visited London for personal trip with her friends for 20 days. The expense debited in
her books of accounts is 50,000 which is shown as her personal drawings. However assessing officer
has ascertained that Fair amount of Air ticket is 50,000 and 20 days stay is reasonably 500,000.
You are required to compute the total income, tax liability and dividend tax liability for the year stating clearly
the reasons for treatment for each of the items given above. The company has declared Rs. 1 per share dividend
on 15 Jan. Ignore the provisions of minimum alternate tax.
You are also required to compute the tax liability of Miss Radha.
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 53
X Ltd is a manufacturing company located in India. Business income of the company for year under section
28 is Rs. 40 lakh. X Ltd holds shares in few companies. Amount of dividend received from these companies
and other related information are given below-
On September 1, X Ltd declares a dividend of Rs. 5 lakh for its own shareholders. Find out income-tax and
dividend tax liability of X ltd for the year on the assumption that India has ADT agreement with Country C
and as per agreement dividend income is taxable in India and not in Country C.
On 24.04.AY 6,15,000 was invested out of above sale proceeds and it was sold on 18.08.AY for value of
01-01-2005 38 40
28-12-PY 42 44
01-01-PY 39 41
24-04-AY 40 42
18-08-AY 41 43
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X Ltd. located within the corporation limits decided in December-PY to shift its industrial undertaking to non-
urban area. The company sold some of the assets and acquired new assets in the process of shifting. The
relevant details are as follows:
(Rs. In lakhs)
Particulars Land Bldg. P/M Fur.
(i) Sale proceeds (Sale effected in March,-PY) 8 18 16 3
(ii) Indexed cost acquisition 4 10 12 2
(iii) Cost of acquisition in terms of section 50 1 4 5 2
(iv) Cost of new assets purchased in July-PY for
the purpose of business in the new place 4 7 17 2
The business premises of Ram Bharose Ltd. and the residence of two of its directors at Delhi were searched
under section 132 of the Act by the DDI, Delhi. The search was concluded on 9-8-PY and following were also
seized besides other papers and records:
I. Papers found in drawer of an accountant relating to Shri Krishna Ltd., Mumbai indicating details of
various business transactions. However, Ram Bharose Ltd. is not having any direct or indirect
connection of any nature with these transactions and Shri Krishna Ltd., Mumbai and its directors.
II. Jewellery worth Rs. 5,00,000 from the bedroom of one of the director, which was claimed by him to
be of his married daughter.
III. Papers recording certain transactions of income and expenses having direct nexus with the business of
the company for the period from 16-4-2011 to date of search. It was admitted by the director that the
transactions recorded in such papers have not been incorporated in the books.
You are required to answer on the basis of the aforesaid and the provisions of Act, following questions:
a) What action the DDI shall be taking in respect of the seized papers relating to Shri Krishna Ltd., Mumbai
b) Whether the contention raised by the director as to jewellery found from his bedroom will be acceptable ?
c) What presumption shall be drawn in respect of the papers which indicate transactions not recorded in the
books ?
d) Proceedings for how many years shall now be taken up and within which time limit the assessment thereof
be completed by the Assessing Officer ?
e) Can the company move an application for settlement of case as per chapter XIX-A of the Act ?
Compute the quantum of depreciation available under section 32 and any other benefit available in respect of
the following items of plant and machinery purchased by X Ltd , which is engaged in the manufacture of
textile fabrics
(Rs. In crore)
New machinery installed on May 1, 84
New windmill purchased and installed on June 18, 22
Items purchased after November 30, –
- Lorries for transporting goods and sales deposits 3
- Fork-lift-trucks, used inside factory 4
- Computers installed inside office premises 1
- Computers installed in factory 2
- New imported machinery (arrived at Chennai port on March 30, and was
installed after 1 week) 12
Except new imported machinery, all other items were installed during the year.
X Ltd has commenced operation during the year.
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Prakash, a member in two AOPs, namely, “AOP & Co.” and “Prakash & Akash”, provides the following
details of his income:
(a) “AOP & Co”, assessed at normal rates of tax, had credited in his account, amount of Rs. 2,96,000
as salary and Rs. 20,000 as share of profit and 96,000 as interest.
(b) A house property located at Jaipur was purchased on 1.7.2001 with the borrowed capital in
“Prakash & Akash” jointly shared equally and occupied by both of them for self residential
purposes. Total interest paid for the year on the borrowed capital was Rs. 1,00,000.
Compute the income and the tax liability thereon and support your answer with brief reasons and the
provisions of the Act.
Varinder Charitable Trust, a charitable Trust registered u/s 12A of the Income Tax Act, 1961 has sold the plot
acquired two years back. The purchase price was Rs. 2,00,000. The sale consideration was Rs. 3,60,000. A
sum of Rs. 10,000 was incurred in connection with the sale. The Trust acquired English mortgage [worth Rs.
3,10,000] of an Immovable property utilizing the sale proceeds. Is the Trust entitled to exemption u/s 11(1A)?
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 61
An institution having its main object as advancement of general public utility received 30 lakhs in aggregate
during year from an activity in the nature of trade. The total receipts of the institution, including donations,
was 140 lakhs. It applied 85% of its total receipts from such activity during the same year for its main object
i.e. advancement of general public utility
1) What would be the tax consequence of such receipt and application thereof by the institution?
2) Would your answer be different if the institutions total receipts had been 150 lakhs (instead of 140 lakhs)
in aggregate
3) What would be your answer if the main object of the institution is ‘relief of the poor’ and the institution
receives 30 Iakhs from a trading activity, when its total receipts are 140 lakhs and applies 85% of the said
receipts for its main object’
Imperial Chit Funds (P) Ltd. was under liquidation. On completion of assessment the official liquidator
informed the I.T.O. that tax dues determined constituted debt provable in the winding up proceedings. I.T.O.
however, issued a certificate to the T.R.O. and demanded the tax dues immediately and issued a demand
notice. Can the income tax department be treated as a secured creditor' and the amount set aside by official
liquidator U/s 178(3)(b) fall outside the area of winding up proceedings? Can the A.O. be entitled to payment
of tax demand otherwise than as U/s 530 of Companies Act ?
X Ltd. has an undertaking (Unit X) in Special Economic Zone (SEZ) and another undertaking (Unit Y) in Free
Trade Zone (FTZ) for manufacturing of computer software. It furnishes the following particulars of its 2nd
year of operations ending March 31, 2018 –
Rs. (in Lakh)
Unit X Unit Y
Total Sales 180 120
Export sales (inclusive of Rs. 10 lakh onsite development of computer software 120 10
outside India by Unit X)
Profit earned (after claim of bad debts under section 36(1)(vii) in Unit X) 63 36
Plant and machinery used in business has been depreciated at 15 percent on straight line method (SLM) basis
and depreciation of Rs. 9 lakh was charged to Profit and Loss Account in the proportion of sales during the
previous year. Rs. 100 lakh were realized out of export sales in time and balance of Rs. 20 lakh becomes
irrecoverable due to bankruptcy of one of the foreign buyers in Unit X.
Compute the deduction under section 10AA and taxable income of X Ltd. for the assessment year 2018-19.
A Ltd. is incorporated in country F1 as a wholly owned subsidiary of company Y Ltd. which is not a resident
of F1 or of India. The India-Fl tax treaty provides for non-taxation of capital gains in India (the source country)
and country F1 charges no capital gains tax in its domestic law. Some shares of X Ltd., an Indian company
are acquired by A Ltd in the year after date of coming into force of GAAR provisions. The entire funding for
investment by A Ltd. in X Ltd. was done by Y Ltd. These shares are subsequently disposed of by A Ltd after
5 years. This results in capital gains which A Ltd. claims as not being taxable in India by virtue of the India-
F1 tax treaty. A Ltd. has not made any other transaction during this period. Can GAAR be invoked ?
The assessment of B, an individual, for the year was made under section 143(3) of the Income-tax Act, 1961
on 18.3. and the penalty was initiated. The assessment has become final and is not the subject-matter of an
appeal or revision. The Assessing Officer issued a show cause notice for levy of penalty to B on 25.3. B
furnished a reply to the said notice on 30.3. There was a change in incumbent and the Assessing Officer, who
made the assessment and issued the show cause notice, was succeeded by another. The successor-Assessing
Officer, suo moto, issued a notice under section 129 to B on 20.9. B did not respond to the said notice. The
successor-Assessing Officer passed an order on 24.10 levying penalty. Examine the validity of the order of
penalty passed with reference to the aspect of limitation.
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 65
On 24.04.AY 6,15,000 was invested out of above sale proceeds and it was sold on 18.08.AY for value of
01-01-2009 38 40
28-12-PY 42 44
01-01-PY 39 41
24-04-AY 40 42
18-08-AY 41 43
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Massy incorporated in Switzerland, a foreign company furnishes the following data for the previous year.
Massy does not have any branch offices in India.
Question A
Determine the total income of the foreign company and the tax payable by it.
Question B
What would be the total income and the tax payable, if the donation was Rs. 4,00,000 instead of Rs. 6,00,000
Question C
What would be the total income and the tax payable, if the donation was Rs. 4,00,000 instead of Rs. 6,00,000
and DTAA between India and Switzerland provides for tax rate on royalty as 5 % and Interest income as 25
Question D
What would be total income and tax payable if the donation is 100,000 instead of 600,000 and Massy have
branch office in India for providing to services to Indian concern in form of royalty.
Question E
Determine the total income of the foreign company and the tax payable by it in question D above if the place
of effective management of the company is in India.
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 69
Arnold Ltd. (incorporated in UK) has a branch office (PE) in India. The Net profit of the Branch as per the
statement of profit and loss for the year was Rs. 83 lakhs. It includes the following:
(1) Dividend from Indian companies (listed) Rs. 8,00,000.
(2) Dividend from Indian companies (unlisted) Rs. 4,00,000.
(3) Interest received from MMS Ltd. of Mumbai Rs. 7,00,000. The amount was received by the
Indian company MMS Ltd. in foreign currency as per loan agreement dated 01.04.2014
(section 194LC applicable).
(4) Fee for technical services received from Barun Co. Ltd., Kolkata Rs. 25,00,000. The
agreement was made on 10.08.2007 and was approved by Central Government Expenditure
incurred for providing technical service amount to Rs. 6,00,000.
(5) Income out of trading in market at its prevailing market price of Carbon Credit Rs. 700,000.
(6) Royalty income out of patents registered in India 12,00,000.
(7) Arnold Ltd is member of an AOP M/s Flingo an in India. Arnold Ltd has 60% share. Total
Income of AOP is 10,00,000 Rupees.
Additional Information :
Total income chargeable to tax as per regular provisions of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (Act) is Rs. 20,00,000
(without considering the items (1) to (7) above). You are required to compute the book profit tax under section
115JB of the Act and also the total income-tax liability of the assessee.
Your working should be supported by notes.
Ritesh, a Non-Resident Indian remitted USD 75,000 to India in 31.1.1992, part of which is utilized for
acquiring 5,000 Shares of Akash Ltd. and Indian Company at Rs. 210 on 15.2.1992. These shares are sold for
Rs. 1,760 per share on 28.3.PY. Ritesh deposited Rs. 50 Lakhs with an Indian Public Company on 1.8.AY
(one day after due date of filing return of income).
Compute Capital Gains chargeable to tax on the basis of the following TT Rates (as per State Bank of India)
If the above shares were sold through a Recognized Stock Exchange, what will be tax incidence?
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The property was acquired partly out of a loan from HDFC. The repayment of loan made during the year
amounted to Rs. 20,000. The assessee also claims deduction of Rs. 10,000 by way of donation to the Prime
Minister’s Relief Fund and of Rs. 50,000 towards repayment of loan taken for higher education in India before
his migration. It shall be assumed that capital gains in (3) above after the exchange fluctuation of Prov 1 to 48
is 82,000.
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 71
Question 3 (ID 031) (Non Resident Shipping / air crafts 172, 44B, 44BBA)
X (45 years), a non resident, is engaged in the business of shipping. During the previous year, one of the ships
owned by X collects freight as follows:
a) On August 6, a sum of Rs. 40 lakh for shipping goods from Cochin Port (it includes demurrage of Rs.
10,000 and handling charges of Rs. 60,000); and
b) On January 10, a sum of Rs. 25 lakh for shipping goods from Bombay (it is paid to X in New York).
Besides, X collects Rs. 22,70,000 in India on March 31, for shipping goods from Karachi to California. Barring
the cases noted above, X does not have any other income in India. X incurs an expenditure of Rs. 2,40,000 in
India (out of which Rs. 65,000 is paid in cash). X has brought forward loss of Rs. 5,000 from a trading business
in India which has discontinued 3 years back. Compute the tax liability of X.
Arif, a resident both in India and Malaysia in previous year, owns immovable properties (including residential
house) at Malaysia and India. He has earned income of Rs. 50 lakhs from rubber estates in Malaysia during
the financial year. He also sold some property in Malaysia resulting in short-term capital gain of Rs. 10 lakhs
during the year. Arif has no permanent establishment of business in India. However, he has derived rental
income of Rs. 6 lakhs from property let out in India and he has a house in Lucknow where he stays during his
visit to India. The Article 4 of the double taxation avoidance agreement between India and Malaysia provides
that where an individual is a resident of both the Contracting States, then he shall be deemed to be resident of
the Contracting State in which he has permanent home available to him. If he has permanent home in both the
Contracting States, he shall be deemed to be a resident of the Contracting State with which his personal and
economic relations are closer (centre of vital interests).
You are required to state with reasons whether the business income of Arif arising in Malaysia and the capital
gains in respect of sale of the property situated in Malaysia can be taxed in India. Also explain the relevant
provisions of law.
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Find out the taxable income and tax liability of the foreign companies. Discuss whether tax liability borne by
ONGC would be perquisite arising to B Inc. and C Inc. under section 28(iv) and would be taxable separately
in addition to income computed under section 44BB. You are also required to ascertain amount of taxes to be
paid by ONGC for C Inc and offer your comments.
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Mr. Ritesh a resident in India is found to be operating a foreign bank account and following are the details of
his bank account right from it opening it. The bank account has come to the notice of the assessing officer on
13th July of previous year. The amount represent USD thousands.
Tax Treaty I-T Act (Note Tax Treaty I-T Act Tax I-T Tax Treaty I-T
6) (Note 7) Treaty Act Act
(Note (Note
4) 4)
1. Dividend/Interest earned by the Government and certain specified institutions, inter-alia, Reserve Bank of
India is exempt from taxation in the country of source.
2. Royalties and fees for technical services would be taxable in the country of source at the rates prescribed
for different categories of royalties and fees for technical services. These rates shall be subject to various
conditions and nature of services/royalty for which payment is made. For detailed conditions refer to relevant
Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements.
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3. Royalties and fees for technical services would be taxable in the country of source at the following rates:
a. 10 per cent in case of royalties relating to the payments for the use of, or the right to use, industrial,
commercial or scientific equipment;
b. 20 per cent in case of fees for technical services and other royalties.
4. From Assessment Year 2016-17, Royalty and fees for technical service received by a foreign company or
a non-resident non-corporate assessee from government or an Indian concern shall be taxed at the rate of 10%
if agreement is made at any time after 31 March 1976.
From Assessment Year 2017-18, any income of a person resident in India by way of royalty in respect of a
patent developed and registered in India shall be taxable at the rate of 10% as per section 115BBF,
5. (a)15 per cent of the gross amount of the dividends where those dividends are paid out of income (including
gains) derived directly or indirectly from immovable property within the meaning of Article 6 by an
investment vehicle which distributes most of this income annually and whose income from such immovable
property is exempted from tax;
(b) 10 per cent of the gross amount of the dividends, in all other cases
6. Dividend:
a) Rate of tax shall be 10% on income from Global Depository Receipts under Section 115AC(1)(b) of
Income-tax Act, 1961 (other than dividends referred to in section 115-O).
b) Rate of tax shall be 20% under Section 115A on dividend (other than dividends referred to in section
115-O) received by a foreign company or a non-resident non-corporate assessee
c) Rate of tax shall be 20% under Section 115AD on dividend (other than dividends referred to in section
115-O) received by a Foreign institutional investor.
d) From Assessment Year 2017-18, dividend in excess of Rs. 10 lakh shall be chargeable to tax in the case
of an individual, Hindu undivided family (HUF) or a firm who is resident in India, at the rate of 10% as
per section 115BBDA.
e) From Assessment Year 2018-19, dividend in excess of Rs. 10 lakh shall be chargeable to tax in the case
of person who is resident in India other than:
i) a domestic company; or
ii) a fund or institution or trust or any university or other educational institution or any hospital or
other medical institution referred to in section 10(23C)(iv)/(v)/(vi)/(via); or
iii) a trust or institution registered under section 12AA.
at the rate of 10% as per section 115BBDA.
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 79
7. Interest
a) Rate of tax shall be 20% under Section 115A on interest received by a foreign company or a non-resident
non-corporate assessee from Government or an Indian concern on moneys borrowed or debt incurred
by Government or the Indian concern in foreign currency.
b) Rate of tax shall be 10% under Section 115AC on income from bonds of an Indian company issued in
accordance with such scheme as the Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette,
specify in this behalf, or on bonds of a public sector company sold by the Government, and purchased
by non-resident in foreign currency
c) Rate of tax shall be 5% in following cases:
(i) Interest received from an infrastructure debt fund as referred to in section 10(47)
(ii) Interest received from an Indian company specified in section 194LC.
(iii) Interest of the nature and extent referred to in section 194LD (applicable from the assessment
year 2014-15).
(iv) Distributed income being interest referred to in section 194LBA(2) (section 194LBA is inserted
by the Finance (No. 2) Act, 2014 w.e.f. 01-10-2014)
8. The CBDT has clarified that DTAA signed with Government of the Czech Republic on the 27th January
1986 continues to be applicable to the residents of the Slovak Republic. [Notification No. 25, dated 23-03-
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Mr. Mithun purchased 100 shares of Good money Co. Ltd. on 01-04-2005 at rate of 1,000 per share (FMV as
on 31-01-2018 is 600 per share) in public issue of the company by paying securities transaction tax. Company
allotted bonus shares in the ratio of 1:1 on 4 years back. He has also received dividend of 10 per share on
01.05.PY. He has sold all the shares on 01.10.PY at the rate of 4,000 per share through a recognized stock
exchange and paid brokerage of 1% and securities transaction tax of 0.02% to celebrate his birthday.
Mr. Rajest Aged 42 Resident in India acquired house property at British Virgin Islands located outside India
in 1997 for twenty million USD. It was sold in 2001 for twenty five million USD which were deposited in a
foreign bank account (BA). In 2002 another house property at Caymans Island was bought for thirty million
USD. The investment in property at Caymans Island was made through withdrawal from HSBC bank account
(BA) in Singapore. House at cayman’s islands has not been transferred before the valuation date and its value
on the valuation date is 62 million USD. Assuming that the value of BA as computed under Rule 3(1)(e) is
seventy million USD, find out the fair market value (FMV) of the assets. Exchange rate on 01/04/PY is 70
and on 31/03/PY is 71.
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 81
B. K. Kotru (Bombay The receipt of Rs. 96,000 for not taking employment in competing firm
High Court) could not be linked with salary, perquisites or profit in lieu of salary as
the receipt of this amount was after cessation of the employer and
employee relationship. This receipt could only be a capital receipt.
Chinna Nachimuthu Investment of amount in FDR secure bank guarantee to acquire contract
Constructions (Karnataka work. Interest accrued on deposit is business income and not assessable
High Court) as income from other sources.
Konkan Barge Builders P. Amount awarded on arbitration of business dispute. Interest on amount
Ltd. (Bombay High awarded by arbitrator. Assessable as income.
Interest awarded on amount of compensation by arbitrator accrues from
year to year. Entire amount not assessable in year of receipt.
Dai-ichi Karkaria Ltd. Foreign currency payment for drawings, designs and for services related
(AT) (Mumbai) to setting up a plant. Refund of money due to cancellation of agreement
and surplus on account of fluctuation in exchange rate is capital receipt
not chargeable to tax. Not a benefit arising out of business.
Indramani Bai (SC) Even a single isolated transaction of capital in nature can be regarded as
adventure in nature of trade. Eg. Buying and selling of plot of land
Raja Bahadur Kamakhya Merely there is sale in bulk quantities of gold and shares it does not
Singh (SC) amount to the adventure in nature of trade.
1) assessee opened the account named “A/c of 48 Lakhs floating in
the share market.
2) From the above account it acquired gold kept it for 4 years and
then sold it. From the sale proceeds it acquired the shares in the
company for the controlling interest of 51 % and in the later year
sold the shares
3) Held by the SC that name of the account is immaterial and since
the intention of the party was to keep it as an investment it is on
the capital account.
Koshika Telecom Ltd. Interest income ordinarily falls under the head “Other sources”. But
(Delhi High Court) where it is linked by nexus with business, such income may well be liable
to tax only as business income.
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 85
Nijrang Specific Family Assessee retiring from partnership and compensation received for
Trust (Gujarat High goodwill is income from other sources.
Avinash Pasricha (Del) Prize won in photography contest by Professional photographer is his
business income.
All Saints Church (Kar) 1) Activity of church also constitute a vocational activity and thus
church building is entitled to depreciation.
P. Krishna Menon (SC)
2) It does not matter whether teaching and preaching is done by the
representative of the church
3) Teaching of vedanta is also an vocational activity and any offering
on that account is business income of the assessee
K. George Thomas (SC) Assessee was propagating religious faith and publishing newspaper.
Donations received by assessee from USA for furtherance of his objects
is not casual and non-recurring receipt. It is taxable as receipts arising
from the carrying on of a vocation. Any donation received on for the
preaching of religion as a mission is vocational income of the assessee.
C. Rajagopalachariar A vocation is only a way of living or a sphere of activity for which one
(Mad) has special fitness. It is not necessary that such activity should be one
indulged in for earning a livelihood before it can be called "vocation".
Nor can it be said that a person cannot have more than one vocation. A
motive for making a profit is not an essential requisite of a vocation. A
vocation does not involve any organised or systematic activity like
Last minute revision material – May 2019 (CA Final DT) Page | 86
Bankipur Club Ltd (SC) The principle that no one can make a profit out of himself has long since
been found to be applicable to a combination of persons with transactions
Chelms Ford Club (SC)
confined as between themselves, so that there is complete identity
between the contributors and the participators.
Delhi Stock Exchange Company was doing stock exchange business. Admission fees received
Association Ltd (SC) from members and their authorised assistants and profits were distributed
to shareholders. Mutuality was lacking and the fees were assessable to
tax. Since as the body of trading members who paid the entrance fees and
the shareholders among whom the profits of the company were
distributed were not identical and the element of mutuality was lacking,
the company carried on a business whose profits were taxable and,
therefore, the admission fees received from members were taxable in its
Haryana State Co- The assessee, a co-operative society, received contributions from its
Operativer Labour And members. The contributors had no control over the funds received by the
Construction Federation assessee from them and they could not direct that the remaining amount
Ltd. (P & H) after meeting the expenses should be returned to them. The funds could
only be used for the specific purposes only. The principle of mutuality
could not be invoked.
Bangalore Club Club having nationalised banks as members and surplus funds placed in
(Karnataka High Court) fixed deposits in member banks. Relationship of banker and customer
exist. Principle of mutuality not applicable. Interest from deposits taxable
as income.
Saraswati Kunj Co- Co-operative house building society has object of buying agricultural
operative House Building land, converting it into plots and allotting to its members. Sums received
Society (Delhi High from time to time from members placed in savings account. Interest on
Court) sum in savings account is capital and not to be treated as income.
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 87
Trivandrum Club (Kerala The real contributors of income by availing of the facilities of the
High Court) marriage hall were not the members but non-members. In order to enable
them to avail of the facilities of the club, non-members were to be given
temporary membership only for the purpose of availing of this benefit.
The Trivandrum Club’s case [1989] 177 ITR 550 (Ker) was decided on
the basis of the admitted factual position that no non-member was
enjoying the facilities of the club. The principle of mutuality would not
apply. Rental income received from non-members was taxable.
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Boeing (Mad) The amount was received from a manufacturer by way of incentive for
achieving the target. The receipt was clearly a trading receipt.
Prem Raj Loonawat (Raj) The assessee was a partner in a firm. He was looking after the business
of the firm. The firm purchased a flat in Bombay. The assessee occupied
two thirds portion of the said flat for his personal residence and the
remaining one-third portion was used for the purpose of the business of
the firm. The assessee had been rightly assessed for the benefit or
perquisite because of the occupation of a portion of the building for
purposes of residence.
Diners Business Services Where assessee has taken the rent of property let to sister concern and
Pvt. Ltd. (Bom) also accepted the interest free deposits from sister concern. Held that
there is no benefit or perquisite out of carrying on of business and
profession. Section 28(iv) is not applicable.
G.S.R. Krishnamurthy The assessee was a film artiste. The Assessee’s children received gifts
(Mad) from producers. Since there was ordinarily no reason why producers
should have given gifts to the actor’s children, the Assessing Officer
assumed that these gifts were actually additional remuneration paid to the
actor for his services over and above what was stipulated in the
agreements. The Revenue has the duty to enquire into such cases and
come to a right conclusion. Making an addition without such enquiry is
probably a glaring instance of breach of such duty, and addition to income
is not justified.
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 89
Pangal Vittal Nayak And 1) assessee had own business of speculation in the line of coconut oil
Co. P. Ltd. (SC) and also did the speculation on behalf of the customer since only
member of the association could make the deal
2) brokerage earned on account of the customers is normal business
income and not the speculative income.
3) Thus the brokerage can not be set off against the speculative business
loss of the assessee.
P. Shantilal & Co. (SC) A transaction cannot be described as a "speculative transaction" within
the meaning of 43(5), where there is a breach of the contract and a dispute
between the parties damages are awarded as compensation by an
arbitration award. What is really settled by the award of such damages
and their acceptance by the aggrieved party is the dispute between the
parties. Section 43(5), however, speaks of a settlement of the contract,
and a contract is settled when it is either performed or the promise
dispenses with or remits, wholly or in part, the performance of the
promise made to him or accepts, instead of it, any satisfaction which he
thinks fit.
S.C. Kothari (SC) There was loss in illegal transactions and the question was whether it can
be taken into account in computing profits of same business of the
assessee or not. However if the business in which the loss was sustained
was the same as the business in which the profit was derived, then the
loss had to be taken into account while computing the profits of the
business. The assessee was not entitled to a set-off the loss from illegal
transaction against its profit in speculative transactions.
Mangal Chand (Raj) The actual delivery of share certificates along with the blank transfer
form, but without the same having been registered in the name of the
assessee would not bring it within the purview of section 43(5).
Rewashanker A. Kothari In order to determine whether profits arising on sale is business income,
(Gujarat High Court) this court has given the guidelines.
Bhikamchand Betala and Shares purchased from broker on principal to principal basis and resold
Sons (Gauhati High without taking physical delivery of shares. Loss by paying difference
Court) between purchase and sale value of shares is speculation loss. Not
Last minute revision material – May 2019 (CA Final DT) Page | 90
East India Housing And Letting of House Property is income under the head House Property
Land Development Trust because specific head of income is provide for such category of Income.
Ltd. (SC) If the income from a source falls within a specific head set out, the fact
that it may indirectly be covered by another head will not make the
income taxable under the latter head.
Neha Builders P. Ltd. Assessee engaged in development, construction, sale and lease of
(Gujarat High Court) immovable property. Properties treated as stock-in-trade. Income from
property assessable as business income.
Sultan Brothers (P) Ltd. There was composite letting of building fitted with furniture and fixtures
(SC) for the purpose of being run as a hotel. Income was derived from lease of
the rooms. Question was whether it is income from business or under the
head house property. Letting of building was inseparable from letting of
furniture and fixtures. The income is not assessable under the head house
Shambhu Investment P. The assessee had let out some portion of commercial space for use as
Ltd. (SC) table space with all facilities like security, power, water and other
common amenities. However agreement was that of tenancy. In such
situation held that income shall be assessable under the head house
Saptarshi Services Ltd. It was found after review of the case law on the subject, that the income
(Guj) of a sub-lessee developing the property as a business centre and providing
various services like provision of lift, services as those of receptionist
besides secretarial services, data processing, conference room, etc. with
many facilities, has necessarily to be assessed as business income.
Chennai Properties And Held that, it was clear that the assessee, as owner of the building, was
Investments Ltd. (Mad) only exploiting the property as owner by leasing out the same and
realising income by way of rent. Such rental income was liable to be
assessed under the head “Income from house property”.
Sri Hanuman Sugar And Income from lease of property should ordinarily be property income.
Industries Ltd. (Cal) Where it is a composite lease of factory, it would be assessable as income
from other sources. But in cases, where the business is merely suspended
with the lease agreement itself providing an option to the assessee-
company to determine the lease before the expiry of the period of lease,
it could well be assessable as business income.
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 91
Smt. Sureshini Mittal The firm was deriving only rental income, but because hiring was of a
(Allahabad High Court) cinema hall along with machinery, it is to be assessed as business income
in the hands of the firm. The other sources or house property chapter
would not be applicable here.
T.V. Sundaram Iyengar Where the assessee’s property was being used by employees of a sister
And Sons Ltd. (Mad) concern, a different inference would follow in that, such income could be
assessed only as income from property, as held in CIT v. T. V. Sundaram
Iyengar and Sons Ltd. [2004] 271 ITR 79 (Mad) distinguishing Modi
Industries' case.
Kohinoor Tobacco It was held that temporary letting out of property used normally for
Products P. Ltd. (Madhya business, which was not intended to be closed down, will be assessable
Pradesh High Court) as business income.
There is a mistaken view that income from commercial property should
be assessable as business income and that income from residential
properties alone should be assessable as income from property.
Mohiddin Hotels P. Ltd. Where a property is let out with all the infrastructure for running a hotel
(Bombay High Court) along with trained staff, the income of the owner is business income,
though described as rental.
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Rama Krishna Steel 1) Capital expenditure on the premises held as tenant is not a capital
Rolling Mill (Del) expenditure.
2) Expenditure on the repair of roof of said building is an allowable
3) Now explanation 1 to section 32 would prevail, that deems such
capital expenditure as building and assessee is now entitled to
depreciation accordingly as building.
Kalyanji Mavji And Co. Accumulated repairs is different than the term repair and oridinarily not
(SC) allowable as deduction under this section 30/31 but as an revenue
expenditure under the general section. Assessee was owner of coal mines
and while war it was requisitioned by the military people. When after the
war it was de-requisitioned assessee has to incur expenditure for bringing
the machinery in the working condition. Held that it as accumulated
repairs and thus allowable under section 37(1)
Volga Restaurant (Del) Large outlay in replacement of air conditioning plant and parts of electric
motor to renovate the same after fire is an allowable as deduction.
Madras Cements Ltd. In order to constitute “current repairs” the expenditure must have been
(Mad) incurred to “preserve and maintain” an already existing asset, and the
object of the expenditure must not be to bring a new asset into existence
or for obtaining a new advantage. Replacement implies the removal or
discarding of the thing that was in use, by a different or new thing capable
of performing the same function with the same or greater efficiency.
Janakiram Mills Ltd. In relation to Textile Mills, entire mill to be treated as one single plant
(Mad) and machines are only a part of it. Replacement of cards/blow room
machinery/combing machinery creates no new assets in process of
replacement of worn out machines and thus revenue expenditure. Such
replacement of worn out machinery expenditure can be considered either
under “current repairs” or under “expenditure laid out wholly and
exclusively for business”.
L. S. Mills Ltd. (Madras The replaced machinery did not bring about any asset or any distinct
High Court) advantage to the assessee and no structural change was also brought in.
The expenditure on replacement of machinery was revenue expenditure.
CIT v. Janakiram Mills Ltd. [2005] 275 ITR 403 (Mad) followed.
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 93
SEC 32 - Depreciation
Bharatbhai J. Vyas Upon the retirement of partner of firm amount was paid as goodwill. The
(Ahmedabad Bench) firm sought to claim depreciation on such sum. In light of that goodwill
cannot be treated on par with other intangible assets like know-how,
patents, copy right, trade mark or any business or commercial rights of
similar nature.
Turner International India Assessee engaged in providing satellite signals decoders owned by
P. Ltd. (Delhi High Court) assessee and given on loan to cable operators. Loan transactions forming
part of business of assessee in distributing satellite channels and signals
relating to satellite channels. Assessee entitled to depreciation.
Alankar Business Sale of business of manufacture and sale of soft drinks. Value of broken
Corporation Ltd. (AT) bottles and crates could not be reduced from written down value of assets.
Sale of business of manufacture and sale of soft drinks. Sale of goodwill.
Goodwill sold in a subsequent year so gains attributable to goodwill not
assessable in relevant assessment year.
Mahindra Sintered Block of assets need not be separated in respect to each of the business.
Products Ltd. (AT--
Mysore Mineral Ltd. Owner for the purpose of depreciation need not necessarily be the
(SC) registered owner. Person having the domain over the property qualifies
for the depreciation. It is also well settled that for one property there can
not be two owners simultaneously.
Mother Hospital Pvt. Ltd. Company reimbursied expenditure on construction of building owned by
(Kerala High Court) firm and company was using it for its business. There was no provision
in agreement for transfer of title to company however company is the user
of the property. Held in this case that assessee company is not owner of
building and thus not entitled to depreciation in respect of it.
Mohd. Bux Shokat Ali The consideration for the purchase of vehicles had been met by the firm
(No.2) (Raj) consisting of eight partners and debited to the books of account of the
firm only. It was also a finding of fact arrived at by the Tribunal that the
vehicles had been exclusively used for the purpose of the business of the
firm. Merely because, the vehicles had been registered under the Motor
Vehicles Act in the name of one of the partners only, it would not deprive
the firm of the ownership of the vehicle which is not distinct from its
Last minute revision material – May 2019 (CA Final DT) Page | 94
Fazilka Dabwali Tpt. Co. Buses were initially purchased by the directors of the assessee-company
Pvt. Ltd. (P&H) and the finance was raised by them from bankers in their individual
names. However, the buses were taken over by the assessee. When
assessee claimed the depreciation on the said buses it was rightly to be
allowed, although it was not registered in the name of the assessee. The
owner will include the beneficial owner also.
Rajshree Roadways (Raj) In respect of assets leased out in the course of leasing business, it is the
lessor, who is the owner though the asset is used by the lessee. Where the
agreement for lease clearly spells out the ownership of the lessor
indicating that the sale of the truck would be made to the lessee only after
the expiry of the lease, it follows that the lessor would be entitled to
depreciation as owner, while the lessee would be entitled to the deduction
of the lease rent paid by him.
S.B.I. Home Finance Ltd. In case of lease (operating lease) of property lessor will qualify for the
(Calcutta High Court) purpose of depreciation.
Alps Theater (SC) Depreciation available only on the building and not on the cost of the
Associated Floor Mill (P) Temple in the factory premises is eligible for depreciation.
Ltd (Gau)
Engine Valves Ltd. Canteen premises in the factory building would be same as factory
(Mad) building.
Gwalior Reyon Silk Mfg. Roads laid within factory premises as links or providing approach to the
Co. Ltd. (SC) buildings to carry on the business activity of the assessee are "buildings"
within the meaning of section 32. Depreciation is admissible on the
capital expenditure incurred thereon as "building". Equally, drains also
would be an integral part of the building for convenient enjoyment of the
factory. Depreciation would be available in the same manner on
expenditure incurred in laying drains.
Industrial Cables (India) Expenses or outlay on temporary roads linking workers' quarters with
Ltd. (Pun and Har) factory is revenue expenditure as was decided in CIT v. Industrial Cables
(India) Ltd. [2002] 254 ITR 267 (P&H). The reasoning was that
temporary structure does not spell out an enduring advantage.
Alternatively even otherwise it should have been eligible for 100%
depreciation, even if it were in the nature of capital expenditure by
treating such temporary roads as capital assets.
Jodhan Real Estate Sanitary pipeline fittings in a cinema theatre fall in the category of plant
Development Co. P. Ltd. and are entitled to depreciation at the rate of of plant.
Sangrur Vanaspati Mills Expenditure incurred by the assessee on the cost of powerline for
Ltd (Punjab and Haryana independent feeder, incurred prior to commencement of production, had
High Court) to be treated as part of plant and machinery being necessary for
commencement of production and had to be capitalized.
Geetha Hotels P. Ltd. Supreme Court in CIT v. Taj Mahal Hotel [1971] 82 ITR 44 “did not hold
(Mad) that the building in which a hotel was run was a plant. It was only held
that the sanitary fittings were one of the essential amenities which are
normally provided in any good hotel and such fittings, having regard to
the wide meaning required to be given to the word ‘plant’ were to be
regarded as “plant”.
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Scientific Engineering Plant is means of doing the business and not the place of doing the
House (P) Ltd. (SC) business
Warner Hinduatan Ltd. Well dug by the pharmacuiticle company in immediate vicinity of the
(AP) factory is plant eligible for the depreciation.
Girnar Construction Co. New bodies built on trucks qualifies for depreciation.
Astra-IDL Ltd (Kar) Functional test is decisive when building is to regarded as plant. Building
used by assessee solely for the manufacture and supply of medicine can
be regarded as plant.
Steel City Beverages Ltd. Bottles and crates used in the manufacture of the soft drink is not Plant,
V/S State Of Bihar (SC) since it is an investment for the storage of the final product and not linked
with the manufacture of the soft drink. Case relates to the issue of SSI,
where investment in the fixed capital was to be determined. Judgement is
based on the notification of the central government under the industrial
development and regulation act. 1951.
Delhi Airport Service The air-conditioner fixed in the bus was an integral part of the bus.
(Del) Therefore, the depreciation on air-conditioning plant should be allowed
at the rate applicable to the bus not at the rate applicable to the air-
conditioning plant.
Madurai Soft Drinks Pvt. Crates and bottles were entitled for depreciation at the rate of 100 per
Ltd. (Madras High Court) cent. The security deposit collected by the assessee from the agents and
retailers did not form part of the sale transaction.
Mahendra Mills (SC) Depreciation is a benefit to assessee and it can not be thrusted upon. The
term “ALLOWED” does not mean “NOTIONALLY ALLOWED”. A
thing is allowed when it is claimed. A previlidge can not can not be a dis-
advantage. Thus depreciation is optional. Finance act brought an
explanation to 32 to set at not the effect of this judgment.
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 97
“Used For The Purpose India tea and timber trading co. (Gau) user must be given the widest
Of Business And possible meaning to include the passive user also. Suhrid geigy Ltd.
Profession” A (Guj) Depreciation for the period building was not in existence can never
Controversy. (In be allowed as deduction. Oriental Coal (Cal) when factory in lock out for
Examination Condition the entire period of 12 m than is can not be said that it is used passively
User Includes Passive and depreciation be allowed on that. G.N. Agarwal (Bom) truck in repair
User) for the entire period of 12 m during the previous year qualifies for the
depreciation since it is used passively.
Pepsu Road Transport The assessee was a transport corporation. It had a large fleet of buses.
Corporation (P&H) These can normally be seen standing by the road side. Thus, it had to keep
spare engines in store. The engines are meant to be used in case of need.
There is a normal depreciation of value even when a machine or
equipment is merely kept in a store. Depreciation on such engine is
Circular 002/2001 Where asset is not factually not in to existence the allowance of
depreciation do not arise at all. Accounting standard on “lease” requires
lessee to capitalize the assets in the books of accounts, this by itself do
not entitle assessee to claim depreciation under the act.
Air Travel Enterprises Illegal use of the asset is not use for the purpose of business and
India Ltd. (Ker) profession. Where the permit is obtained only in the next succeeding year,
the assessee cannot be eligible for depreciation, though the asset was
apparently used without such permit during the year.
Anil Bulk Carriers P. Ltd. Where an assessee purchased a new truck on 17th February, 1997, built
(Allahabad High Court) up a body thereon and claimed to have brought it to use before 31st
March, 1997, officer did not believe it. However it was fined by the
Transport Department for having used the truck before registration on
31st March, so that such finding became evidence of use. Since it was
used it must qualify for the purpose of depreciation.
Rishiroop Polymers P. Machines ready for use but not actually used are not eligible for
Ltd. (Income-tax depreciation. No manufacturing activity for five years in assessee’s
Appellate Tribunal-- factory due to strike/lock out thus depreciation not allowable on such non-
Mumbai) use of asset forming part of block of assets. Mearly because assets form
part of block of asset will not make it eligible for depreciation.
Yellamma Dasappa Machinery kept ready for use. But no evidence of actual use. Assessee
Hospital (Kar) not entitled to depreciation.
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Dineshkumar Gulabchand The word “used” in section 32 of the Income-tax Act, 1961, denotes that
Agrawal (Bom) the asset has been actually used and not that it is merely ready for use.
The expression “used” means actually used for the purposes of the
Indian Express (Madurai) Is it necessary that the assessee should use the plant and machinery on
Pvt. Ltd. (Mad) which depreciation is claimed exclusively by it ? In CIT v. Indian Express
(Madurai) Pvt. Ltd. [2002] 255 ITR 68 (Mad), it was held that the fact
that the product of the machinery is used by a sister concern should not
stand in the way of the claim being allowed.
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 99
Om Sindhoori Capital, JWSIL was owner of a furnace (Purchased in 1976 for 1,78,000) and this
Investment Ltd. furnace was claimed to have been sold (Rs. 1 crore) to assessee and then
(Chennai)(ITAT) it was leased back to JWSIL. On this amount assessee claimed
depreciation at 100 per cent. In instant case Explanation 4A to section
43(1) was attracted therefore, the cost to assessee would have to be
limited to written down value as in hands of lessee before its transfer to
Investment Trust of India Assessee running leasing business. Assets were purchased and leased
Ltd. (presently known as back to same person. Assessee is entitled to depreciation and whether
HFCL Infotel Ltd.) (AT-- asset put to use by lessee not material.
Ashwin Vanaspati Assessing officer is empowered to determine actual cost only if transfer
Industries (Guj) of assets was for claiming depreciation on enhanced cost as per
explanation 3 to section 43(1). Where assessee is taking over assets of
other person on its dissolution and depreciation is claimed on enhanced
value of only three items there is no evidence that transfer was made with
a view to claiming depreciation on enhanced cost.
Sahney Steel And Press If payments in the nature of subsidy from public funds are made to the
Works Ltd. (SC) assessee to assist him in carrying on his trade or business, they are trade
receipts. The character of the subsidy in the hands of the
recipient_whether revenue or capital_will have to be determined, having
regard to the purpose for which the subsidy is given. However, if the
purpose is to help the assessee to set up its business or complete a project
the monies must be treated as having been received for capital purposes.
But if monies are given to the assessee for assisting him in carrying out
the business operations and the money is given only after and conditional
upon commencement of production, such subsidies must be treated as
assistance for the purpose of the trade. Such subsidies were of revenue
nature and would have to be taxed accordingly.
Sirpur Paper Mill (SC) If asset is damaged by the fire and excess insurance claim has been
received then it cannot go down to reduce the WDV since only those
assets that are sold, discarded, demolished, destroyed are covered.
Tata Iron And Steel Co. The manner of repayment of a loan cannot affect the cost of the assets
Ltd. (SC) acquired by the assessee. What is the actual cost depends on the amount
paid by the assessee to acquire the asset. The amount may have been
borrowed by the assessee. But even if the assessee did not repay the loan
it will not alter the cost of the asset. If the borrower defaults in repayment
of a part of the loan, the cost of the asset will not change. What has to be
borne in mind is that the cost of an asset and the cost of raising money for
purchase of the asset are two different and independent transactions.
Hinduatan Times Ltd. When residential building is converted in to commercial building than
(SC) commercialisation charges paid to land development officer is cost of the
conversion of land that will add to the value of land which is not entitled
for the depreciation. Than later again such payment was made for the
construction of additional floors on the existing structure is cost of the
building and not an case of improvement to the land. One can not say that
payment is for the use of the land since earlier it has already converted in
to commercial land.
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 101
United province U/s 41(2) moneys are taxable when received. Where government
electricity supply co. (SC) determined the compensation and assessee accepted the payment subject
to dispute of valuation, it will be taxable in the year of receipt. Because
of the dispute if additional compensation is paid later on than it will be
taxable as business income. If later on compensation is reduced than must
resort to other remedies for refund. Even if original payment was said as
ad-hoc price, yet it was against the purchase price and sum was taxable
u/s 41(2) as balancing charge.
Last minute revision material – May 2019 (CA Final DT) Page | 102
Ciba Of India (SC) Buying the fruits of else’s research is not eligible for the deduction. I.e
Royalty like payment for the use of the secret formula is not a expenditure
on scientific research.
National Reyon (Bom) When research is done as per the direction of the assessee than it is an
expenditure on scientific research.
Sandoz India Ltd (Bom) Assessee was engaged in manufacture of dye-stuffs and pesticides.
Assessee incurred expenditure on laying approach road to its research and
development laboratories. The road was necessary and adjunct to
research laboratories. Held that expenditure was incurred solely for
scientific research related to business of assessee and that same might
also be used as approach road to other buildings of assessee is immaterial.
Expenditure is allowable deduction under section 35.
Bharat Ram Charat Ram When payment of rent is made to a third party but on behalf of the
(P) Ltd. (Del) scientific research association is similar to contribution to scientific
research association and thus qualifies for the purpose of the deduction.
This was so held based on the genuineness of the case.
Sunderam Fastetner Ltd. ‘incurred’ in relation to section 35 is to be understood as per the method
(Mad) of accounting followed by the assessee thus assets on which depreciation
was claimed regularly when transferred to S/R department must eligible
for the deduction on its WDV.
J.K. Synthetics V/S UOI When payment is made S/R institution subject to its approval qualifies
(SC) for the deduction when later on approval has been granted.
Rane Brake Linings Ltd. The deduction on account of scientific research is for the expenditure to
(Mad) the extent incurred. Expenditure incurred on on-going construction of a
building designed for housing the research wing is clearly capital
expenditure and is deductible.
Multi Metals Ltd. Vs. Cit For the purposes of depreciation it is enough if the assessee owns the asset
(Raj) but for the benefit of allowance under section 35, the assessee should
incur expenditure for scientific research. In the absence of such a
provision, the mere transfer entry in the books of account from one head
to other head does not make the assessee eligible for deduction under
section 35.
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 103
U.P. Electronic Business for the purpose of section 35 would include the business of
Corporation Ltd. consultancy services also. Also that business has to be understood in a
(Allahabad High Court) wider sense to include business owned by the subsidiaries.
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Madras Fertilizer Ltd. Word survey includes the advertisement expense but shall not include the
(Mad) warehousing charges and depreciation
Shree Synthetics Ltd. 35D(2) of the Income-tax Act starts with the words " where the assessee
(MP) is a company, also expenditure ", which read with sub-clause (iv), viz., "
in connection with the issue, for public subscription of shares in or
debentures of the company, being underwriting commission, brokerage
and charges for drafting, typing, printing and advertisement of the
prospectus", indicates that the word "being" used there is " illustrative
and not restrictive ". The word " being "would include the last stage in
connection with the issue of shares, namely, even refund of the amount
of over subscription.
Berger Paints India Ltd Assessee collecting premium on issue of shares is neither a long-term
(Delhi High Court) borrowing nor a debenture. Not part of “capital employed in business of
company” within meaning of section 35D.
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 105
East India Pharmasuiticle Interest on the borrowal made for the payment of income tax is not
Work (SC) allowable as deduction.
India Cements (SC) The appellant obtained a loan of Rs. 40 lakhs from the Industrial Finance
Corporation secured by a charge on its fixed assets. In connection
therewith it spent a sum of Rs. 84,633 towards stamp duty, registration
fees, lawyer's fees, etc., and claimed this amount as business expenditure.
Held, that the amount spent was not in the nature of capital expenditure
and was laid out or expended wholly and exclusively for the purpose of
the assessee's business and was therefore allowable as a deduction.
Expenditure in connection with the raising of funds is an allowable
expenditure u/s 37(1) and not governed by 36(1) (iii).
Madhav Prasad Jatia (SC) Interest on borrowed money for the payment of donation is not an
allowable since it personal obligation to do so.
Calico Dying And Interest on money borrowed for the purpose of investing in the new plant
Printing Works (Bom) and machinery is an allowable deduction since we have not to see the
whether investment is made in capital asset or an revenue asset.
Belapur Co. Ltd. (Bom) Interest on money borrowed for the payment of divided is an allowable
Expended Metal Interest on Money’s borrowed for the commencing whole new business
Manufactures (All) of rubber when existing business is that of metal considering that it one
business altogether is an allowable deduction
Kanhiram Ramgopal Interest on money’s borrowed for the expansion of the business is an
(MP) allowable deduction.
Alembic Glass (Guj) In order to start new unit the money was borrowed and interest there on
was allowable as deduction.
Middle East Construction Money borrowed and invested in the government securities since it was
Equipment (Ori) required to do so as per government’s rules and regulations to obtain the
work contract from state government. Interest on money so borrowed is
allowable as deduction.
Last minute revision material – May 2019 (CA Final DT) Page | 106
Bombay Steam Capital means money only. Thus if any compensation paid for the
Navigation (SC) delayed payment of purchase consideration of amalgamation will not
qualify as deduction u/s 36(1)(iii). However such compensation is
revenue in nature and fully allowable as deduction.
Veecumsees Ltd (SC) Interest on capital borrowed for the purpose of discontinued activity is an
allowable deduction.
Bharat Commerce And Interest on capital borrowed for the discharging the VDIS tax liability is
Industries Ltd. V/C CIT not allowable as deduction.
Gopal Bansilal Inani (SC) Interest paid by HUF to its co-parceners on the moneys lent by them is
not an allowable deduction.
V.P. Gopinathan (SC) When interest is paid on the loan taken on the security of fixed deposits
by itself do not qualify for the purpose of deduction. What in reality to be
seen is the utilization of the borrowed money. If it was utilised for the
purpose of business or profession than the interest on loan shall qualify
for the purpose of deduction.
Saraswati Chemicals and The interest paid by the assessee to the directors on undisbursed salaries
Allied Industries (P.) Ltd. did not constitute interest on capital borrowed for the purpose of the
(Del) business within the meaning of section 36(1)(iii).
Core Healthcare Ltd. Interest which is capitalized in the books of accounts, after the
(Guj) commencement of the business but before an asset is first put to use cant
be allowed as a deduction under section 36(1)(iii).
JCT Ltd. (Calcutta High The interest paid before the asset was first put to use would be included
Court) in the actual cost and then it is to be treated as capital expenditure eligible
for being capitalized on which depreciation would be admissible.
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 107
Tin Box Co. (Del) Part of the disallowance on account of interest is not justified where
interest free loan were granted to sister concern of the assessee. Also
noted that assessee had sufficient funds available to cover the interest free
loans to sister concerns.
Lokhandwala The High Court found that the borrowing was for the purpose of business
Construction Inds. Ltd. and in fact for a developer, the land is stock-in-trade. In fact, even if it
(Bom) were for acquiring a capital asset, it would have been deductible as held
by the Supreme Court in India Cements Ltd. v. CIT [1966] 60 ITR 52.
Kejriwal Enterprises (Cal) The assessee has borrowed money for investment in joint venture
company. The the issue as to whether money was lying as mere
application money or investment in shares or whether interest was
payable or it was interest free would not be relevant in the facts and
circumstances of the case, as long as it was a borrowing for business
purposes and it was so applied for such purposes. Thus the interest was
allowable as deduction.
Indian Shavings Products Interest on borrowed capital to be deductible, it should be for purposes of
Ltd. (Raj) business. Where dealing in shares is not the business of the assessee,
interest on money borrowed for acquiring shares cannot be allowed as a
business deduction under section 36(1)(iii) of the Act.
S.A. Builders Ltd. (P&H) Where the money borrowed was diverted for giving interest free loans to
sister concerns, the proportionate interest attributable to such loans could
be legitimately disallowed by the Assessing Officer.
Dakshesh S. Shah (Bom) Interest on capital borrowed for acquiring shares is not allowable as
deduction against dividend income since such income is exempt from tax.
Also section 14A applies. However such interest could be capitalized
with the cost of the shares CIT v. Maithreyi Pai [1985] 152 ITR 247
Radico Khaitan Ltd. (All) Assessee company had sufficient funds other than the borrowed money
for giving the amount in question as loan to its sister concern, which
finding had not been specifically challenged in the present appeal, the
conditions of section 36(1)(iii) of the Act had been complied with and,
therefore, the assessee company was entitled to full allowance of the
amount of interest paid by it on borrowed capital.
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S. A. Builders Ltd. Interest on money borrowed from bank and lent to sister concern without
(Supreme Court of India) charging interest whether allowable ? Test is same as that for allowance
of business expenditure, viz., “for the purpose of the business”. It will be
allowable if made as a measure of commercial expediency.
Harish Krishnakant Bhatt Interest on capital borrowed for the investment in shares where dividend
(Ahmedabad Bench) is exempt is not allowed as deduction. In light of section 14A.
Kwality Fun Foods and Advance paid for construction of cold storage. Work not done and part of
Restaurants P. Ltd. (AT) advance not recoverable. Such loss was on capital account and not
(Chennai) deductible.
L. K. Trust (Karnataka Asset purchased with borrowed capital must be put to use. borrowed
High Court) capital used to purchase shares. Shares not issued. Interest not deductible.
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 109
Venketasubbiah Reddiar Horse in business of horse races can be said to have become permanently
(Mad) useless when race club authorities issued the certificate of revocation for
that horse.
Shri Krishna Dairy & Calves in dairy business when sold can not be give rise to any profits
Agricultural Farm (AP) since it is capital asset for the assessee, more over it can not even be
subjected to capital gains on the grounds of B.C. shriniwasa shetty (SC).
T. Veerbhadra Rao (SC) Successor of the business is entitled to deduction on account of bad debts
for the debts incurred by the predecessor.
Mysore Sugar Co. Ltd. Advance in the course of the business when becomes irrecoverable than
(SC) it amounts to the bad debts. In case of assessee in sugar industry advance
for the seedlings, fertilizer etc was contracted to be given to the farmers
and was to be recovered against the crop. However during the year
because of bad monsoon the crop faild and the advance to the farmers
could not be recovered. Such advance was allowable as deduction on
account of bad debt.
Vithaldas H. Dhanjibhai In books of accounts debited the profit and loss account but credited the
Bardanwala (Guj) suspense a/c is valid entry qualifying for the deduction.
Indian Aluminium (SC) The amount which the assessee was bound to deduct from the payment
made to the non-resident and which it failed to recover from that company
could not be regarded as a bad debt and the payment made under a
statutory obligation because the assessee was in default could not
constitute expenditure laid out for the purpose of the assessee's business.
Birla Bros (P) Ltd. (SC) Guarantee was given by the company for its selling agent and ultimately
it was required to be paid by the assessee since the selling agent was
insolvent held that it is not allowable as deduction on the grounds that
1. It was not the obligation of the assessee as the per terms of the agency
to give such guarantee
2. It was never found that it was so done in the oridinary course of the
assessee’s business.
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B.D. Bharucha (SC) Advance for commitment of release of movie in the specified period is to
be regarded as in the oridinary course of the business of film line. And
thus when such advance becomes irrecvoerable is loss in the course of
the business.
Travancore Tea Estate 1) At what point of time debt has became bad is pure question of fact
Co. Ltd. (SC) and thus and thus the appeal in this matter can not lie to the supreme
2) Claim of BD at time matter pending in the arbitration is not
allowable as deduction.
Difference Between Considered the matter of the share broker and also apply to the similar
“Taken In To Account” cases. When share broker buys share for his client for Rs. 100 and bills
And “Taxed As Income” 102 with the brokerage of Rs. 2 the taxed amount is only 2 and not 102.
Under Section 36(2). If he could not recover 102 can claim it as bad debts since it is taken in to
account in computing the income as per section 36(2)
Sri Ram Gupta (Decd.) Loan granted to company by assessee becoming irrecoverable. It was
(Allahabad High Court) written off as bad debt. Mere failure to initiate legal proceeding would
not make bad debt recoverable. It is for assessee to take or not to take
legal proceedings to recover loan. deduction to be allowed on account of
bad debts.
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 111
Concepta Cables Ltd. Bad debt. Non-banking financial company NBFC not entitled to
(Income-tax Appellate deduction on account of provision for advances.
Oman International Bank No obligation on part of assessee to prove that debt written off by him
Saog (Income-tax has become a bad debt in previous year for 36(1)(vii).
Appellate Tribunal--
Samiran Majumdar The printer and scanner were an integral part of the computer system and
(Calcutta Bench) they were to be treated as computer for the purpose of allowing higher
rate of depreciation.
Southern Roadways Ltd. Computer is a capital asset, so that its cost is not admissible as a revenue
(Madras High Court) expenditure. The assessee is only entitled to depreciation, but that does
not mean that the cost of upgrading should be capital expenditure.
Southern Roadways Ltd. Upgradation of computers by changing certain parts thereby enhancing
(Madras High Court) the configuration of the computers for improving their efficiency, but,
without making any structural alterations is not of an enduring nature.
Further the assessee had not acquired any computer software. The
expenditure incurred by the assessee had therefore to be treated as
revenue expenditure.
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Circular 786 Any commission to NR-agents out side India does not accrue or arise in
India and thus no tax is required to be deducted there on. When such
payment is made out side India without deduction of tax at source is
justified and can not be disallowed under 40(a)
Nestle India Ltd. (Delhi Where tax is deducted in the month of march and payment is made within
High Court) due date of section 200 in next month, there shall be no dis-allowance
regarding it as violation of deduction of tax at source.
Smith Kline & French Surtax is nothing but the amount of tax only and thus is to be disallowed.
India Ltd. (SC), Eskayef
S. K. Engineering Reasonableness to be seen from view point of businessman and not from
(Income-tax Appellate view point of revenue authorities for allowing deduction.
Ganesh Soaps Works Commission paid to wife on the fact being unreasonable shall be
(MP) disallowed.
Attarsingh Ghanmukh The word "expenditure" in section 40A(3) has not been defined in the
Singh (SC) Act. It is a word of wide import. Section 40A(3) refers to the expenditure
incurred by the assessee in respect of which payment is made. It means
that all outgoings are brought under the word "expenditure" for the
purpose of the section. The expenditure for purchasing stock-in-trade is
one of such outgoings. Section 40A(3) is, therefore, attracted to payments
made for acquiring stock-in-trade and other materials. Payment for the
acquisition of stock in trade is covered even if such stock is lying in the
closing stock.
Aakash Films (Kar) Payment for the distribution of films in film industry is an allowable
expenditure and thus liable for the consideration under this section.
Smt. Santosh jain (Punjab Where there is estimate of income and application of gross profit rate.
and Haryana High Court) Disallowance cannot be made under section 40A(3) on account of cash
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Mahindra and Mahindra Where a capital liability is waived it can not be regarded as income of the
Ltd (Bom) assessee under section 41. However it can not be regarded as benefit or
perquisite out of the exercise of business or profession. This such waiver
of capital liability is not taxable.
CIT Vs. Assessee collected the expected sales tax liability and there after the
Thirumalaiswamy Naidu money was not paid to the government is deemed income of the assessee
And Sons; (SC) however if later on it is paid to the government or to the purchaser should
be allowed as deduction
Chowrangee Sales Bureau The appellant, a private company dealing in furniture, also acted as an
(P) Ltd (SC) auctioneer. In respect of the sales effected by it as auctioneer, the
appellant realised in addition to the commission, Rs. 32,986 as sales tax.
This amount was credited separately in its account books under the head
"Sales tax collection account". The appellant did not pay the amount of
sales tax to the actual owner of the goods. Nor did it deposit the amount
realised by it as sales tax in the State Exchequer, because it took the
position that the statutory provision creating that liability upon it was not
valid, or refund it to the persons from whom it had been collected. Held
that the sum of Rs. 32,986 realised as sales tax by the appellant in its
character as an auctioneer formed part of its trading or business receipts.
D. Shankaraiah (SC) Where assessee is agent, amont of sales tax collected from purchasers and
not deposited with sales tax department do not constitute trading receipt.
Where assessee received refund from sales tax department it also do not
constitute trading receipt and thus not taxable in the hands of the assessee
being an agent. [I.e. Principal will be subject to tax.]
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 115
Gujarat Polycrete (SC) As per the subsidy scheme of the state government some times the sales
tax has been deferred. I.e. Assessee is given liberty to pay the monies at
the future point of time. Say after 10 years. This is so done by converting
the amount of sales tax due in to loan to assessee. I.e. assessee as good as
made payment to the sales tax department and in turn borrowed money
from the sales tax department. Held in the court that assessee was entitled
to the deduction under section 43B of the income tax act for the amount
covered by the deferred payment scheme of the state government even
when actual payment is not made to the sales tax department.
[Appropriate amendment under the sales tax must be brought to affect the
scheme Or appropriate notification must be issued.] Circular 674, 496
Devendra Udhyog (Raj) The amount of sales tax collected had not been converted into loan as
required under the Circular 496 is the income of the assessee.
Gorelal Dubey (SC) Royalty payable to the government is a not a tax. Thus it is not governed
by the provision of 43B.
Orient Beverages Ltd. The interest payable for arrears of municipal taxes is really compensatory
(Cal) in nature and not a penalty or tax. Thus for the payment of interest 43B
can not be applied.
Ganeshka Kanoi Tea Co. Assessing Officer disallowed the contribution to a recognised provident
(P.) Ltd. (Cal) (AT) fund on the ground that the deposit of provident fund collections was not
made on the due date. Held, that since the tea estates were in remote areas,
the provident fund authorities had authorised the manager/superintendent
of the tea estates to act on behalf of them. Thus the disallowance under
section 43B is not tenable in law.
Mewar Motors (Raj) The object of section 43B is to curb the activities of those taxpayers who
do not discharge their statutory liability of payment of sales tax or excise
duty for long periods but claim deduction in that regard from the income
on the ground that the liability to pay this amount had been incurred by
them in the relevant previous year. Interest paid is part of the sales tax.
Interest payable to the Sales Tax Department is also “tax” and the
provisions of section 43B of the Act are applicable thereto.
National Standard Where sales tax payable is exempted, adjusted or set off in accordance
Duncan Ltd. (Cal) with sales tax rules, such sales tax should be treated as actually paid and
allowed as a deduction under section 43B of the Income-tax Act
Berger Paints India Ltd The entire amount of excise duty/customs duty paid by the assessee in a
(SC) particular accounting year is allowable under section 43B, as a deduction
in respect of that year, irrespective of the amount of excise duty/customs
duty included in the valuation of the assessee’s closing stock at the end
of the accounting year as relating thereto.
Mohinder Kumar And Whatever is paid to the Excise Department does not necessarily become
Party (Rajasthan High excise, so as to be covered under section 43B to require payment before
Court) deduction could be allowed.
Distillers Co. Ltd. An excise duty which is in the nature of tax can be imposed only by a
(Supreme Court of India) statute which answers the description of article 265 of the Constitution of
India. Thus covered by 43B.
The additional amount paid as fee for permission for bottling arrack
without having such arrack matured in wooden vats for at least fifteen
days and the amount paid for not affixing labels on bottles are not
payments in connection with manufacture of excisable articles. It is not
in nature of penalty or additional excise duty and thus not covered by
Ideal Sheet Metal Excise duty collected from customers and kept in a separate account is
Stampings and Pressing P. not deductible. Allowable as per 43B upon payment basis. It is assessable
Ltd. (Guj) as trading receipt.
Mugat Dyeing and Bank guarantee given to excise department is not equivalent to payment
Printing Mills (Guj) till it is invoked by the party entitled to it. Thus not entitled to deduction
u/s 43B.
United Cardamom Amount collected as sales tax, additional sales tax and handling charges
Auctioners (Kerala High but not paid to department is includible as assessee’s income.
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 117
Venkata Rao (T.D.) Vs. Chartered accountants, by reason of their training have special aptitude
Union Of India (SC) in the matter of audits. It is reasonable that they, who form a class by
themselves, should be required to audit the accounts of businesses u/s
44AB. An income-tax practitioner does not have the same expertise as a
chartered accountant in the matter of accounts. Hence, excluding them
for purposes of auditing accounts does not violate articles 14 and 19 of
the Constitution of India. Section 44AB is valid.
Surajmal Parsuram Todi. Where assessee is penalised under section 271A [failure to maintain the
(Gau) books of accounts as per 44AA]. After that there can be no possibility of
any offence as contemplated by section 44AB [audit of books of
accounts] and, therefore, penalty cannot be imposed under section 271B
of the Act.
Staywell Hotels P. Ltd. Where there was a delay only of two months in filing the audit certificate
(Madhya Pradesh High under section 44AB, it was found that penalty being discretionary could
Court) not have been levied, since the delay was short and an explanation was
also furnished for the delay.
Manohar Ram Chandra The argument that section 44AD of the Act does not apply to sub-
Patil (Ori) contracts and applies only to a contract cannot be accepted. Thus contract
for 44AD also includes the sub-contract.
Sri Balaji Agencies (AT) 44AF is specifically applicable to persons engaged in retail trade.
(Chennai) However, in this case, the assessee-firm was a wholesale dealer. Section
44AF will be applicable only where assessee carries on retail business.
Shivani Builders (AT) Assessee maintaining accounts and income higher than presumptive
(Ahmedabad) income of 44AD (civil construction). Held 44AD is not applicable.
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Peerless Securities Ltd. Setting up and commencement of business. In the case of a trader, it may
(Calcutta Bench) be inferred that he had set up his business when he had acquired stocks
for sale. However, in the case of a manufacturer, he should be in a
position to manufacture on a commercial basis, before he could be
inferred, that he has set up the business.
In the case of a stock broking firm, where the claim related to a lump sum
payment to a stock exchange as development fee and fees for operating
on the floor of the exchange, besides training fee payable to the stock
exchange for training of its employees, besides the fee for setting up a
small apparatus it can be said that business was setup. Except for payment
of development fee which was capital expenditure, all the other expenses
are deductible, whether they were lump sum payments or periodical
payments, because the assessee had already set up its business.
Assam Bengal Cement Protection fees to avoid the competition is capital in nature and thus if
(SC) any paid for the specific period is capital in nature.
Coal Shipment (P) Ltd. Payment to avoid competition is revenue in nature since agreement was
(SC) terminable at the option of the assessee.
Mcdowell and Co. Ltd. Non-competition fee was paid by assessee. Entire expenditure incurred
(Kar) revenue in nature and allowable.
M.K. Bros (SC) Payment to discharge a debt is capital in nature. Assessee was
commission agent and it forgo its agency rights for consideration. When
such consideration was set off against the sum payable on account of loan
it is income of the assessee even if actually not received by the assessee.
Sital Pur Sugar Works Expenditure on shifting of plant and machinery is capital expenditure.
Devidas Vithaldas (SC) Payment for acquisition of goodwill is capital expenditure and for the use
of the same is revenue expenditure.
Bijlee Cotton Mills (SC) Any sum called as “Dharmada” collected together with the sales is ear
marked specifically and can not be termed as surcharge on sale and can
not be termed as part of the trading receipt.
Nanalal Mansukhram Interest paid on such charities as covered by Bijlee Cotton Mills (SC) is
(Guj) an allowable deduction.
Bharat Steel Tubes Ltd. Commission paid for engaging a premises for rent would partake of the
(Del) character of normal revenue expenditure of the business. But in this case
the amount paid was Rs. 21,110, while the annual rent was only Rs.2,625.
It is probably in these circumstances, that the amount was treated as
salami or premium and was disallowed.
Gopal Das Estate (Del) The amount of brokerage was paid at the rate of 11/3 times the monthly
rent. As against this, the benefits secured were also required to be taken
into consideration as also the loss, which would be suffered by the brokers
on the lower rate of monthly rent on account of higher security deposit
and advance paid by the persons/tenants. In view of the totality of the
situation, no interference was called for in this matter and the brokerage
is to be allowed as deduction to assessee.
UCO Bank Vs. Tax treatment of Stick Loans. However, by circular dated October 9,
Commissioner Of 1984, the Board decided that interest in respect of doubtful debts credited
Income-Tax (SC) to suspense account by banking companies would be subjected to tax but
interest charged in an account where there has been no recovery for three
consecutive accounting years would not be subjected to tax in the fourth
year and onwards. The circular also stated that if there is any recovery in
the fourth year or later, the actual amount recovered only would be
subjected to tax in the respective years. Such circulars are valid and can
not be said in contradiction with section 145A (Method of Accounting)
Calcutta Co. Ltd. (SC) The assessee is to be allowed deduction of a provision in respect of what
he has undertaken by way of amenities, when it had sold a plot in a layout.
This has been followed in a number of cases. It was for this reason that
the warranty claim is also found allowable in other cases.
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Kanakateegala The assessee as organiser had formed a scheme for each group with 250
Enterprises (Andhra members expected to contribute specified monthly subscription on due
Pradesh High Court) date. A lottery was drawn for each month, with a single winner in the lot
being awarded a vehicle. When the scheme ran out after 40 months, the
210 members who were not lucky to win the lot would get back the
subscriptions paid without interest only if they had paid their
subscriptions without default. The assessee made provision for the
members who were likely to get the refund back was not allowed on the
grounds of contingent liability.
U. P. Upbhokta Sahkari Amount given by government for distribution to specified persons does
Sangh Ltd. (All) not constitute income of assessee.
Elgin Mills Co. Ltd. (All) Liability to contribute to expenditure of marriage of daughters of
employees is a liability contingent in nature. Actual contribution in year
alone deductible.
IBM India Ltd. (AT-- Provision for warranty liability is deductible. cost of application software
Bangalore) is revenue expenditure. Amount received for training skilled personnel
and sharing customer data base is revenue receipt.
Indian Transformers Ltd. As regards warranty claims, the High Court followed not only this
(Ker) decision on leave encashment by the Supreme Court, but also the decision
in Calcutta Co. Ltd. v. CIT [1959] 37 ITR 1 for the principle that a certain
liability in future is not a contingent liability even as held by the Privy
Council in IRC v. Mitsubishi Motors New Zealand Ltd. [1996] 222 ITR
697 (PC) specifically on the subject of warranty. The decision of the High
Court based upon these well established precedents should merit
acceptance, subject to such provision being reasonable.
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 121
Associated Cement Expenditure incurred to Install water pipe line, electricity, roads in lieu
Company (SC) of municipal taxes is a revenue in nature.
Lakshmiji Sugar Mill Contribution to cane development council for the development of
(SC) infrastructure is revenue in nature
Coats Viyella India Ltd. Payment made to government for construction of new bridge providing
(Mad) access to assessee’s factory for its workmen and movement of goods is a
revenue expenditure and allowable as deduction. The fact that such
contribution resulted in a capital asset would not make any difference,
because the assessee is not the owner of such asset created by the
Madras Refineries Ltd. The amount spent for bringing drinking water as also for establishing or
(Mad) improving the school meant for the residents of the locality in which the
business was situated could not be regarded as being wholly outside the
ambit of the business concerns of the assessee, especially where the
undertaking owned by the assessee was one which was to some extent a
polluting industry. The expenditure was deductible
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India Cements (SC) Expenditure in connection with the raising of funds is an allowable
Brooke Bond India Ltd. Expenditure on additional issue of share capital is capital expenditure.
Hindustan Insecticides Fees paid to registrar of companies for increasing share capital is capital
Ltd. (Del) expenditure and not allowable as deduction. Also section 35D deduction
could not be given since it was not in connection with the extension of
Punjab State Industrial Fees paid to registrar of companies for enhancement of capital is a capital
Develoment Corporation expenditure.
Ltd (SC)
Kodak India Ltd (SC) Expenditure on the issue of capital is an capital expenditure. Even if such
capital is to be issued under the direction of the Reserve Bank of India to
reduce the non resident holding to 40 %. Such cases are also not covered
by 35D. It is needed to amend the 35D cover such cases since assessee
do not loose the chance to claim it as deduction.
General Insurance Expenses incurred in connection with issue of bonus shares are deductible
Corporation Of India as revenue expenditure. A case relating to expenditure on the issue of
(No.1) (Bom) bonus shares should merit a favourable view, since there is no effective
increase in capital because the issue is only out of reserves forming part
of the net owned fund.
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 123
Madras Auto Service (P.) Under an agreement of lease the assessee obtained certain premises for a
Ltd. (SC) period of thirty nine years at Bangalore. The building was of the
ownership of the lessor. Therefore, by spending this money on
reconstruction, the assessee did not acquire any capital asset. The only
advantage which the assessee derived by spending the money was that it
got the lease of a new building at a low rent. The expenditure was,
therefore, to be treated as revenue expenditure.
Mukund Ltd. (Income-tax Lump sum paid as non-refundable “premium” for securing leasehold
Appellate Tribunal-- rights to land for factory in industrial area from state development
Mumbai) corporation. It is not a sum paid as advance rent. Enduring advantage in
form of 99 year lease. It is capital expenditure.
Tunga Bhadra Industries Premium on redemption is allowable as deduction in the year in which it
(Cal) is paid.
Universal Cables Ltd. Premium payable on redemption of debentures issued during year is to be
(Cal) allowed proportionately each year over period for redemption.
Expenditure On The Issue At the ITAT level the controversy exist that gives two opinion
Of The Convertible
1) The convertible debentures is nothing but the capital and thus
expenditure is on issue of capital and thus not to be allowed as
2) What is to be seen is nature of borrowing in the assessment year and
what happens at the later point of time is not a material criteria for
the year in debate. And thus expenditure is revenue in nature and
qualifies for the deduction.
Both the view is equally possible and one has to mention both in the
examination condition.
Gemini Arts P. Ltd. (Mad) Premium paid for lease of land has been generally understood as capital
expenditure. But in this case payment of a lump sum for a lease of 48
years was found to be eligible for deduction as revenue expenditure. That
"whatever substitutes for revenue expenditure should normally be
considered as revenue expenditure".
Last minute revision material – May 2019 (CA Final DT) Page | 124
Hede Consultancy Pvt. The assessee had taken a godown on lease. It spent Rs. 9,20,436 for
Ltd. (Bom) converting the godown premises into office by renovating it, incurring
expenses on interior decoration. since the assets created by spending the
said amounts did not belong to the assessee but the assessee got the
business advantage of using modern business premises at a low rent, thus
saving considerable revenue expenditure for a considerably long period,
the Tribunal was perfectly justified in coming to the conclusion that the
expenditure should be looked upon as revenue expenditure.
Khimline Pumps Ltd. Where a premium is paid for acquiring leasehold rights from a lessee with
(Bom) the unexpired period of such lease being about 70 years, such amount
should necessarily be treated as capital expenditure.
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 125
Sasson J. David (SC) Payment of 6 months compensation to the employees in the scheme of
transfer of management is an allowable deduction since company in turn
to get benefited by the better management. When there is going to be the
reduction in the wage bill of the company there is going to be increase in
the profitability of business.
Ahemedablad Cotton Fine paid to textile commissioner for the non performance of promised
Mfg. Co. Ltd. (SC) export at the option of the assessee is an allowable deduction.
H. Hirjee (SC) Hoarding and profiteering ordience was violated and there was criminal
proceeding initiated and the cost of the suit is not an allowable deduction.
Dhanrajgirji Raja What is to be seen is whether there was initiated proceeding in the
Naraingirgi (SC) character of being a trader or not irrespective of whether it was civil or
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Haji Aziz & Abdul Penalty for the confiscation of the goods is not an allowable deduction
Shakoor Bros (SC) since There is violation of customs law
Prakesh Cotton Mill (SC) Penalty is of two types compensatory and penal. To the extent of
compensatory in nature is allowable deduction.
Standard Batteries (SC) Penalty under 36(3) of the Bombay Sales Tax Act for delayed payment
of sales tax is of both compensatory and as well as penal in nature.
Lachmandas Mathuradas Should interest on sales tax arrears be treated differently from interest
(SC) under income-tax law Since sales tax unlike income-tax is an allowable
deduction, it can be disallowed only if it is for violation of law. Interest
on arrears of sales tax was found to be compensatory in character and
therefore deductible.
Mamta Enterprises (Kar) Compounding fees paid to the municipal corporation is a penalty and is
not deductible under section 37.
Catholic Syrian Bank Ltd. Banks are obliged to pay interest to the Reserve Bank of India for shortfall
(Ker) in the prescribed cash reserves under the Banking Regulation Act, 1949,
such interest for the first default is not penal in nature. Thus allowable as
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 127
Badris Das Daga (SC) Loss sustained by a business by reason of embezzlement by an employee
or agent is not an admissible deduction under general section 37(1), for
when an agent or employee misappropriates moneys belonging to his
employer in fraud of him and in breach of his obligations to him, it cannot
be said that he owes these moneys under an agreement. Nor can a claim
for deduction of loss by embezzlement be admitted because moneys
which are withdrawn by the employee out of the business till without
authority and in fraud of the employer can in no sense be said to be an
"expenditure laid out or expended wholly or exclusively" for the purpose
of the business under section 37(1). Loss resulting from embezzlement
by an employee or agent in a business is, however, admissible as a
deduction under section 28, if it arises out of the carrying on of the
business and is incidental to it.
Associated Banking Year of allowablity of the deduction is the year in which it is finally
Corporation Of India determined that the monies are not recoverable. The amount of the
(SC) deduction is the amount not finally recovered.
Indian Aluminium (SC) The amount which the assessee was bound to deduct from the payment
made to the non-resident and which it failed to recover from that company
could not be regarded as a bad debt and the payment made under a
statutory obligation because the assessee was in default could not
constitute expenditure laid out for the purpose of the assessee's business.
Piara Singh (SC) Carriage of the currency notes across the border was an essential part of
the smuggling operation and detection by the customs authorities and
consequent confiscation was a necessary incident and constituted a
normal feature of such an operation. The confiscation of the currency
notes was a loss occasioned in pursuing the business of smuggling. It was
a loss in much the same way as if the currency notes had been stolen or
dropped on the way while carrying on the business. It was a loss which
sprang directly from the carrying on of the business and was incidental to
it and its deduction had to be allowed.
Nainital Bank Ltd. (SC) A large quantity of jewellery pledged with the respondent bank by its
constituents and currency notes were stolen by dacoits from its premises.
In regard to the loss of the jewellery, the bank settled the claim of the
constituents. Under the adjustments so made, the bank made payments
and claimed deduction of the respective amounts in computing its taxable
income. Such payments is allowable as deduction. Cash is stock in trade
of the banking business and loss by dacoitee is an allowable deduction.
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Sutlej Cotton Mill (SC) Exchange currency loss on account of devaluation is an allowable
Swadeshi Cotton Mill Non recovery of advance to acquire the fixed asset is an capital loss.
Abdulbhai Abdul Kadar Loss of third party is not an allowable deduction. I.e. when person is
(SC) treated as agent of NRI and required to pay dues of NRI can not be
allowed as business loss.
Jagannath Kissonlal (SC) When liability is joint and several and one is required to pay others
liability is an allowable deduction since it was in oridinery course of the
Hasimara Industries Ltd. The assessee’s business was of manufacture and sale of tea and it was not
(SC) engaged in cotton manufacturing business at all. That the amount of
advance in a sum of rupees twenty lakhs was given not for its own
purpose by way of business expenditure for modernising the mill, but as
capital to the lessor who in turn had to modernise the mill. The loss
suffered by the assessee was a capital loss and hence the amount could
not be deducted from the assessee’s income as business loss.
Nedungadi Bank Ltd. Where a bank purchases securities, the interest paid for the broken period
(Ker) for the acquisition of the securities till the date of such acquisition would
constitute allowable outgo in the hands of the assessee and is an
admissible deduction in the computation of the total income of the bank
under the head “Profits and gains” of business or profession.
Bank Of Baroda (Bom) The loss (Business Loss) had been debited to the profit and loss account
which was reflected as a provision for liability in the balance-sheet and
the shares and securities were valued at cost on the assets side. The
assessee was entitled to the deduction on account of loss.
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 129
Sivkami Mills Ltd. (SC) Guarantee commission paid to the make the payment of capital asset is
an allowable deduction
City Mill Distributors (P) Profit from the pre incorporation contracts
Ltd. (SC)
Bijlee cotton mill (All) co. is chargable to tax if accepts the contracts
Tea producing co. of India Ltd. (Cal)) co. not chargable to tax since not
in existance.
P. Mariappa Gounder 1) Assessee entered in to the agreement to purchase factory when vendor
(SC) did not convey the property it filed an suit. In the court it was held in
favor of the assessee and it also awarded the “mesne profit” or “Loss
of profit” and directed trial court to determine the amount of profit.
2) Held that such profit is taxable in the year in which it is determined
by the trial court considering the mercantile method of accounting.
(Whether it is received or not in that year)
Vellore Electric Any statutory transfer to the contingency reserve as per the electricity act
Corporation Ltd. (SC) can not be allowed as deduction since the money belonged to the
company. Similar question can also be set in relation to a banking
company in the examination condition
Karnal Co.Op Sugar Mills Where in the pre-commencement period monies were deposited with the
(SC) bank in order to finance the acquisition of the plant and machinery, and
interest there on deposit shall reduce the cost of the machinery. In case
the interest is paid for the pre-commencement period can be added to the
cost of the plant and machinery.
Autocast Ltd (SC) Assessee borrowed money for investing in to fixed deposits. Until the
acquisition of the fixed assets it invested the money in short term deposit
of the banks. Held that interest earned on such deposits is taxable as
income of the assessee under the head other sources.
New India Mining Mearly because some expenditure is allowable as deduction can not be
Corporation P. Ltd (SC) the grounds of its allowability. I.e. actual incurring of the expenditure is
a must before any allowance can be given to the assessee.
Last minute revision material – May 2019 (CA Final DT) Page | 130
K.Ravindranathan Nair Assessee was owner of 10 manufacturing units of which 4 were under
(SC) lockout for through out the period of previous year because of labour
unrest. Ultimate settlement with the labour union was effected and
compensation was paid to the workers working at the factory. Held that
decision of keeping the 4 units under lock out was for the purpose of the
business and profession. And when the compensation was paid it was also
for the purpose of the business and profession and was allowable as
deduction. Assessee knows how to do the business better.
Bison Field A Estate (SC) Coffee grower might have credited the value of coffee handed over to
coffee pool based on the value given the polling agents. Although
consideration finally determined in the later year. Held that handing over
of the coffee by grower to the pool is a sale and related consideration is
required to be accounted in the year of sale. Excess received in the
subsequent year also accrues in the year of sale.
Hela Holdings Pvt. Ltd. The assessee is entitled to change his regular method of accounting by
(Cal) another regular method. It would be open to the assessee to produce
records and show that it had followed such changed accounting method
in subsequent years. The method of valuation of stock cost or market
value whichever is less was acceptable. Such change in method of
accounting should be acceptable.
Sambandam Spinning Where the employee is an interested person as in the case of a managing
Mills Private Ltd. (Mad) director, the question would arise whether medical expenses could be
allowed as a business deduction prompted by commercial expediency.
Held in this case that is not allowable as deduction.
Natvarlal V. Desai (Guj) Where the assessee’s right to receive the fifty per cent. share from the
firm was subject to one-half of it being given to his wife and the wife had
a prior charge over the share income received from that firm. Was a case
of diversion of income by overriding title.
Tamil Nadu Brick And Section 72 of the Co-operative Societies Act, which specifically referred
Tile Manufacturers to the payment of “bonus” to the members with reference to the business
Industrial Service Co- done with or service rendered to the registered society, such payment is
Operative Society Ltd. payable not because they are members, but because they have made
(Mad) certain purchases from the society on the basis of which the bonus is
quantified. Thus such bonus is not payment of dividends but it is an
expense to be allowed as deduction.
Tamil Nadu Sugar The accounting standards for taking into account events after the last day
Corporation Ltd. (Mad) of the accounting year cannot possibly cover instances of fluctuation in
market rates in inventory valuation.
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 131
Kishore Chand It was decided that to the extent to which disputed liability is ascertained,
Shivcharan Lal (All) it can be allowed in the year in which it is so ascertained.
Kerala Small Industries In order to be eligible for deduction under section 37 of the Income-tax
Development Corporation Act, 1961, the expenditure should not be of the nature of capital
Ltd. (Ker) expenditure. Provision for loss does not qualify for the purpose of
Connemara Business An item of expenditure can be allowed in computing the taxable income
Associates (Cochin) of an assessee as a deduction only if the assessee has actually incurred
that expenditure. Therefore, the crucial test to be applied in examining
the deductibility of a claim of expenditure is whether the expenditure was
actually incurred or not, during the relevant previous year. Thus method
of accounting plays no role in deciding such case where there is no
expenditure in reality. i.e. bogus expenditure can not be allowed as
M. Subramaniam (Mad) A right may be acquired either on payment of a lump sum as premium or
periodically by way of rent or royalty. There could be both premium as
well as rent in respect of the same transaction. Premium would be capital
however the rent would be revenue.
Kwality Textile Associate The assessee was engaged in the business of export of textile spares and
Pvt. Ltd. (Mad) equipment. The assessee disputed the assessability of an amount of fees
received for technical and engineering services rendered by the assessee
outside India. The Commissioner (Appeals) and the Tribunal held that the
amount was not assessable in India. On appeal to the High Court Held,
that the income earned in Malaysia was not assessable in India.
Montgomery Watson Assessee had derived benefit of enduring nature by entering into the
Consultants India P. Ltd. agreement to ward off business competition for a sufficiently long period
(Bom) of ten years. Thus it was held to be capital in nature.
Amar Raja Batteries Ltd. Expenditure on launching a new product in an existing business is fully
(Hyd (AT)) deductible, even if the assessee had treated it as deferred revenue
expenditure in its books.
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Giriraj Udyog (P.) Ltd. The mercantile system does not create income. It only recognises income
(All) that has accrued. Where there is no chance of recovery of the principal
amounts and the assessee chooses not to charge interest on the same, the
Assessing Officer is not justified in bringing to tax such interest not
charged as accrued income.
Consolidated Fibres And Where the assessee had claimed at off of interest paid against interest
Chemicals Ltd. (Cal) received from short term deposits during the period, when the project was
under construction. Apparently, the income itself was considered taxable
under the head “Other sources”, so that the High Court had little difficulty
in dismissing the assessee's claim on the ground that the borrowing was
not for purpose of investment following the rationale of the decision in
CIT v. Dr. V. P. Gopinathan [2001] 248 ITR 449 (SC).
Srikrishna Bottlers P. Ltd. For the destruction of bottles the ex-gratia compensation was paid which
(AP) is held to be revenue in nature.
Kailash Investments P. where the assessee incurred a loss in conversion of call money liability
Ltd. (Gujarat High Court) into a debt, such loss cannot be treated as a business expenditure under
section 37 or a loss covered either by section 28 or under the head “capital
gains” in section 45 or loss or expenditure under “other sources” in
section 57. It was so decided in Kailash Investments P. Ltd. v. CIT[2006]
281 ITR 92 (Guj).
Mahendra N. Shah Business loss has necessarily to be deducted though it is not one of the
(Gujarat High Court) items listed for deductions.
Tamil Nadu Minerals Ltd. where the assessee subscribing to a public issue receives commission
(Income-Tax Appellate given to underwriters, such commission may well be an abatement of the
Tribunal--Chennai) cost of shares in circumstances where the assessee is not a dealer in shares
Neset Holdings P. Ltd. Where a payment is made for acquiring OTC membership in a stock
(Delhi High Court) exchange, the initial payment as security deposit, which is non-
refundable and non-transferable, though described as deposit, is revenue
Margarine And Refined Retrenchment compensation was found inadmissible at the time of
Oils Co. Ltd. (Karnataka closure of business in CIT v. Gemini Cashew Sales Corporation [1967]
High Court) 65 ITR 643 (SC). But where what is proposed is not closure of business,
the claim could be allowed as was found in CIT v. Doongaji and Co.
Distillery [2005] 276 ITR 402 (MP).
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 133
I. G. Electronic (India) The date of setting up a business and the date of its commencement could
Ltd. (Delhi High Court) be two separate dates. The law has reference to the date of setting up of
the business. The Tribunal had noted that the business of the assessee was
set up on February 21, and that in view of the definition of the expression
“previous year” the previous year shall be the period beginning with the
date of setting up the business.
Prem Heavy Engineering The payment for acquiring know-how for manufacture of equipment for
Works P. Ltd. (Allahabad a period of seven years does not necessarily mean that it is capital
High Court) expenditure.
Sakthi Soyas Ltd. An expenditure in launching a project for crop development of soya
(Madras High Court) products should ordinarily be revenue expenditure, because launching a
project is different from launching a new business. Even if in the books
of accounts it would have been treated as capital expense.
Video Electronics Ltd. The principle of real income comes into play in exceptional
(Income-Tax Appellate circumstances where subsequently it transpires that there was never any
Tribunal--Delhi) right to receive income or there was no likelihood of enforcement of such
right, if any. The real income theory cannot be pressed into service for
the reason only that the income could not be subsequently recovered.
However if income subsequently not recovered could be claimed on
account of loss subject to provisions of law.
Karnataka Urban The assessee is acting as a mere agency managing the funds entrusted to
Infrastructure it in the manner expected of it. Interest income could not be treated as its
Development And income, because such income is out of moneys advanced by the
Finance Corporation Government of India for a particular purpose as a tied-up grant or
(Karnataka High Court) advance. It is like income of the government and thus not taxable in the
hands of the agent.
Indo Swiss Jewels Ltd. Inter-corporate deposits were made by the assessee from the surplus
(Bombay High Court) funds that were set apart for payment for imported machinery. The
interest earned on the short term deposits of the money kept apart for the
purposes of business had to be treated as income earned from business
and could not be treated as income from other sources.
Anil M. Gehi (Bombay Loss arising out of action under the Conservation of Foreign Exchange
High Court) and Prevention of Smuggling Activities Act (COFEPOSA) on
confiscation of foreign currency, where the assessee was treated as a
smuggler and had been detained under that Act, will have to be allowed
as business deduction. Since the assessee was in the illegal business.
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Modern Spinners Ltd. Where the assessee’s liability for payment of interest to a financial
(Delhi High Court) institution was settled, subject to the assessee fulfilling further conditions,
the amount claimed could not be disallowed merely on the ground that
such deduction has to await satisfaction of the conditions. It had become
an ascertained liability, so as to be eligible for deduction.
Mandovi Hotel P. Ltd. The dissolution deed did not specify any capital sum payable to the
(Bombay High Court) retiring partners. The payment of 30 per cent to made annually for some
years is revenue expense for the firm as it was in the course of the
Lakshmi Vilas Bank Ltd. The assessee was dealing in purchase and sale of Government securities.
(Madras High Court) The profit and loss on the sale of Government securities has to be assessed
as business income/loss under the Income-tax Act.
Sanco Trans Ltd. (Madras It is not unusual for group companies to share services, which are
High Court) common as between them. It will be allowed as deduction.
Jayaram Metal Industries Where the assessee paid an amount of about Rs. 2 lakhs as redemption
(Karnataka High Court) fine to redeem confiscated goods from the Central Excise Department and
it debited the sum to the purchase account, such payment being in the
nature of penalty for infraction of law, could not be allowed as a
Mac Explotec P. Ltd. The cost of meeting educational expenses of one’s child is on the parent.
(Karnataka High Court) Such expenditure is not ordinarily deductible from business income of
such parent. Where a family company meets the cost of education of the
son of the directors, who were both husband and wife, for meeting the
cost of normal education and not any specialised training necessary for
running the business, the amount is not deductible.
General Insurance Expenses by way of stamp duty and registration for issue of bonus shares
Corporation (Supreme was incurred by company. The company does not acquire any benefit or
Court of India) advantage of enduring nature. Expenses are revenue in nature and
Mahanagar Telephone Supplier of capital equipment caused delay in delivery within stipulated
Nigam Ltd.. (Authority time. Liquidated damages were paid. The supplier requesting for refund
for Advance Ruling) of damages. Assessee refunding such amount under directions of telecom
commission is amount capital in nature. Not deductible in computing
business income.
Vasu Farms P. Ltd. Expenditure on chicks before they reached the stage of laying eggs is
(Madras High Court) revenue expenditure.
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 135
Saraf Chemicals Ltd. Purchase of business as going concern and amount paid for agreement by
(Income-tax Appellate seller not to compete for fifteen years is amount paid for elimination of
Tribunal--Mumbai) competition. Such payment is capital expenditure.
Industrial Credit and Where the assessee repurchased debentures issued by it before the date
Development Syndicate of redemption by acquiring such debentures at a price below the face
Ltd. (Karnataka High value, the issue was whether the surplus would have revenue character or
Court) could be a capital receipt. The Karnataka High Court in CIT v. Industrial
Credit and Development Syndicate Ltd. [2006] 285 ITR 310 accepted the
assessee’s contention that the surplus amount credited to the reserves in
the balance sheet did not constitute a revenue receipt on the ground that
the amount saved by the assessee by being able to discharge its liability
at a lower amount could not be income of revenue nature.
Dr. T. A. Quereshi Where stock is lost, such loss is a business loss. It was so held by the
(Supreme Court of India) Supreme Court in Dr. T. A. Quereshi v. CIT [2006] 287 ITR 547. ) That
even though the assessee was committing a highly immoral act in illegally
manufacturing and selling heroin, the case had to be decided on legal
principles and not on one’s own moral views. Decision of the Madhya
Pradesh High Court in CIT v. Dr. T. A. Qureshi [2005] 275 ITR 352
Glen View Rubber Co. P. Expenditure on installation of water treatment plant is capital
Ltd. (Ker) expenditure.
First Leasing Co. of India Premium payable on actual redemption of debentures in future years.
Ltd. (Madras High Court) Provision to be spread over and part of it deductible in relevant
assessment year. Expenses incurred for issue of debentures in earlier
years to be spread over and allowable in relevant assessment year.
Ucal Fuel Systems Ltd. Assessee taking premises on lease for 20 years making lump sum
(Madras High Court) payment. Is revenue expenditure.
Dr. S. N. Naik Doctor running his own hospital. Expenditure on education and training
(Individual) (AT) (Pune) of son in medical college is not laid out for purposes of business. It is
personal expenditure and not deductible.
Kerala Road Lines Purchase of land with buildings thereon. Assessee demolishing buildings
(Supreme Court of India) and selling scrap materials. Income from sale of scrap material treated as
business income.
For delay in paying purchase consideration and interest paid by assessee.
Is a revenue expenditure.
Last minute revision material – May 2019 (CA Final DT) Page | 136
A. Builders P. Ltd. Compensation on account of breach of contract does not fall in category
(Punjab and Haryana of payment of penalty for breach of any law. Compensation for breach of
High Court) contractual obligations are deductible.
G. E. Capital Services Assessee using ms office which requires regular upgradation. Expenses
Ltd. (Delhi High Court) incurred not capital expenditure.
Saw Pipes Ltd. (Delhi Service charges paid for laying service line to a new unit. New unit
High Court) extension of existing business. Service line belonging to electricity board.
Benefit derived of a commercial nature and a business advantage to be
treated as revenue expenditure.
Pranav Vikas (India) Ltd. Investment in debentures. Decision not to charge interest on debentures
(AT) (Delhi) in particular year due to financial difficulties of creditor. No interest
accrued to assessee.
Jagath Enterprises P. Ltd. Diversion by overriding title. Promoters of company trustees advance by
(Madras High Court) trust to company for purchase of property. Rental income arising to
company not diverted to trust by overriding title.
Bajaj Ashok Chunnilal Income of minor to be computed in accordance with provisions of act.
(AT) (Bangalore) Minor entitled to follow own method of accounting. Interest shown as
payable to minor in balance sheet of assessee’s business and minor
accounting for income on receipts basis. Income not paid by concern does
not accrue to minor is not includible in assessee’s hands.
Chamber of Tax In the case of Chamber of Tax Consultants v. Union of India [2017] 87
Consultants v. Union of 92, the Delhi High Court provided relief to taxpayers at
India (Del) large by striking down certain provisions of Income Computation and
Disclosure Standards (ICDS) that were overriding and binding judicial
precedents or provisions of Income-tax Act or Rules framed thereunder.
The High Court held that CBDT couldn't override the well-established
legal position under the Act regarding the concept of accrual, income,
prudence, materiality, etc.
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Type 2 (16 Mark Type) Mix of Agri Income and Non Agri Income with tax liability calculations.
Tea / Rubber / Development account.
With adjustment of like types
Amount withdrawn from specified reserve and its utilisation /
Set off adjustment of non agri income.
Dividend income of 2(22)(e)
Dividend form foreign company
Change in share holding pattern adjustment of 79
Change in constitution of firm / retirement of partner adjustment
of 78 set off.
Type 3 (10 Mark Type) Presumptive Income compuations with tax liability and Interest
Type 4 (16 Mark Type) Adjustment of Bad debts for banks and financial institution, where
computation of foreign bank will be asked with bad debts allowance.
With adjustment of like types
Bad debts claimed as per specified % of 36.
However actual bad debts are more then % of baddebts allowed.
Special reserve for bad debts balance is more then excess over
specified %
Shares trading transaction of banks
Shares valuation for banks.
Head office expense for foreign branch of a bank.
Special rates of taxes / computation of tax liability with interest
income on foreign branch in India.
Type 5 (8 Mark Type) Special reserve for financial institution and computation of its income.
Type 6 (10 Mark Type) Eligible Business of 35AD with set off adjustments.
Where there are 2 business one is eligible for 35AD and other is not.
Eligible business is generating losses and other business is generating
Last minute revision material – May 2019 (CA Final DT) Page | 140
Sophia Finance Limited Where company issued share capital to a person that was not traceable
(Del) amount of credit to the capital account shall be assessed under section 68.
Just because it is credited to capital it can not be the grounds for not
assessing under section 68.
Shiv Shakti Timbers (MP) When partnership firm credited some money in the name of its partners
and partner fail to explain its source. It’s a case under section 68 for
partnership firm and not under section 69. The fundamental difference
between 68 and 69 is that 68 pre-supposes a book entry and 69 don’t.
Kamdhenu Vyapar Co. The assessee may seek assistance of section 131 of the Act for the purpose
Ltd. (Cal) of proving its own case of unexplained cash credit under section 68.
Section 131 empowers the Assessing Officer to exercise the same power
as vested in a civil court for compelling attendance of witnesses. An
opportunity in-built in section 68 of the Act has been given to the assessee
to prove to the satisfaction of the Assessing Officer that the apparent is
real and the transaction was genuine. Thus officer must invoke the powers
of 131 to give fair opportunity to assessee when it was requested by
Nemi Chand Kothari In order to establish the receipt of a cash credit, as required under section
(Gau) 68 the assessee must satisfy three conditions, viz., (i) identity of the
creditor, (ii) genuineness of the transaction, and (iii) creditworthiness of
the creditor. However identity of sub-creditor is required to be proven by
the assessee.
ITC Classic Finance Ltd. Additions made for suppressed sales consideration on grounds of non
(Bom) genuine transaction is justified.
Bhola Shankar Cold Where most of the subscriber to share capital was farmers and being poor
Storage Pvt. Ltd. (Cal) could not produce the certificate and proofs is not a satisfactory
Haji Nazir Hussain (Del) Section 68 is applicable only when any sum is found credited in the books
(AT) of an assessee maintained by him. However, books of account do not
mean cash book only. It would mean the complete records which a
businessman is required to maintain to record his day-to-day transactions.
Thus where cash book is debited but actual posing of credit is not done it
can be covered by section 68.
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 141
Vir Bhan And Sons The explanation of the assessee for the purpose of section 68 would be
(P&H) satisfactory only when the credit worthy ness of the creditor is proven.
The loan confirmation statement and accounts verification does not mean
that the explanation is satisfactory.
Murlidhar Lahorimal An assessee can be asked to prove the source of credit in the books, but
(Gujarat High Court) cannot be asked to prove the source of the source.
Jagmohan Ram Ram There is no reason to restrict the powers of the officer under section 68
Chandra (All) and 69. Where the assessee under the respective section did not gave the
explanation then subsequent additions are very much justified. Both the
section can also be simultaneously applied.
Subhash Chander Sekhri The burden of proving that a gift is genuine having been received on
(Punjab and Haryana account of natural love and affection, is on the taxpayer. Failing which
High Court) additions can be done u/s 68.
Davinder Singh (Income- Provisions of 68 are wide enough to cover all credits including credits of
tax Appellate Tribunal-- nature found in books of assessee. Contention that provision applicable
Amritsar) only to cash receipts/loans has no merit.
Rajeev Tandon (AT) Assessee must establish identity of donor, his financial capacity to make
(Delhi) such gift, as well as genuineness of gift transaction. Genuineness to be
determined looking into aspect of human probabilities, relationship of
donor and donee, occasion for making gift and existence of reciprocity.
Gifts from abroad. Donor can produce certified/notarised copy of return
accompanied by balance-sheet indicating his capital base and assets
owned by him, bank statement furnished by assessee not even pertaining
to name of donor. Certificate issued by tax consultant unaccompanied by
any corroborative evidence. Bank statement not showing donor in
position to advance huge money to assessee who was not related to him.
Assessing officer justified in treating gifts as not genuine and adding gift
amounts to income of assessee.
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Mangilal Agarwal (late) Seizure of primary gold and gold ornaments by customs authority--cegat
(Rajasthan High Court) finding assessee not owner of gold and released gold from confiscation.
Assessing authority failing to establish ownership. Presumption of
ownership cannot be drawn on possession. Value of gold not taxable in
hands of assessee.
Prameshwar Bohra Sum carried forward from preceding year is not an investment or cash
(Rajasthan High Court) credit generated during relevant year. So not taxable as income of year in
Prakash Chand Nahta Statement of third party relied on by revenue. Third party retracted
(Madhya Pradesh High statement subsequently. Assessee not allowed to cross-examine third
Court) party. Power of assessing officer to summon third party. Violation of
principles of natural justice. Assessment order not valid.
Sandeep Kumar (HUF) Mere identification and showing movement through banking channels is
(Delhi High Court) not sufficient. Failure to establish that gift was genuine. Additions
Selvi J. Jayalalitha (SC) In the case of State of Karnataka v. Selvi J. Jayalalitha [2017] 78 161, the Apex Court held that disclosure of income in
income-tax returns does not certify or authenticate the lawfulness of
sources of income of accused persons. The Income-tax returns and orders
would not ipso facto either conclusively prove or disprove charge of
disproportionate assets (acquisition of assets disproportionate to known
sources of income). Therefore, the tax returns or orders do not provide
any shield to any public servant in case of criminal misconduct under the
Prevention of Corruption Act.
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 143
V.B. Paleker (Bom) Assessee must be found to be the owner of the assets. Because section 69
refers to the “assessee found to be in the ownership of the assets” however
possession do not amount to the ownership.
P.K. Noorjahan (SC) Word “MAY” does not mean “SHALL”. That is to say it is assessing
officers discretion to invoke the section keeping in mind views, facts and
circumstances of every case.
M. Sundaram (Madras when the assessee claims that V and J who came for bleaching work to U
High Court) handed over the huge sum of money for safe custody, he might have
known the address, telephone number and other particulars. No
businessman would receive a sum of Rs. 2 crores without knowing the
identity and address. Section 69A can be applied.
K.T.M.S. Mohamood When cash is found in the possession of the assessee and 69A is made
(Mad) applicable the value of cash found in the possession of assessee must be
subject to tax. Onus to prove is on the person who is in possession of
money or assets that he is not the owner of the same.
United Coir Works (Ker) Test of succession is Identity and Continuity of Business. Where firm
sold its business to another firm it is a case of succession of business.
Even when the partner of the of the old firm are also the partners in the
new firm. Section 170 applies.
Last minute revision material – May 2019 (CA Final DT) Page | 144
Motor sales (All) Where there is an admission of partner it do not amount to succession of
the firm.
Premji Khimraj Shah Firm was declared insolvent. One of the creditor of the firm took over the
(Guj) stock of the firm, it can not amount to succession. Even assuming that
assets and liabilities were taken over it do not amount to succession. Firm
with several agency business was incurring losses and partners became
insolvent. One of the agencies and stock-in-trade pertaining to it taken
over by assessee related to one of the partners of firm does not amount to
succession. Notice issued under section 170 quashed.
Ettumanoor Motors Pvt. Assessing officer can recover dues from the successor of the business. No
Ltd (Ker) opportunity of being heard is provided. However successor is entitled to
receive the notice.
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 145
Discontinuation Of Business
Motichand Devidas One of the partners of the firm died. Upon the death old firm was
(Bom) dissolved and remaining partners enter in to new partnership. Assets and
liabilities of the firm was not taken over. New firm was in the same name
of the old firm. Held that it was a case of discontinuation of business.
Sarat Chandra Bose (Cal) Discontinuation of business or profession largely depends on the state of
mind. Where barrister was arrested and while under detention he
retrenched his peon and sold his office. It was a case of discontinuation
of business.
Gurudeo Prasad Where upon retirement of the partner firm was dissolved it is a case of
Jagannath Prasad (All) discontinuation of business. Mearly because notice was not given u/s
176(3) firm can not be said to have continued.
United Construction Where by virtue of 176(3A) / (4) income is charged to tax. The net income
Contractors (Ker) can only be charged to tax. I.e. deduction against the income must be
Y.V. Subba Rao (AP) Business was discontinued by firm but the firm was not dissolved. After
the discontinuation arbitration award was grant to the firm. One of the
partner of the firm received the award and forwarded back to the firm.
Held the recepient of the award was firm and not the partner receiving it.
I.e. partner received it as a trustee of the firm.
Roma Bose (Cal) Professional person died. Upon the death arrears of professional fees were
received. Held that it was a case covered by 176(4) and it shall be taxable
in the hands of the person receiving it. It shall be taxable under the head
“other sources”.
V. Parthasarathy (AP) Assessee a lawyer was appointed as judge. Upon the appointment practice
was discontinued. Which gave rise to 176(4). Subsequently the
appointment as judge was cancelled and so he resume the practice. After
resuming he received the arrears of fees held that it was taxable under
176(4). Discontinuation of profession need not be on account of death or
retirement only. Time length of discontinuation is not a criteria. I.e. it can
be temporary or permanent discontinuation. Discontinuation may be
voluntary or not. Lawyer appointed as judge amount to the
discontinuation of profession.
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Dipson & Co. (Del) (AT) Partnership firm claimed expenditure incurred on engagement of lawyer
for earning amount of arbitration awared in respect of discontinued
business. While computing assessee's income for purposes of assessment,
expenditure was necessarily to be excluded from amount received.
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 147
Jayantilal A. Shah (Bom) The assessee realised capital gains on sale of silver utensils which were
purchased by him. All personal effects need not be used daily. So long as
they were meant for personal use, they would have to be considered as
personal effects. Therefore, the gains resulting from the sale of the silver
utensils were not assessable to tax on capital gains.
Rana Hemant Singhji An intimate connection between the effects and the person of the assessee
(SC) must be shown to exist to render them " personal effects". The legislature
intended only those articles to be included within the expression "
personal effects" which were intimately and commonly used by the
assessee. The assessee was liable to tax on the capital gains derived by
the sale of sovereigns, silver bars and rupee coins,. The silver bars or
bullion could by no stretch of imagination be deemed to be " effects "
meant for personal use. Nor could the sovereigns and silver coins by their
use on special occasions of worship of Maha Lakshmi be designated as
effects meant for personal use.
Gemini Picture Circuit (P) Rural agricultural land is excluded from capital asset. In order to
Ltd. (SC) determine agricultural status of land totality of relevant facts must be
taken into consideration. Where land is situated in most important
business center of a city and part of land is used for construction of non-
residential buildings the mere fact that vegetables were grown in the land
as stop-gap activity is not conclusive that land was agricultural. Profits
on sale of such land is assessable as capital gains.
Last minute revision material – May 2019 (CA Final DT) Page | 148
Vania Silk Mills (SC) When asset is destroyed by fire can not be regarded as transferred since
on the basic test
1. Existence of asset at the point of time of transfer is precondition
2. Destruction of asset is not the transfer.
3. In case of insurance whether insurance company took over the
asset or not does not alter the character of the insurance
When asset was destroyed it was not transferred but was disappeared.
With effect from the assessment year 2000-01 law is amended by
insertion of section 45(1A) to tax such receipt of insurance but it has
limited applicability. Only cases damage or destruction of, any capital
asset, as a result of, (i) flood, typhoon, hurricane, cyclone, earthquake or
other convulsion of nature; or (ii) riot or civil disturbance; or (iii)
accidental fire or explosion; (iv)or action by an enemy or action taken in
combating an enemy (whether with or without a declaration of war), is
Anarkali Sarabai (SC) When a preference share is redeemed by a company, what the shareholder
does in effect is to sell the share to the company. The company redeems
its preference shares only by paying the preference shareholders the value
of the shares and taking back the preference shares. In effect, the
company buys back the preference shares from the shareholders. The
redemption of preference shares by a company, therefore, is a sale and
squarely comes within the phrase "sale, exchange or relinquishment" of
an asset in section 2(47).
Kartikey V. Sarabhai When as a result of the reducing the face value of the share, the share
(SC) capital is reduced, the right of the preference shareholder to the dividend
on his share capital and the right to share in the distribution of the net
assets upon liquidation is extinguished proportionately to the extent of
reduction in the capital. Such reduction of the right in the capital asset
would clearly amount to a transfer within the meaning of that expression
in section 2(47).
G. Narsimahan (SC) When there is reduction in share capital 2(22)d is operative and amount
received on reduction is to be reduced by the dividend u/s 2(22)(d) and
than capital gains is to be computed.
Bai Shirinbai Kooka (SC) Where the assessee who held by way of investment several shares in
companies commenced a business in shares converting the shares into
stock-in-trade of the business, and subsequently sold these shares at a
profit. The assessee's assessable profits on the sale of the shares was the
difference between the sale price of the shares and the market price of the
shares prevailing on the date when the shares were converted into stock-
in-trade of the business in shares, and not the difference between the sale
price and the price at which the shares were originally purchased by the
Smt. Radha Bai (Del) In respect of sale of real property after holding it for a significant period,
the issue that often arises is whether it was acquired by the assessee with
intent to resell, in which case, it becomes an adventure in the nature of
trade, even if the assessee were not a regular dealer in real property. The
test is the intention of the assessee at the time of purchase, though he may
later convert it into stock in trade, which contingency is covered under
section 45(2) of the Act. The developer contract would be covered by this
case and it would be a case of conversion of capital asset in to stock in
Circular 791 For the purpose of making investment in specified assets for 54EC,
period of 6 months shall be taken from the date on which such stock in
trade was sold or otherwise transferred.
Last minute revision material – May 2019 (CA Final DT) Page | 150
Circular 768 How FIFO method to be under stood when shares are to be sold in
electronic form.
Sunil Siddirthbhai (SC) Conversion of asset in to partnership concern is not an transfer but now
with specific provision treated as transfer
Hind Construction Ltd. If a person revalues his goods and shows a higher value for them in his
(SC) books, he cannot be considered as having sold those goods and made
profit therefrom. Nor can a person by handing over his goods [stock in
trade] to a partnership of which he is a partner as his share of the capital
be considered as having sold the goods to the partnership.
Mohanbhai Pamabhai (S When a partner retired from the firm and received his share of an amount
C) calculated on the value of the net partnership assets including goodwill
of the firm, there was no transfer of interest of the partner in the goodwill,
and no part of the amount received by him would be assessable as capital
gains under section 45. But in view of the departmental interpretation of
section 45(4) to include "retirement" within the meaning "or otherwise"
following dissolution, there is a possible liability for the firm when it parts
with a capital asset in settlement of the accounts of a retiring partner as
deemed transfer.
Tribhuvandas G. Patel (S It is possible for a person to sell his interest in a firm and thereby render
C) himself liable for capital gains tax, though settlement of accounts after
retirement would not constitute transfer.
Moped And Machines Where one of the two partners of the firm dies, there is dissolution of the
(Madhya Pradesh High firm. But where the surviving partner carries on the business as a going
Court) concern with all assets and liabilities, there is no “distribution” within the
meaning of the Supreme guidelines given in Sakthi Trading Co. v. CIT
[2001] 250 ITR 871
Rasi Silks (Income-Tax Where a firm made some capital gains, but sought set off of the deficit in
Appellate Tribunal-- the retiring partner’s account against capital gains, the Tribunal found
Chennai) that such loss is a capital loss not arising on transfer of an asset and
therefore not deductiable.
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 151
Mangalore Ganesh Beedi Where the firm continues its business after dissolution without
Works (Kar) distribution of capital assets on dissolution, no capital gains would arise
in the year of dissolution, even in the light of the language of section
Gandamal and Sons The effect of the insertion of 45(4) is that when a capital asset belonging
(Income-tax Appellate to a firm is transferred to a partner on dissolution, reconstitution or on
Tribunal--Pune) such similar occasion, such a transfer shall be deemed to be a transfer for
the levy of capital gains tax under the provisions of section 45(4). The
word “otherwise” in this section takes into its ambit, not only cases of
dissolution but also cases of subsisting partners of a partnership,
transferring assets to a retiring partner.
Unity Care and Health Conversion of firm into a company under part IX of companies act.
Services (Income-tax Vesting of property of firm in company. No distribution of capital assets
Appellate Tribunal-- to partners and no dissolution of firm. No capital gains chargeable in the
Bangalore) hands of assessee-firm 45(1)/(4).
Bikram Singh (SC) Interest received on delayed payment of the compensation under the Land
Acquisition Act, is a revenue receipt exigible to income-tax. Once it is
construed to be a revenue receipt, necessarily, unless there is an
exemption under the appropriate provisions of the Act, the revenue
receipt is exigible to tax. However, the appellants were entitled to spread
over the income for the period for which payment came to be made, so as
to compute the income for assessing tax for the relevant accounting year.
C.P. Lonappan And Sons Section 45(5) would treat the date of receipt of compensation amount in
(Ker) compulsory acquisition case as the date on which capital gains arise.
Where an advance has been received, such advance cannot obviously be
treated as having the character of compensation, since it may be
returnable in case the acquisition does not take place
Smt. Shantavva (Kar) High Court pointed out that the disputed compensation in the light of
section 45(5) cannot be treated as compensation. What is received is an
interim payment, subject to the final outcome of the dispute, so that it
does not have the same character as compensation contemplated by the
law relating to capital gains and more particularly under section 45(5) of
the Act. Section 45(5) fixes only the year of taxation, so that, where it is
taxable, it is taxed in the year of receipt.
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 153
Ruby Trading Co. Pvt. Section 54EC would have application only where there is an actual
Ltd. (Raj) transfer and not in a case, where there is only a deemed transfer. Section
46 is a case of deemed transfer and thus capital gain covered by section
46 will not qualify for the exemption under section 54EC.
N. Bagavathy Ammal The argument that section 46(2) applies only where money and not a
(SC) capital asset is received was found to be unacceptable. The market value
of agricultural lands should be treated as amounts distributed, because
what he received is in satisfaction of the right as a shareholder. The
capital asset in question for the assessment of the shareholder is the share
and not the land.
Thus market value of agricultural land is taxable under section 46(2) in
the hands of shareholder.
Girdhardas And Co. P. The amount distributed in every distribution by the liquidator of a
Ltd. (SC) company is to be deemed to be received by the shareholders partly as
accumulated profits and the rest as capital, in the proportion which the
accumulated profits bore to the capital in the accounts of the company at
the commencement of winding up, and that part of the receipt which is
attributable to the accumulated profits would be taxable as dividend. The
Income-tax Officer has therefore in the first instance to determine the
accumulated profits in the hands of the company, whether capitalised or
not, and the rest of the capital immediately before the liquidation. He has
then to determine the ratio between such capital and the undistributed
profits and to apply the ratio to the amount distributed to determine the
component attributable to the accumulated profits.
TISCO (Bom) Transfer of shares prior to amalgamation is not one enjoying the benefit
of exemption.
Gautam Sarabhai Trust When consideration was paid in shares + debentures + cash is not entitled
(Guj) for the exemption under section 47
Dalmia Ceramic Section 47(iv) and (v) would not regard any transfer of capital asset as
Industries Ltd. (Delhi between a holding company and a wholly owned subsidiary as transfer
High Court) for purposes of capital gains tax. Where such assets are subsequently
transferred by transferee company the cost should be cost to previous
owner. In case of depreciable assets the WDV of transferor should be the
cost to transferee.
Hoechst GmbH, In the context of the holding company of an Indian subsidiary itself
(Authority for Advance getting amalgamated with another foreign company, there is transfer of
Ruling) the shares in the Indian company as an asset located in India, but such
transfer is not regarded as transfer under section 47(via).
Circular 751 Guidelines for the securities landing scheme as approved by SEBI
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 155
B. C. Shriniwasa Shetty When computational machinery fails the entire chapter fails in case of
(SC) goodwill of business.
Ganpathi Raju Jogi (SC) Route permit not taxable on the grounds of B. C. sriniwasa shetty
A. Gasper (SC) In relation to tenancy rights the question was related to whether there is
transfer or not regarding it as extinguishment of the rights there in. Held
that it was a transfer but the concept of B. C. sriniwasa shetty was never
Mrs. Pushpa Sofat In case of inheritance of asset indexation shall be allowed with respect to
(Chandigarh) (ITAT) the year in which the previous owner acquired the asset. I.e. where father
acquired the property in 1972, son inherited it in the year 1992-93 the
base year for the indexation shall be 1981-82 (CII - 100). This case can
be applied in case of gift and amalgamation also.
A.R. Krishnamurthy (SC) Assessee purchased land. Subsequently grantd mining lease at a
premium. It amounts to transfer of "capital asset" being “right to lease”.
Date of acquisition of right to grant lease is same as date of acquiring
freehold. Cost of acquisition of leasehold right can be determined from
cost of land. Fair amount is to be allowed as deduction.
Hindustan Times Ltd. Where an assessee purchased a property occupied by his employee
(Delhi High Court) subject to such tenancy and much later sold the property subject to the
same right of tenancy with the assessee receiving the compensation
payable to the employee for surrender of tenancy rights, the argument as
to whether such receipt was liable to tax in the assessee’s hands as capital
gains or income, had arisen in CIT v. Hindustan Times Ltd. [2005] 275
ITR 203 (Delhi). Decided that since both the transaction were under
tenancy such receipt would be revenue in nature.
Tata Services Ltd. (Bom) Any right which can be called property will be included in the definition
of "capital asset". A contract for sale of land is capable of specific
performance. It is also assignable. Therefore, a right to obtain conveyance
of immovable property is clearly property as contemplated by section
2(14) of the Act. The entire amount, being the difference between the
amount received by the assessee and originally paid by the assessee as
earnest money, would be capital gains in the hands of the assessee,
subject to deduction on account of legal and other expenses.
Last minute revision material – May 2019 (CA Final DT) Page | 156
Gopee Nath Paul And Amount paid to discharge self created mortgage is allowable as deduction
Sons (Calcutta High while computing capital gains. However this judgement needs to be
Court) reviewed.
Orient Trading Company Exchange of shares when held as stock in trade will amount to business
(SC) profit and not any capital gains. The difference between the book value
and the exchange price shall be subject to the business income or loss as
the case may be since it amount to valid transfer.
CITI Bank N.A. (Bom) Land appurtenant to building has separate identity for the computation of
capital gains. Where land is sold separately then building the capital gains
in relation to land is to be computed as distinct then that of building.
Building in such cases may form part of the block of asset.
Smt. Lakshmi B. Menon Land can be regarded as a capital asset as per section 2(14) of the Act and
(Ker) in accordance with the scheme of the Act, land would be considered as a
separate capital asset, even if a building is constructed thereon. Where the
land has been held for more than the prescribed period, the gains arising
from the sale of land could be considered as long-term capital gains,
though the building thereon was a new construction held for a period of
less than 36 months. The land and the superstructure can be assessed
separately as a “long-term capital asset” and as a “short-term capital
asset” for the purposes of capital gain.
Ashok Soi (Del) Where a property belonged to the assessee's wife and sons, but a part of
consideration was made to the father of the assessee in pursuance of an
alleged compromise settling his claim against the property on being made
a confirming party to the sale deed, the question arose whether such
payment would go to reduce the capital gains. Held that it was not a case
of diversion of income by means of over riding title and thus capital gains
would not arise at all. (not a genuine case of diversion of income)
Bradford Trading Where there is reimbursement for settlement of dispute pursuant for
Company (Mad) transfer of capital asset is part of the full value of consideration. Any such
sum is paid on account of settlement of dispute is expense on account of
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 157
Union Co. (Motors) Ltd. Where a seller has a building demolished before handing over the land in
(Madras High Court) a transaction of sale of land, there can be no element of inference of sale
of building.
H. H. Sri Raja Rajagopala Where an ex-ruler sold his palace under a merger agreement with the
Thondaiman (Madras Indian Union at no cost, capital gains was found not assessable.
High Court)
Mrs. G. Seetha Kamrajj Lease premium on the sub-lease agreement and holding that the deposit
(Andhra Pradesh High (non refundable) of Rs. 4,30,000 received by the assessee was a
Court) consideration for granting sub-lease of the assessee’s rights and not a
payment of monthly rent in advance and as such was liable to tax as
capital gains.
N. K. Leasing and For sale of shares the deed of settlement showing surrender of shares in
Construction P. Ltd. company with covenant not to interfere in management of company was
(Andhra Pradesh High executed. It is an outright sale of shares. Sale having nexus to trading
Court) activity of assessee. Excess consideration taxable like and exchange
Mahesh J. Patel (AT) Assessee purchasing entire business in order to obtain share in stock
(Mumbai) exchange. Sale of business after twelve months. Assessee had acquired
share in stock exchange which was incorporated as a company and had
sold it. Transaction covered by section 2(42A). Gains assessable as long-
term capital gains.
Mrs. June Perrett Expenditure incurred wholly and exclusively in connection with transfer.
(Karnataka High Court) Sale of property received under will. Expenditure incurred on obtaining
probate, travel expenses of executors and expenditure on evicting illegal
tenant is deductible.
Smt. Suniti Singh In dairy business amount realised by sale of calves. No cost of
(Madhya Pradesh High acquisition. Amount not assessable as capital gains.
G. Saroja (Madras High No written agreement between assessee and builder. No sale agreement
Court) and no sale consideration received during relevant period. No proof that
assessee put builder in possession of property. Tribunal holding property
not transferred. Order of tribunal based on valid materials and facts not
warranting interference.
Last minute revision material – May 2019 (CA Final DT) Page | 158
Cost In Case Of Previous 1) Kanubhai R. Shah HUF (Bom) 55(3), applies only in cases where the
Owner Where Transferor cost for which the previous owner acquired the property cannot be
Is HUF And HUF Has ascertained. More over assessee claimed that cost should be FMV as
Received As Gift From Its on that date of assessee becoming owner. Held that 55(3) is not
Member. applicable to this case. The cost to assessee shall be nil.
2) Harbhagwan (P&H) held that cost should be cost to the last previous
owner as mentioned under explanation to section 49 (1).
However it seems to be fair that section 49(1) must prevail i.e. cost to the
last previous owner must be considered as relevant.
Bharat S. Shah (Income- Cost of bonus shares can not be average cost.
tax Appellate Tribunal--
Jayakumar B. Patil Assessee purchased shares at par and gifted to associations of persons
(Income-tax Appellate with option to revoke gift after 74 months. Subsequent revocation of gift
Tribunal--Pune) and sale thereafter. Cost of acquisition is cost to previous owner, i.e.,
association of persons, ascertainable at nil. section 55(3) does not apply.
Maithreyi Pai (Kar) Interest on borrowings for purchase of shares. Whether constitutes part
of cost of acquisition of shares for computing capital gains on sale of
Mithlesh Kumari(Del)
shares. ITO disallowing claim on ground that interest already allowed as
SAS Hotel (P.) Ltd. (Mad) deduction under s. 57 was justified. However if the deduction is not
allowed it can amount to part of the cost of the asset.
Interest paid by the assessee on money borrowed for the purchase of an
open plot of land constituted part of actual cost. Mithlesh Kumari(Del)
What should be accountable as a revenue outgoing cannot be treated as
either capital cost or improvement for purposes of capital gains tax. It was
in this context, it was held in SAS Hotel (P.) Ltd. (Mad), that urban land
tax and corporation tax could not be treated as part of cost of acquisition
or its improvement.
Alcan Inc. (AT) Purchase of shares in foreign currency. Provision requiring gains to be
(Mumbai) computed in foreign currency and converted into Indian rupees. Shares
purchased prior to 1-4-1981. Cost of acquisition assessee will be entitled
to adopt fair market value as on 1-4-1981. Assessee entitled to
concessional rate of 10 per cent, u/s 112. Bonus shares allotted prior to 1-
4-1981 will have option to adopt fair market value as on 1-4-1981. Cost
of bonus shares allotted after 1-4-1981 to be taken at nil.
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 159
Common Wealth Trust There is no option available to substitute the fair market value as on the
Ltd. (SC) 1-4-2001 for the depreciable asset because section 55 opens with the
words that “for the purpose of section 48,49” Thus where computation is
to be made under section 50 which is independent one that option is not
available to the assessee
Garden Silk Weaving Where there is slumpsale, there should not be any capital gains computed
Factory (Gujarat High separately for depreciable assets under section 50.
Premier Automobiles In the case of a slump sale, there is a sale for consideration. That
(Bom) consideration is paid to the transferor-company and not to shareholders.
A slump sale agreement is contractual in nature. The only condition in
the case of slump sale is that the sale should be for a lump sum sale price.
Therefore, in the case of a slump sale, there is a transfer of the entire
business activity for a fixed price and sale value is not attributed to
individual items of assets. Such capital gains to be computed on that
basis. Nowadays such situation will be governed by 50B.
Zuari Industries Ltd. Net worth of assets can never be a negative figure.
(AT) (Mumbai)
Travancore Rubber And “Advance” under section 51 shall includes deposit made by the purchaser
Tea Co. Ltd. (SC) for the due performance of the contract and not forming part of the
Last minute revision material – May 2019 (CA Final DT) Page | 160
Uday S. Kotak (Income- The word “purchased” in section 54F cannot be interpreted in a manner
Tax Appellate Tribunal-- to include within its ambit the terms “cost of acquisition” and “cost of
Mumbai) improvement”. Amount paid to tenant to vacate the property after the
purchase of tenanted property is not allowable as exempt as part of the
purchase cost.
Mrs. Prema P. Shah Where an assessee sells a residential property in India and purchases
(Income-Tax Appellate within the permissible time another property in the U. K., the requirement
Tribunal--Mumbai) of section 54 for deduction is satisfied. The fact that such acquisition was
by way of lease for 150 years or that the property was in the U. K. would
not come in the way of relief.
Sumati Chand Kothari Out of sale consideration of his residential house, certain amount was
(HUF) (Jaipur) (AT) invested by assessee in purchase of a flat as well as terrace space under
two separate sale agreements bearing same date. Since terrace space
being adjacent to said flat could not be used by any one else except owner
of that flat, and both flat and terrace were purchased on one date, assessee
is entitled for deduction of whole amount invested in purchase of flat
including terrace space.
Ketan Bolinjkar Assessees sold their ownership rights in a property and claimed deduction
(Mum)(AT) of certain amount paid to their sister for vacating portion of property
occupied by her peacefully. Amount paid to sister was a deductible
expenditure from sale proceeds for computation of capital gains.
H.H. Raghavachari Capital gains arose from sale of property used for residence together with
land appurtenant there to. Assessee claimed full exemption on the ground
that gains invested in residential flat. Officer restricted exemption on
appurtenant land. Since no part of land could be sold independent of
building exemption will be available for even the land.
Mrs. Chellammal Assessee sold residential house and constructed another house but let it
Sampath (Mad)(AT) out after occupying it for one year. Exemption could not be denied on the
ground that newly constructed house was not occupied for a minimum
period of three years.
Damodar Raheja (Mad) Assessee purchased flat for purpose of his own residence after sale of his
(AT) residential house, benefit of section 54 could be denied only because
assessee was using small part of said flat as his office.
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 161
Anilaben Upendra Shah The relevant date for determining whether sale of flat is long term or short
(Guj) term would be the date on which the member acquires the shares in the
co-operative housing society and the date on which the member had sold
his shares in the said co-operative housing society.
Gulshan Banoo Mukhi Where investment is made in more than one house, any one house shall
(Mum) (AT) qualify for the purpose of exemption. Any repair expenditure incurred by
the assessee will form part of the investment in new asset if it was
necessary to make the house habitable. Renovation expense do not
qualify for the purpose of exemption. Where structure is not united any
one property will qualify for the purpose of exemption.
Ms. Sushila M. Jhaveri Meaning of “a” residential house. Exemption only to investment in single
(AT) (Mumbai) residential house.
P.K. Lahiri (Allahabad Section 54 grants the benefit for the transfer of residential house subject
High Court) to condition of investment in residential house. House transferred must
also include land appurtenant. Land appurtenant to the building implies
that the ownership of the building and the land appurtenant should be of
the same person. If the building is owned by one person and the land is
owned by another person then it will be the case of land adjoining the
building and by no stretch of imagination can it be called land appurtenant
to the said building. Also where the plot is large one admeasuring about
3.5 acres containing a residential bungalow of only 5700 sq.ft., the
application of section 54 on the capital gains on sale proceeds of the entire
land was obviously not correct, since the adjacent land could not be
treated as really appurtenant. In other words the reasonable land would
qualify for the purpose of exemption.
Harsutrai J. Raval. (Guj) The expression “for the purpose of his own residence” in section 54(1)
would suggest that the benefit of the provision is intended for the new
asset which is meant at the time of purchase or construction, to be used
for dwelling purposes by the assessee and this will rule out use by way of
mere temporary occupation which will not be a use for permanent
Circular 471, 672 Allotment of house in self financing scheme of Delhi Development
Authority is a case of construction. Where scheme of allotment of house
by co-operative society or other institutions is same as of DDA than it
must be regarded as a case of construction.
Last minute revision material – May 2019 (CA Final DT) Page | 162
Circular 538 Section 54 refers to house where income is chargeable under the head
house property. However annual value of one SOP is regarded as Nil
under that chapter. Yet such house must qualify for the purpose of
exemption under section 54.
Beena K. Jain (Bom) Date of agreement to sale is not relevant. Actual date of sale is relevant
for the section 54.
J. R. Subramaniam Bhatt Date of completion of construction is relevant and not the commencement
(Kar) of construction.
Hilla J. B. Wadia (Bom) Registration of the sale deed is not relevant for the purpose of capital
B. B. Sarkar (Cal) Even when both the condition of purchase and the construction is satisfied
than also exemption is permissible.
T. N. Arvinda Reddy Consideration in kind is at par with the consideration in cash for this
(SC) chapter
Phiroze H. Patch (Bom) Same property reacquired eligible for the exemption since in the opinion
of the court the transaction was a genuine one.
K.C. Kaushik V. P.B. In case the assessee has purchased more than one house/flat within the
Rane, ITO [Bom] period prescribed in section 54, it is for the assessee to claim relief against
the purchase of any one of the house/flat provided the other conditions
mentioned in the section are satisfied.
Smt. Sunita Aggarwal The Delhi High Court in CIT v. Smt. Sunita Aggarwal [2006] 284 ITR
(Delhi High Court) 20 (Delhi) has found that, when the assessee had acquired four portions
of property by four different sale deeds, but they all constitute one
residential house, where she was residing with her husband and children,
the benefit will be available in respect of all.
Sasiklal N. Satra (Income- The Legislature has used the word “a” before the words “residential
Tax Appellate Tribunal-- house” in section 54F. It must mean a complete residential house and
Mumbai) would not include a shared interest in a residential house.
Circular 743 Taxability of the unutilised balance of capital gains in the hands of legal
hairs of the deceased.
Circular 667 When land is acquired and on which construction is made than cost of the
land also qualifies for the exemption benefit regarding it as land
appertenant there to.
Mrs. Leela P. Nanda Assessee purchasing two adjoining flats and converting them into a single
(Income-tax Appellate residence--not two separate residential houses to be treated as one
Tribunal--Mumbai) residential house for purpose of section 54.
That the payment of Rs. 1,01,000 made to the brokers was an expenditure
incurred wholly and exclusively in connection with the transfer of the
asset as provided under section 48(1)
Rajesh Kumar Jalan Profits to be used for purchase of residential property or deposited in
(Gauhati High Court) specified account before date for furnishing income. Date for furnishing
income can be date under section 139(4). Unless this decision is accepted
by the Revenue, it may not be safe for the taxpayer to rely on this decision
and delay the return/deposit. Nor is it safe to assume, that part
performance under section 53A should be treated on par with purchase.
Natarajan (Madras High Sale of residence and purchase of house for residence within stipulated
Court) period. Purchase of house in wife’s name and there was finding that
income from house was assessed in hands of assessee. Exemption
available U/S 54.
Smt. Nargis A. Irani Property is a bundle of rights. Title is different from possession. Right to
(Income-tax Appellate enjoyment of the property may belong to different persons as co-owned
Tribunal--Pune) property or belonging to different persons at different points of time,
when one holds for life with right to remainder in favour of another. Such
transfer of rights is exigible to capital gains. It can not be said that it is
sale of house and thus section 54 can not be available.
Last minute revision material – May 2019 (CA Final DT) Page | 164
V. Pradeep Kumar Construction for 54F should not be a symbolic construction. Mere
(Madras High Court) construction by way of extension of the old existing house would not
mean constructing a residential house as contemplated under section 54F.
Saleem Fazelbhoy Scope of section 54F. Amount spent on making house inhabitable part of
(Income-tax Appellate investment for purposes of section 54F.
Usha Gupta (Rajasthan Sale of residential house and construction of new residence. Deduction
High Court) under section 54F denied in the absence of documents.
Ipun Mehrotra (AT) Net consideration to be invested in specified asset before date of filing
(Bangalore) return under section 139. 139(4) not specified. Compliance before filing
return under section 139(4). Exemption available. Controversial and not
to follow.
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 165
R. Vijaykumar (Mad) Benefit not available to person other than individual since the words was
is assessee or its parents
Smt. Savita Rani (P&H) The condition under section 54B is that the land so acquired must have
been used for agricultural purposes. Where there is evidence of such use,
neither the fact that the assessee's intention was to use it for non-
agricultural purposes nor the fact that the land was in a commercial area
can come in the way of exemption under section 54B.
M. A. Nazeer Cashew Section 54D, which grants an exemption must be construed liberally and
Industries (Ker) the expression "industrial undertaking" occurring in section 54D must be
given its popular meaning. An undertaking mentioned in section 54D
Hemsons Industries (AP)
must be one maintained by a person for the purpose of carrying on his
The Government acquired the land and building forming part of an ice
factory belonging to the assessee. The assessee claimed exemption from
tax under section 54D on the ground that he had invested the capital gain
in the construction of a lodging house. Held, that the running of a lodge
could be said to be an industrial undertaking within the meaning of
section 54D. The assessee was entitled to the exemption under section
Last minute revision material – May 2019 (CA Final DT) Page | 166
Circular 359 Investment in specified asset out of the earnest money before the actual
transfer do qualify for the purpose of the exemption.
Assam Petroleum Capital gain may have been received by the assessee on depreciable
Industries (P.) Ltd. (Gau) assets, if the conditions necessary under section 54EC are complied with
by the assessee, he will be entitled to the benefit envisaged in section
Smt. Saraswati Investment of gains in specified bonds. Investment in joint names. Object
Ramanathan (AT) (Delhi) of insertion of section 54EC is development of infrastructure. Investment
in name of assessee exclusively or joint names not relevant. Funds
flowing from assessee so exemption allowable.
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 167
Namita Sarkar (Calcutta Valuer report just a piece of evidence. Officer can also reject the report
High Court) of valuer. However where the Tribunal rejected the valuer’s report and
made its own estimate without indicating its basis of valuation, the
valuer’s report is to be preferred.
Rallis India Ltd. (Bombay The Assessing Officer becomes functus officio, once he passes an
High Court) assessment order. A reference to the valuer as regards the value of the
property as on April 1, 1981, for purpose of capital gains serves no
purpose after the assessment, since such reference is required to be made
only for the purpose of computation of capital gains in the assessment.
Last minute revision material – May 2019 (CA Final DT) Page | 168
Type 1 (10 Mark Type) Computation of Slump Sale with tax liability calculations.
Type 2 (6 Mark Type) Sale of property with stamp duty value on date of agreement being
different then on date of actual sale, together with investment in bonds or
other eligible exemption of 54 series
Type 4 (6 Mark Type) Sale of listed shares with tax liability calculations.
EIH Ltd. (Del AT) In the case of EIH Ltd. v. Income-tax Officer [2017] 78
242, the Delhi Tribunal held that when hotels collect the tips from the
customers, they receive the amount in fiduciary capacity on behalf of the
waiters. It does not come under preview of contract of employment
between the hotels and the employees, therefore, hotels (employer) are
not liable to deduct TDS under section 192 on the tips recovered from the
customers. The current ruling follows the case of ITC Ltd. v. CIT [2016]
68 323 (SC), wherein the Hon'ble Supreme Court held that
ITC was not liable to deduct TDS under section 192 on the tips paid to
employees collected from customers.
Halliburton Offshore In respect of tax deductible items (salary), there can even otherwise be no
Services Inc. (Utt) question of liability for interest under section 234B. Where tax is
deductible at source, the recipient is entitled to take into account, the
amount that should have been deducted at source in reckoning his liability
for advance tax in view of the clear language of section.
Manav Greys Exim (P.) There is no merit in contention that interest under section 201(1A) is not
Ltd. (Mum)(AT) chargeable in a case where payer has not deducted and paid tax at all.
Date of payment made by recipient should be considered as date on which
tax is actually paid.
Daljit Family Trust (Gau) Tax deducted by foreign Government would not be part of income of
(AT) assessee and, therefore, amount of tax paid should be deducted from gross
amount of prize money.
Vinsons (Mum) (AT) Assessing officer having found that assessee in his capacity as an
employer had deducted very negligible sum as TDS from salary of its
employees in initial months of year and had deducted very high amounts
of tax in last few months, levied interest under section 201(1A) on amount
of such tax from date on which tax was deductible to date on which tax
was actually paid. Held charging of interest for mere short deduction in
initial months was wrong and not justified.
State Bank Of Patiala Employer is not under obligation to investigate in to the affairs of the
(P&H) employee.
Ramchandra A. Datur Judgment Debt is not salary and so tax there on is not required to be
(SC) deducted.
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Circular 764 Transport allowance to the employees of central and the state government
is part of the taxable salary and thus tax must be deducted thereon
considering it as part of the taxable income.
Circular 761 When bank makes the payment of pension it did not deduct the amount
of tax since on the grounds that there is no employer employee
relationship and tax shall not be deducted. It has been clarified that for
the deduction of tax there shall not be employer employee relationship
and salary includes the pension and thus banks are under the obligation
to deduct the tax there on.
Ernakulam District Co- The levy of interest for failure to deduct tax on advance of salary and held
Operative Bank Ltd. that levy of such interest is warranted because it is not only compensatory
(TDS) (Ker) but also mandatory.
NHK Japan Broadcasting The assessee did not deduct tax at source under section 192, in respect of
Corporation (Delhi High the retention money paid outside the country to the Japanese expatriates
Court) working in India. Penalty was levied upon the assessee under section
271C. The Tribunal held that the facts of decided earlier which were
affirmed by the High Court were similar to the case of the assessee and
that there was reasonable cause for not deducting the tax at source, and
accordingly cancelled the penalty.
Eli Lilly and Co. I. P. Ltd. Accrual of salary of expatriate-executives outside India. No obligation on
Indian employer to deduct tax at source. Executives paying tax and also
interest. Department not entitled to claim interest from deductor.
Baldeep Singh (P&H) Meaning of person responsible for paying. For salary the employer, for
interest the borrower, for other sum the payer himself.
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 171
Ghaziabad Development Where the purchaser of a flat from the DDA was found entitled to interest
Authority vs. Dr. N.K. for deficiency and delay in handing over the flat under an order from the
Gupta (National State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, the requirement for tax
Consumer Disputes deduction under section 194A was not applicable because the character
Redressal Commission) of the payment though described as interest fixed at 18 per cent. per
annum, was only compensation measured with reference to the yardstick
of interest.
Kranti Kumar Saxena Where land is compulsorily acquired and the money to be paid as
(MP) enhanced compensation, is deposited in the execution court and interest
is awarded on such compensation, the court is not the person responsible
for paying any income by way of interest to the assessee. In terms of
sections 194A and 204 the real person responsible for paying income by
way of interest is the Land Acquisition Officer/Collector who has money
in his possession.
Shankar (Del) In view of the decision of the Supreme Court in Bikram Singh v. Land
Acquisition Collector [1997] 224 ITR 551 wherein it was held that the
(Important – 2003)
interest received on delayed payment of compensation under the Land
Acquisition Act, 1894, was a revenue receipt exigible to tax and section
194A is applicable. The person entitled to compensation would be
entitled to a spread over of the income for the period for which payment
came to be made so as to compute the income for assessing tax for the
relevant accounting year.
New India Assurance Co. The compensation amount which earned interest, because of the delayed
Ltd. Vs. Mani (Mad) payment is liable to be taxed and because of the amended provision, when
the interest amount exceeding Rs. 50,000 has been paid by the insurance
company, during the financial year, they are bound to deduct the income-
tax at source under section 194A of the Income-tax Act, 1961. Thus tax
should be deducted only where the interest payment exceeds the limit of
Thodupuzha Urban Co- Agricultural co-operative society is not liable to deduct tax at source on
Operative Bank Ltd. (Ker) interest on deposits as per 194A(3).
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Circular 478/485 For winning from lotteries exemption under section 10(3) is to be
considered. The winning is to be considered after deducting amount paid
to commission agents.
Commercial Corporation Lottery means Prize against Price. I.e. element of purchase must be
Of India (Bom) present. When agent is entitled to winning on unsold tickits and got the
prize. Then it can not be subject to TDS u/s 194B.
Director Of State The character of receipts in the hands of the agent is different from the
Lotteries, Assam (Gau) one in the hands of the subscriber to the lottery ticket. Prize money in the
hands of the agent forms part of his business income and therefore not
liable for tax deduction under section 194B.
Iqbal Chand Khurana In case of assessee conducting lottery on behalf of State Government
(Del)(AT) amount of prize on unsold tickets, unclaimed prize and unclaimed agents’
and stockists’ bonus could be said to come to assessee as business income
and not in form of winnings from lotteries when he never purchased
tickets nor participated in draw nor was entitled for any type of prize and
thus source of all these amounts were business transactions.
Deputy Director Of Small Before a scheme can be regarded as a lottery, there must be the element
Savings (Mad) of distribution of prizes which should be by chance or lot and such
distribution should be among those who had paid a price for participating
in the scheme. Mere gratuitous distribution without any price having been
paid by the participants for acquiring the chance and receiving a prize that
is ultimately distributed, would not amount to a lottery.
Dharam Prakash Jain Winnings from lotteries, crossword puzzles, horse races, etc. Assessee
(Del) (AT) purchased small saving prize bond of bank of madurai for rs. 500 and
won a prize of Rs. 50,000. Said winning by assessee was from lottery and
was taxable under section 2(24)(ix) like lottery winnings.
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 173
Malayala Manorama Co. Assessee was distribution of prizes, for those who predicted the results of
Ltd. (AT) election and sports. Where skill is involved in poll forecast or World Cup
football results, there is the factor of knowledge and skill and not mere
chance. Further, where there is no fee for participation, it is not a game
purely of chance as a lottery is. Thus it is not to be regarded as lottery
K. R. Syamkumar Lottery income is taxed at flat rate. Even where the assessee has no other
(Income-Tax Appellate income, the basic exemption is not available to him. It was so held in K.
Tribunal--Cochin) B. Syamkumar v. ITO [2006] 284 ITR (AT) 218 (Cochin).
Circular 240 Winning under section 194 BB is excess received over the bet. Where
assessee bet on two horse A and B for Rs. 100 each and won oon horse
A. winning would be 500 – 100 = 400.
Canaan Kuries And Loans Prize schemes by dealers for sale of consumer goods or by kuri
(P.) Ltd. (Ker) companies rewarding subscribers who make prompt payments, by a draw
among them can not be regarded as lottery.
BDA Ltd. (Bombay High Supply of printed labels by itself does not convert a contract of sale
Court) simpliciter into a work contract.
Dabur India Ltd. (Delhi Section 194C would require tax deduction at source in respect of
High Court) payments for carrying out any work including supply of labour. In a case
of sale of goods, it could have no application.
Circular 004 of 2002 Earlier CBDT had clarified regarding payments made to a hotel for rooms
hired during the year would be of the nature of rent ? where in its opinion
Payments made by persons other than individuals and Hindu undivided
family for hotel accommodation, taken on regular basis will be in the
nature of rent subject to TDS under section 194-I. Where earmarked
rooms are let out for a specified rate and specified period, they would be
construed to be accommodation made available on “regular basis”.
Similar would be the case, where a room or set of rooms are not
earmarked, but the hotel has a legal obligation to provide such types of
rooms during the currency of the agreement.
Last minute revision material – May 2019 (CA Final DT) Page | 174
Circular – 736 194 I and 194 J is not applicable to the film distributor and film exhibitor
for sharing of proceeds in-between them out of the film.
United Airlines (Delhi Landing fee and parking fee for aircraft amounts to rent.
High Court)
Circular 005 of 2001 Where tax is deducted on the advance rent the TDS credit shall be allowed
by spreading it over the years in the ratio of income offered to tax in
relation to rental income. Where tax is deducted on the advance rent, and
the agreement of the rent is cancelled or the property is sold in subsequent
year the entire tax credit shall be allowed in the year in which such
agreement is cancelled or the property is sold.
Amalendu Sahoo (Cal) Where a property is let out to a body of individuals, the limit for 194I
should be a collective one. But if it is let out to each member of such
body, the limit has to be a split one.
Tejmalbhai And Co. On the facts of the case even though the customers making payments to
(Income-Tax Appellate the assessee had booked the expenditure in their books of account under
Tribunal--Rajasthan) the head rental expenditure and deducted tax at source thereon under
section 194-I, the income so received was assessable in the assessee’s
hands as income from business and not as income from rent or income
from house property.
Reebok India Company Amount described in lease agreement as security deposit. Agreement
(Delhi High Court) provided for reduction of security deposit every six months by amount of
rent payable. Security deposit was in effect advance rent.
Ahmedabad Stamp This decision points out the distinction between commission/brokerage
Vendors Association and discount. Discount is an abatement of cost, where it is given at the
(Guj) time of sale. It is not for services rendered by the purchaser, so as to
constitute commission or brokerage. Such discount even including cash
discount for prompt payment has been treated consistently for sales tax
purposes as abatement of cost, so that sales tax becomes leviable only on
the net amount. Bonus, discount or rebate have been all understood as
abatement of price. The discount made available to the licensed stamp
vendors does not fall within the expression “commission” or “brokerage”
under section 194H of the Act.
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 175
Around The World Travel Discount is normally an abatement of price, so that it would not ordinarily
And Tours P. Ltd. (Mad) be treated as brokerage and commission, where it is allowed against the
list price.
Circular – 740 When interest is remitted by the indian branch of foreign banking
company abroad such H O shall be treated saperately for the the TDS and
deduction of tax is required to be made on such payment.
Transmission Corporation TDS under section 195 for NRI is to be deducted on the gross payment.
Of A.P. Ltd. (SC) Amount of income element in the payment is not relevant for the purpose
of deduction of tax at source.
Kanchanganga Sea Foods Where a non-resident company earns income from leasing its fishing
Ltd. (AP) vessels to an Indian company, being remunerated at 85 per cent. of the
earnings from the catch of the fish with the right accruing on the catch of
the fish, is subject to deduction of tax at source. This decision in
Kanchanganga Sea Foods Ltd.'s case is the subject matter of special leave
at the instance of the assessee, which has since been granted [2003] 264
ITR (St.) 139.
Mrs. Meena S. Patil Payments to non-resident for purchase of property. Failure to deduct tax.
(International Taxation) Deed of sale clearly showing seller non-resident. Purchaser liable to
(AT) (Bangalore) deduct tax at source. Interest for failure to deduct is payable only up to
date of payment by seller--sum deductible calculated at rates in force
much higher than sum tax actually payable by seller according to
assessment order. Interest payable only on sum not paid.
Circular 744 When return of TDS is filed by branch office there is no need to file again
by the head office of the same company. I.e. every branch can be
considered as separate unit for the purpose of TDS procedure. Separate
TAN no. can also be allotted for branch. However this procedure is at the
option of the assessee.
Circular 796 Computarised chalans and forms can be used for the purpose of filing the
TDS returns provided that they are exact replica of the original form.
Circular 797 Returns of TDS can be filed on the magnetic media, where data must meet
the specification and it must not contain any virus.
Circular – 749 When payment is made by the central government to its employees the
tax is deducted at source but TDS certificate does not contain the date of
payment made to the income tax department because payment to income
tax department is made by means of book entry and not by means of
banking channel. Assessing officer was not allowing the credit to
assessee on the grounds that certificate is defective. It has been clarified
that tax credit must be allowed to the assessee.
Circular 785 Where payer of income agreed to bear tax and make the payment net of
tax, they refuse to issue the TDS certificate. Clarified that in such a case
also TDS certificate must be issued.
Circular 774 When certificate for lower rate of TDS or No TDS is granted such credit
must be available on or after the date of issue of such certificate and not
before that.
Refund Of TDS
Circular 790 Where there was termination or modification of the agreement with Non
Resident as result there is no liability of TDS or the liability reduces. But
earlier the payment was already made. Such monies can be refunded back
to the depositor. Since income tax department do not acquire good title to
such monies. However such monies will be refunded after adjusting any
existing liability of the assessee under the act and the refund will be
granted only to the depositor and under no circumstances to the person
whose tax was deducted.
Om prakash S.S. & Co. License fees paid to government for obtaining license to carry on liquor
(SC) business is not within the perview of 206(C). However when such license
holder places order wit the supplier the provisions of 206(C) are attracted.
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 177
Harvansh And Sons (MP) A perusal of the M. P. Excise Act, 1915, makes it clear that when liquor
is purchased from a warehouse, payment of excise duty is to be made at
the rate of duty in force on the date of issue. Excise duty is to be paid
separately to the State. Hence, tax has to be collected at source on the cost
price of liquor excluding the amount paid towards excise duty.
District Excise Officer Where the amount collected is in the nature of basic licence fee being part
(Uttaranchal High Court) of bid money and not consideration for sale of goods, but for parting with
a privilege, tax is not collectible at source under section 206C.
Viond Rathore (Madhya Tax collection at source on specified products is required on the sale
Pradesh High Court) price. In ascertaining sale price, excise duty payable cannot be excluded.
Last minute revision material – May 2019 (CA Final DT) Page | 178
Lalita M. Bhat (Bom) Association of persons is an independent assessable entity different and
distinct from its members. Loss of association of persons can be set off
only against its own profits and not against profits of its members.
Milling Trading Co. (P) Section 70,71 is not optional but mandatory in nature
Ltd. (Guj)
Chensing Ventures Amount assessed as income from undisclosed sources. The other loss can
(Madras High Court) be set off against such income.
Brooke Bond India Ltd. Dividend on the shares held as stock in trade though chargeable under the
(SC) head other sources but is still the in the nature of business income. Nature
of income is to be considered for the purpose of set off and carry forward.
Co. Canada Radhaswamy Bank security held as stock in trade for the banking business if there is
Bank Ltd. (SC) any income shall be taxable under the head other sources but in the nature
of business income.
Produce Exchange Test of same business – dealer in more than one commodity
Corporation Of India
Section 72 A – Amalgamation
Marshall & Sons (SC) Effective date of amalgamation is one stated in the scheme or as specified
by the court. The date of sanction of scheme and date of making
(Important - 1997)
application to the court is not relevant for the amalgamation. (same
should also be made applicable for the purpose of Demergers)
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 179
Circular 23 Speculative loss of the current year should be adjusted against current
years speculative profit and then the carried forward speculative losses
shall be adjusted. Alternatively carried forward speculative losses shall
be adjusted first and then the current years speculative losses. Whichever
at the option of the assessee.
Venkateswar Investment Since the inception of the assessee-company, it was engaged in the
and Finance P. Ltd. (AT) business of financing by way of granting loans and advances and earned
interest income there from. Thus it can be said that its main business is of
granting loans and advances and thus explanation to section 73 is not
applicable to this case.
Godavari Capital Ltd. Section 73 is applicable only in cases where losses are incurred in
(Hyd (AT)) speculation business. The object of this section is to curb the device being
resorted to by some business houses to manipulate and reduce the taxable
income by booking speculative losses. This section cannot be invoked in
a case where there is a profit from a speculative transaction.
Jindal Exports Ltd. The loss on sale of shares held as investments cannot be covered by the
(Income-tax Appellate Explanation to 73, which would have no application in such cases.
Merfin (India) Ltd.(Hyd) Assesses-appellate company was a member of National Stock Exchange
(ITAT) of India and derived income by way of brokerage through purchase and
sale of shares on behalf of clients. It also purchased and sold shares on its
own account. It described such shares bought and sold on its own account
as its investments and claimed that it had incurred loss on the purchase
and sale of such shares held as investments. Question of physical delivery
is relevant only in the context of section 43(5) only. Even if there is
physical delivery, loss may have to be regarded as speculative loss if it is
hit by provisions of Explanation to section 73. Assesses was clearly hit
by provision of said Explanation. Therefore loss in question was rightly
regarded as speculation loss.
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Micro India Ltd. (Gauhati The Tribunal without discussing whether the assessee-company could
High Court) prove that its principal business was of granting loans and advances and
thus came within the scope of the exception stipulated in the Explanation
to section 73, had held that section 73 was not applicable in the case of
the assessee-company, by simply relying on the submission made by the
assessee. The order of the Tribunal had to be set aside.
Sucham Finance and Where business activity consisting of purchase and sale of shares has to
Investments (I) Ltd. (AT-- be treated as speculation business even if the entire business activity of a
Mumbai) company consists only of purchase and sale of shares. The entire business
will be treated as speculation business.
Madhukant M. Mehta After the death of sole proprietor the business was carried on by the legal
(SC) heirs forming partnership of the same business. Held that the carried
forward loss of the proprietor qualifies for the setoff in the hands of the
Rajasthan Rajya Sahakari When there is no specific provision like section 72A for companies, that
Spinning And Ginning the Legislature has no intention to extend a similar benefit in the case of
Mills Federation Ltd. merger of societies. Section 78(2) also extends the benefit of carry
(Raj) forward or set off of losses only in the case of succession. 78 (2) has no
application in case of merger of societies.
Concord Industries (SC) Losses shall mean all the losses but excludes depreciation.
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 181
Raja Benoy Kumar Sahas There should be basic operation on the land itself and there should be
Roy (SC) subsequent operation in conjuction with the basic operation than only it
will qualify for the benefit of exemption.
Benefit is available regardless of the crop whether food crop of cash crop.
Benefit is not available for the Dairy farming, cheese making, butter
making, poultry farming since there is no work upon the land itself.
Bacha F. Guzdar (SC) Dividend on share is not an agricultural income even if company is
having agricultural income.
R.M. Chidambaram Pillai Share of profit from the partner ship firm is on account of special profit
(SC) and thus character of income will retain the same in the hands of the
partner which will be agricultural income if firm is having agricultural
Circular 600 Computation of total income when there is profit from the export of tea
out of India. First compute business income after applying rule 8 and then
80 HHC benefit shall be granted.
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Taxation Of Executor In Mahamaya dasi (cal) administrator “pendente lite” not to be taxed since
Case Of Inteste has no role to play at all. Usha d. Shah (Bom) Executor must be given
Succession. the widest possible meaning and administrator must be taxed.
Viswanatha Sastri (Mad) The legal fees due to the deceased on the date of his death is one of the
assets left by the deceased and will be part of his estate and will probably
be liable to estate duty, but on the language of s. 168 such arrears of fees
cannot be brought to charge as income of the estate. Realisation of the
arrears would amount to recovery of part of the deceased's estate.
Abdulgafur A. Mistry Will by mother bequeathing certain assets for benefit of her minor
(Gujarat High Court) grandchildren, will appointing assessee’s wife and another as guardians
and trustees. Profit income from firm to be divided in equal share and
deposited in accounts of each minor. On facts no trust was created.
Executor representing interest of minors and depositing business income
in each minor’s account is not in capacity of trustee but as executor of
will. Clubbing of income to assessee by section 64(1)(iii) is not
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 183
Imperial Chit Fund (P) 1. Section 178 of the income tax act provides that liquidator of the
Limited (SC) company in liquidation must provide in books of accounts sum due
as well as payable and also LIKELY TO BECOME DUE AND
2. 530(1) (a) of the company act provides that only that amount due and
payable must only be provided and NOT that are likely to become
due and payable.
SC resolved the controversy that as per the income tax act the amount
must be provided since its intention is to fasten the liability of tax and
company law provides for only procedural matter.
Minal Oil And Industries Preferential payments in favour of secured creditors and workmen have
Ltd. (Gujarat High Court) priority over the claim of the Income-tax Department as was held in ACIT
v. Official Liquidator of Minal Oil and Industries Ltd. [2007] 290 ITR
643 (Guj) on consideration of the provisions of section 178(3) and 529A
of the Companies Act, 1956.
K.V. Reddy (AP) Liability of directors will arise only when tax liabilities can not be
recovered from the company and there must be finding to that effect.
Indubhai T. Vasa (HUF) Section 179 would hold the directors of a private company to be
(Gujarat High Court) responsible for the dues of the company on its liquidation. It could,
however, be enforced, inter alia, only when the amount could not be
recovered from the company.
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Jagir Singh Balraj Kumar Where commission agent accepted deposits in form of “AMANAT” on
& Co. (P&H) sale of agri-produce. Held 269 SS is not applicable. “AMANAT” can not
be termed as LOANS OR DEPOSITS.
Indore Plastics P. Ltd. During that year, the assessee-company accepted deposits in cash from
(MP) the promoter from time to time. However, held that the penalty under
section 271D so imposed is to be vacated on the finding that the said
payment was not by way of deposit or loan, but towards adjustments of
the amount drawn by the promoter from the company’s account.
Manoj Lalwani (Raj) Where the assessee had taken a loan of Rs. 2.5 lakhs of which Rs. 2.45
lakhs was deposited immediately in the bank to meet the urgent demand
for a time bound supply, there was reasonable cause. In such cases, the
Assessing Officer has no jurisdiction to impose penalty.
Mrs. Rupali R. Desai Special loan transaction during the course of winding up is a reasonable
(Bom) cause and thus penalty should not be imposed.
Bhalotia Engineering Share application money to be regarded as deposit for the purpose of
Works Pvt. Ltd. 269SS, where it was repaid in cash the penalty is imposable. However
(Jharkhand) this judgment needs to be reviewed on the point that share application
monies can not be regarded in deposit in any terms.
Kundrathur Finance And Where there is a reasonable explanation for acceptance of cash in
Chit Co. (Madras High violation of the requirement of section 269SS, penalty under section
Court) 271D is not exigible as was found in CIT v. Kundrathur Finance and Chit
Co. [2006] 283 ITR 329 (Mad),
All India Deaf And Dumb Tribunal had recorded a finding that the funds were not available for
Society (Delhi High meeting day-to-day expenses, and therefore, loans were taken in cash and
Court) when the funds were available, the same were returned in cash. This is a
genuine case and penalty of 271D / 271E is not to be imposed.
Dewan Chand Amrit Lal The authority competent to impose penalty under sections 271D and
(Income-Tax Appellate 271E is the Deputy Commissioner (now the Joint Commissioner) and the
Tribunal--Chandigarh) Assessing Officer does not have the power either to initiate the penalty
proceedings or impose the penalty.
Ratna Agencies (Madras Contravention of 269SS AND 269T alleged against the assessee did not
result in any unaccounted transaction such as lending and repayment and
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 185
High Court) that both lending and repayment were entered in the books of the assessee
and the figure involved was meagre and that the same was incurred only
for meeting the sudden demand of overdraft account. Thus penalty should
not be imposed.
Idhayam Publications The transaction between the assessee and the director-cum-shareholder
Ltd. (Madras High Court) was not a loan or deposit and it was only a current account in nature and
no interest was being charged for the above transaction. The deletion of
penalty was justified.
Kasi Credit Corporation Penalty under section 271E for repayment of deposits in cash exceeding
(Madras High Court) the prescribed limit can be spared, if the assessee is able to show
reasonable cause for the contravention of section 269T of the Act
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Atria power corporation Assessee company acquired US $ 100 million contract which was
ltd. (Kar) financed by IDBI and SBI. Charge was proposed to be created on all its
assets. Application was made to assessing officer and certificate was
granted. Subsequently the certificate was cancelled. Held that such order
of cancellation of certificate was not valid since reasons of cancellation
was not given. [such certificate of cancellation will be valid if applicant
fail to disclose the material facts at the time of making the application.]
Smt. Ramana (P&H) Assessee was owner of two houses. One of the house of transferred by
means of gift to the grand son. Assessing officer invoked 281 for recovery
VLS Finance Ltd (Del)
of tax dues and regarded gift as void. Assessee opted to attach the other
house against the recovery. Held that transfer includes gift for the purpose
of 281. Held also that there is no provision under income tax act to debar
department to proceed against the house attached first.
Gangadhar Vishwanath Provisions of sec. 281 are declaratory in nature. I.e. no orders are required
Ranade (SC) to be passed. Where department seek to remedy 281 must file a suit to
declare the transfer void. 281 will not affect the legal rights of the parties
since 281 refers to only void ab the rights of department.
Ilaben Ramanlal Zariwala Every order of extention must be passed by CIT or CIT must approve it.
(Guj) Such orders or approval must be made after the application of mind.
Order of extention of time without inquiring in to why the matter was
Gaurav Goel (Cal)
pending was not valid in the eyes of law. Reasons of extention must be
recorded in writing.
Ahmedabad Stock Stock broker card was proposed to be provisionally attached in the
Exchange (SC) scheme of tax recovery. Membership constitute personal permission for
the participation in stock exchange. Such permission is subject to rules
and regulations. Mere fact that such card can be sold or auctioned by the
stock exchange it does not make it a property and could not be
provisionally attached u/s 281(B)
Samson John vs. Tax Property purchased in minor’s name in 1974 and house constructed in
Recovery Officer 1979-80. No transfer of property to minor within the meaning of
explanation to section 222(1). Property could not be attached and sold in
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 187
Dagi Ram Pindi Lall (SC) Any person referred to u/s 138 (1)(b) shall mean any person other than
court of law. There is no reference under 138 for the powers of court to
Nathuram Weljibhai
summon document from ITO. Thus such powers of the court is not taken
away by the income tax act.
H.L. Sibal (P&H) Where there is several document in one file CIT must exercise
jurisdiction for every document of the file and not the entire file. Mearly
because several assessee’s are processed together in the same file it can
not be the grounds of claiming priviledge.
Thavarakkattil Chandri Assessee made application to court of law to summon the documents
(Ker) from ITO. Since 138(1)(b) remedy was not exhausted the petition could
not be entertained.
Barium Chemicals (AP) In case of business connection with non-residents the liability of non-
residents falls on both agent as well as principal. Assessing officer
followed procedure of 174 by issuing notice on non-residents. That by it
self can not be the bar on applying 160 and 163 (assessment in the hands
of the agent).
Premsudha Exports P. Where property is let and is vacant for whole or part of year. Meaning of
Ltd. (AT) (Mumbai) “property is let” does not mean that property should have been let in
earlier year or should have been actually let in year in question. Property
must held with intention to let. Property purchased by assessee in year
and record showing steps taken by assessee to let it and property lying
vacant despite efforts. Annual letting value to be taken at nil.
Settlement Commission
Kuldeep Industrial Assessee made application for settlement in respect of three assessment
Corporation (SC) years. Assessee admitted that no manufacturing was done and losses
claimed were untrue for all three years. Also submitted combined
computation of income given for all three years. Dismissal of application
for one year and admission of application for other two years was
misdirection in law. Application for all three years to be dismissed.
P. T. Antony And Sons Proceeding of settlement commission does not grant immunity from the
(Kerala High Court) state laws.
Ajmera Housing (SC) In Ajmera Housing, the Supreme Court considered the provisions of the
said Act with regard to settlement. In the context of Section 245C of the
said Act, the Supreme Court observed as under:- "27. It is clear that
disclosure of "full and true" particulars of undisclosed income and "the
manner" in which such income had been derived are the prerequisites for
a valid application under Section 245-C(1) of the Act. Additionally, the
amount of income tax payable on such undisclosed income is to be
computed and mentioned in the application. It needs little emphasis that
Section 245-C(1) of the Act mandates "full and true" disclosure of the
particulars of undisclosed income and "the manner" in which such
income was derived and, therefore, unless the Settlement Commission
records its satisfaction on this aspect, it will not have the jurisdiction to
pass any order on the matter covered by the application."
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Satish U. Pai (T.) (Kar) The firm was carrying on business of printing and book-binding.
Assessee partner, started independent business of book-binding. Assessee
was doing business as individual and no unity of control in regard to
businesses of assessee and firm. No transfer of either capital, machinery
or any other asset from firm to assessee. Labour employed in assessee's
business is different from that of firm. In this case assesses business is
not out of splitting up or reconstruction.
Textile Machinery For the reconstruction of an existing business there must be transfer of
Corporation Ltd. (SC) the assets of the existing business to the new industrial undertaking. A
new activity launched by the assessee by establishing new plants and
machinery by investing substantial funds may produce the same
commodities of the old business or it may produce some other distinct
marketable products, even commodities which may feed the old business.
These products may be consumed by the assessee in his old business or
may be sold in the open market. Such new activity is not reconstruction
of business.
Hindustan General It is no doubt true that in a case of reconstruction there might be a transfer
Industries Ltd. (Del) of assets from the old to the new undertaking. But the converse is not true
that in every case where there is a transfer of such assets, there is
necessarily a reconstruction. It is not every alteration in the mode, method
or scope of the activities of a business and it is not every transfer of assets
from one unit to another that will involve "reconstruction". The
expression is no doubt very wide but it does not take in a case of a
company setting up or establishing a totally independent and viable
industrial unit for carrying on the same or similar business even though it
might be so set up by way of expanding the already existing business.
Menon Impex P. Ltd. The interest received by the assessee was on deposits made by it in the
(Mad) banks. It was the deposit which was the source of the interest income. The
mere fact that the deposit was made for the purpose of obtaining letters
of credit which were in turn used for the purpose of the business of the
industrial undertaking did not establish a direct nexus between the interest
and the industrial undertaking and, therefore, the assessee was not entitled
to get the benefit of section 10A in relation to the interest.
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 191
Nandinho Rebello In the case of Nandinho Rebello v. DCIT [2017] 80 297
(Ahmedabad - Trib.) (Ahmedabad - Trib.), the assesse claimed deduction in the return of
income in respect of notice pay recovered from his salary by the previous
employers. The CIT(A) was of the view that no such deduction is
available under Section 16 as the salary income is taxable on due basis or
on paid basis. However, the Tribunal held that only actual salary received
by an employee shall be taxed in the hands of the assesse.
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Circulr 722 Merely because the co-operative society in cottage industry makes
payment to the third party for the services made available can be no
grounds to deny the benefit of 80-O to the society.
Rajasthan Rajya Bunker This Court found its way to accept the claim of apex society to the benefit
Sahakari Sangh Ltd. (Raj) of deduction on the ground, that it was in full control of the manufacturing
activities of the weavers, who were members of the primary societies, so
that the assessee-society itself could be treated as engaged in cottage
industry. Thus the deduction under section 80P(2)(a)(ii) shall be allowed
to the assessee society.
Kota Co-Operative When the business of the assessee is segregable for the purpose of
Marketing Society (Raj) exempted income, the Income-tax Officer has rightly restricted the
income for the purpose of section 80P(2) which was earned in dealings
with the members of the society.
Ganganagar Sahkari For the purpose of making deduction under section 80P, it is necessary to
Spinning Mills Ltd. (Raj) first determine the gross total income in accordance with the other
provisions of the Act. This means that the gross total income must be
determined by setting off against the income the business losses of the
earlier years as required under section 72 of the Act before allowing
deduction under section 80P.
District Co-Operative Section 80P(2)(e) allows deduction of the whole of the income from
Federation (All) letting godowns and warehouses for storage, processing or facilitating
marketing of commodities. In CIT v. District Co-operative Federation
[2004] 271 ITR 22 (All), the issue was whether a cold storage could be
treated as a godown or warehouse for the purpose of this deduction.
Jamnagar Jilla Sahakari Where the taxpayer has one indivisible business with part of the income
Kharidvechan Sangh Ltd. eligible for deduction under 80P the common expense is to be fully
(Gujarat High Court) allowed.
Apollo Tyres Ltd. (SC) Section 115J does not empower the Assessing Officer to embark upon a
fresh enquiry in regard to the entries made in the books of account of the
Kinetic Motor Co. Ltd. It is not in dispute that under the Companies Act both the straight line
(Bom) method and written down value method are recognised. Therefore, once
the amount of depreciation actually debited to the profit and loss account
was certified by the auditors, it was not permissible for the Assessing
Officer to make book adjustments even if there was a change in method
of providing depreciation.
Circular 013 of 2001 Advance tax is required to be paid for the companies covered by section
115JB since 115JB is self contained code in itself.
Kwality Biscuits Ltd. The Supreme Court has resolved the controversy regarding the liability
(Supreme Court Of India) to pay advance tax and the consequent levy of interest, if it is so payable,
but not paid. The interest of 234B and 234C should not be charged.
Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Where the statutory provision is silent regarding carry forward of
Ltd., (Authority for business loss and unabsorbed depreciation after reduction against the
Advance Ruling) current year’s profit, the carry forward would be according to the general
principles of law and accountancy as applicable for the purpose of carry
forward of unabsorbed loss/depreciation under the other Acts. It is not
open to the taxpayer to opt for an inconsistent method of accounting.
Usha Martin Industries A mere provision for bad debt is not an admissible deduction in
Ltd. (AT--Calcutta) computation of taxable income. The same rule need not have application
in computation of book profits under section 115JB.
Dhanalakshmi Paper Tax on distributed dividend under section 115-O is also income-tax, so
Mills Ltd. (AT --Chennai) that it cannot be allowed as a deduction from book profits.
Malayala Manorama Co. Jurisdiction of assessing officer is limited to matters specified . No power
Ltd. (Supreme Court of to rework net profit arrived at by company by consistently charging
India) depreciation at the rates specified in income-tax rules.
BASF Aktiengesellschaft Capital gains from transfer of shares in Indian company. Shares
(International Taxation) purchased in foreign exchange and capital gains computed in foreign
(AT) (Mumbai) currency. Rate of tax as provided in 115AB, 115AD will be applicable.
Benefit of indexation and consequent rate of tax of 10 % not available.
48, 112, 115AB, 115AD
Harbinger Systems (P.) In the case of Harbinger Systems (P.) Ltd. v. DCIT [2017] 77
(Pune ITAT) 284, the Pune ITAT held that when only Income-tax is
calculated and payable as per provisions of Section 115JB, it is natural
that tax credit to be allowed under Section 115JAA shall be restricted to
income-tax excluding surcharge and education cess.
Tata Tea Co. Ltd. (SC) In the case of Union of India v. Tata Tea Co. Ltd. [2017] 85
346, the Supreme Court upheld the constitutional validity of Section 115-
O that imposes an additional tax on dividend. It held that the provisions
of this section would be applicable in the event of declaration, distribution
or payment of dividend by a domestic company, even if the said company
generates only agriculture income.
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 195
Type 1 (16 Mark Type) Full length tax liability calculation of both Normal Tax and MAT.
Type 2 (16 Mark Type) Foreign companies with PE in India and MAT tax Liability.
Type 3 (6 Mark Type) MAT tax credit adjustment of carry forward or set off where tax is paid
in foreign country.
Type 4 (9 Mark Type) MAT caluculation of tax liability with certain incomes which are eligible
for special rates of taxes, for example companies having Royalty Income
/ LTCG and also covered by MAT.
Type 6 (6 Mark Type) Dividend tax implication with 2(22)(e) type dividend.
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R.Sridharan (SC) S a Hindu man married R, a Christian woman of Austrian descent, and a
son, N, was born to them. In regard to assessments to income-tax and
Perumal V/S
wealth-tax S claimed the status of a Hindu undivided family for himself
Ponnuswamy (SC)
and his son, N, contending that the property held by him was ancestral.
There was no material on record to show that N was not brought up as a
Hindu. S had unequivocally acknowledged and expressly declared that
he and his son. N, formed a Hindu undivided family.
C.Krishna Prasad (SC) "Family" always signifies a group. Plurality of persons is an essential
attribute of a family. A single person, male or female, does not constitute
a family. A family consisting of a single individual is a contradiction in
terms. Section 2(31) treats a Hindu undivided family as an entity distinct
and different from an individual. Assessment in the status of a Hindu
undivided family can be made only when there are two or more members
of the Hindu undivided family.
N.V.Narendranathen (SC) There need not be at least two male members to form a Hindu undivided
family as a taxable unit for the purpose of the Wealth-tax Act, 1957. The
expression "Hindu undivided family" in the Act is used in the sense in
which a Hindu joint family is understood in the personal laws of Hindus.
Under the Hindu system of laws a joint family may consist of a single
male member and his wife and daughters and there is nothing in the
scheme of the Wealth-tax Act to suggest that a Hindu undivided family
as an assessable unit must consist of at least two male members.
Surjitlal Chhabda (SC) At the time of 1st creation of HUF there must be more than one co-
parcener present.
Pushpa Devi (SC) Female member cannot blend the property with that of family even if she
is the sole owner of the property. This is so because she is not a co-
parcener. However she can gift her property to the HUF.
Sandhya Rani Dutta (SC) Wife and daughters of the sole deceased Hindu male can-not enter in to
an agreement to create an HUF of deceased.
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 197
Verrappa Chettiar (SC) Property of HUF on death of sole male member will constitute as that of
the family. After the decision in Pushpa Devi's case, the decision in this
case would appear to have been superseded on the simple ground that
absence of a male member would rule out a Hindu joint family.
Vijayapuri Chettiar (Mad) The conditions precedent for a valid reunion are
(1) There must have been a previous state of union. Reunion is possible
only among the persons who were on an earlier date members of a Hindu
undivided family; (2) There must have been a partition in fact (3) The
reunion must be effected by the parties or some of them who had made
the partition; and (4) There must be a junction of estate and reunion of
property because reunion is not merely an agreement to live together as
tenants-in-common. Reunion is intended to bring about a fusion in the
interest and in the estate among the divided members of an erstwhile
Hindu undivided family so as to restore to them the status of a Hindu
undivided family once again and, therefore, reunion creates a right in all
the reuniting coparceners, in the joint family properties which were the
subject-matter of partition among them, to the extent they were not
dissipated before the reunion.
Chander Sen (SC) There was a partition between father and son. Thereafter business run in
partnership and later on there was death of father intestate. In the books
of the firm the amount were standing to credit of father and devolves on
son in his individual capacity and not on the HUF of his son. It is not an
asset of such HUF. When property is inherited the status of the property
depends on the status of the person from whom it has been inherited. I.e.
individual property of the father when inherited by son will be the
individual property of the son.
Mahendra Kumar Sewti Where the Tribunal had found that the mother was allocated no portion
Devi (All) of the properties under division nor was she compensated in lieu of the
loss of her share in the said properties Held, that the partition of the Hindu
undivided family was not valid. However contrary views also exist.
Amrit Lal (Allahabad Members of HUF can divide themselves groupwise. Not necessary to
High Court) define share of each member of each group. Income-tax officer treating
groups as tenants-in-common and including 50 per cent. of income
arising from partition in hands of assessee is not proper. Claim of partial
partition between various groups upheld and allowed.
Parshottamdas K. Panchal An individual who receives ancestral property at a partition and who
(Guj) subsequently acquires family, but has no male issue, would hold that
property only as the property of the family. Under the Hindu law the wife
of the coparcener is certainly a member of the family.
R. Kuppayee Vs. Raja Supreme Court decided that there is no reason why gift of immovable
Gounder (SC) property also within reasonable limits in favour of his daughter on the
occasion of her marriage or even long after her marriage, keeping in view
the total extent of the property of the joint family, should not similarly be
Bhagat Ram vs. Teja Hindu female is dying intestate without any childrens. Property inherited
Singh (SC) by such hindu female from father or mother property would devolve on
heirs of father. Property inherited by such Hindu female from husband or
father-in-law would devolve on heirs of husband.
Girdhari Lal (Decd.) (All) When a Hindu dies intestate his self-acquired property becomes ancestral
property in the hands of his sons. This is because under Hindu law the
property which a person inherits from his father, father’s father and
father’s father’s father is ancestral property.
Smt. Meera Prem Sundar Tribunal was not right in holding that there was a deemed partition and
(HUF) (Allahabad High disruption of the Hindu undivided family as per Explanation 1 to section
Court) 6 of the Hindu Succession Act where one of the co-parcener dies.
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 199
George Talkies Circuit Where firm was insolvent and business was carried on by the receiver.
(Raj) Held that firm stands to be dissolved and it shall be assessed in the status
of AOP.
Ramakrishbna Chit Fund A deity cannot be sui juris so as to be taken in as a partner of a firm. One
Co. (AT) (Hyderabad) of the partners a hindu deity. Deity not represented by shebait. Signature
on behalf of deity. Firm not valid. Assessee constituted as association of
Ishwar Bhuvan Hindu A partnership between the karta of a Hindu undivided family and an
Hotel (Bombay High individual member of the family, where the latter is taken in as a working
Court) partner is valid.
V. Baliah Chetty sons & Where there is retirement or admission of partner and at the time of
co. (Mad) retirement or admission dissolution deed was executed there is a valid
dissolution. If the same business is carried on by newly constituted firm
it amounts to succession and two assessment is required to be done.
Partnership law in such case can not be totally ignored. Mearly there are
common partners it can not be the grounds of regarding it as change in
N. Mavukkarai estate tea Four out of the five partners retire. The remaining partner enters in to
factory (Mad) partnership with outsiders on the same day. Held that it is a case of
succession of business and not a case of change of constitution. Old
partnership stands to be dissolved and as good as there was proprietory
concern and subsequently new firm was constituted. Mearly there was
common partners it cannot be the grounds of regarding it as change in
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Vimal and Amar Talkies Similar case to N. Mavukkarai estate tea factory (Mad) but held that it
(MP) was a case of change in constitution of firm and no recourse shall be made
to partnership law.
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 201
Excel producton (Ker) There was succession of firm. Subsidy accrued to predecessor firm and
was received by successor firm. Held that 189 applies and shall be taxable
in the hands of the predecessor firm.
Paily Pillai & co. (Ker) There was dissolution of firm. Arbitration award was granted
subsequently. Held that 189 do not apply and 176(3A) would be
applicable. Even if accrual of income would have been argued the
arbitration award would accrue in the year of receipt/ delivering the
Diza Electricals (Ker) Where sales tax of the previous year is paid after the dissolution of the
firm by one of its partner to took over the assets and liabilities of the firm
held that in computing the income of the firm such sales tax was
allowable as deduction.
Star Andheri estate 189(1) must be assessed in the hands of the firm where income relates to
(Bom) the period prior to the dissolution. 176(3A) in the hands of the person
who receives it since it relates to the period after the dissolution of the
Banyan and berry (Guj)
A. L. A. Firm (SC) Upon the dissolution of the firm the partners of the firm having revalued
the stock-in-trade for the purposes of mutual adjustment which was the
only basis on which the real rights of the partners, it was untenable for
them to contend that the valuation should be on some other basis for
income-tax purposes. The stock-in-trade had been valued at market price,
the surplus had to be reflected in the profits of the firm and had to be
charged to tax.
Sakthi Trading Co. (SC) As a result of death of one of its partners the firm was dissolved and
reconstituted with remaining partners. As the business of the firm was
never discontinued but was taken over on succession by another firm, the
closing stock of the assessee firm had to be valued at cost or market price
whichever was lower.
M. Kathiresan (Madras Conversion of proprietary business into partnership business. Stock need
High Court) not be valued at market price.
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Kalyanji Ravji & Co. Capital for the purpose of 40(b) shall include the fixed as well as current
(SC) capital. 40(b) shall apply when there is payment of interest made by firm
to the partners. In case there is any payment of interest by partner to firm
40(b) is inapplicable.
Architectural Associates Section 40(b) provides for deduction of interest and salary paid to
(Hyderabad Bench partners to the extent stipulated in the partnership deed, but not exceeding
(Appellate Tribunal)) the parameters laid down under section 40(b). Calculation of interest must
be made on reasonable and consistent basis.
Mysore Bangles Works Commission paid to one of the proprietory concern of a partner is same
(Kar) as paid to partner and thus subject to 40(b)
Heastie V/S Veith & Co. Rent does not mean salary, bonus, commission, or remuneration
Chitra Kalpana (AP) 40 (b) applies for the services that are part of the obligation of the partner
[1988]Reported Before i.e. if there is no obligation of the partner than 40 (b) does not apply.
Yoganand Textile (Guj)]
Firm paid to partner A 25000 and to partner B 15000 on account of story
writing and direction of a movie held that 40 (b) does not apply since
there was no obligation to provide to firm by the respective partner.
Trilok Nath Mehrotra When member of the HUF is partner in a firm as representative capacity
(SC) than the salary for special services would always be his individual income
unless it can be linked with the amount of investment made in that firm.
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 203
Rasik Lal And Co. (SC) Firm paid commission to a partner a HUF where Karta was partner in the
representative capacity, held that payment can not be regarded as
payment to the HUF and disallowance of section 40(b) applies since it is
payment to partner for the firm. It would be individual income of the
assessee partner. It can not be said that he is legally a partner but in reality
he is not because he is required to pay the money beck to the members of
the HUF as per the terms with the other members of the HUF.
CIT Vs. Parthasarathy There were two partnerships constituted by different partnership deeds
Naidu (G.) And Sons (SC) carried on different businesses. Though they had the same partners their
shares were different. It was clearly specified that the business of one
partnership shall not be deemed to be part and parcel of the other. There
was no inter-lacing or inter-locking between the two firms. Thus the
assessement of both the firms can not be clubbed.
B.S. Sundaravadivel This court found that in view of section 171, the partial partition has to
Mudaliar And Sons (Mad) be ignored and that the joint family should be treated as continuing for
income-tax purposes not only for assessment of the income of the joint
family, but also for purposes of section 40(b).
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Type 1 (16 Mark Type) Full length tax liability calculation of both Normal Tax and AMT.
Interest to partners on capital account and current account.
Interest on loan to partners subject to 40(b)
One of the partner retired and there is also adjustment of section 78.
Set off of depreciation and business loss together where 40(b) book profit
can only adjust depreciation.
Type 2 (16 Mark Type) Computatio of firms income where partner is HUF (representative
Type 3 (9 Mark Type) Presumptive income and Firms with tax liability and interest calculations.
Type 4 (9 Mark Type) Computation of firms income where one of the partner is minor, and
remuneration is provided to minor partner.
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 205
Mohamed Noorullah (SC) O, a Mohamedan, who was carrying on the business of manufacture and
sale of beedies of a particular brand, died intestate leaving as his heirs, N
a son by his predeceased wife, L his widow, and his four children by L.
The widow L and one D carried on the business after the death of O. Held,
that the business was the business of an association of persons. None of
the partners wanted to break the unity of control of the business or its
continuity and the business was of such a nature that it could not be
carried on without such consensus. The income was the income of a
business which was carried on as a single business by the consent of all
the parties.
Ganesh Chhababhai Settlor creating trust for benefit of her twelve grand children but naming
Family Trust (Gujarat forty-five trusts as beneficiaries instead of twelve grand children.
High Court) Tribunal finding trust created for carrying on business and not a genuine
trust. No infirmity. No finding that twelve grand children of settlor opted
to join together for purpose of conducting business. Tribunal holding
assessment to be in status of association of persons at maximum marginal
rate is incorrect. Tribunal to determine as to who is correct person and in
whose hands income to be taxed.
Shivsagar Estate (SC) The income from property held by 65 co-owners had to be assessed
separately in the hands of the individual co-owners and not in the hands
of an association of persons.
Meera & Company (SC) Business of deceased was carried on by his widow and three minor
childrens. Held that it can assessed in the status of Body of Individuals.
Indira Balkrishna (SC) Test of AOP. There shall be joint efforts to produce income. Where co-
widows as co-heirs derives income out of the inherited properties it can
not be assessed in the status of AOP.
Arumugham Chettiar A worker of cycle shop borrowed 50 paisa against 25 % charge on the
(Mad) lottery prize money. There was an winning on the same lottery of Rs. 17.5
Lakhs. Held that winning can not be assessed as an AOP. Since there was
no element of purchase of tickets for earning of income.
Kulwant Singh And Co. Merely because an excise licence was stated to have been issued in the
(Punjab And Haryana name of three persons, who constituted a firm with effect from April 1, it
High Court) could not be said that a firm or an association of persons had in fact come
into existence prior to the said date.
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Atchaiah (SC) There is no option to assessing officer to assess the income in the hands
of members of the AOP. Thus where income is of the AOP it must be
assessed in the status of the AOP only.
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Type 1 (10 Mark Type) Full length tax liability calculation of both Normal Tax and AMT.
Interest to member on capital account and current account.
Interest on loan to member subject to 40(ba)
Type 2 (10 Mark Type) Tax liability calculations per 167B @ MMR and AOP is also having other
special rate income say LTCG.
Type 3 (6 Mark Type) Where one foreign company is member of AOP, share of member is
determined and tax liability calculations.
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Circular 100 Trust can borrow the money and can apply it for its object. In future years
repayment of said borrowing will be regarded as amount applied for the
George Forana Church Word applied is of wider import than of expenditure. Word expenditure
(Ker) means disbursement, To Pay, To Spend however applies means Put to
Practical use. Where by which word applied do not mean that money must
go out irretrievably. Thus capital expenditure on acquisition of the
building will also be within the ambit of word applied.
Ganga Charity Trust Fund 1) Income derived from trust property must be determined on
(Guj) commercial principals and in so doing so, all outgoings including
outgoing by way of income tax paid by assessee trust must be
deducted and only the surplus available for the application must
be considered.
2) I.e. net receipt after taking into account the necessary expenditure
for the earning the income must considered for the accumulation.
For the purpose of section 11(1) (a)
Maharana Of Mewar 1) There is no provision under section 11(1)(a) that income must be
Charitable Foundation applied in the year in which it has arisen.
2) According to the circular issued by the Central Board of Direct
Taxes dated January 24, 1973, if a trust wants to spend more
money on its objects, it can take a loan and the said loan can be
repaid out of the income of the subsequent year and the payment
of the said loan out of the income of the subsequent year would
amount to application of income for object under section 11(l)(a)
of the Act. It will not hold good when earlier trust has utilised
money out of the corpus and excessively applied.
Delhi Stock Exchange General public utility must be carried out with the obligation to do so
Association Ltd. (SC) under the act [registration of the trust], thus if said activity is done without
the obligation than section 11 benefit can not be available to the assessee.
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 209
Hyderabad Race Club The licence to run races and betting itself could be treated as property and
Charitable Trust (AP) the said property was obtained with the consent of the club and with the
licence granted by the Government of Andhra Pradesh. The term
“property” itself had widest import for income-tax purposes and was
inclusive of holding a licence. The income derived by the trust for the
relevant assessment years was from property held under trust and, as
such, it was exempted under section 11.
Thanti Trust (SC) Donation by book entry is valid. As there was no challenge on the part of
officer as regards the genuineness of the credit entry.
Concept Of The General Trust was created for the benefit of personnel of the police department
Public Utility benefit of section 11,12,13 applies since the employment is not personal
i.e. government employment Andhra Pradesh police welfare society
(AP). Association was formed to promote the welfare of its caste
members. Caste members constitute the section of the public since the
general public utility does not mean whole of man kind. Since services
was not an personal one it enjoyed the benefit of section 11,12,13
Ahmedabad Rana Caste association (SC). Association of the employee
was formed to facilitate the suffered families in the event of death of an
employee. Benefit was to be given as per the rules and regulation of the
association and at the discretion of the managing committee. It was held
that 11,12,13 benefit do not apply to the assessee since it was the private
services to be provided Bel employees death relief fund and service
benefit fund association (Kar)
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Jodhpur Chartered Where the predominant object of the Chartered Accountant society was
Accountants Society (Raj) dissemination of knowledge and education of commercial laws and tax
laws for the benefit of the general public to inculcate a sense of
responsibility towards the nation and foster law abiding citizens. The
objects clause emphasised the propagation and dissemination of
knowledge about auditing, accounting, direct and indirect taxes by
holding seminars, conferences, workshops, etc. The fruits of such
seminars would be available to the public at large. Therefore, the society
was not for the benefit of a small group of individuals and it was also not
only for the benefit of members but to promote awareness and education
of the commercial and tax laws for the general public without any profit
motive. Thus the activity of society is for general public utility.
Bharat Diamond Bourse Where the main object is to promote export of diamonds and develop the
(SC) trade and export market and for this purpose a diamond bourse is
established to facilitate liaison between industries in India and abroad, so
that there could be a modern diamond market, the object is one of general
public utility and the company, which was formed for the purpose is
entitled to exemption. In the case of a charitable institution formed as a
company, every signatory to the memorandum of association has to be
treated as founder, so that money lent to such a person without adequate
security constitutes a benefit, which would deprive the exemption for the
V.G.P. Foundation (Mad) By giving advance to a sister company which merely retained the money
with it for the whole of the year, it was not possible to give the assessee
trust the benefit regarding the amount as having been applied for a
charitable purpose. There had also been contravention of section 13(1)(d)
read with section 11(5), inasmuch as the trustees were also directors of
the company and that company had the benefit of this amount throughout
the year.
Shri Radha Krishna A charitable trust or institution is barred from making any investment in
Temple Trust (Allahabad a concern in which a person is an interested person as defined under
High Court) section 13(3). Where the trust is in receipt of gift of shares in a company,
there is no violation of section 11(5) since the funds of the trust were not
invested in violation of section 11(5).
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 211
Thiagarajar Charities V/S General principles for the object of the trust
Addl CIT (SC) enjoys the exemption if it is incorporated for the object of general
public utility.
2.It need not necessarily mean that it should not make any profit however
such is not possible that income = expense
3.Main object of the trust is medical relief, poor relief, and education an
in order to achieve that it was authorised to educational institution and
other like institutes and to engage in carry on, help, aid, assist, and
promote rural reconstruction, cottage industry, and incidental activity
there to.
4.One year cottage industry was stated and with idea to promote the
simple enterprise for the poor section, said business was not the object to
do so but incurred to attain its main object of the trust
5.Held that it was an activity of the general public utility and benefit of
11,12,13 is available to the assessee.
Sacred Heart Church Where loans were advanced to economically weaker persons for housing
(Gujarat High Court) purposes in pursuance of the objects of a public charitable trust and such
amounts are subsequently written off, the amount so written off could be
treated as application for the object of general public utility.
Keshav Social And The assessee had furnished the list of donors. The Assessing Officer
Charitable Foundation disallowed the claim stating that the assessee could not furnish details
(Delhi High Court) regarding the donors and that it was just a way of introducing
unaccounted money into the books of the assessee trust and thus treated
the amount as cash credit under section 68 of the Act. Held that action of
the officer in treating the donation as income is not justified.
Indo-American Society It has been decided that the fact that the elite class benefits from a public
(Income-Tax Appellate activity is not a bar for exemption u/s 11.
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Type 4 (6 Mark Type) Capital Gains for Trust with re-investment of Income.
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 213
K.R. Patel (SC) When does executor wears the robe of an trustee depends upon the
construction of the will. What one has to see is when function as an
executors come to an end.
T.A.V. Trust (Ker) Under the scheme of 161(1A) It is only the income by way of profits and
gains of business that can be charged at the maximum marginal rate. Any
other interpretation would be against the very scheme of the Act and
further such an inter-pretation will make the provisions of sub-section
(1A) of section 161 unconstitutional.
L.R. Patel Family Trust Revenue sought to tax trustees as an AOP on sale of capital assets, the
(Bom) sale proceeds of which were to be distributed to the beneficiaries, on the
ground that such distribution entailed dissolution of the AOP covered by
section 45(4), which required the association to be assessed on capital
gains by adopting the market value. Is not acceptable and assessment has
to be in the hands of each beneficiary in terms of section 164 and that
section 45(4) would have no application in view of the fact that there is
no case for presuming an AOP.
P.N. Bajaj (Mad) The trustee is assessable as a representative assessee in the same status as
that of the beneficiary and not as AOP. The question of including income
in the hands of the beneficiary for rate purposes should not have arisen.
Manik Chandra (Utt) Where the trust for the benefit of the minor was a partner, was a mode
adopted for avoiding application of section 64(1)(iii) providing for
clubbing of the income of the minor child from the benefit of partnership.
Such issue has now to be decided in the light of section 64(1A) and the
clubbing of the income is to be done. But this decision is on the grounds
that a right gets vested in the minor, while only the payment is deferred.
On this interpretation, the fact that the clubbing is automatic is accepted.
Poonam Trust (Punjab A discretionary trust is liable to tax at the maximum marginal rate, unless
And Haryana High Court) it is a trust created under a will, such trust being the only trust created by
the will. The High Court found that in the case of a sole beneficiary, the
share stands specified, so that the maximum marginal rate provided for
trusts, where shares are not specified, would have even otherwise no
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Smt. Comilla Mohan Assessee creating two trusts by transferring certain shares. Sole
(Allahabad High Court) beneficiary of each of two trusts neither in existence nor identifiable at
time of creation of trusts. Such trusts is a valid trust although the share of
the beneficiary is not known.
Kamalini Khatau (SC) Section 164 says that if share is not determined than shall be taxed at
maximum marginal rate, section 166 says that direct assessment is not
Moti Trust (SC)
barred. Thus when share is not determined can the direct assessment be
made Held yes.
Balgopal Trust (Mumbai In the case of Balgopal Trust v. Assistant CIT [2017] 81
AT) 367 (Mumbai - Trib.), the assesse was a private non-discretionary trust.
Ms. V, daughter of the trustees, was the sole beneficiary of the said trust.
Trust earned capital gain from sale of a capital asset and claimed
deduction under section 54F. AO rejected said claim on the ground that
said deduction was allowable only to an individual or HUF.
The Mumbai ITAT held that in terms of section 161, representative
assessee is subjected to same tax treatment in respect of an income as if
it was received by the beneficiary. By virtue of Section 161, a Trust is
assessed in respect of income that is meant for the benefit of the
beneficiaries. Therefore, deduction under section 54F couldn't be denied
on ground that trust wasn't an individual or HUF.
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Type 1 (10 Mark Type) Income of Trust where Partly it is for Private purpose and Partly it is for
Charitable purposes.
Type 2 (6 Mark Type) Tax Liability calculation where trust is having business income and it is
subject to MMR.
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Rajiv Agrawal or his Seizure of cash by police and no satisfactory explanation regarding cash
Successor in office was given. It was requisition by IT. Authorities. Such amount should be
(Gujarat High Court) handed over.
Amway India Enterprises Section 131(1A) grants power to the Assessing Officer to issue summons
(Ker) for discovery or inspection or for production of books of account. Which
can be exercised without the pendency of proceedings.
Motilal Kishangopal Ther is no provision for reward in Income-tax Act or Rules. Reward is an
Thanvi (Bom) ex gratia payment and is in absolute discretion of Department. Right to
receive reward cannot be enforced in a court of law. Reward fixed by
Income-tax Department and accepted by income-tax informer
subsequently informer could not claim higher payment.
E. Sankaran (Kerala High Quantum of informers reward is to be decided after considering relevant
Court) factors like nature and extent of help, risk and trouble undertaken,
quantum of work and quantum of extra taxes levied and recovered.
Mahesh Kumar Agarwal The income-tax authorities found that the assessee and his brother were
(Cal) doing business under the same brand name but separately. According to
information gathered, documents, papers, undisclosed cash, jewellery
and other assets were likely to be found at his residence. It was stated that
there was likelihood that papers relating to his unconnected income and
assets may be found at his residence. Is not a valid reason for carrying out
search operation.
Ajit Jain (SC) Mere information from CBI that cash was found in possession of
individual is not “information” for purposes of authorising search. Search
based on such information is not valid.
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 217
Dr. Sushil Rastogi (All) Dental surgeon earning huge income in profession and disclosing same
in his return. During search operation there was seizure of articles and
cash not exceeding limits prescribed in CBDT guidelines. Reasons were
recorded under section 132 were only general and based on rumours.
Search and seizure illegal.
Seth Brothers (SC) Power under section 132 is a serious invasion is made upon the rights,
privacy and freedom of the taxpayer, the power must be exercised strictly
in accordance with the law and only for the purposes for which the law
authorises it to be exercised. Keeping services of police officer does not
amount to use of excessive force.
Harihar Shah (Gauhati Search and seizure. Warrant of authorisation in the name of a particular
High Court) person and there was a discovery of fixed deposits belonging to third
person. Consequent to that search of bank premises and seizure of fixed
deposits held to be not valid.
Ushakant N. Patel The presumption regarding seized materials is that materials found during
(Gujarat High Court) search belong to the person in possession and control of the premises
under section 132(4A), but such presumption does not extend to the
inference that the handwriting in the documents found is also that of the
same person. No concealment could have been presumed on the basis of
such inference under section 132(4A) of the Act.
District Superintendent Where a search reveals cash or other assets, it is presumed to belong to
Of Police, Chennai Vs. K. the person in possession and control of the premises. It is not unusual that
Inbasagaran (Supreme it may be under the joint control of more than one person. The search by
Court Of India) the Income-tax Department disclosed moneys disowned by the husband,
while the wife admitted the same as her undisclosed income and paid tax
thereon. The Supreme Court held that since the husband had disowned
the assets and the wife had substantiated the same as her own with some
corroborating evidence and the entire money was also assessed in the
hands of the wife by the Income-tax Department, the husband could not
be found guilty under the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988.
Dr. C. Balakrishnan Nair It is indeed extremely difficult for the taxpayer to prove mala fides, since
(Kerala High Court) the law would assume that all official acts are bona fide done in
accordance with law placing the burden on the taxpayer. In view of the
widespread complaints of excessive use of search powers, there should
be an administrative remedy like an ombudsman, so that there could be
immediate relief, where the assessee has a reasonable grievance, which
he can air at the relevant time. After all, search provision itself has been
held to be valid only because of various safeguards provided for the
searched party under the Act.
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Punamchand R. Shah Where the department acquired complete control over the valuables in
(Mad) the iron safe and almirah, by having the keys with them and hence the
seizure was complete on that date.
Shajahan (M.) (Ker) Scope of sec. 132(3). There was discovery of bank pass book during
search. Order can be issued under sec. 132(3) on bank in respect of
amount deposited by assessee. Since it is “not practical” to seize a bank
Daya Chand (Del) Cash credits were found in the books which were seized. Assessee
provides no satisfactory explanation. Amount of cash credit were added
to total income under section 68. Presumption under section 132(4A)
does not absolve assessee of explaining source of cash credit. Additions
made are justified.
Abdul Khader (Ker) The warrant issued under section 132A of the Act by the Commissioner
of Income-tax and the seizure of the gold from the custody of the court
was not valid. [The CIT was directed to return the gold seized forthwith
to the Judicial First Class Magistrate Court.]
Samta Construction Co. Power to requisition can be exercised only in respect of documents or
(MP) assets "taken into custody" by officer or authority under any other law.
Document or asset must have been taken against will of person in
possession or control of same. Bank draft given by customer to bank for
clearance is not "taken into custody". Order of requisition of such bank
draft is not valid.
Kechery Service Co- Notices were issued to certain co-operative societies and co-operative
operative Bank Ltd. (Ker) banks calling for information such as a list of persons, who had made
term/recurring deposits of Rs. 50,000 and above as on date along with
their complete postal addresses, etc. powers of 133(6) were rightly
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Reckitt And Colman Of Powers under sections 131 and 133A are not confined to proceedings
India Ltd. (Cal) under Chapter XIV for regular assessment. Since tax deduction at source
(TDS) is also a requirement of law is also extends to TDS matters.
Shyam Jewellers (All) Sealing of business premises cannot be done under the provisions of
section 132, 133A or any other provision of the Income-tax Act.
Dialust (Bom) Assessee was exporter of diamonds. Search operations under FERA
showed stock of diamonds that was not disclosed. There was no evidence
that diamonds did not belong to assessee. Subsequent survey operation to
verify the validity of Jangads and then addition of value of diamonds as
undisclosed income of assessee is justified.
Durga Kamal Rice Mills During the course of survey operation separate books were found. There
(Cal) was a difference in opening and closing balance of capital account. The
amount of difference between the closing balance of the preceding year
and the opening balance of the current assessment year was treated as
undisclosed income. The additions were justified.
Vinod Goel (P&H) The survey ordered at the premises of the assessee under section 133A
and conversion of the said operation into a search operation on the basis
of the authorisation given by the Additional Director is legal.
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 221
Type 2 (4 Mark Type) Impounding of books documents and its time period and release of the
Type 3 (4 Mark Type) Power of summons and call for volmenous records.
Type 5 (4 Mark Type) Questions on deemed seizure, difference between seizure and deemed
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Ranchi Club Ltd (SC) Interest not leviable for the failure to comply with notice of 142(1)(i).
Common cause a Political parties not filing the return of income as per section 139 (4B)
registered society (SC) have violated the statutory provision of law.
Section 139 (4) & 139 (5) – Belated And Revised Returns
Kumar Jagdish Chandra Voluntary return under section 139(4) cannot be revised. Section 139(5)
Sinha (SC) permits a later or revised return to be filed only when the return was filed
under section 139(1). Filing of revised return is not contemplated under
section 139(5) in cases governed by section 139(4).
Niranjan Lal Ram Revised return can be revised and the time limit is still the same
Chandra (ALL)
Radhey Shyam (ALL) Basic condition regarding the revision that the mistake must be
discovered and there must be genuine omission or a wrong statement.
Omission means unintentional mistake or neglect on part of the assessee.
However the fraud or intentional mistake is not covered by section
139(5). Cases of concealments and false statements are not covered -
Section 139(5) will apply only to cases of ‘omission or wrong statements’
and not to cases of ‘concealment or false statements’.
Andhra Cotton Mill (AP) Under section 139(5), a revised return can be filed only if there is an
omission or wrong statement in the original return. Where in the original
return, the profit and loss account containing the provision for
depreciation had been filed. In the circumstances, it could not be said that
there was any wrong statement in the original return which could enable
the assessee to file a revised return under section 139(5).
Panchamahal Steel Ltd. Revised return filed after the draft assessment order is not a valid return
(SC) since assessing officer has done every thing that he was suppose to do
and all procedure at that time is over.
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 223
Ramesh Chand Gupta After availing of several adjournments to produce books of account, the
(AT) (Lucknow) assessee filed a revised return. Based on the revised return, his assessment
was completed under section 143(3) of the Act. Held that such assessment
was validly done in light of revised return validly filed. Although there
should be no penalty for such bonafide revision in course of the
Last minute revision material – May 2019 (CA Final DT) Page | 224
Rai Bahadur The defects specified in 139(9) are illustrative and not exhaustive. The
Bissesswarlal Motilal object of 139(5) and 139(9) is to get removed and rectified all defects and
Malwasie Trust (Cal) omissions in the return filed, whether they are discovered by the assessee
or by the Assessing Officer. Both the provisions are enabling provisions
inserted to facilitate reflection of correct income in the return and
assessment thereof. These provisions can be simultaneously applied.
Kesab Chandra Mandal There must be physical contact between the person and the signature or
(SC) mark. When signature by an agent is permissible, the writing of the name
of the principal by the agent is regarded as the signature of the principal
himself. But this result only follows when it is permissible for the agent
to sign the name of the principal.
Narandra Kumar J. Modi Junior member of the family can sign the return of the income in his
(SC) capacity as being KARTA since he can be KARTA of the family.
However sign can be put only with the consent of the other members of
the family.
Rudra Bilas Kisan Where co-operative society had accepted return signed by the accounts
Sahkari Chini Mills executive could be treated as agent of society.
(Allahabad High Court)
Regency Express Builders Mr. G, employee of assessee, receiving notice served on assessee.
P. Ltd. (Delhi High Court) Representative of assessee attending hearing before assessing officer and
obtaining adjournment. Thereafter, in presence of assessee /
representative, assessment completed. The assessment done is justified.
Flotech Welding And The Assessing Officer's intimation treating return as invalid for the reason
Cutting Systems Ltd. reasons that there was discrepancy in books and auditors report in special
(Bom) audit was struck down by the High Court.
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 225
Vijay Kumar Rajendra In deciding whether a special audit is required it is the subjective
Kumar And Co. (MP) satisfaction of the authority concerned to decide on the basis of the
material on record, as to whether the accounts are complex in nature, or
not. The word “complex” is not defined in the Act and, hence, it has to
be given its wide and liberal meaning.
Gujarat Electricity Board It is not open to the Revenue to issue intimation under section 143(1),
(SC) after notice for regular assessment is issued under section 143(2).
Pt. Lashkari Ram (All) Officer called for some information of assessee say pass book, and some
investment in to assets. Assessee appeared before him on the next day.
Assessment order was passed on the next day of the hearing. From a
perusal of the order, it was clear that it was not a speaking order. Thus
any revised return thereafter is valid.
Smt. Ritu Devi (Mad) The Department served notice dated say March 30, on the petitioners only
in the afternoon of that day. However, the petitioners were directed to
forward their comments so as to reach the office by 10.30 a.m. on the
very next day. Failing which when the assessment was done it was against
the principles of natural justice.
Lunar Diamonds Ltd. Where the assessee claims that he has not received the notice, it is for the
(Delhi High Court) Revenue to prove such service.
Bhan Textiles P. Ltd. Service of notice after time stipulated under section 143(2). assessment
(Delhi High Court) not valid.
Goetze (India) Ltd. It is possible for an assessee to claim relief, which he had omitted to claim
(Supreme Court Of India) in the return of income by filing a revised return, if it is in time. However
in case of scrutiny assessment assessee could have also wrote a letter and
claimed the relief.
Shanker Lal Ved Prakash Notice under section 143(2). Presumption that notice served within time.
(Delhi High Court) Burden on assessee to prove that there was no service within time.
Areva T and D India Ltd. Difference between nullity and irregularity in order. Assessee
(Madras High Court) participating in reassessment proceedings and failure to consider
objections and failure to issue notice under section 143(2). Reassessment
order not void but irregular.
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Jharneshwar Nagrik The opinion formed inter alia on the basis of the seized and impounded
Sahakari Bank Maryadit material to appoint an auditor under section 142(2A) could not be said to
(Madhya Pradesh High be improper in the peculiar facts of the case. The direction was valid.
U. P. Financial Where the assessee himself is unable to furnish information required and
Corporation (Allahabad would need several months to comply while discrepancies in the accounts
High Court) have been pointed out by the statutory auditors, the special audit in such
circumstances cannot be questioned as held in U. P. Financial
Corporation v. Joint CIT [2006] 280 ITR 100 (All).
Welspun India Ltd. Assessee requested extension of time to submit special audit report of
(Bombay High Court) section 142(2A). Subsequently filed writ petition challenging order for
special audit. Decided that such writ petition is not maintainable.
Atlas Copco (India) Ltd. The law makers while enacting section 142(2A), empowered the
(Bombay High Court) Assessing Officer to direct the assessee to get the accounts audited by a
special auditor. The Legislature, should ensure that such power is not
abused, provided safeguards are kept.
Sahara India Mutual The assessee petitioner had more than 1,200 branches and a large number
Benefit Co. Ltd. (All) of depositors disclosed the complexity of the accounts. It was a matter of
satisfaction of the authorities concerned and they had arrived at a definite
conclusion on the basis of available material and exercised their powers
under section 142(2A).
Swedeshi Cotton Mills In order to direct the special audit CBDT guidelines is not necessary since
(All) complexities of the accounts to be considered in the opinion of the
assessing officer
West Bengal State Co- Special audit cannot be ordered in a routine manner. The Assessing
Operative Bank Ltd. (Cal) Officer should examine the books of account and form an opinion, that
the accounts are complex and require special audit. The Commissioner
too should apply his mind before according sanction. An inference that a
special audit is required cannot be lightly formed, where the accounts of
a co-operative bank has already been subject to co-operative audit.
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 227
Living Media Ltd. (SC) Assessee submitting details running into about thousand pages before the
assessing authority. This prima facie supports the formation of the
opinion by the assessing authority for conducting special audit under
section 142(2A) of the Act.
Indian Aluminium Co. It has been held positively that intimation under section 143(1) is not a
Ltd. (Cal) substitute for scrutiny under section 143(2). All the same, where both the
notices are issued on the same date, there is redundancy. 143(1)
intimation will be assumed to be redundant.
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Assessment Order
Kalyan Kumar Ray (SC) Order must specify the tax liability and total income and need not be on
a standard page or a format
State Of Orrissa V/S Shri Merely because the material is not reliable on the record does not allow
B.P. Singh (SC) one to pass the arbitary orders.
Brij Bhusanlal Parduma Government contractors and was executing the works contract when the
Kumar (SC) best judgement assessment was effected by rejecting he books of
accounts ad hoc amount shall not be taken as profit but
1 Total value of the contract
2 Less the material supplied by the government
Is the relevant value to be taken for the purpose of calculating the GP
since profit cannot accrue on the value of material supplied by the
government at the agreed price. Since best judgement assessment is not
an Ad-Hoc assessment. The normal accounting policies can not be
C. Velukutty C/S State Of Guesswork should not be wild but reasonably connected to available
Kerela (SC) material. Though there is an element of guesswork in a ‘best judgment
assessment’, it should not be a wild one, but should have a reasonable
nexus to the available material and the circumstances of each case.
Though the section provides for a summary method because of the default
of the assessee, it does not enable the assessing authority to function
capriciously without regard to the available material.
Swedeshi Polytex (SC) If the chartered accountant nominated by the Commissioner to audit the
accounts of the assessee under section 142(2A) declines to undertake the
audit for a frivolous reason, obviously the assessee cannot be held
responsible and there is no default or failure to comply with the directions
issued under section 142(2A) on the part of the assessee so as to attract
the provisions of section 144 for making a best judgment assessment.
Khemchand Ramdas The show cause notice does not take away the right of appeal in cases
(Sin) where an assessee upon whom an assessment has been made ex-parte
does not challenge the assessment itself, but only challenges his liability
to be assessed in the capacity in which he has been assessed.
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 229
Comunidado of Chicalim Where the assessment is challenged on the grounds that no reasons are
(SC) recorded in writing. High Court must call for and examine the reasons.
Trustees Of HEH Unless original return of income filed has been disposed off, notice for
Nizam’s Supplementary the re-assessment can not be issued on the assessee.
Trust (SC)
Sun Engineering Works Proceedings are for the benefit of revenue only. Since the proceedings
(P) Ltd. (SC) under section 147 are for the benefit of the revenue and not an assessee,
and are aimed at gathering the ‘escaped income’ of an assessee, the same
cannot be allowed to be converted as ‘revisional’ or ‘review’ proceedings
at the instance of the assessee, thereby making the machinery
unworkable. “such income” under section 147 means income escaped
only and not any other income. 1. Loss can not be set off against the
income escaped 2. No beneficial assessment can be made for the assessee
3. Re-assessment is not an appeal 4.Can not reagetate any claim
Selected Dalur Band Coal Letter based on the letter of chief mining officer on the inspection
Co. (P) Ltd. (SC) together with the employees is a valid assessment.
Sanghvi Swiss Refills P. Assessee engaging in manufacture of ball pens and refills as also ink. No
Ltd. (Bombay High new information available with assessing officer regarding income
Court) escaped assessment. Assessing officer not considering out of raw
materials production of ink and waste in production of ink as also in
filling of refills. No reasons to believe assumption of jurisdiction and
issuing notice. Reassessment invalid.
Abdul Khader Ahamed Letter of commissioner informing assessing officer of requisition of gold
(Kerala High Court) seized by police from assessee. Direction to issue notice for reassessment
and take proceedings in accordance with law-. Assessing officer
independently applying mind to facts, recording prima facie belief and
reasons therefor before issuing notice is not a case of acting under dictates
of superior officer. Thus reassessment valid
Last minute revision material – May 2019 (CA Final DT) Page | 230
Mavany Brothers (AT) Transfer of theatre property to developer. Right given to developer to
(Panaji) demolish existing structure and carry out development of construction of
new commercial complex. Valid partnership constituted and property
shown as its asset and outgoing partners paid amount on their retirement
from firm. Cost of construction certified by developer not challenged.
Cost of acquisition taken by authorities not challenged. Reassessment
Indian Express Statement of third party that loan to him from assessee was not genuine.
Newspapers (Bombay) P. Retractment of statement and subsequent death of third party. Notice
Ltd. (Bombay High based on such statement not valid.
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 231
Fateh International Notice issued under section 143(2) but assessment not completed under
(Income-tax Appellate section 143(3). Notice under section 148 is not valid.
Herbs India Ltd. (All) While it is not open to the assessee to straightaway call upon the
Assessing Officer to disclose or indicate the reasons on the basis of which
the notice was issued under section 148(1) the Assessing Officer is
obliged to disclose the reasons once the proceedings assume quasi-
judicial character.
Lakhamani Mewal Das Interest paid to creditors were allowed as deduction. Subsequently
(SC) information was obtained that creditors were name lenders. Based on the
information the re-assessment proceeding initiated are valid. Disclosure
of material and facts by producing all books, bank statement does mean
that all disclosure has been made. In case of loan taken from name landers
the income escaping assessment was justified
Canara Sales Corporation Scope of duty to disclose. Duty to disclose arises only when assessee has
(Kar) knowledge of the facts. Embezzlement by employee and inflation by him
of purchase account discovered by assessee subsequent to original
assessment, reassessment on the ground that assessee had failed to
disclose inflation of purchase account is not valid.
IBM World Trade Condition precedent for notice under section 147(a) is failure to disclose
Corporation (Bom) material facts must be deliberate. There was inadvertent error in the
allocation of expenditure which was voluntary disclosed. Income arose
as a consequence of such error and tax on such income was paid on self-
assessment. Held that there is no failure to disclose material facts and
notice under section 147(a) not valid. [facts are covered by Prov 1 to 147]
Raymond Woollen Mills Information obtained by the revenue in the subsequent year is valid
(SC) information based on which reassessment proceedings can be initiated.
Assessee valued stock not inclusive of duties and direct manufacturing
cost which resulted in low inventory valuation. Held reassessment was
Last minute revision material – May 2019 (CA Final DT) Page | 232
Chuggamal Rajpal (SC) Action taken on the letter of CIT regarding the bogus loan was not
justified since the statutory provision are taken lightly. I.e. reason to
belief must be that of the officer
Coca Cola Export There was an over remittance out side India as per the provision of the
Corporation (SC) FERA and RBI issued letter to verify the remittance and assessing officer
issued the notice under section 148 to make the reassessment held that no
valid reassessment could take place since both the act operate in the
saperate field and acts are not inter linked.
Andhra Bank Ltd. SC) Bank changed method of accounting in respect of interest on securities
on account of difficulties. Excess on sale of securities was also claimed
as capital receipt. The change was accepted by ITO and assessments was
made allowing the claim. Later on assessment was reopened to disregard
the change. It was a case of change of opinion and reopening held not
Purshottam Das Bangur Assessment was completed accepting claim to loss on sale of shares on
(SC) basis of value quoted on stock exchange. Subsequently officer received
letter of deputy director of investigation giving information that company
prospering at relevant time and low stock exchange quotation was owing
to manipulation. This letter is information from which ITO could have
reason to believe income escaped assessment. Notice issued on next day
after receipt of letter from deputy director does not preclude application
of mind by ITO. The notice of re-assessment is valid.
P.V.S. Beedies Pvt. Ltd. Assessing officer granted the deduction under section 80G overlooking
(SC) the fact that 80G certificate had already expired. This was pointed out by
internal audit party of income tax department. Reopening of a case on the
basis of a factual error pointed out by the audit party was permissible
under law. Therefore, the reopening of the assessment was valid.
Darshan Singh (P&H) The proceedings under section 147 had been initiated solely on the report
of the Valuation Officer. The proceedings were not valid. However if the
reference earlier would have been made pursuant to which action would
have been taken could be justified.
Dass Friends Builders P. The reopening based on the reason that there was defect in accounts is
Ltd. (Allahabad High not valid. As the information was based on presumption and on
Court) extraneous and irrelevant considerations.
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 233
Raunaq Finance Ltd. In the original assessment the proof of acquisition of asset was submitted.
(Raj) The depreciation there on was claimed. Subsequently officer believed
that the said proof may not be genuine. And so issued notice for the re-
assessment. Held that such notice is valid.
Last minute revision material – May 2019 (CA Final DT) Page | 234
Hind Wire Industries The word "order" in the expression "from the date of the order sought to
(SC) be amended" in section 154(7) was not qualified in any way, it did not
necessarily mean the original order. It could be any order including the
amended or rectified order.
Volkart Bros (SC) A mistake apparent on the record must be an obvious and patent mistake
and not something which can be established by a long drawn process of
reasoning on points on which there may be conceivably two opinions. A
decision on a debatable point of law is not a mistake apparent from the
Bombay Dyeing And When there is retrospective amendment in the law rectification is
Mfg. Co. Ltd. (SC) permissible provided it is in the time frame of 4 years
Model Mills Nagpur Ltd. Some advance tax was collected illegally and application of writ was
(SC) made to the high court and high court directed to refund the collection of
tax and thus it enjoyed the right of rectification indirectly.
V.R. Soni (Cal) Once the decision of the supreme court is available than one can not say
that two view point is available. Based on the decision of supreme court
any action taken under section 154 is justified.
Geo Miller And Co. Ltd. The Supreme Court does not lay down the law. It only interprets the law,
(Cal) so that once there is an interpretation from the apex court, the law should
be so understood from the inception of that law. All the decisions contrary
to such interpretation become erroneous. It is for this reason that the
Income-tax Department considers itself entitled to correct closed matters,
so as to bring them to conform to such interpretation by resorting to power
of rectification under section 154 or by re-opening back assessment under
section 148, if within time. But if some further investigation is required
before decision of the Supreme Court could be applied, rectification
would not lie.
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 235
Hero Cycles (P) Ltd. (SC) Rectification under section 154 can only be made when a glaring mistake
of fact or law committed by the officer passing the order becomes
apparent from the record. Rectification is not possible if the question is
debatable. Moreover a point which was not examined on facts or in law
cannot be dealt with as a mistake apparent from the record. Assessee in
the original assessment claimed the weighted deduction for the foreign
sales promotion expense which was disallowed in the scrutiny assessment
but then was proposed to be allowed in 154 held that since the matter was
debatable it can not apply
South India Bank Ltd. On purchase and sale of securities in course of business of banking when
(SC) interest was paid for broken periods and were allowed as deduction in
assessment cannot be rectified as a mistake apparent from the record u/s
Arihant Industries Ltd. Proceedings under section 154 for rectification cannot be initiated after
(Pun & Har) the Assessing Officer has issued notice under section 143(2) to the
D.S. Srinivas (Kar) The assessee claimed depreciation on motor vehicle in terms of 32(1). It
was accepted. Even in the regular assessment after verification of the
books of account, statements and other particulars filed by the assessee,
the claim was allowed by the officer. Thereafter a notice under section
154 was issued to withdraw the depreciation on the ground that the
assessee being a hirer was not liable to claim depreciation. Is not
Vijay Mallya (Cal) Section 154 empowers the income-tax authority to rectify a mistake
apparent from the record. The mistake contemplated under section 154
must be a mistake apparent on the face of the records. It must be obvious,
clear and patent. Where is issued relating to residential status is debatable
it section 154 can have no application.
Thirumalai Fertiliser and Rectification of mistakes must be obvious. Question whether section
Co. (Madras High Court) 44AE was applicable to assessee was debatable so rectification
proceedings are not valid.
India Cements Ltd. (Mad) It is well established that the jurisdiction for rectification is not available,
where the matter to be rectified is debatable. In respect of sales tax
collected but not paid, on the inference, it was found to be debatable and
that, therefore, it could not be subject matter of rectification under section
Last minute revision material – May 2019 (CA Final DT) Page | 236
Circular 669/581 1) If evidence is brought in at the later point of time [even after
143(1) (a) or 143(3) intimation / orders] with the application of the
rectification that can be entertained. Where there was no breach of
statutory provision of law by non submission of documents at the
original point of time.
2) This is an specific circular for the cases of 43B. When the proof of
payment of tax was submitted later on with the application of 154
it can be considered and appropriate orders can be passed.
(Circular 669)
Mewat Zinc Ltd. (AT) Rectification of intimation cannot be made after issuance of notice under
(Delhi) section 143(2).
Rajiv Gupta (AT) Carry forward and set off is permissible only if determined pursuant to
(Chandigarh) return filed within time prescribed. Assessment permitting set off of long-
term capital loss wrongly permitted to be carried forward. Mistake
apparent from record and rectification permissible.
GTC Industries Ltd. (AT) Mistake can be rectified on application by assessee. Even after issue of
(Mumbai) notice under section 143(2). So long as intimation not cancelled by court
or appellate authority.
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 237
Rai Bahadur Harduotray 1. One must see case from the point of view of its taxability and not
Motilal Chamaria (SC) from the incidental point of view.
2. Assessee withdraw the 250000, 150000, 30000 from the bank
account at Calcutta and transferred to branch at Bihar for the
payments. Addition was made considering that it was not possible
to transport said amount in one day was not justified.
Whether Other Sources Shapoorji pallonji mistry (SC) 1962 [not applicable now] No new
Of Income Can Be sources of income can be assessed that was not before the ITO.
Assessed By AAC Nirbheram Daluram (SC) 1997 [applicable now] Additional source of
income was debated and added in form of Hundi held that was allowable
since jurisdiction under section 251 of AAC is not restricted to matters
before ITO
Can Additional Ground Gurjargravurus (P) Ltd. (SC) 1978 [not applicable now] No additional
Be Raised grounds can be raised. Jute corporation of India Ltd. (SC) 1991
[applicable now] Additional grounds can be raised because it could not
be raised in front of ITO because liability of the purchase tax on just was
defined properly
Bimal Kumar Anant Additional evidence can be filed along with an application stating the
Kumar (Allahabad High reason for filing such additional evidence. A party cannot file any
Court) additional document as a matter of right which was not before the
authorities below. An application has to be filed seeking leave of the
Tribunal to bring on record the additional evidence.
Gulam Rasool (MP) The operation of sections 147 and 263 is somewhat similar and it is the
Income-tax Officer who under section 147 and 148 of the Act can reopen
the assessment on account of the income escaping assessment. As against
this if the Commissioner under sections 263 of the Act finds that the
assessment order is prejudicial to the interests of the Revenue, then he
can reopen the issue. Therefore, virtually, both these provisions are for
reopening the assessment_one at the Income-tax Officer level and other
at the level of the Commissioner. Both can invoke their power after the
assessment order, but both are not exclusive of each other.
Chunnilal Onkarmal The assessment order was rectified under section 154. The original
(MP) assessment was held erroneous and prejudicial and proceedings under
section 263 were initiated by the Commissioner of Income-tax. On a
reference of the question whether the Commissioner had jurisdiction to
revise held that when the power of revision was exercised the order was
not in existence. On that day, there was no order which could have been
considered as erroneous and prejudicial to the interests of the Revenue
because that order was superseded by the order of rectification. The order
of revision was not valid.
Malabar Industries Co. “Prejudicial to the interest of the revenue”, every loss due to revenue
Ltd (SC) consequent to the orders passed by the officer can not be treated as
Prejudicial to the interest of the revenue. For e.g. where assessing officer
has two alternate option to follows and he prefers one than 263 can not
be applied.
Paul Mathews and Sons It was after verifying the account books and various materials gathered in
vs. (Ker) the survey and after considering the offer made by the assessee that the
Income-tax Officer had exercised a judicial discretion in the matter while
completing the assessment. Subsequently CIT invoking power under
section 263 is not justified.
Vincast Engineering Retrospective amendment can be the reason to invoke the powers of
(Allahabad High Court) section 263 by the CIT.
Associated Food Products The orders were passed by the officer in very short time. However
P. Ltd. (Madhya Pradesh provisions of the law was applied correctly. Thus CIT must not invoke
High Court) 263.
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 239
Ashok Construction Co. Scope of order which is erroneous and prejudicial to revenue u/s 263.
(Allahabad High Court) There was failure to comply with compulsory audit of accounts. Also
there was failure to initiate penalty proceedings. The credit wrongly given
for tax deducted at source based on certificates dated outside assessment
year. For which CIT took action u/s 263 and held that order of officer was
erroneous and prejudicial to revenue. Revision proceedings were valid.
Smt. Lila Choudhury Order of revision without considering explanation is not valid.
Hilltop Holdings India Intimation of section 143(1) is not order and so it can not be subject matter
Ltd. (Calcutta High of 263.
Sohana Woollen Mills Order should be erroneous and prejudicial to revenue. Commissioner
(Punjab and Haryana cannot initiate revision proceedings on the basis of an audit objection.
High Court) Tribunal finding no error in assessment order so order of revision not
Last minute revision material – May 2019 (CA Final DT) Page | 240
Coimbator Cotton Mills It is a settled position of law that once an assessment order has been made,
Ltd/ (Mad) the subject of an appeal to the Commissioner of Income-tax (Appeals) or
to the Tribunal, the Commissioner's revisional power under section 264
comes to an end and it cannot be exercised at all while the appeal is
pending or even after it is disposed of. Appeal and revision are not
concurrent remedies.
C. C. Jayaram (Ker) ‘subject to appeal’ must be read as ‘subject to effective appeal’ and thus
if appeal was dismissed because of non payment of tax or if it was time
barred then reference can be validly resorted on to.
Hindustan Aeronautics CIT under Section 264 has no authority to pass an order which was
Ltd. (SC) subject matter of appeal, even if the matter referred is different than what
is decided in the appeal. This remains the same irrespective of whether
appeal is filed by department or assessee. This is not the case under
section 263 since it expressly grants such benefit.
N. Seetharaman (Madras Specific and precise direction by commissioner. Assessing officer cannot
High Court) expand revisional order. Assessing officer bound by direction of
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 241
Type 1 (4 Mark Type) Circumstance under which special audit can be conducted.
Type 2 (4 Mark Type) Time limit calculation of completion of assessment with period of
Type 3 (6 Mark Type) Concept of merger and partial merger, for 264 it is full merger.
Toshoku Ltd. (S C) It could not be said that the making of the entries in the books of Indian
concern amounted to receipt, actual or constructive, by the non-resident
in India. They could not, therefore, be charged to tax on the basis of
receipt of income, actual or constructive, in the taxable territories.
Standard Triumph Motor The credit entry of the royalty to the account of the appellant in the books
Co. Ltd. (S C) of the Indian company amounted to receipt of the royalty by the appellant
and it was accordingly taxable. The method of accounting adopted by the
non-resident was irrelevant.
T.I. and M. Sales Ltd. Indian company was canvassing orders for non-resident company. The
(SC) Indian company do not have authority to accept offers on behalf of non-
resident. The contracts entered into, delivery made and prices received
were outside India. Held that there is no business connection. The Indian
company is not assessable as agent of non-resident.
Performing Right Society Royalties received from the Government of India under the agreement for
Ltd. (SC) broadcasting from the stations of All India Radio accrued in India.
In Re Millennium IT
S. 9(1)(vi) & Article 12 define the term “royalty” to include any payment
Software Ltd (AAR)
for the use of, or the right to use, a “copyright” of scientific work.
Software programmes are a “copyright” and are protected under the
Copyright Act, 1957. As the software programme is a “copyright”, any
payment received for transferring the right to use it is “royalty” as defined
in the Act. The argument that there is a distinction between a “copyright”
and a “copyrighted article” is not acceptable because there is no such
distinction made either in the Income-tax Act or the Copyright Act. The
use of software involves the use of the copyright; the software cannot be
divorced from the copyright itself. Accordingly, even a fee for the use of
a “copyrighted article” is assessable as “royalty”.
(Microsoft/Gracemac 42 SOT 550 (Del) followed; Dassault Systems 322
ITR 125 (AAR) not followed; Tata Consultancy 271 ITR 401 (SC)
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 243
Wavin (India) Ltd. (SC) The technical information given to the Indian company was "non-
exclusive" and "non-transferable". In other words, this was not an out and
out sale of technical know-how. The assessee was merely given a non-
exclusive and non-transferable right of user of the technical information.
The expenditure was deductible.
Hitachi Zosen While computing total income for purpose of section 115A, provisions of
Corporation (Mum)(AT) section 70 could not be ignored and loss from one source of income set
off against income from another source under same head of income.
Therefore, where assessee foreign company gained profit from ONGC
contract while suffered loss from SPIC contract, loss would have to be
set off against profit for calculating income by way of fees for technical
Google India (P.) Ltd. In the case of, Google India (P.) Ltd. v. ACIT [2017] 86
(Banglore AT) 237 (Bengaluru - Trib), Google-Ireland gave non-exclusive distribution
rights of 'Adwods Programs' to the assesse, Google-India. Under this
arrangement, the assesse had been provided with access to IPR, Google
Brand features, secret process embedded in Adwords Programme as tool
of trade for generation of income.
It was held by the ITAT that the activities of assessee would fall within
the ambit of 'Royalty' as mentioned in Income-tax Act & under DTAA.
Therefore, Payment made by assessee to Google-Ireland was royalty
chargeable to tax in India.
Lottery Winning
Mrs. Roshan D. Nariman Assessee received Premium Savings Bond in London as a gift from her
(Mum) (AT) cousin, a British citizen, who had purchased it in assessee's name in. It
had fetched prize in draw subsequently which amount was credited in
assessee's account on. Held that such amount is winning as contemplated
under section 115BB.
Last minute revision material – May 2019 (CA Final DT) Page | 244
Barendra Prasad Roy Business connection will also include the professional connection.
The word "business" is one of wide import and it means an activity
carried on continuously and systematically by a person by the application
of his labor or skill with a view to earning an income. The Courts are of
the view that in the context in which the expression "business connection"
is used in section 9(1) of the Act, there is no warrant for giving a restricted
meaning to it excluding "professional connections" from its scope.
In the case of Barendra Prasad Ray v. ITO, the contention of the
appellants was that a professional connection cannot amount to a business
connection attracting section 9(1) of the Act. The Court held that the word
"business" is one of wide import and it means an activity carried on
continuously and systematically by a person by the application of his
labour or skill with a view to earning an income. The judges were of the
view that in the context in which the expression "business connection" is
used in section 9(1) of the Act, there is no warrant for giving a restricted
meaning to it excluding "professional connections" from its scope.
R.D. Aggarwal and Co The expression 'business connection' limits no precise definition. The
(SC) import and connotation of this expression has been explained by the
Supreme Court in their judgment in C.I.T. v. R.D. Aggarwal and Co
.which still holds good. Although the question whether a non-resident has
a 'business connection' in India from or through which income, profits or
gains can be said to accrue or arise to him within the meaning of section
9 of the Income-tax Act, 1961, has to be determined on the facts of each
case but its definitely has given some relief so as do away with the
prevalent confusion regarding the term business connection. Generally
confusion prevailed in a situation where few transactions of purchases of
raw materials took place in India and the manufacture and sale of goods
took place outside India, the profits arose from such sales were
considered to have arisen out of a business connection in India which was
a wrong practice .Later the case of CIT v. Fried Krupp Industries has
made the concept even more clear by hinting at “continuity of business”
which is essential so as to establish business connections. Therefore the
term business connection has been rationalized with the help of the
judicial interpretation and been successful to a larger extent in resolving
various complications related to transaction and unlike few years back
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 245
Fried Krupp Industries Mere purchase abroad and use in India is not ‘continuing business’ - The
(SC) term ‘business connection’ postulates a continuity of business
relationship between the foreigner and the Indian. There is no question of
continuing business relation when a person purchase the machinery or
other goods abroad and uses them in India and earns profit as it was held
in CIT v. Fried Krupp Industries .In this case the court looked into the
question whether principal to principal transaction amounts to any
business connection.
Principal to Principal (P2P) transactions are not business connections.
Tata Chemicals Ltd The Supreme Court referred and approved the decision of the Bombay
(Bom) High Court in CIT v. Tata Chemicals Ltd. , wherein it had been held that
in order to rope in the income of a non-resident, under the deeming
provision, it must be shown by the department that some of the operations
were carried out in India in respect of which the income was sought, to
be assessed. Therefore the court declared that in respect of principal to
principal transaction there is no question of any business connection
Hazoora Singh (P&H) Income in the hands of the agent of NRI will also include the income of
NRI from the undisclosed source.
Premier Automobiles Liability to make the payment of advance tax is also on the agent of NRI
(SC) and it does not violate the article of equality of constitution of India.
Liability of pay advance tax is on all the person including the agent of
R Lines Ltd. (AT) Who is an agent of non resident and under what circumstances. Person
(Mumbai) accepting status of agent of non-resident on his own or as a result of action
initiated by assessing officer. Such person can only be an agent.
Assessment confined to incomes which are deemed to accrue or arise in
India under section 9(1) and not all incomes of non-resident.
Reassessment against agent of Mauritian shipping company’s global
incomes in India is not possible under section 160(1)(i)
Provision requiring notice not to be issued beyond two years from end of
relevant assessment year is applicable to person who suo motu accepts
status of agent of non-resident.
Last minute revision material – May 2019 (CA Final DT) Page | 246
UAE Exchange Centre The liaison office was engaged in downloading information regarding
(AAR) remittances through electronic media and transfer of amounts from the
UAE to various places in India for a commission, by getting cheques
printed by it in India and sending them to the addresses of beneficiaries
in India according to instructions received. Since this service itself was
understood as business in view of the continuity of such service, the
liaison office was to be treated as permanent establishment. There is a
business connection.
Dun And Bradstreet Payment to a non-resident for information, which is downloaded for
Espana S.A., (AAR) Indian customers' use, is not technical fee, because the information, that
is paid for, is in the nature of business information and not technology. It
is an incident of e-commerce between two independent parties, so that
the resident cannot be branded as a branch or sales outlet of the non-
resident, so as to constitute a permanent establishment in India, the
income being essentially from business.
Cargo Community Providing access to internet based air cargo portal outside India. Indian
Network Pte. Ltd. subscribers paying fees for access and use of portal for booking cargo
(Authority for Advance with airlines, training subscribers and help connected therewith, such fees
Ruling) arise in India. Fees are royalties and fees for technical services taxable in
India. Subject to tax deduction at source.
Jay Shree Tea And The applicant, a resident company, had taken a loan of US $ 34,00,000
Industries Ltd., (AAR) from R of Singapore. Interest on the same was paid by resident company.
Held that interest is taxable in India. However there is no business
connection between the resident and non resident.
Rajiv Malhotra, The commission income out of exhibition organized in India would,
(Authority For Advance therefore, be taxable in India, as income arising from a “source of
Ruling) income” in India.
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 247
ABC Ltd., (Authority For Where the Indian company is permitted to download information from its
Advance Ruling) data base relating to world-wide business information reports for a
consideration, the income of the non-resident in such cases is income
from business. But such income can not be taxed in India since there was
no permanent establishment in India.
Sedo Forex International Where a non-resident enjoys his off-period drawing the salary for such
Drill Inc (Supreme Court period from the Indian employer, the law as understood thus far was, that
Of India) the salary for the off-period would be treated on par with the salary for
on-period, provided that during the break period they are the employees
of the assessee.
Last minute revision material – May 2019 (CA Final DT) Page | 248
LS Cable Limited vs. DIT The clauses in the offshore supply contract agreement regarding the
(AAR) transfer of ownership, the payment mechanism in the form of letter of
credit which ensures the credit of the amount in foreign currency to the
applicant’s foreign bank account on receipt of shipment advice and
insurance clause establish that the transaction of sale and the title took
place outside Indian Territory. The ownership and property in goods
passed outside India. The transit risk borne by the applicant till the goods
reach the site in India is not necessarily inconsistent with the sale of
goods taking place outside India. The parties may decide between them
as to when the title of the goods should pass. As the consideration for the
sale portion is separately specified, it can well be separated from the
whole. (Ishikwajima Harima 288 ITR 410 (SC) & Hyosung
Corporation314 ITR 343 (AAR) followed; Ansaldo Energia SPA 310
ITR 237 (Mad) distinguished)
In Re Cairn U.K. The expression “before giving effect to the 2nd proviso to s. 48‟ in the
Holdings Ltd (AAR) Proviso to s. 112(1) pre-supposes the existence of a case where
computation of long-term capital gains could be made in accordance with
the formula contained in the 2nd proviso in s. 48. It means that the asset
must be one qualified for indexation under the second proviso to s. 48.
There is no justification in not giving effect to the words used in the
proviso. As the 2nd proviso to s. 48 is not applicable to non-residents,
occasion to apply the proviso to s. 112(1) does not arise. A non-resident
foreign company cannot claim the double benefit of protection against
rupee value fluctuation as well as indexation. Timken 294 ITR 513
(AAR) not followed; BASF AG 293 ITR (AT) 1 followed
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 249
Alstom Transport SA vs. Though in Ishikawajima–Harima 288 ITR 408 (SC), Hyundai Heavy
DIT (AAR) Industries291 ITR 482 (SC) & Hyosung Corp 341 ITR 18 (AAR), it was
held that that a composite contract was capable of being dissected and it
In Re Roxar Maximum
was open to the assessee to raise the contention that parts of the contract
Reservoir Performance
should be treated separately for the purpose of deciding whether income
from the performance of that part of the contract arose onshore or
offshore and that part of the income attributable to offshore transaction
cannot be taxed in India, this is no longer good law in view of the larger
bench decision in Vodafone International Holdings where it was held that
the transaction has to be looked at as a whole and not by adopting a
dissecting approach. The basic principle in interpretation of a contract is
to read it as a whole and to construe all its terms in the context of the
object sought to be achieved. Reading parts of the contract as imposing
distinct obligations is not the proper way to understand a composite
Samsung Electronics Co. Where the payment is for the sale of rights / goods. It can not be termed
Ltd. (Bangalore) (AT) as on account of royalty. Generally understood is that royalty is for the
use of the rights and not for the sale of rights.
Sutron Corporation, It was inferable that service was rendered by internal arrangement
(AAR) between the applicant with such other concerns constituting division of
work and sharing of the profits as between them. However, the AAR
made it clear that only such part of the income of the non-resident as
arising on sale of equipment, installation and service agreement will be
deemed to accrue or arise in India.
Sriram Bearings Ltd. Where the foreign collaboration agreement is in two parts, one for sale of
(SC) trade secrets and the other for technical assistance, the agreement had to
be read disjunctively and that the income relating to sale of trade secrets
cannot be taxed in India.
Southern Switch Gear The disallowance of a part of the technical fees and royalty paid as capital
Ltd. (SC) expenditure was upheld by the Supreme Court on the ground that the
collaboration agreement provided for technical aid even for setting up the
factory and not merely for the right to sell the products.
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 251
In Re Booz & Company As regards a “permanent establishment”, various factors have to be taken
(Australia) Pvt. Ltd into account to decide a Fixed place PE which inter alia includes a right
(AAR) of disposal over the premises. No strait jacket formula applicable to all
cases can be laid down. Generally the establishment must belong to the
Employer and involve an element of ownership, management and
authority over the establishment. In other words the taxpayer must have
the element of ownership, management and authority over the
establishment. As regards a “business connection”, the essential features
may be summed up as follows: (a) a real and intimate relation must exist
between the trading activities carried on outside India by a non-resident
and the activities within India; (b) such relation shall contribute, directly
or indirectly, to the earning of income by the non-resident in his business;
(c) a course of dealing or continuity of relationship and not a mere
isolated or stray nexus between the business of the non-resident outside
India and the activity in India, would furnish a strong indication of
‘business connection’ in India.
Morgan Stanley & Co. The ruling of the AAR is to some extent inconclusive as regards the non-
Inc., (Authority For resident’s liability, when it held that it would depend upon the nature of
Advance Ruling) service rendered by the employees deputed to India and the inference of
permanent establishment in India, which would also depend upon such
Last minute revision material – May 2019 (CA Final DT) Page | 252
Formula One World In the case of Formula One World Championship Ltd. v. CIT [2017] 80
Championship Ltd. (Del) 347, the Supreme Court upheld the Delhi High Court's
decision that F-1 Race Circuit, which was owned by Jaypee Sports, shall
be deemed as PE of assesse (a UK based Co.) in India. In the instant case,
the assesse granted the rights to Jaypee to host and promote Formula F-1
Race at latter's motor racing circuit. The assesse had full access & control
over the circuit and it could also dictate as to who can access the place.
Further, organising any other event at this place was not permitted.
Therefore, the Apex Court held that circuit shall constitute the PE of
Assesse in India.
E-Funds IT Solution Inc In the case of ADIT v. E-Funds IT Solution Inc [2017] 86
(SC) 240, the Supreme Court held that if an Indian subsidiary company only
renders support services to enable the foreign company to render services
to its clients abroad, this outsourcing work to India by foreign company
would not give rise to its fixed place PE in India.
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 253
Type 1 (4 Mark Type) Scope of Royalty and Technical Fees where there is composite contract
of supply of machinery and its maintainence.
Type 2 (6 Mark Type) NR computation of capital gains of shares and debentures. Prov 1 to 48.
Type 3 (10 Mark Type) Tax liability of Non Resident with special rate income of Royalty income.
With or without operating Branch in India. (44DA is applicable)
With or without Interest income on foreign currency bonds.
With or without capital gains income as adjustment.
Type 4 (6 Mark Type) Where payment to non resident is net of tax, as per the terms of contract.
Its TDS application also.
Type 5 (6 Mark Type) TDS for non resident when DTAA concessional rate of tax is applicable.
Type 6 (6 Mark Type) TDS for non resident when PAN is not available.
Type 7 (6 Mark Type) Tax liability of Non resident and Non citizen sports person / entertainer.
or any other special rates of taxes for non residents.
Type 8 (10 Mark Type) Non resident Indian (NRI) chapter XIIA full computation with capital
gains computation as per Prov 1 to 48. With the double tax liablity
calculation since chapter XIIA is optional.
Type 9 (10 Mark Type) Foreign company tax liability calculation where there is
Royalty income
Other income
And 80G deduction.
Last minute revision material – May 2019 (CA Final DT) Page | 254
In Re Tiong Woon Project An installation project which does not last more than 183 days in a fiscal
& Contracting (Pte) year is not a "Permanent Establishment" and the business profits are
Limited (AAR) taxable only in Singapore under Article 7(1) of the India-Singapore
In Re E*Trade Mauritius The effect of Azadi Bachao Andolan is that there is no “legal taboo”
Ltd (AAR) against ‘treaty shopping’. Treaty shopping and the underlying objective
of tax avoidance/mitigation are not equated to a colourable device. If a
resident of a third country, in order to take advantage of a tax treaty sets
up a conduit entity, the legal transactions entered into by that conduit
entity cannot be declared invalid. The motive behind setting up such
conduit companies is not material to judge the legality or validity of the
transactions. The principle that “every man is entitled to order his affairs
so that the tax is less than it otherwise would be” is applicable though a
colourable device adopted through dishonest methods can be looked into
in judging a legal transaction from the tax angle. Tax avoidance is not
objectionable if it is within the framework of law and not prohibited by
law. However, a transaction which is ‘sham’ in the sense that “the
documents are not bona fide in order to intend to be acted upon but are
only used as a cloak to conceal a different transaction” stands on a
different footing.
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 255
Anapharm Inc vs. DIT In order to consider the meaning of the term “make available” in Article
(AAR) 12 of the India-Canada DTAA, one can have regard to the India-USA
DTAA. The term requires that the service provider should also make his
technical knowledge, experience, skill, know-how etc., known to the
recipient of the service so as to equip him to independently perform the
technical function himself in future, without the help of the service
provider. In other words, payment of consideration would be regarded as
‘fee for technical / included services’ only if the twin test of rendering
services and making technical knowledge available at the same time is
Small Business Corp vs. For purposes of Article 20 of the India-Korea DTAA, a Government
DIT (AAR) undertaking with corporate status cannot be equated to the Government.
Even if the Articles of Incorporation make it clear that the Government
has pervasive control over the undertaking, it still cannot be treated to be
a wing or an integral part of the Government. However, the fundamental
requirement of Article 20(1)(a) is that the remuneration should be paid
by the Contracting State. Even if it is paid out of funds allocated by the
Government to the undertaking specifically towards personnel expenses,
the requirement of Article 20(1) is satisfied. It is as good as payment by
the State itself. The expression “payment by a Contracting State” cannot
be given a rigid or literal interpretation so as to cover the payments made
directly by Government or a department of the Government. Even if the
payment is made out of State’s funds set apart for that purpose, the
requirement of Section 20(1)(a) will be attracted and the Indian income-
tax cannot be levied in such a case.
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Type 1 (6 Mark Type) Elimination of DTAA when there is No DTAA with country from which
resident is deriving income.
(Indian and That country both is showing income in compuation)
Type 4 (9 Mark Type) Where India and foreign country is having DTAA signed up.
Indian – Income
Foreign – Income (as per DTAA not taxable in other country but included
for rate purposes)
Type 5 (6 Mark Type) Where India and foreign country is having DTAA signed up.
Indian – Income
Foreign – Income (taxable in other country but eligible for Full credit of
Type 6 (6 Mark Type) Where India and foreign country is having DTAA signed up.
Indian – Income
Foreign – Income (taxable in other country but eligible for special rebate
as per average rate of taxes.)
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 257
Sony India P. Ltd. (Delhi Instructions of board regarding reference to transfer pricing officer is
High Court) valid. Instruction that cases where international transactions exceed Rs. 5
crore to be taken up for scrutiny is not discriminatory.
Shilpa Shetty vs. ACIT We are of the view that since chapter 10 pre-supposes the existence of
(ITAT Mumbai) “income” and lays down machinery provison to compute ALP of such
income, if it arises from an „International transaction‟. Section 92 is not
an independent charging section to bring in a new head of income or to
charge tax on income which is otherwise not chargeable under the Act.
Accordingly, since no income had accrued to or received by the assessee
u/s 5, no notional income can be brought to tax u/s 92 of the Act
Mitchell Drilling India Transfer Pricing: The "international transaction" as defined in s. 92F(v)
Private Limited vs. DCIT has to be a genuine transaction. Transfer pricing provisions do not apply
(ITAT Delhi) to non-genuine or sham transactions
CIT v. Thyssen Krupp Transfer Pricing: An adjustment with respect to transfer pricing has to be
(Bombay High Court) confined to transactions with Associated Enterprises and cannot be made
with respect to transactions with unrelated third parties
Calance Software Pvt. Ltd Transfer Pricing: CBDT's Instruction No. 3/2003 is binding on the AO.
vs. DCIT (ITAT Delhi) Consequently, the ALP of international transactions where the quantum
is less than Rs. 5 crore has to be determined by the AO and cannot be
referred to the TPO. If such reference is made, it is invalid and the
extended time for completing the assessment is not available to the AO.
The assessment is void as it is time-barred
CIT vs. Aurionpro Advances were made to the company situated abroad. The LIBOR rate
Solutions Ltd (Bombay naturally will be considered to determine the Arms Length interest, the
High Court) same would be reasonable and proper in applying the commercial
principle. The Tribunal has directed the appropriate rate would be LIBOR
plus 2% instead of LIBOR plus 3% applied by the TPO
CIT vs. Aurionpro Transfer Pricing ALP of foreign advances: If the advances are made to a
Solutions Ltd (Bombay AE situated abroad, the LIBOR rate has to considered to determine the
High Court) Arms Length interest and not the interest rate in India (SBI PLR). This
would be reasonable and proper in applying commercial principles
Last minute revision material – May 2019 (CA Final DT) Page | 258
Thomas Cook (India) Transfer Pricing: Corporate Guarantees are not comparable to Bank
Limited vs. ACIT (ITAT Guarantees & so the commission of 3% charged by Banks is not a
Mumbai) benchmark to evaluate the ALP of a corporate guarantee but it has to
taken at 0.5%. ITAT decisions which upheld the 3% rate cannot be
followed as they are contrary to Everest Kanto 378 ITR 57 (Bom)
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 259
Pr CIT vs. M/s Veer Gems S. 92A Transfer Pricing: The mere fact that an enterprise has de facto
(Gujarat High Court) participation in the capital, management or control over the other
enterprise does not make the two enterprises "associated enterprises" so
as to subject their transactions to the rigors of transfer pricing law
Orchid Pharma Limited Transfer Pricing - Meaning of “Associated Enterprises”: The fact that an
vs. DCIT (ITAT Chennai) enterprise can “influence prices and other conditions relating to sale”
does not make it an “associated enterprise” of the assessee if it does not
participate in the (a) capital, (b) management, or (c) control of the
assessee and thus does not fulfil the basic rule u/s 92A(1). S. 92A(2)(i)
has to be read with s. 92(A)(1). Even if the conditions of s. 92A(2)(i) are
fulfilled, these enterprise cannot be treated as ‘associated enterprise’ if
the requirements of s. 92A(1) are not fulfilled
Geoconsult GmbH vs. Where the applicant had entered into a joint venture with two Indian
DIT (AAR) companies for providing consultancy services for the development of
tunnels and the question was whether the JV constitutes an ‘Association
of Persons.
Last minute revision material – May 2019 (CA Final DT) Page | 260
Pr CIT vs. Amphenol Transfer Pricing: The Comparable Uncontrolled Price (CUP) method is
Interconnect India P. Ltd not the Most Appropriate Method for determining the Arm's Length Price
(Bombay High Court) (ALP) in respect of the transactions of (sales of goods and sales
commission) with Associated Enterprises (AEs) if there are geographical
differences, volume differences, timing differences, risk differences and
functional differences. If it is not shown that the selection of TNMM as
the Most Appropriate Method is perverse, the same cannot be challenged
Zee Entertainment The Transfer Pricing Officer has selected RPM as most appropriate
Enterprises Ltd vs. ACIT method for determining the arm’s length price of the transaction of sale
(ITAT Mumbai) of programmes and film rights to ATL in contrast to the TNM method
selected by the assessee. The first controversy is as to whether the
Transfer Pricing Officer was justified in selecting the RPM as most
appropriate method. Section 92(1) of the Act provides that the arm’s
length price in relation to the international transaction shall be determined
by any of the methods prescribed therein, being the most appropriate
method. Notably, the phraseology of section 92C(1) of the Act makes it
clear that the selection of the most appropriate method is to be made
“having regard to the nature of transaction or class of transaction or class
of associated persons or functions performed by such persons or such
other relevant factors………………..”. Further, Rule 10B of the Rules
enumerates the various methods to determine the arm’s length price of an
international transaction and for the present purpose, what is relevant is
clause(b) of Rule 10B(1) of the Rules, which prescribes the manner in
which the RPM is to be effectuated
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 261
CIT vs. Tata Power Solar Transfer Pricing: A party is not barred in law from withdrawing from its
Systems Ltd (Bombay list of comparables a company found to have been included on account
High Court) of mistake of fact. The Transfer Pricing Mechanism requires
comparability analysis to be done between like companies and controlled
and uncontrolled transactions by carrying out of FAR analysis. The
assessee's submission in arriving at the ALP is not final. It is for the TPO
to examine and find out the companies listed as comparables which are
in fact comparable
Fresenius Kabi India Transfer Pricing: In the case of an assessee engaged in distribution
Private Limited vs. DCIT activity there is no value addition to the product in question even if the
(ITAT Pune) selling and marketing expenses are borne by the assessee. Accordingly,
the Resale Price Method is the most appropriate method for bench
marking the transaction and determining whether it is at arms' length. The
TPO is not entitled to thrust TNMM to evaluate the transaction
Pr CIT vs. Amphenol Transfer Pricing: The Comparable Uncontrolled Price (CUP) method is
Interconnect India P. Ltd not the Most Appropriate Method for determining the Arm's Length Price
(Bombay High Court) (ALP) in respect of the transactions of (sales of goods and sales
commission) with Associated Enterprises (AEs) if there are geographical
differences, volume differences, timing differences, risk differences and
Last minute revision material – May 2019 (CA Final DT) Page | 262
CIT vs. Pentair Water Transfer Pricing: Companies with large turnover like Infosys & Wipro
India Pvt. Ltd (Bombay are not comparable to companies with smaller turnover and should be
High Court) excluded from the list of comparables
Cotton Naturals (I) Pvt. CUP is the most appropriate method for ascertaining the arms length
Ltd vs. DCIT (ITAT price of an international transaction of lending money. Where the
Delhi) transaction is of lending money in foreign currency to its foreign
subsidiaries, the comparable transactions have to be of foreign currency
lent by unrelated parties.
Aithent Technologies Pvt The assessee was required to comply with the transfer pricing provisions
Ltd vs. ITO (ITAT Delhi) of s. 92 to 92F with respect to the transaction of interest-free loan to its
subsidiary. The CUP method is the most appropriate method in order to
ascertain the ALP of such international transaction by taking into account
prices at which similar transactions with other unrelated parties have been
entered into. For that purpose, an assessment of the credit quality of the
borrower and estimation of a credit rating, evaluation of the terms of the
loan e.g period of loan, amount, currency, interest rate basis, and
additional inputs such as convertibility and finally estimation of arm’s
length terms for the loan based upon the key comparability factors and
internal and/or external comparable transactions are relevant. None of
these inputs have anything to do with the costs; they only refer to
prevailing prices in similar unrelated transactions instead of adopting the
prices at which the transactions have been actually entered in such cases,
the hypothetical arms length prices, at which these associated enterprises,
but for their relationship, would have entered into the same transaction,
are taken into account. Whether the funds are advanced out of interest
bearing funds or interest free advances or are commercially expedient for
the assessee or not, is wholly irrelevant in this context. As the transaction
is of lending money, in foreign currency, to its foreign subsidiary, the
comparable transaction should also be of foreign currency lending by
unrelated parties (Perot Systems 130 TTJ 685 (Del) followed).
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 263
Alpha Nipon Innovatives Transfer Pricing: As per CBDT's Instruction No.3/2016 dated
Ltd vs. DCIT (Gujarat 10.03.2016, the AO is required to give an opportunity to the assessee to
High Court) show cause why the reference should not be made to the TPO and
thereafter pass a speaking order while making a reference to the TPO.
The failure to do so renders the reference void
Hyundai Rotem Company Transfer Pricing: The TPO is required to be consistent in matters relating
vs. ACIT (ITAT Delhi) to selection of comparables. If a comparable has been included or rejected
in an earlier year, he is not entitled to take a different view in a later year
if there is no change in circumstances
CIT vs. Tata Power Solar Transfer Pricing: A party is not barred in law from withdrawing from its
Systems Ltd (Bombay list of comparables a company found to have been included on account
High Court) of mistake of fact. The Transfer Pricing Mechanism requires
comparability analysis to be done between like companies and controlled
and uncontrolled transactions by carrying out of FAR analysis. The
assessee's submission in arriving at the ALP is not final. It is for the TPO
to examine and find out the companies listed as comparables which are
in fact comparable
Eaton Fluid Power Transfer Pricing: Entire law on whether the TPO can sit in judgement
Limited vs. ACIT (ITAT over the business model of the assessee and determine the ALP of the
Pune) transactions with AEs at Nil explained in the context of judgements in
Kodak India 288 CTR 46 (Bom), Lever India Exports 292 CTR 393
(Bom), Cushman and Wakefield 233 TAXMAN 250 (Del), R.A.K.
Ceramics 293 CTR 361 (AP) & Delloite Consulting 137 ITD 21 (Mum)
Last minute revision material – May 2019 (CA Final DT) Page | 264
Mehsana District Co- S. 92CB Transfer Pricing Safe Harbour Rules: If the assessee has
operative vs. DCIT exercised the safe harbour option under Rule 10THD(1) & the AO has
(Gujarat High Court) not passed any order under rule 10THD(4) declaring the exercising of
option to be invalid, the option is treated as valid. Thereafter, the Transfer
Pricing regime does not apply & the AO has no authority to make any
reference to the TPO to ascertain the arm's length price of the assessee's
specified domestic transactions. CBDT's circular dated 10.3.2006 could
not have and does not lay down anything to the contrary
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 265
Essilor India Pvt.Ltd vs. Transfer Pricing: The existence of an "international transaction" w.r.t.
DCIT (ITAT Bangalore) AMP Expenditure cannot be assumed. The onus is on the TPO to prove
such transaction. There is no machinery provision to ascertain the price
to promote the AE's brand values. The AMP Expenditure should be
treated as operating cost to apply TNMM and determine ALP of
transactions with AE
CIT vs. Whirlpool of Transfer pricing of AMP Expenditure: the onus is on the Revenue to
India Ltd (Delhi High demonstrate by tangible material that there is an international transaction
Court) involving AMP expenses between the Indian Co and the AE. In the
absence of that first step, the question of determining the ALP of such a
transaction does not arise. In the absence of a machinery provision it is
hazardous for any TPO to proceed to determine the ALP of such a
transaction since Bright Line Test has been negatived as a valid method
of determining the existence of an international transaction and thereafter
its ALP
Maruti Suzuki India Transfer Pricing: Important legal principles on whether an adjustment for
Limited vs. CIT (Delhi Advertisement & Market Promotion (AMP) expenses can be made on the
High Court) basis that there is an assumed “international transaction” with the AE
because the advertisement expenditure of the Indian company is
“excessive” explained
LÓreal India Private Transfer pricing of AMP Expenditure: In the case of a manufacturer
Limited vs. DCIT (ITAT operating in a competitive industry, high AMP expenditure cannot be
Mumbai) assumed to have been incurred for the benefit of the brand owner. The
TPO has to prove that the real intention of the assessee in incurring AMP
expenses was to benefit the AEs and not to promote its own business.
Also, if the assessee has reported high turnover & profits & offered to
tax, the basic ingredient required to invoke s. 92 that there is transfer of
profit from India remains unproved. In the absence of the AO/ TPO
showing that there is a formal/ informal agreement to share the AMP
expenditure, the adjustment cannot be made. The matter cannot be
remanded to the AO/ TPO for reconsideration
Last minute revision material – May 2019 (CA Final DT) Page | 266
Hyundai Motor India Transfer Pricing AMP Adjustment: Entire law on whether the
Limited vs. DCIT (ITAT advertisement expenditure incurred by the Indian AE towards brand of a
Chennai) foreign company can be treated as an “international transaction” and
whether a notional adjustment can be made in the hands of the Indian AE
towards compensation receivable from the foreign AE for “deemed brand
development” explained
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 267
Type 1 (10 Mark Type) Compuation of TP income where unit is eligible for 10AA exemption.
Type 3 (10 Mark Type) Multiple ALP available and more then 6 (or less then 6) comparable
prices are available. Statistical method of arriving at ALP / average
method with tolerance level.
Type 5 (6 Mark Type) Transaction with unit in notified jurisdictional area and TP computation.
Type 6 (3 Mark Type) Transaction with unit in notified jurisdictional area and TDS
Type 7 (6 Mark Type) Choosing of Most appropriate method of ALP and then applying it.
Type 11 (4 Mark Type) Transfer pricing and specified domestic transaction computation.
Last minute revision material – May 2019 (CA Final DT) Page | 268
Monte Harris (AAR) 1. For the purpose of applicant’s status be NRI it must not be
considered as on the date of application but must be considered as
per the financial year that was preceding the year in which the
application was made since residential status is in respect of the a
2. AAR has power to reject the application if it is pending before
income tax authority, such case pending before the income tax
authority must be considered as on the date of the application and
not with respect to any future date.
3. The maintainability of the application cannot be made to depend on
the pendency of the issue before the income-tax authorities on
varying date. Hence the word is “already pending” shall be
interpreted to mean already pending at the time of the application
and not concerning future date as held by the Authority in Monte
Harris (supra)
In Re. (AAR) If there is prima facie point that application is made for the avoidance of
tax than it can be rejected at any point of time of the procedure.
Hyosung Corporation vs. S. 143(2)/ 245R(2): A notice u/s 143(2)(ii) cannot be issued in a routine,
AAR (Delhi High Court) casual or mechanical manner but after forming an opinion that it is
"necessary or expedient" to do so. A S. 143(2) notice in the standard form
is not a bar u/s 245R(2) for admission of an AAR application for advance
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 269
In Re Orient Green Power U/s 82 of the Companies Act, shares in a company is moveable property
Pte. Ltd (AAR) transferable in the manner provided by its Articles of Association. The
applicant has not shown the gift was authorized by its Articles. It
is difficult to imagine the Articles of Association of a company providing
for gifting away of the assets in the form of shares in another company
by what is attempted to be described as oral gift. A “gift” by one company
to another company of shares in a public company appears to be strange,
unless it be one which has been set up for some purpose. The revenue’s
contention that the purpose of the gift is to avoid tax and s. 56(2)(viia) is
not far-fetched. Also, s. 47(i) & (iii) appear to apply to gifts by individuals
and HUFs and not by companies. The Authority has the right & the duty
to consider the reality of the transaction and genuineness of the
transaction, in addition to its validity. When such transactions are entered
into involving substantial assets the applicant has to prove to the hilt
the factum, genuineness and validity of the transaction, the right to enter
into the transaction and the bona fides of the transaction. To postulate that
a corporation can give away its assets free to another even orally can only
be aiding dubious attempts at avoidance of tax payable under the Act. The
AO is in a batter position to make a proper enquiry into the question of
the genuineness and validity of the transaction. Hence, a ruling is declined
Last minute revision material – May 2019 (CA Final DT) Page | 270
Nuclear Power The argument that the pendency of the question in the case of the recipient
Corporation of India Ltd cannot bar the application in the case of the payer is not acceptable
In Re (AAR) because an “advance ruling” is a determination in relation to a
“transaction”. A “transaction” always involves the payer and payee. It is
not possible to separate an applicant from a transaction while he is
seeking a Ruling, since the Ruling relates to a transaction undertaken by
him or to be undertaken by him. A ruling also cannot be divorced from a
transaction. The question posed before the income-tax authorities in the
case of the recipient and before the AAR in the case of the payer is the
same, namely, whether the income is assessable to tax. Consequently, the
bar in s. 245R(2) applies and the payer’s application is not maintainable.
The contrary view taken by the AAR in Airports Authority of India In re
168 Taxman 158 is not correct (Foster (AAR No. 975 of 2009) followed)
The applicant sought an advance ruling on the obligation to deduct tax at
source on payments made to a non-resident entity. The non-resident entity
was already taxed in India. The Applicant urged that the ruling sought
was to determine the obligation to deduct tax at source, and the non-
resident assessed to tax is of no consequences. The Authority held that it
is not possible to separate an applicant from a transaction since the
decision relates to a transaction undertaken or proposed to be undertaken.
The ruling is not only applicant specific, but, also transaction specific.
The non-resident already being assessed to tax the application was not
In Re Groupe Industrial On facts, the French company’s (ShanH) only asset were the shares in the
Marcel Dassault (AAR) Indian company & it had no other business. When its shares were sold,
what really passes were the underlying assets and the control of the Indian
company. A gain was generated by the transaction. If the transaction is
accepted at face value, control over Indian assets and business can pass
from hand to hand without incurring any liability to tax in India. Such
transactions have to be treated as ineffectual. It is not necessary to ignore
the existence of ShanH to come to a conclusion that what is put up is
a facade in the context of the tax law and would amount to a scheme for
avoidance of tax
Shirishkumar Kulkarni., The applicant sought the determination of the Authority on whether the
In re 288 ITR 530 (AAR) withdrawal from the individual retirement account set up abroad or on his
death the distribution to his beneficiary would be exempt from tax in
India. The Authority dismissed the application, as withdrawing of once
own money was neither generating any income nor undertaking any
transaction with a person in India.
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 271
Y Ltd., In re 221 ITR The Applicant sought an advance ruling relating to the liability to interest
172(AAR) under section 234B and 234C that accrues on account of the transaction
(capital gains on the sale of shares and debentures). The Authority held
on facts that the there was a direct nexus between the transaction and
charging of the interest. Therefore, the application was to be allowed.
Hindustan Powerplus The applicant filed an advance ruling to determine the liability to tax
Ltd., In re 267 ITR 685 under the Act on the remuneration received by a resident employee
(AAR) outside India. The Authority rejected the application as the advance ruling
has to be in relation to the tax liability of a non-resident and not a resident.
Connecteurs Cinch, S.A., The Authority ruled that the entitlement to tax exemption under section
In re 268 ITR 29 (AAR) 10A of the Act in the hands of the Indian subsidiary would not be any
consequence of a transaction undertaken or proposed to be made by the
non-resident applicant hence the application was not allowed.
Trade Circle Enterprises The Applicant a non-resident was to form a consortium involving a
LLC., In re 361 ITR proposed subsidiary company along with another Indian company. The
673(AAR) consortium was to claim deduction under section 80IA of the Act. The
Authority did not follow the ruling in the case of Umicore Finance
(supra) as there was no transaction between the Indian company and the
applicant. The issues raised were for determining the tax liability arising
in the Indian entity hence the application was dismissed.
If the facts permit, some of the decision above may require
reconsideration post the introduction of the Notification No. 3014 dated
28/11/2014 under section 245N(a)(iia) of the Act, permitting applications
from residents whose tax liability arising out of one or more transaction
is valuing Rs 100 crores or more.
Instrumentarium Corpn., Section 245R(2)(ii) of the Act, bars question raised relating to the
In Re 272 ITR 499(AAR) determination of the fair market value. In the case of Instrumentarium
Corpn., In Re 272 ITR 499(AAR) the Authority has taken the view that
benchmarking of the transaction as arm’s length price is also the
determination of fair market value.
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ABC International Inc. In the case ABC International Inc. USA, In re 241 CTR 289, the
USA, In re 241 CTR 289 Authority held that it has powers to determine whether the transaction is
designed for the avoidance of tax not only at the admission stage but also
Mahindra BT Investment
at the final hearing.
Co (Mauritius) Ltd v/s
Director of Income Tax The Bombay High Court in the case Mahindra BT Investment Co
359 ITR 485 (Mauritius) Ltd v/s Director of Income Tax 359 ITR 485 held that the
authority could exercise its discretion not to give a ruling only in the case
where the fraud and/or illegality are ex facie evident, or the fraud or the
illegality has been established in some proceedings. Such a discretion
shall not be exercised on a mere suspicion.
Canoro Resources Ltd., In The Authority held that the applicant has, prima facie, given a convincing
re (AAR) 313 ITR 2 explanation for restructuring its business. The revenue cannot complain
(AAR) when a taxpayer resorts to a legal method available to him to plan his tax
liability, as a result, would be more beneficial to the taxpayer. The
decision may require reconsideration post the introduction of the Section
245N(iv) of the Act dealing with impermissible avoidance arrangement.
Columbia Sportswear In the case of Columbia Sportswear Company the Hon’ble Supreme
Company (SC) Court held that the ruling issued are binding upon the parties in respect
of the transaction sought and for others, the decision will hold persuasive
value on principles of law. In the case of Prudential Assurance Co Ltd
v/s Director of Income Tax (International Tax) 324 ITR 381 (Bom) the
Assessing Officer passed an order following the ruling in the Petitioner
case. The Commissioner issued a notice under section 263, seeking to set
aside the order on the ground of subsequent decision of the
Authority. The Hon’ble High Court held that the commissioner had
manifestly exceeded his jurisdiction and the notice is contrary to section
245S of the Act. The Commissioner cannot rely upon the subsequent
ruling while ignoring the clear mandate provided by the statutory
provision. In another case before the Bombay High Court Director of
Income-tax (International Taxation) v. Dun & Bradstreet Information
Services India (P.) Ltd. 338 ITR 95 wherein the court held the assessee
not liable to deduct tax at source, by following the decision of the
Authority on similar facts in the same subject matter.
Onmobile Global Ltd v/s The Authority has powers to dismiss the application ex parte on
Chairman, Authority for merits (Rule 17 of the Procedural Rules). The aggrieved party can apply
Advance Ruling (Income for the recall within 15 days of the receipt of the order by presenting
-Tax) sufficient cause for non-appearance. The Authority may set aside
the ex parte order after providing an opportunity to be heard. In the case
of Onmobile Global Ltd v/s Chairman, Authority for Advance Ruling
(Income -Tax) 279 CTR 518 the Karnataka High Court held that Rule 17
allows the Authority to dismiss an application ex parte only on merits for
non-appearances. Further, the court held that the application could not be
rejected as the notice of hearing was never within the knowledge of the
Acers Computer when the issues raised have become of academic interest the Authority
International Ltd., 189 can decline to pronounce the ruling.
CTR 498 (AAR)
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Type 1 (4 Mark Type) Where one persons ruling is sought to be used by another person, scope
of binding force.
Type 2 (4 Mark Type) Where payer of money is applicant and matter is pending with respect to
payees application on same transaction. Scope of compulsory rejection.
Type 3 (4 Mark Type) Scope of pending and compulsory rejection, in situation where notice of
143(2) has been issued to applicant before the filing of application.
Type 4 (4 Mark Type) When application is sought for GAAR related matters by non-notified
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 275
Gosalia Shipping P. Ltd. A non-resident company, had entered into a charter-party with the owners
(SC) of a ship on a time charter. The ship called at an Indian port where it was
loaded with the company's own goods and the ship left for Canada. The
company paid hire charges to the owners of the ship and since it loaded
the ship with the company's own goods, the company received nothing
on account of carriage of the goods. No tax was, therefore, exigible under
section 172(2).
Pestonji Bhicajee (Guj) "Dead freight" is not freight, that is, a payment made on account of
carriage of goods, but it is in reality damages for breach of contract.
Therefore, any payment made on account of "dead freight" cannot be
treated as payment on account of carriage of goods in a ship.
Czechoslovak Ocean The case of a non-resident who receives or is deemed to have received in
Shipping International India income in any year or on whose behalf such income is received
Joint Stock Co. (Cal) from whatever source derived, is covered by section 5(2) of the Act and
if freight for the carriage of goods to India includes any amount
chargeable to tax as income, such income is certainly received in India
and is chargeable under section 5(2).
Circular 09 of 2001 The payment of tax under section 172(3) / (4) is at par with advance tax
instalments. Hence, in case of a regular assessment under section 172(7)
the assessee is entitled to refund, as well as interest on such refund.
Circular 723 The provisions of section 172 are to apply, notwithstanding anything
contained in the other provisions of the Act. Therefore, in such cases, the
provisions of sections 194C and 195 relating to tax deduction at source
are not applicable.
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O.N.G.C. (Uttaranchal Where presumptive income is the mandate of law, the computation of
High Court) income under the head business in the normal course is not possible. It
was so held in CIT v. O. N. G. C. [2003] 264 ITR 340 (Uttaranchal),
where the High Court, in the context of income from prospecting,
extraction or production of mineral oil of a non-resident, held that the
income is bound to be assessed under section 44BB on a presumptive
basis and that it was not open to the Assessing Officer to resort to the
provision for adding the tax borne by the contractee as a perquisite under
section 28(iv).
ONGC (Uttaranchal High The concept of multiple stage grossing up of income is not applicable to
Court) the deemed profits derived by a non-resident under section 44BB
ARB Inc (Delhi Bench) It was incidentally pointed out that GAIL itself does not have an oil well,
(AT) so that the assessee, which facilitates its activity could not be engaged in
extraction or production of mineral oil within the meaning of section
44BB. GAIL itself was not producing natural gas, but only producing
liquefied petroleum and other products, which are commercially different
from natural gas. Thus 44BB is not applicable.
Sedco Forex International Non-resident and exploration of mineral oils. Mobilisation charges
Inc. (Uttarkhand High received. No nexus with actual amount incurred by non-resident for
Court) transportation of drilling units of rigs to specified drilling locations in
India. Not reimbursement of expenditure so includible.
Type 1 (10 Mark Type) Where assessee is NR individual operating ships and section 172 as well
as 44B is applicable and computation of tax liability.
Type 2 (6 Mark Type) Non resident in business of operation of shipping or aircraft. Its
presumptive income computation and application of MAT for foreign
Type 3 (7 Mark Type) Non resident income grossing up concept with respect to oil exploration
business and receiving NET of tax payments.
Type 4 (4 Mark Type) Any income of NR resident in special rates of Taxes, receiving Net of tax
payment and its TDS application.
Type 5 (6 Mark Type) Any income of NR resident in special rates of Taxes, receiving Net of tax
payment and its TDS application. But where DTAA rates are also
applicable and its TDS application.
Type 6 (6 Mark Type) Non resident senior citizen tax liability calculations.
With 80D deduction in copuation.
With LTCG also part of income and un-used basic exemption limit.
Type 7 (4 Mark Type) TDS application when payment is made to resident foreign company.
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Based on the above facts, Mr. Abhinav’s residential status in India for P.Y. 2017-18 and P.Y. 2013-14 is –
(a) Capital gains arising on sale of 500 GDRs shall be subject to tax @20% with indexation benefit in India
(b) No capital gains would arise on sale of 500 GDRs in India. since the GDRs are purchased in foreign
(c) No capital gains would arise on sale of 300 GDRs, but capital gains arising on sale of 200 GDRs shall be
taxed in India @10% without indexation benefit
(d) No capital gains would arise on sale of 300 GDRs, but capital gains arising on sale of 200 GDRs shall be
taxed @20% with indexation benefit in India
1 Purchase of Raw material AA Ltd China 80
2 Payment of Royalty A Inc. USA 5
3 Sale of finished goods AAA Limited Taiwan 50
4 Interest Free Loan Obtained A Pty Singapore 50
Prior to financial year, A Ltd. had obtained loan of 200 crores @ 8% from A LLC, Cyprus in April 2 years
back. Interest of 16 crores paid to A LLC, Cyprus on the loan of 200 crores, which constituted 52% of the
total assets of A Ltd. A Ltd. obtained loan of 100 crores from Bank of Chennai, India based on a guarantee
provided by A Inc., USA. Interest of 8 crores paid on such loan and guarantee fee of 50 lacs paid to A Inc.,
USA. 90% of raw materials required by A Ltd. is supplied by AA Ltd., China.
Which of the following enterprises are associated enterprises or deemed associated enterprises of A Ltd.?
(a) A Inc., USA: A LLC. Cyprus; and AAA Ltd., Taiwan.
(b) A Inc., USA: A LLC. Cyprus; and A Pty. Singapore.
(c) A Inc., USA: A LLC. Cyprus; and AA Ltd., China.
(d) A Inc., USA: AA Ltd., China: and A Pty, Singapore,
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(a) Yes, because they have earned income in India which is chargeable to tax as per the provisions of the
Income-tax Act, 1981.
(b) No, because tax deductible at source has been fully deducted from income earned by them in India
(c) Harry Smith has to file his return of income but Rita Smith need not file her return of income
(d) Rita Smith has to file her return of income but Harry Smith need not file his return of income
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 285
(a) Tax is deductible at source at the rates in force under section 195
(b) Tax is deductible at source @ 30% plus cess on income from horse races and at the rates in force under
section 195 on other income,
(c) Tax is deductible at source@ 30% plus cess on income from horse races and @20% plus cess on other
(d) Tax is deductible at source 30% plus cess on income from horse races and advertisement of a product on
TV, 20% plus cess on Income from participation in international swimming competition in India and no tax
is deductible at source on income from contribution of articles in India.
(a) resident in India, since it has carried on the operation of purchase of goods in India
(b) non-resident in India. since its registered head office is in Country X
(c) non-resident in India. since key management decisions are taken in Country X
(d) non-resident in India, due to reasons stated in (b) and (c) above.
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The effective rate of income-tax applicable on total income of M/s. Pacific Airlines is —
(a) 42.024%
(b) 44.084%
(c) 43.960%
(d) none of the above
(i) Subjective (i) Such interpretation should not be done if it defeats the
Interpretation primary objective of the tax treaty as far as the particular
item under consideration is concerned.
(ii) Purposive (ii) Article 32 of Vienna Convention embodies this principle
(iii) Contemporanea (iii) Speeches of Finance Ministers of India can be relied upon
Expositio to find out the common intent at the time of signing the
(iv) Liberal Construction (iv) The fact that treaties are entered into for promoting
mutual trade and investment needs to be kept in mind
while interpreting a treaty
(v) Any term used in the treaty has to be interpreted according
to their plain and natural meaning
(vi) A treaty should be interpreted in a manner to have effect
rather than to make it ineffective.
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(i) Action Plan 5 (i) Controlled Foreign Corporation Rules not incorporated in
the Income-tax law
(ii) Action Plan 3 (ii) Limitation of interest deduction incorporated in the
Income-tax Act, 1961
(iii) Action Plan 13 (iii) Special tax regime incorporated in the Income-tax Act.
1961 for taxation of royalty income from patents
developed and registered in India
(iv) Action Plan 4 (iv) New category Receipt of Low Value-Adding Intra-Group
services has been added in the newly notified safe harbour
rules effective from A.Y.2018-19.
(v) (v) CBC Reporting requirement incorporated in the Income-
tax Act, 1961
(vi) (vi) Limitation of Benefits Clause incorporated in select tax
treaties for taxing capital gains on transfer of shares of an
Indian company
(vii) (vii) Equalisation Levy introduced in Indian tax regime.
(viii) (viii) Incorporation of secondary adjustment in transfer pricing
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 289
Which of the following pairs of companies are Associated Enterprises / deemed to be associated enterprises?
(i) ABC Ltd. & ABC Inc.
(ii) Satpura Ltd. & Sigma Ltd.
(iii) XYZ Motors Ltd. & RST Ltd.
(iv) XYZ Motors Ltd. & HIT Ltd.
(a) 18,440
(b) 18,810
(c) 19,920
(d) None of the above
(a) In Cases 1 & 2: Ganga Ltd. Yamuna Ltd. and Saraswati Ltd.
(b) In Case 1: Ganga Ltd and in Case 2 : Ganga Ltd., Yamuna Ltd. and Saraswati Ltd.
(c) In Case 1: Ganga Ltd. Yamuna Ltd. and Saraswati Ltd. and in Case 2, None.
(d) In Case 1: Ganga Ltd. and in Case 2. None.
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a) Would not be taxable in India , since no business connection is established on account Of Mr. Shyam
not having authority to conclude contracts on behalf Of Athena Ltd.
b) Would be taxable in India, since business connection would be established on account Of Mr. Shyam
securing orders in India wholly for Athena Ltd,
c) Would not be taxable in India, since Athena Ltd. does not have a PE in India
d) Would be taxable in India, since Athena Ltd. has a PE in India
(a) OECD Model lays emphasis on the right of the State of Residence to tax
(b) The relevant article of the Convention providing for determination of business profits of a PE, does not
provide for deduction of expenses
(c) The relevant article relating to PE of the Convention explicitly deals with mechanism of Service PE
(d) It is essentially a model treaty between two developed nations
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Fill in blanks:
(1) The applicant desiring roll back of the APA may furnish the request for rollback provision in Form No.
3CEDA with proof of payment of an additional fee of ________________.
(2) The transfer pricing provisions contained in section 92 shall not apply if the same has the effect of
________________ chargeable to tax.
(3) If there is an arrangement between SCL and TFL (an associate enterprise) for mark up of a semi-finished
product and safe thereafter, the ideal method for determining the ALP is _____________ method.
(4) In a case where the aggregate value of international transactions exceeds Rs. ___________ it will be
obligatory for the assesse to maintain the stipulated information and documents required for transfer pricing
(5) Where SCL has maintained proper records and documents, and the TPO has made some adjustments to
the ALP, thereby increasing the total income by, say, Rs. 2.68 crores, the penalty leviable u/s 270Awill be
Rupees ______________
CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes) Page | 307
State with reasons, whether the following statements are true or false:
(1) When interest payable to a non-resident by the Government or a public sector bank within the
meaning of section 10(23D), deduction of tax shall be made at the time of payment thereof in cash
or by the issue of a cheque or draft or by any other mode, or at the time of credit of such interest
to the account of the non-resident, whichever is earlier. (2 marks)
(2) Where payment is made to a non-resident, even if such non-residents falls within the specified
class notified by the CBDT, even if the payment is not chargeable to tax in India, the payer has to
be make an application to the Assessing Officer ,before making the impugned payment. (5 marks)
(3) Where any interest is payable by a person resident in India, the same is deemed to accrue or arise
in India (3 marks)
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