Future Music e Series Review
Future Music e Series Review
Future Music e Series Review
is one of a new range of
affordable analogue desks
58 FutureMusic
FM134.g_spirit 3/5/03 11:09 AM Page 59
hold of and carrying the unit. The sides any stereo gear that outputs a line level INFO (cont.)
of the mixer are protected by plastic signal. Input to each stereo channel,
end cheeks that are easily removable, controlled by a single gain pot, is via a
LIVE USE Connections
12 mono input channels
should you wish to fit rackmount ears pair of balanced jack sockets (left and While every reader of FM undoubt- (XLR mic input, balanced
to fix the unit into your rack. right). Mono sources can be connected edly indulges in recording, many quarter-inch jack line
also play live gigs and the E12 is an input, quarter-inch
Power is supplied by an IEC socket by using the left socket only.
ideal portable mixer for this applica- unbalanced jack insert),
located underneath the machine leav- In common with the mono chan- two stereo input chan-
tion, whether solely for taking care
ing the rear panel completely clean. My nels, both stereo channels have the two nels (balanced quarter-
of the vocal mics or in a more com-
only reservation about the build qual- aux sends and the same high and low inch jack line inputs
prehensive role with instruments
(L /R)), two balanced
ity, and it’s a minor one, is that the EQ, but the mid-range EQ is absent. As miked up, connected via DI boxes or
quarter-inch jack aux
knobs attach to plastic, rather than the channel is stereo the pan pot directly to the line inputs. outputs, two balanced
metal splines, which would be more becomes a balance control. Solo and quarter-inch jack moni-
In a live scenario the main out-
likely to break if handled roughly or if Mute buttons and the fader are the puts would be the feed to the main tor outputs, two bal-
the mixer was dropped. same as for the mono channels. anced XLR mix outputs
PA amplifier and speakers while the
(L /R), two unbalanced
aux sends/outputs could be used in
quarter-inch jack mix
Mono channels Master section pre fader mode to send a signal to
inserts (L /R), two RCA
the stage foldback (monitors).
The E12’s mono channels each have All the output sockets are located at the phono playback input
three sockets at the top panel. First top of the master section. The console’s Alternatively, especially if a little (L /R), two RCA phono
record output (L /R)
up is an XLR mic input and phan- main output is via a pair of balanced reverb or delay is required on the
stereo headphones
tom power is universally XLR sockets and there is a pair of mas- vocal mics, one aux send could be
used for the foldback while the EQ Bands
switched on for all channels ter insert jacks for connecting any out- Mono input (+/-15dB)
other could be set to post-fade and
from a switch located in the board processors to be used across the used with a suitable effects proces- Low: 80Hz; mid (swept):
desk’s master section rather whole mix. sor to supply the effects. Extra fold- 140Hz - 3kHz; high:
12kHz; Q: 1.5 (fixed)
than from individual chan- The left and right monitor outputs back could be supplied from the
Stereo input (+/-15dB)
nel switches. Below the XLR are on balanced jacks and there’s also a monitor outputs to a separate
Low: 80Hz; high: 12kHz
socket is a TRS balanced jack stereo jack headphone output, and amp/speaker system although this
would be the same mix as that at Noise
line input suitable for connecting each has its own dedicated rotary knob (22Hz-22kHz measure-
the main outputs.
keyboards, drum machines, guitar amp for controlling the output volume. ment bandwidth)
simulators or tape/soundcard outputs. The aux outputs 1 and 2 also use A cassette, DAT or MiniDisc Mic EIN @ max gain: -
recorder can be connected to the 128dBu
An insert point for connecting any balanced jack sockets and there is a
phono sockets to record the gig. Mix @ max, faders down:
inline processors (such as compressors, pair of buttons, one for each aux, to <-85dBu
Between sets, in the absence of a
outboard EQ or gates) comes last in switch between pre- and post-fade DJ, this could be used to play a pre- Frequency Response
line. The send of this can be used as a operation. A set of RCA phono sockets recorded selection of music. 20Hz - 20kHz +/-0.5dB
direct pre-fade, pre-EQ output by using has also been included for connecting (mic/line input to any
a jack lead with ring and tip shorted a stereo master recorder, the playback output)
together so the signal path is just of which is routed by another pair of well laid out in a logical and unclut- THD + Noise
Mic gain 30dB, -30dBu
tapped and not interrupted. A single switches. The first switch sends the tered way. The colour coding allows for
gain knob at the head of the channel playback from the phono plugs to the quick identification of each knob’s Mix out, fader max @
controls the gain for both input sockets. main mix while the second switch function and the long-throw faders 1kHz: <0.007%
The EQ section is a three-band, four- routes the playback signal to the moni- make minute mix adjustments a much Dimensions
knob affair with high and low shelving tors and headphones, so overriding the easier task than with the shorter faders 528 x 452 x 95mm
and swept mids. The treble knob can default monitor and headphones feed. often found on budget desks. Weight
apply a maximum of 15dB cut or boost Overall output level is handled by a First impressions on the sound front 7.75kg
to frequencies over 12kHz, while at the pair of faders with a 10-segment LED are that the E12 may be budget but it’s Contact
other extreme the bass knob can apply bargraph meter indicating the level. also a clean sounding desk. The mic Soundcraft:
01707 665000
the same amount of cut and boost preamps are clear and clean giving a
below 80Hz. There’s 15dB of cut or In use detailed sound without any undue
boost available in the mid range while To put the E12 through its paces, I con- noise. The EQ is also pretty good for a
the swept mid pot gives access to a fre- nected up a pair of new Yamaha MSP10 desk in this price range. The top and
quency range of 140Hz to 3kHz. Studio active monitors (reviewed on bottom shelving EQ seem spot-on in
The channel strip knob array is p36) to the monitor output and con- their choice of frequency; indeed, the
completed by the panpot and auxiliary nected the main outputs to a pair of top control used in moderation adds a
sends 1 and 2, each send globally
switchable to pre or post fader opera-
tion by a pair of master section < “The E12 may be budget but it’s a clean sounding desk. The mic
switches. Below this are a Solo button
(which sends a pre-fade signal to the
preamps are clear and clean giving a detailed sound without any
outputs), a Mute button, peak indica- undue noise. The EQ is also pretty good for this price range” >
tors and the 100mm channel fader.
Stereo channels inputs on my soundcard to record into nice sheen that works well on brighten-
The two stereo input channels are ideal Logic Audio. I then connected various ing up a vocal sound. Likewise the Bass
for bringing in the returns from a pair MIDI sound module outputs plus a knob is well-suited for adding a touch
of stereo effects processors connected couple of mics to the input channels. of extra weight to a kick drum. The
to the aux outputs or can be equally
put to use to bring in the outputs of
The most striking thing when first
using the E12 is that everything is so
mid-range EQ offers plenty of lee-
way for broad boosts and cuts but
FutureMusic 59
FM134.g_spirit 3/5/03 11:09 AM Page 60
Anyone using an analogue mixer like
the E12 in conjunction with a com-
puter based MIDI and audio
sequencer has two main options
when it comes to mixdown.
The first option, which is perhaps
to use the mixer to its full potential,
is where the soundcard’s outputs
(stereo or separate) can be con-
nected to the mixer alongside the
outputs of all your sequenced hard-
ware synths. Hardware effects units
can be connected via the aux sends
with their outputs brought back into
the desk through the stereo inputs
and the mix set up physically on the
faders. The resulting stereo ana-
logue master mix can then be
recorded either to a separate stereo
recorder or back into the computer
as a new stereo audio file.
When it comes to mixing, how-
ever, many users of computer
recording systems like to take
advantage of plug-ins and the
sequencer’s automation and mix
internally. In this case they would
want to record all the outputs of
their physical synths into the com-
The colour coding of
> is especially useful when it comes to record each input source to a sepa- puter, so the analogue mixer would
60 FutureMusic