Research Methodology Checklist
Research Methodology Checklist
Research Methodology Checklist
Directions: The following statements will guide you in constructing your research methodology.
Put a () mark in the box before each statement as you check your write-up. Submit this checklist
as you present the draft of your research methodology for critiquing. (10 items x 2 points)
□ Our research methodology is appropriate to our field of study and will direct us to seek
valid and reliable data.
□ Our research methodology will allow us to achieve the goal of our study.
□ Instruments to be used to gather data are discussed, including the kinds of questions used
– surveys (including validity and reliability issues) or interview protocols.
□ We clearly delineated the statistical treatment of data and/or data analysis to be used.
□ We discussed the analysis software to be used if applicable (e.g. SPSS, Stata, MINITAB,
SAS, Excel spreadsheet)