Letter-Invitation From NUSECO

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Republic of the Philippines COMMISSION ON AUDIT Commanuoealth Avenue, Quezon City MEMORANDUM FOR I ‘AIL OFFICIALS AND EMPLOYEES This Commission SUBJECT Invitation of the National Union of Career Executive Service Officers (NUCESO), on the 18" Annual Career Executive Service (CES) Conference on November 13 to 15, 2019, at the Rizal Park Hotel, Ermita, Manila DATE zl October 16, 2019 This pertains to the letter dated October 8, 2019' of Atty. Lynn, Danao-Moreno, CESO I, NUCESO President, with the invitation to participate in the 18 Annual Careet Exeoutive Service (CES) Conference, to be held on November 13 to 15, 2019, at the Rizal Park Hotel, located along South Road Drive, T.M. Kalaw Extension, Etmita, Manila, with the theme *Mabilis, Malinis na Serbisyo, Alay ng NUCESO sa Sambayanang Pilipino”. ‘This invitation is open to all NUCESO members and other Third Level Government Officials. ‘All nominations, issuance of office orders and funding shall strictly be in accordance with Item V. B of COA Memorandum No. 2015-009 dated September 10, 2015 which provides the guidelines on the attendance of COA personnel in locally-conducted agency Sponsored training programs, and in conventions, seminars, conferences, symposia workshops and similar/related activities sponsored by local professional organizations, non- government organizations or private institutions. For your information/guidance, please. pahyente for ADELINA CONCEPCION L. ANCAJAS Director IV Officer-in-Charge ADMINISTRATION SECTOR w \ wells c/o General Government Administration Office é Room 121-M, Mabini Hail, Malacanang, Manila ty, f "*y NATIONAL UNION OF CAREER EXECUTIVE SERVICE OFFICERS, INC. 8 % Tel. No. 736-1125, Email Address: nucesusccrelarial@ gmail.com Nuceso) To: All NUCESO Members and Other Third Level Government Officials Come and join the most exciling event of NUCESO this year, the 18" Annual CES Conference, fo be held on November 13-15, 2019 at the historic Rizal Park Hotel along South Road Drive, T.M Kalaw Extension, Ermita, Manila. Participants will learn new techniques in foresight and strategic planning, date-driven analytics for decision-making, relevance of culture and valves in national development, and CES updates. They will also experience first-hand the best practices being implemented to improve public service delivery from the local government unit of Manila, national government agencies, and the private sector, such as the “Better World Tondo, a Food Bank and Learning Center” launched by San Miguel Corporation Foundation in parinership with the City of Manila and Rise Against Hunger, Digital Tour of the Agile Workplace of Aboitiz Equity Ventures, Inc. (NUCESO's institutional member), tour of the National Museum of Natural History. Training units will be earned. This will also be an opportunity to witness the launching of the Book of Profiles of NUCESO Members and the Medical Assistance Program for all NUCESO Members. Registration fee is only Php6,000.00 per DBM Circular No. 563, s.2016, plus Php1,000 annual dues (for old rnembers) and Php1,000 membership fee (for new members). Email the attached Registration Form at nucesosecretariat@gmail.com_or_fax at this number: (02)87361125. Register now at hitp://! ly/nuceso_annualces2019 ATTY. LYNN DANA@YMORENO, CESO II Assistant Executive Secretary (Office of the President) & NUCESO National President NATIONAL UNION OF CAREER EXECUTIVE SERVICE OFFICERS, INC. tay f c/o General Government Administration Office, Office of the President Peep at ran reese \ Toh NSB es Rat roars com 18% Annual CES Conference 13-15 November 2019 Rizal Park Hotel, Manila REGISTRATION INSTRUCTIONS: + Fill out the reaistration form and payment details below. 2. Fax the duly accomplished registration form and payment details together with the deposit slip or LDDAP-ADA {in case of interbranch payment) to the NUCESO Secretariat at this number: (02) 736-1125, or ~— email_—to nucesosecretariaf@amail.com Be sure to confirm receipt of your faxed/ emailed documents. 3. Registration fee of Php64,000.00 per person on a live-out basis may be paid in cash or check payable to the National Union of Career Executive Service Officers (NUCESO), Inc., and deposited fo NUCESO's Land Bank of the Philippines Account Number: 0702107997 4, Cancellation of registration will not be allowed, except for justifiable reason, to be made in writing and submitted to the NUCESO Secretariat on or before 31 October 2019. REGISTRATION FORM {individual Participant) Name: (Surmame} (First Name) (Midlalle Initicil) Position : Agency/ Office: 00 Office Address: Contact No. : Telefax : Email Address: I hereby confirm that the above information are true and correct and that | have read and understood the Registration Instructions and agreed to faithfully comply therewith. (Signature over Printed Name) uae ae ee (Date) NATIONAL UNION OF CAREER EXECUTIVE SERVICE OFFICERS, INC. c/o General Government Administration Office, Office of the President Room 121-M, Mabini Hall, Malacafiang, Manila Tel, No. 736-1125, Email Address: nucesosecrstariat@amailcom 18" Annual CES Conference 13-15 November 2019 Rizal Park Hotel, Manila GROUP REGISTRATION FORM! AGENCY/ OFFICE Office Address 1, Name (Surname) (First Name) (Midiclle Initial) Position Contact No. Email Address: tt 2. Name ae perenne net ea Sn aes A LO (Sumame) (First Name) (Micldlle Initial) Position Contact No. Ea A: NE TR RE TT 3, Name (Sumame} (First Name} (Micialle init Position ee ee ees (Comat cig: Welets Nellans 1H RE TSS IEN SPR a Email Address: 4, Name ; jem ERM 1 RMA CEM) Seg 7 otal fe Jo (Surname) (First Name} (Midialte Initia) Position —: Cera tN OST A TNL Email Address: 5. Name (Surname) (First Name) (Micialle initica) Position (Comicact No-y seal iiie Rai fers te A PE Email Address a ee ee *Please use separate sheet, if necessary. We hereby confirm that the above information are true and correct and that we have read and understood the Registration Instructions and agreed fo faithfully comply therewith, [Signature over Printed Name} (Signature over Printed Name) [Signature over Printed Name) (Signature over Printed Name} [Signature over Printed Name) (Date) 18" Annual CES Conference 13-15 November 2019 Rizal Park Hotel, Manila PAYMENT DETAILS 0 CASH O CHECK Check No. Name of Depositor/ Payor : Name of Participant(s): Sea epe

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