Critical Misses (Melee Attacks) Critical Misses (Ranged Attacks - Bows)

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Critical Misses (Melee Attacks) Critical Misses (Ranged Attacks - Bows)

d20 Mishap d20 Mishap

1-2 Weapon Break. The force of your blow, or parrying that 1-2 Weapon Break. Your bow shaft snaps, or a mechanism
of your opponent’s, causes your weapon to snap in in your crossbow breaks, and your weapon is now
two. (For magical weapons roll an additional d10, on a useless. (For magical weapons roll an additional d10,
1 they break). on a 1 they break).
3-4 Goodbye Fair Blade! Roll an Strength (Athletics) check 3-5 String Break. Your bowstring snaps and needs
DC 15, or your weapon flies d12 feet out of your replacing. If you have a spare string measured and
hand in a random direction. If you have any ready you need one minute to do so.
movement and a bonus action left you can go and
pick it up. Doing so you provoke an opportunity 6-8 Loose String. Your string comes loose. You lose this
attacks from anyone you pass within reach. attack. Starting next turn you can make a Dexterity
(Sleight of Hand) check DC 15 to fix it. Each attempt
5-6 Wild Swing. You overextend yourself going for the kill. takes the entirety of your turn.
Your opponent gains advantage on attacks rolls
against you for one turn. 9- Ooops! You hit an unintended target. Randomise all
16 combatants, both friends and foes, within 10 feet (for
7-8 Stuck Weapon. Your weapon gets stuck in your a short range attack, or 30 feet for a long range
opponent’s shield, weapon, armour, hide, or else in a attack) and roll a second attack roll. If you beat their
tree or wall, or the ground. Roll a Strength check to armour class roll damage as if they were your
see if you can free it using a bonus action. The DC is intended target.
8 + your strength modifier. Bludgeoning weapons
with no sharp edge or spike can ignore and roll again. 17- Ammo Accident. Your quiver spills (50% strap broken,
18 50% you tilt it over by accident), and the remainder
9- Ooops! You hit an unintended foe in combat. of your arrows (or bolts) fall to the floor. If you remain
10 Randomise all combatants within 5 feet and roll a still you can use a bonus action to pick up one a
second attack roll, if you beat their armour class roll round and still fire using your main action. If your
damage as if they were your intended target. quiver's strap is not broken you can use your main
action to pick up 2d8 arrows and put them back in
11 Self Inflicted wound. Either via a deflection or sheer your quiver.
incompetence you manage to slice yourself with your
own blade; roll normal damage and half it. (Applies to 19 Pulled Muscle (Upper Body). Roll a Constitution saving
combatants using slashing weapons and flails only. throw DC 15 or the strain of your attack causes you
Other weapon types roll again). to pull a muscle in your upper body. You have
disadvantage in attack rolls and ability checks
12- Slip Up. You lose your footing. Roll Dexterity requiring upper body strength until you have
14 (Acrobatics) check DC 15 or fall prone. Your turn has completed a long rest, or received magical healing.
ended and melee attacks have advantage on you (see
p.292 of the Player's Handbook for conditions of 20 Slip Up. You lose your footing. Roll a Dexterity
being prone). (Acrobatics) check DC 15 or fall prone. Your turn has
ended and melee attacks have advantage on you (see
15 Pulled Muscle (Arms). Roll a Constitution saving throw p.292 of the Player's Handbook for conditions of
DC 15 or the strain of your attack causes you to pull a being prone).
muscle in your upper body. You have disadvantage in
attack rolls and ability checks requiring upper body
strength until you have completed a long rest, or
received magical healing.
16 Pulled Muscle (Legs). Roll a Constitution saving throw
DC 15 or the strain of combat causes you to pull a
muscle in your leg. Your movement and dex. modifier Too Many Fumbles?
(if positive) is halved (rounding down) and you have Your 20th level figher bitching complaining he's
disadvantage on any ability checks that require lower fumbling too often thanks to his four attacks a
body strength, until you have completed a long rest, round? I offer two solutions.
or received magical healing.
17- Loss of Nerve. Man your opponent looks tough. Solution one. Rule that only fumbles on the first
18 Contest your choice of Strength or Charisma attack count as critical misses. Rolling a 1 on a
(Intimidation) against their choice of Strength or second or third or fourth attack results in just an
Charisma (Intimidation). If one of you has landed a automatic miss. (Additional attacks with an offhand
blow and the other hasn't they have advantage. If you weapons can still fumble however).
lose you are frightened (see p.292 of Player’s
Handbook). You may repeat the saving throw at the Solution two. Starting at level 5 offer PCs a special
end of each turn. 'fumble saving throw'. If they roll their level or
19 Broken Item. In the hurly burly of combat, something under on a d20 they do not have to roll on the
fragile – like a magic potion – you’re carrying breaks. critical miss table.
Randomise fragile objects you have in your
possession and roll to determine which. (Note, better
to do this when the combat is over).
20 A Little Accident. Either through fear, excitement or
simply needing to go, you soil yourself. 75% chance
it’s only pee.

Critical Misses (Ranged Attacks - Thrown) Critical Misses (Spell Attacks)
d10 Mishap d10 Mishap
1 Weapon Break. The impact of your weapon hitting a 1 Woopsie! You make a massive mess out of this one,
tree, the ground, a shield etc. causes it to break. It is and the effects of the spell go off in your face. You
now useless. (For magical weapons roll an additional automatically fail any saving throw, and take damage
d10, on a 1 they break). as if you were the intended target.
2 Pulled Muscle (Arms). Roll a Constitution saving throw 2 Fiddlesticks. You spill your spell components pouch.
DC 15 or the strain of your attack causes you to pull a Recovering it takes one action. (If the spell you were
muscle in your upper body. You have disadvantage in casting has no material component roll again).
attack rolls and ability checks requiring upper body
strength until you have completed a long rest, or 3-4 Slip Up. You lose your footing. Roll Dexterity
received magical healing. (Acrobatics) DC 15 or fall prone. Your turn has ended
and melee attacks have advantage on you (see p.292
3-4 Slip Up. You lose your footing. Roll Dexterity of the Player's Handbook for conditions of being
(Acrobatics) DC 15 or fall prone. Your turn has ended prone).
and melee attacks have advantage on you (see p.292
of the Player's Handbook for conditions of being 5-9 Ooops! You hit an unintended random target.
prone). Randomise all combatants within 10 feet (for a short
range attack, or 30 feet for a long range attack) of
5-9 Ooops! You hit an unintended random target. your intended target and roll a second attack roll. If
Randomise all combatants within 10 feet (for a short you beat their armour class roll damage as if they
range attack, or 30 feet for a long range attack) of were your intended target. At the DM's discretion you
your intended target and roll a second attack roll. If might also hit an unintended inanimate object, such
you beat their armour class roll damage as if they as bale of hay or treasure chest.
were your intended target (discount sneak attack
damage for Rogues). 10 Mental Blank. Just as the pressure is on all that arcane
(or divine) knowledge takes a running jump out your
10 WTF? You launch a comically bad projectile attack lughole. You can't recall your spell and you lose your
nowhere near your intended opponent – it flies into a action (but keep your spell slot). At the start of your
huge empty space (or at DM’s discretion a distant next turn you have to roll a Wisdom saving throw DC
unintended target) taking your self confidence with it. 15 in order to be able to start casting again.
Roll a Wisdom saving throw DC 15, or suffer
disadvantage to attack rolls until you next score a hit
on an opponent.

About Hipsters & Dragons

Critical Misses (Natural Weapons) Firstly, yes of course the name is ironic. Secondly my actual
d10 Mishap name is Duncan and I started my blog
1-2 Ouch! You snap one or several teeth or claws against because I love talking about D&D.
your victim's armour, shield or weapon. You receive
1d3 hp of damage, and furthermore you must These tables are just some of the free content that I release
subtract the result of the same d3 roll from damage over on my site and you can www.hizz over to it by clicking on
done using this natural weapon from now on. (Ignore
for tail attacks).
the above link.
3-5 Wild Swing. You overextend yourself going for the kill. Love & Support
Your opponent gains advantage on attacks rolls
against you for one turn. If these tables add some fun to your gameplay, please
6-7 Slip Up. You lose your footing. Roll Dexterity
consider making a small payment for this content via the
(Acrobatics) DC 15 or fall prone. Your turn has ended DMs Guild, if you didn't already (and if you did, 'nuff respect.
and melee attacks have advantage on you (see p.292 May your fumbles be gentle and mostly inconsequential).
of the Player's Handbook for conditions of being
prone). Other ways you can show some appreciation for this product
8- Loss of Nerve. Man your opponent looks tough. are by subscribing to Hipsters & Dragons. or boosting my
10 Contest your choice of Strength or Charisma meagre following on Facebook. (Come on guys, I'll give you
(Intimidation) against their choice of Strength or 500 XP!).
Charisma (Intimidation). If one of you has landed a
blow and the other hasn't they have advantage. If you Do also check out my other products on DMs Guilds, such as
lose you are frightened (see p.292 of Player’s this ready-made Assassins Guild, which the killing kinds
Handbook). You may repeat the saving throw at the
end of each turn.
amongst you are going to love.

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