Critical Misses (Melee Attacks) Critical Misses (Ranged Attacks - Bows)
Critical Misses (Melee Attacks) Critical Misses (Ranged Attacks - Bows)
Critical Misses (Melee Attacks) Critical Misses (Ranged Attacks - Bows)
Critical Misses (Ranged Attacks - Thrown) Critical Misses (Spell Attacks)
d10 Mishap d10 Mishap
1 Weapon Break. The impact of your weapon hitting a 1 Woopsie! You make a massive mess out of this one,
tree, the ground, a shield etc. causes it to break. It is and the effects of the spell go off in your face. You
now useless. (For magical weapons roll an additional automatically fail any saving throw, and take damage
d10, on a 1 they break). as if you were the intended target.
2 Pulled Muscle (Arms). Roll a Constitution saving throw 2 Fiddlesticks. You spill your spell components pouch.
DC 15 or the strain of your attack causes you to pull a Recovering it takes one action. (If the spell you were
muscle in your upper body. You have disadvantage in casting has no material component roll again).
attack rolls and ability checks requiring upper body
strength until you have completed a long rest, or 3-4 Slip Up. You lose your footing. Roll Dexterity
received magical healing. (Acrobatics) DC 15 or fall prone. Your turn has ended
and melee attacks have advantage on you (see p.292
3-4 Slip Up. You lose your footing. Roll Dexterity of the Player's Handbook for conditions of being
(Acrobatics) DC 15 or fall prone. Your turn has ended prone).
and melee attacks have advantage on you (see p.292
of the Player's Handbook for conditions of being 5-9 Ooops! You hit an unintended random target.
prone). Randomise all combatants within 10 feet (for a short
range attack, or 30 feet for a long range attack) of
5-9 Ooops! You hit an unintended random target. your intended target and roll a second attack roll. If
Randomise all combatants within 10 feet (for a short you beat their armour class roll damage as if they
range attack, or 30 feet for a long range attack) of were your intended target. At the DM's discretion you
your intended target and roll a second attack roll. If might also hit an unintended inanimate object, such
you beat their armour class roll damage as if they as bale of hay or treasure chest.
were your intended target (discount sneak attack
damage for Rogues). 10 Mental Blank. Just as the pressure is on all that arcane
(or divine) knowledge takes a running jump out your
10 WTF? You launch a comically bad projectile attack lughole. You can't recall your spell and you lose your
nowhere near your intended opponent – it flies into a action (but keep your spell slot). At the start of your
huge empty space (or at DM’s discretion a distant next turn you have to roll a Wisdom saving throw DC
unintended target) taking your self confidence with it. 15 in order to be able to start casting again.
Roll a Wisdom saving throw DC 15, or suffer
disadvantage to attack rolls until you next score a hit
on an opponent.