Jha Rebars

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F0100 Form Job Safety Analysis MD 510 F000-HS-HS-STA-2002

Control Measures Example Table

Most Effective Controls Examples

Elimination Make connections at ground level before erecting a structure to Remove damage machine from service

(Remove the hazards) eliminate height. Provide power outlets to avoid trailing cords.

Substitution Use latex rather than oil-based paints Reduce energy, such as speed, force, amperage, pressure and

(Replace the materials/process with a less hazardous one) Use water-based detergents instead of organic solvents temperature.

Engineering/Isolation Ventilation ELCB Secondary Containment

(Design effective control measures to protect people and Machine Guard LOTO Barriers

the environment) Enclosure Platform/Guardrail Improved Lighting

Warning Signs Horns Labels High Visibility Paint

(Alert people of the hazards) Backup Alarms Beepers Tags

Administrative Work Rotation Good housekeeping Practices

(Provide training, Procedures etc) Equipment inspection

PPE Safety Glasses Harness and lanyard Respirator

(Personal Protective Equipment) Hearing Protection Gloves High visibility vest

Least Effective

Severity Table Likelihood table

Severity Level Impact Likelihood Probabi Chances of

People Environment/Community Equipment/Property Level lity Occurrence

Catastrophic 16 Multiple or single Long term impact to air, surface/ground water, or soil; or Extensive losses of high value Very 5 1x10-2 1 in 100

fatality Wide spread areas including offsite area/ community equipment/property;Major schedule impacts; Likely

affected; orExtensive adverse publicity/media coverage orLosses exceeding 1M USD; orSignificant

unplanned financial impacts to business unit.

Critical Injury or illness Lasting (up to one year)impact to air, surface/ground water, Losses of equipment/property that cannot be Likely 4 1x10-3 1 in 1,000

resulting in or soil; or Offsite area/community affected; or events that readily replaced; or losses exceeding 100k USD

permanent total or are reportable to regulatory authorities; or some adverse or significant unplanned impact on project

impartial disability publicity/media coverage. budget/schedule.

Major Injury or illness Temporary (up to one month) impacts to air, surface/ Loss of equipment that can be readily Possible 3 1x10-4 1 in 10,000

resulting in temporary ground water, or soil; or significant area of the project site replaced; or losses exceeding 10k USD, or

disability or loss of affected, or Breach of regulatory requirement or limit; or significant unplanned impact on project

function. potential for adverse publicity/media. budget.

Moderate Injury or illness Short-term (up to one day) impact to air, surface/ ground Damage to equipment/ property that can be Unlikely 2 1x10-5 1 in 100,000

requiring medical water, or soil; or very small are within the project site repaired within a reasonable timeframe; or

attention. affected; and no potential for adverse publicity or media losses exceeding 1k USD or minor impact on

coverage. the budget.

Minor Injury or illness No direct impact to air, surface/ground water, or soil; or No impact on equipment functionality; minor Very 1 1x10-6 1 in 1,000,000

requiring first aid only. effects restricted within the buildings or containment cosmetic damage; or repair cost easily covered Unlikely

structures; and no potential for adverse publicity/media by normal project operation budget.


Risk Matrix
Very Unlikely Unlikely Possible Likely Very Likely
1 2 Very Low 3 Low 4 5 M
Catastrophic - 16 16 32 Note:0-3
64 4-7 80

Critical - 8 8 16 24 must 32
Manager personally 40
Major - 4 4 8 12 16 20
Moderate - 2 2 4 review6 any items8 with a High
JOB SAFETY ANALYSIS # 2 000.653.F0100 Form Job Safety Analysis MD 510 F000-HS-HS-STA-2002

Section 1 – General Information

Emergency Contact Name Prepared By: Jesus B. Valdez New __ Revised __ Date:

Primary: Liu Lian JSA TITLE: Job Safety Analysis SEG 6.1 - Rebar and Formwork
fabrication and installation; Carpentry works Rev.0
Contact Number: Description: Rebar and Formwork preparations for concrete pouring activities

Project HSE: Jesus B. Valdez

Contact Number: Location: Umm Wu’al Package 6.15 TLUL Laydown and Site.

Tools and Rebar Cutting and Bending Machine, Electric wood saw, hammer, steel fixer, grinders, drill, boom truck/crane, trailer truck and portable

Equipment Used: generators.

Section 2 – Does this job requires any of the following operations?

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Areal Lift Hazardous Energy Control Lead Work Respiratory hazards

Asbestos work Hazardous Materials Limited communication Roof work

Confined Space Hazardous waste operations Loading/Unloading Material X Site/Vehicle traffic X

Electrical Hazards X Heavy Equipment X Noise exposure X Extreme temperature

Emergency Shutdown High Energy Potentials Powered Industrial Trucks X Maintenance/Changes

Excavation/Trenching X Hoisting Rigging and Cranes Process instability/upset Working alone

First Line Break Hot work Radiation area work Work at height(1.5m) X

Grating/Floor plate/Guardrail Removal Ladders and Scaffolding X Remote Location X Others

Section 3 – Are any of these Human Factors Applicable to the Job?

Human Nature Yes Organizational Factors Yes Task Demands Yes Work Environment Yes Individual Capabilities Yes

Assumptions X Emphasis on schedule High workload Changes departures Hazardous attitude X

(inaccurate mental (memory from routine for critical task

picture) requirement)

Complacency / X Lack of support for Interpretation Confusing display or Illness fatigue X

Overconfidence stop work authority requirement controls

Distraction X Personality Conflicts Irrecoverable acts Hidden system Imprecise X

response communication habits

Habit Patterns X Poor Communication X Lack of or Unclear Lack of Alternative Indistinct

with peers/ standards indication problem-solving skills


Inaccurate risk Unclear goals, roles Unexpected X Lack of knowledge X

perception and responsibilities equipment conditions (Mental mode)

Limited short term Workarounds/ OOS Lack of proficiency/ X

memory instruments inexperience

Mental Unfamiliarity with the

Shortcuts(biases) task/ first time

Mindset(“turned” to



JOB SAFETY ANALYSIS # 2 000.653.F0100 Form Job Safety Analysis MD 510 F000-HS-HS-STA-2002

Section 4 –Job Safety Analysis

English Risk Assessment

Activity/Step Hazards Control Measures Severity Likelihood Risk

1. Toolbox Talk 1.1 Unclear 1.1.1 Permit to work must be secured and discussed to 1.工具箱会议 1.1 不清楚的安全 1.1.1 每一项作业必须确保有相应的 2 1 VL

information workers before executing the activity. The activities hazards 信息 作业票并且在作业之前告诉作业人

1.2 Incomplete STA and control measures must be known to the workers. 1.2 不完整的 STA 员。必须让作业人员知道并了解作

1.2.1 Foreman everyday shall discussed 3 points for the 业中的风险和控制措施

activity Construction/Quality and on top of it Safety and shall 1.2.1 班组长在每天的工具箱会议上

be written the details in the STA. 应该讨论施工、质量、安全。并且

在 STA 上面正确填写。

2. Preparations 2.1 Sharp Objects 2.1.1 Use hand protection to prevent sharp objects to cut 2 准备工作 2.1 锋利边缘的材 2.1.1 使用手部保护防止锋利物品割 2 1 VL

2.2 Broken tools through your skin. Safeguard materials (i.e. rebar caps, plastic 料 伤皮肤。安全保护(钢筋保护帽、

2.3 Broken Equipment covers etc.) in which suspected to be sharp.(I.e. rebars, wood 2.2 损坏的工具 塑料覆盖)所有能引起划伤的材料

2.4 Unauthorized etc.) 2.3 损坏的设备 (钢筋、木方)

Personnel 2.2.1 Inspect tools before using; look for damage, cracks, or 2.4 不合格的作业 2.2.1 使用工具之前要先检查,检查

loose parts before using. 人员 工具是否损坏。

2.2.2 Colour code tools according to the month. 2.2.2 每个月定期更换工具上的色标

2.3.1 Equipment checklist shall be filled up by the operator on 2.3.1 设备操作人员每天在使用设备

daily basis. 之前要按照设备检查表进行逐条检

2.3.2 Third party certification shall be up to date if applicable. 查。

2.4.1 Equipment operator’s details shall be posted on the 2.3.2 第三方检查要定时更新

equipment. 2.4.1 设备操作手的个人信息要贴到


3. Rebar Cutting 3.1 Pinch Points 3.1.1 Do not remove machine guards on equipments / Install 3.钢筋切割和弯 3.1 夹点 3.1.1 不要拆除设备上防护罩 3 3 M

and bending 3.2 Equipment Failure additional if necessary. 曲 3.2 设备故障 3.1.1 在使用设备之前确定是否会夹
3.3 No Deadman 3.1.2 Identify the Pinch points before using the equipment. 3.3 开关上锁 伤。

Switch /Emergency 3.2.1 Proper grounding of equipment is necessary for the 3..4 手部受伤 3.2.1 必须使用正确的接地来防止触

Stop avoidance of shock. 3.5 引起火灾 电

3.4 Hand Injuries 3.2.2 Inspection of equipment prior to use. 3.6 环境隐患 3.2.2 在使用之前先检查设备

3.5 Fire Hazards 3.2.3 Install GFCI and ELCB. 3.2.3 安装漏电保护器

3.6 Ergonomic hazard 3.3.1 Inspect the equipment for deadman switch and 3.3.1 检查设备紧急开关是否正常

emergency stop, install if not yet available. 运转

3.4.1 Using hand protection is a must. 3.4.1 必须使用手部保护

3.4.2 Do not remove machine guarding. 3.4.2 不要移除设备保护罩

3.5.1 Fire extinguisher shall be at least 7.5 m maximum from 3.5.1 在离设备 7.5M 范围之内必

the equipment. 须要有灭火器

3.5.2 Isolate the equipment and remove the combustible 3.5.2 隔离或移除在离设备 10.7M

material from a distance of 10.7 m minimum from the 之内的所有易燃材料

equipment. 3.6.1 在钢筋弯曲作业的地方,要搭

3.6.1 Elevate the work piece and platform to 0.9 m to lessen 设一个 0.9M 高的平台,防止作业人

the bending movements that can strain the back. 员长时间作业引起腰部损伤

3.6.2 Work rotation shall be done. 3.6.2 定时休息或者轮换

4. Carpentry work 4.1 Fire Hazards 4.1.1 Fire extinguisher shall be at least 7.5 m maximum from 4. 木工作业 4.1 引起火灾 4.1.1 在离设备 7.5M 范围之内必 3 3 M

4.2 Pinch Points the equipment. 4.2 夹点 须要有灭火器

4.3 Sharp objects 4.1.2 Isolate the equipment and remove the combustible 4.3 锋利的物品 4.1.2 隔离或移除在离设备 10.7M

4.4 Eye injuries material from a distance of 10.7 m minimum from the 4.4 眼部伤害 之内的所有易燃材料

4.5 Ergonomic hazards equipment. 4.5 环境隐患 4.2.1 不要拆除设备上防护罩

4.6 No Deadman 4.2.1 Do not remove machine guards on equipments / Install 4.6 没有紧急制动 4.2.1 在使用设备之前确定是否会

Switch /Emergency additional if necessary. 夹伤。

Stop 4.2.1 Identify the Pinch points before using the equipment. 4.3.1 使用手部保护防止锋利物品
4.3.1 Use hand protection to prevent sharp objects to cut 割伤皮肤。安全保护(钢筋保护帽、

through your skin. Safeguard materials (i.e. rebar caps, plastic 塑料覆盖)所有能引起划伤的材料

covers etc.) in which suspected to be sharp.(I.e. rebars, wood (钢筋、木方)

etc.) 4.4.1 当切割木板的时候必须合理

4.4.1 Use safety glasses and face shield while cutting through 佩戴面罩和劳保眼镜

wood and boards. 4.5.1 在木工预制作业的地方,要搭

4.5.1 Elevate the work piece and platform to .9 m to lessen the 设一个 0.9M 高的平台,防止作业人

bending movements that can strain the back. 员长时间作业引起腰部损伤。

4.5.2 Work rotation shall be done. 4.5.2 定时休息或者轮换

5. Transportation 5.1 Falling objects 5.1.1 Secure the rebar/formworks on the trailer bed by using 5. 运输材料 5.1 材料掉落 5.1.1 使用绳索或者吊带将板车上 3 3 M

of Materials 5.2 Traffic Hazards tie ropes or slings. 5.2 交通隐患 的钢筋模板固定

5.3 Loading and 5.2.1 Flagmen shall guide the trailer/boom truck on site. 5.3 装卸材料 5.2.1 当板车自卸车在现场移动的

Unloading of 5.3.1 Proper rigging procedure must be followed (SEE LIFTING 过程中要使用旗手正确带领

materials AND RIGGING MS) 5.3.1 按照吊装施工方案来正确的


6. Installation of 6.1 Slips/Trips/ Fall 6.1.1 Maintain a tidy area free from scattered materials and 6. 安装钢筋、模 6.1 滑到、绊倒、 6.1.1 让分散的材料和工具保持整洁 2 1 VL

rebars and hazards tools. 板 跌落风险 6.1.2 选择一个合适的地方来放置材

formworks 6.2 Sharp objects 6.1.2 Allocate a space where you can place your materials and 6.2 边缘锋利材料 料并且码放整齐

6.3 Broken tools tools properly stacked. 6.3 损坏的材料 6.1.3 材料不能堵塞通道

6.4 Fall from height 6.1.3 Access shall be free from any materials/ do not block the 6.4 高处掉落 6.1.4 材料堆放区域应该围护和悬

6.5 Unsafe access access. 6.5 不安全的作业 挂材料堆放区域标示牌

6.6 Pinch Points 6.1.4 Materials and tools stacked shall be barricaded and 通道 6.1.5 在临近路边的材料应该在硬

6.7 Protruding objects signages shall be installed. 6.6 夹点 围护上悬挂警示灯

6.1.5 Materials near the road shall have blinking lights 6.7 伸出的尖锐物 6.1.6 提供给作业人员合理的通道,

attached to the barricade. 品 特别是在开挖区域

6.1.6 Proper access shall be provided for the workers 6.2.1 作业的时候必须佩带手套
especially inside the excavation area. 6.3.1 工具在使用之前必须检查并

6.2.1 Hand gloves shall be used while working. 且贴上与当月对应的色标

6.3.1 Tools must be inspected before using and shall be color 6.4.1 当钢筋绑扎模板工程在高空

coded by month color. 作业中进行的时候,要提供一个安

6.4.1 Steel fixing and formworks that required working at 全的脚手架平台

height shall be provided a safe scaffold. 6.4.2 当高空作业的过程中,必须使

6.4.2 Use body harness and lanyard while working on elevated 用安全带,并且安全带系锁要 100%

area on safe scaffolding/ ensure 100% tie off. 系挂

6.5.1 Access shall be made by qualified scaffolder and shall be 6.5.1 使用经过认证的脚手架工人

easily accessible without any blockage and tripping hazards. 来搭设脚手架通道,并且该通道不

6.6.1 Identify the in between material points before the start 能被阻挡和存在任何滑到绊倒的风

of the activity, this will let workers aware of the danger. 险

6.7.1 Rebar caps shall be installed on each protruding object 6.6.1 在作业开始之前,确认能对作

(rebars / tapered rebars / formwork shuttering locks). 业人员造成危险的材料点。

6.7.1 钢筋要使用钢筋保护帽

7. Housekeeping 71 Trip/ Slip/ Fall 7.1.1 Proper material arrangements must be observed; 7. 文明施工 7.1 滑到、绊倒、 7.1.1 材料摆放必须合理,并且围护 2 1 VL

hazards barricade the material and place signage. 跌落 设立标示牌

7.2 Protruding objects 7.1.2 Remove unnecessary materials on site. 7.2 伸出的尖锐物 7.1.2 在现场及时清理不使用的材料

7.1.3 Disposed trash inside the waste skip and properly 品 7.1.3 对现场中产生的垃圾进行合理

segregate according to type (biodegradable, non-bio, 分类(可回收的垃圾、不可回收的

hazardous, chemical waste). 垃圾、危险的垃圾、化学品垃圾)

7.2.1 Install rebar caps on rebars. 7.2.1 裸露的钢筋要使用钢筋保护帽

7.2.2 remove the nails on wood after dismantling the 7.2.2 在模板拆除后移除所有的钉

formworks. 子

8. Working under 8.1 Fatigue / heat 8.1.1 Provide heat shelters and cold drinking water on site. 8. 在阳光下、潮 8.1 劳累/中暑 8.1.1 提供可以让人员休息的棚子和 4 3 M

the sun, humid stress 8.1.2 Take frequent breaks and work rotation. 湿或者其他不 8.2 过热引发疾病 可饮用的凉水
and other Adverse 8..2 Heat related 8.1.3 See Heat stress program for more details. 好的天气条件 (皮肤发疹、灼伤、 8.1.2 吃足够的早餐和定时的休息

weather condition sickness( skin rash/ 8.2.1 Drink plenty of water (7 glasses of water or more for 下 抽筋) 8.1.3 看热量作业分析表

sunburn/ Heat cramps hotter days) 8.3 过冷的天气/ 8.2.1 饮用足够的水(每天保持 8 杯

8.3 Extreme Cold 8.2.2 Shower more often 大雨/大沙尘暴/大 水)

weather/ Heavy 8.2.3 bring extra clothings 雪/大风 8.2.2 勤洗澡

rains/ Heavy 8.3.1 Suspend the work in case of seriously harsh weather 8.2.3 配备额外的衣服

Sandstorms/ Heavy condition. 8.3.1 在天气较差的条件下须暂停作

Snow/ High winds 业

9. Extended Hours 9.1 Poor Illumination 9.1.1 The light intensity shall be measured on hourly basis and 9.加班作业 9.1 不合格的照明 9.1.1 灯光应该最少每小时测量一 3 3 M

Work 9.2 Indigenous fauna shall have a minimum of 110 lux (5 ft-cd). 9.2 现场中出现野 次,强度最少为 110 拉克斯

on site 9.1.2 Walk way/ patio/ rest shelter/ toilets and access areas 生动物 9.1.2 通道/平台/休息棚/厕所和通

shall have adequate lighting. 道的区域都必须准备充足的灯光

9.2.1 Do not wander around dark places. Snakes and other 9.2.1 不要再黑暗的区域徘徊,蛇或

animals mostly stay out of the light. 者其他的野生动物喜欢在阴暗面徘

9.2.2 Do not interact with any animals on site. 徊

For more info see (EXTENDED HOURS WORK AND FRIDAY 9.2.2 在现场不要挑衅其他的生物

OVERTIME). 更多的加班作业信息请查阅(加班


Section 5 – Approvals and Signature

SEG Management Flour Management

Name Position Signature Name Position Signature

Lu Hongxing Project Manager Scott Clark Construction Manager

Wang Haitao HSE Manager Dick Trembath HSE Manager

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