Feasibility of Smart Antenna System

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Abraham Wudu Mekonnen
Dr.Murad Ridwan

A Thesis Submitted to the School of Graduate Studies of Addis Ababa

University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of
Masters of Science in Communication Engineering

February, 2016
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia



Abraham Wudu Mekonnen

Approval by Board of Examiners

__________________ ___________
Chairman, Dept. Graduate Signature

Dr.Murad Ridwan ___________

Advisor Signature

__________________ ___________
Internal Examiner Signature

__________________ ___________
External Examiner Signature

I, the undersigned, declare that this thesis is my original work, has not been presented for a
degree in this or any other university, and all sources of materials used for the thesis have been
fully acknowledged.

Abraham Wudu ___________________

Name Signature

Place: Addis Ababa

Date of Submission: ________________

This thesis has been submitted for examination with my approval as a university advisor.

Dr. Murad Ridwan ______________

Advisor‟s Name Signature

First and foremost, I would like to express my sincere thanks to my advisor Dr. Murad
Ridwan for his excellent advice and continuous support during the work of this thesis.
Without his guidance and encouragement several breakthroughs in this thesis would be
impossible to be achieved.
I also would like to express my gratitude to staff and students at the School of electrical
and computer engineering, Addis Ababa Institute of Technology, for their friendship and
help by any means during my years at the university.
I would also like to take this opportunity to acknowledge my friends for their support and
encouragement. I am especially indebted to my parents for their love, sacrifice and
support. At last, I would like to give thanks to God since He has given me wisdom, health
and all the necessities that I need for all these years.
Table of Contents
Acknowledgement .................................................................................................. i
List of Figures........................................................................................................ iv
List of Tables .......................................................................................................... v
List of Abbreviations ............................................................................................. vi
Abstract ................................................................................................................ vii
Chapter 1: Introduction ......................................................................................... 1
1.1 Motivation and Background ...................................................................... 1
1.2 Objective of the Thesis .............................................................................. 3
1.2.1 General Objective ................................................................................... 3
1.2.2 Specific Objective .................................................................................. 3
1.3 Methodology ............................................................................................. 3
1.4 Literature Survey ....................................................................................... 4
1.5 Thesis Organization ................................................................................... 7
Chapter 2: Fundamental of Antenna....................................................................... 8
2.1 Antenna Performance Metrics for Mobile Communication ........................... 8
2.2 Channel Model ........................................................................................... 14
2.3 Evolution from Omni Directional to Smart Antennas ................................. 18
Chapter 3: Technical Performance of Antennas Deployed in Ethitelecom BS ..... 22
3.1 Introduction ................................................................................................ 22
3.2 Antenna Types Deployed in Ethiotelecom .................................................. 23
3.3 Technical Performance of Antennas Deployed in Ethitelecom BS .............. 25
3.4 Performance Assessment Using Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) .......... 27
3.5 Conclusion.................................................................................................. 33
Chapter 4: Performance of Smart Antenna Systems for Mobile Communication 34
4.1 Introduction ................................................................................................ 34

4.2 System Elements of a Smart Antenna ......................................................... 36
4.3 Basics of DOA Estimation .......................................................................... 42
4.4 Beam Forming ............................................................................................ 43
4.5 Simulations and Results .............................................................................. 49
Chapter 5: Business Case Analysis of Conventional Antennas and Smart Antenna
Based Base Stations ............................................................................................. 55
5.1 Introduction ................................................................................................ 55
5.2 Range-Coverage Extension ......................................................................... 55
5.3 Base Station Reduction ............................................................................... 58
5.4 Capacity Increase........................................................................................ 60
5.5 Cost Analysis.............................................................................................. 64
Chapter 6: Conclusion and Recommendation for Future Work ............................ 72
6.1 Conclusion.................................................................................................. 72
6.2 Recommendation for Future Work ............................................................. 73
Reference ............................................................................................................. 74

List of Figures

2.1 Omnidirectional Antennas and Coverage Patterns…………………..………………………18

2.2 Sectorized Antenna System and Coverage Pattern …………………………………….……20

2.3 Switched Beam System ………………………………………………………………...…....21

2.4 Beam forming Lobes …………………………………………………………………..…….21

3.1 RNC Divisions …………………………………...………………………………………….25

3.2 Call Setup Success Rate Adaptive Multi-Rate Performance……………………………...…29

3.3 Call Set up Success Rate High-Speed Downlink Packet Access Performance……………...30
3.4 Call Drop Rate Adaptive Multi-Rate Performance…………………………………………..31
3.5 WCDMA–GSM Mobility Performance……………………………………………………...31
4.1 (A) Phased Array and (B) Adaptive Array Smart Antennas ……..………………………….35

4.2 Reception Part of a Smart Antenna…………………………………………..………………37

4.3 Transmission Part of a Smart Antenna……………………………………...……………….38

4.4 Illustration of the Coordinates of an Antenna Array …………………………………..…....40

4.5 Beam-Space Beam Forming…………………………………………………………………44

4.6 Amplitude Response after Beam Forming Using CMA……………………….…………….50

4.7 CM Algorithm (Phase, Magnitude and Error of the Desired Signal and CMA Output) ........50

4.8 Amplitude Response after Beam Forming using LMS Algorithm…………………………..51

4.9 LMS Algorithm (Phase, Magnitude and Error of the desired signal and LMS output)……...52
4.10 Error Output Comparison of LMS and CMA………………………………………………52

4.11 Amplitude Response Comparisons of LMS and CMA……………………………………..53

5.1 Range-Coverage Extension Factor against the Number of Smart Antenna Elements…….…58

5.2 Number of Array Elements vs. Base Station Reduction Factor ……………………………..59

5.3 CAPEX and OPEX Reduction ………..……………………………………………………..68

5.4 Cost Saving in Percent as Function of the Average Traffic Load and BS Cost Increase…....70

List of Tables

3.1 Ethiotelecom Network Equipment Statistics…………………………………….…………..23

3.2 UMTS Cell Load Dimension Result…………………………………………………………25

3.3 Distribution of Node Bs………………………………………………………….…………..26

5.1 Equipment Costs, Installation & Build out Costs and Running Costs……………….………65

5.2 Traffic forecast………………………………………………………………………...……..66

List of Abbreviations

CAPEX: Capital Expenditure

CAS: Conventional Sector Antenna Systems

CDR: The Call Drop Rate
CMA: Constant Modulus Algorithm
CSSR: The Call Set up Success Rate
FDD: Frequency Division Duplex
HO: Hand Over
HSDPA: High-Speed Downlink Packet Access
HSUPA: High-Speed Uplink Packet Access
ISI: Inter symbol Interference
KPI: Key Performance Index
LMS: Least Mean Square
MIMO: Multiple Input Multiple Output
MISO: Multiple Input Single Output
MLSE: Minimal Least-Squares Error
MMSE: Minimal Mean-Squared Error
MSINR: Maximal Signal-To-Interference-Plus-Noise Ratio
OPEX: Operational Expenditures
QoS: Quality of Service
SAS: Smart Antenna Systems
SIMO: Single Input Multiple Output
SNR: Signal to Noise Ratio
UMTS: Universal Mobile Telecommunications System


This thesis work describes performance investigation of smart antenna systems and its
viability for the deployment in the major 3G networks of Ethiotelecom. The work starts
by exploring the performance and the major challenges in the current mobile
communication network in Ethiotelecom regarding capacity, coverage and quality of
service in connection to the antenna types that are deployed in the Base Stations. This is
followed by an outline of how smart antenna systems can be utilized to improve cell
coverage, capacity and overall network performance.

The performance of adaptive smart antenna system using Constant Modulus Algorithm
(CMA) and Least Mean Square (LMS) algorithm is investigated which can enhance the
overall mobile communication performance through suppressing the interference.
A business case analysis for the conventional antennas and smart antenna based telecom
systems is studied in a comparative manner in which the result shows that deploying
smart antenna base station in the major 3G networks in Addis Ababa is feasible i.e. a
range increase, capacity increase, number of Base Station reduction, Capital Expenditure
(CAPEX) and Operational Expenditures (OPEX) reduction will be gained by
recuperating the capital spent on infrastructure with the deployment of smart antennas.

Keywords: Smart antenna systems, Base Stations, Interference, 3G networks, CMA,


Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Motivation and Background

The demand for wireless mobile communications services is growing at an explosive

rate, with the anticipation that communication to a mobile device anywhere on the globe
at all times will be available in the near future. Hence, increased services and lower costs
have resulted in an increased air time usage and number of subscribers. Service providers
are becoming increasingly concerned with the limited capacities of their existing
networks [4].

While the radio (spectral) resources are limited, system capacity is a primary challenge
for current wireless networks. Other major challenges include: (1) an unfriendly
transmission Medium, due to interference from other users (co channel interference), the
inter-symbol interference (ISI) and signal fading caused by multipath. Co-channel
interference limits the system capacity, defined as the number of users which can be
serviced by the system. (2) The limited battery life of the user's hand-held terminal. (3)
Efficient radio resource management to offer high quality of service.

There is an increasing demand on mobile wireless operators to provide voice and high
speed data services and to support more users per base station to reduce overall network
cost and make the services affordable to subscribers. As a result, wireless systems that
enable higher data rates and higher capabilities are pressing need. Unfortunately because
the available broadcast spectrum is limited, attempts to increase traffic within a fixed
bandwidth create more interference in the system and degrade the signal quality [15],
The existing Ethiotelecom network uses sectored antennas at the base station, which
typically split their transmissions into three arcs of 120 degree. Each antenna radiates
most of its power in its own sector; it is a waste of signal power because it is broadly
radiated in directions other than towards a particular user. Moreover the power radiated in
other directions is experienced as interference by other users. Accordingly three sector
antennas couldn‟t overcome the major challenges of the mobile radio network regarding
capacity, coverage and quality of service and making the overall system interference
These concerns has led to the need for the deployment of smart antenna systems
throughout major cellular networks that is either using Switched beam or Adaptive Array
smart antenna. Switched beam antenna system forms multiple fixed beams with
heightened sensitivity in particular directions that detect the signal strength, choose from
one of several predetermined fixed beams, and switch from one beam to another as the
mobile moves throughout the sector. Switched beam systems combine the outputs of
multiple antennas in such a way as to form finely sectored (directional) beams with more
spatial selectivity than can be achieved with conventional, single-element approaches.
Adaptive Array smart antenna system combines multiple antenna elements with a signal
processing capability to optimize its radiation and/or reception pattern automatically in
response to the signal environment. The adaptive system takes advantage of its ability to
effectively locate and track various types of signals to dynamically minimize interference
and maximize intended signal reception [3], [11], [17].

Both smart antenna systems attempt to increase gain according to the location of the user
by combating the effects of multipath propagation or constructively exploiting the
different paths, and increase capacity by mitigating interference and allowing
transmission of different data streams from different antennas [13] and [16]. More
specifically, the smart antennas system can overcome the major challenges encountered
in the current mobile network regarding better range / coverage, increased capacity,
multipath rejection, reduced expense and new services while the capital spent on
infrastructure can be recuperated quickly with deployment of smart antennas [15], [19],

1.2 Objective of the Thesis

1.2.1 General Objective

The general objective of this thesis work is to investigate the performance problems
encountered in the existing Ethiotelecom 3G networks and propose an alternative
solution which is feasible and can enhance the performance of the networks.

1.2.2 Specific Objective

Specifically the aim of this thesis is:
 Investigating the performance of three Sectored antenna which is deployed in
Ethiotelecom Base Stations regarding capacity, coverage and quality, basically
aiming the 3G network in Addis Ababa
 Exploring and identifying the areas which encounter performance problem and
propose an alternative solution which can overcome those problems
 Investigating the performance of adaptive array type smart antenna systems
 Explore a signal processing algorithm that best suit for mobile communication
 Study Business case analysis of conventional antennas and smart antenna based
systems regarding range increase, Base Station reduction, cost increase, capacity
increase and CAPEX and OPEX reduction
 Examining the implementation of smart antenna systems in the major 3G
networks of Ethiotelecom.

1.3 Methodology
The methodology used in doing this thesis comprises the following parts: the first part
encompasses the reviews and study of different books, articles, simulations tools and
other resources related to the topic which helps to understand the necessary theoretical
background for the thesis work. The second part encompasses data collection and
performance evaluation of the existing network and the third part is conducted through
system modeling, Simulations and performance analysis of antenna systems while in the
fourth part a business case analysis is carried out.

1.4 Literature Survey

The literature survey covers topics that form the basis of the work in this thesis. In light
of the thesis aims identified in the previous section, these topics are considered in the
following order (i) Performance of existing networks, the growing demand for wireless
services and performance of SAS based networks (ii) Business case analysis of smart
antenna system implementation.

1.4.1 Performance of Existing Networks, SAS Based Networks and the

Growing Demand for Wireless Services

There is an ever-increasing demand for services via wireless communication systems

[15]-[18]. This has led to more base stations to be erected, meaning high costs and more
visual pollution. With subscribers ever increasing, the demanding technological challenge
is to increase the spectrum efficiency of wireless networks [5] [11].
When Omni-directional & sectored antennas are used at the base station, the transmission
and reception of each user signal becomes a source of interference to other users located
in the same cell, making the overall system interference limited[16].
Multipath propagation and co-channel interference are major limiting factors on the
capacity of wireless systems, resulting from the reuse of the available network resources
(e.g., frequency, time) by a number of users. These limiting factors are widely discussed
in [3], [10]–[18] and it also motivates them to study and propose smart antenna systems
to overcome the challenges in mobile communication.
G.Prajapati and K.Mahajan [11] investigated a smart antenna array system using
wideband compact smart antenna and their result shows that smart antenna system can
steer beams for reception in the direction of desired signals and nulls in the direction of
F.E.Fakoukakis, and G.A.Kyriacou [13] studied Adaptive and Switched Beam Smart
Antenna System for SDMA schemes using 2-D Butler matrix method for switched beam
and vector modular method for adaptive system in which their result shows that an

increased beam steering capability gained in the adaptive system and satisfactory beam
switching and steering capability is gained with the switched beam type.
P.Kumar, S.Padhi and S.Sethi [14] compared the BER vs. performance with and
without beam forming techniques for BPSK modulation in Rayleigh channel. The
simulation result shows better result when beam forming technique is implemented.
The adoption of Adaptive smart antenna techniques in the existing and future wireless
systems is expected to have a significant impact on the efficient use of the Spectrum, the
minimization of the cost of establishing new wireless networks, the optimization of
service quality and realization of multi technology wireless systems [2], [3], [5], [11]
[14], [16], [22].

1.4.2 Business Case Analysis of Smart Antenna System


Enabling new and better services in a cost effective manner is a main goal for mobile
operators. In order to achieve this goal by the introduction of 3G & 4G technologies, the
posed problems such as network capacity shortage must be solved by the operators.
Adding more base station sites is not the most efficient means of solving the capacity
shortage, coverage and QoS problems. Traditional cell splitting with more sites could
also reduce the throughput per site due to complex management of co-channel
interference. The primary advantages of using smart antennas in wireless networks is to
gain increased capacity together with extended range, to avoid interference, ease
network management, and enhanced QoS [3], [15], [21],[22].
J. Rugamba and W. Snyman [23] have shown the viability of using smart antennas in
GSM cellular networks in Africa. Their research has shown the following; with use of M
element array smart antennas, the outage probability is reduced from 1 to 0.001 meant
less co-channel interference is experienced even when frequencies have to tightly be
reused in high traffic areas, the output power from amplifiers is reduced by and total
transmit power is reduced by due to smart antenna high gain and lobe steering
capabilities it is possible to exchange the antenna array gain in order to reduce the
maximum output power of the base station and subsequently of the power

amplifiers(PAs). Their study also showed cell capacity increase when smart antennas are
used in 15% of a 20 BTS urban cluster that led to a profit difference of R80 million over
5year period. The total revenue difference amounted to more than R108million/5year
period, where 1R is one Rwandan Rand. In overall a definite viability is demonstrated in
their research for the implementation of smart antenna systems in both urban and rural
areas in Africa. However they don‟t incorporate 3G technologies in their research.
I.Stevanovi´c and J.Mosig [16] conducted a cost-benefit comparative study for sector
antenna and smart antenna deployment scenarios. Their research has shown an
incremental increase in capacity gain of 500% and payback period of 1.7 years with
Smart Antenna and 6.7 years without smart antenna for 100% Dedicated Internet type
service in a system which operate on sixteen channels, deployed in a full
configuration, previously operating with 12 - fixed sector antennas, powered to cover
the maximum distance(35 mile radius) allowed by the Federal Communications
Commission (FCC, USA), with a fixed cost for the base station infrastructure of 1 million
dollar, incremental wireless equipment cost of 1 million dollar and incremental cost to
add the “Smart Antenna” application of 500,000 US dollar.
ITU-R M.1678 [6] presents a report on the implementation and key technical aspects of
an adaptive antenna system in which the system involves trade-offs amongst many
parameters from the technical aspect and implementation aspect as well. Adaptive
antenna technologies are best implemented with an overall system approach, where all
the system components including the antenna system are integrated in an optimal way,
leading to substantial coverage improvements, superior mitigation of interference
problems and substantial system capacity improvements. Researches on smart antenna
architecture, algorithms and practical implementations are ongoing both in academia and
industry for further advancement meanwhile; it is already commercialized through the
following major companies: Metawave Communication Corporation, Ericsson, Lucent,
Wireless Online and Array Comm. [16]. Metawave Communication Corporation has
deployed over 300 of its smart antenna systems in wireless networks in USA and
commercial installations have demonstrated up to 50 and 75 percent capacity gains in
three- and six-sector deployments respectively [16] and [20].

Antenna based solution is not considered and studied yet for the case of Ethiotelecom to
enhance the performance of mobile communication network. In this thesis a smart
antenna based base station system is proposed as an alternative solution to enhance the
performance of the mobile communication network. Basically this thesis work focuses on
investigation of performance problems encountered in the existing 3G networks of
Ethiotelecom in connection to the antenna types deployed in the base stations and to
evaluate the technical performance of smart antenna system using selected adaptive array
algorithms. Furthermore, Viability of smart antenna system deployment in the major 3G
network of Ethiotelecom is assessed in the last section of this thesis.

1.5 Thesis Organization

This thesis report is arranged into six chapters, following the Introduction Chapter is
Chapter Two which presents Fundamental of Antenna Systems. Technical performance
of Antennas deployed in Ethiotelecom Base stations is addressed in Chapter Three.
Performance of smart antenna systems for mobile communication is presented in Chapter
Four. Chapter Five presents the Business case analysis of Conventional Antennas and
Smart Antenna based Base Stations, the feasibility of smart antenna system deployment
in the major 3G networks of Ethiotelecom is also presented in this chapter.
Finally, Chapter Six discusses conclusions based on the results obtained and
recommendations to future works are given.

Chapter 2: Fundamental of Antenna
2.1 Antenna Performance Metrics for Mobile Communication

In antenna terminology, the frequency bandwidth of an antenna is generally characterized either

with the lower and upper limits of frequency band ( and ) or the percentage (%) bandwidth
for a center frequency, which is given as:

Where is the center frequency of the band as the arithmetic mean of lower and upper
frequency limits. The bandwidth of an antenna is defined as the frequency range in which the
performance of antenna satisfies specified standards of some antenna parameters. Therefore, in
order to operate properly at the specified frequency bandwidth, the antenna should meet the
given standards of these parameters for all frequencies within the frequency bandwidth.
Although there are many parameters for different antenna applications, only the important ones
regarding to the performance standards for mobile communication systems are mentioned briefly

2.1.1 Input Impedance

Depending on the impedance of the antenna and the line feeding the antenna, a certain fraction of
transmitted power to the antenna reflects from antenna without radiation. This power fraction is
usually described as the return loss ( ) (sometimes called as mismatch loss) in decibel scale as:

| |

Where Γ is the reflection coefficient which is given by

Where is the complex input impedance of the antenna and is the characteristic
impedance of feeding line. As the alternative way of describing the reflected power from the

antenna, the term of voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) is also used with a formal definition
given by

| |
| |

VSWR provides a more quantitative indication about mismatch between the antenna and feeding
line impedances in that VSWR= 1 indicates perfect matching. Because the complex impedance
of antenna is a function of frequency, both return loss and VSWR depend on the operating
frequency. Thus, if the antenna operates at a given frequency bandwidth, the impedance of the
antenna should satisfy application-specific criterion such as VSWR ≤ 2 or equivalently RL ≥ 10
dB (| | at all frequencies within the bandwidth. In base station systems, the
constraint of VSWR ≤ 2 (or sometimes shown as VSWR 2:1) is usually sufficient, which
corresponds to about 10% reflected power from the antenna.

2.1.2 Radiation Pattern and Beamwidth

An antenna radiation pattern is defined as a graphical representation of power distribution or

field strength of the antenna as a function of space coordinates. These coordinates are usually
selected as elevation and azimuth angles of spherical coordinate system.

There are many types of representation of radiation pattern of an antenna. One of them is the
three dimensional (3D) graph. However, the drawing of 3D graph is usually difficult and
unnecessary due to the symmetry of antenna radiation pattern. Therefore, instead of 3D radiation
pattern, a more comprehensive representation of radiation pattern called as polar plot is used.

In antenna terminology, planar cuts from 3D pattern are considered for two main planes, which
are E-plane and H-plane for linearly polarized antennas. The E-plane is defined as the plane
containing the electric field vector and the direction of maximum radiation; and H-plane is the
plane containing the magnetic field vector and the direction of maximum radiation. Therefore, by
representing plots of an antenna in both planes, which are orthogonal, power distribution of the
antenna in whole space can be comprehended well without drawing 3D pattern.

The Beamwidth of the antenna is defined as the angular distance (width) between two half power
points in the radiation patterns, where half power level is 3 dB below the maximum radiation
power. The beamwidth parameter is usually expressed as “3 dB beamwidth” in the antenna
applications for both E plane (elevation beamwidth) and H plane (azimuth beamwidth). This
parameter can be also considered as effective angular width of the antenna in that important
portion of radiated antenna power is focused within this angular beamwidth. In indoor or outdoor
base station applications, antennas having wide 3 dB beamwidth (90° or 120°) are preferred to
provide sufficient angle coverage in azimuth plane; whereas, the elevation beamwidth of these
antennas varies typically between 10° or 70° within the frequency bandwidth of the antenna.

When radiation pattern of an antenna is handled, the front-to-back (F/B) ratio of antenna is also
an important parameter in mobile communication applications. This parameter is roughly defined
as the ratio of maximum radiated field in forward (main lobe) direction (0°) to the radiated field
in the opposite (back lobe) direction (180°). This ratio is generally desired to be about 30 dB in
outdoor base station applications in order to minimize the interference between back-to-back
oriented antennas. On the other hand, the required F/B ratio for indoor applications can be low.

2.1.3 Gain

The gain of an antenna is defined as the ratio of the power intensity radiated by the antenna in a
given direction (usually in spherical coordinate angles θ and ) divided by the intensity radiated
by a lossless isotropic antenna, which radiates the power at all angles equally. In a mathematical
form, it can be formulated as

Where is the radiation (power) intensity and is total input (accepted) power of the
antenna. In antenna applications, gain is usually considered as maximum gain taken in the
direction of maximum radiation. Therefore, gain drops at most 3 dB below maximum gain within
the beamwidth of the antenna. Gain requirements may vary according to different applications of
mobile communication.

2.1.4 Polarization

The polarization of the antenna is roughly defined as the orientation of electric field vector of the
radiated wave of the antenna with time. In general, most antennas radiate either linear or circular
polarization. The electric field in linearly polarized wave oscillates in either horizontal or vertical
directions. In a circular polarized antenna, the plane of polarization rotates in a circle making one
complete revolution during one period of the wave. In order to transfer maximum power between
transmitter and receiver antennas, both antennas should have same polarization.

However, in general, the polarization of receiver antenna is not the same as the polarization of
the incident wave radiated by transmitter antenna. Consequently, power transfer is reduced,
which is called as polarization loss factor (PLF). In communication link, the PLF has to be
expressed by the polarization vectors of the transmitting and receiving antennas,⃗⃗⃗ ⃗⃗⃗
respectively. The PLF is then equal to:

|⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ ⃗⃗⃗⃗ | | |

Where is the angle between the two unit vectors

Mathematically, this loss is expressed in decibel scale as:

|⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ ⃗⃗⃗⃗ |

Where and are unit (polarization) vectors of receiver and transmitter antenna, respectively.
Accordingly, when the case, where linearly polarized transmitter and receiver antennas are
orthogonally oriented, theoretically no power is transferred between antennas.

Therefore, a single linearly polarized antenna cannot be used directly in mobile communication
systems because a linearly polarized mobile phone antenna, can be hold in any tilted position
even orthogonal to base station antenna and this case results in zero transferred power due to
polarization mismatch and the PLF will be zero or - . On the other hand, in circular
polarization case, there exists no complete power loss (mismatch) that some portion of
transmitted power is always transferred to linearly polarized receiver antenna for any spatial
orientation. For this purpose, circular polarization is frequently used in mobile communication

systems in order to prevent complete mismatch. However, achieving circular polarization within
wide frequency bandwidth is difficult; therefore, as compared to linearly polarized antennas,
circularly polarized antennas in mobile communication systems have relatively narrow frequency
bandwidth. Consequently, in order to optimize polarization mismatch and frequency bandwidth,
dual-polarized antenna systems, which include either two orthogonal ( in this case, two
orthogonal sets of antenna are located in the base station for the purpose of avoiding complete
mismatch with the mobile phone antenna ) linearly polarized antennas or an antenna excited by
two orthogonal feeds, are commonly used in base station applications for the reason that the
signal transmitted by a mobile phone is reflected in the propagation field and reaches the base
station via different paths and phase angles. As a result the signal at the base station receiving
antenna is the sum of various vectors with different amplitudes, phases and polarization. If two
orthogonal linearly polarized antennas used in the base station, then it is highly likely that one of
them will provide the required signal strength. Moreover, dual-polarized antennas can provide
space-saving polarization diversity at the base station point to increase the performance of
mobile systems in that ±45° dual-polarized (slant-polarized) antennas are currently in almost
universal use for base station systems.

2.1.5 Mutual Coupling

When identical antenna elements are placed in an array or multiple different antennas are used,
they interact with each other. This interaction between elements due to their close proximity is
called mutual coupling, which affects the input impedance as well as the radiation pattern. It is
noted previously that in base station applications, more than one similar antenna can be
implemented to either acquire higher gain with array structures or at least provide dual-
polarization with two antenna elements. Mathematically, in N element antenna system, the
mutual coupling in between ith and jth antenna elements can be evaluated in decibel scale as

( ) |

Where is the amplitude of transmitted wave from jth antenna and is the amplitude of

received wave from ith antenna in which transmitted waves on all other antennas except jth

antenna are set to zero. In base station systems, the specification for mutual coupling between
antenna elements is typically -20 dB (or 20 dB isolation) within the frequency bandwidth.

2.1.6 Cross Polar Discrimination

Most dual polarized antenna systems employed for polarization diversity purpose are required
that each antenna port receives signals only from its designated linear polarization (co-
polarization). However, unfortunately practical antennas also receive unwanted signals from
orthogonal polarization called as cross polarization (X-polarization). Cross polar discrimination
is the ratio of received co-polar signal level to cross polar signal level.

2.1.7 Intermodulation

When the signals with multiple frequencies are received by a nonlinear device,
intermodulation frequency terms (f1-f2, f1+f2, 2f1-f2...) are generated. Although an antenna is
actually a linear device, it may slightly deviate from linearity when sufficiently high power is
transmitted or received by the antenna. This nonlinearity is usually formed due to mechanical
joints or nonlinear materials used in the antenna.

2.1.8 Specific Absorption Rate (SAR)

For a mobile phone or notebook computer antenna located to the position, which is nearby to a
human body, some portion of transmitted power is absorbed by the human body. The specific
absorption rate (SAR) is basically defined as the absorbed power density at a particular point of
the human body. SAR can be quantitatively expressed as

| |

Where is absorbed power within an infinitesimal volume of dV; E is the peak electric
field strength within dV; ρ and σ are mass density and conductivity of the human body. The IEEE
standard about SAR indicates that maximum allowed SAR is 1.6 W/kg and whole-body averaged
peak SAR is 0.08 W/kg.

2.2 Channel Model

In order to evaluate the performance of antenna system, it is necessary to have detailed

knowledge of the channel and the channel parameters. This is because the propagation
channel is the principal contributor to many of the problems and limitations that beset
mobile radio systems.
The propagation of radio signals on both the forward (base station to mobile) and reverse
(mobile to base station) links is affected by the physical channel in several ways.
A signal propagating through the wireless channel usually arrives at the destination along
a number of different paths, referred to as multipath. These paths arise from scattering,
reflection, refraction or diffraction of the radiated energy of objects that lie in the
environment. The received signal is much weaker than the transmitted signal due to
phenomena such as mean propagation loss, slow fading and fast fading. Multipath
propagation results in the spreading of the signal in different dimensions. These are the
delay (or time) spread, Doppler (or frequency) spread and angle spread. These spreads
have significant effects on the signal. The mean path loss, slow fading, fast fading,
Doppler, delay and angle spread are the main channel effects and are described in the
following sections.

2.2.1 Mean Path Loss

The mean path loss describes the attenuation of a radio signal in a free space
propagation situation, due to isotropic power spreading, and is given by the famous
inverse square low (or Friis free space link equation)

( )

Where and are the received and transmitted powers, is the radio wavelength, is

the range and and are the gains of the transmit and receive antennas respectively.

2.2.2 Fading

In addition to path loss, the received signal exhibits fluctuations in signal level called
fading. As these variations represent the change of the strength of the electrical field as a
function of the distance from the transmitter, a mobile user will experience variation in
time. It is typically composed of two multiplicative components, and :

is called slow fading and represents the long-term time variations of the received

signal, whereas represents the short-term (or multipath) fading. The slow fading

is the envelope of the signal level . Slow fading

Slow fading is caused by long-term shadowing effects of buildings or natural features in
the terrain. It can also be described as the local mean of a fast fading signal. The
statistical distribution of the local mean is influenced by the antenna height, the operating
frequency and the type of environment. It is therefore difficult to predict. However, when
all the above mentioned parameters are fixed, then the received signal power averaged
over Rayleigh fading approaches a normal distribution when plotted in a logarithmic
scale (i.e., in dB‟s). Such a distribution is called log-normal and it is described by the
following probability-density function [16].

{√ )

In the above equation, is a random variable representing the slow signal level

fluctuation and and are the mean and standard deviation of expressed in decibels,
respectively. A typical value for the standard deviation of shadowing distribution is 8 db.

15 Fast fading
The short-time fading corresponds to the rapid fluctuations of the received signal
in space. It is caused by the scattering of the signal off objects near the moving mobile. If
we assume that a large number of scattered wave fronts with random amplitudes and
angles of arrival arrive at the receiver with phases uniformly distributed in [0, 2π), then
the in-phase and quadrature phase components of the vertical component of the electric
field Ez can be shown to be Gaussian processes[16].
The envelope of the received signal has a Rayleigh density function given by

If there is a direct path present, then it will no longer be a Rayleigh distribution but
becomes a Rician distributed instead. The corresponding probability density function is
given by [16].

{ ( )

Where is the mean power of the direct (line-of-sight) path and is the modified p-th

order Bessel function of the first kind. Note that in the absence of a direct path ( = 0)
the Rician pdf reduces to the Rayleigh pdf.

2.2.3 Doppler Spread: Time-Selective Fading

When the mobile is in motion, the radio signal at the receiver experiences a shift in the
frequency domain (also called Doppler shift), the amplitude of which depends on the path
direction of arrival. In the presence of surrounding scatterers with multiple directions, a
pure tone is spread over a finite spectral bandwidth. In this case, the Doppler power
spectrum is defined as the Fourier transform of the time autocorrelation of the channel
impulse response, and the Doppler spread is the support of the Doppler power spectrum.

Assuming scatterers distributed uniformly by n angle, the Doppler power spectrum is
given by the so-called classical spectrum [16].

[ ( ) ]

Where is the maximum Doppler shift, is the mobile velocity, is the

carrier frequency and is the signal variance.

2.2.4 Delay Spread: Frequency-Selective Fading

Multipath propagation is often characterized by several versions of the transmitted signal
arriving at the receiver with different attenuation factors and delays. The spreading in the
time domain is called delay spread and is responsible for the selectivity of the channel in
the frequency domain. The coherence bandwidth, which is the maximum range of
frequencies over which the channel response can be viewed as constant (or the maximum
frequency separation for which the frequency domain channel responses at two frequency
shifts remain strongly correlated), is inversely proportional to the delay spread.
Significant delay spread may cause strong inter-symbol interference which makes
necessary the use of a channel equalizer [16].

2.2.5 Angle Spread: Space-Selective Fading

Angle spread at the receivers refers to the spread of angles of arrival of the multi paths at
the antenna array. Likewise, angle spread at the transmitter refers to the spread of
departure angles of the multi paths. The angle of arrival (or departure) of a path can be, in
some cases, statistically related to the path delay. The larger the angle spread, the shorter
the coherence distance.

2.2.6 Multipath Propagation

Multipath scattering underlies the three spreading effects described above (mobile motion
is also required to produce Doppler spread). It is important to understand the types of
scatterers and their contribution to channel behavior.

2.3 Evolution from Omni Directional to Smart Antennas

An antenna in a telecommunications system is the port through which radio frequency

(RF) energy is coupled from the transmitter to the outside world for transmission
purposes, and in reverse, to the receiver from the outside world for reception purposes.
To date, antennas have been the most neglected of all the components in personal
communications systems [16]. Yet, the manner in which radio frequency energy is
distributed into and collected from space has a profound influence upon the efficient use
of spectrum, the cost of establishing new communications networks and the service
quality provided by those networks. The goal of the next several sections is to answer the
question “Why to use anything more than a single omnidirectional (no preferable
direction) and traditional three sectored antennas at a base station?”. This is done by
describing, in order of increasing benefits, the principal schemes for antennas deployed at
base stations.

1. Omnidirectional Antennas
Since the early day of wireless communications, there has been the simple dipole
antenna, which radiates and receives, equally well in all directions (direction here being
referred to azimuth) [16]. To find its users, this single-element design broadcasts
omnidirectional in a pattern resembling ripples radiation outward in a pool of water.

Coverage Pattern Coverage Pattern


Side View Top View

Figure 2.1: Omnidirectional Antennas and Coverage Patterns

While adequate for simple RF environments where no specific knowledge of the users'
whereabouts is available, this unfocused approach scatters signals, reaching desired users
with only a small percentage of the overall energy sent out into the environment. Given
this limitation, omnidirectional strategies attempt to overcome environmental challenges
by simply boosting the power level of the signals broadcast. In a setting of numerous
users (and interferers), this makes a bad situation worse in that the signals that miss the
intended user become interference for those in the same or adjoining cells. Also, this
single-element approach cannot selectively reject signals interfering with those of served
users and has no spatial multipath mitigation or equalization capabilities. Therefore,
omnidirectional strategies directly and adversely impact spectral efficiency, limiting
frequency reuse. These limitations of broadcast antenna technology regarding the quality,
capacity, and geographic coverage of wireless systems and the requirements of the next
generation wireless communications as well has recently prompted an evolution in the
fundamental design and role of the antenna in a wireless system in addition to the efforts
that are undergoing in the other components of the communication system.

This Omni directional antenna type doesn‟t exist in Ethiotelecom network as three
sectored antennas are deployed throughout the network.

2. Directional Antennas and Sectorized Systems

A single antenna can also be constructed to have certain fixed preferential transmission
and reception directions. Sectorized antenna system take a traditional cellular area and
subdivide it into sectors that are covered using directional antennas looking out from the
same base station location. Operationally, each sector is treated as a different cell in the
system, the range of which can be greater than in the Omni directional case, since power
can be focused to a smaller area. This is commonly referred to as antenna element gain.
Additionally, sectorized antenna systems increase the possible reuse of a frequency
channel in such cellular systems by reducing potential interference across the original
cell. While sectorized antenna systems multiply the use of channels, they do not

overcome the major disadvantages of standard omnidirectional antennas such as filtering
of unwanted interference signals from adjacent cells.
In the case of Ethiotelecom three sector antenna systems are deployed throughout the

Side View Top View

Figure 2.2: Sectorized Antenna System and Coverage Pattern [16].

3. Switched Beam Smart Antennas

Switched beam antenna systems form multiple fixed beams with heightened sensitivity in
particular directions. These antenna systems detect signal strength, choose from one of
several predetermined, fixed beams, and switch from one beam to another as the mobile
moves throughout the sector. Instead of shaping the directional antenna pattern with the
metallic properties and physical design of a single element (like a sectorized antenna),
switched beam systems combine the outputs of multiple antennas in such a way as to
form finely sectorized (directional) beams with more spatial selectivity than can be
achieved with conventional, single-element approaches.
In terms of radiation patterns, switched beam is an extension of the current microcellular
or cellular Sectorization method of splitting a typical cell. The switched beam approach
further subdivides macro-sectors into several micro sectors as a means of improving
range and capacity. Each micro-sector contains a predetermined fixed beam pattern with
the greatest sensitivity located in the center of the beam and less sensitivity elsewhere.

The design of such systems involves high-gain, narrow azimuthal beamwidth antenna

Fig. 2.3: A Switched Beam System that Radiate Several Overlapping Fixed Beams
Covering a Designated Angular Area [16].

4. Adaptive Array Smart Antennas

Adaptive antenna technology represents the most advanced smart antenna approach to
date. Using a variety of new signal-processing algorithms, the adaptive system takes
advantage of its ability to effectively locate and track various types of signals to
dynamically minimize interference and maximize intended signal reception.
Adaptive arrays utilize sophisticated signal-processing algorithms to continuously
distinguish between desired signals, multipath, and interfering signals as well as calculate
their directions of arrival. The ability to track users smoothly with main lobes and
interferers with nulls ensures that the link budget is constantly maximized. Both types of
smart antenna systems provide significant gains over conventional sectored systems.

Fig. 2.4: Beam forming Lobes and Nulls that Switched Beam (Red/Left) and Adaptive
Array (Blue/Right) Systems Might Choose for Identical User Signals (Green Line) and
Co-channel Interferers (Yellow Lines) [16].
Chapter 3: Technical Performance of Antennas Deployed in
Ethitelecom Base Stations

3.1 Introduction
The performance of a Base Station Antenna (BSA) is a key factor in the overall performance and
quality of the cellular communication link between a handset and the radio, and by extension, the
performance of a cell, or of an entire cellular network. The BSA‟s influence on coverage,
capacity, and QoS is extensive, and yet there exists no comprehensive, global, standards focusing
on the base station antenna.

Ethiotelecom has deployed three types of base station antennas, which are single band(900MHz),
dual band(1800MHz& 2100MHz) and triple band( 900MHZ,1800MHz & 2100MHz) that
supports three mobile technologies (GSM, UMTS and LTE), to meet the requirement of
coverage, capacity and QoS. Regarding coverage to provide 2G signal coverage to 85% of the
geographical area of the country, 3G up to rural, that is to support 56 million subscribers and 6
million wireless broad band services (HSPA+ and LTE).

Meanwhile the network coverage and capacity in Addis Ababa for different mobile technologies
that was planned and deployed is presented as follow:

GSM Network Output

For Addis Ababa, dense urban area (70.45 ) continuous coverage with 1,748,726 users,
urban area (170.36 ) continuous coverage with 2,022,291 users and sub urban area (539.12
) continuous coverage with 856,421 users, in which the network is deployed to support a
maximum capacity of 4,627,438 GSM users with 614 GSM BS sites.

UMTS Network Output

For Addis Ababa, dense urban area (70.45 ) continuous coverage with 541,632 users, urban
area (170.36 ) continuous coverage with 604,800 users and sub urban area (539.12 )
continuous coverage with 356,160 users, that is the network is deployed to support a maximum
capacity of 1,502,592 UMTS users with 722 UMTS BS sites.

LTE Network Output
For Addis Ababa, dense urban area (70.45 ) continuous coverage with 242,623 users, and
hotspots in urban area (170.36 ) coverage with 157,377 users, that is the network is
deployed to support a maximum capacity of 400,000 LTE users with 329 LTE BS sites.

3.2 Antenna Types Deployed in Ethiotelecom

Antenna Height Design in Ethiotelecom
In Addis Ababa, triple band antennas are used for rooftop sites and single band and dual band
antennas are used for Greenfield sites, different antenna heights that are deployed in different
scenarios is shown in the following table:

Table 3.1 Ethiotelecom Network Equipment Statistics

The Radiation pattern for different bands are shown below:

A. Single Band(900MHz)[8]
Radiation Pattern for Single Band Antenna (790 – 960 MHz) of Ethiotelecom with Horizontal
3dB Beam Width [8]

B. Dual Band(1800MHz and 2100 MHz)[8]

Radiation Pattern for Dual Band Antenna (1710 - 2200 MHz) of Ethiotelecom with Horizontal
3dB Beam Width [8]

C. Triple Band( 900MHz,1800MHz and 2100MHz)[8]

Radiation Pattern for Triple Band Antenna (790 – 960, 1710 - 2180 MHz Bottom and Top)
of Ethiotelecom with Horizontal 3dB Beam Width and Vertical 3dB Beam Width

3.3 Technical Performance of Antennas Deployed in
Ethitelecom Base Stations

3.3.1 UMTS Capacity in Addis Ababa

The entire network contains five Radio Network Controller (RNCs) and 725 Node Bs. It needs to
support 1,499,456 subscribers and the average capacity is 2069 subscribers per site and the
Traffic Usage in GB/Month/User is indicated as follow:

HSPA+ Voice
Traffic Usage in GB/Month/User
Dongle Smart Phone SP

Traffic per user per month in GB 10 1 0.025 erl

Table 3.2 UMTS Cell Load Dimension Result

Bear Cell Load Traffic per subs Active Subs/Cell Total Subs/Cell

HSDPA + Voice 3.6 Mbps 23.5 Kbps 157 224

HSUPA + Voice 1.9 Mbps 10.1 Kbps 193 276

Figure 3.1 RNC Divisions [9]

Table 3.3 Distribution of Node Bs

RNC Site Config Site Qty Cell Qty Subs

U2 2 4 896
U222 54 324 72576
111055.RNC_01.HW.ADTEL.NAAZ.AA U22222 1 10 2240
U333 41 369 82656
U444 54 648 145152
U333 128 1152 256032
U444 24 288 64512
U222 2 12 2688
111168.RNC_03.HW.KKTEL.SAAZ.AA U333 118 1062 237888
U444 16 192 43008
U222 19 114 25536
111007.RNC_04.HW.NFTEL.SAAZ.AA U333 73 657 147168
U444 46 552 123648
U222 4 24 5376
111136.RNC_05.HW.BLTEL.SAAZ.AA U333 134 1206 268128
U444 9 108 24192
Total 725 6722 1499456

3.3.2 UMTS Coverage in Addis Ababa

For Addis Ababa, dense urban area (70.45 ) continuous coverage with 541,632
users, urban area (170.36 ) continuous coverage with 604,800 users and sub urban area
(539.12 ) continuous coverage with 356,160 users using 722 UMTS BS.

Scenario Dense Urban Urban Sub urban

Cell Radius (km) 0.19 0.42 1.11
Site Distance(km) 0.285 0.63 1.665

3.4 Performance Assessment Using Key Performance
Indicators (KPIs)

3.4.1 Key Performance Indicators

The success of a network depends on its three factors: coverage, capacity and quality.
Capacity is based on an assessment of dropped calls and congestion. Quality can be
improved by eliminating interference from both external and internal sources.
A drive test shall be performed to assess capacity and coverage. The quality of the radio
network depends on its coverage, capacity and frequency allocation. Most severe problems
in a radio network can be attributed to signal interference, dropped calls and the amount of
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are a valuable tool for improving overall business
operations. Key performance indicators in GSM, UMTS, and LTE are defined through the
definition and measurement of key parameters of input and output of internal network
system and/or maintenance & operation progress of mobile network operations.

Key Performance Indicators are a set of quantifiable measures used in GSM, UMTS, and
LTE networks to gauge or compare performance in terms of meeting mobile network's
strategic and operational goals. KPIs vary between management, marketing, operations and
network engineering people depending on their priorities, perspectives or performance
criteria sometimes referred to as "key success indicators (KSI)".

The KPIs are collected along with field measurements such as drive tests. For the field
measurements, tools that can analyze the traffic, capacity, and quality of the calls, and the
network as a whole are used. For drive testing, a test mobile is used. This test mobile keeps
on making calls in a moving vehicle that goes around in the various parts of the network.
Based on the DCR, CSR, HO, etc., parameters, the quality of the network can then be

After the network is deployed and network initial tuning service completed, it needs to
conduct the radio network optimization activities that comprise the following major phases:

 Coverage and Interference

Ensure satisfactory coverage performance in terms of sufficient Rx/RSCP and signal
quality, and keep interference at a minimum level.

 Accessibility
To improve end-user‟s success rate of call access, e.g. increasing call setup success rate
while reducing the call setup delay

 Retainability
To enhance the call retainability of which the performance can be quantified with KPIs
such as call drop rate and handover success rate, etc.

 Integrity
To maintain the integrity of radio network elements with appropriate radio network design
and engineering. The integrity of UTRAN/BSS can be measured with certain quality-
related KPIs.


 Accessibility
Call setup Success rate (CS)
Call setup Success rate (PS)
 Retainablity
Ratio of CS Call Drop (%)
Ratio of PS Call Drop (%)
 Mobility
Ratio of SHO success (%)
Cell Inter-RAT CS Outgoing Handover Success Rate (WCDMA–GSM)
Cell Inter-RAT PS Outgoing Handover Success Rate (WCDMA–GSM)

3.4.2 UMTS Performance Analysis in Addis Ababa


Call Setup Success Rate Adaptive Multi-Rate (CSSR AMR) is one of the KPIs for analyzing the
UMTS voice call performance regarding network accessibility. The bulk drive test data is
conducted by Ethiotelecom using the drive test tools in the field which represent a true picture of
network condition as per the output of Operational Support System (OSS) and the feedback
gained from the users. The analysis for the KPIs shown from I to IV is carried out in this thesis
selectively for the areas which have relatively poor performance in a one week period through
referring the target KPI set by Ethiotelecom for the corresponding KPI parameters, in the case of
CSSR AMR the target KPI is 98 while Cluster 10 is performing below the target KPI due to DL
CE congestion.

Call Setup Success Rate.amr


P_Cluster10 P_Cluster6 P_Cluster7 Target P_Cluster21

Figure 3.2 Call Setup Success Rate Adaptive Multi-Rate Performance


Call Set up Success Rate High-Speed Downlink Packet Access (CSSR –HSDPA) is one
of the KPIs for analyzing and evaluating the UMTS Packet Switched (PS) data
interactive services performance regarding network accessibility. The target KPI set by
Ethiotelecom for CSSR–HSDPA is 98 while as it can be seen on the underneath chart the
performance of Cluster 5 and 20 is lower than the target KPI due to DL CE congestion.

Call Setup Success Rate.HSDPA


P_Cluster19 P_Cluster2 P_Cluster20

P_Cluster4 P_Cluster5 Target

Figure 3.3 Call Set up Success Rate High-Speed Downlink Packet Access Performance

III. Call Drop Rate (CDR)

Call Drop Rate Adaptive Multi-Rate (CDR-AMR) is UMTS voice call retainability
performance KPI parameter. The target KPI set by Ethiotelecom for this parameter is to
be less than or equal to 0.6. However Cluster 15, 16, 17, and 18 are performing below the
target KPI.

Drop Call Rate.AMR

P_Cluster15 P_Cluster16 P_Cluster17 P_Cluster18 Target

Figure 3.4 Call Drop Rate Adaptive Multi-Rate Performance

IV. 3G to 2G HO Success Rate

It is one of the KPIs to analyze and evaluate WCDMA–GSM mobility performance of the
network in terms of Outgoing Handover Success Rate. The target KPI set by
Ethiotelecom is needed to be 98 and above, however Cluster 2, 4, 5, 19 and 20 are
performing below the target KPI due to 2G resource unavailability.


P_Cluster19 P_Cluster2 P_Cluster20

P_Cluster4 P_Cluster5 Target

Figure 3.5 WCDMA–GSM Mobility Performance


Using the drive test data and Operation Support System (OSS) network output a root cause
analysis is done to figure out the cause of performance limitation of the KPI parameters defined
by Ethiotelecom which are listed hereunder. Accordingly a two stage solution is proposed and
implemented by Ethiotelecom to optimize the network i.e. the first stage is adjusting the physical
and logical parameters (Antenna Electrical and Mechanical tilt, Azimuth, Antenna height,
Neighbor definition, etc.) of the radio network which is supposed to optimize coverage, Soft
handover gain, interference reduction, signal overshooting and traffic issues. If the first stage
does not work out, in the second stage a new site is proposed and deployed to optimize the
network which significantly increase the network optimization cost.

 The accessibility performance drop on the different clusters on the above charts is due to
Down Link Channel Element (DL CE) resource congestion on sites, from the drive test
the following symptoms are observed i.e. received of the pilot channel is less than
-16dB, received RSCP of the pilot channel is high enough to maintain the connection, DL
Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) is very high and finally the connection drops.
 Call drop rate on Clusters 16 & 17 is due to RF reason, from the drive test it is found that
the UE receives “Radio Resource Control (RRC) connection setup‟ message and starts
the transmission. However, the UE does not send out “RRC connection setup complete”
message to the UTRAN.
 The mobility performance drop is mainly due to target 2G cell resource unavailability,
one of the major symptoms observed: in the measurement report, which is sent from the
UE after getting the “measurement control” from the UTRAN, the target cell is not in the
active set.
 Poor coverage due to Received Signal Code Power (RSCP) coverage less than -90dBm
and geographical issues and poor related with pilot pollution in this phenomenon
the User Equipment (UE) cannot firmly camp on a cell at one location because of
receiving many pilot channels with similar quality (signal strength) hence the UE at one
location frequently change its active set cells i.e. active set update rate is very high.

3.5 Conclusion
Though Ethiotelecom has recently deployed a telecom expansion project throughout Addis
Ababa, the recent result of drive test and network performance analysis result shows that the
current radio network has encountered the following major technical performance problems:

 Low CSSR and Location Update Success Rate are caused by SDCCH congestion
 Current sites distribution do not match with the real traffic distribution in which some
sites have poor coverage due to RSCP coverage less than -90dBm
 High call drop rate on some cells due to traffic channel drop rate
 The mobility performance drop is mainly due to target 2G cell resource unavailability

Moreover the overall performance of the network is limited regarding capacity, coverage and
quality of service, having examined these problems a smart antenna based base station system is
proposed as an alternative solution to enhance the overall network performance in which its
performance is investigated in the coming chapters.

Chapter 4: Performance of Smart Antenna Systems for Mobile

4.1 Introduction

There is an ever increasing demand on mobile wireless operators to provide voice and high speed
data services. At the same time, operators want to support more users per base station to reduce
overall network cost and make the services affordable to subscribers. As a result, wireless
systems that enable higher data rates and higher capabilities are pressing need. Unfortunately
because the available broadcast spectrum is limited, attempts to increase traffic within a fixed
bandwidth create more interference in the system and degrade the signal quality. While using the
existing antennas at the base station, the transmission and reception of each users signal becomes
a source of interference to other users located in the same cell, making the overall system
interference limited.

Wireless communication systems are evolving from the second generation systems to the third
and fourth generation systems, which will provide high data rate multimedia services as video
transmission. New value added services such as the position location (PL) services for emerging
calls, the fraud detection, intelligent transportation systems, and so forth are also coming in to

These concerns have led to propose the deployment of smart antenna systems throughout major
cellular networks. Smart Antennas are arrays of antenna elements that change their antenna
pattern dynamically to adjust to the noise, interference in the channel and mitigate multipath
fading effects on the signal of interest.

Smart antenna systems are customarily categorized as either switched beam or adaptive array
systems. That is, for the adaptive array, the beam pattern changes as the desired user and the
interference move, and for the switched beam type, the beam is steered or different beams are
selected as the desired user moves.

Switched beam antenna systems form multiple fixed beams with heightened sensitivity in
particular directions. These antenna systems detect signal strength, choose from one of several
predetermined, fixed beams, and switch from one beam to another as demand changes
throughout the sector. Instead of shaping the directional antenna pattern with the metallic
properties and physical design of a single element (like a sectorized antenna), switched beam
systems combine the outputs of multiple antennas in such a way as to form finely sectorized
(directional) beams with more spatial selectivity than it can be achieved with conventional,
single element approaches.

Adaptive antenna array systems is an array of multiple antenna elements with the received
signals weighted and combined to maximize the desired signal to interference and noise (SINR)
ratio. This means that the main beam is put in the direction of the desired signal while nulls are
in the direction of the interference.

(A) Phased array (B) Adaptive Array

Figure 4.1: (A) Phased Array and (B) Adaptive Array Smart Antennas [16].

4.2 System Elements of a Smart Antenna

4.2.1 Smart Antenna Receiver

Smart antenna reception part consists of four units. In addition to the antenna itself it contains a
radio unit, a beam forming unit and a signal processing unit

Fig. 4.2 shows schematically the elements of the reception part of a smart antenna. The antenna
array contains M elements. The M signals are being combined into one signal, which is the input
to the rest of the receiver (channel decoding, etc.). The array will often have a relatively low
number of elements in order to avoid unnecessarily high complexity in the signal processing.

The radio unit consists of down–conversion chains and (complex) analog-to-digital converters
(A/D).There must be M down-conversion chains, one for each of the array elements.

The signal processing unit will, based on the received signal, calculate the complex weights
with which the received signal from each of the array elements is multiplied.
These weights will decide the antenna pattern in the uplink direction. The weights can be
optimized from two main types of criteria: maximization of received signal from the desired user
(e.g. switched beam or phased array) or maximization of the SIR by suppressing the signal from
interference sources (adaptive array).

The method for calculating the weights will differ depending on the type of optimization
criterion. When switched beam (SB) is used, the receiver will test all the pre-defined weight
vectors (corresponding to the beam set) and choose the one giving the strongest received signal
level. If the Adaptive array approach is used, which consists of directing a maximum gain beam
towards the strongest signal component, the direction-of-arrival (DOA) is first estimated and
then the weights are calculated. When the beam forming is done digitally (after A/D), the beam
forming and signal processing units can normally be integrated in the same unit (Digital Signal
Processor, DSP).

Antenna Array Beam Forming Network

Radio 𝒘𝟐

M 𝒘𝑴

Signal Processing Unit

Figure 4.2: Reception Part of a Smart Antenna

4.2.2 Smart Antenna Transmitter

The transmission part of the smart antenna is schematically very similar to the reception part.
The signal is split into M branches, which are weighted by the complex weights
in the beam forming unit. The weights, which decide the radiation pattern in the downlink
direction, are calculated as before by the signal processing unit. The radio unit consists of D/A
converters and the up converter chains. In practice, some components, such as the antennas
themselves and the DSP will of course be the same as on reception.

The principal difference between uplink and downlink is that no knowledge of the spatial
channel response is available on downlink. In a time division duplex (TDD) system the mobile
station and base station use the same carrier frequency only separated in time. In this case the
weights calculated on uplink will be optimal on downlink. If frequency division duplex (FDD) is
used, the uplink and downlink are separated in frequency. In this case the optimal weights will
generally not be the same because of the channel response dependency on frequency.

Thus optimum beam forming (i.e., AA) on downlink is difficult and the technique most
frequently suggested is the geometrical approach of estimating the direction-of-arrival (DOA).
The assumption is directional reciprocity, i.e., the direction from which the signal arrived on the
uplink is the direction in which the signal should be transmitted to reach the user on downlink.
The strategy used by the base station is to estimate the DOA of the direction (or directions) from
which the main part of the user signal is received. This direction is used on downlink by
choosing the weights so that the radiation pattern is a lobe or lobes directed
towards the desired user.

Antenna Array Beam Forming Network



Radio 𝒘𝟐

DOA from Uplink

M 𝒘𝑴

Signal Processing Unit

Figure 4.3: Transmission Part of a Smart Antenna

4.2.3 Fundamentals of Antenna Arrays

An antenna array has spatially separated sensors whose output is fed into a weighting network or
a beam forming network. The antenna array can be implemented as a transmitting or a receiving
array. There are many assumptions made in analyzing an antenna array, they are as follows:

 All signals incident on the receiving antenna array are composed of finite number of
plane waves. These plane waves result from the direct as well as the multipath

 The transmitter and the objects that cause multi paths are in the far-field of the antenna
 The sensors are placed closely so that the amplitudes of the signals received at any two
elements of the antenna array do not differ significantly.
 Each sensor is assumed to have the same radiation pattern and the same orientation.
 The mutual coupling between the antenna elements is assumed to be negligible.

An antenna array can be arranged in any arbitrary fashion, but the most preferred geometries are
linear and circular geometries. Linear geometry is simpler to implement than the circular
geometry, but the disadvantage is the symmetry (ambiguity) of the radiation pattern about the
axis along the end fire, which is not the case in circular array. Linear array with uniformly
spaced sensors is the most commonly used structure.

The array as shown in Fig. 4.4 has a reference element at the origin and the coordinates of the
mth antenna element are marked as . The signal as it travels across the array undergoes
a phase shift. The phase shift between the signal received at the reference element and the signal
received at the element m is given by


The reference plane is assumed to lie on z = 0. Since the distance between the transmitting and
receiving antenna is larger than the distance between the heights of the receiving and
transmitting antenna, a wave reaching the antenna array can be assumed to come along the
horizon or with. Therefore, the direction-of arrival (DOA) of each plane wave is
described using only azimuth coordinate φ.

Since any variation in the array element height does not affect the phase difference between

the reference element and element m. Therefore, we may consider only x and y offsets from the
reference element. Consider a transmitted narrowband signal in complex envelope representation

Where is the magnitude and is the phase of the signal. The vector containing
these signals is called the data or the illumination factor

[ ]

A complex quantity is defined as the ratio between the signal received at the
antenna element m and the signal received at the reference element when a plane wave is
incident on the array and it is given by

If a single plane wave is incident on the antenna array, then

The response of an antenna array to a traveling single plane wave coming at an angle φ is defined
as the steering vector

Figure 4.4: Illustration of the Coordinates of an Antenna Array [16]

[ ] [ ]

The collection of the steering vectors for all angles for a given frequency is known as the array
manifold. The array manifold must be carefully measured to calibrate the array for direction
finding experiments. For narrowband adaptive beam forming, each array element output is
multiplied by a complex weight wi∗ modifying the phase and amplitude relation between the
branches, and summed to give

[ ∗ ∗ ∗ ][ ]

The response of the array (uniform linear array of isotropic elements) with the weighting
network is called the array factor and it‟s defined as

[ ]

The weighting network in an antenna array can be fixed or varying. In an adaptive array, the
weights are adapted by minimizing certain criterion to maximize the signal-to-interference plus
noise ratio (SINR) at the output of the array.

4.3 Basics of DOA Estimation

Since most RF antennas amplifiers, mixers, filters and ADC technologies have reached a mature
state, accurate estimation of the angle of arrival of signals impinging an array of antennas
becomes the most important parameter regarding the performance of an adaptive array.
Assuming a linear and isotropic transmission medium, multiple impinging wave fronts can be
modeled as the superposition of these wave fronts impinging on the array. Signals received by
individual antenna elements, are down converted to base band signal then they are digitized and
fed into a digital signal processing (DSP) chip where the DOA estimation algorithm is executed.
Once DOA is estimated then forming beam towards the desired users PL using a beam forming
algorithm will be done.

A simple and widely adopted technique for DOA estimation is the MUltiple SIgnal
Classification (MUSIC) algorithm, which exploits the Eigen structure properties of the array
correlation matrix.

The method assumes that the noise at different antenna elements is uncorrelated. In general, the
incident signals can be correlated, although the MUSIC algorithm becomes ineffective when this
correlation becomes too high. When directions must be estimated, the space spanned
by the eigenvectors of Rxx can be partitioned in two orthogonal subspaces: the signal Subspace
Vs and the noise subspace Vn. The signal subspace is generated by the eigenvectors associated to
the largest eigenvalues of Rxx, while the noise subspace is spanned by the eigenvectors

associated to the smallest eigenvalues of Rxx. The DOAs are estimated by

evaluating the maxima of the MUSIC pseudo spectrum:

Where is usually redefined, in the DOA estimation terminology, as scanning vector. When
̃ has a local maximum, its denominator has a local minimum and so this method
estimates the direction of arrival by searching the most orthogonal scanning vectors to the
noise subspace.

4.4 Beam Forming

Beam forming is the method used to create the radiation pattern of the antenna arrays by adding
constructively the phase of the signals in the direction of desired targets and nulling the pattern
of undesired targets. In Beam forming, both the amplitude and phase of each antenna elements
are controlled. Combined amplitude and phase control can be used to adjust side lobe levels and
steer nulls better than can be achieved by phase control alone. Beam forming in a smart antenna
array makes use of a number of individual antennas and associated signal processors to create a
desired transmission radiation patter. The major benefits to using a smart, active antenna system
come from a reduction in overall system power, reduction in communication interference,
increase in system capacity and increase in power efficiency.

Beam forming techniques can be subdivided in two main groups: fixed beam forming and
adaptive beam forming. In the first case the interference is mitigated but not suppressed and the
system can be usually realized at a reasonable cost. Adaptive antennas, instead, require the
adoption of complex signal processing algorithms in order to steer the main lobe towards the
desired direction and to suppress the undesired sources. This second approach leads to optimal
performance, but is more expensive and needs considerable implementation efforts.

4.4.1 Switched Beam Forming

Switched beam antenna systems form multiple fixed beams with heightened sensitivity in
particular directions. These antenna systems detect signal strength, choose from one of several
predetermined, fixed beams and switch from one beam to another as the mobile moves
throughout the sector. Instead of shaping the directional antenna pattern with the metallic
properties and physical design of a single element, switched beam systems combine the outputs
of multiple antennas in such a way as to form finely directional beams with more spatial
selectivity than can be achieved with conventional, single-element approaches.

Fixed beam forming does not perform the amplitude weighting of the received signals and can be
realized adopting either an analog approach (e.g. switched beam, delay and sum) or a digital
approach (e.g. beam-space beam forming).

Beam-space is a fixed beam forming technique that adopts a digital approach. Rather than
directly weighting the signals incoming on the array elements, the antenna outputs can be first
processed in order to produce a set of orthogonal multiple beams

Assuming the use of N elements with inter element spacing p1, the generic component of the
array weight vector has the form:

Where the set of directions is selected according to:

Substituting the above two equations, one obtains a generic Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT)

The DFT outputs x = DFTN[x] correspond to N orthogonal directions that can be further
processed (selected and weighted in phase) to provide the final desired output.

𝑋 𝑖∗
𝑤 𝒚𝒊

𝑿𝟐 𝑤𝑁 𝑖∗
𝑤 𝒚𝒋
𝑤𝑁 𝑗∗

Figure 4.5: Beam-Space Beam Forming

4.4.2 Adaptive Beam Forming

Adaptive Beam forming is a technique in which array of antennas is used to achieve maximum
reception in a specified direction while forming nulls in the directions of the interfering signal.
The weights are computed and adaptively updated in real time based on signal samples. The
adaptive process permits narrower beams in look direction and reduced output in other
directions, which results in significant improvement in Signal to Interference Noise Ratio.

The core of smart antenna is the selection of smart algorithms in adaptive array. These
algorithms use different criterion to adapt the system for better performance and steer the beam
towards signal of Interest. An algorithm with less complexity, low computation costs, good
convergence rates usually preferred. There are three main criteria for adaptive beam former
design: maximal signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (MSINR), minimal mean-squared error
(MMSE), and minimal least-squares error (MLSE).

There are different techniques for different applications among this, Constant modulus algorithm
(CMA) kind of blind algorithms that does not require synchronization and least mean square
(LMS) kind of non-blind algorithms which require a training sequence of known symbols to train
the adaptive weights are presented for adaptive beam forming. These algorithms are embedded in
smart antenna which calculates optimum weight vector that minimizes the total received power
except the power coming from desired direction. The efficiency of CMA and LMS algorithms is
compared on the basis of gain versus angle and mean square error (MSE) for mobile
communication. Simulation results [11]-[13] reveal that both algorithms have high resolution for
beam formation. However CMA has good performance to minimize MSE as compared to LMS.
Therefore, CMA is found more efficient algorithm to implement in the mobile communication
environment to enhance service quality and capacity.

Consider a smart antenna system with Ne elements equally spaced (d) and user‟s signal arrives
from desired angle . Adaptive beam forming scheme that is CMA and LMS is used to control
weights adaptively to optimize signal to noise ratio (SNR) of the desired signal in look direction
. CMA is a kind of blind algorithm which doesn‟t require training signals for its guidance
therefore a lot of energy is conserved whereas LMS is a non-blind algorithm requires training
signals, known in advance by the receiver, to train the adaptive weights for convergence.

The array factor for elements (Ne) equally spaced (d) linear array is given by

Where is the inter element phase shift and is described as:

And is the desired direction of the beam

1. Constant Modulus Algorithm

CMA is a blind algorithm, based on the idea to reduce systems overhead and maintain
gain on the signal while minimizing the total output energy. As a result number of bits for
transmitting information is increased that leads to enhance capacity. This algorithm seeks for a
signal with a constant magnitude i.e. modulus within the received data vector and is only
applicable for modulation scheme which uses symbol of equal power includes phase and
frequency modulated signals. The received data vector consists of desired signal plus
interference and noise. Therefore, it can identify only one signal usually; this is the signal with
greatest power.

Consider a signal of magnitude within the received data vector X. The output of smart
antenna array is given by

The function with parameters p and q is given by [4].

|| | | | |

Putting the value of y in the above equation, then we have

‖ | | | |

To minimize the function for the development of CMA algorithm and setting =1,

p =1 and q =2, is calculated as:

‖ | | | |

‖ | |

Differentiate equation w.r.t. w; we get the performance cost function as

| |
∗ | |

The weight update equation for this case becomes

( )
| |

Where μ represents the rate of adaptation, controlled by the processing gain of the
antenna array. If a large value of μ is taken then convergence becomes faster but makes the array
system unstable/noisy. Conversely if a small value is taken then convergence becomes slow that
is also not desirable. Therefore, value of μ is taken in between that satisfy the following
conditions for good convergence and to avoid instability.

Where is the largest Eigen value of autocorrelation matrix of received data vector X

2. Least Mean Square Algorithm

LMS is non-blind algorithm which requires a training sequence of known symbols d (n), to train
the adaptive weights. It uses the estimate of the gradient vector from the available data. This
algorithm makes successive corrections to the weight vector in the direction of the negative of
the gradient vector which finally concludes to minimum MSE. This successive correction to the
weight vector is the point at which optimum value is obtained that relies on autocorrelation
matrix R and cross correlation matrix p of the filter [4].

[ ]

*( )+

Where is the filter output, is the input signal, is the error signal between filter

output and desired signal at step n. is the training sequence of known symbols (also
called a pilot signal), is required to train the adaptive weights. Enough training sequence of
known symbols must be available to ensure convergence but it is important to realize that
training signal represents wasted of resources in terms of energy and time. The weight w(n) is the
update function for the LMS algorithm, where μ is the rate of adaptation, controlled by the
processing gain of the antenna array. The convergence conditions imposed on step size μ is given

Where is the largest Eigen value of autocorrelation matrix R. The rate of adaptation (μ)
must select within bounded conditions as defined in (4.29) to ensure better convergence.

𝜉 is the performance cost function describing quadratic function of filter tap-weight vector w in
terms of MSE. R is the autocorrelation matrix of filter input and is given by

[ ]

And p is the cross correlation matrix between input and desired signal and is defined by

[ ]

Solving equation (4.28) for optimum solution, we have:

is the optimum value of the weight vector after successive corrections

4.5 Simulations and Results

1. CM Algorithm Simulation

An adaptive array is simulated in MATLAB using Constant Modulus Algorithm (CMA). The
simulation is done with a relatively low system noise, which is Gaussian noise with .
The interference signals are Gaussian white noise, zero mean with . The extra system noise
to all antennas is white noise with zero mean and . The received signals are MSK signals
with an oversampling of 4 and amplitude of 1 in the simulations. The signals of the interferers
arrive at an angle of –10 and –40 degrees. The signal to be received arrives at an angle of 10
degrees. Figure 4.6 shows the amplitude response of the adaptive array, where both interferers
are rejected. The advantage of the CM algorithm is the fact that it only needs the instantaneous
amplitude of the array output |y (n)| and therefore no synchronization is required. Due to this
property, the CM algorithm is relative simple to implement. Figure 4.7 shows Phase and
Magnitude of the Desired Signal (blue dash line) and CMA Output (solid red line) and the error
between the desired signal and array output (blue solid line).

Amplitude response of CMA, Desired Signal(DS): @10 degrees, Interferers(I and I ): @-10 and @-40 degrees
1 2
I I Amplitude response of CMA
1 2 DS
|Normalized Array Factor | (dB) 5






-80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80
"Position of User and Interferers in degree"

Figure 4.6: Amplitude Response after Beam Forming Using CMA

Desired signal @10 degree and Interferers @-10 and@ -40 degrees
Phase (rad)

0 phase(y)

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

2 |y|

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Error Output of CMA


0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200

Figure 4.7: CM Algorithm (Phase, Magnitude and Error of the Desired Signal and CMA Output)
for an Adaptive Array with 4 Antennas and 2 Interferers

2. LMS Algorithm Simulation

An adaptive array is simulated in MATLAB by using the LMS algorithm. When an array of 4
antennas is used with a separation of λ/2 (λ is wavelength), there is a maximum of 3 nulls that
can eliminate the interferer. The interference signals are Gaussian white noise, zero mean
with . The extra system noise to all antennas is white noise with zero mean and .
The minimum error is a result of the extra „system‟ noise that is added to all antennas. The
received signals are MSK signals with an oversampling of 4 and have amplitude of 1 in the
simulations. The signals of the interferers arrive at an angle of 0 and –40 degrees. The signal to
be received arrives at an angle of 25 degrees.

The true array output y (t) is converging to the desired signal d (t) as it can be seen in Fig 4.9.
The LMS algorithm require that the reference vector d (n) is synchronized with the array output
y (n). After 40 samples the signal is at its minimum due to the system noise. The LMS cannot
filter the system noise, as it is not correlated for all four antennas. The resulting array vector has
an amplitude response as shown in Figure 4.8. The interferers are cancelled by placing nulls in
the direction of the interferers. The received signal arrives at an angle of 25 degrees. Figure 4.9
shows Phase and Magnitude of the Desired Signal (blue dash line) and LMS Output (solid red
line) and the error between the desired signal and array output (blue solid line).

Amplitude response of LMS: Desired Signal(DS) @25 degree and Interferers(I and I ) @ 0 and -40 degrees
1 2
I I2 DS Amplitude response of LMS
|Normalized Array Factor |(dB)






-80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80
Position of User and Interferers in degree

Figure 4.8: Amplitude Response after Beam Forming using LMS Algorithm

Desired signal @25 degree and Interferers @ 0 and @ -40 degrees

Phase (rad)
0 phase(y)

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

2 |y|

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

Error Output of LMS



0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200

Figure 4.9: LMS Algorithm (Phase, Magnitude and Error of the desired signal and LMS output)
for an Adaptive Array with 4 Antennas and 2 Interferers

Error Output of LMS and CMA


|LMS Error|
|CMA Error|








0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

Figure 4.10 Error Output Comparison of LMS and CMA

Amplitude response of CMA & LMS, Desired Signal(DS), Interferers (I and I )
1 2
I1 (CMA & LMS) I2(CMA) DS(CMA) Amplitude response of CMA
5 Amplitude response of LMS
|Normalized Array Factor |(dB)






-80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80
Position of User and Interferers in degree

Figure 4.11 Amplitude Response Comparisons of LMS and CMA

3. Results and Discussions

There are different adaptive beam forming techniques for different applications among this,
Constant Modulus Algorithm (CMA) kind of blind algorithms that does not require
synchronization and Least Mean Square (LMS) kind of non-blind algorithms which require a
training sequence of known symbols to train the adaptive weights are presented and simulated in
this thesis work from the two different categories of adaptive beam forming techniques. These
two algorithms are selected for further analysis in view of the aim of this thesis work and
because of their better performance for mobile communication application than other adaptive
algorithms [11]-[13].

Simulation is carried out for both algorithms with 4 antenna array elements and 2 Gaussian
Interferers of zero mean with and extra system noise with zero mean and to all
antennas. The received signals are MSK signals with an oversampling of 4 and amplitude of 1.
The amplitude response after beam forming using CMA is simulated in Fig. 4.6 for a user
located at and Interferers located at and and in Fig. 4.8 the amplitude response
after beam forming using LMS is simulated for a user located at and Interferers located at

and , In the simulation the green line corresponds to the location of the desired Signal (DS)
and the red lines correspond to the interferers ( and ).

As can be seen from the simulation results in Fig. 4.6 and Fig 4.8, both algorithms can produce
and steer strong main beam in the direction of the desired signal and place nulls to the directions
of undesired interferers, considerably improve the SINR, that leads to optimum system

However, it is ascertained from the simulation results as it can be seen in Fig. 4.10 and Fig.4.11
that LMS has better response towards the interference and it has faster convergence rate but this
increase in convergence rate is obtained at the cost of increased computational complexity while
the performance of CMA is better in forming much stronger main beam in the direction of the
intended user, it also has less computational complexity while it maintain significant interference
rejection capability. The performance of CMA is better to minimize MSE for different number of
elements using performance cost function of the algorithm that minimized the average power in
the error signal as compared to LMS algorithm which shows some deficiency to minimize MSE
taking same number of iteration and elements.

Therefore, Constant Modulus Algorithm (CMA) which has the following features is a better
option to implement at the base station of mobile communication systems: form a better radiation
pattern, can reduce system overhead as it doesn‟t require pilot signal, less computational
complexity which implies less cost and ease of implementation, avoid interference and optimize

Chapter 5: Business Case Analysis of Conventional Antennas and
Smart Antenna Based Base Stations

5.1 Introduction

3G networks and services are launched all over the world. The basic investments on equipment
have already been done according to preliminary traffic forecasts. However, if the mobile data
traffic acquires “internet-like” proportions, network capacity shortage will become a reality in
densely populated areas, such as city centers and business parks. In that case smart antennas may
be the solution. Based on this assumption the financial aspects of the deployment of smart
antenna systems in the 3G UMTS networks have been evaluated.

Furthermore, enabling new and better services in a cost effective manner is a main goal for
mobile operators. In order to achieve this goal by the introduction of 3G technologies, e.g.
UMTS the posed problems such as network capacity shortage must be solved by the operators.
Adding more base station sites is not the most efficient means of solving the capacity shortage,
coverage and QoS (Quality of Service) problems. Traditional cell splitting with more sites could
also reduce the throughput per site due to complex management of co-channel interference.
Smart antenna systems (SAS) may be the answer as the primary advantages of using smart
antennas in wireless networks is to increase the number of voice calls and the amount of data
throughput, to avoid interference and to ease network management.

5.2 Range-Coverage Extension

The coverage area is simply the area in which communication between a mobile and the base
station is possible. Range extension is a means of increasing coverage area. Smart antennas
employ collection of individual elements in the form of an array, so, they give rise to narrow
beam with increased gain when compared to conventional antennas using the same power. The
array gain is the average increase in signal power at the receiver due to a combination of the

signals received at all antenna elements. The gain provided by adaptive antenna array is proved
to provide an extension in a communication range that depends on the number of array elements.
The goal of smart antenna is to receive in the uplink as much power as possible from the desired
mobile station. In the downlink as much power as possible has to be transmitted into the
direction of the desired mobile station.

During using smart (adaptive) antenna array of M elements the signal amplitude increases (M)
times because the desired signal received at each antenna element is phase-shifted due to weight
coefficient, and then the signal components from each element are positively combined.
The gain provided by smart antennas can extend the range of a cell to cover a larger area and
more users than would be possible with sector antennas. The interference-rejection capability of
the smart antenna system provides significantly more coverage than sectorized antennas as it can
direct its beam in the direction of the user of interest.

Power Exponent Radio Wave Propagation Model

In planning cell coverage area the goal is to estimate the electric field strength of the transmitted
signal at the receiver end (perimeter of coverage area). Friis transmission equation relates the
power received to the power transmitted between two antennas separated by distance large
enough for each antenna to be in the far field region of the other. This equation is given as,

The power exponent model is also used to predict the power transfer between a transmitter and a
receiver in different environments.
The received power ( ) at distance (d) from the transmitting antenna can be expressed with
respect to the power measured at a certain standard reference distance (do), i.e. the reference

( )

The signal loss ( ) at distance (d) from the transmitting antenna can be expressed as [6]:

( )

Power exponent model is used to derive the approximate relationship of coverage area to antenna
gain (G). The array gain (G) is the average increase in signal power at the receiver due to
combination of the signals received at all antenna elements. It is proportional to the number of
antennas. For an array of M antenna elements, the resultant beam gain is:

If for a single antenna the highest permissible attenuation level (path losses) is achieved at the
distance ( ) from the base station, then after application of smart (adaptive) antenna array the

same attenuation is achieved at the distance ( ), where

From the logarithm definition and assuming that the value of is equal to 4 for urban
environment, it can be written as [6]:

( )

The additional gain results in extending the range (area) of the cell.

( )

( )

( ) (√ )

Range extension is suited to rural areas, where the user density is low and it is desirable to cover
as much area with as few base stations as possible. As it can be seen in Fig. 5.1 the mobile
communication range and coverage increases as the number of antenna elements increase.

Number of Antenna Elements & Range - Coverage Extension

Range -Coverage Extension

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 M
Range Extension 1.1 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.6 1.6 1.7 1.7 1.8 1.8 1.9 1.9 1.9 2.0
Coverage Area Extension 1.4 1.7 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.1 3.3 3.4 3.6 3.7 3.8 4.0

Figure 5.1: Range-Coverage Extension Factor against the Number of Smart Antenna Elements

5.3 Base Station Reduction

The additional coverage of a base station means that an operator can achieve a substantial
reduction in infrastructure costs, due to the reduction in required base stations. Assuming that the
base stations are distributed uniformly in a considered area (A), then to increase the cell radius
from ( ) (the area of a single cell is ( )) to ( ) (the cell area is now ( ), the necessary base
stations decrease according to the reduction factor (g) which is given by [6]:

Since smart antenna is more directive than sector antennas, it can provide an additional gain so
it can extend the range of a cell to cover an area that is larger by ( √ ) than would be possible
with sector antennas. Using smart antenna arrays reduces the number of base station required for
a mobile system by amount of( ⁄√ ). Using antenna arrays with M elements, for mobile
communication systems will help in producing better quality beam patterns in terms of
directivity and coverage. As it can be seen in Fig.5.2 the required number of base stations
decreases as the number of antenna elements increase.

Base Station Reduction Factor

Base Station Reduction Factor

0.30 Base Station
Reduction Factor
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
No. of Antenna Elements

Figure 5.2. Number of Array Elements vs. Base Station Reduction Factor

5.4 Capacity Increase

The capacity of wireless communication system is a measure of users in a given area a system
can support. Recently the need for providing high quality wireless access and the great demand
on high speed wireless links has increased dramatically. Smart Antenna can enhance capacity of
a wireless link through a combination of diversity gain, array gain and interference suppression.
Increased capacity translates to high data rates for a given number of users or more users for a
given data rate per users.

In general increasing capacity can be achieved by interference reduction by using narrow

directional beam towards mobile phone this will reduce cochannel interference, another strategy
is based on forming nulls in receiving antenna pattern in the interfering direction.

5.1.1 Uplink Capacity

As a basis for the analysis of the effect of uplink capacity, the following formula for the received
bit energy per power spectral density of the thermal noise plus interference is given by:



Using equation the capacity of the cell can be expresses as [6]:

Where is the pole capacity defined by:

Where is the required note that the pole capacity is proportional to the number of
antennas. The pole capacity is the theoretical maximum capacity if the mobiles have infinite
transmits power available, i.e. the capacity in the limit where coverage is no longer a concern
and interference alone limits capacity. The required received signal energy per antenna may be
expressed as [6]:

Assuming that the user terminals have a limited power, and assuming path loss with a path

loss exponent of , the cell radius, can be expressed as:

Where is a constant. Given the area A, of the cell is proportional to the cell radius squared and
using equations (5.23) and (5.24) the next equation can be derived:

Where k is a constant. If is approximated as being proportional to M and assuming a
nominal pole capacity of 1 when M=1 and absorbing the constant k into a normalized coverage
area, equation (5.26) can be written as:

The uplink normalized capacity, N can be expressed as a function of the normalized coverage
area, the number of antennas at the BS, and the path loss exponent:

With constant fractional loading and with the assumption that the pole capacity is proportional to
the number of antennas:

Constant load capacity gain = M

5.1.2 Downlink Capacity

It is assumed that average SINR for the user terminal can be expresses as [6]:


The average delivered power to the user terminal can further modeled as:

The total available BS power is divided among the N users and the M antennas, multiplied it
with the coherent power combining gain which is potentially and multiplied it with the path
loss factor , being the cell radius and being the path loss exponent. The constant is for
normalization. The average path loss for the interference, , which we can model as:


Using the above equation the following observations can be made:

If the number of BS antennas increased by a factor of M, keep the total BS power constant, and
keep the cell radius constant, then the number of users can be increased by a factor of M. (By
assuming perfect downlink beam-forming. In reality the factor of M is somewhat reduced due to
imperfect downlink beam-forming.) When the number of user per BS is increased the radius of
the cells can‟t increase. That would lower the S/I ratio at the user terminals.

However, if the number of BS antennas increased by a factor of M, keep the total BS power
constant, and keep the number of users constant, then the cell radius can be increased by at least

a factor of . If the number of antennas increased by a factor of M and increase the total power
of the BS by a factor of M (i.e. keep the same power amplifiers), then it can simultaneously
increase the number of users by a factor of M and increase the radius of the cells by a factor of

5.5 Cost Analysis

The cost of network directly depends on coverage and capacity requirements. Large coverage
area requires more base stations and network elements which influences the network cost,
moreover it depends on the environment type as well, denser area requires more stations as well
which increases the cost of network. Another factor that affects the network cost is the traffic
demand requirements. Higher traffic demand requires more capacity from network which raises
the network cost as well. As a consequence, network cost depends on network dimensioning
results. The network cost also dependent on the type of technology. The network cost is different
for the different technology in this thesis the UMTS case is considered.

In general the Radio Access Network (RAN) dimensioning starts with link budget calculation,
which provides the maximum allowed path loss thereby the maximum cell range is estimated
depending on the propagation environment characteristics. Further the cell capacity is estimated
taking into account the peak traffic and the loading factor which is also output of the capacity
estimation process and is computed iteratively. Finally, the equipment requirements in terms of
BS and RNC are derived.

The 3G network of Ethiotelecom is deployed with three-sectored sites only, each sector covering
a hexagonal-shaped cell. The cell range is set to 0.34Km average cell radius in dense urban
environments in the initial phase of the UMTS network deployment. It is further assumed that
traffic density will be uniformly distributed over the coverage area, which is 70.45 , which is
the area covered by the UMTS sites in dense urban environment in Addis Ababa. The number of
Node-Bs is then calculated in order to jointly satisfy the coverage profile and the traffic profile.

Based on the combination of the coverage and capacity scale estimation result, the number of
sites is as follow: from the coverage point of view, the number of base station required is 705,
but from the capacity point of view, the number of base station required is 692. So, to meet ET‟s
coverage, capacity and quality requirements, the final number of UMTS BS is 725 including 3
Indoor Base Stations (IBS) for indoor coverage in Addis Ababa.

The 3G network coverage and capacity for the three different Morphology scenarios in Addis
Ababa is as follow: Dense Urban Area (70.45 ) continuous coverage with 541,632 users,
Urban Area (170.36 ) continuous coverage with 604,800 users and Sub Urban Area (539.12
) continuous coverage with 356,160 users using 725 UMTS BS. Accordingly with a
simplified cost model the capital expenditures (CAPEX) and operational expenditures (OPEX)
for 3G network in Addis Ababa is presented hereunder.
Equipment Costs

Equipment Cost (USD) Capacity(Mbps)

UMTS RNC 1,500,000 2150

UMTS Macro Node-B, one sector 10000 14.4

UMTS Macro Node-B, additional sector 9000 14.4

UMTS Macro Node-B, additional carrier 9000 14.4

Installation & Build Out Costs


UMTS Macro Node-B site installation 4000

UMTS Macro Node-B site build out 6000

Running Costs
Cost (USD) Capacity Variable Annual Costs
Site lease, UMTS Node-B Macro 1500 U111 2000
Leased Line, E1 400 2 Mbps 500
Leased Line, E3 1000 45 Mbps 1500
Table 5.1 Equipment Costs, Installation & Build out Costs and Running Costs of a single UMTS


The focus has been on the potential cost saving in terms of Capital Expenditure (CAPEX) and
Operational Expenditure (OPEX) that potentially could be achieved by the deployment of smart
antenna systems in the medium size UMTS network i.e. dense urban network. Despite the
technological supremacy of one solution compared to the other, the cost aspect will be the
driving force when it comes to the business implementation.

CAPEX and OPEX as function of both the smart antenna system capacity gain and the cost
increase of smart antenna equipment relative to conventional antennas cost for baseline traffic
profiles (Co) in Table 5.2 and ten times Co for a smart antenna capacity increase of 2.5 [16]
have been evaluated. The base line traffic profile (Co) is what has been assumed in the model
with the peak traffic demand per user corresponding to the UMTS Forum forecast and the values
are extracted from various sources including equipment vendors (Huawei and ZTE), reviewed
literature, marketing reports and network operator report (Ethiotelecom).

Traffic Forecast
Worst Case Busy Hour Uplink Downlink
Average per subscriber 198.4 Kbytes 454.9 Kbytes
Business subscribers 361.4 Kbytes 808.7 Kbytes
Consumer subscribers 106.4 Kbytes 255.1 Kbytes
Table 5.2 Traffic Forecast

SAS should be deployed mainly in areas with high concentration of users that is highly dense
Urban Areas or Business Parks where users are expected to generate a large amount of data

10Co Traffic Scenario

Smart Antenna Systems Capacity Increase by factor 2.5
Node B Cost Increase 100% 60% 0%
CAPEX saving 10% 24% 45%
OPEX saving 13% 22% 34%

As can be seen if the Smart Antenna System (SAS) equipment cost would be the same as CAS
system the overall relative cost saving will be as high as 40% on the other hand if the SAS cost is
doubled (100% cost increase) there will be still a cost saving of around 10%, which may be a
considerable amount of financial resources, that could be used in other profitable investments
related to the UMTS services.

The other consideration is internal cost distribution over the systems‟ life span, for a system
equipped with smart antennas that is 1.8 times more expensive than the system with conventional
sector antennas. It was obtained that in the case of Conventional sector Antenna Systems (CAS)
the initial investment will provide capacity through coverage so the systems are over
dimensioned with only one carrier deployed. However, already after five years in order to meet
the increasing traffic demand new investment must be done, which are reached by adding new
carriers. This would apparently solve the problem but in practice new ones will be added since
additional carriers may introduce further interference and cause coverage and capacity shortages.
Further, more RNCs must be deployed in order to take care of the increasing data traffic.

After some years from the start no more spectrum will be available so new sites must be
deployed and with that extra costs expected. The need of new sites will also impact negatively
the overall interference scenario and the overall planning will become a hard task. Additional
carriers must be added as well as new sites must be acquired again worsening the whole
situation. The OPEX will also increase since new sites must be acquired. The costs for leased
lines remain almost unchanged and are subject only to discount rates. In other hand, for smart
antennas the CAPEX was concentrated to the initial investment. The costs due to RNC are the
same as in the CAS case since the same traffic scenario has been assumed. However, after some
years new investments must be done since the traffic demand is not fulfilled, and a new carrier
must be deployed. However, no more sites are acquired in this case and both CAPEX and OPEX
costs due to build outs are avoided.


80% Node B 1st Sector

53% 50% Node B 2nd & 3rd Sector


Radio Network Controller
40% Additional Carriers

20% Node B installation

-2% -3% 0% New Sites



Maintenance Expenditures

0% Node B Site Lease
Leased Lines

Fig.5.3: CAPEX and OPEX Reduction Obtained By the Deployment of Smart Antenna Systems
Relative to Conventional Antenna Systems

A discounted cash flow model is used in the cost analysis where investment and operation costs
of Table 5.1 are considered using the traffic profile of Table 5.2 and a smart antenna system
capacity gain of 2.5. The following assumption are considered: the mobile penetration is
assumed to increase every year with a saturation level at about 90% of the population, the
population is assumed to increase with 0.35% each year and it is also assumed that 21% of all the
inhabitants populate the urban environments, and a traffic rate increase of 6 % yearly for a period
of five years.

Using the above cost model and assumptions for the same traffic scenario in both cases i.e. case
of Conventional sector Antenna Systems (CAS) and Smart Antenna System (SAS) the following
estimated result is drawn, as it can be seen in the Fig.5.3 the equipment cost is higher for the
SAS deployment compared to CAS. The maintenance expenditure is also higher (33%) for that
system since it is directly proportional to the equipment costs. The cost due to RNC is the same
(0%) since the same traffic demand must be met in both deployment scenarios. So the main cost
savings come through the fewer site acquisitions, which will impact on the build out costs (no
new sites are needed so a 100% of costs of new sites are saved), Node B installation costs (50%),
leased lines (25%) and site lease (42%). It is clear that the cost saving in terms of CAPEX and
OPEX is directly proportional to the average year traffic and the system capacity gain provided
by a smart antenna technology though it is inversely proportional to the equipment cost increase.

In order to find such “simple” relationship CAPEX and OPEX calculation were repeated for
different equipment cost increase for ten traffic profiles, which are multiples of the basic traffic
profile Co and different smart antenna system capacity gains. It displays the cost savings in
percent as function of the average traffic demand taken over the period of interest divided by the
cost factor of the smart antenna equipment. Results for two different systems are provided; the
one improves the capacity performance of NBs by a factor 2.5, which could be achieved by an
array of switched beams in urban environments and the second by a factor 5 that could be
obtained with more sophisticated smart antenna system [16]. The cost saving is calculated
relative to the same traffic scenario for different values of the equipment cost increase.

Let us denote the minimum cost saving by and a fitting equation could be expressed as follows

( ( ) )

The constants and in equation depend on the capacity gain provided by the smart
antenna system. The average traffic demand ( taken over the period of interest divided by
the cost factor of the smart antenna equipment . The positive means that there is a
decrease of capital and operational expenditures; on the other hand negative indicates

additional expenditure costs. Now let us say there is a target cost investment saving (and related
operational) of 10% and then solving equation and obtain:

Substituting the numerical values and obtain that in order to achieve the 10% saving target, the
maximum cost factor for the same traffic demand may be higher for the system providing higher
capacity gain, which was expected as illustrated by equations below,

For instance if the average traffic demand equals 5Mbps/ then in order to achieve a 10%
CAPEX plus OPEX reduction the smart antenna equipment cost should not exceed the 66%
increase for the system providing 5 times the capacity of CAS and should not exceed 33% if it
provides a factor 2.5 capacity gain. Conversely, if the equipment cost is known the minimum
average traffic demand required in order to meet the cost target may be estimated. It is also clear
that for the same “average traffic-to-cost” ratio doubling the system capacity gain from 2.5 to 5
may provide additional 10 % in CAPEX plus OPEX reduction.


Cost Saving,[%]

y1=ln(0.57 ln(x)+0.48)
y2=ln(0.57 ln(x)+0.35)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
(Average Traffic)/(Node B Cost Increase),[Mbps/km /%]

Fig.5.4: Cost Saving in Percent as Function of the Average Traffic Load Divided by the Relative
BS Cost Increase
Therefore, a more efficient and flexible network infrastructure could be built with the help of
smart antennas, though with the condition that sufficient amount of data traffic is generated by
the UMTS users. Therefore sufficient network capacity must be available through higher
capacity gain. However this capacity is most likely to be needed only in highly dense urban
environments but even more in technical parks and business centers where large amount of
business users have their work place. Hence, the deployment of smart antenna systems for the
3G UMTS networks in dense urban environments has a potential CAPEX and OPEX savings
provided by such a system compared to more conventional antenna systems. It shows that a cost
savings of the order of 10% to 25% are feasible if the cost increase of the smart antenna
equipment is of the order of 100% to 50% of the conventional antennas equipment costs,

Chapter 6: Conclusion and Recommendation for Future Work

6.1 Conclusion
The performance of 3G network of Ethiotelecom in Addis Ababa has been evaluated and the
major challenges which incur the overall performance degradation is investigated and identified
in the first section of this thesis work. Though Ethiotelecom has recently deployed a telecom
expansion project throughout Addis Ababa, the recent result of drive test and network
performance analysis result shows that the current radio network has encountered major
technical performance problems regarding coverage, capacity and overall quality of service due
to the following major reasons: Poor RSCP, Current sites distribution do not match with the real
traffic distribution, Poor CSSR and mobility performance drop in which most of the problems
encountered in dense urban areas of Addis Ababa.

A Smart antenna based Base Station which can enhance network performance, is proposed as an
alternative solution, in which its performance is evaluated through adaptive array type using
CMA and LMS algorithms which are a blind and non-blind algorithm types respectively that
shows strong narrow beam of smart antenna can be steered towards the desired direction and
capable of placing nulls towards the interferer, CMA is found more efficient algorithm as
compared to LMS and it is a better option to implement at base station of mobile communication
systems to suppress the undesired sources and leads to optimal performance.

The financial aspects of the deployment of smart antenna systems in the 3G UMTS networks
have been evaluated in the last section of this thesis work and it is shown that the smart antenna
gain compared to a single element antenna can be increased by an amount equal to the number of
array elements. Because smart antenna is more directive than sector antennas, it can provide an
additional gain, so it can extend the range of a cell to cover an area that is larger by ( √ ) and
reduces the number of base station required for a mobile system by amount of( ⁄√ ) than
would be possible with sector antennas accordingly in rural and sparsely populated areas the base
stations can be placed further apart, potentially leading to a more cost-efficient deployment and it
is shown that for M number of antenna arrays the number of users can be increased by a factor of

The deployment of smart antenna systems for the 3G UMTS networks in areas with high
concentration of users, that is dense Urban Areas or Business Parks where users are expected to
generate a large amount of data traffic a potential CAPEX and OPEX savings is provided by
such system compared to more conventional antenna systems. It shows that a cost savings of the
order of 10% to 25% are feasible if the cost increase of the smart antenna equipment is of the
order of 100% to 50% of the conventional antennas equipment costs, respectively. Accordingly a
more efficient and flexible network infrastructure could be built with the help of smart antennas,
though with the condition that sufficient amount of data traffic is generated by the UMTS users
in dense urban areas.

6.2 Recommendation for Future Work

In this thesis work the performance of the conventional antennas and smart antenna systems is
investigated and a cost analysis is done as well for 3G network deployment scenario. While there
are still some issues that require further research for further improvement. Accordingly here are
list of recommendations to the possible extensions of the works of this thesis research:

 A network planning concept with SA is not considered in this thesis work thus the work
can be extended further by developing a site specific network planning tool.
 To allow those advantages of SA and achieve the benefits more rapidly this thesis work
can be further extended for the possibility of using the existing organizational structures
of mobile radio network.
 In this thesis work a beam forming processing approach is addressed while Considerable
improvements in the radio network performance with SA may be achieved by combining
different spatial-domain processing techniques like beam-forming, spatial diversity,
Sectorization with temporal-domain processing, and other diversity techniques. This
thesis can be further extended in investigating the Correct and feasible combination
which can provide more improvements in system performance than implementation of
very complex and sophisticated SA algorithms.
 One can extend this thesis work, for the possibility of smart antenna at handheld system
for further performance enhancement of cellular systems.


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