Cable Car Parer

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Cable Car Mass Transportation: A new alternative of mass

transportation system


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1Ad-hoc Assistant Professor 2,3,4,5 Student

of 2nd Year
Department of Civil Engineering Department of Civil Engineering
Email ID:

Abstract: Rapid Urbanisation is one of the challenges that face by top of the countries.
According to Census 2011, level of urbanisation increases from 27.81% in 2001 Census to
31.16% in 2011. Rapid Urbanisation creates a lot of problems such as slum, traffic
increment of vehicle pollution, accident, etc. government tends to solve problem of traffic
by mass transportation like BRTS, Metro Rail by providing Flyover, bridge, etc. Paper
seeks to interpret on better solution against the traffic congestion and to encourage mass
transportation with less population. we are inventing a new innovative, alternative Urban
transport system for human betterment as a traffic solution which is pollution free self-
transportation economical negligible fuel consumption etc. a mechanical non-linear
overhead system above the city roads is Curvo ropeway concept.

Keyword: Curvo, Transportation and Urbanization.


1.1. General information

The process of society’s transformation from a predominantly rural to a predominantly urban

population is defined as Urbanisation. It includes two things an increase in the number of peoples
living in Urban settlement and an increase in percentage of the population engaged in non-
agriculture activities, living in such place.
Due to Urbanisation there is an increase in the population in areas, cities, states, country.
Surat has a population of 4.6 million at the 2011 census, making the second largest cities in the
th th
state of Gujarat, after Ahmadabad. It is the 8 largest city and 9 largest metropolitan area of
India. Area of the Surat is 326.515 km².
Surat is divided into 7 zones in that Rajmarg comes under the Central zone. Area of the Central
zone is 80.18 km² and according to Census 2011 the population in the central zone is 408760
density of central zone is 49971 km².
Transportation in Surat helps the residents to travel all the parts of the city. This city in the recent
years has developed to become an important centre in Gujarat. Thus communication system has
also developed along the infrastructure of the city. The commuter access different modes of
transportation available in the city.
Due to the increasing in population there is also increasing the vehicles. According to RTO Surat
the vehicles registered in the year 2011 and 2012 are about 1263998, while the numbers of
vehicle increase in the year 2016 is above 2500000 approximately.
In developing countries like Rapid Urbanisation, Industrialisation coupled with rapid population
growth as lead to explosion in the number of vehicles in recent year. At the same time over roads
infrastructure and over traffic management system as not being designed to cope with such a
heavy vehicular load, leading to heavy traffic congestion at busy signal points in big cities as
Efficient traffic control is becoming an urgent necessity that affects vehicle owner’s stress, vehicle
energy consumption, and vehicle pollution due to unnecessary vehicle idling and travel time.
The city does not have sufficient parking space dedicated for auto-rickshaws. This leads to the
parking of auto rickshaw on the road side which causes congestion.
Traffic congestion increases vehicle emissions and degrades ambient air quality.

1.2 Problems due to present urban transportation system

Day by day with increasing induction of auto vehicles on roads particularly when widening of
roads is not possible in the city. Vehicular transport is the major contributor to air pollution.
Pollution leads to human ailments. Congestion causes loss of time and human productivity.
Accidents claims human life. Increasing rate of road damages and repair thereof.
Bridge construction is not possible on dense roads.Fuel consumption in dense areas.

1.3 Solution

There for to overcome the above problems, there is a second tier Urban transportation system.
that is , A mechanical non-linear overhead system above the city roads therefore it is really the
need of arc for past few years refining aerial commutation technology with relentless RND work
has brought into being curvo ropeway concept.


2.1 Curvo

It is a mechanical non-linear overhead moving system above the city roads.

Fig.1 Curvo Ropeway

Curvo Ropeway is a continuous overhead moving system between two terminals. It can take
bends without detachment. This is the world first ropeway engineering that can negotiate bends
over serpentine urban routes on existing roads at a line speed.

2.2 Description of Curvo

Curvo ropeway will be an elevated and aerial mode of urban transport. Curvo ropeway is for
urban commutation only not for the highways.Curvo Ropeway system with unique nonlinear
feature has vertical Grip Structures, unlike others, and equipped with horizontal actuating device
for Locking and Unlocking of the said Grips. Curvo system is similar to conventional detachable
Monocable Ropeway, other than its unique CURVO feature.
Fig.2 Curvo Grip

The curvo ropeway system has the cabin capacity around 8-10 seats.Cabins aesthetically
designed and spaced at 22-25 seconds interval, cruise by overheard, a pleasing sight to the
beholding public at large in comparison to vehicular congestion below. In this system portal
frames are installed at a spaced of 90-100 meters. This portal frames occupies 2 m² land space
on the kerb. It will need nominal ground space for stations and rope supporting portal frames.
This system can able to transport 2000 pph in one direction in congested road (narrow
roads),while in the wider roads it can transport 4000 pph in each direction. If this system is
implemented on all the congested routes of the city that is about in 200km then it can able to
commute 1,00,000 passengers per hour. This is equivalent to 2000 bus loads, in a city on a
multiple road routes.

2.2 Speed of the Cable Car

The line speed of the curvo system is assumed to be 4m/s, which is equivalent to 14.5 km/hr.
while with a very slow speed over loading/unloading areas at the station, its average travel speed
would be around 3.5m/s or 12.6km/hr on the Curvo system. Thereby cutting down on commuting

2.3 Power Consumption

Curvo system operates on electricity. If the Curvo ropeway system is installed for 1km then the
power consumption would be around 35kw.If this system is installed on the Rajmarg of the city
Surat which is 3km, then the power consumption would be around 105kw with a full operating
2.4 Operation of the System
Operation of the CURVO system, section wise, would be from the drive station control room,
CCTV facility will be there, at each station to monitor smooth operation of the system, and Drive
station to have monitors for all the station, und5er its control. The operational section will be
interlocked so that, in the event of any unlikely stoppage, the adjoining section would also stop,
and then start, simultaneously.
2.5 Intermediate Station

Fig.3 Intermediate Station

In this curvo system intermediate station is provided at an interval of 750 KM for ascend and
descend of the passenger. The structure of the intermediate station is like a foot over bridge.
Which consist of elevator, spiral stair case, briar gate etc.

2.5 Terminal Station

Fig. 4 Terminal Station

Terminal station of the curvo system will be equipped with a drive at one end and a tensioning
device by hydraulic means at the other end. The drive and tension station will be equipped with
necessary provision for the ascend and descend too, an elevating of the commuters to the station
platform areas, as in case of intermediate stations.

2.7 Advantages

CURVO Ropeway will be faster for transportation on congested urban road.

Less expensive as its running cost of electricity is lesser than that of oil for vehicles or electricity
for city metro rails.
Causes list pollution that is harmful to living beings.
As there is no possibility of accidents, there is no scope of loss or damage to human lives.
Excessive investments in implementation are not required like metro or underground rail.


Study area is located on Rajmarg of the city Surat which the rout from Chowk to railway station.
The Rajmarg is the area from Chowk to Station. It is the densest area of the city. In this area daily
traffic congestion occurs. It is a challenge to solve traffic congestion in this route from Chowk to
station. we are proposing this cable car (i.e. Curvo ropeway system) which can take bends at any
angle of the road route.

As discussed earlier in paper Urbanization creates lots of problems, in its traffic congestion are
one of the most critical problem faces by Government nowadays, Government seeks to
understand the scenario of traffic and vehicle and lot of solution are towards the congestion.
Curvo system has the potential of opening of new chapter for safe and comfortable urban aerial
commutation. Curvo is system for the alternative solution of mass transportation will lead to result
in less occupied area in road and numbers of passenger can be transfer safely as well as
economically. Curvo is specially used where the dimension of road are very narrow at where
traffic are major problem as well as it is pollution less transits system. It has a lot of benefit like
less fuel consumption, less probability of accident. It will lead to encourage the mass
transportation system.

5.0 Reference

Chakravarty, S. (2014). Curvo ropeway for urban commutation. Kolkata: Conveyor and Ropeway
services private limited .
Conveyor and ropeway service private limited . (n.d.). Retrieved from
INDIA, G. O. (2016). Census of India 2011. Retrieved from

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