Domino Pizza Order Booking System

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Domino Pizza Order

Booking System

SRS Document
by :- Ganguly Kumar 11814640
Section:- K18GT
Preface ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Introduction to Client Organization --------------------------------------------------------
1. Feasibility Analysis ------------------------------------------------------------------
1.1. Technical Feasibility
1.2. Hardware and Software Requirements
1.3. Operational Feasibility
Screen Shots of Domino Pizza Order Booking System -------------------------------
• Login Page --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
• Admin Main Screen ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Agent Main Screen ---------------------------------------------------------------------- •
Add Complaint Screen ------------------------------------------------------------------
2. Software Requirements Specifications (SRS) ---------------------------------
2.1. Business Requirements ---------------------------------------------------------------
2.1.1. Background
2.1.2. Business Opportunity and Customer / Market Needs
2.1.3. Business Objectives and Success Criteria
2.2. Vision of the solution ------------------------------------------------------------------
2.2.1. Vision Statement
2.2.2. Major Features
2.2.3. Assumptions, Constraints and Dependencies
2.3. Scope and Limitations -----------------------------------------------------------------
2.3.1. Scope
2.3.2. Limitations and Exclusions
2.4. Data Flow Diagram (DFD) ------------------------------------------------------------
2.5. Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) ------------------------------------------------
2.6. Tables ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2.7. User Classes and Characteristics ----------------------------------------------------
2.8. Operating Environment --------------------------------------------------------------
2.9. Use Cases --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2.6.1. Outlet User -----------------------------------------------------------------------
2.6.2. Admin -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2.6.3. Agent ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2.10. Functional Requirements -----------------------------------------------------------
2.10.1. User Module
2.10.2. Agent Module
2.10.3. Admin Module
2.11. Non-Functional Requirements ----------------------------------------------------
2.11.1. Performance Requirements
2.11.2. Security and Control Requirements
2.11.3. Software Quality Attributes
3. Process Model ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3.1. Process Model Selection
4. Risk Management -------------------------------------------------------------------------
4.1. Risk Identification ---------------------------------------------------------------------
4.2. RMMM Table ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
5. Testing ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5.1. The Test Plan
5.2. Test Cases
6. Tools and Technology -------------------------------------------------------------------
7. Screen Shots of Reports -----------------------------------------------------------------
7.1. Order Reports ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
7.2. Complaint Reports ---------------------------------------------------------------------
7.3. Outlet User Order Reports ------------------------------------------------------------
8. Summary -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

This document attempts to provide a unified detail of a final project of Domino Pizza
Order Booking System. The organization of this document reflects an attempt to
break this system into comprehensible parts and to build, piece by piece, and
technical details of the whole system. The document emphasizes technically & user
manually to provide a brief description of the online system.

Plan of The Text…………..………………………………………………….

The document is divided into six parts:

• Feasibility Analysis & Design
• Software Requirements Specification (SRS)
• Process Model Selection
• Risk Management
• Testing
• Reporting

In addition, the document includes some other information about the Tools &
Technology, Future Advancements, Summary and References about the project.


1.1 Technical Feasibility

Currently Domino Pakistan is running their online system on Dotnet
frame work 2.0 with classical ASP with P4 range PCs.
They want to upgrade this system on Dotnet frame work 3.5 and
Dynamic ASP.Net based website compatible with same PCs or above.

1.2 Hardware and Software Requirements

• Intel Pentium 4 PC or above

• Windows XP (SP2 or above)

• Microsoft Visual Studio 2008
• SQL Server 2005

1.3 Operational Feasibility

Current system of Domino Pakistan is less secure & based on Classical
ASP. The current system is less efficient and does not handle the burden of orders
from various outlets at a time & most of the time the system goes down. So they
decided to replace it with new Microsoft based platform & more secured & efficient

Login Page

Admin Home
Agent Home

ADD Complaints

2.1. Business Requirements

2.1.1 Background
Domino Pizza International was founded in 1960s. Currently, Each day, more
than 1 million customers enjoy hot, delicious Domino’s Pizza products on every
inhabited continent on Earth. Around the world, Domino’s Pizza is dedicated to a
single-minded focus of providing great-tasting pizza delivered directly to customer’s
On September 12th 2004 Pakistan’s first Domino’s Pizza Store opened in
Karachi. Domino Pakistan is looking for an online order booking system for its
Outlets Nationwide for delivering the Pizza orders to customers door step.

2.1.2 Business Opportunity and Customer / Market Needs

The reason of re-designing Order booking system is to connect all outlets of
Domino Pakistan with a same System. So that, the administration of the Domino can
view total sale/orders record of any outlet at any time.
The purpose of this online order booking system is:
i) Agent enters an order in the system via just a phone call from
ii) Orders are handover to the nearest outlets users. iii) The system will
auto generate the invoice slip according to order.
iv) An agent can view the orders of outlet
v) Outlet User manages the orders status as delivered or in process.
vi) Admin can view the sales record of each & every outlet & can add more agents
to the system.

2.1.3 Business Objectives and Success Criteria

Goal of this project is to create an online order booking system that will provide
all necessary activities for a pizza house. This online system will provide all
functionalities, calculations and like a complete web-based application holding
records, database and outlet users/agents/admin account information.
The success of this system will be seen when the application is entered in
mature age without any serious functional/non-functional issue.

2.2. Vision of the Solution

2.2.1 Vision Statement

To provide agents of DOMINO a better tool to log orders. The new application
for Domino will provide ease to agents in logging the order and making the
process faster than the existing one also it will be helpful in generating better
reports. This application will contain the following modules and sub modules.

2.2.2 Major Features

MF-01 Register users can place their orders directly via web by their account

MF-02 The system automatically calculates the value of the whole order place.

MF-03 Users can lodge complaints online.

MF-04 Admin can review the sales record of a single or all outlets and can add
more outlets and agents in the system.

2.2.3 Assumptions, Constraints and Dependencies

• Client will provide all necessary requirements.
• Database Server MS SQL 2005
• Dependencies
• All group members worked according to their task assigned in the
discussion meeting & complete their task within the time schedule.

• Microsoft .Net framework 2008 or greater is installed & configured

• The system is running Windows XP (SP2 or greater).

2.3. Scope and Limitations

2.3.1 Scope
The Order booking system is an online web application that permits new users
to place their orders online. Also the outlets agent had done the same job when a
user calls to them to place an order; the agents can also view complaints & edit
orders. The administration of the can add agents & outlets in system & can view
sales reports of an outlet.

2.3.2 Limitations and Exclusions

LNE-01 Domain Must be .com

LNE-02 Account system excluded

LNE-03 The system website is a non-profit or earning website so no space for ads
2.4. Data Flow Diagram


Domino Pizza
Order Booking

Outlet User Admin

2.5. Entity Relationship Diagram
2.6. Tables
The following sets of tables are made in SQL database from where we get,
send, update & delete data with respect to our demand.
• City
- All cities nationwide where Domino Outlets are opened mention
& can add in this table.
• Complains
- Any complaint regarding to outlet/order delivery will be
handover to this table.
• Complain Status
- It mentions the current status of a complaint, weather it is solved
or not.
• Customer Information
- All information related to customer will get & send in this table.
• Customer Order Status
- Shows status like in Process/Delivered.
• Locations
- Outlets Location area wise in different cities.
• Meals
- Meals information
• Meal Type
- Deal/single
• Order Detail
- Detail of an order with special instructions
• Orders
- Order Information place by customer
• Order Status
- All Orders status weather it was open, punched or closed.
• Outlet Information
- Outlets information with respected IDs placed in it.
• Temporary Order
• Users Group
• Admin/outlet user/agent Users
2.7. User Classes and Characteristics

User Characteristics
Agents • Can booked, view of an
order Can also view complaints.
• Can check customer

Outlet User • Place order on

destination Edit orders. •
Updates order status
Admin View sale records of outlets

2.8. Operating Environment

OE-01 This system shall operate with the following environments:
Windows XP (SP2 or SP3)
Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Dot net Frame work 3.5
OE-02 The system shall operate on a server running the MS SQL 2005.

OE-03 Printer is needed in case generating reports in Hard copy.

2.9. Use Cases

2.9.1. Outlet User



View Complaint

2.9.2. Admin
Log in


View Order

Com plaint s

Add/ Remove
User /Agents
2.9.3. Agent


Agent Home

Add Order

Add Forward
Complaint Complaint
2.10. Functional Requirements
The system features/functional requirements have been divided into three main
• Agent
• Outlet User
• Admin

2.10.1. Agent Module

Login Login with a register account.
Add & View Agents can add & view complaints into the system.
Add & View Order They can also add order & view previous orders.
Add Customer Agent can add customer information into the system

2.10.2. Outlet User Module

Login Login with a register account
Edit Order Can edit orders.
Update Status of In process / punched / Delivered etc.
Update Status of Resolved / Unresolved.

Change Password Changes his account Password.

2.10.3. Admin Module
Add,, Edit, Delete Admin can add user, agent & outlet into the system & can edit
Users, Outlets their information & locations plus delete them from the system
as well.
View Order Admin can view orders of any Outlet in a form of a report.
View & Action Admin can also view & take actions against the Outlet / Agent
complaints about which the complaint lodge.
Sales Report Admin can view the sales record of any or all outlets.

2.11. Non Functional Requirements

2.11.1. Performance Requirements

PR-01 Acceptable response time is less than 10 seconds.

PR-02 The system shall provide appropriate messages to the user as user
submits any input.

2.11.2. Security and Control Requirements

SCR-01 Access to the system and information must be controlled.

SCR-02 Privacy requirements i.e. password should be view in encrypted form.

SCR-03 Criticality of data necessitates the need for special handling (backup).

2.11.3. Software Quality Attributes

Robustness-01 If the connection between the user and the system is broken,
the system should enable the user to recover an incomplete
request from beginning.

3.1. Process Model Selection

For this system we used 2 Process Models.
1. Prototype
2. Linear Sequential Model - LSM (Flexible)
With the help of prototype model we create prototype. In Prototype Model we
create a prototype then test this prototype. This Prototype approximate as final
product. With the help of this model we get a overview about our system.
With the help of LSM the software life cycle is developed in a sequential order
i.e. analyzing, designing, coding and then implementation. First we analyze the
system that how the data flow after we design the system. This LSM model is
flexible. In classic LSM we don’t reverse our work but with the help of flexible
LSM we were able to reversely go to any phase. In analysis phase we break our
system into 3 parts.
• Admin Panel
• Agent Panel
• Outlet Panel
First we analysis about admin panel then create its prototype. 2nd we analysis agent
panel then create its prototype 3rd we analysis outlet panel then create prototype of

4.1. Risk Identification

Risk Name Risk Type Probability Impact

System failure Technical 80% 1

System Cost Economical 60% 2

Lack of Project Management 70% 2

between Developers

Human Resource Operational 40% 4


Requirements Business Risk 60% 1


Impact Values
1. Catastrophic
2. Critical
3. Marginal
4. Negligible

4.2. RMMM Table

Risk Mitigation Monitoring Management

System failure Make multiple Staff members should The development
backup copies always be aware of the team should cease
stability of the work on that system
environment. until it is stable

System Cost Must be set & Monitor the Conduct a meeting

signed before the technology costs with customer to
project starts. regularly. convenience him
about the extra

Lack of Must be a strong During meetings Change any

Communication & well mature formally or in formally developer or
between team selected ask members about conduct a meeting to
Developers who enjoyed their task. know their issues.
working together.

Human Should complete Frank behavior with Overtime & late

Resource analyze before staff to know their night standings
Shortage the project starts problems & work conduct.
about the burden.
system’s length
and the Man
power available.
Requirements Arrange Formal & Make some prototypes Preferably a meeting
In-complete in formal & show them in conducts between
meetings until the meeting to customer & customer &
requirements take his view than final developers to
clarified. it. discuss at length this

5.1. The Test Plan

Software test planning is the process whereby the following are established
for the testing of a project deliverable:

• Testing requirements (scope),

- Domino Pizza order booking system is tested to identify any
bugs that can be occurred during the application run after the
project is deliverable.
• Testing approach,
- We assigned each group member a system to test which was
made by other member.
• Testing tasks and deliverables,
- Task of this testing is to identify the bugs, program efficiency &
• Completion criteria,
- Completion of a test is based on the report of the group
member that the system is accurate.
• Test environment and team roles and responsibilities.
- Environment of this testing is home based so a member can
easily check & focused on the system.

5.2. Test Cases

We have choose and test the following forms:
5.2.1. Test Case for Login Page
5.2.2. Test Case for Admin, Agent and User Home Page
5.2.3. Test Case for Order Booking page
And we have didn’t find any bug or serious issue which cause any major
problem for the system.



The following tools, technology programming languages have been used in the
development of this project and its documentation:

• Microsoft Visual Studio 2008

• Visual C#
• Microsoft SQL Server 2005
• Microsoft Office 2007
• Microsoft Windows XP SP2
• Screen Shots Software

7.1. Orders Report
7.2. Complaints Report

7.3. Outlet User Orders Report


About Project
This new system of “DOMINO PIZZA ORDER BOOKING” is more
efficient, reliable and secure to the previous one. Development using
Microsoft tools made it more commendable to the user.
Using its compatibility it can handle up to 100 outlets data of Domino
Pakistan. For future enhancement it is also supported by using Microsoft

About Our Experience

This project gives us a chance to technically learn the current trends
in software engineering & how to explore yourself when a professional
project assigned to you. The time analysis, designing, coding, testing and
implementation with a limited schedule are a milestone for us, which we
successfully achieved.
Thanks to LPU and my course teacher Mr. Manik Sir for this project.

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