Physics Chap 5 Slides
Physics Chap 5 Slides
Physics Chap 5 Slides
Wave equation
Time dependent Schrodinger equation
Linearity & superposition
Expectation values
Observables as operators
Stationary states and time evolution of stationary states
Eigenvalues & Eigenfunctions
Boundary conditions on wave function
Application of SE (Particle in a box, Potential barrier, one
dimensional harmonic oscillator)
Quantum Mechanics/Physics
Quantum physics deals with matter with wave properties. The
behavior of a particle is described with a wave function, using
Schrodinger's equation. The wave function is interpreted using
probability because we cannot say exactly where a particle is. We
judge where something is using generalized probability but cannot
perform a measurement without the collapse of the wave function .
Quantum physics:
What happens to physics when we give wave properties to matter
So it's described by something called a wave function
“everything” about the system!
that's going to take the place of a position, a momentum and all those things
Instead of that we describe the behaviour of a particle by its wave function
if we leave the particle alone, it behaves like a wave.
So we're just sitting there letting the system do whatever it wants to do and it's described
by its wave function.
However, if we perform a measurement, suddenly we get something called the collapse of
the wave function. So for example, if we've got a wave function that looks like that, and
then we perform a measurement and we say, is the particle between these two green lines?
Is or isn’t….not both
wave function will give us probabilities. It will say alright. If you did that
measurement 100 times, 6 times you're going to find that it was between the
green bars and the other 94 times you're going to find that it wasn't.
Since Ψ(x,t), describes a particle, its evolution in time under the action of
the wave equation describes the future history of the particle
Ψ(x,t) is determined by Ψ(x, t = 0)
Uncertainty built in from the beginning 3
Wave function is complex
x, t
dx 1 - a wavefunction which obeys this
In 1D: condition is said to be normalized
Suppose we have a solution to the Sch. Eq. that is not normalized.
The recipe for normalization:
Calculate the normalization integral N 2
( x, t ) dx
Re-scale the wave function as 1
' r,t r,t
This procedure works because any solution of the S.Eq. being multiplied by a
constant remains a solution: the S..Eq. is linear and homogeneous.
Ex.1 Find the value of the normalization constant A for the wave function =
Ex.2: The wave function of a certain particle is = A cos2x for - /2 < x < /2. (a)
Find the value of A. (b) Find the probability that the particle be found between x =
0 and x = 4.
The well behaved wave function must be:
1. be a continuous and single-valued function of all x and t (the
probability density must be uniquely defined)
2. have a continuous first derivative and single valued (the
exception - points where the potential is infinite)
Total energy of the particle
= 1* 1 + 2* 2 + 1* 2 + 2* 1
= P1+ P2+ 1* 2 + 2* 1
When we are dealing with a single particle, we must replace the number Ni of
particles at xi by the probability Pi that the particle be found in an interval dx at xi.
This probability is
Expectation value
for position
An operator tells us what operation to carry out on the quantity that follows it.
OPERATOR and expectation value
Because p and E can be replaced by their corresponding operators in an equation,
we can use these operators to obtain expectation values for p and E.
Physical Quantity Operators
Any measurement of the observable a corresponds to operator Â, the only
values that will ever be observed are the eigenvalues of Â, which satisfy the
eigenvalue equation ˆ A x, t A x, t
An important property of Schrödinger’s steady-state equation
is that, if it has one or more solutions for a given system,
each of these wave functions corresponds to a specific value
of the energy E. Thus energy quantization appears in wave
mechanics as a natural element of the theory, and energy
quantization in the physical world is revealed as a universal
phenomenon characteristic of all stable systems.
Particle in a box
Finite potential Well
Harmonic Oscillator
Particle in a box with “Infinite Hard walls”
+ x 0 Boundary conditions and normalization determines
U(x) = 0 0 x L
+ x L
Since the walls are impenetrable, there is
zero probability of finding the particle
outside the box.
Zero probability means:
ψ(x) = 0, for x 0 and x L
2m 2m 2mL2 8mL2
2 2 2 2
En n2 E0 n 2 , with E0
2m L2 2m L2
ground state (n 1) energy , E1 E0
Ex-1: e- in a 10nm wide Well with infinite barriers. Calculate E0 for L = 10 nm
2 2
3.14 2 (1.05 10 34 ) 2
En 2
E0 n , where E1 E0 2 9.1 10 31 (10 10 9 ) 2
2mL2 E0 6 10 22
J 0.00375 eV 3.75 meV
1 meV 10-3 eV
Ex-2: Assume that a photon is absorbed, and the
electron is transferred from the ground state (n =
1) to the second excited state (n = 3). What was
the wavelengths of the photon?
Eground E1 E0 0.00375 eV
Third e xcite dstate is E3
E3 E0 3 2 9 0.00375 e V 0.0338 e V
(h ) E3 E1 0.0338 0.00375 0.030 e V
λ 41333 nm 41 μm
Average Momentum of Particle in a Box (Infinite Potential Well)
problem L
* *
px ( x) ( x)dx
i x
L sin kx
2 L
[ sin kx] dx
L i x
k sin( kx) cos(kx)dx 0
L i 0
Note: the right hand side is either 0 or imaginary, but
momentum cannot be imaginary so it must be zero
p x 0 Why ???
Classical and quantum behaviour of a particle confined in one dimensional Box
Finite Potential Well
Potential energies are never infinite in the real world, and the box
with infinitely hard walls of the previous section has no physical
However, potential wells with barriers of finite height certainly do
Let us see what the wave functions and energy levels of a particle in
such a well are.
U x 0
U(x) = 0 0 x L
U x L
Because the that fit into the well are longer than for an infinite well
of the same width, the corresponding particle momenta are lower (we
recall that = h/p). Hence the energy levels En are lower for each n
than they are for a particle in an infinite well.
Outside the potential well, classical physics forbids the presence of the
Quantum mechanics shows the wave function decays exponentially to zero
For SHM:
Any system in which something executes small vibration about an
equilibrium positions behaves like SHO
Potential energy U is related to F :
This approach indentifies several problems:
1. diatomic molecule
2. an atom in a crystal lattice etc
3. explain blackbody radiation;
Energy Levels:
Schrödinger equation for SHO
The solutions to this equation that are acceptable here are limited by the
condition that → 0 as y → in order that
Wave Functions
For each choice of the parameter n there is a different wave function n.
E nh h
Term ½hν tells us that quantum SHO always oscillates. These are
called zero point vibrations
this qualitative explains why helium does not become solid under normal
conditions: the “zero point vibration” energy is higher than the “melting
energy” of helium
1. Normalise the wave function ( x) A exp ax 2 , A and a are constants, over the
domain - x + .
( x, t ) A exp ikt x2
, where A and K are constants. Find the explicit form of the potential V(x).
3. A and B are two operators defined by A (x) = (x) + x and B (x) = (d /dx) + 2 (x).
Check for their linearity.