Chemistry: It'S in Our Blood
Chemistry: It'S in Our Blood
Chemistry: It'S in Our Blood
According to, blood is the red fluid that circulates through the body’s vessels,
including arteries and veins [1]. That statement is widely known, but many components of blood
are not, including what its functions are, what it’s made of, and more. Firstly, the basics of blood:
one unit of blood is made up of white blood cells, red blood cells, platelets, and plasma. Plasma
makes up about 50%, while the cells make up the remainder. With this being said, there is no way
to make blood, but it can be donated from person to person [1].
The overall function of blood is to transport oxygen and other nutrients throughout the body [2].
Also, there are two types of blood which relate to how they move throughout the body. Arterial
blood rushes from the heart, and contains oxygen that is transported to tissues. Venous blood also
contains oxygen, but much less, it also contains carbon dioxide which is taken from tissues, and
transported via blood veins to the lungs where it can be exhaled [3]. Of the many components of
blood, each part acquires its own specific function.
White blood cells travel out of the arteries
and veins to tissues, where they fight
infection. White blood cells use phagocytosis
to digest possibly harmful particles, including
bacteria. There are two types of white blood
cells, and each performs different tasks.
Neutrophilic cells are the smaller type; these
cells attack the infection by ingesting the
bacteria, right away. While monocytes, the
larger of the two, are at the infection site about
three days prior. Monocytes then find and
phagocytose bacteria, foreign particles, and
other dead cellular particles [4]. Depiction of white blood cells leaving the blood
stream to stop bacteria in the epithelial layer. [4]
Red blood cells carry hemoglobin, which gives the cell the ability to carry and deliver oxygen all
over the body. Hemoglobin also allows red blood cells to carry carbon dioxide and remove it from
the body [1]. For the red blood cells to carry oxygen, the oxygen enters the lungs, where it binds
to protein hemoglobin through an ion-induced dipole force. The red blood cells transport the
hemoglobin and oxygen and free or release the oxygen throughout the body, in places like tissues.
To remove carbon dioxide a similar but opposite reaction takes place. The carbon dioxide is
picked up in the tissues, by red blood cells, then released in the lungs or gills where the carbon
dioxide is exhaled or excreted [5].
Plasma is the liquid part of blood that carries the cells. Plasma is 92% water but also contains
albumin, fibrinogen, and globulins. The plasma uses the protein globulin to transport nutrients
and water to the tissues [1]. Fibrinogen, a protein in plasma, helps the blood clot or coagulate.
Lastly, plasma regulates blood pressure and volume with the help of albumin [6].
Green blood is possible too. Some types of worms and leeches exhibit green blood. If one were to
go out to the street on a rainy day and squish a worm, a green fluid could seep out. Organisms with
green blood acquire chlorocruorin as their protein to aid in transportation. The only difference
between chlorocruiorin and hemoglobin is that chlorocruorin has an aldehyde group in place of a
vinyl group. The deoxygenated blood is a light green color, the oxygenated blood is a darker green
color, but when the blood is highly concentrated it looks light red. Some organisms have both
chlorocruiorin and hemoglobin, their blood obtains a red color [7].
Lastly, some creatures even have purple blood. Some common species with violet blood are
marine worms, peanut worms, and brachiopods. The blood in these organisms contains
hemerythrin, which contains iron atoms like hemoglobin. But hemerythrin is a less effective
protein than hemoglobin in relation to transporting and storing oxygen. When the blood is
deoxygenated it looks colorless because of the compound does not absorb light. But when blood
is in the presence of oxygen it looks bright violet or pink because of how iron modifies the
absorbency and how iron reacts with oxygen, but the structure of the compound changes the way
iron changes the visible spectrum [7].
Different proteins cause living organisms to have various hues of blood. [1]
The scent of blood is determined by a couple of factors, including the
blood itself and what the blood is in contact with. Like mentioned before,
blood is full of iron atoms. These atoms produce a metallic smell when
they are oxidized by the materials in the air. Also, when blood interacts
with the fat lipids of the skin, a metallic smell protrudes. This smell is like
when someone lifts metal weights, causing their hands smell like metal
after. Just as the metal weights and the skin on someone’s hands produce
a metal smell, so does the skin and iron filled blood when they are in
contact [7].
Antibodies are proteins excreted by a type of immune cells. Also known as immunoglobin, these
proteins are Y shaped and have different molecule configurations on the prongs that forms weak
bonds with the corresponding antigen. When the antibodies attach to antigens, it is a signal to
other parts of the immune system that a foreign invader has entered the body and that the correct
immune cells need to kill the invader. Read more about the immune system here and here.
In addition to being incredibly important
to the immune system, antibodies are also
a pivotal part of the blood, as they are the
main component in determining whether
a blood donor and recipient are
compatible. People with A blood types
carry the antibodies for B blood types. For
instance, say a person with type A blood
is given type B blood. They have the B
antibodies, so their immune system will
This chart depicts the different antigens and antibodies target the donated blood and that blood
corresponding to each blood type [12]. will be destroyed. This is extremely
detrimental; it nullifies the effect of the
transfusion, as well as greatly strains the
recipient’s immune system, leading to
death in most cases. This condition is
called acute immune hemolytic reaction
(AIH) [11]. AIH occurs if type O people
receive A, B, or AB blood. Group AB can
receive any blood type. Groups A and B
The above infographic shows what types of blood can be
can receive A or B, respectively, and type
donated to recipients of different blood types [8]. O.
The Rh factor also plays a large part in
compatability. Someone with Rh + blood, if the
ABO type matches, can receive Rh – blood because
the Rh – does not trigger an immune response,
therefore AIH is avoided. The opposite, however,
does trigger an immune response. People with Rh –
blood will reject Rh + blood because the antibodies
that attach to the Rh + antigens are present in their
bloodstream. Combine the Rh and the ABO blood
typing, and the chart to the left is produced. This
chart shows what types of blood are compatable to
different Rh and ABO types. The below infographic details what types of
blood recipients can obtain [14].
The national distribution of blood types for the US
is below [8]. O + is the most common blood type
among Americans, with A + being the second most
common. AB – is the rarest.
Caucasian African- American Latino-American Asian-American
O- 8% 4% 4% 1%
A- 7% 2% 2% 0.5%
B+ 9% 18% 9% 25%
B- 2% 1% 1% 0.4%
AB + 3% 4% 2% 7%
Blood types are determined by the genetics of your
parents. Each parent donates one copy of an allele. Two
alleles make up one gene. A and B are codominant
genes, which means that they can be expressed at the
same time if an A allele and B allele are present. Type
O expresses when neither allele code for A or B. If two
alleles for the same blood type are present, then only
that type of antigen is expressed. If a parent donates an
A allele and the other parent donates an O allele, then
the child has blood type A, as the A allele is dominant.
The B allele is dominant as well.
The Rh factor is extremely important in the health of the This table shows the possible blood types
baby if the mother is Rh – and the father is Rh +. It does of the child based on the blood type of the
parent [16].
not affect the first baby, but it does affect the following
ones. If the baby is Rh +, then when the mother gives
birth, some of the baby’s blood gets mixed with hers. Because she is Rh -, her body will attach
antibodies to the baby’s blood because it thinks those red blood cells are foreign invaders. Those
antibodies will stay in her bloodstream, poised to latch on to other Rh + invaders. If she has a
second child with Rh + blood, her body will start dispatching an immune response against her
baby. This is called Rh Hemolytic Disease, and it now can be treated with medication, especially
if caught early in the pregnancy.
Electron Microscope picture of a healthy
This infographic shows how the mother’s immune system can react adult’s blood. The snowball-like cells are
when a Rh + father and Rh – mother have more than one Rh + child the white blood cells, the large disks are
[17]. the red blood cells, and the small disks are
platelets [18].
Every day, people’s lives are saved through blood transfusions and knowledge about antibodies
and antigens. Both the Rh and ABO blood typing systems are incredibly important in this, as the
goal is to save someone through blood transfusions, not give them acute immune hemolytic
reaction. Test your knowledge about blood typing and play a game about saving patients through
transfusions here!
For a demonstration of some of these organs in action, let’s examine the body’s responses to pH
changes due to exercise. Have you ever felt short of breath while running? When we exercise, our
bodies require more energy than normal, so metabolism must work overtime. The increased
demand for O2 for cellular respiration can be difficult to meet, which is why we inhale and exhale
more frequently. This results in a much larger amount of waste CO2. If exercise becomes especially
strenuous, oxygen deprivation
may cause muscle cells to
switch from aerobic (requiring
oxygen) respiration to
anaerobic fermentation, which
produces lactic acid. These
factors temporarily lower blood
pH, and this is where the second
reaction from above (H2CO3 ⇌
H2O + CO2) becomes relevant.
The excess CO2 will cause an
imbalance in the reaction’s The lungs and kidneys interact with the buffer system in the blood to
maintain pH. [34]
equilibrium, leading to above
average production of carbonic acid (which will then produce more H+ ions due to the first
reaction) until equilibrium is re-established. The buffer system will combat as much acidity as
possible, but if the acidity exceeds this system’s capacity, it will be removed over time by the lungs
(exhalation of excess CO2) and the kidneys (excretion of H+) [23]. Lactic acid is broken down
later, its components used in metabolic processes [33].
Blood is an essential component of our bodies and has many unique functions and properties. The different
constituents of blood keep distinct parts of our bodies up and running. Blood is distinguishable by its red hue
(in humans) and metallic smell. The blood utilizes complex buffer systems and works in tandem with several
major organs to keep its pH around 7.4, which is necessary to sustain cell survival.
Phagocytosis - the ingestion of a smaller cell, bacteria, microorganism, or other foreign particle by one cell.
The cell that does the phagocytosing surrounds the other cell and protrudes through the cytoplasm until the
material is completely surrounded. Then the cell is engulfed when the phagocyte closes its membrane and
forms a vacuole.
Hemoglobin - the protein which transfers oxygen in vertebrate’s blood. Each of hemoglobin’s four subunits
consist of a heme attached to an iron atom.
Ion-induced dipole force - the attraction that occurs when an ion bonds with nonpolar molecule or a dipole
within an atom. This weak attraction causes a partial positive charge and a partial negative charge on the
atom that bonds with the ion.
Coagulation - the process of a fluid changing to solid or partial solid. In relation to blood this is the
process of clotting or solidifying the fluid blood to stop the blood from flowing when it leaves the body.
This is common when someone gets a wound cut.
Buffer system – A buffer system is designed to resist pH changes upon the addition of an acid or a base.
Buffer solutions are specialized for particular pH ranges; a suitable buffer for one environment may not
be effective in another.
A buffer tends to be composed of a weak acid and its conjugate base (typically in the form of a salt) or
vice versa. The buffer mentioned above, for example, has carbonic acid as its weak acid and sodium
bicarbonate as the conjugate base—although the sodium ions dissociate in the aqueous solution and,
therefore, are of little importance to this discussion. Weak is the key word here, as weak acids do not tend
to release large numbers of H+ ions into the surrounding solution. When an acid is added to the solution,
the associated H+ ions bond with the conjugate base to form more weak acid; this affects pH less
significantly than having free H+ ions in the solution. When a base is added, however, the weak acid
dissociates to its conjugate base and H+ ions. The ions bond to the OH- ions associated with the base,
neutralizing them by forming H2O. [36]
Le Chatelier’s Principle – Given a chemical reaction in equilibrium, this principle states that changing the
conditions of one side of the reaction (such as reactant concentration) will cause the reaction to shift to
counteract the change and re-establish equilibrium. The following equation will be used for demonstrative
If, for example, the concentration of A is increased, the reaction will shift right so that A reacts with B,
producing more of C and D until equilibrium is re-established. Decreasing the concentration of A would
have the opposite effect; the reaction will shift left so that C and D react to increase the concentration of
A. While concentration changes are the example most relevant to the blood buffer system, changes in
pressure and temperature can also shift the direction of reaction. Note that this principle does not explain
why these changes occur; it just helps us understand what the changes are. [37]
[1] What is Blood? (Accessed Nov 12,
[2] Taneja A. Blood: Functions, Properties and Groups (Accessed
November 12, 2017)
[3] Ledger, P. What Is Blood. Friends' Intelligencer (1853-1910) [Online] 1858, 15, Page 319.
[4] Morris, James; Hartl, Daniel. Biology: How Life Works, Second Edition; 2016, Page 296.
[5] The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica. Blood: Functions, Properties and Groups (Accessed Nov 12, 2017).
[6] American Red Cross. Plasma
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[7] Brunning, A. The Chemistry of the Colours of Blood (Accessed Nov 12, 2017).
[8] Blood Types (accessed
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[9] Antigen (accessed Nov 19, 2017).
[10] Rh Factor (accessed Nov 19,
[11] Blood transfusion
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[13] Criswell, D. ABO Blood and Human Origins
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[14] What are blood groups?
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[15] Avent, N. D.; Reid, M. E. The Rh blood group system: a review (accessed Nov 19, 2017).
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[35] Foroutan, R. Alkaline Diet: Does pH Affect Health and Wellness? (accessed
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[36] Wyman, E. Buffer System in Chemistry: Definition & Overview
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