Devotion NT004 - The Birth of Jesus

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Cornerstone Believers Church Children’s

Devotion NT004



LESSON TITLE : The Birth of Jesus

THEME: God is in control of all

SCRIPTURE: Luke 2:1-7

Dear Parents…
Welcome to Bible Time for Kids. Bible Time for Kids are devotions
for children and families. Their purpose is to supplement our
Sunday morning curriculum and give you an opportunity to encourage
your children in developing a daily devotional life. You can pick up
your copy each Sunday in your child’s classroom or at the family
bulletin board in the hall. We hope Bible Time for Kids is a
blessing to you as your family studies God’s Word together.

This week in Children’s Church we learned about The Birth of Jesus. There
are many things that we can learn from Jesus’ birth. He was born as a baby
in a manger in Bethlehem, as the prophets had foretold centuries ago. Here
was the King of Kings come into the world as a small baby to provide salvation
to all of mankind.

Jesus’ birth shows that God is in control of all things, which is our theme
for this week. Even when it seems that the world is out of control, God still
has everything under control. At the right time He sent His son Jesus into
the world so that he could forever provide salvation for us.

The section of scripture that we studied was Luke 2:1-7. The following five
devotions are based on either the scripture and/or the theme for Sunday’s
lesson. As a starting point it would be good for you to review these verses
with your children.

These devotions are designed to help you reinforce Sunday’s lesson

throughout the week with your children, provide some more ideas for the
application of God’s Word in your children’s lives and provide a tool to help in
family devotions.
Obviously children at various age levels will respond to the devotional in
different ways. You may want to add your own ideas to these to make them
more age appropriate.

May the Lord bless you as you study His Word together!

Day One

A Throne for a Child

Text: Isaiah 9:6 - “For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the
government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful,
Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”
Also read Isaiah 9:6,7

One of the best ways that we can see that God is in control of all things is through what
the Bible calls prophecy. Prophecy just means to speak forth the Word of God. God used
people in the Old Testament called prophets to declare His word to His people.
Sometimes the prophets would also tell God’s people about things that would happen in
the future. This would prove to people that God was over everything and knew the
future. They didn’t have the Bible then, and God would speak through the men who wrote
the Bible. The Prophets told of a time when the “Messiah” would come. The Messiah is
the one who is anointed (chosen) by God who would come to take away the sins of the

Isaiah was a prophet and God spoke through him about the coming Messiah several
hundred years before Jesus came. This shows us that God is in control of all things and
we can trust in Him and His word. Isaiah said that Jesus would come as a child. He is
also called Mighty God in Isaiah and we are told that He will sit on the throne of David
forever. What does all of this mean?

As you think about the birth of Jesus, remember that God became a man in Jesus Christ
and lived among all of us. We can look to Jesus to see and understand who God is. And we
also learn that Jesus set aside all of the glory of heaven to be born as a little baby in a
manger. Yet, even as He was wrapped in swaddling clothes, He was the King of Kings and
Lord of Lords. God had everything planned since time began to provide salvation for us.
We can rest in the Lord because He is in control of all things.

 What did Isaiah say would happen several hundred years before it happened?

 How does Jesus help you to understand God better?

 As you think about the birth of Jesus, what are you thankful for?

The CBC Bible Dictionary

Prophecy - Speaking the “Word of God.” It can be telling about future

events or just speaking forth what God says (the Bible).
Prophet - Someone who speaks forth the “Word of God.
Messiah - The anointed or chosen one; Jesus.

Day Two

Nebuchadnezzar’s Lesson
Text: Daniel 4:35 - “All the inhabitants of the earth are reputed as nothing;
He does according to His will in the army of heaven and among the inhabitants of
the earth. No one can restrain His hand or say to Him, ‘What have You done?’”
Also read Daniel 4:28-37

“Wasn’t that the greatest skit that you have ever seen?” Sara said. “Oh, and wasn’t I
great in the part of Mary? My acting was just superb. I don’t think that anyone has seen
as good of acting anywhere!” Sara kept boasting to her brothers and friends after the
Christmas play at church. She did a great job acting as Mary in the play, but now she was
letting everyone know it. Dad had overheard her telling everyone how great she was and
later when they got home he sat down next to her and began to talk to her. “You did a
fine job tonight,” said Dad. “I know,” Sara responded proudly. Then Dad gently said,
“That’s what I want to talk to you about, how great you think you did.”

Dad began to share how that God blesses His children with gifts and talents. But we have
to remember that it is the Holy Spirit who gives us those gifts and abilities, not us. And
always it should be God who is glorified. Dad then shared the story of Nebuchadnezzar.
He explained how that Nebuchadnezzar was given the position of king. He eventually
ruled over the entire world. He began to think that he was in control and not God. He
wanted to receive the glory for his kingdom and not give any glory to God.

Because of his great pride, God had to teach him a lesson. God reminded him that He was
the one who gave him the ability to rule. Then, after Nebuchadnezzar learned his lesson
he began to glorify God. “God has blessed you with a wonderful talent Sara,” said Dad,
“But God wants you to give Him the glory for it.”

God also wants us to give Him the glory in all things. We need to remember that apart
from Him we can do nothing. Anything good that we do is only through Him and for His
 How was God still in control even when Nebuchadnezzar thought he was?

 What will you do the next time that you are tempted to take the glory for something
that God is doing in your life?

The CBC Bible Dictionary

Boasting - Telling others how great we are; bragging.

Glorify - To give praise or honor to God.

Day Three

Little Town of Bethlehem

Text: Micah 5:2 - “But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are little
among the thousands of Judah, yet out of you shall come forth to Me the One to
be ruler in Israel, Whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting.”
Also read Micah 5:2-4 and Luke 2:1-5

Dad had just finished reading the Christmas story to the family. Joel had a puzzled look
on his face and Mom asked him, “What are you thinking?” Joel said, “I thought Jesus was
born in Nazareth. Wasn’t that where He is from? But here it says he was born in
Bethlehem. I just don’t understand.” “Well,” Dad said, “actually he was born in
Bethlehem and grew up in Nazareth. Nazareth was the city where Mary and Joseph
lived. There’s a lot we can learn from this story about how God is in control of all things.

“God said that Jesus would come out of Bethlehem over 400 years before his birth. He
told it through His prophet Micah (Micah 5:2). Bethlehem was about 8 miles away from
Nazareth. Nazareth is where Joseph and Mary were living when Mary was about to have
Jesus. How would God fulfill His word? He used the leader of the entire Roman Empire,
Caesar Augustus. He was kind of like the king of the whole world at that time. But God
put it on his heart to make a decree that everyone would have to go to the place they
were from to be registered for taxes. It is amazing that this happened just at the right
time when Jesus was about to be born. Mary and Joseph were both related to David who
came from Bethlehem, so they had no choice but to travel to Bethlehem to be registered.

“So they traveled to Bethlehem and when they arrived Mary gave birth to Jesus. It was
in the very city that the Prophet Micah told about. When God promises something in His
Word He will move nations and kings to make it happen. That’s exactly what He did here.
We can trust the Lord, because we know that He has everything under His control.”
“Wow, that’s a neat story,” Joel replied. Then Joel and his family prayed and thanked the
Lord that He is in control of all things.
 How did God get Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem?

 How does knowing that God is in control of all things help you to trust Him?

 How does this story help you know that the Bible is true?

The CBC Bible Dictionary

Bethlehem - City where Jesus was born as foretold in Micah 5:2.

Day Four

It’s All Under Control!

Text: Genesis 40:23 - “Yet the chief butler did not remember Joseph, but
forgot him.”
Also read Genesis 41:1-45

Joseph is an amazing man! If there was anyone who ever could have thought that
everything was out of control it was probably Joseph. He was not treated fairly several
times. His brothers wanted to kill him, but instead sold him to be a slave. He ends up in
Egypt and gets wrongly accused of a crime he never committed. Then he goes to prison.
There he interprets dreams for others who are in prison and they get released while he
remains there. Joseph even asks one of them to remember him when he is released. But
the other prisoner forgot about Joseph. There was Joseph in prison, all alone and
forgotten. Or was he?

It seemed like things just kept happening to him. How could God work out good in all of
the bad things that were happening to him? Maybe he thought that God forgot him or
somehow that God wasn’t in control of this situation. But he remained faithful to the
Lord, even when it was very hard for him to do so. Then one day everything changes for
Joseph. God was in control all along and everything had to happen in his life for a

After 2 years the butler finally remembers Joseph. Joseph interprets a dream for
Pharoah and then immediately is released from prison and becomes the second in
command over all of Egypt. Then it starts to make sense. God was going to use Joseph in
this position to bless the rest of his family and save Israel from destruction. God was
still in control of all things.

When things are tough in our lives, remember the story of Joseph. Remember that God
has everything in His control. He can and will work good into any situation for His
children (Romans 8:28).

 How did God turn everything around for Joseph?

 How does Joseph’s life help you to trust in the Lord more?

The CBC Bible Activity

Make a book of drawings showing all of the “bad” situations that Joseph
was in. Then draw how God rescued him. Keep this as a reminder that
God is in control.

Day Five

Who Holds it All Together?

Text: Colossians 1:17 - “And He is before all things, and in Him all things
Also read Psalm 93

If you ever want to see how God is in control of all things, you don’t have to look very far,
just look up! Look at the universe, the planets, the stars or the moon. How did they get
there? Why do they stay there? How did our planet get positioned at just the right
distance from the sun and stay there so that we could live? Could any of these things
just happen? Like a beautiful work of art doesn’t just appear on a canvass, it takes an
artist to create it, the beauty that we see all around us was done by a wonderful artist, it
was done by God. He created everything and holds everything together for us.

This is another way that we see that God is in control of all things. If He can create this
universe and hold it all together, certainly He can help us in our needs. God’s word says
that He is there for us and will help us. It’s comforting to know that we have a great,
big, powerful God on our side. In the Psalm that we read it says that the Lord is mightier
than the mighty waves on the sea. It’s great to know that we can trust in Him.

Also in the Psalm it says three interesting things about God’s power. It says first, that
because of God’s strength the world cannot be moved. Second it says that His throne is
established and everlasting. And third, His testimonies or word is very sure. We can
trust in the Lord because He is in control of all things. The world or other people may
sometimes let us down, but when we trust in the Lord, He will never let us down.

 How does God’s creation help you to understand His power?

 Are there some things that you may be worried about that you can give to Him?

 What are some ways that you can trust in the Lord more?
The CBC Prayer Time

There is a lot that we can be thankful for. This week when you pray
you can thank the Lord for being in control of all things. Ask Him
to help you to trust in Him more and more.

Memory Verse…
Third Grade and Above

“And she brought forth her

firstborn Son, and wrapped
Him in swaddling cloths,
laid Him in a manger,
because there was no room
for them in the inn.”
First and Second Grade (paraphrased)

“And she brought forth her

firstborn Son…and laid Him
in a manger…”
Luke 2:7

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