Categories of PH - Ds Offered

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Ph.D.Guidelines JNTUK/ 2014-15

1. Categories of Ph.Ds offered
The University offers Ph.D (minimum duration is 3 years) programmes in the following
categories of disciplines
• Mathematics / Physical Sciences / English
o Ph.D (Full time / External Registration)
• Engineering
o Ph.D (Full time / External Registration)
• Management
o Ph.D (Full time / External Registration)
• Pharmacy
o Ph.D (Full time / External Registration)
• Bio-Technology / Computer science/ Spatial Information Technology
o Ph. D (Full time / External Registration)
2. Available disciplines
The University offers Ph.D (Full time / External Registration) in the following disciplines
a) Chemistry
b) Physics
c) Mathematics
d) English
e) Commerce
f) Economics
g) Civil Engineering
h) Electrical and Electronics Engineering
i) Electronics and Communication Engineering
j) Mechanical Engineering
k) Metallurgy
l) Computer Science and Engineering
m) Management
n) Pharmacy
o) Library sciences
Ph.D.Guidelines JNTUK/ 2014-15
Inter disciplinary / Multi-disciplinary
p) Computer science
q) Bio-Technology
r) Spatial Information Technology
3. Eligibility criteria for the candidates to apply for the Ph.D Programme

i. Candidates applying for Ph.D should have Post Graduate (PG) qualification in the
concerned disciplines from any UGC recognized State / Central / Private
University / Premier National Institutes, with 60% marks for categories of OC
and OBC candidates, 55% marks for SC and ST candidates. Relaxation of 5%
marks, is given for English, Arts and Commerce disciplines for all the above
mentioned categories.
ii. Candidates applying for Ph.D research programme under external registration
should have minimum of two years experience in Educational Institutions / R & D
organizations / Industries. Full time Research Scholars may be admitted without
iii. Limited fellowships for full time Research Scholars for Ph.D programme may be
available in some specific areas. Candidates who have obtained JRF, SRF or other
fellowships from organizations like UGC, CSIR, and AICTE, etc., will be given
priority for selection as Full time Research Scholars. (without University
iv. Candidates applying for Ph.D in Computer Science and Engineering should have
PG qualification in Engineering.
v. Candidates having Post Graduate / M. Phil qualification in Physics, Electronics,
Mathematics, Computer Science and Computer Applications disciplines, are
eligible for Ph.D in Computer Science.
vi. Candidates applying for Ph.D programme in Library sciences should possess Post
Graduation in Library sciences.
vii. The eligibility for Ph.D. programme in Inter / Multi disciplinary areas
Ph.D.Guidelines JNTUK/ 2014-15
a. Computer Science: Post Graduation / M. Phil degree in Physics,
Electronics, Mathematics, Computer science and Master degree in
Computer Applications
b. Spatial Information Technology: Post Graduation degree in Spatial
Information Technology / Mathematics / Physics / Chemistry / Geology /
Geography / Engineering / Agriculture / Atmospheric sciences / Space
sciences / remote sensing
c. Bio-Technology: The candidates should have a First Class Post Graduate
Degree in Biotechnology / Food Technology / Bio-Chemical Engineering /
Bio-Chemistry / Microbiology / Life sciences (Zoology, Botany, Genetics,
Agricultural sciences) / Pharmacy / Environmental science and

viii. Candidates applying for inter / multi disciplinary research work should hold the first
degree (Bachelor degree) in the relevant area. However, he / she may have either
Supervisor or Co-supervisor having Ph.D from inter disciplinary area of research.
4. Eligibility criteria for Supervisor/Co-Supervisor
a. All regular Faculty members / Scientists working in any UGC recognized State /
Central Universities or R & D organizations or JNTUK recognized private R & D
organizations or Research Centers recognized by the University are eligible to
guide provided they enroll with the University as Supervisor / Co-Supervisor.
b. If the Supervisor / Co-Supervisor is from any affiliated institute / Private
organization, then Co-Supervisor / Supervisor is mandatory from JNTU Kakinada
Constituent units, State / Central Universities recognized by UGC, premier
National Institutes like IITs / NITs and Government R&D organizations.
c. The faculty members working in the departments of affiliated institutions, which
are identified as research centers by JNTUK University, Kakinada may supervise
the candidate as sole supervisor, and there is no need for co-supervisor.
d. In addition to the above to act as Supervisor / Co-Supervisor
i. Faculty member / Scientist should have Ph.D qualification from State
University/Central University/IITs’/IIMs/NITs/IISc or any other UGC
recognized private University.
ii. Faculty member / Scientist should have research experience of minimum
one year duration after completion of Ph.D.
Ph.D.Guidelines JNTUK/ 2014-15
iii. Faculty member / Scientist should have at least three National and
International Journal publications with impact factor and at least one out
of them should be after acquiring Ph.D.
iv. Faculty member / Scientist should not guide for more than 12 Ph.D
candidates as main supervisor.
v. Faculty member may also act as a Supervisor / Co-Supervisor for the
interdisciplinary research provided his basic degree is from any of the
interdisciplinary areas.
vi. Faculty member having Ph.D with the same specialization, from any State
/ Central Universities / IITs’ / IIMs’ / NITs /IISc or any other UGC
recognized private University will be considered.
vii. Not more than three Ph.D scholars should be registered with a Supervisor
per year.
viii. Supervisor / Co-supervisors supervising in the research in inter / multi
disciplinary area should have the Ph.D in the respective area.
5. Application format
Candidates applying for the Ph.D. programme are required to submit their application in the
prescribed format. University may issue the notification in leading newspapers and also on the
official website
6. Admission procedure

Admissions will be made by the Directorate of Admissions and the selection will be intimated to
the candidates. The following are the guidelines for admissions in to Ph.D programme
a) Candidates shall be admitted in the Ph.D programme based on their merit in both written
test and interview.
b) The University conducts the written test in a prescribed syllabi. The syllabi will be
notified on the website along with notification.
c) Candidates who have qualified in the UGC/CSIR/NET/SLET examinations are exempted
from appearing the written test. However, they have to attend the interview.
d) Candidates having M. Phil. Degree are exempted from appearing the written test and
have to attend the interview directly. However candidates with M.Phil. degree (Distance
mode) have to attend both written test and interview.
e) The minimum qualifying marks in the written test are 45% for OC and OBC and 35% for
SC and ST candidates.
Ph.D.Guidelines JNTUK/ 2014-15
f) Candidates who have qualified in the written test have to appear for interview before the
selection board constituted by the University.
g) Foreign National students seeking admission for Ph.D programme (full time) may be
admitted based on the merit in interview. The rules for admission may have to be
followed as per the Indian Government policy. Candidate has to stay minimum three
years on campus.
h) Persons of Indian origin / NRIs seeking admission for Ph.D programme (External
registration) may be admitted based on their merit in interview. One of the Supervisors
should be from JNTU Kakinada. Residential requirement, course work and Pre-Ph.D
requirements are mandatory.
i) Candidates seeking admission under external registration should produce No Objection
Certificate (NOC) from the present employer and the employer should permit the
candidate to avail the leave for atleast six months to complete the residential requirement
to attend the assigned subjects, for course work / pre - Ph.D / Thesis compilation etc.
i) During the research period, the candidate shall not register for any other course, at any
other University or Institution, leading to the award of any other degree / diploma. In case
of any such contingency, the candidate shall forfeit the admission.
7. Course work, Pre-Ph.D, and Residential Requirements
Candidates admitted in Ph.D (External registration) should complete the Residential,
course work, and Pre-Ph.D requirements as follows.

Residential Requirement for External scholars

• Candidate should have minimum of six months residential requirement to enable the
candidate to interact for the research work with Supervisor / Co-Supervisor.
Supervisor and Co-Supervisor should issue the completion of residential requirement
certificate accordingly before the submission of the thesis. The period of stay for
attending the audit courses and credit course should be treated as residential
Course work requirements
a) Candidate should attend the two audit courses, viz., “Research Methodology” and
“Intellectual Property rights and Patents” in the month of May every year.
Minimum 75% attendance is mandatory. Internal assessment by concerned
Ph.D.Guidelines JNTUK/ 2014-15
teacher should be categorized as either Satisfactory / Not –Satisfactory. If the
assessment is not satisfactory, the candidate has to attend the course during next
academic year.
b) In addition, one credit course in their discipline needs to be completed along with
PG programme students offered by any state Universities. The period of stay may
be considered as Residential requirement of the University.
Subjects of Pre-Ph.D requirements
a) Chairman of Board of studies in consultation with BOS members of the
concerned discipline should list out the subjects and syllabi for different
specializations in the concerned discipline, apriori and they should be made
available to candidate and Supervisor for the selection.
b) Supervisor/Co-Supervisor should recommend minimum two subjects (in addition
to the audit and credit courses) and syllabi to the candidates from the available
subjects. Candidate has to register to these subjects as per the University
notification for Pre-Ph.D. Candidate has to pass these subjects with minimum of
50% marks. In case, the candidate fails to pass in three attempts his/her admission
shall be cancelled.
c) Director of Evaluation shall issue the notification once in six months for pre-Ph.D
examinations and conduct the examination. Answer scripts will be evaluated by
two Examiners and the average of the two evaluations has to be considered as
subject performance. Results may be kept available at the Director (R&D) office.
d) Candidate should retain all the necessary documents related to the completion of
residential requirement, course work, and subjects of Pre-Ph.D requirements and
submit them to the Directorate of R & D, whenever acquired.
8. Duration of Ph.D programme and Extension of time

The minimum duration of Ph.D (Full time / External registration) is 3 years. However,
candidates may be permitted to continue the work and submit the thesis before 6 years. Further,
extension may be permitted by the Vice-Chancellor, based on the merit of the case and discretion
of the Vice-Chancellor.
Ph.D.Guidelines JNTUK/ 2014-15
• Candidate should submit the progress of the work along with the application for the
extension of time, in the prescribed format given in Annexure – 4, at least three
months before the completion of six years.
• Candidate should complete the Residential work, Course work, and pre-Ph.D
subjects, before the stipulated period (6 years) for the Ph.D programme
• Necessary recommendation from the Supervisor and Co-Supervisor
• Candidate should have paid the fee without any arrears and attended minimum
of two RRC meetings during the 6 years.
9. Fee particulars
On selection for admission, candidates shall be required to pay the prescribed fee as per the
prescribed criteria.
a) Fee has to be paid on or before 31st July, in every academic year, subsequent to
admission, till the successful completion of the programme and submission of thesis or
cancellation of the admission as the case may be.
b) If the fee is not paid by the stipulated date, late fee of Rs.2000/- is levied (within six
months from due date), Rs. 4000/- is levied (within one year from due date).
c) Foreign students may have to pay US $200 (or its equivalent in Indian rupees) as late fee
(within six months from due date), US$ 400 (or its equivalent in Indian rupees) as late fee
(within one year due date). Thereafter, the admission of the candidate is liable to be
cancelled, without any prior intimation.
d) Fee details for research programmes
Fee of Rs.30,000/- per annum.
US $ 4,000 (or its equivalent in Indian rupees) per annum (Foreign
students of any country)
e) All Internal regular faculty members, registered as external scholars fee of
Rs.5,000/- per annum. However, the fine for late payment by the internal registered
faculty will be same as other scholars. Other rules for internal registered faculty, viz., not
registering in time etc., will be same as other scholars.
f) Mode of fee payment is by crossed demand draft in favour of the “The Registrar, JNTUK
Kakinada’ payable at Kakinada drawn on any Nationalized Bank. A candidate must write
Ph.D.Guidelines JNTUK/ 2014-15
his name, roll number and complete address (Mobile No. and E-mail address) on the back
of the demand draft.
g) Candidate must preserve all fee receipts and Xerox copies of the demand drafts and
produce them as and when required.
h) Candidate has to pay double the fee during the extended period, beyond 6 years, if
candidate is permitted for extension of time.
i) If any reason, a candidate takes his / her original certificates temporarily from the
University, candidate has to submit the requisition application with recommendation
from the Supervisor mentioning the date before which the certificates will be returned to
the office. If he/she does not return before the mentioned date, the candidate may have to
forfeit the admission.
j) In the event of cancellation of Ph.D registration by the candidate on his/her request or by
University for any reason, the entire fee amount due till the date of cancellation, must be
paid by the candidate for the return of original certificates.

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