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Research is a systematic investigation for information. It is a process of inquiring.

Nature of Inquiry
• It is a learning process that motivates you to obtain knowledge or information about people, things,
places or events.
• It is exploratory.
• It is multiple, varied, and open to selection.
• Different Factors involved in Different Kinds of Inquiries:
• Selection of appropriate questions
• Formulation of appropriate questions
• Identification of key issues
• Search for valid and relevant evidence
• Interpretation and assessment of evidence
• Application of evidence to identified issues
• Presentation of coherent conclusion, final or tentative
• Reflection on, and assessment of the learning process.

What is Research?
• Research holds the following significant data:
✓ to gather necessary information
✓ to make changes
✓ to improve the standard of living
✓ for a safer life
✓ to know the truth
✓ to explore our history
✓ to understand arts

Why do Research?
➢ The writing process will make you confident in your ability to find information and present it effectively
in varied ways.
➢ You can get to investigate topics that may be of interest to you.
➢ It can make you study more meaningful and you’ll discover real world application of what you’re
➢ You can have hands-on, practical experience in your field of study.
➢ It is a great way to network and meet new people.

The Role of Research

• Research leads an expansion of knowledge and discoveries. Research effects have led to breakthrough.
• Research is a systematic process of collecting and analyzing data or information in order to increase
understanding of a phenomenon.
• Research is important in providing a solid foundation for the:
✓ Discovery and creation of knowledge, theory-building.
✓ Testing, confirmation, revision, and refutation of knowledge as theory.
✓ Advance a discipline or field.
✓ Advancements and improvements in various aspects of life.
✓ Promotion and tenure of individuals.
• Significance of Research
1. To gather necessary information.
2. To improve standard of living.
3. To have a safer life.
4. To know the truth.
5. To explore our history.
6. To understand arts.

Research and Society

The results/findings of studies also affect society and the lives of each one of us. Research is very vital to
our everyday decision-making. The research you do and evidence you gather will be useful for future

Research and Other Fields/Areas

Research benefits can be seen and felt in the following fields:
➢ Economy
➢ Society
➢ Environment
➢ Culture
➢ Health

Meaning and Characteristics of Research

Research is defined as the scientific investigation of phenomena which includes collection,
presentation, analysis, and interpretation of facts that lines an individual’s speculation with reality.

Characteristics of Research
✓ Empirical
✓ Logical
✓ Cyclical
✓ Analytical
✓ Critical
✓ Methodical
✓ Replicability

The Research Process

1. Define Research Problem
2. Review the literature
3. Formulate hypothesis
4. Design Research
5. Collect Data
6. Analyze Data
7. Interpret and Report

The Basic Research Processes

1. Identify the question or problem
2. Review the Existing literature
3. Clarify the Problem
4. Clearly define terms and concepts
5. Define the population
6. Select Methods of Data Collection
7. Develop the Instrumentation Plan
8. Collect Data
9. Analyze Data
10. Write your Paper
11. Cite your sources properly
12. Conclude your research
13. Proofread
14. Share Results
Factors to Consider in Selecting a Research Problem
❖ Researcher’s area of interest
❖ Availability of Funds
❖ Investigator’s ability and training
Ethics in Research
Ethics generally is considered to deal with beliefs about what is right or wrong, proper or improper,
good or bad. According to a dictionary definition (Webster’s 1968), to be ethical is to conform to accepted
professional practice.
◦ Ethical Considerations in Conducting Research
❑ Objectivity and integrity
❑ Respect of the research subjects’ right to privacy and dignity and protection of subjects from personal
❑ Presentation of research findings
❑ Misuse of research role
❑ Acknowledgement of research collaboration and assistance
❑ Distortions of findings by sponsor
❑ Openness
❑ Responsible Mentoring
❑ Social responsibility
❑ Competence
❑ Legality
❑ Animal Care
❑ Human Subjects Protection
Unethical Practices in Conducting Research
❑ Deceiving a respondent about the true purpose of a study
❑ Asking a respondent questions that cause him or her extreme embarrassment; guilt emotional turmoil
by remaining him or her of an unpleasant experience
❑ Invading the privacy of a respondent
❑ Studying the respondents’ or research subjects without their knowledge
❑ When analyzing the data – revealing only part of the facts, presenting facts out of context, falsifying
findings or offering misleading presentation such as lying with statistics.

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