Metallurgy in Ancient India PDF
Metallurgy in Ancient India PDF
Metallurgy in Ancient India PDF
Technology is today defined as applied science, but early humans developed technologies such
as stone-working, agriculture, animal husbandry, pottery, metallurgy, textile manufacture,
bead-making, wood-carving, cart-making, boat-making and sailing-with hardly any science to
back them up. If we define technology as a human way of altering the surrounding world for
making life easier, we find that the first stone tools in the Indian subcontinent go back more
than two million years! Jumping across ages, the ‗Neolithic revolution‘ of some 10,000 years
ago saw the development in agriculture in parts of the Indus and the Ganges valleys, which in
turn triggered the need for pots, water management, metal tools, transport, etc. Metallurgy
brought about important changes in human society, as it gave rise to a whole new range of
weapons, tools and implements. Some of these had been made in stone earlier, it is true, but
the result was coarser as well as heavier. Metal, precious or not, is also a prime material for
ornaments, and thus enriches cultural life. Metallurgy may be defined as the extraction,
purification, alloying and application of metals. Today, some eighty-six metals are known, but
most of them were discovered in the last two centuries. The ‗seven metals of antiquity‘, as they
are sometimes called, were, more or less in order of discovery: gold, copper, silver, lead, tin,
iron and mercury. For over 7,000 years, India has had a high tradition of metallurgical skills;
let us see some of its landmarks.
Harappan Civilization:
The first evidence of metal in the Indian subcontinent comes from Mehrgarh in Baluchistan,
where a small copper bead was dated to about 6000 BCE; it is however thought to have been
native copper, not the smelted metal extracted from ore. The growth of copper metallurgy had
to wait for another 1,500 years; that was the time when village communities were developing
trade networks and technologies which would allow them, centuries later, to create the
Harappan cities. Archaeological excavations have shown that Harappan metal smiths obtained
copper ore from the Aravalli hills, Baluchistan or beyond. They soon discovered that adding
tin to copper produced bronze, a metal harder than copper yet easier to cast, and also more
resistant to corrosion. Whether deliberately added or already present in the ore, various
impurities such as nickel, arsenic or lead enabled the Harappans to harden bronze further, to
the point where bronze chisels could be used to dress stones. Shaping copper or bronze
involved techniques of fabrication such as forging, sinking, raising, cold work, annealing,
riveting, lapping and joining.
Among the metal artifacts produced by the Harappans, objects discovered are spearheads,
arrowheads, axes, chisels, sickles, blades (for knives as well as razors), needles, hooks, and
vessels such as jars, pots and pans, besides objects of toiletry such as bronze mirrors; those
were slightly oval, with their face raised, and one side was highly polished. The Harappan
craftsmen also invented the true saw, with teeth and the adjoining part of the blade set
alternatively from side to side, a type of saw unknown elsewhere until Roman times. Besides,
many bronze figurines or humans such as the well-known Dancing Girl‘, for instance and
animals like rams, deer, bulls etc. have been unearthed from Harappan sites. Those figurines
were cast by the lost-wax process: the initial model was made of wax, then thickly coated with
clay; once fired which caused the wax to melt away or be lost‘, the clay hardened into a mould,
into which molten bronze was later poured. Harappans also used gold and silver to produce a
wide variety of ornaments such as pendants, bangles, beads, rings or necklace parts, which
were usually found hidden away in hoards such as ceramic or bronze pots. While gold was
probably panned from the Indus waters, silver was perhaps extracted from galena, or native
lead sulphide.
In the later phase of Harappan culture, a Copper Hoard culture of still unclear authorship
produced massive quantities of copper tools are underway central and northern India. Later, in
the classical age, copper-bronze smiths supplied countless pieces of art. Let us mention the
huge bronze statue of the Buddha made between 500 and 700 CE in Sultanganj in Bihar,
measuring 2.3 m high, 1 m wide, and weighing over 500 kg, it was made by the same lost-wax
technique that Harappans used three millenniums earlier. So were thousands of statues made
later in Tamil Nadu, such as the beautiful Nataraja statues of the Chola period, among other
famous bronzes. Of course, all kinds of bronze objects of daily use have continued to be
produced; for instance, highly polished bronze mirrors are still made in Kerala today, just as
they were in Harappan times.
Gold Metallurgy
The noble metals, gold and silver, are found in the native state, and as is well known, gold and
silver were used to make jewelry and sheet metal due to the great ductility and lustre of the
pure metals. Some of the early rich finds of gold artifacts were from the cemeteries in Bulgaria
in Europe (5th millennium BC) with accouterments of hammered and sheet gold. Some of the
most elegant gold vessels made by the repousse technique come from the Mesopotamia (ca
2500 BC). Spectacular gold castings are known from ancient Pharaohnic Egypt, such as the
enigmatic face of the young Pharaoh Tutenkhamen (ca 1300 BC). Early gold and silver
ornaments from the Indian subcontinent are found from Indus Valley sites such as
Mohenjodaro (ca 3000 BC). These are on display in the National Museum, New Delhi.
In antiquity gold would usually have been collected by panning alluvial sands from placer
deposits. However India has the distinction that the deepest ancient mines in the world for gold
come from the Maski region of Karnataka with carbon dates from the mid 1st millennium BC.
A rather delightful piece of conjecture is that tales of Herodotus, the Greek, about gold-digging
ants from India refers to marmot, a type of rodent found in Afghanistan, who dig up the river
sand which could then have been panned for gold by the inhabitants.
Surface tension was used to turn melted gold filings into spheres. The granulation technique
was also used to make gold jewelry in India in the late 1st millennium BC to early Christian
era. Interestingly, as far as silver production goes, the Aravalli region in north-west India along
with Laurion in Greece and the Roman mines of Rio Tinto in Spain ranks amongst the few
major ancient silver producing sites from about the mid 1st millennium BC onwards.
While the Indus civilization belonged to the Bronze Age, its successor, the Ganges civilization,
which emerged in the first millennium BCE, belonged to the Iron Age. But recent excavations
in central parts of the Ganges valley and in the eastern Vindhya hills have shown that iron was
produced there possibly as early as in 1800 BCE. Its use appears to have become widespread
from about 1000 BCE, and we find in late Vedic texts mentions of a dark metal‘ (krṣnāyas),
while earliest texts (such as the Rig-Veda) only spoke of ayas, which, it is now accepted,
referred to copper or bronze. Whether other parts of India learned iron technology from the
Gangetic region or came up with it independently is not easy to figure out. What seems clear,
however, is that the beginnings of copper-bronze and iron technologies in India correspond
broadly with those in Asia Minor (modern Turkey) and the Caucasus, but were an independent
development, not an import.
Wootz Steel
Instead, India was a major innovator in the field, producing two highly advanced types of iron.
The first, wootz steel, produced in south India from about 300 BCE, was iron carburized under
controlled conditions. Exported from the Deccan all the way to Syria, it was shaped there into
Damascus swords renowned for their sharpness and toughness. But it is likely that the term
Damascus derived not from Syria‘s capital city, but from the ‘damask’ or wavy pattern
characteristic of the surface of those swords. In any case, this Indian steel was called ‘the
wonder material of the Orient’. A Roman historian, Quintius Curtius, recorded that among the
gifts which Alexander the Great received from Porus of Taxila (in 326 BCE), there was some
two-and-a-half tons of wootz steel-it was evidently more highly prized than gold or jewels.
Later, the Arabs fashioned it into swords and other weapons, and during the Crusades,
Europeans were overawed by the superior Damascus swords. It remained a favoured metal for
weapons through the Moghul era, when wootz swords, knives and armours were artistically
embellished with carvings and inlays of brass, silver and gold.
Wootz steel is primarily iron containing a high proportion of carbon (1.0-1.9%). Thus the term
wootz applies to a high-carbon alloy produced by crucible process. The basic process consisted
in first preparing sponge iron; it was then hammered while hot to expel slag, broken up, then
sealed with wood chips or charcoal in closed crucibles that were heated, causing the iron to
absorb appreciable amounts of carbon; the crucibles were then cooled, with solidified ingot of
wootz steel remaining.
Right from the 17th century, several European travellers documented India‘s iron and steel-
making furnaces. From the 18th century, savants in England, France and Italy tried to master
the secrets of wootz; the French Jean-Robert Bréant, conducting over 300 experiments by
adding various metals to steel, understood the role of the high carbon proportion in wootz, and
was the first European who successfully produced steel blades comparable to the Indian ones.
Together, such researches contributed to the understanding of the role of carbon in steel and to
new techniques in steel-making.
The second advanced iron is the one used in the famous 1,600-year-old Delhi Iron Pillar, which,
at a height of 7.67 m, consists of about six tons of wrought iron. It was initially erected ‗by
Chandra as a standard of Vishnu at Vishnupadagiri‘, according to a six-line Sanskrit inscription
on its surface. ‘Vishnupadagiri’ has been identified with modern Udayagiri near Sanchi in
Madhya Pradesh, and ‘Chandra’ with the Gupta emperor, Chandragupta II Vikramaditya (375-
414 CE). In 1233, the pillar was brought to its current location in the New Delhi‘s Qutub
complex, where millions continue to come and see this ‘rustless wonder’.
But why is it rustless, or, more precisely, rust-resistant is still a major question. Here again,
numerous experts, both Indian and Western, tried to grasp the secret of the pillar‘s manufacture.
Only recently have its rust-resistant properties been fully explained. They are chiefly due to
the presence of phosphorus in the iron: this element, together with iron and oxygen from the
air, contributes to the formation of a thin protective passive coating on the surface, which gets
reconstituted if damaged by scratching. It goes to the credit of Indian blacksmiths that through
patient trial and error they were able to select the right type of iron ore and process it in the
right way for such monumental pillars.
There are a few more such pillars in India, for instance at Dhar (Madhya Pradesh) and
Kodachadri Hill (coastal Karnataka). Besides, the same technology was used to manufacture
huge iron beams used in some temples of Odisha, such as Jagannath of Puri (12th century).
The iron beams at Konarak‘s famous sun temple are of even larger dimensions. Chemical
analysis of one of the beams confirmed that it was wrought iron of a phosphoric nature (99.64%
Fe, 0.15% P, traces of C, traces of S and no manganese).
The earliest firm evidence for the production of metallic zinc is from India. Of the metals used
in antiquity zinc is one of the most difficult to smelt since zinc volatalises at about the same
temperature of around 1000oC that is needed to smelt zinc ore. Indian metallurgists were
familiarity with zinc deserves a special mention because, having a low boiling point (907°C),
it tends to vaporize while its ore is smelted. Zinc, a silvery-white metal, is precious in
combination with copper, resulting in brass of superior quality. Sometimes part of copper ore,
pure zinc could be produced only after a sophisticated downward distillation technique in
which the vapour was captured and condensed in a lower container. This technique, which was
also applied to mercury, is described in Sanskrit texts such as the 14th-century
There is archaeological evidence of zinc production at Rajasthan‘s mines at Zawar from the
6th or 5th century BCE. The technique must have been refined further over the centuries. India
was, in any case, the first country to master zinc distillation, and it is estimated that between
50,000 and 100,000 tons of zinc was smelted at Zawar from the 13th to the 18th century CE!
British chroniclers record continuing production there as late as in 1760; indeed, there is
documentary evidence to show that an Englishman learned the technique of downward
distillation there in the 17th century and took it to England-a case of technology transfer which
parallels that of wootz steel. Another remarkable artistic innovation by Indian metalworkers of
the past was the use of zinc in making highly elegant bidri ware, an inlayed zinc alloy, which
came into vogue under the Muslim rulers of the Bidar province in the Hyderabad region from
about the 14th century. AD.
We should finally note that most of India‘s metal production was controlled by specific social
groups, including so-called tribes, most of them from the lower rungs of Indian society. For
instance, the Agarias of Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh are reputed iron smiths, and there
are still such communities scattered across Jharkhand, Bihar, West-Bengal, Kerala and Tamil
Nadu. Together, they contributed substantially to India‘s wealth, since India was for a long
time a major exporter of iron. In the late 1600s, shipments of tens of thousands of wootz ingots
would leave the Coromandel Coast for Persia every year. India‘s iron and steel industry was
intensive till the 18th century and declined only when the British started selling their own
products in India while imposing high duties on Indian products. Industrially produced iron
and steel unavoidably put a final stop to most of India‘s traditional production.
Note: Many texts of chemistry refer to the working of metals, especially precious ones (a few
extracts are below), but it should be kept in mind that some of India‘s greatest metallurgical
advances-such as wootz steel or rust-resistant iron-do not figure in any known texts; they were
the work of communities of craftsmen who perfected such practices from generation to
generation, but did not generally leave written testimonies behind.
There are many more references in the Vedas to metal and metal-working, often used as a
metaphor. The word for metal was ayas, which in the Rig-Veda, refers to copper or bronze, not
to iron. In later literature, terms like krsnayas, kalayasa or syamayas, i.e., ‗dark metal‘, came
into use, which clearly referred to iron; loha (literally- red) or lohāyas initially referred to
copper, but later became a generic term for metal, and often came to mean iron.
Kautilya‘s famous treatise of governance and administration, the Arthasastra, dates back to
Mauryan times, a 4th centuries BCE. A passage, from a long chapter on the ‘department of
mines’, reveals an intimate knowledge of the different types of metal ores and the ways to test
and purify different metals, or to create alloys. Kautilya said, that the Director of Mines, being
conversant with the sciences of metal veins in the earth and metallurgy, the art of smelting and
the art of colouring gems, or having the assistance of experts in these, and fully equipped with
workmen skilled in the work and with implements, should inspect an old mine by the marks of
dross, crucibles, coal and ashes, or a new mine, where there are ores in the earth, in rocks or in
liquid form, with excessive colour and heaviness and with a strong smell and taste.
Acoording to ancient Indian literary reference, in nature there are four suddha lohas (native
metals) viz., suvarṇa (gold), rajata (silver), tamra (copper) and loha (iron). In addition there are
two putilohas- naga (lead) and vaṅga (tin) and three misra loha (alloys) viz., pittala (brass),
kaṃsya (bell metal) and varta loha (an alloy made of five metals). The term loha is derived
from the root luh which means karsana.
The above discussion indicates that there is growing evidence to suggest that ancient Indian
metallurgists have also made major contributions which deserve their place in the metallurgical
history of the world along with other great civilizations of the world. As clearly seen in the
case of zinc and high-carbon steel, ancient India contributed significantly to their modern
metallurgical advances and in the development of metallurgical study leading to the Industrial
Revolution in Europe.