Eccles Church Records

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Jarislj Cbmxlj oi (BtdzB

baptisms, ^trrials, mh Carriages


Transcribed and Edited by

A. E. HODDER, M.B., B.C.,


Printed and published with the -permission of Rev, F. D. Cremer, 31. A.

Vicar of Eccles,

This Volume is the gift to the Society of Lady Royds,

GreenhilL Rochdale.

Printed for the Lancashire Parish Register Society,

liY James Clegg, at the Aldine Press.
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^T^HE Parish Church of Eccles lies

the west of Manchester in the midst of a huge

four miles to

Parish bounded by the parishes of Manchester,

Prestwich, RadcHffe, Bolton, Leigh, and Winwick

the southern limit being the river Irwell.

The Parish originally contained the townships of

Barton-upon- Irwell, Clifton, Pendlebury, Pendleton,

and Worsley, and comprised an area of 22,028

statute acres, ten miles long by five miles broad.

In the Whalley Coucher Book there is mention

of a confirmation of a grant of a fourth part of the

church by Albert Grelli, — this must have been in

or prior to 1185, the probable year of his death.

The volume here printed is the earliest existing

Register, It measures 15 inches by 51, and con-

sists of 132 leaves of parchment bound in leather.

The entries, generally well written, are confused

in a most extraordinary manner, and the greatest

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credit is due to our Editor for unravelling the

may confidently be asserted

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difficulties. It that

the present issue will reveal much which even the

most careful search of the original would never

have discovered.

The Episcopal Transcripts, 1610 — 1632, have

been compared with the original Register — a most

toilsome process in the present instance.

Our thanks are due to the Vicar of Eccles for

his ready assent to the transcription, printing and

publishing of the Volume, and also to the ever-

courteous Mr. Price of the Episcopal Registry at

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^ahU of (([Contents.

Preface v.-vi.

Baptisms i — 105
Burials 106—186
Marriages . 187 — 216
Miscellaneous Entries 217

Index of Christian Names and Surnames . 218 — 280

„ Places 281—283
„ Trades, etc. 284 — 285
Errata 286
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E^gistos 0f tht farislj Cburtlj of (Bttlt^

in (Kiountg of ICanraater.

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Ane ptingtone 13 October

Rohart Hey 15 y>

Ales Houlcien . 29 „

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Oliver Parren . 3 November
John Mather 5 y,

Rohart Collar .
8 „
John 'I'hirlwinde Elizaheth Smetharst 19 »
James Hope 24
Kile Morton
Agnes Morton 27
Arnold Leach last

John Gynet Cooke 17 December

Ednuide Clyffe 20
William Shepard 24
Thomas Milnes 30
Jane Devias 6 Januarie
Agnes Chapma 14
Amerye Langley 19
Margerie Morton Henrie Ouldame 2 Februarie
James Hope
Thomas Slade ... 3
Richard Vose 8
Thomas Orphewe Richard Chorltone .. 12
Thomas Darbishire Kathren Hunt 13
John Knight 15
Thurstan Aughton 16
Raphe Bordman 19
Joan Morton 22
Ellen Edge 25
Richard Erlame .. 3 Marche
John Schowles ... 4
John Acton 5
Rohart Ouldame 6
Oliver Johnsone 8
Geget Byrche 10
John Widdall ... II
Miles Honkinsone 20

Thomas Digle ... .
4 Aprill
Humfrey Cooke
Ales Marshe
Cathre Barlowe 21
Issabell Lyfley ... .

Margret Smyth
I ff"-
3 I'^dmude Gooden
Richard Woodworthe .Amrie Cooke
John Barlowe ... .
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Ane Warlierton 23
Henrie Parr
Edward Seddon

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Clemece ptintone
Elizabeth Radeclyffe
Margret Holland
Henrie Seddon ...

Raphe Barlowe Edward Hodgkii

Robart Coli;ir Peter DarbishvTe
George Mort
Margerie Bordma
Margerie CooksoiK^
James Coliar
Lawrence Shawe
Richard Valentyne
Robart Seddon
Joan Richard daughter
Thomas Nedome
Oliver Birche
Margret Raue Ales Parr
Peter Bradshewe Ales Twist
Edmud Hilton
Dorithe Worsley
Thomas Wright
William Jamesone Gal)ricll Mathi
Arnold Mort
Ales Bordma
Helen Turner
Hughe Makant Richard Tr.iv
Robart Hulme
John Hunt
John Widdall
Joane Symsone
Edmud Lewes
William Seddone
George Hollande
George Ecckersley
Margret Thomassone
Ane Crosse
John Rosone
Rodger Burie
Peter Valentyne Katherene Wirrall
Joan Turner Ane Waleworke
Margerie Gee James Bradshew
Hughe Pendltone
Ales Heyworte ...,
John incerti cognominis
Margret Warde
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Ales Darbishire 8
Richard Eccarsley Ellen Holland...
John Gilbodie Jane Gilbodie quoque

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Alargret Mather
Elizabeth Tonge

Hughe Smythe
William Hope Elizabeth Ouldame
Elizabeth Darbishire
John Edge
Ellen Parren Margret James daughter
Joan Landsdall
Margret Barlowe
if 0.6 Robart Edge
Richard Darbishire
John Devias
Robart Chorlton
Margrete Hollande
Nicolas Hope
Ellen Hunt
Betrich Awine
Johanis Cowpine
Elizabeth Hilton
Richard Hollande
John Birtwisle & Margerie ...
I fo. 9 Impri : Marie Seddd
John Hewort
filius Radulphi Slade
Margerie Lee
Aiie Shepart
Elizabeth Hey
Elizabeth Valentyne
Elle Erlam
Thomas Eccarsall John Hunt
John Holland
Wittm Moone
John Bibbye
Roba't Roson
Rodger Eccarsley
Barbarie Standley
Lawrence Vosse
Peter Fletcher
Edward ffayercloughe
Willia Acton
Willia Erlam Robart Scott
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Edward PiMidlton 6 Marche

Raphe Collar ... 12
Margerie Darbishire lilia Olivcri Seddo 13

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Ales Parre 14
Thomas Tongc ... 15
Elizabeth Seddoii Ji 111 Thirlwind 22
Esabell Valeiityne 23

Thomas B\ram Syna Rigbie 26 Marche
John ffylles 2 ApriU
Margret Widdall et Nicolas Barlowe
Elizabethe Watsone 3 M
Thurstan Thomassofie Kathren ffylls ... 7 .>

Joane Meanley Elizabeth Mort 16 „

Margret Landsdall 22
Ales Walworke & Elle Schooles 23
Hughe Wirrall & Elline Wirrall 7 Maie
Margret Lyveslev
Rai)he Wirrall .'

Jane Meanlev
Robart Radclyffe
Peter Tonge
Richard Coopishe OTner Tayliar
Elizabe Bradshewe II June
Alexander Greene
Aiie Morton I Julie
Ane Turner John Boothe Jaine Pollet 13 ».
Afie Gannye 17 >,

Henrie Bordma
Kathre Guilbodie 27 »>

Thomas Erlame 30
Thomas Tonge vltimo die
Willia Lewouse 7 August
Margret Holland II „
Oliver Fletcher 16 ,,

tilia Robarti Mather 17 ,,

John Bothe 13 September

Elizabethe Sanndersone 17 »
Hamlet Erlame 18 „
Jane Rothwell 3 October
John Widdell Issabell Morton 5
Margret Holland
An Raven 20 ,,

Margerie Bradshewe 25 .>

Willia Barlowe 31 M
Richard Partintone 28 Novembris
Peter Andrewe
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Ane Bordman .. 20
James Peake
Willia Worsley ..
Henrie Smyth ..

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John Beesley
John Raue [or Rane]
Margerie John daughter
Hughe Haughtone ...
Kathren Sanndersone
John Barlowe
John Foxe
John Edge
Ales Shelmerdyne
Issabell Dawsone
Henrie Mort Elizabeth Massie
Elizabethe Woodd .

Charles Cooke ...

Margret Gregorie
Elizabeth Bradshewe
fo- Hele Aired ... .

George Hollande
Ales Cowape ... .

Margret Byrche
Helen Barlowe ...
Joane Seddon ... .

Henrie Scoles ...

Margret Hewoode
Thomas Clyffe Margret Etcarsley
Thomas Erlame
Hele Seddon
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Francis Pendltoii 20
Ales Smyth
Robart Worsley

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Kathren Morton
John Lighthowne
Richard Cowape
Humfrey Wright
AHx' Eriame
(irace Huet
John Aired
Thomas Woodd
Lawrence Gee
Adame Hollande
Joane Edge
James Boulton
Franchis Bibbie
/('. 12 Kathre Janian Raphe Bibbie
Helen Cowape
Jane Robinsone
Joane Pendltone
Ane Baguley
'Hele Chorltone
Ales Tayliar
Thomas Rediche Isabel! Partinton
Joan Partinton
Thomas Knott
Elizabeth Partintone
Margerie Bibbie
Kathren Hey
Thomas Tonge
Helen Hulton
Peter Vos & Robart Nicolassone ...

Margerie Seddon
John Rothwell
Raphe Andrewe
(ienet Sanndersone
Elizabeth Seddo
Jaiie Goode Margret Barlowe
Margret Cooke
Ales Hunt
Thomas Mather
Elizabeth Haughto
Robart Chapma
John Gregorie
Guilbart Parr
Ales Roscowe
Gynet Byrche
Gynet Redford
Margret Dunsture
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1573-1574 BAPTlSiMS.

Samuell Mather 27
Ales Valentyne
Ales Hardma
Thomas Woodd

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Elizabeth Par
Hughe Wirrall
John Wautter
Thomas Huit
Joan HoUande Thomas Krlame
John Valentyne
Ane Newton
Ales Greeues Hugh Partintone

23 Clemens Tonge
John Darbishire Elle Robinson
Humfrey Foxe
James Vose
Margret ptingtone
Cathren Seddon
Margret Bent
Margerie Pelton
Helen Barlow
Thomas Lightbowne
Jeffrey Irlam Elizabeth Charles daught
Ales Tonge
Erne Grundie
Elizabeth Bordman Afae Bordma ...
Thomas Seddon Ane Cowape
Margret Cowape & Thomas Hope . .

Margerie Digle
Elizabeth Digle
Joan Smyth
Thomas Richardsone
Richard Turner
John Erlame
Elizabethe Heye
John Clyffe
Elizabeth Loton
Ales Wirrall
John Seddon
Elizabeth Travis
Cathren Milnes
John Thirlwinde
fo. 24 Thomas Slade Elizabeth Sannderson
i Humfrey Cooke
John Baguley
1 Thomas Leeche
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James Ouldame
Otes Holland
Richard Laiidsdall

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Ales Bent
Richard Erlame
Nicolas Toiige
Elizabeth Dantisie
Joan Worsley "

Thomas Peele
Denis Harp
Ales Morton
Thurstan Hey
Arnold Thirlwind
James ffylds
John Kempe
Edward Partington
Ane Leche
Edmud Trafforde
Robart Nicosone
Margerie Houlde
Elizabeth Taylyar
Ane Gylesone & Ane Smyth ...

Joan More
Margret Darbishire
Thomas Parren
John Byrche
Willia Morton
Richard Cowape Cathre Tayliar ...

Oliver Seddon
Dorithe Travis

Ane Harewode
Ellen Pendltone Cathre Mather .

Oliver Taylior & Robart Seddon

Ales Bannester
Willia Robinsone & George Morton
Richard Worsley Ellen Dean
Robart Jacson
Thomas Mason
Ane Beesley
Margret John daughter
Oliver Edge
Thomas Williasone
Issabell Bordman
I fo. 25 Cathre Tonge & Adame Slade
Peter Andrewc
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1575 BArXTSMS.

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Thomas Masone 13 Januarie

Thomas Hatter 29 ,>

Cathren Wattsone 2 Februarie

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Ales Holland 4
Effie Edge 17
Issahell Haughto 19
Richard Bordma I't Dnrethc Gilbod 18
Raphe Partinglnn Thomas Wirrall 19
Willia Holland Ales Darbishire .

Thomas Thirlwinde Elizabetho Ri rhter 24

Henrie Erkersley
William Partingtone 20
Elizabeth Cooke 26
John Peake 27 ..

Adame Whorocks 4 Ma; ^he

Gynet Hilton 8
Ales Hvet John Cha'lessonc 21
Ane Greene 22
Margret Bordma 23
John Wirrall 25

Margerie Valentvne

I fo. 27
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I576-I577 BAPTISMS. 15

Ane Worsley 16
Ane Byrch 7
Parr Barton
Christian Barlowe Robart Seddon

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Adam Drinkwater ...

John Fyshe
Robart Parr
Ales Thomas daughter
Cathre Redit
Ales Bent Elle Morton
Guilbart Parr
Ellen Hey...
Edward Bibbie
Peter Lightbowne
Margret Crosse
Arnold Erlame
Thomas Redford Jonie Tylior Raphe Peele
Thomas Dunsture George Andrewe
Dorithe Bordma
William Darbishire
Thomas Spakman John Hardman
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Jdht's filius Jonae Gregorie illeg et Thomas

Xewton 29 August
Thomas filuis Rodgeri Rile 6 Septefis

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Johafies fihus Thomae Seddd 8 „
Kathrena Thomae Hey
fiha 9 >'

Robartiis Hulme 12 „
Humfridus filius Eliza : Horige illog 22 ,,

Jona Wolstencrofte J5 >>

Anna Worsley 23 »>

Oliverus Edge 25 »
Margreta Oliv' daughter 27 V
Ellen Parre 29 M
filia Guilielmi Bordma 2 Octobris
filia Hugonis Taylior filia Cathrenae Barnc 5 >'

filius Guilielmi Robinsone 6

Lenardus Digle 23 „
filia Johanis Baguley 14
filia Johannis Hope 19 M
Johanis Mather 3 Noveml)r
Robartus Thomassone
Helena Burie
Robartus Tonge
Dorithea Burie
Margerie Tonge
Issabell Digle
ifo.2() Thomas Greenes
Henrie Houlde John Peck 27
Thomas Tylier 3 Decemliris
Elizabeth Cooke 13 ^y
Willia Barkbie 15 »
Richardus Landsdall Agneta Drinkwater 17 M
Alicea Barlowe Egideus Marshe ... 18 „
Joane Lawrensofie 22
Thurstanus Walworthe 23 ,,

Issabell Morton 25
Richardus Tonge 26 ,,
Guilielmus ptinton 3 Januarij
Helena filia Petri Houlde .... ... 13 >.
Aneta Turton Henricus Sm.yth et
Margreta filia Thomae Massie 17 ,,
Robartusfilius Thomae Tyldsley illeg
Thomas Bexwicke et Jana Harwood 19
Thomas filius Guilielmi Holland ...
I fo. T,x Oliverus Colliar
Agneta Bordman
Johannes Eyshe
Cathrena filia Elizabethae Boulton illeg
Helena filia Thomae Walker et Jonae
Barlowe illeg
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Edge Octobris
Pi'triis Seddon et Hugo Harwoodd
239Elizal)ctha filia Huml"ridi Birch et Margretae

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Hugo Crosse 10 ,,

Petrus Bordman 15 »»

Johanes Travis 25
Johanes Cowape ••

Jacobus Kemi>e et Margeria Birche I Novembens

Agnes filia Robarti Mather 6 „
Jona Edge 7 „
Thomassina Foxe 10 ,,

Rol)artus Hardman 15 M
Petrus Knight 17 »
Margreta Greenes 19 .>

Helena filia Mariae Jutes et Jacobi Marsh ille : 20 „

Robartus Wroe et Guilielmus Peake 26 „
Johanes Bybbie vltimo
Egidius Siddall et Alicea Lumas 10 Decembris
Radulphus Coliar et Guilielmus Bradshew et
Hugo Barlowe 17 >>

Elizabetha Coliar 18 „
Thomas Bordman Helena Ward
et 21 „
Margreta Seddon et Dorothea Darl)ishire 12 Januarij
Georgius Warburtone 14 »
Issabella Valentyne 15 »
Nicolaus Hope 17 »
Hugo Meanleye et Margreta Marshe 20
Helena filia Thomae Waleworke 26 „
Johanes Lawrensone 28 „
Elizabetha Hewart 29 „
Robartus Hvit 10 Februarij
Johanes ffylds 12 ,,

Radulphus Barlowe 19 n
Henricus Irlame
Guilielmus filius Elizabethae Armishew illeg : 26
Thomas Ouldame Martij
Helena filia Petri Valentyne 3
Helena Edge et Margreta Roile 8
Hugo Irlame et Johanes Landsdall 10
Petrus Darbishire 13
Raduli)hus filius Guilielmi Turner et Margretae
Wright ill: 17
Cathrena Barlowe
Helena Chedocke 19
Margreta Needome 20
Margreta Barlowe 24
Jacobus Widdall 27
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158: BAPTISMS. «9

Thomas et Alicia Thirlwinde 29
Maria Spakman et Maria Oliversone

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Elizabetha Landsdall
Robartus Redford
Richardus Cooke
Humfrirlus Badow Elizabetha Redford
Dorothea Mason et Ana Wadsworthe
Guilielmus Sannderson
Johannes Wostenrrofte
Thurstan Cooke
Jona Whitehead
Humfridus Xewton Henricus Tonge et
Elizabetha Holden
Edmundus Bent
Thomas Scholes
Hugo Tavlior ...
H. T. H. T.
r io. 240 Radulphus Willmsoiie et Elizabetha Thirhvind
Elizabetha Skipton
Radulphus Haughton
Johanes Drinkwater
Guilielmus Cooke
Maria Irlame
Margreta Bordman
Robartus Mort et Thomas Tyldsley
Edmundus Scholes
Alicea filia Johanis Smythe et Aliciae Acton ...

Elena Tonge et Thomas Adkingsone

Margeria Cooke
Guilielmus Cooke Thomas Worsley
Jane Widdall illeg et Jona Edge

Jona Birche
Jana Bradshall filia Henrici Bradshall illeg:...
Johanis filius Johanis Bradshall illeg:
Ana filia Elizei Heye
Alicea Watson
Robartus Langtone
Ana filia Cathrena Marsh illeg :

Edvardus Harson et Margareta Wolstencrofte

Dorothea Lope [sic]
Cathrena Partingtone et Ailicea Tonge
Issabella Hewart
Egidius filius illeg : Thurstani Vos et Elenae
Thomas Coliar
Ana Cooke
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Edmudus filius Elizabethae Acton et Humfridi

Thirlwinde illeg :
25 Februarij
Alicea VValworke 27 »

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Ana Valeiityne gener :
28 „
Maria filia illeg Johafiis Worsley

Dorothea Irlame et Helena Rothwell 3 Martij

Johanes Devias 17 »»

Elizabetha Radcl>-flfe et Jona Barlowe 24 „

Margreta Bordman et Richardus filius
Richardi Wahvorke et Elenae Cooke 7 April is
Johanes filius Willmi Woodd et
Alicea Lightbowne 12
Edmundus Seddon
Johanes Irlame
Elena Marshe
Golfridus Partington et Humfrey Birche
Ana Giles et Elizabetha Jasone
Ana filia Henrici Parr et Jonae Eccarsley illeg :

Elizabetha Ridings
Jacobus Peake
Joana Houlker
Elizabetha Hope
Robartus Barlow et Thomas Bordmane et
Richardus Williamsone
fo. 241 Thomas Wolstencrofte et Willmus Holland ...

Jacobus Smyth
Johanes Crosbie
Jona Acton
Wilme Holland
Jacobus Couape
Edmundus Smythe
Johanes filius Rici Tyldsley [et] Aliciae
Smyth ill^g : ...

Ana Johanis Renshew et Helenae Hewood


Cathrena filia Henrici Parr et dementis Tonge

Jana filia Georgij Adkinsone
Elizabetha filia Richardi Peak et Janae Cheshire
Johanes filius Johanis Adlingtone et Emae
Edmundus Bent
Thomas Thirlwind et Ana Chetwine
Egidius Roson
Dorothea Birche
Dorothea Barlowe
Margreta Guilbodie
Johanes Widdall et Margeria ptingtone
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1583-1584 BAPTISMS.

Johanes Leighe et Helena Marshe 24 Novembris

Elizabetha Hey 30 „
Helena Holland i Decembris

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Elizabetha Cooke 3 „
Dorothea Warde et Egidius Edge 15 „
Alicea Jacsone 22 „
Guilielmus Edge 25 „
Richardus Hardman et Helena Cuppine ... 26 ,,

Margreta Smythe et Margreta Pollett i Januarij

Thurstanus Collar 3 ,,

Jona et Issabella filiae Thome Gee et

Elizabetha [sic] Langshew illeg :
Johannes Parr
Richard Bradshew et Rodgerus Muttchett et
Elizabetha Seddon
Agnes Scholes
Jana Burie
Henricus Hey
Guilielmus Turner
Helena Gyles et Issabella Barlowe
Elizabetha Hogge
Thomas Cooke
Humfridus Crosse 23
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IV-trus Peake II Octobris

Elizabetha filia illeg : Egidij Hey et Sysle
Smythe 16 „

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Margreta filia Ranulphi Richardsone 17 »
Jacobus C.rundye et Ana Wolstencrofte ... 18 ,,

Jacobus Birche 25
Alicea filia Johanis Uttiwells 28 ,,

Elizal>etha prime Novembris
Edniud Newton 8 „
Henricus Redford 15 M
Elena Scholes Jona Awen 17 M
Jacobus filius illeg : Thurstani Hey et Helenae
Elizal)etha Warburton
Johanes Starkie generosus Decembr
Jona Awen
Elena Holland
Petrus Cowape et Robartus Bordman ...

Ana Bordman Margreta Woodd

Radulpus Tyrlwinde
Helena Drinkwater Januarij
Margreta Woe et Elizabetha Nidome
Petrus Tylsley
Thomas Hardman
Elena filia illeg Humfridi Birch et Eliz :

Richardus Barlowe
Thomas et Margreta Widdall gemelli
Georgius Landsdall
Elizabetha Tyldley
Jacobus Tonge Februarij
Guilielmus Spakman et Helena Bordman
Thomas Skipton Ranulphus Worsley ...
Jacobus Barlowe
Georgius Valentyne et Helena Hvite
Helena Irlame Mavtij
Cathrena Parr
Thomas Colliar
Margreta Barlowe et Elizabetha Devias ...

Thomas Morle Johanes Warburtone et 4 Aprilis
Thomas Barlowe Marie Jrlame
Edwardus Leighe
Richardus Alherton
1 /<?. 243 Jana Hey
Renaldus Seddon et Elizabetha Leache il Maij
Margreta Fleetwood gencrosa

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1585-1586 BAPTISMS. 23

Aiia Jacsone 16 Maij

Elizabetha ptingtone 23 n
Elizabetha filia Johanis Mather et Jonae Morte 2 Junij

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Jona Peake 7 „
Jona Cooke 29 „
Helena Taylior 4 Julij
Johaiies Gregorie 6 „
Thomas Nowell 7 „
Guilielmus Barlowe 25 „
Cathrena Edge et Elizabetha Barlowe 18 August!
Maria Morton 22 „
Arnoldus filius Edvardi Orley et Aliciae
Pendltons 24 .,

Jona Cooke 29 „
Johanes Valentyne generosus 22 September
Thomas Barlowe 28 ,,

Guilielmus Wadsworthe .'.

29 ,,
Henricus Williamsone 17 Octobris
Richardus Cheetame 24 M
Jona Barkbie 31 >,

Margreta filia Janae Cooke illeg : ... II Novembris

Alicia Irlame 12
Alicea Williamsone et Henricus Seddon 14 ,.

Ana Starkie generosa Edmudus Hardman 21 „

Maria Barne 22 „
Charolus Bradshewe 28 „
Johnes fillius illeg Dorotheae Barren 19 Deceinbris
Elizabetha Smythe 28 „
Cathrena Edge 30 ,,

Thomas filius illeg Johanis Smyth et Jonae


Withington II Januarij
Jona Roile 13 »
Margreta Barne alias Johnsone 17 »
Ana filia Georgij Blomeley et Helen
Barlow ille : 28
Robartus Chapman Februarij
•Helena Gilbodie
Gilbartus Marshe et Hugo Marshe . .

Ana Parr
Johanes Holland 6 Martij
Johanes Holland 6 „
Alixander Olyve 9 >'

Jacobus Hardman [6 ,,

Johanes Holland et Elizabetha Birche :o

Johanes Birche et Helena Collar

Jacobus Knight 26 Martij
Guilielmus Bent 3 Aprilis
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Thomas Llghtbowne ct Margreta Houlden ... 15 Aprilis

Rk-hardus filius Tho Kitchine et Cathreiiae :

Bynnne ill : 17 »
C'.uiliel'mus Landsdall et Johannes Tonge 15 Maij

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Ana filia Guilielnii Pelton et Aliciae Bradshew
ill^-g: 8 Junij
Jana Foxe 26 „
Elizahftha et Jona Haworthe gemelli 10 Julij
Helena Sanndersone
Charolus Hope
Jana filia Tho Darbishire et Anae Harp
: ill 26 „
Helena Cooke 12 Augusti
I /('. 244 Jana Byrche 15 n
Gulielmus Adkinsone 20 ,,

Thomas filius Tho : Edge 28 ,,

Oliverus Darbishire et Richardus Needome 1 Septembris

Robartus filius Johanis Andrew et Issabellae
Greens 12 „
Issabella ptington 14 ,>

Issabella Hey 15 »
Guilielmus Warburton Vriell Wirrall ... 18 „
Cathrena Redford et Margreta Harisone 2 Octobris
Elizaeus Mather 28 „
Elizabetha Widdall 30 »
Johanes Irlame ^' " . .

Lawrentius filius illeg Helenae Warburton. : 2 Novembns

Ric filius Richardi ptington et Margretae

Irlam ill :

Issabella Scholes 11 Decembris

Johanes filius Johanis Holinworth et Christian;
Milnes 12 ,,
Guilielmus Scholes 18 „
Alicia Valentyne gene: 20 ,,
Henricus Irlam 25 ,,

Ric filius Ric Hulton et Jonae Cooke

: : ille 29 ;,

Margreta Dunsture 4 Januarij

Cathrena Batersbie 9 »
Thomas Pendlton et Cathrena Massie ... 20 „
Robartus filius Rici Edge 29 „
Jana Faiercloughe 5 Februarij
Jacobus Irlame
Johanes Cooke et Helena Jacsone 13 ,,
Johanes Tyldsley 20 ,,
Ana Cooke 25 ^>
Ana Eccarsall 5 [Martij]
Richardus Gee 10 „
Helena Xewton 19 n
1 j
Purchased from ebay store retromedia

I587-I588 B.IPTISMS. 25

Johanes Pollet filius Johanis et Henr Batersbi 30 Marti
Johanes filius illeg Milonis Bradshewe et

Ebay Store retromedia

Helenae Wirrall
Helnora Hardman 2 Aprilis
Ema Tyldsley 5 »
Thomas Hogge 9 ..

Georgius Valentyne 12 ,,

Jana filia Elizei Hey et Margeriae Haugto

illeg: 23 ,,
Margreta Langton 12 Maij
Thomas Chapman
Elizabetha Hopwoodd 16 Junij
Thomas Edge filius Tho : de Colledge ... 13 Augusti
Johanes Grene 28 „
Margreta Barlowe et Margreta Rothwell 3 Septembris
Christopherus Horrocks 10 ,,

Thomas Redford 17 „
Margreta Widall 29 ,.

Thurstanus Peake 12 Octobris

Adamus Cooke 22 „
Milo Bradshewe 29 „
Ana Pollett filia Thomae I Novembrls
Jana Smythe filia Johanis 5 M
Dorothea Barnes 12 ,,

Robartus filius Ottiuelle Worsley 17 .,

;45 Humfridus Edge et Aiia Peake 17 Decembris

Margeria filia Thome Widdall 7 Januarij
Eliza :filia Johanis Feamiside et

Mariae Dunsture 14 ,>

Richardus Olive Guilielmus filius Guilielm
Smyth ... 19 ,.

Edmudus filius Petri Cowape 1 Februarij

Elizeus Hey de Munks Hale 3 Martij
Margeria Seddo 10 „
Edmudus Waleworke 15 »
Ana Barlowe 17 »
Thomas Valentyne et Helena Wodword 24 »

Elizabetha Hall filia Rici 30 Martij
Margeria Thomas William daughter 9 Aprilis
Richardus filius Johanis Wolstencrofte 14 „
Johanes filius Johanis ptingtone
Edwardus Spakman 19 Maij
Ana Lumas 26 „
Jona filia Rici Hey et Dorotheae Parren illeg 4 Junij
Radulphus Leache 12 Julij
Thomas filius Thomae Valentyne gener
. :

Purchased from ebay store retromedia


JohaAfS filiiis Henrici Buidman 4 Augusti

Hcnricus filius Henrici Redford II
(jiiilielmus Ashtoii grncr :

Ebay Store retromedia

Radulphus milite 5
Johanes Hvite ••• 6
Joana filia Lawrentij Shawe et Helenae Taylior
illeg: 22
Thomas Bradshewe et Margreta Hardman . .
13 Octobris
Hugo filius Guilielmi ptington Janae John
daughter 20
Joana filia Thomae Shawcrose 10 Novembris
Cathrena filia Eizei Bottomley et Helenae
ptington illeg : 14
Ana filia Thomae Cowape et Alicia Heward illeg 4 Decembris
Alicia Rothwell 15
Helena ptingtone Margreta Scholes
et 22
Margreta filia GuilielmiCooke de Ro greene... 25
Elizabetha filia Thomae ptingtone et Francisca
HoUand 5 Januarij
Ana Bent et Ana Mort ... 26
Jana filia Radulphi Bailie 29
Jona filia Guilielmi Masone et Mariae Wirrall ill Februarij
Thomas Houlden et Elizabetha Birche 9
Ana filia Thomae Barlowe 20
Alicea Smyth et Jacobus Johnsone 21
Ana filia Johanis Crosse 24
Jona filia Jacobi Barlowe 27
Issabella Ranulphi Hope ...
filia 6 Marti j
Humfridus filius Guilielmi Barlow
Richardus filius Johanis Mullenex generosi ...

Guilielmus filius Johanis Bradshall et Ana filia

Johanis Cooke 23

Helena filia Peetri Bradshall Martij
Helena filia Petri Smythe et
Henricus filius Georgij Haworthe
Guilielmus filius Ranulphi Williamsone Aprilis
Edmudus filius Thomae Greenes
Richardus filius Richardi Drinkwater ... ...
I fo. 246 Alicea filia Jacobi Marshe et
Jaccbus filius Jacobi Greenhaughe et
Elizabetha 13
Guilielmus filius Petri Tonge
Ana filia Daui Garsit pochiae ])'stwiche 21
Genrgius filiusGuilielmi Pendlton et
Jf.hane.s_ filius Guilielmi Darbishire 30
Jona filia Christopher! Entvvisley 8 Ma
Jacobus filius Richardi Peake 12

Purchased from ebay store retromedia

1589 BAPTISMS. 27

Johanes filius Richardi Holden 13

Helena filia Johanis Tyldsley
Michaell filius Johanis Bordmane et

Ebay Store retromedia

Hugo filius illeg :Aliciae Rauffe daughter ...

Alicia Yate
Ana filia Richardi Sanndersone
Rodgeri [sic] Staples
Johanes filius Thomae Edge de Eccles
Rubartus filius Janae Cooke illeg:
Hugo filius Hugonis Cooke et
Johanes filius Johanis Gee
Elizabetha filia Rici pcivall A PoUett ille ... : :

Johanes filius Thomae Scholes

Cathrena filia Johanis Landsdall
Rodgerus filius Thomae Meanley
Margreta filia Richardi Robinsone
Hugo filius Richardi Thomasone
Edmudus filius Ranulphi Awen
Ana filia Thomae Barlow
Cicilia Wodd Margreta Newton
Helena Houlker et H Gilbodie . .

Jona filia Alixandri Warde

Thomas filius Thomae Vnsworthe
Margreta filia Thomae Hogg et Helena Holland
Elizabetha Digle Ottivell Worsley
Robartus Hardmar et Cathrena Kempe
Alicia filia Thomae Darbishire et Aliciae Hey ill
Johanes filius Petri Valentyne
Lawrencius Wodsworth Thomas Partingtone
et Ana ptington
Johanes filius Oliveri Darbishire
Eliza Johanis Bannester et Mariae
filia ill :

Margeria filia Johanis Langshall
Jacobus filius Robarti Barlow
Dorotrea filia Thomae Valentyne gener :

Alicia filia Johanis Holland

Elizabetha filia Henrici Bordman et
Elizabetha filia Edvardi Seddon
Edmudus Wodwort
Elizabetha filia Thomae Spakinan
Georgius filius Thomae Parkine et Margeriae
Thomas filius illeg:
Gyles filius Thomae Seddo illeg:
Georgius filius Elizabethae Bordma illeg:
Margreta Holland et Ana Tyldsley
Robartus Radulphi Holland filius illeg :

Purchased from ebay store retromedia


Elena Fernisyd Margreta Irlame et

Jacobus Birrhe 9 Februarij
Thomas filius Johanis Fayercloughe 20
Johancs Redford et Ana Wostencrofte I Martij

Ebay Store retromedia

fo. 247
Radulphus Jeffreysone 4
Elizahctha Edge et Dorothea Barlow 7
Hvigo filius Richardi Martland 17
Edmudus filius Hugonis Ouldame 21
Guilielmus filius Radulphi Acton illeg :

Margeria Jacsone et Alicia Smythe 5 Aprilis
Dorothea filia Guilielmi Hatton 10
Joan Turner et Joan Jacsone
Guilielmus Edge et Thomas Lingart
Milo Skipton Ane Waleworke et Jana Hope
Joafia filia Runlph Hankins

Alicia ptington Cathrena Williamsone et

Johannes Barlow
Raphe Scholes et Thomas Andrewe
Ana Pollet Guilielmus Hope et
Elizabetha Asley
Sysley Holland
Thomas Ouldame et Richardus Morton
Egidius filius Georgij Hardma
Johanes filius Edvardi Woodword
Radulphus filius Radulphi Smythe
Richardus Pollet et Maria Wirrall illeg :

Margeria Edge
Thurstan Gybsone et Alicia Pendlton illeg : . .

Lawrentius Gregorie
Oliverus filius Guilielmi Peake
Ana filiaJacobi Barlowe
Essabella filia Richardi Widdall
Richardus filius Richardi Hale
Issabella filia Thomae Roscow-e
Robert Landsdall et Ana Partingtone
Margeria filia Thomae Newton
Margeria filia Thomae Widdall
Margreta filia Robarti Holden
filia Nicolai Rothwell

Radulphus filius Radulphi Radclyffe

Ana Whorrocks et Georgius Taylior
Margeria filia Thomae Digle
Alicia filia Jacobi Bordman
Oliverus filius Guilielmi Crosse
Calhreiia filia Thome Valentyne gener :

Dorothea filia Thomae Holcrofte

Purchased from ebay store retromedia

1590-1591 BAPTISMS. 29

Elizabetha filia Tymothei Williamsone et

Helenae Sturroppe 26 Januarij
Egidius Thomae Scholes
filius 30 »
Robartus Scholes et Ana Entwisleye

Ebay Store retromedia

fo. 248 8 Februarij
John Cooke et Elizabetha Chowerton 15 »
Peter Bordman et Edmudus Bordman 6 Martij
Annis filia Johanis Turner 9 ,y

Johanes filius Christopheri Scholes II „

Alix' filius Lawrentij Houlker 13 V
Margreta filia Thomae Slade 18 ,,

Richardus filius Robarti Drinkwater

Francis filius Johanis Mullenex gener : ... I

Elena filia Guilielmi Cooke et Helena Coliar 18

Richardus filius Richardi Woodworthe
Johanes filius Edmudi Scholes
Robartus filius Johanis Roson
Jacobus filius Johanis Valentyne
Radulphus filius Thurstani Hey
Jana filia Petri Edge
Johanes filius Cathrenae Diconsone ill
Edvardus Fleetwood et Elizabetha Hall
Elizabetha filia Guilielmi Pendlton
Johana filia Humfridi Barlowe
Johanes filius Thomae Travis
Johanes filius Petri Valentyne
Issabella filia Richardi Holland
Arnoldus filius Amoldi Mort
Jacobus filius Johanis Tyldsley
Dorothea filia Thomae Barlowe
Dorothea filia Robarti Leighe
Helena filia Johanis Gee
Jana filia Johanis Ridings
Elizabetha filia Johanis Holland illeg :

Oliverus filius Thomae Darbishire ...

Alix' James & Johanes filii Petri Hilton
Jacobus filius Thomae Barlowe
Cathrena filia Thomae Wostencroft
Ema filia Johanis Landsdall
Johana filia Elizabethae Pollet illeg :

Thomas Hogge Thomas Rothwell

Ellena Burie
Lawrentius filius Egidij Dunsture ...
Johanes filius Thomae Partingtone
Henricus Lee et Johanes Godsone ...
Dorothea Baylye
Radulphus filius "Georgij Jacsone ...
Purchased from ebay store retromedia

30 KCn.F.S rARTSTI KKHTSTERS. 1591-1592

Issabella fiHa Jacobi Acton illeg : Febi

ElizalKJtha Robarti Holden et

Jana filia Richardi Gee illeg :

Jana Edge Alicia Sharpie Alicia Peake et

Ebay Store retromedia

Alix' Lowe
Johanes Wirrall illeg :

Jacobus Lowe ct Cathrena Morton

Richardus et Edmudus Hvite ct
Radulphus WirraR Mnrtij
Thomas filius Thomae Pollett
Robartus fdius Jacobi Acton illeg:

I fo. 2-19 Richardus Valentyne filius Thomae Valenty
de Beanclyflfe gener : I

Alicea Hey et Margreta Knight

Thurstan Williamsone et Jana Hey
Thomas fdius Radulphi Gibsone ...
Thomas Digle et Ana Wadhvorthe ...

Thomas fdius Hamneti Guilbodye ...

Edmudus filius Johanis Scholes

Elizabetha Hilton
Rodgerus filius Robarti Chapman ...

Radulphus filius Radulphi Heyward

Alicia Knight
Isabella filia Edverdi Seddon
Ana filia Johanis Hey
Edmudus filius Guilielmi Widdow ...

Radulphus Ricardi Wadsworthe

Petrus fihus Rodgeri Tyldsley
Robatrus filius Sheathe Jollye illcg :

Johanes filius Georgij Haworthe

Nicolas Sanndersone et Hugo Choartone
Jana Darbishire et Issabella Higginsone
Johanes Turner
Lawrentius filius Lawrentij Houlker
Elizabetha Holland
Thomas Greehaughe et Ana Schooles
Elizabetha James daughter
Adam filius Richardi Asley
John filius Richardsone
Johanes filius Henrici Halle illeg:
Alicia filia Richardi Schoffeld
Petrus filius Thomae Roscowe
Joana William daughter
Johanes Guilielmi Smythe filius
Margreta filia Johanis Holland
Elizabetha Hilton
Purchased from ebay store retromedia

I592-I593 BAPTISMS. 31

Charolus Charoli Whittell Curati de Eccles

filius 26 Novembris
Ranulphus filius Ranulphi Olive alias Hankine 2 Decembris
Robartus Meanley et Ma'greta Hatton
4 „
Alicia filia Richardi Bradshew

Ebay Store retromedia

Richardus filius Richardi Tyldsley 28 „
Johanes filius Jacobi Harwood illeg :

Samuell filius Thomae Holland muanj

Jacobus filius Alix' Clyfley illeg :

Johanes Hardma et Tho Hardman :'

14 M
Margeria filia Johanis Londsdall 16 ,,
Johanes Hardma 19 „
Ellen Birch et Elizabetha Martland
j> )}
Seathe filius Lawrentij Downoe 28 „
Robartus filius Richardi Robinsone 2 Febru arij
Symond Radulphi Mather illeg:
Alicia filia Worsley
Petrus filius Richardi Valentyne
Johanes et Guihelmus filij Gualfridi Johnsone
Guilielmus filius Hugonis Ouldame Martij
Johanes Greues et Ana Hale
^50 Thomas filius Thomae Wicke illeg:
Thomas Tonge et Ana Bradshewe
Thomas Edge et Humfridus Byrche
Robartus filius Richardi Widdowe
Guilielmus filius Richardi Gee illeg :

Georgius filius Jacobi Barlowe et

Elinora Cooke

Richardus filius Petri Holden illeg : i Aprilis
Petnis filius Georgij Blomelye illeg : 2
Jona Buri Edmudus Scholes el
Guilielmus Bradshew 8
Georgius Peake Eliz Hey illeg : : ... ... 22 ',',

Elizabetha filia Johanis Hey

filia Thomae Bordma de Clyfton
Edvardus filius Edvardi Woodworthe .". ...
Thomas filius Thomae Scholes 29 >,
Isabella fiha Georgij Atkinsone
6 Maij
Thomas filius Thomae Travis 8 „
Thomas filius Robarti Ouldame 13 „
Helena filia Richardi Shepard et
Issabella Renshew 20 „
Thomas Jacobi Seddon de Clyfton
17 Junij
Thomas filius Robarti Pollet ...

Jacobus Massevs Generosus 18 ;;

Margreta Houlker ...
Robartus filius Jacobi Holland et Aliciae
pcivall 28
.. ,

Purchased from ebay store retromedia


Johanes Harp 29 Junij

Johanes filius Johanis Devias et Elenae
Shelm'dine 4 Julij
Johanes Hope et Margreta Bordman

Ebay Store retromedia

Radulphus Valentyne generosus
Elizabetha filia Guilielmi Pendlton
Maria filia Francisci Seddon
Ana filia Michaelis Seddon 4
Alicia filia Adami Bradshew et Jonae Wirr;
Cathrena Smythe
Margreta Barlow
Thomas Jones
Johanes Gee et Elizabetha Partington
Sara Williamsone et Richardus Tonge
Dorothea Partington
Richardus Roscow
Jana Sharpies
Margreta filia Elizahethae Hilton illeg
Henricus Knight
Arnoldus Scholes
Margreta Woodworthe
Thomas Holcrofte
Thomas Dorotheae Hoir
filius illeg :

Johanes Darbishire
Johanes Mortone
Issabella Coliar
Georgius Leighe
Radulphus filius Richardi Smythe de Eccl
Jana filia Johanis Redford
Issabella filia Jacobi Chourton
Cathrena filia Robarti Drinkwater . .

I fo 251 Johanes filius illeg Guilielmi Warmishewe


Thomas Scholes ,

Cathrena Bradshewe
Richardus Charnocke generosus
Henricus Smyth ,

Thomas Widdall
Radulphus Pendltone
Ana Irlame
Helena Barlowe Johana Worsley . .

Otho Higginsone Thomas filius illeg :

Margeriae Hughe
Jana Devias ,

Ranulphus Olive alias Hankine

Guilielmus Valentyne
Thomas Higginsone et Johanes Hope .

Edmudus Houlden
Maria filia Aliciae Bradshew illeg
Purchased from ebay store retromedia

1593-1594 BAPTISMS. 33

Joana Cooke Issabella Morton et Elizabetha

Woodd 3 Martij
Elizabetha Ridinge 10 ,,

Arnold filius itteg Robarti Smyth

Ebay Store retromedia

Margreta Radeclyffe et Johanes Jeffreysone... 17
Helena Knight

Ric : Jacobi Boultone et Janae Aired
filius itteg
Ana Heywort et Margeria Scholes
Thomas Tyldsley et Alicia Parr
Radulphus filius Radulphi Holt genef itteg ...
Margreta Holden et Guilielmus Hulton
» Johanes Clyfley
Ana Irlame
Richardus Dawnoe
Margreta Andrewe
Margreta filia itteg Jacobi Knowies et Issabellae
Elizabetha Sanndersone
Helena Wodsworthe et Gracia Hope
Thomas Seddon
Helena Harwood Ema Thomasdaughter ...

Jona Byrche Martha

et filia itteg viduae
Guilielmi Holland
Alicea filia itteg Henrici Munks et Eliz : Vose et
Edmudus filius itteg Joanae Byrch
Georgius Holland genef
Radulphus filius Radulphi Wirrall et Anae
HalliweU itte
Johanes Pollett
Georgius Holland
Richardus Wroe et Radulphus Fletcher
Robartus Seddon et Richardus Morton
Johanes filius itte Johanis Parren et Elenae
Thomas Holland et Margreta Marecrofte
Sibilla Pollett et Robertus Loe
i'(?. 252 Cathrena Rothwell
Helena Hey
Thurstanus Parr
Richardus Peake et Joana Cooke
Radulphus Holland
Johanes Heye Jacobus Widdall et Ana Byrche
Ana Massie generosa
Elizabetha Irlame Alicia Roscowe et Alicia
Guilielmus Aired
Purchased from ebay store retromedia


Margeria Tomsone Ja(ol)U.s (lybsone 6 Octobris
Otho Bradshewe CI ..

Jacobus filius Jacobi Harwood & Mariae

Ebay Store retromedia

Addingtone itte 13 >,

Petrus Bradshuw el Dorothea Hardma 18 „

Cathrena Wirrall 27 „
Georgius Scholes et Thomas Browne I Novembris
Elizabetha Gillwdie et Alicia filia iiteg
Guilielmi Valentyne et Anae Valentyne et
Thomas Hale 24 „
Henriciis Diinsture 25 ,,

Cathrena Darbishyre 30 „
Johanes Martland 4 Decembris
Johaiies Aired 17 ,>

Renoldus filius Graciae Milnner t8 „

Dorothea Vrmstone Edmudus Acton ... 22 ,,

Guilielmus et Margeria Valentyne genef 24 ,,

Guilielmus Valentyne 1 Januarij

Margreta Seddon 6 „
Rodgerus Fyldes 12 „
Radulphus Sale et Margreta Hultone 19 »
Margreta Hale et Johanes filius Johanis Mathe
et Cathrenae ptingtone 26 „
Helena Tyldsley
Johanes filius Jacobi Hale et Aliciae Parsivall 30 ,r

Hugo Leache 9 Februarij
Ana Chourton et Elizabetha Trlame 16 „
Elizabetha Lingart 26 „
Joana Smyth 2 Martij
Guilielmus et Maria Wadlworthe gemelli 21

Petrus Farrane ... Aprilis
Jana Holland Margreta Gregorio et Margreta
Parren 6
Otho Holland 9
Richardus Smythe 13
Elizabetha Barlowe ... 20
Cathrena Darbishire ^S
Alicia Jacsone 26
Ana filia Tho Johnsone et Cathrenae Leach
Cathrena filia Cathrenae Wadsworth i'Heg
Johanes filius Thomae Yate et Tssabellae
Kempe itt 1

Gee et Richardus Mather

Alicige [sic] ... Maij
Elinora Waleworke
Johanes Bacon genef

Purchased from ebay store retromedia

^595 BAPTISMS. 1353080

Johana Smythe 29

Edvardus Seddon
?. 253 Johanes Peake
Ana Bordman

Ebay Store retromedia

Guilielmus Turner
Oliver Collar et Helena Tyldsley
Johanes filius Aliciae Lighthowne itte
Thomas Roscowe et Edmudus filius Guilielmi
Robinsone et Alicia Seddon
Richardus Smyth et Johana Bradshew
Helena Birche et Margeria Michill
Thomas Morton
Richardus Wirrall et Elizabetha Darhishire
Guilielmus Bordma et Margreta Seddon
Margreta Edge et Alicia Whittell
Agnes Scholes
Robartus Faulkner
Johanes Roscowe
Brigetta Masone
Margreta Cowape Helena Baylye
Jana Hey
Egidius Seddon
Alicia filia Edvardi ffayrclough itti :

Jacobus filius Cathrenae Bower itte

Alicia Walker
Richardus Burie
Jana Massye genef
Thomas Irlame et Alicia Willm daughter
Richardus Devias
Elizabetha Pollet et Gracia filia Graciae Hope itt
Johanes Cooke Elizabetha Schole et Alicia
Tonge ...

Cathrena Wirrall
Johana Aghtone
Helena MuUenex genef
Richardus Pollett Johanes Hey Helena Jollye et
Elizabetha filia itt Edmudi PoMet et Eliz Vose :

Richardus Fletcher
Richardus Sanndersone et Helena Warburtone
Thomas filius itt eg Thomae Cramptone
Henricus Dunsture et Helena Travis
Cathrena Holland et Thomas Darbishyre
Alicia Worsley
Helena Shelmerdyne et Maria Bnmdrethe . .

Ana Barlow
Guilielmus Partingtone Radulphus Loe
Johanes filius itt Georgij Ashton
Alicia Johnsone
Elizabetha Holland genef
Purchased from ebay store retromedia


Johanes Edge 13 February

Joana filia itle Robarti Rosone et Margretae

Ebay Store retromedia

I /^. 254 Richardus Irlame
Thomas Landsdall et Issabella Harper
Georgius Tonge
Alicia Bradshewe
Thomas Bradshew f^lizabctha Hope Elizabetha
Woslencrofte et Johanes filius it! eg Johanis
Booth et Margretae Gaunt 7 Martij
Rirhardus Widdall Helena Holker Helena
Partingtone et Robartus filius itieg Anae
Langley 14 ,.

Robartus Bradshewe 17 „
Alicia Morton et Helena Bordmane 21 ,,

Georgius Andrew Ana Aired et Guilielmus
Holland 25
Jana Mather et Elizabetha Darbishire ... ... 4
Richardus Gee 18
Guilielmus Chapman
Ana filia Marge'iae Pendltone i'Heg
Edmudus Valentyne genef et Cathrena
Bradshewe ...

Cathrena Asmall
Tliomas Turner
Alicia Marshe
Margeria Holden ...

Elizabetha Mort et Issabella Woodworthe ...

Ana Thirlwdnd
Johanes Barlowe et Guilielmus Pollet
Jacobus Ouldame
Jacobus Acton
Elizabetha Barlowe et Alicia Hope
Rodgerus Hulme
Elizabetha Hultone et Lawrentius Seddon ...

Alicia Morton
Edmudus Gooden Edmudus Morton
Helna Hogge
Samuell Pendlton Johanes Knight
Radulphus Prescott et Dorothea Jones
Ana Acto alias Sharocks
Ana Mather et Salomon Parsivall et Johanes
Guilielmus Woodworthe Elizabetha Hey et
Issabella Wirrall
Ana filia Margretae Gryphine itteg
Purchased from ebay store retromedia

I596-I597 BAPTISMS. 37
Guilielmus Holland et Ana Wadsworthe 24
Georgius Tyldsley et Sislea Barlowe
Johanes Ogden et Dorothea Massie genef

Ebay Store retromedia

Radulphus Mortone
Ana Higginsone
Thomas Holland
Johana Roscow
255 Ana Darbishire
Thomas Darbishire
Thomas Irlame et Guilielmus Cooke
Johanes filius itteg Dorotheae Parren
Elizabetha Seddon
Elizabetha Pendltone
Cathrena Higginsone et Guilielmus Seddon...
Helena Roscowe
Johanes Loe
Johannes Farrane etJohanes Fletcher
Hugo Ouldame et Richardus Asley
Thomas Wroe
Richardus Hey
Richardus Valentyne Margreta Smythe Hugo
Radulphus Barlowe
Alicia Williamsone
Guilielmus Wright et Elena Drinkwater
Robartus Clyfley
Johanes Hindley Elizabetha Peake
Alicia Mortone et Cathrena Birche
Purchased from ebay store retromedia


Ebay Store retromedia

Purchased from ebay store retromedia


Ana Burie 17
Richardus Waleworke 15
Helena filia illeg Margrete Dudsoiie

Humfridus Acton et Elizabetha Pollett

Ebay Store retromedia

Thomas filius illeg Thurstani Travis
: et
Cathrene Taylior
Francisca Holland et Helena Turner
Johannes Parren
Ana Bradshewe
Johanes Williamsone et Helena Andrew
Robartus filius illeg Cathrene Jacsone

Thomas Dunsture
Adamus Bradshewe
Edmudus Boultone et Margreta Holland
Thomas PoUet et Margreta Byrch
Ana Holecrofte
Radulphus Bordman
Guilielmus Scholes
Thomas Bayly
Thomas Turner Cathrena Cowape et Ana Hvit
Thomas Hey
Johannes Irlame
Elena Barlowe
Hugo Pollett
Guilielmus Gee et Richardus Bradshewe
^^.257 Elena Thirlwind
Margreta Jolly et Elena Lue
Elizabetha William daughter
Purchased from ebay store retromedia


Thomas Goodcn 9
Elizaljetha Darbishiie
Oliverus Seddon Thomas Cooke
Gcorgius Holland gener:

Ebay Store retromedia

Thomas ffarrant et Alicea Hiltoiie
Thtmias Seddoii et Dorothea Hey
Thomas Holdeii
Kdwarilus Milnes filius Adami Miliios ...

Margreta Dukenfeeld gener et

Guilielmus Mortone
Johanes Ouldame et Juditha Clyffley ...
Nicolaus Leechc
Johanes Chetame
Richardus filius Richard Leache et Jana
Guilielmus Reade
Richardus Landsdall
Thomas Sh;uplus
Thomas Masone
Johanes Mather
Gracea filia ill Tho
: Barlowe et Anae

Richardus Tyldsley et Margreta Worsley
Humfridus Bent
Jana Widdowe
Guilielmus Hulme gener Helena Barlowe

Egidius Seddon et Dionisius Holland ...

Helena Loe
Rodgerus ffyldes et Jana Irlame
Petrus Valentyne Alicea Boothe et
Alicea Hiltone
Nicolaus Barlowe
Alicea Sturropp
Elizabetha Wroe et Thomas filius ill : Johanis
Hughe et Johanes filius ill : Rodgeri Burie
Johanes Bent Elizabetha Bamford et
Margeria Drinkwater et Dorothea Leighe
Radulphus Holland Johanes Knyght et
Thomas Irlame
Egidius Roscowe
Richardus Loe Thomas Andrewe et Lort et Francisca Holland
.'58 Helena Irlame
Thomas Holker
Johanes Aired
Robartus Cook et Thurstani ptingtone et
Hugo Pol let Jacobus Marecrofte et
Alicea Marecrofte
Purchased from ebay store retromedia

I599-I600 BAPTISMS. 41

Guilielmus Gee 21 Martij

Johannes Rothwell et Ana Prescott 23 „
Elizabetha filia ill Margrete Smythe et

Issal^lla Higginsone

Ebay Store retromedia

Georgius Fletcher 24

Issabella Seddon Martij
Richardus Wyrrall 28
Jana Darbishire et Carolus Bexwhicke
Elena Darbishire
Erne Fyshe
Margreta Holland
Ana Gee et Robartus Gibsone
Helena Morton
Elena Bradshewe
Margreta Holland et Johanes Peele
Guilielmus Birche
Johannes Chourton et Ana Leache
Johanes filius Thomas Phillipsone et
Elizabethe Walker illeg :

Cathrena Mane et Margreta filia illeg :

Margrete Marshe et Johanis Boothe

Maria Asley
John Pelton et Cathrena Pelton
Richardus Bradshawe
Hughe Pollett
Richardus filius Johanis Scholes
Johanes filius Jacobi Worsley Cathrena Cooke
Elizabetha filia illeg Johanis Hornbie et Anae

Die quoque
Thomas Wirrall et Johanes Bowker
Joana Waleworke
Radulphus Thirhvinde et Thomas Baxter et
Elizabetha Morte
Johanes filius Richardi Holland
Thomas Cowape et Joana filia illeg :

Richardi Haworthe et Anae Smyth

Tymotheus Edge
Joana Edge
Margreta Lightbowne
Dorothea Goar et Richardus Hale
Alix' Irlame
Guilielmus Partingtone
Thomas Holden et Margeria Smythe
Elena Ouldame
Cathrena filia Joanae Holecrofte
Helena Hansone
Ana filia Charoli Whittell
Purchased from ebay store retromedia


Lingart Januarij
Alioea Reade
Thurstanus Fyldes

Ebay Store retromedia

Jana Parker gen
I fo. 259 Petrus Cowape Ana Dukenfeeld gen ...

Ellena Richard daughter

Ana Brownfeeld Februarij
Eliz<dietha lilia ill : Robarti Rosone et
Elizabetha Ashtone
Jtihannes Baguley lilius ill Johanis Baguley :

I /^. 36 Dorotheia filia Nicholaij Berye

Anna Mazon filia Francisci Mazon
Issabella Wirrall filia Thomae Wirrall ... Martij
Georgius Olda filius Roberti Olda
Thomas filius Wittmi Roscow 14
Radulphus Bordma
Nicholas filius Richardi Worsley parochiae
de Leigh 18

Thomae Pollet
filia 29
Thomas filius Thomae Peele 5
Helena filia Wittmi Holland 5>

filia Roberti Barloe paroch de Prestwich

filia Galfridi Rapheson
Maria filia Edv'di Vrmoston Easter daye
Helena filia Wittmi Turner
M'garetae Cooke [?] illegit

Richardus filius Georgij Hardma

Rol>ertus filius Henrici Hall
Edv'dus Seddon filius Roberti Seddon ...

Edv'dus filius Randulphi Lealand

Thomas filius Radulphi Berbor
M'gareta Hunt generosa
Anna filia Jofsis Knight
Anna filia Pteer Bradshall de Irlam
Catherina filia Johis Valentyne
Huge filius Egidij Cooke et Issabella filia
Hugonis Wirrall
Anna filia Lauretij ptington
Richardus filius Thomae Travisse et Emma
filiaJacobi Widall
Radulphus lilius Raduli)hi Holland
Johes filius Wilhelmi Mason et
Robertus filius Wittmi Smyth
Jotkes filius Edv'di Seddon
Richardus filiusWilhelmi Morton
Helena filia Rogeri Bradshaw
i/^-37&38 Wholly blank

Purchased from ebay store retromedia

[6oi BAPTISMS. 43

a note ot all Crtseninocs at lEccles since tbe

Ebay Store retromedia

25 ©ctobcr anno Dom 1601.

Elizabeth Irelame doughter to John Irelame ... 26 Octobris

Thomas Thorlhvynde allius IreUune 28 „
Ane Greene d. to Thomas Grin Alee Lomax
d. toJames Lomax Addame Howecroofte
s. to Thomas Howecrofte November
Elline Weidall d. to Richard Weidall
Ane Orphewe d. to Joh Orphewe :

Lorance Hawker s. to Lorance Haweker &

Margerrete Cheiteame d. to James Cheitame... ^5 »
Wittia & Richarde sones to James Walwarke
Roberte Holldam s. to Robarte Holdame 22 „
Hugh Turnnar s. to Thomas Tornar 27 „
Williame Sharpples s. to Cristifar Sharpples 6 December
Elizabeth Teylliar d. to James Taylliare 18 „
Thomas Slades. to Addame Slade 20 ,,

Elizabeth Boordma d. to Thomas Bordmane... I Januarie

Elizabeth Lightebovne d. to Richarde
Lightebovne 6 „
Elline Gi d. to John Gi 20 „
Iszabel Lech allias Holland d. of Richard
Leach 13 .,

John Hudson allias OUiversone s. of James

Hudsone 14 „
James Williamesone s. of Williame Jamessone
Alee Dickell Margrett Holland doghters to
Rappe Dickell & Robart Holland 17 „
Jane Cappe d. to Thurstane Cawppe 24 ,>
Kattaren Flecher d. to Roberte Flechare 2 Febrvarie
Wylliam Havghton s. to Petar Havghton 14 „
Eam Vallandtyd d. to John Vallandtyd
Jone Rosecoowe d. to Thomas Rosecoowe . .
>> )>
Thomas Hvlto s. to Headmonde Hvltone 17 Jannvari
John Morte s. to Arnnalde Morte 24 Februarie
Thomas prine s. to John prine
Allis Gi d. to Richarde Gi 28 „
Elline Chadocke d. to Thomas Chadocke
Ann Barlow filia Johanes Ba'loww skirs 10 Ma'che
James Sedon et Gyles Sedon fiillij Thomae
Sedon 14 „
Jone Golie Seath Golie
Elizabetha Farrar filia Georgi Fa'ar
Johanes Peele filius Thomas Peele
Purchased from ebay store retromedia



Anuntion Ladie 1602 Elenor Sedon filia John

Ebay Store retromedia

Sedon 25 Ma'che
I fo. 43 Johanes Hey filius Thurstane
Hey 28 „
Jane Yonge filius Rog'us [sic] Yonge >» j>

Thomas Barlow filius Robartus [sic] Barlow ... vltimo

Elline Ashton d. to Thomas Ashton alivs Parrin II Apprill
John Hoolden s. to Roberte Holden
Geo'ge Sedon Anethonie Loe of Flixeton
pish Elizabethe Bradshaw 2 Maij
Edmudus Birche filius Edmudi Birche et
Elizabetha Smithe filia Johanis Smithe de Croft 16
Robartus Bradshew filius Othonis Bradshewe et
Joana filia Thomae Thurlwinde
Richardus Edge filius Richardi Edge de Owler
Radulphus Barlowe
Guilielmus Milnes et Parnella Cooke
Oliverus Taylior filius Oliver!
Margreta Wadsworth filia Ric Wadsworthe...

Jacobus Woddworthe filius Ric Woddworth :

et Dorothea Gee
Dorothea Dukenfeeld filia .Dukefeld
. .

de Barto gnero :

Johannes Birche filius Johanis Byrche de Barton

et Guilielmus Cooke filius Guilielmi Cooke
de Roe Grene
Ellena Pollet filia Johanis Pollet de Barton ...
Alicea Barlowe filia Johannis Barlow de Lostocke
Cathrena Aired filia Johanis Aired
Cathrena Smyth filia Henrici Smyth
1 fo. 44 Elena Bradshewe filia Jacobi Bradshewe et
Ellena Bent filia Guilielmi Bent
Johanes Bradshaw filius Thomae Bradshew et
Anna Peltonn filia Johani Peltonn
Elenor Chorletonn filia Jacobi Chou'letonn ...
Elizabetha Barlow filia Nicholai Barlow
Oliverus Parr filius Hugonis Parr et
Elizabetha Pollet filia Richardi Pollet
Georgius Birche filius Johanis Birche &
Georgius Ashtone Georgij Ashton filius ...
Robartus filius Thomae Andrewe
Hugo Meanley filius Radulphi Meanley
Margreta Hulton filia Petri Hulton
Johannes Holland filius Thomae Holland
Issabclla Holland fillia Thomae Holland et
Margreta filia Margretae Hewood illeg :
Purchased from ebay store retromedia

1602-1603 BAPTISMS. 45
Edmudus filius Thomae Widdall et
Jacobus filius Thomae Tonge 28 Novembris
Robartus filius Johanis Houlde 5 Decembris
Robartus filius Jacobi Charlessone

Ebay Store retromedia

Issabella Bradshewe filia Richardi Bradshewe 25 „
Richardus Morton filius Guilielmi Morton 26 „
Petrus filius Guilielmi Partingtone
Margreta Seddon filia Thome Seddon
Elizabetha Marshe filia Johanis Marsh 9 Januarij
Rodgerus filius Jacobi Talio' 12 „
Richardus Goulden filius Edmudi Goulde et
Elizabetha Seddo filia Michaelis Seddon 14 „
Humfridus Newton filius Humfridi et
Issabella Dunsture filia Thomae Dunsture ... 23 „
Robartus Tonge filius Robarti
Ana Peele filia Thome 6 Februarij
Joana iTylds filia Thome 20 „
Petrus Holland filius Dionisij 27 ,,

Ellena filia Edvardi Higsone et Agnetae vx'

suae papis
/r?. 58 Ana filia Alixandri Ouldame 2 Martij
verte ad fottm septimu sequens
Elizabetha Byrame alias Carver 12 ,,
Alicea Irlame filia Thome Irlame et Joana
Smythe 13 »
Ana filia illegit Margretae Walwork
Robartus filius Rodgeri Greatracks et Elizabethe
Walker illeg :

Thomas Edge filius Johanis Edge

Issabell Filds filia Johnis ffylds
Alicea Johnsone
et Elizabetha Morton filia Jacobi Mortone ...

Elena Johanis Edge et

Gyliana filia Robarti Ouldame 25

Radulphus filius Thome Hale 27
Thomas filius Othe Holland
et Elena filia Johanis Barlow et Anae Actone
Elizabetha filia Johanis Piatt et
Elizabetha filia Richardi Erlame
Margreta Rothwell filia Adami Rothwell
Margreta Clyfley filia Alxandri Clyfleye ...
Robartus filius Oliveri Birche
Margreta filia Johannis Irlame
Helena Whittell filia Charoli
Johannes filius Johanis Hollinworth et
Johana filia Edmudi Mort

Purchased from ebay store retromedia


Issahella Roscowe filia Hugonis et

Elizabetha Widdall filia Petri 22 Maij

Elizeus Pollet filius Edmudi
Dorothea filia Johanis Tildsley uochiae de

Ebay Store retromedia

Elizal>etha filia Abrahami Seddone 29
ElizeusHey filius Johanis Hey de Manntone.. 2

Rirardus Hey filius Thomae Hey de Boothes 1

Arnoldus Th'irlwinde filius Arnoldi

Ana Pollet
ffranciscus Parlowe
Georgius Loe filius Jacobi
. . . filius Radulphe Mather de Rixtone c

Elmira Irlame illeg :

Henricus filius Guilielmi Wharnibie

Jana filia Elizei Walworke et Anae Orphewe..
Johana filia Johanis Acton
I /^. 59 Georgius filius Robarti Higginsone
Johanes filius Othonis Plolland generosus
Ellena Heyward filia Guilielmi
Johannes Wndword filius Richardi
Jacobus Hoope filius Johanis
Edmudus Hulton filius Edmudi
Georgius Worsley filius Guilielmi
Joafia Worsley filia Jacobi
Agneta Seddone filia Jacobi
Elena Burie filia Nicolai
Michaell Waleworke filius Johanis
Henricus filius Henrici Hoult et Issabellae
Leache illegit
Ana filia Samuellis Bexwhicke
Johaiie filia Dorotheae Drinkwater illeg

Margreta filia Guilielmi Sm)1:h

Richardus filius Richardi Wirrall ,

Oliverus filius Johanis Darbishire de Brooke.

Johanes filius Jotlnis Williamsone
Emmata filia Jacobi Lumas et
Helena filia Guilberti Parr ,

Richardus filius Richardi Martlande

Elizabetha filia Hugonis Lethwatt
Richardus Heyward
Hugo filius Johanis Burie ,

Richardus Chedocke ,

ot Thomas filius Robarti Seddone

et Elizabetha filia Edvardi Tonge
Petrus filius Richardi Cowape de Hiilme
Johanes filius Thomae Lightbowne
Edmudus filius Johanis Orphew et
Ema filia Thurstani Cooke ,

Purchased from ebay store retromedia

1 603-1604 BAPTISMS. 47

Elizabetha Hale Robarti Hale

filia 25
Guilielmus Bigs filius Guilielmi Bigs

Jana filia Cathrene Jacson illeg :

Ebay Store retromedia

Alicea filia Oliveri Taylior
Robartus filius Thomae Andrew
Thomas Lee filius Guilielmi ...

Margreta Jeffrey daughter

Guilielmus Travis filius Thome
Thomas Wirrall Hugonis
Thomas filius Thomae Dudsone
Guilielmus Thomae Hviyt
Alicia filia Johanis Hindley ...
I Thomas filius Thomae Ashto illej
/<?. 6oEl]ena filia Guilielmi Roscowe
Randekis filius Thomae Jacsone paup
Issabella filia Thomae Bradshewe
Thomas filius Thomae Roile ...

Ellena filia Richardi Leach ...

Jacobus filius Johannes Marshe et

Margreta filia Robarti Holland et
Ana filia Adami Slade
Gualfridus Irlame
Jana filia Radulphi Barlowe ...
Johanes filius Petri Bradshew et
Helena filia Edvardi Vrmstone
Georgius Bradshewe filius Georgij
Elizabetha filia Lawrentij Holker
Ellena filia Guilielmi Higginsone et
Margeriae Peake illeg:
Radulphus Colliar filius Radulphi .

Margreta filia Thome Darbishire .

Elizabetha Parr filia Hugonis ...

Joana Wirrall filia Thomae et
Ellena filia Jacobi Charlessone
Johanes filius illeget Thomae Pollet
Robartus filius Edvardi Hamsone
Joana filia Jacobi Bradshew . .

et Alicea filia Rodgeri Bradshewe

Ana filia Hugonis Burie et Ellene Seddon illeg
Jacobus filius Edmudi
Thomas filius Jacobi Chetam et Johanes filius
Edmiidi Baxter et Ana filia Jacobi Wright
Elizabetha filia Petri Haughton
Elizabetha filia Robarti Barlowe
Johanes Darbishire filius Thome
Elizabetha filia Thomae Roscowe _,
Purchased from ebay store retromedia


Rohartus Lightbowne filius Richardi 5 August!

Elizahctha Greenes filia Thomae
Elena fillia Ric Pendlton et Helene Harp 7 '/,

Ebay Store retromedia

Rogerus filius Johanis Sharplus et Elizabetha
Marshall de Flixton 19 »
Thomas filius Joana Redford illeg : 23 „
Elizabetha filia Thomae Thirlwind 24 „
Dorothea filia Guilielmi Heyward ... >) >)

Georgius filius Georgij Jones 2 Septembris

I f,K 61 Joh Tonge filius RoB et
Thomas Robinsone et Ana Hey filia Thurstani et
Ana filia Elizabethae illeg: 30 V
Cathrena Bradshewe Jacob
filia 3 Octobris
Elizabetha filia Hugonis Milnes 7 »
Ellena filia illeg: Thomae Lee et ...
Elizabetha Bordma
Alicea Edge filia Thome
Guilielmus Chowerton filius Jacobi 12
Elizabetha Tonge filia Elizei 14
Maria Holden filia Johanis
Johannes Turner filius Thomae 28 „
Hugo Pollet Guilielmi
filius 2 Novembris
Johana Waleworke filia Georgij 18 „
Sislea Parren 20 „
Thomas filius Thome
Elizabeth Lee and Elizabetha Holland fil

Lawrencij 2 Decembris
Ellena filia Richardi Valentyne II
Jacobus filius Henrici Seddon et ...
Joana filia Hugonis Cooke
Joana filia illegitt M'cie loti quoque
Egidius Partingtone
Edvardus Wood filius Guilielmi
Jana Jolie filius Sithe
Robartus filius Edmudi Mort
Thomas filius Michaelis Seddon Ja luanj
Johannes filius Ric Cowape
Margreta filia Hugonis Lethwat
Elizabetha Aired filia Johani
Jacobus Chadock
Thomas Morton filius Humfridi
Guilielmus filius illeg : Aliciae Dumbell
natus pochia 19
Elena Holland filia Thome 20
Johanes filius Ric Peake et
Thomas Roscow filius Oliveri
Elizabeth Cottrell
Margreta filia Radulphi Mather 2 Februarij
Purchased from ebay store retromedia

1 604-1605 BAPTISMS. 49

fo. 62 Richardus Johanis Piatt et

Hugo filius Robarti Mather ID
Jana filia Anae Shelmerdine illeg :

Ebay Store retromedia

Jacobus filius illeg: Aliciae Shaclye ...
Alicea filia Thome Brabine
et Joana filia illeg: Margrete Nedome ...
Guilielmus filius illeg Johanis Tyldsley et

Elizabethae Longshall
Richardus filius Radulphi Reward
Joana filia Lawrencij Gee
Elizabetha filia Ric Barlow
Thomas filius Guilielmi Read alias Byrame
Alicea filia illeg : Robarti Widdall et Issabell
Ellena filia Jacobi Knight et Ellene Awen ille

Johannes filius Thomae Holland de Ch'fton

Hugo filius Johanis Pollett

et Robartus filius Thome Hope et

Margeria Smyth
Alicea filia Rodgeri Charnocke
Jacobus filius Thome Dudsone

Elizabetha Othonis Holland generosi

Thomas filius Lawrentij Partington

Thomas filius Johanis Valentyne
Guilielmus Williamsone
et Jacobus filius Thomae Chedocke
Radulphus filius Thomae Irlame de Eccles
Ellena Cooke filia Adami Cooke
Alicea Byrch
Alicea filia Thomae Widdall
Ana filia Evani Wirrall et
Johanes Lawrencij Barren
Alix' filius Johanis Hey
Margreta Alixandri Ouldame
Ellena Robarti Wirrall

Henricus filius Ric Holdene

Alicea Colliar ,

Hugo Erlame filius Thome

Thomas filius Humfridi Barlow
fo. 63 Alicea Richardi Bradshewe

Issabella Johanes Darbishire

Ana filia Elizabethe Feelde illeg :

Johanes Lingart filius Thomae

Margreta Wirrall filia Thomae
Egidius filius Jacobi Lumas et
Petrus filius Petri Holdworlhe
Purchased from ebay store retromedia


Elizeus Tcinge
et Johafu's lilius Thome Thirlwinde

Ellea filia illigitt Petri Knight et Johanae Awene Axigusti

Ebay Store retromedia

ElizalH'tha filia

Ana filia jMargretae Smyth illcg:

Margreta filia Thomae Pollet
Guilielmus Morton filius Georgij et
Johanes Sha'plus filius Christopheri et
Ma'grota Cowape filia Johanis
Heorgius filius N'irolai Smyth de Ouklfeeld ...

Rohartus filius RobarU Wilde de Broughton ...

Edmu(his filius Johanis Gee

Edvardus filius Radulphi Coupe Chetame . .

Henricus filius Richardi Barne fie Broughtone

Jana filia Radulphi Barlowe Septembris
Margreta filia Oliveri Holland
Johanes filius Edmudi Gooden
Ellena fiUia illeg Harwood
: . . .

Guilielmus filius Thoame Bent illeg :

Georgius filius Johanis Valentyne 6 October
Elizeus filius Edmudi Hilton 13 „
Robartus filius Richardi Asley
Georgius filius Georgij Hulme
Ana et Ellena filiae gemett Alixandri Errlame
et filia illeg : Anae Hunt
Johannes filius Guilielmi Morton
fo. 6.4 Crabtree . . . Jarobi Crabtree
de Broughtone
Jacobus filius Ric Edge et Aliciae filia Danielis
Thomas filius Thome Bradshew et
Edvardus filius Johanis Kempe et
Cathrena filia Ric Holde Xovembris
et Elena Peele
Rogderus filius Nicolai Burie
et Georgius filius Hugonis Roscow
Cathrena filia Thome Tonge et Elizabetha Smythe
Margeriae Burie et
et filia illeg:
Margreta Springall Johana Parr filia Georgij
filia illeg : Higinsone [et] Jacobi
, . .

Guilielmus Warbcrtone filius Thomae 17 ,

Richardus filius Radulphi Bordma vltimo

Thomas filius illcg: Henrici Shoughsmyth et
Ellenae Meanley .'.
Guilielmus Martland filius Richardi
Tho : Parsnepp

Purchased from ebay store retromedia

I605-I606 BAPTISMS. 5^,

Randle filius Ranulphi Leiande nochiae de

Leighe Januarij
Issabella Haughes

Ebay Store retromedia

Oliverus Parr et Jana filia Richardi Hollande
Johana filia Humfridi Bent
Johanes filius Henrici Scholes
Guilielmus filius Johanis Peake de Roe Greene et
Rodgerus filius Thome Wroe
Jacobus filius Jacobi Worsley et Thomas filius
Thome Darbishire Februarij
Dorothea filia Rodgeri Bradshew
Cathrena filia Edvardi Tonge
Thomas filius Thome Newtone
Margreta filiaJohanis Barlow
Georgius filius Guilielmi Warmishew
Alicea filia Thome Holland et
Thomas Tho Scholes
filius illigitt et
Joane pen Martij
p<>. 65 Elizabetha filia Robarti Seddon
Guilielmus et Johannes gemelli filii Gc^orgij
et Thurstanus Parr filius Hugonis pt
Johana Pollet filia Edmudi et
Elena filia Robarti Charlessone
Richardus filius Hugonis Wirrall
Georgius filius Johanis Hollinworth et
Joana filia Alix" Clyfley
Elena filia Edmudi Birche
Guilielmusfilius Thurstani Cooke 23
Robartus filius Guilit-lmi Worsley et
Margreta filia Humfridi Newton
Ana et Margreta creme'li Abrahami Vnsworthe

Thomas filius Richardi et Issal>ella
filia Johanis
Parren 25 Martij
Richardus filius Richardi Aired et
Richardus filius Robarti Higginsone 30 „
Johanes filius Henrici Tonge et
Elizabetha filia Johanis Crosbie 6 Aprilis
Johannes et Robart filij Thome Seddone de
Pendlburie et
Jacobus filius Lawrentij Holland 20 ,,

Elizabetha filia Judith Chadwick 23 ,,

Ana filia illeg : Jacobi Knight 29 „

Egidius Dunsture i Maij
Alicea filia Robart Hvit 9 ,,

Alicea filia Johanis Walework 11 .,

Purchased from ebay store retromedia


Thomas filius Petri WicWall et

Thomas filius Guilielmi Pollett et
Guilk-lmus Oliveri Taylior
filius 18 Maij

Ebay Store retromedia

Elena filia Adami Cooke ,, ,,

Margeria filia ilegit Joana Nicol daughter et

sine patre 19 „
Margreta filia Richardi Wirrall ,, „
Margreta filia Johafiis Burie et
Elena filia Johafiis ffildes 25 ,,

Jarohus filius Thome Travis et

Jdhanes filius Johafiis Actone i Junij
1 A). 66 Margrt-ta filia Johanis Morton 4 ,,

Jana filia Jacol)i Morton et 8 „

Maria filia illeg Thome Ashton
: et Anae Parren „ ,,

Memorand y' y" Tenth day of June in y® Year of

our Lo : 1606 M' John Whyte having bin
inducted into ye vicaridge of Eccles y® 23*''
day of May immediatly before the date hereof
did read the Articles agreed vppon by y®
Archbishops and Bishops of both puinces
&c. An 1562 according to the form of y®

statute puided in y' behalfe and declared his

assent therevnto. in witnes whereof we haue
set to our hands the 10*'' day of June as
after aboue written
Leonard Asshawe
Thomas Valentvne
Wittm Holme
Ellys Hey
John Valentyne
Charles Whittell Curate att Eccles
Curate att Eccles
John Bent
Thomas Erlame
Edmunde Barlowe Jr
Witt Barne
John Barrlow
X signia Oliuer Darbishire
Thomas Smithe pishe Clarke

Guilielmus filius Johanis Peltone 10 Junij

Johana filia Johanis Smyth 12 ,,
Richardus filius Lawrencij Holker et
Thomas filius Johanis Valentyne et
Elizabetha filia Dionisij Holland 15 ,,
Elena filia Robarti Nicolsone „ ,,
Emata filia Johanis Cook papis 17 ,,
Purchased from ebay store retromedia

i6o6 BAPTISMS. 53

Ebay Store retromedia

Purchased from ebay store retromedia


Richard filius Lawrencij Turner ... 16 Decembris

Elena Read filia Guilielmi quoquc
Margreta Turner filia Johanis

Ebay Store retromedia

Alicea filia Oliveri Holland 1 Januarij
Ana fillia (uiilielmi Holland 4 M
Johannes Rnsnn 2 „
Robartus filius RoBt Fyles 18 „
Jana filia Thurstani Hey et
Elena filia Johanis Piatt
Jacobus filius Othonis Holland gner et
Henricus filius Adanii Slade 25
Alicea filia Radulphi Siddall quoquc
Nicolas filius Johanis Starkie gen : I Februarij i-

Margreta filia Georgij Ashtone et

Elizabetha filia Robarti Wirrall
Johannes filius Petri Darbishire
Lawrencij filius Edmudi Mort
Johanes filius Ric Lightbowne
Thomas filius Johanis Partingtone ...

Hugo filius Johanis Williamsone ... I Martij

Georgius filius Thome Bexwhicke ...

Johanis Holland 3 M
Richardus filius Guilielmi Smythe et
Richardus filius Thomae Skiptone... 8 „
I jo. 69 Hugo Burie Hugonis
Cathrena filia Thome Bradshew
Petrus Richardi Valent}iie
filius ... II ,,

Jacobus filius Ali.V Clyfley 13 „

Richardus filius Thomae Hvit et
Guilielmus filius Nicolai Burie et
Henricus filius Henrici Sedone 15
Maria filia Robarti Tonge et
Ana filia Edvardi Hamsone et
Alicea filia Hugonis Cooke
Adrianus filius Robarti Ouldame et
Richardus filius Thome Hope 24 M

Johana filia Petri Bradshew 25 Martij
Johannes filius Elizabethe Thirhvinde et
Elizabethe Henrici Hartles
filia 29 „
Guilielmus Johanis Walkden et
Humfridus filius Gregorij Pollet 5 Aprilis
Maria filia Guilielmi Browne
Jacobus filius Richardi Leache
Richardus Whittell filius Charoli Whittell 26 „
Richardus Bradshewe filius Othonis et
Jacobus Turner filius Thome I Maij

Purchased from ebay store retromedia

i6o7 BAPTISMS. 55

Elena filia Edmudi Hultone 3 Maij

Ellena filia Thomae Bent [O „
Alicea filia illeg : Anae Ha'p

Ebay Store retromedia

Johanis White vicarij Ecclesiensis
Israeli filius
Cathrena filia Johanis Hindley quoque 25 >.

Elinora filia Johanis Holland

Richardus filius Arthuri Smyth et
Jacobus filius Johannis Barlowe 24
fo. 7oIssabella filia Petri Haughtone 25 „
Thomas filius Thomae Widdall 26 „
Elena filia Thomae Irlame vltimo
Alicia filia Thomae Darbishire pochiae dc
Deane I -I
Jacobus Edvardi Partingtone
filius o Julij
Ranulphus filius Guilielmi Waniiishcwe 9
Jacobus filius Jacobi Chowertone 19
Margreta filia Andreae Asmall pochiae de
Deane 24 »
Ana Henrici Shoughsmithe et

Elizabetha filia 26 ,,

Elizabetha filia Ranulphi Collar

Thurstanus filius Guilielmi ptingtone pochiae
de Leigh 24 Augusti
Johanes filius Alix" Ouldame 3 September
Margreta filia Edvardi Tonge ... 6 „
Jana filia Robarti Hvit 9 „
Radulphus filius filius [sic] Thomae Robinsone 13 M
Guilielmus filius Georgij Darbishire ... ...

Edmundus filius Hughe Lethwatt

Thomas filius Guilielmi Rothwell et
Elizabethe filia Josue Dobson
Larentius filius Roger Downes gen' 29 ,,

Margrett filia Thomae Travis 4 October

Issabell filia Michaell Walworke et
Johanes filius Richardi Worldley
Andreus filius Johanis pen
Ottyes filius Johanis Whytheade [struck out]
George Hulme [ivritten over]
Johanes filius Thom Hollande generos
Judith filia Thome Ba'low et
Anna filia Robart Halle
fo. 7 1 Hughe fiHus Randle Valentyne et
Thomas filius Thomas Boordeman aits Hogge 5 Xovemb'
Thomas filius Robart Tounge et
Alice filia Ricardi Barlow 15 »
Katherin filiaGeorgij Walworke 30 »
Thomas filius Abraham Seddon 6 DeccuibiT
Issabell filia WiUm Clifton 20
Purchased from ebay store retromedia


Margrett filia Tliomae Asheton i Januarye

Roger filius Thome Doodson et
John filius Johanis Aired et

Ebay Store retromedia

Anne filia Nicholas Woolsencrofte jo „
Margret filia Joanis Derbishyre idem 17 ,,

Rohartus filius Jacobi Smithe „ ,,

Roger filius Henery Redditt 24 „

Infans Laurentij ptington 27 ,,

Margrett filia Edmundi Goolden 2 ffebruarie

Robart filius Johanis Pollett 14 ,,

Joane filia Elizabeth Gregorie et

Willm Pope illigittima 21 „
Ellin Thurstan Eylds
filia „ ,,

Elizabeth filia Johnis Borlow „ ,,

Richard filius Margeri Hulton et ffranscis

Walkeden illigittim „ ,,

Dorothie filia Hughe Meandley 6 Marche

Em filia Jacobi Taylior dayne pishe 13 ,,

Plm filia Thurstan Peacke illigitt 15 ,,

Robartt filius Robart Charlson 20 „

Alice filia John Hey et
Elizabeth filia William Renshall „ ,,

Thomas filius Jacobi Worsley 3 April!
Helena filia Jacobi Lomas et
Jane filia Helena et Robert Doason illigit

John Crosse filius John Crosse

Ellena filia Richardi Martlande
Thomas filius Radulphi Cletone
Elizabeth Aired filia Richardi
Alicea fiUa illeg Edmudi Hardma

Ana filia Guilielmi Heward Maij

Alicea filia Johanis Actone
Margeria Andrewe filia Thome
I/' Ginetta filia Radulphi Coliar
Johanes filius Jacobi Darbishire
Thomas filius Georgij Birch de Birch gener Junij
Margreta filia Robarti Nicolsone
Johannes filius illeg Robarti Smyth et

Issabellae Scholes
Elena filia Elizei Tonge
Jacobus filius Henrici Cowape
Hugo filius Richardi Haughtone
Alicea filia Guilielmi Morton
Issabella filia Guilielmi Ridings
Edmudus filius illeg Eilenae Barnes et
: Edmud

Purchased from ebay store retromedia

z6q$ BAPTISMS. 57

Alicea et Cathrena filiae illeg : Hamlletti

Wright et Johanae Widdall 26
Elizabetha filia RoBt Whitle 28

Ebay Store retromedia

Johanes filius Guilielmi Pollett
Petrus Radulphi Barlowe
Thomas filius Thomae Greues
Cathrena filia Hugonis Wirrall
Robartus filius Hugonis Longshall et
Maria filia Johanis Burie
Georgius filius Radulphi Radeclyflfe et
Johanes filius Johanis Peake
Alicea filia (juilielmi Bordma
Alicea filiaDanielis Mather et
Cathrena filia Georgij Morton
Hugo filius Hugonis Burie et
Alicea filia Johanis Waleworke de Clyfton et
Joaiia filia Henrici Scholes
Ellena Johanis Hindley

/<;. 73 Thomas Thurstani Eccarsall


Jacobus filius Guilielmi Travis

Radulphus filius Thomae Seddon de Pendlburie
et Johanis Waleworke de Eccles filius Guilielmi
Adamus filius Adami Holland
Thomas Lawrentij Turner
Guilielmus filius Johanis Holland de Barton et
Thomas filius Thome Warburton de Svvinton
Johanes filius Johanis Devias de Bartone
La\\Tencius filius Laurencij Holland et
Maria filia Othonis Holland
et Johannes filius illeg Aliciae Widdall

Robartus filius Thome Holland generosi et

Cathrena filia Egidij Harp
et Jana filia Robarti Tyttertone
Guilielmus filius Thurstani Robinsone et
Elizabetha filia Johanis Walkden
Elizabetha filia Johanis Williamsone et
Elena filia Guilielmi Crosse
Elizabetha filia Thomae Holland
Johaiia filia Hugonis Roscowe et
Radclyffe Comies als Widdall
Dorothea filia Thomae Tonge
Richardus filius Henrici Hartles
Adamus filius illeg Margretae Waleworke
: . .

Elena filia Thome Pollett

Guilielmus filius Thome Brabine
Henricus filius Guilbarti Parre et
Oliverus Hugonis Talior
Ana filia Edmudi Byrch
Purchased from ebay store retromedia


Issal)ella filia Edmudi Pollett et

Margcria filia Johafiis Barlowe 27 Decembris
Elizeus filius Gregorij Pollett

Ebay Store retromedia

I /<'. 74 Maria Shawe 3° j>

Ana filia Georgij Parr ... i Januarij

Georgius filius Petri Darbishire
Thurstanus filius Robarti Fylds
Margreta filia Edvardi Vrmstone et
Sara filia Petri Tonge
Guilielmus filius Thomae Drinkwater ...

Ana filia Oliveri Taylior et

Cathrena filia Guilielmi Browne 29 ,,

Radulphus filius Guilielmi Worsley 12 Eebruarij

Jacobus filius Ma thei Turtone
Cathrena filia Richardi Eccarsley
Cathrena filia Rici Leach 26 ,

Radulphus filius Johanis Baguley vltimo

Richardus filius Johanis Valenty
Elizabetha filia Thurstani Cook et
Elizabetha filia Georgij Darbishire 12 Martij
Johanes filius Johanis Fyles et
Maria et Cathrenae filiae Richardi Hulden et
Joana filia Lawrencij Holker et
Jinettii filia Johanis Parren 19 „

Johanes Johanis Edge et
Elizabetha filia Richardi Valentyne 26 Martij
Henricus filius Henrici Brooke et et
Egidius filius Henrici Walework „ ,,
Margreta filia Rici Holde 29 ,,
Guilielmus filius Thome Holland 2 Aprilis
Hugo filius Robarti Needome et
Johana filia Robarti Charlesone „ ,,
Johanes filius illeg Alicia Tomsone
9 ,,
Edmudus filius Johanis Robins 20 „
Johannes filius Richardi 3 Maij
Robartus filius Johanis Smythe 4 „
Ana filia Jacobi Chetame et
Johanes et Jana gemelli Thome Wirrall et
Elizabetha filia Thome Holland et
Margreta filia Robti Wirrall 7 ,,
Jana filia Rodgeri Downes Armigeri 11 ,,
Richardus filius Johanis Pollett 14 „
Thomas filius Radulphi Cletone 20 „
Edmuilus filius Ediiidi Hiltone et
Elisalictha filia 'J'honie Barlow de Haslchurst 21 ,,
Guilielmus filius illeg: Aliciae Williamsune ... „ ,,
Purchased from ebay store retromedia

i6o9 BAPTISMS. 59

ifo. 75 Robartus filius Humfridi Newtone 30

Henricus filius Thomae Roile -5
Ana filia Georgij Byrch generosi et

Ebay Store retromedia

Radulphus filius et Margeria filia Thome
Margrata filia Johanis Cooke et Janae
Waleworke illeg :

Margreta Holland et Elena filia Adami

Guilielmus filius Oliveri Roscowe et
Ana filia Robarti Seddon de Boothes
Hugo filius Hugonis Parr
Ana filia Thome Lightbowne
Thomas filius Henrici Reditt
Elizabetha filia Johanis Starke gener : el
Elizabetha filia Thome Parsnepe
Johanes filius Guilielmi Ridings
Elizabetha filia Robt Redford et filia Johanis
Robinsone ill:

Thomas filius Johanis Valentyne de Beanclyffi

Guilielmus filius Guilielmi Rothwell
Guilielmus filius Guilielmi Rothwell et
Margreta filia Ranulphi Valentyne
Elena filia Robarti Rodgersone et Joanae
Johana filia Thurstani Hey
Guilielmus filius Humfridi Pollett
Robartus filius Rici Martland
Ellen Johanis Pollett illeg
filia :

Elena Irlam filia illeg Georgij Irlame omissa :

Ana filia ileg Jacobi Walework


Richardus filius Ric Cowap de Hulme ...

Humfridus filius Henri Hartley
Johanes filius Josuae Dicsone
Franciscus filius Edmondi Mort
Dorothea filia Humfridi Bent
Humfridus filius Humfridi Busher et
Ana filia Rodgeri ffylds
Elizabetha filia Thome Bradshew
Elizabetha filia Thome Holland de Clyfton genr
Thomas Ashtone filius Thome Ashton et
Ana Nicolai Burie

: /^. 76 Elena Anae Wirrall illeg

filia :

Joana filia Guilielmi Reade alias Carver

Richardus filius Thome Lightbowne de Bulehill
Elizabetha filia Thome Holland
filii Johanis Holland
Purchased from ebay store retromedia


Jacobus filius Guilielmi Travis 22 Januy

Margeria filia Jonae Collinge
•• 24
Robartus filius Thomae Irlame de Ackers Feeld 28 „

Ebay Store retromedia

Oliverus filius Henrici Shoughsmythe 4 Februarij
Petrus filius Thomae Bradshewe et
Maria filia Thomae Dudsone II
Lawrencius filius Thomae Turner 16 ,.

Alicea filia Thomae Pendltone et

Edvardus filius Edvardi Partingtone et
Robartus filius Thome Scholes et
Alicea filia Thome Skiptone 18
Jaiia Edmudi Smyth
filia 22 „
Rodger filius Thomae Eccarsley 23 ,,

Thurstanus filius Radulphi Collar 24 ,,

Richardus filius Ranulphi Williamsone 25 „

Richardus filius Johanis White Vicarij de Eccles ,, „
Johanes filius Robarti Seddon 4 Martij


Robartus filius Alix" Ouldame 25

Jana filia Michaelis Sedon
Thomas Alix" Asley et
Elizabetha Thome Irlame

Johana filia Lawrencij Ridings

Ginetta filia Radulphi Collar
Elena filia Henrici Hornbie
Thomas filius Thome Huit
Ellena Tytterton
Ana filia Radulphi Bradshew
Margreta filia Petri Tyldsley
Ana filia Othonis Holland genef et
Georgius Hope filius Thome Hope
. . . Mather filia Elizei Mather
Maria filia Johanis Greave et Mariae Taliar
I fo. 77 Petrus filius Petri Yate et Anae Wadsworth illeg :

Nicolaus et Petrus filij Johanis Rollins gemelli

Joana Radulphi Mather

Edmudus filius Thome Greeues

Guilielmus filius Thome Bordman de Hole
Elizabetha filia Edmudi Waleworke
Tssabella filia Johanis Orphewe
Johannes filius Edmudi Barlowe de Lostocke
Thomas filius Adami Cooke et
Thomas filius Thome Crosbie
Purchased from ebay store retromedia

i6io B.\PTISMS. 6i

Radulphus filius Thome Seddon et

Cathrena Guilielmi
filia Warmishew 5 August!
Thomas et Guilielmus filij illeg : Petri

Ebay Store retromedia

Waleworke et Sarae Eastwood 8 „
Stephanus filius Staphani Bexwhicke et
Dorothea filia Rici Barlowe 12 „
Elena filia Robarti Hvite de Eccles 15 ,>
Johannes filius Johanis Baguley 18 „
Georgius filius Rodgeri Hey 24 „
Humfridus et Robartus generosi filij Roderi
Downes de Wardley Armigeri et
Elizabetha et Thomas gemelli Guilielmi
Smythe de Boothes 26 „
Johana filia Johanis Holland de Bartone 2 Septem
Richardus filius Johanis Pollet et
Cathrena filia Rici Wirrall
Ana filia Johanis Barlowe
Thomas filius Thome Holland de Manch 24 ,

Ana filia Edmudi Bent 29 ,;

Cathrena filia Jacobi Smythe vltimo

Margreta filia Thome Coliar
Robartus filius Johanis Xicolsone
Radulphus filius Henrici Seddone et
Thomas filius Thurstani Filds et
Thomas filius Thome Edge 7 Octobris
Thomas filiusXicolaij Wolstencroft 14
Thomas filius Henrici Reditt
Alicea filia Jinettae Xicolsone
Cathrena Elizabethae Williamsone

/^. 78 Thomas Robarti X'ewton

Radulphus filius Margretae Barlowe
Richardus filius Georgij Hulme et
Mabella filia Egidij Dunsture
Johanes filius Johanes Holland
Johanes filius Thome Landsdall
Cathrena filia Petri Bradshew et
Thomas filius Ane Harp illeg :

Joana Robarti Hale


Hugo filius Hugonis Longshall

Hugo filius Georgij Darbishire
Margreta filia Thurstani Peake
Alicea filia Johanis Robins et
Henricus filius Thome Brabine
Leonardus filius Thome Holland de Clyfton
generosi et
Jana filia Radulphi Smythe
Georgius filius Johanis Lee
Guilielmus Perie et Isabella Waleworke

Purchased from ebay store retromedia

6a ECCLES TARISH REGISTERS. 1 6 1 o- 1 6 1

Guilielmus filius Charoli Bradsliew 29 Decembris

Cislea filia Guilklmi Bradshew 6 Januarij
Margret.i filia Lawrencij Hollanrl 13 »

Ebay Store retromedia

Guilit'lmiis filius Guilielmi Bordmnn et

Elena filia Thome Williamsone et

Alicea Johanis Barlowe
filia 27 »
Jacobus filius Jacobi Wright 29 :,

Margreta filia Robarti Chadwhicke 3 Eel)ruarij

Margreta Lee
Hugo filius Hugonis Wirrall 10 ,,

Pelrus filius Petri Tonge 17 ».

Ednuiilus Smythe 23 »
Johannes filius Edmudi Birche 25
Margreta filia Johanis Sutherne I Martij
Elizabetha filia Georgij Mortone ..
Isabella filia Petri Darbishire et
Radulphus filius Thomae Darbishire
Robartus filius Jacobi Charlesone
Ana filia Hugonis Taylior
Thomas filius Jacobi Pollet ...

Margreta filia Johanis Peak ...

Georgius filius Thome Ashton

Margreta filia Oliver! Holland 25 Martij
Margeria filia Jacobi Darbishire 31 ,,

Margret filia Guilielmi Partingtone i Aprilis

Georgius filius Guilielmi Morton et
Richardus filius Thome Scholes 7 ,,

Guilielmus filius Guilielmi Browne 14 „

Richardus filius Radulphi Siddall 15 „
Johanes filius Robartij Charlessone 21 ,,

Johanes filius Robarti Redford ,, „

Radulphus filius Petri Haughtone et Johanes
filius Johanis Hey 25 „
fo. 79 Johannes filius Guilielmi Travis et
Johannes filius Jacobi Lumas 28 ,,
Richardus filius Richardi Valentyne 5 Maij
Henricus filius Johanis Taylior et
Thomas filius Radulphi Barlowe ,, „
Thomas Johanis Pollett
filius 12 ,,

Jinetta Holden filia Richardi et

Sara filia Ranulphi Valentyne et
Laurentius filius Edvardi Hampsone 19 „
Johannes fiHus Robarti ]\fort 21 „
Jana filia Petri Hiltone 29 ,,

Ana filia Petri Drinkwater 2 Junij

Purchased from ebay store retromedia

i6ii BAPTISMS. 63

Edmudus Humfridi Wright

filius ... ... 2 Junij
Jana filia Hugonis Burie 9 ..

Johannes Medowes filius Johanis Medowes 12 ,,

Johannes filius Johanis Harisone

Ebay Store retromedia

24, „
Johanes filius Jnhanis Burie vltimo
Cathrena filia Henrici Tonge 7 Julij
Thomas filius Johanis Smythe 13 ,,
Lawrentius filius Petri Ornbread gen: ... 14 „
Thomas filius Thnmae Irlame 23 „
Margreta filia Ranulphi CoHar et
Cathrena filia Hugonis Roscowe
Jana Johanis Walkdene
Margreta filia Robarti Wirrall
Edmundus filius Thome Pollet 29
Johannes Johanis Valentyne de
Beanclyffe gen et :

Maria filia EdmiJdi Travis 4 Augusti

Thomas filius Thomae Seddon
Elizeus filius Richardi Martland et
Elizabetha filia Thome Holland
Elena filia Lawrentij Holker ...
Rodgerus filius Guilielmi Walworke
Guilielmus filius Robt Rosone
Oliverus filius Radulphi Lealand
Johanes filius Johanis Waleworke 25
Petnis filius Edmdi Gooden
Thomas Nicolai Wolstencrofte
filius I Septembris
Elena filia Henrici Waleworke
Issabella filia Johanis Devias
Jacobus filius Hugonis Wadsworth de Irlame
et Elena filia RadecK'ffe et
. . .

Elena filia illeg Johanis Dosone


Richardus filius Robarti Seddon et

Otho filius Richardi Bradshevv-
Richardus filius Robarti Nicolsonn
Ellena filia Richard Cowape et
Margreta filia Henrici Scholes 6
Petrus filius Henrici Hartles
fo. 80 Rutha filia Johanis Joans Vicarius de Eccles
Elena filia Guilielmi Warmishew
Elena filia Richardi Rodgersone
Johanes fiUius Elenae Peake
Elizabetha filia Henrici Riditt
Johanes filius Robarti Fyldes
Hugo filius Egidij PvOthwell et
Jana filia Thomae Drinkwater
Ema filia Johanis ptingtone et
Ana filia Thurstani Cook
Purchased from ebay store retromedia


Hiimfridus Guilielmi Crosse

filius I Decemb'
Elizahetha Johanis Collar itte

Rosa filia Thome Skiptone

Ebay Store retromedia

EHzabetha filia Robarti Redgers
Margreta Hardmanne filia Robarti Hardma ...

Jacobus filius Johanis Seddon et

Richardus filius Robarti Needome 25
Othonis Holland
EHzal)etha filia Johanis Valentyne I Januarij
Elena filia Guielmi Hvit et
Richardus filius Richardi Cheetame
Jana filia Thome Tonge
Peears filius Johanis Starkie gener et :

Ana filia eiusd Johanis Starki de Kempnoughe

gener 2 Februarij
Margeria filia Thome Roile 19 ..

Johanes filius Guilielmi Worsley 16 „

Willielmus et Thomas filij Thoniae Dodd gemelli 18 „
EHzabetha Rici Leach
filia 23 „
Maria filia Robarti Sutton 24 „
Johanes filius Guilbarti Parr et
Adamus Cathrenae Bibbie
filius Martij
Robarlus filius Josuae Dicksone

Robartus filius Robarti Redford et
Ana filia Thomae Wroe et
Martha filia Guilielmi Coliar 5 Aprilis
Jacobus filius Guilielmi Ridings et
Jacobus filius Jacobi Chetame et
Thurstanus filius Tho Williamsone
: et
Margreta filia Edmudi Hulton et
Alicea filia Oliver! Roscowe et
Ana filia Johanis Piatt 12 „
Richard filius Thome Holland gener et
Elizal)etha filia illcg: Jacobi Heywoodd ... 25 ,,
EHzabetha filia Rodgeri Fyldes et
Radulphus filius Radulphi Smyth 26 „
Cathrena filia Humfridi Pollett „ ,,

verte ad folliii 20 s
I fn. 120 EHzabetha filia Guilielmi Baxter et
Elena filia Thurstani Peake 7 Maij
Maria filia Emae Cooke 8 „
Jana filia Nicolaj Burie et
EHzabetha filia Guilielmi ptington 10 ,,

Maria filia Hugonis Taylior 17 ,,

Sy.slea filia Johanis Rolands „ ,,

Thomas filius Johanis Widdal] ill : ,, ,,

Purchased from ebay store retromedia

I6l2 B.\PTISMS. 65

Cathrena filia Thome Lightbowne 24

Elizabetha filia Johanis ffylds
Thomas Vnsworthe
Jacobus filius Guilielmi Browne

Ebay Store retromedia

Elizabetha filia Johanis
Alicea filia Nicolai Valentyne
Ana filia Thome Warburtone et
Edmudus filius Johanis Wodword et
Ana filia Tho Lightbowne de Bule
: Hill et
Johana filia illeg Dorotheae Bradshew

Richardus filius Johanis Barlow

Johanes filius Petri Tyldsley et
Jana filia Edmudi Smyth
Lawerentius Guilielmi Valetyne
Richardus filius Thome Parsmitt
Margreta filia Richardi Harisone ...

Thomas filius Thome

Johanes Johanis Nicolasone
filius ...

Dorothea filia Henrici Cowape

Alix' filius Alixandri Bradshewe
Ranulphus filius Johanis Hope
Johanes filius Edmudi Mort
Edvardus filius Robarti Xewtone et
Ana filia Guilielmi Marcrofte et
Johanes filius Nicolaj Lathome
Georgius filius Johanis Barlowe
Thomas filius Johanis Tyldsley
Henricus filius Henrici Shoughsmythe et
Ana filia Thome Wirrall
Margreta filia Thurstani Robinsone
Elizabetha filia Lawres Barren [et] Elene Hey
Thomas filius Adami Holland
Robartus filius Robarti Seddon
Henricus filius Henrici Hope
Margreta filia Petri Drinkwater
Richardus filius Elizei Tonge et
Thomas filius Henrici Brooke
Thomas filius Thome Bordma et
Thomas filius Thome Pendltone
Elizabetha filia Richardi Haughton

Henricus filius Henrici Redford

Jana filia Johanis ffoxe
Machael filius Michaelis Seddon et
Elizabetha filia Thome Landsdall
Johanis filius Johanis Turner
Johannes filius Cathrenae Holland
Tho: et Eliza : gemelli Eliz : Pollet
Purchased from ebay store retromedia


Jonathan filius Jahnis [sic] Jones vicarij de Eccles 5 Januarij

Margeria filia Hugonis Longshall et
Richardus filius Robarti Hardma et

Ebay Store retromedia

Alicea filia illeg Jocohi Barlow

Radulphus filius Ranulphi Valentyne et

Johannes filius Johafiis Collar et
Jana filia Johanis Harp pochiae de Deanc ... 24
Richardus filius Jacobi Morton et
Jacobus filius Richardi Turner et
Jana filia Thome Edge de Hope
Cathrena filia Johanis Coliar Februarij
Richardus filius Janae Joyly
Thurstanus filius Adami Cooke et
Elena filia Caroli Bradshew
Alanus s. of Adamii Slade ec
Margreta filia Edmudi Birche et
Radulphus filius Radulph Houghtone
Margreta filia Thome Smythe
Guilielmus filius Petri Darbishyre 14 Martij
Robartus filius Radulphi Bradshew et
Elena filia Edvardi ptington

Johanes filius Guilielmi Bordma ... 25
Jacobus filius Gregorij Pollett et
Johannes filius Robarti Hvitt
Johanes filius Janae Birche
Thomas filius Richardi Cowape
Cathrena et Issabella filiae Johanis ptingtone
Cathrena filia Larentij Hollande ...
Thomas filius Margeriae Lee
Reputatus filius Jacobi Howell
Richardus filius Lawrentij Barren et
Joana filia Johanis ptington
Robartus filius Robti Hey
Jana filia Tho Holland gen

Thurstanus filius Rodger Heye

T fn. 122 Elizabetha filia Johanis Valentyne de Beanclyffi
gener: et
Richardus filius Thome Holland ...
Issabella filia Jacobi Taylior
Henricus filius Hugonis Oliversonne
Elinora filia Johanis Holland
Elizabetha filia Johanis Starkie de Kempnoughe
Guilielmus filius Jacobi Charlesone et
Jacobus filius Jacobi Waleworke ille :

Richardus filius Humfridi Wright ...

Purchased from ebay store retromedia

i6i3 BAPTISMS. 67

Richardus filius Radulphi Collar et

Jonathan filius Stephani Bexwhick et
Issabella filia Guilielmi Byrome alias Carver... 6 Junij

Ebay Store retromedia

Georgius filius Petri Ornbread gen:
Robartus filius Robarti Redford et
Guilielmus filius Tho Darbishire :
13 ,,

Margreta filia ille Aliceae Widall

: 20 ,,

Robartus filius Georgij Waleworke

Margreta filia Petri Cowape 4 Jubj
Maria filia Thome Ashton et
Alicea filia ill Thome pkinsone
: et Elenae Burie
Issabella filia Nicholai Valentyne
Elizabetha filia Thurstani Hey et
Elizabetha filia Tho Robinsone et :

Jana filia Radulphi Hardma pocheae de Deane 18

Robartus filius Jacobi Barlow Augusti
Johanes filius Thome Dudsone et
Elizabetha Johanis Ottiwells et

ffranciscus Thome Williamsone

filius 15
Elizabetha filia Georgij Roile 24
Guilielmus filius Edvardi Bent 29
Margreta filia Robarti Hale et
Elena filia Edmudi Barlowe
Jana filia Johanis Irlame
Johanes filius Johanis Russell pochiae de Deane
Alix' filius Guilielmi Warmishewe
Ana filia Guilielmi Tyldsley
Guilielmus filius Oliveri Turner
Alicea filia Johannes Baguley
Guilielmus filius Abraham! Seddon et
Maria filia Richardi Barlowe
Dorothea filia Thome Charnock de Boothes
Richardus filius Robarti Nowell et
Cathrena filia Johanis Edge
:23 Robartus filius Richardi Roson
Jana filia Johanis Devias et
Issabella filia Nicolaj Wolstencrofte
Thomas filius Petri Tonge et
Issabella filia Georgij Irlame
Margreta filia Johanis ptingtone
Thomas filius Thome Hope
Elena filia Jacobi Pollett
Robartus filius Elizei Mather
Sara filia Georgij Parr et
Joana filia Richardi Leache
Elena filia Thome Skipton
Robartus filius Richardi Houlden
Purchased from ebay store retromedia


Richardus filius Richardi Coliar et

Elena filia Humfridi Bent 3° Januarij
Israeli filius Rodgeri Edge pochiae Deane ... 4 Februanj

Ebay Store retromedia

Margreta filia Hamleti Guilbodi 6 ,,

Robartus filius Rici Aired 13 ^

Effla filia Haughtone et
Hafla filia Hugonis Parr 20 ,,

Alicea filia Johanis Seddone et

Elizabetha filia Humfridi Newton et
Johannes filius Jacobi Languages et
Johanes filius Johanis Cooken 27 ,,

Ana filia Lawrentij Gregorie i Martij

Maria et Margreta filiae Edvardi Hampson et
Jonathan filius Robarti ffylds et
Thomas Elizabethe ffyldinge
filius 6 ,,

Margreta filia Guilielmi Morton et

Ana filia Robarti Chadwhick 13 ,,

Guilielmus filius Robti Ouldam 20 ,,

Georgius filius Johanis Peake et
Johanes filius Johanis Warburton et
Issabella filia Jacobi Lumas et
Rutha filia Johanis Rothwell 3 Aprilis
Ana Thome Bradshew
filia 10 ,,

Richardus filius Johanis Hey et

Rodger filius Hugonis Meanley 17 ,,

Elizabetha filia Robarti Wroe 21 ,,

Elizabetha filia Johanis ptington 24 ,,

Ana filia Johanis Pollett 25 ,,

Johanes filius Thome Crosbie i Maij

Thomas filius Richardi Cheetame 8 ,,

Elizabetha filia Johanis Mort et

Richardus filius Thome Pollet et
Richardus filius Guilielmi Rothwell et
Johanes filius Johanis Smyth 15 ,,

Guilielmus filius Johanis Hope 22 ,,

Johanis filius M" Richardi Worthington 12 Junij

Sislea filia Guilielmi Warburton 15 ,,
Maria filia Thome Irlame 19 ,,

Johanes filius Radulphi Barlow 26 ,,

I fo. 124 Issabella filia Jacobi Smythe et

Maria filia Henrici Hombye 29 ,,

Cathrena filia Thome Peele i Julij

Alicea filia Johanis Coliar 10 ,,

Johanes et Elizabetha gemelli Egidij Eccarsleye

de Boothes 17 ,,
Margreta filia Thome Warburton 24 ,,

Purchased from ebay store retromedia

i6i4 BAPTISMS. 69

Elena filia Thurstani Cooke et

Elena filia Petri Drinkwater ... 31 Julij
Thomas s. of John RolinsS 7 August

Ebay Store retromedia

Edmundus filius Thomae Hollande generosi
John Huit 4 September
John Hartley
Lawrenc filius Alexandri Hoker
Thomas et Maria gemelli Willia Ho
Margret filia Denis Harper
Robert s. of Raphe Haughton 25 .'
Erne d. of John Tildsley 2 October
Katheren d. of John Wahvorke
Anne d. of Thomas Scholes ...
Raphe s. of James Cheetam
John s. of Thomas Lighbowne
ffrances s. of fFrances Embersonne .

Ann John Russell

d. of
Alee d. of Robert Charleson ...
John s. of Rodger Downes generosus
John s. of Rodger Bordman
Robert s. of RoBt Nicolls
Alee d. of Josua Dixon
Ann d. of Humphrey Barlowe 30
Margret d. of Richard Rodger
Henry s. of Willia Vallentyne ...

Anne d. to John Widdall II Novemb

Alice d. of Humphrey Pollet ... 13 >»

Jane d. of James Holande 27 >>

Elen d. of Hue Taylier 4 Decemb :

Mary d. of Thomas Robinson II „

125 James s. of John Darbishire 18 ,,

Anne d. of John Plumbe

Ellis s. of Ellis Hey
Margret d. of Raphe Smithe ...

John s. of John Simson

Robert s. of Henr\' Brooke 26 „
Elen d. of Robert Edge I Janv
Willia s. of Thomas Tonge ...

John s. of Richarde Coupe

Robert s. of Robert Werrall ...

Thomas s. of John Darbishire

, Jane d. of James Morris

Henry s. of Anne Morris illigit

John s. of Thomas Edge
Anne d. of Thomas Brabin
Thomas filius Charles Bradshawe
Ranndulphe s. of Randulphe Valentyne
Ginet d. of John Barlowe
i Katheren d. of Peter Coupe ... February
Purchased from ebay store retromedia


Thomas s. of William Cooke 5 February

Robert s. of Laurenc Parrin ,, ,,

James s. of Edmunde Walworke 12 ,,

Ebay Store retromedia

Richarde s. of Richarde Leache ,, ,,

Elen d. of Willia Partingto of Leigh pishe ... ,, ,,

Richard s. of George Moreton 19 ,,

Raphes, of Henry Waleworke ,, ,,

ffranscis & Clemence s. & d. of fifranscis Mason ,, ,,

Richard s. of Peeter Tildesley 26

Elizabethe d. of John Acton
Thomas s. of Thomas Pollet Marche
John s. of Thomas Travis „
Roger s, of Thomas Royle 5
John s. of Tliomas Leighe 12
Margrett d. of John Nicholls „
Ellin d. of Willm Withington & Ginit Diido
illigit : 16
Henry s. of Henry Leadbeater 19

ffrancis s. of Robert Xclvton 26 Marche
Thomas s. of Willm Browne
Katherin d. of Robt Needam
I /(?. 126 Robert s. of Thomas Drinkwater April!
Robert s. of Thomas Barlow
Elizabetha d. of Thomas Greenes [or Greeues]
EUenor d. of Raphe Hardman of the Dayne
Ginit d. of James Smithe
Josephe s. of Robert Fyldes
Thomas s. of Thomas Bancrofte
Oliv' s. Holland
of Oliv'
Thomas John Seddon
s. of
Humffrey s. of Laurence Guest
Hester d. of Thomas Smithe of the Dayne pishe
Anne d. of Robert Seddon
Hamlet s. of Hamlet Gilbody May
Mary d. of Robert Tonnge
James s. of William Marecroft
John s. of William Warburtonn
John s. of Edmund Travis &
Ellin d. of John Lee
Williams, of Willm Huit
Thurstan s. of Adam Cooke &
Robert s. of Robert Redforde
Margerie d. of Oliv' Rosscow 2 June
John s. of Robert Rogersonn
Anne d. of Richard Houlden
Purchased from ebay store retromedia

William Heywortt illigittim :
Ellin d. of James Pollett 9
Robert s. of Ellis Tonnge &
John s. of Raphe Collier

Ebay Store retromedia

Elis s. of John Pollett
James s. of Nicholas Latham
Margrett & Katherin daughters of John Passman
Em d. of Hughe Cooke &
John s. Cooke
of Nicholas
[<?. 127 Elizabethe John Adkinsonn
d. of
Issabell d. of Alexand' Bradshaw
Elizabethe d. of Edmund Goolden &
Matthias s. of Richard ffarnworth
Elizabeth d. of William Turner
Ellin d. of Peeter Haughton
Hughe s. of Gilbert Parre
Ellin d. of Gregorie Pollet
Dorothie d. of George Royle
Margret d. of Thomas Boardman
Johns, of Thomas Vnsworth
Elizabeth d. of William Rydinges &
Elizabethe d. of Gyles Marshe
Theophilus s. of John Joanes vicar de Eccles...
Joane d. of Edmund Birch
Marie d. of Peeter Travis
John s, of Robert Hardman &
Ellin d. of Edmund Johnson
Thomas s. of Peeter Derbishire
Raphe s. of Adam Slade &
Anne d. of Thomas Ashtonne
Elizabethe d. of William Martam a poore man
Thomas s. of John Buttler a poore man
Elizabethe d. of Gates Holland of Clifton
Robert s. of Edmund Hulme of Lostocke
Thomas s. of Edward ptingtonn

Elizabethe d. of Will Eckerssley &

Jane d. of Thomas Schoales
John s. of Thomas Derbishire of the Dayne pishe
Ellin d. of Thomas Houghton a poore man
whose wyffe was deliuered of the same in
the lane by John Actons of Barton
10. 128 Anne d. of Ellis Hey of the Munckes Halle
Margret d. of Alexander Lightboune
Thomas s. of Richard Hankins & of Issabell
Ouldam illigit
John s. of Richard Boardman
Humffrey s. of John Devias
Purchased from ebay store retromedia


Thomas s. of Henry Redforde ... 28 December

Oliver s. of John Collier 7 Januarie
Martha d. of Thomas Madin Iligit

Ebay Store retromedia

James s. of James Barlow
Ellin d. of Thomas Warberton
Elizabeth d. of George SAveetloue
Amie d. of Thomas Skipton
Thomas s. of Thomas Prestwich
Elizabeth d. of John Diconson
Jane d. of Henry Hope
Thomas s. of William Haywortt
Henry s. of Robert Seddon &
Margrett d. of Robert Charlses
Alice d. of William Warmisham [Warminhani
inE.T.] 2 Februarie
Thomas Richard Pollett of Poule ...
s. of ...

John s. of M' John Starckie

Ellin d. of Robert Landsdall
Ellin d. of Edward Bente
Anne d. of Nicholas Vallentyne
James s. of James Grundie &
John s. of James Taylior of Dayne pishe
John s. of Thomas Holland of Whit lane
Thomas s. of Edmund Hooghe & Ginit Harper
Thomas s. of Peeter Boardman & Ginit Smithe
illigittimus I March
Edmund s. of Edmund Mortt of Chapmosse &
Alis d. of Michaell Seddon
Robert s. of Robert Halle &
Margrett d. of Thurstan Williamsone
Marie d. of fifranscis Emerson 17

Hughe s. of Raphe Haughton &
Richard s. of Peeter Drinkwater ... Apri
I fo. 129 Samuell s. of EdAvard Newton
Bridgett d. of Thomas Hayge
Charles s. of Willm Bradshaw
Myles s. of Thomas Woollsencrofte &
Jane d, of Robert Titterington
John s. of Hugh Langshaw
Prisilla d. of M' Thomas Holland of Clifton
gent May
Elizabeth d. of Richard Wroe
Tssabell d. of John Widdall
Elizal>eth d. of Roger Pendleburie
Purchased from ebay store retromedia

i6i6 BAPTISMS. 73

James s. of James Barlow et Ginit Nicholls

illigitt 26 May
Ottiwell Thomas Worssley
s. of 9 June

Ebay Store retromedia

John s. of John Barlow & Thomas s. of Thomas
Hogge 16 „
Margrett d. of James Charleses 23 „
Ajine d. of Oliver Assley
Margrett d, of Roger Boardman
Thomas s. of John ptington 7 July
Edmund s. of John Waleworke
Sara d. of Thomas Doodson
Elizabeth d. of Thomas Tildesley
Thomas s. of Edmund Hardman 14 „
Henry s. of Henry Redditt &
Mary & Martha daughters of Laurenc Holland 21 ,,

Anne d. of Thomas Robbinsone 28 .,

Mary d. of George Parr 4 August

Anne d. of Gyles Hey
Vnytie d. of Caleb Hardman ... It
Margrett d. of Oliv' Peake
John s. of John Derbishire of the Roe Greene 25
Thurstan s. of Edmund Barlow- September
Elizabeth d. of Robert Mortte 22
130 William s. of Richard Aired ...
Ellin d. of John Tildesley
Sara d. of Richard Barlowe
Alis d. of John Ottiwells
John s. of John Gregorie

Elizabeth d. of James Gibson

George George Leighe of Barton vpon
s. of
Irwill gent baptized at
Thomas s. of Henry Hartley
Ellis s. of John Pimlet Richard s. of Raphe
Franscis s. of Ellis Hey of y® Munckes Halle &
Ellin d. of John Greenes [or Greenes]
Thomas s. of Roger Fyldes
Marie d. of John Rothwell
Elizabeth d. of Robert Oldam &
Ellin d. of Ann Irlam illigit
Margret d. of Henry Hornby
Adam s. of Adam Hulme & Ellin Barlow illigit
Elizabeth d. of Thomas Bent
Susanna William Vallentyne
d. of
Thomas John Russell of y® Dayne pish
s. of ...

Franscis d. of William Crosse

Robert s. of Robert Chadwicke
^. 131 Peeter s. of Thomas Crossbie
Purchased from ebay store retromedia


Elizubclh d. of Gates Holland of Clifton ... 19 Januarie

Ellin cK: Ellin daughters of John Peacke &
Raph Haywortt 26

Ebay Store retromedia

Thomas Lightboune
Alls d. of of Broom house
Lane 3^ ^
William s. of Peeter Tounge 2 February
Peeter s. of Richard Cheetam „ „
John s. of Peeter Knight „ .,

Andall d. of Alis Thropp illigitt

John s. of Humfrey Crosse 9 ,,

Josua s. of Josua Diccson 16 ,,

Elizabeth d. of Humfrey PoUet „ ,,

Elizabeth d. of Tliomas Edge 23 ,,

Dorothie d. of John Lee „ ,,

Jane d. of James SmilJi „ ,,

William s. of SibiU Whytlegge illigit

Thomas s. of Humfrey Bent 2 March

John s. of John Hey „ ,,

Henry s. of Henry Waleworke ,, ,,

Ellin d. of William Moreton „ ,,

Thomas s. of Alis Widdall illigitt 8

Samuell s. of Thomas Pendleton 9 ,,

Richard s. of Raph Hardman „ ,,

George s. of George Andrew „ ,,

Anne d. of William Warburton ,, ,,

Ellin d. of Nicholas Coocke ,, ,,

Hugh s. of Hugh Taylior 16

Alexander s. of Alexander Houlker
.•yis d. of Edmund Waleworke
Marie d. of Katherin Tatton illigitt

James s. of William Boardman of Clifton 23

Jolin s. of Thomas Derbishire of Hulton Lane

John s. of Richard Cowap 30 March
Elizabeth d. of Thomas Boardman „ ,,

Margrett d. of Thurstan Williamson ,, ,,

/c?. 132 Ellin d. of Peeter Tildesley 6 Aprill

James s. of James Barlow 13 ,,
John s. of William Rothwell ... „ ,,

John s. of Humfrey Wright ,, ,,

John s. of James Marsh of y* Day ne ,, ,,

& Raph s. of Raph Bradshaw & Anne Wirrall
illigitt ,, ,,
Jilizabeth d. of Robert Fyldes 22 ,,
John s. of Edward Vrmstonn &
James s. of James Lomas „ ,,
Dorothie d. of Thomas Holland of Clifton gent : 25 ,,
Purchased from ebay store retromedia

i6i7 BAPTISMS. 75

Mary d. of John Smith &

Ellin d. of Thomas Brabin 26 April!
Robert s. of Robert Coocke & Jane Eckersall

Ebay Store retromedia

illigitt =? Ma
Ellin d. of Robert Newton
Richard s. of Robert Edge
Ellin d. of Raphe Collier
Raph s. of Jane Walley illigitti
Richard s. of Katherin WilSon illigitt &
Richard Waleworke
Edmund s. of John Starckie gent
Margret d. of John Seddon
Richard s. of Alexander Lightboune June
William s. of William Charnocke &
Dorothie d. of Thomas Williamson
John s. of Robert Arderne gent :

Sislie d. of John Partington

Ellin d. of Locklen & . . .

Anne d. of John Waleworke of y* Lower end of

>•« Wood
Mary d. of Raph Barlow
Richard s. ofThomas Williamson of the Buile
Hill July
John s. of John Schoales
Margrett d. of Edmund Hulme gent August
Margrett d. of Thomas Schoales
Ellin d. of Thomas Hope
Alis d. of Thomas Robinson
Katherin d. of Christopher Thorpe
133 Raphe s. of Richard Woodwarde
Thomas s. of Adam Coocke
Roger s. of Thomas Wood 7 September
Charles & Thomas s. of Charles Whittell gemelli
Elizabeth d. of Thomas Pollett
Issabell d, of Franscis Mason
Humfrey d. of Robert Whittell 14
Thomas s. of Thomas Hagh Anne Holland
Margrett d. of John Nicholson
Richard s. of Richard Rogers
Richard John Baguley
s. of
Sicelie d. ofJohn Woodward 28 „
John s. of Charles Bradshaw 12 October
Raph s. of Henry Cowap
Elizabeth Hamlet Gilbody
d. of
Anne George Leeigh gent
d. of
Anna d. of Thomas Smith of f Dayne pish ...

James s. of Thomas Huit

Thomas s. Charles Smith
Purchased from ebay store retromedia


Miirgret d. of John Knight 26 October

Margret d. of John Foxe
Robert s. of Peeter Boardman

Ebay Store retromedia

John s. of Thomas Tonnge
William s. of William Coocke of y" Mosse Lane
Ellin d. of James Cheetam
James s. of Thomas Collier de Meanlee
Adam s. of John Oljoie alls Hankins
Ellin d. of William Irlam
Roger s. of Thomas Bradshaw of Hagge
Randle s. of Ginit Smith & Randle Olyue alis
Hankins illigitt
John Mosse pauper
William s. of Hughe Burie
I fo. 134 Margret d. of Peeter Widall ...
Marie d. of Randle Vallentyne
John s. of John Plumme
Thomas s. of Christopher Schoales
Margrett d. of Edmond Lathum gent:
Franscis d. of Thomas Holland
Anne d. of William Aired & Anne Adkinson
Bedforde s. of Thomas Chernocke the ymbroderer
Margret d. of William Partington
William s. of Thomas Edge Oliver s. of John
Hugh s. of Thomas Royle
Peeter s. of Henry Redford
John s. of John Widall
Edwards, of Anne Olivers illigitt
Ellin d. ofJohn Devias
Thomas s. of John Tumer
Hughe s. of John Darbishire
Raphe s. of Robert Hardman
Richard & Ellin c. of Peeter Derbishire twines
George s. of Richard Marsh & Alis Haliwo of
y* Dayne pish illigitt

John s. of John Warde

Richard s. of Richard Holden of Eccles
Anne d, of Robert Rogerson
Jane d. of Edward Codrey
James s. of Thomas Seddon of Cliffton
Issabell d. of Gilbert Parre
Elizabeth d. of Oliuer Derbishire ...

Ellin d. of Raphe Smith

Jane d. of Edmund Hooghe
^ /^- 135 James s. of James Perciuall
Margrett d. of William Turner
Purchased from ebay store retromedia

i6i8 BAPTISMS. 77


Ebay Store retromedia

Josua s. of Edward Newton 5 Aprill
John s. of Thomas Sidall
John s. of Gyles Marsha
Thomas s. of Thomas Holland
John s. of Adam Slade

William s. of Hugh Coocke

Robert &: Joane s. & d. of Gregory Pollet 3 May
Thomas s. of John Vallentyne gent 14 ,,
Margrett d. of Thomas Greenes [or Greenes] 24 ,,
Peeter s. of John Jones Vicar 26 ,,

John s. of James Moreton 31

Thomas s. of Thomas Travis 7 June
Richard s. of James Taylior of y® Dayne pish 21 ,,

Johns, of Thomas Robinson

Alis d. of Edmund Birch
Margret d. of George Andrew 5 July
Thomas s, of Thomas Skipton
Oliuer s. of Thomas Ottiwells
Anne d. of James Rattcliffe
Ellin d. of Peeter Rosscowe 19 M
Katherin d. of Elizabeth Haydock & Henry
Hey illigitt
Roger s. of Thomas Chernock of the Boothes
Henry s. of Roger Pendlebury
Ellin d. of John Smith &
Elizabeth d. of Thomas Blradshaw ofy' Bancke
Elizabeth d. of Thomas Diggle
Mary d. of Michaell Seddon
[36 Richard s. of Robert Halle
Dorothie d. of James Peacke
Richard s. of Edward Toppinge
Edmund s. of Richard Boardman
William s. of Thomas Pollet
Anne d. of Henry Walework
Ginit d. of Jane Foxe & . . . Moreton
Ellin d. of James Barlow
Franscis d. of Edmund Hardman
John s. of Thomas Moreton
John s. of Richard Walework
Richard s. of Christopher Thorpe
Richard s. of Raphe Hapvard de Hoult
Elizabeth d. of George Leigh of Barton Esquyre

Purchased from ebay store retromedia


Hamlet s. of LawTence Bent 18 October

Robert s. of Edmund Johnson
Humfrey s. of Edward Kent I November

Ebay Store retromedia

Elizalxith d. of Hugh Langshaw
Anne d. of John Knight 5
Thomas s. of Thomas Smith of y° Dayne pish
Richard s. of Thomas Crossbie
Mar}' d. of Richard fTarneworth
Thomas s. of John Fooler
Richard s. of Robert Wxoe
Ellin d. of William Bradshaw
Peeters. of Peeter Tyldesley
Maxgrett d. of Thomas Tyldesley
Hester d. of Nicholas Coocke
Thomas s. of Joane Bradshaw & Ottiwell
Worsley illigitt 6 December
Thomas Johns. of Collier
I ffl. 137 Margrett John Russill of y® Dayne pish
d. of
James s. of James Smith 20 ,,
Samuell & Jeremy Woolsencrofte 21 ,,

Margret d. of Gyles Waleworke & Anne Greene

illigitt 10 January
Ales d. of Roger Boardman
Anne d. of Laurence Holland
Hugh s. of Fransis Emberson 17
Elizabeth d. of Ellis Mather
Henry s. of John Halle 24 ,>

John s. of John Woodward

Raph s. of James Gibson
Dorothie son [sic'] of Thomas Barlowe . .

Elizabeth d. of William Marecrofte 7 February

Alse d. of William Parre
Thomas s. of Thomas Redford

Elizabeth d. of Thomas Higginson

Edmund s. of Edmund Barlow
Thomas s. of Edmund Waleworke
Elizabeth d. of Thomas Fayrecloogh
James s. of James Grundy
AJse d. of Richard Peake
Ellin d. of Edmund Boardman &
Alis d. of Laurence Johnson 7 March
Robert s. of Humfrey Pollet
Thomas s. of Ellis Hey de Munkes Hall
John s. of Richard Aired
Alis d. of James Charleses
Alis d. of Richard Wroe

Purchased from ebay store retromedia

i6i9 BAPTISMS. 79

John ptington
Issabell d. of 28 March

Ebay Store retromedia

Sara d. of John Huidson 4 April 1
Elizabeth d. of William Rothwell
William s. of James Smith [8
Anne d. of Thomas Widall ...

Richard s. of Richard Tounge & Anne Bent

illigitt May
I John s. of Robert Nicholls
Margrett d. of Thomas Pendleton
'. 138 John s. of Thomas Jackson
Dorothie d. of John Derbishyre
Katherin d. of Raph Collier ...

John s. of John Pollett &

Marie d. of Edward Hampson
William s. of Thomas Barlow ...
Elizabeth d. of Edward Newton
Alse d. of John Tildesley
Elizabeth d. of John ptingtonn June
Susanna d. of George Waleworke
James & Jane children of John Passman
John s. of John Seddon
Elizabeth d. of Thomas Stopperton
Thomas s. of Robert Titterington ..

Robert s. Robert Newton

Alse d. of Sicelie Smith & Richard Roason
illigitt July
Ann John Ottiwells
d. of . .

Joani d. of John Widall ...

Joane d. of Raph Haughton
Elizabeth d. of John Adkinson & Ann Guest
Elizabeth d. of Christopher Schoale
William s. of Thurstan Williamson

John s. of Oliver Peake ...

Ann d. of Robert Oldam ...

Alse d. of Thomas Travis I August

Ellin d. of Raph Barlowe
John s. of Peeter Travis . .

Thomas s. of Alexander Houlker &

Ellin d. of Robert Mortt
Edmund s. of Edmund Travis
William s. of Henry Tounge of ye Dayne pish 19 September
Daniell s. of John Rothwell .. 26
Ellin d. of Thomas Lightboune
William s. of Awin Sayer
Anne d. of John Schoales
Edward s. of John Landsdall ..
Purchased from ebay store retromedia


ifo. 139 Thomas s. of Thomas Coocke 3 October

Roger s. of William Vallentyne
Thomas s. of Randle Olyue & Ellin Barlow

Ebay Store retromedia

Margret d. of Ginit Nicholls & James Barlow

John s. of Alexander Lightboune

Alse d. of John Hasleum
Margret d. of Gyles Edge
James s. of Robert Sedon
Anne d. of Thomas Worssley
Hughe s. of Alis Widall & Hugh Pollct illigitt

Margret d. of Locklen Raynolds

Alis d. of Charles Bradshaw November
Margrett d. of Peeter Tounge
John s. of Richard Pollet
James s. of James Sorrowcolde 14 „
Ellin d. of John Nicolls 28 ,,

Margerie d. of William Cowdall

Margrett d. of Thomas Smith pish Clarke 5 December
Adam s. of Thomas Doodson i) )}

James s. of Robert Charlses >> >>

Robert & Ellin children of Nicholas Huyton

Susan Seddon gemelli illigitt
Anne d. of Randle Vallentyne
John s. of Humfray Royle
Elizabeth d. of John Birche
Richard s. of Hughe Langshawe
Thomas s. of John Greenes [or Greenes]
Elizabeth d. of Thomas Gee 21 ,,

Ruthe d. of John Taylier 26 „

Ellin d. of Thomas Turner
Richard s. of Gregorie Pollett 5 Januarie
Margrett Richard Woodward
d. of
Fransciss. of Thomas Johnson preacher

Robert s. of John Lanckton

Robert s. of Richard Cheetam 16 ,,

ifo. 140 Thomas s. of William Edge 30 -

Hester d. of Richard Barlowe 4 Februarie
Hester d. of Adam Coocke 6 ,,
Jane d. of Adam Jepson 13 ,,
Katherin d. of Edmund Ouldam
Anne Peeter Derbishire
d. of
Samuell s. of John Jones Vicar
Margerie d. of Alis Hilton illigitt
Ellin d. of Edmund Gooeden &
Thomas s. of Richard Leatche 27 ,,
Sara d. of Josua Dickson 5 March
Purchased from ebay store retromedia

I6I9-I620 BAPTISMS. 81

Henry s. ofThomas Richardson 5 March

Jane d. of William Wharmbie
Raphe s. of Peeter Haughton &

Ebay Store retromedia

Elizabeth Peeter Tildesley
d. of
John s. of Edward ptington
William s. of Robert Fyldes
Margrett d. of Ann Wirrall & Raph Bradshawe

Joane d. of Richard Rogers 36 March
Margret d. of Hughe Bexwick
Parnell d. of William Collier 9 Aprill
John s. of Richard Erlam 10 ,,

Ellin d. of Thomas Edge 16 „

Thomas s. of Robert Redforde 17 „
Margrett d. of Robert Edge
Elizabeth d. of Thomas Lightboune
John s. of James Pollet 30
Ellin d. of Richard Peacke
Margret d. of Adam Rothwell
Marie d. of John Bradforde
Roger s. of Roger Fyldes 14
Raphe s. of Thomas Diggle
Katherin d. of Richard Assley
Thomas s. of Robert Landsdall ..

[41 Jonathan s. of William ptington

William s. of William Warburton ...

Marie d. of George Royle

Margret d. of Hughe Taylier
James s. Thomas Tildesley
Alis d. ofAbraham Sedon &
Sara d. of Thomas Jackson
James s. of Thomas Chernocke ymbrod
James s. of John Ottiwells
Henry s. of Hamlet Partington
Margret d. of Thomas Wood
Thomas s. of Humfrey Pollet

Franscis s. of Thomas Huit &

Elizabeth d. of Fardinando Sharpies
Issabell d. of John Foxe
Henry of John Waleworke

Margret d. of Edmond Mortt

James s. of Gates Bradshawe
Robert s. of Henry Hope
Thomas s. of Edmund Lathum gent
Edmund s. of Raphe Smith
Henry s. of William Cooke
. .

Purchased from ebay store retromedia


James s. of George Parre 10 September
Richard of Richard Pellet

Raphe s. of John Jeffreyes

Ebay Store retromedia

Imin d. of Raphe Ba^lo^ve 24 ,,

Thomas s. of Thomas Hardman 25 ,,

Margerie d. of Oliuer Derbishire >j > J

Marie d. of John Deuias I October

Katherin d. of Thomas Collier
Elizal>eth d. of Samuel 1 pciuall Sz Elizabeth
Sumner illigitt

Ellis s. of Ellis Tounge

Issabell d. of William Moreton
Richard s. of Laurence Bradshay of y® Hope
gent: II ,,

I /(?. 142 Thomas Robert Irlam

s. of
Richard s. of Raph Moreton 5> >>

Robert s. of Thomas Lightboune 18 „

Margrett d. of Hugh Maneringe 22 ,,

Anne d. of Peeter Seddon 29 „

Thomas s. of Peeter Rosscow
Marie d. of Raphe Trauis & Elizabeth
Woolsencrofte illigitt
Anne d. of Thomas Pinington & Alis Worsley
Ellin d. of Thomas Pollet of Manton &
Marye d. of Gyles Hardman
Richard s. of John Derbishire
Marie d. of William Eckersley & Annis Johnson
Anne d. of Henry Dunsture
Anne d. of Thomas Trauis
Anne d. of PeeterBoardman . . 3 December
Issabell d. of James Cheetam ...

Thomas s. of Raphe Hardman

Robert s. of Robert Titterington 10 ,,

William s. of Hugh Partington

John s. of George Thorpe
Richard s. of John Edge ... 17
Alis d. ofRaphe Bradshaw
Elizabeth d. of Hugh Cook
Ellin d. John Smith 24 „
James of Robert Rogers

Marie d. of John Knight . .

31 »
Mary d. of Lawrence Johnson 6 January
Margrett d. of Alexander Lightboune ... 7 ,,
Alis d. of Lawrence Holland
Elizabeth d. of Thomas Bradshawe
Jane d. of Thomas Grundy of y® Dayne pish
Purchased from ebay store retromedia


Laurence s. of Laurence Bent 21

143 Thomas s. of Alis Derbishire & Thomas
Tildesley illigitt

Ebay Store retromedia

Robert s. of William Par
Mary d. of Thomas Tongue
Roger s. of John Peacke
Anne d. of Thomas Hollande
Marye d. of George Leighe gent :

Dorothie d. of William Turner

Margrett d. of John Gregorie
Henery s. ofHenry Burif
Anna d. of Nicholas Coocke
Ellin d. of Thomas Smith pish clarke ... .

James s. of Thomas Parin &

Ellin d. of Alexand<?r Houlker
Edward of Edward Bent

>Lxrgrett d. of Thomas Crossliie

William s. of Locklen Raynoldes
George s. of James Smith
Robert s. of James Moreton

Marie d. of Henry Waleworke
Margret d. of John Smith de Bromehurst
John s. of John Fooler
John s. of John Halle
Ellin d. of George Andrew
Thomas s. of Gilbert Parr
Elizabeth Henry Tongue
d. of
Ellis d. of Ellis
Joane d. of James Holland
Alis d. of James Sorrowcould
Anne d. of Robert Hardman
John s. of Richard Wright
Thomas s. of John Schoales & Ellin Seller
Robert s. of William Huit
Marie d. of Adam Jepson
Mary d. of William Rothwell
James s. of John Robinson
Richard s. of Charles Whittell
;. 144 Joane d. of Richard Walework
Elizabeth d. of Thomas Moreton
Richard s. of Richard Woodward
Thomas s. of Henry Hormbie
James s. of Edward Toppinge
William s. of William Marecrofte
Ellin d. of Laurenc Houlker de Wood
Purchased from ebay store retromedia


Al is Richard Cheetam
d. of 17 June
John Edmund Accton
s. of
Ellin d. of Richard Houlden of Eccles 24

Ebay Store retromedia

Robert s. of James Gibson
Henry s. of Thomas Linggart & Anne
Pendlebury illigitt
John s. of Thomas Woolsencroft 8 July
Mary d. of Edward Newton 15
Mary d. of John Taylier of y® Dayne pish &
Roger s. ofEdmund Waleworke
Henry s. of Henry Leighe
James s. of Hugh Chorleton Aujzust
Henry s. of Hamlet Smith
Anne d. of Edmund Boardman
Anne John Collier
d. of
James Grundy
Ellin d. of
Katherin d. of John Tildesley September
Thomas s. of Robert Johnson
Richard s. of James Charlsone
Thomas s. of Thomas Higginson 16
William s. of Raphe Barlowe
Ellin d. of William Bradshaw &
Elizabeth d. of Thomas Lightboune 23
Katherin d. of Adam Rothwell 30
John s. of John Foxe
Dorothie d. of Edmund Hardman Octobf
James James Adkinson
s. of
Anne d. of Thomas Holland de Whit Lane ...

I fo. 145 Robert & Elizabeth children of Robert

Bradshaw of Clifton twinnes &
Hugh s. of Raphe Haughton
John s. of John Derbishire
Thomas s. of Thurstan Williamson
William s. of William Moreton
John s. of Henry Hey
Edmund s. of Arnold Schoales & Ellin Andrew
illigitt 28
John s. of Thomas Coock
Hester Richard ffarneworth
d. of
Thomas Thomas Johnson preacher
s. of Nouember
Ellin d. of Thomas Redford
Laurence s. of Laurence Crompton
Elizabeth d. of John Shawe
Robert s. of Charles Bradshawe
Margret d. of William Bradshaw
Jane d. of George Rosscowe
John s. of James Hardman
Richard s. of James Peack

Purchased from ebay store retromedia

I62I-I622 BAPTISMS. 85

James s. of Gyles Sedon 25 Nouember

George s. of James Taylier
Richard s. of Awin Sear December

Ebay Store retromedia

Elizabeth d. of Robert Newton
Richard s. of Edmund Barlow
Issabell d. of Gyles Edge
Raphe d. of Robert Sutton & Margret Edge

Jonathan s. of Thomas Edge

Allexander s. of Edward Bent & Ellin Turner
Thomas s. of Richard PoUet 23 ,>

Anne d. of Richard Wroe 26 „

Peeter s. of Thomas Doodson 27 ,,

John s. of Thomas Jackson

146 Anna d. of John Birch 6 January
Ellin d. of William Pinington & Margret Worsley
illigitt \ 7 M
Thomas s. of Thomas Robinson 20 ,,

John Derbishire
Alis d. of
Thomas s. of Lambert Hope & Anne Irlam
Henry s. of Henry Williamsone & Jinit Entwisley
Richards, of Thomas Gee 17 February
Joane d. of William Coock & Margrett Jolly
Mary d. of William Moreton 24 „
John s. of Thomas Williamson 3 March
Margret d. of Thomas Tildesley
Issabell d. of George Holland & Anne Hurst
William s. of William Dantesie gent :

Elizabeth d. of Raph Boardman

Anne d. John Nicholls
of 7 „
Thomas John Holland
s. of
Elizabeth d. of John Woodburne 24 M
John s. of Gyles Hey
John s. of William Woodward

Tabitha d. of John Rothwell . . 31 March
William s. of Samuell Man ^3 Aprill
Margret d. of Hugh Langshawe 7 >»

Elizabeth d. of William Barlowe 14 >»

Charles s. of Thomas Stopperton

Thomas s. of John Ttauis
George s. of Richard Aired
Purchased from ebay store retromedia


Cecill s. of John Jones Vicar 5 May

Hughe s. of Pet-^ter Derbishire ,, ,,

Cisslie d. of Edward Bent ,, ,,

Ebay Store retromedia

I /^. 147 Katherin d. of Richard Assley
Raphe d. of Robert Heyward 19 m
George s. of Randle Vallentyne ,, ,,

Humffrev s. of Humffrey Barlowe , ,,

Thomas's. t)f John Wirall 26

Elizal>eth d. of Robert Xichulls 2 June
George s. of William Warburton 9 ,,

Jane d. of William Bancrofte n ,,

Jane d. of Raphe Balie 16 ,,

John s. of Robert Johnson 18 ,,

Elizabeth d. of James Ratcliff 23 ,,

Anne d. of James Leyland » „

Anne d. of Franscis Emerson ,, ,,

Thomas s. of James Lomas „ ,,

Margrett d. of John Derbishire 30 ,,

Jinit d. of Adam Cook 14 July

Rogers, of John Widall „ ,,

James s. of Thomas Widall 21 ,,

Ellin d. of Thomas Irlam 23

Roger s. of Humflfrey Royle 28 ,,

John s. of John Darowe & Dorothie Mason

illigitt ,, ,,

Thomas s. of Thomas Diggle 11 August

Richard s. of Robert Sedon ,, ,,

Alis d. of Thomas Boardman 15 ,,

John s. of John Halle 25

Mary d. of Edmund Trauis ,, ,,

Mary d. of Raphe Moreton ,, ,,

Ellis s. of Richard Tongue & Elizabeth Rydinges

illigitt „ „
Edmund s. of Edmund Accton &
William & Elizabeth twinnes of John Jeffreyes i September
John s.John Partington
of 6 ,,

Thomas s. of Henry Tonge 8 ,,

George s. of Edmund Morte ,, ,,

James s. of John Edge ,, ,,

Ellenor d. of James Sorrowcolde 22 ,,

Charles s. of John Newton ,, ,,

Ellin d. of Edmund Hardman 29 ,,

Ellin d. of Thomas Warburton ,, ,,

Anne d. of James Pollet ,, ,,

jt /(?. 148 Edmund s. of Raphe Barlowe 6 October

Richard s. of Thomas Wroe & Elizabeth Guest
illigitt ,, ,,
Roger s. of Robert Charlses ,, ,,
Purchased from ebay store retromedia

1622-1623 BAPTISMS. 87

Thomas s. of William Bradshaw 27

Elizabeth d. of Thomas Sedon
John s. of Edward Moreton

Ebay Store retromedia

Ellenor d. of Robert Edge
Alse d. of Peeter Tildesley
Issraell s. ofJohn Partington
John s. of Thomas Smith pish dark
Roger s. of Laurence Houlker de Wood
John s. of Humffrey Birch
Elizabeth d. of Hamlet Gilbody ...

Alis d. of Hugh Taylier

Thomas s. of Thomas Halle
James s. of Allexander Lightboune

Ellin d. of Robert Bradshaw

Raphe s. of Raphe Collier
Oliuer s. of Oliuer Derbishire
Anne Robert Irlam
d. of
Anne d. George Andrew
Elizabeth & Joans drs. of Thomas Wright
Hari s. of George Holland gener ... :

Ellin d. of Thomas Lightboune

Robert s. of John Partington
Raphe s. of Peeter Boardman
William s. of Thurstan Cook
Mary d. of Laurence Bradshawe gent
Raphe s. of Edmund Barlowe ...
Jane d. of John Greenes [or Greenes]
Alse of James Tildesley
Thomas s. of Thomas Smith
Anne d. of Hugh Partington
149 Mary d. of John Turner &
Ellin Hewood illigitt
Edmund s. of Edmund Pearson Issabell &
Smith illigitt
Anne d. of William Turner
John s. of Charles Whittell
Edward s. of William Hamson
John s. John Pollet
Thomas s. of John Bradford

Arnold s. of Arnold Schoales

Ellin d. of Gyles Wright
Elizabeth d. of John Hey
Joane d. of John Derbishire
Purchased from ebay store retromedia


Ebay Store retromedia


Purchased from ebay store retromedia

I623-I624 BAPTISMS. ^9

John s. John Travis

of 15 February
Joseph Thomas Huit
s, of 22 ,,

Anne d. of William Marecrofte ,, ,,

Ebay Store retromedia

Martha d. of George Holland gent 6 March
(;. 151 James s. of Edward To ppinge 7 ,,

Anne d. of John Waleworke of Higher End ... ,, ,,

Tabitha d. of John Rothwell 14

John s. of John Tildsley
Jane d. of John Turner

Dorothie Raphe Boardman
d. of 28 March
Thomas s. of Thomas Jackson 2 May
Margrett d. of Gyles Marsh
Ginit d. of Richard Tongue
Jeremy s. of Nicholas Coocke
Ellin d. of Hamlet Smith
Thomas s. ofHenry Hope 6
Elizabeth d. of Robert Leighe
Elizabeth d. of Humffrey Poliet
Alls d. of Edmund Boardman
Joane d. of Thomas Edge
Anne d. of Thomas Boardman
Richard s. of William Hulme gent:
Ellin d. of John Gregorie
Edmund s. ofJohn Jones Vicar
Elizabeth d. of Ellis Hey [gent in E.T.]
Elizabeth d. of Robert Bradshawe
Raphe s. of Hughe Meanley
Franscis s. of Thomas Woolsencrofte
Elizabeth d. of Adam Rothwell
Thomas s. of Thomas Lightboune
Elizabeth d. of Henry Tongue
Anna d. of Robert Fyldes
John s. of John Derbishire de Stanish street...
Margret Henry Leighe
d. of
Elizabeth Henry Redforde
d. of
John s. of James Tildsley of y® Dayne pish . .

[52 Anne d. of Thomas Warburton

James s. of Richard Peack
Ginit d. of George Waleworke
Thomas s. of James Smith
John s. of Richard Poliet
Robert s. of Edmund Houlden
Thomas s. of George Vallentyne & Alis Tongue
Margrett d. of Edmund Barlowe 26
Ellin d. of Thomas Tildesley „
. ;

Purchased from ebay store retromedia


John s. of Thomas Hardman

26 December
Elizal>eth d. of Awin Sear _
27 w
Jane d. of Thomas Smith pish Clerk 2 January

Ebay Store retromedia

Richard s. of Thomas Widall ... 6 ,,

Jane d. of James Peacke

Ellin d. of Hughe Co<)rke
Thomas George Andrew
s. of . .

Hester d. of Raph Moreton

Susanna d. of Hamlet Partington
Joane d. of Thomas Turner ...
John s. of William Bradshaw ... 23
Margret d. of Raph Balye
Ellin d. of Humfrey Birch 27
Ellin d. of William Smith hamber make 30
Ellenor d. of Richard Cheetam
Thomas s. of Allexander Barlowe
Joseph s. of Greggorye Pollet
Anne d. of Hugh Bexwicke ... 6 February
Imin d. of William Stones 13 ,,

Laurence s. of Laurence Johnson

John s. of Thurstan Coocke ... 24
Johns, of John Lowe 27 ,,

Ellin d. of Thomas Edge illigitt

I fo. 153 George s. of George Holland gent 2 March

Thomas s. of Robert Katherall 6
Laurence s. of Robert Hardman
Myles s. of Thomas Diggle
Richard s. of John Ottiwells ...
Thomas s. of Raphe Barlowe ...
Anne d. of Thomas Sedon of CI fton
Elizabeth d. of Anne Royle wydow & William
Coock illigitt
James s. of James RadclifFe 13
Thomas s. of John Smith
Margrett d. of John Holiwell of the Day ne pish
Alis d. of John Robinson
Mary d. of Thomas Higginson 20 ,,

Anne d. of Peeter Rosscowe ...

William s. of Hugh Chorleton 7 March
Jane d. of Thomas Redford
Jane d. of Charles Bradshawe
Thomas s. of Gyles Hey I Aprill
Richard s. of Dorothie Tongue & Roger
Boanlman illigit
3 »
Alis d. of Ellis Tongue 10 ,,

Mary d. of John Wirrall .. 18 „

Purchased from ebay store retromedia


Jeffrey s. of Henry Hope I May

Margrett d. of George Par
Elizabeth d. of John Rosscowe & Ellin Scott

Ebay Store retromedia

illigitt 6 ,,

William John Woodburne

s. of 8 „
Anne d. of Edmund Waleworke
Thomas s. of Richard Barlowe 15 >>

Elizabeth d. of Thomas Coock

Elizabeth d. of George Piatt ..
Ellin d. of Thomas Widall ..

Elizabeth d. of John Nicholls

George s. of Gyles Hardman ..
Allexander s. of Allexander Lightboiine 29 „
154 Anne d. of Laurence Houlker de Wood ... 5 June
Margret d. of Raphe Widall 12
Edmund s. of Randle Vallentyne
Margret d. of Thomas Bradshawe de Fleete
Alis d. of Richard Hey
William s. oi John Frithe & Anne Hodson
Ellin d. of George Barlowe
Anne d. ofHenry Hormbie
James s.Raphe Hardman
Anne d. of Gyles Waleworke 26 „
Thomas s. of Robert Rogere
Ellin d. of Thomas Fyldes 3 July'
Richard s. Coocke
of William 10 ,,

Ellenor d. of Richard Wright

Allexander s. of Oswould Chorleton of
Hester d. of John Birch of Bromhurst ...

Adam s. of James Adkinson 24 ,,

Anne d. of Randle Oliue als Hankins ... 31

Thomas s. of Thomas Gee 7 August
Man- & Anne d"' of John Hall 10 ,,

George s. of Edmund Hardman 14

Jane d. of Henry Waleworke of Clifton 21
John s. of Hughe Taylier

Elizabeth d. of James Pol let

John s. of John Knight ...

Elizabeth d. of Gyles Seddon

Robert s. of John Cliueley II September
RatclifiFe s. of John Greggorie
John s. of Thomas Pollet de Akersfeild 25 ,,

Beniamin s. of Richard Irlam

Jane d. of John Pollet de Pendleton
Elizabeth Richard Devias
d. of 16 October
John s. of Richard Woodward
Purchased from ebay store retromedia


Anne d. of Edmund Accton 18 October

Denis s. George Becam
of 19 ..

155 Alls & Mary twinnes of John Hey 26 ,,

Ebay Store retromedia

I Jo.
Anne d. of Richard Vallentyne 30 ^>

James s. of Thomas Lightboune de Bule Hi

Robert s. of Robert Irlam of Laighe pish 1 November
Anne d. of Arnold Schoales 6 ,,

Thomas s. of Humfrey Royle 13 M

George s. of John Williamson of Barton 20 ,,

Gyles s. of John Hardman of Clifton ... > > >f

Elizabeth d. of Gates Bradshaw 4 December

Roger s. of Hughe Partington II ,,

Alls d. of Robert Tongue 18 ,,

Richard s. of Thomas Doodson 27

William s. of Thomas Chapman & Ellin
Ashworthe illigitt 31
Anne d. of William Hurlebutt 6 January
William s. of Arnold Smith & Ellin Tildsley
Ginit d. of Roger Fyldes Shoomaker
Peeter s. of Richard Wroe
Robert s. of Thomas Woolsencrofte
Robert s. of Humfrey Birche 29 „
James s. of John Pollet
Henry s. of Hughe Nihill &
Mary Hall illigitt 2 February
William s. of Richard Tongue 5 M
Robert s. of James Gibson 19 ;.

Margrett d. of Peeter Cowap 24 ,,

William s. of Thomas Holland of Clifton

younger gent 5 March
Anne d. of Nicholas Ryder
James s. of James Bradshawe
John s. of Heniy Tongue &
Edmund s. of Hamlet ptington & Margret
Jollie illigitt
I -fo. 156 Anne d. of Thomas Bent of Eccles

Anne James Marshe
d. of Aprill
William s. of James Marecrofte
William s. of Hamlet Smith ...
Elizabeth d. of Franscis Emerson
Humfrey s. of Robert Newton
Roger s. of Robert Titterington
Richard s. of Richard Eckersley
Amery d. of William Warburton
Robert s. of Robert Bradshawe of Burne leatche
Purchased from ebay store retromedia

i626 BAPTISMS. 93

Mary d. of Henry Waleworke 23

John s. of Thomas Parin
Elizabeth d. of William Bancrofte

Ebay Store retromedia

Thomas s. of Roger Whitlegge
Mary d. of Thomas Smith of Pendleton
John s. of Franscis Shawe
Thomas s. of Thomas Irlam of Eccles ...

James s. of George Holland gent:

Alis d. of Robert Charleses
Mary d. of John Collier
Elizabeth d. of Gilbert Parre
Mar}- d. of Henry Hilton
John s. of James Hollande
George s. ofJames Tildesley
Mary d. of Thomas Pendleton
Thomas s. of Thomas Moreton
Katherin d. of John Derbishire
Ellin d. of Richard Mort of Hilton Lane
Elizabeth d. of Robert Clooghe
John s. of John Edge of Hollow clooghe
Ellin d. of George Seddon
John s. of Thomas Pollet of Manton
[57 Anne d. of William Aired
John s. of Henry Garstangge & Ginit Jollie
illigitt ./.

Elizabeth d. of Thomas Edge of the Drye Wood

Alse d. of Thomas Boardman of Hollowclooghe
Alee d. of Thomas Widall
Thomas s. of Thurstan Cook
Ellin d. of William Parr
William s. of Peeter Boardman of Swinton
Hughe s. of Hughe Chorleton
John s. of John Holland de Clifton
Anne William Cook & Ellin Tongue illigitt
d. of
Ellin d, of Thomas Irlam of Irlam atis
Robert s. of George Ouldam
Edward s. of Humfrey Bentt & Alse Byrom

John s. of Raphe Pendleton atis Pelton &

Katherin Birche illigitt
Ellin d. of Raphe Smithe of y® pish of Middleton
James s. of William Vallentyne
Samuel! s. of Roger Hulme
John s. John Tilldesley
Hester John Jones Vicar
Elizabeth d. of John Greenes [or Greenes] ...

Edmund s. of William Smith of Eccles

Purchased from ebay store retromedia


Elizabeth d. of Gyles Seddon cS: Elizabeth

Greggs illigitt 26 November
Thomas s. of Edward Bent ... 3 December

Ebay Store retromedia

Thomas s. of GylesHey 10 ,,

Ellin d. of William Hulme geiit 17 ,,

Thomas s. of Thomas Smith pish clarke 24

fo. 158 ElizaV>eth d. of Christopher Smethurst of y"
Dayne pish 14 January
Henry s. of Edmund Hardman
William s. of William Pollet of Eccles ...

William s. of John Williamson of Haslehurst

Henry s. of Richard Wigan & Ellenor Fishe
ilHgitt ... _

James s. of Josua Dixson 28

John & James twinnes of James Ottiwells of
Thomas s. of Laurence Dunsture February
William s. of Richard Tongue of Eccles
Thomas s. of John Hayward a!is Dayne
Ashton '..

James s. of Robert Holte

Ellin d. of Raphe Moreton
Elizabeth d. of Thurstan Fyldes & Elizabeth
Wood illigitt

Anne d. of Olliuer Worsley & Elizabeth

Bromeley illigitt
Dorothie d. of Edmund Boardman
Joane d. of Raphe Hamson
William s. of John Trauis
Ellin d. of Ellin Tellton & John Rosscow illigitt March
Mary d. of Richard Hey
Katherin d. of Roger Taylier
Robert s. of Robert Hayward
Anne d, of Robert Bradshaw de Lane

Edmund s. of Edmund Holden 25 March
Thomas s. of Thomas Doodson
I fo. 159 Thomas s. of Thomas Tildesley i' Apr'ill
William s. of William Stones ...
Nicholas s. of Randle Vallentyne
Mary d. of Richard Bradshawe de Sandy Lane
George s. of George Andrew ...
Laurence s. of Edward Toppinge
William s. of Wittm Bradshaw Butcher
Richard s. of Raph Barlowe of Barton ..
Anne d. of Olliuer Collier
John s. of Allexander Barlo\ye
Purchased from ebay store retromedia

1627 BAPTISMS. 95

Elizabeth d. of James Partington 6 May

Katherin d. of Hamlet Partington
Laurence s. of James Hardman '3 ,,
Elizabeth d. of Thomas Barlowe of Litle Boulton

Ebay Store retromedia

Elizabeth d. of Thomas Widall of Winton ...
Richard s. of Charles Whittell
Samuell s. of Thomas Smith & Elizabeth Clifton
Peeter s. of Peeter Rosscowe
Elizabeth d. of Edmund Backster
Katherin d. of Oliiuer Derbishire voung' de
Brooke [7 June
Ellin d. of Thomas Parrin de Hulme
Mary d. of Thomas Turner
Elizabeth d. of Edmund Accton
Joane d. of Richard Sanderson
Elizabeth d, of Raphe Balie i' July
Mary d. of Hamlet Smith
William son Edward Moreton
James s. of fferdinando Sharpies 15
James s. of John Derbishire of Stanistreete ... 22
I Anne d. of Awin Sear
Anne d. of Thomas Bradshawe de Bancke ...

[r?. 160 Mary d. of Thomas Lightbowne

Ellinor d. of Thomas Irlam de Richards
Elizabeth d. of James Holland de Thome ...

Ellin d. of John Barlowe de More Hey

William s. of Robert Cooke de Worsley
Ellin d. of Laurence Bent
Jane d. of George Piatt
Raphe s. of Raphe Aired
Richard Laurence Johnson
s. of
Thomas Thomas Turner
s. of
Roger s.Roger Valence
Margrett d. of Richard Gooeden
Katherin d. of Richard Seddon & Elizabeth
Raynolds vide matrimonia [siruck througJi]
Alis d. of Edward Kempe
Elizabeth d. of Nicholas Clayton
Robert s. of Gilbert Halseworthe
William s. of Hughe Nihill
John s. of William Smith coller maker
George s. of George Waleworke
Anne d. of Thurstan Parr
Margrett d. of Adam Rothwell
Rogers, of Henry Leighe
Margrett d. of Thomas Lightbowne de Bule Hill
Richard s. of William Edge
Purchased from ebay store retromedia


Humffrey s. of Humffrey Newton shoemaker... 4 November

John s. of John Irlam &: Margrett Lowe illigitt
Denis s. of Peeter Holland

Ebay Store retromedia

Alis d. of Humffrey Bent Taylier
Elizabeth d. of Henry Hulton
Mary d. of Thomas Diggle 25
John of Fyldes

Thomas s. of Ellis Tongue & Elizabeth

Derbishire illigitt 30
fo. i6i John s. of Thomas Bradshawe de Fleete 16 December
Anne d. of Thomas Redforde
Roger s.John Smith de Worsley
of 23
Edmund John Nicholls
s. of
Hugh s. of Thomas Coocke
Issabell d. of John Robinson 25
Elizabeth d. of Thomas Warburton
Jane d. of Edmund Barlowe de Lostocke
Elizabeth d. of Nicholas Duckworth
Issabell d. of Charles Bradshawe
Robert s. of Thomas Chapman
George s. of Robert Bradshaw-e de Burneleach
Richard s. of William Arrowsmith
Dorothie d. of James Pollet
Hamlet s. of Hamlet Smith
Henry s. of John Knight
John s. of Edward Wetherbie
Thomas s. of John Deuias
Margrett d. of John Wirrall
John s. of John Williamson
Adam s. of Hugh Cook of Mill Houses
Elizabeth d. of Richard Pollet
Thomas s. of Thomas Derbishire de Lane ...
Peeter s. of Richard Knight & Elizabeth Moreton
George s. of George Heape of Laighe pish ...

Alse d. of Thomas Horrwich

Margrett d. of Thomas Widall of Manton
Purchased from ebay store retromedia

i628 BAPTISMS. 97

Richard s. of James Sorrovvcolde Aprill 20

Myles s. of John Bradshawe
Hughe Hughe Bexwick
s. of
James s. of William Huit de Limme

Ebay Store retromedia

Joseph s. of William Moreton
Richard s. of Robert Tongue de Manton
Henry s. of William Younge
John 's. of Robert Holte
John s. of Thomas Gee
James s. of Nicholas Allins & Joane Rydinges
als Drinkwater illigitt
John s. of James Haywood 4 May
Thomas s. of John Woodburne
Ellin d. of James Marsh
Thomas s. of Edmund Trauis
Margrett d. of Robert Landsdall
Ellin d. of James Tildesley
Jane d. of John Abbott
William s. John Lowe
of 18 „
Adam s. of Thomas Smith of y® Pole ... 25 ,,
Margrett d. of Henry Hey
Katherin d. of Thomas Tildesley de Haslehurst 8 June
Edmund s. of Raph Hardnian de Hilton Lane
Mary d. of Allexander Lightbowne 29 V.
Roger s. of Hugh Taylier
£163 James s. of John Jones Vicar 6 July'
Katherin d. of James Adkinson
John s. of Hugh Chorleton 20
Mary James Gibson
d. of
Anne d. of Henry Waleworke de Clifton
Elizabeth d. of Henry Redford 27 ,,

Richard s. of Richard Turner of Hulme 3 August

Alice d. of John Gregorie
Elizabeth d. of John Shephard & Alis Hilton
illigitt 14
Margrett d. of Adam Warmingham & Margrett
Taylier illigitt
Robert of Ellis Hey
s. 17 August
Rober of Myles Bradshaw

Ellin d. of Thomas Hardman 24 ,,

Hugh s. of Hugh Meanley 31 „

Anne d. of Gates Bradshawe 3 September
Mary d. of George Johnson 7 „
Robert s. of Myles Scholes
Ellin d. of William Hurlbutt 14 „
Katherin d. of George Holland 21
Randle s. of Nicholas Ryder
Gyles s. of Gyles Hardman of Clifton ...
Purchased from ebay store retromedia


Ellin d. of Thomas Barlowe de Barton 28 September
Ellin d. of William Gee
William s. of Franscis Shawe

Ebay Store retromedia

Thomas s. of Thomas Holland de Intake ... 5 October
Edmund s. of Thomas Goolden
Thomas s. of George Seddon 26 ,,

Thomas s. of Thomas Widall of Winton younger 2 Nouember

Hughe s. of Hugh ptington 9 1,

Elizabeth d. ofArnold Smith

1 -fo. 164 Richard s. of Richard Peack of Eccles 2^ „
Robert s. of Robert Shriggley & Anne Irlam

Johns, of Adam Lever curate 30 .>

Anne d. of John Fishe 7 December

Nicholas s. of Randle Vallentyne of Eccles ... 14
Raphe s. of Thomas Irlam of Eccles
Hughe s. of Thurstan Cooke
Hughe s. of William Pollet
Alis d. of Richard Mort of Dayne pish 28 ,,

Thomas s. of Roger Hulme I Januarye

William John Derbishire de Roe Greene
s. of
John s. of John Flardman 6 /,'

Thurstan s. of John Hey of Eccles

Williams, of George Ouldam
Alis d. of Raphe Collier young' 25 „
John s. of Richard Deuias
Thomas s. of George Barlowe
Abram s. of James Bradshawe de Sandy Lane
younger I February
Elizabeth d. of Thomas Smith
pish clarke ...

Issabell d. of George Vallentyne of y° Meane

Anne Myles Moreton
d. of
James s. Holland a twinne
of Peeter
Ellin d. of William Warburton 15 ,..

John s. of Thomas Edge de Dry Wood 20

Margrett d. of Raphe Moreton 22 ,,

Ellin d. of Hugh Langshawe

T /^. 165 Em :d. of Roger Taylier I March
Elizabeth d. of Peter Cowap
Elizabeth d. of James Derbishire & Margrett
Worsley illigitt
Abraham s. of Allexander Seddon
Katherin d. of Thomas Wright Yorkshire
John s. of George Andrewe

John s. of Robert Clooghe 29 March
Ellenor d. of Allexander Irlam
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1629 BAPTISMS. 99

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Purchased from ebay store retromedia


Jane d. of William Vallentyne de Roe Greene October
Thomas of William Backster

John s. of John Smith of Swinton

Ebay Store retromedia

Richard s. of Ellis Tongue
James s. of Henry Waleworke of Clifton
T A>. 167 Anne d. of Richard Wroe 15
Edward s. of John Collier de Boothes ..

Richard s. of Richard Seddon

Ellin d. of John Lanckton
James s. of James Hope of y® Crofte
Sara d. of Thomas Barlow of Title Boulton .

Myles s. of Myles Bradshawe of New Hall ..

Em d. of Robert Cooke
Jane d. of John Holland of Clifton
Edmund s, of Raphe Boardman of Clifton ..

Katherin d. of Thomas Horrwich

Humfrey s. of Humfrey Birch
Robert of George Holland genti
s. :

Alice d. of William Aired

Roger s. of Thomas Chapman
Peter s. of John Cheetam & Ellin Charlse
Thomas s. of Thomas Gooden
Dorothie d. of Myles Schoales
John of Wil'liam Dauntesie gent
s. 17
Gyles s. of Gyles Seddon of Hilton Lane
Richard s. of Richard Landsdal'l 31
Thomas of Thomas Fyldes

Elizabeth d. of Olliuer Worsley

Raphe s. of Robert Bradshawe
Mary d. of Edmund Waleworke of Clifton ..

Mary d. of James Wirrall

Elizabeth d. of Hamlet ptington
Margnett d. of Thomas Lightboune de Broom
house Lane
Sara d. of Thomas Warburton
John s. of John Greenes [or] Greenes ...
I /o. 168 Thurstan s. of Hughe Cooke of Waleworke
William s. of Raphe Aired of Clifton
Ajine d. of Edmund Accton
Henery s. of Henery Hope of the Boothes 14
Elizabeth d. of Humfrey Bent
Raphe s, of John Hooghe & Susan Morris
Elizabeth d. of Thomas Widdall of Manton
Mary d. of Richard Tongue of Walkeden
Peter s. of Arnolde Smith
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Robert s. of Humfrey Newton shoomaker ... 28 March
Katherin d. of Gilber Halsworth 29 „

Ebay Store retromedia

Rogers, of William Yonnge 4 Aprill
Elizabeth d. of Robert Bradshaw de Lane ... ,, ,,

Anne d. of John Hope & Margerie Nicholls

illigitt ,, ,,

William John Pollet

s. of 11 ,,

Mary d. of James Holland

John s. of Edward Wetherbie 18
Richard s. of Edmund Boardman
Ann d. of Hamlet Smith
Anne d. of Thomas Gee
Richard s. of Edmund Barlow
Robert s. of John Chapman
Ginit d. of Richard Pollet younger 2 May
Thomas s, of Ellis Piggatt
Anne d. of Henry Backster
Alis d. of William Moreton
James s. of John Hardman of Clifton ...

Ellin d. of John Knight 16

Thomas s, of Thomas
Emm d. of Robert Charlesses
Elizabeth d. of James Bradshawe
I69 Edmund s. of Edmund Lingart
Richard s. of Thomas Diggle
Allexander s. of Thomas Doodson
Allexander s. of Thomas Smith pish clarke
Elizabeth d. of PeterHolland
Elizabeth d. of Thomas Widall of Winton
Thomas s. of Olliuer Derbishire
Margrett d, of Humfrey Newton
Anne William Birche
d. of
James s. of William Smith of Manton ...
Thomas s. of Richard Goolden of Pendleburie
Jam^es s. of Laurence Dunsture
Elizabeth d. of Randle Oliue
Amie d. of Robert Hall
Ginit d. of William Pollet of Eccles
Margrett d. of Thomas Smith de Boothes
Richard s. of John Pollet of Munkes Hall
Elizabeth d. of Allexander Lightboune ...
Dorothie d. of Thomas Cooke de Roe Greene
Raphe s. of Awin Sear
Thomas s. of Robert Titter ington
Amos s. of John Roth well
John s. of Thomas Higginson
Ellenor d. of Thomas Holland of Clifton gent 3 October
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Alis d. of William Farneworthe 3 October

Richard s. of Robert Tongue .li: Issabell
Ottiwells illigitt 4 >>

Ebay Store retromedia

Thomas s. of Hugh
Chorleton 10
John s. of John Irlam >> >)

Elizal)eth d. of Laurence Johnson alis Whitticar „

Mary d. of Christofer Smethurst 17 ,>

Richard s. of George Piatt „ ,,

Anne d. ofJohn Parren

James s. of James Tildesley of Hilton Lane.
Richard s. of Henry Leighe
I fo. 170 Joane d. of John Parre of Hulme November
William s. of Peter Rosscowe
James s. of John Tildesley
Issabell d. of Thomas Turner of Barton
Thomas s. of Thomas Bancrofte & Margret
Barlowe illigitt 24
Margrett d. of John Irlam , ,,

James s. of Thomas Holland de Intake ... 28 ,,

Elizabeth d. of William Hulme gent 12 December

James s. of Raphe Moreton ,, ,,

Margrett d. of John Bradshaw 19 ,.

Hester d. of Thomas Barlow de Barton ... 26 ,,

Dorothie d. of Robert Holt ,, ,,

Ellin d. of Thomas Irlam de Eccles 2 January

Richard Henry Holden
s. of ,, „
John s. Gee
of William 6 ,,

Elizabeth d. of William Cooke de Waleworke &

Margrett Edge illigitt ,, ,,

Ellin d. of John Robinson 16 ,,

James s. of James Chorleton 23 ,,

John s. of William Gee of y* Dale ,, ,,

John s. of Ellis Hey de Munkes Hall 30 „

Anne d. of John Hughes de Straitford ,, ,,

Alis d. of Raphe Leuer 6 February

Alice d. of Adam Rothwell ,, ,,

Richard s. of Hughe Langshawe „ ,,

Elizabeth d. ofRichard Eckersley of Leigh pish ,, ,,

Thomas s. of George Piatt of Eccles 13

Issabell d. of Richard Holland of y® Akers feild
Robert George Holland gent
s. of 27
Andrew Henry Williamson
s. of ,, ,,

John s. of Richard Vallentyne ,, ,,

James s. of John Lowe ,, ,,

Anne d. of Robert Bradshaw de Burnlake ... 6 March
James s. of Roger Taylier ,, ,,
George s. of John Wirrall ,, ,,
Purchased from ebay store retromedia

I630-I631 BAPTISMS. 103

171 Katherind. of Thomas Dcrbishire 13 March

Jane d. of Henry Hoogh & Elizabeth Nightgell
illigitt ,

Ebay Store retromedia

Richard s. of Peeter Vallentyne 18 ,,

Gilbert s. of Oliiier Parre 20 ,,

Edward s. of John Kashe ,, ,,

Robert s. of Hamlet Smith 27 March
James s. of Abraham Seddon ,, ,,
Hester d. of James Haywood ,, ,,

Jane d. of Arnold Schoales ,, ,,

Robert s. of Robert Schoales & Joane Grundy
George s. of George Tildesley & Elizabeth
Wood illigitt 28
Margrett d. John Edge & Margret Collier illigitt 31 ,,

Richard s. of James Pollet 10 Aprill

Margrett d. of Robert HardmaJi 12
Alice d. of John Hey of Eccles 17
William s. of William Wardleworth 24 ,,

George s. of John Jones Vicar 8 May

Thomas s. of Allexander Irlam ,, ,,
Henrys, of John Derbishire ,, ,,
Ellin d. of Anne w. of Thomas Johnson of
Kinges Cliffe in Northamptonshire ...
9 ,,

John s. of James Warburitonn 22 ,,

Mary d. of Humfry Wood ,, ,,
Peter s.John Aldersey gent
of 29 ,,

Jane d. of John Crouther ,, ,,

Anne d. of John Turner ,, ,,

Allexander s. of Adam Leuer Curat 12 June

William s. of Nicholas Allins 19 ,,

John s. of Thomas Cook de Roe Greene nup de

Mosse Lane 24 ,,

Jane d. of Robert Heape ,, ,,

(Elizabeth Edmund Hope

d. of 17 July
Alis d. of Thomas Tildesley ,, „
Alis d. of James Waleworke „ ,,
(172 Mary d. of Thomas Vnsworth 24 ,,

Margrett d. of Birche & Margrett

Greenes [or] Greenes illigitt 28 .,
Lawrence s. of Laurence Houlker de Litle
Haughton 31 ,,

Dorothie d. of Thomas Vallentyne of Litle

Haughton 7 August
Edmund s. of John Deuias 14 >>

John s. of Thurstan Fyldes 21 „

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Knime d. oiGeorge Tildesley 28 August

George s. John Hardman
Mar>' d. of Randlc Shacki^iley of y" Day lie pish 4 September

Ebay Store retromedia

Thomas s. of Franscis Shawu
Mary d. of Ellis Hey young'
Thomas s. of Thurstan Parre
Ellenor d. of Thomas Holland of Barton
Thomas of William Drinkwater

Thomas s. of Richard' Irlam de Pendlebury 2 October

Ginit d. of OUiuer Collier
Thomas s. of Raphe Collier young'
Anne d. of Richard Hey de Boothes
Ginit d. of Robert Tongue
Thomas s. of Thomas Wroe
William s. of Thomas Cheetam
Ginit d. of James Fylides
Anne d. of James Marsh
^largrett d. of Thomas Seddon & Margrett
Newton illigitt Nouember
Ellin d. of Thomas Edge de Dry Wood ...

Thomas s. of Myles Bradshaw

John s. of William Bradshaw de Pole ...

Edmund s. of John Barlow de Intake ... 27

John s. of Roger Hulme
Johns, of George Vallentyne
Ellin d. of Robert Irlam de Leigh pish ...
1 fa. 173 Katherin d. of John Landsdall of Laighe pish December
Ellin d, of James Doodson
Ellin d. of Richard Skipton
Margrett d. of Thomas Irlam
Ellin d. of Robert Royley & Margrett Makum
Katherin d. of Henery Arrowsmith January
Alis d. of Richard Gee 15
John s. of William Peacke
Margrett d. of Thomas Turner of Eccles
Ellin d. of Thomas Gooden 16
Thomas s. of Peter Boardman of Warrington
pish &
Margrett Sutherne of this pish
illigitt* 19
Richard s. of William Grundy & Ellin Moreton
Elizabeth d. of Robert Landsdall ...

Elizabeth d. of Edmund Birche

Laurence s. of James Riggbie

Ellin d. of Richard Sanderson 29

* Marginal note, " laye at Tho Laurenses "

Purchased from ebay store retromedia

I63I-I632 BAPTISMS. 105

Hester Edmund Boardman

d. of 22 February
Edward & Thomas sonnes of Thomas Horrwich
twinnes 26

Ebay Store retromedia

Margerie d. ofMyles Schoales
Thomas s. of Thomas Cowdall & Anne Hayward
illigitt ...

Issabell d. of James Partington March

Mary d. of Robert Clooghe
Elizabeth d. of Robert Hamson
Anne d. of John Travis
Margrett d. of George Seddon
Ellin d. of Thomas Holland of Intake
Anne d. of William Huit of Manton
John s. of Thomas Chapman
174 John s. of Edward Kemppe
Alis d. of James Marecrofte thelder
Anna d. of Thomas Fyldes
Thomas s. of Raphe Boardman of Clifton 18
William s. of Robert Worsl'ey
Sara d. of Henry Tongue de Pinfolde

Anne d. of Edmund Barlow de Lostocke xMarch
Thomas s. of Thomas Widall de Manton
Margrett d. of Robert Hall April!
Thomas s. of Thomas Deuias of y® Dayne pish
Alice d. of Ellis Tongue
Robert s. of Thomas Wright alis Trimme ...

Mary d. of Robert Johnson de Straitforde

Mary d. of George Shelmerdyne
Margrett d. of Thomas Hill
John s. of Thomas Boardman of Hollowclooghe 29
Peeter s. of Gauther Gasskill
Katherin d. of William Withington of Laighe
pish 6 Ma
Henry s. of Thomas Tongue & Ellin Widall
Katherin Thurstan Cooke
d. of
James James ap Robert
s. of
Margrett d. of William Bradshawe Butcher ...

Thomas s. of Edmund Houlden

Henen- s. of Allexander Mather de Boothes ... June
Alis d. of Thomas Moreton de Dobe Hole ...

Mar}- d. of Thomas Seddon Carrier

Thomas s. of William Derbishire July
Anne d. of John Ottiwells
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I /<?.
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14 Annfs Hartley .••
Rohart Thirlwinde
I /c. 15 John Smyth
Margerye Gest ...
William Morton
Thomas Wirrall
Jane Dunsture ...
John Scholes
Erne Darbishire
Henrie Redit
Joan & James Holan de William
Edmiide Gee
William Morton
Raphe Hilton ...

John Bradshewe
Gynet Morton ...
George Robinson
Raphe Mallowne George Ashton
Margerie Leyche
Jhon Langshawe
Margret Hollande
Thurstan Tyldsl'ey
Richard Robinsone
Robert Eriame ...
Willia Fayercloughe
Issabell Awen ...

Agnes Hunt
Betriche Bent ...
Agnes Gybbs
Richard Shepard
Elizabethe Gregorie
John Perre
Thomas Chorlton
Ane Gee
Ales Ashton
Margerie Seddon

John Mather
Ales vx' James ptintone
Richard Cooke
Richard Woode Margerie Andrewe
Purchased from ebay store retromedia


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Purchased from ebay store retromedia


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Purchased from ebay store retromedia

1566-1567 BURTAT.S. 109

Rodger Hulton
Letis vx' 18
William Smyth Kathren Thomason ...

Ales Gregorie
John Massie Gentlema

Ebay Store retromedia

Robart Nedome
Kathrej^ Cooke
William Williamsone
Thurstane Cooke
Adam Rot hwell
George WorsJey
Vrian Gregorie & Ellen vx' Richard Landsd;
Gynet Warberton William Twist
Margret Gregorie
vx' Nicholas Saunderson
George Rolinsone
John Baguley
/(?. 18 Dorithe vx' Robart ptinton
Joan Valentyne

Alles Knyght
Elizabeth Widdovve
William Hope
Margret Hope
Thomas Pemdltone
Thomas Wostencrofte
Margret Barlowe
Agnesise Holland
Raphe Tyldsley

Kathre Wirrall
Helen Turnet
Gynet Turner
John Chorlton
Alix' Harwoode
Richard Nedome Richard Tonire
Kathre Cooke
vx' John Barlowe
Ane Knight
Jane Loe
John Redforthe
vx' Christopher Pertintone
John Clyflfe
Raphe Cowape
Helen Foxe
Richard Hiltone
vx'James Hulme
Grace Smyth
John Ryle
Margret Meanlley
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Purchased from ebay store retromedia

MaiTgerie Partingtoiie 19
Ellen Cooke
Elizabeth Barne
Thomas Partinton

Ebay Store retromedia

Oliver Wright Thomas Barlowe
Luce Hulton
John Greene
Titus Williamsone
Ane Barlowe
Elen Bordma
Thomas Holecroft
Sysley ptington
Jane Eccarsley

Ane Penidlton
vx' Robart Pendlton vx' Radulphi Slade ...

filiaRadulphi Slade
Margret Tyldsley
: Grace Nursse
Elizabethe Hey
' Ric Cowape

?. 20 vx' William Thomasone

Margret Thomassone Hughe Warberton ...

vx' John Partinton

vx' Robarti Edge
Jenet Pertinton
Richard Nedome
vx^John Robinson
Edmijdi Orphewe quoque George Worsley
Adam Hulton

vx' Peter Valentyne
Jane Seddon
vx' Raphe Mosse
vx' Ellis
Ladie Jane Brearton Eme Edge ..., ...

John Charlssoii
Rodger Hey
Ellen Scoles
Thomas Wilde
Richard Smyth
Rodger Eckersley
vx'Edmiid Slade Kathren Huget
Hughe Thirhvinde
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Ane Key 29
filia Willis Morton
filius Ric Cowape

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filius Acton
vx' Thomas MeanLey
Elizal)eth Russet
vx' Christopher Shaw-
Will iS Coke
Willia Bradshew
Cathre Dunsture
Charles Hunt ...
Janie Poillet
Robart Redford
Margret Gee
Thomas Chourton
filius Gulielmi Edge
vx' Thomae Ouldame Thorn ae O uldain
John Hey
vx' Thomas Massie
Thomas HoJland
Thomas Thirlwinde
Raphe Roscowe
Elizabethe Heworth
John Wittacar ...
Henrde Roscowe
O'liver Holland
I fo. 21 John Bothe Laugbton
Willia Barlowe
John Erl'ame
John Rothvvell ...

vx^ Thurstan Cowape

vx' Thomas Awen
vx' Georg Holland
Ales Shelmerdyne vx' By rche
Robart Drinkwater
Charles Cooke ...
vx' Rodger Gee
Peter Drinkwater
vx' Georg Sheilmerdynie
vx' Lawrence Wittaker
Peter Andrewe ...
Thomas Eckensall'
Thomas Damport
John Jacsone
Elinor Bexwicke
vx' Geffrey Worsley
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I572-I573 BURIALS.

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Joane Gawen
Margerie Aired

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Peter Valentyne
Esabel! Fletcher
Richard Thirhvinde ...
Alisone \\' Vrian Wirrall
Robart Parr &: Jane Pendltone
vx' Humfrey Baguley
Hele Reade
Ales Hollande
Thomas Erlame
Henrie Smjthe
vx' Robart Smyth
Rodger Va.lentyne
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575 [?] BURIALS. "5


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This is called 1574 in oi-igiyial, which is almost certainly an error,
a complete list 0/ Burials for 1574 has already been given.

Elena Robinson Johantijes Barlowe 27 March

v\'Raphe Cowape Margreta Partingtone ... 6 Aprilis
Thomas Partingtone 7 >>
Henrie Bent 23 „
James Coliar vx' Thomae Horridge 28 ,,

vx' Henrie Tonge 29 „

The wyflfe of Othes Holland 30
Thomas Williamsone 2 Maij
vx' John Lawe 6
\-x' Thomas Monton II
vx' Thomae Partingtone 12 ,,

Issabella Barkwodd 18 „
vx' Johannis Hanvod 27 ..

Margeria Bent 6 Julij

Richardus Bradshewe 7 ,,

Joan Dunsture II ,,

Ane Cowape
Alicea Acton 13 >»
vx' Thomae Woodd 14
Alix'Erlame 17 >,
Helena Baxlowe 21 ,,

John Barlowe et John Barlowe [sic] I August!

vx'Thomae Rothwell 15 ,>
Dorethea Widdili I Octobris
Thomas Slade II ,,
Radulphus Prescott 17 >,
Hamletus Warburton 29
Margerie Heyworthe 5 Decembi
Cislea Shelmerdine 20
Margeria Hope 6 Januarij
Edmud Trafford 14
John Cocke
Jana Bibbie 25
Richardus Yate 6 Februarij
Oliverus Seddon Joan Wnrsley John Johnson 7 ,,
Humfney Barlowe 16 ,,
Ana Worsley 3 Martij
Thomas Perre 5 'J
Margreta Darbishire Helena Erlame 10 ,,
Emme Hey 14
Ric Moris Thomas Daye 15 ..

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This '^hovUl probably be 1576.

Thomas Raue fil ins Rogeri Staples ... 4

I /^. 33 Alicea Parre
Henricus Wright
Jinnie Pomfret
Margreta Seddon
Margnetii Hope
Radulphus Richardsone
vx' Guilielmi Morton Johannes Mather
Alicea Heape
Johannes Oiildam

1575 M.
vx' Johannis Aired
vx' Petri Edge
Petrus Widdall
Margreta Widdall
Joana Morte
Helena Widdall
Margreta Widdall
Issabella Lowe
Guil'ielmus Shepard
vx' Jacobi Taylier
vx' Richardi Smjlh
Helena Pendlton et Helena Bradshewe ...

Ana Darbishire

Johannes Peele
vx' Robarti Pendlton
vx' Edwardi Bondnaan
Thomas Hey
Milo Bradishew
Guilielmus Haughtoii
Richandus Smyth
Robartiis Aired
Robartus Woraley miles
Johannes Bradishew et Margreta Wright...
Robartus Barne
Helena vx' Johannis Bothe gener
Adamus Drinkwater et Issiabella Gee
Alicea Worsley
vx' Thomae Erlame
Robartus Meanley
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1586 BAPTISMS. 117

Jacobus Gregorie

Ebay Store retromedia


Johannes Hide
vx' Robarti Hollande
Otho Higginson
Guilielmus Holland de Broadocke
\\' Richardi Gregorie Johannes Smyth
34 Helena Woodvvorde
Richardus Cowape
Alix' Hope
Helena Cooke
Margreta Vosse
Jacobus Wright
Johannes Haughton
Johannies Barlowe
Thomas Worsley
ffranciscus Bordman
Johannes Bordman
Petrus Hultone
Helena Eckersley
Jacobus Horredge
vx' Johannis Ottiwell
Thomas Edge et Margreta Raphe daughter.
Helena Ouldam
Phillippus Seddone
vx' Hugonis Longshall
vx' Jacobi Taylior
vx' Georgij Valentyne
Richardi Smythe
Edvardus Warbertone
Richardus Hulme
vx'Johannis Barlowe
Robartus Londsdall
Petrus Partington
Johannes Warbertone
Margeria Bradshewe
vx' Richardie BarJowe
vx' Guilielmi Sm)th
Elinora Hope
Thomas Haughton
vx' Guilielmi
Jacobus Chadocke
vx' Guilielmi Pendkon
Johannes Hyde
Edmudus Barlowe
vx' Richardi Barlowe
Purchased from ebay store retromedia


Hugo Hurdsfeeld

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Purchased from ebay store retromedia

I586-I587 BURIALS. 119

Edmud Barlowe*
Vx' Richardi Banlo^

Ebay Store retromedia

Hugo Hurdsfelide*

vx' Richaxdi Needom* et Margreta Birche
vx' Adami Peiiidltone* Aldx' Ouldame*
vx' Jacobi Hide* 27
Nicolaus Langtone*
vx' Jacobi Raphes*
Richardus Holland*
Johannes Hultone*
vx' Richardi Gee*
Robartus Mather*
Helena Barne*
vx' Robarti ptingtone*
vx' Guilielmi Bradshewe*
Ana Shawe*
Margeria Burie* vx' Robarti Ouldame*
Nicolaus Smythe*
Rodgerus Sheparde*
vx' Robarti Panr*
vx' Richardi [Meanley]*
Georgius WiLlmso*
Thomas Barton
Guilielmus Grundye*
vx' Rodgeri Birche*
Thomas Hardma* et Rodgerus Thirlewynde*
EHzabethe Mustayte*
Petrus Holland*
Vx' Jacobi Walewarke*
Thomas Hatter alias Roscowe*
vx' Johannes Holland* et vx' Guilielmi Morton
vx' Johanis Gregorye* et Jana John daughter'*
vx' JohanisHeworthe*
Humfridus Thirlwinde*
Johannes Holland*
vx' Richardi Irlame alias Oldame*
vx' Jacobi Heywarde*
vx' Thomae Tyldsley gener :

Johannes Syddall*
Radulphus Johnsone*
vx' Lawrentij Seddon
Jona Boothe

* The tntriea marked with an asterisk * are duplicates of entries

on Jo. 34 and Jo. 35.
Purchased from ebay store retromedia


\-x' Thomae Pilswortlie .


Jarohus Holland tilius R( iberti

Edvardus Norliey

Ebay Store retromedia

vx' Egidij Tonge
Guilielmus Andrew Dad
Margeria Bent
I /^. 224 Henriciis Tonge
Petnis Darbishire
Jacobus Clyfleye vx' Johands Valentyne
Thomas Holland
Thomas Tyldsltey
Hamon Wadsworthe Richar/dus Jacsone
vx' Egidij Benisoine
Alicea Hewell
Richardus Hankine alias Olyffe

vx' Guiiielmi Bailowe
Margeria Loe
Oliverus Parrine
Elizabetha Acton
Vx' Nicolai Thinlwinde
Johannes Gregorie ...
Cathrena Spakman ...
vx'Hugonis Chourton
Elizabetha Polilet
Thomas Higinson
Clemens Mones
Richardus Wattson ...
Thomas Barnes
Henricus Parr
Alicea Covvape
Robartus Redford ...
vx' Nicolai Redit
vx' Jacobi Spakman
vx' Johanis Ridings ...
Robartus Bibie
Jana Ro<scowe
Thomas Burie
Henricus Heye
Richardus Landsdall
vx' Hamonis Warburton
Phillippus Twiste
Jacobus Travis
Guilielmus Acton et Margret Wcxrsley
vx' Richardi Cooke
vx' Robarti Smythe
Ranulphus Gest

Purchased from ebay store retromedia

I588-I589 BURIALS.
Rodgerus Morton et Eliz : Shepard 5 August!
Thomas Irlam (Tempio vicimis) 12 ,,
Guilielmus Pelton' Jacob! Wadsworthe et

Ebay Store retromedia

vx' Thomae Wright 21 „
Elizabetha Partingtone 23 ,,
v\' Thomae Hardman 24 ,,
vx' Guilielmi Haughton 3 Septembris
vx' Jacob! Seddon 5 ,,
Radulphus Parkinsone pochiae de deaiie ...
9 ,,
Egidius Waic-warkc ... 10 ,,

vx' Jacob! W!ddal'l 14 „

Helena vx' Tho Willmsone vicarij de Eccles
15 ,,

Thomas Pol'let 21 ,,
OliverusReward 23 ,,

Jacobus Spakman 27 ,,

Thomas Bradshewe 3 Octobris

\'\' Haimonis H'eyward 4 ,,

vx' Johanis Acton 8 Novembris

Hamn : Guilbodie 17 ,,

vx' Edmudi Barlow 19 ,,

( 225 Alicea filia Thurstani Cowape 20 ,,

vx' Georgij Ashton :: Decembris

Arum Reditt 7 „
Clemjens Twisse 13 ,,

vx' Johanis Shelmerdine 15 ,,

Johannes ^.lee 23 ,,

Johannes Gowen 24 ,,

Thomas Roile Helfena Heward 25 ,,

Cathriena Smyth 26 ,,

Lawrentius Seddon i Januarij

Guilielmus Digle 5 ,,

Jacobus Fyd^s et vx' Johanis Gibson 28 ,,

Johannes Shelmerdine 30 ,,

Jana Hardmani 31 ,,

Alicea Redford i Februarij

Johannies Edmudsone 8 ,,

Jone Barlow 2 Martij

filia Richard! Hey de Irlame 8 ,,

Thomas Tonge de Wonsteye 11 ,,

Elizabetha Aloied 4 Aprilis
Bradshew Widdowe 8 ,,

Richardus Heifelt
Guilielmus filius Ranulphi Hasrrison
Richardus filius Johanis Mullenex gener
Margeria vx' Jacobi Sheppand 17 Maij

Purchased from ebay store retromedia


vx' Radulphi Borrlmaii 30

Joliannes filius Richardi Smjtlie
Radulphus Baxlowe

Ebay Store retromedia

Johana vx' Xicolai Wostencrofte
Ana filia Thomae Barllowe
Margreta filia Thomae Newton

Johaiiflies IrJame
Johafies filius Tlionie Scholfes ...

Johanes Edge
filius Johanis Gee
filius Jacobi Grenhaughe
I.s.sabella Haughton et Ellen Copine
Richard Wirrowe
vx' John Partington
James Wadsworthe
vx' Thomas Holden
Richardi Williams
Margerie Heward
Alicea Cooke
Elizabetha Higginson
Guilielmus Holland gener
Maude Hilton et Edmud Bordman
Jeffrey Irlame
Thomas Partintone et Cathrenia Taylior
Patrike Murchetre et Edmud Woodworthe
Nicolus Barlowe
Christopherus filius Johanis Bordma
vx' Johanis Slater
vx' Radulphi Bordman
Ellen Pelton cu filio
Margreta filia Christopheri Entwisley
Margreta filia Denis Holl'and
Thomas Holden
Rodulphus filius Robarti Leaighe
Gyles Hey
William Benit et Margeria Bordma

Jane filia Jacobi Hill illeg :

filia Thomae Bradshew

vx' Johanis PoUett vidua
ifo. !26 Johannes filius Petri Edge
filia Guilielmi Edge

Rigenoldus Seddon
filius Robarti Seddon Luce Orton
vx' Gregorie Scholes
Edmud Williamsone
Margret Houcroft Jane Andrewe
Purchased from ebay store retromedia

I590 BURIALS. 123

vx' Thomae Arsbott JoaH'C Goodeii vidua 18 Maij

filius Thomae Seddon illeg :
23 ,,
vx' Robarti Holden 5 Junij

Ebay Store retromedia

Heiffeeld 18 ,,

vx' Johanis Ottiwells 23 ..

vx' Thomae Oredd 7 Julij

Johaiies filius Rodgeri Tyldsley 8 „
Johanes filius Nicolai Burie 13 -.
filius Thome Barlowe
Humfrey Birche
JoiUi Wirrall
vx' Thomas Ouldam 24
vx'Hughe Harwoode 28
Hughe Bordman 29
James Birche 3 Augusti
vx' Johanis Batersbie 7 „
Ane Wahvorke 5 „
vx' John Warburton 6 „
\Tc' Thome Roile et filius Tho : Ouldam 7 ,,
Dominus Thomas Massye 14
Johannes filius Petri Valentyne 15 >>

Robart ffernesyde et filius francisci Wirra 16 ,,

vx' Henrici Hope 21 ,,

Sysly Shawe 23 -,

filius Johanis Turner 26 „

Johannes Entwisley 28 ,

filius Margeriae Thirlwinde illeg: 30 .»

Johannes filius Giles Dunsture 31 ,>

Elizabethe Birche 2 Septembris

vx' Robarti Barlow vidua 5 ,,

filia Johanis Worsley

Ales Lanewe
filia Thome Edge et filius Margretae Gee itig 10 ,,

Thomas Bradshewe 11 ,,

filius Richardi Morton 16 ,,

Thomas Rowe 22 ,.

Margret Morton 25 ,,

filius Adami Holland 26 .,

vx' Richardi Olred 28 ,,

filius Georgij Piatt 3 Octobris

Ales Twist 6 „
filius Richardi Hale 10 ,,

Johanes filius Johanis Oiverson 11 ,,

vx' Thurstani Chapman 13 ,,

Helena vx' Jacobi Hulme gen : 16 „

Chathrena Birche et Richardus Knight 26 ,.

vx' James Parren et Radulphus filius Edmudi

Scholes 30
Purchased from ebay store retromedia


Ebay Store retromedia

Purchased from ebay store retromedia

159' BURIALS. "5

filius Georgij Darbis-hire 19 Aprillis
vx' Johanis Mather vidua 24 ,,
filius Jeffrey Hope 25 >,

Ebay Store retromedia

filia Johanis Irlame 26 „
Heime Holland
Rodger Fyles et Ellina Wahvorcke 2 Maij
vx' Guilielmi Edge et Syslea darbishire 4
Margret Skiptoa de Worsliey
Guihelmus Edge 16
Johannes filius Edmudi Scholies 18 ,,
Nicolas Leaghe et Johaiies Pyper 26 ,,
vx' Patricke Murchetre 27 ,,
Margeria filia Johanis Longshawe 30 ,,
George Auen 5 Junij
Elizabethe Crosse 6
Raphe Fletcher 7 ..
Dominus Jacobus Hulme et Edwardus ptington
Alls Valentyne
vx' Johanis Peake
Thomas Gee
filius Richardi Bent
John Travis 25
Ellena Holland gener :
vx^ Radulphi Fletcher vidua
Helena Heward
Thomas Slade
filia Johanis Smythe
John Roscow
Helena Jenkinsoni de Barton vidua
Cathrena Longton vidua
Johannes filius Johanis Roscow cu alio puero...
vx' Nicolai Peake vidua
vx' Nicolai Smythe et vx' Edmudi Hev
Thomas Roscowe
Thomas Craven
George Ashton
Jona filia Guilielmi iNlason illeg :

Charles Darbishire
Ales Wahvorke
William Valentyne
Richard Irlame
Issabella filia Richardi Holland
Elinora Seddon vidua
Elinora Barlowe vidua
Robartus Newton
Helena filia Johanis Gee
James et Johannes filij Petri Hilton illieg : ...

vx' Christopheri Scholes


Purchased from ebay store retromedia


John Acton 4 Novembris

William Hvite 5 M
vx' Henrie Partington et Joan Barton 6

Ebay Store retromedia

... ,,

filius Johanis Parrine

Helena filia Ric Wigen et:

Johanes filius Tho Greens [or] Greens

: 12 ,,

filius Johaiiis Kordman 16 ,,

vx' Guilielmi Bent 29 ,,

Ema filia Johanis Londsdall 3 Decembris

Joan filia Elizabethae Pollet
illeg : 12 „
Leonard Holland 18 „
filius Richardi Saundersone 26 „
Adame Pendeltone 19 Januarij
Henrie Wood et filius Hugonis Roscoe . .
23 ,,

vx' Hugonis Roscoe 25 ,,

filius Nicolai Burie 27 ,,

John Holden 30 >>

vx' Thome Pollet vidua 4 Februarij

Johanes filius Guilielmi Rosco 7 M
Nicolas Thirhvinde et vx' Elizei Barlowe 12 ,,

Joan Erlam 14 ,,

filia Guilielmi Bradshewe 23 ,,

Henricus Jacsone 26 ,,

John Raphesone Margret Warkden et

filius Richardi Gee 3 Martij
Cathrena Hilton gen et filia Thomae Valentyne

i/(9. 229filia Christopheri Sharplus
Richardus Smythe
vx' Thomae Acton
Richardus Ridings
fi^lius Georgij Harper
vx' Georgij Holland

vx' Robarti Redfort 6 Aprilis
John Gee 15
Thomas Hilton 22
filius Thomae Parsivall 27
Thomas Valentyne Charolus Jilessone
v\' Evan Worsley 29
Geoirgius Holland 4 Ma
Dorothea fiUa Margreti [sic] Smythe illeg :
John Bordman et Charolus Darbishire ... 9
Ana filia Jacobi Barlowe 16
Richardus Winrall 30
Sibilla Pendlton et filia Robarti Wadhvi irtht
3 Junij
Purchased from ebay store retromedia

1592 BURIALS. 127

vx' Edvardi Seddon 28

Henricus Moorte
vx' Jacobi Barlowe

Ebay Store retromedia

filius Georgij Haworthe
vx' Miles Bradshew
filius Thomae Scholes
vx' Charles Darbishine
Johanes filius Georgij Hawarthe
John Darbishire
filius Radulphi Darbishire
James Slade
Edmud Gooden
Sislye Hide
Elizabethe Warburton
Robart Wright
vx' Francis Wirrall
John Holland
Margrett Holland
Alicea vx' Richard Schaffeild
Thomas filius Radulphi Gibson
Cathrena Hardman vidua
filia Johanis Barlowe

Richardus Cooke
John Taylior
vx' Thomae Pendltone
vx' Charles Woodworthe
Johannes filius Henrici Redfort
Thomas Barlowe
Oliver Heward
Randle filius Randle Hankins
vx' Jacobi Ridclyff e et filius Margretae Hartston
illeg :

Johanes filius Guilielmi Sturroppe

Ottiwell Worsley
Margeria filia Johanis Holland
Robart Tonge et filius Guilielmi Darbishire ...

John Mason
Johanes filius Edmudi Seddon
Johannes filius Jacobi Hanvood
Peter Valentyne et filius Johanis Taylior
230 Richard Smythe
Elkn Bordman
filius Thome Holland
vx' Johanis Taylior
Luce vx' Richardi Erkme
Alicea vx' Alix' Ouldame
John Rosen
filius Johanis Parine

Purchased from ebay store retromedia


vx' Hugonis Rosco \\' Thurstonis Hey et

Heiiiricus Hoi>e et filius Jeffrey Johnson Marti j
Richard Hoker et filius Richarsone

Ebay Store retromedia

Dorothea vx' Johanis Hey
Johannes filius Johanis Devias
Thomas Barlowe et Jacobus filius Alix' Ciyfl
vx' Rodger Astey
Johanis Hey
filiusLawrentij Downes
John Partingtone
filia Richardi Schofeild

Elizabetha filia Elizabetha Sharplus illeg :
Nicolas filius Guilielmi Saundersone
Jana filia Guilielmi Edmudsonie
Issabella Turner
Margreta Langton
Henricus Willianasone
Henricus Pendltone of New Hale
filius Jacobi Birche
John Talior
vx' Johanis Manshe de Swinton
vx' Humfridi Wood
Margreta Pollett
filia Richardi Wroe
Maria vx' Lawrentij ptingtoo ...
Richardus Bent de Hulme
Margeria Devias
Thoimas filius Robarti Polllett . .

Jacobus Barilowe de Hulme

Johannes Massye et filius Petri Tonge
Johannes Taylior de More Hey
vx' Jacobi Taylior
Richardus Travis
Jacobus Wirral'l
vx' Oliveri Darbishire
Thomas Horwiche
Dorothea Looke
Alicea filia Adami Bradshewe et Jnnae W

Johanes Cooke
Johanes Hardman
Egidius Seddon de Criston
Margareta Clyfley vidua
filius Lawrentij ptington
Rodgerus Taylior

Purchased from ebay store retromedia

I593-JS94 BURIALS. 129

Richajidus Roscowe 4 Octobris

vx' Georgij Lathum de IrLam gener : 12 ,,

vx' Thurstani Hardman de Bairton; ... 13 ,'

Ebay Store retromedia

Henricus Holden 29 ,,
Ranulphus Williamsone 16 Novembris
Petnis Seddon et filia Tho : Hogge 23 ,>
Margeria vx' Thome Wols^tencroft ... 25 .-
vx' Johaiiis Ottiwell de Lostock 26 ,,
vx' Henrici Tonge 28 „
vx' Georgij Barlowe de Hulme 9 Decembris
Margreta vx' Nicolai Leeche 10
231 Syslea vx' Thomae Edge de Drj'wood 12
Johanes Turner de Hulme 17
Aliioea Hilton 24
Charolus Woodworthe Januarij
Ana Bordman vidua
Henricus Smytlie infans
Johanes Mullenex gen infaU'S:

Issabelk Chourton
Joana Sturrop
filius Thomae Bamford Februarij
Nicolaus Bordman
Guilielmus Peake et Rodgerus Byrche
Johanes Devias
Thomas filius Margeriae Hughe illeg :

Edmudus et Joana MoTton Martij

Thomas Pelton et Johana Warburton

El'izabetha Cowape 31
Alicea Horridge
Johanes Holden
Maria filia Alicea Bradshew ill'eg :

filius Oliver! Darbishire

Margreta filia Elizabethae Hukon
Arnoldus'Leache et Jana Turner
Elizabetha filia Thomae Hogge
filius Edmudi Heye
Guilielimus Johnson
Alicea Fyldes et Alicia Slade . .

Syslea Barlowe
Johannes Hey
Georgius Holland gen:
Radulphus Holt gen :

Petrus Tylds-ley
Martha filia viduae Holland ...

Thomas Meanleye
filia Richardi Wirrall
Purchased from ebay store retromedia


Richnrdiis Boulton illeg : 22 Julij

Humfiidus Devias 29 ,

filia Johanis Partington 3 Augusti

Ebay Store retromedia

Richardus Morton 18 ,,

vx' Rodgeri Hulton 8 Septembris

Radulphus Wright 16 ,,

vx' Hugonis Pcndlton et vx' Johanis Holland 16 Octobris

filia Johanis Shelmerdine 4 Novembris
Clemens Langshall 6 ,,

vx' Elenrici Smythe 21 ,,

vx' Jacobi Wright 3 Decembris

Petrus Barlow et Alicia Valenityne 7 ,,

Helena vx' Edmudi Pol'let et Ana Clarke 8 ,,

vx' Petri Barlowe 14 ,>

Jacobus Partington* 22 ,,

Johanes filius Johanis Parine et Helenae

Erlame illeg : 25 »
fFeles filia Thome Harles 27 ,>

filius Thomae Bordma 28 „

Guilielmus Entwisle 4 Januarij
filius Thomae Travis 5 >,

Alicia vx' Johanis Knight 9 >^

vx'Adami Seddon 15 >,

Thomas Edge 17 „
Puer Guilielmi Sturrop et infans ignotus 18 ,,

Guilielmus Wahvorke 20 „
Margeria Valentyne geii 25 >,

/r?. 232 Thomas Roscowe 27 ,,

Infans Cathrena Smythe ille : IS Februarij

vx' Rici Hankine et Johanes Heffeeld 18 „
Hugo OHverson alias Digle et filia Thomae
Wolstencrofte I Martij
Robertus Forster
Ema Williamdaughter
Infans Tho Barlowe et Luciae Gregorie
: ille :

Issabella Collar 26 Martij
Alix' Irlame et Nicolaus Turner ^7 ". .

Richardus Smythe 5 Aprilis

vx' Edvardi Morton 9
Johanes Bradshew 19
Ana Sheppard 23
Johanes Spakman 25
Cathrena Darbishire et infans Rici Jacson 26

"ritten over " Alicia wive et filia Rodgeri Tyldsley " erased.
Purchased from ebay store retromedia


Alicea Jacsone 27
y\' Hamnetti Bordman
Jacobus Taylior et Margreta Hilton

Ebay Store retromedia

Jana Wright
Alicea Bacon gem
Johanes Smythe
Elizabetha Seddon
Guilielmus Flam steed gen :

Johanes Marehe
Elena HardsfoH
Galfridus IrJame et vx' Johanis Marshe
Guilielmus Woode
Alicia Gowen et Richardus Wirrall..,
Richardus Mather
filius Richardi Smyth
v\' Jacobi Turner
Infans Radulphi Dewsburie et Eliz : Hurdsfold
Richardus Hvite
Hamletus Smythe
Infans Edmudi Woodworthe ..

Johanes Taylior
ELena Mason et Helena Irlame
Charolus Walkden qui seipsu suspendit
vx' Lawrendj Dunsture
Johanes filius Aliciae Lightbowne illeg
ELena Baylye
Rodgerus fFylds et Egidius Seddon
Thomas Barlow et infans Alix' Ouldam
Infans Robarti Par
Richardus Fletcher
Joana Partingtone
vx' Hamleti Shaw et Dorothea ptingtone
Margreta Brundrethe
vx' Edmiidi Roblnsone ...

Alicia Robinsone
Elizabetha Entwisley
Ane Barlowe
Johanes Bacon gefi
Henricus Valentyne
vx' Adami Hulton
vx' Radulphi Smythe
Johanes Landsdall
Margeria vx' Andreae Piatt
Richardus Irlame
Robartus Parr
vx' Hugonis Bent
Purchased from ebay store retromedia


Hamletus Smythe 6

Ebay Store retromedia

Infaiis Richardi Valentyne
Alicea Gooden et filia Rodgeri Tyldsley
Cathrena Milnes
Richardus Widdall et infans Tho Bordman.. :

Inf ans Margretae Hulme illeg :

Ame Penkithma
Infans Jacobi Taylinr
Petrus Valentyne
I io. 233 Margreta Hud^one alias Cloughe
vx Hamletti Smjirhe et Tho Turner ...: .

Elizabetha Hal'e et Alicea Morton

Egidius Roscow
Margreta Parr gene f
Joana Irlame
Margeria Holdien
Edvardus Sheringtone
Guilielmus Morton
Elizabetha Holland gen et Thomas Poole
Hugo Chourton
Radulphus . . .

Georgius Tonge
Richardus Worsley et Margreta Morton
Infans Tho Barlow illeg et Richardus
: :

Charnock gen
vx' Thome Travis
filia Lawrentij Holker

Jacobus Barlowe
filia Thome Holcrofte et Margreta Willmson.
Elizabetha Holland
Oliverus Raphsone
vx' Thurstani Cowape
Johanes Scholes
Helena Ashall gen
Infans Jacobi Chourton
vx' Johanis Birch quae sieipsam suspendit
Infans Alix" Ouldam
Elizabetha Polfet
Edvardus Seddon
Johanes Thirlwinde
Thomas Irlame
Johana Gibs
Elena Drinkwater
Joana Rowson illieg :

Robartus Spakman
Gemelli Thomae Bradshewe
vx' Thomae Hardman

Purchased from ebay store retromedia

1596-1597 BURL\LS. =

vx' Thome Robinson 27 Januarij

Robartus filius Rodgeri Bexwhicke et
Margreta Collar et infans Margretae Eccarsleye

Ebay Store retromedia

et infans Guilielmi Mason et Maudae Barlowe 29 >,
Maudlena Holland
Infans Guilielmi Sturrop et
Infans Johanis Bent et SibbiMiae Rowlan-dsone 2 Februarij
Laurentius Barlowe
vx' Johanis Barlowe de Lostocke
Jacobus Hope de Boothes
Humfrido [^/V] Barlowe 13 „
IssabeLla Aired 17 „
.y icea Whittell 18 „
Johanes Mather 25 ,,
filius Robarti PoUet I Martij
Johanes filius Johanis HuLme illeg :

filius Alix" Irlame illeg :

Gemelli Guilielmi Smyth

Thomas Wright
Johanes Atherton et w' Guilielmi Holland de
Sislea Barlow
Gemelli Gualfridi Raphson
Paupis Puer
Infans Robarti Wadlworthe
Henricus Bibbie alias Loe

i: vx' Guilielmi Warburton 4 Aprilis
\ 234 Franciscus Dukenfeilds
Christophenis Scholes
vx' Johanis Warburtone 10
Infans Johanis Millat et Ric Eves: II
Guilielmus Warburton 12
Infans Joanae Xicoldaughter illeg :

vx' Petri Tyldsley 14

filius Thomae Crompton illeg : 15
vx' Adami Hope de Stanishestreet . . 19
Alicea Martland
vx' Thomae Wright 27
Johanis Darbishire 29 >>

Robartus filius Guilbarti Martland et

Elizabetha Winkleye 10 Maij
Elena Cowape
p Ana Martland
Guilielmus Holland de Swinton
Johanes Trlame et Jacobus Jeflfreyes
Guilielmus Holland
Purchased from ebay store retromedia


Ebay Store retromedia

Purchased from ebay store retromedia

I597-I598 BURIALS. 135

Infans illeg Johanis Acton et Anae Darbishire

: 23 Januarij
Infans illeg Henrici Makant et Joanae


Ebay Store retromedia

Maria vx' Johanis Crosse
Infans Georgij Harper
vx' Thomae HeflfeLt Februarij
Infans Johanis Mautene
Maria ignota quaedam
Helena Gee
Johannes Parren
vx' Jacobi Wright de Holecloughe
Johanes Smythe
Infans Guilielmi Holland de Eccles
Robartus Chapman Martij
Alicea Williamsone
Mathevs filius Richardi Tonge
Edvardus Wirrall
Jacobus Harwoodd
Guilielmi Crosse
Elizabetha Holker
Infans illeg Edvardi Faircloughe et

Jonae Landsdall et Dorothea Parren

Hellena Fildes et Richardus Bibbie

Elenora Seddon _• Martij
Hamletus Guilbodie et vx' Johanis Bibbie Aprilis
Robartus Hope et Johanes Dudsone
Robartus infans Robarti Tonge
Johanes filius illeg Jacobi Hanvood

Georgius Hulme
Edmudus Barlowe
Petrus Thrope
Thomas Parren illeg :

Johana Birche
Edmudus Staples
Rodgerus Staples
vx' Robarti Parr Maij
Christopherus Scholes
Guilielmus Chapman Junior
Infans Robarti Holland ...
Vrian Gregorie
Cathrena ptington et infans Oliveri Darbishires
Nicolavs Hope
filia Robarti Radeclyfife gen Junij
Franciscus Wirrall
Thomas Andrewe
Purchased from ebay store retromedia


Ebay Store retromedia


Purchased from ebay store retromedia

J599 BURIALS. »37


Hugo Meanley 29
Elena vx' Robarti Hey et Thomas Hey . 2

Ebay Store retromedia


Hugo Edge
Thomas Edge
vx' Johanis Turner
Ana Barlowe
vx' Johanis Marshe
Sibilla Grundie
vx' Thomae Eccarsall
vx' Guilielmi
Robartus Wadlwonthe
Infans Johanis Scholes
Robetrtus Bonns
vx' Georgij Robiiisone
vx' Jacobi Mustard
Infans illeg Guilielmi

Elena vx' Guilielmi Morton

Infans Robart Chapman
Joana Milnes
vx' Robarti Barne et vx' Georgij Adkinsone
filius Jacobi Knight
Jacobus Parren
Radulphus Seddon
filius Jacobi Turner et Margreta Dunsture
Thomas Bordman
Ana vx' Robarti Barlowe
Johanes Oulidame
I Edmudus Hey
Margreta vx' Thomae Tyld'sley
Oliverus Colliar
vx' Alix" Irlame et Helena Holland

237 Infans Radulphi Mather

Gemellus alter eiusd Radulphi

Thomas Mason Infans

Robartus Orphew
Alicea vx' HenriciHey et Eliz Woodd.. :

Edmudus Orphew vx' Henrici Williamsc

vx' Ranulphi Hope
Guilielmus Orphewe
Infans Guilielmi Reade
Lawrentius Holter et Tho : Valentyne .

Infans Thomae Leeche

Georgius Travis
Edmudus Hey
Margreta Pollet et Elizabetha HuLme ..

Oliverus Darbishire
Purchased from ebay store retromedia


Thomas Bordman et Alicea Sturxvpp 5 Februarij

Georgius Fletcher 6 ,,

Hargeria Heye et

Ebay Store retromedia

infans illeg Johanis Peak de Broughton
Johana Worsley

vx' Johanis Slade et

Margeria Johns daughter
Johana Woddow alias Manksxnan
vx' Guilielmi Widdall
Guilielmus Darbishire
Ana Seddon
Dionisius Holland
Henricus Eccarsley et vx' Johanis Parren
Oliverus Taylior Martij
Richardus Eccarsley et Richardus Bent .

Johanes Wilson et Richardus Hale

Lawrentius Dawnall

Margreta Olyffe Ane Wostencrofte et
Issabella Higginsone 28 Martij
vx' Elizei Barlowe
Dorothea Mather 5 Aprilis
Petrus Valentyne et filius Rici Tyldsley
Elizabetha Widdall
Infans Robarti Hey 19 ..
Henricus Slade et Jana Peake 20 ,,
vx' Rici Hardman 24 „
Elinora Gee
Thomas Widdall 25.

filius Johanis Pollett vltimo

filius Thomae Travis 7 Maij
filius Jacobi Waleworke ... 8 „
Robartus Oliversone 9 ,,
Margeria Widdall 12 ,,
Thomas filius illeg : Dorotheae Parren 13 ,.
Johannes Peele 14 „
Egidius Lumas 23 „
Nicolaus Darbishire 24 „
Thomas Worsley et vx' Jacobi Bradshevv 28 .,

filiusJohanis Erlame 7 Junij

Johanis Wright II ,,
filius Jacobi Lumas 16 „
Lawrentius Holker 19 „
Infans Othonis Bradshewe 25 „
filia Rici Cowape et filius Robarti ptingtome 28 ,,
Edvardus Carsley I Julij
vx' Nicolai Langtone 9 M
jo. 238 vx' Richardi Chetame 3 ,;
. .

Purchased from ebay store retromedia

i6oo-i6oi BURIALS. ^39

filius Jacobi Acton 13

Edmudus Mort
Elizeus Bent

Ebay Store retromedia

Margreta Boothe illeg : ...

filius illeg : Adami Bradshew

Thomas Scholes
vx' Wroe
vx' Richardi Cowape
Ana Coliar
Infans Richardi Cowajje ...
Thomas Beesley
Thomas Irlame et Guilielmus Sturrope
Guilielmus Holland et vx' Humfridi ffoxe
filius Tho Bordma
: et infans Advenae .

Margreta Wirrall
vx' Johanis Haughton
vx' Hugonis Barlowe
Johanes Ottiwells et Joana Shearfeld .

filia Robarti Langton

Ema vx' Johanis Darbishire
Infans Sibbillae Roues
vx' Robarti Seddon de Boothes
Edmudus Robartsone
filia Georgij Atkinsone
Infans Robarti Jacsone
filia Johanis Birche et Clemens Cocker .

Edmudus Greeues
filia Tho Thirlwind
: et vx' Edvardi Horwich
10. 39 Emma Bradshaw
J Joties Cooke de Warsley . .

James Turner of Hulme et infans Johis Pert-

M'gareta filia Johis Peren p'dicti ...

Witlmi Polkt de Eccles

Vxor Wiftmi Gregorie de Berton ...

Vxor Johis Derbisshire

Anna filia Roberti Heie de Eccles . .

M'gareta Irlam de Barton
Wilhelmus Whorrockes
Helena Birch de Berton vidua
Edmundus Cowoppe de Hulme
filia M'garetae Cooke illegit :

Thomas Thomae PeeLe

Richardus filius Thomae Cooke
Laurentius filius Wi'iimi Hartley paupis
Anna Edv'di Dvkenfeld

Edv'dus filius Michaelis Seddon

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Jona vxor Gulielmi Holland 5 Maij

filia Thomae Irlam de Irlam lO
vxor Edv'di Wirrall

Ebay Store retromedia

Thomas filius Radulphi Berloe
A child of Roger liurye vnchristen/ed died ...

Infans Richardi Wirrall in baptizatus

Catherina vxor Georgij Awen
Sibill'a vxor Galfridi Irlam
Alicia filia Thomae PolLet d'e Moraiiton
vx' Nicholai Wolsencroft
Johanes filius Johanis Aired ille :

Vxor Hugonis Irlam de Barton

Cicilia Dodeson
Johes Smith Clericus parochialis parochiae de
Ana vxor Alexandri pen
Georgius filius Roberti Olda
Catherina filia Gulielmi Grunndie
Anna vxor Jacobi Wright
Henricus Drinkwater
Nicholaus Smyth de Irlam
Thomas Wirrall ...

Wilbeknus Faukn' et Anna Pollet filia Jotiis

Charolus Hollande
vxor Hugojiis Bradshaw de Irlam
Purchased from ebay store retromedia

i6oi-i6o2 BURIALS. 141

Jone Barnes

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Purchased from ebay store retromedia


Iiifans Janae Bordma Tiifans Petri Rigl)i ... Decembris

Robartus Partingtone
Johana Poole

Ebay Store retromedia

Ellena Irlame 31 ..

1 fo. 51 vx' Johanis Baguley et Infans Humfredi Bent et

Elizabeth He\vard illeg :
19 Januarij
Egidius Heye
Infans Jacobi Wright
Infans Jacobi Charl'essoiie
vx' Milonis Bradshewe
Hugo Burie Febriinrij
Thomas Gilessone
Alia Heywarde
Infans Thomae Andrewe
vx' Guilielmi Pelton
Johanis Smythe de Cadowshead
Infans Petri Hultone
Infans Jacobi Chourton
Johannes Prescot Marti
Edmude Valentyne gent
Richardus Houlde de Irlame
Johanes ffoxe
Elizabetha Barnes
vx' Thomae Bordma
vx' Thomae Edge
Elizabetha Staples

Margreta Barkbie Aprilis
vx' Richardi Haughtone
filia Helenae Gregorie
Edmudus Irlame
Aliicea John daughter
Elizabetha Smythe
Infans Johannis Barren Maij
vx' Richardi Hulme
Infans Richardi Cowape de Hulme
Infans Georgij ffarrane
Pauper quida qui obijt in Worsley Junij
vx' Thome Bordma
Alia Eccarsalte
Infans Thome Edge ...
Infans Thome Barlowe et Ane Shelmerdine
illeg: 19 Julij
Robartus Capma 17 Augusti
Radulphus Meanley 19 „
Jacobus Waleworke et infans Johanis Staplus 1 Sep :

Radulphus Heyward 13 „
Purchased from ebay store retromedia

I603-I604 BURIALS. 143

Infans Guilielmi Heyward 15 Sep:

Johanes Holland et infans Thome Travis 24
Georgius Shelmerdyne 4 Octobris

Ebay Store retromedia

Infans Roclgerie Burie 6 ,,

Adamus Holland 27 ,,
Margreta Grant 29
Tho Bradshew et infans Jacobi Widdall
30. ,,

52 Irians Richardi Wirrall vltimo

Guilielmus Smythe II Novembris
Issabella Smjihe 15 „
Elizabetha Burie et infans Richardi Heyward 18
vxor Stephani Bexwicke 22 ,,

Humfridi BjTche
filia 24
Margreta Gatliflfe 26
Infans Radulphi Heyward 27 „
Ginetta Pihvorthe 29 >>
Robartus Barlowe 30 ,,

Alicea Coliar 1 Decembris

Richardus Hale 2 ,,
Vx' Georgij Roscow 14 „
Richardus Erlame 24 ,,
vx' Robarti Tonge 4 Januarij
Johannes Standishe 25 ,,
Thomas Lee 28 ,,

vx' Humfrey Barlowe et \x' Thomae Roscowe et

infans Ane Fidler pauperis 31 ,>

Thomas Filds junior 10 Februarij

vx' Roder Thirhvind 16 „
Jinnetta Acton 18 „
Thomas Awen et Alix' Bradshewe 19 ,,
filia Gratiae Hope 21 ,,

Gualfridus Johnsone 24
Henrie Redford Radulphus Travis
et 19 >>
Infans illeg Thomae Ashtone et Anae Parren
: I Martij
Jinetta Waleworke 5 ,,
vx' Edmudi Barlow 11 ,,
Radulphus Jacsone et Thomas Landsdall 12
et infans Thome Ashtone
vx' Richardi Fowler et Guilielmus Coliar
vx' Thomae Hiltone
vx' Johanis Actone et Jana filia Thurstani Cowape
Jinetta Taylior et infans Ric Fowler
ffrancisca Holland

Thomas Dudsone 2 Aprilis
vx' Thome Coliar
Edvardi [sic] Kempe
Purchased from ebay store retromedia


vx' Johanis Marshe 15 Aprilis

y\' Edmundi Wright 22 ,,

vx' Robarti Ouldame 23 „

Ebay Store retromedia

Edmudus Awen 29 „
vx' Johanis Cooke 13 Maij
vx' Richardi Johnsone 26 „
Hugo Partintone 3 Junij
vx' Ric Aired et vx' Henrici Walkden
vx' Johanis Holland et infans Margnetae Marsh
I fo. 53 Infans Thomae Irlame et Janae Smyth
vx' Thomae Landsdall
vx' Renoldi Seddon
Infans Thomae Wirrall
Alix' Actone Julij
vx'Antonij RothwelK
Thomas Pollet de Poole
Infans Robartie Chapmil
Egidius Collar Septembris
Elena Bradshewe
filia Robarti Barlowe Octobris
Infans Richardi Wirrall
Infans Elizabethae Ashworth illeg :

Infans Johana Redf ord None

vx' Charoli Gylesone
Infans Johanis Wright
Elena vx' Johanis Wright et Johanes Crosbie Decembr
Infans Petri Rigbie
vx' . Parr et vx' Guilielmi Edge
. . 25 ,>

Guilielmus Pendltone et infans Thome Barlowe 8 Januarij

Thomas Newton infans 20 „
filius Edmudi Hey et infans Johanis Crosse 24 „
Nicolaus Valentyne ... 16 Feb:
Elinora Sharrocks 19 >>

Infans Robarti Ouldame 24

Infans Guilielmi Reade 21 M'cij

Richardus Pollet 30 M'cij
Infans Georgij Darbishyre vkimo
vx' . . . Chedock 18 Aprilis
Infans Johanis Byrche 19 ,,
Alicea Bradshewe et infans Margretae Nedome 24 ,,
Infans Edvardi Tonge 26 ,,

Infans Johanis Byrch et infans Robarti Widdall

Elizabetha Partingtone 5 Maij
Robartus Holland gen : 11
Purchased from ebay store retromedia

i6o5 BURIALS. H5
Margreta Tyldsley et infans Guilielmi Bent ... 15
i!7. 54 vxor Thomas Williamsone
Edmudus Orphew

Ebay Store retromedia

filia Guilielinii

filiaJacobi Chourtone et
alia filia eiusd Jacobe quae ambo obieriint de
vx' Arthuri Hiltone et Randielus Worsley de peste
filia Jacobi Chourto de pe :

. . . Erlame de Cadousheade
vx' Radulphi Knight
vx' Radulphi Radeclyffe de peste
Infans Johanis La\\Tencsane d€ p
vx' Johanis Chourton
Thomas Roscowe Rodgerus Bradshew de p.
Cathrena Widdowe de p
Johanes infans Thome Richardson et
Ana Crosbie infans
Alicea Gee
Dorothea vx' Humfridi Wright
Infans Radulphi Heward
Otho Bradshewe
Infans Lawrencij Turner et Infans Thome
Adamus Fyshe
Robartus Widdall de p
Gemelli Johanis Barlow
Richardus Hej^vard
Infans Johanis Parren vx' Roson
AUcea vx' Robarti Taylior de p
Johanes Mosse de Broughtone
vx' Johanis Valentyne
InfauiS Alix" Irlame
Infans alter Alix" Irlame
vx' Jacobi Knight
Infans Jacobi Crabtree
Infans Daniel is Mather
vx' Johanis Staples
Infans Ra Holland

vx' Johanis Kempe

Infans Thome Bradshew
vx' Thome Gilessone
Infans illeg Edmudi Parren

] 55 filiaJacobi Knight et infans illeg Jacobi :

Radeclyffe et Issabella Higginsone

Nicolaus ser\ais Johanis Radeclyffe militis ...

Infans Nicolai Burie

Jana Peele

Purchased from ebay store retromedia


Edvardus Brearton gener Januarij

vx' Edmudi Hnrdma Februarij

Ebay Store retromedia

Ric Leache
filius Infans Humfridi Foxe
vx' Othonis Bradshewe .
Richardus Actone ... .


gemelili Abra : Vnswortbe


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[606-1607 BURIALS. M7
Elizabetha Lee 4 Februarij
Infans Ric Gee
Infans Jacobi Worsley

Ebay Store retromedia

Infans Johanis Peltone 5
Dionisius Holland ...

Dorothea Barlowe
vx' Jacobi Taylior die Hulme ...

Cathrena Lightbowne
William Lee
Infans . . . Hulme gen :

Leonardus Wadsworth
Infans Alix" Clyfley
vx' Collar
. . .

Thomas Smythe
Thomas Fildes
Edmudus Hardma
Jacobus Waleworke
Infans Danielis Mather
Infans Johanis Barlowe
Johannes Devias
vx' Petri Roscowe
Johanes Redf ord et infans Rodgeri Yong
Infans Rodgeri Burie
Thomas Williamsone
Radulphus Heyward
filia Jacobi Lumas
vx' . . . Syer
Peter Holdsworth
vx' . . . Marshe
Anne Needham
Richard Hulton Infantus Adami Rothwell...
filiaRichajd Bradshaw
An infante from Edmund Travis ho\v.sse who
was one Buttle' of y^ pishe of Boulton . .

Infans Richard Worldley

57 ffranciscus filius flfrancissci Jacson pauperis ...
Jane Bordeman
Hughe filius Williamson
Jeffrey Thirlewynde
Infans Johanis pen
Helena Hoocker
John Taylior
Hener)' Hurdsefforthe Infans Richard Joanes
Infans Georg Parre
Ellin Hurdsefforthe
Purchased from ebay store retromedia


Infans Nicholai Woolsencrofte 3

Katherin w. of James Morton ...

Ebay Store retromedia

Infans Robarti Bradbent
Thomas Meandley
vx' NichoLis
Infans filia William Cliffton ...

vx' Thome Landsall wydow

Richard Sand'son
Lsraell filius Johanis Whyte Pastor
vxor Johanis Doodson Edmundus Wri
James Taylior
Iiifans Lawrentij ptington
Margrett Turner of Eccl'es \vyd<nv ...
Infans Nicholas Woolsencrofte
William Morton et Thomas Johnson
Infans Elizabethae Morton
Jane filia Georgij Barlow
Robart Hope et vx' Johanis Langshawe
Catberin vxo' Thome Barlow
Dorothie w. of John Walworke &: Anne Potter
Nicholas Barlow
Ellin filia William Morton
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i6o8-i6o9 BURIALS.

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Infans Johanis Warburtone et infans Tho :

Crosbi 5 August!
Johanes Warburtoriie 9 M

Ebay Store retromedia

vx' Johanis Bent 10 ,,

Infans Johanis Warburtone 12 ,,

v\' Jolianis Warburtone 14

vx' Robarti Ouldame 20 ,,

Infans Jacobi Morris 24

PMvarchis Woodworde 8 Sep:
Jacobus Widdall 20 ,,

Ellena Bradshewe 21 ,,

Infans Johanis 26 ,,

Jane Bayly 9 October

ELlena filia . . . Irlame 13 M
Thomas Cooke*
Hughe Irlame
Rai)he Haslome et infans Radeclyffe illeg : ...

Infans Henrie Reditt

Ranulphus Olyffe
Robartus Worsley
filius Adami Rothwell Novembris
Ellena Mort
Margreta Holdien Decembris
Infans Rodgerie Burie
Ana Shelmerdyne
Infans Thome Thirlwind
filiusRadulphi Knight Januari
filiusRici Bradshewe
vx' Radulphi Thirlwind
I /(?. 95 Infans Johanis Holland Februarij
Infans Guilielmi Barlowe
Thomas Bradshewe
vx' Richardi Drinkwater et filia Johanis Peltone
vx' Jacobi Dunsture
.... Coliar
Johanes Irlame Martij
Infans Margre'tae Smythe •

vx' Oliveri Raphes

Issabella ignota
Cathrena Irlame

Issabella Gee et infans I Aprilis
7 »
Radulphus Seddon ...
9 >y
Ellena Widdall [I ..

" In ori<jinal this entry is loritten over preceding one.


Purchased from ebay store retromedia

i6io BURIALS. 151

Iiifans Thome Ashton 12

Infans Alix" Asley
Johanis BjTch Infans Robarti Wirall
Infans Thome Skiptone

Ebay Store retromedia

Johannes Peake
Johanes Hope
filia Thome Pollett
Infans Johanis Crosse
Infans Radulphi Collar
vx' Petri Smythe
Infans Edmudi Travis
vx' Jacobi TyldsLey
Thomas Hey
Syslea Renshewe
Elinora Bradshewe Jana Sharpkis
Richardus Valentyne
Infans Petri Knyght
Ana infans Othonis Holland
Robartus Chollertone
Infans RaduLphi Mather
vx' Guilielmi Bradshew
Infans Johanis Parren
Infans Richardi Martland
Rodgerus Reditt
Joana Wirrall
Infans Petri Waleworke et infans Egidij
Infans Robart Chadwhicke
Humfridus Foxe
Infans Robarti Seddon
9. 96 vx' Henrici Slade
vx' Nicolaij Starkie
Infans Johanis Starkie gener :

Guilielmus Mylnes
Infans yx'^ Jacobi Seddon illeg
Infans Johanis Starkie et Thomas Partingtone
Infans Jacobi Barlowe
Jinetta vx' dcti Jacobi Barloi
Johanis Hvit
Infans Johanis Pollet
Infans Georgij Parr ...
Mauda Gee
vx' Jamsone
Hulme gener
Ana Bordma
Edmudus Smythe
Infans Rici Aired

Purchased from ebay store retromedia


Lifans Rodgeri Burie 3 Aprilis
Margeria Bradshewe 15

Ebay Store retromedia

Infans Guilielmi Browne
Infans Thome Scholes
Goorglus Darbishire
Infans Guilielmi Travis
Alixander Ouldame
Infans AJiceae WiHiamsoiie
Infans Johafiis Barlowe
vx' Guilielmi Mortone
Infans Johanis Barlow
Infans Thome Lee
Infans Humfridi Wright
Imina Reward
Henricus Bent
Margreta Gooden vidua
vx' Robarti Rothwell*
Infans Thomae Cooke*
Rosa vx' Milonis Skiptone
Margeria vx' Johanis fFayercloughe
vx' Egidij Dunsture
Infans Rici Cowape
vx' Robt Ouldame
Infans Johanis Walkdene et infans Jacobi
Thomas Taylior
vx' Thomae Eccarsley
Infans Guilielmi Warmishew
Infans Henrici Reditt
Infans Elenae Peake
Ema Irlame
Thurstanus Parr et Ana Bradshewe
I /c. 97 Johanes Longshewe
vx' Leonard! Holland
Infans Robarti Hardma vx' Georgij Royle . .

vx' Thome Scholes

Infans Thome Lingart
Richardus Pollet et infans Thome Drinkwater
Robartus Downes gener :

Infans Leonard!
Infans Tho Holland gen :

Ruthe Jones
vx' Egidij Cooke
vx' Henrici Holden
Johanes Orphew Elizeus Barlowe et
Purchased from ebay store retromedia

i6i 1-1612 BURIALS. 153

vx' Thome Polkt 21 Februarij

vx' OKveri Parr
Edmudus Orphew

Ebay Store retromedia

Infans Thome Dodd
Issabella vx' Leonardi Wadsworth
Elizabetha Greerues [<?r] Greeues

Infans advenae cuiusdame
Alicea filia Hugonis Lethwatt
vx' . .Roile

Iiifans Nicolai Wolstencrofte

Infans Thome Williamsone et vx' Radulphi
Ana Cooke
Infans Rodgeri Burie
filiaThome Darbishire
S'tephanus Seddo et vx' Robti Lightbowne ...

Elizabetha Aired
Infans Johanis Edge
Thurstanus Cooke
Edmudus Smythe
vx' Georgij Hamsone et mfans Rici Irlame ...

Infans Richardi Pollett

vx'Edvardi Bexwhicke
Georgius filius illeg Georgij Burges
: et Joanae
filia Thome Lee
Infans Guilielmi Heyward et
Infans Johanis Williamsone
vx' Guilielmi Hvit
Richardus Jacsone
Jacobus Boandman
i Infans Robarti Redfford
Dorothea vx' Johanis Pollett
Infans Jacobi Barlowe
Infans Rici Leighe
vx' Robaxti Lee
Yx' Johanis Hope
vx' Johanis Marshe
Infans Johanis Hope
vx' Rici Eccarsley et Infans Nicolai Valentyne
Infans Francisci Masone
Johanes Millatt
Robartus Drinkwater
vx' Johanis Birche
Thomas Tyldsley gen :
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Infans Rogeri Downes Armigeri

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Purchased from ebay store retromedia


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Purchased from ebay store retromedia


Iiifans Thome Greenes [or] Greeues Januarij
vx' Thome Brad&hew 3
Inf ans Henrici Cowdall

Ebay Store retromedia

Infans Guilielmi Warmishew
Infans Robarti Hilton
filia Abraham! Seddon
vx' Robarti Pollett
Robajtus Bordmane et infans Henrici Tonge et
infans Jacobi Milnner
Johannes Jones
vx' Shoughsmythe
Jonathan Fylds et Thomas Leiche
Infans Thome Seddon
Infans Othonis Holland
Rodgerus Bradshew et vx' Guilielmi Rothwell
Petrus Walevvorke
Elinora Jamesone gen :

Infans Edvardi Hamsone
Alix' Clyfleye
Edvardus Worsley
vx' Rodgeri Roile
Edmudus Baxter
Thomas Newton
Thomas Valentyne gener :

filius Oliveri Holland et infans Rici Coliar ...

vx' Francisci Wirrall et

Infans Petri Haughton
vx' Guilbodie
Infans Johanis Nicolsone et
Infans Richardi Leache
paup quida
Infans Richardi Houlde
Infans Adami Slade
vx' Christopheri Loocke
Infans Robarti Barlowe et infants Adami Cooke
vx' Arnoldi Mort
Infans Guilielmi Marecrofte
Infans Johanis Seddon
Infans Petri Cowape
Infans Richardi Polliett
vx' Oliveri Parr
vx' Turner
Infans Tliome Holland
I fo. loi Infans Jacobi Pollett et infans Johanis Pol'lett
Jacobus Sheppard
Willias. of William Mee

Anne Mather

Purchased from ebay store retromedia

i6i4 BURIALS. 57

vx' Raphe Moo-eton 17

John Bradshawe
John Hollenworth

Ebay Store retromedia

Katherin vx' John Bury
Infans Johanis Starkie gener :

John s. of John Cooken

Infans Egidij Eckrsliey
Infans Thomae Woraley
John Marshe
Robert Cliueley
Ann Marshe Anne d. of Thomas Scholes
Thomas HoUande
Infans Hughe Meanlie
Infans of Thomas Warbiuton
Infant of Rodger Boardman . .

Joane Newton
Richarde Bageley
vx' Richardi Tonge
Alice Charleson
John s. of Rodger Boardma ...

'Sla.ry d. of Edmund Travis

Infans of Edwarde Newton
Elizabeth HoUande widowe ...

Elen HoUande
Nicholas Wolsencroft
John s. of Richarde Coupe
02 vx' Robert Huite Robert Brooke
Ginnet Gibson
Elizabeth Newton widowe
Elien vx'Hamlet Bent
Anne vx' Henry Brooke
Infans Rodgeri Bury
vx' Alexander Seddon
Anne d. of John WiddaU
vx' John Barlowe
Anne Barlowe
John Bowker
Edward Whitfeild
An Wittm Warmishams
old pedler that dyed at
his name Edward Davison
Jane Da\ison his wyffe
An infant of Richard Markland
Edward Bexwicke
Anne Parre
Infant of Robert Redforde & an infante of
Edmund Mortt
An John Barlow^ de Pitts
infant of
Anne Smithe Codwishad wydow
Margrett w. of Raphe pen • ...
Purchased from ebay store retromedia



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John Heavelt An infamt of Dorothit- Bradsliaw !6 March
vx'John Woodward
Thomas Hey
Infante of WiUiam Warmisham
Robert Halle s. of Thomas Halle of Ecclies... April 1

Infant Margerie Jacson

Infant Wittm liradishaw
Infant of Thomas Travis
John Worssley & infant of Laurence Guest ...

Pearse Tonnge May

vx' Hayges & Richard Yeate
Adam Hope
I /<7. 103 Anne Hanvood
John Foxe & ffranscis s. of ffranscis Mason ...
Katherin Moreton wydow & an olide Scottswoman
killed vpon Ascention daye 23
The Edward Kempe of the
wyffe of Chappelll
Robert Thomas Drinkwater
s. of 30
An Thomas
infant of Houliecrofte &
Thomas Lathum gentleman I June
The wyffe of Peeter Riggbie
Alis Lightboune 18
Thomas Howlecrofte
Jane Barne & Alis d. of William Turner
James Coocke & an infant of Ellin Barlow iHigit
Thurstan Coocke of Waleworke (killed by
Nicholas Coocke)
Hamlet Irlam a boye
Thomas Higginsonne
Lawrence Gregorye
Infans Thomae Whittell
vxor Thomas Barlowe
Margrett d. of John Cowap
Anne w. of Robert Tonnge ...
Margrett infant of John Passman
Richard Ottiwells of Straightford
Ammrie Chapman wydow
George Robinsonn
William Chatherton alis Haywort iligit
An infant of Raphe Hardman Hilton Lane
the wyffe of Robert Barlow of Lostocke
Richard Hardman of Barton
I fo. 104 Robert s. of Raphe Holland of Clifton
EMzabethe Holland of Clifton wydow
. .Sonne of Oliver Ottiwelil
. :

Purchased from ebay store retromedia

I6I5-I6I6 BURIALS. 159

Oliver Croytchley & Katherin d. of John

Passman 17 October
Hughe Barlow of litle Boulton 19

Ebay Store retromedia

An infant of James Haywood 25 „
Thomas Drinkwater I November
John Bo;irdman of Clifton 16 ,,

^^xor Rothwell & Elizabethe infant of

Otes Holland of Clifton
Richard Wadsworthe
Alis Sidall wydow Decmber
Nicholas Biirie & Maigerie d. of Oliver Rosscowe
Robert infant of M' Edmund Hulme of
Lo'Stocke gentlem :

Ginit w. of Robert Tonnge of Manton

A lame boy of Robert Ouldam of the New Halle &
An infant of Joane Coocke of the Roe Greene
illigitt 19 M
An infant of John Warburtonn 2 Januarie
The wyffe of Thomas Diggle of Pendleburie
Vrian Leadbeater
The W)-ffe of William Joanes of Irkim
Margret Rydinges of Manton wydow &
Ginit Birche of Eccles wydow 15
Richard ptingtonn & Anne w. of Witim Rvdings
Ellin d. of Thomas WaDburtonn
Ginit d. of Laurence Gee
James s. of Barlow
John s. of Thomas Derbishire of Hilton lane
05 Margrett Coocke of y® Moss Lane
Hamlet Harrtwood
Ellin w. of Nicholas VallentjTie
Plenary s. of Henry Leadbeater
Infant of Roger Burie
Thomas s. of Edmund Hooghe & Ginit Harper

Infant of William Moreton
John s. of John Hey of Manton junio'
Anne w. of Robert Jackson
Katherin w. of Raphe Haugbton
John Risley of Risley Esq' &
Thomas s. of John Vallentyne of Bentcliffe gent
The wyffe of Edmund Seddon
Ellin the wyffe of Dennis Harper ...

Thomas s. of Henr}' Redford

An infant of Allexand' Lightboune . .

Sicelie Womerslev
Purchased from ebay store retromedia


Robert s. of Robert Halle 10

Anne Thomas Peele
d. of
Em d. of Edward Vrmstone &

Ebay Store retromedia

an infant of Thomas Schoales
Ellin w, of Henry Cowap junio'
Anne d. of William Polliet of Eccles
Jane Shellmerdyne wydow (at night)
Hughe s. of Raph Haughton
Ginit Coocke of Barton
A souMier killed by Robert Lanckton
The \v}-ffe of James Voaze
I fo. 106 Elizabeth Coupe Janne HteueLt ...

Thomas Robinsoane
An infant of Thurstons Wil'liamson
Em Vallentyne of Litle Houghton w)xio^\
The wyflfe of Henry Cowdall ..

William Bent & John Smith ..

Hamlet Irlam
Thomas Peake
Issabell Mortte wydowe
Laurence Tiuner
Wydowe Bent of Cadwishad ..

Vx' Richard Bibie

An infant of Randl'e Vallentyne
A daught' of John Moreton of Barton
Elizabeth Irlam of Barton wydow ...
EMin Thropp whoe was called M' Athertons
foole dyed in the Sandy Lane the 26
An infante of Thomas Travis of y* PoUe
Margrett Diggle of Eccles wydow ..
Hamlet Boaxdman
Infante of John Warde
A daughter of Thomas Ashton
Jane Waleworke
Elin w. of John Tounge
Elizabeth Partington wydowe
Ould Grundie wyffe of the Chappell wydow
The wyffe of James Wright
Thomas Holland of Barton ...
The wyfe of Robert Aired wydow
The wyfe of Thomas Bancrofte
Robert Bradshaw
Nicholas Barlow
I jo. 107 Alis w. of Thomas Hardman
Ginit He)-e wydowe
The wyfe of Robert Clegge
Ginit w. of William Coocke of yeate f
Sioely w. of Humfrey Bentt of Barton ,
. .

Purchased from ebay store retromedia

I616-I6I7 BURIALS. 161

George Walieworke the Smithe 23

Humfrey Bent 26
William Holland of Burneleache ...

Ebay Store retromedia

Peeter Peacke & Andall Thropp . .

Infant of Raph Barlow

Robert Johnson & Anne Wright ...

Marie d. of Franscis Emerson

Sicelie Seddon of Clifton wydow ...

Ellin Pollett of Manton wydow

John Newton & Elizabeth d. of Thomas Edj
George s. of George Andrew
Joame Linggartt
An infante of Richard Irlam of Irilam
Katherin Wadsworth of Irlam wydow

An infant of John Hey of Manton younger . .

Alis d. of James Moreton &: infant of Richard

Katherin Twist & Ellin w. of Raph Holland of
Anne Haywarde of the Hoke wydow
Alis w. of John Tildesiley & an infant of
Gregorie Pollet
Hugh s. of Randle Vallentyne
Sicelie Balie
Infant of John Halle
Anne Boardman of Cliffton wydow
Ellin d. of Oliuer Turner
Vxor Petri Edge & infant of Joane Fernisyde
Thurstan Hey
William s. of Sibill Whitlegge
Katherin Yeate Wydow
"108 William s. of Oliuer Turner
Margrett w. of Robert Smith
An infante of Robert Arderne gent
The wyff e of James Acton
James Acton
Infante of Peeter Rosscow
Elizabeth Platte
John Holland
James Worssley
Moade w. of William Mason
Marj' Dunsture
Henry s. of Henry Waleworke
The wyffe of Robert Smith
Jane Edge of HoUowclooghe
Alexander Bradshaw
Purchased from ebay store retromedia


V\or John Hollinworth wvdnw &

Denis Holland wyffe 3 September
A chyld of John Smithies & a chykl of James

Ebay Store retromedia

Thomas Taylior 3 October
Pearce Hoiilden 4 .,

Hemy Cocke of Ashton 9 >>

Anne Leighe
Vxor Adam Holland wydow 25 ,,

Ellin Hoalker wydow 3 November

Richard Cowap & an infant of Thomas Smith
of y® Dayne pish
Robert Smith of Barton more syde
John Edge of y" Dryewood
James Taylior
Mary w. of Henry Tounge
I fo. 109 Dorothie Val.lenityne wydow December
Dorothie Williamson
Vxor Henry Harper
Margret Knight
Heniry Harper
Robert Edge
Vxor Raph Higginbothom
John Ottiwe-rHs
Alis Jamesses
George Seddon 26 „
Margrett Rothwelil & an infant of James Gibson 27 ,>

Wil'Iiam 6 January
Hugh Derbishpe 12 ,,

Kathierin Barne 15 »
Anne w. of William Barlow 23 ,,

Mairgerie Mason 26 ,,

Edmund Johnson 2 Februar)'

Ginit w. of Adam Holland 12 ,,

Aloade Bent wydow 17 ,,

Infante of John Widall 18 „
William Chapman 20 ,,

Infanit of Richard Leighe 21 ,,

William Coocke of the yeate 22 „

The wyffe of Adam Hope wydow 25 »
iNlargrett w. of John Derbishire of y^ Row Greene 8 March
Hugh infant of John Derbishyre
El'Jin infant of Peeber Derbishyre
Anne Mason ...

Mathew Hulton
Margret w. of Thomas Boardman of Hollow
Purchased from ebay store retromedia

i6i8 BURIALS. 163

Raph Haughton & Jane Codrey 28 March

Ebay Store retromedia

Oliver Pajre 2 ApriM
Elilin d. of Raph Hapvaixl 12 ,,

tio John Baguley Humffney Bent George Moreton 14 ,,

Sisslie Barlow ... 17 ,,

Infant of Richard Irloin 23 „

Vxor John Partingtonn 25 ,,

Alis Thirliewynd 28 ,,

Gyles Roason 13 May

Anne Aired a!is Adkinson 15 ,,

Gyles Dunstune Thomas Vallientyne 16 ,,

John Mather 20 ,,

Isisabell Birche i June

Anne Starkie 2 ,,

Thomas Derbishixe 25 „
Infant of Gregorie PO'lKet 4 July
Raph JefFreyson & James Birch 7 ,,

Infant of Humffrey Bent of y' Crofte 25 ,

Infant of Awin Sayer 26 ,,

Infant of Thomas Brabin 27 „

Josua Newton 2 August
Raph Diggle
William Bradshaw & an infant of Adam Slade
John Moreton 30
Elizabeth Mee 19
William Bradshaw (drowned) ... 28
Richard Cowap (killed himselffe)
Issabell Rydinges
The wyffe of Robert Lanckton
Do(rothie Pomfrett
John Jackson
Twoe infants of Robert Seddon of y° Boothes
u The wyffe of John Smith of y« Crofte
Peeter s. of Peeter Tildeslfey ...

EHzabeth d. of Elizabeth Smith

Margrett w. of John CoLlier
Elizabeth Langshaw
Robert Holland
Richard s. of Robert HaLle
John Derbishire
Margerie Smith
The wiefe of Randle Collier
SamueU Wollsencrofte
William Williamson 23
Infant of Richard Gregorie &
a daughter of Richard Leatche 30
Purchased from ebay store retromedia


l^lizabcth w. of Henry Halle 5 February

Thomas s. of John Colilier
The w)-ffe of Raph Roardman

Ebay Store retromedia

Margrett Smith wydow
Thomas Edge &
a son of the wyff of John Derbishire of y
Stanistreete 26 „
Margrett Tildesley 5 March
Samuelil Pendletonn 8 „
Robert Tounge 9
Wydow Hurdsforth Robert Pollett II ,,

Tho Barlow
: 20 ,,

James Barlow 23 ,r

Purchased from ebay store retromedia


Ebay Store retromedia

Purchased from ebay store retromedia


I /(?. 114 Ellin w. of John Taylier 26 March

Ebay Store retromedia

Infant of James Grundie
Hughe Coocke of Wakworke
Elizabeth Derbishine of y^ Dayne pish
Joame Derbishire wydowe
Joane Knight of Straitforde
Alls Raphes
Thomas Hankins & Hughe Rosscovve ... .

Thomas Holland
Edmund Gooeden thellder
James Morris
Margrett Boardman ^vydow & Maxgeiie Gee .

Infant of Edward Codrey

Dorothie Barlowe & Robert Cheetam ... .

George Hulme
Thurstan Collier
Roger Vallentyne
Elizabeth Bnadshawc
Henry Vallient)Tie & Roger Meanley ... .

Raphe Derbishire
Aline Huhne
Elizabeth Awin
Thomas Irlam de Pendle :

Laurence Bent
Maiigerie Reddit wydow
Emme Lomas
Henry Holden
Infant of John Taylior of Irlam
Elizabeth Ormishaw
Wyfe of William Edmundson
Thomas Skipton & Richard Downham ...

I /«?. 115 Infant of James Lomas

Richard Holland
John Hardman
John Pollard
EdAvard Hamson
IssabeLl Foxe
Gihan OuMam
Joane Adkinson
Hugh Robertson ...

Thomas Hope
John ptingtonn infant
Margrett Rothwell
Alexander Houlker James Sorrowcoulde
William Cook
Infant of Hughe Leatche

Purchased from ebay store retromedia

1620-I62I BURIALS. 167

Wj-ffe of Thomas Barlowe October

Margrett w. of Hugh Leatche
d. of Edmund Redish

Ebay Store retromedia

Issabel'l ptington 12
Thomas Tongue
Jane \v. of William Hulme gent
Margrett Lathum
Robert PoUet
Wiefe of Hugh Taylior theld'
Marie Seddon
Water Sauage
Wiefe of Gyles Partington
Margrett Seddon
William Mason
Marie Trauis
Luce Wirrall
Joane Coocke
Jane Passman
Thurstan Cowap
Richard Drinkwater
i[i6Mar)- Johnson alis Eckersley
Jinit Hilton
Katherin Warmisham
Philip Derbishire (mulier)
Adam Doodson
Margret Liuesey
Thomas Nayler
John Ha>-ft-arde
Humfrey Wright
Infant of
Raphe Smith

Anne Baguley
Hugh Smith & Marie Gooeden
John Barnes
Ellen Robinson
Elizabeth Fayercloogh &
infantes of Christopher Hey .

Margret Peack
Edmund Gooeden & d' of John Bradford
Thomas Ouldam
Marie Waleworke
John Derbishire
AUs \x. of Thomas Cheadock .

George Woolsencrofte
Robert Mort & Dorothie Turner
Thunstan Hev & Gates Holland

Purchased from ebay store retromedia


Infant of Gyles Marsh 28 May

Infant of Thomas Moreton ,, ,,

.... d' of William Mee 3^

.... Store retromedia
William Boardman 5 June
JinitBarJow wydowe 9 "
son of Thomas Hoi>e de Crofte ... 10 ,,

Mary Leighe 11 >?

Thomas Tildesley
Infant of Franscis Emerson July
I /<7. 117 John Hulton
William Hope Edward Bent
Mary Robinson
Infant of John Partington w. of George Leighe of Barton gent
Katherin Assley
Ellin Huit
Infant of Thomas Naylier
Richard Whittell August
Infant of Henry Tongue
Thoma.s Fooler
Joane Boardman 31 ^'

Edward Homvich 8 September

William Sear & Ellin Pilswoorth 12
Franscis Hardman 13 n
James Toppinge 14
John Acton 17 >,

Infant of Humffrey Pollet 18 „

Issabell Barlowe 19 V
John Halle 5 October
Richard Hope 16 „
Richard Barlow
Thomas Penkit a poore woemans child &
Alls Johnson 2 Nouember
Ellin Houlden 5 ,>

. . . W}'fe of Thurstan Collier 8 „

Franisciis 9 »
Infant of Thomas Warburton 12 ,,

Anne w. of Edward Sedon Edmund Schoales 16 „

Margret Hope 25 „
Alls Sorrowcould Infant of John ptington ... 27 ,,

Elizabeth Bradshaw 29 ,,

I /o. 118 Ellin Redford 2 December

Thomas Thurstanson alitor Williamson ... 8
Margret Taylier 9
Robert Gibson 10
Margret Holland 12
A poore mans child 15
Margret Peacke 16
Purchased from ebay store retromedia

[02I-I622 BURIALS. 169

Gyles Pajne 17
Elizabeth Doason
Robeit Bradshawe
Anne Wroe

Ebay Store retromedia

Allexander Bent alis Turner
Elizabeth !Moreton
Elizabeth Thorpe alis Hukne
Richard Barlowe
Raphe Knight
Imin Bent
. . son of John Shawe

Katherin Riggbie & Margret Bradshawt

Katherin Waleworke
Margret Lightboune
Alis Derbishire
Ellin Par
James Cheadocke
Ellin Harwood ...

Robert Lightboune
Thomas Irlam killed w**" a peece
Purchased from ebay store retromedia


Elizabeth Twisse

Ebay Store retromedia


Purchased from ebay store retromedia

1622-1623 BURIALS. 171

Elizabeth Redforde Ma ch
Thomas Widall
Infant of Nicholas Coocke

Ebay Store retromedia

Thomas Skelehome
Robert Hall
Thomas Irlam & Richard AssiLey
Infant of Robert Fyldes
Myles Skipton

Margerie Peacke & Anne Foxe 25 March
Ginit Moreton 29 »
Richard Assley 5 ApriU
Ellin Mort of Laighe pish wydowe ..
Edmund Pearson
Robert Rothwell & John Bradforde &
a poone childe alien
Oliuer Yate & Ellin Derbishire
Anne Slade
Edward Turner & Margret Jackson
Franscis Thomasson .

OlHuer Sedon
Ellin Partington & Nicholas Woollsencrofte . .

Thomas infant of Thomas Smith &

Anne Pendlebur\- 30 „
Thomas Thomasson 2 Mav
John Peacke 3

Twoe Tvvinnes of Gyles Marsh 10 ,,

John Derbishire 11 ,,
Richard Robinson (killed in Eckersall Barne) 12
Richard Deuias
John Trauis
Jane Redford 23 „
Elizabeth Mather 24 „
John Partington & Margerie Boardman 26 „
201 Richard Bur>^ 3 June
Infant of William Val'l'en,t}-aie 7 „
Infant of Thomas Irlam Elizabeth Farneworth 9 ,,
Humfrey Barlowe & Anne Bendtson 17 „
Margret Derbishire 25 „
Dorothie Hey 29 >,

Jane Foxe I July

Margret Drinkwater 5 „
Katberin Rothwell 8 „
Infant of Richard Irilam 13 »
Infant of Jane Foxe 14
John Rolines 17 „
Sbeth Joliie 21
Purchased from ebay store retromedia


Margret Moreton Aiiriie Boarclman 22 July

Elizabeth Jackson (ckowned herself e)
Oliuer Parre 28

Ebay Store retromedia

William Marecrofte (killed w*"* a cart)
Adam RothweH & Jinit Wood of Straitforde 1 August
Marie Faj-neworthe 3 M
Infant of Wililiiam Coock of Moss Lame 4 .,

Majgret Schoales 12 ,,

Anne Skelehome 14 >.

Jane Twisse 15 ,>

Margret Drinkvvater 18 ,,

Tliomas Wood Robert Bij-chu 20 ,,

James Marsh 21 ,,

Wililiam PolJet & Richard Greggson 24

Thomas Trauis 26 „
Thomas Brooke 28 ,,

Dorothie Mather & Hester Haywood 29 ,>

Anne Haidman 30 ,^

fo. 202 Infant of Thomas Woolsencrofte ... 2 September

Joane Hyndley 6 ,,

Richaid Irlam 8 ,,

Katherin w. of Hughe Bexwickie 12 ,,

Alis w. of Franscis Bowker Robert Smith

Edward Codrey & Issabell ptington wydowe
Margret w. of Myles Bradshawe 22 ,,

John Mosse 24 M
son of Henry Dunsture 25 „
William Rolines 3 October
Peeter Rosscowe 7 „
Ellin WidaLl wydowe 10 ,,
Margret w. of William Waleworke 11 ,,
Hughe Irlam
Infant of John Derbishire 15 r,
Infant of Richard Peacke 17 „
Hughe Burie 19 ..
Ellin Birch Wydowe 23 f,
Elizabeth Holand wydowe 26 ,,
John Peacke 29 „
Ellin w. of Oliuer Hol'lland 31 ,,
Gates Bradshawe Margret Peacke wydowe 4 Nouember
Elizabeth Widall 6 „
Christopher Sharpies 7 „
James Knight & Richard Tildesley 9 „
Thomas Polliet Margerys Cupin wydowe IT ,,
John Warde (infant) 13 ,,
Ellenor Trauis &
a child of Hughe Hollinworthe 16 „
Jane Peacke wydow 17 ,,
Purchased from ebay store retromedia

1623 BURIALS. 173

Joane Hulton Margret Charlises &

Richard Hope 18 November
Ellenor Peele ElTin Morris 23 „

Ebay Store retromedia

William Ottiwells 26 „
Theophilus Jones
t George Piatt & infant Hall 30 >>

James Choirlieton & AniPte PoMet 2 December

Edmund Sedon & Issabell Schoales 3 >'

Aruie Man 4 ..•

£7, 203 William Wood (infant) 6 ,,

Margret Peacke & a poore child 7 >.

Robert Tongue & Thomas Jackson kilted w""

a stone in Clifton kanell pitt
Infant Backster
Robert Edge 15 >,

Gyles Roason 18 ,,

Thomas Brabin Hughe Harwood 19 >>

Jane Hope wydowe 27 >,

Elizabeth Peacke 29 „
. . wief of Rouland Shackerley
30 „
RobeTt Hoilland I January
John S-. of Peeter Derbishire 3 ;,
Ellin Hilton 4 ,-,

James Moreton 6 „
Richard Tongue & Ellin Pan-in 7 ,.

Gylies Marsih SibiM infant of Christopher Hey 10 •>

Robert s. of Raphe Bradshawe II

Elizabeth \v. of John Walkden
Margerie Birche & Thomas s. of Anne Irlam...
Hughe Ou'ldam
James Cheetam
John Pol'let of Barton
EUin Hapvard wydowe
Infant of John Robinson
John Birch alis Ridgwith
Elizabeth Bent tie Crofte wydow
Jane Partington
Gyles Coocke de Mil'lne Houses
Elizabeth Holland de Whit Lane
Mary Hanison & Margret her d'
EMn Barlowe alis Bradishaw
James Hope 29 ,,

A poore lad I February

9. 204 Thomas Gneggson &
whoe said he was son to one
a poore lad
Entwisle of Broadhead
Anne Harper (pished in y^ snowe)
Elizabeth Sanderson wydowe Aime Hamson
Purchased from ebay store retromedia


Margerie Hulton illigit ... 8

William s. of George Moreton Elilin Lightoulers
Alis Partington John Barlowe .skinners

Ebay Store retromedia

Anne Mort
Alis Tildesley
Richard Alfed
Margret Eckersley
John Warl)nrton
. . . wief of Raphe Collier ...

John Cheadock
Ellin Oiildam
Alis Huliton
Imin Tumier
WiliMam Stomes
Humfrey Barlow skimmers
Margrett \v. of Thomas Linggart
Mary Hampson
Infant of Laurenre Johnison
Edward Newton
George Moreton & Edmund Mort ..

Ginit Birch wydow &
an infant of Thomas Trlam
of Eccfes
John Tildestey
RobeTt Coock of Waliework &:
John Bradshaw alis Greggor}^
John Partington thatcher
Henry Brooke & Ginit Sharpies
Henry Partington
I /^. 205 Majgret Cowap ...
John Parin
Edward Hampson
Hugh Langshaw
Infant of
Is'sabell Rosscowe
Infant of Samuel'l Parsiuall
Infant of Gilbert Halsworth
Wililiam Vallient}'ne
OlTiuer Crosse
John Gee young'
Thomas Millward of Ageorofte
Alis Crosse
Joane Haughton
John Smith & Jane w. of Tj-mothy Williamson
Thomas Jackson & William Deibishire
Grace Man
Ellin Cheetam
Henxy Hope
. .

Purchased from ebay store retromedia

i624 BURIALS. 175

Richard Wroe 50 July

Aliis Nichollis I August
John Hardman

Ebay Store retromedia

Katherin Derbishire
Raph Ratcliffe
An infant of John Gregorie & Katherm Hasleum
Myles Bradshawe
Ellin Greggorie September
John Partington
Elizabeth Taylier
206 Ginit Sweetloue October
John Bent gent Edward Seddon . .

Raphe Mather of Warrington

Issabell Partingtonn wydow
Ellin Marecrofte
Infant of John Edge still borne
Ellin Drinkwater wydowe
Infant of William Valilent\T.e November
Infanst of Robert Irlam of Laighe pish
AHs w. of WilJiam VaUentyne
John Derbishire infant of John
Richard Aired
. . Robinson
. December
Anne Hey & an infant of Franscis Shaw
Richard s. of LawTence Bradshawe of y® Hope
gent (drowned)
Elizabeth Boardman I January
Doax)thie w. of Edmund Duckenfeild 9 >

Elizabeth w. of Thomas Wroe

Robert s. of William Smith of y® Boothes
Elizabeth infant of Henry Redforde 17 „
AKs Vallentyn/e of Hasle'hurst wydowe .. 28 „
John Thornicrofte from \P Piggats 29 ,,

Martha Holland & Ellin Birch 30 „

Infant of Thomas Irlam de Hikon Lane 31 -.

Margret Waleworke 8 Febniary

Alls Wroe 13 „
Infant of William Irlam 17 „
Anne w. of Henry WaJ'eworke . . 19 ->

Infant of John Jackson 21 „

Edmund Mort 22
207 Anne Wroe wydowe
Margret Ba^lo^\e wydow 24 ,,

. . . Landsidall 26 „
Ellin Edge 2 March
. . . Boardman of Holloocloogh wydow 3 „
Alls Tildesley 6 „
John Redford
Purchased from ebay store retromedia

Thomas Holland 1 March
Arnold Thirlewynd 1
^^ "
John Pol'lct
Elizabeth Partington

Ebay Store retromedia

Thomas HaM ^^ "
^^ "
Elya Johnson
. wyef of Robert
OuMam 22 „
wydowe 24
Margrefct Collier

26 March
Mary BadoAve a!is Hankins
Infant of Hugh Langshaw ^>>

Franscis Woolsencrofte ^9 >>

gent 3^
John Val'lentjTne of Bencliffe

John Waleworke of Clifton young'

Elizabeth Worsley of y« Boothes
somtyme wief of last M' Worsley of y«
James Peacke
» "
Margrett w. of Richard Polilett

Thomas Hey J3
Thomas Valitentyne at is Tongue 1

Thomas Collier
John Worsley
EMenor Drinkwater wydowe
Infant of Robert Boajdman

Joane Pollard wydowe ^

^ Mav
I fo. 2 08 Thomas Wonsliey • • • • •
• •
I ^
Lane 10
Ruthe d. of John Taylier of Hilton ... „
Robert Hope an infant ^4 ;>

John Williamson ... • - ,

Irlam of Mossliey Comon
Anne i
infant of Thurstan Cook
^ ."
Robert Worsley ... •••
James Wright de Cadwishad ^ "
Joseph Huit an infant
Mary Tongue uiy
Infant of Thomas Moaieton j
Infant of Robert Hayward »

24 „
Raph s. of Jane WaHey (drowned)
EUenor Wright - ;•; ^^ j,-
Joane Edge
Alis Lomas wydowe
Johns, of RobextNicholls ^^ g^-^^^^er
Infant of John Hall ^ ^

Richard Langshawe II
Ellin Huit
Laurence Houlker
Robert Langton
Purchased from ebay store retromedia

I625-I626 BURIALS. [77

Thomas Winrall & Margrett wydow of Hamlet

Boardman 15
George Hardman

Ebay Store retromedia

Issabell Wirall \v}Tdovve
Issabell Barlowe wydowe
Henry inf a nt of Henry Hope
A nine w. of oldJohn Birche of Bromehurst ...

209 Geoirge Worsliey

Ellin Barlowe of Litle Boulton W3'dow
Thomas Hardinan de Peek Greene
Margery Smith wydowe de Brom :

Henry Walieworke of John Waleworke of y®


higher end of Clifton

Jane Widalil of Manton wydow
Atherne Ouldam
Alis d. of John Hey
Anne d. of Edmund Accton
George infanit of Edmund Hardman
William infant of Hughe Chorleton
Beniamin infant of Richard Irlam
Ellin d. of Robert Rogers
Mary Redford wydowe
Ginit Moreton of Barton wydow
Richard Defhishire
Henr)' infant of Hughe Nihill
Joane Accton of Haslehurst
John Birche of Bromehurst
Elizabeth d. of Abraham Seddon
Infant of John Partington of Staniistreete
Infant of James Polliet of Pole
Nicholas Peacke
Thomas Farneworthe & Ginit d. of Roger Fyldes
Alls w. of Roger Fj-Ides
Infant of Hughe Langshawe &
Edmund Barlowe die Pitts found deade by
Linggart Lane
Robert Cooke of Barton &
Jane Pollett infant of John Polfet of Pole
Richard Doodson an infant
Raphe Parren

.10 John Taylier of Hilton Lane
Hugh Millnes
Joseph infant of Edward Adkinson [a poore man
^;'r/cr/(' ///r^//^^//] a straunger
Hughe Crosse
Elizabeth Bent

Purchased from ebay store retromedia


Infant of William Bradshawe Butcher ... 24 April

Adam Bradshawe
Thomas Irlam of Irlam Bengres

Ebay Store retromedia

Richard Seddon
Margerie Smithe of Pendleton wydowe ... May
Thomas Younge
Twoe twimies of Chanties Whittell
Thomas Worsley of Hav'ingham youiiiger Esquire
Richard Vrmston of Wonsiley
John s. of Richard Woodwaird
Johu infant of John. Tildesley June
Marger)- \v. of Hughe Wadsworth
Alis w. of Richard Rohdes
John infant of James HoLland
Katheriu' Farneworthe wydowe
Ellizabeth Norton 23
Margrett Prestwich 16
William infamt of Hamliet Smith
Joane Derbishine w. of George
Margrett w. of John Lowe
Oliuer s, of Raphe Greggorie
Infant of John Taylier of Irlam
Thomas Holilimvorth
Gyles Partington
Roger Wroe
1 fo. 211 Anne Harper y^ of y** Munkes Hall
John, Hey of Swinton more side &
Margret w. of Richard Woodward younger
Edward Bent infant of Humfrey Bent . .

John Pendleton infant of Raphe

Infant of Thomas Warburton of Bromehurist
Edmund infant of Hamlet ptington &: Margrett
Elizabeth Bradshawe w. of Robert of y*" New
Hall wydowe
Olliuer Hollnnde
John & James twimies of James Ottiwells of
Ellin Chapman wydow
Ellin Teliton alis Rocsscowe
An infant of John Landsdall
Purchased from ebay store retromedia

1627 BURIALS. 179

Amy Widall wydow 16
Issabell Deuias wydoAve
Jane w. of William ptington

Ebay Store retromedia

Margrett Hulime
Thomas Haj-ward ats Dayn-e
OUiuer Parrin
Joane Gill'body wydow
Raphe Haughton
James infant of Robert Hoult
212 John infant of George Hurdsf orthe
Infamt of John Presscot
Peeter Haughton
John Ottiwells
James Wright
Infant of Thomas Derbishire & Dorothie .

illigitt :

Hamlet Bent of Hulme

James s. of John Derbishire
Issabell Lightbowne
Hester Jones
Nicholas Valltentyne infant of Randle
Robert Coocke & Thomas infant of Edward
Edmund Dauenpoirt
Elizabeth Balie
Ellin w. of Hughe Wirrall
Infant of William Gee
William Vallenty^ne
William Smith
Issabell Woodward infant of John
Elizabeth Widall infant of Thomas Widall of
Laurence s. of Laurence Hollanide
Thomas Partington
Randle Starckie gent pished in Broomhous lane
in a frostie night
George Widall
John s. of Thomas Lightbowne of Broomhous
lane pished on Swinton More in a stormie
Hugh Cook infant of Thomas
Richard Tongue of y« Hill Topp drowned in a
stormie night
Agnes Parin Wydo'W
Alls Hardman, wydow killed in an old canell pitt
Mary d. of Thomas Doodson
13 Twoe John Basleum
infantts of
Henry Lathum gent

Purchased from ebay store retromedia


Infant of John Chapman 5 February

Infant of John Hnndman 8 ,,

Ebay Store retromedia

Richard Hey (killed) 12 „
Thomas Backster & Mar\^ Bonrdman 14 ,,

ElHni Boandman 15 ,,

John Boardman of Hollooclooghe &

a d' of Nicholas Cleaton of Kersall; 21 ,,

Katherin Alted & John Mason 28 ,,

.... wife of William Tongiie vidua ... i March

Infant of Thomas Irlam of Dayne pish 2 ,,

William Haywood of Bent Lanes 4 ,,

George Andrew infant of George 12 ,,

Ellin Holland of Clifton gent wydow 14 ,,

Infant of John Taylier of Irlam 18 ,,

George infant of George Heape of Laighe pish 25 March
Ellin w. of Roger Whitlegge 2 Aprill
John Linggart (y^ falinge euill.) was drowned... 4 ,,

James s. of John Robinson^ 10 ,,

Thomas infant of James Hope 20 ,,

Richard infant of Robert Tongue 28 ,,

Infant of Arnold Schoales 15 May

Robert Waiil)urtonn 10 June
George Howorth 29 ,,

Cicelie Holland wydow 5 July

Thomas Bradshaw an infant 6 ,

Richard infant of James So rrowcold 8 ,,

.... wife of Gilbert Vnsworth 30 ,,

I /r?. 214 Anne infant of Henry Walework 10 August

Katherin Brereton de Whickleswhick wydowe
gent 23 September
Gytes Hardman of Clifton 28 ,,

George Sorrowcould 13 October

Infamt of Humffrey Birch 26 ,,

Olliuer Bitche younger 30 ,,

.... wife of Richard Irlam of Irlam Greene 3 Xouemlx^r

Sicelie Hey de Bootbes wydowe ,, ,,

Infant of Richard Holland younger 13 ,,

Hamlet Warburton 24 ,,

Infant of Thomas Cooke de Roe Greene ... 30 ,,

Margrett LandsdaM i December

Robert Shriggley alls Irlam 3 ,,

James Lowe 12 ,,

Ellin Lightfoote wydow & Robert Scholes ... 17 ,,

Olliuer Edge 2 Januarye

Katherin Jollie wydowe 16 ,,

Humfrey Wright 17 ,,
Purchased from ebay store retromedia

1028-1629 BURIALS. i8i

Margrett Gee w. of Laurence Gee 19 Januarye

Margrett HoHinworthe 22

Raphe Boardman 27
Infant of Raphe Boardnuui of Clifton

Ebay Store retromedia

Charles Bradshawe of the Pole (hanged himseli)
Humfrey Barlowe webster
AUexander Baxlowe
Roger Smith infant of Peeler Holland a tw inne
James Holland a tvvinne
215 Ellin w. of Myles Moreton
Infant of William Birche
John infant of John Hardman
William Stones
John infant of Thomas Edge
Elizabeth infant of Arnold Smith
Anne d. of Robert Seddon
Katherin d. of John Macleare a Scotishman...
Jane Wardteworthe

Ellin Pilsworthe
Elizabeth w. of Thomas Irlam of Hilton Lane &
an infant of hers still borne
Elizabeth d. of y* said Thomas
Mary d. of Thomas Higginson
Infant of John Derbishire
Humfrey Cooke
Mary d. of Raph Barlowe
Margerie w. of John Lowe
Elizabeth d. of Thomas Smith pish clarke ...

Thomas of Thomas Ottiwells of Tildesley...


Elizabeth w. of Richard Holland of y® Ak'eris

Anne d. of Myles Moreton
Hughe Haughton Margrett Lightboune
Jane Barlowe
John Cooke s. of Adam
John infant of Edward Wetherbie
John Armrod & Mary infant of James Bradshawe
John s. of Edmund Travis
Hugh Meanley
Thomas ffayerclooghe
16 Thomas Moreton Ginit Cooke
Anne Andrew
Katherin Chorleton infant of Hagh
James s. Henry Hilton
Mary Hena7 Waleworke
d. of 7 August
Thurstan s. of Adam Cooke 9 ;>
Purchased from ebay store retromedia


Alis intant nf Pt'fter Wroe 22 August

Elizabeth infant of James Derbishire & Margnett
Worsley 23

Ebay Store retromedia

Roger Partington infant of Hnghe ptington 24 ^

Jf)lin d<? Pa^r foulil 3 September
Jane Hilton wydowe 5
James s. of James Lomas 7 ,,

Katherin Irlam of Eccles wvdow 8 „

Pe1«r Pykc '
Elizabeth d. of Henrj^ Redford II ;>

Anne Carter 13 ».

Katherin \v. of Humfrey Wood 17 ->

William s. of Peeter Boardman 19 ''

Humfney s. of Humfrey Barlowe of Barton-

more syde 14 October
Ginit EcktTsley
John Warmingham 23
Ginit Hale wydow 28
John Hope (killed) 31
Infant of George Piatt 3 November
Thomas Roason 23
Jane w. of Robert Seddon de Boothes ...
3 December
Anne infant of Thomas Cook 5
Thomas s. of James Lomas II
Infant of Peeter Rosscow stiH borne 12
Hurnfrey Harrison a'lis Stopperton 15
Raphe Partington of Litle Boulton 20
ifo. 1 7 Robert Tongue im infant 23
Elizabeth Crabtree 27
Anne w. of Raphe Bradshawe 2 January
Infant of Roger Fyldes
Robert infant of George Holland gent ...

Margrett Huit
John s. of Edward Moreton
Anne Stopperton Wydow
Radcliffe Holland
Thomas Turner 2 February
Wydow of George Piatt 6 ,,

Margrett Millat of Laigh pish 9 ,>

Raphe infant of Raphe Mosse 16 ,.

Infant of Robert Hoult

William Turner of Bent Lanes
William Edmundson & Margrett infant of
Raph Moreton
Mary widowe of Gates Holland of Clifton
(M' John Barlowe Lecturer at S* Peters in
Chester was buried there, tlie eleuenth
daye of January last past 1629)
Purchased from ebay store retromedia

I629-I630 BURIALS. i«3

Infant of Thomas Edge of v" Drv\voo(.l 28 February

Richard Smith (killed) ..'. ..."
Thomas Widall of Ecclies

Ebay Store retromedia

Ellin Derbishire wydowe
Issabell \v. of Thomas Warl)i.uton of Brumehurst
Peter Drinkwater
Ellin \v. of Henrv- Redforde

William Deuias 25 March
William Jones 27
Joane Holecrofte 28 .,

8 Anne \v. of Richard Leuer 16 Aprill

Margrett Boardman -5 )y

Richard Leuer & Aids \v. of Thomas Irlam ... 30 ,,

Alls w. of William Wood 3 May

Alis Benitson wydow 4
Anne d. of Peter Boardman 5 >
Margrett Hey alis Banitt
Ellin w. of Robert Seddon of Pt-ndleburie ... 6
Raphe Widalil 13 >>

James infant of John Harchnan 17 M

Nicholas Robinson 18 ,,

Raphe infant of Robert Bradshawe 25

James infant of John Hardman 29 ,,

Infant of Thomas Vallentyne of Litle Haughton 18 June

William infant of Thomas Cooke de Moss Lane 21 ,,

Mary Atherton 24
Elizabeth Hornibie 7 July
Thomas Piggatt an infant 16
.... iiifant of Robert Heape Autrust
Ellin Cooke 16 ,,

Elizabeth Cheadock 17
Anne WorsLey wydow df Newham 30 ,>

Humfrey Greggorie 5 September

John Tomson 12 ,,

Lssabeil ptington 17 >,

Allexander Doodson 27 ..

Ellin Parre wydowe 30 "

Ellin w. of Raphe Boardman of Swinton 7 October
Thomas Greenes [or] Greeues 13 M
John infant of John pen 18 „
Imin Wright of Cadwishad 30
Robert Andnew Nouember
Infant of John Parre
Margerie Leighe
William Wright of Cadwishad
Purchased from ebay store retromedia


Joane w. of Anthony Lowe &

Ellin d. of Olliuer Birche Nouember
William Bowker of Smith folde

Ebay Store retromedia

Alls Reade
Thomas Linggart 24
Ellin infant of John Smith de Leigh i) 6 December
Elizabeth d. of James, finindye of Hilton Hall 28
Infant of Robert Irlam de Leigh pish 4 Januar)-
Ellin d. of Tho Irlam de Irlam
IssabeTl w. of Richard Landsdall 13
Alice w. of Thomas Johnson Eliin \orton... 15
Elizabeth \v. of Richard Rohdes 29
Elizabeth Cooke atis Edge
Richard s. of William Edge 30
William Cooke de Roe Greene Februar\
Twoe daughters of Peter Bradshaw of Irlam
still borne
Thomas Roithwell
John Derbishire de Pelton Hey
Infant of Ellin Hope & .... still borne...
Elizabeth Houlden an infant
Em Collier March
James Derbishire
James Pol let of y* Pole
William Partington of WorsJey &
Anne Marsh
infant of Ja-mes
Katherin Cooke de Mosse Lame wvdow

Richards, of Edmund Boardman 28 March
Margrett Shepherd 9 April!
Anne w. of George Jones 15
I /(?. 220 Elizabeth w. of William Moreton 17
Peeter Irlam Sc ThuTstan Hey 19
Robert Fyldes 24
John Nickson 27
Joane widow of AHexander Smith of Mosley
Common 5 May
Peeter Gooden Issabell w. of Thomas Schoales
of Pendieburie 24 ,,

Elizabeth w. of Ediward ptington ,, ,,

Sibill Pairen 27 ,,
Katherin Hogge 31 ,,

EUzabeth w. of Wiliiam Crosse 8 June

William s. of Hugh Wadsworth 12 ,,

Sara w. of George Heape ,, ,,

William Vallentyne young' 16 ,,

Thomas Fyldes of Lostock 18 ,,

Purchased from ebay store retromedia


Edward Kash & an infant of John Ottiwells ... 22 June

Jane infant of Robert Heape 27 „
Jane Holland gent 18 July
John Hope of y^ Oldfeild Lane

Ebay Store retromedia

. .
28 ,,
Henry infant of John Derbishire 6 August
Alice w. of Thomas Bradshaw de Fleet 22 ,,

George Piatt 26 ,,
Richard infant of Henry Holden 27 „
Alis d. of Henry Hughes of Straitfordie I September
John HoUande de Intake 5 „
Infant of William Warburton 6 ,.

Infant of John Gooden 16 „

Anne \v. of Richard Wilcocke 17 „
Infant of Thomas Schoales &
Margrett Ouldam illigitt 27 M
I Ellin Trlam de Crofte wydow 4 October
Randle Vallentyne II ,,

Anne HouMen wydow 13 „

Gillian w. of John Woodward 20 ,,

Em infant of George TildesJey 25 , ,

Alis infant of Tho Tildesley

: 1 Nouember
Thomas Schoales of Pendlebury 2 ,,
Ellin Hope of Boothes wydow 10 ,,
Anne w. of John Irlam de Broomhous lane ... 12
John Collier de Chappell
Mary wydow of Thomas Hey de Boothes 13 „
Elizabeth d. of Richard Holland de Akers feilde 23 „
William B\Tom 26 „
James infant of James Chorleton 28 „
Elizabeth Cliueley wydow 29 ,,

Infant of John Pollet 4 December

Edmund Barlowe 18 „
1 Margrett Barlowe de Mosse Yate 22 ,,
Laurence Houlker de Manton theldest 23 ,.
Katherin Landsdall 25 „
Ellin Euerit 26 „
Richard Awin & Robert Bradshawe 4 January
I Margrett w. of Edmund Birche 5 „
Raphe s. of Randle Vallentyne
Ellin w. of Thomas Schoales '..

Infant of Hughe Partinigton

Margrett Markland
Infant of Peter Boardman & Margrett Sutherne

Thomas Boardman filius p'd Petri

John Holden of Stanistreete 24
>222 Ellin w. of George Billinge 5 February
ElUn w. of Hamlet Smith de Crofte 10 ,,

George Jones 13 >,


Purchased from ebay store retromedia


John Birch Jc Bromehursl 4 March

Margrett infant of CJeorg Hurdsford 5
Roger infant of Thomas Chapman .

Ebay Store retromedia

Thomas Litherland of Cadwishad
Infant of Richaird Wright 23 >,

Thomas Cowdall als Haywarde 3 A prill
Ellin \v. ol' Olde William Huit of Eccles 16 ,.

James Waleworke of Clifton theldesit

Ellin Cooke of Roe Greene wydow
Jane Moreton wydow 3 May
Mary Jones
Dorothie w. of George Ouldam
Andrewe Asismall 27
Henry Williamson
Margrett infant of George Seddon
Ellin w. of Henery Hope
Anne d. of Humfrey Barlowe
John Fyldies of Pendlebury
Issabell w. of Richard Landsdall
Raphe Mather infant of Peeter Parker
Henn' Mather infant of Allexand
Thomas Cowap
Infant of James Hardman
Infant of Nicholas Duckworth
Elizabeth d. of Robert Wirraill
Alis wydow of Hugh Irlam
Margrett w. of Richard Lightbowne

Purchased from ebay store retromedia

Ebay Store retromedia

6 James Walworke &
Giixt Hey 8 Male
Richard Cowajxi &
Elinor Worslty 27
Richard Gayle & Kathre Williamsoiie .
4 June
Willia Warde & Margret Grundie 12 .,

Rodger Erlame & Gynet Awen 20 ,,

George Morton & Margret Asmall 2 Julie

Thomas Bibbie Dorethe Widdall I August
Thomas Tyldesley & Margerie Morte ..

Willia ptinton &

Margerie Darbishe I September
Richard Hefeld & Margerie Wright
Thurstan Chapnia & Kathre 20 ,,

Nicolas Bent & Margret Awe I October

Rodger Cope & Agnes Wright II ,,

George Robartson & Elizabeth Wahvork 2^ ,,

Edward Greatcaks & Elizabeth Meanley last ,,

Thomas Pendlton & Magnet GonlyfFe 3 November

5 John Birch Joane CoUiar
John Wilson Dorithe Twist 20*
Robart Houlden An Cloughe 26*
John Lightowfers et Joan Maso 3 Februarie
WiUiam Smyth et Ales Valentyne ...
William Mosse & Ellen Awine
John Bordman & Margerie Edge ...
John Leighe & Margerie Sergant ...
Humfrey Devias &: Kathre Erlame
7. 6 Henrie Mort Thomas Hulton f
Thomas Mather of Leigh pishe
Thomas Massie Raphe Morton ...
Robart Proudlove Thomas Robartsone
Rodger Roile Willia Holland
Robart Gregorie Adame Hukne ...
Henrie Tonge Willia Johns
John Bybbie Hugh Meanley
Peter Houlden

* The name of the month is not given.

t The name of the luoman omitted from the marriage entries for some years
from this point, as also the date other than the year.

Purchased from ebay store retromedia


I /<?. 7 M' John Parr Willia Aired

Ebay Store retromedia

Robart Ratclyffe Geffrey Bordma
John Shalcrosse Hughe Warde ...
Willia Eccarsley Raphe PresroW ...
Edward Worsl'ey Edmude Chetame
Jame.s ffyldsRichard Cowap
Thomas Phillip Pomfret
Baiiie ...

Peter Mather Oliver Hevvarde

Thomas Johnsone Thomas Bradshewe
George Mortone Thomas Bibbye
John Livsey Nicolas Rolinsone ...

John Whitticar Edward Wirrall ...

George Carinton John Coliar

Raphe Sm}the John Dickansone ...

ffranchis Haughton Hamlet Ashowen

Nicolas Leiche William Woodd ...

Edward Pendltoii vicar

Richard Holland George Standfey
Humfrey Foxe John Leche
Thomas ptinton James Chedocke
William Yate John Radeclyffe
Thomas Janian Richard Landsdall
Willia Grundie William Bent
Thomas Tomson Robart Coke
John Hollande John Barlowe
George Valentyne Peter Cowape ...

Edward Cawdrey

Rodge Vriansone George Hamsone
Thomas Valentyne Robart Smythe
Thomas Coliar Hemrie Woodde ...
Willia Lowes John Wilsone
Robaxt Edge Randle Williainsone
John Bradshawe Willia Hewet
John Jacsone Oliver Darbishire ...
Nicolas Seddon Richard Knott ...
Robart Charnock Charles Ducket
James Mort Thomas Erlame
Thomas Edge Richard Sanderson
Willia Bowney George Sweetlove . .

John Pollet Willia Cloughe

Purchased from ebay store retromedia

I57I-1573 MARRIAGES. 189

James Birche & Elleri' Nedom 6 Male
Hughe Rik & Luce Bradshewe

fo. Ebay Store retromedia

Tliomas Thirlwinde &: Elizabeth Widdow
8 John Marshe & Isabell Newtone
John Cooke & Ellen Thirlwinde
3 June

Thomas Wirrall & Cisly Feddo

Hughe Taylior & Margret ptinton
Arthur Hope & Elizabeth Hey 12 August
Thomas Ouldame & ^largret Bradsbe ., 26
Thomas Lanptey [or] Laupley
William Holland &: Ginet Lightbowne .

Rodger Rediche & Margerie Devius

Edmude Radeclyffe & EUzabeth Bradshevv
Richard Woodworthe & Elizabeth Langley
Nicolas Rothwell & Letis Meanley
Humfrey Baguley & Cisly Acton
Thomas Meanley & Ales Pilsworth
Thomas Cooke & Joan Cook
John Morton & Ellen Hartley
Thomas Byra & Elizabeth Skipton

WiUiam Widdall & Aii Boulton
Willia Hewood & An Smyth
Richard Widdall & Elizabeth Edge
John Aired & Joan Drinkwater
Edward Bexwicke & An Langton
Hughe Chourton & An Ashton
Willia Coliar & Margret Tonge
James Smyth & Elizabeth Tayliar
Henrie Harp & Joan Holland
Gyles Benis5 & Margret Pendlto
Richard Drinkwater & Margret Fletcher
John Hardma & An Clyfley
John Peele & Elle Jacson
Hughe Burie & Ales Awe
Willia Turto& Hele ptinton
John Smjth & Elle Digle
John Cowape & Elizabethe Sedd5
Willia Withingto & Elizabeth
Robart Cholerton & Elle Awen

Purchased from ebay store retromedia


Geffrey ptinton Robart Smyth

Willis Bradshewe Rodger Smjthe

Ebay Store retromedia

Richard Shawe Slade ...

Adam Ouldame John Tonge

James Hoi)e Thomas Meanley
Thomas Acton John Bordman
John B)Tche Adame Hindley

I /fl. 29 Alixander Ouldam et Alicea Mather
Hamletus Smyth et Jana Byrch
Egidius Cooke et et [sic] Elizabetha Wonsl-ey
Guilielmus Warberton et Ana Worsley ...
Rodgerus Thirhvimd et Margeria Cheshire
Guilielmus Barlawe et Ana Tyldsley
Humfridus Barlowe et Margreta Hulme
Johannes Turner et Ana Hey
Petrus Tonge et Elizabetha Pare
Henricus Grundie et Issabella Tonge ...
Charolus Gylessone et Joana Seddo
Thomas Bodkinge et Issabella Wart5 ...
Johannes Marsh et Elinora Waxberto ...
Radulphus Darbishire et Margreta Bordmane
Robartus Clarke et Aiia Widle
Adam Hope et Margeria Worsley
Robartus Leach et Cathrena Widdall ...
Guilielmus Thomasson et Joana Eccarsall
Johanes Litherland et Ana Bordma
I /(?. 30 Humfridus Bent et Cislea Barlowe
Thomas Burie et Ana Mason
Johannes Acton et Margareta Orphewe . .

Hugo Erlame et Elizabetha Cowape

Nicolaus Lawrencson et Issabelia Langshall
Guilielmus Cooke et Jona Pollet
Johannes ptinton et Cislea Holland

Johannes Worsley Jenet Richardaughter
Thomas Barlowe et Cathrena Drinkwater
Petrus Edge et Issabella ptinton ...

Hugo Harwood et Elizabetha Choughe . .

Guilielmus Chedocke et Cislea Butterworthe

Robartus Barlow et Cathrena Mather ...

Vnsworth et Margeria Couldaw

Johannes Erbm et Elinora Holland
Richardus Thomasson et Margerie Valentyne
Johannes Heworthe et Betricha Fletcher
Purchased from ebay store retromedia

I575-I578 MARRIAGES. 191

Jacobus Sandeforthe et Margreta Hardman 2 Octobris

Randelus Rider et Elena Greaves ... 14
(Uiilielmus Boidell et Joana HolkeT 16 „

Ebay Store retromedia

Guilielmus Peak et Margreta Coliiar 18 ,,
Thomas Aired et Cathrena HoHand 20 ,,
Lawrentius DigLe et Margareta Seddori'
Thomas Widdall et Janwi ptinton ... 21 Februarie
Charolus AsPeyet Ana Cowpine

Nicol'aus Thirlwinde et Mauda [or] Manda
Dudsonie 30
Edmudus Robinsone et Elizabetha Worsley ...

Arnoldus Drinkwater et Margareta WadswoTthe

Rodgerus Morton et Elizabetha Furth
Guilielmus Holland et El'ena Siddall
Johannes Ridings. & Margareta Hey
Rodgerus Taylior et Ema v.\' Thomae ptington
Radulphus Jacson et Joana HefFelt
Thomas Seddon et Jana Ardron
Gadfrido Dumbell et Alicea Hughes
Jarvasius Johnson et Elizabetha Cooke
Radulphus Bradshewe et Margareta Meanley
31 Oliverus Johnsone et Alicea vx' Guilielmi Gee
Thomas Meanley et vx' Jacsone
Johanes Landsdal'l et Sislea Widdall
Johannes Cooke et Lssabella Darbishire
Johnhannes Cromton et & [sic] Elinora Roscowe
Edmijdus Barlowe et Alicea Barlovve
Robartus Wright et Ana Hoojx;
Nicholaus Valentj'ne & Alicea Smethrers

Robartus Hindliey et Margreta Worsley
Johannes Vosse et Margreta Worsley
Jacobus Taylior et Margreta Wright
Arnoldus Mort et Elizabetha Barlowe
Johannes Hoope et Elizabetha Taylier
Henricus Tonge et Elizabetha ptingtone
Willielmus Bordma et Eliz : Hardma
Hamlettus Wadsworthe et Eliza Jones :

Johannes Wostencroft et Eliza Hulton. :

Richardus Thurhvinde et Kathrena Hill

Purchased from ebay store retromedia


Thomas Pollet & Dorothea Worsley 27 May

Thomas Colear et Alicea Smythe 5 ,.
Oliverus Hulme & Jana Johnson

Ebay Store retromedia

Thomas Roscowe & Elena Jacson
Johannes Langshall
Rodger Asley et Ana Knight
et Issabella Hurst ... 2

Johannes Winterbottome & Alicea Barlo^Ye

Johannes Tonga & Kathrena Byrch 27 Juhj
Henricus Hey & Kathrena Barlowe
I /^. 32 Ric ffyles & Ana Seddon
: 24 August!
Jacobus Tyldsley et Jona ffyles 25 ,,

Johannes Cooke et Ellena Bordman 30 „

A Rehearsall of all they Mariages

fo. 259 Imprimis Robartus Smythe et Sibilla Bent . 5 Februarij

Jacobus Smythe et Elena ptingtone 6 „
Georgius Clarke et Issabella Worsley ... 21 Maij
Thomas Waleworke et Maria Damport ... Junij
Thomas Parker et Margreta Browne
Jacobus Lowe et Margreta Crooke Julij
Richardus Hale et Dorothea Heyward ... August i

Adamus Pilkintone gener et Margreta Smyth

: Novembris
Hugo Ouldame et Alicea Byrche
Thomas Thirhvinde et Elizabetha Horwiche..
Johaiies Johnsone et Jona Holland Decembn.'
Andreas Piatt et Margeria Hodgkinsone et
Johanes Gregorie [et\ Jona Renshew 10 ,,

Thomas Cooke et Elizabetha Williamsone .. 17 >>

Jacobus Tonge et Issabella ptingtone 4 Januarij

Simione Whithead et Margreta Johnsone 22
Thomas Scholes et Ana Meanley 19 Febniarij
Thomas Wostencrofte et Margeria Drinkwater
Alix' Brooke et Cathrena Radeclyffe

Thomas Yeat Cathrena Harisone
et 14
Jacobus Withington et Joana Drinkwater 9
Jacobus Marshe et Alicea Hey 16
Jacobus Redford et Alicea II
Henricus Jacsone et Jana Bradshewe
Robartus Hindley et Ana Wright
Jacobus Mustard et Margreta Walkden
Johanes Chetame et Eliz Tyldsley :

Thomas Ouldam et M

Thomas Hardma et Alicea Devias

Hugo Barlowe et M

Purchased from ebay store retromedia

I582-I584 MARRIAGES. 193

Johanes Holland et Elena Hardman II

Richardus Wadsworth et Margreta Holker . .

Hugo Shacrosse et Jana Pendltone

Ebay Store retromedia 1583.

Jacobus Leighe et Sybilla Cowape
Guilielmus Haughton et Elenora Doson
Guilielmus Wodd et Alicea Lightbowne
Gillielmus Turner et Joana Wright
Egigidius Wahvorke et Helena Billine
Radulphus Crosbie et Margeria Morton
PhiJlippus TraflFord et Helena Dikons
Guilielmus Horrocks et Amria Warburton ...
Hamletus Gilbodye et Jona XeAvton
Johannes Geie et Elizabetha Thirlwinde
Christopher Entwisle et Issabella Woodward
Thomas Holland et Elena Bordma
Thomas Wirrall et Helena Yeast'
Guilielmus Pendlton et Maria Ashton
Edmudus Woddword et Margreta Shelmerdyne
Robart Ravold et Edge
Ranulphus Awen et Elizabetha Thirlwind ...
Thomas Wirrall et Luce Awen
Lawrentius ptington et Maria Irlam

Ranulphus Awen etMargreta Eccarsley
Georgius SmN'th et Elena Morte
Johanes Valentyne et Margeria Roscowe
Jacobus Widdall et Helena Valentyne
260 Richardus Downes et Helena Hulton
Thomas Nowell et Jana ptington
Richardus Peake et Jana Cheshire
Richardus Smythe et Jana Batt
Thomas Bealye et Jana Scott
Thurstanus Eccarsall et Eliza: Lightbowne...
Robartus Barlow et Issabella Johnsonne
Thomas Xeedome et Cislea Awen
Thomas Pollet et Elena Holland
Johanes ffayercloughe et Jona Horrocks
Edmudus Hey et Margeria Bent
Thomas Edge et Jana Williamsone
Jacobus Knight et Jona Perin
Richardus Lightbowne et Margreta Olyffe ...

Johanes Perine et Ana Cowape

Edvardus Morton et Jona Turner
1 Thomas Tyldsley et Jona Edge

Purchased from ebay store retromedia


Thomas Eylds et Issabella Valentync ... ... II

Ebay Store retromedia

Thomas Thomassone el Ana Mather
HL-nricus Hey et Alicea Si)akmaii
Richardiis Holdeii vt Margreta Tonge ...

(iuiHehnus Smyltie Ensworthe

et Ts.sabella
Richardus Smylhe et Jona Turner
Thomas Greenes et Jana Irlame
Lawrencius Twiste et Cathrena Bordma
Henricus Hojx- et Ana Troppe
Rirhardus Smythe et Jona S'hawe
Jolianes Bradshew et Margeria Aired
Ra(UiIphus Hodgkinsone et Elena Aired
Richardus Jacsone et Scolicrofte
. . .

Johanes Lightbowne et Maria Ridings ...

Adamus Rothwell et Cathrena James daught
Humfrey Byrche et Eliza Shelmerdyne:

Jacobus Waleworke et Elincra Bordma

Thomas Widdall et Imina Darbishire ...
Guilielmus Edge et Alicea Darbishire . .

Johanes Smythe et Jona Withington

Pillippus Seddon et Elena Hey

Oliverus Darbishire et Cathrena Roscow
Rodgerus Tyldsleye et Alicea Bradshew
Edvardus Orley et Margeria Byrche
Edvardus Warburton et Jana Sheppard . .

Rodgerus Whitledge et Eliza Warburton :

Thomas Holcrofte et Alicea Bradshew ...

Richardus HardmaU' et Jana Waleworke
Thomas Slade et Margreta Gooden
Johanes Pilswortlhe et Margeria Smythe
Edmudus Ho]>wood et Eliza Morte :

Richardus Worsley et Helena Bradshew

Petrus Bradshew et Elizabetha Lin^ art
Thomas Barlowe et Helena Wroe
Richardus Synglton et Ana Irlame
Guilielmus Bradshew et Elizalietha Andrew

Dionisius Holland et Cathrena Wirrall ...
Christopherus Scholes et Margreta Peele
Robartus Seddon et Elizabetha Morris ...
Purchased from ebay store retromedia

I588-I590 MARRIAGES. '95

Johanes Hollimvorthe Maria Seddon I Septembris

Johanes Crosbie et Joana Smyth 23 „
Guilielmus Roscoue et Helena Morton 14 Octobris

Ebay Store retromedia

Johanes Heyward et Elizabetha Morton 12 Novembris
Robartus Ouldame et Joana Pendlton 24 ,,
Thomas Lingart et Margreta Manne 9 Decembris
Thomas ntingtone et Issabella Bordman 15 ,,
Thomas Smythe et Cathrena Wadsworthe ... 22 ,,
Richardus Morton et Margreta Bent 20 ,,

Nicolaus Burie et Jona Fylds 20 April is
Richardus Wright et Jona Gooden 27 ,,
Radulphus Gibson et Margeria Ridings 8 Maij
Johanes Slade et Eliza Bordman :
18 ,,

Humfridus Divias et Jana Bradshewe I Junij

Thomas Roscow et Cathrena Mort
0. 261 Hugo Nedome et Elizabetha Mort
Richardus Martland et Joana Twist 13 „
Georgius Hardma et Alicea Guilbodye 20 ,,

Edmudus wScholes et Margeria Andrew 30 ,,

Richardus Asley et Cathrena Rothwell 20 Julij
Robartus ptington et Issabella Rauffs 21 ,,
Johanes Gregorie et Margreta Turner 30 Augusti
Jacobus Bradshew et Cathrena Higginsone ... 10 ,,
Jacobus Watmouthe et Margeria Hanson 18 „
Hamlett Bradshew et Alicea Heiffeeld
Hamletus Hanvood et Elena Sedon 8 Septembris
Guilielmus Lightowlers et Elena Batte 4 Novembris
Jacolms Widdall Dorothea Burton
et 23 „
Adam Pelton et Sibbila Whirro
Robartus Jepson et Margreta Ward 12 Januarij
Rodger Pendlburie et Cathrena ptington 11 Februarij
Guilielmus Wigan et Joan Johndaughter 16 ,,

Richardus Holland et Elizabetha Barnes

Johanes Darbishire et Joana Jacsone Martij

Jacobus Chourton et Alicea Travis 4 Maij
Johanes ffayercloughe et INIargeria Haughton
Johanes Byrch et Joana Turner 31
Robartus Houlden et Ana Digle
Richardus Sindrels et Elena Bu'ckell
Giyeles' Hey et
Adam Sedon Elena Baguley
Jacobus Grenhoughe et Elizabetha Ward
Oliverus Johnsohe et Joana Turner
Thomas Digle et Ana Chapman

Purchased from ebay store retromedia


Thomas Byrche et Elena Deanc I

Richaixlus Smylhe et Alicea Widdall

Thomas Williamsonc et Jana Pendlhurie

Ebay Store retromedia

Peter Waleworke et Cathrena Williamsone
Tymotheus Williamsone ot Syslea Lightl)owne
Guilielmns Sturrupp et Joan<a Chapman
Johanes Trlame et Joana Bent
(luilielmus Saundersone et Eliza: C'hetame
Georgius Smyth Margreta ShoAvsmyth
Pvdmudus Hey Elena Irlame
Hugo Harwood et Elena Roscowe
Richardus Dosone et Alicea Thomasone
Peter Drinkwater et Joana Shawe
Thomas Aired et Helena Smythe
John Scholes et Dorothea Turner

Jacobus Lowe et Ana Higginsone
Peter Rigbie et Issabella Gregorie
John Scholes et Ana Tyldsley
George Harper et Elena Pilsworthe
Hugo Roscow et Alicea Parr
John Rosone et Margreta Dicsone
Thomas Travis et Elizabetha Holland ...

John Peake etElinora Erlame

Thomas Darbishire et Elena Heye
Christopher Sharpls et Joan Orphewe . .

George Fletcher et Margerie Lightbowne

James Waleworke et Issabell Bradshewe
Thomas Darbishire et Eiiie Bnrdimil

Richard Jamessone et Jane Morton
Otes Bradshew et Alicea Pendlton ...
Robartus Tonge et Joane Burie
Raphe Heward et Helena Knight ...
Hamlet Warburton et Eline Warburton
Richard Schowfeld et Alicea Bordman .

William Jamesone et Anc Yate

Raphe Holland et Elline Parr
Richard Irlame et Ane Sm}i:he
I -fo. 262 Oliver Birche et Jane Gilbodie
James Hulme gener et Eline Eordma
: .

John,Walker et Elizabethe Wroe ...

William Valentyne et Isabell Cowpe
Henrie Hale et Elizabethe Devias ...
Robart Collar et Dorothe Banes

Purchased from ebay store retromedia

I592-I593 MARRIAGES. 197

John Darbishire Margret Yeate

et 29
Peter Hilton et Margreta Darbishire
John Morton et Joan Harisone
Richard Valentyne et Joan Roscowe

Ebay Store retromedia

Michaell Seddon et Eliza: Rothwell
Johii Chourton et Jona Warslev
Hamnel Smythe et Dorothe Warburton ...

William Orphewe et Jane Heye

Lawrentius Dunsture et Eliza Haughton :

Ailx' Ouldam et Cathrena Holland

Otho Holland et Eliza: Heye
Williana Parr et Eliza Hulton:

Carolus Woodwort et Eliz Dombell :

George Roscowe et Margreta Edge

William Morton et Ana Harwood
Alix' Clyfley et Eliza : Spakman
Rodger Hvet et Alicea Roscowe
Elizeus Einsworthe et Jona Valentyne ...
Rodgerus Spakman et Alicea Darbishire
Thomas Wirrall et Issabella Fyldes
Adamus Asmall et Eliza Tonge :

Richard Hardman et Helena Turner

John Radclyffe et Ana Grimshawe
I^chard Bent et Eliz: Wright
Arthurus Hulton et M'greta Chorlton ...
John Hey et Eliza: ptingtone
Richard "Sm>-the et Jana Cooke
Thomas Holland et Eliz Pendlton :

Hugo Darbishire et Ana Sedon

Edmudus Leighe et Joana Cooke
Jacobus Hope et Eliz Ocklesshawe

Richardus Cowape et Margret Heyward

Johanes Robinsone et Margreta Haughton
Johanes Smyth et Ema Erlame
Johanes Harisone et Helena Pendltone ...
Richardus Sharpls gen et Helena Holland

Richardus Cowape et Eliz: Gaskine

Richardus Irlame et Cathrena Jones
Johanes Pollett et Ana Knight
Nicolaus Smyth et Maude Wright
Raphe Parren et Issabella Robinsone ...
Robartus Higginsone et Ana Bradshewe
Radulphus Knight et Ana Bordman
Henricus Tonge et Eliz Darbishire : . .

Alix' Bradshewe et Alicea Radclyiife

Jacobus Hulton et Eliza Thropp
Purchased from ebay store retromedia


Radulphus Mather et Joiui 01) ffo
Hugo Roscow et Margreta Morton

Ebay Store retromedia

Johanes Barlow et Margreta Bradshew
Thomas Fyl'dis et Jona Hvit
Robartus tavlior et Margreta Baguley
Humfridus Barlow et Joana Barkbie
Thomas Seddon et Margreta Bordmaii

Robartus Partingtone et Alicea Billinge
Johannes Parren et Elena Barlow
Guilielmus Chapman et Sislea Scholes
Rodgerus Bradshew et Dorothea Williamsone et
Thomas Aughtone et Elena Trlame
Henricus Hamletsone et Eliza Bradshew ... :

Seathe Jollve et Cathrena Wirrall

Guilielmus Pollet et Jana Fylds
Johannes Hey et Ana Wroe
Guilielmus Masone et Elena ptingtone
I fo. 263 Robartus Holland et Joana Fearnesyde
Johanes Smythe et Joana Renshew
Nicolaus Grymshall et Eliza Loton :

Rogerus Hulton et Jana Jacsoiie

Jacobus Acton et Issabella Barlowe
Johanes Prescot et Ana Parren
Johanes ptington et Ana Heffeeld
Thomas Chedocke et Alicea Marsh

Nicolaus Barlowe et Cathrena Guilbodie ...

Edmudus Boulton et Maria Waleworke

Jacobus Smythe et Ana Ouldame
Johanes Hollinworthe et Ana Parre
Oliverus Bamford et Ana Wonsley
Edmiidus Worsley et Eliza Bordma :

Radulphus Barlowe et Ann Drinkwater

Richardus Hulton et Jona Cooke
Guilielmus Pollard et Joana Chetame
Dionisius Holland et Elizabetha Holland ...

froan the Year 1597 to the Year 1632 no

Register is to be found
This Observation is founded on Mistake
Examine well this Register & very few if

any att all will be found deficient

Sept' 4 1803 William Radclyffe
Rouge Croix
Pursuivant of Arms
Purchased from ebay store retromedia

i6oo-i6o2 MARRIAGES. 199

^•45 Xom : eoru .... copulatoru Ao dni 1600
et 24° die Februarij eiusdem

Ebay Store retromedia

Radulphus Mather et Anna Peefe 24 Feb
Hugo Milnes et Letis Thomasdaughter

Witlmus Smith et M'gareta Eckersley .. 26
Georgius Horrich et Hekna Haworth
Witimus Wodd et Dorotheia Barloe
Jacobus Berloe et Helena Morton' ...
AHx' Smyth et Jona Hooper
Randle Hope et Jane Sweetlove
Witimus Vrmston et Alicia Lommas

Purchased from ebay store retromedia


Jacobus Taylior et Cathrena Tyldijiey ... II

Thomas Liglitbowne el Cathrena Bradshew
Richardus Hunte et Elizabetha Massie . .

Ebay Store retromedia

Michaelis Seddon et Alicea ffilds
Thomas Dunsture et Ana Bradshew
Thomas Irlame et Helena Barlowe
Johannes Piatt et EHzabetha
Jacobus Charlessone et Margret Smyth ...
I ffl. 46 Radulphus Jacsone et Sislea Bexwicke ...
Johannes Darbishire et Margreta Bordmane
Edmudus Mort et EHzabetha Piatt
Rol)artus Hale et Ana Actone
Thomas Dudsc)ne et Elizabetha Tyldsley
(luilbaitus Pan" et Helena Valentyne

Thomas Newell et Jana Sutton
Thomas Hope et Alicea Tonge
Johannes Actone et Ana Darbishire
Hugo Lethwate et Cathrena Bordma
Johannes Brabine et Maria Bell
Richardus Leache et Ellena Holland
Robartus Fildes et ffrancisca Holland ...

Guilielmus Hewort et Alicea Hewoode ...

Thomas Roile et Aiia Scholes
Thomas Edge et Dorothea Willia daughter
Adamus Smythe et Helena Holland
Gualfridus Lithgo et Ana Grundy
Johannes Partingtone et Alicea Darbishire
Alix' Wilcoke et Joaiia Mee
Petrus Rodgersone et Ema Mee
Thomas Roile et Elizabetha Awene
Guilielmus Butler et Cathrena Hoope ...
Edwardus Hampsone et Maria Hiltone ...
Thomas Barlowe et Cathrena Gregorie et
Humfridus Bent et Elizabetha Heyward

Richard Valentyne et Erne Cooke
GuiHelmus Robinsone et Issabella Bradshewe
Radulphus Cleyton et AHcea Vrmstone
Verte ad folliu decimu octavu
I fo. 81 Richardus Scholes Jacsone
et Cislea
Thomas Smyth Margeria Wadlworthe
Thurstanus Rolinsone et Issabella Asmall
Henricus Radeclyffe de Langley et Elizabetha

Purchased from ebay store retromedia

1604-1605 MARRIAGES.
Thomas Crosbie et Margreta Acto 22 Julij
Guilielmus Hej-ward et Margreta Bent ... 13 August
Heiuicus Walkden et Elizabetha Carsleye 16 ,,

James Burie et Cathrena Meanley

Ebay Store retromedia

-3 "
Elizeus Tonge et Alicea Worsley 27 -'

Oliverus Holland et Eleiia BjTch 22 Septembris

Oliverus Roscow et Elizabetha Bradshew
George Hulme et Ana Tetlow 6 Octobris
Thomas Holland et Ana Digle 8 M
Jacobus Darbishire et Issabella Mortone 31 M
Georgius Hale et Johana Howlker 12 Novembris
Ric Barlow et Elizabetha Darbishire ..
13 ,y
Richardus Houlden et Ellena Partingtone
Andreas Asmall et Margeria Eckersleye..
Thomas Warl)erton et Alicea Seddon .. 7 Decembris
Thomas Brabine et Ana Reditt II .,

Richardus Aired et Alicia Devias 18 ,,

John Devias et Ellena Devias ...

Adamus Cooke et Joana Tyldsly 23 January
Robartus Charlesone et Alicea Hey II February


Tho : Barlow et J^linora Tonge 6 ApriHs

82 Petrus Johana Bordma
Tonge et 21 ,,

Richardus Robartsone et Ellena Acton .. 24 „

Johanes RadeclyfFe et Sislea Hunt 28 ,.

Abrahamus Vnsworth et Ellena Barlowe 13 Maij

Johanes Barlow et Elizabetha Redford .. I Junij

Georgius Parr et Aiia Acton 14 Juhj

Johafies Norris et Jana Hey 25 ,,

Adamus Hope et Johane Lightbowne .. 20 Augusti

Johanes Travis et Elinora Waleworke .. 15 Septembris
Johanes Barlow et Alicea Munks et
Radulphus Bradshewe et Ana Die 29 ,.

Edmudus Barlowe et Ana Holland 26 Octobris

Humfridus Foxe et Dorothea Smyth I Novembris
Humfridus Barlowe et Alicea Byrome ..
Robartus Lawrencsone et Elizabetha Gee et
Henricus .[et] Elizabetha Partingtone
. . 28 „
Radulphus Bradshewe 5 Januarij
Guilielmus Partington et Alicea Westbie
Richardus Hardma Margeria Widdall . .

Thomas Ne\vton Elline Holland

Jacobus Radeclyffe et Issabella Higginsone Februarij
Leonard Digle et Cathrena Sheppard
Johannes VaLentyne et Johana Boores ...
Purchased from ebay store retromedia


Jacobus Pollet et Alicea Pollet 16 Februarij

Rol^artus Hvite et Elinora Singlelone 17 ,,

I^nardus Wadsworthe et IssabelLa Ridings ... ,, ,,

Ebay Store retromedia

I fo. 83 Heirricus Ri'iishewc ct Ana Johnsofie et
Pctrus Darbishire et Alicea Seddon 2 Martij

Georgius Byrch generosus et Ana Heye 13
Josua Dicsone et Cathrena Scholes
Georgius Roscowe et Maria Holland
Randle Valentyne & Sara Harp
Thomas Comis et Elena Gregorie ...
Hugo Burie et Elena Seddone
Thomas Bradley et Francisca Johnson
Johanes Turner et Maria Holt
Thomas Barlowe et Elizabetha Barlowe
Guilielmus Holland et Margreta Higginsone .

Nicolaus Wolstencroft et Margreta Marsh .

Nicolaus Wolstencrofte et Elizabetha Ouldame

Thomas Byard et Hester Eccarsall
Thomas Ashtone et Ana Parren
Ranulphus Jones et Jana Hey
Henricus Shoughsmythe et Elena Meanley
Thomas Bent et Elena Guilbodie
Henricus Cowape et Elena Lee

Purchased from ebay store retromedia

i6o8-i6o9 MARRIAGES. 203

Richard Haughton Jane Gee 4 Aprill
Thurstan Peacke & Em Tildesley
Guilielmus Whitticare et Alioea Bradsheye...

Ebay Store retromedia

Johanes Gieues et Margreta Butler ...' ...

85 Thomas Bradshewe et Cathrena Kempe

Guilielmus Waleworke et Margreta Thirhvinde
Alix' Irlame et Alicea Shawe
Thomas Scholes el Issabella Langtone
Guilielmus Bordma et Margreta Wroe
Johannes Taylior et Margreta Litherland
John Robins et Cathrena Irlame
Robartus Seddone et Jana Lee
Guilielmus Edmudsone et Helena Meanley ...
Henricus Brooke et Ana Hunt
Hugo Taylior et Ellena Robartsone
Johanis Clare et Ellena Smythe
Richardus Wroe et An Partingtone
Thomas Holland et Elizabetha Holden
Johanis Holland et Elizabetha Peake
Thomas Bordma et Margrata Needome et
Petrus Bordma et Elizabetha Hiltone
Johanes Russell et Elizabetha Lightbowne ...
Guilielmus Famworth et Johana Valentyne ...
Richardus Farnworth et Elizabetha Marshe ...
Gualfridus Lethwatt et Sislea Landsdall
John Johnsone et Elizabetha Barlowe
Thomas Pellone [or] Pelloue et Elena Bradshewe
Ranulphus Rider et Elena Newtone

Egidius Turtone et
Johannes NicoUs et Janna Greeues
Johanes Xewtone et Elizabetha Smetherst ...

Johanes Bent et Elena Knight

Robart Wharmby et Elizabeth fitchet
86 Guilielmus Barlowe
Georgius Chadkerke et Elizabetha Houlden . .

Johanes Gooden et Jana Richardsone

Hamletus Sale et Kathre Longton
Elizeus Mather et Margeria Landsdall
Johanes Baguley et Margret Barlow
William Hindley et Elizabetha Hey et
Jacobus Knight et Ellena Awen 12
Thomas Byrch et Elena Scoles 14
Edvardus Bent et Issabella Scoles et
Johanes Reade et Alicea Rothwell 26
Henricus Holt et Issabella Leache 30

Purchased from ebay store retromedia


Thomas Margeria Digle

flfletcher et •
Guilielmus HampsoiK> et Cathrena Awene
Franciscus Hardma et Klleiia Vnsworthe

Ebay Store retromedia

Rodgerus Hey et Margreta Awen
Jacobus Barlowe et Joana Edge
Petrus Ornbread et Joaiia Haworthc
Radulphus Partingtone et Elizabetha Partingloi
Jacobus Savage et Helena Harrisone
Richardus Scholes et Dorothea Widdall

Nicholaus Hey et Ana Woodd
Lawrentius Mort et Ana Mather
Radulphus Jarvis et Jona Sturropp
Johanes Taylior et Johana Worsley
George Irlame & Margreta Knight
Thomas Irlame et Elizabeth Pendltone ..
Jacobus Mortone et Elena Guilbodie
Radulphus Smjth et Maria Irlame
Guilielmus Bradshew et Cathrena Partingtone
Nicolaus Lathome et Ginetta Whithead...
Guilielmus Worsley et Elkna Smyth et
Robartus Rogersone et Joana Roscovve . .

Olivenis Parr et Elena Wright

Robartus Ogden et Issabella Harisone ...
Petrus Drinkwater et Margreta Redford
I fo. 87 Johannes Sutherne et Mageria Cooke ...
Robartus Stocke et Elena Parren
Johanes Foxe et Ana Irlame
Humf ridus Wright et Cathrena Heye

Henricus Tonge et Cathrena Pendltone

Henricus Tonge et Elizebetha Pendlone
Richardus Harxisone et Margreta Widdall
Henricus Waleworke et Ana Davie
Leonardus Darbishire et Ana Tyldsley ...
Egidius Rothwell et Elena Irlame
Johanes Partingtone et Elizabetha Sandersone
Johannes Woodword et Alicea Rothwell
Johanes Irlame et Jana Mosse
Georgius Collenge Elizabeth Gregorie
Guilielmus Valentyne et Alicia Iriam
Robartus Stadishe et Alicia Valentyne filia
Tho Vatentyne de Bennclyffe gen

Johanes Harper et Issabella Edge

Johanes Dosone et Maria ptingtone
Purchased from ebay store retromedia


Johanes Tyldsleye et Elena Sanndersone ... 28 Octobris

Robartus Nowell Margreta Widdall
et 18 Novebri.s
Hughe Grimdye Gracia Aliens et
Guilielmus Backster et Elizabetha Irlame 26

Ebay Store retromedia

... ,,

Andreas Asmall et Gracia Hope 7 Decembris

Johanes Coliar et Ellena Lagtone 14 ,,

Nicolaus Barlow et Issabella Millatt 2 Febniarij

Thomas Smythe et Ana Smyth 23 ,,

Guilielmus Cawdrey et Elizabetha Warburton 24

Jacobus Wilsone et Elena Ridgwitbe 25

Johanes Heward et Elena Awen
Robartus Hardma et Alicea Jamesone
Johanes ffayerclouge et Elena Barrett
Johannes Swindells gener et Dorothea Lathome

de Irlame gen :

Johanes Widdall et Jona Hey

Robartus Letiche et Cathrena ptingtone
. 88 Richardus Street et Jona Martine et
Lacklyne Reanolds et Elizabetha Hiltone
Guilielmus Guest et Cathrena Jones
Jacobus Mosse et Cathrena Baxter
John Heywood et Elinor Gregory
Gyles Wright et Elinor Bradshew
Richardus Drinkwater et Elena Hardma
Jeffrey Holcrofte gen et Jana Tonge gener
: :

Johanes Partingtone et Alicea Loe 21 ,,

Richardus Aired et Elena Piatt et

Thurstanus Waleworke et Margeria Hindley ... 2 Februarij
Thomas Withingtone et E ma Edge 7
Alix' Lightbowne et Elizabetha Seddon et
Lawrencius Gregorie et Ellena Charlessone ... 15 ,,
Jacobus Barlowe et Dorothea Barlowe 27 ,,
.T John Hewood & Ane Warburton

John Richards et Anne Birch 19 Martij

Richardus Rosone et Ana Ouldame et
Richardus Garnett et Elizabetha Woodde
Guilielmus Hvite et Elena Birche
Anthonius Loe et Johana Valentyne
Robartus Edge et Margreta Peake
Johannes Barren et Elizabetha Heiffeeld
Johanes Barlowe et Maria W*''ington
Thomas Taylior et Elena Millatt
Alixander Howker et Elizabetha Peake
,, Richardus Worthingtone et Joana Roscowe
Purchased from ebay store retromedia


Thomas Scholes et Elizabetha Seddon 27

Jcihanes Marshe et Elizabetha Walkden
Richardiis Lee et Elena ptington

Ebay Store retromedia

Guilielmus Hurst et Issabella Johnsone
Thomas Tyldsley et Alicea Haugton
Johanes Holiland et Maria Hulme
I -fo. 89 Franciscus Emersone et Alicea Leache
Jacobus Walker et Issabella Harvvood
Richardus Worsley et Elena Hulnie
Egidius Marsh et Elizabetha Smyth ... .,.

Rodger Bordma et Margeria Saundersone ...

Miles Birche et Alicea Marshe

Thomas Worsley et Elizabetha Landsdall et
Johanes Warburtone et Anna Knight
Jesper Foxe et Margreta Conie et
Edvardus Newton et Thomassina fFoxe
Thomas Bordma et Maria Marecrofte

Christopherus Scholes et Alisscea Bradshewe
Thomas Ouldham & Margret Boardman
Hewe Cooke & Emme Rydeings
John Erleam & Ann ffieldinge
Thomas Prestwiche & Margret Vallentyne ...

Thomas Robin.son & Issabell Barlowe

Robert Landsdall &
Elen Warburton
Edwarde Codrey Dorethie Bely
Robert Pendleton & Elene Hilton
James Smythe & Jane Bury
Edmunde Johnson & Annas Coupe
I /o. 90 Raphe Crosbye & Elen Millat
William Warburton & Issabell Asmall
James Haywood & Custans Guest

William Hulme & Jane Shawe
Thurstan Tyldesley & Anne Sanderson
William Turner &: Anne Gylses
Raphe Barlow & Elizabethe Hope
Roger Pendleberie & Anne Waleworkf
Thomas Pollet & Ellin Fayreclooghe
Richard Boardman & Ellin Warburton
Richarde Wroe & Elen Seddon
Richard Drinkwater & Jane Robinsonn
Roger Waleworke & Ellin Wadsworthe
Thomas Hope & Elizabethe Gerrard
Peeter Knight & Elizabeth Cooke
John Worssley & Anne Gyll
Purchased from ebay store retromedia


John Woodward & Ellin Banckes 24 October

Thurstan Wiiliamsonne &Maigrett Jannie 5 Nouember
91 John Barlowe & Jane Irlam 2 December
Hamlet Millort & Ginit Hindley 6

Ebay Store retromedia

Thomas Hayghe & Issabell Seddonn 9 >>
John Newton & Elizabeth Crossbie 13 Februarie

William Jones & Alis Bente 2 Aprill
James Rosscow of the Dayne pishe Margrett
Collier of this pish 10 June
Thomas Tildesley & Katherin Edge both of
this pish 29
Edward Roasthorne &
Margrett Jannie July
James Harrison & Elizabeth Harrison
Edmund Smith & Marie Riggley ... 2 September
Richard Tounge & Katherin Smith 8 October
Raph Hapvortt & Dorothie Barlow
Nicholas Cleaton of ye pishe of Ashton under 14
Lyme Ellin Bradshawe of this pishe
Richard Woodwarde & Margrett Smithe
Edmund Hoogh & Ellin Johnson ... 28 „
Robert Whittell & Elizabeth Jameses 12 November
92 Richard Parin & Ellin Burie 26 „
Thomas Widall & Margrett Raphes 2February
Peeter Rosscow & Amie Marecrofte 24 „
John Schoales & Elizabeth Man 25 „
John Foxe & Margrett Royle X Marche

Roger Smethurst & Kathein Hogge 22 Aprill
Thomas Wood & Elizabeth Scott ... 28 „
Henry Cowap & Elizabeth Seddon ... 29 May
Laurence Vallentyne & Anne Halle
Raphe Knight & Margerie Derbishire 5June
James Holland & Joane Lyme [Linie in E.T 9 M
John Pollet & Elizabeth Drinkwater 29 M
Richard Waleworke & Katherin Wilson I July
Thomas Diggle & Elizabeth Mortt ... 26 ,,

Thomas Redforde & Ellenor Harwood 3 September

Raph Higginboihom & ThomasI Huyto
John Charlsson & Margrett Hardman 7 October
75 Edward Toppinge & Issabell Vallentyne I December
Myles Bradshaw & Elizabeth Irlam
Robert Smith & Issabell Showcrosse
John Fyldes & Jane Hope 6 January
Edmund Gooklen & Mar}- Seddon ... [I ,,

Thomas Turner & Issabell Dunsture 2 February

John Taylier & Ellin Barnes

Purchased from ebay store retromedia


Edward Delahey &
Jane Eckersall 2 Aprill
Robert Leighe & Dorothie Hilton 11 May

Ebay Store retromedia

William Parre & Ellin Gregorie 17 ,,
Thomas Peele Ellenor Peacke
25 ,,
Awin Sear & Issabell Woodwarde 31 ,

James Peacke & Jane Hey ,, ,,

William Renshaw & Ellin Irlam 2 June
I /fl. 176 Peeter Gregorie & Anne Ouldam i JuFv
Laurence Bent & Alis Parre 12 ,,

James Renshaw & Joane Peacke 17 August

Roger Greenehaughe & Elizabeth Smith ... 29 ,,

Thomas Jackson & Sara Rothewell 20 September

Gyles Edge & Issabell Widdall 21
Richard Peacke & Issabell Ouldam 6 October
George Battersbie & Elizabeth Persiuall ... 27 ,,

Fardinando Shawe & Jane Ouldam 5 November

Thomas Coocke & Franscis Holland 24 ,,

Raph Haughton & Franscis Waleworke ... 8 December

Thomas Turner & Alis Hey 15 ,,
William Wroe & Elizabeth Diggle 28 ,,

John Hasleum & Katherin Drinkwater , ,,

Thomas Stoppard & Dorothie Houldsworth... 27 ,,

Thomas Gee & Elizabeth Irlam 31 ,,

T ffl. 177 James Sorrowcould & Ellenor Irlam 2 February

Roger Taylior & Ginit Cowap 8 ,,

William Wright & Margrett Browne 9 ,,

Thomas Smith & Anne Olyue 25 ,,

George Elcocke & Alis Tounge 9 March

Thomas Lightboune& Elizabeth Woollsencrofte 2 Aprill
Oliver Parre & Ellin Heye 5 >.
Adam Jepson & Jane Holland I Mav
Henry Dunsture & Jane Pendletonn 18
Thomas Hoppwood & Alis Williamson
Hughe Chorleton & Ellin Bradshawe
Robert Jackson & Elizabeth Crofte
Thomas Waleworke & Margrett Hollande . .

Fardinando Sharpies & Margrett Birche

Henr}^ Bury & Elizabeth Worssley
Thomas Bibie & Jane Widall
John Jeffreyes & Katherin Moreton
I /(7. 178 Henry Knight & Elizabeth Barlowe
George Byrom & Dorothie Jackson
Raphe Moreton & Marie Vrmston
Raphe Balie & Alis Bradshawe
John Woodburne & Joane Younge
Laurence Houlker & Katherin Vallentyne

Purchased from ebay store retromedia

1619-1621 MARRIAGES. 209

Thomas Smith & Margerie Drinkwater . .

Peeter Knight& Joane Awin
Raphe Boardman &: Ellin Greenes

Ebay Store retromedia

William Boardman & Joane Vrmston . .

Hughe Partington & Joane Coocke

John Edge & Elizabeth Tildesley

Robert Huit & Anne Debdale
Thomas Eckerssley & Ellin Derbishire ...

George Barlow & Ellin Barlow

Roger Greenhaugh & AKs Waleworke ...

Edmund Hey Anne Crossbie

179 Thomas Fayerclooghe & Katherin Lethwatt
Robert Johnson & Elizabeth Pollet
Robert Bradshawe &Margret Hollande ...
James Adkinson & Marie Assley
William Barrowe & Katherin Arrowsmith
Jeffrey Wright & Ellenor Harison
Richard Vallentyne & Anne Sedon
John Greenes & Katherin Cowap
John Derbishire & Ellin Piatt
John Moreton & Anne Turton

Humfrey Barlow & Joane Barkbie
Edmund Accton & Anne Schoales
Thomas Brooke & Elizabeth Pollet
William Barlow & Margret Halle
John Holland & Issabell Sedon
180 MemorandiJ y* y® 18"" day of May Anno Do:
1606 M' John WTiite being presented to y®
Church of Eccles did read there openly in
time of y® p>eop!e being there, the articles
agreed on by y® Convocation holden An :

1562 and did publish his consent thereunto :

in witnes whereof we have set to our hands

y* day aforesayd
Edmonde Trafforde
Thomas ValentjTie
Wittm Holme
Ro Aynesworth

Rafe Slade Ellys Hey

John Barlowe
X Oliver Darbishire
X John Peake
O Thomas ffildes
Wittm Bame
Robart Cooke
Charles Whittell Curate

Purchased from ebay store retromedia


1/0.181 W/iol/y blank

I -ffl. 182 M"* that the 27"" day of Janvarie in the year of
our L: 16 10 John Jones haueing bene

Ebay Store retromedia

Inducted into the Vicaridge of Eccles the
18"* day of the said moneth of Januarie did
rc-ad the articles agreed vpon by the Arch
bishopps & Bishopps of I)oth Provinces Ao
1562 accordinge to the forme of the statute
pvided in that behalfe & declared his assent
thervnto In Wittnes therof we haue sett to
o' hands the a;*** day of Janv being the

Sabbath day aboue written

Ellys Hey Thomas Irlam
John Barlow Edmunde Goolden
Lawrence Holker
George Howorthe his marke G H
Robert Clivley marke R
Richard Lightbowne marke R L
William Valentyne Roberte Fyldes
John Gee Edmunde Barlowe
Charles Whittell Curate
Thomas Smith pish clarke

I fo. 183 Thomas Warburton & Issabell Partington •• 31
John Wirrall & Ellin Birch .. 21
Richard Clifford & Margret Jackson 4
William Wright & Margret Smith .. II
John Derbishire & Alis Holland
Robert Haward & Elilin Boardman
Thomas Spakeman & Katherin Aired ...

Hugh Belfeilde & Anne Nightingale

Humfrey Birch & Elizabeth Gibon
Edmund Houlden & Elizabeth Eues ...

William Woodward & Anne Birch

Margret Bradshawe
John Parre
& Jinit Smith
James' Grundie
Thomas Wright & Margerie Bury
John Bent & Margrett Nayler
ifo. 184 John Trauis & Anne Aired

John Hey & Franscis Holland
James Pollet & Dorothie Warburton
Laurence Horrockes & ElMn P^osscowe . .

Ottiwell Worsley & Margret Backster

James Lowe & Alis Birtch
Thomas Boardman & Margrett Manecrofte

Purchased from ebay store retromedia

1622-1624 MARKIAGES.
James Knight & Anne Bent 10
Nicholas Marshe & Alis Reddit
Job Guest & Margret Valientync ...
James Bradshawe & Elizabeth Barlowe

Ebay Store retromedia

William Hamson & Issabell Worsley
James Tildestey & Em Williamson ...

Franscis Leighe & Alis Birche

John Buckley & Elizabeth Harrison
John Lightboune & Elizabeth Pollet
John Chorleton & Ellin Parker
William Hurlbut & Anne Tongue ...

Raphe Smith & Anne Partington ...

Thomas Holland gent & Jane Irlam

Richard Deuias & Elizabeth Jeffreyes

?. 185 Heniy Holte Elizabeth Worsley
&; ...

George Waleworke & Aiary Bame . .

Gilbert Halseworthe & Ellin Jeffison

Peeter Cowap & Anne Greenes
William Stones & Ellenor Coocke ...
John Knight & Elizabeth Parre
Richard Tongue & Elizabeth Rydinges
Thomas Pendleton & Jane Vallentyne
John Williamson &: Joane Waleworke
John Cliueley & Joane Coocke
William Worthington & Man- Horrwich
Richard Bridge & Jinit ptington
. ,

Purchased from ebay store retromedia


Richard Bancrofte & Issabell V'allentyne ... 23 November

Edward DrinkAvater & Elizabeth WorsJey ... ,, „
Thomas Wright & Elizabeth Eyldes 2 December

Ebay Store retromedia

William Moreton & Margrett Woolsencroft ... 14 ,,

Thomas Tildesley & Margrett Hilton 19 ,,

I /<>. 187 Richard Kaye & Anne Accton 15 January

Tymothy Williamson & Letis Partingtonn ... 23 ,,
Richard Johnson & Katherin Turner ,, ,,

William Womersley & Amie Halle 10 February

Thomas Edge & Ellin Gee 24 ,,

James Marsh & Anne Barne ,, ,,

Robert Assley & Anne Lether 25 ,

Robert Bradshaw & Margrett Pollet 18
Robert Clooghe & Elizabeth Guest
Richard Barlowe & Anne Barrit
George Johnson & Harbuttle Barlowe ..

Robert Tongue & Imin Widall

George Sedon & Katherin Wirrall
Nicholas Worsley & Joane Johnson
Gyles Benitson & Elizabeth Ratcliffe
George Tongue & Elizabeth Pickeringe .

Thomas Peele& Issabell Bowker

Phillip Osborne & Elizabeth Vailentyne
I fo. 188 Richard Gooden & Alis Seddon
John Hardman & Ginit Burye
Henry Waleworke & Dorothie Howorth
George Worsley & Margret Wirrall
Roger Fyldes & Alis Birch
William Aired & Alis Tongue
John Heaton & Grace Hasleum
Roger Hulme & Ellin Pollard
William Pollet & Joane Cliueley
William Moreton & Anne Wright
James Marecrofte & Alis Taylier
William Huit & Ellin Bibie
Roger Whitlegge & Ellin Cheadocke
John Hasleum & Elizabeth Rothwell
Arnold Smith & Ellin Tildesley
Thomas Barlowe & Elizabeth Bi-adshawe
Hughe Nihill & Mary Hall
William Fishe & Ellin Ashley
William 'Huit & Anne Roeson

I -fo. 189 Richard Sanderson & Alis Waleworke ...

James Partington & Elizabeth Hulme ...

Purchased from ebay store retromedia

I626-I627 MARRIAGES. 213

John Valkntyne gent & Margrett Slighe gent. 17

Edmund Pearson & Jane Hodgkinson ... I
William Younge & Man- Willson
James Johnson & Joane Thirlewynd

Ebay Store retromedia

Edward Hanison & Katherin Awin
James Hope &: Elizabeth Holland
Rich;ud Bradshawe & Jane Clooghe
Hughe Collier & Ginit Pollet
Raphe Hamson & Elizabeth Johnson ...

Roger Tayler & Em Vallentyne

Thomas Tildesley & Dorothie Hey
Humfrey Bent & Alse Bvrom
Olliuer Collier & Katherin Holden
Edward Kemp & Elizabeth Boardman ...

Peter Bent & Em Yate

190 Thomas Schoales & Ellin Adkinson
Thurstan Parre & Anne Irlam
James Gerarde & Ellin Vrmston
Thomas Irlam & Alice Worsley
James Charlson & Ellin Bur)'
Peeter Holland & Alice Waleworke

John Lowe &Alice Widall
Christopher Neeld & Ginit Leuer
William Barlow & Katherin Lowe
John Kaye & Jane Cheetam
George Vallentyne & Margrett Sutheme
John Button & ffranscis Withington
John Presscott & Anne Awin
Myles Bradshaw & Anne Smith
Richard Rohdes & Elizabeth Feildinge ...
William Gee & Ellin Charleses
John Kashe & Anne Bent
Thomas Smith & Elizabeth Clifton
191 Nicholas Duckw-orthe & Dorothie Codrey
Richard Smith & Ginit Waleworke
William Smith & Anne Coocke
John Bradshawe & Elizabeth Wads-worthe .,

Roger Fyldes & Elizabeth Williamson

Thomas Holland & Jane Williamson
Humffrey Newton & Ginit Mort
Richard Holland & Issabell Derbishire
John Woodwaide & Anne Trafforde
Richard Marshe & Ginit Collier
Thomas Holland & Elizabeth Boothe
Myles Schoales & Jane Bullinge
Thomas Horrwiche & Joane Rosscowe
. .

Purchased from ebay store retromedia


Thomas Cooke & Ellin Pollet 25

Thomas Barlowe & Margrett Knight
I jo. 192 Ji>hn Knott & Margrett Wirrall
Hughe Bury

Ebay Store retromedia

Ellin 15 rooke

Thomas Derbishire & Ellin Barlowe

George Smith & Jane Peake
John Partington of Laighe pish Anne
Derbishire of }
° Dayne pish . .

John Hunt & Anne Wirrall

Henry Williamson & Margrett Assmall
Thomas Cook & Alis Hey
Thomas Rogers & Ellin Knight
John Goocien & Elizabeth Houlker
Raphe Collier & Anne Taylier
William Hurst & Anne Bent
Myles Moreton & Elhn Assley
George Piatt & Bridgett Mason
I ffl. 193 Raphe Boardman & Margrett Lethwatt
George Boardman & Alis Cheadock
John Scholes & Anne Greeme
George Shellmerdyne & Ellin Lowe
John Deuias & Issabell Wirrall
Thomas Wroe & Dorothie Bradshawe
Richard Landsdall & Issabell Fyldes
John Carringtonn & Ellin Tildesley
Richard Wigan & Elenor Fisihe

George Holland & Elizabeth Hilton
Richard Kellsall & Elizabeth Barlow ..
Richard Knight & Elizabeth Moreton ..
Thomas Dickonson & Elizabeth Russell
Gyles Rosscowe & Ellin Pollet
John Cheetam & Katherin Worrthington
1 ffl. 194 Thomas Vallentyne & Ellin Rosscowe ..
Adam Grundy & Alis Seddon
Olliuer Worsley & Elizabeth Bromeley .

John Bate & Margrett Barritt

William Brundrett & Ellin Cundliffe ..

Richard Hope & Dorothie Schoales

John Smith & Alis Sharrat
John Pollet & Anne Parre
Thomas Hill & Ellin Reade
Raphe Sneade gent & Jane Downes gent
Hughe Cooke & Ginit Edge
ITiomas Linggartt & Ginit Pollet
.. . .

Purchased from ebay store retromedia

I629-I63I MARRIAGES. 215

Raphe Brad&haw & Anne Wirrall . . I February

Edmund Linggart & Alice Turner ... 2


Ebay Store retromedia

John Turner & Issabell Foxe
Robert Hall & Anne Sutton
John Hughes & Anne Leatche
30 March

[95 Ellis Hey & Mar>' Raddley
John Bradburne & Margerie Hilton
William Gee & Margrett Derbishire
William Peack & Marie Taylier
Henry Houlden & Margrett Vrmston
Nicholas Mosley & Ellin Cooke
Thomas Cheadocke & Ginit Burie . .

Hughe Thomasson & Jane Healde

Peeter Vallentyne & Elizabeth Dixson
Georg Tildesley & Margret Meanley
Thomas Irlam & Margrett JoUie ...
Thomas Eckersall & Ellin Halliwell
Richard Pinington & Is-sabell Pollet
Raphe Pendleton & Katherin Birch

Richard Gee &
Alice Barlowe
Hughe Ditchfeild & Judith Warburton
James Waleworke & Ginit Schoales
John Smith & Boothe Hoult
196 Richard Skipton & Katherin Derbishire,
Edmund Tettlaw & Elizabeth Radcliffe
Robert Hamson & Anne Lightboune
Edmund Greenes & Anne Frithe ...
Randle Makant & Anne Bradshawe
William Crosse & Anne Barlow
Edward Greene & Ellin Marshall ...
John Ormchaw & Elizabeth Broxap
Hener)' Tongue & Dorothie Tongue
Henery Musson & Elizabeth Slater [bot/i] de
Henry Tildesley & Ellenor Waleworke .

James Doodson & Ellin Cooke

Thomas Partington & Elizabeth Newton
John Woodward & Elizabeth Wardleworth
Christopher Singletonn & Alis Knowles. .

Richard Pollet & Mary Hall

!|i97 OUiuer Seddon & Elizabeth Turner pochia de
Thomas Holecrofte & Anne Ouldam
Richard Greggorie & Jane Barlowe

Purchased from ebay store retromedia


Hughe Pollet & Mary Riggbie I May
William Walche & Anne Haywaid 15 ,

Ebay Store retromedia

William Derbishire & Jane Tongue 29 ,,

Thomas Warburton & Anne Birche 10 June

Adani Halle & Mary Bexwike
John Derbishyre & Anne Bent "3 July
John Daniell & Anne Holland 10 ,,

Hamlet Smith & Joane Holecrofte 16 ,,

Thurstan Collier & Katherin Tongue 17 August

Laurence Houlker & Elizabeth Partington 2d, ,>

John Turner & Anne Peres 28 „

Robert Taylier & Anne Smith 4 September
Raphe Crompton & Alice Oggden
xfo. 198 Richard Smith & Margret Edge
Thomas Williamson & Joane Waleworke 11 ,,

William Yate & Anne Clooghe 13 ,,

Thomas Ri(lg^vithe & Joane Smithe 18 „

Adam Turner & Elizabeth Drinkwater .. 24
George Piatt & Anrue Whithead 2 October
John Irlam & Alis Winrall 6 „
Thomas Royle & Sara Barlow 13 „
Vrian Plumme & Elizabeth Barlow 18 ,,

Richard Morris & Alis Hooghe of Boulton 25 ,,

Henery Seddon & Elizabeth Mather 13 Nouember

John Johnson & Izabell Deuias 20 ,,

Humfrey Hardman & Elizabeth Tongue.., 24

Thomas Drinkwater & Elizabeth Smith 27 „
-Richard Brooke & Jane Vrmston 3 December
Richard Holland & ffransces Haughton 4
Hfenery Drinkwater & Issabell Harrwood 31 „
WiUiam Holland & Ellin Vallentyne ... 12 January
Thomas Holland & Elizabeth Lethwood 17 >>

James Tongue & Elizabeth Man 29 ,,

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®l)rtattatt Jlamcs mi ^ntnamts.

Baptisms 7)7). 1 — 105 inclusive.

Bxiriah ,, 106— ISO
Afarriages , 1S7—216 „

Where a name has variants the Head-name has been selected which now
exists or which most closely resembles the modern equivalent. All variants
are separately Indexed with cross references to the Head-name.
Where a Surname has an alias each form of the Surname is Indexed under
its initial letter.
The Christian names are, with some few exceptions, Indexed under their

modern form the first spelling of the name having generally been continued
in connection with the same Surname.
Illegitimate children are Indexed under the Surnames of both Mother and
putative Father.
"N.X.N." signifies "No Christian Name."
An Asterisk following a page number signifies that that combination of
Christian and Surname occurs more than once on the page numbcir asterisked.

Acton— contimied.
Abbott, Jane. 97 ,, John, 2, 4, 17, 46, 52,* 56, 70''
John, 97 71,84, w. of 121, 126, inf. a
135, w. of 143, 168, 190, '
Acton (Accton, Aceton, Actone,
Aghtone) ,, Margaret, 201
see also Augliton, ,, Ralph, 28
Alexander, Eichard, 146
,, s. of 112, w. of 141, ,,

144 ,, Robert, 30
Alice, 19,* 56, 115 ,, Thomas, \v. of 126, 190
Ann, 13, 45, 92, 100, 177, 200, ,, Thomasina, 39

,, William, 5, 28, 120
201, 212
Cicely, 189
Acton, alias Sharocks, Ann, 36
Edmund, 20, 34, 84, 86,* 92, Addingtone, see Adlingtone
Aderton, see Atherton
95, 100. 177, 209
Elizabeth. 20, 70, 95, 120
Adkingsone, Adkinson, see Atkinso
Ellen, 45, 201
Adkinson alias Aired, Ann, 163
„ Adkinsone, Adkinsonn, Adkinsonne,
,, Helen, 108
see Atkinson
,, Humphrey, 39
Adlingtone (Addingtone) James, 34
,, Isabel, 30
,, John. 20*
,, James, 30,* 36, s. of 139, 161,
,, Mary, 34
w. of 161, 164, 198
Aghtone, see Acton
,, Jenet, 143
Aldei-sey, John, 103
„ Joan, 20, 35, 46, 177, 202
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Baptisms pp. 1 —105 inclusive. Burials 106— 1S6. Marriages 187—216.

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Aldersey. Peter, 103 Arderne (Ardron) Jane, 191
Alen (Aliens, Allins) Grace, 205 ,, John, 75
,. Isabel, 9 ,, Robert, 75, inf. of 161
,. James, 97 Arniishew, see Ormishavv'
., Nicholas, 97, 103 Armrod, John, 181
„ William, 103 Arrowsmith, Henry, 104
Allexauders alias Irlam, Ellen, 93 ,, Kathei-ine, 104, 209
,, Thomas, 93 ,, Richard, 96
Allins, see Alen ,, William, 96
Allred, see Aired Arsbott, Thomas, vr. of 123
Almoude, Jane, 9 Ashall (Asshawe) Helen, 132
Aired (Allred, Olred, Oredd) ,, Leonard, 52
„ Alice, 100 Asheton, see Ashton
„ Ann, 36, 38, 76, 93, 210 Ashley, see Asley
„ Elizabeth, 39, 48, 06, 121, 1.D3. Ashoweu, Hamlet, 188
c. of loo Ashton (Asheton, Ashtone, Ashtonne)
„ Ellen, 194 ,. Alice, 106
„ George, 80, 90 Ann, 71, 189
„ Helen, 7, 9 Elizabeth, 42*
., Isabel, 133 Ellen, 44
,, Jane, 33 George, 35, 44,* 54, 62, 106,
„ John, 8, 34, 40, 44, 48, 56,* w. of 121, 125, 154
78, v:. of 116, 140,* 189 John, a5, 108
„ Katherine, 17, 44, 99, 180, 199, Margaret, 54, 56
210 Mary, 52, 67, 193
„ Margaret, 39 Thomas, 13, 44, 47,* 52, 56,
,. Margery, 114, 194 59,* 62, 67, 71, inf. of 141,
„ Ralph, 9o,* 99, 100 inf. of 143,* inf. of 146,
„ Richard, 33, 51,* 56, 68, 73, inf. of 151, d. of 160, 170,
78, 86, w. of 123, 136, w. of 202
144, inf. of 151, w. of 154, .. William. 26
174, 175, 2m, 205 Ashton alias Parrin, Ellen, 44
„ Robert, G8, 116, w. of 160 ., Thomas, 44
„ Thomas, w. of 123, 141, inf. of Ashtone, Ashtonne, see Ashton
146, 191, 196 Ashworth (Ashvrorthe)
William, 33, 73, 76, 93, 100,*
„ ., Elizabeth, inf. of 144
188, 212 „ Ellen, 92
Aired alias Adkinson, Ann, 163 ., William, 92
Andrew ("Andrewe) Ann, 87, 181 Asley (Ashley, Assley) Adam, 30
,. Edmund, 84 ,, Alexander 60, inf. of 151
.. Elizabeth, 194 ,, Ann, 73
,, Ellen, 83, 84, 165 „ Charles, 191
., George, 15. 36. 74,* 77, 83, 87, ,, Elizabeth, 28, 136
90, 94,* 98, 161,* 180* „ Ellen, 212, 214
., Helen, 39 „ Katherine, 81, 86, 168, 169
., Jane, 122 „ Mary,41, 209
,. John, 24, 98 ,, Oliver, 73
Margaret, 33, 77 „ Richard, 30, 37, 50, 81, 86,
Margery, 56, 59, 106, 195 171,* 195
Peter, 6, 12, 112 ,, Robert, 50, 212
Ralph, 8, 59 ,, Roger, w. of 128, 192
Robert, 24, 44, 47, 183 ,, Thomas, 60
Thomas, 28, 40, 44, 47, 56, 59, Asmall (Assmall) Adam, 197
90, 135, inf. of 142, w. of „ Andrew, 55, 186, 201, 205
146. inf. of 149, 165 „ Isabel, 200, 206
indrew alias Dad, William, 120 ,, Katherine, 36
ip Robert, James, 105* „ Margaret, 55, 187, 214
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Baptisms pp. 1—105 inclusive Burials 10G—18G. Marriages 187—216.

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Asshawe, see Asliall Ayneswoith (Einsworthe, Ensworthe)
Elizeus, 197
Assley, see Asley
,, Isabel, 194
Assmall, see AsmaJl Ro: 209

Atherton (Aderton, Athertone)
„ Isabel, 199 B
,, John, 17, 133
„ Mary, 183 Backster, &e« Baxter
Mr.,' 160
Bacon, Alice, 131
Richard, 22
„ John, 34, 131
Atkinson (Adkingsone, Adkinson, Bagulev (Bageley, Bagueleye)
Adkinsone, Adkinsonn, Alice, 67
Adkinsonne) ,, Ann, 8, 167
,, Adam, 91 „ Ellen, 195
,, Ann, 76* ,, Humphrey, w. of 114, 189
„ Edward, 177 ,, Joan, 10
., Elizabeth. 71, 79 „ John, 11, d. of 16, 42,* 58, 61,*
„ Ellen, 213 67, 75, 109, w. of 142, 163,
George, 20, 31, w. of 137, d. of 203
139, 170 ,, Margaret, 198
,, Helen, 21 .. Ralph, 58
,, Isabel, 31 .. Richard, 75, 157
James, 84,* 91, 97, 209 ,, Rose, 199
,, Jane, 20 Bailie (Balie, Balye, Bayly, Baylye,
.. Joan, 166 Bealye, Bely)
,, John, 71, 79, inf. of 149 ,, Cicelv, '161
,. Joseph, 177 ,, Dorothy, 29, 206
,, Katherine, 97 ,, Elizabeth, 95, 179
,, Thomas, 19 ,, Ellen, 131
,, William, 24 ., Helen, 35
Auen, see Awen ,, Jane, 26, 86, 150
Aughton (Aughtone) ,, Margaret, 90
see also Acton, ,, Ralph, 26, 86, 90, 95, 208
Thomas, 198
,, ., Thomas, 39, 193
Thurstan, 2
Baine, see Banes
Awen (Auen, Awene, Awin, Awine, Balie, Balye, see Bailie
Awyn) Bamford, Elizabeth, 40
Alice, 189 ., Oliver, 198
Thomas, w. of 114, s. of 129
„ Ann, 213 ,,

Betrich, 5 Banckes, Ellin, 207

,, Cicely, 193 Bancrofts, Elizabeth, 93
,, Edmund, 27, 144 ,, Jane, 86
Elizabeth, 166, 199, 200 ,, Richard, 212
Ellen, 49,* 50, 187, 189, 203, ,
Thomas, 70,* 102,* w. of 160
205 ,, William, 86, 93
,, George, s. of 124, 125, 140 Banes (Baine) Dorothy, 196
„ Gynet, 187 ,, Thomas. 188
,, Isabel, 106 Banncster, Alice, 12
„ Joan, 22,* 50, 209 Elizabeth, 27

„ Katherine, 140, 204, 213 ,, John, 27

,, Luce, 193 Barkbie, Joan, 23, 198, 209
,, Margaret, 187, 204 ,, Margaret, 142
„ Ranulph, 27, 193* ,, William, 16
„ Richard, 185 Barkwodd, Isabel, 115
,, Roger, 21 Barlow (Barloe, Barllowe, Barlowe,
,, Thomas, w. of 112, 143 Barloww, Barrlow, Berloe,
Ayer, William, 107 Borlow)

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Baptisms pp. 1—105 inclusive. Burials 106— 1S6. Marriages 187—216.


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Barlow, John continued.
„ Adam, 73 44, 45, 51, 52, 53, 55, 56, 58.
„ Alexander, 90, 94, 181 60, 61, 62, 65,* 68, 69, 73,*
.. Alice, 16. 44, 55, 62, 66, 114, 88, 94, 95, 104, w. of 109
191, 192, 215 115,* 117, w. of 117, 8. of
., Ann, 10, 13, 23, 25, 26, 27, 124, d. of 127, w. of 133,
2S, 35, 43, 61, 69, 105, 107, inf. of 141, twins of 145,
111, 122, 126, 131, 134, 137,* inf. of 147, inf. of 152,*
157, 162, 170, 186, 215 154, w. of 157, inf. of 157,
,, Christian, 15 165, 174, 182, 188, 198, 201 *
„ Cioelv, 37, 129, 133, 163, 190 205, 207, 209, 210

„ Dorothy, 9, 20, 2«, 29, 61, 78, ,, Judith, 55

147, 166, 199, 205, 207 „ Katheiine, 2, 18, 141, 148, 192,
,. Edmund. 17, 52, 60, 67, 73,
78,* &5, 86, 87, 89, 96, 101, ,, Lawrence, 133
104, 105, 117, 119, w. of 121 Margaret, 4, 5,
,, 8, 14, 18, 22
135, w. of 143, 177, 185, 191, 2.5,32, 51, 61, 80, 89, 102,
201, 210 107, 109, 175, 185, 202, 203
,, Eleanor, 125 ,, Margery, 58, 113
„ Elizabeth, 23, 34, 36, 44, 47, ,, Mary, 67, 75, 181
49, 56, 58, 85, 95, 191, 202, ,, Maud, inf. of 133
203, 208, 211, 214, 216 ,, Mr., 182
„ Elizeus, w. of 126, w. of 138, Nicholas.
,, 40, 44, 122, w. of
152 136, 141, 148, s. of 148, 160,
„ Ellen, 39, 45, 67, 73, 77, 79, 198, 205
80, 88,* 91, 95, 98, inf. of Peter, 57, 130, w. of 130
158, 164, 165, 169, 177, 198, „ Ralph, 3, 18, 37, 44, 47, 50,
201, 209, 214 57, 61, 62, 68, 75, 79, 82,
„ Francis, 46 84, 86, 87, 90, 94, 110, 122
„ George, 31. 65, 91, 98, w. of 140, inf. of 161, inf. of 170,
129, 148, 209 181, 198, 206
„ Grace, 40 Richard, 22, 49, 53, 55, 61, 65,

„ Harbuttle, 212 67, 73, 80, 85, 88, 91, 94,
„ Helen, 7, 11, 16, 23, 32, 39, 40, 101, 114, w. of 117,* w. of
115, 200 119, 168, 169, 201, 212
„ Hester, 80, 102 .. Robert-, 4, 13, 20, 27, d. of 42,
„ Hugh, 18, 134, w. of 139, 159, 44, 47, 67, 70, w. of 123, 137,
192 143, d. of 144, inf. of 156,
„ Humphrey, 19, 26, 29, 49, 69, w. of 158, 190, 193
86,* 115, vc. of 124, 133, ,, Sarah, 73, 100, 216
w. of 143, 171, 174, 181, 182,* ,, Thomas, 22, 23, 26, 27, 29,*
186, 190, 198, 201, 209 40, 44, 49, 53,* 55, 58, 62,
„ Imin, 82 70, 78, 79, 80, 90,* 91, 95,
„ Isabel, 21, 168, 177, 198, 206, 98,* 100, 102,* w. of 110,
211 111, 118, 122, s. of 123, 124,
„ James, 9, 22, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 127, 128, inf. of 130, 131,
55, 66, 67, 72,* 73,* 74,* 77, inf. of 132, 140, inf. of 142,
80, 126, ^. of 127, 128, 132, inf. of 144, inf. of 146, 148,
inf. of 151, 151, inf. of 152, w. of 158, 164, w. of 167,
inf. of 153, 154, 159,* c. of
170, 190, 194, 300, 201, 202,
162, 164, 165, 199, 204, 205 212, 214
., Jane, 13, 47, 50, 96, 148, 181, ,, Tluu-stan, 73
215 „ William, 6, 23, 26, 39, 79. 84,
„ Jenet, 69, 151, 168 85, 112, w. of 120, d. of 145
„ Joan, 16, 20, 26, 29, 108, 121, s. of 146, inf. of 150, 162,
inf. of 155 190, 203, 209, 213
„ John, 2, 7, 10, 13, 28, 36, 43, Barlowe alias Bradshaw, Ellen, 173
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Baptisms pp. 1—105 inclusive. Burials 106— 1S6. Marriages 1S7—216

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Barlowe alias Haiikins, Mary, 176 Becam, George, 92
Barue, see Barnes Beesley, Ann, 12
Barn© Margaret, 23
alias Joliinsone, ,, John, 7
Barnes (Barne) Ann, 212 ,, Thomas, 139
Dorothy, 25 Belfeilde, Hugh, 210

,, Edmund, 56 Bell, Mary, 200

„ Elizabeth, 111, 142, 195 Bely, see Bailie
„ Ellen, 56, 170, 207 Benison (Benisoiie, Beuitson)
„ Helen, 118, 119 „ Alice, 183
,, Henry, 50 „ Ann, 171
,, Jane, 158 ,, Giles, w. of 120, 13G, 189, 212
,, Joan, 141 Bent (.Bente, Bentt) Alexander, 85
,, John, 167 ,, Alice, 12, 15, 96, 207
,, Katheiine, d. of 16, 162 „ Ann, 7, 26, 61, 79, 92, 211, 213,
,, Maty, 23, 211 214, 216
,, llichard, 50 Beatrice, 106
„ Robert, 116, w. of 137 „ Cicely, 86, 160, 170
.. Thomas, 120 ,, Dorothy, 59
„ William, 52, 209 ,, Edmund, 19, 20, 61
Barret (Barrit, Barritt) Ann, 212 „ Edward, 07, 72, 78, 83,* 85, 86,
„ Ellen, 205 88, 93, 94, 113, 168, 178, 179,
,, Margaret, 214 203
Bariitt alias Hey, Margaret, 183 ,, Elizabeth, 13, 73, 100, 173, 177
Barrlow, see Barlow „ Elizeus, 139
Barrowe, William, 209 ,, Ellen, 44, 55, 68, 72, 95, 157
Baiixm, Humphrey, 134 ,, Hamlet, 14, 78, 157, 179
„ Joan, 126 „ Heni-v, 115, 152
,, Parr, 15 ,, Hugh, w. of 131, lU
,, Thomas, 119 „ Humplirey, 9, 40, 51, 59,
Bate (Batt, Batte) Ellen, 195 68, 74, 78, 93, 96, 100, inf. of
.. Jane, 193 142, 160, 161, 163, inf. of
,, John, 214 163, 178, 190, 2O0, 213
Batembie, see Battersbie „ Imin, 169
Batt, Batte, see Bat© ,, Joan, 51, 165, 196
Batte rabie (Batersbie) Alice, 211 ,, John, 17, 40, 52, inf. of 133,
,, George, 208 w. of 150, 175, 203, 210
,, Henry, 25 ,, Lawrence, 78, 83,* 88, 95, 124,
,, Jenet, 113 166, 208
„ John, w. of 123, 124 ., Margaret, 11, 15, 195, 201
,, Katherine, 24 ., Margery, 115, 120, 193
BaT^•don, Maigaret, 148 ,, Maiy, 88
,, William, 148 ,, Maud, 162
Baxter (Backster) Ann, 101 „ Nicholas, 187
,, Edmund, 47, 95, 156 ,. Peter, 88, 213
,, Elizabeth, 64, 95 ,, Richard. 79, s. of 125, 128, 138,
,, Henry, 101 inf. of 154, d. of 155, 197
.. John, 47 ,, Sybil, 192
,, Katherin, 205 ,, Thomas, 13, 50, 55, 73, 74, 92,
,, Margaret, 210 94, 179, 202
„ N.X.N, 173
inf. of ,, Widow, 160
„ Thomas, 41, 100, 180 „William, 14, 23, 44, 50, 67, 122,
,, William, 64, 100, 205 w. of 126, inf. of 145, 160,
Bayly, Baylye, see Bailie 188
Beake, Alice, 53 Bent alias Turner, Alexander, 169
,, William, 53 Bento, Bentt, see Bent
Bealye, see Bailie Berber, Ralph, 42
Becam, Denis, 93 .. Thomas, 42
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Baptisms pp. 1 —105 inclusive. Burials 106 — 1S6. Marriages 187 —S16.

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Berloe, see Barlow Bitch— continued.
Berye, see Bury ,, Emme, 13
Bexwick (Bexwhick, Bexwhicke, .. Geget, 2
Bexwicke, Bexwike) ,. George, 44, 56, 59, 202
„ Ann, 46, 90 ,, Helen, 35, 139
.. Charles, 41 ,, Hester, 91
„ Edwai-d, w. of 153, 157, 189 „ Humphrey, 18, 20, 22, 31, 87,
,, Eleanor, 112 90, 92, 100,* 123, d. of 143,
,, George, 54 inf. of 180, 194, 210
„ Hugh, 81, 90, 97,* 172 ,, Isahel, 113, 163
., Jonathan, 67 ,, James, 17, 22, 28, 108, 123,
,, Katherine, 172 s. of 128, 155, 163, 189

,, Margai-et, 81 „ Jane, 24, 66, 154, 190

,, Mai7, 216 „ Jenet, 8, 159, 174
,, Robert, 133 ,, Joan, 19, 33,* 71, 135
,, Roger, 133 .. John, 12, 17, 23, 44,* 53,* 62,
,, Samuel, 46 66, 80, as, 87, 88, 91, 93,
,, Sislea, 200 124,* w. of 132, d. of 139,
,, Stephen, 13, 61,* 67, w. of 143 inf. of 144,* 148, 151, w. of
,, Thomas, 16, 54 153, 177,* 186, 187, 190, 195
Bibbie, see Bibbye ., Katherine, 37, 93, 123, 192,
Bibbie alias Loe, Henry, 133 215
Bibbye (Bibbie, Bibie, Bybbie) ,, Margaret, 7, 39, 66, 103, 118,
,, Adam, 64 119, 185, 199, 208
.. Edward, 15 „ Margery, 18, 173, 194
,, Ellen, 212 .. Mary, 88
,, Francis, 8, 113 ,, Miles, 206
,, George, 110 „ N.X.N., w. of 112
,, Jane, 115 „ Oliver, 3, 45, 53,* 180, 184, 196
,, Jenet, 9 „ Robert, 45, 92, 172
„ John, 5, 18, w. of 135, 187 ,, Roger, w. of 118, w. of 119, 129
,, Katherine, 64, inf. of 154 ., Thomas, 1, 56, 107, 196, 203
,, Margei-y. 8 .. William, 41, 101, inf. of 181
,, Ralph, 8 Birch alias Ridgwith, John, 173
.. Richard, 135, w. of 160 Birche, Birtch, see Birch
.. Robert, 120 Birtwisle, John, 5
,, Thomas, 187, 188, 208 ,, Margery, 5
Bigs, William, 47* Blacklowe, Giles, 189
Billinge (BilHne, Bullinge) Alice, 198 Blomeley (Blomelyo) Ann, 23
„ Ellen, ia5 ,, George, 23, 31
,, George, 1^5 ,, Peter, 31
„ Helen, 193 Boardman (Boordman, Bordeman,
.. Jane, 213 Bordemane, Bordman,
Billye, Hugh, 10 Bordmane)
( Birch (Birche, Bii*tch, Brich, Byrch, ,, Agnes. 16
Byrche) „ Alice, 3, 10, 28, 57, 78, 86, 89,
. Alice, 49, 77, 192, 210, 211, 212 93, 196
„ Ann, 15, 33, 57, 59, 85, 101, ,, Ann, 7, 11, 22, 35, 82, 84, 89,
177, 199, 202, 205, 210, 216 129, 151, 161, 172, 183, 190,
, Dorothy, 20 197
, Edmund, 13, 33, 44,* 51, 57, ,, Catherine, 194
62, 66, 71, 77, 103, 104, .. Chi-istopher, 122
inf. of 149, 185, 199 „ Dorothy, 15, 89, 94
, Elizabeth, 18, 23, 26, 80, 104, „ Edmund, 29, 77, 78, 84, 89, 94,
123 100, 101, 105, 122, 184
. Ellen, 22, 31, 51, 90, 136, 172, ,, Edward, w. of 116
175, 184, 201, 205, 210 ,, Eleanor, 53, 194

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Baptisms pp. 1 —105 inclusice. Buiials 106 — 186. Marriages 187 —216.

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Boardnian continued. Boordman, see Boardnian
,, Elizabeth, 4, 11, 27,* 43, 48, Boordeman alias Hogge, Thomas, 56*
74, 85, 175, 195, 198, 213 Boores, Joan, 201
„ Ellen, 78, 111, 127, 180, 183, Booth (Boothe, Bothe) Alice, 40, 108
192, 193, 196, 210 ,, Dorothy, 1
„ Emme, 196 ,, Elizabeth, 213
,, Francis, 117 „ Hector, 114
,, Geoffrey, 188 .. Helen, 116
,, George, 27, 214 .. Joan, 119
„ Hamlet, w. of 131, 160, 177 ,, John, 6,* 36,' 41, 112, 116
,, Helen, 22, 36 .. Katlierine, 1
,, Henry, 6, 26, 27, s. of 1^, 141 .. Margaret, 41, 139
., Hester, 105 Bordeman, Bordemane, Boi^man,
„ Hugh, 123 Bordmane,
., Isabel, 12, 195 see Boardman
.. James, 28, 74, 153 BorloAA-, see Barlow
„ Jane, 10, 99, inf. of 142, 147 Bothe, see Booth
„ Joan, 168, 201 Bottomley, Eizeus, 26
John, 26, 27, 38, 66, 69, 71, ,, Katlierine, 26
105, 108, 117, 122, s. of 126, Boulton (Boultone) Ann, 189
126, w. of 134, 141, 157, 159, .. Edmund, 39, 198
180, 187, 190 ,, Elizabeth, 16
„ Margaret, 7, 14, 19, 20, 32, 38, ,, James. 8, 33
71, 73, 99, 162, 166, 177, 183, ,, Kathei-ine, 16
190, 198, 200, 206 ., Richard, 33, 130
„ Margery, 3, 122, 171 Bower, James, 35
., Mary, 180 .. Katherine, 35
,, Michael, 27 Bowker, Alice, 172
„ Nicholas, 129 ,, Francis, 172
„ N.X.N., 175 Isabel, 212
Peter, 18, 29, 72, 76, 82, 87, 93, ., John, 41, 157
99, 104, 110, 182, 183, 185, ., William, 184
inf. of ia5, 203 Bowney, William, 188
„ Ralph, 1, 2, 39, 42, 50, 85, 87, Brabin (Brabine) Alice, 49
89, 100, 105, 107, w. of 122,* ., Ann, 69
^^. of 164, 181, inf. of 181, .. Elizabeth, 53
183, 209, 214 .. Ellen, 75
,. Richard, 14, 50, 71, 77, 90, 101, ,, Henrv, 61
164, 184, 206 ,. John," 200
,, Robert, 22, 76, 156, inf. of 176, ,, Thomas, 49, 53, 57, 61, 69, 75,
211 inf. of 163, 173, 201
„ Roger, 17, 69, 73, 78, 90, inf. of ., William, 57
157, 157, 206 Biadbent, see Brodbent
„ Sybil, 134 Bradburne, John, 215
, Thomas, 1, 18, 20, d. of 31, 39, Bradeshawe, see Bradshaw
43, 53, 60, 6,5,* 71, 72, 74, Bradford (Bradforde)
86, 89, 93, 99, 104, 105,* ,. John, 81, 87, d. of 167, 171
107, s. of 130, inf. of 132, ,, Mary, 81
137, 138, s. of 139, c. of 140, ,, Tliomas, 87
w. of 142,* w. of 149, 155, Bradggeshawe, see Bradshaw
162, 185, 203, 206, 210 Bradley, Thomas, 202
.. William, d. of 16, 35, 57, 60, Bradshaw (Bradeshawe,
62,* 66, 74,93, 168,182, 191, Bradggeshawe, Bradshall,
203, 209 Bradshawe, Bradshay,
Bodkinge, Thomas, 190 Bradshe, Bradshew,
Boidell, William, 191 Bradshewe, Bradsheye)
Bonns, Robert, 137 ,, Abram, 98
— —
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Bradshaw continued. Bradshaw continued.
Adam, 32, 30, 59, 128, inf. of „ Gates, 81, 87, 92, 97, w. of 164,
136, of 139, 178
6. 172, 196
, Alexander, 65,* 71, 143, inf. of „ Otho, 34, 44, 54, 63, e. of 136,
149, inf. of 154, 161, 197 inf. of 138, 145, w. of 146,
,, Alice, 24, 31, 32,* 36, 47, 49, inf. of 149
80, 82, 128, 129, 144, 185, ,, Peter, 3, 10, 26, 34, 42, 47, 54,
194,* 203, 206, 208 60, 61, 114, w. of 136, inf. of
,. Ann, 24. 31, 39, 42, 60, 68, 94, 146, two drs. of 184, 194
95, 97, 102, 152, 165, 182, „ Ralph, 60, 66, 73, 74,* 81, 82,
197, 200, 215 100, 173, 182, 183, 191, a)l *
„ Charles, 23, 62, 66, 69, 72, 75, 215
80, 84, 90, 96, w. of 124, „ Richard 21, 31, 39, 41, 45, 49,
181 54, 63, 73, 82, 94, 115, s. of
„ Cicely, 62 134, d. of 147, s. of 150, 175,
,, Dorothy, 51, 65, inf. of 158, 213
214 „ Robert, 36, 44, 66, 84,* 87, 89,
„ Eleanor, 151, 205 92,* 94, 96,* 97, 100, 101,
„ Elizabeth, 6, 7, 38, 44, 59, 77, 102, 160, 169, 173, 178, 183,
82, 84, 89, ,92, 101,* 107, 185, 209, 212
166, 168, 178, 189, 198, 201, „ Roger, 42, 47, 51, 76, 145, 156,
212 198
,. Ellen, 41, 44, 59, 66, 78, 84, 87, „ Thomas, 26, 36, 44, 47, 50,* 54,
88, 144, 150, 170, 203, 207, 59, 60, 68, 69, 76, 77, 78,
208 82, 87,* 91, 95, 96,* 104,
„ Ellis,113 121, d. of 122, 125, twins of
,, Emma, 139 132, 134, 143, inf. of 145,
„ George, 47,* 96 150, w. of 156, 180, 185, 188,
,, Hamlet, 195 203
„ Helen, 26, 38, 42, 116, 194 „ William,
18, 26, 31, 62,* 72,
,. Hem-y, 17, 19 78, 84,* 87, 90, 94,* 104, 105,
,, Hugh, w. of 140, 155 112, w. of 118, w. of 119,
.. Humphrey, 17 s. of 124, d. of 126, 141, w. of
„ Isabel, 45, 47, 71, 96,* 196, 200 151, inf. of 158, 163,* inf. of
,, James. 3, 44, 47, 48, 81, 88,* 178, 190, 194, 204
92,* 98, 101, 108, w. of 138, Bradshaw alias Barlowe, Ellen, 173
181, 195, 199, 202, 211 Bradshaw alias Greggory, John, 174
,. Jane, 19, 90, 192, 195, 202 Bradshawe, Bradshay, Bradshe,
„ Jeffrey, w. of 124 Bradshew, Bradshewe,
,, Jenet, 88 Bi-adsheye,
„ Joan, 35, 47, 54, 65, 78 see Bradshaw
„ John, 10, 19,* 25, 26, 44, 47, Brearton (Brereton) Edward, 17, 146
75, 88, 90, 96, 97, 102, 104, Jane, 111
106, 107, 108, 116, 130, 157, John, 10
188, 194, 202, 213 Katherine, 180
.. Katherine, 32, 36, 38, 48, 54, Lady Jane, 111
61, 200 Margaret, 17
„ Lawrence, 82, 87, 175 Richard, 136
„ Luoe, 189 Brich, see Birch
„ Margai-et, 81, 84, 88, 91, 102, Bridge. Richard, 211
105, 169, 172, 189, 198, 210 Brodbent rBradbent) Robert, 148
.. Margerv, 6, 117, 136, 152 Bromelev, Ann, 94
„ Marv, 32, 87, 94, 129, 181 ., Elizabeth, 94, 214
,. Mil^, 2o,* 97,* 100,* 104, 116, Brooke, Alexander, 192
w. of 127, w. of 142, 172, „ Ann, 157
175, 207, 213 ,, Ellen, 214
„ N.X.N., widow of 121 „ Henry, 58,* 65, 69, 157, 174,

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Brooke continued. Butler (Buttler) John, 71
„ Richard, 216 ,, Mai-garet, 203
,. Robert, 69, 157 „ N.X.N. 147 ,

„ Thoinas, 65, 88,* 172, 209 ,, Tlioraas, 71

Browne, James, 65 „ William, 200
,, Katherine, 58 Butterworthe, Cislea, 190
,, Margaret, 192, 208 Buttler, see Butler
„ Mary, 54 Byard, Thomas, 202
„ Tlionias, 14, 34, 70 Bybbie, see Bibbye
,, William, 54, 58, 62,* 65, 70, Byram, see Byrom
inf. of 162 Byrame \
alias Cai-ver,'
Brownfeeld, Ann, 42 Byrome /
Broxap, Elizabeth, 215 , Elizabeth, 45
Brundrett (Brimdrethe) .. Isabel, 67
,, Margaret, 131 „ WilKam, 67
,, Mary, 35 Byrarae alias Read, Thomas, 49
.. William, 214 ,, William, 49
Buckley, John, 211 Byrch, Byrche, see Birch
Biillinge, see Billinge Byrom (Byram, Byrome)
Burckell, Ellen, 195
Adam, inf. of 146
Alice (Alse; 93, 201, 213
Burges, George, 153* ,.

,, Dorothv, 165
Bui-i, Burie, see Bury Edward, 93
Burton, Dorothy, 195 ., George, w. of 164, 165, 208
Bury (Berye, Biui, Burie, Burye) ,, John, 110
Alice, 67, 164 ,, Katherine, 24
Ann, 39, 47, 69 ,, Richard, 24
Dorothy, 16, 42 ,, Thomas, 6, 189
Elizabeth, 143 ,, William, 185
Ellen, 29, 46, 67, 207, 213 Byrome alias Cai-\'er,
Helen, 16 see Byrame alias Carver
HeniT, 83,* 88, inf. of 165, 208
Hugh, 13, 46, 47, 54,* 57,* 63,
76, 142, 172, 189, 202, 214
James, 201 Oapman, see Chapman
Jane, 21, 63, 64, 206 Cappe, see Coui>e
Jenet, 212, 215 Carringtonn (Carinton) George, 188
Joan, 31, 196 ,, John, 214
John 40, 46, 62, 57, 63,* 123, Carsley (Carsleye) Edward, 138
157 ,, Elizabeth, 201
Katherine, 167 Carter, Ann, 182
Margaret, 52 ^ 1- / Byiame
Margei-y, d. of 60, 118, 119,210
Carver alias | Byrome

Mai-y, 57 ,, Elizabeth, 45
Nicholas, 42, 46, 50, 54, 69, 64, ,, Isabel, 67
123, s. of 126, inf. of 146, ,, William, 67
d. of 154, 159, 195 Cai-ver alias Reade, Joan, 59
Richard, 9, 35, 88, w. of 148, ,, William, 59
171 [Catorall] see Kathei-all
Roger, 3, 40, 50, c. of 140, Cawdrey (Cawdre, Codrey) I

inf. of 143, inf. of 146, inf. of .. Dorothv, 213

147, inf. of 148, inf. of 150, ., Edward. 76, w. of 154, inf. of|
inf. of 152, inf. of 153, inf. of 166, 172, 188, 206 I

155, inf. of 157, inf. of 159 ,, Jane, 76, 163

,. Thomas, 120, 190 ., Maigaret, 15 i

.. William. .54. 76 .. William, 205 I

Busher, Humphrey, 59* Cawpe, Oawppe, see Coupe

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Chadkerke, George, 203 ChArlaon— continued.
Chadock (Chadocke, Cheadock, ,, Ellen, 47, 51, 205
Cheadocke, C9iedock, ,, James, 15, 45, 47, 63,* 62, 66,
Chedocke) 84, inf. of 142, 200, 213
see also Chadwick, ,, Joan, 58
Alice, 167, 214 ,, John, 14, 62, 107, 111, 207
Elizabeth, 183 ,. Richard, 84
Ellen, 43, 212 ,, Robert, 45, 51, 56,* 58, 62,*
Helen, 18 69, 201
James, 48, 49, 117, 169, 188 „ William, 66
Jen-ise, 13 Cbamock (Chamocke, Chernock,
John, 13, 39, 174 Chernocke)
N.X.N., vr. of 144 ., Alice, 49
Richard, 46 .. Bedforde, 76
Thomas, 43, 49, 167, 198, 215 ., Dorothy, 38, 67
William, 190 ,, Jam^, 81
Chadwick (Chadwhick, Chadwhicke, ,, Mai-y, 9
Chadwicke) „ 113

see also Chadock, „ Richard, 32, 132

Ann, 68 ., Robert, 188
Elizabeth, 51 .. Roger, 49, 77
Judith, 51 „ Thomas, 67, 76, 77, 81
:Maigaret, 62 ,, William, 75*
Robert, 62, 68. 73,* inf. of 151 Chatherton alias Haywort,
Chamberlayne, Gvnet, 107 ,, William, 158
Chapman (Capman) Agnes, 2 Cheadock, Cheadocke, Chedock,
Ammrie, 158 Chedocke,
Ann, 195 see Chadock
Ellen, 38. 178 Cheetam (Cheetame, Clieitame,
Helen, 136 Cheiteame, Chetam,
Isabel, 178 Chetame)
Joan, 196 .. Alice, 84
John, 101, 105, inf. of 180 ,, Ann, 58
Robert, 8, 23, 30, 96, 101, 135, ,, Edmund, 188
inf. of 137, inf. of 141, 142 ,, Eleanor, 90
inf. of 144, 178 ,, Elizabeth, 196
.. Roger, 30, 100, 186 ,, Ellen, 76, 174
.. Tliomas. 25. 92. 96. 100, 105, 186 „ Isabel,82
.. Thuretan. vr. of 123, 187 ,, James, 43, 47, 53, 58, 64,* 69,
.. William, 36, 92, 135, 136, 162, 76, 82, 173
198 „ Jane, 213
Charles (Charleses, Chai'lesses, ,, Joan, 198
Charlses) „ John, 40, 100, 192, 214
Alice, 78, 93 ,, Margaret, 43, 169
Ellen, 100, 213 ,, Mary, 53
Em, 101 „ X.X.N., 50
James, 73, 78, 80 ,, Peter, 74, 100
Margaret, 72, 73, 173 ,, Ralph, 69
Peter, 100 „ Richard, 23, 64,* 68, 74, 80, 84,
Robert, 72, 80, 86, 93, 101 90, 124, w. of 138
Roger, 86 ,, Robert, 80, 166
Charles daughter, Elizabeth, 11 „ Samuel, 164
Charlson (Charleson, Charlesone, ,, Thomas, 47, 68, 104
Charlesonne, Charlessone, ,, William, 104
Oiarlessonne, Charlsone, Chernock, Chernocke, see Charnock
Charlsson) Cheshire, Elizabeth, 20
., Alice, 69, 157 ,, Jane, 20, 193
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Cheshire— continued. Clivley (Cliueley, Clyffley, Clyfley,
„ MargeiT, 190 Clyfleye)
„ Robert, 110 „ Alexander, 31, 45, 51, 54, 128,
Chetam, Clietaane, see Cheetam inf. of 147, 156, 197
Clietwine, Ann, 20 ,, Ann, 189
Choai-tone, Cholei-ton, Chollortone, ,, Dorothy, 113
see Cliorlton ,, Elizabeth, 185
Choa-lton (Choai-toiie, Cholerton, ,. James, 31, 54, 120, 128
Chollertone, Chorleton, ,, Joan, 51, 212
Chorlet-onn, Cliorltone, .. John, 33, 91, 211
Chourletonu, Chourton, ,, Judith, 40
Chourtone, Ghowerton, .. Margaret, 45, 128
Chowertone) ,, Robert, 37, 91, 157, 210
,, Alexander, 91 Cloughe (Clooghe) Ann, 187, 216
„ Alice, 38 ,, Elizabeth, 93
,, Ann, 34 ,, Jane, 213
,, Eleanor, 44 ,, John, 98
., Elizabeth, 29 ,, Mary, 105
,, Helen, 8 ,, Robert, 93, 98, 105, 212
,, Hugh, 30, 84, 88, 90, 93,* 97, ,, William, 188
102, 108, w. of 120, 132, 177, Cloughe alias Hudsone,
181, 189, 208 ,, Mai-garet, 132
,, Isabel, 32, 129 Clyffe, Edmund, 2
„ James, 32, 44, 48, 55,* 84, 102,* ., John, 11, 109
inf. of 132, inf. of 142, d. of ,, Thomas. 7
145,* 173, 185,* 195 Clyffley, Clyfley, Clyfleye, see Givley
,, Jenet, 108 Coape, see Coupe
,, John, 41, 88,* 97, 109, w. of Cocke, see Cook
145, 197, 211 Cocker, Clemens, 139
., Katheiine, 88, 181 Codrey, see Cawdrey
,, Margaret, 197 Coke, see Cook
,, Oswald, 91 Colear, Collar, Coliare, see Collier
,, Richai-d, 2 CoUenge, see Collinge
„ Robert, 5, w. of 113, 151, 189 Collier (Colear, Collar, Coliare,
,, Thomas, 102, 106, 112 Colliar)
.. William, 48, 90, 177 ,, Alice, 49, 68, 98, 143
Choughe, Elizabeth, 190 ,, Ann, 84, 94, 139
Chourletonn, Chourton, Chourtone, ,, Catherine. 13, 66, 79, 82
CTiowerton, Cliowertone, ,, Edward, 100
see Cliorlton ,, Elizabeth, 9, 18, 55, 64
Clare, John, 203 ,, Ellen, 75
Clarke, Ann, 130 ,. Em, 184
.. George, 192 .. Giles, 144
,, Robert, 190 ,, Helen, 23, 29
Clayton (Cleaton, Cletone, Cleyton) .. Hugh, 213
,, Elizabeth, 95 ,, Isabel, 13, 32, 130
,, Nicholas, 95, d. of 180, 207 ,, James, 3, 7, 76, 108, 115
„ Ralph, 56, 58, inf. of 148, 200 ,, Jane, 53
., Thomas, 56, 58 ,, Jenet, 56, 60, 104, 213
Clegge, Robert, w. of 160 ,, Joan, 37, 187
Cletone, Cleyton, see Clayton ,. John, 9, 64, 66,* 68, 71, 72, 78,
Clifford. Richard, 210 84, 93, 100, 163, 164, inf. of
Clifton (Cliffton) 165, ia5, 188, 205
,, Elizabeth, 95, 213 ,, Margaret. 53, 61, 63, 103,* 133,
,, Isabel, 55 163, 176, 191, 207
.. Samuel, 95 ,, Martha, 64
„ William) 55, d. of 148 ,, Mai-v, 93

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Baptisms pp. 1 —105 inclusive. Burials 106 — 186. Marriages 187—316.

CooV— continued.

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Collier continued.
„ N.X.N. , w. of 147, 150 ,, John, 24, 26, 29, 35, 52, 59,
,, Oliver, 16, 35, 72, 94, 99, 104, 71, 84, 90, 103, 107, 113,
lai, 137, 213 115, 128, 139, w.of 144, 154,
,. Paniell, 81 176, 181, 189, 191, 192
.. Ralph, 6, 18, 47,* 53, 56, 60,* ,, Katherine,, 41, 105, 109,* 184
67, 71. 75, 79, 87,* 98, 104, ,, Margaret, 8, 17, 23, 26, d. of
inf. oi 151, w. of 174, 214 42, 53, 59, d. of 139, 159
„ Randle, 55, 63, w. of 163, 202 ,. Maigery, 19, 204
,, Richaixi, 67, 68,* inf. of 156 ,, Mary, 64
„ Robert, 2, 3, 99, 196 ,, Nicholas, 71,74, 78, 83, 89,
„ Thomas, 19, 22, 61, 76, 78, 82, 158, inf. of 171
104, w. of 143, 164, 176, 188, ,, Paniella, 44
192 ,. Richaixi, 1, 19, 20, 24, 91, 106,
.. Thuretan, 21, 60, 108, s. of 110, w. of 120, w. of 124, 127, 139
166, w. of 168, 216 ., Robert, 27, 40, 75,* 95, 100,
,. William, 17, 64, 81, 143, 189 113, 174, 177, 179, 188, 209
C'oJlinge (Collenge) George, 1^4 ,, Thomas, 21, 40, 53, 60, 70, 75
,, Joan, 60 80,* 84, 91, 93, 96, 99,* lOl'
.. Margery, 60 103, 139, 150, inf. of 152
Comies alias Widdall, Radclyffe, 57 179, inf. of 180, 182, 183,
C'omis, Thomas, 202 189, 192, 208, 214*
Conie, :Margaret, 206 ,, Thurstan, 19, 46, 51, 58, 63
Cook (Cocke, Coke, Coock, Coocke, 66, 69, 70, 87, 90, 93, 98'
100, 105, 109, 153, 158, 176
., Adam, 2o, 49, 52, 60, 66, 70, 181
' .

75, 80, 86, 96, inf. of 156, ,, William, 19,* 21, 26, 29 37
181,* 201 44,* 51, 70, 76,* 77, 81, 80'
„ Alice, 54, 122 87, 90, 91, 93, 95, 99, IO2'
,, Amrie, 2 112, 160, 162, 166, inf. of
„ Ann, 19, 24. 26, 63, 83, 93, 99, 172. 183, 184, 190
153. 154, 182, 213 Cooke alias Edge, Elizabeth, 184
,, Charles, 7, 112 Cooken, John, 68,* 157*
,, Dorothy, 101 Cooksone, Margery, 3
.. Eleanor, 31, 211 Coopishe, Richard, 6
.. Elizabeth, 14, 16, 21, 58, 82, Coovke alias Sanderson,
90, 91, 102, 191, 206 ., Elizabeth, 141
., Ellen, 20. 29. 49, 52, 69, 74, .. Richard, 141
111, 183, 186, 215* Copen, Copine, see Cowpine
.. Emata, 52 I
Coppocks, Jane, 202
., Emme, 13, 46, 64, 71, 100, 200 Cottrell, Elizabeth, 48
„ Giles, 42, w. of 152, 173, 190 Couape, see Coupe
„ Helen, 24, 113, 117 Couldaw, see Cowdall
., Henrv, 81, 162 Coupe (Cappe, Cawpe, Cawppe,
.. Hester, 78, 80 Coape, Couape, Cowap,
,, Hugh (Hewe) 27,* 42, 48, 54, Cowape, CoTToppe, Cowi>e)
71, 77, 82, 90. 96,* 98, 100, ,, Agnes (Annis) 37, 206
w. of 114. w. of 136, 164, ,, Alice, 7, 120, 121
166. 179. 206, 214 ,, Ann, IC, 11, 26, 115, 193
., Humphrey, 2. 11, 181 ,, Dorothy, 65
„ Isabel. 202 (?) ,, Edmund, 25, 139
,, James, 158 .. Edward, 50
„ Jane. 23, 27, 197 .. Elizabeth, 98, 129, 160, 190
„ Jenet, 2. 86, 160,* 181 ,, Ellen, 63, 108, 133, 160
., Jeremv, 89 ,. Helen, 8
„ Joan, 23,* 24, 33,* 48, 85, inf. of ., Henry, 56, 6-5, 75, 160, 202, 207
159. 167, 189. 197, 198, 209, „ Isabel, 13.* 196
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CoMT^e— continued. Crosbie— continued.
Elizabeth, 51, 207
James, 20, 56 ,,

Jolin, 20, 51, 68, 144, 195

Jaiio, 43, 143 ,,

Jenet, 208 ,, Margaret, 83

Peter, 73
John, 18, 48, 50, 69, 74, 114,

iJ. of 155, 157, 158, 189 ,, Ralph, 193, 206

Richard, 78
„ Katheriue, 4, 39, 69, 209 ,,

Margaret, 11, 35, 50, 67, 92, ,, Thomas, 60,* 08, 73, 78, 83,
inf. of 150, 201
124, 158, 174, 199
Peter, 22, 25, 42, 46, 67, 69, Cross (Crosse) Alice, 174
92, 98, inf. of 156, 188, 211 ,, Ann, 3, 26
Ralph, 50, 75, 109, w. of 115 ,, Elizabeth, 125, 184
Richard, 8, 12, 38, 46, 48, 59,* ,, Ellen, 57
Francis, 73
63, 66, 69, 74, 108, HI, s. of

112, 117, d. of 138, w. of ,, Hugh, 18, 177

139, inf. of 139, inf. of 141, ,, Humphrey, 21, 64, 74
inf. of 142, w. of 146, inf. of ,, John, 26, 56,* 74, 135, inf. of
144, inf. of 151, w. of 155
152, 157, inf. of 161, 162,
163, 187, 188, 197* ,, Katherine, 107
Sybil, 193 ., Margaret, 15

Thomas, 26, 41, 66, 186 ,, Mary, 135


Thurstan, 43, 110, ^v. of 112, ,, Oliver, 28, 174

121, ^y. of 132, 143, 167 ,, William, 28, 57, 64, 73, 107,
ia5, 184, 202, 215
Coupine, see Co^n-pine
Cowdall (Coiildaw) Crouther, Jane, 103
Henry, inf. of 156, w. of 160 ,, John, 103

., Margery, 80, 190 Croytchlev, Oliver, 159

Tliomas, 105* Cundliffe ' (Cundlyffe, Gonlyffe)
William, SO ., Cicely, 154

Cowdall alias Havwarde, ,, Ellen, 214

,, Tiro mas, 186 ,, Margaret, 187
Cowoppe, CoAvpe, see Coupe Cupin, Cuppine, see Cowpine
Cowpine (Copen, Copine, Coupine,
Cupin, Cuppine)
,, Ann, 191
,, Ellen, 122
,, Helen, 21 Dad alias Andrew, William, 120
Dainport, Danipoii:., see Dauenport
,, John, 5
Margery, 172 Daniell, John, 216
Dautisie (Dante&ie, Dauntesie)
„ Roger, 187
Elizabeth, 12
Crabtree, Elizabeth, 182 ,,

James, 50, inf. of 145 ,, John, 100

N.X.N., 50 ,, William, 85,* lOO

Cramptone, see Crompton Darbishire (Darbishe, Darbishyre,

Derbishire, Derbishyre,
Craven, Thomas, 125
Croft (Crofte) Elizabeth, 208
Alice, 5, 14, 27, 55, 83, 85,
,, Mary. 170
169, 194, 197, 200
Crompton (Cramptone, Cromptone,
Cromton) , Ann, 13, 37, 80, 116, inf. of
135, 200, 214
„ Alice, 202
191 Cliarles, 125, 126, w. of 127
„ John, ,,

Lawrence, 84* ,, Cicely, 125

Ralph, 216 ., Dorothy, 18, 79, 199

Tliomas, 35,* s. of 133 ., Elizabeth, 5, 35, 36, 40, 58, 76,

Crooke, IVIargaret. 192 96, 98, 166, 182, 197, 201

Crosbie (Crosbi, Crosbye, Crossbie) ,, Ellen, 41, 76, 162, 171, 183,209
„ Ann, 145, 209 ,, Emma (Erne) 106, 139

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Baptisms pp. 1—105 inclusive. B^iriah 106— 1S6. Marriages 1S7—2


Darbishire continued. Davie, Ann, 204

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,. George 14, 51, 55, 58,* 61, Davison, Ed^vard, 157
s. of 125, inf. of 144, inf. of ,, Jane, 157
146, 152, 178 Dawnall (Dawnoe, Downoe)
,, Henry, 103, 185 ,, Lawrence, 31, 138
., Hugh, 61. 76, 86, 162,* 197 ,, Richard, 33
,, Imina, 194 ., Sea the, 31
.. Isabel, 49, 53, 62, 191, 213 William, 37
., James, 10, 53, 56, 62, 69, 95, Dawsone (Dawsonne, Doason, Doson,
98, 179, 182, 184, 201 Dosoue)
.. Jane, 24, 30, 41 ,, Eleanoir, 193
., Joan, 1, 87, 166, 178 ,, Elizabeth, 109
., John, 11, 13, 26, 27, 32, 46, ,, Ellen, 63
47, 49, 51, 54, 56,* 69,* 71, ,, Helen, 56
73,* 74, 76, 79, 82, 84,* 85, .. Isabel, 7
86, 87, 89,* 93, 95, 98, 103, Jane, 56
m 113, 127, 133, 139, w. oi
. ,

John, 63, 204

139, 141, TV. of 155, 159, ,, Richard, 196

162,* 163, son of w. of 164^ ,, Robert, 56

inf. of 164, 167, 171, inf. of Daye, Thomas, 115
W 172, 173, 175,* 179, inf. o' Dayne alias Hay ward, John, 94
181, 184, 185, 195, 197, 200. ,, Thomas, 94, 179
209, 210, 216 Dean (Deane) Ellen, 12, 196
,, Katherine, 34,* 53, 93, 95, 103 Debdale, Ann, 209
130, 175, 215 Delahey, Edward, 208
,, Leonard, 204 Derbishire, Derbishyre, Derbisshire,
,, Margaret, 12. 47, 50, 86, 115 see Darbishire
162, 171, 197. 215 Devias (Davias, Deuias, Devias,
„ Mai-gery, 6, 62, 82, 187, 207 Devius, Divias)
„ Nicholas, 138 ., Alice, 15, 192, 201
„ Oliver, 15, 24, 27, 29, 46, 52, „ Edmund, 103
53,76, 82,87,* 95, 101, w. of „ Elizabeth, 22, 91, 196
128, s. of 129, inf. of 135, ,, Ellen, 76, 201
137, w. of 149, 188, 194, 209 ., Geoffrey, 113
„ Peter, 3, 18, .54, 58, 62, 66, ,, Helen, 38, 113
71, 76, 80. 86, 108, 120, 162, ,, Humphrey, 71, 130, 187, 195
173, 202 ,, Isabel, 63, 179, 216
,, Philip, 167 ,, Jane, 32, 67
„ Ralph, 62, s. of 127, 166, 190 ., John, 5, 20, 32,* 57,* 63, 67,
,, Richard, 5, 9, 76, 82, 108, 177 71, 76, 82, 87, 96, 98, 103,
,, Thomas, 2,24. 27, 29, 35, 37, 113, 118, 128,* 129, 147,
47,* 51,* 55, 62, 67, 69, 201, 214
71,* 74, 83, 96,* 101, 103, ,, MargeiT, 128, 189
105, d. cf 153, 159, 163, ,, Mary, 82
165, inf. of 179, 196, 214 „ N.X.N., 149
,. William, 15, 26, 51, 55, 66, 67, ,, Richard, 35, 87, 88,* 91, 98,
98, 105, s. of 127, 138, 174, 171, 211
216 ,, Tliomas, 38, 96, 105*
Darovre, John, 86* ,, William 183
Dauenport (Dainport, Damport) Dewsburie, Ralph, inf. of 131
., Edmund, 179 Diceson, see Dickson
.. Ivlai-y, 192 Dicka^HiSone, see Dickonson
,, Richard, 107 Dickell, Alice, 43
,, Tliomas, 112 .. Ralpb, 43
Dauntesie, see Dantisie Dickonson ('Dickansone, Diconson,
Davias, see Devias Dioonsone)
Davids, N.X.N. 149 , ., Elizabeth, 72

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Baptisms pp. 1 — 105 inrjusirr. Burials 106 — 186. Marriages 187 —S16.

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DickonsoD continued. Doodson— continued.
., John, 29, 72, 188 ,, James, 49, 104, 215
,, Kathorine, 29 .. John, 4, 67, 108, 135, w. of 148
,, Thomas, 214 ,, Margaret, 39
Dickson (Dic<«on, Dicksone, Dicsone, ,, Maiy. 60, 179
Dixon, Dixson) ,, Mauda, 191
,, Alice, G9 .. Peter, 85
., Elizabeth, 215 ,, llicliai-d, 92, 177
James, 94
, ,, Roger, 56
,, John, 59 ,, Sara, 73
„ Joshua, 59, 64, 69, 74,* 80, 88, ,, Tliomas, 47,* 49, 56, 60, 67,
94, 203 73, 80, 85, 92, 94,* 99, 101,
,, Margaret, 196 143, 179, 189, 200
,, Eobert, 64 Doson, Dosone. see Dawson
.. Roger, 88 Downes, Doiothy, 211
,, Sarah, 80 ,, Francis, 53
Dioonson, Diconsoiie, see Dickenson ,, Humphrey, 61
Dicsone, see Dickson ,, Jane, 58, 214
Die, Ann, 41, 201 ,, John, 69
„ Elizabeth, 41 ,, Liav.rence, 55, s. of 128
,, Ann, 114, 195, 201 ,, Ricliard, 193
„ Elizabeth, 11, 27, 77, 208 ,, Robert, 61, 152
„ Ellen, 189 . Roger, 53, 55, 58, 61, 69, inf. of
,, Isabel, 16 154
Lawrence, 191 Down ham, Ann, 170
,, Leooiard, 16, 201 .. Ricliard, 166
,, Margaret, 160 Downoe, see Dawnall
„ Margei-y, 11, 28, 204 Drinkwater, Adam, 15, 116
,, Mary, 96 ., Agnes, 16
,, Miles, 90 ,, Ann, 62, 88, 198
,, Ralph, 37, 81, 134, 163 ,, Aniold, 191
,, Richard, 4, 101 ,, Dorothy, 46
, Thomas, 2, 14, 28, 30, 77, 81, „ Edward, 212
86,* 90, 96, 101, w. of 159, ,, Eleanor, 176
195, 207 ,, Elizabeth, 207, 216
., William, 14, 121 ,, Ellen, 37, 69, 132, 134, 175
Digle alias Oliverson, Hugh 130 ,, Helen, 22
Dikous, Helen, 193 ,, Henry, 140, 216
Dildo, Ellen, 70 ,, Jane, 63
,, Jenet, 70 ,, Joan, 13, 46, 189, 192
Ditchfield, Hugh, 215 ,, John, 19, 136
Divias, see Davias ,, Katherine, 33, 190, 208
Dixon, DixsoTi, see Dickson ,, Margaret, 65, 88, 171, 172
Doason, see Dawsone ,, Margei-y, 40, 192, 209
Dobson, Elizabeth, 55 ,, Peter, 62, 65, 69, 72, 112, inf. of

,, Joshua, 55 154, 183, 196, 204

Dodd, Thomas, 64,* inf. of 153 .. Richard, 26,* 29, 72, 136, inf. of
., William, 64 150, 167, 189, 205, 206
Dodeson, see Doodson ,, Robert, 29, 32, 70, 112, 153,
Dombell, see Dumbell 158
Doodson (Dodeson, Dudsone, ,, Tliomas, 58, 63, 70, 104, inf. of
Dudsonne) 152, 158, 159, 216
.. Adam, 80, 167 ,. William, 58, 104
,, Alexander, 101, 183 Drinkwater alias Rydinges,
„ Cicely, 140 ,, James, 97
,, Ellen, 104 ,, Joan, 97
,, Helen, 39 Duckenfeild, see Dukenfceld
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BaptL^ms pp. 1—105 inclusive. Burials 106—186. Marriages 187—216.

Ducket, Charles, 188 Eccarsall— co?jiwiued.

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,, Grace, 1, 107 ,, Robert, 75
Duckworth (Duckworthe) „ Thomas, 5, 57, 112, w. of 137,
,, Elizabeth, 96 215
,, iVlan-, 99 „ Thurstan, 57, w. of 136, 154
., Nicholas, 96, 99, iuf. of 186, 193
213 Eccarsley,^ Eccarsleye, Ecckei-sley,
Dudsone, Dudsonne, see Doodson Eckarsley,
Dukonfeeld (Duckenfeild, see Eckersley
Dukenfeilds, Dukenfeld, Eckersall, see Eccarsall
Dukenfield, Dvkenfeld) l'>kersley (Eccai-sley, Eccarsleye,
.. Aim, 42, 139 Ecckei-sley, Eckarsley,
,. Dorothy, 44, 175 Eckersleye, Eckei-ssley,
Edmund, 175 Eckrsley)
. Edvrard, 139 ., Ann, 20
.. Francis, 133, 199 ,, Elizabeth, 68, 71, 102
Margaret, 40 .. George, 3
..N.X.N., 4i ,, Giles, 68, inf. of 157
., William, 38 „ Helen, 117
Dumbell ^Dombell) Alice, 48 .. Henry, 14, 138
.. Elizabeth, 197 ,, James, 141
,, Geoffrey, 191 ,, Jane, 111
,, William, 48 ,, Jenet, 182
Dunsture, Alice, 134 ,, Joan, ^
.. Ann, 82 ., John, 68
.. Elizabeth, 2^3 .. Katherine, 58
.. Files, 29, 51, 61, 123, inf. of ,, Margaret, 7, inf. of 133, 174,
lol, ^. of 152, 163 193, 199
.. Helen, 39 ,, Margery. 1, 201
.. Heni-y, 34, 35, 82, s. of 172, ,, Ma IT, 82
208 ,, Ricliard, 5, 58, 92,* 102, 138,
.. Isabel, 45, 207 s. of 149, w. of 153, 211
.. James, 101, w. of 150 ,, Roger,
5, 60, 111
.. Jane, 106 ,, Thomas,
60, 114, w. of 152,209
Joan, 115 William, 71, 82, 188
., John, 123 Eckersley alias Johnson, Mary, 167
., Katherine, 112 Eckei^leye, Eckerssley, Eckrsley,
., Lawrence. 29, 94, 101, w. of see Eckersley
131, 197 Edge, Alice, 48
.. Mabel, 61 „ Cicely, 129
., Margaret, 8, 24, 39, 137 ,, Eleanor, 87
,, Maiv, 25, 161 „ Elizabeth, 28, 74, 93, 102, 161,
,. Thomas, 15, 39, 45, 94, 200 189
Button, John, 213 ., Ellen, 2, 45, 69, 81, 90, 104.
Dvkenfeld, see Dukenfeeld 175
,, Emma, 14, 111, 205
,, Giles, 21, 80, 85, 208
,, Helen, 18
,. Hugh, 39, 137
Eastwood, Sarah, 61 . . Humphrey, 25
„ Thomas, 61 ., Isabel, 15, 85, 204
,, William, 61 ,. Israel, 68
Eocarsall (Eccarealle, Eckersall) ,, James, 50, 86
, Ann, 24, 142 ,, Jane, 9, 29, 30, 66, 161
, Hester, 202 ,, Jenet, 170, 214
. Jane, 75, 208 „ Joan, 8, 18, 19, 41, 89, 176,
. Joan, 190 193, 2(M

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Baptisms pp. 1 — 105 inclusive. Burials 106 — ISG. Marriages 187 —216.

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Edge— fOW<inweti. Entwisle continued.
,, Jolni. 5, 7, 9, 27, 36, 45, » 53, ., Hen IT, 85
58, • 67, 69, 76, 82, 86, 93,* .. Jenet, 85
98, 103. 108, 122,* inf. of ,, Joan, 20
153, 162, inf. of 175, 181, ,, John, 107, 123
209 .. Margaret, 122
Jonathan, 85 ,, N.X.N., 173
Katherine, 13, 23,* 67, 155, ,, William, 130
207 Erlam, ICrlame, Erleam, Errlame,
Margaret, 35, 39, 53, 80, 81, see Ii-lam
85, 102, 103, 197, 211, 216 Euorit, Ellen, 185
Margeiy, 28, 187 Eves (Eues) Elizabeth, 210
N.X.N., 193 ,, Henry, inf. of 165
Oliver, 12, 16, 70, 180 ,. Richard, 133, w. of 136
Pet-er, 29, w. of 110, 122, 148,
w. of 161, 190
Ralph, 1, 85
Richard, 24, 44,* 50, 75, 82, Faircloughe (Faiercloughe,
Fayercloogh, Fayerclooghe,
95, 184
Faycrclouge, Fayercloughe,
Robert, 4, 5, 21, 24, 69, 75,
Fayrclough, Fayrecloogli,
81, 87, w. of 110, w. of 111,
113, 1G2, 173, 188, 205
,, Alice,' 35
Roger, 68
,, Edward, 5, 35, inf. of 135
Tiiomas, 24,* 25,* 27, 31, 39,
.. Elizabeth, 78, 167
45, 48, 61,* 66, 69, 74, 76,
„ Ellen, 165, 206
80, 81, 85, 89, 90, 93, 98,
,, Jane, 24
104, 117, d. of 123, 129,
,, John, 28, 152, 155, 193, 195, 205
130, 137, Av. of 142, inf. of Margery, 152
142, 161, 164, 181, inf. of Thomas,
,, 28, 78, 165, 181, 209
183, 188, 193, 200, 212 William, 106
., Timothy, 41 Farar, see Farrar
„ William, 18, 21, 28, 76, 80, 95, Farn\voi-th (Faniewoa-th,
s. of 112, d. of 122, w. of
125, 12.5, w. of 144, 148, Alice, 102
184, 194 Elizabeth, 171
Edge alias Cooke, Elizabeth, 184
,, Hester, 84
Edmundson (Edmndsone, ,, Kathorine, 178
Edmudsonne) ,, Mattiiias, 71
,, Jane, 128 Man',
78, 172
„ John, 121 „ Richard, 71, 78, 84, 203
,, William, 128, w. of 146, w. of
,,Thoma.s, 177
166, 182, 203 ,, William. 102, 203
Einsworthe, see Aynes-worth Farrand (Farraiie, Farrant)
Eloocke, Geoi-ge, 208 ,, Elizabeth, 99
Emmerson (Emberson, Embersonne, ,, George, 53, 136, inf. of 141,
Emei-son, Emereone) inf. of 142
., Ann, 86 ,.John. 37, 53
., Elizabeth, 92 ,,Katherine, 38, 136
,, Francis, 69,* 72, 78, 86, 92, ,, Peter, 34
161, inf. of 168, 206 ,, Thomas, 40. 99
.. Hugh, 78 Farrar (Fai-ar) Elizabeth, 43
,,Mary, 72, 161 ,, George, 43
Ensworthe, seo Aynes'.vorth Faulkner (Faukner) Edmund, 113
Entwisle CEntwisley, Entwisleye) .. Robert, 35
,, Ann. 29 ,, William, 140
,, Hiristopher, 26, 122, 193 [Faulkner] alias Johnsone,
„ Elizabeth, 131 see Phokner alias Johnsone

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Baptisms pp. 1 —105 inclusive. Bxirials 106 — 1S6. Marriages 187—S16.

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Fayercloogh, Fayerclooglie, Fishe— continued.
Fay erclough l<'ayercloughe,
,, John, 15, 16, 98
Fay rclough Fay recloogh
,, William, 212
Fayreclooghe, Fitchet, Elizabeth, 203
see Faircloughe Flamsteed, William, 131
Feainiside (Fearuesyde, Flechare, Flecher, see Fletcher
Feniesj'de, Femisyd, Fleetwood, Edward, 29
Feinisyde) ,, Margaret, 22
.. Elizabeth, 25 Fletcher (Flechare, Flecher)
,. Ellen, 28 ,, Beati-ice, 190
.. Joan, inf. of 161, 198 ,, George, 41, 138, 196
,. John, 25 ,, Isabel, 114
.. Robert, 123 .. John, 37
Feelden. Feildinge, see Fieldinge ,, Katherine, 43
Fernesyde, Fornisyd, Feinisyde, .. Margaret, 189
see Fearniside ,. Oliver, 6
Fidler, Ann, inf. of 143 ,, Peter, 5
Fieldinge (Feelden, Feildinge, ,. Ralph, 33, 114, 125, w. of 125
Fyldiuge) ,, Richard, 35, 131
„ Aim, 49, 206 „ Robert, 43, 199
,, Elizabeth, 49, 68, 213 ,, Thomas. 204
.. Tliomas, 68 Fooler, see Fowler
Fildes (Filds, Fydes, Fyldes, Foi-ster, Robert, 130
Fylds, Fyles, Fylles, Fylls) Fowler (Fooler) Alice, 88
„ Alice, 38, 129, 177, 200 ., John, 78, 83,* 88
,, Ann, 59, 89, 105 ,, N.X.N. 39 ,

„ Elizabeth, 37, (>4, 65, 74, 94, 212 ,, Richard, av. of 143, inf. of 143
,, Ellen, 52, 56, yi ., Susana, 39
,, Helen, 38, 135 ,, Thomas, 78, 168
,, Isabel, 10, 45, 197, 214 Foxe, Ann, 171
„ James, 12, 53, 104, 121, 188 ,, Helen, 109
,, Jane, 198 ,, Humphrey, 11, w. of 139, inf. of
„ Jenet, 92, 104, 169, 177 146, 151, 188, 201
„ Joan, 4, 45, 110, 192, 195 „ Isabel, 81, 166, 215
,, John, 6. 18,45,52, 58,* 63, 65, ,, Jane, 24, 65, 77, 171, inf. of
96, 103, 110, 186, 207 171
,, Jonathan, 68, 156 ,, Jenet, 77
,, Joseph, 70 ,, Jesper, 206
„ Kathei-ine, 6, 107, 110 ,, John, 7, 65, 76, 81, 84,* 142,
„ Oliver, 108 w. of 148, 158, 204, 207
„ Richard, 192 ,, Margaret, 76
,, Robert, 9, 54,* 58, 63, 68, 70, ., Thomasina, 18, 206
74, 81, 89, inf. of 171, 184, Frithe, Ann, 215
200, 210 ,, John, 91
„ Roger, 34, 40, 53, 59, 64, 73, „ John, 91
81,* 92, 125, 131, 177,* inf. of ,, William, 91
182, 212, 213 Fm-tli, Elizabeth, 191
„ Thomas, 13, 38, 45, 61, 73, 91, Fydes, Fyldes, see Fildes
96, 100,* 105, 143, 147, 164, Fyldinge, see Fieldinge
184, 194, 198, 209, 211 Fylds, Fyles, Fylles, Fylls,
„ Thui-stan, 13, 42, 56, 58, 61, see Fildes
94, 103, inf. of 146 Fyshe, see Fishe
„ William, 81
Pishe (Fyshe) Adam, 145
„ Ann, 98
„ Eleanor, 94, 214 Gannye, Ann, 6
„ Emme, 41 Garnett, Richard, 205
,, Henry, 94 Garsit, see Garsyde
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Baptisms pp. 1 —105 inclusive Burials 106 — ISG. Marriages 1S7 —216

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Gaistanggo, Henry, 93 Gihh—ronlinued.
.. John, 03 .. Tliomas, 113
Gai-sjnle (Careit) Adam, 88 Gibon, Elizabeth, 210
,, A nil, 26 Gibs, .see Gibb
„ David, 2C Gibson (Gibsone, Gibsonne, Gybsono)
,, Robert, 88 ,, Elizabeth, 73, 88
Gaskine (Gasskin) Elizabeth, 107 ,, James, 34, 73, 78, 84, 88, 92,
,, John, 00* 97, inf. of 102
Gaisskill. Peter, 105 ,, Jenet, 157
,, Walter, 105 ,. John, 121
Gasskin, see Gaskine .. Mary, 97
Gatliffe, Margaret, 143 ,, l?alph, 30, 78, s. of 124, 127,
Gaunt (Gvant) Joihn, 3G 154, 195
,, Margaret, 36, 143 „ Robert, 41, 84, 92, 168
Gawen, see also' Gowen, „ Thomas, 30, 127
,, Joan, 0, 114 ,, Thuistan, 28
Gayle, Richard, 187 Gilbody (Gilbodie, Gilbodye,
Gee (Geie, Gi) Gillbody, Guilbodi,
„ Alice, 7, 34, 43, 104, 145, 191 Guilbodie, Guilbodyc)
„ Ann, 41, 90, 101, 106 Alice, 195
,, Dorothy, 44 Dorothy, 14
,, Edmund, 50, 106 Elizabeth, 34, 75, 87, 165
,, Eleanor, 138 Ellen, 202, 204
„ Elizabeth, 58, 80, 201 H .... 27
„ Ellen,, 43, 98, 99, inf. of 141, Hamlet (Hamnet) 30, 68, 70,*
212 75, 87, w. of 114, 121, 135
,, Helen, 29, 38, 125, 135 193
., Isabel, 21, 116, 150, inf. of 150 ,, Helen, 23
,, Jane, 30, 53, 203 ,, Jane, 5, 196
,, Jenet, 159 ,, Jo3.n, 37, 134, 179
,, Joan, 21, 49 ,, John, 5
„ John, 2, 27,* 29, 32, 43, 50, ,, Katherine, 6, 198
97, 102,* 107, 110, 114, d.of ,, Margaret, a), 68
122, 125, 126, 174, 193, 210 ,, N.X.N. w. of 156

Lawrence, 8, 49, 159, 181 ,, Thomas, 30

Margaret, 112, s. of 123, 181 Giles fGvles, Gvleses, Gvlses)
Margery, 3, 166 „ Aiin, 20, 206
Maud, 151 ,, Helen, 21
Richard, 24, 30, 31, 36, 43, 85, ,, Robert, 1, 107, 114
104, w. of 118, w. of 119, ,, Sybil, 17
s. of 126, w. of 134, 140, ., Tliomais, 17
inf. of 147, 215 Gilessone (Gilossoune, Gyle-sone,
,, Rodger, w. of 112 Gylessonne, Jilessone)
., Thomas, 21, 38, 80, 85, 91,* ,. Ann, 12
97, 101, 125, 208 „ Charles, 126, inf. of 144, 190
„ William, 31, 39, 41, 98, 102,* .. Thomas, 142, w. of 145
114, inf. of 179, 191, 213, [Gill], see Gyll
215 Gillbody, see Gilbody
Gelue, Margaret, 4 Goar, Dorothy, 41
Gerrard (Gerarde) Ann, 88 Godsone, John, 29
,, Elizabeth, 206 Golie, see Jolly
,, Gilbert, 88 Gonlyffe, see CundJifTo
.. James, 213 Gooden (Goodene, Goodine, Gooeden,
Gest, see Guest Goolden, Goulden)
Gi, see Gee ,, Alice, 132
Gibb (Gibs, Gybbes, Gybbs) ,, Edmund, 2, 36, 45, 50, 56, 63,
,, Agnes, 100 71, 80, 98, 107, 127, 166,
,, Joan, 132 107, 207, 210

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Baptisms pp. 1 —105 inclusive. Burials 106— 186. Marriages 187 —216.

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Gooden continued. Greenes, Ann, 211
.. Elizabeth, 13, 71, 199 ,, Edmund, 215
., Ellen, 80, 99, 104 ,, Elizabeth, 153
., Helen, 199 ., Ellin, 209
,, Jano, 8 ,. John, 209
,. Joan, 123, 195 ,, Thomas, 156, 183
,. John, 50, 99, inf. of 185, 203, Greeuhaugh (Greehaughe,
214 Greenlioughe, Greenehaughe,
,, Margai^t, 56, 95, 152, 194 Greenhaughe, Grenhaughe,
,, Mary, 167 Grenhoughe)
,, Peter, 63, 1&4 „ Isabel, 124
,, Eichard, 45, 95, 101, 212 ,, James, 26,* s. of 122, 195
,, Thomas, 40, 98, 100,* 101, 104 ,, Roger, 208, 209
GoAven, see also Gawen, ,, Thomas. 30
., Alice, 131 Greenes, see Greave
.. John, 121 Greggorie, Greggory, see Gregory
Greatracks (Greatcaks) Edward, 187 Greggs, Elizabeth, 94*
,, Robert, 45 Greggson, Riohai-d, 172
., Roger, 45 ,, Susanna, 211
Gieave (Greaves, Greenes, Greens, ., Thomas, 173
Gregory (Greggorie, Greggory,
Gregorie, Gregorye)
[Refer also to Green]
,, Alice, 97, 109
,. Alice, 11
Ednxnnd. ,, Ann, 68
.. 26, 60, 139
,, Catherine, 200
., Elizabeth, 48, 70, 93, 153
,, Eleanor, 205
. Ellen, 73, 191
., Elizabeth, 56, 106, inf. of 148,
., Isabel, 24
,. Jane, 87, 170, 203
,. Ellen, 89, 175, 202, 208
„ John, 31, 60, 73, 80, 87, 93,
100,* 126, 203 ., Ema, 20
Helen, d. of 142
.. Margaaet, 18, 77, 103*
Mary, 60
Humphrey, 88, 183
Isabel, 196
.. Robert, 24
James, 117
., Thomas, 16, 26, 48, 57, 60, 70,
Joan, 1, 16, 56, 134, 155
77, 80, 126, 136, inf. of 149,
John, 8, 16, 20, 23, 73,* 83, 88,
inf. of 156, 183, 194
89, 91, 97, w. o.f 118, w. of
Greehaughe, see Greenliaugh
119, 120, inf. of 165, inf. of
Green (Greene, Greenes, Greens, 175. 192, 195
Grene, Grin) ,, Lawrence, 28, 68, 158, 205
[Refer also to Greave] ,, Lucv, inf. of 130
,, Alexander, 6 ., Margaret, 7, 34, 83, 109
.. Alice, 11 .. Oliver. 178
., Ann, 14, 43, 78, 214 .. Peter, 208
., Edmund, 60, 139 ,. Ralph, 178
.. Edward, 215 ,, Rat«liffe, 91
.. Elizabeth, 48, 70, 93, 1-53 ., Richard, w. of 117, inf. of 163,
., Ellen, 73 170, 215
., Isabel, ^ ,, Robert, 4, 187
., Jane, 87, 170, 203 „ Vrian, 109, 135
., John, 9, 25, 73, 80, 87, 93, ,, William, w. of 139
100,* 111, 126, 203 Grene, see Green
.. Margaret, 37, 77, 78, 103* Grenhaughe, Grenhoughe,
,, Robert, 24 see Greeuhaugh
„ Thomas. 16, 43, 48, 60, 70, 77, Greues, see Greave
80, 126, 136, inf. of 149, Grimshawe (Grymshall) Ann, 197
inf. of 156, 183, 194 ,, Nicholas, 198
., William, 106 Grin, see Green
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Baptisms pp. 1—105 inclusive. Buriah 106—186. Marriages 187—216.

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Giundy (Gruiidie, Gruadye, Hall— continued.
Grvinjidie) ,, George, 201
Adam, 214 ,, Henry, 30, 42, 78, 92, 164, 196

Alice, 149 James, 34

„ ,,

Ann, 200 ,, Jenet, 182

Catherine, 140 Joan, 61, 170

„ Elizabeth, 1&4 John, 30, 34, 78, 83,* 86.* 91,

Ellen, 84 w. of 113, 113, inf. of 161,

Emnie, 11 168, inf. of 176
Heni-y, 190 ,, Margaret, ai, 67, 105, 209

,. Hugh, 164, 205 „ Mary, 91, 92, 212, 215

„ Jajiies, 22, 72,* 78,*
4, 84,
N.X.N. inf. of 173

inf. of 166, 184, 210 ., Ralph, 45

Jane, 82 ,, Richard, 25, 28,* 41, 77, s. of
Joan, 103 123, 138, 143, 163. 192
Margaret, 15, 187 , Robei-t, 37, 42, 47, 53, 55, 61,
"Ould," w. of 160 67, 72,* 77, 101, 105, 107,
Ricliard, 104 158, 160,* 163, 171, 200, 215
Kobert, 103 „ Thomas, 21, 34, 45, 87,* 158,
'.. Sybil, 137 176
Thomas, 82 HaJliwell (Haliwo, Holiwell)
William, 104, 118, 119, 140, „ Alice, 76

188 ., Ann, 33
Grymshall, see Gnnishawe Ellen, 215
Gi-yphine, Ann, 36 ,, George. 76
,, Margaret, 36 ,. John, 90
Guest (Gest) Ann, 79 Margaret, 90

Oustans, 206 .. Ralph, 33

Halls\roi-th (Halseworthe,
„ Elizabeth, 79, 86, 212
Humphrey, 70 Halsworth)
Gilbert, 95, 101, inf. of 174,
,, Job, 211 ,,

LaM'renoe, 70, inf. of 158 211

Margei-y, 106 Katheriue, 101
Robert, 95
„ Kandle, 120 ,,

., Richard, 86 ,, WidoAv, 170

.. William, 205 Hamletsone (Hamnetsone)
Guest alias Wroe, Richard, 170 ,, Henry, 198
Guilbodi, Guilbodie, Guilbodye, ., Thomas, 4
see Gilbody Hampson (Hampsone, Hamson,
Gvant, see Gaunt Hamsone)
Gybbes, Gybbs, see Gibb ,. Ann, 54, 173
Gybsono, see Gibson ,, EdAvard, 47, 54, 62, 68, 79, 87,
inf. of 156, 166, 174, 200,
Gyles, Gyleses, see Giles
Gylesone, Gylessonne, see Gilesssone 213
Gyll [Gill] Ann, 206 ., Elizabeth. 105
Gytees, see Giles George, w. of 153, 165, 188
,, Hugh, 136
,, Joan, 94
,, Lawrence, 62
Hagh, see Hey ,, Margaret, 68, 173
Hale, see Hall ,, Mary, 68, 79, 173, 174
Haliwo, see Halliwell ,, Ralph, 94, 213
Hall (Hale, Halle) Adam, 216 ., Randle, 134
Alice, 53 ,, Robert, 47, 105, 215
Ann, 31, 55, 91, 101, 207, 212 ,. Thomas, 134
; Elizabetli, 25, 29, 47, 132, 164, ,,. William, 87, 204, 211
211 Hankins (Hankine) Joan, 28
„ Ellen, 165 „ Raadle, 28, 127*
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Baptisms pp. 1 —105 inclusive. Burials 106—186. Marriages 187—216.

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Hankina— continued. Harles, Feles, 130
.. Richard, 71, w. of 130 ,, Thomas, 130
.. Thomas, 71, 166 Harper, Alice, 55
Hankins alias Bajlowe, Mary, 176 ., Ann, ^, 55, 61, 173, 178
,, Catherine, 57
Hankine \ „,,• „ / Oliue, Olive,
Denis, 12, 69, 159
Hankins / ^^'^ \ Olyffe, Olyue, ,,

,. Ellen, 48, 159

,, Adam, 76 George, s. of 126, inf. of 135,
„ Ann, 91 196
,, John, 76
., Giles. 57
„ Handle, 31,* 32, 76,* 91 Helen, 48

„ Richard, 120 Henry, 162, w. 189
„ of 162,
[Hankinsou] see Honkinsone .. Isabel, 36
Hanson (Hansone) Helen, 41
,, Margery, 195 ., Jane, 24, 66
Hardman (Hai-dnianne) „ Jenet, 72, 159
,, Alice, 11, 56, 160, 179 ,, John, 32, 66, 204
„ Ann, 83, 172 ,, Margaret, 69, 165
„ Caleb, 73 „ Sarah, 202
„ Catherine, 127 ,, Thomas, 61, 72
,. Dorothy, 34, 84 Harrison (Harison, Harisone,
„ Edmund, 23, 56, 73, 77, 84, Harisonne, Harrisone,
86, 91, 94, 97, 99, w. otl46, Harson)
147, 177 ,, Catherine. 192
,, Eleanor, 25, 70 „ Edward, 19
„ Elizabeth, 191, 202 ,, Eleanor, 209
,, Ellen, 86, 96, 97, 193, 205 ,. Elizabeth. 207, 211
., Francis, 77, 168,* 204 ,, Helen, 204
., George, 28, 42, 91,* 104, 177,* „ Isabel, 204
195 ,. James, 207
„ Giles, 28, 82, 91, 92, 97,* 180 .. Joan, 197
,, Henry, 94 John, 63,* 197
,, Humphrey, 216 ,, :Marga.ret, 24, 65
., James, 23, 84, 91, 95, 101, ., Randle, 121
183,* inf. of 186 ,, Richard, 65, 204
„ Jane, 67, 121 .. William, 121
,. John, 15, 31,* 71, 84, 90, 92, Harrison alias Stopperton,
98,* 101, 104, 128, 166, 175, ,, Humphrey, 182
inf. of 180, 181,* 183,* 189. Harrwood, see Harwood
212 Harson, see Harrison
,, Lawrence, 90, 95 Hart, Helen, 141
„ Margaret, 26, 64, 103, 191, 207 Hartley (Hartles) Agnes, 106
„ MaiT, 82 , Elizabeth, 54, 165
., Ralph, 67, 70, 74, 76, 82, 91, .. Ellen, 189
97, inf. of 158, inf. of 165 Henry, 54, 57, 59, 63, 73
„ Richai-d, 21, 42, 66, 74, 99, Humphrey, 59
w. of 138, 158, 194, 197, 201 „ John, 69
„ Robert, 18, 27, 64, 66, 71, 76, ,, Lawrence, 139
83, 90, 96, 103, inf. of 152, „ Peter, 63
205 ,, Richard, 57
„ Thomas, 22, 31, 73, 82,* 90, ,, Thomas, 73
97, 118, 119, w. of 121, w.of ,, William, 139
132, 160, 177, 192 Hartston, Margaret, s. of 127
„ Tliurstan. w. of 129 Harwood (Harewode, Harrwood,
„ Vnytie, 73 Har^varde,Harwod,
., William, 113 Harwoodd, Har«oode)
Harewoode, see Harwood ,, Alexander, 109
Hai-ison, Harisone. see Harrison „ Ann, 12, 158, 197
— —
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Baptisms pp. 1—105 inclusive. Burials 106—186. Marriages 1S7—216.

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Harwood continued. Haugh ton continued.
,, Eleanor, 207 ,, Robert, 69
,, Ellen, 50, 109 ,, Thomas, 71, 117
„ Hamlet (Hamnet) 10, 59, 154, ,, Thui-stan, 107
189, 195 ,, William, 43, 107, 116, w. of
,, Helen, 33 121, 193
,, Hugh, 18, w. of 123, 173, 190, Haweker, Hawker, see Holker
196 Hawortii (Hawarthe, Haworthe)
„ Isabel, 206, 216 Elizabeth, 24
„ James, 31, 34,* w. of 118, 127, George, 26, 30, s. of 127, 127
135* Helen, 199
.. Jane, 16 .. Henry, 26
,, John, 31, 113, w. of 115, 127, Joan, 24. 204
„ Jolin, 30, 127
,, Margaret, 13 lUchard, 41
„ N.X.N. 50,
Haydock, Elizabeth, 77
Haslonie (Hasleum) Alice, 80 Kathcrine, 77
,, Anne, 88 Hayge, Hayghe, see Hey
,, Grace, 212 Hayward (Haj'warde, Heawarde,
,, John, 80, 88, two infs. of 179, Heward, Hewarde,
208, 212
Heywai-'d, HeyAvarde)
,, Katlierine, 175
,, Alice, 1, 26
,, Ralph, 150
., Ann, 26, 53, 56, 105, 142, 161,
Hattar alias lvc«cow 216
(Hatter alias Roscowe) Dorothy, 48, 192
., Thomas, 118, 119 Elizabeth, 140, 142, 200
Hatter, Thomas, 14
,, Ellen, 46, 163, 173
Hatton, Dorothy, 28 Ham on, w. of 121
,, Margaret, 31 Helen, 121, 125
,, William. 28
,, Imina, 152
Hauglies, see Hey
.. James, w. of 119
Haughton (Haughtone, Haughtonne, ., John, 167, 195, 205
Haugton, Haiigtone, Margaret, 7, 197
Havghton, Houghton, Margery, 122
,, Oliver, 121, 127, 188
Alice, 206
,, Ralph, 30,* 49, 77, 86, 142, ]

Elizabeth, 8, 47, 53, 65, 107, "

inf. of 143, inf. of 145, 147,

163, 165, 196
Ellen, 71*
Richard, 46, 49, 77, 140, inf. of
Emma, 68 ,,
143, 14,5 .1

Frances, 216
,, Robert, 86, 94,* inf. of 176, r
Francis, 188
210 i:

Hug;h, 7, 56, 72, 84, 160, 181

,, Tliomas, 17, 105 ,

Innam, 39
„ Widow, 170
Isabel, 14, 55, 122
,, William, 14, 46, 53, 56,
48, ^

Jane, 25
inf. of 143, inf. of 153, 162, }'

Joan, 79, 174

John, 4, 117. w. of 139
Hayward alias Dayne,
Katherrne, 159

,, John, 94
jNiargaret, 197 ;

,, Thomas, 94, 179

Margery, 25, 195
Peter, 43, 47, 55, 62, 68, 71, Haywardo alias Cowdall,
,, Tliomas, 186
81, inf. of 156, 179
Ralph, 19, 62, 66,* 69, 72, 79, Haywood, see Heywood
81, 84, 159, 160, 163, 179, Haywood alias llattcliffe,
208 ,, Bridget, 178
Richard, 53, 56, 65, 124, v,-. of Haywort alias Chatterton,
142, 203 ,, William, 158
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Baptisms pp. 1 —105 inclusive. Burials 106 —186. Marriages 187 S16.

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Hay worth (Hay wort t, Heawarth) B.e-wet— continued.
see also Hey worth, ,, Joseph, 89, 176
.. Alice, 140 ,, Mai-garet, 182
,, Aun, 165 ,, Richard, 30, 54, 131
„ Ellen. 74 „ Robert, 18, 51, 55, 61, 66, 83,
„ Ralph, 74, 207 w. of 157, 202, 209
.. Ricliard, 140 ,, Roger, 197
,, Thomas, 72 ,, Thomas, 11, 54, 60,* 75, 81, 89
„ William, 72 ,, William, 47, 64, 70,* 83 97
Healde (Yeld) Helen, 10 105, 126. 141, w. of 153
Jane, 215

Heape, Alice, 116

„ 186, 188, 202, 205, 212*
Hewort, see Hewart
.. Ann, 99 He wood, Hewoode, see Hey wood
,, George, 96,* 99, 180,* 184 Heworth (Heworthe) Elizabeth, 112
.. Jane, 103, 185 ,, John, w. of 119, 190
,, Robert, 103, 183, 185 Hey (Hagh, Haughes, Hayge,
,, Sarah, 184 Hayghe, Heie, Heye)
Heathfelte. see HefFelt ., Alexander, 49
Heaton, John, 212 ,, Alice, 27,* 30, 56, 91, 92, 103
Heavelt, see Heffelt 137, 177. 192, 201, 208, 214
Heauarde, see Hayward „ Ann, 19, 30, 48, 71, 73, 104,
Heav.orth, see HaTworth 139, 155, 175, 190, 202
Heffelt (Heathfelte, Heavelt, ., Bridget, 72
Hefeld, Heffeeld, Heifelt, . .
Christopher, 88, infants of 167,
Heiffeeld, Heuelt) 173
,, Alice, 195 ,, Dorothy, 40, 128, 171, 213
„ Ann, 198 .. Edmund, w. of 125, s.of 129
Elizabetli, 205 137,* s. of 144, 193, 196,
„ Grace, 140 209
.. Jane, 160 ,, Elizabeth, 5, 7, 11, 21, 22, 31,*
,, Joan, 108, 191 36, 39, 65, 67, 87, 89, 111,
., John. 130, 158 167, 170, 189, 197, 202, 203
.. Richard, 121, 187 ,, Elizeus, 19, 25,* 46, 155
.. Thomas, 123, w. of 135, 136 .. Ellen, 1, 15, 65, 137, 194, 196,
Heie. see Hev 208
Heifelt, HeiffWd, Heuelt, „ Ellis. 52, 69,* 71, 73, 78, 89,
see Heffelt 97, 102, 104, 209, 210, 215
Heward, Hewarde, see Hayv.ard .. Emma, 115
Hewart (Hewoil) Elizabeth, 18 ,, Francis, 73
,, Isabel, 19 ,, George, 61
., John, 5 „ Giles, 22, 73, 85, 90, 94, 122,
,, William, 200 142. 195
Hewell, see Howell .. Ginit, 160, 187
Hewet (Huet, Huit, Huitt, Hvet. .. Helen, 33
Hvit, Hvite, Hvitt, Hviytj .. Heni-y, 21, 77, 84, 97, 120, 137,
,, Alice, 14, 51 192, 194
., Ann, 39, 105 .. Isabel. 24, 51
,, Edmund. 30 ,, James, 22
„ Edwai-d. 202 .. Jane, 22, 25, 30, 35, 54, 197,
„ Ellen, 61, 64, 168, 176, 186 201. 202, 208
,, Fi-ancis. 81 ., Joan. 15, 17. 25, 59. 108, 205
,, Grace, 8 „ John. 9, 17, 30. 31, 33, 35, 44,
„ Helen, 22 46, 49, 56, 62,* 68, 74,* 84,
„ James, 75, 97 85. 87, 92, 98, 102, 103, 112.
,, Jane, 55 128, s. of 128, 129, 134, s. of
,. Joan, 198 134, 141, 159,* inf. of 161,
„ John, 26, 66, 69, w. of 110, 177. 178, 197, 198, 210
151 „ Katherine, 8, 16, 77, 204
— —
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Baptisms pp. 1 — 105 inclusive. Buriah 106 — 186. Marriages 187 —216.

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Hey continued. Higginson continued.
,, Margaiet, 97, 107, 110, 136, ,, George, 46
141, 191 „ Isabel, 30, 41, 138, 145, 201
,, Margeiy, 138 .. John, 101, 199
,, Mary, 92, 94, 104, 185 ,, Margaiet, 202
.. Nicholas, 169, 204 „ Mary, 90, 181
., N.X.N., \\r. of 158 „ N.X.N., 50
,, Ralph, 29 ,, Otho, 32, 117, w. of 124
,, Richard, 25, 37, 46, 68, 91, 94, ,, l^ichard, 51
104, d. of 121, 180 ,, Robert, 46, 51, 197
,. Robert, 2, 66,* 97, 107, w. of ., lliomas, 32, 78, 84,* 90, 101,
118, 137, inf. of 138, 139,149 120, 158, 181
„ lloger, 61, 66, 111, 204 ,, William. 47
.. Sibil, 88, 173 Higsone. Agnes. 45
,, Sisslie, 169, 180 ,, Edward, 45
,, Thomas, 1, 16, 39, 46, 72, 75,* ,, Ellen, 45
78, 90, 94, 116, 137, 151, 158, Hill, James, 122
176, 185, 207 ., Jane, 122
,, Thuretan, 12, 22, 29, 44, 48, ,, Katherine, 191
54, 59, 66, 67, 98, w. of 128, ,,
Margaret, 105
161, 167, 184, 199 ,, Thomas, 105, 214
Hey alias Bamtt, Margaiet, 183 Hilton (Hiltone) see also Hulton,
Hej'e, see Hey ,, Alexander, 29
Alice, 40,* 80, 97, 129
Hey^vaid, Heywarde, see ,,

., Artluir, w. of 145, 149

Heywood (Haywood Hewood, ,, Catherine, 126
Hewoode, Heywoodd) ,, Dorothy, 208
Alice, 13, 200 Edmund, 3, 50, 58,* 149, 154
Ann, 20. 149 Elizabeth, 5, 30,* 32, 97, 203,
Elizabeth, 64
205, 214
Ellen, 87
., Elizeus, 50
Helen, 20 Ellen, 173, 206

Hester, 103, 172 Henry. 93, 181

James, 64, 97, 103, inf. of 159, James, 29, 125, 181
206 Jane, 62, 182
John, 97, 205* Jenet, 14, 167
Margaret, 7, 44* John, 29, 118, 125
MaiT, 87 Margaret, 14, 32, 131, 212
Thomas, 14 Margery, 80, 215
William, w. of 137, 180, 189 Mary, 93, 200
Heywortli (Heywort, Heyworte, ,. Maude, 122
Heyworthe, Heywortt) .. Peter, 29, 63, 125, 197
see also Hayworth, Ralph, 106
Alice, 3 .. Richard 109
,, Ann, 33 .. Robert, inf. of 156
., John, w. of 118 ,, Tliomas, 126, w. of 143, inf. of
,, Margery, 115 155
.. William, 71 Hindley (Hyndley) Adam, 190
Hide, see Hyde ,, Alice, 47
Higenson, see Higginson ., Catherine, 55
Higginbothom, Ralph, w. of 162, 207 ., Ellen, 57
Higginson (Higensone, Higginsone, ,, Jenet, 207
Higginsomie, Higinson, ,, Joan, 172
Higinsone) .. Jdm, 37, 47, 55, 57, 149
,, Ann, 37, 196 ., Margery, 20.5
,, Catherine, 37, 195 ., Robert, 191, 192
,, Elizabeth, 78, 122 ,, William, 203
„ Ellen, 47 Hoalker, see Holker
— '

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Baptisvis pp. 1—105 inclusive. Burials 106—186. Marriages 187—^

Hodgkinson (Hodgkinsone, Holden continued.

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Edward. 3 „ Peter, 16, 31, w. of 136, 187
,, Richard, 15, 27, 31, 49, 50, 53
,. Jane, 213 58,* 62, 67, 70, 76,* 84, 102'
„ John, 113
142, inf. of 156, 185, 194'
.. Margery, 192
,, Ralph, 194 Robert, 28, 30, 44, 67, 89, w. of
Hodson (Hodsone) Ann, 91
,. Ellen, inf. of 155 _
123, 124, 169, 170, 187 195
Thomas, 26, 40, 41, 53, 105
„ William, 91 w. of 122, 122
Hogg (Hogge) Elizabeth, 21, 129 HoldsAvorth, Holdworthe,
,, Helen, 36 see Houldsworth
,, Katherine, 124, 184, 207 Holinworth, see Hollinworth
,, Margaret, 27 Holnvell see Halliwell
„ Richard, 107 Holker (Haweker, Hawker, Hoalker,
,. Thomas, 2-5, 27, 29, 73,* d. of
Hoker. Hoocker, Houlker,
129, 129 Howckere, Howker,
Hogge alias Booixieman,
Thomas, 55* Alexander, 29, 69, 74,* 79 83
Hoir, Dorothy, 32 '
166, 205 .

, Thomas, 32 ,, Ann, 91
Hoker, see Holker Elizabeth, 47, 135, 214
Holande, see Holland ., Ellen, 63, 83,* 162
Holcroft-e (Holecroft, Holecrofte, .. Helen, 27, 36, 147
Houlecrofte, Howlcrofte, .. Joan, 17, 20, 58, 191, 201
Howlecrofte) ,, Laurence, 29, 30,* 37, 43,* 47
see also Howcroft,
52, 58, 63, 69, 83, 87, 91
,, Adam, 140 103,* d. of 132, 137, 138!
,, Ann, 39 176, 185, 208, 210, 216
,, Catherine, 41 ,, Margaret, 31, 193
„ Dorothy, 28 Richard 52, 128
,, Jeffrey, 205 .. Roger, 87
., Joan, 41, 183, 216 ,, Thomas, 40, 79, 165
,, Thomas, 28, 32, 111, d. of 132, Holland (Holande, Hollande,
w. of 141, inf. of 158, 158, Hollond)
194, 215 Adam, 8, 57,* 65, s.
., of 123,
Holdame, see Oldam 143, w. of 162, 162, 202
Hold en (Hoi dene, Hoolden, ,, Agnes, 109
Houlden, Houldene) ,, Alice, 14, 27, 51, 54, 82, 114,
see also Houlde, 199, 210
, Alice, 2 Ann,
,, 21, 54, 60, 75, 78, 83,
Ann, 37, 70, 134, 18-5 84, 151, 201, 216
. Edmimd, 32, 89, 94,* 99, 105, ,, Bartholomew, 110
210 ,, Catherine, 35, 38, 53, 65, 66,
Elizabeth, 19, 30, 184, 203* 97, 108, inf. of 154, 191, 197
, Ellen, 84, 168 Charies, 140
, Helen. 16 ,, Daniel, 53
Heni-y, 16, 49, 102, 129, w. of i

Denis, 96, 122, w. of 134, w. of

152, 166, 185, 215 I
, Jinetta, 62 I

Dionisius, 40, 45, 52, 138, 147,

John, 4, 27, 37, 44, 48, 99, 126, d. of 154, 194, 198
129, 134, ia5 ,, Dorothy, 74
Katherine, 7, 50, 58, 213 ,, Edmund, 69
Margaret, 24, 28, 33, 58, 124, ,, Eleanor, 55, 66, 101, 104, 190
150 ,, Elizabeth, 9, 14, 29, 30, 35, 48,
Margeiy, 12, 36, 132 49, 52, 57, 58, 59,* 63, 71,
Mary, 48, 58 74, 88, 95, 101, 132,* 157,
Pearce, 162 158, 159, 169, 172, 173, 181,
185, 196, 198, 213
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Baptisms pp. 1—105 inclusive. Burials 106—186. Marriages 187—216.

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Holland — contin ued. Holland— co»i<»nMe(i.
lialph, 27, 33, 38, 40, 42,* 53,
,, Ellen, 5, 10, 22, 48, 105, 107, ,

12^^, 157, 161, 170, 172, 180,

108, 140, 158, 161, 170, 196
193, 200, 201 . Richard, 4, 5, 29, 41, 51, 64,
Frances, 26, 39, 40, 76, 143, 66, 102, 110, 118, 119, 125,
166, inf. of 180, 181, 185,
200, 208, 210
George. 3, 7, 33,* 38, 40, 85, 188, 195, 213, 216

87; 89, 90,* 93, 97, 100, 102, ,, Robert, 27, 31, 43, 47. 57, 100,
102, w. of 117, 120, inf. of
w. of 112, w. of 126, 126,
135, 136, 144, 158, 163, 173,
129, w. of 136, 182, 214
182. 198
„ Ginit, 162
Hari, 87 ., Samuel, 31
Helen, 10, 21, 27, 42, 137, 197, ,
Sysley (Cdcelie, Cislea) 28, 180,

200 190
Henry, 21, 125 , Thomas, 10, 15, 16, 31, 33,
37 44 * 45, 48, 49, 51, 53,
Isabel, 29, 44, 85, 102, 125, 170
" 88, 55, 57,* 58,* 59,* 61,* 63,
James, 31, 51, 54, 69, 83,
106, 64, 65, 66,* 69,* 72,* 74,
93,* 95 98, 101, 102, 88,*
76, 77,* 83, 84, 85, 87,
120, 178, 181, 207 105,
69, 92, 98,* 101, 102, 104,
Jane, 10, 34, 38, 51, 66, w. of
108, 112, 120, s. of 127,
lOb, 185, 202, 208
140, 146, inf. of 152, w. of 155,
Joan, 11. 61, 83, 106, 108,
s. of 155, inf. of 150, 157,
164, 189, 192 197,
160, 166, 169, 176, 193,
John. 1, 5, 15, 17, 23,* 27, 29, 201, 203, 211, 213,* 216
30. 38, 41, 44, 46, 49, 54,
,. Widow, 129
55,* 57, sons of 59, 61,* 65,
„ William, 10, 14, 16, 20,* 33,
66, 72, 85, 87, 93,* 100, w. of 42, 54, 57, 58, 69,"
36, 37,
118, 118, w. of 119, 119, 127,* 92 117, 122, w. of 133, 133,*
w. of 130, 143, w. of 144, 134 inf. of 135. 139, 140,,
inf. of 150, inf. of 155,*
161, 187, 189, 191, 202, 216
w. of 155, 161, inf. of 169, ;

Holland alias Lecli, Isabel, 43

169, 178, 185, 188, 189, 193, Richard. 43
203, 206, 209

Holland alias Pollet, Ellen, 178 i

Lawience, 48, 51, 57,* 62, 66,

HoUande, see Holland
73, 78, 82, 179,* 199 Holldam, see Oldam
. Leonard, 61, 126, tt. of 152 HoUinworth (Holinworth,


„ Margaret, 3, 5, 6,* 17, 27, 30, HoUenworth, HoUinworthe,

39, 41,* 43, 47, 50, 59, 62,*

88,* 106, 122, 127, 168, 208, George, 51
,, [
209 .. Hugh, 38, c. of 172 J
,, MargeiT, 127 .. John. 24,* 45,* 51, 157, w. of,
,, Martha, 33, 73, 89, 129, 175 162, 195. 198 I

Mary, 21, 57, 69, 73, 101, 182, ., Margaret. 181

202 .. Thomas, 178
,, Maudlena, 133 Hollond, see Holland
,, Mr., 72 Hollynworth, see HoUinworth
Oatk. 12, 71, 74, 159, 167, 182 Holme, William, 52, 209
Oliver, 50, 54, 62, 70.* 112, Holt (Holte, Hoult) Boothe (f) 215
s. of 156, 172, 178, 201 „ Dorothy, 102
„ Otho, 34, 45, 46, 49, 54, 57, ,, Henry, 46,* 203, 211
60. 64. w. of 115, 136, 151, ., James, 94, 179
inf. of 156, 197 ., John, 97
, Peter, 45, 96, 98, 101, 118, .. Marv, 202
119. inf. of 181, 213 ., Ralph, 33,* 129
,, PriRcilla, 72 Robert, 94, 97, 102, 179, inf.ol|
,, "Ra: inf. of 145 182

,. Radcliffe, 182 Houkinsoue, Miles, 2

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Baptisms pp. 1—105 inchisive. Burials 106—186. Marriages 187—216.

Hoocker, see Holker Hopwood (Hoppwood, Hopwoodd,

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H(X>gh (Hooghe) Alice, 216
.. Edmund, 72, 76, 159, 207 ,, Edmund, 194
.. Ellen, 99 ,, Elizabeth. 25
,, Heniy,
99, 103 .. Imina. 134
Jane, 76, 103
.. Margaret, 199
„ John
100 ., Thomas, 208
Kalph, 100
„ Hordsfold, see Hurdsforth
,, Thomas, 72, 159 Horige, see Honidge
Hoolden, see Holden Hornby (Hormbie, Hornbie,
Hcx>per, Joan, 199
Hornby e, Hornibie)
Hope (Hoope, Hooppo) ,, Ann, 91
., Adam, 15, \y. of 114, av. of 133
,, Elizabeth, 41, 183
\y. of 140, 158, w. of 162, ., Ellen, 60
190, 201 Hemy,
„ 60, 68, 73, 83, 91, inf. of
,. Alexander, 117 165
.. Alice, 36 John, 41
.. Ann, 101, 191 „ Margaret, 73
.. Ai-thui- 189 ,, Mary, 68
,, Catherine, 200 Thomas, 83
., Chai-les, 24 Horrich, see Horwicli
., Dorothy, 19 [written Lope in Honidge (Horidge, Honge,
original] Horredge)
,, EdmiuMl, 103 see also Horwicli
,, Eleanor, 117 .. Alice. 129
,, Elizabeth, 7, 13. 14, 20, 36, Elizabeth, 16

103, 113, 206 .. Humphrey, 16

,, Ellen, 75, inf. of 184, 185, 186 ., James, 117
,, George, 60 .. Thomas, w. of 115

., Grace, 33, 35,* d. of 143, 205 Horrocks (Horrockes, Whorocks,

,, Heniy, 65,* 72, 81, 88, 89, 91 Whorrockes, Whoirocks)
100,* w. of 123, 128, 174' ,, Adam, 14
177,* 186, 194 ,. Amerie. 169
„ Hugh, 37 ., Ann, 28
,, Isabel, 26 Chiistopher, 25
.. James. 2.* 46. 96. 100,* 133. ., Joan, 21, 193
173, 180, 190. 197, 213 ,, Laurence, 210

„ Jane, 28. 72, 173, 207 „ V/illiam, 139, 193

,, Jeffrey, 91, s. of 124, s. of 125, HoiTvich (Horrich, Horr\vich,
w. of 141 Horrwiche, Horwiche)
„ John, 9, d. of 16, 32,* 46, 65, see also Horridge,
68, 101, 151, w. of 153, inf. of .. Alice, 96
153, 170. 182, 185, 191 „ Edward, 105. w. of 139, 168
,, Lambert, 85 „ Elizabeth, 192
„ Margaret, 15, 109, 116, 168 ,, George, 199
I ,, Margery, 115 ,, Katherine, 100, 134
.. Nicholas, 5, 18, 135, w. of 148 ,, MaiT, 211
., Randle, 26, 65, w. of 137, 165, ., Th.omas, 38, 96, 100, 105, 128,
199 213
„ Richai-d, 1, 54, 88, w. of 155, Houcroft, see Howcrofte
168, 173, 214 Houghton. Houghtone,
,. Robert, 49, 81. 135, 148, 176 see Haughton
.. Thomas, 11, 21, 49, 64, 60, Houldame. see Ouldam
67,* 75. 85, 89, 96, w. of Houlde [ ? Holden] John, 45
155, 166, s. of 168, 180, 200, ., Robert. 45
206 Houlden, Houldene, see Holden
,, Toma&sine, 154 Houldsworth (Holdsworth,
,, William, 5, 10, 28, 68, 109, 168 Holdworthe)
— —
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Baptisms pp. 1 —105 inclusive. Burials 106 — ISO. Marriages 187 — 21fi.

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Houlds worth continued. Hulme continued.
,, Doiotliy, 208 „ N.X.N., inf. of 147
„ PeUM-, 49,* 147 ,, Oliver, 192
Houlecrofte, see Holcrofte ,,Kichard, 61, 89, 117, w. of 142
Houlker, see Holkor ,, Robert, 3, 16, 71, 159
Hoult, see Holt „ Roger, 36, 93, 98, 104, 212
Howckeie, see Holkor ., Siunuei, 93
Ho\vcrofte (Houcroft, Howecrofte, .. 'J'homas, 98
Howecroofte) ,, William, 40, 89, 94, 102, w. of
see also Holcrofte, 136, 151, 167, 206
,, Adam, 43 Hulme alias Tliorpe, Elizabeth, 169
,, Margaret, 4, 122 Hulton (Hultoue, Hvlton, Hvltone)
,, Thomas, 43 see also Hilton,
Ho^\-ell (Hewell) Alice, 120 „ Adam, 111, w. of 131
,, James. 66 „ Alice, 174
., N.X.N. 66 . „ Arthur, 197
Howker, see Holker ,, Edmund, 46,* 55, 64
Howlcrofte, Howleorofte, ,, ElizalKjth, 36, 96, 129, 191,
see Holcrofte 197, 199
Howlker, see Holker ,, Ellen, 55
Howorth (Howorthe) Dorothy, 212 ,, Elli.s, w. of 111
., George, 180, 210 ,,Headmoiide. 43
Hudson alias Ollivereone, James, 43 ,,Helen, 8, 193
., John, 43 ,, Henry, 96
Hudsono, James, 43 ,, James, 197
.. John, 43 ,, Joan, 173
Hudsone alias Cloughe, ., John, 119, 168
., Margaret, 132 ,, Lettioe, 109
Huet, see Hevret ,, Luce, 111
Huget (see Hewet also) „ Margaret, 34, 44, 64, 129
,, Katherine, 111 ,, Marge rie, 56, 174
Hughes (Huglie) Alice, 185, 191 ,, Matthew, 162
„ Ann, 102 ,, Peter, 44, 117, inf. of 142
,, Hemy. 18.5 ,, Richard, 24,* 56, 147, 198
,, John, 40, 102, 215 ,, Roger, 109, w. of 130, 146, 198
,. Margery, 32, 129 „ Thomas, 43, 187
,. Thomas, 32, 40, 129 ,, William, 33
Hughforth, John, w. of 110 Hunt (Hunte) Agnes, 106
Huidson, John, 79 ,, Alice, 8
„ Sarah, 79 ,, Ann, d. of 50, 203
Huit, Huitt, see Hewet ., Catherine, 2, 108
Hulme, Adam, 73,* 187 „ Charles, 112
,, Ann, 166 ,, Elizabeth, 53
,, "Doniinus," 125 ., Ellen, 5
,, Edmund, 71, 75, 159 ,, John, 3. 5, 13, 53, 108, w. of
„ Elizabeth, 102, 137, 212 134, 214
„ Ellen, 94, 206 ., Margai-et, 17, 42
„ George, 50,* 55, 61, 135, 166, ,, Richard, 200
201 ,, Sislea, 201
„ Helen, 123 ., William, 21, 141
,, James, v>-. of 109, 123, 125, Hurdsforth (Hoi-dsfold, ,

155, 196 HurdsefFoi-the,

,, Jane. 167 Hurdsfeild, Hurdsfelde,
„ John, 104, 133* Hurdsfold, Huidsfolde,
,, Margaret, 75, inf. of 132, 179, Hurdsford, Hui-dsforthe)
190 ,, Elizabeth, 131
,, Mary, 206 ., Ellen, 131, 147
„ Mr., 159 .. George, 179, 186

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Baptisms pp. 1-105 inclusive. Burials 106-186. Marriages 187-216.
Hurdsforth— co?(<»Hi(erf.
Irl&m— continued.

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„ Henry, inf. of 141, 147
„ Hugh, 118, 119, 165 "» " '^°.
°"f72'''- "'
„ John, 179
Isabel, 67
,. Margaret. 186
James, 24
„ Widow, 164
Hurlbutt (Hurlbut, Hurlebutt) Jane, 40, 67, 194, 207,
Jeffrey, 11, 47, 122,
„ Ann, 92 131, 140
Joan, 9, 126, 132
„ Ellen. 97
William. 92, 97, 211 John, 4 11, 20, 24,
,. 33, 36, 39,
Huret, Ann, 8.5, 211 43, 4o, 53, 67, 81, 96,* 102 *
., Isabel, 85, 192 112, 113, 122, 124 d
125, 130, 133, i34, 136 s of
,, John, 189
,, William, 206. 214 138, 150. 164, inf of ?64
Huyton, Ellen, 80 I80, 190, 196, 204,
206, 216
Ivatuerine, 150, 182,
„ Nicholas, 80 187, 203
Luce, 127
„ Robert, 80
Thomasin, 207 Margaret, 4, 24, 28, 45 102
,, '
Hvet, Hvit, Hvite, Hvitt, ,104, 107, '124,' 139 '

see Hewet Margery. 113

Hvlton, Hvltone, see Hulton Maiy, 19, 22, 68, 193, 204
Hyde (Hide) Cicely, 127 Nicholas. 107
, James, w. of'llS, w. of 119 ^{^^\}^^' l^^O, 165, 180
Oliver, 107
., John, 117*
Hyndley, see Hindley Peter, 1, 184
Ralph. 49, 98
Pucliard. 2, 12, 24, 36, 45 53
81, 91, 99. 104, M'. of 113'
Ikelame, see Irlam 125, 127, 131, 143. inf. of
Jrelame alias Thorllwynde, 103. inf. of 154, inf. of 161
inf. of 163, inf. of
., Thomas, 43 171, 172'
Irlam (Erlam, Erlanie, Erleam, 177, 180, 196, 197
Robert, 38, 60, 82, 87, 92 * 98
Errlame, Irelame, Irlame)
Alexander, 8, 41, 50, 98, 103 104, 106, 107, inf. of 175!
inf. of 184
115, 130, s. of 133, w.of 137
Roger, 187
mf of 145,* 165, c. of 165,' Sybil, 140
Thomas, 6, 7, 10, 11, 35, 37
,, 23, 45, 107, 183, 186
' 38, 40, 45, 49.* 52, 53, 55,
60,* 61,* 68, 82, 85, 86, 93.*
„ Ann. 32, 33, 50, 73, 85, 87, 98
95, 98, 102, 103, 104,* 114,
173, 176, 185, 194, 204, 213
w. of 116. 121, 132, 139,
,, Ai-nold. 15
d. of 140, inf. of 144, inf. of
„ Benjamin, 91, 177
145, inf. of 164, 166, 169,
,, Dorothy, 20
171, inf. of 171, 173, inf. of
„ Edmund, 142
174, inf. of 175, 178, inf. of
„ Eleanor, 39, 46,y 95, 98 196
, 180, inf. of 181, 181,* 183
208 , ,

184, 188. 200, 204, 210, 213

„ Elizabeth, 33, a4, 43, 45, 60 '
215 ' .

^,,99, 160, 181,* 205, 207, 208 ,, William, 5, 76, inf. of 175
„ Ellen, 5. 33, 50, 55, 59, 73, 76 Irlam alias AJIexandera, Ellen, 93
86, 102, 104, 142, 150, 154^ ., Thomas, 93
169. 184, 185, 196, 198, 204 Irlam alias Ouldam
208 > > ,

(Irlame alias Oldame)

„ Emma, 152, 197 ,. Richard, w. of 118, w. of 119
„ George, 59, 67, 204 Irlam alias Shriggley, Robert, 180
„ Hamlet, 6, 158, 160 Irlame, see Irlam
„ Helen, 22, 40, 115, 130, 131 Irlame alias Oldame,
„ Henry, 18, 24 see Irlam alias Ouldam
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Buriah lOG-lSO. Maniaycs 187-216.
Baptisms pp. 1-105 incHsivr.

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Jeffreyes— co7!<mHe(Z.
, John, 82, 86, 208
„ Rapi-.e. 82
Jackson (Jacson, Jacsone, Jacsonn) ,' William, 86, 170
,, Alko, 21, 34, 131 Jeffreyson (JefBson, Joffreysone,
,, Ann, 23, 159 Joffreysonne)
Cicely, 200
Ellen, 211
.. Uoi-othy, 208 ,,

,, John, 33
IClizabeth, 172
„ Ralpii. 28, 163
Ellon, 189, 192
Jenkinson (Jenkinsone) Helen, 12.j
Francis, 147*
John, w. of 114, 114
George, 29

Jepson, Adam, 80, 83, 208

Helen, 24 Jane, 80
Henry, 126, 192 Mary, 83
Jane, 47, 198

Robert, 195
Joan, 28, 170, 19o „„
Jilessone, see Gilessone
, „ .

John, 79, 85, 112, 1G3, inr. of

Joanes, Joans, see Jones
175, 188
Johndanghter (Johns daughter)
Katherine, 39, 47
Alice, 142
Margaret, 171, 210 ,,
Hugh, 26
Margery. 28, inf. of 158 ,,

" ', Jane, 26, 118, 119

N.X.N. w. of 191

Joan, 195
Ralph, 29, ^x. of 141, 143, 191, \,
Margaret, 12
200 Margerie, 7, 138

" of 130, 153. Johns, see Jones

S,Siaf^,^m, inf.
" 194
Johnson (Jo1in^!>pe;^J?J"T-3"fL lo.
Alice, 35, 45, 49, 78, IGo, 168,
Robert, 12, 39, inf. of 139, 159, "'
Ann, 34, 88, 103, 148, 202
\\ Annis, 82
79 81 85 89,' ., Clemence, 211
:; Thwnas, 9, 47,
Edmund, 71, 78, 162, 206
164, 173, 174, 208
inf. of

Elizabeth, 202, 213

William, 114 i

Ellen, 71, 103, 207
James daughter, Oathenne, 194

Elyha, 88, 176

Elizabeth, 30 ,1
Frances, 202
Margaret, 5

Jameses (Jamesses) Alice, ib^ „ Francis, 80 ^ ^^^

Geoffrey, 31, s. of 128, 143

,, Ann, 165 George, 97, 212

Elizabeth, 207

,, Isabel, 49, 193, 206

William, 165
James, 26, 213
Jamesson (Jamesone, Jamessone, ,,
Jai-vasius, 191
Jane, 192
Alice, 205 ,,
156 ,, Joan, 212 ,^„ „.
John, 31, 86, 110, 113, 115,
N.X.N. w. of 151
192, 203, 216

Richard, 196 ^^ , , .

Lawrence, 78, 82, 90,* 95, mf of


Thomas, 10
William, 3, 43, 165, 196
Margaret, 192, 202
Ja'nian, Katherine, 8
Mary, 82,* 97, 105
niomas, 188
„ Oliver, 2, 191, 195
Jamiie (Jannye) Margaret, /U7 Ralph, 113, 114, 118, 119
Thomas. 113 Randle, 199
Jai-vis, Ralph. 204
, ,,, oio
Richard, 95, w. of 144, 212
Jasone, see also Jackson, Robert, 78, 84, 86, 88, 105,
.. Elizabeth, 20 209
161, 165, ,^^
Jeffrey daughter, Elizabeth, 66
Thomi^, 34, 80, 84,* 88, 103^
Margaret, 47
148, 184, 188
Jeffreyes, Elizabeth, 86, 211
,, William, 31, 129
James, 133
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Baptisms pp. 1—105 inclusive. BuiMs 10G—1S6. Marriages 187—216.

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Johnson alias Eckersley, Mary, 167 Kaye— continued.
Johnson alias Whitticar, .,James, 211
„ Elizabeth. 102 ,,John, 213
,, Lawrence, 102 Richard, 212
Johnsone alias Banie, Margaret, 23 Kellsall, Richard, 214
Johnsone alias Pbokuer [Faulkner] Kemp (Kempe, Kemppe) Alice, 95
,, Robert, 21 ,, Edward, 50, 95, 99, 105, 143
Jolly (Golie, Jolie, Jollie, Jollye, ^. of 158, 213
Joyley, Joyly) ,, Isabel, 34
Alice, 4 James, 18
Edmund, 92 „ John, 12, 34, 50, 105, w. of 145
Helen, 35 ,, Katheri^ie, 27, 203
Jane, 48, 66 ,, Margaret 99
Jenet, 93 Kenion, Elizabeth, 17
Joan, 43, 80 Key, see Kaye
John, 93 Kirell, Ellen, 140
Katheriue, 180 Kitchine, Richard, 24
Margaret, 39, 80, 92, 178, 215 ,, Thomas, 24
Richard, 66 Knight (Knyght) Alice, 30, 109, 130
Robert, 30 Ann, 42, 51, 78, 109, 192, 197
Seath, 30, 43. 48, 171, 198
Jor es (Joanes, Joans, Johns) Ellen, 49, 50, 101, 203, 214
Ann. 184 Helen, 33, 196
Cec-il. 86
,. Henry, 32, 96, 208
Dorothy, 36
Edmund, 89 „ James, 23, 49, 51, 87, s. of 137,
141, w. of 145, d. of 145,
Elizabeth, 191
w. of 154, 172, 193, 203 211
.. George, 48,* 103, 184, 18-5
Joan, 166
., Hester, 93, 179
., John, 2, 36, 40, 42, 74, 76, 78
., James, 97
82, 87, 91,* 96, 101, 130, 211
„ John, 39, 63, 66, 71, 77, 80,
,, Margaret, 30, 76, 162, 204, 214
86, 89, 93, 97, 103, 156, 210
Jonathan, 66 „ Mary, 82
,, Peter, 18, 50, 74, 96, inf. of
„ Katherin, 197, 205
151, 206, 209
„ Mary, 186
., Ralph, 39, w. of 145, s. of 150,
,, N.X.N., w. of 146
169, 197, 207
„ Peter, 77, 164
,, Richard, 96, 123, 214
,, Randle, 202
Knott, Alice. 10
,, Richard, inf. of 147
,, John, 214
„ Ruth. 63. 152
Samuel. 80 ., Richard. 188
Tlieophilus, 71, 173 ,, Thomas. 8, 113

Thomas, 32 Knowles, Alice, 215

William, w. of 159, 183, 187, ,, James, 33
207 ,, Margaret. 33
Joyley, Joyly, see Jolly Knyght, see Knight
Judrum, Richard, w. of 118
Jutes. Helen, 18
,. Maiy, 18
Lamtton, n l^or'] u, 17
Lanckton, see Langton
Landsdall (Landsall, Londsdall)
VASH (Kashe) Edward, 103, 185 ., Edward. 79
., John. 103, 213 ., Elizabeth, 19, 65, 104, 206
iatherall, Robert, 90 ,. Ellen, 72. 109
.. Thomas, 90 ., Emma, 29, 126
i.axe (Kev) Ann, 112 ,, George. 22
,\ Elizabeth, 200 ,, Helen, 10

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Baptisms pp. 1—105 inclusive. Burials 106—186. Marriages 1S7—216.

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Landsdall continued. Lanpley, Thomas, 189
„ Isabel, 1&4, 186 Latham (Lathome, Lathum)
,, Joan, 5, iiif. of 135* ,, Dorotliv, 205
„ John, 18, 27, 29, 31, CI, 79, ,, Edmund, 76, 81
104, 126, 131, inf. of 178, ,, George, w. of 129, 141
191 ,, Henry, 179
,, Katherine, 27, 104, 185 ,, James, 71
.. Margaret, 6, 97, 180 „ John, 65
,, Margery, 14, 31, 203 ,, Margaret, 76, 167
., N.X.N., 175 ,, Nicholas, 65, 71, 204
„ Richard, 12, 16, 40, 88, 100,* ,, Thomas, 81, 158
109, 120, 8. of 136, 184, 186, Laupley, Thomas, 189
188, 214 Lauren ses, Thomas, 104
„ Robert, 28, 72, 81, 88, 97, 104, Lawe, see also Lowe,
117, 206 ,, John, w. of 115
., Sislea, 203 ,, Thomas, 1
,, Thomas. 36, 53,* 61, 65, 81, Lawrcnsone (Lawrencson,
134, 143, w. of 144, w. of 148 Lawrencsonn,
,, William, 24 Lawrencsonne,
Lanewe, Alice, 123 Lawrensonne)
Langley, Amei-y, 2 ,, Joan, 16
,, Ann, 36 „ John, 18, 118, w. of 136, inf. of
., Elizabeth, 189 145
,, Robert. 36 ,, Nicholas, 190
Langnages, James, 68 ,, Robert, 201
,, John, 68 Leach (Leache, Leatche, Leche,
Langshaw (Langsall, Langshale, Leeche, Leiche, Leyche)
Langsliall, Langshawe, ,, Alice, 206
Lang.shew, Lankshale, ,, Ann, 12, 34, 41, 215
Lanshall, Longshall, „ Arnold, 2, 129
Longshawe, Longshewe) ,, Elizabeth, 22, 64
,, Clemens, 130 „ Ellen, 47
„ Elizabeth, 21, 49, 78, 155, 163 ,, Henry, 46
„ Ellen, 98 „ Hugh, 34, inf. of 166, 167
„ Hugh, 21, 57, 61,* 66, 72, 78, „ Isabel, 15, 43, 46, 203
80, 85, 98, 102, w. of 117, ,, James, 54
inf. of 174, inf. of 176, inf. of ,, Joan, 67
177, 202, 211 ., John, 188
,, Isabel, 21, 170, 190 ,, Katherine, 34, 58
., Joan, 21 ,, Margaret 129, 167
,, John, 27. 72. 106, 125, w. of ,, Margery, 13, 106
148, 152, 192 ,, Nicholas. 40, 129, 188
., Margaret. 85 ., Ralph, 25
,, Margery, 27, 66, 125 „ Richard. 40,* 43, 47, 54, 58,
,, Ricliard, 80, 102, 176 64, 67, 70,* 80, s. of 146,
.. Robert, 57 inf. of 156, d. of 163, 200
Langton (Lanckton, Langtone, ,, Robert, 165, 190, 205
Longton, Longtone) ,, Thomas, 11, 80, inf. of 137,
,. Ann, 189 156
. Elizabeth 21 .. William, 4, 108
.. Ellen, 100, 205 Leo/dbetter (Leadbeater)
,, Isabel, 203 „ Henrv, 70,* 159*
., John, 80. 100 .. Vriari, 159
., Catherine, 125, 203 Leaghe, Leaighe. see Leigh
.. Margaret, 25, 128 Lealand, see Leyland
,, Marv, 202 Leatclio, see Leach
„ Nicholas. 118, 119, w. of 138 Lech alias Holland, Isabel, 43
,, Robert, 19, 80. d. of 139, 160, .. Richard, 43
w. of 163, 176
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Baptisms pp. 1 —105 inclusive. Burials 106 —186. Marriages 187—216.

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Leche, see Leach Lever (Leuer) Adam, 98, 103
Lee, see also Leigh, ,, Alexander, 103
,, Dorothy, 74 ,, Alice, 102
., Elizabeth. 48, 147 ,, Ann, 183
.. Ellen. 48, 70, 202 ., Jenet, 213
,, George, 61 ,, John, 98
.. Henry, 29 ,, Ralph, 102
., Jane, 203 „ Richard, 183*
,, Joan, 53 Lewes (Lewouse) Edmund, 3
„ John, 61, 70, 74, d. of w. of 134 ,, William, 6
,, Margaret, 02 Leyche, see Leach
Margery, 5, 66 Leyland (Lealand, Lelande) Ann, 86
,, Kichard, 206 ,, Edward, 42
,, Robert, w. of 153 ,, James, 86
„ Thomas, 47, 48, 66, 143, inf. of ,, Oliver, 63
152. d. of 153 .. Ralph, 63
„ William, 15, 47, 53, inf. of 140 ,, Randle, 42, 51*
147 Lightbowne (Lighbowne,
Lecche, see Leach Lightboune, Lighteboone,
Leeigh, see Leigh Lightebovne)
Leiche, see Leach ., Alexander, 71, 75, 80, 82, 87,
Leigh (Leaghe, Leaighe, Leeigh, 91,* 97, 101, inf. of 159, 205
Leighe) „ Alice, 20, 35, 74, 131, 158, 193
see also Lee, ,, Ann, 59, 65, 215
Ann, 75, 162 ., Elizabeth, 43, 81, 84, 101, 193,
Dorothy, 29, 40 203
Edmund, 197 ,, Ellen, 79, 87
Edward, 22 „ Isabel, 179
Elizabeth, 77, 89 ,, James, 87, 92
Francis (m), 211 ,, Jenet, 189
Francis (f), 168 ,, Joan, 201
George, 32, 73,* 75, 77, 83, 168 ., John, 1, 8, 35, 46, 54, 69, 80,
Henry, 84,* 89, 95, 102 131, 165, 179, 194, 211
James, 193 ,, Katherine, 65, 147
John, 21, 70, w. of 141, 187 „ Margaret, 41, 71, 82, 95, 100,
Margaret, 89 169, 181, 186
Margery, 183 Margery, 196
Mary, 83, 168 ,, Mary, 95, 97, 169
Nicholas, 125 ,, Peter, 15
Ralph, 122 ,, Richard, 4, 43, 48, 54, 59, 75,
Richard, 102, inf. of 153, inf. of 113, 186, 193, 210
162 ,, Robert, 48, 82, 136, w. of 153,
Robert, 29. 89, 122, 165, 208 169
Roger, 95 „ Syslea, 196
Thomas, 70 ,, Thomas, 4, 11, 24, 46, 53,* 59,*
Lelande, see Levland 65,* 69, 74, 79, 81, 82, 84,
Lether, Ann, 212 87, 89,* 92, 95,* 100, w. of
Lethwate (Lethwat, Lethwatt, 154, inf. of 154, 179, 200, 208
Lethwoo-d, Lethwoodd) Lightfoote, Ellen, 180
Alice, 153 Lightoulers (Lightowlers) Ellen, 174
Edmund, 55 ,, John, 187
Eleanor, 53 ,, William, 195
Elizabeth, 46, 216 Lingard (Lingart, Lingarte,
Geoffrey, 203 Linggart, Linggartt)
Hugh, ^46, 48, 53, 55, inf. of ,, Edmund, 42, 101,* 215
146, 153, 200 ,, Elizabeth, 34, 194
Katherine, 209 ,. Henry, 84
Margaret, 48, 214 .. Joan, 161

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Baptisms pp. 1 —105 inclusive. Burials lOG — 186. Marriages 187 —216.
Lingard continued. Lowe —continued.

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,, John, 49, 180 ..Margaret, 96, 178
,, Margaret, 174 .,Margery, 120, 181
,, Thomas, 1, 28, 49, 84, 101,* ..Ralph, 35
c. of 124, inf. of 152, 174, ,, Richard, 40
184, 195, 214 ,, l^obert, 33
Linie, Joane, 207 ,, William, 97
Litherland, John, 190 Lowes, William, 188
,, Margaret, 203 Lumas, Lummas, see Lomax
,, Tiiomas, 186 Lyfley, Isabel, 2
Lithgo, Geoffrey, 200 Lyme, Joane, 207
Livsey (Liuesey, Livesley, Livessie, Lyvesley, see Livsey
,, Jolin, 188 M
,, Margaret 6, 167
,, Richard, w. of 140 Macleare, John, 181
Loe, see Lowe ,, Katherine, 181
Loe alias Bibbie, Henry, 133 Madin, Martha, 72
Lomax (Lomas, Lommas, Lumas, .. Thomas, 72
Lummas) Makant, Heni-j-, inf. of 135
,, Henry, 133 ,, Hugh, 3
., Alice, 18, 43, 176, 199 ,.Ran die, 215
,, Ann, 25 Makum, Ellen, 104
,, Emma (Emmata) 46, 166 .. Margaret. 104
.. Giles, 49, 138 Mallowne, Ralph, 106
,, Helen, 56 Man, see Manue
,, Isabel, 68 Maneringe, Hugh, 82
,, James, 43, 46, 49, 56, 62, 6S. ., Margaret, 82
74,* 86. s. of 138, d. of 147. Manksman alias Woddow, Joan, 138
inf. of 166, 182* Manne (Man) Ann, 173
,, John, 62 ,, Elizabeth. 207, 216
,, Thomas, 86, 182 ,, Grace, 174
Lonsnall. see Landsdall ,, Katherine, 41
Longshall, Longshawe, Longshewe, .. Margaret, 195
see Langshaw ,, Samuel, 85
Longton. Longtone. see Langton ,, William. 85
Loocke (Looke) Cliristopher, w. of 156 Marcrof te (Marecroft, Marecrofte)
., Dorothy, 12S .. Alice, 40, 105
Ifope, Dorothy, 19 ,, Ann, 65, 89. 207
Lort, Thomas, 40 ,, Elizabeth, 78
Loton, Elizabeth. 11. 198 „ Ellen, 175
Lowe (T>oe) see also Lav.-e, „ Hugh, 38, 136
., Alexander. 30 ,, James, 40, 70, 92, 105, 212
,. Alice, 205 ,, Margaret. 33, 210
,, Anthonv, 44, 184, 205 ,, Marv, 206
,, Ellen, 39, 214 ,, William. 65, 70, 78, 83,* 89
., George, 46 92, inf. of 156, 172
,, Helen, 40 Markland, see also Martland,
,, Henrv. 13 ,, Margaret, 185
„ Isabel, 116 .. Richard, inf. of 157
,, James, 30. 46. 102, 180, 192, Mai-sh (Mai-she)
196, 210 .. Alice, 2. 26, 36. 170. 198, 206
,, Jane, 109 ,, Ann, 19. 92. 104, 107, 157, 184
.., 184 .. Elizabeth. 22, 45, 71, 203
., John, 37, 90,* 96, 97, 102, 178, ., Ellen, 20. 97
181. 211. 213 ,, Gilbert. 23
,, Katherine. 213 ,, Giles, 16, 71, 77, 89, inf. of
,, Lawrence, 38 168, twins of 171, 173, 206
— —
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Baptisms pp. 1 —105 inclusive. Burials 106 —186. Marriages 187 —216.

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Marsh continued. Masaie continued.
,, George, 76 .. Dorothy, 37
„ Helen, 18, 21 .. Elizabeth, 7, 13, 200
,, Hugh, 23 ,, Hamlet, w. of 110
„ James, 18, 26, 47, 74, 92, 97, ,, James, 31, 113, 124
104, 172, 184, 192, 212 ,, Jane, 35
.. John, 45, 47, 74, 77, w. of 128, ,, John, 109, 124, 128, w. of 154
131, w. of 131, 134, w. of ., Katherine, 24
137, w. of 144, w. of 153, ,, Margaret, 16
157, 189, 190, 206 ,, Thomas, 16, w. of 112, 123, 187
,, Katherine, 19 Mather, Agnes, 18
„ Margaret, 7, 18, 41,* 89, inf. of ,, Alexander, 105, 186
144, 202 ,, Alice, 50, 57, 190
,, Nicholas, 211 ., Ann, 36, 156, 194, 204
„ N.X.N., w. of 147 „ Daniel, 50, 57, inf. of 145, inf. of
„ Richard, 76. 213 147
„ William. 10, 13, 170 ,, Dorothy, 21, 138, 172
Marshall, Elizabeth, 48 ,, Elizabeth, 23, 78, 171, 216
.. Ellen. 215 .. Elizeus. 24, 60, 67, 203
Marehe, see Mareh ,, Ellis, 78. 83*
Martam, Elizabeth. 71 ,, Gabriel, 3
,, William, 71 ,, Henry, 105, 186
Martine, Joan, 205 „ Hugh, 49
Martland (Martlande) ,, Jane, 36
sec also Markland, ,, Joan, 60
„ Alice, 133 „ John, 2, 16, 23, 34,* 40, 106,
,, Ann, 133 116, w. of 125, 133, 163
„ Elizabeth. 31 ,, Katherine, 12, 39, 190
,, Elizens, 63 ,, Margaret, 5, 7, 48, 136
,, Ellen, 56 ,, N.X.N., 46, 60
.. Gilbert. 133 ,, Peter, 188
.. Hugh, 28 ,, Ralph, 31, 46, 48, 60, inf. of
,, John, 34 137,* inf. of 151, w. of 153,
,, Richard. 28, 46,* 50, 56, 59, 175, 186. 198, 199
63. inf. of 148, inf. of 151, ., Richard, 34, 131
195 ,, Robert, d. of 6, 18, 49, 67, 118,
,, Robert, 59. 133 119
,, William, 50 ,, Samuel, 11
Mason (Masone. Masonne, Mazon) ,, Susana, 39
„ Ann, 42, 162. 190 ,, Symond, 31
., Bridget, 35, 214 ,, Thomas, 8, 187
,, Clemence, 70 Maulene, John, inf. of 135
.. Dorothy. 19, 86 Mawbone, Jane, 114
„ Ellen, 131 Mazon, see Mason
,, Francis, 42, 70,* 75, inf. of Meanley (Meandley, Meanleye,
153, 168* Meanlie, Meanlley)
,, Isabel. 75 ,, Alice, 199
„ Joan, 26, 38, 125, 187 .. Ann, 192
.. John, 42, 86. 127, 180 ,, Dorothy, 56
„ Margery, 162 ,. Elizabeth, 4. 187
.. Maud, 161 „ Ellen, 50, 202
.. Robert, 10 ,. Helen, 203
.. Thomas, 12, 14. 40, 137 Hugh, 18, 44, 56, 68, 89, 97,*
„ William, 26, 42, 12.5, inf. of 137, inf. of 154, inf. of 157,
133, 161, 167, 198 181, 187
Massie (MassevB, Massy, Massye) „ Isabel, 170
., Ann, 14. 33 ,, Jane, 1, 6
,, "Dominus" Thomas, 123 . Jenet, 107
— —
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Baptisms pp. 1 —105 inclusive. Burials 106 — 1S6. Marriages 187 —S16

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Meanley continued. Morris continued.
Joan, 6 ,, Jane, 69
,, Katherine, 201 Ralph. 100
.. Letis, 189 ,. Ricliard. 115, 216
,, Margaret, 7, 109, 191, 215 ., Su.san, 100
,, Ralph, 44, 89, 142, 199 JMort (Moorte, Morte, Mortt, Moitte)
,, Richai-d, \v. of 118, w. of 119 .. Alice, 98
„ Robert, 10, 31, 113, 114, 116, ,, Ann, 26. 88. 174
w. of 124 .. Arnold, 3, 29, 39, 43, 141,* w. of
,, Roger, 27, 68. 166 156, 191
,, Thomas, 27, 50. w. of 112, 129. ,, Catherine, 195
148, 189. 190, 191 ., Edmund, 7, 45, 48, 54, 59, 65,
., William, 107 72,* 81. 86. 139. inf. of 157,
Meare. Jane, 1 174, 175, 199, 200
.. John. inf. of 141 .. Elizabeth. 6. 23. 36, 39, 41, 68,
Medowes, John, 63* 73, 194 195, 207
Mec, Elizabeth. 163 ,, Ellen, 79. 93, 150, 171, 193
,, Emma, 200 ,, Francis, 59
,, Joan, 200 ,, George, 3, 86
,, John. 121 ,, Henry, 7, 127, 187
,, Oliver, 146 ,, Isabel. 160
,, William, 156* d. of 168 ,, James, 17. 188
Michill, Margerv, 35 ,, Jenet, 137. 213
Millat (Millatt.'Millort) ,, Joan, 23, 45, 116
,, Ellen, 205, 206 .. John, 15, 17, 43, 62, 65, 68, 141
,, Hamlet, 207 ,, Lawrence, 9, 54. 204
,, Isabel, 205 ,, Mai-garet. 81
„ John, inf. of 133, 153 ,, Margery, 4, 13, 187
.. Margaret, 182 ,, Ralph, 10
Millnes, see Milnes ,, Richard, 93. 98
Millort, see Millat .. Robert, 19, 48, 62, 73, 79, 88,
Millward, Tliomas. 174 167
Milner (Milnner) Grace, 34 .. Thomas. 10 15, 22, 118
,, James, inf. of 156 Morton (Moreton, Mortone,
,, Renald, 34 Mortonne)
Milnes (Millnes, Mylnes) ,, Agnes, 2, 113
,, Adam. 40 „ Alice. 12. 36,* 37, 56, 101, 105,
. ,, Christiana, 24 132, 161
.. Edward. 40 „ Ann. 6, 98. 108, 181
., Elizabeth, 7, 48 „ Cicely. 108
,, Hugh, 48, 110, 177, 199 ,, Edmund. 36, 113. 129
,, Joan, 137 „ Edward. 87. 95. 99, w. of 130,
,, John, 24 136. 182. 193
,. Katherine, 11, 53, 132 ., Elizabeth, 9. 45, 62. 83. 96.
„ Thomas, 2, 53 inf. of 148. 169,184, 195, 214
,, William, 44, 151 .. Ellen, 2, 15, 74. 94, 99, 104,
Milnner, see Milner 137, 148. 169, 181
Monton. Tliomas, w. of 115 ., Esther, 90
Moone, William, 5 ., George, 12, 50, 57, 62.* 70, 155,
Moorte. see Mort ]63, 174.* 187, 188
More, Joan, 12 ,, Helen, 41, 107, 195, 199
More ton, see Morton ,. Humph rev, 48
Morri-s ^Moris, Morres) Ann, 69 ,, Lsnbel. 16. 3S. 82. 201

,, Clemens. 120 ,, James. 45. 52, 66, 77. 83, 102,

,, Elizabeth. 194 108. 148. 161. 173. 204
. Ellen. 173 .. Jane. 52. 186. 196
.. Henry, 69 .. Jonet. 77. 106. 171. 177
.. James, 69. inf. of 150, 166 ,, Joan, 2, 21, 107, 129

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Baptisms pp. 1—105 inclusive. Burials 106—186. Marriages 187—216.

Morton continued. Needham (Nedom, Nedome,

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„ John, 32, 50, 52, 77,* 87, d. of Needam, Needom, Needome,
160, 163, 182, 189, 197, 209 Nidome)
,, Joseph, 97 ,, Ann, 147
,, Katherin. 8, 13, 30, 57, 148, „ Elizabeth, 22
158, 208 ,, Ellen, 189
,, Margaret, 21, 52, 68, 98, 123, ,, Hugh, 58, w. of 118, 195
132, 172. 182, 198 ,, Joan, 49
,, Margen-, 2, 193 ,, Katherine, 70
,, Marv, 23. 85. 86 Margaret, 18, 49, inf. of 144,

,, Miles. 98, 181,* 214 203

.. N.X.N., 77 ,, Richard, 24, 64, 109, 111, w. of
,, Peter, 96 119
., Ralph, 37, 82, 86, 90, 94, 98, ,, Robert, 58, 64, 70, 109
102, 107. w. of 157, 182, 187 Thomas. 3, 193

208 Xeeld, Christopher, 213

.. Richard, 28, 33, 42, 45, 66, 70, Nelvton, Fi-aucis, 70

82. 104. s. of 123, 130, 195
Robert. 83. 170
„ Robert, 70
Newton (Newtone) Ann, 11
.. Roger. 121. 191 ,, Charles, 86, 170
,. Thomas, 9, 35, 48, 77, 83. 93.* ,, Dorothy, 1
105, inf. of 168, inf. of 176, ,, Edmund, 22
181 „ Edward. 65. 72, 77, 79, 84,
,, William, 12. 38. 40. 42, 45, 50,* inf. of 157, 174, 206
56, 62, 68. 74. 82. 84.* 85, .. Eleanor, 108
95, 97, 101. 106.* d. of 112, ,, Elizabeth, 68, 79, 85, 157, 165,
w. of 116. w. of 118, w. of 215
119. 132. 137, 148,* w. of ,, Ellen, 75. 203
152, inf. of 159, 174, 184, ., Helen, 24
197, 212* ,, Humphrey, 19. 45,* 51, 59, 68,
Mortt. Mortte. see Mort 92, 96.* 101,* 213
Moslej, Nicholas. 215 .. Isabel, 189
Mosse. James. 205 ,, Joan, 157. 193
.. Jane, 204 „ John, 16, 86, 161, 203, 207
.. John. 76. 145, 172 ., Joshua, 77, 163
., Ralph, 99.* w. of 111, 182* ,, Margaret, 27, 51, 101, 104,*
William 187 122
Mullenex. "Dorainiis" John, 124 ,
, Margerv 28
,, Francis. 29, 124 .. Mary, 84
,, Helen. 35 „ Robert, 13. 59, 61, 65, 75, 79,*
., John. 26. 29. 121, 124, 129 85. 92. 101, 108, 125, 155
.. Richard. 26. 121 ., Samuel. 72
Munks, Alice. 33, 201 „ Thomas. 16, 28, 51,* 61, 107,
.. Henry. 33 122. 144, w. of 146, 156, 201
Murchetre. Patrick. 122, w. of 125 Nicholls fNicol. Nicolls)
Musson, Henry. 215 ,. Alice, 175
Mustard ('Mustart. Mustate, .. Ann, 85 101
Mnstayte) ,, Edmund, 96
„ Elizabeth. 118. 119 ,, Elizabeth, 86, 91
I ,, James, w. of 137, 192 Ellen, 80
.. Margaret. 124 ,, Ginit, 73. 80
: Mnttchett. Roger, 21 ,, James. 73
Mylnes, see Milnes „ John, 70. 79, 80, 85, 91, 96,
176, 203
N „ Margaret. 70, 80

Nawell. see NoTvell ,, MargeiT, 101

„ " Old," 164. w. of 164
Nayler, IMargaret. 210
., Robert, 69.* 79, 86, 176
„ Thomas, 167, inf. of 168
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Baptisms pp. 1 —105 inclusive. Buriah 10G—1S6. Marriages 187—216.

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Nicholson (Nicolasonc, Nicolassone, Now ell (Nawell) Grace, 108
Nicolsone, Nicolsonne, ., ilichard, 67
Nicosone) ,, Robert, 67, 205
,. Alice, 61 ,, Tliomas. 23, w. of 141, 193, 200
,, Ellen, 52 Nursse, Grace, 111
,, Jenet, 61
,, John, 61, 65,* 75, inf. of 156
,, Margaret, 56, 75
,, Richard, 63 OcKLESSKAWE, Elizabeth, 197
,, Robert, 8, 12, 52, 56, 61, 63 Ogden (Oggden) Alice, 216
Nickson, John, 184 ,, Joim, 37
Nicol, see Nicliolls ,, Robert, 204
Nicolasone, Nicolassone, Oldam (lioldame, Kolldam,
see Nicholson
Houldauie, Ouldam,
Nicol daughter, Joan, 52, inf. of 133 Ouldame, Ouldham)
,, Margery, 52 Adam, 190^
Adrianus. 54
Nicolls, see Nicholls
Alexander, 45, 49, i)b, 00, 118,
Nicolsone, Nicolsonne, Nicosone,
119, 127, inf. of 131, inf. of
see Nicholson
132, 136, 152, 190, 197
Nidome, see Needham
Alice, 17. 21, 127
Nightingale (Nightgell) Ann, 210 Ann, 45, 79, 198, 205, 208, 215
,, Elizabeth, 103 Atherne, 177
., Jane, 103 Dorothy, 186
NihiU, Henry. 92, 177 Edmund, 28, 80
„ Hugh, 92. 95, 177, 212 Elizabeth, 5, 21, 73, 202
,, William, 95 Ellen, 13, 41, 174
Norley, Edward, 120 George, 42, 93, 98, 140, 186,
Norris, John, 201 211
Noiix)n, Elizabeth, 178 Gilian (Gylian) 45, 166
,, Ellen, 184 Helen, 17, 117
No Surname, Alice, 192 Henry, 2, 107
„ Ann, 48 Hugh, 28, 31, 37, 173, 192
,, Dorothy, inf. of 179 Isabel, 71, 165, 208
., Edmund, 47 James, 12, 36
„ Elizabeth, 26, 48, 50, 55, 65, Jane, 208
189, 200 John, 38. 40, 55, 110, 116, 136,
,, Ellen, 75 137, 149
,, Henry, 201 Katherine, 80, 136
,, Isabel, 150 Margaret, 49, 185
,, James, 47 Richard, 17
,, Joan, 41, 48 Rohert, 2, 31, 42, 43,* 45, 54,
,, John, 3, 58, 65, inf. of 150 60, 68. 73, 79, 93, w. of 118,
,, Katherine, 187 w. of 119, 140, w. of 144,
,, Leonard, 152 inf. of 144, w. of 150, w. of
,, Locklen [surname appeal's later 152, 154. 159, w. of 176, 195
"Eaynolds"] 75 ., Tlmmas, 18, 58, 31, 71, w. of
,, Margaret. 41 112. s. of 112. w. of 123,
., Margerie. 6 s. of 123, 167, 189, 192, 206

,. Mary. 1^5 ,, William, 21, 31, 68, 98

., Nicholas, 145 Oldame alias Irlame
,, Ralph, 26, 132 (Ouldam alias Irlam')
,, Richard, 51, 58 ., Richard, w. of 118, w. of 119
,, Thomas, 27. 51, 53 Olive (Oliue, Olyffe, Olyue, Olyve)
,, William, 4, w. of 117, inf. of ,, Alexander, 23
137 ,, Ann, 37, 208
No Surname alias Tynkers, ., Elizabeth, 101
., Margaret, 149 .. Joan. 198
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Baptisms pp. 1—105 inclusive. Burials 106—186. Marriages 187—216.

Olive— C07Uinued.

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Osborne, Philip, 212
„ Margaret, 138, 193 Ottiwell (Ottiwells) Alice, 22, 73
\ .. Handle, 80, 96,* 101, 150, 211 '
Ann, 21, 79, 105, 164
,, Kichard, 25 Elizabeth, 67
.. Thomas, 80 Isabel, 102
Oliue, Olive, 1 ^i- „ / Hankine James, 81, 94,* 178*
Olyffe, Olyue / \ Hankins John, 22, 67, 73, 79, 81, 88, 90
,, Adam, 76 94, 105, w. of 117, w. of 123!
,, Ann, 91 w. of 129, 139, 162, 178, 179
,, John, 76 inf. of 185 '
' .

,. Handle, 31,* 32, 76,* 91 „ X.X.N., 158

,, Richard, 120 ,, Oliver, 77, 158
Oliverdaughtei", Margaret, 16 .. Richard, 90, 102, 158
Olivere, Ann, 76 ,, Thomas, 77, 181*
.. Edward, 76 ,, William, 21, 88, 173
Oliverson (Olivereone, Olivereonne, Ouldam, see Oldam
Olverson) Ouldam alias Irlam,
., Henry, 66 see Oldame alias Irelame
.. Hugh, 13, 66 Ouldame, Ouldham, see Oldam
,, John, 123*
„ Mary, 19
., Robert.. 138
Olivei-son alias Digle, Hugh 130 Par, Pare, see Parr
Oliversone, Oliversonne, Parin, Parine, see Parren
see Oliverson Parker, Ellen, 211
GUiversone alias Hudson, James, 43 ,, Jane, 42
., John, 43 ,, Peter, inf. of 186
Olred, see Aired ,, Thomas, 192
Olverson, see Oliverson Parkine, George, 27
Olyffe, see Olive ,, Thomas, 27
Olyffe alias Hankine, ParkixLsone, Alice, 67
see Olive alias Hankins ,, Jane. 17
Olyne, see Olive „ Ralph, 121
Olyue alias Hankine, ,, Thomas, 67
see Olive alias Hankins Parr (Par, Pare. Parre)
Oredd, see Aired .. Alice, 3, 33, 78, 196, 208
Orley, Arnold, 23 „ Ann, 10, 20, 23, 58, 95, 157,
., Edward, 23, 194 198. 214
Ormishaw (Annishew, Ormcliaw) „ Elizabeth, 11, 47, 93, 190, 211
.. Elizabeth, 18, 166 „ Ellen, 93, 146, 169, 183, 196
,, John, 215 „ George, 50, 58, 67, 73, 82, 91,
,, William, 18 inf. of 147, inf. of 151, 201
[Ormrod] see Ai-mrod „ Gilbert, 8, 13, 15, 46, 57, 64,
Ornbread, George, 67 71, 76, 83, 93, 103, 113, 114,
,. Lawrence, 63 200
.. Peter, 63. 67, 204 „ Giles, 169
Orphew (Oi-phewe). Ann, 43, 46, 202 ,, Hanna, 68
„ Edmund, 15, 46, d. of 111. 137, ,, Helen, 46
145, 153 „ Henry, 3, 20,* 57, 120
,, Isabel, 60 ., Hugh, 44, 47, 51, 59,* 68, 71,
,, Jane, 40, 46 141, 199
„ Joan, 196 ,, Isabel, 76
„ John, 43. 46. 53, 60, 152 ,, James, 82
,, Margaret. 190 ,, Joan, 50, 102, 110. 164. 199
„ Robert. 137 ,, John. 21. 64. 88. 102, 110, 182,
,, Thomas. 2, 53 inf. of 183. 188, 210
„ William, 137, 197 ., Katherine, 20, 22
Orton, Luoe, 122 „ Margaret, 91, 132

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Parr continued. Parsiuall, Pareivall, see Percivall
„ Mary, 73 Parsnepp (Pai-smitt, Parsnepe,
„ Mr., 188 Pasnape)
„ Nicholas, 110 ,, Elizabeth, 59
„ N.X.N., w. of 144 .. Richard, 65
,, Oliver, 44, 51, 103, 141, w. of ,, 50, 59, 65, twins of
153, w. of 156, 163, 172, 204, 148
208 Partington (Partingtone,
,, Richard, 146 Partingtonn, Partingtonne,
„ Robert, 10, 15, 83, 108, 114,
Pai-tLnton, Parti ntone,
w. of 118, w. of 119, inf. of
Peitingtone, Pertinton,
131, 131, w. of 135
Sarah, 67 Pertintone)

Thomas. 83, 104 .. Alice, 28, 106, 174

Thui-stan, 33, 51, 95, 104, w. of ,, Ann, 2, 27, 28, 42, 87, 141, 203,j
134, 152, 213
William, 78, 83, 88, 93, 197, ,, Christopher, w. of 109
208 ,, Cicely, 75, 111
Parren (Paren, Parin, Panne, Parrin, ,, Clemence, 3
Parrine, Peren, Perin, ,, Dorothy, 32, 109, 131
Perine, Perren) ,, Edmund, 92, 178
Agnes, 179 ,, Edward, 12, 55, 60,* 66, 71,
Alexander, 140 81, 125, 141, 184
Alice, 6, 116, 134 Elizabeth 8, 21, 23, 26, 32, 64,
„ ,,

Andrew, 55. w. of 136 68, 79, 95, 100, 113, 121,


„ Ann, 9, 52, 102, 140, iuf . of 143, 144, 160, 176, 184, 191, 197,
198, 202 201, 204, 216
Cicely, 48 „ Ellen, 66. 70, 99, 171, 192, 198,

„ Dorothy, 23, 2,5, 37, 135, 138 201, 206, 211

„ Edmund, 56,* inf. of 145 ,, Emma, 63, 191
Elizabeth, 65, 107 ,, Geoffrey, 17, 20, 190

Ellen, 5, 16, 95, 173, 204 Giles, 48, w. of 167, 178

„ ,,

,, Henry, inf. of 169 ,, Hamlet, 81, 90, 92, 95, 100, 178
,, Isabel, 51 ,, Helen, 22, 26,* 36, 38, 189
„ James, 38, 83, w. of 123, 137 , Henry, 13, 81, w. of 126, 174
,, Jane, inf. of 146 „ Hugh, 11. 26, 82, 87, 92, 98,*
,, Jenet, 58 144, 182, inf. of 185, 209
,, Joan, 25, 51. 193 , Isabel, 8, 14, 24, 66, 79, 105,
,, John, 23, 33,* 37, 39, 43, 49, 167, 172, 175, 183, 190, 192,
51, 55, 58, 93, 102, 106, 110, 210
s. of 126, s. of 127, 130,* ,, Issrael, 87
135, w. of 138, inf. of 139, James, 22, 55, 95, 99, 105, 106,
139, 141, inf. of 142, inf. of 130, 212
145, inf. of 147, inf. of 151, ,, Jane, 1, 173, 179, 191, 193
174, 183.* 193, 198, 205 ,, Jenet, 111, 211
„ Lawrence, 49, 65, 66, 70 ,, Joan, 8, 66, 131, 134
„ Margaret, 34, 139, 157 ,, John, 10, 25,* 29, 34, 54, 63,
,, Mary, 52 66,* 67, 68, 73, 75, 79,* 81,
Oliver, 2, 120, 179 86,* 87,* w. of 111, w. of

,, Ralph, 157, 177, 197 122, 128. d. of 130, inf. of

., Richai-d, 51, 66, 207 155, w. of 163, inf. of 164,
,, Robert, 70 166, inf. of 168,* 171, 174,
„ Sybil, 184 175, inf. of 177, 190, 198,
12, 38, 43, 51, 83, 93, 200, 204. 205, 214
95, 115, 135. 138 ,, Jonathan, 81
Parrin alias Ashton, Ellen, 44 „ Katherine, 19, 26, 34, 66, 95,
,, Thomas, 44 ia5, 195, 204, 205
Parrine, see Parren ,. Lambert, 211

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Partington continued. Veak— continued.
,, Lawrence. 42, 49, inf. of 56, „ Oliver, 28, 73, 79
128, s. of 128, 134, inf. of ,, Ould, w. of 110
148, 165, 193 ,, Peter, 22, 161
., Letis, 212 ,, Richard, 20, 26, 33, 48, 78, 81
,, Margaret, 11, 17, 37, 62, 67, 84, 89, 98,* 155, inf. of 172'
76, 115. 189 193, 208
„ Margery, 20. Ill „ Roger, 83
.. Mai-v, 128, 204 „ Thomas, 160
„ PeteV, 45. 117 ,, Thurstan, 25, 56, 61, 64, 203
„ Ralph, 14, 182, 204 ,, William, 18, 28, 51, 104, 129.
„ Richard, 6, 15. 24,* 159 191, 215 > '

., Robert, 10, 87, 109, w. of 118, PeaiTson, Edmund, 87,* 171, 213
vr. of 119, s. of 138, 142, 195 Peck, Peeke, see Peak
198 Peele, Ann, 10. 45, 160, 199
„ Roger, 92, 182 Eleanor, 173

,, Susanna, 90 Ellen, 50
„ Thomas, 13, 15, 26, 27, 29, 49, Jane, 145
54,71,73,111,113, 115, Av.of John, 41, 43, 116, 138, 141, 189
115, 122, 134, 151, M-. of 154, Katheriue. 68
179, 188, 191, 195, 211, 215 Margaret, 194
,, Thurstan, 9, 40, 55 Ralph, 15
., William, 4, 14. 16, 26, 35, 41, Thomas, 12, 42,* 43, 45, 65,*
45. 55, 62, 64, 70, 76, 81, 68, 139,* 141, 160, 208, 212
82, 179, 184, 187, 201 Pellone [o?] Pelloue, Thomas, 203
Pasnape, see Parsnepp Pelton (Peltone, Peltoun)
Passman, Isabel, 169 see also Pendleton,
., James. 79 ,. Adam, 195
,, Jane, 79, 167 .. Ann, 24, 44, 134
,, John, 71, 79, 158, 159 .. Ellen, 122
., Katheiine. 71, 159 ., George, 149
.. Margaret, 71, 158 „ John, 41, 44, 52, inf. of 147,
Peak (Peack, Peacke, Peake, Peck, d. of 150
Peeke) .. Katherine, 17, 41
,, Alice, 30, 78 ,, Margeiy, 11
,, Ann, 25 „ Robert, 13
,, Dorothy, 77 „ Thomas, 129
,, Eleanor, 208 „ William, 24, 52, 121, w. of 142,
.. Elizabeth, 14, 20. 37, 173, 203, 149
205 Pelton alias Pendleton, John, 93
.. Ellen, 13, 63, 64, 74, 81, 146, ,, Ralph, 93
inf. of 152 Peltone, Peltonii. see Pelton
., Emma, 56 Pendeltone, see Pendleton
,, George, 31, 68 Pendlebury (Pendlburie, Pendleberie,
„ Giles, 21 Pendlebuiie)
„ Isabel, 148 ., Ann, 84, 171
„ James, 7. 20, 26, 77, 84, 89, .. Elizabeth. 72
90, 176. 208 ,. Henry, 77. 84
„ Jane, 38, 90. 138, 172, 214 ,, Jane, 196
,, Joan, 23. 208 ., N.X.N. w.of 155

.. John, 14. 16, 35, 48, 51, 57,* .. Roger. 72, 77, 195, 206
62, 63, 68, 74, 79. 83, 104, Pendleton (Tendeltone, Pendletonn,
110, w. of 125. inf. of 138, Pendlone, Pendlton,
146, 151. 171, 172, 196, 209 Pendltone)
„ Margaret. 39, 61. 62, 73, 167, see also Pelton,
168, 172, 173, 205 Adam, w. of 118, w. of 119, 126
Margery, 47, 171 ; Alice, 23. 28, 60, 196

„ Nicholas, w. of 125, 177 ,, Ann, 10, 36, 111

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Baptisms pp. 1—105 inclusive Burials 106—186. Marriages 187—216.

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Pendleton continued. Piggott (Piggat, Piggatt) Ellis, 101
„ Arnold, 23 ,, Mr., 175
„ Edward, 6, 188 ,, Thomas, 101, 183
,, Elizabeth, 14, 29, 32, 37, 149, Pilkintone, Adam, 192
197, 204* Pilsworth (Pilsworthe, Pilworthe)
.. Ellen, 12, 48, 165 „ Alice, 189, 191
.. Francis, 8 „ Ellen, 168, 181, 196
,, George, 26 ,, Jenet, 143
,, Helen, 116, 197 „ John, 124, w. of 155, 194
, Henry, 128 ,, M. (f) 192
„ Hugh, 3, 4, w. of 130 „ Robert, 108
„ Jane, 9, 10, 114, 193, 208 ,, Thomas, w. of 120
,, Joan, 8, 149, 195 Pimlet, Ellis, 73
„ John, 113, 178 ,, John, 73
,, Katherine, 204 Pinington (Piningtone) Ann, 82
,, Margaret, 79, 170, 189 ,, Ellen, 85
., Margery, 36 ,, Richard, 215
,, Mary, 93 ,, Thomas, 82
,, Ralph, 32, 178, 215 ,, William, 85
„ Richard, 48 Piatt (Plate, Platte) Alice, 99
„ Robert, 107, s. of 110, w. of Andrew, 131, 192
111, w. of 116, 206 Ann, 64
,, „^^
,, Samuel, 36, 74, 164 Elizabeth, 45, 91, 161, 199, 200
Sybil, 126
. Ellen, 54, 205, 209
„ Thomas, 10, 24, 60, 65,* 74, 79, George, 38, 91, 95, 99, 102,*

93, 109, w. of 127, 134, 187, of 123, 173, inf. of 182,

211 widow of 182, 185, 214, 216
,, William, 26, 29, 32, w. of 117, Jane, 95
,, ,^^
144, 193 John, 38, 45, 49, 54, 64, 154,
Pendleton alias Pelton, John, 93 200
,, Ralph, 93 Margery, 131
Pendletonn, Pendlone, Pendlton, Richard, 49, 102

„ Thomas, 102
see Pendleton
Penkit, Thomas, 168
Plumbe (Plumme) Ann, 69
John, 69, 76*
Penkithman, Ann, 132
,, Vrian, 216
Percivall (Parsiuall, Parsivall,
Perciuall, Pereiuall) Pollard, Ellen. 212
Alice, 31, 34 ., Joan, 176
Elizabeth, 27, 82, 208 John, 166

.. James, 76* „ William, 198

,, John, 34 PoUet (Pollett) A . . .,27
,, Richard, 27 ,, Agnes, 4
Robert, 202 Alice, 17, 69, 140, 191, 202

,, Solomon, 36 ;, Ann, 25, 28, 46, 68, 86, 140, 160,

,, Samuel, 82, inf. of 174 173
,, Tliomas, s. of 126 „ Dorothy, 96, 153
Peren, see Parren ,
Edmund, 35, 46, 51, 58, 63, 130,
Peres. Ann, 216 164
Perio, William, 61 ,. Edward, 124
Perine, Perren, see Parren „ Elizabeth. 1, 29, 35,* 39, 44,
Pertingtone, Pertinton, Pertintone, 65,* 74, 75, 88, 89, 91, 96,
see Partington 120, 126, 132, 209,* 211
Persiuall, see Percivall ,, Elize: inf. of 154
Phillipsonne, John, 41 ,. Elizeus, 46, 58
,, Thomas, 41 ,, Ellen, 44, 57, 59, 67, 71,* 82,
Phokner alias Johnson©, Robert, 21 161, 214*
Pickeringe, Elizabeth, 212 Ellis, 71

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Baptisms pp. 1 —105 inclusive Burials 106— 1S6. Marriages 187 S16.

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Pollet continued. Presoott (Presoot, Presscot,
_ „ Gregory, 54, 58, 66, 71, 77, 80, Pressoott)
I 90, inf. of 161, inf. of 163 ,, Ann, 41
„ Helen, 9, 130 ,, Jolm, 142, inf. of 179, 198, 213
„ Hugh, 39, 40, 41, 48, 49, 80,* „ Ralph, 36, 115, 188
98, 216 Prestwich (Prestwiche) Margaret, 178
., Humphrey, 54, 59, 64, 69, 74, ., Thomas, 72,* 206
78, 81, 89, inf. of 168 Proudlove, Robert, 187
,, Isabel, 58, 215 Pyke, Henry. 99
„ James, 62. 66, 67, 71, 81, 86, ,, Peter, 99, 182
I 88, 91, 92, 96, 103, inf. of Pyper, John, 125
I 156, 164, inf. of 177, 184,
202, 210 R
,, Jane, 6, 91, 112, 177
„ Jenefc, 101,* 213, 214 Radcliffe, Radclyff, Radclyffe,
„ Joan, 29. 38, 39, 51, 77, 99, see Ratoliife
126, 190 Raddley, Mary, 215
.. John, 25,* 33, 44, 47, 49, 56, Radechffe, Radeelyffe, RadeclySeet,
57, 58, 59, 61, 62, 68, 71, see Ratcliffe
79,* 80, 81. 87,* 89, 91,* 92, Radley alias Tildesley, Susan, 165
93, 101,* w. of 122, s. of 138, Ramell, John, 202
140, inf. of 148, inf. of 149, Ramsbottome, William, s. of 4
inf. of 151, 153, inf. of 156, Randldaughter (Rondelldaugliter)
173, 176, 177, inf. of 185, ,, Margaret, 9, 113
188, 197, 207, 214 Raphe (Raphes, Rauffe, RaufFs)
„ Joseph, 90 ,, Alice, 166
,, Katherine, 64 ,, Isabel, 195
,, Margaret, 21, 50, 124, 128, 137 ,, James, w. of 119
176, 212 ., John, w. of 118
,, Mary, 154 ., Margaret, 207
„ Richard, 28, 35. 44, 58, 61, 68, ,, Oliver, w. of 150
72, 80,* 82,* 85, 89, 96,101,* Raphedaughter (Rauffedaughtei)
103, 136, 144, 152, inf. of „ Alice, 27
153, inf. of 156, 176, 215 ,, Hugh, 27
., Robert, 31, 39, 56, 77, 78, 128, ,. Margaret, 117
s. of 133, w. of 156, 164, 167 Raphson (Rapheson, Raphesone,
,. Sybil, 33 Raphsone)
„ Thomas, 25, 30,* 31, 38, 39, d. of ,, Geoffrey, d. of 42, twins of 133
42, 47, 50, 52, 57, 62,* 63, „ John, 126
65, 68, 70,* 72, 75, 77, 81, „ Oliver, 132
82, 85, 88,* 91, 93, 99, 121, Ratcliffe (Radcliffe, Radclyff,
w. of 126. 128. 136, 140, Radclyffe, Radecliffe,
144, 149, d. of 151, w. of Radeelyffe, Radeclyffeet,
153, 172, 192, 193, 206 Ratcliff, Ratclyffe,
William. 36, 48, 52, 57, 59, 77, Rattcliffe, Ridolyffe)

94,* 98, 101,* 124, d. of 139, ,, Alice, 110, 197
c. of 140, inf. of 146, 160, „ Ann, 77
172, 198, 212 ,, Catherine, 192
Pollet alias Holland, Ellen, 178 ,, Edmund, 189
,, Elizabeth, 3, 20, 86, 108, 212,
PoUett, see Pollet
Pomfret ^Pomfrett) Dorothy, 163 „ Ellen, 9, 63
,, Jinnie, 116 ,, George, 57
,, Philip, 188 ,, Henry, 200
Poole, Joan, 142 ,, James, d. of 50, 53, 77, 86,
,, Tliomas, 132 90,* w. of 127, inf. of 145,
Pope, William, 56 201
Potter, Ann, 148 „ John, 145, 188, 197, 201

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Baptisms pp. 1 —105 inclusive. Burials 106 — 186. Marriages 187 —216.
Ratcliffe continued. Redford— continued.

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„ Margaret, 33 Katherine, 24, 113
„ N.X.N. 03, inf. of 150
, Margaret, 1, 204
„ Ralph, 28,* 53, 57, w. of 145, Mary, 177
175 Peter, 76
„ Richard, 136 Robert,19, 59, 62, 64,* 67,*
„ Robert, 6, d. of 135, 155, 188 70,* 81, 112. 120, w. of 126,
„ Thomas, 136 ini. of 153, inf. of 157, 202
„ William, 198 .. Thomas, 15, 2.5, 48, 72, 78,*
Rattcliffe alius Haywood, 81, 84, 90, 96, 159, 207
,, Bridget, 178 Rodgers, see Rogers
Raue,t John, 7, 113* Rediche (Redish) Edmund, d. of 167
,, Margaret, 3 ,, Henry, 10
,, Thomas, 116 ,. ]!oger, 189
Rauffe, see Raphe ,, Thomas, 8
Rauffe daughter, see Raphe daughter Redit (Reddit, Redditt, Roditt,
Rauffs, see Raphe Riditt)
Raven, Ann, 6 „ Ann, 121, 201
Ra-vold, Robert, 193 ,, Catherine, 15
Raynolds (Raynoldes, Reanolds) ,, Elizabeth, 63, 170
,, Elizabeth, 95 ,, Henry, 56, 59, 61, 63, 73,* 106,
,, Katherine, 95 inf. of 150, inf. of 152, 202
„ Locklen (Lacklyne) 80, 83, 205 ,, Margery, 166
,, Margaret, 80 ,,Nicholas, w. of 120
,, William, 83 ,, Roger, 56, 151
Read (Reade) Alice, 42, 184 ,, Thomas, 59, 61
„ Ellen, 54, 214 Ronshaw (Renshall, Renshew,
„ Helen, 114 RenshoAve)
„ John, 203 ,, Ann, 20
,, Margaret, 9 ,, Elizabeth, 56
,, William, 40, 54, inf. of 137, ,, Henry, 202
inf. of 144 ,, Isabel, 31
Read alias Byrame, Thomas, 49 ,, James, 208
,, William, 49 ,, Joan, 192, 198
Reade, see Read ,, John. 20
Reade alias Carver, Joan, 69 ,, Ralph, 199
,, William, 59 ,, Syslea. 151
Readman, Ann, 169 ,, William, 56, inf. of 148, 202,
Reanolds, see Raynolds 208
Reddit, Redditt, see Redit Richards, John, 205
Redford (Reddford, Reddforde, Richard daughter (Ric daughter)
Redfford, Redforde, Redfort, ,, Elizabeth, 14
Redforthe) ,, Ellen, 42
.. Alice, 121, 211 ,, Jenet, 190
,, Ann, 96 ,, Joan, 3
,, Dorothy, 17 Richardson (Richardsone,
„ Elizabeth, 19. 59, 89, 97, 171, Richarsone)
175. 182. 201 ,, Henry, 81
„ Ellen, 84, 168, 183 ,, Jane, 203
.. Gynet, 8 ,, John, 30, 145
,. Henry, 22, 26,* 65,* 72, 76, ,, Margaret. 22
89',97, 127, 143, 159, 175, ,, N.X.N., 30, s. of 128
182, 183 ,. Ralph, 116
,, James, 192 ,, Randle, 22
,, Jane, 32, 90, 171 ., Pvichard, 202
,, Joan, 48, inf. of 144, 202 ., Robert, 136
,, John, 28, 32, 62, 109, 127, 147, ,. Thomas, 11, 81, 145
d. of 154, 175 Ridclyffe, see Ratcliffe

t "Rane" in text is a ghost-word. It really is "Raue."

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Baptisms pp. 1 —105 inclusive. Burials 106 —1S6. Marriages 187—216.

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Rider, see Ryder Robinson (Robbinsone, Robinsone,
Ridgwith alias Birch, John, 173 Robinsonn, Robinsonne)
Ridgwithe, Ellen, 203 „ Alice, 17, 33, 75, 90, 131
,, Thomas, 216 ,, Ann, 73
Ridings (Ridinge, Rydeinges, ,, Edmund, 35, w. of 131, 191
Rydeings, Rydinges, „ Elizabeth, 59, 67, 99
Rydings) „ Ellen, 11, 102, 115, 167
I .. Ann, 159 ,, George, 106, w. of 137, 158
f „ Elizabeth. 20, 33, 71, 86, 211 „ Isabel, 96, 197
., 86
Ellis, „ James, 83, 180
,, Emme, 206 ,, Jane, 8, 206
„ Isabel. 56, 163, 202 ,, John, 37, 59, 77, 83, 90, 96,
,, James, 17, 64 99, 102, w. of 111, 134,
[ „Jane, 29 inf. of 173, 180, 197
Joan, 60
,, ,, Margaret, 27, 65
„John, 29, 59, w. of 120, 140, „ Mary, 69, 168
191 .. Nicholas, 183
„ Lawrence, 60 „ N.X.N., 169, 175
,, Margaret, 159 „ Ralph, 13. 55
,, Margery, 195 „ Richard, 27, 31, 106, 171
„ Mary. 194 .. Robert, 31
,. Richard. 126 „ Thomas, 48, 55, 67, 69, 73, 75,
,, William, 56, 59. 64, 71, 113, 77, 85,* 99, 108, w. of 133,
inf. of 149. 159 160, 169, 206
Riditt, see Redit ,, Thuretau, 57, 65
Rigbie (Rigbi, Riggbie) James, 104 „ William, 12, s. of 16, 35, 57,
.. Katherine, 169 200
,. Lawrence. 104 Roeson, see Rowson
,. Mary, 216 Rogei-s (Redgers, Rodger, Rogere)
,, Peter, inf. of 142, inf. of 144, ,. Elizabeth, 64
vr. of 158, 196 Ellen, 177
,, R<^er, 149 James, 82
., Syna, 6 Joan, 81
Riggley, see Wrigley Margaret, 69
Rile, see Royle Richard, 69, 75,* 81
Risley, John, 159 Robert, 64. 82, 91, 177, 204
Ritchmond alias Smyth, ., Thomas, 91, 214
., Bartholomew, 'l36 Rodgersone, see Rogereon
Roason, see Rowson Rogere, see Rogers
Roasthorne, Edward. 207 Rogereon (Rodgereone, Rogersone,
Robartson, Robartsone, Robai-tsonn, Rogereonn)
see Robertson
,, Ann, 76
Robbinsone. see Robinson
ap Robert, James, 105* „ Ellen, 59, 63
,. John, 70
Robertson (Robartson, Robartsone,
„ Peter, 200
,, Richard. 63
,, Edmund. 139 Robert, 59, 70, 76, 204
„ Ellen, 203
George. 141. 187 Rohdes, Alice, 178

,, Hugh, 166 „ Elizabeth, 184

,. Richard, 178, 184, 213
,, John, 15
Roile, see Royle
,, Mary, 199
Rolands, Cicely, 64
„ Richard. 201
Thomas, 187 .. John, 64

Robins. Alice. 61 Rolens, Rolines, Rolins, see Rollins

.. Edmund. 58 Rolinson (Rolinsone) George, 109
„ Isabel, 149 „ John. 9, 69
„ John, 58, 61, 155, 203 ,, Nicholas, 188
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Baptisms pp. 1 —105 inclusive. Burials 106 — 1S6. Marriages 1S7 —216.

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Rolinsou— continued. Rothwell (Rothewell)
,, Thomas, 69 ,, Adam, 4, 37, 45, 81, U, 89, 95,
,, Thmstan, 200 102, 109, inf. of 147, s. of
Rollins (Koleus, Rolines, Rolins) 150, 172, 194
„ John, GO, 108, inf. of 155, 171 ,, Alice, 26, 102, 203, 204
,, Nicholas, 60 ,, Amos, 101
,, Peter, 60 ,, Anthony, w. of 144
,, William, 172 .. Daniel, 79
Rondell daughter, „ Elizabeth, 79, 89, 197, 212
see Kaiidl daughter .. 204
Giles, 63,
Roscow (Roisco, Roscoe, Roscowc, .. Helen, 20
Rosecoowe, Rosko^ve, „ Hugh, 63
., Isabel, 33
Rossoow, Rosscowe)
,, Jane, 6
,, Alice, 8, 33, 38, 64, 197
,, Ann, 90 „ Jolm, 8, 41, 68, 73, 74, 79, 85,
89, 101, 112
,, Eleanor, 191
Elizabetli, 47, 91 ,, Katherine, 33,84, 124,171, 195
Ellen, 47, 53, 59, 77, 94, 196, ,, Margaret, 25, 33, 45, 81, 95,
162, 166
210, 214
George, 50, 84, w. of 143, 197, ,. Mary, 73, 83

202 ,, Nicholas, d. of 28, 189

Giles, 4, 40, 99, 132, 214 ,, Peter, 13

Helen, 37 ,, Richard, 68

Henry, 112 ,, Robert, 7, 107, w. of 152, 171


Hugh, 46, 50, 57, 63, s. of 126, ., Ruth, 68


w. of 126, w. of 128, 166, ,, Sarah, 208

196, 198 ,, Tabitha, 85, 89, 170
.. Isabel, 28, 46, 174 ,, Thomas, 29, 55, w. of 115, w. of
James, 178, 207 159, 184

.. Jane, 84, 120 ,, William, 55. 59,* 68, 74, 79,

Joan, 37, 43, 57, 59, 197, 204, 83, w. of 156, 169

205, 213
Rowe (Roue) Sybil, inf. of 139
,, John, 35, 39, 91, 94, 107, 110, ,, Thomas, 123
113, 125,* 126, 211 Rowlandsone, Sybil, inf. of 133
,, Katherine, 1, 63, 194 Rowson (Reason, Roeson, Rosen,
„ Margery, 70, 159, 193 Roson, Rosone)
,, Mary, 178 .. Alice, 79
„ Oliver, 10, 48, 53, 59, 64, 70, ,, Ann, 212
159, 201 ., Elizabeth, 42
Peter, 30, 77, 82, 88,* 90, 95,* ,, Giles, 20, w. of 124, 163, 173

102, w. of 147, inf. of 161, ,, Joan, 36, 132

172, inf. of 182, 207 ,, Jolm, 3, 29, 54, 127, 196
.. Ralph, %y. of 110, 112 ,, N.X.N. w. of 145, inf. of 154

„ Richard, 32, 129 ,, Richard, 67, 79, 205

. Thomas, 4, 28, 30, 35, 42, 43, ,, Ro.bei-t, 5, 29, 36, 42, 63, 67
47, 48, 82, 99, 110, 125, 130, ,, Thomas, 182
w. of 143, 145, 192, 195 ., William, 63
„ William,
38, 42, 47, 69, 102,
Royle (Rile, Roile, Ryle)
126, 134, w. of 148, 195 see also Roy ley,
Roscowe alias Hatter „ Ann, 90
.. Dorothy, 71
(Roscow alias Hattar)
., Elizabeth. 67, 90
., Thomas, 118, 119
.. George, 67, 71, 81, w. of 152
Rosecoov.e, Roskowe, see Roscow
.. Henry, 59
Rasen, Roson, Rosone, see Rowson Hugh, 76, 141, 189
Rosscose alias Telton, Ellen, 178 ,, Humphrey, 80, 86, 92
Rossoow, Rosscowe, see Roscow .. Joan, 23
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BaptL^vis pp. 1—105 inclusive. Burials 106—186. Marriages 1S7—216.

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Royle— con^wiued. Sandersone, Sannderson,
.. John, 14, 17, 53, 80, 109
Sanndei-soue, Sanndersonne
.. Margaret, 18, 207 see Sanderson
,. Margery, Gi Sauage, see Savage
.. Marv, 81
N.X.X., w. Saundersone, see Sanderson
., of 153
Roger, 16, 70, 86, Savage (Sauage) James, 204
.. 154, w. of
156, 187 ,, Walter, 167
Thomas, Saydone, see Seddon
.. 9, 16, 47,* 53, 59. 64
Sayer (Sear) Ann, 95
76, 92, 121. V.-. of 123
165, 200,* 216 „ AAvin, 79, 85, 90, 95, 101, inf
' of
Royley, see also Rovie, 163, 208
Ellen, 104 ,, Elizabeth, 90

., Robert, 104 „ Ralph, 101

Russell (Russill) Ann, 69 ,, Richard, 85
.. Elizabeth, 214 ., William, 79, 168
John, 67,* 69, 73, 78. 203 Schoales, see Scholes
Margaret. 78 Schofeild (Schaffeild, Schoffeild,

,, Thomas, 73 Schoffeld, Schowfeld)

Riisset, Elizabeth, 112 ,, Alice, 30, 127
Rnssill, see Russell ., Richard, 30, 127, d. of 128, 196
Rydeinges, Rj-deings, see Ridings Scholes (Schoales, Schole, Schooles,
Ryder (Rider) Ann, 92 Schowles, Scoles, Shcoles,
,. Nicholas. 92, 97 Shoales)
„ Randle, 97, 191, 203 ,, Agnes, 21, 35
.. William. 114 ,, Alice, 15*
Rydinges, see Ridings „ Ann, 30, 69, 79, 92, 157, 200,
Rydinges alias Drinkwater, 209, 211
,, James, 97 .. Arnold, 32, 84, 87,* 92, 99, 103,
., Joan, 97 inf. of 180
Rydings, see Ridings ,, Christopher, 29, 76, 79, w. of
Ryle, see Royle 125, 133, 135. 194, 206
„ Dorothy, 100, 214
S „ Edmund. 19, 29, 30, 31, 84,
107, 123, 12.5, 168, 195
Sale, Hamlet, 203
,, Elizabeth, 35, 79, 165
,. Ralph, 34, 211 Ellen, 6, 22, 111, 185, 203
Sandeforthe. James, 191 Giles, 29
Sandeison (Sandersone, Sannderson, George, 34
Sanndersone, Sanndersonne, Ginit, 215
Saundersone, Saundersonn, ., Gregory, tt. of 122
Saundersonne) Henry, 7, 51, 57, 63
„ Ann, 27, 206 Isabel, 24, 56, 173, 184, 203
,. Clemens, 149 Jane, 71, 103
.. Elizabeth, 6. 11, 33, 141, 173. Joan, 57
204 John, 2, 27, 29,* 30, 41, 51, 56,

„ Ellen, 104, 205 75,* 79, 83, 99, 106, 122,
„ Genet, 8 125, 132, inf. of 137, 141,
„ Helen. 24 w. of 141, 165,* 196,* 207,
,, Joan, 95 214
,, Katherine, 7 Katherine, 17, 203
,, Margery, 17, 206 aiargaret, 13, 26, 63, 75, 172
,, Nicholas, 30, w. of 109, 128 Margery, 33, 105
,, Richard, 27, 35, 95, 99,* 104, Alarv 99
s. of 126, 148, 149, 188, 212 ;; Miles,' 97, 100, 105,213
„ William, 19, 128, 136, 196 ,, N.X.N. 38

Sanderson alias Coovke, ., Ralph, 28, 123

, Elizabeth. 141 Richard, 41, 62, 170, 200, 204
. Richard. 141

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Burials 106-186. Marriages 1S7-216.
Bapthms pp. 1- -105 inclusive.

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Seddon— continued.
Scholes „„ ^ John, 11. 16, 17, 37, 42, 44
Robert, 9, 29, GO, 97, 103,*
51 GO 64, 68, 70, 75, 79,*
110, 180, 211
110, 127. inf. of 156
Laurence, 36, w. of 114, w. of
liSi.!%r^. ^9. 31,; 32,
119, 121
51 .• 60, 62, 69, 71, 75, 76, Margaret, 4, 17,* 18, 34, 35,

83 122, s. of 127, 139, inf. at 45 75, 104, 105, 108, 116,
152 w. of 152, 157, inf. of
167, 186, 191
IGOi 184, inf. cf 185, 185,* Margery, 8, 25, 106
192, 203, 206, 213

" Mary, 5, 32, 77, 105, 167, 19o,

William, 24, 39 207 *
Scolcrofte, N.X.N. 194 ,
Michael, 4, 32, 45, 48, 60, 65

Scoles, soo Scholes 72 77, 134, 139, 170, 197,
Soott, Elizabeth, 91, 207 200
,, Ellen, 91 ,, Nicholas, 9, 188
., Jane, 193 Oliver, d. of 6, 12, 40, Hi
,, Robert, 5 171, 215
Sear, see Sayer Peter, 18, 82, 129
Philip, 117. 194

Seddou (Saydone, Seddone, Seddonn,

Sedon, Sedone) Ralph, 4, 53, 57, 61,* 137, 150
Abraham, 10, 46, 55, 67, 81, Renald, 22, w. of 144
Richard, 63, 86, 95, 100,* 170,
98, 103, d. of 156, 170, 177,
211 178
„ Adam, w. of 130, 170, 195 Rignold, 122 _ ^^
Agnes, 46 Robert, 3, 12, 15, 33 42, 46,
51 * 59, 60, 63, 65,* 70, 72,
Alice, 35, 53, 68, 72, 81, 201,
80;* 86, 108, s. of 122, w. of
202, 212, 214
Alexander, 98, 146, w. of 157 139 twins of 148, mf. of
151, two infants of 163, 170,
Ann, 32, 47, 59, 70, 82, 90, 138,
181, 182, 183, 194, 203
168, 181, 192, 197, 209
Sarah, 1
,, Catherine, 11, 95 189
Siselie, 161, 170,
Edmund, 20, 127, w. of 159,
Stephen, 153
Edward, 3, 27, 30, 35, 42,* Susan, 80 „„ ,„
„ Thomas. 11. 16, 27, 31, 33, 40,
w of 127, 132, 139, 168, 175
43 45, 46, 48, 51, 53, 5o,
Eleanor, 15, 44, 125, 135 ,57' 61, 63,* 70, 76, 87, 90,
Elizabeth, 6, 8, 14, 21, 27, 37,

98, 99, 104, 105, s. of 123,

45, 46, 51, 87, 91, 94, 131,
c. of 140, inf. of 156, 191,
177 189, 202,* 205, 206, 207
Ellen, 38, 47, 80, 93, 99, 183, 67
,, William, 3, 14, 37,
195, 202, 206
Seller, Ellen, 83
,, Francis, 32
113, Thomas, 83
George, 44, 93, 98, 105, ,,

Sergant, Alargery, 187

162, 186, 212
Shackerley (Shaclye) Alice, 49
Gyles, 27, 35, 40, 43, 85, 91,
James, 49
94, 100,* 128, 131

,, Mary, 104
Helen, 7, 38
Randle, 104
Henry, 3, 23, 48, 54,* 61, 72, Roulaiid. w. of 173
114. 154, 216
Shacklock, Ralph. 170
„ Hugh, 4
Sliaclvo, see Shackerley
Isabel, 30, 41, 207, 209
" Shacrosse, Shalcrosse, see Shawcrose
James, 1, 31, 43, 46, 48, 53,
Shaplus, see Sharpies
64 76, 80, 85, 103, w. of
Sharocks alias Acton, Ann, 3b
110, w. of 121, 149, inf. of
Sharpies (Shaplus, Sharpie, Sharpls,
w. of 151
Shariilus, Sharpplcs)
Jane, 60, HI, 182, 202
„ Alice, 30
'! Joan, 7, 190

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Baptisms pp. 1—105 inclusive. Burials 106—186. Marriages 187—216.

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Sharpies continued.
Shelmerdine— continued.
,, Christopher, 43, 50, d. of I'^C ., Joan, 136
172, 196
.. Eliziibeth. 81. 128* " 121. d. of
., Faidinando, 81, 95, 208 Margaret, 193
James, 95 „
,, Mary, 105
,. Jane. 32. 151
Shephard (Shepard, Sheparde,
.. Jenet, 174
Shepart. Sheppard)
John. 48. 50
„ Ann, 5, 130
., Ma IV.
,, Beatrice, 154
.. Richard. 197
,, Catherine, 201
.. Roger, 48
,, Elizabeth, 97, 121
., Thomas. 40 Helen, 31

,, William, 43 James, 121, 156
Sharpies alias Warde, Ellen. 164
„ Jane, 4, 194
Shai-plus, Sharpples. see Sharpies
,, Jenet, 166
Sharrat, Alice, 214
Sharrocks, Eleanor, 144
„ John, 97
,, Margaret, 184
Shaw (Shawe) Alice. 203 Margery, 121
,, Ann, 21,* 118, 119 Nicholas, 108
,, Christopher, w. of 112
,, Richard, 31, 106
,, Elizabeth. 84 Roger, w. of 110, 118, 119
,, Faixiinando, 208
,, William, 2, 116
.. Francis. 93, 98, 104, inf. of Sheringtonne. Edward, 132
175, 211
Shoughsmithe, Shoughsmyth,
,. Hamlet, w. of 131, 155
., Hamon. 15 see Shughsmith
,, Jane. 206 Showcrosse, see Shawcrose
„ Joan, 26, 194, 196 Showsmyth. see Shughsmith
„ John, 15, 84, 93, 107, s. of 169, Shriggley, Robert, 98*
199 Shriggley alias Irlam, Robert, 180
„ Lawrence, 3, 26 Shughsmithe (Shoughsmithe,
,, Mary, 58 Shoughsmj-th,
,, Maudlena. 146 Shoughsmythe, Showsmyth,
.. Richard. 190 Shugsmitlie)
„ Svslv. 123
,, Ann, 5o
,. Thomas. 104 George, 4

., William, 98 Henry, 50, 55, 60, 65,* 202
Shawcrose (Shacrosse, Shalcrosse, Margaret, 196
Sho\^crosse) N.X.N. w. of 156
,, ,

„ Hugh. 193 .. Oliver, 60

1 ,, Isabel. 207 Randle, 9
,, Joan, 26 .. Thomas, 50
., John. 188 Siddall (Sidall, Syddall)
.. Thomas. 26 „ Alice, 54. 159
Shawe, see Shaw
„ Ellen, 191
Shearfeld, Joan. 139 Giles. 18
I Shelmerdine (Shellmerdyne, .. John, 77, 118. 119, 191
Shelmerdyne) ,, Ralph, 54. 62
1 „ Alice, 7. 112 „ Richard, 62
., Ann. 40, 49. inf. of 142, 150 ,, Thomas, 77
1 ,, C'slea. 115 Simson (Symsone) Joan, 3
! ,, Elizabeth, 22, 194 .. John. 69*
.. Ellen, 22. 32 Sindrels. Richard. 195
,, Geojge, 105, w. of 112, 143, 214 Singletone (Singletonn, Synglton)
., Grace. 40 ,, Christopher, 215
\ ,, Helen. 35 Eleanor, 202
; ,. Jane, 49, 160 ,, Richard, 194

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Skeloliorne, Ann, 172 Smith continued.
,, Thomas, 171 Charles, 75
Skipton (Skipptoini, Skiptone, Dorothy, 4. 120, 201
Skiptoun) Edmund, 20, 60, 62, 65, 81, 87.
.. Alice, 60 93, inf. of 148, 151, 153, 207
,, Ann, 72 Elizabeth. 22, 23, 41, 44, 50,
,, Elizabeth, 19, 141, 189 61, 98,* 142, 163,* 181,*
„ Ellen, 67, 104 206, 208, 216
,, Margaret, 125 Ellen, 7, 15, 76, 77, 82, 83, 89,
,, Miles, 152, 171 90, 93, 184. 185, 203, 204
., Mile, 28 George, 50, 83, 99, 193, 196,
.. Richard, 54, 104, 215 214
., Rose, 64, 152 Ginet, 4, 70, 72, 108
,, Thomas, 22, 54, 60, 64, 67, 72, Grace, 109
77,* inf. of 151, 166 Hamlet, 84, 89, 92, 95, 96,*
Slade (Sladie) 101, 103. V.-. of 114, 131,
,, Adam, 12, 43, 54, 66, 71,
47, 132, w. of 132, inf. of 109,
77, 146, inf. of 156, inf. of 178, 185, 190, 197, 216
163 Helen, 9, 15. 26, 196
., Alan, 66 Henry, 7, 38,
16, 32, 44, 84,
,, Alice, 110, 129 114, 129, w. of 130
,, Ann, 47, 146, 171 Hester, 70
,, Edmund, w. of 111, 113 Hugh, 1, 5, 167
,, Eleanor, 155 Isabel, 38, 68, 87, 143
., Elizabeth, 10 Jame.s, 1, 20, 56, 61, 68, 70, 74,
„ Henry, 54, 138, w. of 151 78,* 79, 83, 89, 99, 101,
,, James, 127 189, 192. 198, 206
,, John, 77, 110, w. of 138, 195 Jane, 25, 60, 61, 65, 74, 90,
,, Margaret, 29, 124 108, inf. of 144, 165
,, Ralph, s. of 5, 71, w. of 111, Jenet, 70, 210
d. of 111, 155, 209 vFoau, 11, 34, 35, 36, 45, 52,
„ Thomas, 2, 11, 29, 43, 115, 165, 184, 195, 216
118, 124, 125, 190, 194 John, 4, 10, 19, 20, 23, 25, 30,
Slater, Elizabeth, 215
39, 44, 52, 56, 58, 63, 68,*
,, John, w. of 122 75, 77. 82, 83, 87, 88, 90, 95,
Slighe, Margaret, 213 96, 100.* 100, 108, 114, 117,
Smethui-st (Smetliarst, Smetlierst, 122, 124, d. of 125, 131, 135,
Smethrers) 140, 142, 160, w. of 163, 174,
„ Alice, 191 184, 189, 194, 197, 198, 199,
,, Christopher, 94, 99, 102 214, 215
„ Dorothy, 99 Margaret, 2, 10, 21, 36, 37, 41,
„ Elizabeth, 2, 94, 203 46, 50, 66, 69, 80, 83, 101,
,, Mary, 102 126, inf. of 150, 161, 164,
,, Roger, 207 165, 192, 200, 207, 210
Smith (Smite, Smithe, Smyth, Margery, 41, 49, 163, 169, 177,
Smythe) 178. 194
,, Adam, 97, 200 Mary, 75, 93, 95
,, Alexander, 101, 184, 199 Nicholas, 50, 110, 118, 119,
., Alice, 8, 19, 20, 26, 28, 79, 192 w. of 125, 140, 148, 197
,, Alison, 169 Peers, 154
,, Ann, 12, 41, 50, 75, 99, 101, Peter, 26, 100, w. of 134, w. of
157, 189, 196, 205, 213, 216 151
„ Ai-nold, 33, 92, 98, 100, 181, Ralph, 14, 28,* 32, 01, 64,*
212 69, 76, 81, 93, w. of 110,
,, Arthur, 55 w. of 131, 149, 167, 188, 204,
„ Catherine, 32, 44, 61, 121, 211
inf. of 130, 207 Randle, 76

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Smith continued. Staples (Stapls, Staplus)
L „ Richard, 32, 34, 3o, 54, 55, 111, ,, Edmimd, 135
I vr. of 116, 116, s. of 117, ,, Elizabeth, 142
I 122, w. of 124, 126, 127, 130 ,, George, 153
t of 131, 165,* 183, 193,
,, Joan, 153
194,* 196, 197, 213, 216 ,, John. 10, inf. of 142, w. of 145
,, Robert, 21. 33, 42, 56,* 58, 103, ,, Roger, 27, s. of 116, 135
w. of 114, 114, w. of 120, ,, Sislea, inf. of 149
T^-. of 146, 161, TV. of 161 Starkie (Starckie, Starke, Starki)
162, 172, 175, 188, 190, 192^ „ Ann, 23, 64, 149, 163
207 ,, Edmund, 75
„ Roger, 15. 96, 124, 165, 181. ,, Elizabeth, 59, 66
190 „ John, 22, 54, 59, 64,* 66, 72,*
,, Samuel, 88, 95 75, 149, inf. of 151,* inf. of
„ Syslea, 22, 79 157
,, Thomas,23, 52, 61, 63, 66, 70 ,, Margaret, 17
72. 75.* 78,* 80, 83, 87,* „ Mr., 72
88,* 89, 90,* 93, 94,* 95, >, Nicholas, 54, w. of 151
97, 98, 99. 101,* 107, 147. ,, Peers, 64
inf. of 162. 171.* 181, 195, ,, Randle, 179
200, 205, 208. 209, 210, 213' Stirropp (Stirroppe, Sturrop,
„ William. 2-5,* 30, 42, 46, 54, Sturrope. StuiTopp,
61, 79, 88,* 90. 92,* 93, 95. Sturroppe, Sturrupp,
101, 109, TV. of 117, twins of Sturrvpp)
133, 143. V.-. of 155, 175, 178, ., Alice, 40, 138
179, 187, 194, 199, 211, 213 ,, Elizabeth, 29
Smithies, John, c. of 162 ,, Helen, 29, 124
Smyth alias Ritchmond. ,, Joan, 129, 204
,. Bartholomew, 136 ,. John. 127
Smythe. see Smith „ William, 127, s. of 130, inf. of
Sneade. Ralph, 214 133, 139, 196
Sorrowoold (Sorrowcolde, Stocke, Robert, 204
Sorrowcoiild, Sorrowcoukle) Stones, Imin. 90
., Alice, 83. 168 „ William, 88,* 90, 94,* 124,
.. Eleanor. 86 174, 181. 211
, George, 180 Stonleye, see Standley
,. James. 80.* 83. 86. 88, 97, Stoppard, Thomas, 208
166. 180. 208 Stopperton, Ann, 182
.. Richard. 97. 180 ,, Charles, 85
.. Thomas, 88 ,, Elizabeth. 79
Soakman (Spakeman, Spakmane) ,, Thomas. 79, 85
,, Alice, 194 Stopperton alias Harrison,
,, Catherine, 120 ., Humphn-, 182
„ Edward, 25 Street. Ellen. 155
,. FJizabeth, 27, 197 .. John, inf. of 155, 155
,, James, w. of 120, 121 ,, Richard, 205
,, John, 130 Sturrop, Sturrope, StuiTopp,
.. Mary. 19 Sturroppe, Sturrupp,
.. Robert. 132 see Stirropp
.. Roger, 197 Sumner, Elizabeth, 82*
.. Thomas. 15. 27, 210 Sutherne. John. 62, 204
.. William, 22 ,, Margaret. 62, 104, 185, 213
Springall, Margaret, 50 ., Thomas, 104
Standishe, John, 143 Sutton, Ann, 215
,, Robert, 204 ,, Jane, 200
Standley (Stonleye) Barbarie, 5 ,, Marv, 64
.. Cislev. 4 ,, Ralph, 80
,, George, 188 ., Robert, 64. 85
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Swectlove (Sweetlouc) Elizabeth, 72 Tolltoii, Ellen. 94*
,, George, 72, 188 Telton alias Rossoowe, Ellen, 178
,, Jane. 199 Tetlow (Tettlow) Ann, 201
.. Jenet, 175 ,, Edmund, 215
Swindells, John, 205 Teylier, Teylliar, .see Taylor
Syddall, see Siddall Thirlwind (Thirlowynd, Thirlcwyndo,
Syor, N.X.N. w. of 147
Thirhvinido, ITiurhvinde,
Symon, Katherine, 211 Thurhvine, Tyrhvinde)
Symsone, see Sim&on ,, Alice. 19, 163
Synglton, see Singletone „ Ann, 10, 21, 36
„ Arnold, 12, 46,* 176
,, Edmund, 20
T.. H., 19* ,, Elizabeth, 19, 48, 54, 193*
Taliar, Talior, see Tayler „ Ellen, 39, 189
Tat ton, Katherine, 74 ,, George, 27
,, Mai-y, 74 ,, Helen, 4, 17
Tayler (Taliar, Talior Tayliar ,, Hugh, 111
Taylier, Ta,ylior, Taylliare, ,, Humphrey, 20, 118, 119
Taylyar, Teylier, Teylliai) „ Jeffrey, 147
see also Tylior, ,, Jenet, 9
Alice, 8, 47, 87, 145, 212 ,, Joan, 6, 44, 213
Ann, 58, 62, 214 ,, John, 2, 4, 11, 50, 54. 132,
Elizabeth, 12. 43, 175, 189, 191 146
inf. of
Ellen, 69, 166 ., Margaret, 203
Emma, 17, 56, 98, 134 ,, Margery, 27, s. of 123
George, 28, 85 ,, Nicholas, w. of 120, 120 134,
Helen, 23, 26 191
Henry, 62 ,, Ralph, 10, 22, 41, 149, w of
Hugh, 16, 19, 57, 62, 64, 69, 150
74,* 81, 87, 91, 97, w. of 167, ,, Richard, 9, 114, 191
169, 189, 203 „ Robert, 106
Isabel, 66 ,, Roder (m), w. of 143
James, 43, 45, 56, 66, 72, 77, „ Roger, 118, 119, 190
85, 102, w. of 116, w. of 117, „ Thomas, 1, 14, 19, 20, 44. 18,
w. of 128, 131, inf. of 132, 50, 112, 118, w. of 134, d. of
w. of 147, 148, 155, 162, 191, 139, inf. of 150, 189, 192
200 Tliomasdaughter (Thomedaughter)
Jenet, 143 ,, Alice, 15
Joan, 26, 170 .. Emma, 33
John, 17, 62, 72, 80, 84, 91, ,, Letis, 199
vv. of 124, of 127,
127, s. ,, Mary. 136
w. of 127, 128,*
131, 147, ,, N.X.N. 48 ,

166, inf. of 166, 176, 177, ,, Thomas, 48

inf. of 178, inf. of 180, 203, Thomaisson (Thomason, Thomasone,
204, 207 Thomassone, Thomassonne)
Katherine, 12, 39, 94, 122 ,, Alice, 196
Margaret, 15,* 81, 97,* 168 ,, Francis, 171
Mai-gerv, 178 ,, Hugh, 27, 215
Mary, 60,* 64, 84, 215 ., Katherine, 109
Oliver, 6, 12, 44,* 47, 52, 57, ,, Margaret, 3, 111
58, 138 ,. Richard, 27, 190
Richard, 77 ,, Robert, 16
Robert, 145, 198, 216 ,, Thomas, 171, 194
Roger, 17, 45, 94, 97, 98, 102, ,, Thurstan, 6
128, 191, 208,, 213 .. William, w. of 111, 190
Rnth, 80, 176 Tliorlhvynde alias Irelame,
Thomas, 39, 152, 162, 205 ,, Tliomas, 43
William, 52 Thornicrofte, John, 175
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Thorpe (Thrope, Thropp, Ti oppe) Tonge, Henry— co?ia"rtued.

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„ Alice, 74, 197
134, 140, inf. of 155, inf. of
., Andall (t.) 74, 161 I06. 162, inf. of
Ann, 194 168, 187 '
191, 197, 204,* 215
,, Christopher, 75, 77 „ Isabel, 190
„ Eliza, 197 James,
,, 22, 45, 192, 216
„ Ellen, 160 Jane, 64, 205, 216
., George, 82 Jenet, 89, 104, 159
,, John, 82 John, 24, 38, 48, 51, 76 92,

,, Katheiine, 75 w. of 110, 160, 170, 190, 192
,, Peter, 135 Katherine, 12, 20, 50, 51, 63,
,, Richaid, 77 216
Thoi-pe alias Hulme, Elizabeth, 169 Margaret, 21,
,, 55, 80, 164, 189,
Thrope, Thropp, see Thorpe 194
Thurhvinde, Thurhvine, „ Margery, 16
see Thirhvind Mai-y, 54. 70, 83, 100, 162, 176

Thurstanson aliter Williamson, .. Matthew, 135
,, Thomas, 168 ,, Nicholas, 12
Tildesley, see Tyldsley N.X.N., 180

Tildesley alias Radley, Susan, 165 Pearse, 158
Tildsley, Tilidesley, see Tvldsley Peter, 6. 26,
,, 53, 58, 62,* 67
Titertone (Tyttertou, Tyttertone) 74. 80, s. of 128, w. of 141,
Ellen, 60
190, 201
,, Jane, 57 Ralph, 170
,, Robert, 57, inf. of 149 Richard, 9,
,, 10, 16, 32, 65, 79,*
Titterington (Titteringtonn)
86, 89,
90, 92, 94, 96, 97,
,, Jane, 72 100,* 102, 109, 134,* 135,
,, Robert, 72, 79, 82,* 92, 101
154, w. of 155, w. of 157,
,, Roger, 92
164, 173. 179, 180, 207, 211
„ Thomas, 79, 101, 165 ,, Robert, 16, 38, 45,* 48, 54, 55,
Tomlinsone, Ann, 10
70, 71. 92. 97, 99,* 102, 104,
Tomson (Tomsone) Alice, 58 127, 135,* w. of 143, 158,
,, Arnold, 9
159, 164, 173, 180, 182, 196,
., John, 58, 183
199, 212
,, Margery, 34 Sarah, 58, 105
,. Tliomas*^, 188
,, Thomas, 1, 6,* 8, 31, 45, 50,
Tonge (Tongue. Tonnge, Tounge, 55, 57, 64. 67, 69, 76, 83, 86,
Tovnge) 89, 96,* 105, 121, 167, 199
., Alice, 1, 11, 19. 35, 89, 90, 92,
„ William, 26, 69, 74, 79, 92, 94,
105, 200, 208, 212
170, 180
„ Ann, 93, 158, 211
Tongue alias Vallentyne,
„ Annis, 124
,, Thomas, 176
., Clemens, 11, 20
Tonnge, see Tonge
„ Dorothy, 57, 90, 211, 215
Toothell, Ellen, 19
,, Edward, 10, 46, 51, 55, inf. of
,. Giles, 19
144, inf. of 146, inf. of 154
„ Eleanor, 201 Toppinge, Edward, 77, 83, 89, 94, 207
„ Elizabeth, 5, 46, 48, 83, 89, ,, James, 83, 89, 168
197, 211, 216 ,, Lawrence, 94
„ Elizeus, 48, 50, 56, 65, 201 ,, Richard. 77
,. Ellen, 19, 56, 93, 160 Tornar, see Turner
„. Ellis, 71, 82,* 86, 90, 96, 100, Tounge, Tovnge. see Tonge
105, w. of 114 Trafford (Trafforde) Ann, 213
„ George, 36, 132, 212 ,, Edmund, 12, 115, 209
,, Giles, w. of 120 ,, Elizabeth, 17
.. Henry, 19, 21, 51, 53, 63, 79, ,, Ph'ilip, 193
83, 86. 89, 92, 105,* w. of Travis (Trauis, Traves. Travisse)
115, 120, w. of 129, d. of ,, Agnes, 17
— —
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Baptisms pp. 1 —105 inclusive. Buriah 106 —186. Marriages 187 —216.

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ravia contimied. Turner continued.
Alice, 13, 79, 164, 195 ,, Margaret, 18, 54, 76, 104, 148,
Ann, 53, 82, lO-j 195
Dorothy, 12 ,, Mary, 87, 95
Edm\ind, 53, 63, 70, 79,* 86, ,, Nicholas, 130
97, 147, inf. of 151, 157, 181 „ N.X.N. w. of 156

Eleanor, 172 ,, Oliver, 67, 161,* 164

Elizabeth, 11, 99, 140 „ Ralph, 18
George, 137 ,, Richard, 11, 54, 66, 97*
Helen, 35 „ Thomas, 1, 36, 39, 43, 48, 54,
James, 4, 52, 57, 60, 120, 149 57, 60, 76, 80, 88, 90, 95,*
,, John, 18, 29, 62, 70,* 79, 85, 102, 104, 132, 148, w. of 155,
88, 89,* 94, 99, 105, 125, 182, 207, 208
140, w. of 146, 171, 181, 201, ,, William, 18, 21, 35, 42, 67,
210 71, 76, 83, 87, 158, 161, 182,
,, Margaret, 55 193, 206
.. Mary, 63, 71, 82, 86, 157, 167 Turner alias Bent, Alexander, 169
„ Peter, 71, 79
Turnet, Helen, 109
„ Ralph, 38. 82, 143
Richard, 3, 42, 128 Turunar, see Turner

„ Thomas, 29, 31,* 39, 42, 47, 52, Turton (Turtone) Aneta, 16
55, 70, 77,* 79, 82, 85, 88, ,, Ann, 209
97, s. of 130, v:. of 132, s. of ,, Giles, 203
138, inf. of 143, inf. of 146, ,, James, 58
inf. of 158, inf. of 160, 172, ,, Matthew, 58
196 ,, William, 189
,, Thnrstan, 39 Tuist (Twisse, Twisto) Alice, 3, 123
,, William, 47, 57, 00, 62, 94, ,, Clemens, 121
inf. of 152, 202 ,, Dorothy, 155. 187
Trininie alias Wright, Robert, 105 ,, Elizabeth, 170
.. Thomas, 105 ,, Jane, 172
Troppe, see Thorpe ,, Jiliana. 141
Turner (Tornar, Tiirnnar) ,, Joan, 195
,. Adam, 216 ,, Katherine, 161
.. Alexander, 85 ,, Lawrence. 194
Alice, 158, 215 ,, Philip. 120
Ann, 6, 87, 103, 114 ,, Richard, 108
Annis, 29 ,, William, 109
Dorothy, 83, 167, 196 Tyldsley (Tildesley, Tildsley,
Edward, 171 Tilldesley, Tyldley,
Elizabeth, 18, 71, 215 Tylasleye, Tyldsly, Tylscley,
Ellen, 80, 85, 161 Tylsley)
Helen, 3. 39, 42, 197 ,, Alice, 79, 87,* 103, 130, 161,
Hugh, 43 170, d. of 170, 174, 175, 185
Imin, 88, 174 Ann, 27, 67, 190, 196, 204
Isabel, 102, 128 Dorothy, 46
James, 54. 66, w. of 131, s. of Elizabeth. 22, 27, 73, 81, 192,
137, 139, 148 200, 209
Jane, 89, 129 Ellen, 73, 74. 89, 92, 97, 212,
Jenet. 109 214
Joan, 3. 28, 90, 193, 194, 195* Em, 25, 69, 104, 185, 203
John, 29, 30, 48, 54, 65,* 76, George, 37, 93, 103,* 104, 185,
87, 89. 103. 107, s. of 123, 215
129, w.of 137, 190, 202, 215. Helen, 27, 34, 35
216 Henry, 215
Katherine. 212 James. 29, 81. 87, 89, 93. 97,
Lawrence. 54. 57, 60, inf. of 102,* w. of 151, 192, 211
145, 160 Joan, 201

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Tyldsley continued. Valentyne—
alenty] coniinued.
„ John, 20, 24, 27, 29, 46, 49, ., Jcoan, 4, 21, 109, 141,
65,* 69. 73, 79, 84, 89,* 93,*- 197, 203 '
102, 123, 161, 174, 178,* John, 11, 23, 27, 29,* 42
„ 43
191, 205 49, 50, 52,* 58, 59, 63,* 64'
„ Katherine, 84, 97, 200 66. 77, 88, 102, 104, w. of
„ Margaret, 9, 60, 78, 85, 99, 120, 123, w. of 145, 159, 176
111, 137, 145, 164 193, 201, 213 '
' .

„ Mary, 14, 27 ,, Katherine, 28, 42, 208

„ Peter, 22, 30, 60, 65, 70, 74, ,, Lawrence, 15, a5, 165, 207
78,* 81, 87, 129, w. of 133, ,, Margaret, 17, 37, 59, 206, 211
163,* 202 „ Margery, 14, 34, 130, 190
„ Ralph, 109 ,, Mary, 76
„ Richard, 20, 31,* 40, 70, s. of ,, Nicholas, 17, 65, 67, 72, 94, 98
138, 172 144, inf. of 153,y 159, 179!
,, Robert, 16 191 ^ ,

„ Roger, 30, 123, d. of 130, d. of „ Peter, 3. 9, 18, 27, 29, 31, 40,
132, 140, w. of 170, 194 54, 103, 108, w. of 111, 114
„ Thomas,16, 19, 33, 65, 73, 78, 123, 127, 132, 138, 215
81, 83,* 85, 89, 94,* 97, 99, .. Ralph, 32, 66, 185
103, \y. of 118, w. of 119, ,, Randle, 55, 59, 62, 66, 69,* 76,
120, 137, 153, 168, 185, 187, 80,86. 91,94, 98, inf. of 160,
193. 206. 207, 212, 213 161, 179, 18.5,* 202
.. Thurstan. 106. 206 ,, Richard. 3. 30, 31, 37, 48, 54,
.. William, 49, 67, 92 58,* 62,* 92, 102, 103, inf. of
Tylior (Tylier) see also Taylor, 132, 141, 151, 197, 200, 209
,, Joan, 15 ,, Roger, 10, 80, 114, inf. of 155,
., Thomas, 16 w. of 155, 166
Tylseley, Tylsley, see Tyldsley ,, Sarah, 62
Tynkers alias . . ., Margaret, 149 ,, Susanna, 73
Tyrlwinde, see Thirlwind „ Thomas, 25.* 27, 28, 30, 49.
Tytterton, Tytterttone, 52,* 59, 77, 89, 103, d. of
see Titertone 126, 126, 136, 137, 156, 159,
163, inf. of 183, 188, 204,
209, 214
„ William, 9. 32, 34,* 38, 65, 69,
Valence, Mary, 99 73, 80, 88, 93, 100, 110, 125,
,, Roger, 95,* 99 inf. of 171, 174, inf. of 175,
Valentyne (Valenty, Valetyne, 175, 179, 184, 196, 204, 210
Vallandtyd, Vallandtyne, Vallentyne alias Tongue,
Vallentvne) ., Tliomas, 176
.. Alice, 1, il, M, 34, 65, 125, Vere, Oliver, 110
130, 165. 175,* 187. 204. 211 Vnsworth (Vnsworthe)
,, Ann, 20, M, 38,* 72, 80, 92 ,, Abraham. 51, twins of 146, 201
,, Dorothy, 27, 103, 162 ,, Ann, 51
,. Edmund, 36, 91, 142 ,. Ellen, 204
.. Elizabeth. 5, 58. 64, 66, 212 ,, Gilbert, 180
„ Ellon, 48. 159. 216 Jam'es, 190
., Em, 43, 160, 213 .; John, 71
„ George, 22, 25. 50. 86, 89, 98. ,, Margaret. 51
104. w. of 117, 188, 213 ,, Marv, 103
„ Helen, 18, 193, 200 ,, N.X.N. , 180
,, Henrv, 13, 69, 131, 166 „ Thomas. 27.* 65. 71, 103
,, Hugh, 55. 161 Vose (Voas, Voase, Voaze, Vos,
„ Isabel, 6, 18, 67, 98, 194, 207, Vosse)
212 ., Alice, 14, 33
.. James. 29. 93 .. Elizabeth, 33, 35*
,. Jane, 37, 100, 199, 211 „ Giles, 19
— —
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Vose continued. Walkden continued.
James, 11, w. of 160, 164 John, 54, 57, 63, inf. of 152,

John, 191 173

Lawience, 5 ,, Margaret, 126, 192
Maigai-et, 117 INIargery, 107
Peter, 8 ,, Richard, 56
liichard, 2 ., Thomas, 107
ThuiBtan, 19 ,, William, 54
Vriamsone, Roger, 188 Walework, Waleworke, see Wahvork
Vrmstoii (Vrmostoii, Vrmstoiio, Walker, Alice, 35
Vrmstomi) ,, Elizabeth, 41, 45
Alice, 200 ,, Helen, 16
Dorothy, 34 ,, James, 206
Edward. 42, 47, 53, 58, 74, 160 ,, John, 41, 114, 195
Elizabeth, 39 ,, Robert, 45
Ellen, 213 ., Thonias, 16
Emma, 53, 160 Walley, Jane, 75, 176
Helen, 47 ,, Ralph, 75, 176
Jane, 216 Wahvork (Walewarke, Walework,
Joan, 37, 209 Waleworke, Walwarke,
John, 74 Walworcke, Walworke,
Margaret, 58, 215 Walworthe)
Mary, 42, 208 Adam, 57
Richard, 178 Alice, 6, 20, 51, 57, 74, 103,
William, 199 125, 209, 212, 213
Ann, 3, 28, 45, 59, 75, 77, 89,
W 91,* 97, 123, 175, 180, 206
Cicely, 17, 170, 199
Wadlworthe, see Wardle worth Dorothy, 148
Wadsworth (Wadsworthe, Edmund, 25, 60, 70, 73, 74,
Wodsworth, Wodsworthe) 78, 84, 91, 100, 202
Ann, 19, 37, 60 Eleanor, 34, 201, 215
Elizabeth, 39, 213 Elizabeth. 60, 187
Ellen, 206 Elizeus, 46
Hamlet, 191 Ellen, 13, 63. 125
Hamon, 120 Fi'anscis (f) 208
Helen, 33 George, 48. 55, 67, 79, 89, 95,*
Hugh, 63, 178, 184 161, inf. of 170, 211
Isabel, 153 Giles, 58, 78, 91, 99, 121, 193,
James, 63, 121, 122 211
Katherine, 34,* 161, 195 Helen, 18
Lawrence, 27 Henry, 58, 63, 70, 74,* 77, 81,
Leonard. 53, inf. of 146, 147, 83, 91, 93, 97, 100, inf. of
153. 202 149, 161,* inf. of 169, 175,
Margaret, 44, 191 177, 180, 181, 204, 212
Margery, 178 Isabel, 55, 61
Peter, 60 James, 43. 59, 66,* 70, 100, 103,
Ralph, 30 w. of 118, w. of 119, w. of
Richard, 30, 44, 159, 193 124, s. of 138, 140, 142, 147,
William, 21, 23, 53, 184 w. of 155, 186, 187, 194, 196,
Walche, William, 216 215
Walkden (Walkdene, Walkeden, Jane, 9, 46, 59, 91, 160, 194
Warkden) Jenet, 89. 143, 170, 213
Charlps, 131 Joan, 41, 48, 83, 211, 216
Elizabeth, 57, 173, 206 John, 17, 46, 51, 57,* 63,* 69,
Francis, 56 73, 75. 77,81, 89, 148, inf. of
Hem-y, w. of 144, 201 154, 176, 177, 189
Jane, 63 Katherine, 55, 69, 169*

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continued. Warburton— conimued.
„ Margaret, 45, 57, 59, 78, 172, 133, 133, 155, inf. of 170,
175 inf. of 185, 190,
Maiy, 83, 93, 100, 167, 181, 198 Ward (Warde) Alexander, 27
Michael, 46, 55 ,, Dorothy, 21, 136
Peter, 61, inf. of 151, 156, 196 ,, Elizabeth, 195
]-{alph, 70 ,, Helen, 18
llichard, 20,* 39, 43, 75, 77, ,, Hugh, 188
83, 207 ., Humphrey, w. of 134
Robert, 67, 99 ,, Joan, 27
Roger, 63, 84, 206 ,, John, 76,* inf. of 160, 172
Susan, 79 ,, Margaret, 3, 195
Thomas, 18, 61, 78, 192, 208 „ William, 187
Thurston, 16, 205 Warde alias Sharpies, Ellen, 164
William, 13, 43, 57, 61, 63, 130, Wardle\\'orth (Wadlworth©,
140, 172, 203 Wardleworthe)
Warburton (Warberton, Warbertone, ,, Ann, 30
Warbertonne, Warbirton, ,, Elizabeth, 215
WarbotTone, Warburtone, ,, Jane, 181
Warburtonn, Warburtonne) ,, Margery, 200
„ Amery (Amrie) 92, 193 ,, Mary, 34
,, Ann, 3, 65, 74, 89, 108, 164, 205 „ Robert, d. of 126, inf. of 133,
„ Cicely, 68 137
,, Dorothy, 197, 210 „ William, 34, 103*
.. Edward, 117, 194 Warkden, see Walkden
,, Eleanor, 190 Warmingham (Warminham)
„ Elizabeth, 22, 96, 127, 140, 194, Warmisham,
see also
205 Adam, 97
„ Ellen, 72, 86, 98, 159, 196, 206* Alice, 72
,, Emma, 88 John, 182
,, George, 18, 86 Maigaret, 97
„ Hamlet, 113, 115,180, 196 William, 72
., Hamon, w. of 120 WaiTnisham (Warmishaw,
.. Helen, 24. 35, 113 Warmishew, Warmishewe)
.. Hugh, 111 see also Warmingham,
., Isabel, 183 ,, Alexander, 67
,, James, 103 „ Alice, 72
,, Jane, 4, 202 ,, Ann, 199
,, Jeiiet, 109 „ Ellen, 63
., Joan, 129 ,, George, 51
„ John, 13, 22, 68,* 70, 103, 113, ,, Humphrey, 124
117, w. of 123, w. of 133. ., John, 32
140, 141, 148, inf. of 150,* ,, Katherine, 61, 167
150, w. of 150, inf. of 159, ,, Randle, 55
174, 202, 206 „ William, 32, 51, 55, 61, 63, 67,
Judith, 215 72. d. of 136, inf. of 152,
Lawrence, 24 inf. of 156, 157, inf. of 158
Margaret, 68 Warton, Isabel, 190
Mistris, 164 Watmouthe, James, 195
Robert, 180 Watson (Watsone, Watsonne,
Sarali, 100 Wattson, Wattsone,
Tliomas, 14, 39, 50, 57,* 65, Wattsonne)
68, 72, 86,89,98, 100, inf. of ,, Alice, 19
154, inf. of 157, 159, inf. of ,, Elizabeth, 6
168, inf. of 178, 183, 201, „ John, 1, 124
210, 216 ,, Katherine, 14
William, 24. 50, 68, 70, 74, ,, Richard, 120
81,* 86, 88, 92, 98, w. of Wautter, John, 11
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Baptisms pp. 1—105 inclusive Burials 106—186. Marriages 187—216.

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Weidall, see Widdall Whyte, see White
Wen-all, see Winall Whytheade, see Whitohead
Westbie, Alice, 201 Wicke, Thomas, 31*
Wetherbie, Kdward, 96, 101, 181 Widdall (Weidall, Widall, Widdell,
,, John, 96, 101, 181 Widdill Widdow, Widdowe,
Whaniibie (Whannby) Henry, 40 Widlo, Widowo)
,, Jane, 81 ., Alice, 49,* 53, 57,* 07, 74, 80,
,, Robert, 203 93, 196, 211, 213
,, William. 46, 81 Amy, 179
Wlairrow, see Wirrall Ann, 69, 79, 157
White (Whyte) Israel, 55, 148 Catherine, 57, 145, 190
,, Jolin, 52, 55, 60, 148, inf. of Dorotliy, 9, 115, 187, 204
149, 209 Edmund, 30, 45, 114
„ Mr., 52, 209 Elizabeth. 4, ^, 39, 46,
,, 95,
,, Richard, 60 100, 101, 109, 138, 172, 179,
"V^^litehead (Whithead, Whytheade) 189
,, Ann, 216 ,, Ellen, 37, 43, 91, 105, 150, 105,
,, Jenet, 204 172
,, Joan, 19 ,, Emma, 42
,, John, 55 ,, George, 179
,, Ottyes, 65 Helen, 116
,, Simeon, 192 ,, Henry, 105
Whitfeild, Edward, 157 ,, Hugh, 80, 130
Whitle, see Whittle Imin, 212
Whitlego;e (Whitledge, Whytlegge) ,, Isabel, 28, 72. 208
Ellen, 180 James, 14, 18, 33, 42, 80, w.of
Roger, 93, 180, 194, 212 121, s. of 124, inf. of 143,
Sybil, 74, 161 inf. of 146, inf. of 149, 150,
Thomas, 93 193, 195
William, 74, 161 ., Jane, 19, 40, 177, 208
Whittell, see Whittle Joan, 57, 79, inf. of 149*
Whitticar (Whitticare, V/ittacar, ., John, 2, 3, 6, 20, 21, 53, 57,
Wittaker) 64. 09, 72, 76,* 79, 86, 108.
Alice, 169
157, inf. of 162, 205
,, John, 112, 188 Margaret. 6, 22, 25, 67, 76, 91,
,, Lawrence, w. of 112
96, 116.* 134, 204, 205
,, Thomas, 10 Margery, 25, 28, 138, 201
., William, 203
,, Peter, 46, 52. 76. 116, 165, 199
Whitticar alias Johnson',
;, Ralph, 91. 134, 183
., Elizabeth, 102
:, Richard, 1, 28, 31, 36, 37, 43,
,, Lawrence, 102
90, 132, 189
Whitticare, see Whitticar
,, Robert, 31, 49, 114, inf. of 144,
Whittle (Whitle. Whittell, Wittall)
„ Alice, 35. 133 ,, Roger, 86
,, Ann, 1. 41
,, Sislea, 191
,, Charles, 31.* 41, 45, 52, 54,
75,* 83, 87, 95, twins of 178, ,, Tliomas, 13, 22, 25. 2S, 32, 45,
49, 52, 55,* 64, 74. 79, 80,
209, 210
Elizabeth, 67 90, 91, 93, 95, 96, 98,* 100,
Helen. 45 101, 105,* 138, 171, 179,183,
Humphrey, 75 191, 194, 207
John;" 87 ,, William, 30, 134, w. of 138, 189
Richard, 54. 83, 95, 168 Widdall alias Comics, Radclyffe, 57
Robert, 57, 75, inf. of 149, 202, Widdell, W«lc^ill. Widdow,
207 Widdowe, Widle,
., Thomas, 38, 75, inf. of 158 see Widdall
Whorocks, Whorrockes, Wliorrocks, Wigaji (Wigen) Helen, 126
see Horrocks .. Heru-y, 94
— —
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Baptisms pp. 1—105 inclusive. Burials 106—186. Marriages 187—216.

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Wigan continued. Williamson continued.
„ Richaid, 94, 12G, 214 „ Thurstan, 30, 64, 72 74 79
., William, 195 84, inf. of 160, 207' '

Wilbunie, M:, 192 ,, Timothy, 29, 174, 198, 212

Wilcocke (Wilcoke) Alexander, 200 ,, Titus, 111
,, Ann, 185 ,, William, 17, 26, 49, 58, 79, 94
., Richard, 185 109, w. of 154, 163
Wilde, John, 124 WilhanLson aliter Thurstanson,
,, Robeit, 50* ,, Thomas, 168
,, Thomas, 111, w. of 1^ Willmson, Willmsone, see Williamson
Wilkinson (Wilkinsone) Jenct, 211 Wilson (Willson, Wilsone)
,, Thomas, 170, 199 ,, James, 205
Williamdaughter (Willmdaugliter) „ John, 138, 187, 188
,. Alice,35 ,, Katherine, 75, 207
,, Dorothy, 14. 200 ., Mary, 213
,, Elizabeth. 39 ,, Richard, 75
,, Emma, 130 ,, Thomas, 99*
,, Joan, 30 Windibanke, Robert, inf. of 149
,, Margery, 25 Windle, Ann, 190
,, Thomas, 25 Winkleye, Elizabeth, 133
Williams, Richard, s. of 122 Winterbothome, John, 192
Williamson (Williamesone, Wirrall (Werrall, Whirro, Wirall,
Williamsone, Williamsonne, Wirraill, Wirrowe, Wyrrall)
Willmson, Willmsone) ,, Alice, 11, 32, 38, 128, 216
,, Alice, 23. 37, 58, 135, inf. of ,, Alison, 114
152, 155, 208 ,, Ann, 49, 59, 65, 74, 81, 214
AjuJrew, 102 215
Ann. 149 „ Cysley, 107
Cathei-ine, 28, 61, 187, 196 „ Edwai-d, 135. w. of 140, 188
Dorothy, 75, 162, 198 ,, Elizabeth, 54, 186
Edmund, 122 „ Ellen, 6, 49, 59, 179, 199
Elizabeth, 29, 57, 61, 192, 213 ,, Evan, 49
Ellen, 62 ,, Francis, 38, s. of 123, w. of
Em, 211 127, 135, w. of 156
Francis, 67 ,, George, 102
George, 92, 118, 119 ., Helen, 25
Ginit, 99 „ Hugh, 6, 11, 38, 42, 47, 51, 57,
Helen, 121 62,* inf. of 148, 179
Heniy, 23, a5,* 99, 102, 128. ,, Isabel, 36, 42.* 177, 214
w. of 137, 169, 186, 214 ,, James, 38, 100, 128
Hugh, 54. 147 ., Jane, 58
James, 43 „ Joan, 4, 9, 26, 32, 47, 123, 128,
Jane, 174, 193, 213 151
John, 39, 46,* 54, 57, 85, 92, „ John, 4, 14, 25, 30, 58, 86, 90,
94, 96,* 136. inf. of 153, 96, 102, w. of 134, 154, 155,
w. of 155, 176, 211 199 210
Margaret, 72, 74, 132 ,, Katherine, 3, 34, 35, 57, 61,
Margery, 110 109, 194, 198, 212
N.X.N., 147 ,, Luce, 167
Ralph, 19 „ Margaret. 49, 52, 58, 63, 81,
Randle, 26, 60, 129, 188 96, 139. 212. 214
Richard, 20, 60, 75 ., Mary, 26. 28, 90, 100
Sarah, 32 ,, Ralph, 6, 30, 33,* 74
Sislea, 134 ,, Richard, 9, 35, 41, 46,* 51, 52,
Thomas, 12, 53,* 62, 64, 67, 61, 107, 122, 126, d. of 129,
75,* 84, 85, 115, 121, w. of 131, inf. of 134, inf. of 140,
145, 146, inf. of 146, 147, inf. of 143, inf. of 144, inf. of
inf. of 153, 196, 216 149, w. of 164
— ,

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Baptisms pp. 1 —105 inclusive. Burials 106 — 186. Marriages 187 —216.

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Wirrall continued. Womei-sley, Sicelio, 159
,, Robert, 49, 54, 58, 63, 69,* ,. William, 212
inf. of 151, 186 Wood (Wodd, Woodd, Woodde,
„ Sybil, 195 Woode)
„ Thomas, 4, 14, 39, 41, 42, 47,* „ Alice, 183
49, 58, 65, 86, 106, 140, inf. of ,, Ann, 204
144, inf. of 154, 177, 189, ,, Catherine, 1, 182
193,* 197 ,, Cecilia, 27
,, Vriivn, 114, 164 ,, Edwaid, 48
,, Vrioll, 24 ,, Elizabeth, 7, 33, 94,* 103, 137,
Withington (Withingtone) Ellen, 70 165, 205
,, Francis (f) 213 ,, George. 103
,, James, 192 ,, Henry, 126, 188
„ Joan, 23, 194 ,, Humphrey, 103, w. of 128, 182
,, Katherine, 105 ,. Jenet, 172
., Mary, 205 ,, Joan, 13
,, Thomas, 23, 205 ,, John, 20, 108
William, 70, 105, 189
,, ,, Margaret, 22, 81
Wittacar, Wittaker, see Wliitticar ., Mary, 103
Wittall, see Whittle ,, Richard, 4, 106
Wodd, see Wood ,, Roger, 75
Woddow alias Manksman, Joan, 138 ,, Tliomas, 8, 11, 75, 81, 88, w. of
Woddword, Woddworth, 115, 172. 207
Woddworthe, ,, William, 20, 48, 88. 131, w. of
see Woodward 154, 173, 183, 188, 193, 199
Wodsworth, Wodsworthe, Woodburne, Elizabeth, 85
see Wadswoi'th ,, John, 85, 91, 97, 208
Wodword, Wodwort, see Woodward ,, Thomas, 97
Woe [Wall ?] Margaret, 22 ;. William, 91
Wolstencroft (Wolsencroft, Woodd, Woodde, Woode, see Wood
Wolstencrofte, Woodward (Woddword, Woddworth,
Woollsencrofte, Woddworthe, Wodword,
Woolsencroft, Wod^^•ort, WoodA\-arde,
Woolsencrofte, Woodword, Woodworde,
Wostencroft, Wostencrofte) Woodwort, Woodworth
„ Ann, 22, 28, 56, 138 Woodworthe)
,, Catherine. 29 ,, Charles, w. of 127, 129, 197
„ Elizabeth, 36, 82, 208 ,, Cicelv, 75
„ Francis, 89, 176 ,, Edmund, 27, 65, 122, inf. of
.. George, 167 131, w. of 146, 193
,, Isabel, 67 ,, Edward, 28, 31,* 150
,, Jeremy, 78 ,, Ellen, 148
„ Joan, 16, 122 „ Gillian, 185
„ John, 19, 25, 84. 191 „ Helen, 21, 25, 117
„ Margaret, 19, 212 „ Isabel, 36, 179, 193, 208
,, Margery, 129 ,, James, 44
,, Mary, 82 ,, John, 28, 46, 65, 75, 78,* 85,
,, Miles, 72 91, w. of 158, 164, 178, 179,
Nicholas, 17, 56, 61, 63, 67, 18.5, 204, 207, 213, 215
122 124, w. of 140, inf. q& Margaret, 32, 80, 178, 211
148,* inf. of 153, 157, 171,
Mai-v, 88
,, Ralph, 75
Richard, 25 Richard, 2, 29,* 44, 46, 53, 75,
,, Robert, 92 80. 83.* 88, 91. inf. of 141,
,, Samuel, 78, 163 inf. of 149, 178,* 189, 207
Tliomas. 20. 29, 61, 63, 72, 84. Thomas, 53
89, 92, 109, 129, d. of 130,
,, William, 36, 85, 210
inf. of 172, 192
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Baptisms pp. 1—105 inclusive. Burials 106—186. Marriages 187—216

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WoUseiiciofte, Woolsencroft, Worthington— conawwed.
Woolsencrofte, ,, Richard, 68, 88, 205
see Wolst«ucroft ,, William, 211
Workesley, see Worsley Wostencioft, Wosteucrofte
Worldley, John, 55 see Wolstencroft
,, Richard, 55, inf. of 147 AV right (Wi-yght,
Worrthington, see Woithington „ Agnes, 187
Woisley (Workesley, Woreleye, ,, Alice, 57
Woi-ssley) ., Ann, 47, 140, 161, 192, 199, 212
,, Agnes, 17 ,, Cathei-ine. 57, 98
„ Alice, 31, 35, 82, 116, 201, 213 ,, Dorothy, 145
„ Ann, 10, 15, 16, 80, 82, 94, 115, ,, Edmund, 63, w. of 144 148
183, 190, 198 ,, Eleanor, 91, 176
,, Dorothy, 3, 38, 192 ., Elizabeth, 87, 197
,, Edmund, 198 „ Ellen, 87, 96, 144, 204
,, Edward, 99, inf. of 134, 156, „ Giles, 87, 205
188 ,, Hamlet, 57
,, Eleanor, 187 ,, Heniy, 116
Elizabeth, 21, 98, 100, 165, 176, Humphrey,
,, 8, 63, 66, 74, 145
190, 191, 208, 211, 212 inf. of 152, inf. of 167, I80'
„ Ellen, 85, 149 204
,, Evan, w. of 126 ,, Imin, 183
,, Geoffrey, vc. of 112 ,, James, 47, 62,* 117, w. of 130,
„ George, 46, 109, 111, 177, 212 w. of 135, 140, inf. of 142,
„ Isabel, 192, 211 w. of 160, 176, 179, 199
„ James, 13, 41, 46, 51,* 56, inf. of ,, Jane, 131
147, 161 „ Jeffrey, 134, 209
„ Joan, 12, 13, 32, 46, 115, 138, ,, Joan, 87, 193
197, 204 „ John, 74, 83, s. of 136, 138,
., John, 20, 41, &4, d. of 123, 141, inf. of 144, 144, 199
158, 176, 190, 206 ,, Margaret, 18, 116, 191
,, Margaret, 40, 85, 98, 120, 182, ,, Margei-y, 187
191* ,, Mary, 124
,, Margery, 14, 190 „ Maude, 197
„ Mary, 20 ,, Oliver, 111
,, Mr., 176 ,, Ralph, 18, 130
„ Nicholas, 42. 212 ,, Richard, 66, 83, 91, 96, inf. of
„ Oliver, 38, 94, 100, 214 186. 195
„ Ottiwell, 25, 27, 31, 73, 78, ,, Robert, 127, 191
127, 210 ,, Thomas, 3, 87, 98, 110, w. of
,, Ralph, 58 121, 133, w. of 133, inf. of
„ Randle, 22, 145 170, 210, 212
I .. Richard, 12. 42, 132, 194, 206 „ William, 37, w. of 164, 183,
„ Robert, 8, 25, 51, 99, 105, 116, 208, 210
150, 176 Wright alias Trimme, Robert, 105
„ Thomas, 19, 38, 56, 73, 78, 80, ,, Thomas, 105
117, s. of 136, 138, 149, Wriglest, George, 14
inf. of 157, 176, 178, 206 Wrigley (Riggley, Wriglye)
„ Vrian, 113 ,, Elizabeth, 1, 107
„ William, 7, 46, 51, 58, 64, 105, ,, John, 1, 107
113, inf. of 141, 154, 199, ., Mary, 207
204 Wroe (Wroo. Wroughe)
Worthington (Worrthington, ,, Alice, 78, 175, 182
Worthingtone) ,, Ann, 9, 64, 85, 100, 169, 175,
,, Dorothv, 88 198
., John, 68 ,, Elizabeth. 40, 68, 72, 99, 107,
,, Katherine, 214 175, 196
„ Mr., 68 „ Helen, 194
— —
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Wroe continued. Yate continued.
„ Hugh, 107 ., Ann, 196
,, Margaret, 13,203 ,, Catherine, 134, 161
„ N.X.N. w. of 139
, ,, Em, 213
„ Poter, 92, 182 ,, John, 34
„ Richard, 33, 72, 78,* &o, 86, ., jNIargaret, 197
92, 100, d. of 128, c. of 141, ,, Oliver, 171
V.'. of 146, 17o, 203, 206 ,. Peter, 60*
„ Robert, 18, 68, 78 ,, Richard, 115. 158
„ Roger, 51, 178 ., Thomas, 34, 192
„ Thomas, 37, 51, 64, 86, 99, ,, William, 188, 216
104,* 175, 214 Yoaster, Helen, 193
,, YVilliam, 208 Yeat, Yeate, see Yate
Wroe alias Guflst, Richanl, 170 Yeld, SCO Healde
Wroiighe, see Wroe Younge (Yong, Yonge, Yonnge)
Wryglite, see Wright ,, Henry, 97
WyVrall, see Wirrall ,, Jane, 44
,, Joan, 208
,, Roger, 44, 101, inf. of 147, 199
,, Thomas, 178
Yate (Yeat, TTeate) ,, William, 97, 101, 213
., Alice, 27
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^nitx of piaas.

i^S"' ^P- 1-105 inclusive.

f"^"f« „ 106-1S6
Marriages ,^ 1S7~216

[All places left without the addition of a

County may be presumed
to be in Lancashire.]

Brooke, 46, 95
Broomhouse Lane (Broomlious Lane)
yo Ackers Feeld (Aker ffeild,
,, 74, 100, 179, 185
Akens feild, Akeis feilde, Broughton (Brouglitone) 50, 138, 145
Akers feilds) Bueri, see Bury
„ 60, 91, 99, 102, 181, 185 Bulehill (Buile Hill) 53, 59, 65, 75,
Agecrofte, 174
92, 95
Akersfeild, Akersfeilde,
Burneleach, Burneleache,
se« Ackei-s Feeld Burneleatche,
Ashton, 94, 162, 178 see Burnleache
Ashtou under Lyme parisli, 207 Burnlake, 102
Burnleache (Burneleach,
B Burneleache, Burneleatche)
.. 92, 96, 161
Bancke, 77, 95 Bury (Bueri) 199, 211
Barton (Bartone, Berton)
,, 44, 57, 61, 71, 77, 92, 94, 96,
98, 99, 102, 104, 124, 125,
129, 139, 140, 158, 160, 168, Cadwishad (Cadinsheade,
170, 173, 177 Cadousheade, Cadowshead,
Barton more syde, 162, 182 Codwishad)
Barton upon Irwell, 73 ,, 142, 145, 157, 160, 176, 183, 186
Bentcliffe (Bencliffe, Bennclyflfe) Carrington, 155
., 30, 59, 63, 66, 159, 176, 204 Chapmosse, 72
Bent Lanes, 180, 182 the Chappell, 158, 160, 185
Berton, see Barton Claester, St. Peter's, 182
Birch, 56 Clifton (Cliffton, Ch^fton)
Black More, 99 „ 31, 49, 57. 59, 61, 71, 72, 74,
Bodon parish, 199 76, 84, 88, 90, 91, 92, 93, 97,
Boothes, 46, 59, 61, 67, 68, 77, 100, 100, 101, 105, 158, 159, 161,
101, 104, 105, 133, 139, 141, 169, 176, 180, 181, 182, 186
163, 164, 165, 175, 176, 180, Clifton, higher end of, 177
182, 185 Clifton kauell pitt, 173
Boulton, 147, 215, 216 Olyfton, see Clifton
Boulton Litle, see Litle Boulton Codwishad, see Cadwishad
Broadhead, 173 Col ledge, 25
Broadocke, 117 Criston, 128
Bromeluirst (Broni: Bromhurst) Croft (Crofte) 44, 53, 100, 163, 168,
.. 83, 88, 91, 177, 178, 183, 186 173, 185
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Bapt-isms pp. 1 — 105 inclxtstvr. Burials 106 — ISO. Marriages 187 —21

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vo Dale, 102
Doano (Dayne) 55, 56, 66, 67, 68, 70,
71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77,
78, 79, 82, 8.1, 88, 89, 90,
Laighe, see Leigh
Lane, 94, 96, 101
Langlcy, 200
94, 98. 99, 104, 105, 121,
Langhtoii, 112
155, 162, 104, IGG, 180, 207, Leigh (Laigh, Laighe, Leiglie)
214 ,, 42, 46, 51, 55, 70, 92, 5)6, l02,
Dobe Hole, 105 104, 105, 171, 175, 180, 182,
vo Dry Wood (Drye Wood) 184, 187, 214
,, 93, 98, 104, 129, 1G2, 183
Limme, 97
Linggart Lane, 177
E Litle Boulton, 95. 100, 159, 177, 182
Litle Hanghton (Litle Houghton)
EccLES, passim
,, 103, 160, 183
Eckemall Baine, 171 Lostock (Lostocke) 44, 60, 71, 96, 105,
129, 133, 136, L58, 159, 184
Lower End of ye Wood, 75
Fleet (Fleete) 91, 96, 18-5
Flixton (Flixeton) 44, 48, 199 M
Manchester, 61, 91, 178, 215
Hagge, 76 Manntone, Manton, see Monton
Haslelnirst, 58, 94, 97, 175, 177 Meanlce (Meanelee) 7G, 98
Havingham, 178 Middletou, 93
Higher End, 89 Mill houses (Milln© Houses) 96, 173
ve Hills, 99 Mont-on (IManntone, Manton,
ye Hill Topp, 179 Monnton)
Hilton Hall. 184 ,, 46. 82, 93, 96, 97, 99, 100, 101,
Hilton Lane, 93, 100, 102, 158,
97, 105, 140, 159, 161, 177, 185
159, 165. 175, 176, 177, 181 More Hey, 95, 128
HplloTi-cloogh (Holecloughe, Moss Lane (Mosse Lane) 76, 99, 103,
Holloocloogh, 159, 172, 183, 184
Hollooclouglie Mcisse Yate, 185
Hollowclooghe) Mcsley Common (Mosslev Comon)
., 60, 93. 99, 105, 135, 161, 162, ,, 176, 184
175, 180 Munks Hall (Munckes Halle,
the Holte (Hoult) 77, 161 Muukes Hall, Munks Hale)
Hope, 66, 82, 175 ,, 25, 71, 73, 78, 101, 102, 155,
Hoult, .see the Holte 178
Hulme, 46, 59. 95, 97, 102, 128, 129,
139, 142, 146, 147, 179 N
Hnlton Lane, 74
New Hall (New Hale, New Halle)
,, 100, 128, 159, 178
Newham, 183
Intake, 98, 102, 104. 105, 185 Northamptonshire, 103
Irlam (Irlame) 42, 63, 93, 121, 129,
140, 141, 142, 146, 159, 161,
166, 178, 180, 184, 205
Irlam Bengres, 178 Old feild Lane, 185
Ti-lam Greene, 180
Ouldfeeld, 50
Owler fforrest, 44
Kempnotjghe, 64, G6
Kersall, 180 PAWForLn, 182
Kinges Cliffe in Northamptonshire, Peolo Greene, 177
103 Pel ton Hey, 184
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Baptisms pp. 1—105 inclusive. Burials 106— 1S6. Marriuiges 1S7—216.

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Pendle: 166 Swinton, 57, 93, 100, 128, 133, 183
Peiidlebury (Pendlburie, Pendleburie) Swinton More, 179
„ 51, 57, 101, 104, 159, 183, 184, Swinton Moreside, 178
185, 186
Pendleton, 91, 93, 178
Pinfolde, 105
Pitts (Pitte) 134, 157, 177
Thorne, 95
Tiiaesley, 181
the Poulo (Pole, Polle, Poole)
,, 72, 97, 104, 124, 141, 144, 160,
177, 181, 184
Pressoot, 99 VicAKiDGE of Ecoles, 52, 210
Prestwioh (Prestwiche) 26, 42
R Walework (Waleworke) 100, 102, 158
Rake Lane, 99 166, 174
Richards, 95 Walkden Moresyde
Risley, 159 (Walkeden Moresyde)
Rlstone, 46 „ 96, 100
Roe Green (Ro Greene, Roe Greene, Warburton, 73
Roe Grene, Row Greene) Wardley, 53, 61
,, 26, 44, 51, 73, 88, 98, 100, 101, Warrington, 104, 175
103, 159, 162, 180, 184, 180 Warsley, see Woi-sley
Whickleswhick, 180
S Whit lane, 72, 84, 173
Winton, 95, 98, 101, 179
Sandy lane, 94, 98, 160 Wood, 83, 87, 91
Skirs, 43 Woolmeslowe, 99
Smith folde, 184 Worsley (Warsley, Worsleye)
St. Peter's, Cliester, 182 „ 95, 96, 121, 125, 139, 142, 178,
Stanish street (Stanishe street, 184
Stani streete)
„ 89, 95, 133, 164, 177, 185
Straitford (Straightford, Straitforde) ye Yeate, 160, 162
,, 88, 102, 105, 158, 165, 166, 172, Yorkshire, 98
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Baptisms pp. 1 — 105 inchisive.

Burials 106— ISG „
Marriages „ 1S7—216 „

Death — continued.
,, perished in ye snowe, 173
Advexa, 139, 153 ,, perished in a stormie night, 179
Allan, 171 ,, from plague, 14.5
Annunciation of our Ladie, 44 Dominus, 123, 124, 125
Archbishops, 52, 210
Amilger, 53, 58, 61, 67, 13C, 164
Articles [of Religion] 52, 209, 210
Ascension Day, 158 Easter Daye, 42
Esquire, 77, 108, 159, 178

Baptism at Warburton, 73
Bishops, 52, 210 FaIiINGE euil
Burial at night, 160
Butcher, 94, 105, 178
Butler, 147

Canell Pitt, 179

Carrier, 105
Clarke, 88
Coller maker, 95
Convocation, 209
Ourat-e, 31, 52, 98, 103, 209, 210

Death by drowning, 158, 163, 172,
i75, 176, 179, 180
,, found dead in Linggart Lane,
,, by hanging, 131, 132, 181
,, killed, 158, 100, 180, 182, 183
,, killed with a cart, 172
,, killed with a peece, 169
,, killed with ye Millne, 170
,, killed in Eckersall Barne, 171
,, killed with a stone in Clifton
Kanell Pit, 173
., killed in an old canell pit, 179
perished in a frostie night, 179
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Bapthms pp. 1—105 inclusive. Burials 106—186. Marriages 187—216.

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Plague, 145
Poor boy, 133
Ignota (Iguota quaedam) 135, 136, Poore child, 173
150 Poore cliild alien, 171
Ignoti parentis, 53 Poore lad, 173
Inipotens ignotiis, 134 Poore man, 71, c. of 168, 177
Incerti c^gnominis, 3 Poore woman, 99, 168
Induction of Vicar, 53, 209, 210 Preacher, 80, 84
Infans ignotus, 130 Pursuivant of Anns, 198

Labottrer, 99 Rehearsall of all Christnings, 17
Ladie, Annunciation of Our, 44 Reheai-sall of all Manages, 192
Lady, 111 Rouge Croix, 198
Lajne boy, 159
Lecturer at St. Peter's, Chester, S
116, 182
M Soottswoman, 158
Servant, 145
Miles, 26, 116, 145 Shoemaker, 92, 96, 101
Millne, 170 Skinners, 174
Minister, 136 Smith, 161
Mr., 52, 68, 72, 159. 160, 175, 17( Soldier, 160
182. 188, 209 Stranger, 177
M'cie loti [ ? Meaning] 48 Suicide by drowning, 172
Mi-s., 113, 164 „ hanging, 131. 132, 181
Mulier [attached to name Philip „ "killing," 163
Derbishire] 167

Tailor, 96
Nicknames, Dad, 120 Templo vicinus. 121
,, Mr. Atherton's foole, 160 Thatcher, 174
,, Manksman, 138
Night burial, 160
Note on omissions in Register, 198 Vicar, 55, 60, 63. 66, 71, 77, 80, 86,
Nurse of Munkes Hall, 178 89, 93, 97, 103, 121, 146,
149, 188
Vicinus, Templo, 121

Parish Clarke (Parishe Clarke) W

„ 52. 80, 83, 87, 90, 94, 98, 101,
140. 181, 210 Wanderer, 99
Pastor, 148 Webster, 99, 181
Pauper, 47, 52, 139, 142, 143, 147,
156, 169
Paupercula quaedam, 148
Pedler. 157 Ymbrodeher, 76, 81
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7th line from top, for Smetharst read Smetherst.
i8th line from top, for Greenes possibly Greeues.

,, 21, 14th line from top, for Muttchett read Muttchet.

,, 27, 1 2th line from top, for PoUett read PoUet.

,, 30, 1 8th line from bottom, Jor Robatrus read Robartus.

,, 42, 1 6th line from bottom, for Berber read probably Berloe.

,, 45, 19th line from top, for vx' read vx'K

,, 50, 19th line from top, for Thoame read Thomae.

,, 58, 22nd line from top, for Cathrenae read Cathrena.
,, 97, loth line from bottom, for Rober read Robert.

,, 117, for heading Baptisms read Burials.

,, 121, 3rd line from top, for Jacobi read Jacobus.

,, 138, 3rd line from top, for Hargeria read Margeria.
,, 141, 8th line from top, for Boyle read Royle.
,, 145, 4th line from bottom, for Issabella read Isabellae.

,, 151, 13th line from bottom, for vx''^ read vx'K

,, 159, i6th line from bottom, for Harrtwood read Harrwood.
„ 183, 19th line from bottom, for Hornibie read Hormbie.

Page 41, 2ist line from top ought to be in inner margin as it is a con-
tinuation of the entry of previous line.

,, 47, 5th line from bottom, •' Edmudi Baxter" ought to be in inner
margin as it is a continuation of the entry of previous line,
and "Alia filia" &c., is a separate entry.
5. 50. 3rd line from bottom ought to be in inner margin as it is a con-
tinuation of the entry of previous line.

,, 135, 22nd line from top, " Jonae Landsdall " ought to be in inner
margin as it is a continuation of the entry of previous line.
" Dorothea Parren " in the same line is a separate entry.

N.B.— The necessary alterations should be made in the Index.

Mark well. It —is impossible to tell whether the written character is

" Grcue" or *'
Grene ", " Greeues " or " Greenes "; therefore those
who are searching for "Greave", "Greaves", or "Green" entries
must, to be perfectly safe, refer to entries Indexed under all these

James Clegg, aldinb press, Rochdale.

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