Honeywell VDGS

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0508760 Honeywell


Visual Docking safely

Guidance System home

System Highlights Honeywell's state-of-the-art Visual Docking Guidance System (VDGS)
guides the pilot during the aircraft's final docking procedure, providing continu-
• Non-contact detection of the air-
ous data, registering ONBLOCK/OFFBLOCK times, and monitoring the gate
craft's position via high dynamic
area for increased safety and documentation capability.
range semi-conductor camera and
This safe, precise - and therefore time-saving - guidance of taxiing aircraft to
proven 3D model-based image
allocated docking positions is achieved utilizing a high dynamic range video sen-
sor unit and a powerful image processing system based on 3D aircraft models.
• Recognition reliability irrespec- The computer-assisted VDGS calculates precise information on an aircraft's
tive of the aircraft's position and location and transforms it into precise guidance information for both pilot and
the reflective properties of the co-pilot. Its video sensor and 3D model-based processing system are able to rec-
aircraft ognize the outline of an approaching aircraft at distances up to 100 meters.
The Honeywell VDGS is field-tested in some of the most difficult weather in
• Sensors can be installed on the the world - snow, rain, fog and glaring sunlight. Pilot strain during difficult dock-
side of the laxiway guideline ing procedures is greatly reduced.
• Two guidelines in the view of the Using the sensor system for permanent observation of the aircraft stand also
camera can be operated contributes to a safer gate environment.
Accurate, comprehensive and adaptable, the VDGS reduces dependence on
• No impairment when aircraft is aircraft marshallers, provides increased security and integrates with the airport's
partially obscured by loading information system.
bridges or towing vehicles

• Large, parallax-free, internally The System

illuminated display with full legi- The Honeywell Visual Docking Guidance System is comprised of a Sensor
bility in bad weather conditions Unit, a Pilot Display Unit and a Manual Control Board, all linked via a Central
Docking Computer. Numerous Sensors, Pilot Display Units and Manual Control
Increased requirements for higher Boards can be operated by one Central Docking Computer.
gate occupation and critical safety
zones require more efficiency and Sensor Unit
optimized throughput. Time is of the The Sensor Unit is a high dynamic range, passive video camera. The unit can
essence once an aircraft goes be installed independent of taxiway guidelines, and is not affected by reflections.
ONBLOCK. Final approach to the Rain, snow, fog and direct sunlight have minimal effect on the Sensor.
gate is the last place you need a prob-
Pilot Display Unit
lem. Honeywell Airport Systems leads
The internally illuminated transflective liquid crystal display of the Pilot
you through unfamiliar territory and Display Unit (PDU) is clearly legible in all lighting and weather conditions. A
safely home. parallax-free viewing area allows both pilot and co-pilot to read the display.
In addition to specific docking guidance instructions, the PDU can also
display information to ground crews before, during and after ONBLOCK peri-
ods. The PDU can easily be integrated into the facade of a terminal gate or can
be mounted on a pole independent of the terminal structure. Configurable graph-
ics allow a variety of alphanumeric and graphic symbols to be displayed.

Manual Control Board

The Manual Control Board provides the means for local input of expected
aircraft type, as well as a display of current system status. The user-friendly LCD
display control board can be integrated into a boarding bridge's control panel or
located in separate waterproof housing. The unit also contains an emergency stop
button for local control.


Aircraft 20m before ,6 т before Stop point

identified stop point stop point reached
Central Docking Computer
The Central Docking Computer is the hub of a Docking Station installation.
This computer controls information for individual docking stations, exchanges
data with the Airport Information System (A1S), and records local log files
including docking station procedure data. The computer also automatically regis-
ters ONBLOCK and OFFBLOCK times for aircraft, providing a record for later

System Features
• E-STOP Rejection of non-scheduled aircraft types
• Shared control of two maneuvering guidance lines within the view of
one camera
The Central Docking Computer
• ONBLOCK and OFFBLOCK times are automatically registered uses a touch-screen interface
• Log book recording of system reports, including the docking procedure data for easy operation.
• Operator tools to change stop points and aircraft types

• Curved guidance lines
• Constant video monitoring of the docking area, with a capability to archive
video for playback
• Additional pilot displays and manual control boards can be placed at
individual gates
• Turbo-Prop aircraft, additional aircraft types
• Transmit aircraft position while docking to an ASMGCS system
• Integration of image processor into pilot's display unit
• Use of text display for Ramp Information Display System (RIDS) An optional video surveillance
component can continually monitor
даашопа! Functions on Request apron activity independent of
docking procedures.
• Conflict detection at a gate, locking of relations at adjacent gate positions
• Archiving of final stop position of aircraft (picture) including 16 single pic-
tures along the whole docking procedure
• Archiving total sequence of all pictures of docking procedure
• Interface to a higher level airport information system
• Integration of a Web-Cam observing the gate position
• Transmitting sequences of pictures via airport local area network
• Provide aircraft axis information at stop position
• Wall mounting and pole mounting equipment

Archiving of final stop position and

single pictures of whole sequence

Aircraft can be accurately guided along

both straight and curved (option) gate
approach paths.
"Emergency Stop" message is issued
Stop OK, either manually or when a non-sched-
On-Block uled aircraft type is taxiing in.
System Specifications This technical data is provided for informational purposes only, and may
vary according to individual applications.
The Honeywell VDGS Docking
System complies with ICAO require- The VDGS Docking Station is just one part of the integrated array of air-
ments for "Visual Docking Guidance side products and systems provided by Honeywell Airport Systems. With
System." (Annex 14, 5.3.21) and is products and systems including Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and
Control Systems (A-SMGCS), control and monitoring systems, airfield and
based on Aerodrome Design Manual
lower lighting, and obstruction lighting, Honeywell is a leader in airport air-
Document 9157-AN/901, Part 4 -
side solutions.
Visual Aids (Chapters 12 and 13).
The flexible concept of the trcndsetting VDGS Visual Docking
Video Sensor Guidance System permits optimal adaptation to altered requirements with
• Protection Class IP66 with weath- minimum effort, and sets new standards for the improvement of docking
erproof housing
procedure safety.
• Dimensions (HxWxD) approx.
150x150x420 mm
• Weight approx. 4kg
Image Processor
• Fiber optic video data interface
• Dimensions (HxWxD) approx.
130 x 430 x 430 mm
• Weight approx. 12kg
Pilot Display
• Internally illuminated transflec-
tive LCD display, yellow or red on
• Protection class IP65
• Dimensions (HxWxD) approx.
1450x1200x270 mm
• Weight approx. 120kg
Manual Control Unit
• Housing for desktop installation
or Protection Class IP65
• Dimensions (HxWxD)
140x220x120 mm
• Weight approx. 2kg
Central Docking Processor
• UNIX Work station
• Dimensions (HxWxD) approx.
77 x 417 x 409 mm
• Weight approx. 12kg

Airport Systems GmbH Airport Systems
.:. ;, | g
Honeywell Honeywell
Industriestrasse 23-33 2162 Union Place
22880 Wedel Simi Valley, CA 93065
August 2002 Germany U.S.A.
Printed in U.S.A. on recycled paper ® Phone: +49 (0) 41 03/8004-0 Phone: (805)581-5591
©2002 Honeywell International Inc. Fax: +49 (0) 41 03/8004-599 Fax: (805)581-5032
www. airportsystems.honey well. com
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