NUST Prospectus

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National University of Sciences and Technology

This prospectus contains basic information about the undergraduate,
masters, and PhD programmes, life at the University, learning resourc-
es and advice to local and international students who wish to join the
University in Fall 2019. It also shows the fee structure, funding modes
(financial assistance), procedure for applying for admission and criteria
for entry. Information about the constituent institutions, teaching fac-
ulties along with their expertise, and courses offered is also given. Brief
descriptions of degree programs and curricula details are listed with
course titles, codes and credit hours.

The information in this prospectus is correct at the time of its publica-
tion. Whilst every effort is made to ensure accuracy of information, the
University does not accept liability for any inaccuracy or change out-
side reasonable control of the University. It is issued for general guid-
ance of public and candidates wishing to enter the University in Fall
2019 and does not form part of any contract. The University intends
to provide the courses and facilities described in the prospectus, but
reserves the right to withdraw or make alterations to these courses or
facilities if found necessary, without any prior notice. Likewise, fees for
the programs starting in 2019 are provisional and subject to change.
Welcome from the Rector
By the grace of Allah, NUST has been constantly accelerating its trajectory into the highest echelon of tertiary
education institutions across the world. The University offers quality yet accessible higher education, not
only in the traditional fields, but also in the emerging disciplines to meet contemporary as well as impend-
ing national needs. This is evident from the ever-increasing undergraduate and postgraduate courses being
offered in tandem with fast-paced infrastructural expansion to accommodate the rising number of students.
Besides developing professional expertise among the students, the university seeks to ingrain in them the
spirit of inquiry, enterprise, dynamism, global perspective and a passion to serve the humanity. All this is
achieved through the injection of co-curricular activities alongside academic pursuits, to prepare potential
leaders who can face future challenges with resilience.
I would urge you to make a well-informed decision as your future relies on the choices you make today.

Looking forward to welcoming you at NUST!

Lt Gen Naweed Zaman, HI (M), (Retd)
About the University
Defining Futures 8 Applying to NUST
Why Choose NUST? 9 Undergraduate Programmes 68
Location 10 National Students 68
Who to Contact 12 International Students 71
Developing Careers 14
Research and Development 16 Postgraduate Programmes 72
R & D Eco-system 17 National Students 72
Student Support Services 19 International Students 74
Student Affairs 21
Accommodation 22
Quality Assurance and Internationalism 24 Fee & Funding
NUST Campuses 25 National Students 76
Undergraduate 76
Postgraduate 77
Institutions and Programmes
School of Natural Sciences (SNS) 32 International Students 78
Undergraduate 78
About the School 32
Postgraduate 78
Faculty Profile 32
Research at SNS 33
International Collaborations 35 NUST Entry Test (NET)
Academic Programmes
BS Mathematics 37 Instruction for Computer-based 79
BS Physics 39 Instruction for Paper-based 80
BS Chemistry 43
MS and PhD in
Mathematics 45
Physics 46
Chemistry 47

Atta-ur-Rahman School of Applied

Biosciences 49
Faculty 50
Collaborations 53
Student Support Facilities 56
Academic Programmes 58
BS Applied Biosciences 58
MS Healthcare Biotechnology 62
MS Industrial Biotechnology 63
MS Plant Biotechnology 64
PhD Applied Biosciences 65
About the University

About the University

National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST) was established in March 1991 for promotion of higher scientific education
in the country, especially in the fields of science and technology by providing stable and disciplined academic environment together
with need-based research, pertinent to industrial requirements. The University was granted its Charter in 1993. Over the years, the
university has expanded in scope, services and stature and has emerged as a leading comprehensive University in the public sector.

Within two decades, NUST has achieved important milestones and gained immense significance as an institution of higher
education in Pakistan. The University produces professionals and researchers of very high calibre, capable of developing
indigenous technologies to meet the growing demands of the 21st century. It is envisioned to grow as a center of excellence for the
country’s scientific and technological progress. An outstanding feature of the University is that while maintaining traditional values
of excellence in teaching and research, it challenges conventional practices and creates new ways of developing and delivering
courses, pertaining to emerging and cutting-edge disciplines, on most modern lines.

6 NUST Prospectus 2019 Natural and Applied Biosciences

About the University

NUST is a new-age university defining new frontiers in teaching and research. The programmes are distinctive for their high-quality
research orientation. Notwithstanding the significance of undergraduate courses, there is ever-growing emphasis on postgraduate
studies and research output. Creativity and innovation are embedded as core values in all scholastic activities. The conducive
academic environment at the campuses facilitates educational pursuits.

NUST has developed linkages with international universities of repute to ensure two-way flow of knowledge and to be in step
with modern trends. Split programmes and visits of eminent professors from reputed foreign universities is a regular feature of
the academic activity. These eminent scholars deliver lectures on the latest developments in their respective fields and also help
update and review the academic programmes. Natural and Applied Biosciences NUST Prospectus 2019 7

Defining Futures
About the University

Vision Strategic Thrusts

To evolve NUST into a world class Centre of Excellence among
Excellence in Teaching & Education
Higher Education Institutions, leading the transformation of
Pakistan towards a rapidly developing Knowledge Economy to Provide high-quality education in sciences and technology
realize the national objective of a progressive and prosperous while remaining accessible to all sections of the society.
country among comity of nations.
Focus on Research
Undertake high-quality yet relevant research to support the
Mission emerging knowledge-based economy and society.
In pursuance of NUST vision, strive to achieve following mission
Spirit of Enterprise
»» To develop NUST as a Comprehensive, Academic and
Research led university with a focus on Creativity, Innovation Develop instruments and mechanism for promotion of
and Entrepreneurship so as to amicably negotiate Social, enterprising spirit and entrepreneurial culture among NUST
Economic and Environmental challenges faced by the country. graduates and create strong linkages with industry.
»» With foundations based on principles of Merit, Transparency
and Fair Play, nurture talent by providing equal opportunity Internationalisation and Global Vision
to all segments of polity. Develop strong international linkages to ensure inflow of new
»» Empower students to develop their full potential acquiring knowledge and state-of-the-art technologies, while building a
leadership and social skills, to act as agent of change within positive international image of the University and the country.
the society.
»» Improve global visibility by enhancing mutually beneficial Positive Social Impact
linkages with international organizations and partner Structure curricula and programmes to influence a wider cross-
universities. section of the population in terms of education and absorption
»» Strengthen NUST financially to enable the university achieve of new technologies.
its goals by raising awareness amongst local and international
Pakistani diaspora including Alumni base around the world.
»» Ensure conducive learning and working environment for
students and staff at par with international standards.

8 NUST Prospectus 2019 Natural and Applied Biosciences

Why Choose NUST?

About the University

Excellence does not grow in wilderness; it has to be pursued with singular zeal and commitment. National University
of Sciences and Technology chronicles a tale of success inscribed with the galvanizing force of progressive vision
and commitment par excellence. Although, barely two decades old, this premier national university, justifiably feels
proud of its unprecedented success as a center of excellence.

»» NUST is currently ranked 400 in world by QS, UK. In Engineering & Technology, Life Sciences, Arts and Humanities,
subject-wise ranking, NUST is ranked at 279 in discipline Natural Sciences, Social and Management Sciences.
of Engineering & Technology, 265 in Electrical & Electronic »» NUST is competitive in engaging the best to serve as faculty
Engineering and 239 in Computer Science & Information members. NUST faculty of over 1200 highly qualified and
System. 374 in Mechanical, Aeronautical & Manufacturing capable men and women includes 400+ PhDs’, mostly
Engineering and 397 in Physics & Astronomy. qualified from premier International universities.
»» NUST is also ranked 87 in Asia by QS, UK in 2019. »» NUST’s high-profile international linkages for research and
»» NUST is ranked at 224 amongst the Times Higher Education academic collaborations embrace over 130 celebrated
(THE) annual ranking list 2019 of the top 442 universities centers of excellence in 32 countries around the globe.
from emerging economies. »» NUST has few equals in generous funding for education of
»» NUST is ranked at 51 among the world’s top 150 less than 50 talented but financially challenged students. It also provides
year old universities by QA (UK of 2019). sponsored education to students hailing from economically
»» Higher Education Commission (HEC) has also ranked NUST backward areas of Pakistan.
a No 1 university in Pakistan in the field of Engineering & »» Because of sound education and trusted skill levels, NUST
Technology. graduates stay in demand for jobs, both in public and
»» NUST is ranked 162 in Asia by Times Higher Education (THE) private sectors nationally and internationally. Several NUST
Rankings of 2018 graduates have launched their own business ventures.
»» NUST is ranked 179 among top 250 World universities under »» Being a NUSTIAN is a great transforming experience.
age of 50 by Times Higher Education (THE) Rankings of 2018. »» NUST accepts and invests in the best-those with a passion to
»» With its galaxy of 18 constituent teaching institutions, NUST excel in life.
provides quality education to its students.
»» NUST’s multi-disciplinary campuses offer undergraduate and
postgraduate programs in a wide range of fields, including Natural and Applied Biosciences NUST Prospectus 2019 9

About the University

NUST is located in the heart of the Capital (Sector H-12) Climate
Islamabad, amid a hub of research organisations and The city enjoys a continental climate with hot summers (May
institutions of higher learning. It is easily accessible from the - June), rainy monsoons (July - August), fabulous fall (October -
Kashmir Highway. It is at 35-minute drive from Benazir Bhutto November), cold winters (December - January) and a blooming
International Airport and 5 minutes from the Motorway (M1). spring (March¬April). The climate is regulated by alpine
Apart from fascinating tourist attractions in and around the mountains in the vicinity and manmade lakes (Khanpur, Rawal
city, some famous historical sites (like Taxila and Kittas Raj) and and Simli) which are also the sources of potable water for the
hill stations (like Murree and Patriata) are within easy access. twin cities. The temperature ranges from 4° C in January to 46°
There are museums, theatres, parks, shopping centers and C in June.
a diplomatic enclave which houses the foreign missions. The
city is also known for its universities, colleges and research
organisations. Demography
The twin cities (Islamabad-Rawalpindi) have a population
exceeding 4.5 million. There is a happy blend of different ethnic
Geography communities including members of foreign missions. Urdu is
Islamabad is located in the backdrop of lush green Margalla the lingua franca. However, English is also generally understood
mountains in the foothills of the mighty Himalayas, at the and spoken by the educated sections of the society. English is
northern rim of the Potohar Plateau. The area is undulating, also the medium of instruction in the universities.
interspersed with mountain streams and rivulets. It is co-
located with the historic Gakhar city of Rawalpindi; thus
displaying a beautiful blend of the ancient and the modern.

10 NUST Prospectus 2019 Natural and Applied Biosciences

About the University
Academic Structure September-January (Fall Semester), February-June (Spring
NUST is a public sector university which functions under the Semester) and July-August (Summer Semester). Although
aegis of the Ministry of Science and Technology. There is a summer semester is not a regular one but give the students
Board of Governors and an Academic Council which oversee opportunity to clear their deficient courses. The University
academic matters. Rector is the Chief Executive Officer. He observes summer vacation from August to September.
is assisted by three Pro-Rectors. The University comprises Admissions are offered in the Fall Semester. The University
five colleges (located away from the NUST Campus, H-12 functions from 9am to 5pm, 5 days a week. However,
Islamabad) and ten schools, and three research centers at the laboratories and libraries remain accessible to the researchers
NUST Campus, H-12 Islamabad. till late at night and even on weekends.

Academic Calendar Transportation

The academic year commences in September each year. There Rent-a-car service is available at the airport, hotels and bus
are two regular academic semesters of 18-20 weeks duration: terminals. Radio cabs are also easily accessible. Public transport
including Metro Bus Service plies on a number of routes in the
twin cities besides yellow cabs (taxis) which ply round-the-
clock. In case of yellow cabs, it is advisable to negotiate the fare
in advance. Natural and Applied Biosciences NUST Prospectus 2019 11

Who to Contact
At NUST, a student enters a novel phase of life; one that requires continuous support for one’s academic,
physical as well as mental growth and well-being. Keeping this in mind, the University offices function in a
student-friendly manner and remain accessible and helpful. You can directly contact the right department or
office for all your queries. Shown opposite are various student-related offices and their functions for you to
find the right contact.

Pro-Rector (Academics)
Oversees all the offices which deal with academic and administrative issues of the students during their stay in the University.

Registrar and Controller of Examinations

Deals with the entire life-cycle of the students--from applying to NUST and registration of undergraduate students to issuance
of transcripts and degrees. He also deals with matters pertaining to scholarships, transfers, migrations, discipline, etc.

Director Academics
Handles matters pertaining to academic regulations, programmes of studies and academic calendar.

Director Admissions
Deals with matters pertaining to NUST Entry Test.

Director Finance
Deals with matters pertaining to fee and finances of the students.
Director Administration
Deals with hostel accommodation, messing, security, transport and sports.

Director Postgraduate Programs

Deals with matters pertaining to academic life-cycle of postgraduate students: from application, admission, registration,
scholarship, academic progress to issuance of degree.

Director Student Affairs

Oversees student-led activities including libraries, clubs and societies & discipline.

Director Medical Services

Supervises health care and medical services.

Office of Research, Innovation & Commercialization (ORIC)

Provides guidance and support to the institutions for activities related to research and development.

Career Development Center

Helps the students in placement and job opportunities, guiding them in preparing resumes and learning interview techniques.

Center for Counseling and Career Advisory

Staffed with professional counselors and psychologists, the Center provides personalised counselling services to students to
help them cope with adjustment problems and issues affecting their studies. They also conduct aptitude and psychological
Developing Careers
About the University

Career Development Center (CDC)

Career Development Centre (CDC) provides resources and assistance in all aspects of the career
development and job search processes. Current Undergraduate students and Post Graduate students
are invited to utilize our services. The services offered by CDC are as follows:

Career/Job Development Services:

»» Career Development Workshops
»» Career Coaching Services
Resume/cover letter critiques
Mock interviews
Networking/branding strategies
»» One-o-One Career Counseling Sessions
»» Focused Group Activities on Career Plans
Career Development Centre is focused to empower students to take personal responsibility for their
lifelong career development. The overall goal is to challenge every student to examine their values,
interest, skills and abilities and to define his or her life by providing opportunities for students to learn
about themselves and the needs of society. In order to equip NUST graduates with tools and strategies
to develop latest Job Market employability skills, publication on career guidance are provided through
their campus management system. Career Development Centre has the following publications:

»» Career Development Guide

»» Resume Guide Book
»» Internship Guide Book
»» Job Search Handbook
»» Interviewing Skills Manual
»» Resume Writing Manual
»» Skill Development Activities

Contact Us:
CIE Building, NUST H-12, Islamabad

14 NUST Prospectus 2019 Natural and Applied Biosciences

About the University Natural and Applied Biosciences NUST Prospectus 2019 15

Research and Development
About the University

Research is the focal point of university education all over the world. Universities significantly contribute
towards creation of new knowledge and discovery of fresh frontiers of creativity and innovation.

Contribution to Research
NUST aims at emerging as a leading
research-intensive university in Pakistan,
comparable to the best in the world within
the next 10 years. Our main thrust is on
high-quality teaching and goal-oriented
research and development (R&D). The
University’s PhD programmes help
create the requisite research culture
duly supported by well-qualified faculty
and need-based research. In order to
accomplish the requirements of research
and development, high-quality laboratories
and research facilities are made available
to the faculty and students round-the-

In the last 5 years, the faculty members

completed 295 sponsored R&D projects
and these included 31 projects sponsored
by the university per se. Concurrently,
during the same period, NUST students
and faculty also published 3445 research
papers in journals of repute and presented
2358 research papers in conferences,
workshops, symposia etc. around the

Research Collaborations
NUST seeks to garner expertise from a
wide variety of sources (within/outside the
country) in order to boost its academic &
research activity. This in turn helps create
deeper impact on the world of science and
technology. Consequently, the University
collaborates with leading international
universities, professional organizations,
commercial ventures, talented
professionals and scholars to pursue its
academic and research goals. Our faculty,
researchers and students are constantly
Fact file
adding value to NUST by remaining
actively engaged with professional groups
»» Campus-wide optical fibre ring for
and individuals in research, review of connecting all academic, admin &
academic papers and organization of residential blocks/buildings
conferences, seminars and workshops »» Technology smart classrooms, lecture halls
etc. NUST has developed linkages with as & offices
many as 62 international universities and »» Gigabit wired & wireless LAN
organizations of 32 different countries.
These collaborations help our faculty »» High-speed internet connectivity
remain up-to-date with current knowledge »» Video lecturing and conferencing facilities
and ensure a two-way flow of knowledge. »» University’s own ISP facility

16 NUST Prospectus 2019 Natural and Applied Biosciences

R&D Eco-system ͧͧ Industrial Liaison Office (ILO): It predominantly

About the University

maintains strong Academia Industry Linkage and
Directorate of Research Innovation and facilitates students with the focus on promoting and
making NUST graduates the premium choice for the
Commercialisation (RIC) employers.
The role of RIC Directorate is to facilitate and co-ordinate
research activities of NUST constituent institutions and to Technology Incubation Center (TIC)
liaise with other national as well as international academics,
The Center has been established to facilitate and support
research and industrial organizations to facilitate research at
the innovation engine of the University. It is the first model
NUST. It also encapsulates NUST’s research and intellectual
technology business incubator of Pakistan established under
property opportunities at the earliest stage, and translates
the academia. The objective is to provide an environment
these benefits to industry by working closely with industry
that attracts and nurtures technology based start-up
through partnerships, collaborations and licensing. It also acts
companies, and transforms them into commercially viable
as a conduit to facilitate NUST graduates towards employment
enterprises. TIC provides a platform for NUST faculty/students
and internship in these industries with the focus on promoting
and other entrepreneurs having commercially viable R&D
and making NUST graduates the premium choice for the
output, to establish their own start-up companies in order to
commercialise their R&D work as entrepreneurs.
»» Project Coordination Office: It promotes, facilitates
The objectives of TIC include fostering an entrepreneurial
and monitors cutting-edge research activities, including
culture, by providing the students and faculty of NUST, an
collaborative and inter disciplinary research, in areas
opportunity to transform their technology-based business
related to the goals of the University. It gauges industry
ideas to reality. These facilities are also open to the general
needs and process match making with NUST institutions
public, provided they contribute to NUST knowledge base.
to solve industrial problems. It also provides support for
It further aims to facilitate the availability of NUST resources
building Research capacity and capability of the University.
to the incubatees in a mutually beneficial way by liaising
with private/public sector funding sources, government
»» NUST Intellectual Property Office (IPO): In the
agencies, industrial associations, chambers of commerce and
increasingly knowledge-driven economy, Intellectual
industries to provide facilitation and networking for Incubatee
Property (IP) is a key consideration. Keeping in view its
companies. TIC has now also started offering services including
importance, the University established NUST Intellectual
pre-incubation, virtual Incubation and consultancies through
Property Office with the following objectives.
Catalysts to incubatee companies, apart from its other
›› Offering Intellectual Property protection to innovators/ business support services.
researchers by filing of Patents, Copyright, Trademarks,
and Design Rights, etc.
›› Facilitating the commercial interests of and due rewards Professional Development Center (PDC)
NUST established its Professional Development Center (PDC) in
to innovators/researchers
July 2007 under an initiative of Higher Education Commission
›› Establishing a national network of Intellectual Property (HEC) to provide continued education and professional
Rights related services.
development services to industry so that industry could
›› Collaborating with International Organisation such as acquire state of the art knowledge to maximize its productivity
WIPO to facilitate the filing of Patents at international
and efficiency. PDC leverages NUST technology base and
faculty through its training events for creating industry
›› Intellectual Property Management academia linkages. Besides this, PDC also provides knowledge
»» Technology Transfer Office (TTO): The mission of TTO and training to NUST faculty and staff regarding best practices
is to encapsulate NUST’s research and intellectual in managing a 21st century institution. It engages highly
property opportunities at the earliest stage, and to experienced trainers both from NUST and outside of NUST to
translate these benefits to industry by working closely conduct hands on exercise/case study based industry problem
with CIE constituent entities, as well as industry; through specific trainings. PDC has so far conducted hundreds of
partnerships, collaborations, licensing and formation industry-focused workshops and has trained more than 3500
of spin-off companies. It is responsible for moving professionals from about 450 organizations. It uses state of the
research results and discoveries from the laboratory to art information, communication and learning technologies to
the marketplace. It does so by being fully aware of the deliver highly professional trainings. PDC also creates training
university R&D activities, invention disclosures and market partnerships with different organizations. Currently, PDC
needs. It assesses commercial potential and successfully is a management training partner of International Finance
transfers technology for commercial applications. It also Corporation (IFC), a member of World Bank Group as well as
creates and manages synergies and collaborations with the Professional Engineering Body of Pakistan Engineering
other research entities and organisations to facilitate Council (PEC) for carrying out continued professional
commercialisation. development of PEC registered and professional engineers.
»» Career Development Center: CDC provides programmes
and services to students and alumni in exploring and
making effective career choices. The programmes and
services provide opportunities for NUST students and
alumni to foster professional networks with employers
and also assist employers in meeting their recruitment
needs.The Industrial Liaison Office (ILO)is part of CDC. Natural and Applied Biosciences NUST Prospectus 2019 17

Science and Technology Ventures (STV) venture funds, etc. and non-institutional elements, i.e., talent,
About the University
ST Ventures is a project of NUST primarily established to bodies of knowledge and virtual communities to create job
commercialize NUST research out put and to undertake business opportunities for the youth and link local assets to global
ventures. It is also required to promote R&D and technological markets in order to generate value. It aims to stimulate
innovations through marketable products and technologies. economic activity in the country by developing a unique
ST Ventures is also working in different fields of Renewable knowledge-based multi-industry cluster around the capital.
Energy Technology such as Solar Photovoltaic (PV), Solar
Thermal and Bio-diesel with in-house available manpower and Based on the conviction that new research clusters in
NUST resource persons. developing countries will capture an increasing share of global
R&D investment and increase the volume added to technology
It acts as one window facilitator for the NUST Institutes and innovations, NUST R&D initiatives will encompass an innovation
Colleges for acquiring consultancy services. Based on the center, an R&D center, a science center, a technology incubation
requirement of Industry/different organizations against their center, a manufacturing resource center and a learning
problems / issues, the relevant NUST Institutions are utilized for academy that will provide technical and vocational expertise,
provisioning of resource persons (PhD/MS faculty or students and entrepreneurship and leadership training. The expansive
doing their PhD or MS) depending upon the requirement and park will also host a research commercialisation center,
nature of a project, and accordingly a complete team is formed university-industry liaison nucleus and event management
for timely execution of the projects. and recreational facilities. The Park will have a distinctive
knowledge brokering facility by means of which it will act as
an information intermediary to provide advice on selection
University Advancement Office of goods or services, business intelligence or research data to
University Advancement Office has been created with a mission interested parties.
to augment the efforts directed towards the realisation of
the University’s vision and strategic objectives. Its activities Strategic Planning and Management Office
encompass resource generation and joint ventures by mobilising
collective efforts and resources. The Office ultimately seeks to
After shifting of its Main Campus from Lalkurti, Rawalpindi to
contribute towards self-sustenance of NUST.
Sector H-12, Islamabad, NUST has grown at a very rapid pace.
Presently, the total student’s strength is 16062, comprising
National Science & Technology Park of 535 PhD students, 5229 MS/MPhil students and 10298
NUST aims to become a hub for public and private technological, UG students. Till now, the university has awarded 29778
financial and human capital through the establishment of a degrees, out of which 237 are PhD, 6072 are MS/MPhil and
Technology Park at the NUST Campus, H-12, Islamabad. The 23469 are UG degrees. The faculty strength is 898 with 408
project will encourage knowledge creation at the cutting- PhDs. During the Financial Year 2016-17, a project of national
edge and develop organisational, human and social capital to importance i.e. Medical Devices Development Centre (MDDC)
compete in the global economy. It looks forward to building was approved by the Government of Pakistan, which has also
networks stretching far beyond major institutions to include been successfully established. During the Financial Year 2017-
entrepreneurs, investors, professionals and underprivileged 18, two major projects approved by the Government were
communities for mentoring and learning. National Centre of Artificial Intelligence and National Centre
in Robotics and Automation. In Financial Year 2018-19, the
The Park will promote interaction between institutional major under approval projects are NUST Campus at Quetta and
elements, i.e., universities, research parks, large companies, Upgradation / Replacement of Existing Laboratory Equipment
at all campuses of NUST.

18 NUST Prospectus 2019 Natural and Applied Biosciences

Student Support Services

About the University

NUST offers a broad array of resources that allow students to extend and deepen their learning through civic engagement
and participation in, and leadership of an active network of student-initiated projects and organizations. Services have
been established to address all issues of the students pertaining to their university life-cycle, from selection to graduation
and alumni network management. The services include Center for Counselling and Career Advisory, IT Facilities, Clubs and
Societies Office, NUST Archives, Sports Office, Hostels and Messing Office, Internship and Placement Office, Alumni Office
and commercial Bank.

Center for Counseling and Career

Advisory (C3A)
The Centre offers professional, psychological and educational
assessment, guidance and counselling and related services to
the members of NUST community with a view to advancing
and enhancing the academic and personal growth of students
and other members of the University in general. NUST is
the only university in Pakistan having a dedicated team of
trained Psychologists and Counsellors conducting aptitude and
psychological testing coupled with counseling and undertaking
research projects at the same time.

The Centre also functions as a student/faculty support

organization and strives to develop the students into
wholesome and productive human beings. The testing facilities IT and Computing Facilities
at C3A assist students in having a clearer understanding Information and Communication
of their personality, their strengths and weaknesses and
problematic areas of their lives, thus guiding the individuals
Technologies (ICT) Facilities at NUST
towards best possible choices and better adjustment in
Provision of ICT facilities and services to NUST faculty,
everyday life.
students & administrative staff is the core functional role of
ICT Directorate; this directorate provides facilities and services
Facilities available at the Centre are:
at NUST Main Campus, Sector H-12 Islamabad and support
services to Schools and constituent Colleges. To provide
» Individual Counseling
Quality of Service (QoS) to our valued users, ICT Directorate is
» Group Counseling
broadly providing following ICT facilities and services:-
» Psychological Testing
ICT Infrastructure. NUST offers most modern computing and
» Workshops and Trainings
networking facilities and has the distinction of providing
» Seminars and Lectures
Internet access since early nineties. These include:-
» Harassment Complaint Cell
» Counseling Camps
»» Main Data Center, which is acting as hub for dissemination
of all ICT services to NUST community.
» Community Services
» Psycho-educational programs/seminars
»» Campus Optical Fiber Network, connecting all buildings
with Main Data Center.
Assessment and Measurement is conducted for the following:
»» Gigabit Local Area Networks (LANs) in all Schools
»» High-speed Internet facility to the users through Pakistan
Education and Research Network (PERN) programme of
» Intelligence Quotient (IQ)
Higher Education Commission (HEC).
» Emotional Quotient (EQ)
» Achievement
»» Latest high-speed Wi-Fi connecting has recently been
established in all boys and girls hostels under Smart
» Personality
University Project (SUP) through HEC.
» Aptitude
» Ability
»» Central Authentication of all hostel Wi-Fi users for secured
Internet access.
» Career-related issues
» Interests, Values, Opinions and Attitudes
»» Computing laboratories are equipped with state-of-the-art
servers, computers, software and allied equipment, which
» Anxiety and Depression
are connected through high speed LAN.
» Examination Stress, Anger, Leadership Styles, Psychological
Well-being and Social Skills
»» NUST Intranet is in place connecting all remote Campuses
with Main Campus for information and resource sharing.
Call: 051-9085-1571, 051-9085-1579 Campus Management System
Email: To automate student academic life cycle processes NUST has
implemented Campus Management Solution (CMS) in Fall-
2015. CMS covers whole spectrum of student life cycle Natural and Applied Biosciences NUST Prospectus 2019 19

activities from student Admission till graduation. Following are are able to see the Attendance and Exam Results of their
About the University
the main modules of CMS: wards through a highly intuitive screen-design of the Mobile
»» Student Admission Application and employees have the capability of viewing their
»» Course Enrollment Payroll in addition to getting live notifications with the up to
»» Attendance date happening in NUST.
»» Gradebook
»» Student Financials NUST Web Portal
»» Research Thesis Tracking & Management (RTTM) An elaborate NUST Web Portal ( build in
»» Financial Aid Microsoft SharePoint Technology available for dissemination
»» Student Self Service: for (Attendance Monitoring, Fee of vital information to general public, students and the faculty.
Invoices, Courses Enrollment, Grades View, Un-official It covers more than 40 NUST & its respective constituent
Transcript, Feedback & Notifications) schools/colleges/institutes domains, which provides
information about the research, students clubs & societies,
Faculty Self Service: for (Attendance Marking, Grading, programs and activities of those institutions, updated on
Personal Profiles update, Advise Students) regular basis. A complete online admission/registration system
»» Transcript Generation along with NUST Financial Aid Application Form has been
»» Alumni provided to the prospective candidates to apply for NUST.
»» Feedback & Survey Forms Processes namely registration, filling application form, and
discipline wise selections, online payment through credit
With implementation of CMS, students from anywhere can card and result announcement are available online to the
now view/monitor their Attendance, Assignments’ marks, prospective students.
Grades, Fee invoices, Academic Progression, Notifications and
generate their transcript on real time. To promote paperless environment in the University, following
computerized systems are also in place:
NUST Mobile Application »» Electronic Inter Office Note (e-ION) system for official
NUST has launched its first official mobile application in correspondence and task management.
Aug 2017, which is available at Google Play Store. Mobile »» Electronic Mail Tracking System (e-MTS) to maintain mail
Application targeting the NUST Students, Parents and movement record and location of document (files, letters,
Employees. NUST Mobile application contains information faxes, etc.).
about Student’s Profile, Attendance, Timetable, Exam Results,
NUST Notifications, and Payroll etc. Parents and Guardians

Human Resource Management/Development

NUST is a multi-campus university employing faculty and staff from diverse disciplines. The HR Directorate recruits and retains the
best workforce to contribute towards the continuing success of the University. It is actively engaged in development of faculty and
staff to ensure high standard and quality of education.
The faculty at NUST is actively engaged in research activities and providing an environment of practical learning to the students.
The HR Directorate supports such programs for the faculty to keep their expertise up-to-date and develop their skills continuously.
Eligible faculty is sent abroad for higher studies and research programmes, and is also assisted for placement in various schools
on their return.
Career development is another notable function carried out by the HR Directorate. It has successfully carried forward the progress
of the University to operate at an optimal level in times of financial crunch by exploring/offering fully funded scholarships.

Faculty Development Program

The programme was started in 2002. As many as 430 scholars have been sent abroad for higher studies, out of which 311 have
joined back.

20 NUST Prospectus 2019 Natural and Applied Biosciences

Student Affairs Scope of the Clubs & Societies

About the University

Students’ Clubs/Societies were established in 2011 under Every Club and Society has its own defined scope, aim and
Student Affairs Directorate. The purpose was to provide an objectives which are in sync with the title of the society.
opportunity to every student to join a club or society keeping NUST Archive
in view his potential and taste to nurture his leadership and Publishing and Student Affairs Directorate is also responsible for
managerial abilities. Response of the students has been highly managing NUST Archive. The section collects/conserves archival
encouraging. Hundreds of events are planned every year by the material of historical importance including policy decisions,
students from the forum of clubs and societies sponsored by MoUs, artifacts, rare photographs and other miscellaneous
Student Affairs Directorate. documents. Digitization of documents is also maintained by the
Clubs and Societies
Clubs and Societies is a forum for grooming the students in National Level Visits
leadership traits as per their peculiar aptitude and potential. SA Dte is responsible for conduct of inbound and outbound
It enhances their foresight and organizational abilities. They national level visits of schools/colleges and universities.
are expected to plan and execute their club activities as they NUStians eagerly wait for trips to Northern areas and other
perceive in consultation with the club members and Faculty recreational spots.
Sponsors. It inculcates team spirit and ability to take everybody
on board. It makes a person more responsible and mature.
Summer School
Existing Clubs and Societies are allocated to institutions as SA Dte is starting its first summer school from July 2018. It will
under: become a regular feature in future. It aims at providing pre-
»» NUST Entrepreneurs Club University experience to FSC/O level students who are preparing
»» NUST Science Soceity their mind to join university. Students of the age group of 16
»» NUST Literary Circle years are eligible for the course.
»» NUST Book Club
»» NUST Bazm-e-Pakistan High Achievers Award
»» NUST Adventure Club Student Affairs Directorate arranges a simple but impressive
»» NUST Environment Club ceremony once a year to recognize and certify the students
»» NUST Dramatic Club who win a position in International, National or Inter-university
»» NUST Debating Society competitions.
»» NUST Media Club
»» NUST Community Service Club NUST Olympiad
»» NUST Fine Arts Club Student Affairs Directorate arranges NUST Olympiad once in
»» NUST BioReach Society two year. It is a mega event of the Directorate and students
»» NUST Leaders Society (NLS) eagerly await this event.
»» NUST Excursion Club (NEC)
»» NUST Digital Club (NDC)
»» NUST Water Sports Club Orientation Week
»» NUST Technical Amusement Club (NTAC) NUST arranges orientation week for the Freshmen in September
»» NUST Paragliding Club (NPC) every year. Student Affairs Directorate plays lead role in the
»» NUST Quiz Club (NQC) conduct of this event.
»» NUST Trekking Club (NTC)
»» NUST Archery Club (NAC)
»» NUST Cultural Club (NCC)
»» NUST Fitness Club (NFS)
»» NUST Robotics Club (NRC)
»» International Chapter (NMAC)
»» GeneUs
»» Physics & Astronomy
»» NUST Economics Society
»» Music Club
»» American Academy of Environmental Engineers &
Scientists (AAEES) Healthcare Services
NUST is providing medical services to the entire NUST
Campus, H-12, Islamabad through a purpose-built NUST
Administrative Aspects Medical Center, while in institutions outside Islamabad
All Clubs shall adhere to the following approved appointments: the same are being provided through their respective
»» Faculty Sponsor medical outfits. NUST Medical Center has a team of
qualified medical officers and trained paramedical staff,
»» President who provide services round-the-clock. The Center is
»» Secretary supported with fully equipped ambulances to evacuate
»» Press Secretary the serious patients to Armed Forces and other civil
»» Treasurer sector tertiary care facilities. With the establishment
Half the Office Bearers must be from institutions other than the of NUST Medical Complex at NUST Campus, H-12,
Islamabad, the services of a tertiary care hospital will be
sponsor institution. available on campus. Natural and Applied Biosciences NUST Prospectus 2019 21

About the University

The newly built campus at H-12, Islamabad is located in the serene backdrop of majestic Margalla Hills. The NUST Campus,
H-12, Islamabad blends old and modern architecture. The Kashmir Highway, which leads to M-1 (Motorway) linking it to the
rest of the country through a wide range of motorways network, coasts along the campus which is only at 20-minutes drive
from all the main terminals-air, bus and railways.

NUST Campus, H-12, Islamabad provides well-furnished and equipped male and female hostels named after great Muslim
Scholars as under:
Girls Hostels
»» Fatima Hostels - PG Students
(2 blocks) Single Occupancy with attached
»» Zainab Hostel
»» Ayesha Hostel } UG Students
Bi / Tri-seater with community

»» Khadija Hostel UG/PG Students


Boys Hostels
Rumi Hostels - PG Students Visiting Faculty Accommodation
(3 blocks) Single / Bi-seater Occupancy with A guest block has been created for visiting faculty in the
attached washrooms married student’s hostel. The block is fully furnished with
attached dining facilities.
»» Ghazali Hostels* UG Students
Razi Hostels*
Attar Hostels* } Bi / Tri-seater with community
Secure Environment
In addition to highly effective Campus security arrangements,
*2 blocks each all hostels have CCTV Cameras, protective boundary walls,
security personnel and dedicated staff at each block.
Monthly Accommodation Charges
(NUST Campus, H-12, Islamabad) Hostel Management
A qualified and experienced management team, composed as
Hostel Accommodation Charges for National Students under, looks after hostel affairs:
»» Deputy Director and AD Hostels with Office Staff, Manager
»» Single occupancy with attached bath Rs. 6500/- (Hostels) and Caretakers.
»» Double occupancy with attached bath Rs. 5500/- »» Deputy Director Hostels and AD Messing with experienced
»» Double occupancy with community bath Rs. 4500/- supervisors, Cooks and Waiters for preparing and serving
»» Tripple occupancy with community bath Rs. 4000/- food.

Married Students Manager (Hostels) with necessary staff remains available in

»» One bedroom apartment Rs. 9,000/- each hostel round the clock.
»» Two bedroom apartment Rs. 13,000/-

• Security Fee of Rs. 10,000/- (Refundable) will be charged Facilities provided in the hostels include:
at the time of allotment. »» Attached / Community washrooms
• Hostel includes accommodation charges only. »» Fully furnished rooms
»» Central heating system
»» High Speed internet connectivity
»» Telephone
»» Gymnasium, Billiard Table, Table Tennis
»» TV lounges with Cable TV
»» Dining Halls with attached kitchens and service areas
»» Standby Generator
»» Dhobi service (Free of cost)
»» Medical Care
»» Prayer Area
»» Vending Machine

22 NUST Prospectus 2019 Natural and Applied Biosciences

Allotment Procedure

About the University

Hostel accommodation in the relevant category is allotted as per
Hostel Allotment SoP’s. Application form is available on website Can
be applied through
e-mail to

The hostels provide catering services and the boarders have a
choice to enjoy a variety of wholesome food, prepared under
hygienic conditions.

Mess Security Rs. 9000/- (Refundable)
Monthly Charges Rs. 5,520/- (Rs. 184 per day)

Cafeteria and Shopping Complex

Aesthetically designed cafeterias and shopping complexes, Sports and Recreation
called Concordia I and Concordia II, have been constructed in NUST offers a wide variety of sports activities. All Colleges have
the northern and southern wings of the NUST Campus, H-12, elaborate sports infrastructure. The NUST Campus, H-12,
Islamabad. Concordias offer the following services: Islamabad is developing at a fast pace and have the following
»» Cafeteria facilities of international standard:-. Multipurpose hall,(Indoor
»» Mini Mart Courts 1x Basketball, 1x Volleyball, 3x Badminton, 4x Table
»» Bakery Tennis, 1x Snooker, 2x Fitness Gyms ), 9x Fitness Gym
»» Souvenir Shop (Hostels), 5x Basketball outdoor courts, 2x Football field, 8x
»» Photographer Shop Volleyball courts, 8x Futsal grounds, 5x Cricket grounds, 2x
»» Barber Shop Squash courts. 1 x Netball ground, 1 x Handball ground, 1x
»» Ladies Shop / Parlor Hockey ground, 16x Badminton courts, 3x Tennis courts, 5 x
»» Cellular Shop Pool tables, 17 x Table Tennis, 1 x Athletic ground and 1 x Tracking
»» Stationery Shop Trail (1.5 Km). NUST has also established a Riding Club in H-12
»» Book Shop Campus being the pioneer University in Pakistan to have such a
»» Dining/Function halls facility. Regular Inter-College/School Sports Competitions are
»» Lawns with gazebos held every year at the University. NUST teams have been
participating and performing well in HEC Intervarsity Sports
Competition both at the Zonal and National levels. No of
Shuttle Service our players have represented Pakistan in different Sports and
The shuttle service facilitates the students to move around achieved good positions at National Levels.
the Campus. On weekends/holidays, the shuttle service is
extended to various terminals. Natural and Applied Biosciences NUST Prospectus 2019 23

Quality Assurance and Internationalisation
About the University

Higher Education Commission set up Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) in 2002 and facilitated the establishment of Quality
Enhancement Cells (QECs) at 10 public sector universities, in year 2006, including NUST. Up till now, a total of 130 such cells
have been established at national universities.
Directorate of Quality Assurance was established at NUST to ensure quality enhancement of academic and research
activities. Since NUST is a multi-campus university, Local Quality Enhancement Cells have been established at all
constituent institutions as field set-ups. NUST Quality Assurance website ( has been developed on
NUST webportal and relevant information has been uploaded. The Directorate is actively engaged in self assessment of
programmes, and internal quality audit of institutions at NUST for attaining international compatibility and competitiveness
of its programmes.

NUST is member of the following international Quality assurance networks:

International Network of Quality Assurance

for Higher Education

Asia-Pacific Quality Network

NUST has also obtained the membership of the following international associations and networks, for the
purpose of international visibility and sharing information and good practices related to higher education:

Association of Commonwealth Universities

International Association of Universities

Association of Management Development Institutions

in South Asia

United Nations Academic Impact

International Association of Science Parks

Association of Quality Assurance Agencies of

Islamic World

24 NUST Prospectus 2019 Natural and Applied Biosciences

NUST Campuses

About the University

H-12, Islamabad Campus

School of Electrical Engineering and curriculum evaluation. Our increasing focus on research
together with the initiatives to develop synergies with other
Computer Science (SEECS) centers of excellence within NUST will enable us to become
business school par excellence.

School of Social Sciences and Humanities


NUST School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

(formerly NIIT) chronicles an incredible tale of what focused
efforts with a clear vision, singular commitment and a
passionate quest for excellence are capable of achieving within
the span of a decade. From its embryonic appearance in 1999
as a tiny IT wing of NUST, this school has blossomed into
one of the finest seats of higher education. The philosophy The discipline of social sciences plays a vital role in
of education at SEECS puts due premium on an essential understanding the function of society, studying individual
blending of engineering and computing education with a behavior and evaluating social problems and their impact on
sound orientation of social and humanitarian interests of the society. Taking cognizance of the significance of social sciences
society. With the relocation of SEECS to the idyllic setting of and humanities discipline, NUST has recently established the
NUST Campus, H-12, Islamabad, it is destined to set a new School of Social Sciences and Humanities (S3H). Founded in
pace for cultivation of wholesome social and moral values in 2013, the history of the school can be traced back to 1999
the students who are privileged to enter its portals. when its seed began to germinate in the form of establishment
of NUST Institute of Management Sciences (NIMS) which was
renamed as NUST Business School (NBS) in 2008. Later, three
NUST Business School (NBS) social sciences departments namely Department of Economics,
Department of Government and Public Policy, and Department
of Mass Communication were launched and initially housed
under the umbrella of NUST Business School. These three
departments together with Department of Behavioral Sciences
and Department of Career Counseling & Education converged
into the School of Social Sciences and Humanities in the year
2013. A brand new state-of-the-art building of S3H has been
constructed and the school has shifted to new building in

NBS has evolved and emerged as a well established institute

from NUST Institute of Management Studies NIMS. In the School of Chemical and Materials
recent past it has proved itself as one of the finest and Engineering (SCME)
prestigious management schools of Pakistan offering both
the UG and PG programmes with state-of-the-art learning
infrastructure which includes well equipped class rooms,
lecture and seminar halls, language and research labs, a fully
functional library that offers both physical and digital sources
of information along with top-of-the line teaching faculty with
years of research and professional experience. NBS employs
result based teaching methodology through its close liaison
with the industry. Several initiatives such as joint field projects,
research activities, workshops, seminar and lectures from
professionals enrich the professional learning of the students. The School of Chemical and Materials Engineering (SCME)
Its recent accreditation with the NBEAC has enhanced inter became functional in 2006 as a research-oriented school of
and intra-institutional cooperative practices as well as ensured NUST and is currently offering two undergraduate and three
professional mobility and employment opportunities for its postgraduate degree programmes in the twin disciplines of
graduates. We at NBS believe in continued improvement Chemical Engineering, Materials Engineering and Nanoscience
mechanism through periodic students’ surveys, faculty and & Engineering. Setting up an educational institution in unique
and highly specialised areas is a great challenge. It is very Natural and Applied Biosciences NUST Prospectus 2019 25
satisfying that within four years, the postgraduate programs School of Art, Design and Architecture
About the University
stand fully established. The School has acquired the services
of one of the best faculty in the country, besides establishing (SADA)
a rigorous self-assessment Quality Assurance process to
ensure that our graduates get the best education possible. An
equal emphasis is laid on development of their character and

School of Civil and Environmental

Engineering (SCEE)

The School of Art, Design and Architecture is an addition to the

elite league of NUST constituent Schools and Colleges. SADA
was established in September 2010. The school now in its
eighth year is continuously working towards establishing one
of the most modern and competitive schools of Architecture
in the country. The School is all set to bring a truly world-class
dimension to the field of education in art, architecture and
design by collaborating with the world-renowned Department
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering was established of Architecture of the Middle East Technical University
in November 2008. It comprises four vibrant institutions (METU) Turkey, the first department established at METU
namely National Institute of Transportation (NIT) , Institute in 1956, which is affiliated with various international bodies
of Environmental Science and Engineering (IESE), Institute of of architecture. This collaboration will be instrumental in
Geographical Information Systems (IGIS) and NUST Institute combining the strengths of both world class universities, that
of Civil Engineering (NICE). SCEE is a modern and progressive collectively hold over seven decades of experience in creating,
engineering school of the country, the first of its kind that disseminating and re-inventing knowledge. This collaboration
offers a wide choice of BE programs in Civil, Geoinformatics will go a long way in imparting a truly global perspective to our
and Environmental Engineering. In BE programmes, the programmes; thereby amalgamating the best of both cultures
students are given the option of selecting elective majors. in order to produce strikingly creative work by students and
SCEE has very strong postgraduate programs (MS/PhD) faculty alike. The school is presently offering a Bachelor of
in Structural Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Architecture and Industrial Design Degree. It has well equipped
Transportation Engineering, Water Resources Engineering, studios, labs and workshops.
Environmental Engineering, Environmental Science,
Geographic Information Systems, Urban & Regional Planning,
Geotechnical & Tunneling, Remote Sensing and Construction
Research Center for Modelling and
Engineering & Management. Simulation (RCMS)
School of Mechanical and Manufacturing
Engineering (SMME)

Research Center for Modelling and Simulation was established

at NUST in 2007 to set up Modelling and Simulation facilities
for design and development in various disciplines through
education, training and research, and to act as a platform
The School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
to integrate these efforts by the government, academia and
(SMME) was established in 2008. SMME was set up to prepare
industry. The Center focuses on mathematical modelling
human resource with essential skills in Mechanical Engineering
and simulation of structures, fluids, electrical systems,
and allied renewable technologies, with specific emphasis on
communication systems, computer and network architecture,
manufacturing, automobile, power/energy and biomedical
operations management, human behaviour and war scenarios.
sectors to perform effectively in the technological world. The
RCMS started its first MS degree programme in Computational
School has state-of-the-art laboratories related to mechanical,
Science and Engineering in Fall 2008 has been upgraded
manufacturing, robotics and biomedical fields.
to PhD with specialisations in Fluid Flow and Structures
The School is offering an undergraduate programme in
and Computational Infrastructures and Visualisation. The
Mechanical Engineering and postgraduate programmes
curriculum has been structured to impart students with solid
(MS and PhD) in Mechanical Engineering, Design and
M&S foundational knowledge and skills. The Center also offers
Manufacturing Engineering, Robotics and Intelligent Machine
MS in Systems Engineering and Bioinformatics.
Engineering, Biomedical Sciences and Biomedical Engineering.

26 NUST Prospectus 2019 Natural and Applied Biosciences

School of Natural Sciences (SNS) Atta-ur-Rahman School of Applied

About the University

Biosciences (ASAB)

Established in May 2004, School of Natural Sciences (SNS)

formerly known as Centre for Advanced Mathematics and The School was initially established as Center of Virology
Physics (CAMP), is a young and thriving school that contributes and Immunology in October 2007, to provide research and
vitally to the research output of not only NUST but also of teaching facilities in the field of Virology and Immunology.
the country. The research carried out at SNS is regularly Recently, it has been named after the eminent scientist, Dr
published in international journals of repute. SNS offers MS Atta-ur-Rahman, who has very graciously accepted to be its
and PhD programmes in the fields of Mathematics, Physics patron and advisor. The School provides excellent research
and Chemistry and, an exciting four-year undergraduate and teaching facilities in the field of applied biology in
programme leading to the Bachelor of Science (BS) in Pakistan. ASAB has dynamic interdisciplinary undergraduate
Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. Our postgraduate and graduate programs which prepare the students for
programmes emphasize breadth of understanding the core pursuits in research and teaching in pure molecular as well
areas of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry in addition to as applied biology. The faculty includes members of Health,
culminating in these demonstrating mastery in one of the Plant and Industrial Biotechnology, Virology, Molecular
many research directions that are pursued at SNS. The total Biology, Plant Biology, Biochemistry, Medicine, Neurology,
number of papers published by the faculty at the start of SNS Rheumatology, Immunology and Oncology. The research and
was about 330 of which 200 were in ISI listed journals with an training programs have collaborations with other institutions
impact factor of about 292 and impact factor per faculty of in Pakistan and abroad. The School offers MS Healthcare
about 32.5. Biotechnology, MS Plant Biotechnology, MS Industrial
Technology and PhD Applied Biosciences.
Center for Counseling and Career
Advisory (C3A) US-Pak Center for Advanced Studies in
Energy (USPCAS-E)

CCenter for Counseling and Career Advisory (C3A) is a unit

of NUST that provides primary mental health services. C3A US-Pak Center for Advanced Studies in Energy (USPCAS-E) was
is offering this service, to all the NUST students, faculty, launched in June 2011 to provide impetus to energy sector
personnel and families of those associated, within and outside programs and support and consolidate related activities/
the NUST Campus, H-12, Islamabad. The core objective of C3A projects with a view to contributing to national economy in
is to provide professional counseling services, for educational, times of energy crisis. It was inaugurated on January 9, 2012.
social, emotional and psychological issues that may inhibit Collaborating partners from Canada, USA, UK, RSA and KSA
personal or professional performance and advancement. warmly participated in the event. The Center aims at providing
The Center also offers workshops, seminars and lectures sustainable supply of energy at affordable rates with greater
to augment the counseling process apart from carrying out share of renewable in the energy mix to reduce environmental
research on a variety of psychological and educational issues. footprint. The center’s vision resides in setting up pilot
plants to demonstrate the feasibility of specific programs in
the various energy sectors. Thus, takes the lead in moving
from research and development to demonstration; a step
that is considered vital for meaningful academia-industry
collaboration. The Center offers MS and PhD in Energy Systems
Engineering, MS in Thermal Energy Engineering and Electrical
Engineering (Power) programs. Natural and Applied Biosciences NUST Prospectus 2019 27

Rawalpindi Campuses
About the University

Military College of Signals (MCS) NUST Institute of Peace and Conflict

Studies (NIPCONS)

Since its inception, the Military College of Signals (MCS)

has matured into a premier college of NUST and a center NIPCONS was established at the NUST Campus, Tamizuddin
of professional excellence. MCS was established in 1947 as Road, Rawalpindi in December 2009, with the primary
School of Signals. In 1960, it was affiliated with Royal School of mandate to plan / organize the system of education for Army
Signals to fulfil the requirements of Pakistan Army in the field cadets / Young Officers (YOs), compatible with the academic
of Telecommunication Engineering. In 1977, it was affiliated syllabus / standards of NUST and award UG degree (Bachelors
with University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore for of Military Art and Science [BMAS]) on completion of specified
award of Telecommunication degree, thereby gaining its syllabus / credit hours. Additionally, the Institute is envisioned
elevation as Military College of Signals. In 1991, MCS became to grow as a Center of excellence in the field of Peace and
a constituent college of National University of Sciences and Conflict Studies (CIPS). CIPS was established on 1st March
Technology (NUST). The College also started undergraduate 2013. Later, it was inaugurated by UNSG Ban Ki-moon on 13th
and postgraduate programs in Software Engineering and August 2013. It is a unique institution – the only one of its
postgraduate programme in Telecommunication, System kind established with the purpose of conducting research and
Engineering and Information Security. In 2001, the College training in matters related to UN Peacekeeping Operations
introduced PhD degrees in all its programs. (UNPKOs). Its mandate is, however, not restricted to the
relatively narrow field of peacekeeping. The studies at CIPS are
organized within the overarching discipline of Peace & Conflict
College of Electrical and Mechanical Studies. This relatively new branch of social sciences is devoted
Engineering (C of E&ME) to identifying and analysing the nature of conflict with a view
to finding solutions through peaceful and non-violent means.
The center is offering MS and PhD programme in Peace and
Conflict Studies.

Risalpur Campuses

Military College of Engineering (MCE)

C of E&ME is situated along the Grand Trunk Road, at
Rawalpindi-Islamabad nexus. Fascinating locale and congenial
environment are indeed the hallmarks of this institution. It
enjoys the distinction of being the largest constituent college
of NUST in terms of doctoral positions in the faculty, student
enrolment, diversity of training programmes, research and
higher education, infrastructure and facilities. The College
attained ISO-9001 certification in 1999; 9001-2000 in 2003
and 9001-2008 in 2009. It has been earning distinctions and
acknowledgement in quality assurance and PEC accreditation The School of Military Engineering was established after the
evaluation. It offers a rich assortment of degree programs end of World War-II in 1946 near Kirkee (Poona) in southern
ranging from undergraduate to postgraduate programs in India. After the partition of the sub-continent and emergence
diverse disciplines, the main fields being Electrical, Mechanical, of Pakistan, the School of Military Engineering was established
Software, Computer and Mechatronics Engineering as well as at Sialkot in April 1948. The institute was shifted from Sialkot
Engineering Management. to Risalpur in the year 1952 and developed into an engineering
Military College of Engineering is a premier college of NUST
that offers an undergraduate degree in Civil Engineering. It has
a rich legacy dating back to the post World War II era. Passing
several milestones, MCE was granted degree awarding status

28 NUST Prospectus 2019 Natural and Applied Biosciences

through Presidential Ordinance of 1962. With the emergence Karachi Campus

About the University

of NUST, MCE entered the folds of the University’s constituent
colleges in 1995. MCE was recertified as an ISO 9001-2000
institute after successfully meeting all quality standards in July
2008. MCE has the honour of producing 3157 BE graduates, Pakistan Navy Engineering College (PNEC)
including 60 foreign students.

College of Aeronautical Engineering (CAE)

The genesis of PN Engineering College lies in the Officers

Training Section (OTS) which was set up in 1962. In 1966, the
status of OTS was upgraded to that of a college and given the
name of Pakistan Navy Engineering College (PNEC). PNEC was
affiliated with Karachi University in the same year. In 1977,
College of Aeronautical Engineering (CAE) has a legacy which the affiliation of PNEC was transferred to NED University of
is as impressive as some of tis aforementioned counterparts. Engineering & Technology. The college was shifted to its present
The college was established in 1965 with the help of USAF, location in 1982. In 1995 it became constituent college of
which provided three experienced and qualified officers as its National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST). PNEC
pioneering Principal and Head of Departments. This premier Offering comprehensive undergraduate degrees in Electrical
college offers undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in Engineering and Mechanical Engineering. Pakistan Naval
Aerospace and Avionics Engineering. Its programs are fortified Engineering College (PNEC), Karachi has the distinction of being
by foreign qualified faculty. The College was initially located the first educational institution of the country to have obtained
at Pakistan Air Force (PAF) Base Korangi and was affiliated ISO-9001 certification. Another milestone was achieved with
with the University of Karachi. Later, on the establishment of the introduction of its first MS and PhD programmes in 1998.
NED University of Engineering & Technology in March, 1977, The College continues to diversify its programmes, and offers
affiliation of the College was transferred to NED University. MS and PhD programmes in Electrical (Control) Engineering,
In May, 1986, CAE was shifted to Risalpur and since then it is Manufacturing Engineering & Management, and Mechanical
an integral part of the PAF Academy. It became a constituent Engineering. The College has also introduced MS in Naval
college of National as University of Sciences and Technology Architecture programme from Fall 2018.
(NUST), Islamabad in 1994. The MS programme in Aerospace
and Avionics Engineering commenced at CAE in 1997. In
1999 CAE achieved ISO 9000 certification for the quality
management system of its academic programs. Outcome
Based Education (OBE) programme was started at CAE in 2014
after PEC became a provisional signatory of the Washington
Accord (WA) of International Engineering Alliance (IEA).

Fact file
The Super Computer installed at RCMS-NUST, the fastest
GPU (Graphics Processing Unit), is graded as one of the best
computing systems operating in any organisation/academic
institution in Pakistan. This supercomputer can perform
parallel computation at a peak speed of 132 Teraflops i.e. 132
Trillion Operations per second. It is equipped with multi core
processors and graphics co-processors with inter-processor
communication speed of 40 Gbps. Natural and Applied Biosciences NUST Prospectus 2019 29

Institutions and Programmes
Institutions and Programmes
School of Natural Sciences (SNS)
School of Natural Sciences

Established in May 2004, School of Natural Sciences(SNS) formerly known as Centre for Advanced Mathematics and Physics
(CAMP), is a young and thriving school that contributes vitally to the research output of not only NUST but also of the
country. The research carried out at SNS is regularly published in international journals of repute. SNS offers MS and PhD
Programs in the fields of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry and an exciting four-year undergraduate programme leading
to the Bachelor of Science (BS) in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. Our postgraduate programmes also emphasize
breadth of understanding in the core areas of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. The total number of papers published
by the faculty at the start of SNS was about 862 of which 710 were in ISI listed journals with an impact factor of 1216.029.

Faculty Profile
Prof. Habib Nasir Principal
PhD, Chemistry (H.E.J Research Institute of Chemistry, University of
Karachi, Pakistan
Discipline: Chemistry
Specialization: Molecular Nanotechnology

Department of Mathematics
Dr Rashid Farooq, HoD Dr Moniba Shams
D.Sc. (Kyoto) Japan PhD (Glasgow) UK
Discipline: Mathematics Discipline: Mathematics
Specialization: Discrete Mathematics Specialization: Computational Mathematics

Prof. Faiz Ahmad Dr Muhammad Imran

PhD (Manchester) UK PhD (GCU) Pakistan
Discipline: Mathematics Discipline: Mathematics
Specialization: Differential Equations Specialization: Discrete Mathematics

Prof. Azad Akhter Siddiqui Dr Muhammad Ishaq

PhD (QAU) Pakistan PhD (GCU) Pakistan
Discipline: Mathematics Discipline: Mathematics
Specialization: Computational Mathematics Specialization: Algebra

Dr Tooba Feroze Dr Muhammad Asif Farooq

PhD (QAU) Pakistan PhD (NTNU) Norway
Discipline: Mathematics Discipline: Mathematics
Specialization: Mathematical Physics Specialization: Computational Mathematics

Dr Matloob Anwar Dr Muhammad Ilyas Chishti

PhD (GCU) Pakistan PhD (NUML) Pakistan
Discipline: Mathematics Discipline: English
Specialization: Analysis Specialization: English Linguistics

Dr Mujeeb-ur-Rehman Dr Tahir Mehmood

PhD (NUST) Pakistan PhD (Norwegian University For Life Sciences (NMBU)) Norway
Discipline: Mathematics Discipline: Statistics
Specialization: Differential Equations Specialization: Multivariate Modeling

Dr Meraj Mustafa Hashmi, HoD Research Dr Muhammad Qasim

PhD (QAU) Pakistan PhD, Erciyes University, Turkey
Discipline: Mathematics Discipline: Mathematics
Specialization: Fluid Mechanics Specialization: Topolgy

Dr Mubasher Jamil Dr Firdos Khan

PhD (NUST) Pakistan PhD, University of Klagenfurt, Austria
Discipline: Mathematics Discipline: Statistics
Specialization: Mathematical Physics Specialization: Bayesian and Environmental Statistics

32 NUST Prospectus 2019 Natural and Applied Biosciences

Department of Physics

School of Natural Sciences

Dr Shahid Iqbal, HoD Dr Faheem Amin
PhD (QAU) Pakistan PhD (PUM) Germany
Discipline: Physics Discipline: Physics
Specialization: Theoretical Quantum Physics Specialization: Nanotechnology

Prof. Asghar Qadir Dr Muhammad Naeem Shahid

PhD (London) UK PhD (Syracuse) USA
Discipline: Physics Discipline: Physics
Specialization: Astrophysics, Cosmology and Relativity Specialization: High Energy Physics

Dr Ayesha Khalique Dr Muhammad Ali Paracha

PhD (TU Darmstadt) Germany PhD (QAU) Pakistan
Discipline: Physics Discipline: Physics
Specialization: Theoretical Quantum Physics Specialization: High Energy Physics

Dr Rizwan Khalid Dr S. Rizwan Hussain

PhD (Delaware) USA PhD/Postdoc (CAS, Beijing/Peking University, Beijing) China
Discipline: Physics Discipline: Physics
Specialization: High Energy Physics Specialization: Condensed Matter Physics (Experimental)

Dr Muddasir Ali Shah

PhD (GCU) Pakistan
Discipline: Physics
Specialization: Plasma Physics

Dr Fahad Azad
PhD (University of Hong Kong) Hong Kong
Discipline: Physics
Specialization: Material Physics

Department of Chemistry
Dr Muhammad Arfan, HoD
PhD (QAU) Pakistan Dr Azhar Mahmood Malik
Discipline: Chemistry PhD (University of Karachi) Pakistan
Specialization: Synthetic Chemistry, Peptide Synthesis Discipline: Chemistry
Specialization: Organic Chemistry
Prof. Habib Nasir
PhD (University of Karachi) Pakistan Prof. Muhammad Mazhar
Discipline: Chemistry Distinguished National Professor
Specialization: Molecular Nanotechnology PhD (Budapest) Hungary
Discipline: Chemistry
Dr Mudassir Iqbal Specialization: Inorganic/Material Chemistry
PhD (University of Twente) Netherlands
Discipline: Chemistry Dr Asad Mumtaz
Specialization: Organic Synthesis PhD (Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS), Malaysia
Discipline: Chemistry
Dr Zahida Malik (EX-Pakistan) Specialization: Physical/ Nano-materials Chemistry
PhD (University of Vienna) Austria
Discipline: Chemistry Dr Muhammad Adil Mansoor
Specialization: Physical / Materials Chemistry PhD (University of Malaya), Malaysia
Discipline: Chemistry
Dr Muhammad Fahad Ehsan (EX-Pakistan) Specialization: Inorganic/Materials Chemistry
PhD (NCNST ) China
Discipline: Chemistry
Specialization: Physical Chemistry

Research at SNS
In SNS, research is given the top most priority. The faculty at SNS has nearly 1000 publications to its credit, most of which are in
ISI journals. In 2015 alone, there were 116 publications with an impact factor 147.384. Despite being a young school, already 105
students have completed their MPhil and 23 have received PhD. Natural and Applied Biosciences NUST Prospectus 2019 33

Research Groups »» Mathematical Physics
The following are the groups in the Department of Physics:
School of Natural Sciences

The Following are the research areas in the Department of

»» Astrophysics, Cosmology and Relativity
»» High Energy Physics
»» Functional Nanomaterials »» Nanomaterials and Nanodevices
»» Molecule Design and Synthesis »» Plasma Physics
»» Nanotechnology and Photocatalysis »» Theoretical Quantum Physics
»» Hybrid Materials
»» Thin Films Financial Assistance
»» Fuel Cells SNS offers financial assistance to bright and needy students in
»» Solar Cells various forms, which includes:
»» Fee waivers
There are various research groups working at SNS, many of »» Research associate-ships
which hold collaborative meetings and research presentations »» Teaching assistant-ships
regularly. The groups in the Department of Mathematics are: »» HEC Scholarships
»» Algebra »» NESCOM Scholarships
»» Analysis
»» Computational Mathematics
»» Differential Equations Research Funding
»» Discrete Mathematics Currently, all students in the research phase of their PhD are
receiving financial assistance.

Impact Factor

34 NUST Prospectus 2019 Natural and Applied Biosciences

International Collaborations of Prof Muneer Ahmad Rashid and Prof Riazuddin in 2008
and 2009 respectively.

School of Natural Sciences

»» Memorandum of Understanding has been signed between »» In addition to student seminars and special seminars
University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South
delivered by distinguished speakers from time to time, there
Africa and SNS for a period of five years in the field of
are two regular weekly seminar series, one in Mathematics
Mathematics. In addition to research collaboration, the
and one in Physics. In these series experts from various
agreement includes exchange of students and faculty.
universities from all over Pakistan come, deliver lectures,
»» A collaborative agreement with the Department of Physics
answer questions and head lively discussions about their
of the University of Lecce, Italy in the field of Astrophysics
field of research
is also in place. There have been three workshops in
Astrophysics as a result of this collaboration
»» SNS has a comprehensive agreement signed with the 1st International Conference on Nano-
Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, composities and Multifuctional Materials
Trieste, Italy. Besides many other features, the agreement
allows for the exchange of three students and three faculty (ICNMM)
members every year for a period of up to one month. 1st International Conference on Nano-composities and Multi-
»» A research agreement has been signed between SNS and fuctional Materials (ICNMM) was held on 21-23 August, 2017
Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences (RIMS) of at SNS, NUST. Four international speakers, two each from China
Kyoto University, Japan. and Turkey graced the conference. A couple of lectures by the
eminent scholars from Republic of Iran and United Kingdom
were also delivered via skype. The conference covered most
Activities promising selected areas of smart and multifunctional mate-
rials, from molecular nanoscales to large complex integrated
systems. Updated progress in materials science and the wide-
Academic Activities spread use of nanotechnologies was covered that are coupled
SNS is hotspot for Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry related
with the exponential growth of computing capability and the
activities not only in the capital area but is also a major player
availability of reliable multiscale modeling to promote a deep-
nationwide in these fields. Some recent activities in the said
er understanding and better exploitation of the convergences
fields include the following:
among materials, optics, electronics, biological NEMS systems,
MRAMs, etc. Focused sessions on materials for implantable
»» Sixth International Conference on Recent Developments in
materials interfaces and on the possible application of func-
Fluid Mechanics organized by SNS from March 17-19, 2015.
tionalized carbon nanotubes and graphene in various fields
»» Conference on Symmetries, Differential Equations and
complemented the conference contents. Scientists, chemists,
Applications (SDEA-II) was held at NUST organized by SNS
physicists, biologists, physicians and experts from industries
from Jan 27-30, 2014. A large number of local and foreign
contributed at various discussion forums within the frames of
scholars participated in the conference.
what promises to be an exciting meeting.
»» The 4th Joint Italian-Pakistan Workshop on Relativistic
Astrophysics was held at SNS from 15-17 February 2013. The
first three Joint Italian-Pakistani Workshops on Relativistic NUST Conference on Recent Trends in
Astrophysics were co-sponsored by SNS and held in Italy, Mathematical Sciences 2017
in collaboration with the University of Lecce in 2007, 2009 Department of Mathematics, School of Natural Sciences con-
and 2011. The proceedings of the first are published as a ducted NUST Conference on Recent Trends in Mathematical Sci-
special issue of Nuovo Cimento, that of the second as a ences on November 7-8, 2017. The conference aimed to bring
special issue of General Relativity and Gravitation and the together learned researchers across the country with a view to
third in the European Journal of Physics, Conference Series. spreading latest front-line research results and innovation solu-
»» CAMP conference on Mathematical Sciences was organized tions of complex mathematical problems at the frontier of re-
at SNS from 17th to 19th November 2011. The conference lated fields. The keynote speakers included Prof. Asghar Qadir
covered a vast variety of research fields from applied (NUST, Islamabad), Prof. Saleem Asghar (CIIT, Islamabad), Prof.
mathematics as well as pure mathematics. There were 37 Faiz Ahmad (NUST, Islamabad), Prof. Ghulam Shabbir (GIKI, Topi
speakers from different universities around the country Sawabi) and Prof. Muhammad Arshad Zia (IIU Islamabad). The
and from abroad who presented their research work in scientific programmes of the conference included plenary lec-
Bio-Mathematics, Mathematical Economics, Differential tures and contributed oral talks. The topics covered a broad
Equations, Teleparallel Gravity and many other fields. spectrum of subjects including Mathematical Physics, Fluid
»» NUST Conference on Application and Methods of Physics Mechanics, Algebra, Analysis, Differential Equations and Graph
(NUST-SNS) was held on 21st and 22nd Nov. 2011 at SNS. Theory. The conference provided an opportunity for young sci-
The national conference was the first physics conference entists and students to interact with leading authorities of the
held at NUST. The basic aim of the conference was to provide subject. The event also identified fruitful avenues for future re-
a forum where recent developments in Physics would be search in Mathematics.
discussed. The various fields covered at the conference
were Cosmology, Astrophysics, Relativity, Particle
Physics, Quantum Optics, Nanotechnology, Bose Einstein International Workshop on Carbon
Condensate and Quantum Information. In total 40 speakers
presented their work. Posters by various researchers were
Nanomaterials Based Biosensors 2017
International Workshop on Carbon Nanomaterials Based Bio-
also displayed throughout the conference.
sensors was conducted at SNS, NUST on November 27, 2017.
»» Two one-day conferences were organized by SNS in honour
The workshop was attended by the eminent scholars namely Natural and Applied Biosciences NUST Prospectus 2019 35

Prof. Lujun Pan (China), Prof. Wei Peng (China), Prof. Zakir Hussain (Pakistan) and Prof. Habib Nasir (Pakistan). The salient features
of the subject workshop included recent advancements in biosensor technology, fundamentals of biosensors and nanobiosensors,
School of Natural Sciences

biosensor design and manufacturing, developing skills to carry out electrochemical analysis, application to clinical, food, environ-
mental and processing challenges, future prospects and lab demonstrations.

International Workshop on New Trends in Energy Storage Technologies (2018)

International workshop was held on December 10, 2018 at School of Natural Sciences, NUST in cooperation with University of
Hamburg. The workshop hosted a cadre of eminent scientists and Industry personnel including Prof. Dr Asghari Maqsood (Air
University), Dr Altaf Karim (COMSATS Islamabad), Dr Baqir Raza (Director General, PCRET), Mr Naseer Sadiq (JD Aviations) and Dr
Muhammad Sultan (NCP Islamabad). The workshop covered various technological aspects of thermal energy engineering and storage
technologies. It also highlighted contemporary and state-of-the-art energy storage technologies such as solar cells, batteries etc.

Extra-curricular Activities
Apart from these research-oriented meetings, SNS arranges various extra-curricular activities. The students may also benefit from
the vibrant social scene of NUST.

NUST Dramatics Club

NUST Dramatics Club is meant to revive the spirit of theatrical excellence at NUST. Its existence is driven by the sole purpose of
reviving, maintaining and embellishing the dramatic community of NUST in order to showcase students’ hidden talents in the
fabulous field of theater.

The Club has recently been shifted to SNS. It follows a proper mechanism of initial recruitment, talent-hunt drives, scintillating
in-house plays, enlightening acting workshops and mesmerizing flash mobs. Its dynamic team have in the past and continue to
participate in numerous external competitions and festivals, bringing home trophies and reaffirming its good name which it has
earned after a concentrated and dedicated efforts.

Sports Gala
SNS organizes an annual sports gala typically in the Spring semester. The entire SNS (students, faculty and staff) is encouraged
to participate. Events range from team sports (basketball, volleyball, cricket and futsal), to track and field events. Indoor sports
(badminton and table tennis) are also included as well as fun activities like tug of war. In addition, participants may exercise their
minds with chess.

SNS Book Club Meeting

The SNS Book Club is an open forum to discuss literature. The standard format is for the participants to bring selections from their
favourite poetry/prose and read them aloud in a weekly meeting. The choice of topics is limited only by the imagination of the

NUST Physics and Astronomy Society

NUST Physics and Astronomy society meets on a weekly basis to discuss issues of contemporary interest to physicists. The students
typically select a topic to research over the week and a few of them present their findings. The atmosphere is informal and
discussions are heavily encouraged. NUST Physics and Astronomy Society is in the process of updating its event calendar. An
Astronomy Night is planned as a major annual event.

NUST Trekking Club

Functioning as a newly-formed central society at the scenic valley of NUST, H-12 campus, NUST Trekking Club aims to refurbish the
joy of being one with nature and derive all the benefits that our blue and green Earth has to offer. NTC offers students and faculty
a chance to renew their spiritual, mental and physical health following hectic routines that come with university life by climbing
and trekking new paths in and around Islamabad. As a group activity, trekking also helps in enhancing socializing between different
people, making lifelong partnerships and learning to be patient and accepting towards others. Keeping the numerous benefits of a
student-led society targeted towards outdoor activities such as trekking, NUST Trekking Club is steadfast in its mission to become
a prominent and revered society at NUST.

36 NUST Prospectus 2019 Natural and Applied Biosciences

BS Mathematics

School of Natural Sciences

Programme Description
This programme is designed to broaden the mathematical background of students and to enable them to choose from a wide
spectrum of career options.

Unique Features
This programme offers courses which are in line with those of leading educational institutions all over the world and which also
conform to all standards of degree programmes being conducted at other constituent colleges of NUST. It produces graduates
who understand the complex facets of mathematical systems, and the integration of these systems in applied sciences and
industry. Our undergraduate programme in mathematics is intended to provide students with necessary knowledge, abilities and
methods so that they will be able to carry out professional work on a scientific basis, to critically classify scientific results and to
act with responsibility.

Associated Careers
Mathematics graduates in Pakistan traditionally pursue careers in education and research centres or go on for higher studies.
Our programme not only keeps the requirement of these fields in mind but also equips students with skills that are needed
in the modern industrial and financial markets. All over the developed world, mathematicians are employed by banks, stock
exchanges, lending agencies and most other industries. SNS is acutely aware that we are a rapidly developing nation and our
institutions require expert mathematicians to fulfil their needs on an urgent basis. This broadens the scope of the graduates of
this programme and enables them to choose from a wide variety of jobs available in Pakistan and abroad, particularly in the areas
mentioned above.

Scheme of Studies Programme Code 305

First Year

Semester I Semester II
Course Code Course Title Credits Course Code Course Title Credits
HU-110 English 3–0 BIO-110 Introductory Biology 2–1
CH-103 Chemistry 3–1 PHY-107 Electricity and Magnetism 3–1
Fundamentals of Computer Program-
PHY-106 Mechanics 3–1 CS-110 3–1
MATH-111 Calculus I 3–0 MATH-112 Calculus II 3–0
Communication and Interpersonal
HU-107 Pakistan Studies 2–0 HU-108 3–0
HU-101 Islamic Studies 2–0
Total Credits 16 Total Credits 19
Second Year

Semester III Semester IV

Course Code Course Title Credits Course Code Course Title Credits
MATH-261 Mathematical Statistics I 3–0 MATH-262 Mathematical Statistical – II 3–0
MATH-274 Elementary Number Theory 3–0 MATH-235 Mathematical Computing 2–1
MATH-213 Calculus – III 3–0 MATH-242 Real Analysis – I 3–0
ECO-101 Principles of Microeconomics 3–0 MATH-251 Ordinary Differential Equations - 1 3–0
Discrete Mathematics and
MATH-272 3–0 HU-222 Professional Ethics 2–0
HU-210 Technical Writing 3–0 ECO-111 Principles of Macroeconomics 3–0
Total Credits 18 Total Credits 17 Natural and Applied Biosciences NUST Prospectus 2019 37

Third Year
School of Natural Sciences

Semester V Semester VI
Course Code Course Title Credits Course Code Course Title Credits
MATH-321 Linear algebra 4–0 MATH-353 Partial Differential Equations 3–0
MATH-342 Real Analysis – II 3–0 MATH-381 Differential geometry – I 3–0
MATH-344 Metrics and Topological Spaces 3–0 MATH-322 Group Theory 3–0
MATH-343 Complex Analysis 3–0 MATH-332 Numerical Analysis – I 3–0
CS-250 Data Structures and Algorithms 3–1 MGT-271 Entrepreneurship 2–0
MATH-354 Calculus of Variations 3–0
Total Credits 17 Total Credits 17

Fourth Year

Semester VII Semester VIII

Course Code Course Title Credits Course Code Course Title Credits
MATH-452 Ordinary Differential Equations - II 3–0 MATH-457 Mathematical Modelling 3–0
MATH-491 Fluid Mechanics 3–0 MATH-446 Functional Analysis 3–0
MATH-423 Rings and Fields 3–0 MATH-455 Integral Equations 3–0
CSL-401 Community Services Learning 1–1 XXX-XXX Elective – III 3–0
XXX-XXX Elective – I 3–0 XXX-XXX Elective – IV 3–0
XXX-XXX Elective – II 3–0
Total Credits 17 Total Credits 15

Elective Courses
Course Code Course Title Credits
Computational Mathematics
MATH-433 Numerical Analysis-II 3
MATH-434 Numerical Linear Algebra 3
MATH-435 Introduction to Finite Element Methods 3
MATH-436 Introduction to approximation Theory 3
MATH-492 Computational Fluid Dynamics 3
Mathematical Economics
MATH-473 Operations Research 3
ECO-325 Introduction to Econometrics 3
ECO-326 Applied Economics 3
MATH-475 Game Theory 3
MATH-463 Stochastic Processes 3
Pure and Applied Mathematics
MATH-424 Advanced Group Theory-I 3
MATH-425 Advanced Group Theory-II 3
MATH-426 Module Theory 3
MATH-471 Cryptography 3
MATH-445 Measure and Integration 3
MATH-483 Spherical Trigonometry 3
MATH-482 Differential Geometry-II 3

38 NUST Prospectus 2019 Natural and Applied Biosciences

MATH-456 Discrete Dynamical Systems 3

School of Natural Sciences

PHY-203 Classical Mechanics – I 3
PHY-204 Electrodynamics – I 3
PHY-302 Quantum Mechanics – I 3
PHY-361 Special Relativity 3
PHY-462 General Relativity 3
Data Science
DS-401 Introduction to Data Science 3
DS-402 Machine Learning for Data Analysis 3
DS-403 Data Mining for Big Data 3
DS- 404 Information Visualization 3

BS Physics
Programme Description
School of Natural Sciences (SNS) is also offering the BS programme in physics for those who need to pursue their career as a
physicist or use it as a tool in other technological areas. The main focus is to teach students the analysis of complex situations
which will be helpful in the main stream physics as well as in other fields such as R&D industries and management sciences.

Unique Features
In this four years programme, the students will have an option to choose a minor, in addition to specialize in theoretical or
experimental physics, like in European and American universities. The choice of minors will allow the students to broaden their
horizons by focusing on an allied area or to take advanced elective physics courses and will grant access of a wider job market
for students. For instance, in the electronics minor the student will have the opportunity to take courses from the Electronics/
Electrical programme offered by SEECS. Currently available minor streams are:
»» Mathematics
»» Nanotechnology
»» Electronics

Associated Careers
The graduates with specialization in theoretical physics and experimental physics should be able to join as faculty in different
educational institutions or continue their post-graduate education. A BS degree in physics and a minor in electronics would
have a wide range of jobs open like in the fields of photonics and optoelectronics in industry. They can make also good physics
faculty in engineering institutes. Students with nanotechnology as minor will have opportunity in energy capture and storage,
electronics/semiconductor industry, material science including textiles, polymers, packaging, pharmaceuticals and medical,
biotechnology, environmental control and monitoring and military and national security. They will also have the possibility of
employment within and outside Pakistan in academia as well as in energy corporate and industry and in medical science. A
minor in mathematics will be helpful in the field of mathematical/theoretical physics.

First Year Programme Code 306

Core Courses
Semester-I Semester-II
Course Code Course Title Credits Course Code Course Title Credits
HU-110 English-I 3–0 BIO-110 Introductory Biology 2–1
CH-103 Chemistry 3–1 PHY-107 Electricity & Magnetism 3–1
Fundamental of Computer
PHY-106 Mechanics 3–1 CS-110 3–1
MATH-111 Calculus-I 3–0 MATH-112 Calculus-II 3–0
Communication & Interpersonal
HU-107 Pakistan Studies 2–0 HU-108 3–0
HU-101 Islamic studies 2–0
Total Credits 16 Total Credits 19 Natural and Applied Biosciences NUST Prospectus 2019 39

Second Year
School of Natural Sciences

Semester-III Semester-IV
Course Code Course Title Credits Course Code Course Title Credits
HU-212 Technical and Business writing 2–0 XXxxx Humanities I 3–0
MATH-206 Linear Algebra for Physicists 3–0 PHY-203 Classical Mechanics I 3–0
MATH-205 Differential Equations for Physicists 3–0 PHY-204 Electrodynamics I 3–0
PHY-201 Modern Physics 3–0 PHY-205 Thermal Physics 3–0
Mathematical Methods for
PHY-202 Waves & Oscillation 3–0 PHY-212 3–0
Physicists-I (MMP I)
PHY-261 Astronomy 2–1 PHY-291 Electronics 2–1
Total Credits 17 Total Credits 18
3rd Year
Semester-V Semester-VI
PHY-301 Electrodynamics II 3–0 PHY-361 Special Relativity 3–0
PHY-302 Quantum Mechanics I 3–0 PHY-321 Condensed Matter I 3–0
PHY-303 Statistical Mechanics I 3–0 PHY-304 Quantum Mechanics II 3–0
Mathematical Methods for
PHY-312 3–0 PHY-392 Lab II 0–2
Physicists-II (MMP II)
PHY-391 Lab I 0–2 XXxxx Elective-II 3–0
XXxxx Elective-I 3–0 XXxxx Elective-III 3–0
Total Credits 17 Total Credits 17

4th Year
Semester-VII Semester-VIII
PHY-422 Condensed Matter II 3–0 XXxxx Humanities II 3–0
PHY-471 Atomic, Molecular & Nuclear Physics 3–0 XXxxx Humanities III 3–0
XXxxx Elective-IV 3–0 XXxxx Elective-VII 3–0
XXxxx Elective-V 3–0 XXxxx Elective-VIII 3–0
XXxxx Elective-VI 3–0 XXxxx Elective-IX 3–0
Total Credits 15 Total Credits 15

Elective Courses
Physics Main Stream
Course Code Course Title Credits
PHY-411 Group Theory 3-0
PHY-412 Classical Mechanics-II 3-0
PHY-421 Statistical Mechanics-II 3-0
PHY-431 Advanced Quantum Mechanics 3-0
PHY-432 Foundations of Quantum Mechanics 3-0
PHY-433 Quantum Information 3-0
PHY-434 Quantum Computation 3-0
PHY-435 Quantum Optics 3-0

40 NUST Prospectus 2019 Natural and Applied Biosciences

PHY-441 Particle Physics-I 3-0

School of Natural Sciences

PHY-442 Particle Physics-II 3-0
PHY-443 Quantum Field Theory 3-0
PHY-451 Introduction to Plasma Physics 3-0
PHY-452 Kinetic Theory of Plasma waves 3-0
PHY-461 Astrophysics 3-0
PHY-462 General Relativity 3-0
PHY-463 Cosmology 3-0
PHY-464 Relativistic Astrophysics 3-0
XX XXX Project 0-6
Experimental Physics
PHY-481 Introduction to Nanomaterials 3-0
PHY-482 Smart Nanomaterial 3-0
PHY-483 Material Science 3-0
PHY-484 Surfaces and Interfaces 3-0
PHY-485 Characterization of Materials 3-0
PHY-486 Functional Properties of Materials 3-0
XX XXX Project 0-6
Mathematics Minor
PHY-411 Group Theory 3-0
MATH-381 Differential Geometry-I 3-0
MATH-242 Real analysis-I 3-0
MATH-344 Metric and Topological Spaces 3-0
MATH-446 Functional Analysis 3-0
MATH-452 Ordinary Differential Equations-II 3-0
MATH-491 Fluid Mechanics 3-0
MATH-457 Mathematical Modeling 3-0
MATH-482 Differential Geometry-II 3-0
MATH-274 Elementary Number Theory 3-0
MATH-272 Discrete Mathematics and Applications 3-0
MATH-471 Cryptography 3-0
XX XXX Project 0-6
Electronics Minor
EE-221 Digital Logic Design 3-1
EE-211 Electrical Network Analysis 3-1
EE-215 Electronic Devices and Circuits 3-1
EE-232 Signals and Systems 3-1
EE-xxx Microprocessor Interfacing Lab 3-1
EE-379 Control Systems 3-1
EE-351 Communication Systems 3-1
EE-368 Power Electronics 3-1 Natural and Applied Biosciences NUST Prospectus 2019 41
School of Natural Sciences

EE-342 Microwave Engineering 3-1

EE-343 Transmission Lines and Waveguides 3-1
EE-442 Microwave Devices 3-1
EE-330 Digital Signal Processing 3-1
XX-xxx Project 0-6
Nanotechnology Minor
CHE-360 Fundamentals of Polymer Engineering 3-0
CHE-461 Polymer Reaction Engineering 3-0
MSE-343 Composite Materials 3-0
MSE-471 Vacuum Technology in Surface Engineering 3-0
MSE-473 Novel Techniques in Surface Engineering 3-0
PHY-481 Introduction to Nanomaterials 3-0
PHY-482 Smart Nanomaterial 3-0
PHY-483 Material Science 3-0
PHY-484 Surfaces and Interfaces 3-0
PHY-485 Characterization of Materials 3-0
PHY-486 Functional Properties of Materials 3-0
XX XXX Project 0-6
HU-112 Industrial Psychology 3-0
HU-219 Philosophy 3-0
ECO-101 Principles of Microeconomics 3-0
MGT-272 Entrepreneurship 3-0
GPS-101 Intro to Political Science 3-0

Honours and Awards

»» Prof Asghar Qadir of SNS has the following honours and awards to his credit:
›› Hilal-i-Imtiaz
›› Sitara-i-Imtiaz
›› Distinguished National Professor of Higher
›› Fellow Pakistan Academy of Sciences
›› Al Khwarizmi Award
›› ISESCO Award
»» Dr Mubasher Jamil has been awarded Dr Raziuddin Siddiqui Prize for Mathematics 2011 by Pakistan Academy of Sci-
»» On his commendable research output Dr Rizwan Hussain has been awarded Best Researcher Award for 2018. He has
authored 26 research articles that have appeared in peer reviewed journals with a total impact factor of 70 and has
also secured two U.S. patents. Dr Syed Rizwan Hussain has won two research projects worth Rs. 37 Millions which
is the highest funding won by an individual faculty in 2017 at NUST. He was the only faculty who could win USAID
project at NUST in 2017 worth Rs. 22 Millions.
»» On his excellence in teaching, Dr Tooba Feroze has been awarded Best Teacher Award for 2018. She is specialized
in the areas of Symmetry Methods for Differential Equations and General Relativity. Other than her refined teaching
skills, she has published 29 research papers in international journals and many of them have impact factor.

42 NUST Prospectus 2019 Natural and Applied Biosciences

BS Chemistry

School of Natural Sciences

Programme Description
This programme is aimed to broaden the Chemistry background of students enabling them to prepare and develop themselves
to meet country’s future academic and industrial needs.

Unique Features
This programme is designed keeping it in line with national and international practices as well as market demands. It has been
further modified to link it to various industries in Pakistan and across the globe. The graduates produced from this programme
will study courses from Physical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry or Nano Chemistry. The
first three years of BS programme will be same for all students where they will be equipped with knowledge of all the disciplines
of Chemistry. However, from the seventh semester, students will take courses in specialized areas of chemistry in accordance
with their choice.

Associated Careers
Career opportunities for Chemists are in plenty not only in Pakistan but also across the globe. Chemistry graduates in Pakistan
traditionally pursue careers in education, Public/Private sector research organizations, Industries or go on for higher studies.
Chemical and Pharmaceutical industry occupies a big market for Chemists in Pakistan. Besides, Chemistry graduates find their
place in oil and gas sector, defense organizations, textile, paint and food industries. Our programme not only meets the require-
ment of these fields but also equips students with skills that are needed in the modern research areas of advanced countries. All
over the developed world, Chemists are required in rapidly modifying technological advancements in almost all sectors of daily
life. We are a rapidly developing nation and our institutions require expert Chemists to fulfill national needs on an urgent basis.
This broadens the scope of the graduates of this programme and enables them to choose from a wide variety of jobs available in
Pakistan and abroad, particularly in the areas mentioned above. The complete detail of courses and their semester-wise breakup
is given below:

First Year Programme Code 306

Semester-I Semester-II
Course Code Course Title Credits Course Code Course Title Credits
HU-110 English-I 3-0 BIO-110 Introductory Biology 2-1
Fundamentals of Analytical
CH-150 Fundamentals of Inorganic Chemistry 3-1 CH-110 3-1
MATH-100 *Basic Mathematics 3--0 PHY-107 Electricity and Magnetism 3-1
Fundamentals of Computer Communication and Interpersonal
CS-110 3-1 HU-108 3-0
Programming Skills
PHY-106 Mechanics 3-1 HU-101 Islamic Studies 2-0
HU-107 Pakistan Studies 2-0
Total Credits 18 Total 18
Semester-III Semester-IV
Course Code Course Title Credits Course Code Course Title Credits
CH-280 Fundamentals of Physical Chemistry 3-1 CH-270 Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry 3-1
CHE-100 Chemical Process Principles 3-0 CH-210 Analytical Chemistry-I 3-1
CH-250 Inorganic Chemistry-I 3-1 ECO-101 Principles of Microeconomics 3-0
MATH-222 Linear Algebra 3-0 HU-222 Professional Ethics 2-0
HU-210 Technical Writing 3-0 MATH-261 Mathematical Statistics-I 3-0
Total 17 Total 16
Semester-V Semester-VI
Course Code Course Title Credits Course Code Course Title Credits
CH-380 Physical Chemistry-I 3-1 CH-382 Physical Chemistry-II 3-1
CH-332 Chemistry of Environment 3-0 CH-351 Inorganic Chemistry-II 3-1
CH-311 Analytical Chemistry-II 3-0 CH-371 Organic Chemistry-II 3-1 Natural and Applied Biosciences NUST Prospectus 2019 43

CH-370 Organic Chemistry-I 3-1 CH-340 Industrial Chemistry 3-0
School of Natural Sciences

Advanced Chemical Process

CHE-201 3-0 CH-360 Nanochemistry-1 2-0
Total 18 Total 17
Semester-VII Semester-VIII
CH-4XX Elective-I 3-0 CH-4XX Elective-V 3-0
CH-4XX Elective-II 3-0 CH-4XX Elective-VI 3-0
CH-4XX Elective-III 3-0 CH-4XX Elective-VII 3-0
XX-XXX Elective-IV 3-0 XX-XXX Elective-VIII 3-0
Research Thesis / Project / Advanced Research Thesis / Project /
CH-4XX 0-3 CH-4XX 0-3
Lab Advanced Lab
CSL-401 Community Services Learning 1-1 MGT-271 Entrepreneurship 2-0
Total 15 Total 17

All elective courses will be offered from the discipline of BS chemistry programme except Elective-IV and VIII courses which can
also be opted from other UG programmes of NUST on recommendation of HoD Chemistry

List of Elective courses

From the seventh semester, students will take courses in specialized areas of Chemistry in accordance with their choice. Every
course entails 03 credit hours. The list of courses is given below:

Analytical Chemistry Group Inorganic Chemistry Group

CH-410 Analytical Techniques-I 3-0 CH-450 Organometallics 3-0
CH-411 Nuclear Spectroscopy Techniques 3-0 CH-451 Chemical Crystallography 3-0
CH-412 Electrochemical Techniques 3-0 CH-454 Group Theory in Chemistry 3-0
CH-413 Analytical Techniques-II 3-0 CH-453 Inorganic Polymers 3-0
CH-414 Advanced Separation Techniques 3-0 CH-455 Coordination Chemistry 3-0

Organic Chemistry Group Physical Chemistry Group

Heterocyclic and Organometallic
CH-470 3-0 CH-480 Solid State Chemistry 3-0
CH-471 Reactive Intermediates 3-0 CH-481 Quantum Chemistry 3-0

CH-472 Organic Spectroscopy-I 3-0 CH-482 Radiation and Photochemistry 3-0

CH-474 Organic Spectroscopy-II 3-0 CH-483 Polymer Chemistry 3-0

CH-475 Natural Products 3-0 CH-484 Adv Chemical Kinetics 3-0

CH-476 Organic Synthesis 3-0 CH-485 Colloid and Surface Chemistry 3-0

CH-477 Medicinal Chemistry 3-0

Nanochemistry Group
CH-461 Nanobiology 3-0
CH-462 Nanohybrid Systems 3-0
CH-463 Adv Nanomaterials 3-0
CH-464 Analytical Tech in Nanochemistry 3-0
Nanomaterials for Envmt and
CH-465 3-0
CH-466 Nanochemistry-II 3-0

44 NUST Prospectus 2019 Natural and Applied Biosciences

MS and PhD Programs

School of Natural Sciences

SNS offers postgraduate programmes leading to the degrees of MS and PhD in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.

MS: The MS programme at SNS comprises 24 credit hours of coursework followed by a research phase culminating in a dissertation
carrying a weight of 6 credit hours. The MS degree is designed to broaden the appreciation and deepen the understanding of the
subject, and to acquaint our students with the latest research trends in various areas of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. The
MS degree can better enhance one’s job prospects and, in addition, facilitatesseeking admission to PhD programme.

PhD: The PhD programme at SNS comprises 18 credit hours of coursework followed by a research phase culminating in a dissertation
carrying a weight of 36 credit hours based on a highly individualized, investigative and creative study which will make a significant
contribution to knowledge. A unique feature of our PhD programme is that the students are required to deliver three seminars
in addition to the public defence of their dissertation; one in the chosen field of research, one in the thrust area but not directly
related to the research topic, and one in an area other than the thrust area. This is designed so as to encourage both breadth and
depth of knowledge and understanding. Additionally, all candidates for the PhD degree must pass a comprehensive examination
that tests them on the fundamental concepts in Mathematics/Physics/Chemistry in general, as well as the basic ideas in their
chosen field of research.

The thrust areas in Mathematics are:
»» Algebra
»» Analysis
»» Computational Mathematics
»» Differential Equations
»» Discrete Mathematics
»» Mathematical Physics

The list of core and elective courses offered in the academic year 2016-17 is given below. All courses carry 3 credit hours unless
otherwise specified.

Core Courses
Scheme of Studies Programme Code 780
Mathematics Programme
Course Code Course Title Credits Course Code Course Title Credits
MATH-801 Algebra 3 MATH-803 Geometry 3
MATH-802 Analysis 3 MATH-804 Differential Equations 3
MATH-899 MS Thesis 6

Elective Courses MATH-908 Fixed Point Theory 3

Course Code Course Title Credits
MATH-909 Continuum Mechanics-I 3
MATH-805 Computational Mathematics 3
MATH-911 Special Functions 3
MATH-806 Functional Analysis 3
MATH-916 General Relativity 3
MATH-807 Commutative Algebra 3
Advanced Computational
MATH-936 3
Ordinary Differential Mathematics-I
MATH-901 3
MATH-941 Graph Theory 3
MATH-903 Partial Differential Equations-I 3
MATH-943 Convex Analysis 3
Symmetry Methods for
MATH-905 3 MATH-999 PhD Thesis 36
Differential Equations-I Natural and Applied Biosciences NUST Prospectus 2019 45

School of Natural Sciences

The thrust areas in Physics are:

»» Astrophysics
»» Cosmology
»» High Energy Physics
»» Nanotechnology
»» Plasma Physics
»» Relativity
»» Theoretical Quantum Physics

The list of core and elective courses is given below. All courses carry 3 credit hours unless otherwise specified.

Core Courses
Scheme of Studies Programme Code 781
Mathematics Programme
Course Code Course Title Credits
PHY-803 Quantum Mechanics 3
PHY-806 Thermal Physics 3
PHY-801 Classical Mechanics 3
PHY-805 Electromagnetism 3
PHY-899 MS Thesis 6

Elective Courses
Course Code Course Title Credits PHY-916 Group Theory for Physicists 3
Methods of Mathematical Atomic and Molecular
PHY-802 3 PHY-917 3
Physics Spectroscopy
PHY-804 Differential Equations 3
Introduction to Quantum
PHY-918 3
PHY-807 Topics in Mathematical Physics 3 Optics
Advanced Quantum PHY-919 Astrophysics 3
PHY-901 3
PHY-920 Classical Field Theory 3
PHY-902 Quantum Field Theory-I 3
PHY-921 Plasma Physics 3
Foundations of Quantum
PHY-903 3 PHY-922 Nanophysics 3
PHY-904 Quantum Field Theory-II 3 Quantum Information and
PHY-923 3
Quantum Computation
PHY-905 Quantum Field Theory-III 3
Experimental Techniques of
PHY-924 3
PHY-906 Geometry 3 Physics
PHY-907 General Relativity 3 Optical Properties
PHY-925 and Spectroscopy of 3
PHY-908 Cosmology-I 3 Nanomaterials
PHY-909 Cosmology-II 3 PHY-926 Condensed Matter Physics 3
Two-Component Spinor PHY-927 Atom Optics 3
PHY-910 3
PHY-961 Reading and Research-I 3
PHY-911 Twistor Theory 3
PHY-962 Reading and Research-II 3
PHY-912 Relativistic Astrophysics 3
PHY-963 Reading and Research-III 3
PHY-913 Supermassive Black Holes 3
Courses from Other NUST
PHY-914 Particle Physics-I 3 PHY-971 3
PHY-915 Particle Physics-II 3

46 NUST Prospectus 2019 Natural and Applied Biosciences

Seminar Attendance (Non Seminar Delivered – R (Non
PHY-981 3 PHY-984 3

School of Natural Sciences

Credit) Credit)
Seminar Delivered – G (Non
PHY-982 3
PHY-999 PhD Thesis 30

My Experience at SNS
“What is most distinctive about SNS is the
high standards that it holds for quality and
objectivity and the growth opportunities that
it provides to talented, hard-working people.”

Ibrar Hussain
Assistant Professor

Chemistry is an incredibly multidisciplinary science at NUST. The Department of Chemistry, School of Natural Sciences (SNS) offers
research intensive programmes leading to Master of Science (M.S.) and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degrees in Chemistry, giving
talented and motivated students the chance to make discoveries in chemical science and related disciplines. Our programme is
designed to provide students with a broad background in chemistry while simultaneously offering opportunities to do cutting-edge,
multidisciplinary research. Research opportunities are available in a wide-range of contemporary areas of chemistry, including
organic, inorganic, physical, analytical, polymer, environmental and nano-materials chemistry.

The aim of the graduate programme in chemistry is to provide an environment for individuals to develop the skills to become
leaders in scientific research and education, capable of making original contributions to the advancement of chemistry. The first
year is devoted mainly to advanced coursework with the opportunity to begin research in the latter part of the year. During the
second and subsequent years, the major emphasis is given to research for both MS and PhD students.

We are seeking students with a strong background in chemistry and the motivation and enthusiasm to pursue new and unsolved
research questions.

Core Courses
Scheme of Studies Programme Code
Chemistry Programme
Course Code Course Title Credits CH 803 Inorganic Chemistry 3
CH 801 Organic Chemistry 3 CHE 823 Advanced Analytical Techniques 3
CH 802 Physical Chemistry 3 CH-899 MS Thesis 3 Natural and Applied Biosciences NUST Prospectus 2019 47

Elective Courses
School of Natural Sciences

Course Code Course Title Credits CH-812 Pharmaceutical Chemistry 3

Advanced Techniques in Physical CH-813 Photochemistry 3
CH-804 3
CH-805 Advanced Thermal Analysis 3 PSE-821 Polymer Chemistry 3

CH-806 Chemical Kinetics 3 CH-814 Research Methodology 3

CH-807 Coordination Chemistry 3 CH-815 Stereochemistry 3

ENS-820 Environmental Chemistry 3 CH-816 Supramolecular Chemistry 3

CH-808 Industrial Chemistry 3 CH-817 Topics in Inorganic Chemistry 3

CH-809 Medicinal Chemistry 3 CH-818 Topics in Organic Chemistry 3

CHE-816 Molecular Nanotechnology 3 CH-819 Topics in Physical Chemistry 3

CH-810 Nanochemistry 3 CH-820 Green Chemistry 3

CH-811 Organic Synthesis 3

The MS programme requires a minimum of 24 credit hour (CH) course work and a 6 CH research work. After completing the
core courses in first semester, MS students will study four elective courses from the courses being offered followed by research

List of PhD Courses (any six) CH-905 Nano / Biodevices 3

Course Code Course Title CHs CH-906 Stereoselective Synthesis 3
CH-901 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry 3 CH-907 Advanced Physical Chemistry 3

CH-902 Advanced Organic Chemistry 3 CH-908 Review Paper 3

CH-903 Advanced Spectroscopy 3 CH-909 Seminar 3
Modern Trends in Analytical CH-910 Research Methodology 3
CH-904 3
CH-999 PhD Thesis 30

Note: PhD Students will complete the requirements of 800/900 level coursework (18 CH) to be decided by the doctoral Guidance
and Examination Committee (GEC). Students will be required to qualify comprehensive exam conducted by department before
the start of research work.
Any relevant courses from other departments will be available to the Students with the consent of GEC and permission of
concerned HoD.

48 NUST Prospectus 2019 Natural and Applied Biosciences

Atta-ur-Rahman School of

School of Natural Sciences

Applied Biosciences (ASAB)

• The School
• The Programmes Natural and Applied Biosciences NUST Prospectus 2019 49
Atta-ur-Rahman School of Applied Biosciences

Atta ur Rahman School of Applied Biosciences (ASAB) constantly seeks to provide a responsive learning environment and creative
thinking that enables the students to achieve their highest level of proficiency in their academic career and a better employment
in the diverse areas of most rapidly expanding Biotechnology Industry. To achieve this vision, the mission has been designed
carefully to provide students, both theoretical knowledge and practical hands on skills in the most demanding fields of health
care, industrial and plant/agriculture biotechnology.

Faculty Profile
Dr Peter John, Principal
PhD (Quaid-i-Azam University), Pakistan
Discipline: : Healthcare Biotechnology
Specialisation: Human Genetics and Immunogenetics

Engr Saleem Pervaiz, Engr Ghufran Ahmad, Mr Shiraz Salahuddin,

Deputy Director Administration Deputy Director Examinations Accounts Officer

Department of Healthcare Biotechnology

Dr Attya Bhatti (HoD) Dr Touqeer Ahmed
PhD (Quaid-i-Azam University), Pakistan PhD (Aga Khan University), Pakistan
Discipline: Healthcare Biotechnology Discipline: Healthcare Biotechnology
Specialization: Molecular Genetics & Specialization: Pharmacology &
Functional Genomics Neuroscience

Dr Hajra Sadia Dr Sadia Zahid

PhD (Quaid-i-Azam University), Pakistan PhD (University of Karachi), Pakistan
Discipline: Healthcare Biotechnology Discipline: Healthcare Biotechnology
Specialization: Biotechnology: RNA Specialization: Biochemistry &
interference based therapeutic Neurobiology
interventions for leukemias using
replication-defective lentiviral particles

Dr Sobia Manzoor Dr Rumeza Hanif

PhD University of Punjab, Lahore, PhD (University College London), United
Pakistan Kingdom
Discipline: Healthcare Biotechnology Discipline: Healthcare Biotechnology
Specialization: Parasitology, Molecular Specialization: Cancer genetics and
Stem Cell Biology, Molecular Virology therapeutics
(Hepatitis C)

50 NUST Prospectus 2019 Natural and Applied Biosciences

Dr Aneela Javed Dr Salik Javed Kakar
PhD (Georg August University), Germany MBBS (Ayub Medical College), Pakistan
Discipline: Healthcare Biotechnology PhD (The University of Manchester), UK
Specialization: Virology and Discipline: Healthcare Biotechnology

Immunology Specialization: Gene therapy and
molecular genetics

Dr Muhammad Jawad Hassan Dr Aruzia Moazzam

PhD (Quaid-i-Azam University), Pakistan PhD (Quaid-i-Azam University), Pakistan
Discipline: Healthcare Biotechnology Discipline: Healthcare Biotechnology
Specialization: Human Genetics Specialization: Reproductive

Dr Maria Shabbir Ms Yasmin Badshah

PhD (Quaid-i-Azam University), Pakistan MPhil (COMSATS Institute of
Discipline: Healthcare Biotechnology Information Technology), Pakistan
Specialization: Biochemistry & Discipline: Healthcare Biotechnology
Molecular Biology Specialization: Medical Microbiology

Dr Dilawar Khan
PhD (Goethe University Frankfurt),
Discipline: Healthcare Biotechnology
Specialization: Cancer Stem cells and
Cancer Signaling

Department of Plant Biotechnology

Dr Muhammad Tahir (HoD) Dr Alvina Gul Kazi

PhD (University of the Punjab), Pakistan PhD (Quaid-i-Azam University), Pakistan
Discipline: Plant Biotechnology Discipline: Plant Biotechnology
Specialization: Artificial microRNA Specialization: Plant Biotechnology
based gene silencing; Begomoviruses (Wheat improvement in a holistic
(Cotton, Tomato), Barley yellow dwarf manner)
virus, Sugarcane mosaic virus; Plant
transformation; Development of
antibodies against Begomoviruses

Dr Muhammad Qasim Hayat Dr Muhamad Faraz Bhati

PhD (Quaid-i-Azam University), Pakistan PhD (Imperial College), United Kingdom
Discipline: Plant Biotechnology Discipline: Plant Biotechnology
Specialization: Molecular Phylogenetics Specialization: Molecular Biology,
& Medicinal Plants Virology & Mychoviruses

Dr Nasar-um-Minullah Dr Kiran Zahid

PhD (Zhejiang University), China PhD (University of Wollongong & CSIRO-
Discipline: Plant Biotechnology Plant Industry), Australia
Specialization: Plant Cell Signaling Discipline: Plant Biotechnology
Specialization: Plant hybrid vigour and
RNA-silencing Natural and Applied Biosciences NUST Prospectus 2019 51

Dr Rabia Amir Salik Hasan Aslam
PhD (University of Edinburgh), United MSc (The University of Melbourne),
Kingdom Australia
Discipline: Plant Biotechnology Discipline: Plant Biotechnology

Specialization: Plant Genetics & Specialization: Industrial Application

Biotechnology and Commercialization of Biotechnology

Dr Faiza Munir Ms Nosheen Fatima

PhD (Quaid-i-Azam University), Pakistan MPhil: Kansas State University (Fulbright
Discipline: Plant Biotechnology Scholar)
Specialization: Plant Biochemistry and Discipline: Plant Biotechnology
Molecular Biology Specialization: Plant genetics

Department of Industrial Biotechnology

Dr Najam-us-Sahar Sadaf Zaidi (HoD) Dr Abdul Rahman

PhD (University of the Punjab), Pakistan PhD (Universite de Lorraine Nancy),
Discipline: Industrial Biotechnology France
Specialization: Biotechnology / Discipline: Industrial Biotechnology
Molecular Biology / Flaviviruses / Avian Specialization: Food processing and
Influenza Virus Biotechnology

Dr Saadia Andleeb Dr Tahir Ahmad Baig

PhD (Quaid-i-Azam University), Pakistan PhD (University of the Punjab), Pakistan
Discipline: Industrial Biotechnology Discipline: Industrial Biotechnology
Specialization: Microbiology Specialization: Enteric virus, Molecular
Biology. Environmental Toxicology

Dr Hussnain A. Junjua Dr Fazal Adnan

PhD (Imperial Collage), United Kingdom PhD (Justus-Liebig University of
Discipline: Industrial Biotechnology Giessen), Germany
Specialization: Microbiology, Discipline: Industrial Biotechnology
Systembiology & Nanobiology Specialization: Bacterial gene expression
and regulation, RNA biology, RNomics

Dr Amjad Ali Dr Tehseen Alam

PhD (Universidade Federal de Minas MPhil (Quaid-i-Azam University),
Gerais Belo Horizote), Brazil Pakistan
Discipline: Industrial Biotechnology Discipline: Industrial Biotechnology
Specialization: Genomics, Bioinformatics Specialization: Microbiology
and Systems Biology

Dr Shah Rukh Abbas

PhD (University of Cambridge), United
Discipline: Industrial Biotechnology
Specialization: Nanotechnology,
Biosensors, Natural polymers,
Ultrasound contrast agents, Theranostics

52 NUST Prospectus 2019 Natural and Applied Biosciences

Besides working in partnership with some key national institutes, ASAB has active international
collaborations with several foreign universities including centres of excellence in China, the US and

Europe. These collaborations enable students to go abroad for training to acquire professional skills.
Information on these collaborative initiatives is given below.

National Collaborations
University/organization of the collaborator Areas of Collaboration
Pakistan Council for Sciences & Technology (PCST) Establishment of National Analytical Laboratory
for Substances of Abuse
University of Animal and Veterinary Science, Lahore Transgenic Mice, Small Primate Model for HCV
King Edward Medical University, Lahore Human Papilloma Viruses (HPV)
Agha Khan University, Medical College, Karachi Antiviral Testing

PIAES University, Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission, Islamabad Biophotonics, Confocal Microscopy
National Institute of Health, Islamabad Dengue Virus
National Institute for Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering (NIBGE), Leukemia
Agricultural Biotechnology Division, NIBGE, Faisalabad Cotton
School of Biological Sciences, PU, Lahore Proteomics
Institute of Agricultural Sciences, PU, Lahore Cotton leaf curl disease Natural and Applied Biosciences NUST Prospectus 2019 53

International Collaborations

University of the Collaborator Title of the Project


Department of Rheumatology, University of Toronto, Canada Study of neurological disorders from Pakistani families
Department of Rheumatology, University of Pittsburgh, USA Identification of susceptibility genes involved in Rheumatoid
arthritis & systemic Lupus Erythematosus.
Department of Rheumatology, Oxford University, UK siRNA based therapeutic interventions for Rheumatoid
Department of Microbiology & Immunology, University of North siRNA based inhibition of dengue virus
Carolina, USA
Bioscience Center, Purdue University, USA Construction of Dengue Virus Sub-genomic Replicon &
testing of inhibitors
Department of Medicine, Oxford University, UK Vaccinal strategies against influenza virus
Biomaterials & Advanced Drug Delivery Laboratory, Stanford Construction of virosomes against influenza virus
University, USA
Pasteur Institute, France Role of HCV core protein in viral life cycle

Genomics Research, University of Manchester, UK HCV induced IL-12 Expression

Department of Neurology, Georg-August University, Germany Strategies for neuroregeneration in neurodegenerative mice
College of Medicine, Al-Faisal University, Riyadh, KSA Role of Psycho-stimulants in Alzheimer’s disease: A
proteomics study
Centre for Biological Sciences, Southampton University, UK Identification and functional characterization of P2A and P2B
type Ca2+ ATPases in different species of Gramineae.
Department of Microbiology and Infectious diseases, Rosalind Role of hepatitis C virus non-structural proteins in the
Franklin University of medicine and Science, USA induction of insulin resistance
Department of Medicine, University of California, USA Evaluate the cellular & molecular effects of HCV non-
structural/structural protein expression on genes involved in
mitochondria mediated apoptosis pathway
Department of Pediatrics, University of North Carolina, USA Evaluation of therapeutic efficacy of INF treatments in HCV
infected SVR & non-SVR patients
Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Pennstate Molecular variants & conserved cysteine residues in HPV 16
College of Medicine, USA encapsidation and infection
Center for Physiology and Pharmacology, Department of Effect of molecular interaction of IKK on oncogenic cellular
Vascular Biology and Thrombosis Research, Medical University transformation and regulation
of Vienna, Austria
Virology, KU University of Leuven, Belgium Testing of immunomodulatory and antiviral compounds
against HCV
University of Barcelona, Spain Barcoding & Phylogenetics of Artemesia
Department of Surgery, University of Toronto, Canada Molecular biology of immunomodulatory systems
Emerging Pathogens Institute, University of Florida, USA Bacteriophage therapy of biofilm forming bacteria
Biomedical Engineering, Washington University in St. Louis, USA Comparative analysis of antibiotic resistance markers in US
and Pakistani enterobacteriaceae isolates
Department of Biology, Emory University, USA Population dynamics of bacteriophages against microbes of
diabetic foot ulcers
Department of Medicine, University of California, San Diego HBV associated hepatocellular carcinoma in Pakistan
National Institute of Laser & Optronics, Pakistan

54 NUST Prospectus 2019 Natural and Applied Biosciences

Sanford Children’s Health Research Center, University of Effect of vitamin C on cancer
Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, AARHUS To identify the responsible transcription factors involved in

UNIVERSITY the expression of IL-28R.
Department of Plant Virology, DSMZ, Germany Development of antibodies, infectious clones & infectivity
studies of Cotton Leaf Curl Multan Virus
School of Plant Sciences, University of Arizona Development & validation of cotton infecting begomoviral
induced cell death via a modified beta satellite containing the
Cyt c gene.
Department of Plant Pathology, University of Florida Development and validation of transgenic virus resistance in
Nicotiana benthamiana by expression of artificial microRNA
carrying begomovirus derived sequences
Department of Plant Sciences, University of McGill Artificial microRNA mediated transgenic resistance against
Sugarcane mosaic virus in Nicotiana benthamiana
School of cancer Sciences, University of Birmingham Development & designing of effective vaccine against human
papillomavirus using genotype 16 & 18
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of São Paulo Influence of protein energy malnutrition in the cell cycle of
bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells
Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, France Corelation between diabetes and chemotherapeutic
resistance in breast cancer
German Primate Centre, Georg August University, Germany MicroRNA profiling of HIV individuals in Pakistani population
Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil Genome sequencing, assembly & annotation
Institute of Integrative Omics and Applied Biotechnology, India Microbial genomics: Identification of drugs & vaccine
Institute for Human Genetics, University of Jena, Germany Gene mapping in Rare Neurogenetic syndromes
RILD Wellcome Wolfson Centre, University of Exeter, UK Genetic studies in Primary microcephaly and epilepsy
Agricultural flagship, Commonwealth Scientific Industrial and Transgenic resistance against Sugarcane mosaic virus
Research Organization (CSIRO) ACT, Australia.

Fact file
ASAB faculty has secured an amount of
148 million PKR from different national
and international funding agencies. Natural and Applied Biosciences NUST Prospectus 2019 55

Student Support Facilities
Research Laboratories Events

ASAB has established the following laboratories, with state-of- The exchange of scientific information and ideas is very
the-art equipment: important for scientific discoveries. With the global economic
recession, science in developed countries is suffering
»» Viral Hepatitis Laboratory from deep budget cuts. Atta-ur-Rahman School of Applied
»» Hepatitis B Virus Lab Biosciences (ASAB) is committed to embodying a creative
»» Bacteriophage Laboratory force in our researchers through a multidisciplinary research
»» Flavivirus Laboratory programme. According to Dr Craig Venter, a world leading
»» Antiviral Laboratory geneticist, ‘if the 20th century was the century of physics, the
»» Cancer Research Laboratory 21st century will be the century of biology’. Bioscience Club
»» Vaccinology Laboratory at ASAB is an effort to bring together scientists from different
»» Molecular Immunology Laboratory fields of biology at NUST platform to keep us updated with the
»» Plant Pathology Laboratory recent advances in the field of biology.
»» Plant Virology Laboratory
»» Plant Tissue Culture Laboratory and Insectory Following conferences/seminars/workshops were organized
»» Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory by ASAB in collaboration with other organizations in the year
»» Nanobiotech Laboratory 2017.
»» Medicinal Chemistry Laboratory »» A seminar entitled “Advances in Automated Karyotyping”
»» Functional Genomics & Immunogenetics Laboratory was organized by ASAB in collaboration with Penicon-
»» Laboratory Animal House Pakistan. Dr Jamal Maaz from USA gave a beautiful talk
»» Glass house about new software for karyotyping.
»» Plant Systematics and evolution Laboratory
»» A national seminar and workshop on “Emerging Viral
»» Medicinal Plants Research Lab
Threats: Ebola & Congo” was organized by ASAB in
collaboration with Chemical House, Pakistan; Merck Pvt
Library Ltd, Pakistan; The Worldwide Scientific, Pakistan; and
ASAB library is well-stocked with books, journals and Musajee Adam & Sons. Pakistan. Key note speakers and
magazines. The library database is remotely accessible. The trainers include Dr Birjees Mazhar Kazi, Executive Director
library can arrange reading material from other libraries when NIH, Islamabad, Dr Najma Javed, Head PMRC-CRC at NIH
required. Islamabad, Dr Muhammad Salma, Senior Scientific Officer,
NIH, Islamabad.
»» A national seminar entitled “Seminar on Genetic
Disorders: From awareness to diagnosis” was organized
by ASAB in collaboration with National Academy of Young
Scientists Pakistan (NAYS). Professor Dr Shahid Mahmood
Baig (SI), NIBGE, Faisalabad, and Professor Dr Muhammad

56 NUST Prospectus 2019 Natural and Applied Biosciences

Ismail, IBGE, Islamabad, were key note speakers at the hypovirulent mycoviruses as biological control agents of
event. plant pathogenic fungi that can potentially revolutionized
our country’s agriculture sector. This event was organized
Following students of ASAB won prizes at different occasions in by COMSATS in collaboration with ECO-science foundation

the year 2017 (ECOSF) and UNESCO on World Science day for peace and
»» Tahir Hussain, PhD student at the Atta-ur-Rahman School development on November 12, 2014.
of Applied Biosciences (ASAB) won a $3000 travel grant
from the prestigious American Society for Microbiology
to present his abstract in the 114th general meeting of NUST Journal of Natural Sciences
the American society for microbiology held at Boston, For efficient dissemination of information about molecular
Massachusetts, USA from May 17-20, 2014 biology, biotechnology and virology/immunology, ASAB is
»» A National competition the ‘National Science contributing the biennial publication of a Journal by the name
Communication Challenge’ was organized by National of “NUST Journal of Natural Sciences”.
Academy of Young Scientists (NAYS) and American society
of Microbiology that called for posters, videos, brochures
and advertisements related to various health and public
Student Societies
awareness issues. A team of NUST students consisting Currently, the following societies are functional at ASAB
of Nida ul Fatima, Rabia Anwer and Tahir Hussain from »» ASAB Art and Culture Society
ASAB and Sheeraz Ahmad from SMME participated in »» GeneUs
the competition and were declared First in the poster »» NUST Horticulture Society
design and Runners-up in the overall challenge. The team »» BioReach Society
has been granted a travel grant to attend any upcoming »» ASAB Students’ Club
national conference, and was presented award letters by
the DG CAMP-Punjab University.
»» Tahira Khan a Masters student of healthcare CONTACT US
biotechnology at the Atta-ur-Rahman School of Applied Website:
Biosciences (ASAB), NUST Islamabad, presented a poster
on her Bachelors research thesis, namely” Newcastle
disease virus mediated virotherapy for hepatocellular Telephone:
carcinoma”, and won the prize for the best research Students Affairs: +92-51-90856118
poster in healthcare category. This event was organized by Fax: +92-51-90856102
COMSATS in collaboration with ECO-science foundation
(ECOSF) and UNESCO on World Science day for peace and Address:
development on November 12, 2014. Atta-ur-Rahman School of Applied Biosciences
NUST, H-12 campus, Islamabad, Pakistan
»» Zoya Ghori, a student of MS Plant biotechnology ASAB
NUST won the prize for the best poster in Biosciences
category. Her poster entitled “Mycoviruses- Natural
fungicides of the future” based on the application of Natural and Applied Biosciences NUST Prospectus 2019 57

Academic Programmes
Biotechnology (Health, Plant and Industrial), the specialized MS/PhD Programme of Study,

provide resources to the teacher to facilitate rigorous instruction and increase the level of student
understanding related to biotechnology concepts. Students will complete hands-on activities, projects,
and problems designed to build content knowledge and technical skills in the field of biotechnology.
Research and experimental design will be highlighted as students develop and conduct industry
appropriate investigations.

The MS/PhD Biotechnology Programme is designed to provide a more rigorous preparation for
advanced study in the Applied Biosciences. The programs are tailored not only to students who
intend to pursue a career in academic or research but also for students who obtain employment
in commercial organization in the biotechnology field. The curriculum will increase the breath of
graduate training and afford a greater range of educational possibilities and career options. The
courses will provide platform for students in understanding the theoretical and practical aspects of

BS Applied Biosciences
Programme Description
ASAB is determined to deliver rigorous and inspiring education in the field of Applied Biosciences. The curriculum for BS Applied
Biosciences is designed to promote innovative learning styles and a solid foundation in applied biosciences. The courses are
dynamic, internationally aligned and evolve with the changing requirement of Industry.

The proposed programme will provide opportunities for students to develop knowledge and understanding of biosciences within
the context of applications in biomedical, health and food sciences. It will also build work-related competences, enterprise skills
and transferable skills. It will enhance their employability as professional as public health, mediscience and food industry staff,
and open up progression pathways to higher degrees in biosciences. It is planned for graduates intending to develop their careers
in the biosciences and biotechnology sectors, especially: Healthcare, Molecular Clinical Diagnostic Technologies, Agricultural
Biotechnology, Food Sciences and Associated Fields.

Career Opportunities
»» Biotechnology Firms
»» Academic and Scientific Institutions
»» Pharmacological and pharmaceutical companies
»» Research and Diagnostic domains
58 NUST Prospectus 2019 Natural and Applied Biosciences
BS Applied Biosciences Programme code: 851
Semester I Semester II

Course Code Course Title Credits Course Code Course Title Credits
Communication & Interpersonal
CS-101 Computer Fundamentals 2-1 HU-108 3-0
VAI-248 Microbiology and Virology 2-1 BIO-217 Biochemistry II 3-0
MATH-100 Basic Mathematics 3-0 BIO-102 Biostatistics 3-0
BIO-108 Biochemistry I 3-1 BIO-103 Biodiversity 2-1
BIO-206 Plant Physiology 2-1 BIO-104 General Genetics 3-1
BIT-110 Biotechnology 3-0 BIO-105 Cell Biology 2-1
Total 19 Total 19
Semester III Semester IV
Course Code Course Title Credits Course Code Course Title Credits
HU-210 Technical Writing 3-0 HU-223 Professional Ethics 3-0
HU-107 Pak Studies 2-0 HU-101 Islamic Studies 2-0
VAI-240 Immunology 3-0 BIO-205 Bioinformatics 2-1
BIO-207 Molecular Biology 3-0 BPH-276 Toxicology 3-0
BIO-209 Enzymology 2-1 BIO-203 Cell Signaling 3-0
BIO-101 Biophysics 3-0 BIO-202 Human Biology and Pathology 3-1
Total 17 Total 18
Semester V Semester VI
Course Code Course Title Credits Course Code Course Title Credits
FAB-368 Fermentation Biotechnology 2-1 FAB-369 Marine Biotechnology 2-1
BIT-313 Food Biotechnology 3-0 CSL-401 * Community Service Learning 0-2
ABT-320 Principles of Crop Production 3-0 VAI-311 Molecular Immunology 3-0
BIO-301 Vaccinology 2-1 ABT-321 Livestock Development 2-1
Elective I 3-0 BIT-318 Modern Research Techniques 3-1
Elective II 3-0 Elective III 3-0
Total 18 Total 16
Semester VII Semester VIII
Course Code Course Title Credits Course Code Course Title Credits
Gene Therapy and Viral Research Planning and Report
VAI-442 3-0 RAB-491 3-0
Vectors Writing
MGT-271 Entrepreneurship 2-0 RAB-499 Project 0-4
Principles of Health care
BIT-412 3-0
Elective IV 3-0
Elective V 3-0
RAB-499 Project 0-2 Total 7
Total 16 Grand Total 130 Natural and Applied Biosciences NUST Prospectus 2019 59

Minor Specialties
Virology & Immunology Molecular Diagnostics

Course Code Course Title Credits Course Code Course Title Credits
VAI-341 Bacteriophages and Phage therapy 3-0 MTD-353 Clinical Biochemistry 2-1
VAI-343 Plant Immunology 3-0 MTD-356 Clinical Genetics 3-0
VAI-345 Plant Virology 3-0 MTD-452 Introduction to Forensics 3-0
VAI-444 Antiviral Approaches 3-0 MTD-457 Molecular Techniques in Diagnostics 1-2
VAI-446 Clinical Immunology 3-0 BIT-311 Introduction to Laboratory Medicine 2-1

Food and Agriculture Biotechnology Biopharmaceuticals

Course Code Course Title Credits Course Code Course Title Credits
FAB-360 Introduction to Food Analysis 2-1 Biopharmaceuticals and Basic Phar-
BPH-371 3-0
macokinetics (new name)
FAB-361 Food, Nutrition and Public Health 3-0
BPH-372 Pharmacology 2-1
FAB-362 Plant Biotechnology 2-1
Immunopathology and Immuno-
BPH-375 2-1
FAB-366 Food Microbiology 2-1 therapy
FAB-465 Sustainable Agriculture 3-0 BPH-473 Medicinal Plants 3-0
VAI-444 Antiviral Approaches 3-0

60 NUST Prospectus 2019 Natural and Applied Biosciences

Fact file

ASAB has established international collaboration with 14 universities of

repute in USA, China and European countries. It has active linkages with 6
reputed universities in Pakistan.

A state-of-the-art diagnostic laboratory at ASAB is rendering community

services based on the philosophy that no one should be denied adequate
healthcare due to lack of means. Special discounts ranging between 40 to
50% are available on the already reduced prices for each test.

ASAB plans to add new programmes to its already impressive portfolio

such as Forensic Biology, Cancer Biology, Organ Transplantation, Plant
Virology and Medicinal Plant Biology. Natural and Applied Biosciences NUST Prospectus 2019 61

MS Healthcare Biotechnology
Programme Description

The Virology and Immunology programme provides students a unique opportunity to study all aspects of pathogenesis using a
spectrum of cutting-edge molecular and cellular techniques that look at effects, treatment and cure at the level of the organism.
The programme provides an opportunity to tailor coursework and research activities to fit the career goals of individual students.

The ASAB interdisciplinary research programmes reflect the richness and diversity of our research endeavors. ASAB
programmes focus on understanding the molecular organization, structure and associated gene expression profile of viruses. This
understanding can help curb major viral pathogenesis in the animal and plant kingdoms because the hallmark of all viruses is to
induce molecular gene expression leading to aberrant cellular alterations, the cause of over 500 major viral diseases.

Career Opportunities
Our degree programmes fully meet employers’ needs and so our graduates enjoy excellent career prospects. Our graduates are
well-equipped to tap the vast opportunities available in academia, biotechnology, the pharmaceutical industry and research and
diagnostic domains.

MS Coursework Programme code: 767

Core Courses
Course Code Course Title Credits
ABS-831 Gene and Cell Technology 3
HCB-810 Human Health and Disease 3
ABS-933 Principles of Molecular Biology 3
HCB-812 Molecular Genetics 3
ABS-899 MS Thesis 6

Elective Course (Any three)

Course Code Course Title Credits
ABS-830 Molecular Biochemistry 3
ABS-931 Trends in Cell Biology 3
HCB-813 General & Molecular Immunology 3
HCB-814 Immunogenetics 3
HCB-815 Advances in Immunology 3
HCB-816 Membrane Topology and Signal Transduction 3
HCB-817 Cancer Biology 3
HCB-818 Molecular Microbiology 3
HCB-811 Cancer Genetics 3
HCB-819 Gene Therapy 3
HCB-910 Cell Cycle Regulation 3
HCB-911 DNA Damage and Repair 3
HCB-912 Molecular Virology 3
HCB-913 Viral Pathogenesis 3
HCB-914 Neurobiology 3
HCB-915 Neuropharmacology 3
HCB-916 Nervous System Disorders 3
HCB-917 Biopharmaceuticals 3
HCB-918 Molecular Pharmacology 3
ABS-834 Contemporary Biology and Biotechnology for Innovation 3

62 NUST Prospectus 2019 Natural and Applied Biosciences

ABS-832 Biosafety & Ethics of Biotechnology 3
ABS-833 Biostatistics & Biometry 3
ABS-930 Molecular Phylogenetics 3

MS Industrial Biotechnology
MS Coursework Programme code: 769
Core Courses
Course Code Course Title Credits
IBT-827 Immunization and Vaccine Development 3
IBT-820 Industrial Biotechnology & Microbiology 3
ABS-933 Principles of Molecular Biology 3
IBT-822 Bioprocess Engineering 3
ABS-899 MS Thesis 6

Elective Course (Any three)

Course Code Course Title Credits
ABS-831 Gene and Cell Technology 3
ABS-931 Trends in Cell Biology 3
IBT-821 Protein: Structure, Function and Engineering 3
ABS-833 Biostatistics & Biometry 3
ABS-932 Genomics, Proteomics and Bioinformatics 3
ABS-834 Contemporary Biology and Biotechnology for Innovation 3
ABS-832 Biosafety and Ethics of Biotechnology 3
ABS-930 Molecular Phylogenetics 3
IBT-922 Cell Therapy Bioprocessing 3
IBT-923 Mammalian Cell Processing 3
IBT-823 Food Microbiology 3
IBT-824 Biochemistry and Enzymology 3
IBT-825 Environmental Toxicology and Risk Management 3
IBT-826 Advance Computational Biology 3
IBT-829 Nanobiotechnology: Concepts and Applications 3
IBT-920 Tissue Engineering and Biomaterials Science 3
ASB-836 Microbial Genomics 3 Natural and Applied Biosciences NUST Prospectus 2019 63

MS Plant Biotechnology
MS Coursework Programme code: 768

Core Courses
Course Code Course Title Credits
PBT-800 Plant Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering 3
PBT-902 Plant Functional Genomics 3
PBT-900 Techniques in Plant Molecular Biology 3
PBT-806 Plant Biochemistry 3
ABS-899 MS Thesis 6

Elective Course (Any three)

Course Code Course Title Credits
PBT-801 Plant Virology 3
PBT-802 Entrepreneurship in Agriculture 3
PBT-803 Medicinal Plants 3
PBT-804 Biology of Weeds and Invasive Plants 3
PBT-805 Plant Immunology 3
PBT-807 Plant Breeding & Genetics 3
PBT-808 Fungal Biology 3
PBT-809 Fungal Virology 3
PBT-903 Plant Systematics and Evolution 3
PBT-904 Plant Cell Signaling 3
ABS-931 Trends in Cell Biology 3
ABS-831 Gene and Cell Technology 3
ABS-832 Biosafety & Ethics of Biotechnology 3
ABS-834 Contemporary Biology and Biotechnology for Innovation 3
ABS-933 Principles of Molecular Biology 3
ABS-932 Genomics, Proteomics and Bioinformatics 3
PBT-901 Advance Plant Physiology 3
IBT-921 Principles of Fermentation Processes 3
ABS-930 Molecular Phylogenetics 3

64 NUST Prospectus 2019 Natural and Applied Biosciences

PhD Applied Biosciences
PhD Coursework Programme code: 766

Core Courses
Course Code Course Title Credits
ABS-831 Gene and Cell Technology 3
HCB-810 Human Health and Disease 3
ABS-933 Principles of Molecular Biology 3
HCB-812 Molecular Genetics 3
ABS-830 Molecular Biochemistry 3
ABS-931 Trends in Cell Biology 3
HCB-813 General & Molecular Immunology 3
HCB-814 Immunogenetics 3
HCB-815 Advances in Immunology 3
HCB-816 Membrane Topology and Signal Transduction 3
HCB-817 Cancer Biology 3
HCB-818 Molecular Microbiology 3
HCB-811 Cancer Genetics 3
HCB-819 Gene Therapy 3
HCB-910 Cell Cycle Regulation 3
HCB-911 DNA Damage and Repair 3
HCB-912 Molecular Virology 3
HCB-913 Viral Pathogenesis 3
HCB-914 Neurobiology 3
HCB -915 Neuropharmacology 3
HCB-916 Nervous System Disorders 3
HCB-917 Biopharmaceuticals 3
HCB-918 Molecular Pharmacology 3
ABS-932 Genomics, Proteomics and Bioinformatics 3
ABS -834 Contemporary Biology and Biotechnology for Innovation 3
ABS-832 Biosafety & Ethics of Biotechnology 3
ABS-833 Biostatistics & Biometry 3
ABS-930 Molecular Phylogenetics 3
IBT-820 Industrial Biotechnology & Microbiology 3
IBT-822 Bioprocess Engineering 3
IBT-821 Protein: Structure, Function and Engineering 3
IBT-823 Food Microbiology 3
IBT-824 Biochemistry and Enzymology 3
IBT-825 Environmental Toxicology and Risk Management 3
IBT-826 Advance Computational Biology 3 Natural and Applied Biosciences NUST Prospectus 2019 65

IBT-827 Immunization and Vaccine Development 3
IBT-828 Organic Chemical Technology 3
IBT-829 Nanobiotechnology: Concepts and Applications 3

IBT-920 Tissue Engineering And Biomaterials Science 3

IBT-922 Cell Therapy Bioprocessing 3
IBT-923 Mammalian Cell Processing 3
PBT-800 Plant Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering 3
PBT-902 Plant Functional Genomics 3
PBT-805 Plant Immunology 3
PBT-905 Fundamentals of Biocatalysis 3
PBT-801 Plant Virology 3
PBT-903 Plant Systematics and Evolution 3
PBT-803 Medicinal Plants 3
PBT-804 Biology of Weeds and Invasive Plants 3
PBT-802 Entrepreneurship in Agriculture 3
PBT-904 Plant Cell Signaling 3
PBT-806 Plant Biochemistry 3
PBT-901 Advance Plant Physiology 3
PBT-900 Techniques in Plant Molecular Biology 3
IBT-921 Principles of Fermentation Processes 3
ABS-835 Chromatography Fundamentals 3
ABS-999 PhD Thesis 30

66 NUST Prospectus 2019 Natural and Applied Biosciences

Applying to NUST

National Students
• Eligibility Criteria
• Admission Process
• Selection Procedure
International Students
Undergraduate Programs »» Candidates of Applied Biosciences programme must enter
their complete FSc or equivalent exam marks (as per
Applying to NUST

IBCC) in online application form after the announcement

National Students of their results. This requirement is mandatory for merit
Dates to Remember generation.
Natural Sciences
Commencement of Courses:
»» Candidates of FA/FSc stream can apply for the NUST Entry
SNS September 2019 Test on the basis of FA / FSc Part – I but the confirmation
ASAB November 2019 of their admission is subject to provision of FA / FSc
Submission of SAT Results: July 15, 2019 certificate or Detailed Marks Certificate (with a minimum
SAT Subject test scores from College Board, USA should reach of 60% aggregate marks) before the commencement of the
NUST by July 15, 2019. It is the responsibility of the candidate relevant programme of study.
to provide the SAT scores by due date. »» Candidates of O / A Level stream can apply on the basis of
O Level equivalence certificate duly issued by IBCC, but the
confirmation of their admission is subject to provision A
Salients of NUST Entry Test-2018 Level equivalence certificate before the commencement of
Mode of Test the relevant programme of study. Valid O Level equivalence
›› Computer Based Test certificate is mandatory at the time of applying to NUST.
Computer Based Entry tests for all disciplines will be BS Mathematics
held in multiple sessions at NUST Campus Islamabad HSSC from any Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education
according to the following schedule: OR an equivalent qualification like A level OR any other foreign
NET-2019 (Series-1) December 2019 qualification with Mathematics as one of the major subject.
NET-2019 (Series-2) April 2019
BS Physics
NET-2019 (Series-3) July 2019 HSSC (Pre- Engineering Group / General Science Group) from
any Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education OR an
›› During an admission cycle, candidates can appear in equivalent qualification like A level OR any combination with
Entry test more than once to improve their score with Physics and Mathematics as two of the major subjects.
their best score consider for admission.
›› The result of NET will remain valid for the current BS Chemistry
admission cycle only which will culminate in Fall 2019. HSSC (Pre-Engineering Group / Pre-Medical group) from
›› Paper Based Test any Board of Internmediate and Secondary Education OR
Karachi and Quetta April and July 2019. an equivalent qualification like A level OR any combination
with Chemistry as mandatory subject along with Physics or
»» Candidates will have an option to appear either in Mathematics.
Computer Based Test at Islamabad or the Paper Based Test
at Karachi and Quetta in April and July 2019. Ineligibility
»» Candidates will have an option to change their programme Candidates with any of the following deficiencies are NOT
preferences after the announcement of NET results within eligible to apply for admission in UG programmes:
the time-frame to be specified after the test. »» Having secured less than 60% marks in Matric and FSc.
»» Having failed / not appeared in any subject in FSc Part-I / II.
»» Having secured less than 60% marks in O/A level as per the
Eligibility Criteria equivalence certificate issued by IBCC.
»» A minimum of 60% aggregate marks each in SSC and HSSC »» In case of O & A level / equivalent foreign qualification,
/ equivalent exams. those not in possession of valid O level or equivalent
»» O & A level and other non-FSc stream candidates need qualification certificate issued by IBCC at the time of
to obtain equivalence certificates from Inter Board applying to NUST.
Committee of Chairmen (IBCC), Pakistan. »» Expelled from NUST on disciplinary grounds.
»» Candidates can apply on the basis of NUST Entry Test
(NET) or SAT or both. Submission of Online Applications
NUST accepts only online application forms for UG
BS Applied Biosciences programmes. A candidate can fill and submit the application
HSSC (Pre- Medical Group) from any Board of Intermediate form, available online at:
and Secondary Education OR an equivalent qualification like A
level OR any other foreign qualification with three (3) subjects For subsequent correspondence with NUST, the following
out of which Biology and Chemistry are essential subjects. address may be used:
»» Candidates of FSc stream can apply for the NUST Entry
Test on the basis of FSc Part – I but merit will be generated Admissions Directorate,
after provision of complete FSc marks. National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST),
»» Candidates of O / A Level stream can apply on the basis Sector H-12, Islamabad, Pakistan.
of O Level equivalence certificate duly issued by IBCC, Tel: +92-51-90856878
but merit will be generated after provision of A-level email:
equivalence marks. Valid O Level equivalence certificate is
mandatory at the time of applying to NUST.

68 NUST Prospectus 2019 Natural and Applied Biosciences

Application Processing Fee Instructions for Online Application Form
NUST Entry Test (per exam) Rs. 3,000/- or USD 35/- »» Visit and get registered

Applying to NUST
SAT National Seat Rs. 3,500/- or USD 40/- by providing valid e-mail address.
SAT International Seat Rs. 7,000/- or USD 80/- »» Candidate will be allotted a login ID and password to
access the online application form.
Admission Process »» Fill the online form, upload recent (not more than
Submission of online application at 6 months old) passport size photograph (with plain background), and submit the form. Successful submission
of form will be confirmed through an e-mail by NUST.
Confirmation of receipt of application from NUST by »» Re-Login to your account and print Fee Invoice for
e-mail (within 24 hours of submission) depositing processing fee from My Account page.
»» Candidates can deposit fee with any branch of HBL. Fee
Printing of Fee Invoice deposit will be verified through e-mail within 10 days of
Fee deposit through any online branch of Habib Bank Ltd payment.
(HBL) »» Candidates of computer based test will have to choose
Test Date and Session out of the available options.
Confirmation of receipt of payment by NUST by e-mail »» Allocation of Test Date and Session will be made on ‘First
(within 5 days of payment) Come First Served’ basis.
»» Candidates of computer based test will be allocated Roll
Number, Test Centre, Test Session, Log-in ID and Password.
For computer based test, selection of Test Date and »» For Paper Based Test at Karachi and Quetta in April and
Session by Re-Login to candidate’s NET account July, candidates will be informed through email regarding
printing of Admit Card containing exact time and centre
»» For Islamabad test centre, confirmation of Test Date, for Entry Test.
Test Session and allocation of Roll Number, Log-in ID, »» Candidates are required to print their Admit Cards and
Password for Computer Based NUST Entry Test bring the same to the Test Centre along with original CNIC
»» For Paper Based Test at Karachi and Quetta to be or a document with Photo ID such as Passport, original
held in April and July, issuance of Roll Numbers and Matric / HSSC certificate, etc.
allocation of test centres through email (within 24 »» Candidates can appear more than once to improve their
hours of payment confirmation). score. Best score will be picked by the system for merit
Printing of Admit Cards by all candidates by login in to »» The seats becoming available as a result of drop-outs
individual accounts will be re-allocated and filled through the up-gradation
of candidates who have confirmed their willingness by
Conduct of the test as per the schedule i.e., computer depositing admission dues in time.
based in Islamabad and paper based test in April and July »» Candidates failing to deposit admission dues within
at Karachi and Quetta the given time will not be considered for admission any
Desirous candidates may apply in another NET series »» Closing merit of session 2018 for different programmes
before the completion of admission cycle will be available on the website for guidance
»» Admit Cards will be retained at the Test Centres for further
Generation of Merit list on completion of NET »» Candidates with any disability or required to mentioned
the same on field provided in the online application form.
Candidates may review their preferences of programmes
Misrepresentation of facts or false information will lead to
within given time frame after uploading of merit list
cancellation of candidature/admission at any stage.
Issuance of Selection List on NUST website
Equivalence Certificate
Candidates submitting A Level, 12th Grade, International
Printing of Provisional Selection Letter, Medical
Baccalaureate or Advanced Placement certificates are also
Certificate Form and Admission Dues Fee Invoice by the
required to submit equivalence certificates, obtained from the
selected candidates
Inter Board Committee of Chairmen (IBCC), within two weeks
Deposit of Admission dues (in any online branch of
after joining the respective programme. Offices of the IBCC
HBL) and submission of required documents to the
are located in all the provincial capitals. The address of IBCC
UG Section, Registrar Directorate, NUST, Sector H-12,
office at Islamabad is as under:
Inter Board Committee of Chairmen,
Issuance of Joining Instructions to the selected candidates Plot # 25, St # 38, G-10/4, near Federal Government
who have completed admission formalities by the Employees Housing Foundation (FGEHF), Islamabad
respective institution Phone# 051 923 5018
Successful candidates join their respective programmes
Candidates are advised to contact IBCC for their eligibility regarding
issuance of equivalence certificate of relevant category as per their
To do list for candidates To do list for NUST Natural and Applied Biosciences NUST Prospectus 2019 69
subjects of study in O/A level or any other foreign qualification. with a fee of Rs.500/- in the form of a bank draft/pay order
in favour of NUST. The original bank daft / pay order should
Applying to NUST

Important Note be dispatched to Admissions Directorate, NUST, Sector H-12,

Islamabad, along with written application. Re-checking
Candidates applying for BS Applied Biosciences Programme,
involves the verification of paper for any unmarked answers
who are appearing or have appeared in any of the above
and error free totaling of marks.
prerequisite examinations during the current year, can
apply. However, such candidates are required to enter their
complete FSc/Equivalent marks in online application form Provision of Entry Test Results
after declaration of final result by the respective Board of Desirous candidates may obtain the result details of their test
Intermediate and Secondary Education. from the link available on NUST website.

NUST Entry Test (NET) Selection Procedure

NUST Entry Test will be Computer-based for the candidates of Final merit list for BS Applied Biosciences, BS Maths and BS
Islamabad centre, conducted in two sessions daily on different Physics programmes will be prepared by assigning weighting as
dates whereas for the candidates of Karachi and Quetta follows:
centres, it will be paper based to be conducted on one day for
all the candidates only in April and July 2019. Applied Biosciences
»» NUST Entry Test 75 %
The standard of test will be that of intermediate level »» FSc / A level / Equivalent 15 %
education, aimed at evaluation of factual knowledge, »» Matriculation / O Level 10 %
comprehension and its application.
Natural Sciences (BS Maths, BS Physics & BS
Instructions to attempt computer based Entry test along with Chemistry)
mock test module is available on NUST website for guidance of »» NUST Entry Test 75%
candidates. »» FA/FSc/A Level/equivalent or FA/FSc Part-I 15%
»» Matric/O Level* 10%
For paper based Entry test, correct filling of answer sheets is
essential. Detailed instructions for the same are given in the
* O/A Level candidates who are in A Level (final year) will be assigned 25%
NET section to help the candidates. weighting to their O Level equivalence marks as per equivalence certificate
issued by IBCC.
Entry Test for Applied Biosciences and Natural Sciences
Programmes will be held in the following subjects along with Note
their weighting: »» The above policy may be reviewed by the University
whenever deemed necessary.
BS Applied Biosciences »» It is the responsibility of the candidate to provide his/
»» Biology - 40% her academic record in time to the University as per the
»» Chemistry - 30% deadline.
»» Physics - 15% »» NUST will not be responsible if result of FSc/equivalent
»» English - 10% exams is not declared in time.
»» Intelligence * - 5%

BS Mathematics SAT Seats for National Students

»» Mathematics - 85% NUST has few reserved seats in Applied Biosciences and
»» English - 10% Natural Sciences programmes for induction through SAT
»» Intelligence* - 05% scores to facilitate admissions of candidates from O/A Level
background. Pakistani candidates of both O/A Level and FSc
BS Physics streams can exercise this option and compete for SAT seats
»» Physics - 45% by taking SAT subject test and submitting the following results
»» Mathematics - 40% in addition to academic qualification requirements already
»» English - 10% spelled out.
»» Intelligence * - 5%
BS Applied Biosciences
BS Chemistry SAT Subject Test in
»» Chemistry - 85% »» Biology (M)
»» English - 10%
»» Intelligence - 5% BS Mathematics
SAT Subject test in:
*Intelligence questions will pertain to Mathematical Reasoning, »» Mathematics Level-II
Critical Thinking, Analytical, Problem Solving and Creativity.
BS Physics
Re-checking of NET Papers SAT Subject test in:
Re-checking of paper based Entry Test papers may be »» Physics
requested within 5 days of the declaration of result along »» Mathematics Level-II

70 NUST Prospectus 2019 Natural and Applied Biosciences

BS Chemistry
SAT Subject test in Allocation of Programmes

Applying to NUST
»» Chemistry Selection and allotment of programme will be carried out
Note: A minimum of 550 score is required in each subject. strictly according to the merit position
Names of those candidates who do not deposit admission
dues will not be considered any further.
SAT Subject Test
SAT Subject Test is a computer-based test held under the
management of College Board, USA. For more information on Cancellation of Admission
SAT and how to apply, please visit their website at Admission is liable to be cancelled if the candidate is found guilty of suppression or misrepresentation of material facts
Last date for SAT scores to reach NUST is July 15, 2019. Scores at any stage. The University can further debar him/her from
received after the deadline will not be entertained. seeking admission elsewhere. Other universities in the country
NUST institutional code to receive SAT scores is 2790. will also be informed about the same.
Merit list for candidates applying on the basis of SAT for The seats of those candidates who, after submission
national seats is prepared separately. of admission dues, do not join within 15 days of
commencement date of programmes will be declared vacant
Medical Fitness and filled up by candidates next on merit.
Selected candidates will be required to provide Medical
Certificate, certifying that the candidate is mentally and Migration and Transfer
physically fit to undertake undergraduate studies and do not Under extraordinary circumstances, on the recommendations
require any kind of assistance in this regard, upon joining the of the Principal, the Rector may allow migration of a student
relevant program. Medical Fitness Certificate proforma form from other foreign/Pakistani universities/colleges of repute,
will be sent to the selected candidates along with the Provisional generally under the following conditions:
Selection Letter for endorsement from any Government Hospital »» After completion of first year and before the beginning of
or a Registered Medical Practitioner. final year
»» Possesses good academic record
Rejection of Application »» Courses to be transferred have a minimum of B Grade
The University may reject any application for admission »» Transfer within NUST will be allowed to students
without assigning any reason. admitted on the basis of NUST selection process
»» Inter/intra-institutional transfers of students within NUST
will be managed and processed on the basis of laid down
Submission of Documents procedure in vogue.
Candidates are required to print the Provisional Selection Provisions of NUST Migration Policy, as amended/updated
Letters and send attested photocopies of the following from time to time, will be applicable in processing of all
documents along with paid Challan Form (NUST copy) of migration cases.
admission dues to UG Section, Registrar Directorate, NUST, Migration/Transfer Fee PKR
H-12, Islamabad: »» Processing Fee 5,000
»» Matric/equivalent certificate along with Detailed Marks »» Migration from foreign universities 250,000
Certificate »» Migration from local universities 100,000
»» Detail marks certificate of FA/FSC part 1 FA/ FSc/ »» Transfer within NUST 5,000
»» Equivalence certificate(s) from IBCC in case of equivalent Note: For migration application form and details of migration policy
examinations and procedure, please visit

International Students equivalent, Pakistan or abroad.

›› Pakistani students studied abroad for HSSC or
equivalent but appearing in the Pakistani board from
Undergraduate Programs abroad.
National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST) has ›› Pakistani national students having passed an
some SAT specific seats in undergraduate programmes for examination, equivalent to intermediate level of
international candidates. Pakistan, from a foreign education system.
»» Desirous candidates can avail the facility accordingly,
NUST encourage and facilitate both foreign as well as Pakistani provided they meet the specified eligibility criteria and
origin dual nationality holder students, to seek admission in are willing to pay tuition fee and allied charges of the
NUST. category.
»» Separate application form will be used for applying on SAT
basis, available on NUST website.
General Eligibility Criteria »» The applicant must have passed Higher Secondary
The following categories can only apply for international seats: School Certificate (HSSC) or equivalent qualification like
›› Foreigners and Pakistanis having dual nationality, Cambridge Overseas Higher School Certificate, British
irrespective of the place of their study of HSSC or General Certificate of Education (Advanced Level), Natural and Applied Biosciences NUST Prospectus 2019 71

American High School Graduation Diploma (9-12th Grade) BS Chemistry
or any other equivalent qualification in relevant category SAT Subject test in
Applying to NUST

showing twelve years of school education with minimum »» Chemistry

60% cumulative marks. Note: A minimum 550 score is required in each subject.
»» In case of any foreign qualification, candidates have to »» SAT scores from College Board, USA should reach directly
obtain equivalence certificates from IBCC, Pakistan with to NUST by July 15, 2019. NUST institutional code to
required subjects and minimum 60% marks, Which is a receive SAT scores is 2790.
mandatory requirement. »» It is the responsibility of the candidate to enter their SAT
»» Valid TOEFL or IELTS with score of 500 or 5.5. (not scores in online application form by due date.
applicable for those students whose medium of For correspondence:
instruction is English at HSSC level). Undergraduate Section, Registrar Directorate, National
»» For all Programmes, a minimum of 550 SAT score is University of Sciences and Technology (NUST),
required in each subject. SAT scores are valid for two years Main Office, Sector H-12, Islamabad, Pakistan.
only. Email :
»» All Bachelor programmes at NUST are taught in English.
»» The candidate should also possess adequate mental and
Merit List
physical health to continue his/her course of studies.
Merit list of international students is prepared separately.

Academic Requirements Provisional Admission

BS Applied Biosciences
On fulfillment of the requirements mentioned, a candidate
HSSC (Pre- Medical Group) from any Board of Intermediate
will be admitted to the University as per policy in vogue. This
and Secondary Education OR an equivalent qualification like A
admission shall, however, be provisional until all the original
level OR any other foreign qualification with three (3) subjects
degrees or certificates submitted by him / her have been
out of which Biology and Chemistry are essential subjects.
checked and verified. In case any document proves to be false,
fake, or fabricated at a later stage, a provisionally admitted
BS Mathematics
student shall be liable to expulsion from the University at any
HSSC from any Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education
stage or to any other disciplinary or legal action the University
OR an equivalent qualification like A level OR any other foreign
may deem necessary.
qualification with Mathematics as one of the major subject.
On receipt of university admission / acceptance letter, foreign
nationality holders will approach the Pakistani mission abroad
BS Physics
for the visa and submit the following documents:-
HSSC (Pre- Engineering Group / General Science Group) from
any Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education OR an
»» Application Form (Student Visa Form)
equivalent qualification like A level OR any combination with
»» Photocopy of passport
Physics and Mathematics as two of the major subjects.
»» No Objection Certificate (NOC) issued by the home
country for studying in Pakistan.
BS Chemistry
»» Photograph
HSSC (Pre-Engineering Group / Pre-Medical group) from
»» Educational Documents
any Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education OR
»» Admission letter of university
For more details, please visit the under mentioned link of
an equivalent qualification like A level OR any combination
Higher Education Commission (HEC), Pakistan:
with Chemistry as mandatory subject along with Physics or AECA/Pages/

SAT Requirements Final Approval

BS Applied Biosciences
Cases of the international students, finally selected for
SAT Subject Test in
admission, will be referred to Higher Education Commission
»» Biology (M) and relevant Government department(s) for final approval as
BS Mathematics
per policy in vogue.
SAT Subject test in:
»» Mathematics Level-II
BS Physics Accommodation
SAT Subject test in: Hostel accommodation to international students is guaranteed.
»» Physics
»» Mathematics Level-II

Postgraduate Programs Submission of GRE (Gen) score July, 2019

NUST will accept the scores of GAT (General) conducted by NTS
on or after August 1, 2017.
National Students NUST will accept the scores of HAT (Higher Aptitude Test)
conducted by ETC(HEC) in or after March 2018.
Dates to Remember »» Atta ur Rahman School of Applied Biosciences (ASAB)
Commencement of online admission – April, 2019 ›› MS Healthcare Biotechnology (Morning)
Commencement of Programmes – September, 2019 ›› MS Plant Biotechnology (Morning)
72 NUST Prospectus 2019 Natural and Applied Biosciences
›› MS Industrial Biotechnology (Morning) »» Desirous candidates for PhD programmes (all types) may
apply to PGP Dte online form according to the advertised

Applying to NUST
»» School of Natural Science (SNS), Islamabad schedule of admissions. All the instructions to fill the same
›› MS Mathematics (Morning) are given in the form. Each candidate finally selected for
›› MS Physics (Morning) admission to the direct PhD programme will be informed
›› MS Chemistry (Morning) formally.
»» Before applying, candidates are to ensure that they
Note: are eligible for the applied programme(s) by referring
Candidates who are awaiting final result can also apply for to the eligibility criteria given in the prospectus or
postgraduate admission provided their CGPA/Percentage till on NUST website. Candidates are advised to avoid
last semester is equal to 2.0/4.0 or 55% marks and they submit misrepresentation of facts, which may lead to cancellation
their final result before commencement of classes. of their candidature/admission at any stage.

Masters Programme Eligibility Criteria Selection and Admission Procedure

»» Bachelors (4 year)/Masters degree (16 years of schooling) Admission of Masters students in various programmes of
from an PM&DC/HEC recognized institution of Pakistan or Applied Biosciences/Natural Sciences will be based upon
abroad. GAT (Gen) conducted by NTS or HAT conducted by ETC (HEC)
»» For all Masters programmes minimum 50 accumulative or GRE (Gen) International, previous academic record and
score in GAT (Gen) test conducted by NTS or HAT interview conducted by the respective Institute.
conducted by ETC (HEC) or GRE (Gen) with following
minimum accepted scores: Admission in MS programme will be based on the following
Quantitative 151/170 weighting:
Verbal 146/170 »» GAT/GRE Score - 50%
Analytical Writing 3.5/6.0 »» Previous Academic Record - 25%
»» Interview - 25%
Programme Specific Requirements
Submission of Online Applications
Applied Biosciences (Healthcare Biotechnology/ Industrial MS Programmes
Biotechnology/Plant Biotechnology) Only online applications will be accepted
»» MSc in Life Sciences/BSc (4 years) in Biotechnology/
Biochemistry/Molecular Biology/Biosciences/ Instructions for Online Application Form
Bioinformatics/MBBS/DVM/BDS with CGPA 2.0 out of 4 / »» Visit and register with valid
2.5 out of 5 or 55% marks in aggregate. e-mail address.
»» Candidate will be allotted a password to access the
MS Natural Sciences ( Mathematics / Physics/ Chemistry) »» application form.
»» MSc/BS (4 years)/equivalent qualification in Mathematics/ »» Fill the application form.
Physics/Chemistry or related field from HEC recognized »» Enter CGPA only, If both percentage and CGPA are
institutions with CGPA 2.0 out of 4 / 2.5 out of 5 or 55% mentioned on Bachelors/Masters Degree/Transcript.
marks in aggregate. »» Enter earned percentage/CGPA of last term/semester, in
case final results are awaited.
PhD Programmes »» Upload recent photograph (with plain background).
»» Upload scanned copies of the following documents with
Applied Biosciences/Natural Sciences the online application:
»» For admission into the PhD minimum CGPA 3.0/4.0 or ›› Matric/equivalent certificate
3.75/5.0 (in the Semester System) or First Division (in the ›› Intermediate/equivalent certificate
Annual System) in MPhil/MS/Equivalent degree is required. ›› Undergraduate degree along with final transcript(s)
Percentage will be valid only if the CGPA is not mentioned showing the exact duration
in degree/transcript. ›› Masters degree along with transcript showing the exact
»» Completed degree with minimum of 30 credit hours out of duration (if applicable).
which 6 credit hours of thesis/research is mandatory. ›› Computerized National Identity Card
»» For National Students: GAT Subject for direct PhD »» Consult eligibility criteria before opting for the
Programme by NTS (score ≥ 60 %) and if NTS subject is not programme(s). Candidates will not be considered for the
offered then NUST local GRE subject type test (Score≥70 %) programmes for which they are not eligible.
is required. »» Candidates can deposit the fee either through credit card
»» For International Students: GRE (General) conducted by or make online deposit, after taking print of Challan Form,
ETS, USA with following minimum score separately in each in any branch of HBL.
Description Scale Misrepresentation of facts or false information will lead to
Quantitative 151/170 cancellation of candidature/admission at any stage. 
Verbal 146/170
Analytical Writing 3.5/6.0 PhD Programmes
Note Desirous candidates for PhD programmes (all types) may apply
to PGP Directorate NUST online according to the advertised Natural and Applied Biosciences NUST Prospectus 2019 73

schedule of admissions. All the instructions to fill the same are given in the form. Each candidate finally selected for admission to
the PhD programme will be notified formally.
Applying to NUST

Before applying, candidates are to ensure that they are eligible for the applied programme(s) by referring to the eligibility criteria
given in the prospectus or on NUST website. Candidates are advised to avoid misrepresentation of facts which may lead to
cancellation of their candidature/admission at any stage.

Admission Process Postgraduate Programs

Submission of online application form through web link along with scanned copies of International Students
required documents. International students, Pakistanis holding foreign nationality
and Pakistanis living abroad can apply for postgraduate
Confirmation of receipt of application form through e-mail programmes. They have to compete with the local students for
within 24 hours. admission on merit.

Deposit application fee online in any branch of HBL. Eligibility Criteria

Eligibility criteria is the same as for national students.
International students are only eligible for programmes at H-12
Confirmation of receipt of payment via e-mail within 15 days
Campus Islamabad.

Confirmation of status through e-mail/website within 2 days Processing

of scrutiny of documents receipt. »» Cases of the international students, finally selected for
admission will be processed through Higher Education
GAT Score submitted by candidates will be verified from NTS Commission and respective government departments.
»» International students have to obtain NOC from their
respective Embassy in Pakistan
Eligible candidates are asked to appear for interviews.

Interviews at the respective Institutions in June Hostel accommodation to international students is guaranteed.

Selection list uploaded on NUST website, by first week of

Strategic Thrusts at NUST
August 2018
»» Excellence in teaching and education
Selected candidates take printout of Provisional Selection
»» Focus on research
Letter, Willingness Certificate, Medical Certificate and »» Spirit of enterprise
Admission Dues Challan Form from NUST website »» Internationalisation & global vision
»» Discernible social impact.
Candidates can deposit admission dues in any branch of HBL
and submit the required documents to the PGP Directorate,
University Main Office, H-12, Islamabad by hand or through
courier service.

Issuance of joining instructions to the selected candidates by

the respective Institutions

Successful candidates join the respective programmes

To do list for candidate To do list for NUST

Admission at NUST can be cancelled at any stage of studies if
any document/information provided by a student is found to
be fake/incorrect or not meeting the eligibility criteria, with no
liability on NUST.

For correspondence: Masters Section, PGP Directorate,

National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST), Main
Office, Sector H-12, Islamabad, Pakistan.

74 NUST Prospectus 2019 Natural and Applied Biosciences

Fee & Funding

• National Students
• International Students
National Students Need-based Scholarship/Fee Waiver
NUST has launched a need-based scholarship scheme to
Fee and Funding

Undergraduate Programmes enable financially under-privileged but talented students to

acquire higher education. Salient features of the scheme are:
Fee Structure »» Scholarships will be awarded to needy students of the
Admission Dues PKR new batch every year.
»» Admission Processing Fee (Non-refundable) 35,000 »» The scholarship will be for full on-campus duration of the
programme in which the student is enrolled.
»» Security Deposit (Refundable)
»» The scholarship will cover full tuition fee.
to be paid at the time of admission 10,000

Tuition Fee Deferred Payments

»» BS Applied Biosciences (per semester) 95,000 »» Financially under-privileged students, who cannot
»» BS Mathematics / BS Physics / BS Chemistry 95,000 pay their fees and also do not qualify for merit-based
(per semester) scholarship are allowed deferred payment, on case-to case
»» Miscellaneous Dues (Per Semester) 2,700 basis on completion of 1st academic year / semester of
their studies
Payment of Dues
»» At the time of admission students have to pay the
admission processing fee, security and full semester fee in Other Opportunities for Financial Assistance
advance. Dues have to be paid on semester basis. »» PEEF / IDFID (UKAID) and certain philanthropic
»» Invoice/Challan for admission charges along with first organizations provide scholarships to the orphans and
semester fee and Provisional Selection Letter will be disabled studying at NUST. Such students will be informed
available on NUST website. on “How to Apply?” once they are selected.
»» Tuition fee will be payable on semester basis. »» Students may also apply on their own for other
Students have to pay their fee in advance before the scholarships such as those offered by:
commencement of semester. > Higher Education Commission (HEC)
> Shell Pakistan, etc
Note: All fees are subject to revision. »» Further details are available on NUST web portal and with
the respective institutions.
Merit-based Financial Assistance
»» A fixed amount is allocated for financial assistance, and Note: The award of scholarship/financial assistance is subject
will be provided to top 3 position holders of each section to availability of funds, high performance and good conduct of
of a batch/class. Qualifying GPA is 3.5 or above in a the student.

Tution Fee Refund Policy Applicable to both UG and PG Students

% age of Tuition Fee Timeline for Semester/Trimester System
Full (100%) of Tuition Fee Refund Apply upto 7th day of convening of classes
Half (50%) of Tuition Fee Refund From 8th – 15th day of convening of classes
No Fee (0%) Refund From 16th day of convening of classes

»» Admission Processing Fee is not refundable under any circumstances.

»» University will not accept any claim of refund after 3 years of the completion of degree / withdrawn from university and the
amount of security will be transferred to the NUST Endowment Fund.
Fines/Penalties on Late Payments
Period National Students International Students
After the due date till start of 5 % of the total payable amount USD 35
From start of semester till 15th day* 10 % of the total payable amount USD 70
16th day from start of semester * Registration shall be suspended. Student will not be allowed to attend
For re-activation of registration, the student will classes till the payment of dues.
be required to pay the Admission Processing Registration shall be suspended.
Fee again along with all outstanding dues. For re-activation of registration, the
student will be required to pay the
Admission Processing Fee again along
with all outstanding dues.

*In any case student will not be able to attend classes till clearance of dues.

76 NUST Prospectus 2019 Natural and Applied Biosciences

Postgraduate Programmes
MS Programmes

Fee and Funding

MS »» Selected students are awarded monthly stipend of Rs
Admission Dues PKR 18000/- pm and tuition fee waiver.
»» Admission Processing Fee (Non refundable) 10,000
PhD Programmes
»» Security Deposit (Refundable) 10,000
»» NUST sponsored PhD students will be paid monthly
Tuition Fee per semester 68,000 stipend of Rs 30,000/- pm and tuition fee waiver in
»» Miscellaneous Dues (Per Sementer) 2,700 addition to supervisor remuneration.
»» There are numerous opportunities for additional
PhD academic pursuits, e.g. students will be provided financial
support for attending seminars, conferences and making
Admission Dues
presentations/publication of research papers within
»» Admission Processing Fee (Non refundable) 5,000 Pakistan and abroad.
»» Security Deposit (Refundable) 10,000 »» During research phase of PhD studies at NUST, students
can also get an opportunity for collaborative/joint
Tuition Fee per semester 68,000 research training programmes with other well-reputed
»» Miscellaneous Dues (Per Sementer) 2,700 foreign universities.
»» »» Full time PhD students can also be exempted from
Note: All fees are subject to revision. payment of tuition fee, if they are willing to do Teaching
Assistant (TA)/Research Assistant (RA) duties and fulfilled
Payment of Dues other conditions.
»» At the time of admission students have to pay the
admission processing fee, security and full semester fee in Bond for NUST Sponsored Students
advance. Dues have to be paid on semester basis. »» NUST sponsored MS/PhD students will be required to
»» Invoice/Challan for admission charges along with first complete the programme.
semester fee and Provisional Selection Letter will be »» NUST sponsored MS/PhD Students will work as TA/RA, as
available on NUST website. and when required.
»» Tuition fee will be payable on semester basis. »» The students who fail or do not fulfil the undertaking,
Students have to pay their fee in advance before the will have to reimburse the total amount spent on them
commencement of semester. (including Tuition Fee, Stipend, Supervisor’s Fee and
Research Expenditure, etc).
Supervisor’s Fee and Research Fund
»» Sponsored Students:
Need-based Scholarship/Fee Waiver
As per scholarship/sponsorship award.
NUST has launched a need-based scholarship scheme to
»» Non-sponsored Students: enable financially under-privileged but talented Masters
To be paid by the University as per policy in vogue
students to acquire higher education. Salient features of the
scheme are:
HEC and Other Sponsorships »» Scholarships will be awarded to needy students of the
HEC will bear the cost of its scholarship awardees, as per the new batch every year.
scholarship award details. For other sponsored students, »» The scholarship will be for full duration (2 years) of the
all charges as per the details provided above, will be borne programme in which the student is enrolled.
by their sponsoring agency. Students will be responsible for »» All awardees are given 100% tuition fee waiver.
timely deposit of dues by their sponsoring agency. Scholarship
provisions for postgraduate studies for candidates from FATA Other Opportunities for Financial Assistance
and Balochistan are also available through HEC for which they
may apply directly to HEC.
»» HEC in collaboration with USAID, PEEF in collaboration
with DFID/UKAID, CMEEF (KPK) and certain philanthropic
individuals/organizations provide merit cum needs
Merit-Based Scholarship/Tuition Fee Waiver based scholarships to the freshly inducted students of
NUST. Information on how to apply is available on NUST
webportal and the constituent institutions. Natural and Applied Biosciences NUST Prospectus 2019 77

International Students Postgraduate Programmes
Fee and Funding

Finances (PG Programmes)

Undergraduate Programmes
International students selected through this process will be
Finances (UG Programmes) required to pay the applicable charges in USD. Please note that
Students selected through this process will be required to pay admission is granted only to those candidates who come up to
their fees and other charges in USD. the required position on the merit list meant for open merit.

Fee Structure Fee Structure

Applied Biosciences and Natural Sciences The fee structure of the programmes of study is as under:
(Maths, Physics & Chemistry) USD
»» Admission Processing fee (Non-refundable) 600 Applied Biosciences and Natural Sciences
»» Tuition Fee per annum 4,700 (Maths, Physics and Chemistry)
»» Security Deposit (Refundable) 250 USD
»» Health Facilities (per annum) 120 »» Admission Processing Fee (Non refundable) 110
»» Tuition Fee (per Semester) 640
»» Tuition fee for the first academic year (two semesters) will »» Security Deposit (Refundable) 100
be deposited as per selection letter. »» Course Repeat Fee (per credit hour) 40
»» Tuition fee will be payable on annual basis. Students have
to pay their fee in advance before the commencement of
the academic year.
»» All fees are subject to revision from time to time.

Monthly Accommodation Charges (H-12 Campus)

Single Students
»» Single occupancy (with attached bath) USD 70
»» Double occupancy (with attached bath) USD 60
»» Double occupancy (with community bath) USD 50
»» Tripple occupancy with community bath USD 40

Married Students
»» One-bedroom apartment USD 120
»» Two-bedroom apartment USD 170

»» Security Fee of USD 117 (Refundable) is charged at
the time of allotment.
»» Hostel includes accommodation charges only.
»» All fees are subject to revision from time to time.

78 NUST Prospectus 2019 Natural and Applied Biosciences

Fee and Funding
NUST Entry Test (Computer-based)

»» NUST Entry Test (computer based) will be held in multiple sessions. Paper based test will be held in Karachi and Quetta twice
a year (April and July).
»» Computer-based test is designed in accordance with the internationally practiced system of on-line examinations. It is easy
to attempt with minimal practice. Instructions to attempt computer-based Entry test alongwith sample test module will be
available on NUST website for guidance.
»» The pattern and the standard of question papers for both types of tests is the same.
»» All kinds of data carriers and calculators, including mobile phone, Bluetooth, hands free devices, etc, are strictly prohibited
inside the examination hall.

1. Expand question area to read the complete question

2. Select Answer Option
3. Click to save selected Answer Option
4. Go to the Next or Previous Question
5. Go to the Next or Previous Section
6. Choose the desire filter to view question(s) in Reviewable, Attempted and Unattempted folders
7. Click Review button to mark question reviewable (This button will be enabled on saving the answer)
8. Provide FEEDBACK on displayed questions Natural and Applied Biosciences NUST Prospectus 2019 79

NUST Entry Test (Paper-based)
NET Instructions

Instructions for Paper-based Entry Test of Applied Biosciences

The Entry Test will comprise the following subjects:
a. Biology b. Chemistry c. Physics a. English e. Intelligence

These instructions deal with multiple choice answer sheets, which will be provided for examination. The answer sheets will
have two parts, i.e., personal information and answers. A filled in answer sheet is printed on the next page for illustration and
guidance. Answer sheets are marked through computer, therefore, it is important that the candidates read and understand these
instructions thoroughly before taking the exam. Non-compliance will affect scoring adversely.

PERSONAL INFORMATION (See appropriate block in the specimen answer sheet). Exam superintendent will brief on filling in of
this portion before start of the exam.
»» Clearly write your name in Capital Letters in the box titled FULL NAME. Fill corresponding circles. If the name is longer than
the space provided, fill in as much as fits in the given space. (In the specimen answer sheet, Ali Nawaz is the name of a
»» Write your Roll No in the box titled Roll No. (In the specimen answer sheet, the Roll No of the candidate is 167245016).
»» In the subject column, use “333” as subject code for Applied Bio-sciences.
»» In the SEQ Code column, write NET Code written inside the question booklet. (SEQ Code 01 is marked In the specimen
answer sheet)
»» In the CITY/CENTRE column, use the following codes and fill in the corresponding circles. (In the specimen sheet, KI is
marked for Karachi).

KI: Karachi QA: Quetta IS: Islamabad

»» Put your date of birth in the column Date of Birth. 11-04-85 is marked as the Date of Birth on the specimen sheet.
»» In the sex column, fill M for male candidates and F for female candidates and O for other candidates. (In the example a male
candidate is marked).


In the specimen answer sheet, first 6 questions have been attempted. See the specimen sheet and the following instructions:
»» Mark your choice with 2B lead pencil by filling in the appropriate circle completely, making it a dark black circle as shown

b c d e
»» Some examples of improper marking are shown below:

a b c d e a b c d e a b c d e
(The computer will mark improperly filled circle as wrong answer)

»» Do not mark more than a single circle for an answer choice. Multiple answers for a single question will be regarded as an
unanswered question.
»» If you need to erase an answer, do so clearly/cleanly, using a good quality eraser.
»» Do not bend/fold your answer sheet, make stray marks or mark any area outside the provided circles.

»» Answer sheet is to be signed both by the invigilator as well as by the candidate, in respective blocks, with ballpoint pen
»» USE 2B lead pencil only. DO NOT USE ink pens, ballpoint pens or felt-tip pens on the answer sheet.
»» You are allowed to bring along clipboard, pencils, eraser and sharpener only.
»» Use your time effectively. Do not spend too much time on one question, otherwise you will run short of time for other

80 NUST Prospectus 2019 Natural and Applied Biosciences

»» Write your Roll No on the front page of the QUESTION Booklet and the back side of the answer sheet in the given blocks.
Do not write elsewhere.

NET Instructions
»» Return the complete questions booklet along with the answer sheet on completion of the test.
»» You are not allowed to take away any part of the question booklet or note questions elsewhere. Non-compliance will be
regarded as use of unfair mean.
»» You are NOT ALLOWED to use any device which could assist in calculation such as a calculator, tables, digital watch, mobile
phone, electronic diary, Palm Pilot, etc.
»» There is no negative marking. Natural and Applied Biosciences NUST Prospectus 2019 81

Instructions for Paper-based Entry Test of BS Mathematics
NET Instructions

The Entry Test will be held for applicants in the following subjects:
a. Mathematics b. English c. Intelligence

These instructions deal with multiple choice answer sheets, which will be provided for examination. The answer sheets will
have two parts, i.e., personal information and answers. A filled in answer sheet is printed on the next page for illustration and
guidance. Answer sheets are marked through computer, therefore, it is important that the candidates read and understand these
instructions thoroughly before taking the exam. Non-compliance will affect scoring adversely.

PERSONAL INFORMATION (See appropriate block in the specimen answer sheet). Exam superintendent will brief on filling in of
this portion before start of the exam.
»» Clearly write your name in Capital Letters in the box titled FULL NAME. Fill corresponding circles. If the name is longer than
the space provided, fill in as much as fits in the given space. (In the specimen answer sheet, Sidra Shah is the name of a
»» Write your Roll No in the box titled Roll No. (In the specimen answer sheet, the Roll No of the candidate is 107624161).
»» In the SUBJECT column, use “666”as subject code for BS Mathematics.
»» In the SEQ Code column, write NET Code written inside the question booklet. (SEQ Code 02 is marked In the specimen
answer sheet)
»» In the CITY/CENTRE column, use the following codes and fill in the corresponding circles. (In the specimen sheet, KI is
marked for Karachi).
KI: Karachi QA: Quetta IS: Islamabad

»» Put your date of birth in the column Date of Birth. 11-04-92 is marked as the Date of Birth on the specimen sheet.
»» In the sex column, fill M for male candidates, F for female candidates and O for other candidates. (In the example a female
candidate is marked).


In the specimen answer sheet, first 6 questions have been attempted. See the specimen sheet and the following instructions:
»» Mark your choice with 2B lead pencil by filling in the appropriate circle completely, making it a dark black circle as shown

b c d e

»» Some examples of improper marking are shown below:

a b c d e a b c d e a b c d e

(The computer will mark improperly filled circle as wrong answer)

»» Do not mark more than a single circle for an answer choice. Multiple answers for a single question will be regarded as an
unanswered question.
»» If you need to erase an answer, do so clearly/cleanly, using a good quality eraser.
»» Do not bend/fold your answer sheet, make stray marks or mark any area outside the provided circles.

»» Answer sheet is to be signed both by the invigilator as well as by the candidate, in respective blocks, with ballpoint pen
»» USE 2B lead pencil only. DO NOT USE ink pens, ballpoint pens or felt-tip pens on the answer sheet.
»» You are allowed to bring along clipboard, pencils, eraser and sharpener only.
»» Use your time effectively. Do not spend too much time on one question, otherwise you will run short of time for other
»» Write your Roll No on the front page of the QUESTION Booklet and the back side of the answer sheet in the given blocks.
Do not write elsewhere.
»» Return the complete questions booklet along with the answer sheet on completion of the test.

82 NUST Prospectus 2019 Natural and Applied Biosciences

NET Instructions
»» You are not allowed to take away any part of the question booklet or note questions elsewhere. Non-compliance will be
regarded as use of unfair mean.
»» You are NOT ALLOWED to use any device which could assist in calculation such as a calculator, tables, digital watch, mobile
phone, electronic diary, Palm Pilot, etc.
»» There is no negative marking. Natural and Applied Biosciences NUST Prospectus 2019 83

Instructions for Paper-based Entry Test of BS Physics
NET Instructions

The Entry Test will be held for applicants in the following subjects:

a. Physics b. Maths c. English d. Intelligence

These instructions deal with multiple choice answer sheets, which will be provided for examination. The answer sheets will
have two parts, i.e., personal information and answers. A filled in answer sheet is printed on the next page for illustration and
guidance. Answer sheets are marked through computer, therefore, it is important that the candidates read and understand these
instructions thoroughly before taking the exam. Non-compliance will affect scoring adversely.

PERSONAL INFORMATION (See appropriate block in the specimen answer sheet). Exam superintendent will brief on filling in of
this portion before start of the exam.
»» Clearly write your name in Capital Letters in the box titled FULL NAME. Fill corresponding circles. If the name is longer than
the space provided, fill in as much as fits in the given space. (In the specimen answer sheet, Ayesha Fatima is the name of a
»» Write your Roll No in the box titled Roll No. (In the specimen answer sheet, the Roll No of the candidate is 147523161).
»» In the SUBJECT column, use “777”as subject code for BS Physics.
»» In the SEQ Code column, write NET Code written inside the question booklet. (SEQ Code 02 is marked In the specimen
answer sheet)
»» In the CITY/CENTRE column, use the following codes and fill in the corresponding circles. (In the specimen sheet, KI is
marked for Karachi).
KI: Karachi QA: Quetta IS: Islamabad

»» Put your date of birth in the column Date of Birth. 20-08-90 is marked as the Date of Birth on the specimen sheet.
»» In the sex column, fill M for male candidates, F for female candidates and O for other candidates. (In the example a female
candidate is marked).


In the specimen answer sheet, first 6 questions have been attempted. See the specimen sheet and the following instructions:
»» Mark your choice with 2B lead pencil by filling in the appropriate circle completely, making it a dark black circle as shown

b c d e

»» Some examples of improper marking are shown below:

a b c d e a b c d e a b c d e

(The computer will mark improperly filled circle as wrong answer)

»» Do not mark more than a single circle for an answer choice. Multiple answers for a single question will be regarded as an
unanswered question.
»» If you need to erase an answer, do so clearly/cleanly, using a good quality eraser.
»» Do not bend/fold your answer sheet, make stray marks or mark any area outside the provided circles.

»» Answer sheet is to be signed both by the invigilator as well as by the candidate, in respective blocks, with ballpoint pen
»» USE 2B lead pencil only. DO NOT USE ink pens, ballpoint pens or felt-tip pens on the answer sheet.
»» You are allowed to bring along clipboard, pencils, eraser and sharpener only.
»» Use your time effectively. Do not spend too much time on one question, otherwise you will run short of time for other
»» Write your Roll No on the front page of the QUESTION Booklet and the back side of the answer sheet in the given blocks.
Do not write elsewhere.
»» Return the complete questions booklet along with the answer sheet on completion of the test.

84 NUST Prospectus 2019 Natural and Applied Biosciences

»» You are not allowed to take away any part of the question booklet or note questions elsewhere. Non-compliance will be
regarded as use of unfair mean.

NET Instructions
»» You are NOT ALLOWED to use any device which could assist in calculation such as a calculator, tables, digital watch, mobile
phone, electronic diary, Palm Pilot, etc.
»» There is no negative marking. Natural and Applied Biosciences NUST Prospectus 2019 85

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t y e s


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The NUST Emblem

The Book of Knowledge lights up the darkness, through the Vine of Wisdom which bears
the two moons and stars facing towards the East and the West, symbolising the diversity of
disciplines and the fruit of knowledge.

The Rising Sun brings change, hope and enlightenment. It emanates inspiration and
from the light of knowledge, four birds take wing from the nests of light, and spread out
to the four corners of the world, symbolising the quest for spiritual gratification through
knowledge and wisdom.

The NUST Blue is a colour that represents the future. It carries all the characteristics of the
colour blue, like dignity, grace, freshness, professionalism, prudence and resolve.
National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST),
Sector H-12, Islamabad, Pakistan.

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