Stadium Buildings Fire Safety Guide

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Design of Sports Stand Buildings

for Fire Safety


I. D. Bennetts, K. W. Poh, P. England, I. R. Thomas

S. L. Poon, G. Anderson N. Kurban Victoria University

Content page Scope

Sports Stand Buildings................................................ 1 This publication applies to sports stand buildings
Parts of Modern Sport Stands Buildings ..................... 2 in open stadia which fall outside the scope of the
Historical Review......................................................... 4 open spectator stands covered by clause C1.7 of
Fire Safety Aspects ..................................................... 5
the Building Code of Australia. However, it only
applies to buildings which are of non-combustible

! Occupant Avoidance ................................ 10

! Smoke Development and Management ... 12
! Fire Detection and Suppression
Brigade Communication and Response... 14
! Fire Spread and Management.................. 16

Conclusions .............................................................. 18
References................................................................ 18


Modelling of Fire Characteristics 20

2 Application of BCA Access and
Egress Requirements to a Building 21
3 Calculation of Evacuation Times 26
4 Exposed Surface Area to Mass Ratio
of Steel Sections—ksm (m /tonne) 29
5 Checking of Steel Member Size for
Fire Adequacy 31 Sydney Football Stadium

Acknowledgment: The assistance of Mr

Gary Carter of Daryl Jackson Pty Ltd, with the
supply of technical information used in this
publication, is gratefully acknowledged.

ISBN 0 86769 106 9

Published by:
OneSteel – Market Mills
Ingal Street
NSW 2300

First published, June 1998

Reprint edition, September 2006 Melbourne Cricket Ground


In recent years, a number of impressive and large loadbearing walls) are not required to have a fire-
sports stand buildings have been constructed. resistance level (FRL) provided they are non-
This has certainly been the case in Australia combustible; and non-loadbearing parts of an
where there is a demand for increased seating external wall may have a reduced FRL if they are
capacity—usually with multiple seating tiers, high within 3 m of a fire-source feature and are non-
quality corporate viewing and entertaining combustible.
facilities, and multi-function spaces within different
levels beneath the seating tiers. These facilities
are in addition to the traditional change rooms,
sanitary facilities and storage areas.

Suncorp Stadium
Structural steel framing features prominently in
their construction providing such benefits as:
The Brisbane Cricket Ground
• fast speed of construction—especially
important when critical sporting event Modern sports stand buildings usually provide
milestones must be met facilities for corporate viewing, dining, and special
• lighter weight, long spanning ability which functions, in addition to change rooms and
simplifies cranage, particularly on sites which sanitary facilities. Several tiers of seating are often
have restricted access provided. These buildings, therefore, may fall well
• cost effectiveness outside the scope of cl C1.7 of the BCA, yet the
• flexibility for future modification or upgrading application of Table 3 in Spec C1.1 may not be
• aesthetically pleasing structure having appropriate due to the fact that many parts within
minimal bulk and intrusion into the urban these buildings cannot be easily classified in
fabric terms of the classes of building given within the
The deemed-to-satisfy requirements of the
Building Code of Australia (BCA) [1] (in cl C1.7) The purpose of this publication is to consider the
permit an open spectator stand to be constructed fire safety of these more complex buildings, and to
as Type C construction if it contains not more than present design principles and procedures which
one tier of seating, is of non-combustible will allow the fire-safety objectives and relevant
construction, and has only change rooms, sanitary performance requirements of the BCA to be
facilities, or the like, below the tiered seating. In satisfied. The satisfaction of the performance
the case of open spectator stands of Type A requirements depends on many factors, including
construction, the BCA allows “concessions 1” for the correct choice of materials of construction,
some building elements within the stand, such that appropriate egress requirements, adequate fire
these elements do not have to satisfy the suppression, and appropriate structural fire
requirements of Table 3 of Specification C1.1. To resistance.
be specific, the roof and structural members The design principles and procedures contained in
supporting only the roof (ie. columns and this document are drawn from recent Australian
and overseas experience and state-of-the-art fire
engineering knowledge, and have taken into
In attempting to determine how normal provisions may be account the sub-systems and methodologies
modified in the light of alternative solutions, the BCA given in the Fire Engineering Guidelines [2]
frequently makes use of the term “concessions”. As these
alternative requirements are permitted within the code, it prepared by the Fire Code Reform Centre.
follows that they must be considered to correspond to an
equivalent level of safety in certain situations—namely the
situations specified in the “concession”. The use of the
word “concession” unfortunately implies a lower level of
safety, which is not the case.




Construction: These areas are contained in the back-of-

Construction: Normally of steel construction. Construction: Often positioned to overlook the playing area house construction, provide horizontal access to an
Combustibles: Nil. with full height glazing along one side. (Cooking is adjacent seating tier and also to service areas such as
generally not undertaken in these areas.) toilets, food and beverage outlets. Designed for a large
Combustibles: Tables, chairs, furniture, carpet. number of pedestrians as this is the primary means of
entrance to the seating tier.
Construction: Usually constructed from reinforced or Combustibles: Incidental items such as chairs, tables and
prestressed concrete plats which span between girders. boxes.
Seating shells or benches are connected to the plats and
have been constructed from materials including steel, OFFICES
timber, aluminium and plastic (the most common).
Combustibles: plastic seats, rubbish.


Combustibles: Tables, chairs, books, carpet, paper.


Construction: Generally fully glazed at the front but are

separated from the adjacent enclosures by walls offering
substantial sound proofing. Dry wall or block work
construction is commonly used for this purpose. The
glazing at the front of these boxes is frequently extended
around the sides for a short distance adjacent to the
viewer’s seating area. (Food is rarely prepared in these
areas although it is commonly reheated and served.)
Combustibles: Spectator seats, tables and chairs,
Construction: Usually located adjacent to the concourse
benches, cupboards and carpet.
areas and typically have a substantial opening in the side
adjacent to the concourse to allow serving and access.
The opening is generally protected with an open mesh or
solid screen when the facility is not in use. A ceiling is
often provided in these areas.
Combustibles: Some furniture such as plastic chairs,
tables, benches, cardboard boxes and packaging.


Construction: Often positioned to overlook the playing

area with full height glazing along one side. (Cooking is
generally not undertaken in these areas.)
Combustibles: Tables, chairs, and furniture associated
with the serving of food.
Construction: Normally occupied when cooking is being
Construction: Storage areas are typically located at ground
undertaken. A continuous flush ceiling, such as a
level and under the lower level of seating. Plantrooms are Construction: These areas are accessed via the
plasterboard ceiling, is normally required in these areas to
often located at ground level. concourses.
satisfy health requirements.
Combustibles: Storage areas may contain liquid fuel Combustibles: Benches, chairs, rubbish.
Combustibles: Cooking oil, some packaging.
stored in drums, motorised equipment, and other
combustibles such as spare seating shells.

2 3

There have been many fires in older sports stand storeys in height. It was found that deaths were
buildings where combustible construction has rare (3 deaths). The paper recommended the use
been used (see for example [3]). Fortunately, with of non-combustible construction; proper
the exception of the Bradford Stadium fire in the separation of storerooms used to store
United Kingdom, there have been few deaths due combustible materials; wall linings used
mainly to the fact that these buildings were not throughout construction to have a low flame-
occupied at the time of the fire, or that there was spread rating; sprinklers for such areas as
sufficient time for evacuation. storerooms, shops, offices, restaurants, and
dining areas; and a communication system for
relaying essential messages to all parts of the
Bradford Stadium Fire, UK, 1985 [4] occupied facility.

Texas Stadium Fire, USA, 1993 [7]

In this fire 56 people lost their lives and many were Reprinted with permission from NFPA Journal (July/August, Vol. 88, No. 4),
injured. The fire developed in an isolated (unoccupied) Copyright ©1994, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA 02269.
location—in the substantial volume below the seating
plats—before it was noticed by the occupants in the This fire commenced in a corporate suite, but the stand
stand above. The combustibles below the seating was not occupied at the time of the fire. The fire was
consisted of rubbish that had accumulated over the burning vigorously by the time an alarm was sent to the
years from the disposal of materials via gaps between fire station. By the time the fire brigade arrived and set
the seating plats to the volume below. The fire location up (approx 8 minutes after the alarm was received) the
and size made it almost impossible to fight with hose fire had spread to five suites on the lower level, seven
reels or fire hoses—even if they had been available. As suites on the upper level, and to the plastic seating at
the fire further developed, its rate of spread was the front of the lower level suites. The fire was almost
accelerated through the involvement of combustibles in extinguished after several minutes. However, due to a
the stand and roof covering materials. This fire resulted failure of the local water supply the fire flared up again
in high levels of radiation and the loss of life would and it finally took another 28 minutes for the fire to be
have been much higher, should escape on to the finally extinguished. Firemen reported heavy smoke in
playing field not been possible. the corridors behind the suites even though the doors
into the suites were closed.
It was established that fire initiated in one of the upper
Following the Bradford fire and various incidents suites and spread horizontally via the fronts of the
involving crowd violence, the Home Office in the suites once the glazing had broken. The fronts of some
United Kingdom conducted an Inquiry into crowd of the suites had been clad in clear plastic and this fell
safety at sports grounds [4]. This was followed by burning onto the seats below, starting a fire amongst
a publication entitled “Guide to Safety at Sports this seating. This fire, in turn, spread to the lower suites
Grounds” [5] which seeks to address all safety located above these seats. It appears that there was no
aisle between the seats and the front of the suites.
matters associated with the design and operation
of sports grounds and gives general guidance and
principles for this purpose. Fire-safety issues are In 1989, British Steel reviewed a number of
considered briefly. specific examples where sports stand buildings
In 1988, Hughes Associates [6] published a report had been designed using fire-safety principles as
which reviewed fire safety incidents in sports opposed to complying with local regulations. The
stadiums in the United States from 1971 to 1986. publication highlights examples where
These buildings varied from combustible to non- unprotected structural steel has been used [8].
combustible construction and were from 1-9


Introduction Fire Initiation and Development

A rational engineering approach which takes into Fires may occur in many parts of these
account the unique features of these buildings is buildings including the seating tiers. As
essential to ensure cost-effective construction and the seating shells are usually plastic
high levels of fire safety. In this context the term (typically polypropylene) it is possible
“fire safety” should be taken as referring to both that a substantial fire could develop
“life safety” and “property protection”. It is the within the seating but this would require a
opinion of the authors, that if the building is significant ignition source and sufficient time. The
properly designed for life safety (which is primarily ignition source will need to be substantial (as with
the concern of the BCA), then it will possess a rubbish burning below several seats) if the fire is
level of protection against property loss. This to spread beyond one seating shell due to the
matter is further considered again later in this separation between seating shells and between
section. rows of seats. It is unlikely that sufficient rubbish
will be allowed to accumulate below the seats, and
Factors Important for Fire Safety more importantly, the occupants within the stand
(assuming it is occupied) will most likely
There are many factors that extinguish any fire while it is small. Fires
have an influence on the associated with the spectator seating of public
level of fire safety offered by viewing areas (other than that associated with
a building. Some of the more corporate suites) are therefore considered not to
significant factors are listed present a hazard, given the presence of adequate
below: controls (eg. housekeeping to avoid rubbish build-
• numbers and types of fire starts
• likelihood of fire suppression by the occupants Areas such as concourses (excluding food and
• reliability and effectiveness of the detection beverage outlets which open into the concourses),
and alarm systems toilets and change rooms, generally present a low
• communication systems fire hazard due to their low level of combustibles.
• emergency procedures and staff training However, all other areas within the sports stand
• reliability and effectiveness of the sprinkler building should be considered as potential sites
system for fire starts. An estimate of the average
• fire characteristics (flames and smoke)—rate probability of fire starts in these latter areas can
of spread, size, severity be obtained by using the rate identified for retail
• means of evacuation buildings [9] and multiplying by the total floor area
-4 2
• number of occupants and their behaviour of these areas. This rate is 2.5×10 /yr/m and
• reliability and effectiveness of the smoke includes the fire starts which are not reported to
control system the fire brigade. These latter fire starts represent
• the action of the fire brigade the majority and have been deduced from
insurance records and other sources. It is
• performance of the building structure
considered that it is reasonable to apply this fire
start rate to these buildings because many of the
Modern sports stand buildings, because of their
areas where there are combustibles are
volume and openness, generally offer efficient
associated with retail activities (food and
mechanisms for venting smoke in the event of a
beverage)—although they are areas of relatively
fire. Also their form of construction means that
low fire load. Furthermore, fires can be divided
they are, from a structural viewpoint, highly
into those that occur when the building is occupied
redundant and therefore overall building failure is
and those that occur when the building is
almost inconceivable given any credible fire. In
unoccupied. These buildings are large public
addition, practical egress requirements associated buildings which are used for functions other than
with the need to efficiently move people out of the major sporting competitions and the services
building after a sporting event mean that associated with the building must be operated to
evacuation times are short. allow for this. It is known from retail fire statistics
A fire-engineering approach to the design of these that about 70% of fires occur during the occupied
buildings requires systematic consideration of hours. Thus the number of fires occurring during
such aspects as smoke management (smoke occupied hours can be estimated by multiplying
control and occupant evacuation), fire the above number by 0.70.
extinguishment and fire fighting, and the structural Although it is possible to estimate the number of
adequacy of the building as it relates to occupant fire starts associated with a particular building
safety. The above aspects are particularly during the occupied hours, it is necessary to
dependent on the choice of design fire and this, in determine the range (and corresponding
turn, must be determined from the range of severities) of the resulting fires. Again, it is known
possible fire scenarios.

from overseas fire statistics [9], that at least 80% necessary to sprinkler such areas. A sprinkler
of these fires will be so small that they will not effectiveness2 of at least 98% can be assumed.
result in the attendance of the fire brigade. Of the
The above observations on the occurrence of a
remaining 20% of fires that will be attended by the
significant fire are summarised in the table below.
fire brigade, more than 85% will be confined to the -6 2
object or area of fire origin through the action of The resultant rate in the table of 5.25×10 /yr/m is
derived from 2.5×10 ×0.7×0.03 and the variable A
the occupants and/or the fire brigade. These latter 2
fires are likely to have little impact on either the (m ) in is the total area associated with storage
occupants or the structure of the building. Thus, in areas, shops, offices, corporate and media suites,
summary, 97% (100-20×0.15) of fires, during function rooms and bistro and dining areas.
occupied hours, will be small and not require a
detailed fire engineering assessment. The Estimated Average Number of Significant Fires
provision of adequate fire-fighting facilities, per Year during Occupied Hours
emergency procedures, staff training, and the like,
can be considered to constitute an adequate Occupant Sprinklers not Sprinklers
Situation Present Present
response to these fires. It is the remaining 3% of
5.25×10 ×A 5.25×10 ×0.02×A
-6 -6
fires that have the potential to become large and Normal
which may extend beyond the room of fire origin, Major Event 5.25×10 ×A ÷10
5.25×10 ×0.02×A÷10
and it is these which may pose, by far, the
greatest threat to the occupants of the building.
Substitution of typical values for A into the above
expressions gives an estimate of the average
fire probability of having a significant fire in a year.
80% 20%
Probability of occurrence of a significant fire
during a major event.
not attended
attended by Assume A = 2000 m
by fire
fire brigade Average number of fires per year if sprinklers
not present = 5.25×10 ×2000÷10 = 0.00105,

30% 70% ie.

• a significant fire can be expected to occur
during a major event once in 952 years if
unoccupied occupied the occupancies are not sprinklered
hours hours
• a significant fire can be expected to occur
during a major event once in 47,619 years
85% 15% if the occupancies are sprinklered

Design Fires
small fire significant fire
(confined to (not confined to
object or area of
A fire-engineering approach to the
object or area of
fire origin) fire origin) design of these buildings requires
the adoption of appropriate design
fires. In this regard, it is important
to understand that the same design
The population within these building is low most of fire must be used when
the time and it is only during major events that the considering each element of the
it reaches the maximum number. If it is assumed fire-safety system whether it
that this occurs for only one afternoon or evening influences occupant evacuation, management of
per week and occasionally more frequently, then the smoke, or the structural stability of the
the average probability of having a significant fire building, etc.
during a time when the building is occupied close
to full capacity can be taken as 1/10 of the Building without Sprinklers
probability of having a significant fire during In this case it is proposed that the design fires
occupied hours. must include those flashover fires which may
It is also not common for these buildings to be occur within any one of the relevant parts of the
fitted with sprinklers. However, if sprinklers are building such as: storage areas, shops, offices,
incorporated they will further reduce the likelihood
of a major fire. In the context of this document, a 2
Sprinkler effectiveness refers to the combination of
sprinklered building should be understood as a efficacy (ability to control or extinguish a fire) and reliability
building where sprinklers are provided throughout (whether the system will deliver water in the first place)
and has been estimated from statistical data for NSW
all areas with the exception of concourses, toilets retail buildings as being 98%. It is likely that the systems
and change rooms. It is considered that it is not in these buildings will be even more effective due to the
lesser levels of combustibles and the fact that isolation of
the sprinklers will be extremely rare given sound
management of the system.

corporate and media suites, function rooms and isolated (very few tenancy alterations3) and this,
bistro and dining areas. combined with the fact that the ceilings are low
and the fire load is generally not in racking, would
The following observations may be made for these
be expected to give very high levels of sprinkler
i. From the above probability calculations for
non-sprinklered buildings, it will be found that Nevertheless, the consequences of a non-
the likelihood of having a significant fire is very sprinklered fire should be considered but balanced
small. against the extremely low probability of such an
occurrence. The presence of practical measures
ii. the areas within these buildings that have a
such as a sound fire-safety management strategy
significant fire load are generally broken into
at the venue and a redundant building structure
small enclosures due to the need to maintain
(see later discussion) can be taken as providing
exclusive use or security of these areas and
sufficient assurance against the effects of a
the passages needed for access and egress.
significant non-sprinklered fire and to guard
In the event of a fire, this will reduce the rate
against the possibility of catastrophic failure.
at which the fire spreads, the probability of fire
spread and the severity of the fire at any time.
In the context of this document, it is assumed that
a sprinkler system, if provided, will be
Fire characteristics such as the time-temperature
commissioned, maintained and managed to
relationship may be determined directly from
maximise its effectiveness. A formal management
relevant tests or by means of an appropriate
system to ensure that this is the case will be
model (see Appendix 1). These should take into
account the fire load and ventilation relevant to the
Smoke Development and Management
The fire load densities given in the table below
may be considered to apply to various parts of It is known that a primary
these buildings. These fire loads have been cause of death in fire is due to
derived from [10] or from calculations based on the exposure of the occupants
direct observation of combustibles in such to the products of
enclosures. Some sports stand buildings combustion—smoke; although
incorporate gaming machine areas. The fire load burns are also commonly noted as a contributing
in such areas can be taken as being equivalent to factor. Smoke is generated by combustion and
that associated with offices. contains, in addition to toxic gases, small particles
of matter suspended in air. It is these particles that
Fire Load indicate the presence of potentially toxic gases
(kg of wood equivalent and assist in the containment of heat within a
per m of floor area) smoke layer. The temperature of a hot smoke
layer can also present a threat to the occupants.
Storage Areas < 80
Offices < 40 In the event of a fire, because it is hotter than the
Function Rooms < 30
ambient air, smoke will tend to rise and move
through a building including enclosures and
Bistro and Dining Areas < 25
pathways used by the occupants—thereby putting
Media Suites < 25 them at risk. Smoke management, when
Food and Beverage Outlets < 20 understood in the broadest sense, is concerned
Corporate Suites < 18 with managing smoke within the building such that
Gymnasium <5
the likelihood of exposure of the occupants to
debilitating smoke is minimised. Other objectives
Concourse Areas <5
include assisting the activities of fire fighting
Kitchens <5 through maintaining visibility and minimising the
Toilets and Change Rooms <5 property damage associated with smoke.
Strategies for achieving these objectives include:
Building with Sprinklers • keeping the fire small—such fires generate
In the case of sprinklered buildings it is proposed small quantities of smoke
that the design fire is a sprinklered fire. This is • providing adequate egress paths and
considered to be appropriate since the likelihood evacuation strategies—to quickly move
of having a significant non-sprinklered fire is very people away from the smoke-affected areas
low, and the addition of a sprinkler system, which
has been properly designed, commissioned and
maintained, will further dramatically reduce this
In this regard, it is important to note that there will The major source of a loss of reliability of a sprinkler
be very little reason for the sprinkler system to be system is associated with the system being isolated for
building upgrade.

• providing adequate venting/extraction where concerned with maintaining a high level of life
appropriate—removing smoke from the safety, although it is concerned with minimising
building and away from the occupants the damage to adjacent properties and buildings.
The latter objective is less relevant for these
• providing barriers to minimise the spread of buildings as they are generally well separated
smoke from adjacent properties.
Thus, smoke management is about managing the The fire brigade is an important part of the fire
smoke in relation to the building occupants. The safety system, and in the event of an alarm, may
term debilitating smoke was used above to be considered to have the following specific
emphasise the fact that not all exposures to functions:
smoke will lead to serious injury or death. Injuries
can vary from minor irritation to serious injury and i. where there is no other evidence of fire,
death—the seriousness of the injury being a investigate the situation and the probable
function of the density and content of the smoke cause of the alarm
and the length of exposure to it. ii. extinguish fires that are small or that are
As noted previously, the population in these being controlled by the occupants or a
buildings is only likely to be a maximum for about sprinkler system
one half a day per week. During the remaining iii. participate in evacuation of the occupants in
part of the week various parts of the building will the event of a significant fire—if that has not
be used to differing extents. Certainly, this will be already occurred
the case if the sports stand has function rooms
and there are various social clubs. The maximum iv. undertake any reasonable measures to
number of people in these buildings is related to control, and finally extinguish, a significant
the seating capacity. unsprinklered fire
The people within the building will behave similarly v. limit fire spread to other parts of the building
to people in other buildings where the occupants or other buildings
are awake and aware, and the presence of dense Factors which can have an important influence on
smoke will serve to reinforce the need for the ability of the fire brigade to fulfil the above
occupants in the vicinity of the fire to move away
functions include: receiving an alarm; activities
from the fire-affected part of the building. In the
and timing including travel and setting-up times;
event of a major fire there almost certainly will be
fire-brigade facilities; and the size of fire
interaction between people attempting to move
into the concourse areas from the seating and the
back-of-house construction. Thus queuing will In considering the role of the fire brigade in
occur and this must be taken into account when attacking a fire in a non-sprinklered building, it is
considering evacuation of part of the building. important to estimate the time at which they will be
effective in limiting the spread of the fire and
Fire Fighting reducing its heat output (ie. impacting the fire) in
the enclosure of fire origin. Such action is
Occupant Fire Fighting considered to be feasible in these buildings due to
the fact that easy access can be obtained to most
As previously observed, a high parts of the building and that it is broken into many
proportion of fires in buildings are enclosures. Thus, after a certain period of time it
extinguished without the fire brigade can be assumed that the fire will be impacted by
being called, and even when they are the fire brigade. This time is variable and is a
called, more than 80% of these fires function of the time at which the alarm is received
are confined to the object and area of at the fire station, the travel time to the building,
fire origin. These facts suggest that the setting-up time once the fire brigade has
the occupants of the building have an arrived and the time to impact the fire.
important role in early fire fighting, or in controlling Conservative estimates have been made for each
the fire until the fire brigade arrives. This of these times4.
emphasises the importance of adequate fire-
fighting facilities and staff training. The time for detection of a fire and for calling the
fire brigade is likely to be fairly short if the building
Brigade Fire Fighting is occupied. Also, in this case, it is very unlikely
that the fire will have reached flashover before the
The fire brigade’s charter alarm is given. It is conservative therefore, to
relates not only to safety of the assume that the brigade has been notified by the
occupants of the building but time flashover occurs.
also to the protection of The time for arrival of the fire brigade to a major
property—including the building sports stand is estimated as 10 minutes, and in
in which the fire originates. They
are not expected, however, to take unnecessary
risks. The BCA, on the other hand, is primarily Estimated times for setting up and travel time are based
on advice from various fire brigades [11].

practice, is likely to be considerably less. The through recognition that these buildings offer a
setting-up time for the brigade, prior to supplying high level of structural redundancy.
water to the fire, is estimated as 10 minutes. This
timing assumes that there is little interference Property Protection
between persons evacuating the building and the
brigade who are trying to gain access to the seat The issue of property protection is of importance
of the fire. If this is not the case then the set-up to both owners and operators of sports stand
time may be considerably longer and the fire buildings. From overseas statistics [12] the
spread may be considerably greater, and in this average costs associated with fires in buildings
situation, one has to question the value of brigade are divided as follows:
It is therefore important to manage the evacuation structure building
process to minimise the brigade/occupant contents
interference and/or to provide independent access 21%
for the brigade to various locations. If this cannot 43%
be achieved then consideration should be given to
sprinklering the building from a property protection 36%

Consequential losses include those associated

with the loss of business, and in the case of sports
stand buildings, it is likely that these will be much
higher than the above proportion. In any case, it
can be seen that the building structure losses are
a small part of the total losses.
The supply of water to the fire will result in The most effective way that a property can be
reducing air and structure temperatures in the protected against fire is to not have a fire start in
enclosure of fire origin. Given the size of flashover the first place. This cannot always be achieved in
fires possible in these buildings, it is likely that these buildings but routine surveillance and
application of water for a period of about 10 housekeeping audits will be effective in reducing
minutes will be required before the air and fire incidents. These activities therefore offer value
structure temperatures reduce significantly. with respect to property protection.
In summary, the fire brigade is an important part If a fire start cannot be prevented, the next best
of the fire-safety system, and for the fires likely to action is to confine the fire to the object or area of
be encountered in a modern sports stand, can be fire origin through the action of staff or the
assumed to be effective in influencing a fire within occupants. The majority of fire starts (70%) occur
30 minutes of flashover for most areas within during the hours that the building is occupied and
these buildings—subject to an evacuation plan or are associated with the demand for services and
alternative paths which minimise interference to electricity and the activities of the occupants.
brigade activities. Of course, it is likely that the fire However, during occupied hours, the presence of
will have exhausted itself in less than 30 minutes. people will result in the fire being mostly
The effect of the fire brigade in reducing fire extinguished before the sprinklers are able to
severity is taken into account in determining the activate. This is less so during the “unoccupied”
level of protection required to maintain structural times when only a skeletal staff occupies the
adequacy. building; but even then, it appears that many of
these fires will not go beyond the area of fire
origin. Housekeeping, the establishment of fire-
Structural Adequacy response procedures, and the training of staff in
such procedures can provide additional levels of
Section C (Fire Resistance) of the property protection.
BCA gives a series of performance
requirements, some of which relate A soundly-managed sprinkler system is the
to the building structure. A careful remaining way of restricting a fire to the area of
study of these requirements fire origin—although activation of sprinkler heads
reveals that the building must be may result in water damage. Nevertheless, this
designed to provide safety for the occupants and damage will be substantially less than that
fire fighters, and so that fire does not spread to experienced if the sprinklers are not present or
other properties. The latter matter is rarely an functioning.
issue with these buildings due to the fact that they High levels of structural fire resistance will not
are generally well separated from adjacent necessarily provide high levels of property
buildings; whilst the former is achieved by protection. If property protection is a major
designing for the appropriate design fire and concern, then the building should be sprinklered.


Design Strategy For the purpose of this publication, well-ventilated

concourses are regarded as areas, not
To provide means for safe egress of enclosures, as their principal purpose is to provide
occupants put at risk by a fire. access to an adjacent seating tier and also to
areas such as toilets and food and beverage
outlets. These areas are also designed to provide
Design Principles an efficient means of egress for occupants as they
leave the building at the end of a sporting event.
i. All enclosures5 and areas within the building Similarly, in the event of a fire, the occupants will
shall be designed to avoid entrapment. seek to move into the concourses as they move
ii. All enclosures and areas shall have sufficient towards the exit stairs and/or ramps. Thus the
egress paths to allow staged (progressive) movement of evacuees through these areas is of
evacuation to a safer place, open space, or critical importance and will have a significant
roadway, prior to the achievement of impact on the overall evacuation time for these
untenable conditions. parts of the building.

iii. A plan to assist the staged evacuation of the Similarly, the passageways which provide
building shall be developed and implemented. exclusive access to and from corporate viewing
and other private areas must be designed to
Details ensure timely evacuation.
In designing these buildings for evacuation, it is
important that entrapment is avoided as this has
been found to be one of the major sources of
deaths in buildings. This is normally achieved
through the provision of sufficient alternative
egress paths from each enclosure or area of the
building. This is the purpose of the first principle.
Egress paths are those parts of the building that
are intended to be used by the occupants when
evacuating the building. They may include such
areas as concourses, walkways, corridors,
doorways, stairways, ramps, etc. Smoke may flow
through corridors and concourses and up ramps
or stairs and care should be taken to ensure that
in such cases adequate alternative means of
egress are available from all areas and enclosures
that may be affected. Part D of the BCA specifies the aggregate width of
exits or path of travel to exits and distances of
The first principle may mean that egress paths travel to these exits. An example of the application
will, at least, be provided at each end of an of this part to a sports stand building is given in
enclosure or area. This is not practical for all Appendix 2.
enclosures and the BCA and current experience
suggest that this principle need not apply to The exit width requirements in the BCA appear to
enclosures with a maximum plan dimension of have worked well with respect to facilitating the
20 m or less. However, each situation needs to be safe movement (absence of panic, crowd
carefully evaluated. For example, in an pressure) of large numbers of people through
unsprinklered building, corporate suites where the these buildings under non-fire conditions.
only means of egress is via a narrow corridor at Designers need to be cautious in varying from
the back of the suites may represent one situation these width requirements. However, variation of
where entrapment could occur—especially if the the travel distances and exit spacings may be
corridor at the rear could become smoke logged appropriate.
due to a fire in an adjacent part of the building
Some egress paths will be preferred over others.
before the occupants of the suites become aware
Preferred paths are those that are used most
of the fire.
commonly by the occupants—as opposed to fire-
isolated stairways which are rarely used, and
which are only likely to be used for evacuation
when there is no alternative means of egress.

The term enclosure refers to a part of the building which is
surrounded by wall construction which may be fire-
resistant and which may contain significant voids.
Concourses are not considered as enclosures in this

Pre-movement Time
Efficient, staged (progressive) evacuation of
significant parts of these buildings will be assisted Within the enclosure of fire origin it can be
by the existence and implementation of an assumed that the decision to evacuate will be
evacuation plan. Those occupants closest to the made well before flashover—probably at the
fire (vertically and horizontally) should be point that it is recognised that occupant fire

evacuated first, with those further away being fighting is not effective. In reality, the majority
evacuated later, should this be necessary. The of occupants will have left the enclosure well
evacuation plan should consider various fire before this point and it will only be those
locations and scenarios and be developed attempting to extinguish the fire that must
accordingly. escape as the fire continues to grow. It is
estimated from the observation of fire
Efficient, staged evacuation will be assisted by the development that this time period is likely to
use of a public address system, in combination be at least two minutes from fire initiation and
with direct guidance from staff positioned within several minutes before “flashover”.
the part of the building to be evacuated.
However, in areas or enclosures away from the
In the event of a significant fire it is recommended enclosure of fire origin, the occupants may not
that the game or event is stopped to ensure that move away until flashover within the enclosure
people will take any instructions seriously. of fire origin occurs. As this occurrence will be
accompanied by large quantities of dense
Although it is not generally permitted, it may be black smoke and considerable heat, it is
possible to evacuate some of the occupants from reasonable to assume that those closest to the
the lowest seating tier on to the playing field in the fire will begin to move first and that this will
event of an emergency. However, it is not take place shortly after flashover. Evacuation
recommended that this is taken into account in of other parts, further from the fire, will only
calculating times for evacuation. commence as smoke begins to threaten or
Times for evacuation of various enclosures and when the occupants are directed to evacuate
areas may need to be calculated irrespective of by management. As noted above, if a
whether the exit spacings comply with Part D of significant fire develops in the building, the
the BCA. These times must be less than the time game should be stopped.
to untenable conditions in those areas (see Total Movement Time
section on Smoke Development and
Management). However, it should be noted that The total movement time shall be determined
calculations of evacuation times or of the time to taking into account:
untenable conditions will not be necessary if the • the available tenable egress paths
building is sprinklered, or if the enclosures or • the speed of travel
areas in an unsprinklered building are sufficiently • queuing within the egress path
small or well ventilated. Further details on the • the evacuation plan
situations where such calculations are not
required is given in the section on Smoke The population of each area of the building
Development and Management. shall be based on the seating capacity. It is not
necessary to consider additional occupants
such as staff unless special circumstances
arise where the additional occupants make up
a significant proportion of the total population.
Movement time calculations are considered
further in Appendix 3 which also presents
EXIT Evacuation examples based on the building presented in
Appendix 2.
The time for evacuation of the occupants from a
particular enclosure or area within the building
shall be taken as:
te = tpm +tm
where tpm is the pre-movement time and includes
all of the events required to make the decision to
evacuation, and tm is the total movement time for
the occupants to move to a safer place.


Design Strategy placed barriers or curtains. Other paths such as

ramps and stairways at the rear of the concourse
To provide means for the safe egress of will allow venting of smoke provided they have
occupants put at risk by a fire. sufficient natural openings. In these public areas,
the judicious use of natural ventilation will limit the
effect of the smoke from fires in these areas to
those in the immediate vicinity of the fire.
Design Principles
Any ventilation system, whether natural or
The building shall be designed so that: mechanical, should be designed such that smoke
i. areas and enclosures shall remain tenable for from a fire will be spilled to the outside of the
a period sufficient to allow evacuation from building (that is, on the side away from the playing
the area or enclosure field) except perhaps in the most adverse weather
conditions or where this is unavoidable.
ii. egress paths from each area and enclosure
shall remain tenable for the expected duration In many cases, enclosures such as corporate
of evacuation from that area or enclosure suites will have glazing only on the playing side,
and in the event of a fire, the glazing may break
Details and the smoke be largely vented outwards into the
The above design principles mean that for any open air rather than into the adjacent passageway
enclosure or area, the time to untenable from which the corporate suites are entered.
conditions must be greater than the time for Untenable conditions may still be achieved in the
evacuation of that part of the building. The time for adjacent passageway (see Texas Stadium
evacuation must be determined in accordance example) even if the doors to such enclosures are
with the section “Occupant Avoidance”. closed, due to gaps around the doors. This space
could also be rendered untenable by fires from
It may not be necessary to consider the times for other enclosures opening directly into this
evacuation or tenability in those small enclosures passageway.
where it is obvious that awake and aware
occupants can evacuate quickly enough to avoid a
ceiling minimun smoke
fire. The BCA implies that this is the case for if doors closed
enclosures with a plan area less than 500 m . In venting
the case of sprinklered buildings it is unlikely that outwards corporate suite passageway
any detailed consideration of evacuation or door
tenability will be necessary since there is a very glazing
low probability of the occurrence of a significant
non-sprinklered fire. Food and beverage outlets generally have their
main opening (often completely open) onto
Similarly, where more-than-sufficient natural
concourses. However, provided these areas have
ventilation (see Methodology) is provided, little
more-than-sufficient ventilation, this should not
analysis of smoke flows and smoke layer depths
present a problem.
is required.
Function rooms may have glazing on both the
The majority of the occupants in sports stand
playing side and the passageway (opposite) side.
buildings will normally be in open areas and thus
In such cases smoke may be vented in both
at little risk due to smoke from a fire. Occupants in
directions and attention to adequate venting,
enclosed areas and in partially-closed
particularly of the passageway, may be required.
concourses, etc, will be at greater risk from a fire
that introduces smoke into those areas and the
egress paths from them. Due to the nature of ceiling
these buildings the evacuation time from most inwards
areas of the building is short provided all or most venting
outwards function room passageway
egress paths are useable.
In the areas of these buildings open to the general glazing
public (ie. the majority of the occupants), the
possible locations of fires are limited (eg. Smoke Reservoirs
concessions or food and beverage outlets) and
are naturally separated by concourses, stairways Areas and enclosures may be designed taking
and ramps, and enclosures such as toilets. into account available reservoirs for smoke
Therefore the spread of fires in these areas is (formed naturally by walls and ceilings, etc, and by
likely to be limited to a very small proportion of the placement of smoke barriers or curtains) provided
building. The concourses in such areas can be that smoke will be able to fill these areas under
designed for smoke tenability using natural the range of weather conditions (particularly wind)
ventilation (openings in the sides) with suitably expected for the building location.

Mechanical Smoke Control System
As noted previously, if more-than-sufficient natural
Large contiguous enclosed areas of the building venting is provided, little analysis of smoke flows
may require a mechanical smoke control system. and smoke layer depths may be required.
The design of such systems should be appropriate
to the size and usage of the area. Alternatively, if The design of more-than-sufficient ventilation will

sprinklers are installed, it is unlikely that depend on the details of individual designs but the
mechanical smoke control will be required. following principles may be of assistance:
Natural Ventilation i. Such ventilation should be designed to take
advantage of the natural tendency of smoke to
It is expected that in many buildings of this type rise. Thus pathways for smoke from possible
natural ventilation will be acceptable and sufficient fire locations should not incorporate
to satisfy the above design principles for all or decreasing elevations of the roof or ceiling
most areas of the building. towards the vents to the open air. Preferably,
the elevations of the roof or ceiling should
gradually increase towards the vents.
ii. Concourses, stairways, ramps, etc that have
more than 20% of the total external wall area
open at the top of the walls may be considered
to be equivalent to being in the open air
Methodology provided that the openings are not separated
by more than 10 m.
iii. Concourses, stairways, ramps, etc, in
naturally-ventilated areas should not
2m Tenability incorporate doors or other impediments to
smoke flow unless at least 70% of their area is
open and such openings are located at the top
Tenable conditions may be considered to exist in
of the potential barrier. Concourses, stairways,
an enclosure or area if the smoke layer in that
ramps, etc in such areas and with more-than-
enclosure or area is greater than 2 m from the
sufficient ventilation need not be considered as
floor. This criterion is considered to be sufficiently
conservative that detailed consideration of the
smoke hazard is not necessary. If a lower smoke iv. The roof or ceilings in concourses, stairways,
layer height is used, then detailed consideration of ramps, etc, should be at least 3 m high and
the smoke hazard (temperature, toxic properties, preferably 4 m.
etc) should be undertaken.
If more-than-sufficient natural venting is not
The rate of smoke production from a fire depends provided to a large enclosure (ie. > 500 m ) then it
on such factors as the fire size, the height to will be necessary to assess the tenability of that
which the smoke rises before hitting an enclosure by, for example, using either the
obstruction (such as a ceiling, floor, upper deck, relevant equations for smoke production or zone
etc), the plan area of the enclosure and the height modelling (some details are given in Appendix 1),
of the bottom of the smoke layer. Formulae for as described above. This must be done
estimating the smoke production rate and the considering a local fire within the enclosure under
height of the bottom of the smoke layer for these consideration, and then a “flashover” fire in any
cases and cases involving balcony spill and adjacent enclosure (assuming a flashover fire can
window plumes or confined flows are given in occur). In the latter case, the smoke from a fire in
such publications as NFPA 92B [13], Klote and an adjacent enclosure will spill into the enclosure
Milke [14] and CIBSE [15]. Zone models may also under consideration and the modelling must take
be used to estimate these quantities with this into account.
adequate accuracy in many instances.


Design Strategy
Hose reels can also
To provide sufficient means of detection and have an important (but
fire fighting for the occupants and the fire lesser) role in
brigade. occupant fire fighting
and should be
provided throughout
Design Principles the building. In many
of the open public
i. Sufficient means of detection shall be areas, these may be
provided. used for other
purposes such as
ii. Sufficient means of alerting staff and fire cleaning, and in this
brigade shall be provided. case, will be
connected to the
iii. Sufficient portable extinguishers shall be
domestic water
provided and suitably located within the
supply. The use of such equipment for this
building to enable occupant fire fighting.
purpose is considered as an acceptable practice
iv. Sufficient hose reels shall be provided and as it provides a check on the operational status of
suitably located within the building to enable the equipment.
occupant fire fighting.
Adequate access to (and into) the building must
v. A training program for staff in fire awareness be provided if the fire brigade is to be effective in
and the use of portable extinguishers and impacting a spreading fire. Vehicular access to
hose reels shall be developed and hydrant boosters and major entrances into the
implemented. stand is therefore important. The speed with which
the brigade can reach areas within the building is
vi. Sufficient fire brigade access shall be a function of the number of people (moving in the
provided. opposite direction), the distance from the entry
vii. Sufficient hydrants shall be provided and point, the means of access into certain areas (eg.
suitably located to facilitate brigade fire lifts, ramps or stairs), and their knowledge of the
fighting. building layout. As far as the latter factor is
concerned, the brigade will need to be guided to
Notes on Design Principles the fire-affected area by ground staff. The use of
staged evacuation will minimise interference with
The occupants of the building will be most the brigade. The presence of a sprinkler system
effective in detecting fire in occupied areas. In will reduce the urgency of brigade response.
unoccupied areas, detection must be by other
means (eg. smoke detectors). This is likely to be Hydrants may be
particularly important from a property protection external or internal and
viewpoint. However, in the case of a sprinklered provide a source of water
building, it is not considered necessary to for the fire brigade to
incorporate alternative detectors. connect hose lines.
Typically, the fire brigade
If a fire is detected in an occupied area, it is very
will connect a fire-fighting
likely that the fire will be extinguished by the
appliance (ie. truck) to
occupants. Should a fire develop in an unoccupied
the hydrant booster and
area, it will be necessary to alert the ground staff
connect hose lines to the
and the fire brigade. This will be achieved by
relevant hydrants.
detectors via the Fire Indicator Panel.
However, it is known
Portable extinguishers provide an from statistics collected
important means of fire by the fire brigade that
suppression for occupants and internal hydrants are very
are more likely to be used as an rarely used, with working
immediate response to a fire start from an appliance being the preferred approach. It
than a hose reel. Therefore the appears that an internal hydrant will only be used
placement of such equipment where there is no other equivalent means of
close to areas where fires are providing water (via hose lines) to a particular
more likely to start is important. location within the building.


Detection System
If the building is not sprinklered, a smoke
detection system in accordance with AS1670 [16] The water supply shall have adequate flow and
shall be provided. However, in kitchens and pressure characteristics and any occasional
similar areas heat detectors may be installed in isolation shall be properly managed.
lieu of smoke detectors.
Hydrants shall be provided generally in
Communication accordance with the requirements of AS2419.1
Detector or sprinkler activation shall result in an [19] and each part of the building shall be able to
alarm to ground staff and the fire brigade via the be reached from an external or internal hydrant.
Fire Indicator Panel. An internal hydrant need only be provided where
Access water cannot be delivered efficiently from an
appliance or external hydrant, taking into account
In the case of a building that is not sprinklered, the likely direction of attack. Efficient delivery of
access to various parts of the building shall be water is dependent on the number of lengths of
provided to ensure that the brigade can reach hose line that must be laid, and the height above
necessary locations within the required time an external hydrant/appliance. It is considered that
interval, taking into account the assistance of the limiting number of lengths of hose line that
ground staff and staged evacuation. A joint ground may be laid from an external hydrant or appliance
staff/fire brigade action plan to facilitate access to is two (60 m), and the limiting height (beyond
necessary locations shall be developed and which it will be difficult to drag hose lines) is two
implemented. storeys above the external hydrant/appliance
location. The length of the hose stream may be
taken as 10 m in accordance with AS2419.1.
Fire Extinguishers
Spacing of internal hydrants shall be based on the
assumption that one length of hose line (30 m)
only can be laid from each hydrant. In this case
Portable extinguishers to AS2444 [17] shall be the length of the hose stream may be taken as 6
provided in all enclosures where there is power m.
distribution equipment, the cooking of food (eg.
kitchens, dining rooms, food and beverage In the case of a sports stand building which is
outlets), or the storage of hazardous goods or sprinklered, it is considered that general
flammable liquids, or any enclosure which cannot concessions may be sensible with respect to the
be practically reached with a hose reel—ie. an number and location of internal hydrants. One
enclosure where the hose must pass through a possible concession is that only external hydrants
self-closing door. need be provided on the condition that the total
hose length does not exceed 120 m or the height
above the hydrant is not greater than 4 storeys.
Such allowances are possible due to the fact that
Hose Reels the probability of having a significant non-
sprinklered fire is very low.

Hose reels to AS2441 [18] shall be located

throughout the building such that the nozzle end of
the fully extended fire hose fitted to a reel, and laid Deemed-to-Satisfy Solutions
to avoid any partitions or other physical barriers,
BCA Part E1
will reach every part of the building.

Design Strategies The above duration of 30 minutes is dependent on
little interference between evacuees and fire
To minimise the number of occupants put at fighters attempting to reach the fire. As indicated
risk by a fire. previously, this can be achieved with a sound
evacuation plan or by providing alternative access
To allow safe egress of occupants put at risk for fire fighters. If such is not provided, and the
by a fire. building is not sprinklered, the duration associated
with the impact of the fire brigade should be
To provide an adequate level of safety for fire extended to 60 minutes. This will have an impact
fighters. on the design duration.
A comprehensive assessment has been
Design Principles undertaken of the above building elements when
subject to the relevant design fires corresponding
The building shall be designed so that: to various locations within the building. In each
i. there is little risk of spread of fire from the case, the range of possible geometries and
area or enclosure of fire origin enclosure characteristics associated with the
particular location have been taken into account in
ii. the risk of fire spread from an area or determining the protection requirements (if any)
enclosure to another area, enclosure or for structural steel and other members. These
egress path is not such that the safe egress of analyses have been used to develop solutions
occupants having to evacuate is threatened which cover a wide range of situations and which
iii. there is no likelihood of combustible materials can be conservatively adopted for design
building up in cavities or concealed spaces purposes. These solutions are given in the
Deemed-to-Satisfy part of this section and applies
Details when the design duration is up to 30 minutes.
In the areas of these buildings open to the general Buildings of this type are composed of many
public (the majority of the occupants) the possible structural members which are connected together
locations of fires (concession areas, etc.) are to form a complex and continuous structure. The
naturally separated by concourses, stairways, removal of one or even several members will not
ramps, etc. Therefore the spread of fires in these impair the overall stability of the building. It follows
areas is likely to be limited to a very small therefore, that the presence of a localised intense
proportion of the building by the separation of fire which severely reduces the strength of several
combustible materials, provided non-combustible structural members, is unlikely to effect the overall
construction is used. Combustible cladding and stability of the building or the ability of the
construction has in the past led to extensive fire occupants to move away from the fire.
spread through buildings of this type. Design principle iii stems from fires such as the
The roof structure over the major spectator areas Bradford Stadium fire where accumulated rubbish
of these buildings is very unlikely to be subjected in such a space was set alight with disastrous
to a significant fire. Therefore these roof consequences.
structures need not be designed for fire
The seating tiers usually consist of reinforced or
prestressed concrete plats supported on girders.
The plats are normally not required to be designed
for fire resistance unless they directly form the
roof of an enclosure (below). If this is the case
then they should be designed as a floor.
Achievement of the design principles will be
assisted by designing the relevant building
elements to have sufficient fire resistance. In this
regard, floors (floor slabs, beams, and in some
cases, seating plats), columns, and loadbearing
walls shall be designed to maintain structural
adequacy, integrity and insulation (as relevant for
the member) for the duration of the design fire Bradford Stadium: combustibles burning in
with an appropriate level of safety, or 30 minutes space below seats
from flashover, whichever is the least. The
resultant time is referred as the design duration.

Methodology Deemed-to-Satisfy Solutions

i. For members (eg. floor slabs, walls, beams

and columns) required to have a fire
resistance, and in the absence of fire-
Fire Resistance engineering calculations or other deemed-to-
satisfy solutions, an FRL of 60 minutes.

ii. Based on fire-engineering calculations, the
The fire resistance of a member may be following solutions apply for steel beams and
determined using the following procedure: columns. The exposed surface area to mass
ratio (ksm) is the key parameter in determining
i. Obtain or estimate the time-temperature the temperature of a steel member when
relationship for the relevant design fire. This exposed to fire. The lower the value, the lower
may be based upon test data or calculation will be the temperature achieved.
(see Appendix 1). In the case of a sprinklered
fire, the air temperature within the vicinity of TABLE A: Steel beams and columns within
the structural member may be taken as less enclosure
than 100°C and no further analysis of fire maximum ksm (m2/tonne)
resistance is required. no sprinklers: beam column
gymnasiums 30 30
ii. Identify the relevant design criteria for the concourses & walkways 30 30
member. change rooms & toilets 30 30
corporate suites
If the member is loadbearing then it will be
- depth <7.5 m & 10 min ceiling† 30 26‡
necessary to demonstrate structural
- depth ≥7.5 m & 20 min ceiling† 30 26‡
adequacy. However, if the member is either a function rooms
wall or a floor slab it will also be necessary to - depth <7.5 m & 20 min ceiling† 30 26‡
consider integrity and thermal insulation. - depth ≥7.5 m & 30+min ceiling† 30 26‡
Dining rooms (30+min ceiling†) 30 26‡
iii. Estimate, using a transient heat-flow analysis, food & beverage outlets (10 min 30 26‡
the temperatures throughout the member ceiling†)
including unexposed surface temperatures if storage areas & offices (60 min (60 min
thermal insulation is a relevant criterion. FRL) FRL)
with sprinklers: beam column
iv. Determine the load on the member (if any) (all areas) 30 26
The level of load applied to the member in the † ceiling systems:
fire situation is defined by AS1170.1 [20] as: 10 min = plaster tiles on steel runners
20 min = 13 mm plasterboard screw-fixed to steel runners
wf = 1.1G + 0.4Q 30+min= 13 mm fire-resistant plasterboard screw-fixed to
steel runners
where G is the dead load and Q the live load. Note that openings within a ceiling (eg. for lights) should be
positioned such that they are not closer, in plan, than 1 m
v. Undertake appropriate structural analysis of from a beam.
‡ clad with 16 mm plasterboard wrapped around column and
the member if loadbearing. penetrating the relevant ceiling. ksm values are those based
on the profile area (see Appendix 4).
Analysis of the structural member will need to
take into account the effect of temperature on TABLE B: Steel beams and columns outside
the mechanical properties of structural steel, enclosure
reinforcing and prestressing steel, and maximum ksm (m2/tonne)
concrete. In this regard the properties given in no sprinklers in enclosure: beam column
AS4100 (steel structures) [21] and AS3600 food & beverage outlets:
(concrete structures) [22] may be used. >2 m from opening 30 30
The normal assumptions of structural ≤2 m from opening 18.5 18.5
mechanics may be considered to apply in the (other areas) § §
analysis. with sprinklers in enclosure: beam column
(all areas) no req no req
vi. Check compliance with design criteria.
§ Columns and beams should be positioned so that the
If the design criterion is structural adequacy, members are not located adjacent to openings. Otherwise, the
members should be protected as if they were within the
then it is necessary to show that the applied adjacent enclosure.
load can be supported by the member for the
The ksm for BHP steel sections can be found in
design duration. If the criterion is thermal
Appendix 4. Only members which have a ksm
insulation, then the temperature of the
value less than or equal to the relevant value
unexposed face will need to be calculated and
given in the above tables are acceptable.
found to be less than 140°C above the
Worked examples of checking the adequacy of
ambient temperature.
steelwork are contained in Appendix 5.

This publication gives design principles and details and in many situations, a greater level of safety.
which address the fire-safety objectives of the Sructural steel with little or no fire protection can
BCA. By implication, the performance be used in these buildings and offers advantages
requirements of the BCA are also considered. The with respect to speed of construction, reduced
design approach described herein will lead to costs, and flexibility for future building
greater flexibility and economy of construction— modifications.

14. Klote, J. H. and Milke, J. A., “ Design of
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6. Hughes Associates, “Fire Safety Survey of
Large Outdoor Stadiums”, May 1988. 18. AS2441, “Installation of Fire Hose Reels”,
Standards Australia, 1988.
7. Isner, M. S., “Stadium Fires Demonstrate
Unique Protection Problems” NFPA Journal, 19. AS 2419.1, “Fire Hydrant Installations Part 1:
Vol. 88., No. 4, July/August 1994. System Design, Installation and
Commissioning”, Standards Australia, 1996.
8. Kirby, R. B., “Recent Developments and
Applications in Structural Fire Engineering 20. AS1170.1, “Minimum Design Loads on
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11, No. 3, 1986. Load Combinations”, 1989.

9. Bennetts, I. D., Poh, K. W., Poon, S. L., 21. AS4100, “Steel Structures”, Standards
Thomas, I. R., Lee, A. C., Beever, P. F., Australia, 1990.
Ramsay, G. C. and Timms, G. R., “Fire Safety 22. AS3600, “Concrete Structures”, Standards
in Shopping Centres”, Fire Code Reform Australia, 1994.
Centre, Project 6, BHPR/SM/R/G/073, August
1977. 23. Peacock, R. D., Forney, G. P., Reneke, P.,
Portier, R. and Jones, W. W., “CFAST, the
10. Société Suisse des Ingénieurs et des Consolidated Model of Fire Growth and
Architectes, “Evaluation du risque d’incendie: Smoke Transport”, NIST Technical Note
Méthode de calcul”, SIA Dokumentation 81, 1299, Nat. Inst. Stand. Tech., Gaithersburg,
1984. MD 20899, 1993.
11. “Fire Brigade Intervention Model” (version 2.1) 24. Tanaka, T. and Nakamura, K. “A Model for
Australian Fire Authorities Council, Nov. 1997. Predicting Smoke Transport in Buildings—
12. Favre, J. P., “Design of Buildings for Fire Based on Two Layers Zone Concept”, Report
Safety in Switzerland”, Design of Steel of the Building Research Institute, No. 123,
Buildings for Fire Safety—European and Published by the Building Research Institute,
Australian Perspective, Seminar Proceedings, Ministry of Construction (in Japanese),
1996. October, 1989.

13. “NFPA 92B, Smoke Management Systems in

Malls, Atria, and Large Areas”, 1991 Edition,
National Fire Protection Association, USA,

25. Poon, S. L., “A Design Fire for Use in 30. Poon, S. L., “EvacSim: A Simulation Model of
Predicting the Performance of Exposed Occupants with Behavioural Attributes in
Structural Steel Members”, 4 Pacific Emergency Evacuation of High-Rise Building
Structural Steel Conference, Singapore, Fires”, Fire Safety Science—Proceedings of
October 1995. the Fourth International Symposium, Ottawa,
Canada, June 1994.
26. Bennetts, I. D., Poon, S. L. and Poh, K. W.,
“Innovative Design of Steel Buildings for Fire 31. Thompson, P., Wu, J., Marchant, E., “Simulex
Safety”, Design of Steel Buildings for Fire 3.0: Modelling Evacuation in Multi-Storey
Safety—European and Australian Buildings”, Fire Safety Science—Proceedings
Perspective, 1996 Seminar Proceedings, of the Fifth International Symposium, 3-7
Australian Institute of Steel Construction. March, Melbourne, Australia, Hasemi Y. (Ed),
International Association for Fire Safety
27. Nelson, H. E. and MacLennan, H. A., Science, 1997.
“Emergency Movement”, SFPE Handbook of
Fire Protection Engineering, 2nd Edition, 32. Galea, E. R., Galparsoro, J. M. P, “EXODUS:
National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, An Evacuation Model for Mass Transport
Massachusetts, 1995. Vehicles”, UK CAA Paper 93006 ISBN
086039 543X, Pub by CAA London, 1993.
28. Nelson, H. E., “FPETOOL: Fire Protection
Engineering Tools for Hazard Estimation”, 33. Owen, M., Galea, E. R. and Lawrence, P.,
NISTIR 4380, National Institute of Standards “The EXODUS Evacuation Model Applied to
and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD, 1990. Building Evacuation Scenarios”, Journal of
Fire Protection Engineering, 8: 2, 1996, pp
29. Kisko, T. M., Francis, R. L. and Noble, C. R., 665-86.
“Evacnet+ User's Guide”, Department of
Industrial and Systems Engineering,
University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, April

APPENDIX 1 Modelling of Fire Characteristics

Introduction hot upper layer and a cool lower layer. Unlike

field models with fixed unit volumes, the size of
The characteristics of flashover fires are a each zone in a two-zone model changes to
function of the likely combustibles, the ventilation reflect the transfer of mass and energy
available to the fire, and the geometry of the between the layers. The interface between the
enclosure. Fire load is expressed in terms of the layers usually provides a good indication of the
calorific value of the combustibles per unit floor smoke layer height. The two most advanced
area (typically wood equivalent expressed in kg/m zone models that are presently available are
of floor area); whilst the area of ventilation CFAST [23] and BRI2 [24].
available to the fire is taken as the total area of
windows and openings that are associated with an
enclosure—it being generally assumed that any I II III
glazing will break and form an opening through GROWTH DEVELOPED DECAY
which air can enter and through which smoke and
heat will be exhausted. Values of fire load relevant Qp
to each of the types of enclosures within a sports

Heat release rate

stand building are given earlier (see Fire Safety

Other factors which have an influence on the
development of the fire are the nature of the
combustible contents and the thermal
characteristics of the materials lining the walls and
ceilings. ∆t p Time
Idealised stages in an enclosure fire
Computer modelling
There are essentially two approaches (models) to For both field and zone models, the fire is usually
calculating the air temperatures associated with a modelled based on a specified rate of heat
fire. These are field models and zone models. release. A methodology for determining the heat
release rate for such a purpose has been
Neither approach models the fire itself (ie. the
developed [25]. This methodology has been
combustion process) and it is necessary to input
compared with four full-scale real fire tests of
the heat release characteristics of the fire. The
enclosures ranging from floor sizes of 4 m × 4 m
models allow the air temperatures throughout an
to 12 m × 12 m and appears to give an adequate
enclosure to be estimated based on different sets
prediction of the air temperature as a function of
of assumptions.
time. Three of the tests used office type furniture
Field models as fuel and one used wood cribs. When used with
CFAST, the heat release rate given by the
Field models divide an enclosure into a grid of methodology tends to produce time-temperature
small elemental volumes and solve equations predictions which are conservative (ie. air
of mass, momentum and energy for each temperature on the high side and a longer
elemental volume. They generally require duration at air temperatures above 500°C) and
substantial computer resources. even more so for high fire loads. This is partly due
to the limitations of semi-empirical equations
Zone models within CFAST. It is also due to the methodology
which, because it is based on the burning of wood
Zone models, in contrast, solve the cribs, uses a more efficient burning characteristic
conservation equations for relatively large than may be encountered with real furniture. In
elemental volumes, usually considering the addition, due to the limited validation mentioned
enclosure to be broken into only one or two above, the methodology may not be appropriate
volumes. Each volume is assumed to have for enclosures beyond the tested range or for
uniform properties. A one-zone model excessive fire loads (> 60 kg/m² wood equivalent).
assumes that the entire enclosure has uniform
temperatures. Two-zone models are more Within its tested range, the methodology generally
common and they divide the enclosure into a gives reliable predictions for most enclosures and
fire load situations.

APPENDIX 2 Application of BCA Access and Egress
Requirements to a Building

Introduction Do the exits need to be fire-isolated?

This Appendix illustrates the application of the
BCA access and egress requirements to a two-tier

BCA cl D1.3 states:
sports stand.

Cross-sections through the stand and plan views

(b) Class 5 to 9 buildings—Every required exit must
at various levels are shown by the attached be fire-isolated unless-
drawings. It will be noted that fire-isolated exits are (ii) it is part of an open spectator stand
highlighted in yellow and open space in blue at
each level. The distance travelled by occupants
from the extreme position on the seating tiers to Example: As will be noted from Plan—Levels 2-
an exit is traced with a red dotted arrow. The exits 4, some fire-isolated exits have been provided in
at each level are indicated on these drawings. this building. As the building is an open spectator
In the BCA, the following definitions apply: stand none of the exits are required to be fire-
isolated. However, as will be found later, the total
Open Spectator Stand means a tiered stand distances of travel to an open space or roadway
substantially open at the front. via non fire-isolated exits exceeds the limits given
Exit means - in the BCA at several points in the building. Thus
(a) Any, or any combination, of the following if fire-isolated exits were incorporated.
they provide egress to a road or open
space: Exit travel distances
(i) An internal or external stairway
(ii) A ramp
(iii) A fire-isolated passageway
BCA cl D1.4 states:
(iv) A doorway opening to a road or open
(b) A horizontal exit or a fire-isolated (e) Open spectator stands—The distance of travel to
passageway leading to a horizontal exit. an exit in a Class 9b building used as an open
Horizontal Exit means a required doorway spectator stand must be not be more than 60 m.
between two parts of a building separated from
each other by a fire wall.
Open Space means a space on the allotment, Example:
or a roof or similar part of a building adequately Lower seating tier
protected from fire, open to the sky and The maximum distance of travel from the
connected directly with a public road. farthest point on the lower seating tier to a path
of travel = 28 m (see Plan—Levels 2, 3). The
No. of paths of travels and no. of exits maximum distance along a path of travel to an
exit = 31 m.
Therefore maximum distance of travel to an
BCA cl D1.2 states: exit = 59 m which is < 60 m.
Corporate suites
(f) Exits in open spectator stands - In an open Note that Level 3 (ie. corporate facilities)
spectator stand containing more than one tier of comprises two fire compartments, with the
seating, every tier must have not less than 2 gross floor area of the larger compartment
stairways or ramps, each forming part of the path being less than 2000 m in order to meet the
of travel to not less than 2 exits. smoke hazard management requirements of
the BCA, Table E2.2b.
The maximum distance of travel from the
Example: It will be noted from the drawings that farthest point on Level 3 to an exit from the
the upper seating tier (see Plan—Level 4) has building is calculated as:
many stairs leading to a concourse that is
completely open at the rear and which allows the maximum distance of travel from the
direct movement to two sets of open stairs to the farthest point on Level 3 (playing field side of
road and two fire-isolated stairways. In the case of corporate suites) to a path of travel = 10 m
the lower tier of seating (Plan -Level 3) there are (see Plan—Level 2); plus
again many stairs down to the lower concourse distance along path of travel (ie. corridor and
which then provides (see dotted blue line on foyer) to exit = 32 m. Therefore, the
Plan—Level 2) many paths of travel to external maximum distance of travel to an exit = 42 m
stairs or open space. which is < 60 m.

Therefore, the maximum distance of travel to Discharge from exits
an exit = 42 m which is < 60 m.
Upper seating tier
Note that the Level 4 concourse is completely BCA cl D1.10 states:
open on the road side, has openings
(vomitories) on the playing field side, and is
substantially open to the sky. It is also directly (a) An exit must not be blocked at the point of
connected to the road. The concourse may be discharge and where necessary, suitable barriers
regarded as open space. Open stairways must be provided to prevent vehicles from
provide a direct link between the open space blocking the exit, or access to it.
and the road. (b) If a required exit leads to an open space, the path
of travel to the road must have an unobstructed
The maximum distance of travel from the most width throughout of not less than-
extreme point on the upper seating tier to an (i) the minimum width of the required exit; or
exit from this tier is (see Plan—Level 4): (ii) 1 m
distance from the back of upper seating tier whichever is the greater.
to the start of the stairs (or vomitory) = 18 m (c) If an exit discharges to open space that is at a
different level than the public road to which it is
< 60 m connected, the path of travel to the road must be
Travel by an exit (i) a ramp or other incline having a gradient not
steeper than 1:8 at any part, or not steeper
than 1:14 if required by the deemed-to-satisfy
provisions of Part D3; or
BCA cl D1.9 states: (ii) except if the exit is from a Class 9a building, a
stairway complying with the deemed-to-satisfy
provisions of the BCA.
(a) A non fire-isolated stairway or non fire-isolated (d) The discharge point of alternative exits must be
ramp serving as a required exit must provide a located as far apart as practical.
continuous means of travel by its own flights of (e) In a Class 9b building which is an open spectator
stairs and landings from every storey served to stand that accommodates more than 500
the level at which egress to a road or open space persons, a required stairway or required ramp
is provided. must not discharge to the ground in front of the
(c) In a Class 5 to 9 building, the distance from any stand.
point on a floor to a point of egress to a road or
open space by way of a required non fire-isolated
stairway or non fire-isolated ramp must not Example: Exits from the building are clear of
exceed 80 m.
(e) In a Class 5 to 8 or 9b building, a required non
obstructions and are each greater than 1 m in
fire-isolated stairway or non fire-isolated ramp width. They are also well distributed and provide
must discharge at a point not more than- egress to the road or open space.
(i) 20 m from a doorway providing egress to a
road or open space or from a fire-isolated Exit dimensions
passageway leading to a road or open
space; or
(ii) 40 m from one of 2 such doorways or
passageways if travel to each of them from BCA cl D1.6 states:
the non fire-isolated stairway or non fire-
isolated ramp is in opposite or approximately
opposite directions. In a required exit or path of travel to an exit-
(a) the unobstructed height throughout must not be
less than 2 m; except the unobstructed height of
Example: any doorway may be reduced to not less than
1980 mm; and
In accordance with BCA cl D1.8 an external (b) if the storey or mezzanine accommodates not
stairway has been incorporated at the end of the more than 100 persons, the unobstructed width
building. except for doorways must not be less than-
(i) 1 m; or
The maximum distance of travel to the start of (ii) ………..
these stairs is 38 m (see Plan—Level 3), and the (c) if the storey or mezzanine accommodates more
distance of travel down the stairs (ie. to the point than 100 persons but not more than 200 persons,
of egress to open space) is 7 m. The total the aggregate width, except for doorways must
distance of travel is 45 m < 80 m. not be less than-
(i) 1 m plus 250 mm for each 25 persons (or part)
in excess of 100; or
(ii) ………..

(d) If the storey or mezzanine accommodates more tier and corporate boxes to road or open
than 200 people, the aggregate width, except for space:
doorways, must be increased to-D1.6 4000 persons ∴ aggregate width required is
(i) 2 m plus 500 mm for every 60 persons (or
17+ (4000-2000)÷600 = 20.3 m (see D1.6(e))
part) in excess of 200 persons if egress
involves a change in floor level by a stairway Ten exits approximately evenly spaced provide
or ramp with a gradient steeper than 1 in 12; an aggregate width of 28 m (>20.3 m)
or Also has more than one exit (see D1.2(f)).
(ii) in any other case, 2 m plus 500 mm for

every 75 persons (or part) in excess of 200; Corporate facilities
and Aggregate width of exits or path of travel to
(e) in an open spectator stand which accommodates exits associated with travel from Level 3 to
more than 2000 persons, the aggregate width, road or open space:
except for doorways, must be increased to 17 m
plus a width (in metres) equal to the number in 840 persons ∴ aggregate width required is
excess of 2000 divided by 600; and (840-200)÷75 = 8.5 ⇒ 9 ∴ 2+9×0.5 = 6.5 m
(f) the width of a doorway must not be less than- (see D1.6(d)(ii))
(iii) the width of each exit provided to comply with (b),
Nine exits at an aggregate width of 11 m are
(c), (d) minus 250 mm.
provided (>6.5 m). More than one exit is
provided (see D1.2(f)).
Example: The upper seating tier holds 5500
Upper seating tier
persons. The lower seating tier holds 4000
persons including 400 in corporate (open) boxes. Aggregate width of exits or path of travel to
The Level 3 corporate suites, media rooms, exits associated with travel from upper seating
members dining room, function room and staff tier to open space (Level 4 concourse):
facilities hold an additional 840 persons. No 5500 persons ∴ aggregate width 17+(5500-
allowance is made for concourses or 2000)÷600 = 22.8 m (see D1.6(e))
passageways (see cl D1.13(a)) Ten exits approximately evenly spaced at
Lower seating tier 2.5 m width = 25 m (>22.8 m). More than one
Aggregate width of exits or path of travel to exit is provided (see D1.2(f)).
exits associated with travel from lower seating

discharge discharge
(from Level 3) (from Level 3)

m stairs


max distance travelled from

lower seating tier (see Plan -
LEVEL 3) to a path of travel

typical access
to lower tier via vomitory
(2.5 m wide)

open space
fire-isolated stairway
A path of travel
distance travelled to path of travel or exit


28 m

10 m
al 2

max distance travelled from
lower seating tier to a path of
travel on Level 2 (see Plan -
0 LEVEL 2)

av .5 m

open space
fire-isolated stairway
path of travel
distance travelled to path of travel or exit
fire compartment separation
(2000 m2 max GFA compartment)



to road

to road

max distance travelled from

upper seating tier to an exit

typical access to
upper tier via vomitory

E open space
fire-isolated stairway
path of travel
distance travelled to path of travel or exit

upper seating tier
(capacity 5,500)

lower seating tier

(capacity 3,600)


upper seating tier

lower seating tier



APPENDIX 3 Calculation of Evacuation Times
Introduction Computer calculations for evacuation have
evolved to facilitate the calculation of evacuation
There are a number of means by which the times in building situations where the flows and
evacuation times for a building may be calculated. paths are complex. There are many such models.
For buildings with relatively simple layouts, simple These range from simple travel-time models [28]
hand calculations based on initial travel distances to network models [29] and more recently those
and flow through openings would suffice. This which allow a detailed representation of human
method is adequate provided the occupant flow decision making [30-33].
rate is uninterrupted and the direction of travel is
straightforward. Simplified calculations (as per hand calculations)
can provide quick estimates of the time for a
As the layout increases in complexity, merging of group of people to evacuate a given space. These
flows or decisions on the choice of egress paths models assume free flow to the points of egress
may affect the continuity of flow. When the flow from the space and are therefore not suitable for
rate varies, the density of occupant flow fluctuates spaces where movement to these points of egress
and affects the travel speed. Because the may be impeded by crowdedness or obstacles in
variation of travel speed with occupant density is the flow.
non-linear, the effects of congestion and queuing
on the overall flow become harder to determine. In Evacnet+ [29] is a networking optimisation model
fact, queuing approaches a stochastic process in which produces the minimum evacuation time for
that its occurrence and duration is probabilistic the building being analysed. It associates a travel
and varies with time. speed between nodes and an average flow
volume which corresponds to a specified “level of
speed (m/s) service”6 which does not vary with population
density or time. Occupants are assumed to always
take the shortest route possible. It is
representative of the “hydraulic model” which is
based on the following assumptions [27]:
• All persons start to evacuate at the same time
• Occupant flow is unaffected by decisions of the
individuals involved
0.5 3.8
• Persons evacuating will move at the assumed
Hand calculations which demonstrate the effects speed of the group. That is, it is not possible to
of variation of occupant flow on travel speed can take account of the movement characteristics
be found in [27]. Despite the fact that the example of individuals
considered is a nine-storey building with simplified
floor layout and flow assumptions, the calculations EvacSim [30] is a discrete-event simulation model
are tedious. In situations where occupant flow is for building evacuation which has been developed
uninterrupted and is only affected by the rate of to accommodate the complex behavioural
flow through the final point of egress, the activities of occupants during the evacuation
calculations are significantly simplified by process in a fire. It models the travel speed of
assuming constant travel speed and flow rates occupants as a function of occupant density and
[9],[28]. includes various decision-making attributes on the
choice of egress path. The choice of egress path
is a function of a number of factors including
queue length, distance to point of egress,
familiarity with egress paths and environmental
conditions (eg. smoke levels). It also allows for the
impact of a warden system for controlling the
evacuation of the building in accordance with a
1.2 m/s 1.3 persons/s.m prescribed evacuation management plan.
This appendix further considers the use and
limitations of simplified calculations. The
movement times associated with the evacuation
of various parts of the building described in
Appendix 2 are analysed using EvacSim.

0.9 m/s ~0.9 m/s for

unprolonged travel

Constant free-flow rate assumptions

The level of service may be interpreted as the maximum
flow rate through a node per unit effective width.

Although one of the main features of EvacSim is and dining room are assumed to move to the
the ability to model the dynamic interaction of seating areas.
occupants with the social and physical
environments during evacuation, this is not Simplified Calculations
undertaken in the following example. Instead, only
the inherent occupant movement features are As mentioned above, simplified calculations are
utilised. These are the dynamic travel speed, suitable for occupant flows which are

based on occupant density, and the exit choice uninterrupted and impeded only at points of
behaviour as described previously less the egress. This will be the case when small numbers
environmental factors. of people are to be evacuated from a fire-affected
area—as will often be the case with managed or
Worked Example staged evacuation. However, such calculations
may be questionable when considering the
In the case of the sports stand building presented evacuation of large numbers of people such as
in Appendix 2, the egress routes for the upper and the whole building or an entire seating tier.
lower seating tiers and Level 3 are all
independent. In the case of the evacuation of the seating tiers,
the total movement time is a function of the time
The egress routes for each part of the building are of travel to the points of egress and the level of
assumed to be those with which the occupants queuing. The time for movement of the occupants
are likely to be familiar. These do not include the to the points of egress is relatively difficult to
fire-isolated stairway or external stairs, and are as determine as several movements are involved—
follows: horizontal, stepping up and stepping down—and
Lower seating tier these are different depending on the position of
All occupants in the lower seating tier are the occupants within the seating tier. Such
assumed to evacuate via Level 2 (see Plan- calculations are best done using a computer
Level 2) as follows: program such as EvacSim.
The public uses the doors at the end of the The total movement time associated with the
concourse (3×1.6 m) (location A) and the main evacuation of the occupants of the corporate
entrance (1×5 m) (location B). Members will suites during a game is now considered. For the
only use the doors at location C (3×1.6 m). purpose of this example, it is assumed that a
significant fire develops within the corporate suite
Corporate facilities (Level 3)
directly adjacent to the fire compartment wall. This
All occupants in Level 3 (see Plan-Level 3) are
means that the horizontal exit through this wall
assumed to evacuate as follows:
cannot be used and that evacuation must be via
Members and staff evacuate via the foyer the fire-isolated stairway and the external stairs. It
through two double doors (2×1.6 m) and two is assumed that the occupants will be distributed
single doors (2×0.8 m) at location D. Note that equally between these points of egress.
the main access into Level 3 is by lifts.
As the external stairs have the narrowest width,
Upper seating tier this point of egress will govern the total movement
All occupants in the upper seating tier exit are time. The effective width7 of the external stair can
assumed to evacuate via the Level 4 be taken as 1 m and the maximum distance that
concourse (see Plan-Level 4) to the stairs must be travelled to the stair as 50 m. Using a
(2×6 m) at location E and at location F maximum specific flow of 1.3 persons/s⋅m, the
(2×4 m). time to pass through the external stair is
220÷2÷(1.0×1.3) = 85 s. The travel time to the
For both the lower and upper seating tiers, ten stairs can be taken as 50÷1.2 = 42 s. If these
vomitories, each measuring 2.5 m wide, connect times are added (this overestimates the total
the seating areas to the concourses. movement time) then the total time for the
The following populations are assumed for the occupants to move to safety can be taken as
purpose of calculation: being between two, and two and one-half minutes.
This is not the evacuation time as that must
Lower seating tier = 4000 (during game) include some allowance for pre-movement
Level 3 = 220 (during game) activities. In this case it is suggested that the pre-
= 840 (pre-game) movement time will be low—probably no more
Upper seating tier = 5500 (during game) than 2 minutes after it has been recognised that
the fire within the suite cannot be extinguished by
The pre-game population for Level 3 includes the occupants.
occupants in the corporate suites (220), dining
room (210), function rooms (330) plus about 10
percent allowance for kitchen/service staff and
media. The population in Level 3 is less during the 7
The effective width is the nominal width of the opening
game because the occupants of the function room less the width occupied by hardware such as handrails or
that due to the partial obstruction from doors.

EvacSim Calculations The total movement times are summarised as
EvacSim has been used to model the sports stand Lower seating tier: 411 s (6.9 mins)
by defining the layout of the building as closely as Level 3: 660 s (11 mins)
possible to the layouts shown in Appendix 2. Upper seating tier: 735 s (12.2 mins)
Nodes are used to define the outline of each
space and walls are specified as links between In the case of Level 3 it has been assumed that all
nominated nodes. Openings are defined within the occupants evacuate via the horizontal exit and
walls and connectivity between the spaces is then through the 2×1.6 m and 2×0.8 m doors
worked out internally by the program. Movement beyond the fire wall. No account has been taken
of the occupants is continuously calculated as a of the fire-isolated stairway or external stair at this
function of occupant density within each space. It level. This assumption results in the total
has been assumed, for this example, that all movement time associated with Level 3 being
occupants within the seating tiers and Level 3 significantly longer than for the two seating tiers.
must be evacuated.
It takes 494 s (8.2 mins) to clear the upper seating
Results of the simulations are shown in the figures tier to the Level 4 concourse and a further 241 s
below. For the purpose of these calculations it has (4.0 mins) to clear the concourse via the stairs
been assumed that the fire is located such that the from the concourse to the road.
preferred egress paths (ie. those used most
commonly used by occupants within the building) The above calculations determine the total
are used for evacuation rather than the fire- movement times associated with the evacuation
isolated stairways or external stairs. of various parts of this sports stand. They take no
account of pre-movement activities and the
The egress routes for the seating tiers and Level 3 associated times must be added. However, these
are independent of one another. The following are expected to be short.
graphs plot the population (ie. number of people
remaining) within these areas of the building after
evacuation has commenced.

Population Population
6000 6000

5000 5000

4000 4000

3000 3000

2000 2000

1000 1000

0 0
0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480 540 600 660 720 780 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480 540 600 660 720 780
Time (s) Time (s)
Lower Seating Tier Population Corporate Facilities (Level 3) Population

upper seating tier



2000 concourse


0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480 540 600 660 720 780
Time (s)
Upper Seating Tier Population

APPENDIX 4 Exposed Surface Area to Mass Ratio
of Steel Sections—ksm (m2/tonne)


welded-plate sections hot-rolled sections

section ksm section ksm section ksm section ksm

1200WB455 8.51 500WC440 5.41 610UB125 14.9 310UC158 9.66
423 9.10 414 5.78 113 16.3 137 11.0
392 9.79 383 6.21 101 18.1 118 12.7
342 10.4 340 7.30 530UB 92.4 17.8 97 15.3
317 11.1 290 8.51 82.0 19.9 250UC 89.5 13.9
278 12.1 267 9.22 460UB 82.1 17.7 72.9 16.8
249 12.6 228 10.7 74.6 19.4 200UC 59.5 16.8
1000WB322 10.0 400WC361 5.48 67.1 21.4 52.2 18.9
296 10.8 328 6.11 410UB 59.7 21.9 46.2 21.2
258 11.8 303 6.56 53.7 24.1 150UC 37.2 20.3
215 13.4 270 7.34 360UB 56.7 21.1 30.0 24.6
900WB282 10.7 212 9.25 50.7 23.4
257 11.7 181 10.7 44.7 26.3
218 13.0 144 13.4 310UB 46.2 23.2
175 15.3 350WC280 6.08 40.4 26.2
800WB192 13.1 258 6.54 250UB 37.3 24.7
168 14.5 230 7.30 31.4 29.0
146 16.5 197 8.49 200UB 29.8 26.3
122 18.9 180UB 22.2 27.1
700WB173 13.0 150UB 18.0 28.3
150 14.3
130 16.3
115 18.4


welded-plate sections hollow sections

section ksm section ksm

section ksm section ksm
1200WB455 9.61 500WC440 6.55
457.0×12.7CHS 10.3 250×250×9.0SHS 14.6
423 10.3 414 6.99
392 11.1 383 7.52 9.5CHS 13.7 6.0SHS 21.7
342 11.5 340 8.77 6.4CHS 20.2 200×200×9.0SHS 14.7
317 12.4 290 10.2 406.4×12.7CHS 10.4 6.0SHS 21.8
278 13.3 267 11.1 9.5CHS 13.7 5.0SHS 26.0
249 13.7 228 12.9 6.4CHS 20.2 150×150×9.0SHS 14.9
1000WB322 11.2 400WC361 6.59 355.6×12.7CHS 10.4 6.0SHS 22.0
296 12.1 328 7.33 9.5CHS 13.8 5.0SHS 26.2
258 13.1 303 7.88 6.4CHS 20.3 125×125×9.0SHS 15.1
215 14.8 270 8.82 323.9×12.7CHS 10.4 6.0SHS 22.1
900WB282 12.1 212 11.1 9.5CHS 13.8 5.0SHS 26.3
257 13.3 181 13.0 6.4CHS 20.3 100×100×9.0SHS 15.4
218 14.6 144 16.1 273.1×9.3CHS 14.2 6.0SHS 22.4
175 17.0 350WC280 7.33 6.4CHS 20.4 5.0SHS 26.6
800WB192 14.7 258 7.89 4.8CHS 27.0 89×89×6.0SHS 22.5
168 16.1 230 8.82 219.1×8.2CHS 16.1 5.0SHS 26.7
146 18.4 197 10.3 6.4CHS 20.5 75×75×6.0SHS 22.8
122 20.9 4.8CHS 27.1 5.0SHS 27.0
700WB173 14.5 18.7
150 16.0
6.4CHS 20.7
130 18.3
4.8CHS 27.3
115 20.6
114.3×6CHS 22.4
4.8CHS 27.7
88.9×5.5CHS 24.7
4.8CHS 28.1

hot-rolled sections

section ksm section ksm

610UB125 16.7 310UC158 11.6
113 18.3 137 13.3
101 20.3 118 15.3
530UB 92.4 20.0 96.8 18.4
82.0 22.4 250UC 89.5 16.8
460UB 82.1 20.0 72.9 20.3
74.6 21.9 200UC 59.5 20.2
67.1 24.2 52.2 22.8
410UB 659.7 24.8 46.2 25.6
53.7 27.4 150UC 37.2 24.4
360UB 56.7 24.1 30.0 29.7
50.7 26.8
310UB 46.2 26.8
250UB 37.3 28.6

APPENDIX 5 Checking of Steel Members for
Fire Adequacy

The purpose of this appendix is to illustrate the In some situations, the column may be located
procedure for the checking (and selection) of at the edge of the opening (see “alternative
structural steel members using the Deemed-to- location” in the above figure. In this case, the
Satisfy Solutions for Fire Spread and column will not get as hot and a greater ksm

Management. may be permitted. The use of a greater ksm
value will need to be justified by fire-
Two cases are considered, for both sprinklered engineering calculations.
and non-sprinklered options.
Option 2: With sprinklers within enclosure
Case 1—Food and Beverage Outlet No limit is set for the maximum ksm (ie. any
size steel column will suffice for fire adequacy
steel beam
grade 300 Case 2—Corporate Suite
steel beam
steel column ceiling 610UB125
219.1x6.4CHS grade 300
grade 350

food and ceiling
concourse beverage outlet

passageway corporate steel column

suite 310UC118
grade 300
2.1 m

Steel Beam within Enclosure
(see Table A, page 17)

food and From Appendix 4, ksm of the steel beam

beverage outlet 2
steel column (610UB125) = 14.9 m /tonne.
Option 1: No sprinklers within enclosure
Depth of enclosure < 7.5 m, ∴ maximum
steel column PLAN acceptable ksm = 30 m /tonne (require a 10
(alternative location) min ceiling system).
ksm of steel beam = 14.9 < 30 ∴ OK
Steel Beam within Enclosure
(see Table A, page 17) Option 2: With sprinklers within enclosure
From Appendix 4, ksm of the steel beam 2
Maximum acceptable ksm = 30 m /tonne (no
(800WB122) = 18.9 m /tonne. ceiling required)
Option 1: No sprinklers within enclosure ksm of the steel beam = 14.9 < 30 ∴ OK
Maximum acceptable ksm = 30 m /tonne
(require a 10 min ceiling system) Steel Column within Enclosure
(see Table A, page 17)
ksm of the steel beam = 18.9 < 30 ∴ OK
From Appendix 4, ksm of the steel column
Option 2: With sprinklers within enclosure 2
(310UC118) = 15.3 m /tonne.
Maximum acceptable ksm = 30 m /tonne (no Option 1: No sprinklers within enclosure
ceiling required)
Depth of enclosure < 7.5 m, ∴ maximum
ksm of the steel beam = 18.9 < 30 ∴ OK 2
acceptable ksm = 26 m /tonne (require a 10
min ceiling system and protection of column
Steel Column outside Enclosure
(see Table B, page 17)
by cladding it with 16 mm plasterboard,
penetrating ceiling).
From Appendix 4, ksm of the steel column
(219.1x6.4CHS) = 20.5 m /tonne. ksm of steel column = 15.3 < 26 ∴ OK
Option 1: No sprinklers within enclosure Option 2: With sprinklers within enclosure
Column located at > 2.0 m ∴ maximum Maximum acceptable ksm = 26 m /tonne (no
acceptable ksm = 30 m /tonne ceiling and no protection of column are
ksm of the steel column =20.5 < 30 ∴ OK
ksm of the steel column = 15.3 < 26 ∴ OK


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