Automata: The Methods & The Madness: Angkor Wat, Cambodia

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Chapter 1

Automata: the Methods & the Madness

Angkor Wat, Cambodia

(updated 2015/09/16)


1.1 Why Study Automata Theory?

1.2 Introduction to Formal Proof
1.3 Additional Forms of Proof
1.4 Inductive Proofs
1.5 Central Concepts of Automata Theory

1.1 Why Study Automata Theory?

1.1.1 Introduction to Automata

 Properties of finite-state systems ---

 Having a finite number of states
 With its running history not kept
 Good to implement with a fixed set of resources
 Easy to model by finite automata (FA)

 Example 1.1 --- an FA modeling an on/off switch (see Fig. 1.1)

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Fig. 1.1 An FA modeling an on/off switch.

 Example 1.2 --- an FA modeling recognition of the keyword “then” in a lexical analyzer
 The double circles specify the “final” or “accepting” state.

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Fig. 1.2 an FA modeling recognition of the keyword “then.”

1.1.2 Structural Representation

 Two other models (not automaton-like) for string data representation ---
 Grammar --- processing data (strings of symbols) with recursive structures
 e.g., grammatical rule “E  E + E” for generating arithmetic expressions like “2+

 Regular expression --- describing text strings

 e.g., UNIX-style regular expression ’[A-Z][a-z]*[ ][A-Z][A-Z]’ for describing
partial addresses Ithaca NY, Lafayette IN…

1.1.3 Automata and Complexity

 What can a computer do? ---

This is a question which is answered by the study of computability!
 Computability is a study of problems which can be solved by computers, called
decidable problems.
 Decidability is the main topic in the study of computability.

 What can a computer do efficiently? ---

This is a question which can be answered by the study of computational complexity!
 Computational complexity is a study of:
 tractable problems solvable with slowly growing functions (like polynomial) of
input size, and
 intractable problems solvable with fast growing functions (like exponential).
 Intractability is the main topic of computational complexity.

1.2 Introduction to Formal Proof

1.2.0 Concepts
 Formal proof techniques are indispensable for proving theorems in theory of computation.
 Understanding how correct programs work is equivalent to proving theorems by

1.2.1 Deductive Proofs (演繹法 )

 An illustration of deductive proof is as shown in Fig. 1.3.
 Logic principles used: modus ponens (正前律、離斷規則、肯定前件), syllogism (三段

Given facts (e.g. axioms), previous statements

Hypothesis  deduced statements  …  conclusion

Logic principles

Fig. 1.3 An illustration of deductive proof.

(Sec. 1.2.2~1.2.4 --- read by yourself)

 Modus ponens (正前律、離斷規則、肯定前件)

 An example of applying modus ponens:
“If it rains, the sidewalk will be wet.
It rains now.
So the sidewalk is wet.”

 Syllogism (三段論) (supplemental)

 An example of applying syllogism:
“All humans will die.
Socrates is a human.
So, Socrates will die.”

1.3 Additional Forms of Proof

1.3.0 Some More Proof Techniques

 Proofs about sets
 Proofs by contradiction

 Proofs by counterexamples

(1.3.1~1.3.4 --- read by yourself)

1.4 Inductive Proofs (歸納法)

1.4.1 Induction on Integers

 To prove a statement S(n) about an integer n by induction, we do:
 Basis --- show S(i) true for a particular basis integer i (0 or 1 usually)
 Inductive step --- assume n  i (basis integer), and show that the statement “if S(n),
then S(n + 1)” is true.

(1.4.2~1.4.4 --- read by yourself)

1.5 Central Concepts of Automata Theory

1.5.0 Three basic concepts

 Alphabet --- a set of symbols
 Strings --- a sequence of symbols from an alphabet
 Language --- a set of strings from the same alphabet

1.5.1 Alphabets
 Definition ---
An alphabet is a finite, nonempty set of symbols.
 Conventional notation --- 
 The term “symbol” is usually undefined.
 Examples ---
 Binary alphabet  = {0, 1}
 English alphabet = {a, b, …, z} …

1.5.2 Strings
 Definition ---
A string (or word) is a finite sequence of symbols from an alphabet.
 An example --- 1011 is a string from the binary alphabet  = {0, 1}.

 Empty string  --- a string with zero occurrences of symbols.

 Length |w| of string w --- the number of positions for symbols in w

 Examples --- |0111| = 4, || = 0, …

 Power of a symbol a ---

The kth power ak of a is the result of concatenating a for k times, i.e.,
ak = aa…a (k times).

 Power of an alphabet  ---

The kth power of , k is a set of all strings of length k.
 Examples --- given  = {0, 1}, we have
 0 = {}, 2 = {00, 01, 10, 11}

 Power of a string x (supplemental) ---
 Defined by concatenation ---
xi = xx…x (x concatenated i times)
 Defined by recursion ---
(1) x0 =  (by definition); and
(2) xi = xxi-1
 Examples --- (10)0 = , (011)2 = 011011…
 Note --- for a symbol a, we define a0 =  (i.e., in this case we regard a as a one-symbol

 Set of all strings over  --- denoted as 

 It is not difficult to know that  = ∪1∪2∪…

 + = the set of nonempty strings from  = *  {}

 Therefore, we have
 = ∪2∪3∪…
* = +∪{}

 Concatenation of two strings x and y --- xy

 Examples ---
if x = 01101, y = 110, then xy = 01101110, xx = x2 = 0110101101, …
  is the identity for concatenation since w = w = w.

1.5.3 Languages
 Definition ---
A language is a set of strings all chosen from some *.
 In other words:
if  is an alphabet, and L*, then L is a language over .

 Examples ---
 The set of all legal English words is a language.
 Why? What is the alphabet here?
Answer: the set of all letters.
 A legal program of C is a language.
 Why? What is the alphabet here?
Answer: a subset of the ASCII characters.

 More examples of languages ---

 The set of all strings of n 0’s followed by n 1’s for n  0: {, 01, 0011, 000111, …}
 * is an infinite language for any alphabet .
  denotes the empty language (not the empty string ) which is a language over any
 {} is a language over any alphabet (consisting of only one string, the empty string ).

 Ways to describe languages ---

 Description by exhaustive listing ---
 L1 = {a, ab, abc} (finite language; listed one by one)
 L2 = {a, ab, abb, abbb, ...} (infinite language; listed partially)
 L3 = L(ab*) (infinite language; expressed by a regular expression)

 Description by generic elements ---
 L4 = {x | x is over V = {a, b}, begins with a, followed by any number of b, possible
 Note: L4 = L3 = L2
 Description by integer parameters ---
 L5 = {abn | n  0}
 Note: L5 = L4 = L3 = L2

1.5.3a Operations on Languages (supplemental)

 Languages are sets, and operations of sets may be applied to them:
(1) union --- A∪B = {a | a  A or a  B}
(2) intersection --- A∩B = {a | a  A and a B}
(3) difference --- A  B = {a | a  A and a  B}
(4) product --- A  B = {(a, b) | a  A and b  B}
(5) complement --- Ā = {a | a  U and a  A}
(6) power set --- 2A = {B | B  A}
 Note: U above is the universal set, just like * which is the closure of an alphabet
(defined later)

1.5.3b More Operations on Languages (supplemental)

 Concatenation of two languages L1 and L2 ---
L1L2 = {x1x2 | x1  L1 and x2  L2}

 Power of a language L ---

 Defined directly ---
Lk = {x1x2…xk | x1, x2, …, xk  L}
 Defined by recursion ---
(1) L0 = {}; and
(2) Li = LLi-1

 Closure of language L ---

L* = ULi = L0∪L1∪L2∪…
i =0
 Positive closure of a language L ---
L+ = L1∪L2∪…
 Note: L*  L0 = L* – }

1.5.4 Problems
 A problem in automata theory ---
deciding whether a given string is a member of some particular language.

 That is, if  is an alphabet, and L is a language over , the problem L is:

given a string w in *, decide if w  L or not.

 The solution will be studied later in the topic of decidability.

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