Chapter - V The Legality of Strike: (1910) I KBP 506. (1949) LLJ 796 (I.T.)
Chapter - V The Legality of Strike: (1910) I KBP 506. (1949) LLJ 796 (I.T.)
Chapter - V The Legality of Strike: (1910) I KBP 506. (1949) LLJ 796 (I.T.)
Strikes are not per se illegal. The legality or illegality of a strike must
depend on the means by it is enforced and on its objectives. Lord Shaw said in
could not be said to be within law any more than could a breach of contract by
remain idle. But of course, in this later case, the concerted cessation of a
labour may be for the sole of deliberate off obvious purpose of the refraining
It was held in the case of “Cox and Kings Limited v. Their Employees'2
also held justified when undertaken only after remedies provided in the
statutory machinery of the Industrial Disputes Act have proved futile in the
(1910) I KBP 506.
(1949) LLJ 796 (I.T.).
case of Chandramouli Estates v. Its Workmen,3 likewise if the employer
consult it are considered valid reasons for a strike. In the case of 'Bihar Fire
Works and Potteries Workers Union v. Bihar Fire Works and Potteries,'4 it
was held that it is not proper to judge from the result of the adjudication of the
unjustified unless the reasons for it are also lately preserve and unsustainable.
Union is such it does not appeal to an ordinary common man, the strike is held
placed is found to be such as to make them feel that the only course left to
them to redress the grievance effectively and without undue delay is stoppage
It was held in the case of 'Swadesh Industries Ltd v Their Workmen',5the first
only for economic demands of workmen like basic pay, dearness allowance,
bonus, provident fund, gratuity, leave and holidays etc., which are the primary
(1960) KK LLJ 243-246.
(1953) I LLJ L.AT. (Cal.) 49 at 52
(1960) AIR SC 1250
objects of a trade union. The political considerations cannot supply and good
strike in haste. The workers cannot insist that a particular employee should
work with particular batch of workmen and their demands can't justify the
strike as was held in the case of 'Sri Kanyakaparameswari Groundnut Oil Mils
of 'Dabir (Et. S.K. Burman) Pvt. Ltd., v Their Workmen,7 it was held that
justification of strike depends upon (a) the conduct of the employer also, the
action and unsustainable reasons for the strike on the part of workmen (b) the
nature of the strike whether the peaceful of violent and (c) whether the strike
was resorted to after exhausting all the means of redress. The strike is justified
with it as a recognised union, will not by itself justify strikes. When there is a
demands of the workmen, the strike is justified. Even in some demands are
strike. When the workers were forced to resort to strike because of various
(1955) I LLJ (566 I.T.) 561
(1961) II FLR (I.T.) Calcutta. 10
acts of management and more essentially the placing the number of workmen
strike is not justified. If the existing service facilities are withdrawn, the strike
but unjustified strike, the employer cannot given right to dismiss employees.
The power to dismiss depends upon the reasonableness of the demands will,
Iron Foundry, Howrah v their workmen'8. It was held when the strike is
legal or illegal, justified, unjustified does not dissolve the employer employee
1954 II LLJ (L.A.T.) 372
(1952) 2 LLJ SC. 220
relationship.The strikers can be dismissed or discharged only if the strike was
first raised in 1952 in the case of Spencer and Company v their workmen,10
and confirmed on appeal. In the Spencer case the Madras Industrial Tribunal
held vis a vis American decisions that an unjustified strike not caused by
Its Workmen,11 Bombay Appellate Tribunal held that the dismissal of workers
was against natural justice and further stated the management had the right in
law to fill up their places and 'The management are bound only to reinstate
As regards the wages, during the period of strike in the case of legal and
justified strike, and more specially against in the unfair labour practices of the
employer, the workers are entitled for wages for the striking period. In
contract to the practice in America wages during the existing period was real
issue. In India thus, the period was allowed because of economic conditions of
workers and tribunal are held that denial of wages is tent amounts to a denial
of the right to strike. If the deductions of wages are allowed to be made in the
(1952) I LLJ 469.
(1957) ILLJ (L.A.T. Bombay). 435
workmen the management which they have acquired after a great deal of
struggle and sacrificed. But however the workers who are not reinstated were
Act. 1947 however, makes certain strikes illegal under section 24. This
as illegal and the plain meaning of this is that, those strikes which do not fall
in that category are not illegal, another way strike may be unjustifiable, but it
Disputes Act, 1947. Thus a strike which is not illegal under Section 24 of the
Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 can never be treated as illegal under the Act.
Tribunal, the continuance of such strike will not be illegal, if, such strike
1947.12 Also, a strike declared in consequence of an illegal lockout will not
be illegal.
hand of the workers to redress their grievances. However it has been held
that it should be used as a "last resort'' when all other avenues. Have proved
view was that a strike after a strike notice of duration not less than that
persons from organising industrial action for upto 60 days15. The other
is the Secretary of State may apply for a ballot when the situation is that the
Section 24 (2) of Industrial Disputes Act. (1947)
Caltex (India) Ltd. v. Certain workmen , (1954)(II) LL.J.516 (520).
Emergency Powers Act. (1920) and (1964)
Section 139(2) of IRA (1971)
of a substantial number of workers employed in a particular industry16. Now,
the Trade Union and Labour Relations Act of 1974, has also abolished the
Indeed, the Industrial disputes act, 1947, does not purport to take
away the right to strike. In fact, this right has been recognized by the Act,
the employers and their work men the right to strike has been restricted. In
sum Right to Strike is not absolute in India. U.K. and Australia. Reasonable
restrictions have been put on this right in India and U.K. whereas in
Section 141(2) of IRA 1971.
Section 30 (J) of the Crimes Act (1914-1955)
contracts was lawful. The Industrial Relation Act, 1971, separated lawful
unlawful purposes19. The 1971 Act provided in negative fashion that due
( clause) and so long as due notice has been given of a person's
intention to strike, then his action is taking part in the strike shall not be
96 of the Industrial Relations act, 1971. This means, therefore, that as this
contract for the purpose of Section 96 of the Act, the inducing or threats to
induce another person to take part in a strike only after due notice has been
given will not amount to an unfair labour practices22. However, Trade union
and Labour Relation Act of 1914, has abolished all the 'unfair labour
practices of 1971. Statute and has reverted to the traditional pattern, that is
Bookes v. Bernard, (1964) AC 1129.
Crofter Harris Tweed v. Veltch, (1942) AC 435.
Section 147 of Industrial Relations Act (1971).
Now repeated by Trade Union and labour Relation Act. (1974).
Cyrll Crabree Industrial Relation Act (1971) at p.137.
Section 29 of the 1974, Act restores to the golden formula and protects acts
definition of trade dispute based on the concepts of the Trade Disputes Act
190623 and materially different from the meaning of' Industrial Dispute' in
the 1978 Act24. A strike is not unlawful reason of its purpose as long as it is
connected with the terms and conditions of employment. The dispute must
be connected with one of the list of topics set out widely in Section 29(1) of
In Australia, a strike may take place without notice being given to the
These are variation in the methods of striking and they are a significant
Section 5(3).
Section 167(I) of (1971).
Portus J.H. The Development of Australian Trade Union Law 4th Ed. (1958) at p.214.
feature of strike legislation under some of the Arbitration Acts. In
Queensland, and New South Wales, where all strikes are not made illegal the
majority decision of the member if the union concerned after a secret Ballot
the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, but still the conduct of the striking
attitude of the employer may have all along shown complete reasonableness
and a desire for conciliation. Similarly, a strike may have been illegal in that
such as, service of notice in the case of public utility service or violation or
the demands of the striking workmen may be quite legitimate, lawful and
justifiable whereas the attitude of the employer may have shown malafides.
Section 51(I) of Queensland Act Section 99 of New South Wales Act.
industrial law to try to classify strikes which are otherwise legal into
the hands of workers and may be resorted for securing their demands to
workmen and not merely from the standpoint of their exhausting all other
legitimate means open to them for getting the demands fulfilled. However,
negotiations for the settlement of workers' just demands have collapsed and
the demand for arbitration has been turned down or the arbitration has been
turned down or the arbitration has failed should pass the below mentioned
4. Strikers should be able to maintain themselves during the strike period
without falling back upon union funds and should therefore occupy
stated that while on the one hand it has to be remembered that strikes is a
weapon should not be encouraged. It will not be right for labour to think that
for any kind of demands a strike can be commenced with impunity without
There may be cases where the demand is of such an urgent and serious
nature that it would not be reasonable to expect labour to wait till after
asking the Government to make a reference. In such cases, strike even before
pay, dearness allowance provident fund, bonus and gratuity, leave and
holidays is the primary object of a trade union and when demands like these
ate put forward and thereafter, a strike is resorted in an attempt to induce the
Majumdar P. An anatomy to Peaceful Industrial Relation at p.54.
1960(II) LLJ 243 at p.246.
must prime facie be considered to be justified unless it can be shown that the
demands were put up frivolously or for any ulterior purpose29. Even where
the strike was not directly connected with the demand for bonus and
uncontroverted evidence established that the strike was a protest against the
by the Labour Minister, the strike was held to be not unjustified30. In the case
of workmen of Bihar Fire-works & Potteries Union v. Bihiar fire works &
potteries Ltd31. What happened was that the workmen resorted to one hour
token strike by way of protest against the dismissal of six workmen. A new
deductions would be made from the wages of those who had taken part in the
one hour's token strike on 22nd January, 1951. The management issued
from the salaries of those who went on token strike for the second time on
1st February, 1951, and thereafter the management did make the deductions.
The tribunal to which the matter was referred held both the token strikes as
'frivolous and unjustified' and the striking workmen, therefore, were not
entitled to wages for the period of the token strikes. The Appellate Tribunal,
to which the matter was referred on appeal, observed that the strikes were
not illegal as they did not contravene the provisions of Section 22 and 23 of
Swadeshi Industries Ltd. v. Its Workmen,(1960)(II) LLJ 78 at 81.
Churakulum Tea Estate (p) Ltd. v. Its Workmen, (1969)(II) LLJ 407.
1953 ILL.J.49.
the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947. But the point to be considered was
whether the strikes were justified or not. It was held by the Appellate
Tribunal that the strike cannot be said to be unjustified unless the reasons for
it are absolutely perverse and unsustainable. The awards of the tribunal was
set aside and it was directed that deductions made from the workmen's wages
manner, if he curtly turns down all worker's demands and refuses to consider
that finding is not that there is complete justification for the strike, or that the
authority in judging the nature of the strike, approbates the action of the
workers in going on strike under the circumstances, and where the strike
being illegal and against the express prohibition imposed by the law a
from any drastic step that the employer might be entitled to take in
consequence of the strike, not only does the law positively disapprove and
prohibit such action, but it imposes penalties for the same and also from time
to time serious disabilities, in many respects, have been provided by
legislature for workers any. which can be looked for in such cases can only
make them feel that the only course left to redress the grievance effectively
and fifth schedule section 2 of the act givers a list of unfair labour practices
arguments are put forth for and against the award of strike pay in context of
the circumstances leading to each dispute. There had been no uniform trend
smanshahi Mills Ltd. v. Its workmen, (1959)(I) LL.J. 187.
but there is a gradual emergence of a body of principles that has guided
not agreed to, it would be open to an Industrial court to award strike pay if
the strike had been legal and had been conducted peacefully. The first
taking into view the relevant provisions of the Industrial Disputes Act
1947. If the strike is found to be illegal, the strikers would have no claim for
pay during the period of strike. The next consideration is was the strike
grievance and in such cases the strikers are entitled, to wages during the
labour practice by the employer. If the employer commits an unfair
labour practice, the workers are entitled to strike pay. Technical reasons
also come into play in rejecting the workers claim for pay during the
periods of strike. There had also been instances where the question of strike
The strike pay cannot be claimed as a legal right since there exists no
for the strike period is granted not as a normal legal relief but based on
unjustified. It is not only the end but the means too that must be reasonable
and just.
The judiciary has taken up the issue of strike pay and it had
putforth the arguments for and against it taking into view the facts of the
case and the circumstances leading to the dispute. The following case
law helps us to know as to when a strike pay is awarded and under what
It was in the case of Mahalaxmi Cotton Mills v. Their Workmen,33
the appellate Tribunal held that the right to get pay for the period of the
strike depends on the question whether the strike was legal or illegal. But
Zilla Chah Mazdoor Sangh v. Hautley Tea Estate.34 It was decided in the
workmen who have gone on illegal strike are not entitled to wages for the
work and withhold it at their pleasure and they are free to choose their own
time to launch a strike but this right has nothing to do with the right to get
wages during the period of strike. Ordinarily they are not supposed to be
compensated for any loss that may be sustained by them during strike
period. The strike being deliberate act on the part of workmen they
The workmen have no right to wages for the period of a strike when
(1952) II LL.J. 635 (L.A.T.) (Cal).
(1956-57) 10 FJR 1 (LAT) (Cal).
1954 L.A.C. 498.
West Bengal Flour Mills a Mazdoor congress v. Hooghly Flour Mills Co., Ltd., 10 F.J.R. 240.
instead, they straight away go on strike the strike is unjustified and they
workmen are entitled to their full wages for the whole period of the lockout.
The workmen are not bound to report for work or to take part in any
claim to wages for the period of lockout cannot be denied merely on that
ordinarily the workmen are not entitled to wages for the period of the lock-
out, but if the lock-out duration, both parties are equally to blame for the
situation which arises and the workmen should get half their wages for the
period of lock-out38.
Where the strike was held neither illegal as it did not contrivance any
workmen were held to be entitled to full wages for that day 39.
Chandra Malai Estate, Ernakulam v. Its Workmen, AIR (1960) SC. 902.
Indian Marine Service (Pvt) Ltd., v. Their Workmen, AIR (1963) SC. 528.
Chorakulam Tea Estate (P) Ltd., v. Its Workmen, (1969) II LL.J. 407.
In P.C. Roy & Co. (India) Pvt. Ltd. v. Raycom Forests Labour
Union,40 the employer failed to pay work men wages on the due dates,
although he did pay the same after some time. The workmen went on strike,
and continued even after the wages have been paid. The Calcutta High Court
held that the strike was unjustified only up to the date of payment and
accordingly allowed worker claim for wages for the period of strike only up
to such date.
Where during the strike period and even prior to that, several of the
workmen resorted to violence and other acts of indecency and the workmen
continued the strike even after the notification issued prohibiting the
strike and requiring the workers to report for duty and the circumstances
clearly showed that the demand of the union regarding ex-gratia bonus could
the strike was held to be unjustified. Hence, the workmen were held to be
illegal for the reason that an appeal was pending during the period of the
strike, the workmen are held to be not entitled to the wages for the period of
the strike42. The Supreme Court in Crompton Creaves Ltd. v. Its Workmen43
AIR (1964) Calcutta 221.
Management of the Fertilizer Corporation of India v. Their Workmen, AIR (1970) SC. 867.
Lord Krishna Sugar Mills Ltd. v Sharanpur Case, (1952) I LLJ 803.
observed. It is well setted in order to entitle workmen to wages for the
legal if it does not violate any provision of the statue. Again a strike are
justified or not is a question of fact which has to be judged in the light of the
a Division Bench of the Calcutta High Court held that the "strike being legal
and justified, the employees were entitled to salaries for the period of the
strike”. On the question whether the High Court in its constitutional writ
jurisdiction could mandate LIC to pay the employees their salaries for the
period of strike, the court held that it was within its powers to do so.
held that even in the case of an illegal strike, the industrial adjudicators
grant of wages. Relying on the above judgment the Bombay High Court in
Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd., Bombay v. Balmer Lawrie Employees Union and
another46 upheld the award of 35 percent wages to the workmen during the
AIR (1978) SC 1489
(1989) Lab. ICJ. 484
(1976) I LL.J.484
(1989) II LL.J 97
strike period not with standing the fact that the strike was illegal under the
In the case of Indian General Navigation & Railway Co., Ltd. v. Their
Workmen47, the Supreme Court has held that there can be no question of
an illegal strike being justified and the workmen are not entitled for
strike pay. In the case of Gujarat Steel Tubes Ltd. v. Gujarat Steel Tubes
Mazdoor Sabha48, the Supreme Court has held that although the strike is
illegal, it does not parse spell unjustifiability and the workmen are entitled
for wages.
A perusal of the above mentioned case law goes to show that the
strikers are entitled to strike pay depending upon the legality and
justifiability of the strike. But in the year 1990 there came an important
workers' right to wages during the strike period. It almost choose to rewrite
the law and even its attention was not drawn to its earlier pronouncements.
SC (1960) I LLJ 13
SC (1980)I LLJ 137
(1990) 4 SCC 744
In the above case, the court was dealing with two appeals, one dealing
with the question of employer's power to deduct wages for the period of
strike and the other with the power of the employer to deduct wages in a
common judgment deal with the two issues raised in these appeals
the period of strike, the court ruled that where the contract or standing
orders or the service rules regulations are silent on the issue of worker's
entitlement to wages during the strike period, the management has the
power to deduct wages for absence from duty when the absence is a
concerted-action on the part of the employees whether the strike was legal or
illegal. The court held that the question whether the deduction from the
wages would be pro-rata for the period of absence only or would be for a
longer period would depend upon the facts of each case, such as whether
there was any work to be done in the said period, whether the work was in
fact done and whether it was accepted. But where there is a dispute as to
whether employees attended the place of work or put in the allotted time of
the matter. In such cases, no deduction from wages can be made without
concerned. Where the employees strike only for some hours but there is no
work for the rest of the day, the employer in such a situation may be
justified in deducting salary for the whole day. On the other hand where the
employees may put in work after the strike hours and the employer
accepts it, the employer may not be entitled to deduct wages at all or be
entitled to deduct them only for strike hours, P.B. Sawant J observed that
"Whether the strike is legal or illegal, the workers are liable to lose wages for
the strike period. The liability to lose wages does not either make the strike
illegal as a weapon or deprives the workers of it. When workers resort to it,
strike, the contract of employment continues, but the workers with hold
The court did not agree with the arguments of the employees that
wages cannot be deducted prorate for the hours or for the day or days for
which the workers were on strike, because the contract was monthly which
cannot be subdivided into days and hours. The court felt fortified in its
definition together. The court held that a combined reading of these two
definitions makes it clear that wages are payable only if the contract of
employment is fulfilled and not otherwise. The court made it clear that in a
case where action is resorted to in a mass scale, some employees may have
either not been party to the action or may have genuinely desired to
discharge the duty but could not do so for failure of the management to give
period of go slow, the court held that unlike in the case of strike where a
simple measure of a prorate deduction from wages may provide a just and
may in some cases raise complex questions. The court held that go-slow was
employer is within his right to make deduction from the wages of the
The approach of the court towards the entitlement of wages for the
consistently followed the principle that entitlement to wages for the strike
was legal and justified. Even the supreme court has in appropriate cases
taking into view the facts and circumstances of those cases. The trade
union in India find themselves in peculiar situations because of the lack-
legal and justified strikes strictly tantamount to denial of the right to strike
for securing of which the workers had gone through many trials and
also in some other cases, where the strikes were technically illegal, being in
one of law of contract issue and it wanted to imbibe into the working class,
work culture which of late has fallen to the lowest ebb. But in a welfare state
from the stand point of laws of contract but has to be considered in the
broader context of social justice. no work - no pay has been the basis of this
However, apart from the decision of the supreme court, one should
keep in view that strike pay is desirable upon satisfying of the following
conditions namely the strike was legal, the object of the strikes was
justified and the workers sought help of redressal mechanism available
Congress v. Hooghly Flour Mills Co. Ltd.51, the Labour Appellate Tribunal
held that, where a strike was resorted to, by workmen in spite of the
would be unjustified and the workmen would not be entitled to claim wages
Thus, a strike may be held to be unjustified for various reasons, they are :
Workers of Textool Co. Ltd. v. Textool Co. Ltd. 10 I.J.R. 460.
10 F.J.R. 240(L.A.T).
3. the demands were not made bonafide, but with other extraneous motives,
In case it is found that the strike lacks bona fide, the employer has the
right to take action against the workmen who have joined the strike. There
would be no bonafide if
(a) the strike is resorted to under the pretence of backing a current demand
but with the real object of compelling the employer to reopen a demand
proceedings it was held that the strike was unjustified53. Right to strike, is to
Ramakrishna Iron Foundry, Howrah v. their workers (1954)(II) LLJ 372 at p.374.
Union Factories in Bihar v. Their Workmen 13 FJR 150
Dharam Singh Rajput v. Bank of India Bombay (1979) Lab.IC 1079 (DB)(Punj).
(i) Were the demands of the workmen genuine or were reasonable or
(iii) Did the workers try a less drastic method before going on a strike etc.55
unjustified where the employer decided to closed down the undertaking and
sell its assets but with the assurance of the new company with continuity of
of India Ltd. v. The Workmen57 was emphatic that the launching of the tike
was unjustified with inspite of the fact that the management was prepared to
pay bonus as per the Bonus Act, had announced a production bonus scheme
and had made some proposals in the course of conciliation with the workmen
and yet the workmen were not prepared to put off the strike even by one day
Andhra Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation, Employees Union v. Andhra Pradesh State Transport
Corporation, Hyderabad,1970 L.I.C. 1225.
The Andhra Pradesh Ltd. v. The Secretary, Madras Union of Journalists, AIR 1967 SC 1869.
AIR 1970 SC 867.
boycotting the conference called by the labour minister or failure or
Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, but it is not possible to see how it can be said
the force of law. Unless a case would be expressly brought within the
purview of Section 22 and 23 of the Act. It could not be held that the strike
was illegal, and at the most such a strike could be held as unjustified.59
It may be noted that in India, legal strikes are classified into ‘justified’
and ‘unjustified’ strike, whereas in U.K., U.S.A. and Australia it is not so.
make the strike illegal but it is the breach of the statutory provisions, which
refers the industrial strikes illegal. Section 24 of the Industrial Disputes Act.
1947, declares that strikes would be illegal only when they have been
those of Section 23 of Act or when they are in defiance of the order made
which fall in the category of 'public utility service' as defined in Section 2(n)
of the Act. According to Section 2(n) of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947,
service for the purpose of this Act for such period as may be specified
in the notification provided that the period so specified shall not in the
extended from time to time by any period not exceeding six months at
any one time if in the opinion of the appropriate Government public
mentioned above, shows that these are key services, essential to the very
life of the State and well being of the community and hence special
formalities have been provided for in the Act before strike in these
to go on strike. What the section 22 of the Act aims at, is placing certain
lightening strikes. Such workmen are not shorn of their right to go on strike
essential conditions as enumerated in the four clauses of Section 22(1) of the
as well as non-public utility service, the bonus is upon the employer to show
in Section 22(1 )62 of the Act which requires compliance by, the workers in a
(1) notice of strike within six weels before striking, i.e. the notice
should have been given not earlier than six weeks before the date on which
(1960) (II) LL.J. 78.
Section 22(1) of Industrial Disputes Act. 1947.
(2) the strike should not be resorted to unless and until a period of 14
(3) before the expiry of the date of strike specified in the notice of
is that the strike shall not be resorted to during the period when the
case of Ramnager Cane and Sugar Co. Ltd. v. Jatin Chakravorthy and
provisions of Section 18(3) of the Act held that the interpretation put on
union and the employer and it relates to matters concerning all the
employees, the pendency of such a proceeding would be a bar against all the
company submitted its report on 20.10.1949, i.e. well within 14 days from
The World “or” between clauses (a) & (b) of Section 22(I) is used, but in the context in which it is used
actually means “and” because both the conditions mentioned in these two clauses should be fulfilled.
AIR (1960) SC 1012.
(1953) SCR 428.
the conciliation proceedings as required by Section 12(6) of the Act. The
report was sent through routine official channel and was received in the
However, the report was not passed on to the ministry of Labour which was
also in New Delhi until about 17.11.1949. The employees had no means of
knowing when the report was actually received by the Central Government
which was the 'appropriate Government' or when the period of seven days
strike on 7.11.1949 in accordance with the date specified in their notice. But
in view of the fact that the Chief Labour Commissioner was not the agent of
the Central Government the 'receipt' by him was not the receipt by the
Section 22(i) of the Act, it was held by the Supreme Court that the strike was
illegal and the employees must face and bear the consequences of an illegal
Upon the expiry of this period of seven days from the day the
strike but after that period is over the employees are left free to resort to
collective action by way of strike. It is crystal clear that the time is the
essence of the provisions and the requirement of the relevant provision must
be punctually obeyed and carried out if the Act is to operate harmoniously at
(a) without giving notice within six weeks before the strike;
(d) during the pendency of any conciliation proceedings and within seven
The obvious object for, the above mandatory provision to enable the
service vital to the day-to-day life of the community in the event of a strike.
be automatic except where the Government considers that the notice has
Workers of the Industry Colliery, Dhanbad V. management of Industry Colliry (1953) SCR 428 at p. 437.
Municipal Committee, Pathankot v. I.T., Punjab(1971)(II) LLJ52 at p.55.
been frivolously or vexatiously given' or that it would be inexpedient to do
such essential service shall be illegal.68 The essential services have been
due notice of strike is not given, then each workman withdraws his labour in
making strikes illegal. The attitude is that where machinery for the
there has been affirmative vote at a secret ballot. New South Wales
Legislation also makes certain strikes illegal which take place before 14 days
Section 3(4) (a) and (6) of Essential Services maintenance Act 1984.
Wild-cat a kind of unpremeditated strike action which is not taken according to the due process. The
purpose of ‘wild-cat’ strike is to get quick results also known as ‘quckie’ strike.
Before we proceed to discuss the provisions and requirements of
that the workers will continually render service according to the terms of the
Section 23, however provides that the workers can go on strike in spite of
requirements of the Section and this going in strike will not, in the least,
affect the relationship between the employer and the employees of course
go on strike, is clear from the fact that there must necessarily be a contract of
service, express or implied, between the employee and his employer, special
contract so that a contract of service may exist without any such special
contract. If, the legislator really sought to imply by this expression a special
explicit terms and the mere fact that it does not say so, would go to show
that the expression could not possibly have been intended to mean the
breach of any special contract. Apart from this, if the expression 'in breach
for there could not possibly be any strike, in breach of contract where there
with in the definition of the words in Section 2(q) of the Act but at the same
time there is no special contract not to strikes. Thus, a large part of the evil
which the measure like the Industrial Disputes Act seeks to remedy would,
definitions of the words 'strike' and 'workmen' in Section 2(q) and 2(S) use
and these two suggest that the contract spoken of in Sections 22 and 23 is the
National Bank Ltd v. Their Workmen70 the Labour Appellate Tribunal while
(1952) (II) LL.J. 648 at p. 655.
Section 23 of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, as earlier mentioned,
category of public utility service or in other category. Under this Section, the
i) a Labour Court;
ii) Tribunal; or
covered by them.
A comparison of the provisions of Section 22 and 23 would exhibit
22, on the other hand, makes provision for the compulsory service of notice
not at all imperative in the case of those establishments which are not public
utility services. Whereas in any essential service declared under the Essential
illegal ipso facto it may be stressed here that in the Essential Services
Sudden or lightening i.e. wild cat or quickie strikes are not prohibited
by Section 23 IDA so far as the industries which are not fall in the category
Act are concerned, provided they do not flout or contravene the requirements
and Section 33 prohibits changes, in the conditions of service during the
define the starting and the concluding points of time of these proceedings.
Section 20 was enacted for this purpose. Section 20(1) lays down that the
those industries which do not fall in the category of public utility services as
defined in Section 2(n). It can, however, be presumed that the date on which
Section'10 when such reference is made to a Court Labour Court, Tribunal or
National Tribunal. Sub-Section (3) of the 20 deals with starting point and
This Sub-Section also lays down that the point of time when such proceeding
are to be deemed to have concluded is the date on which the award becomes
was further observed that the strike would be illegal if resorted to after the
it may not have reached the Tribunal. Section 22(2) has been strictly
(1953) (II) LL.J. 369.
(1953) SCR 428.
arrived at, the Act by a legal fiction, prolongs the conciliation proceedings
until the actual receipt of the report by the appropriate Government and goes
on to provide that the appropriate Government must have seven days time to
consider what further steps it would take under the Act. Up to the expiry of
the period of seven days, the Act permits no strike but after the period is
over, the employees are left free to resort to collective action by way of a
A token strike also should not resorted to without first moving the
conciliation authorities and in any case, it should not be for more than one
day. When the workmen concerned went on a token strike for a period of
three days without intimating the conciliation officer, it was held by the
Supreme Court that even if the strike resorted to was a token strike and
purely sympathetic in nature, it should not have continued for such along
period as three days. If the workmen straightaway resorted to the token strike
of three days, it would not entitle them to the wages for the period of lock
and (b) of this section is mandatory. It is to be noted that the words which
Northern Dooars Tea Ltd.v. Workmen of Dem Dima Tea Estate, (1964) (I) LL.J.436.
occur at the end of clause(c) viz in respect of the matter covered by the
settlement of award do not occur in clauses (a) arid (b) and the meaning of
award by clause (c) of Section 23, no strike can be resorted to during the
before an arbitrator under Section 10-A of the Act. In Swamy Oil Mills v.
Their Workers74 case the settlement provided that the union and the workers
disciplined and amicable way and that matters concerning industrial disputes
reported to the police. While this settlement was in force, the workers went
on strike as the management did not satisfy some of their demands. The
Tribunal held that neither of the above terms made any reference to the
workers, right to strike when they were dissatisfied with the management
terms in any respect. In this view of the matter, the Tribunal held that there
between the parties and hence the strike was not hit by Section 23 (c) of the
(1953)(II) LL.J. 785.
Act. A breach of a standing order simpliciter will not render the strike
Commissioner that they would not resort to strike and adopt all
be contract nor a matter covered by the settlement and there for the strike by
workmen after such settlement would not attract section 23(c) of the Act.75
When the workmen have collectively made a number of demands and even if
one of the demands is in contravention of Section 23(c) of the Act, the whole
strike to which they may resort to enforce the compliance with those
know which of the several demands made by, them prompted them on the
strike move.76
The prohibition against strike under Section 23(c) does not extend
beyond the period for which the Award or settlement is in, force. The
Supreme Court in the case of South Indian Bank Ltd. v. Chakka held that so
long as the award remains in operation under Section 19(3), Section 23(c)
stands in, the way of any strike by the workmen in respect of any matter
Ballapur Collieries v. C.G.I.T. Dhanbad,AIR (1972) SC 1216.
The Management of New Jamehari Khas Collery v. Chairman Central Govt. Industrial Tribunal,
Dhanbad – AIR (1960) Patna 542.
settlement has expired. under Section 19(3) and 19(2) respectively, the
award or the settlement may continue to bind the parties by virtue of the
other provisions77 of the Act but during such period of binding effect,
settlement and lays down the penalty for a person not necessarily a
offence punishable under Section 29 of the Act. Where one of the clause of
before the conciliation officer provided that neither the association nor the
without giving to the other a four days notice and in violation of this clause,
the workmen during the operation of the settlement went on strike on the
See. 19(2) & 19(6) of Industrial Disputes Act. 1947.
question of suspension of one of the workers pending a domestic enquiry, it
was held that the strike was in connection with a matter not covered by the
settlement and as such the strike was not illegal under section 24 read with
Section 23(c) of the Act. However, the strike was held to be in contravention
settlement was binding on workmen and in operation at the time strike was
It may be pointed out that the words ‘in respect of any of the matters
(c) of Section23 to limit its operation. Section 23(c), draws a clear distinction
settlement has been made and strikes or lockouts connected with matters not
distinction is made in clause (a) and (b) of Section 23 of the Act. Clauses (a)
and (b) of that Section forbid workmen striking or any employer locking-out
or not the strike is in breach of contract. Most of the tortious liabilities which
Workmen of the Motor Industries Co. Ltd. v. Management of Motor Industries and another, AIR (1969)
SC 1280.
can be incurred at common law by strike action require an initial unlawful
Act of 1904 since amended many times, provides for arbitral tribunal to
Under section 10(3) and section 10-a(4a) of the industrial disputes act,
strike, the effect of these sub-sections is that even though a strike when
prohibitory order under it has been made. The pre-conditions to the exercise
under Section 10-A and on the date of the reference, there should be a strike
in existence in connection with such dispute, It may be pointed out that the
Foster Ken Strikes & Employment Contracts-36 MLR (1973) 27.5.
of such strike only when the two conditions are existing. If a strike is
continued even after an order has been issued by the appropriate Government
under Section 10(3) or Section 10A (4A)of the Act it becomes illegal under
Section 24(1) (ii) of the Industrial Disputes Act 1947. The idea behind this
such proceedings. It is for this reason that power has been given to the
When their demands are not acceded to by the employer. Immediately they
doing so. Then the conciliation and mediation starts. Board is constituted and
if both the efforts fail and need is felt a reference is made to the adjudicator
law. Weapon of strike cannot be used first and then to resort to other
avenues. As a sound proposition of law the supreme Court has time and
again laid down that the strike as a weapon is of last resort when all avenues
Keventers Karamchand Sangh v. Lt. Governor, Delhi and another, (1971) (II) LL.J. 375 at p. 380.
it is noteworthy that a clause like, a strike shall be illegal if it is
commenced or continued only for the reason that the employer has an illegal
some state statutes81. The world only occurring in the clause goes with the
word reason, and if the strike is commenced or continued for the only reason
that the employer has made an illegal change, it shall be illegal. Under
Section 40(1) (c) of the central province and barer Industrial Disputes Act,
cards in order to comply with the card system for marking attendance sought
also an 'illegal strike' within the meaning of Section 40(b) and (c) of the
comprehensive than the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, there is hardly any
Section 97 (I)(c) of Bombay Industrial Relations Act 1946 Section 40(1) (c) of Central province & Berar
Industrial Disputes Act, 1947.
Kevernters karamchan Sangh v. Lt. Governor, Delhi and another, (1971) (KK) LL.J. 375 at p. 380.
Indian Hume pine Co. Ltd. v. Rashtriya India Aume pine Sangh & Others,(1957) (II) LL.J. 67.
these State Act. The occasion will arise only when the Government fails to
wage Board.
Section 3384 will not amount to an illegal strike and the employer has no
right to declare a lockout in such a case. What happened in the case of North
Brook Jute Co. Ltd v. Their Workmen85 was that the employer sought to
the rationalization scheme. Since the workers objected to the 'changes, the
matter was referred for adjudication while the dispute was pending at the
adjudication level the employer tried to and did enforce the scheme, so that,
his action not amounted to violation of Section 33 of the Act. The workers
Section 33 of the Act and this action of the workers, it was held did not
Section 33 of IDA no doubt gives the workmen aggrieved by the contravention by the employer of
section 33 the right to apply to the Tribunal for relief, but the existence of this remedy does not mean that
the workmen were bound to work under the altered conditions of service, even though those were in clear
contravention of law.
AIR (1960) SC 8793.