Language and Skills Test 1A Answer Key

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answer and skills test 1A

key Units 1&2
Short test 1a Unit 1 Short test 3b Unit 3
1 1 c, 2 a, 3 a, 4 b 1 Places in town: town hall, fire station, stadium
2 1 bicycle, 2 mobile, 3 skateboard, 4 keys, 5 wallet, Things at home: cooker, basin, carpet
6 tissues Rooms in the house: living room, bedroom, kitchen
3 1 fair, 2 friendly, 3 short, 4 beard Shops: baker’s, bookshop, newsagent’s
4 1 Peter hasn’t got/has not got a DVD player. 2 We’ve 2 1 terrible, 2 famous, 3 brilliant, 4 exciting
got/have got three TVs in our house. 3 Have you got a 3 1 b, 2 c, 3 a, 4 c
boyfriend? 4 I haven’t got/have not got a moustache. 4 1 a lot of, 2 many, 3 much, 4 a lot of, 5 much, 6 many
5 1 There are, 2 Is there, 3 There aren’t 5 1 There is a lot of space in my bedroom. 2 There aren’t
6 1 grandparents’, 2 people, 3 your, 4 Tom’s, 5 man, 6 ours any swimming pools in my town./There are some
swimming pools in my town. 3 There’s a great market
Short test 1b Unit 1 near my house – I often go there. 4 Is there much/a lot of
1 1 b, 2 c, 3 a, 4 a rain in your city? 5 We haven’t got a washing machine in
2 1 camera, 2 console, 3 guitar, 4 earphones, 5 mirror, our house.
6 chewing
3 1 short, 2 shy, 3 fair, 4 moustache Short test 4a Unit 4
4 1 Robert hasn’t got/has not got a beard. 2 They’ve got/ 1 1 b, 2 a, 3 b, 4 c
have got two DVD players in their house. 3 I haven’t got/ 2 1 head, 2 arm, 3 finger, 4 knee, 5 foot
have not got a skateboard. 4 Have you got a girlfriend? 3 1 toothache, 2 cough, 3 sore
5 1 There aren’t, 2 There are, 3 Is there 4 1 Can your brother dance? 2 My sister can’t/cannot cycle
6 1 mine, 2 Olivia’s, 3 their, 4 women, 5 friends’, 6 person very well. 3 They can play rugby quite well.
5 1 loudly, 2 terribly, 3 hard, 4 slowly, 5 well
Short test 2a Unit 2 6 1 Don’t touch, 2 Go, 3 Don’t, 4 Don’t speak
1 1 c, 2 g, 3 a, 4 f, 5 b, 6 d
2 1 History, 2 Foreign, 3 Science, 4 Music, 5 Technology Short test 4b Unit 4
3 1 c, 2 a, 3 a, 4 b, 5 c, 6 b 1 1 a, 2 a, 3 c, 4 b
4 1 She gets up at 8 a.m. on Mondays. 2 Robert’s girlfriend 2 1 back, 2 shoulder, 3 elbow, 4 leg, 5 toe
watches TV every day. 3 He doesn’t go to school by bus. 3 1 pain, 2 backache, 3 cold
4 Hannah’s brother has lunch at school. 5 Mrs Smith 4 1 Bob and Tricia can dance quite well. 2 I can’t/cannot
doesn’t visit her grandmother on Tuesdays. ride a horse well. 3 Can your girlfriend play computer
5 1 How often do they play tennis? 2 What time does games?
she wake up on Sundays?/When does she wake up on 5 1 carefully, 2 clearly, 3 fast, 4 quietly, 5 easily
Sundays? 3 How do you spell ‘geography’? 4 Where do 6 1 Don’t eat, 2 Watch, 3 Go, 4 Don’t wait
you live?
Short test 5a Unit 5
Short test 2b Unit 2 1 1 the lettuce, 2 the oil, 3 the green beans into pieces
1 1 g, 2 b, 3 d, 4 f, 5 a, 6 c 2 1 vegetable, 2 juice, 3 crisps, 4 rice, 5 bananas,
2 1 Geography, 2 Design, 3 Citizenship, 4 Education, 6 cereal
5 English 3 1 Tom hates watching football on TV. 2 I don’t like
3 1 a, 2 b, 3 b, 4 a, 5 c, 6 c wearing school uniform. 3 Do they like visiting relatives?
4 1 She doesn’t listen to music every day. 2 Tom does his 4 She loves hanging out with friends.
homework at school. 3 Our Maths lesson doesn’t start 5 Does your sister like going to bed early?
at 11 a.m. 4 My brother studies History. 5 Joan walks to 4 1 c, 2 b, 3 b, 4 a
school with her best friend. 5 1 There is a sofa in the living room. 2 His wife is a chef
5 1 How often do they go to the cinema? 2 What do you and works in a restaurant. 3 I never buy clothes in a
have for breakfast? 3 Where do her parents work? 4 supermarket. 4 My brother’s an actor and my sister’s a
What time does Caroline usually get up?/When does doctor.
Caroline usually get up?
Short test 5b Unit 5
Short test 3a Unit 3 1 1 the apples into pieces, 2 the cheese, 3 the juice
1 Shops: pharmacy, clothes shop, greengrocer’s 2 1 milk, 2 fish, 3 biscuits, 4 cereal, 5 fruit, 6 pizza
Rooms in the house: bedroom, kitchen, bathroom 3 1 Mary loves cooking Chinese food. 2 Does your teacher
Places in town: library, post office, car park like listening to music? 3 We don’t like helping at home.
Things at home: armchair, wardrobe, sink 4 Do they like watching sport on TV? 5 I love reading
2 1 polluted, 2 great, 3 beautiful, 4 interesting books about the past.
3 1 b, 2 c, 3 a, 4 a 4 1 b, 2 a, 3 c, 4 c
4 1 many, 2 a lot of, 3 much, 4 much, 5 many, 6 a lot of 5 1 I have a sandwich and an apple for lunch. 2 I often
5 1 There’s a park near my house – it’s really nice! 2 How buy magazines at a newsagent’s. 3 There is a cooker in
many girls are there in your class? 3 There isn’t a TV in the kitchen. 4 Her husband’s a doctor and works in a
this room. 4 There are many clothes in my wardrobe. hospital.
5 There aren’t any hotels in my town./There are some
Short test 6a Unit 6
hotels in my town.
1 1 7, 2 4, 3 7, 4 4


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2 1 password, 2 chat, 3 pages, 4 download, 5 send, yesterday? 5 Did Peter’s parents sell their house last
6 online year? 6 I didn’t text my boyfriend at the weekend.
3 1 Are you writing to Sam? 2 They are not waiting for 4 1 How many films did you watch at the weekend?
the teacher. 3 What is Nick drinking? 4 Dave and Ian are 2 What time did they wake up? 3 Who did Sandra see
running very fast. yesterday? 4 Where did John’s grandparents live? 5 What
4 1 are you doing, 2 do you walk, 3 ’s not sleeping, 4 have did Mrs Smith give you?
5 1 go, 2 wear, 3 ’s/is peeling, 4 ’m/am studying, 5 Are they 5 1 did you meet, 2 opened, 3 did Karl Benz design,
talking, 6 doesn’t/does not play 4 painted The Sunflowers
Short test 6b Unit 6 Short test 9a Unit 9
1 1 4, 2 4, 3 7, 4 7 1 Weather: windy, sunny
2 1 create, 2 messaging, 3 log, 4 blog, 5 username, Environmental problems: pollution, hurricanes
6 research Recyclable rubbish: bottles, plastic
3 1 What is Jessica eating? 2 Georgia and Beth are singing Solutions to local problems: litter bins, green spaces
very loudly. 3 Are you talking to me? 4 We are not 2 1 droughts, 2 cloudy, 3 Global, 4 packaging
listening to Luke. 3 1 nicer, 2 more interesting, 3 worse, 4 greener
4 1 ’m not doing, 2 cycle, 3 are you reading, 4 do you eat 4 1 Our teacher/My best friend is taller than my best
5 1 has, 2 ’m/am going, 3 doesn’t/does not like, 4 ’re/are friend/teacher. 2 History/Geography is more difficult
playing, 5 ’s/is talking, 6 wake than Geography/History. 3 Apples are healthier than
sweets. 4 My mobile phone/My friend’s mobile phone is
Short test 7a Unit 7 better than my friend’s mobile phone/mine.
1 1 rock, 2 folk, 3 classical, 4 disco, 5 hip-hop 5 1 It won’t be sunny tomorrow. 2 Where will you be in ten
2 1 7, 2 4, 3 7, 4 4 years? 3 There won’t be enough oil in the future. 4 The price
3 1 The weather was terrible yesterday. 2 Where were Paul of vegetables will go down next year.
and John last night? 3 We weren’t/were not tired after
our PE lesson. 4 Was the concert good? Short test 9b Unit 9
4 Regular verbs 1 Weather: rainy, foggy
celebrate – celebrated, cook – cooked Environmental problems: global warming, droughts
Irregular verbs Recyclable rubbish: packaging, batteries
go – went, wear – wore Solutions to local problems: traffic-free zones, public
5 1 started, 2 had, 3 sent, 4 stayed , 5 gave transport
2 1 Hurricanes, 2 sunny, 3 Pollution, 4 cycle lanes
Short test 7b Unit 7 3 1 better, 2 bigger, 3 more polluted, 4 cleaner
1 1 jazz, 2 pop, 3 heavy metal, 4 classical, 5 disco 4 1 London/Paris is more beautiful than Paris/London.
2 1 7, 2 7, 3 4, 4 4 2 My computer/My friend’s computer is worse than my
3 1 Where were you last Monday? 2 Her cousins weren’t/ friend’s computer/mine. 3 Maths/Science is easier than
were not friendly. 3 Was the film interesting? 4 I was at Science/Maths. 4 Our teacher/My best friend is shorter
the cinema last weekend. than my best friend/teacher.
4 Regular verbs 5 1 It won’t be stormy tomorrow. 2 The price of clothes
decorate – decorated, start – started will go up next year. 3 There won’t be much rain in the
Irregular verbs future. 4 Where will she live in five years?
give – gave, have – had
Short test 10a Unit 10
5 1 went, 2 finished, 3 put, 4 wore, 5 tidied
1 1 by, 2 on, 3 by, 4 by
Short test 8a Unit 8 2 Types of holiday: sightseeing
1 1 hairdryer, 2 cooker, 3 player, 4 charger, 5 kettle Places to stay: apartment
2 1 b, 2 c, 3 a, 4 b Transport: helicopter
3 1 Did they go to the cinema last weekend? 2 Did Becky 3 1 7, 2 4, 3 7, 4 4
and Helen have a good time on holiday? 3 We didn’t eat 4 1 We’re/are going to play football tomorrow after school.
pizza yesterday. 4 Did your cousin send you an email 2 What are you going to do at the weekend? 3 I’m not/
last week? 5 I didn’t see our English teacher at school am not going to go to the mountains this winter.
yesterday. 6 The children didn’t wake up very late on 4 Tom and Robert aren’t/are not going to come to my
Saturday. birthday party next Saturday. 5 Is Sarah going to visit her
4 1 What did he wear? 2 Where did they go? 3 Who did grandmother in hospital today?
she visit? 4 How many books did you read? 5 When did 5 1 the tallest, 2 the prettiest, 3 the most beautiful,
they finish work? 4 the best
5 1 created, 2 did Laszlo Biro invent, 3 closed, 4 did you 6 1 What was the worst film you watched on TV last week?
answer key

2 Who’s the most popular actor in your country?

3 What’s the smallest room in your house? 4 What’s the
Short test 8b Unit 8
most expensive car in the world?
1 1 toaster, 2 charger, 3 radio, 4 alarm, 5 toothbrush
2 1 b, 2 c, 3 a, 4 c Short test 10b Unit 10
3 1 I didn’t make breakfast for my family yesterday. 2 Did 1 1 by, 2 by, 3 on, 4 by
Sam ride his bicycle to school on Monday? 3 We didn’t 2 Transport: ship
watch the match on TV last night. 4 Did you go to school Places to stay: campsite
Types of holiday: adventure

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3 1 7, 2 4, 3 7, 4 4 2 1 walk, 2 listen, 3 have, 4 go, 5 watch
4 1 I’m/am going to study for my History test at the 3 1 How often do you hang out with friends? 2 My mother
weekend. 2 Georgia and Debbie aren’t/are not going to goes shopping once a week. 3 I usually get dressed after
go to the cinema with us next Friday. 3 Is Tom going to breakfast. 4 My sister doesn’t help at home.
play basketball with us today after school? 4 We aren’t/ 4 1 children, 2 Have, 3 mine, 4 Sandra’s, 5 There are, 6 him
are not going to watch TV this evening. 5 What time are 5 1 What time does she wake up? 2 There are three
you going to get up tomorrow? women in my family./There is one woman in my family.
5 1 the hottest, 2 the most intelligent, 3 the busiest, 3 My best friend doesn’t have/hasn’t got a mobile
4 the worst phone. 4 Does your sister often talk with her friends?
6 1 What’s the most beautiful place you know? 6 1 b, 2 a, 3 a, 4 b, 5 c, 6 c
2 Who’s the happiest person in your family? 3 Who’s 7 1 4, 2 4, 3 7, 4 4, 5 7, 6 7, 7 4, 8 4
the best singer in the world? 4 What was the most 8 1 c, 2 d, 3 b, 4 a
interesting film you watched on TV last week? 9 1 At 3 o’clock, 2 He drives a car./By car. 3 She listens to
Short test 11a Unit 11 music. 4 She does school work and reads books. She
1 1 f, 2 d, 3 b, 4 a, 5 g, 6 c sends emails.
2 1 vet, 2 memory, 3 organised, 4 assistant, 5 worried, 10 1 This, meet, 2 Where, in, 3 hope, 4 first, 5 soon,
6 nurse 6 favourite, course
3 1 surprised, 2 reliable, 3 happy, 4 patient Language and skills test 1b Units 1&2
4 1 at, 2 on, 3 on, 4 at, 5 In, 6 on, 7 in, 8 at 1 Describing people: short, slim, friendly
5 1 has to get up, 2 Do you have to send, 3 doesn’t have My things: wallet, sunglasses, lip salve
to help, 4 don’t have to wear, 5 do I have to do My family: uncle, wife, daughter
Short test 11b Unit 11 School subjects: PE, Geography, Design and Technology
1 1 b, 2 a, 3 c, 4 d, 5 g, 6 f 2 1 do, 2 read, 3 go, 4 have, 5 do
2 1 upset, 2 clerk, 3 nervous, 4 officer, 5 sense, 6 driver 3 1 She goes to the cinema twice a month. 2 Her brother
3 1 bored, 2 independent, 3 polite, 4 sad doesn’t wear school uniform. 3 How often do they go to
4 1 in, 2 at, 3 on, 4 at, 5 on, 6 at, 7 in, 8 on school by bus? 4 I often hang out with my friends.
5 1 do you have to pay, 2 don’t have to work, 3 has to help, 4 1 your, 2 us, 3 grandparents’, 4 child, 5 Have, 6 Is there
4 Do we have to read, 5 doesn’t have to share 5 1 We don’t have/haven’t got a pet. 2 Does your sister
often help at home? 3 When does Tom listen to music?
Short test 12a Unit 12 4 There is a man in the park./There are men in the park.
1 1 greet, 2 vote, 3 receive, 4 organise 6 1 c, 2 a, 3 b, 4 c, 5 b, 6 a
2 1 government, 2 blow, 3 voters, 4 crime, 5 speech 7 1 7, 2 7, 3 4, 4 4, 5 7, 6 7, 7 4, 8 4
3 Regular verbs: talk – talked, help – helped 8 1 c, 2 b, 3 d, 4 a
Irregular verbs: drive – driven, think – thought 9 1 At Alex’s house. 2 Franks does the shopping.
4 1 Robert has/’s never won any tennis matches. 2 Have 3 At 7 pm. 4 Six classes a day.
Hannah and Bethany ever downloaded music from the 10 1 How, 2 for, 3 Hello/Hi, meet, 4 in, I’m, 5 fine, here,
internet? 3 I have/’ve never visited my aunt in Germany. 6 name
4 Has Sue ever been to Mexico? 5 You have/’ve never
played rugby. Language and skills test 2a Units 3&4
5 1 e If you are hungry, eat an apple. 2 a If you feel tired, 1 1 news, 2 post, 3 running, 4 gymnastics
don’t go to bed late. 3 b If you see Joan tomorrow, say 2 Sports: volleyball, Body: leg, In town: hospital,
hello to her. 4 d If you like Peter, don’t forget his birthday Shops: pharmacy, Illnesses: sore, Rooms: bathroom
next week. 3 1 terrible, 2 brilliant, 3 famous, 4 polluted
4 1 Can your teacher play the piano? 2 I can’t cycle very
Short test 12b Unit 12 well. 3 Can you play badminton well? 4 Lee and Mark/
1 1 blow, 2 offer, 3 bow, 4 make Mark and Lee can swim well.
2 1 protested, 2 receive, 3 Bullying, 4 government, 5 1 Don’t touch, 2 quickly, 3 a, 4 many, 5 Open, 6 happy,
5 elections 7 many, 8 any
3 Regular verbs: want – wanted, sign – signed 6 1 play, 2 climbing, 3 can, 4 many, 5 any
Irregular verbs: speak – spoken, wear – worn 7 1 b, 2 c, 3 a, 4 c, 5 b, 6 b, 7 c, 8 b
4 1 Have your parents ever been to San Francisco? 8 1 4, 2 7, 3 7, 4 4, 5 7, 6 4, 7 7, 8 4
2 I have/’ve never cycled to school. 3 Has Mrs Brown ever 9 1 How do I get to the museum? 2 Is the Starlight Cinema
walked to work? 4 Chris has/’s never swum in the sea. near here? 3 Have you got a favourite football team?
5 You have/’ve never cooked lunch for your family. 4 Is your town big or small? 5 Do you do any sports?
5 1 d If you see Paul tomorrow, invite him to my birthday 10 1 take, 2 go, 3 See, 4 say
party. 2 a If you are cold, put on a sweater. 3 e If you have
a pain in your leg, don’t play football. 4 b If you chat on Language and skills test 2b Units 3&4
the internet, don’t give your real name and address. 1 1 green, 2 sick, 3 karate, 4 baseball
2 Extreme sports: climbing, Parts of the body: finger,
Language and skills test 1a Units 1&2 In town: office, Shops: baker’s, Illnesses: pain, In the
1 My family: parents, aunt, husband kitchen: cooker
My things: mirror, packet of tissues, keys 3 1 famous, 2 exciting, 3 polluted, 4 terrible
School subjects: Maths, ICT, Citizenship
Describing people: tall, good-looking, shy


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4 1 He can’t play golf very well. 2 Imogen and Ruth/Ruth 4 1 I didn’t wear my school uniform yesterday. 2 Who
and Imogen can sing well. 3 Can your parents dance the created Facebook? 3 My father gave me £10 two days
samba? 4 Can you ride a motorbike well? ago. 4 Who did you go with to the party on Saturday?
5 1 good, 2 any, 3 Close, 4 any, 5 much, 6 Don’t run, 5 Why was Hannah unhappy last night? 6 They were
7 many, 8 safely very tired yesterday after school.
6 1 can, 2 play, 3 surfboard, 4 much, 5 any 5 1 a, 2 b, 3 b, 4 a, 5 c, 6 c
7 1 c, 2 a, 3 b, 4 b, 5 a, 6 a, 7 c, 8 a 6 1 4, 2 4, 3 7, 4 7, 5 4, 6 7, 7 4, 8 4
8 1 7, 2 4, 3 7, 4 7, 5 7, 6 4, 7 7, 8 4 7 1 Every day, 2 Harvard, 3 In Florence, 4 A painter (da
9 1 Can you say that again, please? 2 How do I get to the Vinci’s teacher), 5 Rome, Bologna and Milan, 6 many
National Bank? 3 What can you do in the evenings? of the first machines that we use today, for example, a
4 What sports do you (usually) watch on TV? 5 Is there a helicopter, a coffee maker and a keyboard, 7 a house in
good bus or train service? France,
10 1 at, 2 meet, 3 Here’s/There’s, 4 miss 8 In (his house in) France
8 1 Where did you have lunch? 2 Who did you go with?
Language and skills test 3a Units 5&6 3 Did you enjoy it?
1 (marks for each item indicated in answers)
9 1 e, 2 a, 3 d, 4 g, 5 f, 6 b, 7 c
Food: tomatoes (0.5) , biscuits (0.5), eggs (1), onions (1)
Clothes: dress (0.5), shirt (0.5), sweater (1), hoodie (1) Language and skills test 4b Units 7&8
The internet: username (0.5), blogs (0.5) , page (1), 1 1 special, 2 player, 3 hip-hop, 4 heavy, 5 dancing,
download (1) 6 designed
2 1 vegetable, 2 belt, 3 cut, 4 chatting 2 1 radio, 2 charger, 3 discovered, 4 TV/television, 5 mobile
3 1 I love playing basketball. 2 Maria’s/is having breakfast 3 1 didn’t go, 2 gave, 3 didn’t have, 4 was, 5 sold
now. 3 What time do you usually get up? 4 My little sister 4 1 I woke up many times last night. 2 Who did you go
doesn’t/does not like helping at home. 5 Robert does with to the cinema last night? 3 I didn’t send him an
karate three times a week. 6 The teacher’s/is speaking email yesterday. 4 Who made the first mobile phone
to us. call? 5 Where were you last night? 6 Robert was in
4 1 an, 2 the, 3 a, 4 –, 5 The London three years ago.
5 1 a, 2 c, 3 b, 4 a, 5 a, 6 c 5 1 c, 2 a, 3 c, 4 b, 5 a, 6 b
6 1 c, 2 d, 3 a, 4 b 6 1 4, 2 4, 3 7, 4 7, 5 7, 6 4, 7 4, 8 7
7 1 You can buy products which you cannot find in a 7 1 A professor at Harvard University, 2 In 1452, 3 a
normal shop, and they are often cheaper. 2 prices of painter/da Vinci’s teacher, 4 Italy, 5 because he wanted
(their favourite singers’ or bands’ new) CDs and DVDs, to improve them, 6 the King of France, 7 In France, 8 67
3 cool, 4 That they often change. 8 1 Where did you go? 2 What did you do there? 3 How
8 1 top, 2 Friday, 3 running, 4 orange, 5 cooks, 6 Polish, did you get there?
7 delicious, 8 cooking 9 1 g, 2 c, 3 a, 4 d, 5 e, 6 b, 7 f
9 1 like, much, Anything, 2 would, have, please, 3 want,
idea, 4 sure Language and skills test 5a
Units 9&10
Language and skills test 3b Units 5&6 1 1 snow, 2 campsite, 3 foot, 4 environment
1 (marks for each item indicated in answers) 2 1 apartment, 2 by, 3 floods, 4 windy
Clothes: trousers (0.5), boots (0.5), trainers (1), jacket (1) 3 1 packaging, 2 foggy, 3 batteries, 4 spaces
The internet: chatroom (0.5), download (0.5), password 4 1 the most beautiful, 2 better, 3 cheaper, 4 the messiest,
(1), log (1) 5 more interesting
Food: meat (0.5), cereal (0.5), fish (1), bananas (1) 5 1 is/’s going to be, 2 Are you going to go, 3 are/’re going
2 1 sweater, 2 the potatoes, 3 research, 4 fruit to travel, 4 am/’m not going to wear
3 1 Don’t talk so loudly! The baby’s/is sleeping. 2 They 6 1 Will it be cold tomorrow? 4 I think Sarah won’t be at
don’t/do not like getting up early. 3 Jane’s/is reading school tomorrow. 5 I think the weather will be good
a book at the moment. 4 What do you usually have tomorrow.
for lunch? 5 I hate watching football on TV. 6 Tim goes 7 1 hotel, 2 sunny, 3 sightseeing, 4 more expensive, 5 are,
skiing twice a year. 6 will
4 1 The, 2 –, 3 the, 4 a, 5 an 8 1 bike, 2 school, 3 money, 4 packaging
5 1 a, 2 c, 3 a, 4 b, 5 c, 6 b 9 1 She cycles/rides a bike. 2 They recycle it. 3 low-energy
6 1 c, 2 a, 3 b, 4 d light bulbs, 4 plastic bags
7 1 because it’s fast and easy, 2 for music and games (and 10 1 a, 2 b, 3 c, 4 b, 5 c, 6 b, 7 b, 8 b
MP3 players), 3 at a party, 4 young people’s likes and 11 1 for, 2 over, 3 like, 4 different, 5 try, 6 What, 7 bigger,
dislikes 8 better, 9 take
8 1 twice, 2 fruit, 3 coffee, 4 tuna, 5 French, 6 Poland,
answer key

7 mushroom, 8 cooking Language and skills test 5b

9 1 piece, Here, That 2 juice, How, change 3 join, can’t Units 9&10
4 agree 1 1 campsite, 2 wind, 3 pollution, 4 inline skates
2 1 boat, 2 on, 3 droughts, 4 by
Language and skills test 4a Units 7&8 3 1 rubbish, 2 lanes, 3 kayak, 4 apartment
1 1 classical, 2 candles, 3 invented, 4 alarm, 5 jazz, 6 cards 4 1 bigger, 2 more difficult, 3 the most intelligent, 4 the
2 1 kettle, 2 radio, 3 clothes, 4 designed, 5 easily greatest, 5 better
3 1 were, 2 woke up, 3 didn’t go, 4 didn’t enjoy, 5 sent


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5 1 Are you going to wear, 2 am/’m going to be, 3 is not/ 9 1 c/g, 2 a/f, 3 d/h, 4 b/e
isn’t going to join, 4 are/’re going to play 10 1 Why do you want this job? 2 What languages do you
6 2 What will the weather be like tomorrow? speak? 3 What skills have you got? 4 Have you got any
3 My father won’t be home at Christmas, questions?
5 I will go to university in the future. 11 1 contact, 2 Yours, 3 forward, 4 sense, 5 speak
7 1 breakfast, 2 stormy, 3 better, 4 aren’t, 5 beach, 6 will
8 1 cycles/rides a bike, 2 turn/switch, 3 packaged,
Midyear test
1 1 sport, 2 health, 3 shops, 4 food, 5 clothes, 6 home,
4 environment
2 1 go, 2 feel, 3 do, 4 cut, 5 log, 6 have, 7 go
9 1 by bus, 2 They recycle it. 3 They always turn off the
3 1 b, 2 a, 3 b, 4 c, 5 c, 6 a
taps. 4 fast food
4 1 create, 2 doesn’t drink, 3 are playing, 4 don’t walk,
10 1 c, 2 b, 3 a, 4 b, 5 c, 6 a, 7 a, 8 c
5 going, 6 visit
11 1 list, 2 need, 3 looking, 4 there, 5 on, 6 sorry, 7 smaller,
5 1 well, 2 my, 3 friend’s, 4 them, 5 many, 6 children
8 better, 9 take
6 1 I always get up at 7 o’clock. 2 My mother’s a teacher.
Language and skills test 6a 3 Does Tom like playing badminton? 4 How many sisters
Units 11&12 has Patricia got? 5 There isn’t any milk in the fridge.
1 (marks for each item indicated in answers) 7 1 a, 2 b, 3 c, 4 b, 5 a
Jobs: photographer (0.5), teacher (0.5), worker (1), 8 1 They have a good rest. 2 Because they cannot find
police (1) anything interesting to do in life. 3 A ‘couch potato’ sits
Feelings: surprised (0.5), happy (0.5), bored (1), tired (1) on a couch or lies on a sofa, eats snacks and drinks cola,
Politics: government (0.5), make a speech (0.5), watches lots of TV, DVDs or plays video games. 4 ‘Couch
elections (1), crime (1) potatoes’ can look ten years older than people who are
2 1 bow, 2 patient, 3 after people healthy and active. 5 Because they don’t get enough
3 1 in, 2 on, 3 on, 4 at, 5 at, 6 in physical activity.
4 1 We haven’t found any interesting books in the school 9 1 4, 2 4, 3 7, 4 7, 5 4, 6 4, 7 7, 8 4, 9 7, 10 4
library. 2 I’ve never driven a car because I’m only 15. 10 1 sisters, 2 favourite, 3 small, 4 service, 5 watch,
3 Has Eddie ever argued with his grandmother? 4 They 6 personality, 7 get, 8 want, 9 often, 10 much
have never flown a plane.
5 1 don’t, 2 Do you have, 3 don’t have, 4 go End of year test
6 1 sense, 2 have, 3 at, 4 Don’t 1 1 school subjects – computer, 2 places in town –
7 1 c, 2 b, 3 a, 4 b bedroom, 3 cooking – invent, 4 music – fireworks,
8 1 by plane, 2 an old wooden house, 3 because it is 5 holiday – droughts, 6 politics – rope
expensive to park in the city centre, 4 a large theme park 2 1 play, 2 send, 3 fridge, 4 alarm clock, 5 rainy, 6 vet,
9 1 d/g, 2 b/h, 3 a/f, 4 c/e 7 pain
10 1 Where are you from? 2 What skills and qualities have 3 1 b, 2 b, 3 a, 4 c, 5 c, 6 a
you got? 3 What languages do you speak? 4 What are 4 1 has won/wins, 2 didn’t/did not do, 3 will be, 4 getting
your favourite subjects at school? up, 5 found, 6 ’re/are watching
11 1 Sir, 2 apply, 3 Yours, 4 work, 5 skills 5 1 much, 2 –, 3 were, 4 better, 5 on, 6 Are
6 1 It’s not your pen, it’s mine! 2 My grandfather walks very
Language and skills test 6b slowly. 3 Don’t go to the party if you don’t like dancing.
Units 11&12 4 There are ten girls in my class. 5 Sandra’s very happy
1 (marks for each item indicated in answers) because she doesn’t have to wear school uniform.
Feelings: nervous (0.5), upset (0.5), worried (1), angry (1) 7 1 7, 27, 3 4, 4 4, 5 7, 6 7, 7 7, 8 4, 9 4, 10 7
Politics: parliament (0.5), politicians (0.5), voters (1), 8 1 d, 2 e, 3 b, 4 a, 5 c
speech (1) 9 1 healthier, 2 small, 3 phones, 4 often, 5 birthday
Jobs: nurse (0.5), hairdresser (0.5), driver (1), 10 1 tickets/return, 2 qualities/have, 3 go/get, By,
assistant (1) 4 come/idea, 5 language(s)/in
2 1 people, 2 greet, 3 after children
Elementary ↔ Pre-intermediate
3 1 at, 2 on, 3 in, 4 on, 5 at, 6 at
placement test
4 1 I want to go to Paris next year because I’ve never been
1 c, 2 d, 3 b, 4 d, 5 b, 6 a, 7 c, 8 b, 9 d, 10 b, 11 a, 12 d, 13 c,
there. 2 Has your brother ever helped you with your
14 a, 15 b, 16 c, 17 d, 18 a, 19 b, 20 b, 21 d, 22 b, 23 a, 24 c,
French homework? 3 We have never spoken about it.
25 b, 26 c, 27 b, 28 a, 29 d, 30 c, 31 b, 32a, 33 d, 34 c, 35 b,
4 My parents haven’t met my History teacher.
36 b, 37 d, 38 b, 39 d, 40 b, 41 c, 42 d, 43 b, 44 b, 45 c, 46 a,
5 1 doesn’t have to, 2 don’t, 3 Do you have to, 4 stay
47 c, 48 b, 49 c, 50 a, 51 c, 52 c, 53 c, 54 b, 55 d, 56 c, 57 c,
6 1 take, 2 have, 3 tired, 4 Don’t
58 d, 59 a, 60 b, 61 c, 62 d, 63 d, 64 a, 65 d, 66 d, 67 a, 68 b,
7 1 b, 2 a, 3 c, 4 c
69 c, 70 b, 71 c, 72 a, 73 c, 74 b, 75 d, 76 c, 77 b, 78 c, 79 a,
8 1 Dutch paintings by Rembrandt, 2 well organised,
80 b, 81 c, 82 d, 83 c, 84 d, 85 b, 86 c, 87 b, 88 a, 89 b, 90 c,
3 1470, 4 went on the rides and relaxed in cafés
91 b, 92 c, 93 d, 94 d, 95 c, 96 a, 97 c, 98 b, 99 b, 100 c


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