Design of Reinforced Concrete Slab
Design of Reinforced Concrete Slab
Design of Reinforced Concrete Slab
Reinforced concrete slabs are used in floors, roofs and walls of buildings and as the
decks of bridges. The floor system of a structure can take many forms such as in situ
solid slab, ribbed slab or pre-cast units. Slabs may span in one direction or in two
directions and they may be supported on monolithic concrete beam, steel beams, walls
or directly by the structure’s columns.
The moments in slabs spanning in two directions can also be determined using
coefficients tabulated in the code of practice, BS 8110. Slab which are not rectangular in
plan or which support an irregular loading arrangement may be analyzed by techniques
such as the yield line method or the Helliborg strip method.
Concrete slab behave primarily as flexural members and the design is similar to that for
beams, although in general it is somewhat simpler because;
1. the breadth of the slab is already fixed and a unit breadth of 1m is used in the
2. the shear stress are usually low in a slab except when there are heavy concentrated
loads, and
3. compression reinforcement is seldom required.
• Solid slab
• Flat slab
• Ribbed slab
• Waffle slab
• Hollow block floor/slab
The drop panels are effective in reducing the shearing stresses where the column
is liable to punch through the slab, and they also provide an increased moment of
resistance where the negative moments are greatest.
The flat slab floor has many advantages over the beam and slab floor. The
simplified formwork and the reduced storey heights make it more economical.
Windows can extend up to the underside of the slab, and there are no beams to
obstruct the light and he circulation of air. The absence of sharp corner gives
greater fire resistance as there is less danger of the concrete spalling an
exposing the reinforcement. Deflection requirements will generally govern slab
thickness which should not be less than 125 mm.
Typical ribbed and waffle slab are shown in Figure 3.1[(c), (d)]. Ribbed slabs,
which are two-way spanning and are constructed with ribs in both direction of
span. Ribbed slab floors are formed using temporary or permanent shuttering
system while the hollow block floor is generally constructed with block made of
clay tile or with concrete containing a light-weight aggregate. If the block are
suitably manufactured and have an adequate strength they can be considered to
contribute to the strength of the slab in the design calculations, but in many
designs no such allowance is made.
Near to the supports the hollow blocks are stopped off and the slab is made solid.
This is done to achieve greater shear strength, and if the slab is supported by a
monolithic concrete beam the solid section acts as the flange of a T-section.
The ribs should be checked for shear at their junction with the solid slab. It is
good practice to stagger the joints of the hollow blocks in adjacent rows so that,
as they are stopped off, there is no abrupt change in cross-section extending
across the slab. The slabs are usually made solid under partitions and
concentrated loads. During construction the hollow tiles should be well soaked in
water prior to placing the concrete, otherwise shrinkage cracking of the top
concrete flange is liable to occur.
If analysis is based on this singled load case, all support moments (except at a
cantilever) should be reduced by 20 per cent and span moments increased
accordingly. No further redistribution is then permitted, but special attention must
be given to cases where a span or panel is adjacent to a cantilever of significant
length. In this situation the condition where the cantilever is fully loaded and the
span unloaded must be examined to determine possible hogging moments in the
panel bay
a) One-way slab
Beam AB and CD
lx w = n lx / 2
b) Two-way slab
450 450
lx lx
Beam AC and BD Beam AB and CD
v= V
where V is the shear force due to ultimate load, d is the effective depth of the slab
and b is the width of section considered (Refer to Table 3.17 and Cl.
Calculation is usually based on strip of slab 1m wide.
The modification factor is based on the area of tension steel in the shorter span
when a slab is singly reinforced at mid-span but if a slab has both top and bottom
steel at mid-span the modification factors for the areas of tension and
compression steel, as given in Tables 1.13 and 1.14, BS 8110, are used. For
convenience, the factors for tension steel have been plotted in the form of a
graph in Figure 3.6.
It can be seen from the figure that a lower service stress gives a higher
modification factor and hence a smaller depth of slab would be required. The
service stress may be reduced by providing an area of tension reinforcement
greater than that required resisting the design moment, or alternatively mild steel
reinforcement with its lower service tress may be used.
The span-depth ratios may be checked using the service stress appropriate to the
characteristic stress of the reinforcement, as given in Table 1.13, BS 8110. Thus
a service stress of 307 N/mm2 would be used when fy is 460 N/mm2. However, if a
more accurate assessment of the limiting span-depth ratio is required the
fs = 2 x fy x Asreq x 1
3 x Asprov βb
in both directions.
The maximum clear spacing given in Table 3.30, and Clause 3.12.11, BS 8110,
(apply to bars in beams when a maximum likely crack width of 0.3 mm is
acceptable an the cover to reinforcement does not exceed 50 mm), and are
similar to beams except that for thin slabs, or if the tensile steel percentage is
small, spacing may be increased from those given in Table 3.30, BS 8110 to a
maximum of the lesser of 3d or 750 mm.
When the slab from the flange of a T or L beam the area of reinforcement in the
flange and at right angles to the beam should not be less than 0.15 percent of the
longitudinal cross-section of the flange.
For solid slabs spanning one way the simplified rules for curtailing bars as
shown in Figure 3.9 may be used provided the loads are substantially
uniformly distributed. With a continuous slab it is also necessary that the
spans are approximately equal the simplified single load case analysis
has been used.
Figure 3.9: Simplified rules for curtailment of bars in slab spanning in one
The basic span-effective depth ratio for this type of slab is 20:1 (Refer to
Table 3.10 and Cl. in BS 8110).
Example 3.1:
The slab is to be design to carry a live load 3.0 kN/mm2, plus floor
finishes and ceiling load of 1.0 kN/mm2. The characteristic
materials strength are fcu = 30 N/mm2, fy = 460 N/mm2. Length of
slab is 4.5 m
Solution :
2) Bending reinforcement
3) Shear
Shear stress, v = V / bd
= 29.07 x 103/ (1000 x 180)
= 0.16 N/mm2 < 0.8 √ fcu
anchorage length = 230 / 3 = 77 mm ≥ 30 mm
→ beyond the centre line of the support.
6) Cracking check
Example 3.2 :
The four-span slab shown in Figure 3.11 support a live load 0f 3.0
kN/mm2, plus floor finishes and ceiling load of 1.0 kN/mm2. The
characteristic materials strength are fcu = 30 N/mm2, fy = 460
Solution :
Since the bay size > 30m2, the spans are equal and qk < 1.25 gk
the moment coefficients shown in Table 3.13 Bs 8110 may be
used. Thus, assuming that the end support is simply supported,
from Table 3.13 for the first span:
Similar calculation for the support and the interior span give the
steel areas shown in Figure 3.12.
Shear stress, v = V / bd
= 34.9 x 103/ (1000 x 170)
= 0.21 N/mm2 < 0.8 √ fcu
5) Cracking check
If the slab is square and the restraints are similar along the four sides then
the load will span equally in both directions. If the slab is rectangular
then more than one-half of the loads will be carried in the stiffer,
shorter direction and less in the longer direction. If one span is much
longer than the other, a large proportion of the load will be carried in the
short direction and the slab may as well be designed as spanning in
only one direction.
The span-effective depth ratios are based on the shorter span and the
percentage of reinforcement in that direction.
With a uniformly distributed load the loads on the supporting beams may
generally be apportioned as shown in Figure 3.13.
A slab simply supported on its four sides will deflect about both axes
under load and the corners will tend to lift and curl up from the supports,
causing torsion moments. When no provision has been made to prevent
this lifting or to resist the torsion then the moment coefficients of Table
3.14, BS 8110 may be used and the maximum moments are given by
equation 14 and 15 in BS 8110;
where msx and msy are the moments at mid-span on strips of unit width with
spans lx and respectively, and
n = (1.4Gk + 1.6Qk), that is, the total ultimate load per unit area
ly = the length of the longer side
lx = the length of the shorter side
The slab should be reinforced uniformly across the full width, in each
direction. The effective depth d used in calculating Asy should be less than
that for Asx because of the different depths of the two layers of
Example 3.3 :
Design the reinforcement for a simply supported slab 200 mm
thick and spanning in two directions. The effective span in each
direction is 4.5 m and 6.3 m and the slab supports a live load of 10
kN/m2. The characteristic material strengths are fcu = 30 N/mm2 and
fy = 460 N/mm2.
Solution :
ly / lX = 6.3/4.5 = 1.4 < 2 → Two way slab
From Table 3.14, αsx = 0.099 and αsy = 0.051.
Short Span
1) Bending
2) Deflection Checking
3) Shear
Shear stress, v = V / bd
= 51.12 x 103/ (1000 x 170)
= 0.3 N/mm2 < 0.8 √ fcu
From Table 3.9, BS 8110,
100As / bd = 100 x 786 / 1000 x 170 = 0.46
So, v c = 0.63 x (30/25)1/3 = 0.67 N/mm2 ,
v < v c , so no shear reinforcement is required.
Long Span
1) Bending
When the slabs have fixity at the supports and reinforcement is added to
resist torsion and to prevent the corners of the slab from lifting then the
maximum moments per unit width are given by;
where βsX and βSy are the moment coefficients given in Table 3.15 of BS
8110 for the specified end conditions, and n = (1.4Gk+ 1.6Qk), the total
ultimate load per unit area.
The slab is divided into middle and edge strips as shown in Figure 3.15
and reinforcement is required in the middle strips to resist msx and msy, In
the edge strips only nominal reinforcement is necessary, such that
100As/bh = 0.13 for high-yield steel or 0.24 for mild steel.
1. consist of top and bottom mats, each having bars in both directions
of span.
2. extend from the edges a minimum distance lx / 5
3. at a corner where the slab is discontinuous in both directions have an
area of steel in each of the four layers equal to three-quarters of the
area required for the maximum mid-span moment
4. at a corner where the slab is discontinuous in one direction only, have
an area of torsion reinforcement only half of that specified in rule 3.
Where ly /Ix > 2, the slabs should be designed as spanning in one direction
Shear force coefficients are also given in BS 8110 for cases where torsion
corner reinforcement is provided, and these are based on a simplified
distribution of load to supporting beams which may be used in preference
to the distribution shown Figure 3.13.
Example 3.4 :
a b
lx =5m
d c
ly = 6m
Solution :
ly / lX = 6 / 5 = 1.2 < 2 → Two way slab
Self-weight of slab = 0.15 x 24 x 103 = 3.60 kN/m2
20 mm asphalt = 0.48 kN/m2
50 mm insulting screed = 0.72 kN/m2
dy = h - cover – Ø- Ø /2
= 150 - 25 - 10 - 10/2 = 110 mm
Short Span, lx
1) At Mid-Span, msx = 7.6 kNm
Long Span, ly
1) At Mid-Span, msy = 5.7 kNm
In this unit we have studied method for reinforced concrete slab design. Summary of
reinforced concrete slab design are shown in Figure 3.17 below.
Reinforcement deign
Check shear
1. W.H.Mosley, J.H. Bungery & R. Husle (1999), Reinforced Concrete Design (5th
Edition) : Palgrave.
2. Reinforced Concrete Modul, (1st Edition). USM.
3. BS 8110, Part 1: 1985, The Structural Use of Concrete. Code of Practice for
Design and Construction.